14 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH SI, li"J7. lOGGIMPS REMAIN CLOSED Association Resolves to Con tinue the Shut-Down Until March 31. C MV 0 PRICES NOT CONSIDERED Members Believe Mill Strike AVUI Iie Out Before End of Month. Strikers Make o Head way in the FighJ. 8AWMIM, STRIKK SITUATION. Columbia River Lngsers" Associa tion resolves to continue shut down of logins camps until March Til. Squad of nolice callfd to plant of Standard Box & dumber Company to disperse strikers who are found m be on a public street and are not disturbed. CharlfH TV. T.Wir, special agent of th Bureau of Labor o" the IX'part inent of Labor and Commcrc. is investigating industrial conditions In this state; compiling comparative statistic a.-? to the wages paid and the cost of ilvlng in the different states of the Coast and the North west. Also inquiring into the cause of industrial disturbances in this state during the past year. I.npeinj? camps on the L.owe.r Colum bia River and its tributaries, represent ing fully 90 per cent of the industry, will remain closed until Saturday, aiarch 31. This was the determination reached yesterday at a meeting: of the Columbia River JjOffpers' Association in the Chamber of Commerce building'. The association will hold another meet ing on that date, when it will be de cided whether to resume operations or to close down the camps indefinitely. Tt is the belief of the proprietors of those luf Pr'ng- camps that the present difficulty between the millowners and their employes will be terminated be fore the close of the month, .when they xpect the strike will have spent itself. Should the lumber mills start up within the next few days, there will be available an abundance of logs.. An estimate was madn yesterday at the meeting1 of the Loggers Association as to the quantity of logs already , in the river, in the hands of the loggers and ready for the market. The estimate shows that there are sufficient logs ready for purchase by the mills to keep all the plants In this city going for at least two weeks at their full capacity. Ninety per cent of the logging camps that supply the Portland mills are rep resented in the association. The camps that are still running are owned by the lumber mills, by which they are being operated. The delivery of pulp logs for the paper mills has not been interfered with, and loggers who are getting out logs from burned timber to complete un til led contracts are si ill operating. But the loggers have withdrawn, all logs from the market pending a settlement of the strike difficulty. Permanent organization of the asso ciation was effected at yesterday's meeting, when a constitution and by laws were adopted and H. C. Clair, manager of t he Weyerhaeuser timber interests, elected vice-president. The other officers of the association, elected at a previous meeting, are: James Muckle. president, and Robert S. Far roll, secretary. The appointment of an executive committee of nine members, consisting of the three officers of the association and six other members, was authorized made by the president. The members of this committee have not been announced. l.og Prices Not Touched. The question of fixing a schedule of prices to he charged for logs was not considered at the meeting. For some time loggers have been receiving an average of $12 a thousand for their product, and this is considered satis factory. The object in closing down these camps during the progress of the lumber mill strike is to prevent an ac cumulation of a great quantity of logs, to the injury of the market. Captain Moore and a squad of police were called to tho plant of the Stand ard Box & Lumber Company at noon yesterday to disperse a company of strikers that had assembled on Ash and Water streets, in the company's yards. On investigation, it developed that the spot where the strikers had gathered whs a public thoroughfare, although in the millyard. and the officers found themselves. powerless to clear the streets. However, they kept the strik ers "moving alonsr." Expecting trouble with the strikers, the management of tie mill culled in the police. Patrol Sergeant Cole and two patrolmen re nin. ncd on the premises. The plant of the Standard Box Com pany was operated yesterday with a force of men slightly larger than on the day before. The other box factories continue to run shorthanded, the prop erty of each mill being guarded by a special officer, detailed from police headquarters. . Otherwise, there were no developments In the situation yes terday. Millowners continue to report that many men are applying at the mills for work, which they consider added evidence of decreasing strike en thusiasm. At the plant of the Oregon & Wash ington dumber Company, the manage ment reports the employment of a full crew. The mill is not being operated In every department, however, for the reason that pending repairs to the plant have not been finished. By Mon day, when the repair work will be com pleted, the mill will start up its entire plant. Pickets from the Industrial "Workers of the World visit this mill daily, but they have had no success in their efforts to induce the workmen to desert. Government Agent's Work. Charles W. Kills, special agent of the Bureau of Labor of the Department of Labor and Commerce, is in Portland for the purpose of inquiring Into the industrial conditions. Mr. Ellis will compile a comparative wage-schedule for Oregon and adjoining states, and will also show the comparative cost of living In the Pacific Coast States. Sta tistics gathered by this department ?how that the wages paid throughout th country in 1305 were 1. per cent higher than for 1904. while 6.3 per cent more people were employed.- whose av erace weekly wage schedule was 8 per cent greater than for the preceding yea r. lie reports that the wage schedule an tho Coast due partly, to tha San T HREE YEARS Consulted Physicians to No Avail Uses Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills and Is Soon Perfectly well The Disease Having Left Her Entirely. CANNOT RECOMMEND CUTICURA TOO HIGHLY "I take. great pleasure in informing you that I was a sufferer of eczema in a very bad form for the past three years. I consulted and treated with a number of physicians in Chicago, but to no avail. I commenced using the Cuticura Reme dies, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment snd Pills, three months ago, and today I am perfectly well, the disease having left me entirely. I .cannot re commend the Cuticura Remedies too highly to any cue suffering with the disease that 1 have had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood, 18 Crilly Place, Chicago, IU., October 2, 1905. Witness : L. S. Berger.' FOR WOMAN'S EYE Much of Interest to Every Woman Is Found in Cuticura Pamphlet. Complete lqpal and constitutional treatment for distressing, debilitating conditions trom which women suffer may be found on page 5 of the Cuticura Pamphlet wrapped about the Cuticura Ointment. The pure, sweet, gentle, yet effective properties of the Cuticura Soap, Oint ment and Pills, commend them to women, especially mothers, for preserv ing, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, for the treatment of inflammatory and ulcerative condi tions, as well as most efficacious medicinal agents in restoring to health, strength and beauty pale, weak, nervous, prema turely faded, run-down women. Complet Extent., and Intereal Treatment for Evsrj Humor of Infants, Children, aixl A dull i consist! of Cuti cura Soap (lAc.)to Clesnav thr Sk!n, Cuticura Ointment (S0c to Hl the Skin, and Cuticura ResolTent (MV.), (in the form of Chocolate Coated Pilli, 25c. per vial of 60) to Purify the Blood. Sold throughout the world. FoUtf Dmp ft Chem. Corp., Sole Props. .Boston, Mats aa-Mallrri Free. Book. for Women." Francisco disaster, durlngr th year 1 90$, will eclipse all previous records. His investigation will further show that the demand for all kinds of labor in this section was unprecedented for that year, with splendid prospects for a continuation of these prosperous in dustrlal conditions during the present year. The territory covered by Mr. Kills included the States of California, Nevada. Utah, Colorado. Montana, Ida ho, Washington and Oregon. FAILI'IIE AT GRAY'S HARBOR Efforts lo Spread Strike Meets With Little Success. ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 20. (Spe cial.) That an effort has been made by members of the Industrial Workers of the World to precipitate labor troubles in Aberdeen was the declaration made this morn in? by men employed at local saw mills. Some months aco its representa tives were here, but failed to arouse much enthusiasm. Many of the Socialists are members of labor unions, and it has been found that these members are loyal to the unions when the issue is presented. The mill workers have no union on Gray's Harbor and .the Industrial Work ers of the World organizers are said to have endeavored to form one. but with out success. The trouble culminated with the strike of about 75 men at Wilson Brothers mill on Monday. The men there demanded $2.25 and $2.50 a day, an in crease of 25 cents a day. The difficulty at the Wilson mill will be settled with out much delay, it is expected, although the mill, is closed at present. It is learned today that an effort was made to induce the laborers at the Hart wood mill to walk out. The agitation was started by one man, who succeeded in inducing two other men to quit work. The leader of this diminutive strike was dis charged and the other men returned to work after brief idleness. MlUworkers who have been interviewed declare that while they expect to receive an in erase of 25 cents a day before Sum mer is over .they are opposed to a strike. The employers have paid better wages here than have been paid elsewhere and they are satisfied they will receive fair treatment. At the same time they insist that the cost of living has greatly in creased and that the 2f-cent increase which they expect is not at all unreason able. At the present time mill workers are plentiful on Gray's Harbor, but with the beginning of actual railroad construction in this vicinity the demand for labor will increase and the men will not be so plen tiful. The miMhandfl are waiting this condition to secure their hoped-for raise, which would follow as a natural result without demand on their part. ffnnN aATKL f-T IV ADVAKCK. on rmr,.(tB fuo4. threa nvtnth.. oR mwcxa. . . . M4-. on jrer. . j Edir, alx nonlM- . -fSy, threa moatbs.. V. .a... onath . V ....... 5f MUf4 Thursday)... 31 Va year LutiER. J J, ob yaar r apparha,t rn han eve: testimony Jlromlalu trrrfmi- irliv to th wttruMw'o tbX inHer of th canft have nwpra falsely for tlw inxlfOof ofocurlng evt- -fn fair, Ma6l. nwrocw, fCectlve,- Probably no At the Theaters What the press Asents Sat. ROSELIiK KNOTT TONIGHT. Charming Actress Begins Engage ment at The IlclUg Theater. Tlie chamninc actress. Ropelle Knott, sup ported by an excellent company of players, will present the famous English author J. t M. Barrie's comedy-drama. "" Alice-Si t-by- the-Hre at the Heiitgr Theater Fourteenth and Washington streets, tonight at 8:15 o'clock, continuing tomorrow ( Friday and Saturday nights. ' with a special matinee Saturday afternoon. The story of the play is based on the return of a mother and father to their home and to their children after an absence of eight years, the father being an English army officer stationed in India, and the efforts of the mother to win back the love of her children who have grown from little tots to a sir! and a boy of 16 and 17 years. The scenes of the play are exceptionally clever and the comedy ia distinctly Laughable, and at times excep tionally Interesting and attractive. "SHANNON .OF THE SIXTH" St. Patrick's Week Production by Baker Stock Company. The Baker management has again scored in its production of "Shannon of the Sixth." this week's offering, which is not only equal to but above the ordinary attraction. , Th stage settings, costuming and perfect caste go to make it one of the most attractive hows of the season. Mr. B au m e. as the young Irish Lieutenant tn the English forces, is at his best. Saturday matinee. J: m fry mi en 9 lat Iff aSmetlmaavnecefe-T' a w mm m a Job of I netvear A funds. What tfl1"aajfa,l revonue.fr th- sources wlltfe 'annot yfWbe ttmavtawl -with ajqr dearce of accuracy, but It . will probably exceed I600.000 a 1 vfsr.- But 'wtatetrf the Amount, trie lJrlntlt -ras In the rijght direction I fttlsclofted a desire tm the part of ' f f Lg-ialature to provide -funds ased expenditures wnnoui a ork of - thosLs flff?iriim.. Socletv of any -turch or- nidation i: valuablo ecorlina- to I practical deal ings with thoae-who s r.pecial need of -its rttancf. . ThA r lhww fft lsto; they consX. 3!n vV0T' iucrvasina- masses in the nTTfCnsrMut re ceiving" B'l"aL of oJT great port of emry.tolr bM.nme thnp- very i features o1 two'irnt railroad .fares which is sweeping over the country, was re ceived recently by the Stat nrdlroan Commission - of Georgta from tvd orntatlvea of tho Gerrarla aranrh llm National farmers' Union. Interesting eptstle was In substl for the coram l-Vn to ure passer We dtng ' OftOQCNIAN NCWR BtRBAC. -Waari-Ington. Marrta 1- TTV foreat aervt' to day atade Ike -following announcement: ' "Stock men who refuse to nv srssinff en war drnfed tutur privileges. In rest reserves. nmo tocKmen who heM mt ta last VJr to arase ca 1 1 le a n4 on rrat TYoerve In 4 itIrtrato de an agreement among themnrlv n-t apply for .permits or pay a gracing 4 1 cnti a east ".. caaca imbu rta. postal laws ara atrlc. rti post as It not fully, iaiofi to dflUratlea VlKb OKYItE. V r far la I Ages" Ann.x. yoatonic Marie. Commercial ok.tw, i-ia jtets; H. F. an nckr Ctar "Ce.. rxt Rnuth coiner Tntb and ru?liw. SOT S l EtToitt Ilouta. Ptao- r;yaa- ToVM- TlrVat ".. lyaMrava- .iar dwiu. !r Fstr.. , . ... -loiinaon.. rur- rrl!: N. WheaUey; Q. Kind. Ill V Weaver Co. lUtos.. 1012 rarnam; (cfamente- Kiws Ca.. pok Statloatrjr Co-i AlBtt, in DSC w ht ! Of. 1 A mot. f oi-nlnf. rrt Worth scar. orear. Ferry Francis. Jfajvf Btaad; i' rtiitn. Jfarorlria AgteT. ft Gould. . A. COflfflOVB. kKSDW, MARCH X9. meTthod: rfmintntly. above all She prosecutions thst taby Mr. Heney la j -convict tho arch ihE2h the lessor hid escape pun vnmethliu ew In1 ps new. In-, fact. jtnd- ,tmx "manner-1 n f -carried OMt might iy he .called the V.To tfltch th big iMrnnse, contrary to VH-nigh universal.' V rtlvo frauds and lo notorious as to yation. It has been 4 at oTne of the s In the graftins te tlient and possl V but the men of leal influence, who V Suihy. m ere ovcr Scnts iind all.mcn- ftvt- the trials was Vcn simtething y and' person of . eceVd Jrhit -from f 'viitton3i of a jTrnry Unak pro-Jr$- that a bis .tomi a-tmall one. difference,, that he Jt of the Heney ,tS aiain.t gangs cf V .!' of the most s iit'lne history of If, nmlnal lawa in 'iPvftJoad. Qr., it ' from the nii 'jbl the Woods th W'en'tjbcrved. dls fi. ti prranlwa cx irij. evil, root and Vint reason - has re I"p im every part of rir.n" .f ihc Hcncy V- fbut ti graft sys 1 (: all It work I it w m g w Xiax 'f)iitt'd."-th -Hanry 1 Oonc Mid. a ho t cpinin-d conBrfr ,Vr her-aohe tt .will torntcinrii'.r and offi u;iw.!ivrl):s purpw jiruth, tho whole t tlie truth, rncy p!as. no t iyh thcp will be .lit. -'He has t i K JiUcUpe .the. J by hnprfrfoninelK." lc;e .this until they j"ght t!clr wrongs t ioihe Gwerii-B.-',i. V man 'o l,vn' i.rt'in a ohi iirr-j at Hrney's Vtii nhoriinated desire f " jnen "without c-.;l-i not Iia-ve men who er rs but tool? in V vho vominiited t thV.j-.iple. Ti:e frks t cohvkt' 4s 1 .t!:e- crtfre or "iK pubH? 'trusj. f guilty r.o! only . at, oi Hne rli and sum gve Ir coati and tackled the re ring the evidence thern- ey have -done th: workthw to do ana wen have -been com two have cost less la uid have been of r employers the per Thefieney method b g 'extLacttorr of grafter felt sal cut Ion tbey camt not J the undnilngs went to i Ides, of prosecutlna; bribe-j tut bribe-takers and prosec with relentless de terminal! serious a matter to tako el Adoption of the Heney me the country will put an en PARIS. MW bill. Wfl dues a complf ParlUntentarJ Jttet' been antrraare cor- Teptle: tip for dlc The bill i of proTMRsng as blf gi BX CHAJUTABI We rather guess that neighbor, the Telogram. what .tt was about wh another neighbor of pli nothing whatever to be 4. longer? Are tlkere tie aocl lous connections which suf! one from vulgar -accusatlona aort?.Can no reputation for and piety In o te a backers save r a. .newgpe per from the scandal? If a mlllfoffejre ca streets of a, city without lo?: Ugloua character and with' goring bra reputation In the social circles, cannot newspaper steal a paltry without being hounded and for doing- It? O 'tempore, What are we corning to? clasm, this unrelenting ai tna sacreej privilege or the sycophant of property thing too shocking to be em Besld ,VqiccU8ed and. nrignugr olaVW S)w not steal trr edltorli Newspaper Reporter." not teal all of It. Iti slmtiatton of tho Uteri the Baltimore News I mport aa t part kruJars f , tomary . methods of the assuming the steward hi pie's worldly goods. In it did not take the whole call tho Telegram's attent phrases and even sentences neighbor lest wholly intact, exceedingly unlike ordinary methods when there in a swipe anything that we mui the evening mouthpiece aristocracy- for Its- for' might just aa well have whole article; It actually fraction untouched And Ihose who blame it tor My. It Is a hard, urictw that we live In. In the second piece. otsan of the llght-flngor ed hr and there m in the plundered propert This is. very different in th'oVix Thitocratic inetl' whole while you're a-gitfc;. first motto of this brotherh1 clples of. Autolycutf, and work yourself when you ".'her man of his work" is motto. To both they Jlv fotislv thst their newsjwp' praised for departing froiu t, eJ custom of Its masters I tion of honesty. To si when It. might have atoa suproachca xtzry near on the part of a plutoi i-pit. v-eii a. fra'Hon when there was enough of V. In nil .i'l Its space is the high of scH-nacrirtcg for .peopl M genus. The Telegram should i have commended the pious for .of ta llght-firigered nHghtf of shouting with fiendish a jtome-xhat awkward predll tne divine words 'Jct us exercise sweet all." It us not changed lis pilfered prey to sho a clea Intention theft and- provide n exj deed at Die same tim. 19 true, but It wonlrif not 1 and of all earthly thl blrssed Is charity. J H . KAJSrVQ MONET FOR THE . In direct contrast with tho reco: the Oregon Legislature upon the Jevt of revenue measutws is the n of the- Washington . Leglsiatu1 fixing the amounts of apnroprl the Orrron Ieglslaturo auroas. previous rorords by nariy a i dollars, snd provide4 new! from n-hich revenw could be On ihs contrary, revonuo mea various kinds were def-ated wavering reguisrity. xne wn legislature also made unusuall: sppiopilatlons. nut did nt fall vide for funds fi-om new koutcc; S'ashington pasaed a tax comml bill for uniform appraisement of roads and te'egraph and telephone lipes-a measure similar to that which was defeated In the Oregon Leglsla- . . The i-feat of fiUhilst FaTm s alF ruwun g -:ats vf 4ffive Jigaiistih' Ooiifroiitc-t li'V:-'c ftc.ii:it i 'he e:-v of f'uihr ev-r.c.ic gton t jie passed Isws that will compel cor- p.ratIoiTs to pay JlOO.00 a year in feea whf-h they sre now avowing. A liquor license law was enact e MUirlnp pAV'ttent of a fee cf 2't Ci-1 to lh suite. Tail wi ' prorid a year revenue, and a- It mnk1 L-.e ttate an interested parly where Honor Is eold iiljvfunaV. will tend to mat) enoi i f.1,4 Ujert mr orni.n mmn privii. .in Mint' bwn tr 1 r rt ron-rvr.. flnmo jtwknm who hM anffriiKff rn j . J I Xm,ul 'r . ! nnmin. 'fir ' - ' 1 . ....1.-1 M W .oc Turp.i.n,n. Th- Ji . arV fcround arW Sw-teetcary MJ .tth humanttyTffLKgllnPS" 7TaaSn It yiiV -tedl f ff't f-0'- A A? nttf JTrsNl-sWkny. a teMone mpany. "J Jrd an upward plane, or descending y)u' tafce Bl eonslder7?T5?i the! I . IfnclffTWni ir founded . jr5i Toft hm$r 'orT-ery J ipriscrngRi cuquo aiiw - m ur -jci ww. " . -..o. f . te two-cent rate so geri w m .nr tiw puts u in tne power or the . Idreds of thousands of dollars, and puts! a Mistarrle Barge. National or- 1 nvd Pv various states during thl Jl'oieaier lo secure from the Supreme n'"nher of vr the money in his pockets. lnwtf V Women's Home Mis- ffcw months." . With the f Court a dedition of this question snd 1' 7 ,? J He leaves Ms footprints in Portlar. Je.natJ 1 of the Methodist nalvets the writers proclaimed JFi yrtdei- (he advice of the Attorne.neneral OT i teK-awfrvwrm h- hither he i-h, anitv to Drove to thtja-iay did "not wish to oe """ a"' W" "",lr r ifaS 4 iS TrVCnllnr),. I ... 4,t.nitv nt. t Vint to the railroads," tout Vine tre-paaaea on fores: reserves at I""1" lw. V m Wrr i J - HteL C a k inr iillMllaeilslas hall P' '"si neerssary to secure flniil adiurtlca- I m 111 n suo-dtvld nf " " ' -Mfst-Wr-' fcr" 1 noon the validity of the criminal I constituencies. . mS y-v-kmen Imv been notifd that Miose purpose. c F . e- hr.M rmiia ! ..,.. 1 An I nil Ala ft nr. U W ... . jrr-ri y-5f f'-i to make appIlrMtion may lots their 1 ,oii-erned ta to H jM erazln? pri vi tegeji iiport reserves. I methfd of vodni & jfgCXiP' " bjr?.,tion to Ihe payment of the gras- be glv.-ri i man ft jirtF nff not sc-picfl s a cot--I oeputlf t bi ff fa Btff 1 1 '-"win 4ir in? iiviii; mur appnrauon at t nwm, una ne w T tiZ&? S lhe nrPr fn thelv stock I thein among t L ffl JaKis-'Sar5JS JK.'a - . 'xm tv.. . y.mut mey i nni an ior e It- Q&Ef $ba&a4&h &tl ' Xtt to regular srnslng fee and, unless I bye-etectieea (7 JC$? ?5ftz3 fcSyf BtfSSSlf, paniant in made within a reason- I ala-natlon or il-.iTh V A - sT i-ZST A v""1" T '' " ..JBpr,n T? I Propoa-d that i SSSf A. Jr&iof JjC-" jjJcrif -73Lg J yepanment or juaiic-e un rrq.icf I I f shell tn fUetlV fCQ jrU lllWl af?S Yroc,1",',,. commenced to ne.-ure aucceenful at the! :. &-S .jfTC'-ir M J&f jF,tf S VONIAN NEWS BUBBAl. Wh. I ftlimild occur morri V SB -S5S53!5f Jet3S3tjSr -'Jf March 15 -It l intinmt.a tht I b.for a fr.lt e-n r J?)S?Sf VP0&TS&ir' .45$ "fc 7V7fe.C&-w W tlr to JudR Bcattr. of !dlio. will I and no uniurreii.r' MXiSiK jSla jffMi d&iyt'i A10- ' ,h ,uoky n,,n- s,ron ln-1 4 fSS" 4S$fffH fW'J 1 jCi.nces h.ve o.n brought to boir In t g. Emlo-lc.I J!&r W4i . JS&-f VTb.h.lf or Bl.r WII.OO. ot Bol.e. but iw I . ftfSS S?ISS:J5 SUtSiWy suction I. not looked for. I TOVlXtS. M.rc 4 -y- pjp" fo &r2j3'j Jdi?e Allshir. Senator Hntum'l orig-1- I otilry appointed SSCSSs f BM eaS&KsS'' V rholw. appiucntly alanda no ahow of 1 ploaton of Mjr.h J, t ffi- jpointmeni, oerauae oi in. cnarKra. I Jena, oecioea todtf i .rjEs5!jl!A xifef " aeriour. nolwlthatandlnc I waa cau8(!il by a t 1 r'fi&BfjM. trBt Element by Heybufn. I aion of potyder. dq '1 ftK-ff jf? i-'rvo 0 I and th. elei.tlnn I. V jf jb fg --n"n,1,, to Prosecute ncr. . I ot lha maaiinVU d& ftW MM Jff YcHEYESNi:. Wya.Harchlt.-Th. ,,.,,,1. ZJ VJ. if tZ fiiSM iCp" S'St announcement wa m.oe loamy s, ts. - ' . if ' frjJVg iffS f&TS jiStalalr !k Amlnmin. of Evanaton. recently I lNDOK. Marr li i CiW- Jgt3 (Jilted Unltad Stat.a Diatrlct At- ,emosa(. mi f r t& VgPoSr S?ir V f"r Wyoming by Pre.ldent normally, ate'ad'l S-i iSHi&Z-fsF UliiSl . ' .It, Had declined to nualiry for 1 quekea. haa been A W tSii i- (Sit Vs ' I'lc. caused a aurprlae In local I quleiceol for th f. IfJS 'aom- SjJEvef ' elrrles- It la retried liera arnnti that aon.4 f tct V'it tffyi2& T J& t'e inteniion ci tne Aomiinatra. I a at X3it JGiPVfi jf to Inelat upon criminal rather I '. will Kilt l.-i cV f&MS . civil rreeccudona In U. caaea of Will T iSu&r ffir i in a fe'Sefi' -t Vcarlna; upon tho decl.ion of Mr. Liberal.! In favor oi t I M.yjf' J9 erman. M. B. Camplln. of Sheti- and of tho prea hj -m f J3e- wa&VS l&J& HQr jf I announced hia candidacy for Tho new osn.or.MTjf I. r jrtfa.. -vtiwroift&f T&i rf office. day by th chambaf llV iW Vn.lnlla Vanli lmmlrranu. I -f jf AKT.a ark- -d'&wKff ipf i.FOURKE. Victoria. March 1.-TI Bu" T J j&Z&r Jf J"W.Sct3?" . SipiSf' Air f-orlan cabinet ha authorized Premier KINGSTON". ( I artlfJv jflp"' J?W SXi.5i5, ff ''NRvirSf "53 JSgSf it. h leavea here nhortly for Eng. aralnat tha lnt I jttewfjk afcy &6tf dZxi jfiSL K xn arroh5e for tho transportation of er for loseaa ah 5 JfW3 elt JK J'anta to Victoria at traneporution waa filed yeateV t& &IS S3SS&iSi& 2 5 Stf 65 -Stf KSf I DOES HE MEAN IT?V ELhssfi&s8i. istii&ar m&L f W$r ffS m &m. tSS-SX Vrh. o-lv thine to do U . rwch the r.ubU it -nor y AS: it ttair r it i .Mja ' t it y ih.V ' - - iinifwi nriT V sr sk'!lf. I mm.m,- j'v -a - . 4.." mm&sise$&i i&.m i Fai? r)riiMi ram ajr - H jjr W T--. ...naenl tat ihnf iha- t I A--.i-VS-Ci - '"i T H I I Ml I tH.WM .a that intfr- tftV m " -f .kV. ,.rtnotn. n.n... ISt8SH!J fll vorcea wer. allowed )urliT?aftJnod Alnnys rememer that trraftcra never I;r , , ' 51 JaVlllin 1 IV covered. Tho twenty-year peoSTfrom I fall to run for the City Council. 1 hat'a I Vir her contract aha ta to ahic only I jfVile.milUU' It V tvA I . ahFoi a,tm -vl ' i v y I - n'" lv. ; ara..! I I L.T T' V." II J VI .lrr ae- her. tW WM WW it. fSfuLl 1 VsSBTI V-ani3 , olf -hin! rhS Is 1 iu. .TrTar. njr4 lt.tr. that will compel cor- Another MtprWn: Xwr ''1gJSl K'St' :'' a . 4k fSS'ofll Xive jiTaiistih- p.-ratlois to pay J100.00O a year In feea y this Inveatlsatton 1b that BojftWftf-f fit-ift.frl.Pa.ty:irjaj,j rj '".. .. ,- p. kt, La' I U-i r" T eR-Jly It1J755A5F! otSi 1 Val' W'iirW '"'' .... . I'" 'T::. IT!;... 7. . r: ...-TT.. I'Mrikcn. n.w O.or VIMlm'a mw. Jl 1 ' -Zr A iiarcM or rl for thoee who 'wlshcrt rr..baWr w !---h they 1-Kd a!!oTvriJ-'.4NTra:. rranre. March It --Vlol-nl I Jp-iSSjLfta bright songs, graceful dances, lots of wit ajid brilliant repartee. "Deserted at the Altar. Peaceful, wholesome pastoral plays nev?r fail to please and "Deserted at the Altar" in meeting the requirements this week at the .Star Theater. The Allen Stock Company will give a matinee performance of this play this afternoon. There will be other matinees Saturday and Sunday and the last performance will be Sunday night. It is a drama which Is one of the season's successes. ern press. First performance next Sunday matinee. Big Audiences at Lyric. There are large audiences at the I.yric this week, where the bill te Michael Ssro goff." the fa mo up drama of Russian life and adventure. The play Is exceptionally well cast and the stage effects are startling. There will be a children's matinee on Sat urday and two performances Saturday and Sunday nights. COMING ATTRACTIONS. The 3Ierit of "As a Man Sows. "As a Man Sows," which the Baker Stock Company will present this week, has more merit than the ordinary play and will please all classes. It is the story of a wronged j woman seeking vengeance with a tenacity that never falls her, of a titled. Englishman marrying in haste and repenting when something better offers. It is a great les aon In morals. It will open next Sunday with the matinee. 'The King of Tramps" at Empire. It is seldom that a tramp character is ab solutely popular, but the Empire attraction. "The Kins of Tramps." has disabused this idea. The leading role of "Scarecrow is X ta.kuijE ail audience by. atoixn. Tber are "A Cowboy's Girl" la Popular. "A Cowboy's Girl" ia always popular, but the one that is coming to th Empire The ater next week will prove that she excels anything in the line of feminine beauty that has ever come to Portland. The show is given exLraordinaxv notices i- tnt .t,- "What Women W ill Do." Next week, beginning Monday matinee, the Lyric Theater Stock. Company will pro duce the society drama -""What Woman "Will Io. The play is one of strong scenes and beautiful stage pictures. All the favorites will be seen In the cast. Seat sale opens Sunday. AT THE VAUDEVILL THEATEK Grand. Those merry, manikins of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deaves should be seen by everyone who seeks novelty in vaudeville. This is the headline act at the Grand and the mani kins are a real hit. Mr. and Mrs. John Cos sar have "Our Honeymoon." a one-act com edy. The Ozaves are comedy Jugglers," who are skilled. Smith O'Brien Is a. mono Ion tat who can sing, and this is a rare treat. The programme at the Grand Is long and Inter esting. Three shows dally. Noted Acrobats at Pantages. The Eddy trio are the world's greatest acrobats, formerly of the Barnum & Bailey circus, and now one of the week's features at Pantagos Theater. Nothing 60 good in the acrobatic line has ever been witnessed here Stansneid, as the county parson, Blair brothers in their original .and entertaining sketch, and a host of others, complete a thoroughly good bill. Invites Entire City to Banquet. MEDFORD, Or., March 20. (Spe cial. ) Every citizen of Medford has been Invited to attend a banquet to be (riven by the Commercial CJub at the Hotel Nash on Thursday night. The spirit of. enthusiasm aroused by the visit of Tom Richardson has touched every resident and the present awak ening means a tremendous united ef fort for the advancement of MedforJ and vicinity. BILLIARD HALL IS RAIDED Six Boys Taken to Jail for Violating tlie Curfew Ordinance. Theodore Trautman's billiard-hall. Third and Morrison streets, in the basement, was raided by members of the plain clothes staff of the police department at 9:30 o'clock last night, when six youths were taken into custody and were booked at headquarters for violating: the curfew ordinance. It is the first action taken by the officials to break up the habit of boys in loitering about such establishments. The proprietor will he arrested today, if the officers carry out their announced plans. At police headquarters the boys gave their names, ag-es and addresses as fol lows: M. Rosencrantz, IS years. Oilman Hotel: Arthur Uutkemeler, 16 years, 4f6 Davis street: Kay Adams, 16 years, 170 Park street: . Charles Manthci, 17 years, SS4 Sandy road: Eldon and Harry Trojen, 16 and 17 years respectively, 640 Clinton street. They were released by Captain Slover upon promising to appear for hear ing this morning before Judge Cameron in the Municipal Court. The police state that the practice of boys hanging around billiard and pool halls and in vacant lots throughout the city is altogether too prevalent and must ba broken tu. (Established 1870.) Coras Whllt You Saep." Whooping-Co u g h , Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem edy, which for a quarter of a century nas camca unquaiinea praise, ae&uui nights are assured at once. Cresolene Is a ftoon to Asthmatics AU Druggists Send tostal for de scriptive booklet. Cresolene ArjtiseDtie Throat Tableta for the irritated throat, of yonr druggist or from us. 10c in stamps. The Vapo-Cresofeae Co-. 180Flt.oSl.,N. v. But V n a noa-veinaiui. ITmay I or boaorrbit. gleet. 6prmatorrhtea, White., nnnstnrfrl dl. I'M.. MftuiM. tion of m u co nr moor !thcEm3 CmalMlOa. brarjM. Kon-aatriageDt MOM y nt-BKirtafa, or o.nt In jilain wrapper br az.raa., prerjald. fnt tl.no. or 3 bott!.t. tS.TS, UIUK taaaa iya,lirai .f la 1 u t d.Ta, f Muutl V i fe3 I 1HI!!IIT1.. C.GeeWo The Well-Kaow. Reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Has made a life study of roots and herbs, and In that study discovered and is giving; to the world his wonder ful remedies. NO MERCURY. POISONS OR DRUGS I SKI). HK CURES WITHOUT OPF.RATIOSI, OK WITHOUT. THE A IO OF THE KMPF. He guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lung. Throat, Rheumatism Nervousness, Nervous Debility. Stom ach. Liver, Kidney Troubles: also Los Manhood, Female Weakness and A1J Private Diseases. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received From Peking;, ' China, Safe. Snre and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DE LAY. DELAYS ARB DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for symp tom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medlelne Co Flrat St.. Cor. Slorriaoa. Portland. Or. Please Mention Tfala Paper. The Schuylkill River, a Pennsylvania str.'am. contains 2,000,000 bacteria per cubla centimeter