11 THE MOKSI'G Ult fTvrV I Ars, lHUKSUAt, itfAKCU JZli 1U7. SEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. There Is No Better Place for Home or Investment Than Its borne advantages cannot be overestimated and as an invest ment Belle Crest property will double in value before tbe year is out. Belle, Crest prices today, $400 installments $10 a month. Ring us up and arrange to go today. A Railroad Man Buys in Belle Crest Mr. C. H. Platte, for many yearn the general manager of the New York, Xew Haven 4b Hartford Railroad, and a gentleman well acquainted with tbe possibilities of Port . land, writes us to reserve Ave Belle Crest lots for him, as It ts his ill! rut ion to build two homes thereon. One for him self and another for a mem ber of his family. There is hardly a grown person in town who has not at some time in his life thought of a home. How to get the home is the question. "We sometimes think it better not to make the attempt to have a home than to undertake to pay for a place we know he won't like. A home should be accessible it should be free from dust and smoke it should be identified with the beautiful, and it should be amongst good neighbors. Belle Crest presents these advantages. Belle Crest is the ideal home spot. Everything that Nature can do has been done, and everything that men can do toward the upbuilding and perpetuating of a splendid residence section has been or is being done. First of all, Belle Crest is accessible a splendid streetcar service is now building (Sandy Road is lined with men and teams and materials 60 days will see rapid transit in Belle Crest). Then there are water and lights, graded streets, and modern sidewalks. We speak of these improvements often be cause we want it well understood that the company foots the bills for them. The purchaser of a lot pays but one price, and that is for the lot itself. $400 for an up-to-date lot, romantic in view, conveniently located and thoroughly protected against undesirable neighbors, is an offer which doesn't come every day. $10 a month, set aside for a house is no effort. Pay for the lot this way, and as soon as it is paid for, we will build you a house and you may also buy it on installments. you in the face; it were criminal not to look into the merits of Belle Crest. Ring us up this morning we will take you to Belle Crest any time . The vision of a home stares The Spanton Company The Jacobs-Stine Co. Commonwealth Bldg., on- Sixth Street. Main 2828. Swetland Building on Fifth Street. Main 359. THE fORTUHO, OR. asjjugpKAlf rllS atODEBX XBTAOTUire. COST MS BDLUON DOLLAR. MiDQUMTEM HI TOoBIS Tt Ml OOttMEICUl IMIEUM Gpecial rates mad. to families aad singla aentlemcn. Tbe management will be pleased all time, so snow rooms aad 9T prices. A modern Tnrkisn bath th I tahment la tne hotel. H. C BOWERS, Maaacav. : HOTEL OREGON i , CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. Z Portland' New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. Z European Plan. Free Bus. t WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets., PORTLAND. OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN is. sl.eo to KS.ao Per Day aeordiaa to Location. Ztnt-CIaaa Cheek Reatatmal . Witk : sL r. tJATTJEB. maiden. C . DAVIS, sa. aad Trent, St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO fl.Sft FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION AUCTION" SAI.ES today. At Baker. Auction House, cor. Alder and. Park st.. furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baiter ; Son. Auctioneers. At Gllman's Auction F.oom. H Washington .freer, at 10 o'clock A. Id. S. L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. .WEBTTNG NOTICES. OTtEGON COMMANDFRT, No. 1, K. T. Special conclave thU fThurs dav) evening at 8 o'clock. Order of the Temple. Visiting Sir Knights eourtrouslv Invited. V. S. MACRUM. Recorder. BORN. BLAKE To the wife of J. B. Blake, March III. a boy. nriEn. KEELY March 20, HM7, Prank Feely, aged 37 year. fTJNEBAI. NOTICES. Klt.EA At MomsvlllR. March 1ft. lftOT. Will iam Rllea. aged T7 years. Funeral -sill take place today i March 21 . at '' P. M. from F. S. Punnlng's chapel, corner of F-at Alder and East Sixth sts. Friends invited- Dunning. MeFnlee ;llbiigb. Funeral Di rectors. 7th Fine, phone M. 430. Lady asst. ER1CSON rVDERTARINO CO.. 409 Alder .t, lad-r assistant. Phone Main 6133. IDWABn HOLMAX CO.. Funeral Direct. or. 220 Sd st. Lady assistant, mono M. 507. IFX1.ER-BVKNES CO., Funeral Direct ors tit Busnell. East 138. Lady assistant. J. r. FTM-EY 4 SOX. Foneral Directors. No, X61 d w- Madison. Phone Main 3. F. 8. DrNNINO, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Ladr awlttaat. I'hone East A2. A. B. HEM STOCK Foneral director. E. ISLh A Umatilla. ib. Bell wood 71. Lady nasi. r MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A F. and A. M. Stated communt cation thin (Thureday) evening, 7:.i0 o'clock. Work In E. A. degree. All E. A. Maons invited. B. S. PAOL'E, Secretary. GOIaDBN RUI-.B ENCAMPMENT, NO. 28. I. O. O. F. Recular session this (Thursday) evnin. 8 o'clock, cor. Grand avt. and Eat Pine tit. Royal Purple decree. Visitors al ways welcome. 3. C. JAMESON, F. cribe. These dwellings are exceptionally well built, are modern in arrangement and appliances," are in pink of condition, have full basements and cement walks, are near two car lines in an advancing locality, and will be sold separately or together. See them at 656 and 658 Quimby st., between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. Call on us and be convinced that the West Side affords no better buy for the money. JACKSON 6 DEERING Phone Main 345 , 246 Stark Street AMVHKMENTS. 14th and Washington. HEILIG THEATER Tonipht at 8:15 o'clock. Fhon Mala 1 NEW TODAY. Tomorrow Night Saturday Night. 3 c Special Price Mattnee Saturday IEOKELLE KNOTT. In the Comedv-Drama "Alic-Sit-by-the-KIre." Evenir.fr prices Lowr floor, 10 rows, ft. 50; last six rows, $1; balcony. $l,,75c, 60c; gallery, 35e, 25c. Matinee prices $1 to 25c. Seats now selling at Theater. PORTFjAN'D TENT. NO. 1. MACCABEES Members are requested 4o be present at the review tonight to discus means ot building a hall. J. E. "WERL.E1N". Commandw. AMUSEMENTS. Baker Theater Home of AM This Phone Mala 1 Ueo. I. Baker, Gen. Mgr. the Fashionable Baker Theater Stock Company. "Week. Evenings, 8:15: Matinee (Saturday 2:13. The Great Aniclo-lndia Military Drama "SHANNON OF THE SIXTH." Etajce Under Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley. First Time in Portland. Immense East ern Success. Secure Scats in Advance. Evening Prices 25c. Sic, flOc. Matinee 13c. Next Week "As a Man Sows." . EMPIRE THEATER ""Ji"'" Idilto.. W. seaman. Manager. Only Eastern Road Attractions. Tonight All This Week the Scenic and Sensational Comedy-Drama THE KING OF TRAMPS." Matinee Saturday. Regular Empire Popular Prices. Next Attraction, tStartlna- Sunday Matinee "A Cowboy's Girl." THE STAR Main 3496. The Allen Stock Company Presents DESERTED AT THE ALTAR By Mr. Pierce Kinysley. Matinee Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 P. M- Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at :15. Prices 10c, 20c and GPc Reserve seats by phone. Main 5498. ail performances. - LYRIC THEATER Portland's- Popular Stork House. Every Afternoon and Evening This Week. Lyric Htock Company in the Famous Drama of Russian Uf 'MICHAEL, 8TROGOFF." Reserved seats can now be secured in ad vance from 10 A, M. to 10 P. M. Daily matinees at usual time. Evening perform ances at 8:15. Saturday and Sunday eve nings: First performance at 7:15. The Grand Week March IS. Vaudeville de Lnxe Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Peares 4r Co.. In 'Merry Manikins." Special Added Attrac tion Smith O'Brien, Burt Weston, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cossar, l)acey. ChsM ti Adair, Tbe Ossts. Matt Goodman Grandiscope. EXPOSITION RINK 19th and Washington Sts. ROLLER SKATING Morning, A'fternoon and Evening;. Bin- Floor Beat Skates Good Mnsie. APMISMOX. lOt-: skntes, 2.V-. NEW TODAY. BIG SNAP 10.1x101. close In. with 4 houses; in come, JS9 per month. Only J9000. F. DUBOIS Washington Bldg., Room 3. H. W. LEMCKE CO. "SPECIALS" $7500 $7000 OX KI"S HIM.. A beauti ful lot for a fine residence. 7finn NOB Hli.l. DISTRICT, near OlUUU 24th St.. fine modern, 8-room house, lot 50x100. tOOCn THUHMAJt ST.. a. choice cor dOOOU ner. 100x100. east of 23d st. You can't And Us equal on this "live' street. THIKMAS ST., a beautiful site for flats, 149x106. CJKDfl 2STH ST. (northl, on corner 50x70, two houses, rental value 940. (I)II)C VAUGHS ST.. two six-room cottases on 50x100 lot. tylOKfl EAST SIDK SNAP, easy dfZuU walking distance,, modern 8 room house, choice lot 53xi00. (IRnfl BAST MADISON ST near wfoUU 14th st., modern 6 room house, lot SOxlOO. i0Cn WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, VrOuU modern 7 -room house, lot 60x100. fine view; - furnace, cement basement. A good buy. t17fM SOUTH PORTLAND. On a wlUU corner fractional lot. S-room house Just finished; modern; porcelain plumbing. t7Cf1f1 BliSSELL ST.. new modern OlUUU flats; 65 monthlv Income. CT7fin EAST ALDER ST., 11-room wOlUU house in fine condition; lot 50xl0d. This Is walking distance. fTCnn HOLI.ADAY PARK' ADD, wOUUU modern 6-room house on a corner lot 50x100; sewer, cement side walks, facing south. A splendid buy at this price. Don't tall to see our choice 'list bar fore, you buy. H. W. LEMCKE CO. 6th and Washington Sts. , Main 5SO 4- J - ; : drflnl. : L fcihi. Ml i u 1- ill il.fa4iL $22,500 HALF BLOCK Warehouse Site EAST SIDE TRACKAGE B. Streeter 114 Third Street Fourth-St. Corner Near Burnslde. $33,500 Under present Improvements It la paying 8 This Is a Bargain. EAST SIDE Good corner with 100 feet frontage. Three-story modern brick building. $36,000 Building alone worth the money. Income 8 Net This property is pood for a big increase this Summer. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce Subdivision Acreage Wanted I am authorized to buy for Denver capitalists fifty to one hundred acres in or near Port land suitable for immediate subdivision. It must have the points necessary to make desir able residence property. Drop me a note for interview. , BERT C. BALDWIN The Nortonia, Washington and Fourteenth Streets. Nice quarter. N. W. cor. 29th and Savier; very sightly, s Full lot on North loth between Lovejoy and Marshall. Worth lflOxlOO, 24th and York. Only quarter lelt. worth lo,ow. Real Estate $4000 $6500 $8500 10 Kfin "e of tne choicest high w I a. wUU class residence quarter diocks on tne marueL t09 flflfl Quarter block on 14th and OIL UUU Flanders, covered with dwell ings. $3000 lees than other quarters. tTfl nnfl BSxlOO on Madison near 2d, wOU 'UUU covered with frame build ings; a sure money maker. , y!fl linn Half 'block N. 15th. Fran 0rU UUU chlse granted for switch -up loth. Best warehouse buy on the market. . Grindstaff & Schalk Aetna Fire Insurance Company. 264 Stark Street. Telephone Main 392. FRONTING ON THE OCEAN WHERE WHITE CLOVER AFFOBDS GREEN PASTURAGE ALL THE TEAR. o-J7 aorfsi, nil fully equipped wttn bullt inK3, implftmonts nni tences Inclosing a-iK-llands and meadows. Has bountiful sprlnKS, and runnin-c brooks full of fish at all seasons; noarly adjoins a salmon can ning town on the Alsea Bay, and directi on the line of the survey of the Wet 'oa-t Railroad now In project south from the Tillamook country. A bunch of cattle and other stock iroes with the purchase, ahich is offered for a short time for only (9000. B. S. COOK ft CO.. 131 Aider st. CHOICE SNAPS. $2S.ono Corner 1st near Burnslds. tirt.onn 1 block 25th and Thurraan. , (12.,'ino Lot on- Washlnston st. 4t.0 House and lot 16! h st. S17.-r House and lot Quimby st. 4IK Full lot on First st. S1.-..OO0 Irnpr. lot Tnion ave. and Ash. S.-OiO H blk. E. 17th and Burnslde. JIlL'lXi House and lot West Irvington. SHERLOCK WOKRNDLE, 90 Fifth near Stark. WEST SIDE LOT9. $21 5n each Several fine level lots, finely situated for residences, flats or stores: 0 minutes on car from 3d and Washington sts.: one ivlth pood 3-room cottage only $2500. Theo will not keep. STATE INVESTMENT CO., 118 Ablngton bldg. NEW COTTAG10, BUILT FOR A HOME; 5 large rooms, reception hall, bath-room and rear hail: wood fiber plaster, porcelain bath, sink, basin and patent toilet; tiled bath room and kitchen, hot and cold water, ce ment bailment; aononj-; costly residences; Immediate possession: $2750. $J2N down, bal ance two years. Home Land Co 146 "j 1st st. LenoxAddition No automobiles needed. No promise of carline construction. No dependence on yon, the buyer and builder to make value. $300 per lot. 50x100. $10 cash $10 per month, with building restrictions. We are Inside of city's legitimate growth. Cars running every.ten minutes. Values and Improvements now estab lished. Absolutely no speculation about fu ture. No necessity to boom and offer at boom urlces. Solid improvements all around us. No excitement, no boosting; in our property. No f-low!na- pictures offered to en thuse and locate you. Everything in sia-ht. no guessing-. Use good judgment. Don't jump, look around. Don't pay the highest prices way out or city. Tou can beat them close In. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO. 110 Second Street. Double Flat Site Will Earn 11 Net $2650 Quarter-Block ON SECOND AND EVERETT $42,000 Paying S per cent on the investment. Investigate the surroundings and you will he convinced that this property Is $10,000 below the market price today. E. J. GEISER 221 Morrison St. Phone Pacific 614. X600 7-room house, Oregon sL and Grand ave. Ktsmt 6-room house, 29th, E. Burnslde. V22.0 5-room house, lot 90x114, at Midway. l7r.o 7-room house, Sellwood. 1.1(M) fi-room cottage, Mt. Scott. -Two lots. 24th and Wasco; inside fllSO, corner $1350. . BALL cSc LEE Raleiph Bldg. Phone Main 6611. 50 lots, 50x100, located in the very best part of the Peninsula, for $7500, half cash. This is at the rate of $900 per acre. ' Buys like this are scarce. G. H. VAN HOTJTEJT, 320 Lumber Exch. Phone Main 275. 20 NET INCOME We can show you a net income of 20 per cent on an investment of $7003. Must be taken immediately. Don't phone. Sphinx Agency, 305V2 Stark St GBORGS BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. . S18 Worcester Bulldlnc. Phone Paclfle 1807. For Sale Yellow Pine Timber. 10S0 acres fine timber land on Burnt River. Grant County, Oregon. Address W. J". HENDRICKS, La Grande, Or. 33 BY 100, KEARNEY ST., BETWEEN. S3t AMI 24TI1 (WE HAVE TWO AI JOlMXi EACH OTHER). FEW DAYS ONLY Modern Eight-Room HOUSE $6350 Fll.Ii T.OT, 742 T.OVE.JOY STREET. LET VS SHOW IT TO YOU. KEY AT OFFICE Lamont & Harris 30S-T SWETLAND BLDG, NUT-GROVE Nut-Grove is located on the St. Johns line, opposite Denver avenue, and just heyond the carbarns. Nut-Grove has Bull Run water, a public school four blocks distant, and every Nut-Grove lot is a garden, not a grub in the whole addition. Nut-Grove lots are 50x100 and the price is 375 per lot. We can give terms to homebuuders. G. H. VAN HOUTEN, Gen. Agt., 320 Lumber Exch., Phone Main 275, Z. J. Gossett, Agent at Nut-Grove. GRAND AVENUE I"i0x90 and 3 houses, N. W. cor. Grand ave. and East Irving. Rents for J58 per month. PRICE 8S0O. TERMS. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second and 392 E. Bnrnslde. MUST BE SOLD BY APRIL 1ST. fer Sel Bridjrei lare house, eholfe rorner no reaiona ble offer ref mied Owner, 364 Rons. A GOOD INVESTMENT l.TOxlfO and three houses on the southwest corner East Third and Ore- eon streets. Kenis per month. PRICE KT10.0O0. TERMS. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., and 382 K. Rurntde. ACREAGE Ton can make 300 per cent be fore July. 1st by investing now in the following acreage, only 5 miles from the center of Portland, on the Fowell V alley road : 4 1-2 Acres for . $575 5 1-6 Acres for . $645 5 1-5 Acres for . $650 6 1-3 Acres for . $1000 5 Acres for . . $750 41 1-8 Acres for $5000 One-half cash, balance on terras to suit. Come and let us take vou out to see this property. "Don't delay," as this opportunity will not last long. AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO., 90 7th Street Will Sell 750-Acre Tract of Land The Lewis Love and Nancy M. Love Do nation Land Claims. Bids will be received by the undersigned for said land to March 20. 1907. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. The greater part of this land Is within tbe city limits or rortiana and Is especially valuable for platting pur poses. Call on or address tbe undersigned. 250 Main Btreet. city. T. T. '6TRUBLB and PHILO HOLBKOOK, Trustees of th estate of Lewis Love, de ceased. Ground Lease block, N. "W. corner 4th and Al der, td' lease for 25 years. . Jennings & Co. 332V2 Washington St. Best Ever Offered 10 acres or 70 lots, right near Rose City Tark. whwe lots a-e selling for $QOO and up; we are actually giving this away at the price, f.inoo. DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 229-8 Lumber JKxcbange. $40,000 NAP OREAT SNAP 50x100 on Washington St., with three torv brick buiWInn: fine property, with good Income. ThiK price stands for this week only; con t delay, see us today. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO., 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. GOOD NEWS! A real bargain on Willamette Heights, excellent view: can be had. if taken at once; 8-room modern house, full lot; cheapest l.i Portland, seuoo. LIND & COMPANY Room 32I, Lumber Exchange. FROM OWNER For Sale Modern 7-room house, beat lo cation. Cail 76 Kearney st. PRIME INVESTMENT. Slft.SOO Nearly half block business property on First St.; four fine houses, corner vacant; an Investment that will appeal to the most antiquated mossback. Come and see us. STATE INVESTMENT CO., 118 Abington bldff. A SNAP. 100x100 located near Harrison at., on Front; three-story brick hotel soon to be erected beside the same, another four-story brick hotel to be erected within one block: Income $50 per month; price $l."!.5lio. For particulars see F. W. Newell, 69 6th at., 2d floor. (600 BUYS 1 ACRES. ALT. IN CLL.TIVA- tlon. with cnarmma ouiiook ana in h. neighborhood of little homes, soli excellent, spring water and on smooth paved road and less than one hour's drive of the City Hall; 2 acres more adjoining if desired; terms easy. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder street. SOME SPLENDID CHANCES. 60 acrea Lent, fine for platting; all C'.eared ; get prlt e. J70O0 110x100, Kearney at., beautiful lot: very cheap. $1850 S-room house, lot 50x180, near car: a bargain. GORDON, lios 4th Phone Pacific 2125. 00 CASH. $25 PER MONTH PRICE ISS50. Corner lot on Union ave., with strictly new, modem 6-room house; rents at 127.50 and is worth $:tl per month. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., Fifth and Salmon. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGA- low in Central Alblna, 2 blocks irom car line: price iJlOO; easy terms. New 6-room modern house, central Al blna, nice lot 511x100; price 1!500; terms. M. CADONAU. Room 3. 270Vi Washington at. SOMETHING GOOD IN ACREAGE. 81ghtly tract suitable for platting, clase In and near carline; can be .old off in lota for double the price we ask for It. Call at office for particulars. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 25H stark St. CUTEST BUNGALOW YOU EVER SAW; Just finished: material, workmansnip ana stvle very best and latest; ideal home for old or young married couple; it's strictly modern: $1.".(. Tno down. $20 monthly. Home Land Co., 145 !4 First st. $45,000 CORNER. WITH 3-STORY BUILD- ing. on .tn KLreei. now inuis . i, cent net on asking price. Moora Realty Co., 268 Stark St. .1 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 13000 Quarter block, corner Spring and Chapman sts. 2o00 Choice lot on Chapman st., near Elm. W. K. Smith. Jr., 202 Washington St. A HOME ON FREMONT AND UNION, 4 FT. above street level: Deautliui lawn, tot i"xt.., 7-room house, modern, wood fiber plaster, bath. gas. closets, basement; must be sold at once. Price $2800. Phone Main 3069. CHOICE CORNER. 100XWO EAST aTTH AND ALDER STS. Including pleasant 7-room cottage; modem, cement basement, lawn, etc.; will sell all or part. 10S8 East Alder st. TO THE INVESTOR S4S0O. LOT ON UNION ave.. near weidler. two modern nousee, rent, for $45 month, on the boulevard of the F.aFt Side. See this before buying. H. W. Gar land & Co., 1:14 4th Ft. BIG SNAP 6-ROOM COTTAGE. BRICK basement, cement floor, 2 lots, barn, fine fruit trees, etc.. all for S1600; Lenta Ad dition. F. Dubois, room 3, Washington bldg. SAY LOOK. Lot, RfixlOO feet, corner, good 4-room house, rose bushes, fine chicken house; must be 80ld In two days: $1150. Main 52SO. $2150 NICE LOT AND GOOD 6-ROOM bouse; gas, porcelain bath, sewer, good lo cation; income $18 per month; terms. W. O. Waddel. 817 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE TWO LOTS. 50x100. ON JERSEY St.. In McDoUKall's Add. to St. Johns. $SW each; must sell at once; worth $650 each. Inquire room 404. Commercial block. $450 BARGAIN: CORNER S8X7S WILL, go before night. Hurry and aee it. V. PAGE HARRIS, 800 Belmont, corner East 23th. $3000 BUYS A. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot 100x100. concrete basement, good barn and chicken-house, 2 blocks from 2 carline. Inquire of owner, 834 Rodney ave. $25 EACH FOUR LOTS ON WAVERLY Woodstock carline, no feet from macad amized road and car track; high ground; fine view. Phone East 4537. $2500 40x108 AND GOOD 7-ROOM bOUBS, Hi. Ilia St., near nornnio; nutu- bo cneap in mis vicinity, w. i. vrau- 817 Lumber Kxcnanga. lng 1 del. tlS.OOd WHOLE BLOCK. CLOSE IN: TN come $75 per month on part of ground: fine proposition for large barn; terms. Owner. Apply 95 East Sth St., North. $4650 100x100 AND 4 5-ROOM COT tages, Income $43 per month: a good in vestment. W. O. Waddel, 817 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. $800080x90. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST 1st and Oak sts. ; fine location for ware house, with trackage. W. O. Waddel, 311 Lumber Exchange. THREE ACRES. CLEARED. CLOSE IN, - suitable for berry or chicken ranch; will subdivide or trade. 8. B., 405 Lumber Exchange. $1100 BUYS 2i ACRES ON CARLINE AT River Villa: beautiful home sites, with running water; best of soli. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. ... BY OWNER NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, FIRST class: 7 full lots, ail -improved; a bargain; Oregon City car line, 30 minutes ride; terms. F 76. Oregonian. IRVINGTON TWO FINE BUILDING lots, each fully $200 below ,the market. F. A. Jackson, 320 Failing bldg. Pnona Pacific 1568. . $1750 CORNER LOT. E. COUCH AND 22D, both streets improved; sewer, water, gas: this week only. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. SELECT neighborhood, 7 rooms, modern, almost new; $500 less than real value. 243 Stark street. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND aold on installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., southwest cor. 8d aad Morrison. $nn WILL BUY A GOOD CORNER FOR buslneca on Daweon at., where there la something doing. Owner. 367 6th St., city. EIGHT EXTRA LARGE LOTS, ON CAR. near Waverlelgh. worth $a0. only $250 each: a real snap. Call 243 Stark St. $25 HANDLES ANOTHER FULL LOT IN Kenwood; only a few more. 720 Cham ber of Commerce. $llrfl. WORTH $1700. NEARLY NEW 6 room house. J. R. Hollister, 313 Commercial blk.