Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlns-Room Main 7070
City Circulation Main 7070
Mantfing Editor
sunar.y Eflltor
Composing. Room
City Editor
6uperimehant Bulldine
I-iat Side oitice
..Main 7070
Main 7070
Main 7070
. .. .Main 7070
.Main 707O
East 61
ton streets) This aftirnoon, 2:1S o'clock;
tonight. 8:10. DusUn Farnum in the A est
ern drama, "The Virginian."
BAKER THEATER CM. bet. Tamhlll and
Taylor) Baker Theater Company in
Hoyt'a "Shannon ol the Sixth"; tonight
at 8:15.
EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison)
"The Kinr of Trumps"; matinee 2:15 Ft
M ; tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Washington, between
Park and Seventh) Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30
and 9 p. M.
PANTAGES THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30, 0 P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Allen Stock t'omDanv In "Deserted at. the
Altar"; tonight at 8:15.
LYRIC ' THEATER (7th and Alder) The
Lyric Stock Company in "Michael Stro-
SOfT"; matinee 2:15, tonight 8:15.
Oreooi; HisTORr fob Schools. That
the public schools of the state may be
brought into closer touch with the Ore
icon Historical Society, it has been de
ckled by the board of directors of the
society to publish a leaflet outlining
briefly a number of the principal events
in the history of the state, particularly
relating to events to which only limited
atiention is given in the general histories.
It has been ordered that copies of the
lt-tters of Charles Thompson, secretary
of the Continental Congress in 1774, be
published under the auspices of the so
ciety, which recently caused the letters
to be copied. The sum of $30 has been
appropriated by the . society towards a
bibliography of all works published each
year upon the subject of American his
tory. The society has named a com
mittee to prepare a suitable expression
c.i behalf of the Historical Society in
dorsing the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo
sition. '
Concert at Y. M. C. A. The Dunbar
company gave an entertainment at the
Y. M. C. A. chapel yesterday afternoon.
The auditorium was crowded. "The Old
BriKade," a male quartet, was the first
number on the programme, which closed
with "Sunset." by Van de "Water. The
rendering of "Narcissus" and " A Sun
day Morning in London" on the hand
bells was exceptionally good. Other
numbers were: "Caprice Hungroise
Iunkler,' cello solo by Ralph Dunbar:
"All 1'or You," solo by C C. Robinson;
"There. IJt'tle Girls, Don't Cry," quartet;
"Spanish Dance No. 1." trio, and a char
acter sketch. "Dissertation on Mediaeval
Poetry." by Marry Dunbar.
Cut Down Sandy Hill. The steep hill
on the Sandy road as it rises to Gravel
Hill wlil be cut down about 16 feet, re
ducins the grade materially. The new
branch railway to Rose City Park occu
pies the south side of the Sandy roau,
and it was found necessary to cut this
fteep hill down. Work on the grading
for the electric railway Is progressing
rapidly. At present the branch starts
at East Twenty-eighth street, and later
In the season this branch will be built
down the Sandy road to East Sixteenth,
thence to Kast Davis and then on East
Davis to East Tenth and East Burnside
Trip to Mount (Hood. The audience
last night at the Sellwood Baptist Church
took an Imaginary trip to Mount Hood
under the guidance and direction of Rev.
Andrew J. Montgomery. Rev. Mr. Mont
gomery proved an excellent guide, as he
has been over the route and to the top
of the mountain several times. The oc
casion was a lecture by Mr. Montgomery
on Mount Hood, which he gave in the
form of an Illustrated narrative. He had
a number of fine stereoptieon pictures.
A most Interesting- part of the lecture
wtLs the description of . the glaciers of
Mount Hood.
Rkvivai. Skhvicks at Sellwoot. Rev.
J. El Snyder, of Vancouver, Wash., will
hold a series of special evangelistic
services In the Sellwood Presbyterian
Church? corner of East Seventeenth street
and Spokane avenue, beginning Monday
evening. April 1. The services will begin
promptly at 7:30 with a song service, and
tlie sermon at S o'clock. Rev. Mr. Snyder
was one of -Dr. Chapman's evangelists
during the great campaign of 1P03.
Found Dead in- Bed. John Naycr. aged
TO years, was found dead in his bed at
1 North Fourth street at 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon by the proprietor of
t lie rooming-house, Thomas Furlong.
Death is supposed to have been due to
excessive use of intoxicants. Nayer had
been Hi two days. Deputy Coroner Bald
win took charge of the body. No rela
tives have been found as yet.
Disobeys Court's Oiider. Sid Blumen
thai, of the Empire Theater staff, was
arrested yesterday morning because he
raiiea to appear in the Municipal Court,
as he had promised Judge Cameron he
would do, to answer to a charge of vio
lating the bill-posting ordinance. Bail
was fixed at JIOOO, but upon promising to
regard the instructions of the court,
Blumenthal was released.
Wiluam H. Sherwood the greatest
American pianist, at the earnest solicita
tion of many prominent in Portland musi
cal circles, has been secured for a return
engagement Friday evening, March 22
at the chapel of the Unitarian Church,
Seventh and Yamhill. Tickets can be ob.
tained and seats reserved at Sherman,
Clay & Co.'s Thursday and Friday.
Commander Ward Coming. The secre
tary of Scout Young Camp. United Span
ish War Veterans, of this city, is in re
ceipt of notice that Hamilton Ward
commander-in-chief of the society, is now
In Txis Angeles on a tour of Inspection
of Western camps, and that he will visit
the Portland camps about April 1.
Skventh Day Advextist Conference,
The opening date of the annual confer
ence and camp meeting of the Seventh
P Adventists of the Western O.'e;
Conference has been fixed for May 23.
It will last ten days. The place for hold
ing the meeting has not yet been de
cided on.
Council of Jewish Wombn. The study
class of the Council of Jewish Women
will meet this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
In the Selling-Ilirsch Hall. A paper on
.ludah Ha-l.evi will be presented by
Mrs. Alexander Bernstein, and a briei
talk by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will follow
Educational Department to Meet.
The educational department of the Wo-
men s Club will meet tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
M. Harris. .29 Gllsan street. Important
business will come before the meeting.
and a run attendance is desired.
Dr. Brougher to Speak. Dr. J. Whit
comb Brougher will speak at the Savier
strcet mission tonight. His subject will
be "Climbing the Golden Stair." Carl
Robinson will precede the sermon with
Dr. Hegele, physician and surgeon.
after eight years' practice in Chicago, has
opened oinceg in tne Mucieay building:.
over Woodard-CIaxke's drugstore. Hours
11 to II, 2 to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Phone 4014.
Inspector Wilkib Injured. Inspector
David Wilkle was severely Injured by a
fall of earth while watching operations
on the Brooklyn sewer' at East Twentieth
street. lie was removed to his home,
Ernst. Brau. "Its the beer." Made from
choicest malt, hops and Bull Run water.
Phone Main 70S. Portland Brewing Co.
Credit Mav of experience wanted by
large commercial house. Address R 73,
care Oregonian.
, MRS. Dr. Paul' Cwhwbij. has opened
up a branch office at 431 East Alder st.
Jay H. Upton has moved his law office
to 501 Swetland building.
For Sai.k. Nine-room house, 701 North
fio street. Lot (50x100, , - -
Organize for Fire Protection. A
volunteer Are company will be organized
in the vicinity of the carbarns near Pied
mont for protection of property in lhat
vicinity. This work has ben undertaken
by the Noltra Improvement Association
Apparatus has been promised by the city
to a volunteer company, and next Mon
day jiight the company will be organised.
A strong organization is expected, as
rcany young men have promised to be
come members. An effort will be made
to get the streets improved In that neigh
borhood, particularly Killingsworth ave
nue. Some have advocated hard pave
ment, but this material- is regarded as
too expensive for that district at present.
Some less expensive material will be us;d
if the avenue be improved.
Confesses Theft of Purse. Bert
Foreman was arrested by Detective Ser
geant Jones and Acting Detective Tiche
nor yesterday on a charge of stealing
$8.35 from a residence that is being built
for Mrs. Maude Tiftt at 20S North
Twenty-third street. The young man
confessed the theft. He was employed
by David H. Strowbridge, an East Fort
land contractor, and was sent to the
house with a pane of glass. He saw the
purse lying on a window sill and took it.
Favors Eighty - Foot Street. The
Montavilla Improvement Board passed
resolutions Monday night favoring an
80-foot street for Villa avenue and East
Glisan street from Grand avenue to the
city limits. This resolution was called
out by the action of the street committee
in recommending that a 60-foot street be
established. The club asks the street
committee to rescind Its recommendation
for a 60-foot street.
Improving Street Railway. The Port
land Railway Company is completing a
double track on Milwaukie street between
Division and Clinton streets.
Wooster's positively Gov't, inspected
pay the personal tax on its Portland fran
chise and suit may be filed by the
county to recover the amount. The exact
reason for the refusal to pay up is not
stated. The assessment is 51o,000 and the
amount of the tax J240. Prompt payment
was made on the company tax for
fixtures and equipment, the amount of
tax being ?56.
Every day witnesses the addition of
fronv ten to 15 new members in EilerS
Piano Mouse club sale of fine pianos.
Think of it. Club "A" members now
secure the elegant $230 and i25 pianos
for $178, $146, and as low as $137. Pay
$1.25 weekly or $5 a month if you choose.
But you'll have to hurry. Come- today.
Kilers Piano House, "The House of High
est Quality." Washington and Park sts.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties. 305 Wash., near 5th.-
Son Killed Near Seattle.
A. '-'yler. living near Milwaukie, has
received news of the death of his son,
nelr Seattle. He was a brakeman on
the Northern Pacific Railroad, and was
killed in an accident last Tuesday. The
telegram did not give the details.
Sinn-ankle Country Club.
Kastern and' California races. Take
Sellwood or Oregon City car, starting
from First and Aider streets.
Scenic Photos iobby Imperial Hotel.
100 Magnificent Hugs Sold at a
Tremendous Reduction.
Atiyeh Bros., 394 Washington street, cor
ner Tenth, importers of Oriental rugs
and carpets, wil! dispose of 160 of the
most beautiful Oriental rugs Kurdlstans,
Irans, Belouchistans and Mosuls ever
brought to Portland to the first 160 call
ers at their attractive store, at a greatly
reduced price. Each rug is an- exquisite
example of its kind, a rare bargain at
the usual price; but at this reduction it
v. a rug opportunity not to be missed
by s-hoppers of discernment. The Spring
sh'pment was so heavy this year mat it
wi ( deemed best by the firm to 1 3dii;t-
the stock of these particular makes.
hen the number set apart has been
sold, the price will be raised to that
usually asked. Any rug expert will quick
ly recognize this to be one of the great
est rug bargains ever offered; and those
not familiar with genuine Oriental r ig
values will readily note the difference in
the prices, which are plainly marked on
each rug.
No home is really furnished in artistic
elegance without one of these far-Eastern
masterpieces: and the home containing
one naturally calls for others. An Ori
ental rug is an adornment, an investment,
find will become a priceless heirloom in
your family, passing down from genera
tion to generation.. Call without delay.
For Infanta and Children.
Th8 Kind You Kava Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
BE ALIVE to your own
interests; don't wait until
you're sick or unable to work
to begin to save money. Be
gin now and put your sav
ings, big or little, in this
bank. Let it grow in our
care and get the 4 per cent
interest we allow on top of
your own money. Be alive!
We Pay 4 Interest
Write for our Free Booklet,
"Banking by Mail."
Sixth and Washington Streets,
Portland, Or.
RES0UE.CES, $1,900,000.00.
W. H. MOORE, President.
E. E. LYTLE, Vice-President.
County Will Install 15 0-I.anip Elec
tric System at Once.
Blectric lights are to be installed at
the County Poor-Farm at an early date.
The County Court has decided to make
this improvement and estimates of cost
are now belnR prepared. It will be
necessary to string nearly a mile of
wire. About 150 lamps will he required
to light the various' parts of the poor
farm and county hospital.
At present oil lamps are used and many
of 'the inmates are too feeble to handle
oil lamps with safety. A recent fire
had its origin in an overturned lamp
and a serious accident might result with
out the improvement just planned.
Come direct to Le Palais Royal for
your millinery. Our shapes are the lat
est. Our workmanship the best and our
prices are the lowest 375 Washington St.
Objects to Franchise Tax.
Actins upon advices from the head
offices in New York the Postal Telephone
& Telegraph Company has declined to
The greatest tea-drinkers
are full-bottom Dutch
men. There isn't much
nervous prostration in
A Schilling & Company San Francisco
It makes the toilet something to be
enjoyed. It removes all stains and
roughness, prevents prickly heat and
chafing, and leaves the skin white,
soft, healthy. In the bath it brings
a glow and exhilaration which no
common soap can equal, imparting
the vieor and life sensation of a
mild Turkish bath. All Grocers and
A (12.00 Full Set
for $6.09.
Boom 405 Ilrkum
Bull dins.
Every Vloinan
! interested una laoaia ktiow
fthnntth wnnrlrfnl
MARVEL Whirling Spray
5 nr Tafiiai Brrtegt. ry.
tion and A'tiWtVm. Hwt St.5 .
Mt Mot t onreniflDl.
Art Tht ArwnUt for ft.
If he cannot supply the
MAKVREi. accept no
other, but sand lamp for
Illustrated book TtgtvMI
fnll particular and '1lr jrhoni in
valuable tn ladies. IttJ RVEIi CO.,
LuDavU Drug Cw tor-.
Great Dissolution of Partnership Sale
The Piano opportunity of your life is now before you.
Entire stock of Pianos, Piano-Players and Interior Player-Pianos
must positively be closed out by April 1st.
The many shrewd buyers taking advantage of the great saving
now before them is a fitting testimonial of the genuineness of this
sale, enabling you to get great values for little money.
It will pay you to investigate.
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
372-374 MORRISON ST.
Corner Morrison and West Park Streets
The Harry Wood Market Propounds a Query
Shall Seattle Eat Better MeatsThan Portland?
Blue Stamp Mill 6how Hereafter Whether
Law Has Been Complied With.
The meat inspection ordinance, passed by
the City Council last Monday, was signed
by Mayor Moore yesterday afternoon. The
ordinance will become a law Tuesday.
The ordinance, which was drawn up by
the Board of Health and the health and
sanitation committee of the City Council,
is modeled after the requirements of the
United States Government In its inspection
of meat.
As soon as the law goes into effect every
pound of meat aold In Seattle must be in
spected. Whatever meat comes from out
side, the state is: inspected by the United
States Government. All meat slaughtered
in Seattle and to be used for home con
sumption will be inspected by the city.
The local inspectors will stamp all meat
inspected with blue indelible ink. The
stamp will be similar to that of the United
States Government. Penalties of fine and
Imprisonment are provided for any person
who sells meat that has not been inspected.
All cattle slaughtered here will be sub
jected to an ante-mortem and post-mortem
examination. Cattle belonging to farmers
-of the vicinity and destined for consumption
in Seattle are to be slaughtered at Frye &
Bruhn's abattoir. The charges for killing
are fixt by the ordinance.
J Occasional misleading references are made in local ads.
anent conditions in other Pacific Coast cities regarding Gov
ernment inspection of meats.
f The accompanying clipping from Sunday's Seattle Post
Intelligencer must settle all doubts as to what Seattle decides
best for her meat consumption.
J Government inspection of meats is-opposed -in Portland by
certain few parties for selfish reasons. WE WONDER WHY?
Jf Are the carefully-inspected meats demanded by Seattle too
good for Portland folk? We wot not!
Jf You know what you're getting when you buy at the
Oregon's Best Meats raised, fattened, killed and dressed in
Clean, sweet, tender and wholesome, kept in clean, air-tight
and dust-proof cases.
J Sixteen avoirdupois ounces to every pound weighed on
dependable scales, inspected, tested and sealed, and weighed
by careful salesmen in spotless attire. Suppose you compare
these prices with others round town:
Choice Brisket .... 4
Choice Necks to boil 4p
Choice Stew Meats, 4c
Fine Kidneys , 5c"
Corned Beef 6
Choice Pot Roast - 7c
Choice Sh'lder Roast 7f
Round Steak, Juicy
and tender - - 8c
Choice Sh'lder Stk. 7
Choice Rump R'st. S
Hamburger Steak. .
Tripe 8?
Loin Steak 10
Sirloin Steak 12i2
Small Porterhouse . .12i4
Fancy Porterhouse.l2i
Rib Steak - - 12 l-2c
Fancy "T"-Bone. ..12y2
Delicious R'mp Rstl2io
Delicious Leg Roast.12!
Delicious Rib Roastl2i1
Juicy Cutlets 12io
Veal Shanks, broth. 6
Veal for Stew 8
Breast of Veal 10
Shoulder Roast 10
Legs of Pork 12i,
Pickle Pork .: 12i
Side Perk 12i
Pork Sh'lder Roast.l2io
Pork Chops 121
drains 10
Mixed Sausage 10$
Hams 17$
Breakfast Bacon . . Xiy.z$
Pork Hocks
t P
t i J s
Dress and Business Apparel
IN advance of all other stores we are
showing a selection of Men's high
grade Suits and Overcoats for Spring
and Summer which is complete and of
surpassing magnitude and elegance.
Our prices are. modest our label your
Men's fancy Waistcoats all the novelties of the sea
son; new Vest Fabrics, most exclusive cut and pattern
Todayt according to
the almanac, .Winter
has to move. out. To
morrow Spring takes
We hail ' the in-coming
season with a spe
cial showing of Chil
dren's, Boys' and
Youths' 'Spring Novel
ties in Clothing.
Children's and Bovs'
Suits," $2.35 to $10.00.
Youths' Suits, $7.35
to $20.00.
Men', and Bora' Outfitters,
1S and 168 Third fat.
Uohawk Bids.
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Otv;
Manufacturing an J
Wholesale Druggists
Direct Importers of teavy and foreign, chemicals, French perfumea
and proprietaries, Haarlem oil, Japanese camphor and menthol. Kngilsn
chalk, German hyposulphite soda and chloride of lime in lead-lined
casks. ,
Private switching- track from all railroads to our 'doors.
We invite correspondence.
Conveniently located at Ninth and Hoyt streets, near Union Passengei
1 OUR flf Fit your eyes
S GLASSES Fit your face and I
'AT wt a vc nr i r tLi
DenTer, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Tex.j Portland. Or. "''Ti
1SS Sixth St. FLOYD F. BROWEB, Mgr. I . Oresonian Bids.
Tl.lon scientific
ally corrected. Art I
flclal eyes fitted.
Larsest and Best Equipped Optical ta
lUnutent la Konawest.
Schwab Printing Co.
best rtonr. isowie psices
yE crow because of the suc
cess of our shoes due to
honest methods, honest mate
rials, and .an honest price. Our crow is a
challenge to every "just as good." We are
cock-sure of our claim that the
akes Life's Walk Easy
Call on our agent in your city, or write us
LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc., No. Abington, Mass.' ;.