Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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    XHiS 3lOtJiiiitx UKl-UUMAA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1907.
"Willamette" Sewing Machines-15 Models at Prices From $18.00 to $35.00Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns
Artistic Pictore Framing to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices New Mouldings
Sole Portland Agents for the Celebrated "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses
The Meier 0$b Frank Store
500Prs. 1 6-Button Kid Gloves
$4 Values $2.95 Pair
Another great Easter Sale of Women's Long Kid Cloves
For today and tomorrow a wonderful bargain in 500 pairs
of Real French Kid Gloves One of the best-known makes
Every pair perfect and guaranteed to give satisfactory ser
viceColors are black, brown, tan and a few opera shades
All sizes Full 16-button length and $4.00 value Your
choice while they last at marvelously low price of $2.95-
will fit them for you No mail or phone
orders filled Remember only 500 pairs
Come early if yon want to be reasonably
sure of getting size and shade you want
Complete Stock of Long Silk Cloves New Walking and
Dress Cloves in Every Size, Style and Grade Lowest Prices
Women's Tailored Suits $30
Women's Tailored Suits 200 new, handsome garments, in the very latest fashions and materials, to be,
sold at the popular price of $30 each. These suits manufactured by four of New York's leading Cloak
houses are positively the best value ever offered for the money. Fancy black and white checks, stripes,
mannish mixtures and plain colorings navy, black and red, prettily trimmed in silk, lace and fancy
braid ; Eton, blouse, semi-fitting, tight-fitting and 3-button cutaway styles. The materials are Panama
cloths, serges and fancy tweeds. Perfect-fitting, well made and finished. We place these handsome Spring
Suits on sale while they last at $30.00 each. They would find ready sale at $35 to $40 C'lrt OfV
each. On sale at this phenomenally low price, the garment take advantage. piw.VIVJ
Lace Embroidery
French Cambric Embroidery for wom
en 's and children 's wear, 9 to 12 inches
wide. Best designs. Values .
up to 60c a yard, on sale at, yd.
French Cambria and Eyelet Embroidery,
3 to 5 inches wide. Beautiful designs,
in large variety. Values up to 1
30c a yard, at thejow price, yd.
Special lot of Swiss Bands, designs in
Anglais and blind work, for women's
wear; 6 to 10 inches wide; val- O
nes to 75c, on sale at, the yard."'"'
Special lot of Swiss Corset Covering, in
lace and baby Irish effects. Very pret
ty styles; values to $2 a C 1
yard, at the low price of V r
French Corset Covering, in Rfffs
Swiss and nainsook; $1.25 vals.
French and round-thread Val. Lace and
Insertion, V2 to IVi inches wide; hand
some styles. Values to $1.25 CQ.
dozen yards, on sale at, special. J-''
Women's Suspenders at
$3.00 to $5.00 a Set
Fashion demands Sus
pendersAt the Wo-
men's Neckwear Dept.
we are showing the
largest and prettiest as
sortment in town Vel
vet, lace, silk, ribbon
and embroidered nov
elties in black and col-
ors Prices are from
$3.00 to $5.00 a set
Women's White Em
broidered Collars in
large assortment Eas
ter Neckwear in grand
array AH the newest styles are represented
Men's Siiits $ 1 5 .00 to $35.00
In the Men's Clothing Section, Second Floor, we are showing all the season's very newest fashions
and materials in suits and topcoats hand-tailored garments of the highest grade light and dark color
ings, in the newest designs and there's a saving of fully 25 per cent on what you are asked to pay at the
exclusive clothing stores. Don't fail to see this splendid showing. Clothing Department, Second Floor.
Headquarters for men's black Suits for Easter wear strictly all-wool Thibets and worsteds single or
double-breasted garments, at prices ranging from $15.00 up to $35.00. Clothing Department, 2d Floor!
An immense line of men's fancy Vests in every new, attractive design and material, at prices ranging
from $1.50 to $10.00 each. See them in the Men's Clothing Department, on the Second Floor.
Men's Dress and Tuxedo Suits, equal to the finest custom-made garments. Great values, S25 and $35.
New Easter apparel for boys and young men. An immense display.
The Meier Sb Frank Store
'' Great Sale of
Women's Shoes
$2.35 Pair
Great Easter offering of 1000 pairs of
women's high-grade Shoes, in patent
colt, button, Blucher and lace style,
and gunmetal Bluchers; hand-sewed
walking weight shoes, medium and
high Cuban heels; all the new shapes
and patterns; all sizes' and widths.
Best $3.50 values, for a O 1 Z
few days only, the pair. M"f3J
Misses' and children's kid lace Shoes,
with patent tips and heavy extension
soles, spring heels. Good, service
able footwear at a very low price:
8'2 to 11, on sale at, pair. . . 95
ll'2 to 2, on sale at, pair. . .jgl.Q5
500 pairs boys' School Shoes box
calf, lace and Blucher styles; velour
calf, lace and Blucher styles. Heavy,
double soles. Solid heels, at, pair:
2V2 to 5'2, $2.50 valnespr.Sl.98
13i2 to 2, $2.25 valnes, pr.S1.7S
9 to 13, $2.00 values, pr.$1.48
Easter Sale of
Table Linens
72-inch bleached Satin Damask Table
Linen; best patterns, 1 OSl
great variety, at, yard.f
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen ;
$1.75 grade, on sale for C 1 At
this special price, yard.S HrO
$2.25 grade of Bleached Satin Damask
Table Linen, at, the yard.. $1.83
Great special value in large Satin
Damask Table Napkins, fl Att
best patterns, at, dozen. P4tT J
Grand special values in hand-embroidered
round-linen Teacloths, 3Gx
36-inch ; beautiful styles and quali
ties ; phenomenal values, at, each :
$3.00 values, on sale at, each. $2.38
$3.50 values, on sale attach. $2.98
$1.00 values, on sale at, each. $3.40
$5.00 valnes, on sale at, each. $3.98
$6.00 valnes, on sale at, each. $4.98
Great Sale of
Floss Pillows
1000 Silk Floss Pillows here at spe
cial sale prices. They come in six
sizes, and are the greatest values ever
offered. Take advantage of this sale :
16-inch on sale at, special, each. 24
18-inch on sale at, special, each.32
20-inch on sale at, special, each.38t
22-toch on sale at, special, each.45
24-inch on sale at, special, each.55fr
26-inch on sale at, special, each.65
Complete stock of Blankets and
Comforters, in all grades and prices.
Sole Portland Agents for Famous "La Grecqne" Corsets A Model for Every Figure
Free Instructions Given in Art Embroidery Lessons -Newest Methods-Second Floor
The Meier ik Frank Store
Great Sale f New Ruks
Exceptional values in Rugs of all sizes and grades-New patterns and colorings at
unusually low prices Every house is interested in today's Rug bargains 3d floor
Imported machine-made Oriental Rugs beautiful designs and col
orings. Perfect reproductions of genuine Orientals 5 sizes, special:
16x32 hy Surak Rugs Ea. $ 1.10
36x36 in. Rugs $3.50 Val. $ 2.95
36x63 in. Rugs $6.50 Val. $ 5.35
55x79 in. Rugs $12.50 Val. $10.65
69x99 in.Riigs $18.00 Val. $16.45
500 Axminster Rugs, Oriental and floral 'designs, 27154
inch. Best $2.50 values, on sale at this low price, each.
National Roller-Bearing Carpet Sweepers, nickel-plated,
nickel protection plates on ends; $3.50 values, special.
Sanitaire Carpet Sweepers dust-proof box ; best model.
Regular $3.25 value, at this unusually low price, each.
Misses' .mid Children's White Dresses
A beautiful showing of misses' and children's white Dresses, in linens, lawns, Swiss and fancy nets
trimmed with lace and embroidery; pointed and round yokes; low and high neck; short sleeves, with lace
and insertion trimming; full skirts, with lace and insertion trimmed flounce; also drop skirt. Dainty
styles for dress, party, confirmation, Easter and graduation wear all ages. Prices range all the way from
$6.50 to $22.00, and are wonderful values at these prices. See them, on the Second Floor.
Lace Curtains. $2.35 Pair
$5.00 Couch Covers at $3.85
Special offering of Lace Curtains in two-tone effects
cream grounds, white figures Japanese and leaded glass
designs Large variety to select from -All are 50 ins,
wide and 3 yds, long Regular $3.00 and $3.25 values
on sale today and tomorrow at this spec- fl j j
ial low price (Curtain Dept. 3d Floor) pr.
$5.00 Couch Covers $3.85 Each
Speeial lot of 200 heavy double-faced Couch Covers rich blending of
Oriental colors, 60 inches wide by 3 yards long; fringed all around.
High-class Couch Covers of grand style and quality, tf? Q C
Regular $5.00 values, on sale at this low price, each.KOj
Groceries Sold Here at Saving Prices
Meier A Prank. - Famous Mocha
and Java Coffee, the usual 40c
grade, per pound 23 ti
Durkeo Salad Dressing, small-. lO
Durkee Salad Dressing. med.25d
Durkee Salad Dressing, large. -45
1-lb. can Griffin's Asparagus Tips,
on sale at, special 20
Victor Olive Oil, quarts 75
New California Navel Oranges, per
dozen, great special sale . .30
Keller's Marmalade, per jar..30
10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour. 25c
10 lbs. Rolled Oats for 40
Puffed Rice at, package 10i
1 pkg. 1-Minute Tapioca. .. IOC
2 1-2 lbs. Nun-Better. Yellow
Peaches, on sale at. each,.15i
3 cans Smith Kip. Herring-. .50
1-lb. jar Sheppard Marmalade. 30
2 lbs. Sliced Pineapple for....l5
C. & B. Lucca Oil, quarts. .. .70
2 pkgs. Grape-Nuts for 256
1-lb. jar Chipped Beef 25d
ijfta & pernn s sauce, small. .25c
21 lbs. Granulated Sugar. .81. OO
1-2-lb. can Ijowney Cocoa for. JO
1-lb. can Baker's Ground Chocolate
on sale at, each.....: 28i
3 pkgs. Bromongelon for....25
3 pkgs. Bon Ami for 25S
Sapolio on sale at, bar 7
10-lb. sack Pastry Flour for.30t
"Victor" Flour, "none . better"
great value, the sack. . . .$1.10
1-g-al. can Honeysuckle Syrup. 456
10-lb. sack Yellow or White Corn
meal, on sale at 256
1 lb. Postum or Flgprune. lb..206
1 1 ' J IJ -'I I
1 ' : ;
1 1 .
Superintendent) of Reform Bureau
Says California Is Now Only State
Without Such Legislation.
Dr. G. I Tufts, district superintendent
of th Reform Bureau of the Pacific
Coast, has returned to Portland from at
tending; the Idaho Legislature. While
there Dr. Tufts . gave his attention to
securing the passage of the Sunday rest
bill. Speaking of the new law last night,
ho said:
"The biir was passed by a vote of 33
to 14 in the House ajid IS to 4 in the
Senate. It will go into effect the second
Sunday of May. It is a law which con
cerns the public at large, and contains
many Important provisions.
"It provides that it shall be unlawful
for any person to keep open oh Sunday
for the purpose of any business, any
store, whatever, except hotels and restau
rants for furnishing lodging and meals,
livery stables, stores for the sale of
medicines or sickroom supplies, under
takers, news stands for the quiet sale
and delivery of daily papers and maga
zines. The law does not apply to the
sale of non-intoxicating refreshments,
candles and cigars. The penalty for
violating this provision Is a fine of J35
to ilOO, or imprisonment not to exceed 30
days, and upon a second conviction by
both such fine and imprisonment.
"It also stipulates that it shall be un
lawful to keep open on Sunday any saloon
or place of any kind or description in
which liquors are at any time sold or
exposed for sale: or to sell liquor except
for medicinal purposes; or to keep open
. any theater, dancehouse, racetrack, merry-go-round,
circus or show, concert
saloon, billiard or poolroom, bowling-alley,
varlety-halL or any such place of public
amusement. The penalty for the violation
of this provision is a fine of $30 to $250
for each offense, and Imprisonment not
to exceed ft) days, and upon a second
conviction the revoking of the license
for two years for maintaining such place
of business.
"The law makes It the duty of each
prosecuting attorney, 6heriff. constable,
city or town marshal and all other public
officers of the state to Inform against and
proaecuU all persons ruiltv of violating
this act; and any officer who refuses or
wilfully neglects to do . so is subjected
to a tine of $50 to $o00, and his office
shall -be declared vacant for the re
mainder of his term.
"The enactment of this law leaves Cali
fornia as the only date of the Union
without such legislation."
Sherwood Recital at
Muiiark Hall
Sonate, Appassionata, Op. 57
; Beethoven
Allegro Assai.
Andante con Moto.
Allegro ma non Troppo.
Prelude in B fiat Minor Well
Tempered Clavichord. Book I
No. 22 Bach
"Soiree de Vienne" No. 6
"Traumerei" (Dreams)... Schumann
"En Route" Godard
Barcarolle Op. 60. Chopin
"Preludes Op. 28 Nos. 16-23-24...
. ...Chopin
Dialogue Tschaikowskl
March Op. 91 No. 4 Raft
"Witches Dance" MacDowell
Melody Herman P. Chellus
Exhilaration, Op. 14. No. 8
William H. Sherwood
Isolden'a Liebes-Tod (from Tristan
and Isolde) Wagner-Liszt
Faust Walts Gounod-Liszt
THH Sherwood .recital at Murlark
Hall, following so closely the Rosen
thal concert, did not make the impres
sion it would have done under more fa
vorable circumstances, 5ut was, neverthe
less, deeply appreciated by the several
hundred music-lovers who attended. A
noticeably large number of teachers and
pupils were present, for Sherwood Is
famed as an instructor as well as a mas
ter musician.
The programme was broad in Its scope,
covering the classics and modern roman
tic schools from the time of Bach to the
present day. The swinging rhythm and
military character of "En Route," by
Godard. was in marked contrast to the
capricious -witchery of "Soiree de Vi
enne," .No. S, by Liszt, while the caress
ing loveliness of his touch in the much
admired. "Traumerei" of Schumann af
forded ODDOrtunltV for pharmino llv.
and shade in pianissimo. The original
composition, "Exhilaration." was given
with a dash and abandon that compared
favorably with the classic compositions
on the programme.
Tha contrasting personalities of Rosen
thal and Sherwood were shown In the in
terpretation of the "Appassionata." Op
57, of Beethoven. While Rosenthal gave
a passionate rendition that -was almost
pagan in its wild fury, Sherwood infused
into the notes a resignation that held in
check the emotions.
Sherwood's art is more easily compre
hended by the general public than Rosen
thal's, and is full of suggestion for the
teachers and talented amateurs.
Mr. Sherwood has -been engaged to give
a second recital Friday night, in the
Unitarian Chapel, when he will be assist
ed by a former Oregon pupil, Mrs. Alice
Marshall, of Shedd.
Extreme Heat and Humidity Guth
rie Has 102 in Shade.
GUTHRIE, Okla.. March 19.-AU heat
records of Oklahoma were broken to
day when the registration was 102 in the
shade. The unusual humidity was ac
companied by a stiff breeze. Reports
from all over the territory are of a like
nature. At Oklahoma CUv the mercury
reached 97 and at Thomas 99.
Want New Designs on Coins.
NEW YORK. March lS.-The American
Numismatic and Archaeological Society
approved last night the recommendations
of its committee on coinage in regard to
the issue by the United States of an en
tirely new coinage, artistic in design.
Thevcommittee, of which Dr. George F.
Kuns is at the head, was empowered to
go ahead and bring the society's recom
mendations to the attention of the proper
The coinage committee of the society be
lieves that Congress ought to appropriate
$10,000 apiece to get new designs for each
of the ten denominations included in the
I wish to return our heartfelt thanks
to all kind friends who assisted in the
illness and death of our son and brother.
Oregon Gtj,
These are Smith's retail prices every day in the week:
TO 15$.
Hamburg Steak .
Prime Rib Roast ...
Best Round Steak . .
Sirloin Steak ......
Small Porterhouse ,
Rolled Rib Roast . . .
Beef Rib Steak .... .
Beef Loin Steak . . .
Fancy Porterhouse .
Fancy "T "-Bone ...
Beef Tongues, each .
- 8$
. 10$
. 15$
. 45$
Soup Meat . . . ., 3
Beef Kidneys 5
Beef Stew ............ 5 J
Necks, to boil , 5
Brisket Beef , 5
Oxtails, per pound . . .
Corned Beef r 6
Shoulder Steak 8
Shoulder Roast : ' 8
Pot Roa-1 Beef , 8
Rump Roast Beef. . ., 8 j
Pigs' Heads 5
Pigs' Feet , 5$
Pork Sausage 10 j
Our Own
Here are a few things that we have seen going into the Beef Trust markets that claim to have Government inspec
tion of meats. We will testify likewise at any Government investigation:
First Meats from small East Side butchers. (We have no reason to believe the meat was not good, but never
theless it was not Government inspected.)
Second Hogs from the feeders of Hogtown. (They were not Government inspected.)
Third Meat that was shipped to Seattle and caught in the flood. After lying in closed cars for several days and
getting sticky and slimy it was sent out to the different Beef Trust markets. (It had been Government inspected
about ten days previously.).
Fourth Meats that were Government inspected in Chicago and sent out to Portland to be sold to the public.
And all this time we don't say one word against Government inspection (nor the officials in charge of the bureau
in this city, whom we consider honest, trustworthy men), but we do say a whole lot against those concerns and mar
kets who advertise Government inspection merely for a cloak to carry out a monopoly. They seem to think that Gov
ernment inspection means Government protection They do moi. in a day t discredit Government inspection than
the Nation can do in ten years to build it ujj.
Our Own Pure Lard. . 12
Legs of Pork-.. 12i,
Side Pork1..... 12io
Hams 17io
LAMB 5 TO 15.
LamV Liver ........ ,t 5
Lamb Stew , 6c
Frontquarters Lamb . . 10
Shoulders of Lamb.. 10
Lamb Shoulder Roast 10
Lamb Shoulder Chopsl2i,
Legs of Lamb 15
Lamb Loin Roast. . . .: 15
Lamb Rib Roast , 15
Lamb Loin Chops. . . ,; 15
Lamb Rib Chops. ... ., 15
Lamb Tongues, doz... 30
TO 15.
Pork Sh'lder Roast. .121,
Leaf Lard ..131
Pickled Pork 12io
Our Own Bacon . .
VEAL 6 TO 15.
Veal for Broth ..... .; 6
Veal for Stewing . ... 8
Breast of Veal 10
Shoulder Roast Veal.. 10
Leg Roast of Veal 121.
Veal Rump Roast . . , 15$
Loin Roast Veal. . . : ., 15
Rib Roast Veal , 15
Loin Veal Cutlets 15
Rib Veal Cutlets 15$
Calves' Liver ....... ., 15
Pork Chops 15$
Pork Loin Roast 15$
Pork Steak 15