14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1907. I FOIt 8ALK-KEAL ESTATE. THREE SPLENDID HOMES. Nrw 8-room house, all modern conveni ences, on "Willamette boulevard, M mile from car line; overlooks river, beautiful view; house oUne worth over $:0OO; car pits and fixtures worth $:00 included; a snap at $4000; easy terms. Six-room house, near Knott st.. 1 block from Lower Alblna carline. bath, toilet, etc. : 'fine high lot. Improved street ; con venient to carshnps; cheap at $2."V0. Kour-room house. Miehtgan ave.. 1 u. blnrktt from two carllnes; lot luOxinO, high and lightly, fine orchard and garden; price $JK00. Owner will ieU at a sacrifice If taken f 'on, lot rux 1'Mj on Willamette Heights; this lot Ilea well and curamands unoh innirifd view of cliy, river and moun tain?: only $0O0. AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 5.VJ Worcester Block. Phone Main 2712. SELLWOOD HOMES. $1.100 6-room house, close in. $7O0 2-room house, close in. $s."0 1-room house, two lots. $1 150 0-room house. I'jlOU 0-room house, 2 nice lots, fruit trees, etc.. cn Improved street. $1300 6-roora house on improved street. (IMuO 5-roora cottage, 2 lots. $1400 6-room house, 2 lota. Jlo-tO 3 lots, view of river. $2400 7 -room, modern house. ji.M k 4 pretty lot. S0o0 10( feet square, corner. $065 100 feet square. SELLWOOD TOWNS1TB CO., H. P. Palmer, Mgr. 222 Failing bid. , Main 561. Seilwood office, 165 K. 13th st. Phone bellwood 161. LOOK 11 FEB! I have farms to Hell, 20 to 160 acres each, all in a rapidly developing district, nome with very little improvement and tomo well improved, at prices which are. sure to double in .1 to 6 years; also a few of the best residence properties In Gresham, as well as a number of busi ness buildings paying an Income of 12 to 14 per cent, and vacant lots. Gresham in i:i milea cast of Portland, with one car line finished and another In courne of con 5t ruction. Write, explaining just what you want, and see what I will do for ypu; or, what is better, call and eee me. D. S. JOHNSON, Gresham, Or. $70't TWO LOTS, ALBEUTA ST.; CASH OR term?. S.V Two lots, near Highland School; bar gain. $;,fl00 100 cre. 20 miles from city; SOO0 cords wood, tine land, two creekfi crow property; K. R. through place; good fishing stream; town one mile; worth $ro an acre. $;;:i00 7-room house, good condition; $1000 cash, balance, two years; all modern im provements; lot 2oOx2ou, in the famous Hood lUver Valley. J. II. HEILBRONNER C0-, 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. PRIME INVESTMENT. $l(Vr00 Nearly half block business property on First st. ; four fine houses, corner vacant; an investment that will appeat to the most antiquated moasback. Come and see us. STATU INVESTMENT CO., 118 Abingtoa bldg. TWO VERY CHEAP HOMES. 4 -room cottatre. 2i!x24 feet, with bai ment. lot 30x100 feet, o blocks from car- line; good car service. Price $s.,0. Also 4-room cottage, only 2 blocks from carline. hard finished, full basement, mod ern, 30x100 lot. Price $ir0. ALFRED A. BAKER. 21--21G Abington bldg. FINE 6-ROOM HOUSB WITH FULL LOT. East tith st. North; easy walking distance; price $4000; eai-y terms; a snap. ftOxlOO lot, fully improved, fine 7-room house ; price $:t2o: cany terms. Vixloo, new ft -room cottage; bath, gas and all convenience: a verv desirable place; SPHINX AGENCY. 3n5i Stark st. BUILD) NG LOTS AND QUARTERS IN HOL-lada-'M Add. and IrvlnKton at nriees which hip attractive, cither for a home or for an Investment. Several choice and very desirable homes in Holladay A'lrl.- and lrvington, also some line places un Mast Burnpirie st. SPHINX AGENCY, aoSVa Siark st. A SNAP. loOxlGO located near Harrison st.. Front : three-story brick hotel soon to be erected beside the same, another four-story brick hotel to be erected within one block: ineome $r0 per month: price $i::,.V0. For particulars see F. W. Newell, 60 tith st, 2d floor. SOMETHING GOOD IN ACREAGE. Sightly tract suitable for platting, close In and near carline; can be sold off in lots for double the price we ask for It. Call at office for particulars. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 201 Stark St. BARGAINS & BLOCK FKURER'S ADD. $700. 4 lota Peninsula. J.Vto. ft lots Exeelslor, $7oO. 4 lots Taborwlde. $tft0. 1 lot South Sunnvslde. $600. HAWLEY & HAIGHT. 216 Goodnough bldg. THIS IS THE ONE. 8 rooms. 2-story house, on East Side. 15 minute' walk to Washington and 3d sit. fine corner, everything modern; this- won't keep but a few days; $2oo handles it. THE) VETERAN LAND CO.. 1H&H 3d bt. A HOME OX FREMONT AND UNION. 4 FT. above street level; beautiful lawn, lot 40x12.. 7-room houfe. mortem, wood finer plaster. bath. Ras. closets, basement ; must b &old at once. Price $2H00. Phone Main :10U3. 7-HOOM HOUSE. MODERN, NEARLY new. and full lot: E. 10th. not far from Hroadway car; $32m0. less thnn cash also two lots In Piedmont, S 1'JOO. Cul ver, 6J; Chamber of Commerce. S4M CASH CHEAP CORNER. M8x will only We sold to party who will build immediately. V. P. HARRIS. 800 Belmont, corner East 2."lh. .10n DOWN. $15 MO. NEW" COTTAGE OF rooms, bath, pantry. J2 block earlin--; taken : on debt; $20O cheaper than house can a built; must sell at once. Phone Tabor 570. $21tW NICE LOT AND GOOD 0-ROOM house; gaa, porcelain bath, sewer, good lo cation; income $18 per month; terms. W. O. "Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. $3000 BUYS A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot 100x100. concrete baaement, good barn nd chicken-house, 2 blocks from z caruoeo. Inquire of owner, 034 Rodney ave. 2Mi EACH FOUR LOTS ON WAVERLY Woodstock (arline. 110 feet from niucad an.ired road and car track: high ground fine view. Phone East 4SS7. $2,100 40xl0 AND GOOD T-ROOM houae. E. 17th St., near Morrison; noth ing bo cheap In this vicinity. W. O. Wad del. S17 Lumber Exchange. S4C0 100x100 AND 4 ft-ROOM COT tages. income $43 per month: a good in vestment. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Btark. WELL-BUILT 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, almost new, 100x100 corner, near car, Seiiwood. for less than cost of building, Inquire Zid MarK. $S0O0-SOx00. SOUTH WRST CORNER EAST lt and Oak etf. : fine location for ware house, with trackage. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. $ 1 7. M CORNER LOT. K. COUCH AND 2liE. both streets improved; sewer, water, gas ibis week only. Culver, -' Chamber of Commerce. WE BUILD HOUSES on easy payments; have feme nice plans: can furnish iota if de sired. H12 Commercial Bldg. Main 1940. 10 CHOICF ACRES ON JOHNSON CREEK and O. W . P. carline at a bargain. an duyn & Walton. MS Chamber of Commerce. TI'KKK ACR KS. t'l.K A R Kl ), CLOS K snltrfVle for berry or chicken rarich; nmdivide or trade. 403 Lumber Exchange. in S K R t E N T DOW N A N D E A S Y PA Y in ems will buy yon a good lot on st. .I.diiis car. 7JO Chamber of Commerce. FO U SA LE M ODER N i- ROOM QUEEN Anne cottage: price S23O0; will give terms. Owner. Si7 Vancouver ave. $21o0 ROOM HOUSE AND FURNITURE, on carline. $f75 ca-h, ba'ane ft per cent; tke Moiuavtlla car. f21 Hibhard street. i Have a 5-room cottage at st. .Ton m- trt t on installment., or would rent; nice location. 14 Kurnide st. FoU SALE 2 ON E. 2TTH. tVR. Wash.; l9t0. une-half down, balance terms. N M. Oregonian. S1GHTI-Y QUARTER BlA.'K IN CRKSTON. irv feet facing carline; easy terms. Owner, X 73. Orvgontan. WILL HANDLE ANOTHER FULL LOT In Seilwood; only a few more. 7"o Cham ber Commerce. $7rti W ILT, BUY tiHD 3-ROOM HOVSR AND ,vxi lot. Dodfon liro., 41S Chamber of "ommerre. CORNER LOT. EAST SIDE, ('LOSS IN; only $150; sacrifice. W S3, Oregonian. LOT ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CLOSE In. only $500; wnap. G SI. Oregonian.. JOR SALE -FINE CORNER LOT IN PIEI xnont, $'H. H 7?, OrcaOldan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATK. FIXE DAT RT OR STOCK RANCH. V7 acres. . fine bottom. SO in crop, .to ciover. 2 orchards, good house, 3 barns', living water in every field, good milk-hoiwe. chick en houses. 2 paled-tn garden, on good road. 7 mile'1" from Sheridan, 11 from McMir.n ville; fine road to both places; 70 head of cattle. 5 head of horse. 2."V hog.-, loo angora goat?, lots of outrange, all kinds of wagon?, bug Kits and farming tools and. implements, turkeys, chickens and geese, lots of email fruit; a real snap; all goes for $11,500. Fine 10-acre tract near Rockwood. partly c I eared ; $ 14 oo, $ 200 c sus h , ba lan ce i net a 1 1 ments. Fine Second: house cost $10,000; best buy in town; $12,500; terms. Fine Jot. well (improved, rents $100 per month; $10.5o0; good" terms. Fine yt. Eat 12ih. near Morrison; good building, rent $40 per month. Fine 7-room house. 2 good lots; $1500, $250 cash, balance Installments. Fine East 2t$th, near Stark; $1750. cash. CHARLESON & CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1106. CHOICD VACANT LOTS. 1 ooxl25, comer Grand ave. 'i block, Mallorv ave. $-.o f'j lots, St. Johns carline. $10no Hriixloo, near Union ave. $HmOHx1w, South St. Johns. $7oJ Quarter block, Ainsworth ave. $.Vo Splendid cor.. Ainsworth ave. $1200 l!j acres. 44th St., Woodstock car line. $1"00 lOjixl.Vt, cor. Ainsworth ave. $;i.-0 lOOxl.V), on E. 9th st. North. $1200 i.12tf. St. Johns. Several lots in Excelsior Addition on very good terms. About 20 lots on Lower Albina carline, $50 cash, balance $10 per month. Several nice lots in Rossmier Addition: ce ment walk, streets graded, city water, rang ing in price from $400 and up, on easy pay ments: these lotf are about 1 mile this side of Ro.-'e City Park. OTTO, CROCKETT & HARK SON, 133 fr First st. ATTRACTIVE HOMES ON REASONABLE payments. $470 6-room modern cottage, lot 100x125. $tioon 8-room modern home. E. Stark st. $4)oO H-room modern house, 7th . $::."i0 7-room modern house. lrvington. $325o 6-room modern house; splendid cor ner. ilSOO 6-room house, nearly modern. $:M50 ti-room modern house. I-2."!fU0 5-room modern bungalow. $15'0 New bungalow. lot 120x120. $145o New bungalow, near T'nion ave. 14. Vh") 7-room house, lot 100x150. $H00 5-room house, full lot. $ i s m i 5-room modern house, lot lOOx 100. $HH 3 -room house, lot lOOxH'0. OTTO, CROCKETT & HARK SON, 133 First t. - ACREAGE TO PLAT. 175 acres, nearly all in high state of cul tivation, well fenced and cross-fenced, fine hour;e and barn, running stream of water flows through land, convenient to electric car station; the be.-4t proposition now of fered to plat adjoining similar lands held- at $250 per-acre; our price now on the whole tract onlv $26,500. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Abington Building. OWNERS MOVING AWAY WILL SELL their choice 6-room eolomal home oi East It'th St.: rooms large and nicely arranged; nice stairway; fine large living: room, with fireplace; dirk woodwork downstairs; white enamel bathroom; all modern plumbing: pantry, closets, buffet, all the conveniences that could be put In: fine lawn and rose-; only 20 minutes' walk and handy for car. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Abington bldg. NEW COTTAGE. BUILT FOR A HOME; 5 large rooms, reception hall, hath-room and rear hail: wood fiber plaster, porcelain bath, sink, basin and patent toilet ; tiled bath room and kitchen, hot and cold water, ce ment basement; among costly residences; immediate possession; $2750. $2250 down, bal ance two years. Home Land Co., 145 Vj 1st st. KLAMATH COUNTRY IN OREGON RE- clamatlon service expending $5,000,000 ir rigating 2."O,0'K) acrea. Finest of farming and timber lands. Large cities growing". New railroads through the land. Lots on monthly payments. Send five 2-cent stamps for Illustrated pamphlet. Klamath Development Co., Klamath Falls, Or. FOR SALE !i -BLOCK. BEAUTIFULLY situated, south of Morrison St., Al Im provements; net monthly income $35o; $21.0oo cash will handle it; great snap; must ack quickly. Address F 73, Orego nian. ACREAGE. 62 acres adjoining city limits: all cleared; fine soil; 82 acres in small fruit; Erlce very low; easy terms; you can don le your money on this in a short tlm. W. O. WADDEL, 817 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark. FOREST GROVE RESIDENCE OF EIGHT rooms, pantry and bath, for aale, with fur niture, all new ; if desired; fruit and bf r riets In plenty; flnet roses in grove. In quire owner. 315 Second avenue, or Box 29, Forest Grove. $0.O -DESIRABLE MODERN HOUSE. rooms and alcove, hall, hath, stationary washtubs: corner lot. E. Salmon st.. good neighborhood, is offered a bargain by owner about to leave the state. C S4, Oregonian. - - CHBAPBST i BIjIK'K OX WKST SIDK, AS close in as 2td and Washington sts.; lle nne, not on a hlilsine; good view; cement and macadam, etc.; only $4CKK. or corner lot. $2200. inside $1800; term. W. G. Cox. 2u3 Aliskv bldg. Call 12 to 1:30. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 ALDER st. Real estate, rentals, loans and sura nee. We make a specialty of handling rentals and property for residents and nonresidents. Established 1S72. Mam 1044. FOR SALE: 80 ACRES. MILE FROM Kstacada; good soil, spring branch, gc bunch tie timber and cord wood; price $lt50. $500 down, balance easy terms; this is a snap. Box l.3, Estacaaa. or. 100x100 FEET OF VACANT GROUND ON Williams ave. for sale. This lies south of Russell st.. in coming business district For further information see owner. 268 Stark st. Room IS. $1250 HOUSE OF 4 LARGE ROOMS 1 Brooklyn, in good condition; close to ca some fruit, roses and nice lawn; this l good buy and on easy terms. Home Land to., I4.,j i' rst st. $500 Prospective ou?iness property. East Morrison, between Irtth and 2oth sts.; now improved with two dwellings: income $35 per mo.; terms. . U. waauei, mi Lumoer n $400. Corner lot 50x100. with Improvements. Bull Run water, nicely located. Inquire of Owner. 8th and Sherrett ave., Seilwood. $i5VH) Investment, speculation. Home. Holla- dav Addition, will net 7 per cent. Two fur nished cottanes. Gearhart Park. $400, $9o0. will net 11 per cent. Call or write 2 7th st. HOMESTEADS IN THE WHEAT BELT OF Eastern Oregon. If you are interested call at 42G Blaekistone St., between 21st and 2-d sts., bet. Vaughn and ilon sts. COTTAGE AT SELSILE; MODERN. WELL furnished, electric lighted, sanitary toi lets, bath, .cltv water, etc ; overlooks the ocean. Edgar B. Piper, Oregonian. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN BY APRIL 1 1, acres. S-room house, sightly location, on Oregon City car line; $2500. Inauire 5S0 Ramona ae. Phone East 2122. S1O0O NEW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST 23d Pt.; 2 lots, on corner, cash; lots set to fruit, well-fenced; poultry house in rear. Register & Co.. lOT'-i 3d st. 10-ROOM HOUSE ON YAMHILL AND WEST Park for sa.'e, to be moved off; good house and will be sold cheap. Henkle 6i Harrison, 217 Abington bldg. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE, EAST 2STH st. : new bathtub and tank : $2KHt. Dlckm son. owner, 507 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1MI. BARGAIN 5 ACRES IMPROVED FINE oil: fine fruit, comfortable house, near car Holllster, Commercial blk. 14 FINE LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR CAN be boucht at bed-rock if taken quick. . 0 Chamber Commerce. LOT ON FAST 9TH STREET: IMPROVE- ments all paid; 5oxio0; bargain at $800. owner, it-i .norrisou t. $30Oo NINE-ROOM HOUSE AND UDT Stall 8, fronting Mt. Tabor carline.' L. C. Opdyke, lt2 Last Morrison st. WHY NOT BE YOUR OWX LANDLORD We will assist you to that end. 720 Chamber tommerce. SIGHTLY OUARTER FLOCK IN CRESTON 100 feet taclng carline; easy terms. Owner, X 7;i. Oregonian. WHY NOT BE YO U R O W N LANDLORD We will assist you to that end. 720 Cham her Commerce. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 100 FEET TO CAR $M50. Rents at $13. Owner, 570 Linn Seilwood. SUiHV WORTH M70O. NEARLY NEW voom houAt. J. R. Holllster, 313 Commercial blk. FOUR GOOD LOTS ON MT. SCOTT CAR line; cheap. i20 Chamber Commerce. 5-ROOM COTTAGEl AND LOT. SI 100; $2."0 down. bal. easy, etf Park st. GOOD LOT IN TRKMONT PLACE: aY. 7-0 CJiaiDUtir Com mere. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OVERTON ST.. NEAR 20TH, SIGoO, 33 l-3l . 100. south front, macadam street, cement walk; part time; forced sale. Owner, W. D. Kraley. 214 3d st. JUST THINK! LOTS $20 EACH. AT $1 PER m.-nth, near Salem carline. Aply to owner, W. Reldt, Washington bldg. $100 LOT 62x1 Of). 5-ROOM HtUPE WITH Phed. barn, chicken house and fruit, near Prettyman Station. Q 78, Oregonian. FOR SALEr-SOxlOO ON HALL SI.. 150 FT. west of 14th St.; splendid view without climb; $3600. Owner. 480 Hall st. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. ON Section Line road; suitable for subdividing. B. C. Mathews. 304 Fenton bldg. MODERN HOUSES. ALSO VACANT LOTS In Holladay Park Addition. R, B. Rice, 690 Wasco st. Phone E. 2432. FOR SALE: 35X100 ANT 40X63 ON 17TH and East Buimside. See owner, 545 E. avis st. Phone East 1817. HAVE SOME FINE ACREAGE ON NEW Salem line which will make you money. 7JO Chamber Commerce. $3600 fiOxlOO LOT ON CLAY ST... NEAR 14th; a good buy. Owner, 317 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. A SNAP. $2500 BEATJTLFTTL 6-ROOM MOD em house, fine locality. Apply S2S E. Kelly ct., near 26th st. GOOD CORNER LOT ON ST. JOHNS CAR line at a bargain; terms easy. 720 Cham ber Commerce. HOUSE AND LOT ON MONTGOMERY, near 13th; owner 705 Eaet Stark. Phone East 1559. 100x100. N. W. COR. HOOD AND GAINES sts., $3000. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 Third. FOR SALE-f-1 ACRES ON UNION AVE. ana uiian. write A. tr. ileipie, liar ton. Or. ANOTHER GOOD LOT IN TRKMONT Place, terms easy. 720 Chamber Com. GPHINX AGENCY. 805 1-2 STARK ST.. CAJf sell your business property or resldeac. 1'OR 8 ALE FARMS. FOR SALE SO ACRES LAND WITHIN 5 miles of Burns. Or., in the heart of the best range; about 5 acres only tillable, balance pasture; would only be suitable for a dairy or chicken ranch for the right kind of a hufetlcr; water running on part of this tract from unused spring. Ad dress Box 3, Burns, Harney County, Or.; price $800. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20. 40 OR 80 acres in the vicinity of Gresham, either partly improved or all well improved, don't fall to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co.. as we have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresh am, Or. D. M. Roberts, president. 15-ACRE FARM ON JOHNSON CREEK, RICH land, about 10 acres In straw berries, olack berrles and fruit trees; one acre of early potatoes; cheap. 150 acres very rich land, east of Hubbard in Clackamas County; 8 acres in hops; tine buildings, etc., a bargain. WHALLEY, 613 McKay bldg. FARM. 200 ACRES. 100 ACRES IN 'CULTT- vation, some timber and pasture, all fenced, river bottom laud. 2o acres in alfalfa, close to town and school and rail road; steamboat landing, house and good barn and outbuildings. See owner, for 3 days at No. 4 N. tith st. SEE THIS SNAP BEFORE YOU BUY A little farm. SO acres, 2o under plow and fence; small house and barn, 2 miles from railroad station, running water and well; price for a few days only $1030. F. T. Berry, 4 North . Sixth at. DO YOU WANT A FA RM ? I HAVE 50 acres, mostly cleared and cultivated; ad joins Valley townsitc; R. R. ; fine school, churches, 7 sawmills near; buildings- worth $2000; price $2500; choice buy. Inquire 243 Stark stpret. IF YOU WOULD LEARN ABOUT THJB great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 centa (silver or stamps) for our 32-page booklet. Address Flathead Reserva tion Information Agency. Missoula, Mont. 0 ACRES. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND, river frnt. all tile drained. cleared cherry orchard, grapes, or will sell 10 acres river front; will make finest rock quarry In Oregon. W 7, Oregonian. 220 ACRES IN HEART OF VALLEY. 160 clear: cood dairy or hop ranch: will sell whole or divide; terms; also 5 and 10-acre tracts close to town. McDonal & Lew 7'i First st. FOR SALE: 5 ACRES. ALL IN BEARING fruit: Rood S-room house: Rood outbuild lngs; close to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. 6to st. Phone racmc xvtsz. 160-ACRE RANCH NEAR ESTACADA easily cleared and cultivated, running water: worth twice the price; fine limit land. Inquire 243 Stark. 24 ACRES, ABOUT HALF IN CVLT1VA- tion. 0 miles from Portland: will rent cheap on easy terms to right party. 32: Stark st. FOR SALE KLICKITAT VALLEY WHEAT land from f 1 1 per acre up. Apply to kiick- 1 1 a t Keai f2state company, uencervi iifl Wash. rOK SALE TIMBER LANDS. THR LAtlEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding ft. Our reports are prepared - in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him befora he Visits the tract Twenty years' experience, and the client aee we reDresent. is & sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may waote your valuable time in looking ud the tract vou want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Lumber Exchange. Seattle, Wash., Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. IT WILL PAY BUYERS TO SEE US FOR good investments in timber lands, be cause we keep in touch with all "live. propositions and secure them from first hands; we examine and furnish intelli gent reports on all worthy propositions-, we are sellinc tracts all the time and keep posted on values; we act as brokers in bringing buyer ana souer togeiner. ror quick sales and profitable investments see 406-7-S Swetland bldg., oth and Wash. 40.000.000 FEET FIR TIMBER. WITH COM niete sawmill and logging outfit, now work ing; profits $JiH per day; $00,000 if taken soon: other timber close; being near Colum bia River, strikes don't bother, as this- mill pays' big wages. McFarland Investment Co., 310-312 Swetland bldg. MR. TIMBER BUYER. 0000 acres of timber In solid body. mile to R. R. and river, cruises aiO.OOO.OOO price $33 per acre; if you want to double your money ana mean ousmess. can. F. FUCHS. 221 i Morrison Street. Can lrcate parties on good fir timber claims (71 aim a are on a river; win psumais from 3.000.000 to 6,000.000 per 1H0 acres; locating fees $200. For further informa tion address H. K. Haak. Eureka, Cal. ISO ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND FOR sale Lane County on and near logging stream: estimated 30.000 per acre; price $ooo, if taken promptly. S Oregonian. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS Large and small tracts: on water and rail: $4 up. Send for lUt. E. R. Chandler, 407 Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C. WANT TRACT OF FIR TIMBER FOR CASH: three to five hundred million; give general description and price first letter. X 72, Oregonian. CHEAP S. tfU 'i-SECTTON 10. TOWNSHIP 12 N.. range 0 W. Owner. George A. Mc Neil. IIO N. 4th .t. FOR WEST FARMS. HOMESEBKERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR irtmst to correspond with Mr. Warren . Niehols, of Eugene, Or. Land to rent at usual rates; good opportunity to look around before locating. CHICKEN RANCH FOR RENT NEAR KEL go. Wash. : good 5-room houe. bam. 10 acres cleared; some fruit. Your pwn terms. Charleson & Co.. 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1116. 10-ACRE ORCHARD. 1O0 FEET FROM CAR line; reliable person can have use of fruit for pruning and spraying: for one season. Phone Main SOL 24 ACRES. ABOUT HALF IN CULTIVA tion. 6 miles from Portland: will rent cheap on easy terms to right party. S22Vs Stark st. FOR RENT SO ACRES 124 MILES FROM Portland: 75 acres cleared. 50 acres plowed. Inquire of owner. 108 Second ml.. Portland. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES. ORCHARD, berries, timothy, 3 miles to depoL Mer- WANTED REAL ESTATE. AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY FOR DEN- ver capitalists 50 to loo acres in or near Portland, suitable for immediate subdi vision ; it must have the points necessary for a desirable residence section. Write me for interview. II. C. Baldwin, the Nor tonla. 14th and Washington. WE HAVE A CUSTOMER FOR ANOTHER .1 or 6-room iome on easy terms; also anothtr good lot near Piedmont. 720 ChamLer Commerce. OWNER, WILL YOU SELL? I WANT home. East Side, west of 10th. between Burnside and Hawthorne ave. L 73, Ore gon! an. WANTED GTLT - EDGED BUSINESS property. $.j0,000 to $75,000; want to deal with owners only. V 79, Oregonian. WANT A GOOD LOT ON THE WEST Side for residence. Must be sightly and in good district. V 71. Oregonian. WANT RESIDENCE. 7 OR 8 ROOMS. CLOSE in. West :de prefcrrn; cash deal only, 'with owner. Address B 72. Oregonian. PARTY WANTS HOME. WEST SIDE. BE- tween Columbia and Washington; owners only. B 74. Oregonian. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property: $2000 to $lu,O0O; no agents. D 3. Oregonian. WANTED BUTLDLNG LOT OR HOUSE ON Portland Heights; wish to deal with owner. 247 Ankeny st. WANT GOOD IN'XME OR FUTURE Busi ness property; $2000 to $15,000; no agents. I 63, Oregonian. OR 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FUR ninhed or unfurnished, . with yard, in flrst clawj location. V 75, Oregonian. WANTED LINNTON, SOxlOO. LOT ON 1ST cr 2d st.. Ltnnton; owners only. A. 4. Oregonian. From owners, fractional lot or small modern house and lot, close in. easy terms. M. 11. Or LOTS IN WILLAMETTE 13314 First St. ADD. STATE Land Co., TO EXCUAXGE. EXCHANGE FINE SUBURBAN HOME, S rooms, all modern improvements, with windmill, barn and three-fourths acre of ground set to fine shrubbery; $8500; will exchange for inside residence or- business property or equity In same. Apply to owner, Edward F. Cannon, Archer Place, Jit Scott motor line, or 309 McKay bldg.. Third and Btark sts. WE HAVE A GILT-EDGE HOTEL PROPO- Uion wo w.i!l exchange for city property or take mortgage for difference. P. L Aus tin - Co.. Original Hotel Brokers. 122-126 Abington bldg. TWO LOTS. KERN PARK. ONE LOT EDEN Park, 8 lots Chicago, .III., timber claim 1 mile from Columbia River, lor Portland realty. N 82, Oregonian. I WISH TO TRADB EITHER A LOT OR A small mortgage for a good buggy horse, weight about 1000 lbs. 184 Burnside st. FIVE ACRES CLOSE TO CAR FOR A house and lot not far from car. 720 Chamber Commerce. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A Busi ness lot on the carline on the Penineula? Owner. 3G7 6th. FROM $1000 TO $0000. VACANT PROPER- ty for business or improved, by owner. X 83. Oregonian. SO ACRES TO EXCHANGE. HOUSES OR rooming-house or lot. McDonald & Lewis, 1k 1st. ONLY $275 FOR A FINE CHICKEN 374 1st St., Portland. ranch of 40 acres. WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. All klnd, including approved forest reserve crip ror surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. Abington bldg. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or man iracia. spmax Agency. auoVb Stark. FOB SALE Horses, A'ebJcIes, Etc. TWENTY HEAD OF DRIVING, DRAFT, delivery horses and cheap farm mares, all sizes and prices; also rubber tire run abouts of all kinds; all kinds of single and double harness, light, and heavy; stock and "military, saddles; one very fine saddle pony, cheap. Oregon Stables, 14th and Burnside sts. FOR SALE OR TRADE--FULL-BLOODED imported registered Clyde stallion. years oiu. weignt -'mo ins.; color bay; can show good 1 and 2-year-old colts. Address Box 225 urass vaJiey. TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wagons, express wagons; runabouts, horses. vehicle and harnew of all descriptions for aie or rent. iniDeri & Wall, iiWtt ourtn st. New grocery. laundry, bakery, milk wagons. iw secona-nana venicies; single, double fur nlture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tomllu eon &. Casslday, 211 Wash. Pacific C07. $12., BUYS PAIR OF HORSES AND HAR- ness: team are good workers every way harness is new. Call 23 N. 34th St., ask lor ray s team. WANTED TO BUY EASY RUNNING trap for single horse with extra Jump- seat; also American saddle. Phone Main 1535. HORSES FOR SALE 10 SPANS. 1100 TO IOOO pounds. 4.MI Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. Xnqulr 369 East Washington. DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE W. J. Kelly. Overland Transfer Co., Stables, 5th ana unsan. 30 HEAD HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE. Hubert & Hall, 2t6 Fourth St., near Madison. FOR SALE OIL WAGON AND TEAM AND route, cail at . Morrison st. Pianos. H ER kV S A S N A P A SMITH & BARN ES piano, $140 paid on contract: can have ac count for $50; can be seen any evening after 7 o'clock at 26 N. 17th st. A GOOD PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. IN- qulre 005 N. Fillmore st., St. Johns, Or. Miscellaneous. AN ABSOLUTE FACT, THAT THE DOL lar, at 232 1st does sell new and good as new furniture ; stoves, and almost everything for the home, at a much less price than many others. Get his prices ana you win save money and time. $ $ 232 1st at $ $ $ FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL liard and pool tabdes; easy payment; we rent taoies, with privilege or buying; moa era sar nxures; cneap prices, ttrunawtcic Bal We-Col lender. 49 3d at. FOR SALE. $1 EACH 50 TIMBERS. 6xl4x 24 feet and 6x14x30 feet, old, but good and sound; situate at 309 Holladay ave. Inquire on premises before S A. M. after 6:30 P. M. CHEAP. NEARLY NEW. 1906 MODEL K. WInton automobile; If taken at once will sen xor nearly nan price; fully guaranteed. a a areas m 40. uregoman. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances u?ed in a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe. 2i5 Washington st. Apply to Sam Yigneux. FOR SALE CHEAP SHORT-TURNED. LOW bed light prlng wagon, suitable for berry wagon. 360 Ease Washington. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES and merchandise. Phona Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. 14 BENCHES WITH BACKS AND ENDS. well made, price low. 275 22d st. North, Phone Main 1091. 10-FT. FRENCH RANGE. STEAM TABLE and kitchen outfit, will sell cheap. In quire 201 Stark st. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BEHNKE Walker Business College at a discount. L 65, Oregonian. 4 LAUNCHES, 42 FEET. 32 FEET. 30 FEET and 26 feet, for sale at bargain. 1S3 Moa rieon st. MJing picture machines, stereoptleons. re pairs, slides to order. Stevens. 160! 4th. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TOP SECOND band grocery wagon. Inquire 420 Belmont. FOR SALE FORD AUTOMOBILE, TWO eeatsv. H. H. Hcmbree, 2S9 Russell st. IdOTORBOAT HULL. 32 FEET LONG, CA pable of speed. Phone East 3630 HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. SPECIALS. Cook and 2 helpers or man and wife and 2 helpers, to run kitchen and dining-room of a locking camp, about 1 men, $225 a month and everything furnished. Camp cook. S75: second-class hotel cook. $; Ut camp flunkey p. $-": second camp cook, $40; kitchen help and dishwa-hers "iiy and country, $30 and found, $7. S and $1. a we.-k. Stenographer and typewriter, country, Draftsman. $r. Donkey engineer. $3.,V. woods: hook tender. $4.,r0; fallers. $3.50: river drivers, $2.ro and board; axemen. $3 day. Man to contract to put through a acwer tunnel. Manv Others. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES 26 North Second st. 200 Bumslde st. NOTICE TO OLD PATRONS. Owing to the increase In business, we were compelled to seek a new location, where we could have -more room, and are now located at 21 N. Second st., around the corner from the old office. In the iam building and the same phone number. We have hundreds of jobs too numerus to mention. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. Phone Main 3074. 21 N. Second at- WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY. ABLE-BOD- lea unmarried men, between ages or -1 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULY treated; dischargee positively cured in from .3 to 6 days; consultation froe and strictly confidential; send for our symp tom blank. X-radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder at.. Portland. WANTED STAVEBOLT CUTTERS. wages $1.50 per cord; good board, steady work; timber, yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Stearns bldg.. Portland, or Houlton. Or. MEN OVER 20, NOT AFRAID OF WORK, to prepare for work in the custom-house. Apply in own handwriting, PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS. McKay bldg.. City. A YOUNG MAN WANTED, OVER 18, TO preparo for railway mall clerk; no experi ence. Write at once. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED FOR BECK WITH. CAL.. ON Western Pacific Railroad. 500 tunnel men, machine men, $4; helpers. $3.50; muckers, $2.50 and $3 ; foremen. $4.50 and $5 ; car penters, $3 to $4.5u; skinners, $3; board $5 per week; two-year Job. WA NTED FOR TH E COEU R D'ALENB mines, machine men, $:i.50; timbermen, $4; millmen. $3.50; 8-hour day; accommodations first-class, good tehools, country prosperous. Apply to John L. Bayne, Wallace, Idaho. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN 9tb to $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; sure, steady work: no canvassing; experience unnecessary. Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate. LockporL N. Y. YOUNG . MAN OPPORTUNITY FOR AD- vancement; take up preparatory course for civil service positions. Investigate. West Coast Correspondence Schools. 714 Chamber Com. Call or write for free booklet. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR SI PER MONTH agamtn. accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 31 Mallory bldg., 266 Stark. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors: cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges, 33 North Fourth atreet. Portland. WHY OO TO WORK WHEN I CAN GUAR- antec you sso to $00 per month doinc nothing? Money required, $.00; part down, balance to come out of business. Mr. Wilson, 304 Alisky bldg. PACIFIC STATIONERY ft PRINTING CO., 205-207 2d st. Phono Main 921. We design and Install the most modern and approved office systems. Complete Una loose-leaf Cling devices. FOR 50 CENTS WILL DELIVER OR SEND recipe to make genuine Mexican tamales; you know then what you are getting when they are home-made. D. D. Rich, 784 Roosevelt st. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANTS several young men to learn the business also one who Is thoroughly familiar with the streets of Portland. Apply to the fau perlntendent. KELSO EMPLOYMENT & REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land In Cowlitz County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Bixby, Jr. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optica, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed: money made learning. Watchmkg-EngVg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. SeaUl W A NTED PA RTN ER IN WK L.L- EST A B lifhed real estate office; have large lisrt. of property anl more work tnan two can nan die; price $300. Cor. Fifth and Salmon ss. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electrical trades: free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne Trade bchoois, Mew xorlc and ban rran. GOOD, STRONG BOY, 16 TO 18 YEARS OF age. for work in mailing department; good opportunity for bright boy. Call Pacific Monthly Pub. Co., 13' .Washington st. WANTED BOY TO MAKE HIMSELF useful around store at J. C. Schaefer & Co., merchant tuilors. rooms 10 and 11, Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. BARBER A SNAP. GOOD PAYING TWO- chair shop, furniture worth $L0; perma nent location; sell on. time, $."0 down, $2o per month. 203 3d, near Taylor. WANTED 15 EXPERIENCED MEN FOR cash and door factories, out of the city, top wages, no strike on. Inquire Lumbermen's ' Labor Bureau, 12 North 2d st. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS FOR CITY Advertising contracts cashed, theatrical programme." Elks' Magazine; permanent. 003 Goodnough bldg. t FEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OK ganizers, either male or female, can And lucrative employment by calling at room 005, Commercial bldg. WANTED MAN WITH $:S00, WHO WISHES a first -class business location; 2 yeans' lease: renrt only $25; showcase and fixtures. 383 Morrison st. WANTED -i EXPERIENCED STENOGRA pher and bookkeeper for mining office; references required. Address P. V. Cooper, Biackbutte, Or. SALESMAN FAMILIAR WITH CHINA, tov and notion lines, willing to travel; give experience and reference; stare salary. H 73, Oregonian. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DRAFTSMEN. TNSTRU ment men "and rod-men for immediate employ ment irrigation work. Call room 307 Tilford building. EXCELLENT OPENING FOR GOOD ME chanic who can invest $1000 in manufac turing business. Address O 82, Orego nian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter; must be good striper and finisher. Pullman Auto Car Company, 6th and Ever ett. DANCING LESSONS, 25c, private and classes, taught daily. Prof. Wal Wilson, offices and academy. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. C H A NCE OF A LIFETIM E W ANTE 1 Man with small capital for fine traveling . show; profits $20 daily. X 71. Oregonian. SALESMEN WE HAVE GOOD PERM A nent positions for first-class men in several of our departments. Olds, Wortman &. King. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 209 Alisky bldg., or phone Main 393L Clerks Registration Bureau. MEN FOR MILL AND WOODS APPLY AT mill: come by way of Claremont Tavern or Bea.ven.on. Union Logging A. Lumber Co. WANTED SIX MILLWRIGHTS TO GO TO Coos Bay. Or. ; new work. Inquire Lum bermen's Labor Bureau. 12 N. 2d st. COM PETENT ENGINEER FOR MANUFAC- turin? plant. Apply in person. Western Baking Co., East Third and Davis sts. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesman, no other need apply. Refer ences. P 46. Oregonian. WANTED APPRENTICE IN DRAUGHT ing department of Willamette Iron &. Steel Works. Apply at office. WANTED AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS BAR ber. $16 per week guaranteed. Commer cial Baths. Astoria. Or. THE MARQUAM GRAND BARBER SHOP uesiys the services of 2 first-class bar bers r $15 guarantee. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE salesman : no amateurs need apply. Gevurtz & Sona. 17:; Finst st. WANTED BOY TO LEARN TRADE. Co lombia Wire & Iron Works, 308-370 East Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. WAXTFD COMPETENT FIREMAN TO attend oil -burning boilers. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. Or. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TIN AND sheet i ron worker. A pply D. F. Doherty, 1 ."ih St.. Vancouver. Wash. W ANTE D CO ATM AKER. SECOND-CLASS bill; also bushel man. Holbrook & Leveen, - 47 Steam block. V 1 1 IfiT -CLASS CO ATM AK ER. B EST prices, permanent job, at once. Jensen, The Dalles. Or. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR. - good - retoucher only; steady. Cutbertli, Di'kum bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS; references required. Inquire room 200. Ore gonian bldg. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. ABOUT IS YRS. of age to run a machine. Apply at 308 Davif tdreet. WANTED ALL AROUND BLACKSMITH. Inquire Crandall, ItH's Union ave., East Portland. W ELI .-EDUCATED MAX WANTED TO - work as mercantile agency reporter. A S2, Oregonian. PHYSICIAN WANTED FOR GOOD Posi tion: must have $2000. Address M 79, Ore gonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HORSESHOER; wages $3.50 per day. 124 North 7th St., city. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM hers. Special membership. $2. Y. M. C A. WA NTED STEA DY. EXPER I ENCBD MAX to drive bakery wagon. v 82, Oregonian. Young Man desiring to better condition- Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. (J. A. SOLDER ERS WANTED APPLY TO PAC- clfic Coat Biscuit Co., 12th and Da via. WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 17 YEARS of age. Mt. Hoot factory, Couch st. E ALES MEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial Block. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN AN OFFICE; chance tor aavancement. Apply yo 1st at. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch St. Moler Barber College. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nicoll the Tailor. 108 Third street. GOOD 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE cheap. Call ZtM rast Morrison. BOY WITH WHEEL, $7 WEEK. GEORGE A. McNeil Co., 110 N. 4th st. TAILOR WANTED TO PRESS, t Stark- St. Tailoring Co.. 03' WANTED BOY TO DELIVER ON BIKE. Call 413 Washington st. WANTED TWO BOYS, ABOUT 17. 55 Front, corner Davis. BOY WANTED AT XAU'S DRUGSTORE; must have wheel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for ail kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate jou on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S434 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED YOUNO GIRL TO ASSIST AT nousework. .with opportunity of learning dressmaking; no Sunday or evening work: sleep home; family conelsts of man and wife; wages $10; references. H 81, care Oregonian. WILL PAY $25 PER MONTH TO CAPABLE girl, with chance for advancement, as sten ographer, in real estate office: duties easily learned. Answer, own handwriting, M S2, reg-onlan. CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESS (SPRINGS). 3 0 city waitresses. 3 Hood River, $25; house Keepers, domestics, cooks, dishwashers, child nurses. "Drake's." 205 Washington. WANTED PERSON OF EXPERIENCE TO post small set of books fn machinist shop one or two evenings a week, or can take them home, w 73, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on ahlrts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 3 Grand ave.. and EJ. Taylor at. STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG MAN. MUST BE competent and experienced. Good chance to atvance in large medical concern. $15 per week to start. X 6&. Oregonian. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES experienced alteration hands .for its cloak and suit department: steady work and good pa j 10 experiencea people. A T1 KH" l?IRST.Ct.iia TTT T rr t x- T i-r Kanizere, either male or female, can nnd lu rative employment by calling at room 000. commercial Diag. WANTED EXPERIENCED PTENOGRA pher and bookkeeper for mining office; referencoa required. Address P. V. Cooper, SALESWOMEN WE3 HAVE GOOD PER MA nent positions for first-class saleswomen in several of our departments. Olds, Wort man & King. WANTED LADIES. SHORTHAND AND ii:ipgrainj : very proh table profession ; pe- lumyn. oresgn couege, oo common wealth bldg. , LADY TO QUALIFY FOR A PfiSTTiriM v. ing $800 per year; paid while learning: oorne nwwieugo vi munc required, x -5U, uregon lan. APPRENTICES FOR DRESSMAKING: GOOD eewers paid while learning. Apply 2i0 ddievy jUx oii imam ave. u car. WANTED RESPECTABLE WOMAN UN der 40; housekeeper, widower on farm; Ger man preferred. 230 & Yamhill. Main 01:!. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS r-OOT-: second girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis sanies Agency, ZoU lamhiil. Mam 5113. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO jrn.ru snirxmamng. Apply standard irao- wiy, a urana ave. ana m. layior sc. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A CAPABLE Kin or woman, noueeworn. small town wagew T30. 23014 Yamhill. Main 5413. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phons Main 2692. WANTED GOOD COOK AND TO HELP care tor two small children; Swede pre f erred. Apply 401 la 12th st. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR OFFICE work: must be quick and accurate at figures. Auareiss a. u, uregoman. STRONG GIRLS FOR CANDY FACTORY good wages; permanent. George A. Mc iseu co., iiu j. 4tn st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 5b6 Hoyt street. pnono Aiam Jiio. YOUNG GTRL TO ASSIST IN : LIGHT housework, can sleep at home If preferred, Phone Main Jt4. WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN GENERAL housework; good place. Phone East CStil 40 Thompson, st. GTRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WfR V. Small family, washing , and ironing sent oui. .nam otQ- WANTEO WOMAN TO HELP CARE FOR old ladles. Apply Patton Home, &75 Aiicnigan ave. COM PET E NT GIRL FO R GENERAL liousi-work, family of 2. Call mornings, vj - isi st. GIRL FOR DRAWING. BURNING. PAINT. ing, designing and lettering. Address E i0. oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS PANTRY WO man and " chambermaid. Hobart-Curtla, 14th ana iieuerwn. GIRL TO IX LIGHT HOUSEWORK. TAKE rare of child; good home, good pay. 3o9 bherman st. WANTED GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply after 10 o'clock. 29 X. Park, near Couch. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wages. Apply 3iU 10th St. WANTED AN INEXPERIENCED STENOO ra-pher to atart at minimum salary. 217 Til fora nidg. TWO APPRENTICES City Millinery Co., Tenth. AT 403 ONCE. ROSE Morrison, near GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. Apply 233 North - 21th st. WANTED GIRL TO TEND OFFICE AND telephone. fctar Transier to. i, ore gonian. DANCING LESSONS. 25e WILSON'S School. Alisky bldg.. 34 ana Morrison sts. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, BY elderly lady; no family. Apply i47 7th. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD PAC- tory. z Grand ave. ana uast 'J. ay lor sc. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A COMPETENT CASHIER. Must have best references. K, 82, Orego nian. 270 tiTH PT., WANTED AT ONCE GOOD cook, none other need apply. Phone Main 2:il. WANTED GIRL ABOUT 10. ATTEND L1T tlc girt of 6 daytime only. bOl Dckum bid. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK IN. wnall family; good wages. 344 Salmon t. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work, small family. 8SI Melinda avenue. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: three in family. ttiC Everett M. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 729 Hoyt st. EXPERIENCED COOK. SOME HOUSE . work; good wages. 777 Flanders st. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. 28" N. 21st st. MARKER AND ASSORTEP.. CHERRY'S now laundry. La Grande. Or. WANTED TA1L0RESS FOR REPAIR work. 312 4 Aider St. Harris. A GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. 500 Taylor at. SHFRTMAKKRS WANTED. JACOBS SHIRT Company. 2814 Stark street. WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN KITCHEN. 223 11th st.. The Ozark. GIRL FOR DRAWING AND PAINTING. 102 North 6th St., upstrairs. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 301 7th st. COCK FOR SMALL FAMILY. 236 KING st. Phone Main 2511. WANTED LADY TEACHERS, to 12. 4U Mill st. APPLY m GIRL FOR STORE, LIVING AT HOME. Apply 223 1st st. WANTED 2 WAITRESSES AT THE NOR- ton. 153 12th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. REFINED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TC take part in lodge dramas; give telephone. G 73, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. GERMAN, wants a position as shipping clerk (II possible in brewery or timekeeper; be.it references. G 73, Oregonian. POSITION BY A THOROUGHLY EXPERl- retall grocery house; has best of references. Adareea V 54. Oregonian. BOO K KEEPER E M PLOY ED O N R-H A LF day wants work the other half. C 82. Ore gonian. SEVERAL EXPERIENCED YOUNG MEN A3 retail cigar salesmen, o Hi, Ortfontan. Miscellaneous. GOOD PRACTTICAL GARDENER WILL RE free on April 1 to take charge or garden, lawn, work around bouse, and if necessary, driving horses and cow; references from present and past employers. Address- H 83 Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAM furnish -domestic servants, farmers aiso; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Evsrstt. SITUATION WANTED BY STATIONARY engineer In or out of Portland; 5 yeary experience. Q 73. Oregonian. YOUNO MAN RECENTLY WITH CANADl an realty company wants position. S bl, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAWN AND shrubbery properly attended to, pbon East 2O04. SITITATION WANTED BY A COLORED boy to do dishwashing. Phone Main o227. PIANO PLAYER WANTS WORK ni ngs. M hi. Oregonia n. SITUATION WANTED-i-FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED COMMERCIAL OPERATOR. Underwood or Remington, desires permanent place. Hours 9 to 6. Pacific 2059. Finst-clasa Public Stenographer Miss Younge, 303 Lumber hxenange bldg. Main S719. Drestm a krra. SEWING AT HOME SUITS OR WAISTS; prices reasonable. 2?S 14th st. Phone Mala 6021. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER. 290 Halsey st. Phone East 580 4. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLOR 3- Z42 otn and Main. Pacific vs2. Nurses. A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED NURSE wishes t position to care for child or at ladies' 'maid; good seamstress. J 71, Or egonian. NURSE WITH HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE wishes position. C 71, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE WITH 2 YEARS' hospital training. Tel. Tabor 200. Domestics. GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework in small family. Call from 10 to 4 P. M. at 332 Salmon sL COLORED GIRL WISHES POSITION A chambermaid or waitress. Phone Main S142. Housekeepers. A WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper in hotel or rooming-house, or a head chambermaid; is thoroughly experi enced, having been hotel housekeeper fot two years. T 73, Oreeonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED COLORED WO man. laundress or any kind of day work Main 3227. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WOULD LIKE EM ployment part of day.. T 71. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to sell beat crown nursery stock on the Coast, including Burbank's new pitless plum. Miracle; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. MONEY! MONEY! ADVANCED EVERY week to our agents. A full line. Including up-to-date specialties. Write for free can vassing outnt. Capital City Nursery Com pany, Salem. Or. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN THE MARKET 100 monthly and commissions to good men; see us. Conservative Mutual Llfs Insurance Co.. Elks' bldg. WANTED Photograph and portrait ageats; grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, room ing-houses, ate. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 34 aad Oak. Phon Exchange 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at ones, Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phon Male 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND 2 or, 3 rooms in private family, modern house, by man, wife and boy 6 year. J 7lt, Oregonian. APRIL t THREE OR FOUR-ROOM MOD ern flat, unfurnished, within seven or eight blocks of 12th and Washington. Box 47. WANTED TO RENT MODERN. 7 OR 8 room houpe. West Side: willing to waU un-' til house can be built. W fcS. Oregonian. WANTED LARGE lisht housekeeping, month ; references. ROOM, CLOSET, central, by 28th "2 72. Oregonia WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED SM ALL hotel, good live town; state number ol rooms and terms. P 7-1, Oregonian. JAPANESE GENTLEMAN WANTS SUNNY, nice room with board In private family. Apply by letter to 447 3th st. WANTED TWO OR THREE UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms near depot on West Side. Call Main 2887. WANTED OR 4 FURNISHED HOU8B keeping rooms in Hotman School district. Address V 81. Oregonian. WANT FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Gearhart for the season by responsible party. Addrees C 62. Oreeonian. WANTED A MODERN HOUSE. 7 TO $ . roopis, reliable tenant. S 78, Oregonian.