THE MORNING OREGOMAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 190T. 13 A. MUST ViORK OR STARVE KELJA BUTTE STRIKERS OX HORNS OF DILEMMA. (Urgc Themselves on Hearty Meal, Then Quit Work Are Given, Sup per of Bread and Water. Starvation la the club the County Court will use, as , strike-breaker at the Kelly Butte rock quarry. Some 55 county pris oners, infected by the run of troubles on the outside world decided to have a little p'rike of their own yesterday forenoon. Thpy very judiciously waited until after a hearty meal had been served preliminary to beginning work for the day and then Hatty refused to lift a hand. "Vf want an eiRht-hour day,' was the chorus that greeted Guard Brigxa. And throats fell on deaf cars as well as did coaxing. The chain-sung would not work. The rockplle force was never celebrated for its working ability and while the crew of men puts in nine and ten hours a day the work it does would not measure up to that of half the number of paid laborers. The strike was probably hatched up in the nisht by sime new arrivals and the men idled about all day. smoking aim rnjnyinif their strike to the utmost !at nicbt the strike wm beginning to lose popularity when supper hour came with nothing to eat but bread and water. The County Commissioners gave instruc tions that the Ran ft be deprived of rcgu 1h r rations until its individual members returned to work. Vntil the strike Is called off bread and water, in scanty al lowances, will compose the entire, menu A similar strike occurred several months a ifo ana was "broken very enrectlvely in the same manner, tho leaders being locked In a dungeon several rays besides sub sisting on the bread-and-water diet. Decisions, in I-'ederal Court. Judge Charles E. Wolverton handed down three opinions yesterday. In the case of torbitt & Macleay vs. The United States, a suit In relation to an importa tion of foreign burlap. Judge Wolverton affirmed the judgment of the Board of Appraisers in the local Custom Houses. In the case of R. E. Moody vs. I. Ij. Patterson, Collector of Customs, at Port land, the Court again affirmed the judg ment of the Board. This sultjWas the outcome of a dispute regarding tne classi fication of a shipment of foreign coal tar preparation for sheep dip. In the matter of C. Hartman,. a bank rupt, the judge sustained the objections to liartman's discharge. lagging Company Incorporates. The Columbia Logging Company filed articles of incorporation with the County Court yesterday. The capitalization al lcgpd is 52.SO.OinX and the purpose an nounced Is the carrying on of a general logging business in Columbia County. The incorporators are F. Y. Ellis, A. L. Yea zie, and J. C. Veasie. Articles were likewise filed by the Pa cific Ught and Power Company, which announces its intention of generating power, with a capitalization placed at Ji.Ooi). Incorporators: ( P. Houston, D. A. Houston and Alew Sweek. Aliens Want to Vole. The opening of the registration books lias had the effect of arousing aliens to a ileslrv to vote. Ten declarations of in t"nti;m to become American citizens were filed with the county clerk yesterday, tin: numher being the largest of any one day in recent months. Those taking out their first papers at this time will. not be permitted to vote At the coming elec tion, however. The law requires that new citizens shall reside in the county for one year before being aceorditig the privi lege of voting. Those admitted may vote next year. ' Ten Pays More to Hie Motion. An additional ten days in which to file motion for a, new trial In the case of Kd Nelson and C. H. Danielson. recently convicted of killing Oscar IitidKren, was allowed by the state Circuit Court yester day. Thirty days was likewise granted In which to file a bill of exceptions. Flics Tctltlon In Bankruptcy. M. C Stewart, a Portland man. yester day filed a petition in bankruptcy, with the clerk of the T'nited States Court. Ho owes $1,65. principally to rortland credi tors, and has nothing outside of his ex emptions by law. HOT SHOT FOR PAUL RADER Tr. J. W.. Brouglior Takes Issue With Kast Side Pastor. Ttev. J. Whitconib BronRher takes issue with Rev. Paul Rader. pastor of the Has- palo-Street OnngregHtional Church, as to the sentiments expressed In his sermon Sunday on "The Church." In regard to Mr. Rader's reference to crowded churches ho said yesterday: "I don't suppose that In his Sunday sermon Mr, llailcr had any reference to the "White Temple and" its crowd, hut personally 1 believe in having an attractive church. 1 believe In having a crowd. I like the people and I want the people. If Mr. Itadcr does not want the people they will soon find It out. and ho will not have to tell them to 'stay away. Of course If Mr. H:tder was endeavoring to prepare bis church not to expect too much of hlin In the way of drawing people, prob ably he had Rood reason for making the statements that he la reported to have mrte. I have had no chance to talk with Mr. : Under so 1 do not know whether he In tended lo tiilk with reference to other churches, atd to criticise their methods, or no:. It" be did he will probably find that he cannot build up a successful . church by trying to tear down others. If he proposes to base his ministry on that principle his pastorate will probably end la about the same manner that ni closed up Ma work with the Anti-Saloon . Leaeue. Personally I wish Mr. Rader every success, and hope he will have , crowd even if he doesn't want It. " could well let him have my overflow, and still have enough of & crowd' to till thrt White Temple" HOFF WILL SING NO MORE Oilltl Labor Comnil.oioii Henioves Him From Theater Programme. Harold Hoff. who has been singing il lustrated songs for 16 months at the tlraod Theater, has been forced by the child labor t'ommlssitm. through its sec retary. Mrs. Millie K. Trumbull, to cancel his engagement in this city, i ms is he- cause ke is ljot yet U years of age. He will ko Immediately to Tacoma to sing In the Sullivan Oonsidine Theater there. but It is said there Is no likelihood of the hoy's attending school during the Tacoma engagement. Notice was received Satur day night by Manager J. H. Etrrickson and Mrs. Hon that proceedings for vio lating the law would be commenced im . mediately If Master Harold was not taken from the bill. "Mrs. Trumbull has driven the boy away from school." said Manager Brrtck iM,n esterday. "I retained Harold in or der that he might go lo school. He came to work in l.K-cember. 116. and obtained a full school term. Theu I brought him Will have a days. It is Ex. 30 and The Title 240-244 BOTtOFEAN rUX MODERN UEBTACBANT. COST NX MILLION SOI OTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. Z Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Plan. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN tl.M to S.N Per Day Aooordixue to Itfcatioa. 1. T. DAYIE8. rresidenl St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) ' Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.5 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION back when the schools opened last Fall, so he could attend the one just closing and the one which will close in June." Will Build Cheese Factory. Tlift Hazel wood Cream Company, of Portland, will build a cheese factory in Kstacada. At a nieetmR held last week In Kstacada. In charge of the Busi ness Men's Club, a number of farmers wore present, and after going over the situation with agents of the Hazelwood Comnany it was decided that the induce ments were sufficient to justify the estab lishment of the factory. Already negotia tions have been started to purchase part of a block near the electric railway. About three lots will b secured. The probable cost of the factory will be about $300), and work on the plant will be started at once. ' Much is expected from this enterprise. There 'will be induce ments to st Rood roads constructed, which at preseut are none the best. It Is proposed to operate the plant part of the year as a cheese factory and the re mainder in making butter. The farmers are expected to increase their herds. Kin; Alfonso 11ns Grippe. MADRID. March 18. King Alfonso, who ham been ill of grippe, has had a slight relapse. His doctors, fearing com plications, have ordered him to remain In the palace and to follow their direc tions with the utmost -atrtrtheeH. The King is not confined to his bed. Barely Escape From Flames. LAVEXWORJTH. Kan.. March 18. The Evergreen Hospital, a. priva.te sanitarium here, wai destroyed by fire early today, causing a loss of $50,00). The 15 inmates barely escaped with their lives. No one waa injured. 1 DAILY MKTEOROIXKUCAI. REPORT- PORTLAND, March 18 Maximum tem perature. 51 decrees; minimum, 40 decrees. River reamng at 8 A. M. 5.8 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.3 foot. Total precipita tion. 5 P, M. to 5 P. M., 0.3$ inch; total aince September 1. 1.KH.. 33.43 inches; nor mal. ; inches; deficiency,'" O.tfT inch. Total sunshine March 1 T. RMI7. none; pos sible. 1 1 hours 5ft minutes. Barometer tra duced to sea level at 5 P. M., 2W.75 Inches. WEATHER FORECASTS. - The wather continues unsettled on the Pacific Slope and heavy rains have fallen In Caliiurnla during the last 12 hours and 1 We Invite Ym to Go and See Our Autos will call for you at your address and take you back any hour it is convenient for you to go. . -. . . OS'S! MERE street car by the property in 60 now building. Phone us Private make your appointment. . Guarantee and Washington Street, Cor. f0 T0UI1SK 111 CQMMEICUl THAIEIEU B pedal rate made to families and incl. gentlemen. The muafvmeat will be pleawd a ail times to show rooms and fir prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablishment In tha hotel. H. a BOWERS, Mnnase. Free Bus. HOTEL CO., Props. Itrst-ClMi Check Rettanraat Cooaected With Hotel. C O. DATI8, Best, and Treat. lighter amounts are rportrd in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Nevada and Utah. It is warmer in the Columbia River Val ley, but lsewherf changes in tempera ture havf been small and unimportant. The Indications are for showers in tbl district Tuesday. LOCAL FORECASTS. Tortland and vicinity Showers; winds mostly sout herly. Western Orojron and Western Washington Showers; southerly winds. Eastern Orecon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Occasional rain. FACIFIO COAST WKATHEU. p en 3 WIND- 51 I 2. 2 C 3 H O i2 B T ATI ON . Baker City ..... Boise K am loops. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Tied Bluff Hoseburg- Sacramento Salt Lake City. Ssn Francisco . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla . . . r.2 0 00,14 S . 'n: t. sw . 44 Vno'. . ri'm .i4s o.;;; 4 w .ifWO.Oli S 8 ,.'51 O.OSt 2 SE .144 O.r.8,14 SB ...2 0.rt 4 N .'2 1.2 1 RE .j8 0.00 14 P . HOirt.SS 24 SW .Uo O.OO1, 4 N . '52 0-101 6 SE ,,4 0.0K; 4'SK" jCIoudy 'Rain Clear Clear iRain iRsln jRain Rain jRatn ; Cloudy Rain Cloudy 'Cloudy jCloudy jCloudy T trace. EDWARD A. REALS. titrlrt Forecaster. AUCTION" SALES TODAY. At Paker's Auction Houn. corner Alder and Park utreetc ; furniture, carpet, etc. Sale at lo o'clock. Baker & Son, auction eers. j At Gllman'n auction rooms. 411 Washington street, at Ul o'clock A. M. S. L N. Oilman, auctioneer. At resridence. 630 TTrtrd etreet, sale by the Portland Auction Rooms, at lo A. M. sharp. C. L. Ford. Mietirmeer. DIED. HRWBTT- At the renirfence. Sftl Weldler rreet. corner Kast Third. .Tohn Hewett. age 48 year. 1 months. Funeral notice later. OTALLAGHAN In this citv, March IS. Mrs. Mary Then-w O'Callaghan, aged 43 years, 3 months. 1& days. MYERS In this city. March IT. Mrs. Marga ret May Myers, aged 24' years, 10 days. GORDON In this city. March 17, Kdmund S. Gordon, aged 23 years, 8 days. Trust Co. Second. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following rates will be fflven only -when advertising is ordered to ran consecutive days, Dslly and Sunday Issues. The Orego nian charges flrst-Umo rate each Insertion for elusstned advertising; that is' not ran on consecutive days. Tbe flrst-tim rate- ! charged for each Insertion In The Weekly Oreffonian. "Rooms," "Room and Board,9 "House keeping Rooms' "Situations Wanted. IS words or less, 15 cents; H to Z0 words 2 cents; 1 to 25 words, SS cents, nte Ko discount for additional innertlona. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Now Today." SO cents for IS words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, elc. flrrt Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount on der one month. "EW TODAY" ganr- measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. , AXSWEKs TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dreteed care Tbe Oregonian. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. Ko stamp is required on saeft letters. The Oreronlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements token through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. WILHELM TftU, LODGE, NO. 2. O. D. H. S. Members of the above lodge are re quested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Anton Grohs, Tuesday, March 1W. Members will meet at Eagle's Hail, at 10 o'clock sharp. Services at St. .Joseph's Church. 10:80 A. M., Fifteenth and Couch streets, interment Kiverview Cemetery. W. WALLER. ANDREAS HENNHi. Secretary. President. A. & A. S. RITE Alnsworth Chapter, of Rose Croix. JCo. 3 Regular meeting- In Memorial Hall, Scott lab Rite Cathedral, this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. , By order WISE MASTER. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 53, A. K. &. A. M.- Special communi cation this (.Tuesday) evening at 7:15 sharp. Work in M. M. de cree. All Master Masons Invited. By order of W. M. I. W. PRATT, Secretary. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT All members are requested to attend the funeral ot Neighbor Mrn. Palmer, of Willow v'ircle. Fossil, Or., today, at 1 ::ir p. m.. from Eric son's undertaking Parlors. Eleventh and Al der streets. E. CASSON. PORTLAND COMPANY. NO. 107, W. O- W., will give a military whist party Wednesday evening, March 20. in the Woodmen Temple, 11th Ft., bet. Wash, and Alder. Come and have good time. Admission 15c. Refreshment and fine orchestra for dancing. OMEGA RRBEKAH LODGE. NO. 7. 1. O. O. F. . will gt ve a Sx socla 1 ton i gh t , March 10. Oddfellows Hall, corner Grand avenue and E. Pine; refreshments and ad- m lent on, 15 cents. ADA TAYLOR. Sec. K. OF P. Rea-uiar meeting of Ivan ho Lodge, No. 1, at K. of P. Hall, Eleventh and Alder, at 7:30. Esqulrs rank. EMMETT ELLER. C. C. FVNERAL KOT1CKS. W1T-P0X At hi late residence. 47 East Third street North. March 17. Tantain James Wilson, aged 79 year. T months and. '2 day. Funeral will take, plaea Wednesday. March -O. at 1 p. M.. from F. fi. Dunning's rhapel. corner of East Alder and Esst Sixth streets. Friends in vltd. Interment in Rosa City cemetery. SA Yl.ES The funeral services of the late Mm. Jesnle Hadley Fayles will be con' ducted at the residence, 511 Davis street, todav ITuesday). March i, at 4 P. M Rev. A. A. Morrison, officiating. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. HfcrWKTT Tn this city, March IS. a.t the family residence. 31 Weidler street. John Hewett. aged 4H yeara months 8 days. Friends are reenertfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the shove residence at 2 P. M, Wdnej dev. March 20. Interment "Kiverview Cemtery. GAIIOWAY Friends and acquaintances are refnectruiv inviteo: to attend tne funeral services of George Galloway, which will be held at Finly's chail at 3 P. M. today iTuealay). interment Koee uity. GROHS Friends and acqualntancea re ooectfully Invited to attend the funeral acrvieea of Anton Grohs. which will be held at the German Catholic Church, corner Fifteenth ana DavW streets, at !n:.W) A. M today Tueada.y. Interment Rlvervlew. Dunning. McKntee Oil ha ugh. Ftmeml Di rectors. 1th A Fine. Phone M. 43. Lady asst. rrjesov tjxdertakixo co.. Aider mt. Ijtdy mMlstant. Phon. Mmln S1S3. EDWARD H0I.M.N CO Funeral Dlr.ct n, S2 Sd tt. Ladr assistant. I'baae M. SOT. inTER-UVRNFH CO.. Funeral Ulrert ara, 2.S RaMll. Kast 10KS. Lady saslitsat J. P. nLEY SON, Fonrral Dlrertora. No. eel d cor. Madlaon. Phone .Main a. r. S. nrNJflNO. LTndrtakV, 41 East Alder. Ladr assistant, rbona Kast 6t. 'A. B. HEMSTOCK Fimera! dtrvrtor. E. IStb VmatUla. Fn. oeUwood 71. Lad aMt. AMl'SEilEXTS. 14th and UTTTTfl TUT4T1TD Ph Washington ulimu au.nms.s Main 1. Tonia-ht 8:15 o'clock. (Special Price Mat. Tomorrow. Last Time Tomorrow Xitrht. The Klrke U Nhrlle Company Bwenll DIST1N FAKMM IN "THE VIRGINIAN." Tvenlng Prices $!.&. ft. 73c. ROc. Matinee Prices II. 75c. 50c. 33c. 25c. 44M. .na nrnTC THEATER Washington uimw iumiiw Main i. Thur.. Frl.. Sat. Nights. March SI. 2-. -3. Special Price Matinee Saturday. ROSKI.I.K KNOTT In J. M: Barrie s Comedy-Drama, "AUCK SIT BY THK FIRE." Evening Prices Iower Floor. 10 rows. $1.60: last C rows, 1; Balcony, 11. 75c 50c; Gallery, Sue. 23c. Matinee Prices $1 to - 25c. : 7 Phone Main Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Mgr. Baker Theater Home of the Fashionable Baker- Theater All This .Week. Evenings. 8:15: MatlneeI (Saturdav) 2:1.T. The Great Anglo-India Military Drame "SHANNON OF THE SIXTH." Stage Under Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley. First Time in Portland. Immense East er Success. Secure Seats in Advance. Evening Prices 25c. 35c, 50c. Matinee 15c. 25c. ' Next Week "As Man Sowa." 12ft in rMDTOr Till? A TED rfctaelth. Mitritu A-i.ii iia.ra,ax 117 Hilton W. seaman. Manager. Only Eastern Road Attractions. Tonight Alt This Wek the Scenic and Penwa.tlonal Comedy-Drama "THE KFNi Or TRAMPS." Mallnees Wednesday and Saturday. Regular Empire Popular Prices. . Next Attnwtloiv "A Cowboy fitrl.' THE STAR Main 340ft. The Allen Stork Company Presents DESERTED AT THE ALTAR By Mr. Pierce KlHRftley. Matinee Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at 2:;w P. M. Prices 10c and arte. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c. 20c and 30c. Reserve seats by phone. Main E4J6. all performances. LYRIC THEATER Portland's Popular Stork House. Every Afternoon and Kvenlns- . This Week, Lyric Mwk Company In the Famous Drama of tcuseian Lire "MICHAEL, STROGOF-F." Reserved seats cari now be secured in ad vance from 10 A. M." to 10 P. M. Daily matinees at usual time. Evening perform ances at 8:15. Saturday and" Sunday eve nings: First performance at ?:l. The Grand Week March 18. Vaudeville de laxe l. and Mrs. Walter JS. Weaves Co.. in "Merry Manikins." Special Added Attrac tion Smith O'Brien, "Burt Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn If. Cossar. Dac-ey. Chase sV Adair, The Otavs. Matt Goodman Grandlaeope. NEW TODAY. H. W. LEMCKE CO. "SPECIALS" tCCKfl THURMAN ST. A choice eorner east of, lOUx 100. 1 9 9511 THURMAN ST. Lot 30x flLoV 106, facing south. tfTOnn THURMAN ST. A beau- 4IUUU tiful building, sit 140x106 facing south. t4inn 25TH ST. (north) on cor- f" ner ."0x0. two houses, rent . . h value $40. CCfinn 24th ST.. vicinity of Thur- fUUUU man. two good houses on 50xIOO,east facing. t9C9C VAUGHN ST. Two houses fLVLil on jOxlOO lot. Income, $20 CilOCfl EASY WALKING DIS fILtiV TANCE, close iuk. Sel Bridge on East Side, modern 8-room house; lot oOxlOO. A genuine snap. Owner leaving the eitv. H J. LED CO Sixth antl 'Washington. Main 550. P-ntire Second Ploor. Subdivision - Acreage Wanted I am authorized to buy for Denver capitalists fifty to one hundred acres in or near Port land suitable for immediate subdivision. It must have the points necessary to make desir able residence property. Drop me a note for interview. BERT C. BALDWIN The Nortonia, Washington and Fourteenth Streets. FOURTH ST. South of -Burnside. 100x100 corner, $77500 E. J. DALY 114 THIRD ST. RESIDENCE BARGAIN $4500 BJaist Madison et., near East 14th St.. walk Ins distance; modern 6-room house, ,"a beauty.' on a SostloO lot. aouth facing; con elflcr cot of buitdfna and price of lot in tbUf fine locality, thrn you can pee why tbis ia a. snap. See us without delay. H. W. Lemcke Co. 6th and 'ashlnxton ss. Main &50. Pleasant Home FOR RAI-fc Nice 7-room cottage, modern, with full basement; near rsrllne and In good locality. This week, $2500. Oregonian. KEW TODAY. $4550 Half jcash, the balance to suit. On the north side of the Sandy road, be- tween 23d, 24th and East Irving. Hartman & Thompson signs are now on the property. Contains 5 full lots and 2 fractional lots. Will sell the east half of the block for $2000, or the west half for $3000. E.RYAfC ST. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Real Estate yinnn Nice quarter. N. W. cor. 29th d'rUUU and Savler; very sightly. CCCnfl F"11 ,ot on North ISth. between dDOUU Lovejoy and Marshall. Worth tOCnn 100x100. 24th and York. Only OOOUU quarter left. Worth J10.000. 10 Kfin ne ot tl,e choicest high W I L 3UU class residence quarter Dloctts on the marKet. t10 flflfl Quarter block on 14th and OiL UUU Flanders, covered with dwell ings. JoOWO leea than other quarters. tin nnfl KxlOO on Madison near 2d. PuU UUU covered with frame build ings; a sure money maker. tAf finn Half Mock N. loth. Fran W'rU UUU chise granted for switch up 15th. Best warehouse buy on the market. Grindstaff & Schalk Aetna Fire Insurance Company. 264 Stark Street. Telephone Main 392. LenoxAddition No Rutomobllea needed. Nn nr(,m in., of marline oonstruction. No deoentlen'je on von. the buyer and builder to mnke values. $300 per lot. 50x10. 10 rasn, iu per month with buildinar restrictions. We are Inaide of city's legitimate grnwtn. t.ars running' every ten minuies. Values tnd improvements now estab ffslied. Absolutelv no speculation about fu ture. No necessity to boom and offer at boom rjrices. Solid imnrovemenra all around us. No oxcitement, no boosting in . our property. No jrlowlnjr pictures oiterea to en thuKe and locate you. Kvervthine in sisrht. no euessine. Vse eoorl judgment. Don't jump. look nround. Don't pay the highest prices way out of city. - ou enn beat 'them close in. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO. J in Second Strrrf. Hotels in Hood River Two rood investments; both money makers, doinfc a lucrative business; with land that will double in value. SEE OUR LIST OF Hood River Farms All good money-niakers. Don't de lay. vYnte us today. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. HOOD RIVER, OR. Will Sell 750-Acrc Tract of Land Tha Lewis Love and Nancy M. Love Do nation Land Claims. Bids will be recelvMl by the undersigned for said land to March, 20, 1907, The right to reject any and all bids reserved. The greater part of this land Is within the city limits of Portland and Is especially valuable for platting pur poses. Call on or address the undersigned. Zov Aiain iirwi, city. T. T. STRUBLB and PHILO HOLBROOK, Trustees of tha estate, of Lewis Lova, da- coaaed. FOR SALE. British Barque "GALENA" Bids will be received for the purchase of the British Barque Galena as she lies on Clatsop Bach. Or., yards on deck. Bids must be accompanied by certified check for ten per cent (10 per cent) of the whole amount of the bid on or before March 25, 1907. balance of the amount, if accepted, to be paid not later man April awi. HRAlT.n RllK to be marked "Gnleim. Right ia reserved to reject any or all bids. T. I CHERRY, Astoria, Oregon. THURMAN STREET , Corner 100x100, $6650 Located east of 23d st. Investigate this sfTap at once. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY 6th and Washington Sts. Main 550. For Sale 2-3x100, with 7-room house. 309 Holladay avenue, near E. First. Ad dress, J. B.' Zlegrler, Rainier, Or., or Mrs. J. is. ies;ier. uregonidn vjitice. GOOD NEWS! A real bargain on "Willamette Heights, excellent view: can be had. if taken at once: 1 8-room modern bouse, full lot; cheapest ia rortland. GOOO. LIND & COMPANY Room 3. I-umber Exchange. WANTED t MAN WITH $2000 to $5000 irnr sood Ieltimate busln-B; no coitidKI- tton; never ran be any. Will net $8u) a I month profits on business; one day last week rK. Address or call at Room 317. Hotel Oregon, from 10 to lJ A. M. or 1 O 4 t. W. " GEORGE BLACK. FT7BLIC ACCOUNTANT. IS Worcester Bulldlns Fboaa Paclflo 1&07. : n N "Ttltt NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 - Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. " A. H. BIRRELL I0t to 20 McKay Hide- Xrd and Stark FROM OWNER FAr Sale Modern 7-room house, best lo catlop. Call 764 Kearney st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME SPLENDID CHANCES. 60 acres Lents, fine for platting; all cleared; get price. $7KNt noxl 00, Kearney sL, beautiful lot; very cheap. $1850 G-room house. Jot 60x180, near car: a bargain. GORDON. 20S.4th. Phone Pacific 2125. Xrtoo CASH. $L'Pi PER MONTH PRICE $3S50. Comer lot on Union ave., with atrlctiy new, modern 6-room house; rents at $27.50 and Is worth $30 pe- month. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO.. Fifth and Salmon. FOR SALE 4-BTX)rK. BEAUTIFULLY situated, south of Morrison at., Al Im provement: net monthly Income $3?0: $?1.0oo rash will handle It; great snaps tm.Ht ack quickly. Address F 73. Orego nian. ACREAGB. A3 mcrmu adjoin in city flmtta: all cleared; fine nil; 83 acres In am all fruits Er1c Try low; easy tcrmi; you caa dou la your money on this tn s short tlma. W. a WADDEL. SIT Lumber Ex chant. Second and Stark, PORTLAND HKIGHTS. ZOO feet fontaae on Pattqn road, 6 flnsi building sites, situated high above grade; large shade trees; owner must sell. Sea this and make an offer. C. C. SHAY, Main 1042. 304 A bin g ton bldg. BARGAIN. '7-room house on Willamette HelRhts, By the owner. Call 104 N'. 5th after 4:30 P. M. $47.0 Part down. ELEGANT RA STERN HOME IN THRIVING citv of 12,000. two hours from 'Chicago by rail; house cost $16,000 to build; large groundF. beautiful shade: will exchange for Al Pacific Coast property. X 78. Oregonian. FOR f ALE SO ACRES. MILE FROM Estacada; good scil, cprlng branch, good bunch tie timher and cord wood : prlc $tor0. $5o0 down, balance easy Urmi; this a snap. Box Jo:., Kit a cad a, ur. Joft-J LOT 31 ST ST. NEAR HAWTHORNS ave.; graaea streets, cement wbiks; re stricted district; all fine houses. C. C. SH AT, Main 1942. 304 Abington bldff. 4.Vt CASH t'HEA P CORNER. 3Hx7S; will only be sola to party wno win duiiu, Immediately. V. P. Jn A rt K J I. 800 Belmont, corner East 25th. 100x100 FEET pF VACANT GROUND ON Williams kvc. ior pmi;. a mo niuiu . Russell St., in coming business district. For further Information see owner. 264 Stark st. Room IS. $5O0O Prospective Duslnean property. East Morrtpon. between i:un ana iutn sts. : now improved with two dwellings; income 35 per mo.; terms. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Ex.' S400. - Comer lot 150x100. with Improvements. Bull Run water, nicely located. Inquire of Owner, 8th and Sherrett ave., Sellwood- HOMK?TEADS TN THE WHEAT BELT OF Eaefrn 1 Oregon. IT you are mtereateu can 42 BlackJftone st., neiween mm. ana 22d ete., bet. Vaughn and "U'tlaon t. I TO 8 ACRES, ft MILES FROM PORTLAND. P. and S. canine, about Pr acrf, iei than lota In St. Johns and nearer Portland. Farmers Land Co.. :r04 Third- at. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN BY APRIL 1 1H acres, tvroom house, signny location, mi Oregon Citv car ime; inquire ow Ramona ave. Phona East 2122. BY OWNER NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. FIRST cI&fs: 7 full lots, all improven; a. oarKain; Oregon City car line, SO rolnutea ride; terms. F 7fi. Oregonian. A BARGAIN 7-TtOOM HOTTSE AND LOT two blocks from Sfiiwoon car. &ao tta mona ave. Phone East 2122. OVERTON ST., NEAR 20TH, 1650. r33 1-3 300. aouth front, macanam street, cement walk: part time; forced sale. Owner, W. D. Fraley, 214 3d St. IRVINGTON TWO FINE BUILDING lots, each rimy i?sw dpiow ine marKet. F A. Jackson, 320 Failing bldg. Phona pacific 1568. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. SELECT neighborhood, i rooms, moaern. almost; new: $500 less than real) value. 243 Stark street. $3000 FULL LOT. 2 HOUSES. 0 AND I l A...-4 r V,n.lno.a Thla nlau nil. bring ! 2 per cent net. Owner, 410 Vancou ver ave. LOVELY FIrrROOM COTTAG-H, UPPER Alblna; tnorougniy moaern; worm reasonable offer considered. W 7T, Ore tonlan. 5 ACRES BERRY LAND, CLEARED; ABUN- dant water supply; u. w. r. crosses corner; 6 inflea from City Hall. 405 Lumber Ex change. , BOTTBE8. ALL PARTS OP CTTT. BUILT AND ola on lnar ailments, tt-roner, 10-1 1 utr bridge bldg., southwest cor. Sd mad Morrlaom. . o(X) WILLBtTT A GOOD CORNER FOR somthJnE ioing. Owmr. .?7 6th St., city. EIGHT EXTRA LARGE LOTS, ON CAR, nar WaverlPtKh. worm s.;.-tu, only s-ov each; a real snap. Call 24 Htark 8t. $2200 8-ROOM HOUSE AND PURNITT.RE. on cariine. m cafcii. wu."n.T w oeuij take Mon-tavllla car. 521 Hlbbard street. FOR PAT.E, CHEAP SOUTHWEST COR. ner, frilxlOO, Rt Kast 14111 ana 4llntOTk KL See owner. 22l', Morrison et room 9. JUST THINK! LOTS 20 EACH. AT 11 PER mnth, near saiem csnne. Arpir to owner, W. Reldt, Washington bldff. IKKin LOT 2xlOO. 6-ROOM HOUSE) WITH STiea. Dam, rnu-nfn injure auu inni, OKU.r Prettymsn Station. Q 78. Oregonian. CHOICE HALF BLOCK. 200 FEET OM KIlunKSWOrin ave.; DIlsinesL z.eita tios- sett. Riverside office, St. Johns car. FOR SALE 80x100 ON HALL ST.. 150 FT. west or Im ft.: .plenum view wiinoul climb; S3000. Owner. 4 HO Hall St. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN. F.AST SIDE, OX Keciion roan, BUHflHIC iui .UUUlViUlUS. B. C. Mathews, SO Fenton bldg. . MODERN HOUSES. ALSO VACANT LOT3 In Hollanay r&rk Aaaition. n. a. Atic C90 Wasco t. Phon. B. 2432. FOR SALE 35X100 AND 40X65 ON 17TH and East Hurnsia.. bee owner. 043 a. Davis St. Phone Bast 181T. FOR SALE FINE 8-ROOM HOME. FULL lot; Kearney, anove 1 weiuy-tnira; s&viH. Address H 73, Oregonian. 14 FINE LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CARLINE can be oouftnt st oea-roca 11 UKen quicK. 720 Chamber Commerce. , $JBO0 eOxlOO LOT ON CLAY ST., NEAR J . : n ; a SOOO uujr. wwuu, ... muuih.. bA chance. 2d snd Stark. HAVE SOME FINE ACKKACrB ON 5E1V Saiem line w mn win muse you money, tu Chamber Commerce. A SNAP. $2500 BEAUTIFTTL 8-ROOM MOD ern house, nne locality, jippiy o.a u. xvenr " St., near 26th .t. HOUSE AND LOT ON MONTGOMERY. near 13'n; owner iua taet stark. rnoa East 1559. X4HOO (t-ROOM HOI'HE. BATH. ETC.. 4TH " 100x100. N. W. COR. HOOD AND OAINE9 els., $3000. L. E. Thompson A Co., 2S Third. FOP. SALE It, ACRES ON UNION AVtt rd E. Uliaan. ivnw n. . tieipit, car ten. Or. $27r.O fl-ROOM MODERN" HOUSE. COR. R. i :m n ana a. Certiii , iei iu. ii ui i S ffl. CPHIXX AGE NTT. S05 1-2 STARK ST.. CkS at II your Dustness sropariy or rrawvscf. $.,000 SWELL CORNKR, JSOxV. WKST PARK st. 445 Sherlock bldg.. Third and Oak. BROADWAY PT. CHEAP LOTS, CLOSES In. on very easy terms. 191 Morrison. ACREAGE NEAR SALEM LINE; EAST terms. Wm. Reldt. Washington bid. CHEAP FOR CASH. fl-ROOM MODERN house, corner. 8D0 B. Flanders st.