Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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That OIL and Natural GAS have been discovered in paying quantities across the Columbia River from Astoria at Oneida in Wahkiakum
County, Washington, has been important enough to a number of well-known and reliable local parties to cause the organization and
incorporation of the "Pacific Coast Gas and Oil Company," with capital stock of $300,000. This company has just placed a limited
number of shares of stock on the market at the low price of $10.00 per share 1
President, ALEX SWEEK.
Vice President, R. A. WADE.
Directors: John Nelson, Oneida, Wash. Wm. Anderson, Deep River, Wash. Geo. L. Hutchin, Portland, Or.
Secretary and Treasurer, CLAYTON S. BARBER.
History and Geolog
ical Formation
On the north bank of the Columbia River opposite the City of Astoria 3
miles up the Deep River at Oneida, Wahkiakum County, "Washington, you can
find natural pas and petroleum oil escaping from the earth.
This company has employed experts to make analysis of the oil and test
the pas. Beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the richest fields of oil and pas
in the United States lies here awaiting development. Over 3000 acres of land
at this point have been leased for development purposes. The leases are considered by Eastern capitalists to be very val
uable. The geological formation of the earth at this point is the same as that of the oil fields of Texas and California. A
ranchman living at Oneida is using the gas for illuminating and heating purposes. The prospects will all bear the closest
investigation. .
A Limited Number of Shares o! Stock
Now on Sale at $10.00 Per Share
The recent announcement that a limited number
of shares of stock at only $10.00 per share had
been placed on sale has brought thousands of
inquiries and a number of eager buyers. That
the stock now on sale is highly indorsed as a
good investment by a large number of leading
business men in Portland, Seattle and other Coast cities, has prompted many buyers to begin buying the stock at once.
As an investment you cannot find a better one for quick returns.
Development, Geo
graphical Importance
The rapid and thorough development of this virgin field will commence as
soon as the several carloads of machinery now en route from the East reach
the property. Derricks will be erected and many wells will be driven at once.
The immediate sale of a limited number of shares of stock will enable
the company to carry on the vigorous development work already planned with
a speed that can only mean large and rapid returns to the investor. Only
the most modern machinery will be installed tanks, pumps, derricks and all other equipments will be on hand in a short
time. This valuable property lies within three miles of Frankfort, where the Hill railroad people are preparing to build
large warehouses, docks and a city. Deep River is navigable by the largest deep-water vessels for over six miles above
the property, which brings the world's markets accessible to our property.
All Stock Will Be Held at $20.00 Per
Share Alter June 1st, 1907
numbers. If vou buy now, it can only mean a profitable investment.
Pacific Coast Gas and Oil Company at once, 401-402 Commerc ial Building, Washington street.
Inasmuch as the limited number of shares of
stock have been offered for sale, the price will
not increase until June 1, after which time the
stock will cost $20 per share. It will pay you to
buy all of this stock possible at once, as the rapid
demand has already started the buyers in large
Today is the time get busy. Call or write to
Now is Your Opportunity to Get the Stock That Made John Rockefeller America's Richest Man
aol 401-402 Commercial Building, Washington Street
Dallas College Has First Place
Cinched Review ot First Year
I of Organized Sport.
The State Basketball League season
ractically closed Saturday with the
l;ame between Multnomah and Dallas
college. One game yet remains to be
(played. 1ut. as this is tetween Wll
flamette and Pacific College, the stand
Onff of the teams probably will not be
bnuch changed. Dallas has first place
icinched hard and fast, having clmbed to
(the top of the heap early n the season.
CBy defeating Pacific College Friday nlpht
iPortland T. M. C. A. landed in third
Multnomah started out with a rush,
trut fell down early in the season and
(will end the season in fourth place. Tult
Snomah is the only team In the league that
(defeated Dallas, but after this victory
'the) clubmen fell easy victims to nearly
ievrv other team in the league. Mon
mouth and Salem Y. M. C. A. are tied
for the cellar championship, but both had
very weak teams this season.
Taken as a whole, the first year of
organized basketball has proven very suc
cessful in Oregon. While mistakes have
been made, the teams, that make up the
league this year will profit by their ex
perience. One difficulty that the league
has had to contend with is the securing
of competent ar.d Impartial officials. Two
mcinls will be used next season instead
of one. and in this manner it is hoped
to eliminate most of the unnecessary
roughness that characterized many of the
games plaved this season.
While the Oregon Agricultural College
hoys claim the championship of the state,
It is hardly probable that public opinion
win bear them out in their claims. There
Is no denying the fact that the "Farm
ers" have a strong team, probably as
strong ats any In the state, but their ab
solute refusal to come into the league
lias prevented their meeting any of the
trong teams. The "Aggies" won nearly
every game while on their Northern tour
last Winter, but Dallas lias met defeat
only once, and hns played the very best
teams in the Suite of Oregon.
When the league was formed it was
greed that the winners of the champion
ship should ignore the claims of the
"Farmers" to championship honors, and
should refuse to play them. Therefore,
It Is not probable that Dallas and O. A.
C will meet for a championship series
this season.
The local T. M. C. A. basketball
t-nm will leave today for Winlock.
Wash., where they -Rill play the Win
lock Club tonight. From Winlock the
Portland team will go to Snohomish,
where they play a second game Tuesday
right. On Wednesday they will meet the
strong Y. SI. C. A. team of Westmin
ster, B. C. and will play the same team
a second game Friday night. Thursday
the team plays the Vancouver B. C.)
team, and on Saturday night the last
game of the series will be played with
Victoria Y. M. C. A. The team will re
turn home Sunday morning.
Those who will make the trip are Will
Kusseil. John Hartman, John Gates, An
drew Forbes. W. S. Young, . Charles
Jiackie and M. Olney.
llty Players Put Six Goals Past Men
From Deep Blue Sea.
Eleven men from the sounding deep,
old-time association football players,
whose lot Is now cast with the British
hips Woodford. Xola, Agapaathus. Ay-
merie and Quito, struggled bravely but
vainly against a team from the Portland
Associated Football Clubs Saturday aft
ernoon, losing by 6 goals to 1. The sail
ors were heavy and strong, but, of
course, were handicapped by the lack of
"land legs," training and of practice.
The citys team was made up principally
from the English and Scotch elevens,
which have been, fighting for the city
championship for several weeks. Dr.
Short, house surgeon at the Good Samar
itan Hospital, and at one time right
halfback for the University of Toronto
Medical Football Team In the famous
Toronto Inter-College League, appeared
for tho first time in uniform in Portland,
playing a splendid game. Dr. Short is
strong, aggressive and accurate, and a
decided acquisition to local Scotch ranks.
The city forwards played well together.
A hundred odd enthusiasts, half women.
Will Uphold Club's Prestige In
Northwest Boxing and Wrestling
Tournament at Spokane.
Charles French, Multnomah's 135-pound
boxer, will not represent the club In the
Northwest boxing and wrestling tourna
ment at Spokane, March 20. In his place
to the Northwest tournament. Hughes
is a whirlwind at his weight and in the
recent Spokane-Multnomah meet defeated
Stansbury, of Spokane, with ease. Acton
and Frank have both been teaching
Hughes the fine points of the game and
It Is said that he has greatly improved
since his last performance.
Boxing Instructor Fred Rennick will
manage the boys on the trip and will
take persona! charge of their training
while at Spokane. His presence In the
Multnomah corner will go a long way
toward instilling confidence In the Port
land representatives.
Los Angeles Gets Smith.
Smith and Flood figured in a trade that
Manager McCredle made with Los An
geles in lifS. When the season opened
last year. Smith tried hard to break the
lli fl''S
Oltnar Iranga, 125-Pound Boxer.
. I. Smith, 125-Pound Wrestler.
Julian Hashes, 116-Pound Wresttar.
rooted loudly, but unavailingly. for the
losers. The scoring for Portland was
done by Burns (1). Matthew (2). Rylance
(1), Mills (1) and Mackie (1). The lineup:
Goal Clark.
Backs Fenwick and Dyment.
Halves Short. Dickson and Mackie.
JWt wing Mills and Matthew.
Bight, wing Kilpaek and Burns.
Center Rylance.
Goal Kerry.
Backs Hunter and Quayle.
Halves Teabis. Sutor and Roser.
Left wing Turley and Bldman.
. Right wing Alexander and Williams.
Center Logue.
Referee Mr. Poppin.
Opens New Billiard Parlor.
The billiard and poo! tables of the
Portland Commercial Club have been
moved into the new parlor. When
everything is arranged the Commercial
Club will boast one of the finest bil
liard parlors in the city. The club now
has seven billiard and eight first-class
pool tables. Charles L. Brown, veteran
billiard expert, will, have complete
charge of this department of the club.
A formal opening will probably be giv
en later.
Milwaukle Country Clnb.
Eastern and California races. Take
Eellwood or Oregon City car, star tins
from First and Alder streets.
n I. Smith, a 125-pound wrestler, will
be sent. In his palmy days French was
one of the hardest hitters and best boxers
In his class but apparently has lost all
interest in the game since he was de
feated by Joe Stingle, of Spokane. In
this contest French was in no condition,
besides having a badly sprained hand.
The result was that he was put out in
the second round. It is not probable
that he will ever again represent Mult
nomah In the squared circle.
Smith won the Novice tournament at
the club last Fall and has proved himself
a comer. Bdgar Frank has been training
Mm for several months with the result
that he is now considered the best 125
pound wrestler In the club with the
exception of Frank. He is cool, power
ful and knows nearly every trick in the
business. Smith should be able to make
a strong showing for the Northwest
Dranga, who is the only boxer who
will be sent by the club. Is already down
to weight and In the pink of condition.
In previous contests he has usually boxed
at 133, but is Just as strong at 125. Spo
kane adherents expect Carabln to win
the tournament in a walk, but he will
have to show more speed, generalship and
all around science than he exhibited in
his fight with Nicken if he lands a
wallop that will send Dranga down for
the count. Carabin is not the boxer that
Dranga is. although he is a hard hitting,
nervy teoxer.
Bud Hughes. 115-pound wrestler, is the
other Multnomah man who will be sent
deal and when he found he could not,
knowing all the time that McCredie was
in desperate straits for his services, he
would not report until he had forced Man.
ager McCredle to come through for a big
tilt on his monthly pay check. The local
management needed Smith's services so
badly that the raise was given and Smith
Joined the team. Even after getting the
money he had asked for. Smith never
played the ball that he had for Los An
geles. He knew he had the whip hand
over McCredie and took advantage of It.
McCredle waited. When it came time
to send out the contracts. Smith got one
that called for less money than he per
haps ever secured for playing ball since
he graduated from the bush leaguer
ranks. Smith must have been jolted
when he got the contract, for right away
the Angel management began making
overtures for Smith's services. From the
amount of salary offered Smith It was
clear that McCredie did not want Smith,
So Los Angeles tried to coax the McCre
dles into loaning them the third base
man. When this failed, they asked the
local moguls to set a price oni Smith.
This was done and the deal was closed.
Mannger Mac can buy a good youngster
with the purchase price. . .
A little medicine of the right kind,
taken at the right time, is invaluable.
That means Carter's Little Liver Pills,
and take them now.
Schilling's Best is the standard by which
other tea and coffee are judged.
Scorn Salaries Offered by Manager
McCredie Both Will Remain
With Stockton Team.
STOCKTON, Cal., March 17. (Special. )
When questioned this afternoon Pat
Donahue, the Portland catcher of last
season, said that he had nothing: further
to eay tJian that he would not discuss
matters with -Manager McCredie until the
latter came to his terms on the money
question. Xonahue wrote McCredie his
flg-uree and as he has never been offered
anywhere near the amount, Donahue de
clares he will not enter into any negotia
tions or play with the Portland club
until his figures are accepted. He says
he Is entitled to an advance over last
season and as he is doing nicely here,
or In other words, is getting more than
be has been offered by MoCredle, he
will remain with the Stockton team.
Still he says he must look out for him
self, and when the salary question Is
settled he will talk business with Manager
McCredie, but not until tha- time will he
discuss matters. Pat admits he has re
ceived letters from his hrother, "Jiggs,"
but there was not any advice further
than to take the best course, and get
the money. Pat asserts he does not
need advice, but wants the money.
That McCredle needs Donahue Is most
apparent and here it is believed that
McCredie will come through with the
coin to bring Donahue, who is considered
a fast man behind the bat in this sec
tion, back Into the fold. .He has been
well treated here and says it will take
extra inducements to get htm to leave
Ben Henderson, who made such a good
record with the Portland team last sea
son, says that he expected to receive
some consideration from Manager Mc
Credle this year, but when he wrote to
McCredie the latter1 would not answer
for several weeks. Then he would give
all kinds of advice and try to Induce the
pitcher to sign up at the same figures
that he played for last season. Hender
son says he cannot eee it In that light
and believes that, as he was one of the
hardest-worked and most efficient twirl
erg of last year, he is entitled to an In
crease of salary this year.
When It came time to sign ballplayers,
McCredle sent Henderson a contract.
Henderson says it contained the figures
of a year aj?o. and he at once returned
The demand is constantly in
creasing for
This is accounted for by the fact
that Dr. Price's flavors are just
as represented true to nature,
made from the finest fruits, of
delicate taste, and of the greatest
strength attainable- n
it to McCredJe and later wrote 'him to
the effect! he would not play for the
same amount he had received the pre
vious season. The Portland manager was
riven stfx weeks In which to consider, but
failed to answer until after the time
limit, and then threatened Ben with
blacklisting and all kinds of trouble if he
"jumped." McCredie added a postscript
to the effect that the letter required no
answer. Since that time the only mess
age Ben has received from McCredle was
a few lines asking him to send measure
ments for a uniform.
Henderson tonight saj-B that he has
signed to play with Manager Cy Moreing.
of the Stockton team, in the California
League, and that positively no offer
from McCredle can induce him to leave
here. He does not believe he has been
treated fairly and does not care to play
with Portland.
Donahue has not influenced him in any
way. Henderson is a Deputy County As
sessor now and will make about $300 a
month, far more than McCredie will pay.
Relative to the $200 advance money for
which he pigned a note due in six months,
Henderson says that he will pay it when
it is due. and notified McCredie to that
effect when he wrote him some months
To Select Sheep Inspector.
BAL.EM. March 17. W. H. Steusloff.
one of the three State Sheep Commis
sioners recently appointed by Governor
Chamberlain under the new law. goes
to Pendleton tomorrow, where he will at
tend the mass meeting of .the board to
be held there Tuesday. The board will
elect a state sheep inspector at $2000
per annum, and select a secretary for the
board at $600 per year. The Commis
sioners will have their general offices in
the State-House. The- Umatilla Wool
Growers' Association will hold its meet
ing at the same time. ,
Kelso la Closed Town.
KBISO. Wash., March 17. (Special.)
The saloons and most of the business
houses were closed today, and ths
streets were thronged with men who
had been deprived of their usual Sun
day loaning places.
To Cure Grip in Two Days.
Ijaxatlve Eromo -Quinine remove th
cause. To g-et the Kenutne, call for full nam
and look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25c.
Pabst malt takes twice as long
to make as other malts. This is
why Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is
richer in food-values more health
ful, wholesome and delicious.
Ieensed to Prac
tice Medicine 1b
We are specialists for men and men only, true
specialists. We do not treat all diseases, nor do
we treat both sexes, but we do cure all curable
diseases of men. We have devoted the best years
of our lives to this purpose and have accumulated
expert knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and
cure of men's diseases, that can only be obtained
through constant study, hospital training and
years of experience.
Affects both mind and body, causing a physical and mental
weakness resulting in melancholia, insanity, impoteney, and
in fact, a degenerative condition of the whole system, unfitting
you for work or anything else. We have devoted years of,
study to this special disease, and we have cured varicocele in
one treatment. This statement may seem broad, but it is an
absolute fact, and we can prove it. We know how to do this
by the right method, and our success has spoken for itself.
Call and be convinced that what we say is true. Write if you
cannot calL
HOURS: 8 to 5; 7 to 8:30 Daily; 3undays, 9 to 12.