THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, MONDAY,' MARCH 18, 1907. It SITUATION' WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. WANTED SEWING AT HOME. SUITS, dresses or waists; work guaranteed. An ewer with phone number, S 63, Oregonlan. GIRL WISHES PLACE TO I0 GENERAL housework In small family. Call from 10 to 4 P. M. at 362 Salmon aU COLORED GIRL. WISHES POSITION AS chambermaid or -waitress. Phone Main 3142. CHAMBER WORK WANTED. ASK FOR Kate. 3:tl Glisan St. Miscellaneous.. AN ACCOMPLISHED DANISH LADY, 24 years old. at present in Paris, speaks the Scandinavian, I German, EnRllFh and French languages, highly recommended by the most distinguished families in Europe, wishes a place on the Pacific Coast as governess in a respectable family. For full information apply to the Danish Vice consul, Dr. Wm. Elsen, Altsky bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS LEARN TO MAKE ORIENTAL art pictures, something new, no painting to do, larnd perfectly rn one hour; we teach you free and you Bell your own work and make 23 day; over 500 per cent profit; also teach others at $5 each and make big money; small samples, 10c; largor one, $1. postpaid. Particulars free. Oriental Art Co.. 231 S. Hill,sU. Los An geles. Gal. WANTED Agents to sell beet grown nursery stock on the Coast, Including Burbank's new pttleas plum. Miracle; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. MONET! MONEY! ADVANCED EVERT week to our agents. A full line. Including up-to-date specialties. Write for free can vassing outfit. Capital City Nursery Com pany, Salem, Or. BEST MONET-MAKER IN THH MARKET 100 monthly and commissions to good men; see us. Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Co.. Elks' bldg. WANTED Photograph and portrait agents; grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 8. SL cor. 84 sad Oak. Phone Exchange 73. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGB3, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d at. Phone Main 1436, Administrator of estates. WANTED FURNISHED 8-ROOM MOD ern house In first-class location, with yard; cranks who object to children, don't answer. K. 69, Oregonlan WANTED A PLEASANTLY SITUATED, furrtlahed cottage, with good-alxed verandah, for two adults: rmisv oe In quiet neighbor hood. Phone- East 4216. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WTTH GOOD barn, two or more lots, or small acreage In city cr near by. Address A 80, Ore gonlan. WANT FURNISHED COTTAGER AT Gearhart for the season by responsible party. Address C fi2, Orenonlan. WANTED MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; must be first -class location. C 68, Ore go nl an. SMALL KOVR OR FTVE-RO OM MODtEJRM flat, west of 7th. Address M., 6lO, Mar- quam bldg. YOUNG IjADY "WANTS E00M AND BOARD. G 80, Oregonlan. WANTED mSOEIXANEOUS. WANTED 5000 worth men's cast-off clothing and shoes w also bii- "household furnishings, blith est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Paciflo 1722. SECOND-HAND FLOORING AND CEIL Ing. loose or Intact. Cash. The Title & Abstract Co. Phono Paciflo 1540. room 4. Mulkey bldg. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT- ly free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, M. 1066. or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-Gllsan. WTT.l. WT'Y CHIFTONIER. COOK STOVE. sanitary couch ami other furniture. McGirr, 214 IBth. Main WANTED WALL AND BULLETIN LO cations. The Curran Co., 101 Front St. Phone Main 2100. WB BUT AND SELL ANYTHING IN THH furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First st. WANTBD MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. STTOEJ3. highest prices paid. C2 3d. Tel. Paclno 40. WANTED FOX TERRIER: MUST BE puppy and thoroughbred. 310 Allaky bldg. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage & Fennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac 360. SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE etc, prompt attention. Phone East iwu. WE! CALX FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tl free of charge. Phone East WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER. Apply 223 Lumber Exchange. FOR KENT. Rooms. THE WESTMINSTER, MADISON AND 6TH ma., ham still a few choice bachelor anart mcDtA to let. Theee are the mtvst handsomely furnifhed and up-to-date apartments in every respect to be found In the city; reasonable rates; easy walking- aistUKe. HOTEL BUS HM ARK. WASHINGTON AND n suite, steam heat. hot. cold water, electrlo light, rhoue in every room; suites, wun pri vate oath, $7.60 per week; single, $3; by day, II up; reasonable by month. Main otm. COM PORTABLE ROOMS. NEW AND Ex ceedingly clean. In modem brick, BOo a day and up, a week and up; respectable house. Hotel iew tseimont, ist ana Tay lor. Mrs. L. Zinsley, Prop. HOTTIL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK. New brick, steam, hot and cold running water and electrlo lights in every room. Twenty suites; private baths; phonos. Cen tral, yet quiet, rso canines. per day, $1 si.&o, THE WILLAMETTE. S22H STARK. S. W. cor. 6th st. Well furnished rooms, large and light; single or en suite; transients; B0o to IJ) by week, to so. -acinc 111m. FOR RENT NICELY FTTRNT SITED FRONT rom. East Side, near rlverbank; desirable local 1 1 y , with i n wa I K ins; aistunce ; you ng man, preferred. S62 Larrabee st. 82T 12TH NEfWLY FURNISHED WARM room, suitable for one or two; porcelnln rain, gas, pnone; sio. rnone I'acmc aiui. 8P2 COLUMBIA BRIGHT, G00D-8IZED room, furnace heat, gas, porcelain bath, telephone; easy walk; reasonable. 1S1 FTRST ST., COR. TAMTTILL NICELY furnished front suite, aluo single rooms; rea sonable; transient solicited. GOOD FTTtNTSHED ROOMS. TWO BLOCKS from Pvtofflce. residence district, private nous. hh scamon sx. si;. THE GRAND. 3S7 YAMHILL NEWLY FUR nlhed rooms; steam heat, bath and phone s.ov a wees ana up. 304 AIjDER ST.. ("OR. 10TH NICELY FI'R rlshed room, first floor; running water a iso Kin bio room. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE IN Mroworiujco ojor., mrst St., cor. Al der. Apply room i. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HEAT ana oaxn, eioctnu iigme. ts-i .North eta st., corner coucu street. 875 TAYLOR ROOMS SUITABLE FOR 2 or more genutraen; gas, bath and phone. Mam 2515. FRONT ROOM. WELL FURNISHED" HEAT, llsht, bath and phone; walking distance. 11 14TH PT.-CLBAN FURNISHED ROOMS" phone, gas, bath, furnace heat. $8 to $20 a montn. THE COZY. 19o 7TH, COR. TAYLOR NICI ly furnished rooms, with or without board.- HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4TH ST. FINE rooms, s per weex up, ouc per nignt up, 600 HAWTHORNE AVE. , COR. EAST lOTH ITiirnf shfi nvtrn rtm. hath, tihnn. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. GAS AND bath. 141 13th st.. or. Alder.. NICBLY FTTRNISHED ROOMS, 535 COUCH, the Sterling. SUNNY FRONT SLEEPING Couch st. ROOMS, 387 SLEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT, street. FOR BENT. Room. THE COMMERCIAL. TClcelv furnished rooms, single or en suite, $2 per week up; steam heat, not and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city; office and read lng -room ground floor. 468 Washington. HOTEL. K E NTON.-l 8TH AND WASH STS. Modern rooms, single and en suite ; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. Booms With Board. S3l N. 1TTH, NEAR WASHINGTON ST.. bwurtiful corner suite and large front room, handeiomely furnished, modern; also pretty attic room suitable for two or more; first class table board; references. Main 5408. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 18TH YEAR Kooma with board, use of sewing-room, us of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella RawUnga, Supt.. 610 Flanders. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEAS- ant rooms w:th Orst-ciass noara; one oi the nicest private boardlntr-houses In the city; fine location for business people. Mlnnequa Inn. 376 Yamhill St., 2 blocks wept Hotel Portland; new management; a few choice rooms, white help, home cook'g. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS with board; home cooking; prices reason able. B5 6th St. Phone Main 5490. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT rooms, good board, every convenieice; xntmrtes' walk. 814 Mill. Main 857ft. CAN ACCOMODATE A FEW MORE) DAY boarders at 4 per week; strictly home cook tng. The Chrylsler, 80 Taylor. ROOM WITH BOARD NICE ROOM AND frood home cooking; just like home. &zt West Park. Main 6356. THREE VERY NICE. MODERN FURNISH- ed housekeeping rooms, lower noor. ou Second st. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board. No. 10 ota st., near .uast Burnslde. ftfW W AATTI NGTON ItA RGE. WFlTxL FUR- nLrhed rooms anoi taoie ooaro). rnone main 8331. ROSEDA7B: NEWLY FURNTSHED; FIRST- class room and ooartx. u lutn ana Aiaauson. WELL-FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOMS WITH board. 167 lith sc., near Morrison. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS SERV- lc; hot, cold water, za ntn sx. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. 300 Morrison it corner lotn. Flats. MODERK FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENT. Kait ana west Biaes. ortiana irusx Company of Oregon, S. IQ. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. 807-A E5LE7VENTH ST. -SIX ROOMS AND bath, steam heat, Morgan, aweet Chapman, S13 Abingtoa bldg. Phone Main zoio. FINEST 8-ROOM FLAT IN PORTLAND, 17th and Kearney. Donald Macieoa vo 617 Chamber of Commerce. WELL LOCATED FURNISHED 4-ROOM flat. Inquire rear cottage, 228 Hall st. FOR RENT NEW FOUR-ROOM FLAT, $16. 223 ituasel st. ; no cnlldreii. MODERN 6-R00M FLAT. 615 WASHINQ- ton. XToaselceplnaT Rooms. THE KOW LAND APARTMENTS, 631 J W ash In ton. cor. 20th Nioely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; oest rooms in city lor money. THE ONEONTA. 18T 1TTH ST., NEAR Yamhill New bouse, elegantly furnished, in suites of 2, 8 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water; gas range each kitchen; steam heat. oaths, tree phone each floor; no children. S8B CORBETT ST. 8 OR 4 NICELY FT7R- nished hoasekeeDlns: rooms, with bath. phone and gas, on 3d et. carllne, opposite .;miorcn s homo; private ramuy; reasona- oie rent; positively no cnuaren. rurnisiied or unfurnished; also furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $1.25 week eacn. aicuoy, 34 isortn otn, cor. tsavier. THE WILFRED NEWLY FURNTSHED housekeeping, also single rooms. 83 Union avenue, corner Washington. Phone East o344, fl.SS WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED nouse Keeping- rooms; rurnace neat; laun- ury, oain, x3 Ya bianion. iaxs u car. THREE NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keoplna; rooms; bath, gae range and phone. juj. rsorth ltRh, corner Washington. TWO TJNFURNISHE3D FIRST FLOOR rooms, clean, pleasant, convenient. Inquire aiiernoon, nail St., arter 2:30. TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, free bath and phone xio a montn. ztl n. JiJtn st. FTNELT FTJRN'TPHED FOR HOUSEKBEP- lng Three rooms, lower floor, cottage, ciose in; pnone xree. oiv aiam. 467 TAYLOR ST. FURNISHED 2-ROOM suite, modern - conveniences; new dwell lug; $ZO month: no children. THREE UNFURNISHED HOTTSBKEEPIXO roonw; new. modern,. Phone Tabor STL 97! l-i&t i anin i u st. SUITES OF TWO ROOMS WITH GAS STOVE, si.zo per weea. A,ppiy oo luast xamnui at. FOR RENT 6 UNFTTRNI SHED HOUSE- keeping1 rooms with bath. Apply C69 4th st. ALL UPSTAIRS HOUSE (not furnished) 461 W. Park, su auo cnam. com. paciflo ll55. 2 OR 4 NICTf' UNFTTRNTSHED ROOMS. GOOD locanon, r-ast xv. za iasr laui ana iualn. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE VA- cant at "The Angelus," $27.50. 22 6th st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. keeping rooms; rent reasonable. 107 Sd st, 8 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2O0v Fourth st., near Salmon. Houses. FOR RENT LARGE 0-ROOM HOXTSE could be made 12 roorae; suitable for room ing-house; modern. 89 N. ISth st. Phone E, o24. $20 7-ROOM TTOT'SE. MODERN CONVEX lence-!, lartre yard. 'W7 Front street, near Pennoyer; key is at SKU Font et. JUST FINISHED MODERN 6-ROOM house, central, $27 ; Jefferson and Chap' mail sts. Wokefle la -Fries. NEARLY NEW MODERN O-ROOM COT- tage; gas, bath, fireplace; B. Alder and B8th. F 74, ore go man. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE,. 57 ELLA st. ; good location. inquire 430 Glisan. Phone Main 407 o. 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. OAS, NEW ly papered and painted. Inquire 230 Caru- mers ai. FOR RENT A -5-ROOM HOUSE, moath; inquire at 246 Sheridan st. $12 A 278 12TH ST. N ences. Key 271. ROOMS. $25; REFER Furnished Honsec SWELL COLONIAL 10-ROOM RESIDENCE: beautiful prounao, rooms ail furnished. In' THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, U9hi First st. NEWIY FURNISHED COTTAGE, FINE locatlcn, walking distance, convenient for two couples, a. i o, uregonian. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LOCALITY 5 completely furnished; piano, stove, gas range. inquire 1 1 ( irvmg at. oiY-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISH Fir fine piano, good location; no children, ref erences required, juhiu ciov. FTTtNISHED HOUSE. WEST SIDE, GOOD Iaiiiv fin view. reasonabl 1a tAn locaxi ty . ii w . w sum ant. 21 Mulkey Dlds;. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, CHOICEST residence location. West Side. Address C 7, Oregonlan. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED FIVE room cottage. 187 S2d St., near East Yamhill. , FURNISHED' COTTAGE FOR RENT. Ap ply 62 East 8th. rortn, or pnone iQast 47SO. 8 rooms, newly furnished, corner 394 Harrison, 10th: very convenient, pnone Main lbuz. Movers For Rent rurnlrars For SsJsw -ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURN ture for sale; a bargain. 280 Harrison at. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE; ELECTRIC lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM FLAT sals; flat for rent. 147 N. 23d. FOR RENT. Bouses For Rent Fcrnirare For 8svls. FOR .CHEAP MODERN 4-ROOM furnished flat; not ana cold water ana i modern conveniences;. 3 rooms rented to steady tenants; centrally located. Inquire 64 9t&. corner of Davis. f 9 ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED. CLOSE IN on Park st.; reasonable rent; good money maker; takes this. Hagcmann & Blanchard. 91 5th st. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT Complete furnishings for sale. Call Sun day or Monday afternoons, 226 11th, bet Salmon and Main. FURNITURE FOR SALE. GOOD AS NEW; corner 4-room apartment, . modern, hot water, private entrance. Call after 2 P. M., 225 Sherman st. A SACRIFICE NEW FURNITURE OF tt rooms, will sell very cheap lr taaen at once. Call 01 5th. Phone Main , 373. FURNITURE OF NINE ROOMS, FIND Lo cation, for sale cheap if taken soon; rooms all full. Call Monday, 104 11th st. COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale; rent and furniture both reasonable. 591 East Ash. Ankeny car. FURNITURE OF 16-ROOM HOUSE FOR $TS0. rent $o2.50: seven blocks of postonlce; good location. Call 63 N. Park St. NEW. STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, furniture alt new, close in. Terms, Ad dress Q 6L Oregon ian. ROOM MODERN HOUSE! WEST BIDS, for rent, furnished, or will sell furniture. Inquire ISO 1st t. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT OR will sen furniture; isaat siae, cioes in. Inquire 190 1st st. FURNITURE OF 20-ROOM HOUSE, cnoice location; terms, nor particulars call at 530 Couch. SNAP 52 ROOMS, LOW RENT, LEASE; must be sold Immediately. M. S. Rente ry, Sherlock bldg. fiton CORNER STORE. 3D AND COLUMBIA, $35; being thoroughly renovated; good location tor drug Gtore, etc. W. G. Cox, 202 Allsky bldg. call 12 to 1:30. FOR RENT TWO STORES; GOOD LOCA tion; $u.oo montn. call sou coiumnia bldg. Phone Main 784. FOR RENT THE MOST DESIRABLE COR- ner In the city for a drug store. Address with references, C 73, Oregonlan. FOR RENT-HALF OF LARGE STORE ON Washington St., call 413 Washington st. onto WE HAVE A LARGE ROOM IN REAR POR- tnon of 2-story brick build in. 6th. near Oak. 20x30 feot. Good lipht Room 12x12 adjoin ing can be had also. Will rent separately or togetner. low rent. Lease ic desired. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. FRONT OFFI'ES AND ROOMS ON COURT, stisgie ana un suite; gooa elevator service; steam heat, gas and electric light and power; hot and cold water in every room; beet lo cation. Swetland Bldg., 5th and Waehlnfrton. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE. FIFTH ST.. near Stark; counter, private office; reasonar bie rent, including telephone. SENGSTAKB & LYMAN. 0 6th st. GOOD OFFICES. FRONT AND BACK rooms; elevator and If K tit, heat and water services. Raleigh bldg., otn and Wash ington sts. TWO FRONT OFFICES FURNISHED. beet location In city. Inquire room 4, itaieigrn biciK.. otn ana waonington bis. THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE) LIGHT offices; very reasonable, first floor Apply X-Radlum Institute. 2Q3 Alder st. OFFICES TO RENT IN GOOD BUILDINGS at moderate rate. Apply to Jtobert Strong, B14 Worcester oldg. raK ROOM. FRONT OFFICE, SECOND floor, opposite Chamber of Commerce. 268 Stark St., room 10. 20x40 SECOND FLOOR, SW. CORNER 6TH ana vac; corner room; steam new. PERSONAL. LADIES, ONE WORD WITH TOU 23 years of eucceawful practice in Portland in the treatment of diseases peculiar to women should be sufficient cuarantee to those seek ing the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon, i nave assisted hundreds or anx ious and suffering women. I can assist you. If in trouble. n matter from what cause. call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable specialist; no cnarge tor consultation or u vice. 251 Alder Bt., corner ad. Portland, Or. Correspondence sacredly confidential. X-RADIUM MEDICAL INSTITUTE) AND C1V1T1 UTTTM For the special treatment of diseases of women. Irregularities Immediately checked. Our methods of treatment are unique; no charges for consult ion. Graduate lady physicians and professional nurses In attend ance. Maternity hospital. inrants aaopieu. 253 ALDER ST., PORTLAND. OR, Corner Third. Phone Main 2798. TR VIHV I.ATJF Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladies will consult their best lnteresti by communicating with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. Phone Mala Zitft). SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, BOo , To visitors of Portland hotels and to public at large: Suits prersod at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 100 6th st., next to Quelle. Ladles skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088. NOTICE OF REMOVAL A. REINER. THE furrier, will move from Lewis bldg. March 1. Looking for suitable location. For pres ent may be found at residence. 252 N. 19th st Phone Pac, 2407. Will call and give estimates as usual. SWEDISH TRAIN NTJR3E-H ELSINOFOR3 graduate: rheumatism. nervous disorders. stomach troubles, sprains cured; no drugs. 7 rast inn st. south. Take Uast Ankeny car. Phone East 2C0. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, woodard, Clarke A Co.. Portland. Dress suits for rent, all sizes $1 month keeps your clothlne cleaned, ti reused, buttons sewed A GENTLEMAN OF GOOD AND RE fined family wishes to correspond with a lady who has a farm or widow who likes the country. F 72, Oregonlan. "SON OF A SWORD-MAKER." "TURKEY Eeg Grfffin," "The Harkriders," "The Starbucks," by Opto Read, 25c each; list xree. a. w. scnmai co.. 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BT THE GREAT Dr. Lorenx Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25o a box. Write or call at Byssel's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St., oetween 1st ana ZO. LADIES DR. KETCHUM. GRADUATE AND rejrietered, treats any and all your com- 1 .uv. o.m iTu mui 1 pa a. nits v tin oft. in cu.u auv 1 too, Ailiiu comer lanuuii. ir-acinc zzw. RUSSIAN BATH, 207 8D, BET. TAYLOR and Salmon ; swimming pool, steam and hot air; hours: Ladies, u a. m. to 1 P. M. gents, 8 A. M. to 12 P. M. MRS. DR. HUNTLEY, PHYSO-THERA. nnth Cures rheumatism, nervous disor ders and paralysis. 587 Washington St. Pacific 2091. DR. LOUISE ENGLISH, MAGNETIC healer, gives scientific treatments for rheu matism and all nervous diseases. 145H oth St., room 2. SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO. HAS moved from 133A First st. to 2504 Madi son bldg.. 3d at., corner Madison, rooms 25-2(3. STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools are Invited to vi3it our Portland omce, oi jnctway Diag. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charpe to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room r iieoner diok. r-acmo iao. GOOD PAYING GROCERY, GROWING Lo cality; Invoice about $800; terms; going to Alaska. 73 union ave. rnorxn. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name, ooc; oo tor aoo; zou Dusiaeas cards. $1. Bcnmaie uo., xv asu REPENTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR- lora, ladies and gentlemen. 801 Morrison sc., room iz. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlan bldg.; ladies cays, gentlemen nignts. roon vain 193S. Bust and neck develepoed. Oriental method; re- suits Buartuiieea. oou r iituner Dtug. f ao. xoo. SR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED special si. a&ni i an urn in in. ltn. Main 5478. Balm of figs for all female dis- o2tf ueimoDt Pbons East 4034. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PARLORS; YOUNG LADY GIVES PACE) AND SCALP massage, 343 Alomson, suits 1-2. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If Your hotel is for sale. In or out of ths elty. bring It to us and ws will procure a purcnaser witnout publicity, neiercuoo tel Men's Association. P. L. AUSTEN sr CO.. Original Hotel Brokers. Suite 122 to 126. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2488. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME ANY RE- sponsible person who commands first-class references and has not less than $5000 in cash immediately available will find It to his or her advantage to call at once on N. Campbell, rooms 214-215 Commercial block. Portland. Or. This is a business proposition and la open to one person only. LEASE FOR SALE. 63 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter In al 1 rooms, 5-year lease at low rent; building will be completed in about 80 days; very central location. For fur ther particulars please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. BIG BARGAIN. 10 rooms on 12th st.. near Jefferson; rent $45; nicely furnished; furnace heat, porcelain bath, nice lawn, splendid place for renting rooms; you can buy this Monday if you hurry for $800. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. A SACRIFICE. Ice cream, candy, cigar and notion store on Washington st.; business $15 to $80 per day now; $50 to $100 during Summer: sickness, otherwise couldn't be bought for any price : long lease and cheap rent; $1100. The Veteran . Land Co., 165 J 8d st., room A. GROCERY FOR SALE THE OWNER OF one of the best-paying grocery storea in Oregon, after over 30 years in business, desires to sell out; about $15,000 in cash will be required; no one with less need ancmrar- nPMCM with rlmt letter Will save time and Insure reply. Address L 60, Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING PLANT. 100x150, corner, in Sellwood, with water power, building and 20 H. P. boiler; would be fine for laundry ; whole outfit can be bought for $1500. H. P. PALMER, 222 Failing bldg. LIVERY STABLE. In live and growing town on the Columbia River In Washington; well equipped and doing business with clear profit of $100 a month. Price $2700. ELLIS & YORK, Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. 1 LOOK . HERB. Ws have grocery, restaurants, rooming hmise. hotels, cigar storea etc: on any thing we handle in this line we .invite the closest investigation; for a good buy and a square deal call The Veteran Land Co., lSoVi 8d et. FOR SALE AT INVOICE CIGAR AND confectionery store in nne location, aomg Immense business. Low rent. Hying rooms In connection. Owner going to California on account of failing health. At invoice. This Is a snap. Address N 74, Oregonlan. $200 PER MONTH CLEAR. Snap for some good up-to-date woman; will sell interest or whole; If yon want to make some good big money on a small Investment be sure and look Into this. Address P 80, Oregonlan. WANTED AT SPRINGFIELD. OR., PARTY to start a laundry; win insure a guou Busi ness; Inducements to a sash and door fac tory; exceptional opportunity; also a good baker to establish bakery. Address Spring field Commercial Club. j AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR party with small capital ana norviccs iu engage in best money-making business on the Coast ; investigate this If you are looking for something good. Inquire room 21, Raleigh bldg. FOR SALE JEWELRY STORE. ESTAB- llanea traae, goaa oencn worn, ftoou loca tion, cheap rent; will sell with or without stock. Cheap; reasons for selling; no trlfiers need answer. S 7. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, 80 YEARS OF AGE. WISHES to become the wonting or rustling partner of some reliable company, has had busi ness experience; can keep books and givs reference. P 74. Oregonlan. ONE-HALF INTEREST OR WHOLE OF bakery for sale; wen esxaousnea ana known; doing close to $1500 a month busi ness; $3000 for whole or $1500 for half. Address E 72, Oregonlan. $800 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN ES- thoroughly equipped office; chance for practical printer. Address M., Box 278, Corvallls, Or. LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARTNER wanted to wait onr customers, conoti, oiu. Must be satisfied at first with $30 a week; $500 required, secured. Call 248 Stark st. RARE CHANCE $1000 AND YOUR SERV- ices will pay you saw a montn ciear as partner. Duties easily-iearnea ana reier ences required, particulars 248 Stark st STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you- have stocks or oonas ior bh.ic, ibi mt try to sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 540 Ellicott Square. Buffalo. 10-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. $250; 14- room rooming-house, sidu; eto-room room ing-house, S3DOO; cortee nnuse, snap, eov, saloon, $400. Room 7. 181 1st L BUTCHER SHOP. A good business will eU at Invoice price. 209 Allsky Bldg. GOOD ALE & CO. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING BAKBRT BUSI- tiea in nest ana most attractive wwii m Southern Oregon. For particulars address Lock Box 16, Ashland. Or. f a kit nnocKRY WITH LIVING ROOM for $900; also want young man with $600 Hi partner: experience unnecessary, 248 Stark st. FOR SALE A SNAP FIRST-CLASS exDense. Must sell at once. Address P 71, Oregonlan. MERCHANDISE BUSINESS CENTRAL mense: a chance seldom offered. Particulars 248 ft Stark st. SHOEMAKER SHOP, FULLY DQUIPPEO with furnished living rooms. 2.Tw Bd st. $125. Rent $15. L. E. Thompson ft Co., 228 8d at. CASH GROCERY DOING BUSINESS OF $40 dally, rent $ is per montn. iw. oao Lumber iiixcnange, sou otaxtt sis. PARTNER WITH A FEW HUNDRED DOL lars to take an interest in a platting propo- ' si tion. State Lena jo.. iay rirst at. IF YOU WANT TO BUT A grocery or general merchandise store, call on J or O an ac vioronu, .0,75 nuaioiiai, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, LOW RENT, lease, good location; could add groceries; snap. winKS, uo liumoer jl. lange. PAR -RENT BLACKSMITH SHOP IN MIL- waukie. Or. Only shop In town; plenty of work for two men year rouna. u n.err. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT clearing $20 Q a month. Particulars 825 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. WTO -RTTN-T THE MOST DESIRABLE COR- ner In the city for a drug store. Address, with references, r ta uregonian. SMALL GROCERY, CLEAN STOOK. NICE cash business; good location; cheap for cash. Apply w. nuii. o 1st st. L SNAP 30 ROOMS. CENTRAL LOCA tion, rent reasonable, furniture for sale. In quire 13 Union ave.. near Ash. FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEAT market; good tools ana natures. F. A." Meyer, McMinnvuie, or. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSEv BRICK bulldlns;; terms; no agents. Address A. B., BAYS MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING See Madden, Odd Fellows Temple, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE ON WASH IN G- ton, near 18th, will sell cheap. Inquire Lowengarax, as r-ara. 1POR RALE NICE LITTLE- POR N'TTR Tin ' eery, cigars, notions, confectionery, $350. mono rftcuw vi. SALOON LOCATION FOR RENT ONE OF the very best corners la the city. Address q 7Z, cn-earonian. PARTY GOING EAST WILL SELL AT SAC- rlfice stock in growing Portland corporation. W 64. uregonian. GOOD PAYING GROCERY. FINE! LOCATION. good trade, low rent; $1600, or Invoice. D 65, uregonian. PARTNER MACHINE SHOP. PARTICU lars call S25 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. $40 1er month, besides profit on goods; willing to invoice, U-uick. 72a Cham. commerce. PARTY WITH $1500 TO IXV06T IN" GOOD paying steam la unary. Address W oa Ore- BUSINESS CHANCES. THE AMES MERCANTILE! AGENCY HAS ! Inside Information regarding business open ings In this territory; their correspondents ktrn thorn nat9 nn all rinrirable offering. Merchants looking for location in this city or in country towns are invitea " lonnation of this kind rree. Mercantile Agcy., Ablngton bldg. 1000 PER CENT PROFIT OR BETTER IN a manufacturing company's stock; nothing equals this enterprise as a money-hio. . dividend win h nnnnoiu: Investigate; larsre or rnnall investments accepted; orders ! taken to buy or sell stocks and bonds on the i-or nana stock E&cnange. w. j. 215 Commercial block. GROCERY STORE. Splendid location, nice, clean, up-to-date stork, cnoh mo nvernm 50 DOr day varv lnw rent- arnnA lonir lease: good. horse and wagon; this place will Invoice SOO; will take $2500; thla 19 an ai oujr. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 220-80 Lumber Exchange. BIG SACRIFICE PARTNERS DISAGREE. $1200 grocery stock for $800, or will Invoice ana give discount; corner douoie store: liv ing rooms below: 8 above; quarter block and barn: rent 20. with lease: fine location: investigate today. 611 Villa ave., Montavilla I car. - ROOMING-HOT TSE FOR SALE 38 ROOMS. well furnished, long lease, close to O. R. & I N. shoos: stores In bulldlns: for restaurairt or board lng -house or saloon : will trade for reai estate or part cash; cne&p rent, inquire 40 Russell or 27 Morris street. AN ESTABLISHED FOUNDRY 1 AND PLAT- lng plant requires capital to care for its rapidly growing business; a good oppor tunity for a eomoetent man with c&Dltal: give particulars. Address W. Jackson, 3 East 2d ave.. Spokane, Wash. BUSINESS WANTED. $5000 to $10,000 to Invest In profitable Business; state kina ana aaaresa in repiy. Q 76, Oregonlan. FOR SALE1 CONFECTIONERY, HOME bakery, stationery, cigars, tobacco, no tions, etc.. Including store and dwelling; no opposition; splendid chance for man and wire. Lock liox 144, cove, ur. WANT CAPITAL TO HANDLE SMALL tract of timber; can double your money In 12 months. X. OS, oregonlan. FOR RENT ONE 50-ROOM LODGING house, centrally located, on West Side, un- , furnished; one 50-room lodging-house In Al blna, unfurnished. Gerurts St Sons, 173-175 First at. WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE. CLEAN. small lodging-houses that can be bought very reasonable. For Information call Sun Investment Co., 224 Madison. BOATING BUSINESS. WELL ESTAB- Mheri: best location- tn dtv: 3 launches. row-boats, boathouse and all equipment, at a bargain, lnouire 1H3 juorrison sr. W ANTED -BUYER FOR HALF INTEREST In planing mm ana sasn ana aoor lactory; one competent to manage business pre ferred. H so, oregoman. STRICTLY CASH 3USI NESS PARTNER wanted. Experience unnecessary, as duties easily learned, jiiw. azo Lumber aixcnange. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE DRUGSTORE WITH GOOD paying business m thriving Portland sub urb. Address j 73, uregonian. HALF INTEREST IN GOOD PAYING Busi ness in Portland. Mr. wuison, soft AiiBty bid. A SALOON WITH GOOD BUSINESS FOR. FECI AX. NOTICES. Proposals Invited PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUTTON Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March 18, 1U07. Sealed proposals for furnishing- and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six montns beginning juiy 1, iiwt. win be re ceived here and at offices of commissaries at Fort Stevens, Or. ; Boise Barracks, Ida ho; Forts Casey. Columbia, Flagler. Law- ton. Walla Walla. Ward, Worden, Wright I and Vancouver Barracks, wash., until 10 A. M., April 17, 1007, and then opened. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed: "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton to be opened April 17, 1007," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Lieutenant-Colonel George H. Davis, Chief Commissary. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI ted States, for the District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of the Estacada Wood Manufacturing Company, bankrupts: The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o ciocit noon or juarcn zs, for all of the following described real estate, together with the Improvements thereon belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots 2, 3, 4, 0. 0, 7, . u, 10, ll and 12, of block 6. Estacada. Clackamas Countv. Oregon, and also all Implements and tools used in and about said plant, according to inventory thereof now on nie. A check for 10 per cent must accompany each of fer and the sale is subject to confirmation by the court. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be inspected at Estacada. uatea at r'ortiana, ur.. March 0, 1007. R. L. 6a bin, trustee, 7 First street, room 0. APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS .Notice la Hereby given tnat all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheen within the Cascade Range Forest Reserve northern division) during the season of 1907. must be filed in my office at Portland, Ore son, on or before April 1. 1907. Full Infor mation In regard to the grazing fees to be charged, and blank forms to be used la making application, will be furnished upon request, u. u. uroneon. inspector m cnarge. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting: of the stockholders of the - Oregon A California Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company In the Worcester Building, Portland, Tues day, April 9, 1907, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. w. w. tunuN, secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SMALL FOX TERRIER: BLACK i head and tall; one black spot on each side. Marking noticeably regular. Reward. J. D. Hart, 109 Sherlock bldg. phone Main oSB. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated axd returned same day. 229 Front at. Mala 474.' Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. proprietor. IjOST GOLD PIN WITH LARGE GREEN 1 atone, with engraving "jack to Rose. Feb. 14. '06." Finder return to 7S Ella st. and receive reward. LOST MARCH 17, IN V CAR OR P. O.. bunch of keys with name J. H. Mason." Return to A. B. Mason, First Nat. Bank; reward. LOST ON L CAR, SATURDAY EVENING, gold-handle umbrella with monogram "C W. L." on handle. Phone evening. East IS 03. FOUND LADY'S WATCH AND FOB. OWN- er call and Identify same, eto. Ask for H. C. Bern an, uregonian business office. LOFT A GOLD-BEADED CHAIN AND cross. Tel. Main uuatom fiouse. Re ward. SMALL DRAB HAND PURSE, E. McK, ON Alder, near 6th st. Return to Oregonlan urrice. ITNANCIAJt $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit at 6 to T per cent on Improved realty. M . u. unmn, 200 starx, opp. u. 01 Com. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities, lowest rates, a. w. King. room 4o. Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY LOAKL3 IN SUMS OF $0 AND UP on all lanes or security. w. a. Hathaway, room IV, vvasoincion oiug. rtciuo 1K2. MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES: no commission. Columbia Life & Trust Company, Lumoer t-icnang Didg. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 ON all securities. 1. j. tiCKerson ft co., room 0, Washington Diag. r-none rac laiii. $5000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REAL estate; caargea 1 ewjujumjie. inquire J. Mlddleton, oil unamoer uornmercs. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on improved and unimproved real estate, w. ti. aubb, 00 Dnerioca ttiock. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN FROM $1000 to $oow. uean uana at investment jo., 413 commercial Diag. CAN GIVE GOOD SEOURrTY AND GUAR aatee 6 per cent on $10,000. Particulars, R 00, uregonian. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan uo.r iv JUelcum bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per e. W. h. Thomas, WILL LOAN $0000 OR LESS. 6 PERCENT. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE FINANCIAL. FEW DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET T thlnr 4irahl. You can have them. $10 to $100 and return the amount, in small weekly or monthly payments. . Wo advance money on salary without ln nnM nnrt withmit the knowledge of em ployer or any one. Lowest rates; best terms; square aeaiing; no puoucity. When In need of a little "Ready Cash do not fall to call and let us explain our plan fully. All Interviews confidential and you will be treated courteously, whether you bor row or sot. . Open every evening. December 15 to Janu ary 1. HUTTON CREDIT CO. , 612 (5th floor) Dekum bldg. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. lqaNS MaDb" TO SALARIED PEOPLE! jioio-ing permanent positions ana r",ww firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. rvEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMrAAi. 2uo Ablngton Building. I MONEY TO TX1AN. On Improved city property cr for building purposes, for from S to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loss, after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. jrrihiD i. strong. Financial juvm. 242 Stark Street. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Anr salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (confi dential): Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to ns.. $13.33 or $.65 or $3.35 $20 Reray to us..S 6.69 or $3.20 or $1.65 ao Kepay to us. .s s.uu or s.w or XIO M KAY BLDG., lOX TlUliu. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes om owe. without mortgage; easy payments. Mnntn. -montn. w pr-n. BO Repay to us. .$13.38 or $.B5 or $3.33 $25 Repay to us..$ 6.25 or $3.60 or $1.65 $16 Repay to uo..S 4.00 or $2.00 or $100 Ws meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE just on your own name; no otner security necessary ; don' t borrow until you see me ; my system is the best ror ranroaa men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton. 424 Ablngton bldg. WANT CAPITAL TO HANDLE SMALL tract of timber; can double your money in 12 months. X 68, Oregonlan. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names witnout security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities, save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 d st. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried, neoole: lowest rates, sirictiy conn- centiat. nxnpioyesr ioan u.. room no ins Dekum, 3d and Washington. none oa. WASTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind or real estate in Oregon or waan Ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. E. Noble, 812 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN, REASONABLE RATES; real estate, cnattei mortsage or personal se curity; notes bought, C W. Pallett, $u4 Keston building. IlW Furniture, etc.; oortriaentiai ym tniecner bide., lotn ana was a. .rac, aoo. RATES. $350 WANTED FOR ONE YEAR ON GILT- eage security; win pay 1 per cent in terest. 8. M. Crow, 415 Oregonlan bldgr. ON MORTGAGE $200 TO $3000, COST PA- pers only, ward. Lawyer, AiiKky Didg. 500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 8 PER CENT. Wm. Q. Beck, room 812 Fa 11 Ins bldg. j $25,000 TO LOAN ON GOOD 6DCURTTY. AD- arees J o. uregonian. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aceoontantfl. merce. Phone Main otiSl. ucnerai account ing an auditing business. Aasayers and Analysts. GREENLEY ft CRAWFORD. ANALYTICA L chemists, mining engineers, 204)4 Wash ington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRI- son st. Best faollitiea Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST oia oust oougnu -cut Aiaer su Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general joDoing, contracting, uao Btara. sain omi, Carpet Cleanfns;. Joyce Bros., proprietors of the Electric cleaning works; carpets cieanea ana iaiu both dry and compressed air cleaning carpet refitting our specialty; work guar anteed. Tel. M 2672 and A 2072. 270 Grant. IONS STEAM CARPET CLEANING CO. Mattresses and leathers renovated. 221 E. 21st, north cor. Holiday. Phone East SCO. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on noori suction and compressed sir. M. 5534. Chiropody -and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY ft ESTELLB DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 0J Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 130L Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room o3U Diieuner bldg. Phone pacinc Ida- Cleaning and Dyeing. THE MADISON STEAM CLEANING AND Dressing Darlors. ail work guaranteed, prompt service: repairing a specialty. 247 Madison bet. 2d and Sd. Phone Pacific 1613. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dyeing to sample; reasonable prices, prompt ser vice, an za. Main out. Commission Merchants. HERMAN 1IETZQER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchants. Front at., near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., SHIP BROKERS ana commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., ronuno, ur. Cuts and Engraving. STUDIO FOR COMMERCIAL AND ARTISTIC assigning, suso cuts. a. iiecaer, 210 Allsky utas- ruune juain zzoa. Dancing. DANCING LESSONS. 26c. classes or nrtvate: wauung, iwo-Biop, mree-step, etc.; stage cancing, duck ana wing, clog, reel, sairc, Spanish, Highland fling, etc Prof. Wal. Wilson, Aiisky bldg., ad-Morrison. Woodward's Dancing School class. Mob., Thur. ana sat. eves.: nve assistants: oriv&te in sons dally- social, fancy and step dancing xaugni. za ana Morrison, pacino 1630. Prof. Ringler, Miss Buckenmoyer. leading koow, vttuy. sou Jkioer. Aoain IUol. Educational. MISS CALL, PRIMARY. GRAMMAR, PRE paratory grades; regular or special, fittl) il. juurnsiae. 1'none iast 37uu. Gasoline Engine. Fairbanks-Morse Stationary ana Sheffield ma- nne engines, oest, rigm price, lst-mark, Harness and. baddies. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLTO- ssie eaaaie ana narness mia, leather and saaaiery nara ware. 00-00 ist. Main 220. J unit. Hide and Pelts. : L. SHANK ft CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES peits, wool, xurs, tanow, 01a rubbers, metals ana saexs. si 4 sroni su Leather and Flndlnars. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER r-O tabliehed lboo. Leather and findings; Stock ton sols leather and cut stock; full line i-astern jumoos. low irront St. CH AS. L. MASTICK ft CO., FRONT AND Oak atrs. Leather and aklns of every de scription for all purposes; sole and tap cutters iinaings. Machinery, B. TRENKMAN ft CO.. MINING, SAWMILL, ivKgiuf macnuiery, nyarauilc pipes, oast' ftiuua fBpii-eu. lut r. iul Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN ft CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils. giass, sasn aaa aoore, uor. ana 1 ay ior. Mining Brokers. COEUR DALRNE AND NEVADA MINING stocks I am always in the market to buy or sell any first-class stocks or bonds. List your stocks with me. Get my prices before buying or selling. Loans made on listed securities. 1. f. Brown, iu wasn. Diag. MusicaL I PROF. J. H. EVEREST, INSTRUCTOR OF Western Academy of Music, 2d and Morn- BUSJUX1&3 DIRECTORY. Northwest Viavt Company. Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. "Health Talks" to women Thursdav at 2;30 P. M. Osteopathic Physicians. IRS. ADIX ft NORTH RUP 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office Mam 340. Residence. Main 1503. Residence, East 1023. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo. 4'fi Ors ajonlan bldg. Main 1242; re. Main 2762. slabber Stamps. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, trade baggage checks. P. C. Stamp Works, 249 Alder. ALSO SEALS, STENCILS. TEL. SLUGS, BAR checks, etc Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 14o7. BplrttosJlsta. WITH; THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL ' SAVE H.00 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 READING FOR $1.) ALWAYS CONSULT TUB BEST. . PROF. E. KHIMO, ASTRAL DEAD TRANCB CLAIRVOYANT. NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFIED WHEN READING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. 1 DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge if I fail to call you by name in full, names of your Xrlend. enemies or rivals. I promise to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is . or false; tell you how to win the love of the one you moat desire, even though miles away; how to aucceed In business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one or your choice, how to regain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil influences, cure drink habits, locates treasures, mines and oil wells, cures all nervous diseases. I WILL DO ALL OTHERS ADVERTISE TO DO, AND A GREAT DEAL MORS. THE ENTIRE WORLD .HAS BEEN fXED WITH THE POWERS OF THH1 FORCES I HAVE AT MY COM MAND, and I will prove it to you without price by giving you a . FREE TEST FREE, by having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL), JUBT WHAT YOU CAME FOR, and givs you advice absolutely FREE before you de cide to have a reading. WHO CAN Oft WILL . DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC? I0 NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, A3 IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN. Do not hesitate, delay la dangerous; coma at once and find out: How can I marry wellt How can I have good luck? How can I control any one? How can I conquer my rivalf How can I settle my quarrel? How can I succeed In business? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can I make my home happyf How can I remove Dad Influences? How can I make any one love me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one 1 choose? How can I make distant ones think of met HOURS 10 TO 8 DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. B. KHIMO. Parlors, No. 3 and 4 Grand Theater Bldg. 3r.2 Washington near Park St. Phcne Main 1267. MRS. WALLACE, St TfiARS PORTLAND 9 treat reliable medium; ail in trouble csji acd get her valuebls advloe on all affairs ot lie, buslneasL love troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72. Lewis bldg., 350W Morrison st. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. MADAME ZING A, EGYPTIAN MEDIUM. palmist and clairvoyant; separated re united; unhappy made happy; readings, 50c up. 804 Madison st., nar City Hall. MRS. S. B. 8EIP. Psychometrist, Spiritual Life Header, reiiaDie m every detail. 10 to a. 302 Allsky bldg. Circles Tues., Wed., Thur.. Frl., 8 P. M-, 25c Paciflo 2S36. -4 MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings daily. 348 YamhllL Phone Paclno 19i. spiritual life reader. 343 Yamhil MISS MAY ANDREWS, CARD READING, 23c. 235 6th st., corner Main. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIOHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases, ou jjeaum. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, pacKed reaay ior snipping ana snippea; an work guaranteed: large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 200 Oak at. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 647. C O. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST, BET. STARK and uaK. rnone om. r-ianos ana lurniturs moved and packed for shipment; commodious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. 8 how cases. Bank ami Store Fixtures. R, H. Birdsall. designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., J Hamilton Diag. Main odju. PORTLAND SHOWCASE ft FIXTURE! CO.. 84 1st, near aiaraet. rnon racmo iuu. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and uoyt. pnone Mam iwo. Painting and Paperhanglng. For reliable work, reasonable prices Sheeny isroa.. zozs xamnui, near iu- Main wix. Safe. DIFJBOI. Manganese and fireproof safe.; lock outs opened; mecai nxcures. vault ana all -work; Jacks. J. E. Davis, 6S Bd. Main 1655. 6ECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE: GREAT bargains. 70 eth at., bet. Oak and Pins. Sewing: Machines. ALL KINDS OP SEWING MACHINES Re paired, guaranteed. S. Sams, 861 3d. Tel Pacific 2739. SIrn Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract") Portland Sign Co.. 237 Stark. Pac 1594. Typewriters. New Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Acsncy. 231 Stark at. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEK St LEWIS. WHOLBSAL8 GROCERY", oor. K. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAti President HOMER S. KIN Gen. Man. of Branches. . .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up I4.000.OOH SurplUB and undivided profits. .. $10. 1 .v:.K7:i A General Banking and Exchange Busln.s. Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In all parts ot the world. Interest paid on Um. deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of .10 and ap ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manag-r J. T. BURTCHABLL Assistant Manager BANKERS- AND LUMBERMEN'S BANK-. Corner Second and Stark Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. D. C. PELT ON President FRED H. ROTHCHILD...lst Vice-President John A. KEATING 2d Vice-President E. C MEARS Cashier II. D. STORY Assistant Cashier PLATT & PLATT General Counsel Commercial and Savings Departments. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Avail, able In All Parts of ths World. FIRST NATIOAAIi SANK. Portland. Or. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 11,509,000.09. DEPOSITS $14,000,000.00. Oddest National Bank on t&. Pacific Coast. A. L. MILLS President J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier PORTLAND TRUST COMI"A!fT OF ORBOON. uiaesi jruat tompany in uregOH. RESOURCES OVER 1. 800,000. 00. General Banking. 3 per cent interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates 8 to 4 per cent: nhort-eall special Certificates. $300 or over, 2Vi to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third and Oak 8treets- BENJ. I. COHEN President B. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary 1. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADO TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. . Collections made at points on favorabl. terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer, sold on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. : Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and i various points In Oregon, Washington and . Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank- ; fort. Hongkong Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL' BANK PORTLAND. OR. X FRANK "WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vlc.-Presldent R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier a C. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier lAJUtSALiD ..- f . K AU BUSINESS. United Slates Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail. I able In all part, of th. world. JL Collections, a aseclaiur. 1 1 06.0