Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 14, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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Portland Agents for "La Grecque" Corsets, French Corset for American Women, a Model for Every Figure, Experts to Fit You 2d FL
Meier d& Frank's 894 Friday Surprise Sale
The Meier d& Frank Store's 894th Friday Surprise Sale
2000 Pairs 16 Button Length Kid Gloves
25,000 Pairs Men's Hose
Perrins" Celebrated Make All Shades
3 5c to 50c Values 1 7 c Pr.
Men's Fine Hosiery at a phenomenal low price for tomor
row's 894tb Friday Surprise Sale An immense purchase
from the largest and best mill in the land AH new and up-
to-date designs and colorings in great assortment The
handsomest lot of high-grade Half Hose ever offered for the
money - Plain colorings and fancies; black, tans, grays,
browns and green Beautiful combinations; fancy envbroid-
ered dots, stripes and figured novelties; plain black lisles in
four weights, etc-Men's Half Hose to please everyone All
sizes, 35c to 50c values Buy all you want
of them tomorrow only, at the exceedingly
low price, per pair
See big 5th Street window display- Mail and phone orders
carefully filled Every man in town should look to his ho
siery needs and profit by this grand bargain.
Meier Frank's 894th Friday Surprise Sale
5000 Pieces English China 1 0c Ea.
In the big Basement Store, for tomorrow's 894th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer 5000 pieces of English
semi-porcelain Decorated China blue and gold, in cups and saucers ; 2 size plates, fruit dishes, and
bowls. Very pretty pieces, and phenomenal values at this special low price. Every house- 1 ff
wife should buy liberally of this extraordinary barsrain. On sale at. each take advantage. V
Meier (l& Frank's 894th Friday Surprise Sale
5000 Yards Beautiful New Veilings
Values to $2.00 a Yard 17c Yard
Tomorrow a great Easter Surprise Sale of high-grade Veil
ings, 5,000 yards A special purchase from New York's
greatest specialty veiling house Tuxedo meshes, hair line
veilings, chenille dotted veilings All new, perfect goods
in the latest Spring shades, including black and white An
immense assortment of styles to select from
Values up to $2 a yard Your choice tomor
row only, at the ridiculously low price, the yd.
See 5th Street window display No mail or phone orders
filled Come early if you want the best values.
Meier Frank's 894th Friday Surprise Sale
50c, 60c Fancy Swiss 30c Yard
For tomorrow's Sfl4th Friday Surprise Sale the Wash Goods Department offers 2300 yards of white
Swiss dots and fancy designs, stripes and plain splendid variety; the handsomest material for
Bummer waists and gowns. Regular 50c and 60c values, on sale at this extremely low price,
the yard. On sale, in the Main Fifth-Street Aisle. Take advantage 3VC
Last Week Kitchen Goods Sale
Greatest Values Ever Offered Look to Your Needs
7c Wash Basins 6?
5c 10-inch Pie Pan 4d
4; 9-tnch Pie -Pan 3i
lOc Tea Steeper 8
4c- 1-quart MUk Pan 3
ISc 4-quart Pudding Pan lid
loo Sieve 12C
Jl.i'5 Cereal Cooker 93
$1.00 Cereal Cooker ..79C
18c Oolanders ...1.5
20c Muffin Pan 16c
10c Muffin Pan 8
25c Corn Cake Pan 19
10e Trays for ...8
ISo Milk Strainer 12
12c Bread Pan. No. 3 lOi
15c half-gallon Oil Can 12
20c 1-gallon Oil Can 16
2Sc l;-quart Pall 20d
3:c 12-quart Pail 2-4
35c 1 4-quart Dish Pan 27
80c 17-quart Bread Raiser ..72
JS.OO" Washing- Machine.... .$6 95
75c Gas Heaters 29
$3.00 Gas Reading- Lamp.
complete 2 3f
$1.40 7-foot Step Ladders. .$115
SOc 4-foot Step Ladders 65c
30c Comb Brush, and Tray 16
loc Gas Mantles 9
90c Fancy Lamps 72
$1.50 Fancy Lamp 8119
$3.2o wringer,, warranted s
vears -
$1.25 Slop Jar
$1.10 Wash Bowd
60c Brush
Rark '
3oe Porcelain Salt Box
10c Scrub Brush .
15c Scrub Brush
. .2 89
Comb and : Towel
.. 8
$1 Food Chopper. Universal. . 79
15c Iron Handler 12
25c Sensible Iron. No. 4 20
35c Sensible Iron.-No. 40 28
$1.35 set Potts' Sad Irons.. gl 09
35o Coffee Mill 28
15c Mop Stick 12
35c Twine Mod Rag 28
25c Potato Ricer .19
13c Towel Roller 11
25c Shaker Sifter 19
25c set Table Mats 19
5c Gas Tapers 4c
10c Gas Tapers 8
15c Gas Lighters 12
5c Mouse .Trap 4
10c Mouse Trap 8
He Rat Trap 8
15C Rolling Pin 12
2.c Butter Mold 16
25c 7-arm Clothes Rack 20
60c Bake Shells, per doz 39
10c Cake Turner 8
10c Basting Spoon 8c
7c Kitchen Fork 6
20c Kitchen Saw 16
10c Clothes Line Pulleys 8
15c 6 -inch Screw Driver 12
5c Electric Egg Whip 4
10c Wire Soap Holder 8
25c 10-quart Galv. Bucket ..19
10c Nickel Poker 8
3c Diamond Egg Whip 2
25c Picture Hooks, per doz.. 15
5c Ash Iron Holder 4
4c Stove Lifter 3
5c Flesh Fork 4
15e Enamel strainer 12
15c .lelly Strainer 12
t5c Galv. Wash Tub 52
2c Jap Pot Brushes 1
Clothes Pins, per dozen ......1
10c Nickel Match Safe 8
l.'.e Wooden Match Safe .....12
40c Gas Toaster 32
llo Beater 8
20c Earthenware Teapot ....15
25c Earthenware Teapot ....19
31c Earthenware Teapot ...-27
20n Earthenware Teapot ...19
15c Wire Carpet Beaters ....12
$1.50 best Ironing Board.. $1.29
$1.35 Ironing Boards 114
40c Sleeve and Bosom B'rds..32
50c 5-foot Ironing Board ....39
50e Kneading Boards 39
2Dc Meat Boards 15
40c Wash Boards 32
t5c Chop Bowl 12
30c Chop Bowls 24
loc Wooden Salt Box 12
40c Skillet 32
20c Folding Tin Lunch Box ..12
40c 14-inch Turkey Dusters.. 32
25c Fry Pan 20
$1.50 Nickel Lamp SI 19
10c Extension Dusters 7
5c Butter Paddle 4
10c Wire Dish Mop . 8
10c Pot Scrapers . . .' .....8
25c Lindsay Mantles ........22
5e Vegetable Masher 4
10c Rapid Potato Masher ...8
6c Dish Mop 5
15c Chop Knife ............ .12
5c Juice Extractor ........... .4
10c Juice Extractor .....8
Sc Can Opener 7k
60c Lantern 49
25c Bottle Furniture Polish .19
35c Bottle Furniture Polish .27
15c Tea Canister 12
35c Spice Box . 27
2oc Pnice Box 16
10c Folding Lunch Box 8
20c Crumb Brush and Tray.. 12
5c Candle Stick 4
10c Towel Rack 8
5c Wire Potato Masher 4
15c Clothes' Line 11
15c Shoe Dauber 12
lie Wooden Spoon 8
10c Wire Strainer 8
15c Hatchet .......14
10c Nickeled Hammer 8
16c Tack Hammer 12
Regular $4.00 Values $2.95
For Tomorrow's 894th Friday Surprise Sale a marvelous offering of 2000 pairs of "Perrins"
Celebrated Cloves at a price within reach of all A rare opportunity to supply your Easter
needs at a saving of $1.05 on every pair purchased Oar intimate business relations with
Messrs Perrins, Freres & Cie. is alone responsible for our ability to offer time and
time again grand special bargains in an article so much in demand as long kid gloves
They are helping us build up the greatest glove business on the Coast The gloves are
the best France produces Every pair guaranteed to give the wearer perfect satisfac
tion This lot of 2000 pairs came to hand Wednesday Full 16 button length, mous-
qnetaire of selected stock Black, white, tans, browns and grays All sizes and every
pair fitted to the hand A glove bargain every woman in the
community must be interested in Economical buyers will antici
pate their needs for months to come Reg. $4 vol., tomorrow
See big 5th Street window display Mail and phone orders will receive our prompt
and careful attention Store opens promptly at 8 o'clock.
Today, 30c Ribbons for 18c Yard
On sale today, 3000 yards of beautiful quality all-silk Washable Taffeta
Ribbons, in all the very newest and prettiest shades full 42 inches
wide just the ribbons you want for trimming the new Sum- 1 Q
mer gown. Regular 30c value, on sale at this low price, yard.
Today, Women's 35c Hosiery 23c
Gfeat special sale of 3000 pairs, of women's extra fine quality black Cot
ton Hose, full-fashioned, fast' black; double soles; all new, fresh
poods; Spring weights sizes 8V2, 9, 9 and 10- Regular Olfcf
35c values, on sale at this phenomenally low price, the pair.
Drug Sundry
Specials Today
Superior Bay Rum on sale at 19
Eastman's Talcum Powder at..l2
New Idaline' Face Powder at..28
Willow Sachet in bottle, special. 28
Violet Toilet Ammonia, special. 12
Whisk Brooms on sale, at, ea..l2
"Nysa" Toilet Soap on sale at.
"Life Buoy" Soap, special at. 4
Castile Soap, on sale at, cake.. 12
Emery Boards, special at, each.. 7$
Button Sale
1000 dozen best quality Austrian
Pearl Buttons; dainty and pretty
styles, for Summer dresses; all the
best sizes; regular 25c vat-
ues, on sale at, the card...
See the beautiful new Dress Trim
mings and Braids.
Women's Knit Underwear
Women's fine mercerized shaped Lisle Vests, high neck and long sleeves.
Handsomely made and finished; sizes 4, 5 and 6. Regular 75c Af7 gs
values, on sale at this unusually low price, the garment
Women's fine Swiss ribbed cotton Vests low neck and no sleeves; lace yoke
this phenomenally low price, the garment -take advantage
and edged with fine lace; all sizes. Best 35c values, on sale at
Women's Swiss ribbed Lisle Pants, umbrella style, nicely trimmed
with deep Point de Paris lace; sizes 4, 5, 6; 75c values, on sale at." C
Two Great Rug Specials
High-grade Axminster Rugs, magnificent designs and colorings, in Oriental
effects. The handsomest small rugs we ever purchased 30x60 inches ; regu
lar $4.50 values. Every housewife can make good use of one or C "1
. two of them. Great value, on sale at this special low price, ea-V'J
Special lot of Fiber Rugsr room sizes, in new patterns and colorings. The
most satisfactory and in expensive rugs on the market 9x12 CQ O CT
feet. Regular $12.50 values, for a few days at this low price. J"''"
Cross Bar
25c Vals. 1 6c
Another great special offering of
women's all-linen cross-bar Initial
Handkerchiefs, i-inch hem, block
initials, full regular size. Beautiful
style and quality; the best 1
25c values, on sale at, each. " V
Groceries Sold Here at Saving Prices
Meier & Frank's Famous Mocha
and Java Coffee, the usual 40c
grade, per lb 23
Durkee Salad Dressing, small.10
Durkee Salad Dressing- md'm.25
Durkee Salad Dressing, large.45J
1-lb. can Griffin's Asparagus TPS
on sale at, special 20
Victor Olive Oil, quarts T5
New California Navel Oranges, per
dozen, great special sale....25
Keller's Marmalade, per jar.30
10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour.. 25
10 lbs. Rolled Oats for. .... .40
Puffed Rice at, package 10
1 pkg. 1-Minute Tapioca 10
22 lbs. Griffin's Extra Yellow
Peaches, on sale at, each. . . .20
22 lbs. Nun-Better Yellow Peaches
on sale at, special, each 15
3 cans Smith kipper 'd herring.50
1-lb. jar Sheppard Marmalade.30J
2 lbs. Sliced Pineapple for.,.15
C. & B.' Lucca Oil, quarts ."...70
2 pkgs. Grape-Nuts for. .... -2o
1-lb. jar Chipped Beef for... 25
Lea & Perrin's Sauce, small.. 2o
21 lbs. Granulated Sugar ..$1.00
2-lb. can Lowney Cocoa for. 20
1-lb. can Baker's Ground Choco
late, on sale at, each 28
3 pkgs. Bromongelon for.,,.25
3' packages Bon Ami for. . .' .25$
Sapolio on sale at, bar 7$
10-Ib. sack Pastry Flour for. .30
"Victor" Flour, "none better,"
great value, the sack.... $1.10
1-rgal. can Honeysuckle Syr'p.45J
10-lb. sack Yellow or White Coru
meal, ' on sale at this unusually
low price 25
1 lb. Postum or Figprune, lb..20
Table Linens
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen,
72-inch: handsome designs; grreat
special value, yard, on sale at SI-OS
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen,
best patterns, in large assortment
Regular $1.75 value, on sale at $1.48
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen,
fine quality: regular 2.B0 value, at
per yard 8198
Great special value In large Satin
Damask Table Napkins, best patterns,
at, per dozen ...$2-45
Grand special values in hand-embroidered
round linen ' Tea ' Cloths.
36x36-inch: beautiful styles and qual
ities; phenomenal values, at:
XOO values, each ...... ...... .82 38
3.;SO values, each 82 98
S4.0O values, each ...-83 40
S5.QO Talnn, each 83 98
96.00 values, each ......9498
Easter Sale Muslin Underwear
Great special sale of fine white Petticoats, Novelty Un
derskirts of the highest grade lawns and cambrics,
made with wide fancy flounces, trimmed with clusters
of Valenciennes, insertion, tucks, beading, ribbons; also
a few Petticoats trimmed with beautiful French and
eyelet embroidery, separate dust ruffles, lace and em-
. broidery-trimmed; Petticoats selling regu- Cf CO
larly at prices up to $12.50, choice at, each."?' JJ
500 fine nainsook Gowns, made slip-over and French yoke
effect trimmed in dainty embroidery, scroll effects' of
Val. lace insertion, lace and embroidery edgings, head
ings, ribbons, long and short sleeves; beau- CL I C
tiful styles. Values up to $10.50 for, each. pJiJJ
Women 's cambric and nainsook Drawers very wide
flounces, made of fine embroideries; also dainty lawn
ruffles, trimmed with dainty Valenciennes CO 7Q
laces, beading and ribbon; $3.50 vals., pair.P
Women's fancy Skirt Chemise, made with fitted French
backs and trimmed with dainty Val. laces, embroidery
headings, ribbons and medallions; flounces tfjO SK7
are also trimmed; values up to $4, at, each. P""
New white Dresses for infants and children, all new,
pretty styles for children of all ages White Dresses for
Easter and Palm Sunday low-priced. Take advantage.
Hopeful of Capturing Offices at the
Election "ext June.
Tha Democratic executive committea
tield a meeting last night for the pur
pose of discussing the ( coming city
campaign, and decided to take an ac
tive part In getting strong candidates
Into the field. Several committees
were appointed, the - most - Important
being that for the purpose of securing
a full ticket for the primaries. This
committee is composed of G. H
Thomas, chairman of the county cen
tral committee; R. Glen, A. Albert, C.
E. S. Wood, R. M. Prouty, John E.
Oronan. Floyd S. Carter. T. A. O. Gor
man, H. W. Laxg. M. D. George. J.. M.
Farmer C A.. Ambrose.
' The members of this committee will
explain to prospective candidates the
T "l"f of. lb crlmaxx act. ilt jrU)
endeavor to bring forth for the running-the
"pest of the rock ribbed
breed" of Democrats.
The members of the executive com
mittee think the chances favorable to
the election of a Democratic city at
torney, as there seems to be friction
and feeling in the Republican contest.
Among probable aspirants in the Dem
ocratic primaries are:
Auditor. S. C Armitage. J. B. Ryan;
City Attorney. Raleigh Trimble, New
ton Meloy and R. J. O'Neill: City
Treasurer, 3. W. Ferguson, who was
Sheriff Woods' chief deputy in the tax
collecting department.
A smoker will be given under the au
spices of the Toung Men's Democratic
Club Friday night to which the Mult
nomah Democratic Club and the county
central committee will be invited. In
bringing the three strong Democratic or
ganizations of the county together it is
expected that some concerted form of
campaign . will be outlined for the June
election. At a previous meeting of the
Xxmnf lH,- TVmnrmtm Cluh "BJii
cided to appoint a. committee to work in
conjunction with a like committee from
the central committee and the Multnomah
County Democratic Club to conduct the
coming municipal campaign. At the
next meeting the reports of these com
mittees will be read and general plans
This is to inform you that during the
period beginning Friday (nooni. March
15, 19OT, and ending April IS, 1307, at 12
o'clock, noon, it U unlawful to take or
In any manner -whatever In the Columbia
River or any of its tributaries; or to
have In possession any Salmon Fish or
Sturgeon so taken.
H. G. VAN DUSEN. Master Fish Warden.
If Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy, Mis. -Wlnslow's 6oothin Syrup, for
children teething. It soothes the child, softens
the sums, allaym AU. ftilh UEe'.vi1ad cello
Famous Reformer Comes to Gain
First-Hand Information on Graft.
Lincoln Steffens, the distinguished mag
azine Journalist and specialist on graft
disclosure. Is in Portland for the purpose
of investigating the workings of Oregon's
revolutionary political methods, the land
frauds, with possibly some side excursions
into the railroad situation. With Mrs.
Steffens, he is a guest at fhe Portland
Hotel, and will remain some considerable
time. Subsequently Mr. SterTens will em
body the results of his observations into
one or more articles for the American
Magazine, of which he is one of the own
era and editors.
Men for Xorth Coast Road.
KIONA. Wash., March. 13. (Special.)
The North Coast road is advertising for
MIX tm man it can get for construction
work in the Kiona Valley. Contractor
Washtock expects to put on BOO men at
once.- This being the Junction . point, of
the . two branches, building . operations
here will be extensive.
Dr. F. S. Hedger of this place has
secured the contract of company surgeon
and physician for the North coast at this
point. He owns a fine irrigated fruit
farm a mile from town, where he will
establish a hospital.
Gooding Appoints Directors.
BOISE, Idaho, March 13. (Special.)
Governor Gooding todays appointed
Mayor J. A. Piney and Mrs-' L. F. Car
ter, both of Bolsei- as two of three di
rectors of the State Historical Society,
authorized by the last Legislature. The
third member will be from Northern
Idaho, but has not yet been appointed.
Kiser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel.
The best spring medicine Is Hood's Sar
saparula, because It purines the blood.
Injured man .until he was taken to the
Railroad. Official Rons Down Los
Angeles Man. '
LOS ANGELES, March 13. When R. H.
Ingram, general superintendent of the
Southern Pacific Railroad was dashing
east on Fifth street in an automobile to
catch a train last night, the motor struck
Frank O. Beamer of this city aria fatally
injured him. Under the supervision of
Mr. Ingram he was removed to the Emer
gency Hospital where he died today.
Beamer had Just alighted from a Fifth
street car and was walking toward the
sidewalk when the automobile . struck
him. He was thrown with great violence.
W. P. Young, driver of the automobile,
saw Beamer hut not In time to stop the
motor. 'Mr. Ingram alUjhted from ths
machine- and assisted in the care of the
Radway's Ready Relief for over 50 years
without a rival in curing every pain. Sate
and sure.
Today and Tomorrow
See Announcement, Page 7