14 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TOUSLE Y & WEAVER, INVESTMENTS. 2 fine houses. 2-story. 9 room? each, Irving st.. Income $100 per monah $12,500. 47-room hotel. South Portland. 14 per cent income, $10,000. Quarter-block. 30th at., near Overton, $16,wv. Ix-t o0xi!ofc facing on 3 streets, 2Jd and Reed. $11. 00. Quarter-block, Front and Curry at., $3600. lO-room hou1. HsOxlOO. 22d St., close to Wa;-hing-on. ?17,.r0O. HOUSES. 24 Mi et. comer. Klrsrant 12-room house, lot 60xlK. hot ami c.,M water in ennh room, with all up-to-date Improvements, on? of the swellest West Side homue, or $11, Out. Swell onion ial home, strictly up to date, his is a snap. East Taylor, $5250. Good 8-room home, g-xid condition. East Morrison st., $315u. T-room houw. lot 92x1 00. modern and up-to-date home, Murry st.. 2750. Fine 14-room house, good condition, and brings in a good Income, corner Grant, $6500. Corner 4th. beautiful S-room home, close in and a good buy. $5&uo. North 22d t., s-room house, fine condi tion, lot 50x100, $40H. Modern 6-room house. North 21t St., lot 25x100, only $3uirt. Fourth at., double house of 10 room each, good income, close 1n. $965u. Klne 8-room house built for a home, splen did condition and all improvements, Savlr t.. $Uooo. East 11 th st.. S-room house, strictly mod ern, lot 50x1 Oo, $3S00. Irvington h'me of 9 iooith, all improve ment. East 10th Ft., only $35ou. C-room cottage. East Morrison, elegant lit tle home., for only $2500. 5 -room cottage on Union ave., just the pitt.ee for a home, 24. Elegant 6-room house, fine condition and strictly modern, Hall and 14th, $5000. lu-room house, corner .Tuckson St., ins distance, nKdern. $.5oo. 6-room houw in good conHtIon, North 2:!d, near York, $2!Xt. LOTS. East 29th. n.r Division. 50x100. $500. Skldmore and Albfna, 5uxlOO. $iiOi. Michigan ave., lot 50x100. fruit tree. $600. 5 lot, 50x100, Marshal fit., near 25th, each. $3(. 2 fractional jots. Nob Hill district, $6000. 8 lots on the boulevard, $30(0. tt lots on Et 23d, between E. Morrison and E. Ald.-r, $5000. Iot 50x100, Williams ave., near Broadway, 93tH.u. Ixt 50x100. Ea.rt 16th sr.. near Main. $1600. Lot 30x04, Corbett at., near Bancroft, front St.. near Bancroft. 00x127, $1500, TOUSLEY & WEAVER. 313 Washington, Rooms 11, 12. SRLI-WOOD HOMES, f loOO 6-room houRf, clo.-e In. 5 700 2-room houn", close in. ssr.o 4 -room house, two lots. $ 1 150 6-room house. $210 -room house, 2 nice lots, fruit trees, etc., on Improved street. $2300 6-room house on improved street. jEi.'too 5-roorn cottage, 2 lots. JI-JOij 6-room house. 2 lots. SI two 3 Iota, view of river. $240o 7-rooni. modern house. 7K 4 pretty lots, ft'iimioo foet square, comer. $.'i65 100 feet square. SEL1.WOOD TOWXSITB CO.. H. P. Talmer. Mgr. 222 Falling bldg. Main 5661. Sellwood office. 1663 E. 13th st. Phone Sellwood 161. $4600. PART DOWN. A FINE INVESTMENT. FROM OWNER. Xw modern 6-room hou.". on Eapt Sid. ovr Morrinn-et. bridge; 20 minutes walk Tmm Oregonian bldg.; lot 50x100. fow blocks from East Sld High School: this is certain ly a bargain. W 58. Oregonian. t?plenriid Values In Residence Property. $."HX0 Modern residence. East Burnside. $55t0 Modern residence. East Burnside. $:;iort 8 rooms, Central ave., $1000 down. $2CO0 7 rooms. So. Portland. $1000 down. Warehouse Property. H block, KuM lt and Oak. or hlork. 14fh and Irving. A. J. DERBYSHIRE, 149 let at. ACREAGE. B2 aere adjoining city tlmtta; tQ ?1red; fine soil: 82 acres In small fruit; price vary low; easy terms; yon can dou ble your money on this in a snort time. W. O. WADDEL, 117 Lumber Exchange, (Second and Stark. i '00 FOR ONE OF THE PRETTIEST, most artistic and architectural, new mod ern S-room houses ever offered on the East Side; must be seen to be appreci ated: for short time only. Staub ft Saw- tell, 227 Washington at., or East Side on tee. corner sa ana ucimont sts. iJNEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. FULL BASE ment, ali the furniture, stovee. etc.: lot Gx lOo, fruit trees and flowers, on Grand ave. Ieavlnir city reason for sotllnjc. Prie $1400; $750 down. Dodson Bros., 418 Chamber of Commerce. ; $1225 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 5-ROOM rurnisnea cottuge, mt kmpxiuu, u cnicK ni, 1 dozen bearing fruit trees; variety of berries, etc.; woodshed full or wood, 41S Marion St., Sellwood. 'tttEtST BUY ON BAST SIDE 50x100 FT. ON Stark and th; our option expiring on 14th, will take $44X-H, half cash. J. M. CAMERON CO.. 412 Commercial block. $750 BARGAIN RESIDENCE LOT. If cheapest on the street; cement sidewalks. 3 leet above street; 10 minutes to city. Eay terme. V. Page Harris Co., Belmont & East 2Mh. 2l.VV NICE LOT AND GOOD 6-ROOM house; gaa. porcelain bath, sewer, good lo cation; income $18 per month; terms. W. O. W aduel, Jil Lumoer exchange. L BRAND NEW. STRICTLY MODERN S-R0OM cottages. 1102 East Taylor and 225 37th mis: s.OU down. Balance nice rent. A. f, Smith, owner, 616 Commercial block. !$;X0 BUYS A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot 100x100. concrete basement, good barn and chicken-house, 2 blocks from 2 canines. Inquire of owner, 934 Rodney ave. $2M0 40x108 AND GOOD 7-ROOM house, E. 17th st., near Morrison; noth ing so cneap in tnia vicinity, w. u. waa del, 817 Lumber Exchange. 4rt.-,0 100x100 AND 4 5-ROOM COT- tngea, income S4.t per month: a good in vestmeni. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange, 2d and btark. 4-IJOOM OOTTAGK-. SMM-L LOT. 1 BrXKK Mt. Tabor car; price $11 .v. a cash, balance terms, inquire wt ti. 4tn st. CHOICE CORNER LOT. CIS.'tO N. E. corner 24 th and Wasco ft.. Holladay Park; cement sidewalk. H r-o. oregonian. f 8000 50x00. SOI 'T H W RST CORNER BA ST Ir-t and Oak ?ts. : fine location for ware house, with trackage. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange. $:KWO. HALF CASH. BUYS A MOD RUN 6 ivom bouse, walking distance of Morrison st. brHsr. m choice East Side locality l'honc East 2.86. A $2000 LOT. 50x100. IN CHOICE LOCA licii. only 12 blocks eart from Morrtson-ar bridge, will be sold for $17O0. JL 33. Ore gonian. FIVE ACRES ON OREGON CITY ELEC- mc line; beautiful building nit. $3tMu. h. J. starKweatner, u. r , o., Milwaukie, Or. S-j ACRES NEAR LIMITS; FINE SOTL. rnm, anrunoeo . greenhouse; Pargaln. Hal lister Watsvn, Commercial blk. STRICTLY MODFRN". VP-TO-DATI5 8-ROOM nous- in iioiiaouy Attention. - OiOcKs or car, i-orr.er; bargain. 221 Failii-g bldg. SALE NKW 5-ROOM HOUSE. ON C line: l"t 54xSo; mu be sold at once; c lr. C. R. iKmnelJ. t 7th st. yOH SALE 16t ACRTCS NEAR BASE LINE road, nne spring on it. For paxticuiuxs call at Hotel roruami earner .nop. iO PI1R dCNT DOWN. EASY PAYMENTS buys a g-.-od hrt close to .St. Jchn carline 720 Chamler Commerce. TWO SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSES FOR sale, on corner Uniou ave. and Ivy st. See owner. ;w ivy si. iyxioO ANOTHER CORNER CIXR TO ST. Johiwt car. Owner. 72 Chamber Commerce. ACREAGK NEAR SALEM LINE; EAST FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. H. W. LEMHCB CO. ST. JOHNS. SPECIAL BUYS. 1100 100x100. pretty building site, lies beautifully; worth $1250; houses all around it; $-"oO cash down. $600 JERSEY ST. (North), lot 50x100; ry0 cash down. JS73 AT ARBOR LODGE Station, on St. Johns carline; seven lots, each 33x i:i5. $4750 Jersey st. business corner, next to post off ice. w i th party wal I agree ment included; half cash down. $."000 Jersey st. business corner, cloe to main center; half cash down. S1250 Modern C-room house, lot 50x100, bard finish: half cash down. S54XN) Whole block in center of manu facturing district, with some im provements; on account of new de velopments this is good value, with fine speculative value. H. W. LBMCKF. CO.. 6th and Washington sts. Main 5J0. Entire Second Floor. 1 SEE TODAY. New cottage at 10S6. E. Washington at. New cottages at 1075 IS. Lincoln st. New cottage at S35 E. 9th st. North, New cottage at 460 Lexington ave. New cottage at 4l7 Bidwell ave. New cottp.ge at Co.'l Multnomah st. New cottage at 720 Umatilla, ave. We make terms to suit. STATE LAND CO., 130'i First street. . $400. Comer lot 50x10), with improvements. Bull Run water, nicely located. Inquire of Owner, 8th and Sherrett ave.. Sellwood. $7500 Investment, speculation. Home. Holla- dav Addition, win net i per cent, two rur nished cottages, Gearhart Park. $400, $00". will net 11 per cent. Call or write 92 7th st. $150 NICK LITTLE HOME ON EAST SIDE ill gooa conamon. one diock irom car; ptace to keep chickens. Inquire of owner, looii East 16th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 62. MODERN HOUSES. ALSO VACANT LOTS In Holladay Park Addition, R, B. Rice, 600 Wasco st. Phone E. 2432. FOR SALE 35X100 AND 40X65 ON 17TH and East Burnside. See owner. 545 K. Davis st. Phone East 1817. LOT ON UNION AVE., 100 FT. N. OF TIL lamook, hize 5uxl25, for $2200. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 60x 10O LOT ON CLAY ST. . KEA R acn ; a gooa uuy. uwncr, ii iumoer Jx change, 2d and Stark. HAVE SOME FINE ACRE TRACTS ON NEW Salem rarnne. t-iooa tor nomu or investment. 720 Chamber Commerce. A SNAP. $2500 BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM MOD- ern houee. tine locality. Apply fcS E. Kelly at., near 26th st. HIGHLAND BY OWXEr! NEW TROOM house, modern, corner. Call or address 475 Prescott st. SPHINX AGENCY. SOS 1-2 STARK ST.. CAN aell your business property or residence. $2O0 AND .VK HANDLES GOOD HOMES, save you rent. 720 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALIC OR TRADE. 5-acre chicken ranch, near Vancouver, improved-, good 6-room house, barn, chicken house, etc; price $1400. e0 acres near Camas. Wash., all under culti-ation, 27 acres in bearing orehanl, pood il-puom house, barn 40x60. chicken bouse, etc; windmill and tankhouse, fur nished complete, cows, hogs, chicken, farm ing machinery, horses, etc. ; evvry thing ready for wok: this is ti tlnest place in that eeeffon; $7500 or trade for city prop erty. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 1654 3d st., room A. MODEL HOME AND FARM AT BARGAIN and on terms 113 acres in high state of cultivation. 11-room house with hot and cold water, large barn, chicken yards, brood-er-hous-?. orchard and outbuildings; 7 miles from Vancouver. Wash.. 1 mile from ehuroh and graded echool; farm stocked with high grade stock; farm, stock, implements and household furniture- will be sold together or separately; .i000 will handle this. Jenne, Trimblf & Trimble, 411 Merquam bldg. FRUTT FARM $4000. On Willamette River, 2'2 acres, all in fruit and berries, modern 5-room house, porcelain bath and toilet; barn, windmill, grainery. etc.. horse, wagon, Jersey cow. farm Implements; boat landing on place; fine view, beautiful surroundings; income from fruit alone over $1000 per year. C. C. SHAY. Main 142. 304 Abington bldg. AT A BARGAIN 117 ACRES. ALL RICH bottom land. 58 acre under cultivation, fair improvements; also loft acres adjoining 50 arrre under cultivation, good improvements) on county road, only 2Va miles from town on R. F. D. route; will wll both tract, con sisting of 22.1 acres, for $6800. or will sell separate. For further particulars call on br address J. D. Winn, Buena Vista. Or1. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 20, 40 OR 80 acres in the vicinity of Gresham, either partly Improved or all well improved, don't fall to call on the Gresham Real Estate Co., as w have some bargains and will be pleased to show them at any time. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresh am. Or. D. M. Roberts, president. FOR SALE CHEAP 14-ACRE FARM. 7 miles south of Portland, on county road, with all farm machinery, team, cow, good outdoor buildings and $2000 house; good location for berry farm. For further in formation address or call and see D. .T. Foote, P. O. box 20, Oswego, Or. Also ot h er farms for sale. fiOO-ACRE WHEAT FARM IN GREAT wheat belt of Eastern W ahington. All fenced and in cultivation, near two R Rs. If ta-ken at om-e can be had at a srmp. Or.ly $25 per acre; worth $35. Never before asked less than $30. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington St. 40 ACRES, 36 AC R ES CLEA R. HOUSE, barn, spring, 5 acres hops, 10 acres timo thy, balance grain, orchard; good soil, coun ty road, 12 miles from Portland Court House, 3 milts Portland-Salem carline. FARMERS' LAND CO.. Rooms 19-2U. 2.Vi-i Third at. FARMS! CITY PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS. We have several hundred of the best farms in Oregon; catalogue mailed free. CAUSE Y LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 506-7 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Or. . WE HAVE CITY PROPEtRTY TO TRADP3 for an improved farm, Washington farm preferred. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 165i 3d st., room A. . FOR SALE ACRES. ALL IN BEARING fruit; good S-room house; good outbuild ings; closo to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. 6th at. Phone Pacific 20S2. FOR SALE KLICKITAT VALLRY WHEAT land from $17 per acre up. Apply to Klick itat Real Qstate Company, Centerville Wash. BARGAINS IN ACREAGE AND FARMS near Portland. See Farmera Land Co.. 17S Madison st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling1 timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him before he visits the tract. Twenty years' experience, and the client age we represent, is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. You may wa-'te your valuable time in looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. , Lumber Exchange, Seattle. Wash.. Chamber of Commerce,. Portland. Or. 40.060.000 FEET FIR TIMBER. WITH COM plete, sawmill and logging outfit, now work ins: profits $2"0 per day: $00,000 if taken soon: other timber clow; being near Colum bia River, strikes don't bother. a-- thi? mill pavs big wages. McFarland Investment Co., Clo-312 Swetland bldg. Can h-cate parties on good fir timber claims Claims are on a river; will estimate from 3.UOO.OOO to 6.00.000 per 160 acres; locating fees $2o0. For further informa tion address H. K. Haak, Eureka, Cal. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS Lures and small tracts; on water and rail : S4 up. Send for list. E. R. Chandler, 407 Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C. 600 ACRES TIE. TIMBER AND PILIXG land: 20 mile from Portland: $40 acre; water transportation. Address Owner, A 51. Ore goal an. FOR PALE PATENTED CLAIM 120 ACRES, in Clatsop County. S 65. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. C40 ACRES UNIMPROVED WHEAT LAND, . t i 1 1 jrood, no i ncum bra nee. in Douglaa Co. . Washington, for your equity in city or sub urban property. This land ! worth $10 per acre and you can get a good trade. Also 20 acres in the San Joanuin Valley, highly im proved. This is a beautiful home. Come in and learn why we want to trade thljt for Portland property. Turner, 303 S Washing tOP pone Ts.et?.e25fii. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FINE SUBURBAN HOME. S rooms, alt modern improvements, - with windmill, barn and three-fourths acre of ground set to fine shrubbery; $8500: will exchange for inside residence or business property or equity in eame. Apply to owner. Edward F. Cannon. Archer Place, Mt. Scott motor line, or 309 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. 40 ACRES WHEAT LAND SEVEN MJLE5 from Springfield, Colorado, Baca Co.. 25 acres peach orchard; two wells. Will sell for $4 per acre or trade for what have you? W 65, Oregonian. COMPLETE OITFIT HOI'SEHOLD GOODS in use by owner: value S300, for land. Will nay ome cah if th'nk worth it. 337 East Sth st.. Eugene. Oregon. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE and lot in Portland. 320 acres' school laod, 8 miles from railroad. K 70, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE GOOD INCOME PROP er'.v. West Wide, for a ( good bouiing- car or farm. Address W 66. Oregonian. 1007 CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE, IN GOOD condtt ion, run short time, to trade foe real estate. Phone Main 4930. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR THE equity in a 6-room modern house. West tiide? Address J 66, Oregonian. WILL TRADE A GOOD I3T ON EAST SIDE for automobile. B 61, Oregonian. FINE FIVE-ACRE TRACT FOR HOUSE AND lot. 720 Chamber Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO RUT Portland Acreaitn property for platting. Must be barcain. ALLEN & STANDIFER, 505 Swetland blda. WANTED A 10 TO 10-ACRE TRACT. GOOD land, good buildings. 5 to 7 miles from Port land, or if further out, handy to cars, from owners or agents-for. cash. If you have it, give particulars. F. FUCHS. 221V1- Morrison st. WANTED FROM OWNER DIRECT, 6 TO S-room modern house, large rooms, attic, wardrobes and convenient, in walking dis tance. East Side. Corner preferred. P. W. Henderson. Oregon City, Or. - WANTED! AX INVESTMENT. Good Income property located oil West Side, between the river and Fifth st.. not touth of gulch; the price must be right. L 61. Oregonian. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL KINDS OF ' property. What have you to offer? Ken nedy & Hickok Room 323, Lumber Ex change. WANTED . FOR CASH, MODERN R OR 6 room bungalow or houee, $2500 to JftiiOit. State location. Address A. D. Glle, 334 Yam hill. WANT GOOD INCOME OR FUTURE Busi ness property: $2000 to $15,000; no agents. T 63. Oregonian. WANTED CORNER LOT IN GOOD LOCA tion for grocery business. Owners only. B 69. Oregonian. CORNER IXT. WEST SIDE. $400i TO $6000, for apartments. Owners only. P 62. Ore gonian. WE WANT A GOOD HOUSE AND LOT NOT far from car on easy term?. 720 Cham. Com. From owners, fractional lot" or small modern house and lot. close In. easy terms. M. 11, Or FOR RENT FARMS. 10-ACRE ORCHARD. 100 FEET FROM CAR lin; reliable ierson can have usv. of fruit for pruning and spraying for one season. Phone Main 301. FOR RENT GOOD RANCH NEAR NEW port, Oregon, about 25 cows, on shares, to good party. Mrs. A. Routledge, No. S Grand ave.. north. WANTED TLMBER LANDS. WE WANT TO PURCHASE A FEW SMALL tracts of timber land. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. Abington bldg. WANTED TWO OR THRBE UN LOCATED timber claims; will buy relinquishments and pay location. Q 63. Oregonian. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency. 305H Stark. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP, All kinds, including approved forest reserve crip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland, Or. FOR SALE Horse. Vehicles, Etc. ENTIRE RIG SEAL BROWN HORSE, 15 hands. 3 inches high; weighs 1100; sound, stylish, fearless of all objects; rubber tire bu;?ry and harness, good as new; horse will be guaranteed every way; wilt aell separate; 5 years old. Some more very stylish broke-to-saddle and ride. Bargain. 334 North Sth st. TEAM MARE AND HORSE. WEIGHING iHO: sound, good aRe, good pullers; farm harness and wagon. Pair of matched mares. 8 years old. sound, good pullers, weight 2715; new Moline 3ti-lnch wagon. $4"i.uu; set of new harness, bargain. Will sell separate. l.4 North 5th st. I HAVE JUST ARRIVED WITH 14 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing from 1000 to 1300 lbs.; are sound and suitable for any purpose; also wagons, buggies, harness. Call Oregon Stables, 14th and Rumside ft. FOR SALE OR TRADE FULL-BLOODED imported registered Clyde stall ion, 7 yeans o?d. weight 2040 lbs.: color bay; can fhow good 1 and 2-vear-old colts. Address Box 225 GraB Valley. $60.00 BUYS NICE HORSE, WORKS SlN Sle and double, suitable for farm or family horse. $125.00 buys bay team, harness and good farm wagon. Call today. 154 North 5th st. TOP WAGON, GOOSE-NECK: FURNITURE wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicle and harness of all descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth st. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hand vehicles; single, double fur niture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tomlln on & Cass Id ay. 211 Wash. Pacific 007. FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF VALLEY drafters, 1200 to 1600 pounds. E. R. Frank, Old Stockyards Stable, 18th and Front. HORSES FOR SALE 30 HBAD, 1100 TO 1600 pounds. 489 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take S car. Freedman Bros. FOR SALE TEAM OF MULES, WAGON and harness; two blocks north of River side Station, on St. Johns car. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. Inquire 309 East W ashlngton. SECOND-HAND LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON with top, and' one pair of buggy shafts. 366 r irst et. DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE VV. J. KELLY. Overland Transfer Co., Stables, 5th and Gli- 30 HEAD HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth et.. near Madison. HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP. IT. S. LAUN dry. Grand ave. and Mast Salmon st. AN ABSOLUTE FACT, THAT THE DOL lar, at 232 1st does sell new and good as new furniture; stoves, and almost evervthina for the home, at a much less price than many others. Get his prices ana you win cave money ana time. $ $232 1st st $ $ $ 00 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low price.: Singer. Wheeler w iison. Domestic. w hlte, Household. Davis, and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. 5. S. Sigel, 335 Morrison st.. Marquam bldg. FOR BALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- llard and pool tabdes: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar flx'-urea; cheap prices. Brunswlok- Baike-coi lender. 40 ttd st. FOR SALE ONE 12-16 H. P. GAS ENGINE, good as new; also one second-hand 30 H. P. steam engine, cheap; price upon applica tion to the Marine Iron Works. St. Johns. Or. JUDGMENT OF $521.80. BEARING 8 PER cent interest, against Thomas K. Muir. re siding at Portland Hotel; no reasonable of fer refused. A o dress K io. oregonian. CHEAP. NEARLY NEW, 1906 MODEL K. Wlnton automobile; if taken at once will for nearly half price; fully guaranteed. Address M 45. Oregonian. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND AP pliances used in a saloon for sale at The Office care. ashlngton st. Appiy to Sam Vigneux. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS, views, etc.. sold, boupht. rented and ex changed. Newman's Picture Co.. 145-, th at. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TOP SECOND UUl grocery wajsoo. IPOU! BcimOnt, FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP SHORT-TURNED, LOW bed light spring wagon, suitable for berry wagon. 366 East Washington. Cash paid for furniture, fixtures and merchandise. Phone Mala 1629. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR SALE 35-COW DAIRY WITH GOOD delivery outfit, best retail route in city. Phone Main 5683. ONE PAIR OF BOGY STOVES FOR sale cheap and one confectionery coun ter. 3G 1st st. FOR SALE NEW OLIVKR TYPEWRITER at considerable below cost. Call 636 Cham ber of Commerce. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. NO. 2. used six months. - Good as new. Room- 42 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BBHXKR Walker Business College at a discount. L 65, ' Oregonian. 4 LAUNCHES, 42 FEET. :J2 FEET, 3 FH5ET ana t feet, lor sale at Bargain, in; Mor rison st. FURNITURE OF 15-BOOM HOUSE FOR Kale; Al furniture. Address V 61, Orego nian. FOR SALE FORD AUTOMOBILE,' TWO seat?. II. H. Hembree, 2 rtussell st. 4 FRESH COWS, GENTLE. FOR WOMAN; good milkers. 646 E. Madison st. HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE TO OLD PATRONS. Owing to the increase In business, we were compelled to seek a new location, where we could have more room, and are now located at 21 N. Second sL. around the corner from the old office. In the same building and the same phone number. W e have nu ndreds of j aba too numerus to mention. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. Phone Main 3074. 21 N. Second t BRIDGE CARPENTER FOREMAN. 5; gasoline launeh en ir infer. 70 and board : ;i rough, carpenterv. $ii.50, S hours; 10 rough carpenters, $3.2(1. 8 hours, Govern- mem contract; woodmen and loggers; others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 X. 2d et. 2."o Burnside st. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 3.1 citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can peak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG MAN. MUST BE competent ana experienced. Good chano to advance in large medical concern, $15 per ncctk io wan. -v o!t. uregonian. BARBER A SNAP. GOOD PAYING. TWO chair chop; furniture worth $150: permanent location. Hen on time-. $50 down, 25 per WANTED CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISH ings. shoe and hat salesmen; first-class sellers: good pay; bring references. Sal' vagc Co., cor. 3d and Davis. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT salesman ror an absolutely guaranteed propo- oiiwu. permanent. itween a ana 1U A M Suit 216-17 Til ford bldg. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED HIGH grade men only; one city, one out-of- town. Notice we said ' salesman." N 63, ureponian. WANTED EXPERIENCED CLOTHES cleaner at East Portland Cleaning and Dve Works. 14S Grand ave. Good pay for right WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter; must be gooa striper and finisher. Pullman Auto Car Company, 6th and Ever ett. DANCING LESSONS, 25c. private nd classes, taught dally. Prof. Wal Wilson, offices and academy. AIlky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS. views1, etc., sold, bought, rented and ex changed. Newman's Picture Co., 145 Va 6th st. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO STUDY TEL egraphy, positions when qualified. Call Oregon college, ouj commonwealth bldg. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed: money made learn in e. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle IF YOU WAST A POSITION OR HEJLP OF any kind, call at 200 AHsky bldg.. or phone Main iiiKJi. cierKS' Kegistraiion .Bureau. MEN FOR MILL AND WOODS APPLY AT mill; come by way or ctaremont Tavern or Beaverton. Union Logging & Lumber Co. WANTED CLERK WITH EXPERIENCE IN advertvKing onice; state experience and sal ary or no attention. B 63, Oregonian. WANTED BOY AMBITIOUS TO LEARN newspaper advertising, to do ele.rleal work in anvertljsins onice. to, uregomaa. SECRETARY IX PROMINENT CLUB WANT ed; must be well acquainted; good salary; worn oniy evenings, -k u. oregonian. WANTED MAN FOR . NIGHT WATCHMAN and porter work; must be experienced; bring references, feupt., l ne uoiden Eagle. BOY WANTED EXPERIENCED IN P.OOT- black stand. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. for Carl Anderson at 81 N. 6th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SAWMILL MAN as foreman, one with knowledge of logging preterrea. jj os, tregonian. CAPABLE MEN WANTED FOR POSITIONS now open, salary $!Mkv$;w)00. Commercial A Detract Co., Raleigh bid. WANTED A BOY ABOUT 18 YERS OLD to drive grocery wagon, call at ;21 3d et.. between i ana 3 o'clock. . WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesman, no other need apply. Refer ences. P 46. Oregonian. BRICK-SETTER; ALSO ONE STIFF MUD brick-molder; extra big pay. Geo. W. Green, Dufur, Or. PANTS MAKERS WANTED FOR COOS BAY. $3 and up. Apply Boss, care D. B. McBride & Co., 84 tith st. BRIGHT. ENERGETIC BOY AIJOUT I machinery .house; good opportunity. Apply 14: Front st. BOY WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL, recommended; good wags. Apply 421 Morrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS references required. Inquire room 200, Ore gonian bldr. WANTED GOOD STICKERMAN. NONE other need apply. Oregon city Mill & Lumber co. ROY WANTED FOR DELIVERY. WAGES $6 per week. Independent Printing Co., 243 Ash st. GOOD. SOBER JOB PRINTER WANTED. State wages. Bouinern oregonian, Meurord, Oregon. WE SECURB EMPLOYMENT FOR MUM bers. Special membership, $2. Y. M. C. A. LABORERS FOR WORK NEAR PORTLAND; married men preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg. WANTED A MAN TO DRIVE A 6-MULE team on a farm, inquire .o ADington bldg. MAN WANTED FOR RRPORTORIAL WORK with a mercantile agency, js. oo. oregonian. WANTED A WATCHMAKER. NO TINKER need apply, s-iapies, tne jeweier. i let st. Young Man desiring to better condition- Call on employment uepL, x. xa. c. A. BOY OR YOUNG MAN TO LEARN HAR- WANTED A WELL EDUCATED BOY FOR office, aged about i- i oregonian. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 210 commercial Block. BOY WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. PA- cine lent ana Awning 10., s .-v. iat st. 00 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 couch at. Moier earner college. TAILOR WANTED TO PRESS PAXTS. Union Tailoring Co., JUo Stark st. FIRST-CLAPS CARRIAGE PAINTER, STRIP- er and nnlsher. inquire J-i iirsi st. WANT A FIRST-CLASS WAITER. APPLY at 41 3d sc. feeriess saioon. WANTED EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER at v egetarian care, no stxm sc. WANTED BARBER. MODEL BARBER Shop. Hi 6th et. Steady work. BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS OF AGS TO LEARN a trade. 247 Stark st. FIRST-CLASS BARBER, MONDAY, ORE gon Hotel Shop. BOY WANTED TO WORK. IN FACTORY. 145 Front st. OFFICE BOY . WANTED,. APPLY STAND- ara yu company. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED THREE ROUGH CARPEN- ters, $3.20. 8 hours; 4 carpenters ror building lumber sheds, etc.. $3.00 up; 2 bench carpenters. $3.75; 4 cabinet-makers, $3.50; glazier. $3.00: sanderer. $3.50; sticker man. S3. 50; drag sawyer for shin gle mill. $3.00: 3 cut-off sawyers for bo factory and sash and door factory, $-.50 up: ratchet-setter. $3.00; 2 carriage riders, $2.50; 15 "mill hands. S2.50; pond men. $2.75; -1 teamsters, $2.50; mill black smith. $5. straight time; 25 loggers, top vnges; 200 ohers. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 12 North 2d St., or 205, Morrison st. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCBSSFTJLY treated ; discbarges positively cure a in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symp tom blank. X-radium Medical Institute, Sd and Alder sts.; eatranc 2&3 Alder Portland. WANTED ETAVEBOLT CUTTERS. wages $1.50 per cord; good boara, steaay work ; timber, yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Stearns bldg., Portland, or Houiton, Or. WANTED TWO PUMP MEN THAT UNDBR- stand caring for Pinking pumps in amine; two operators for electric hoists, two opera tors for power station, alternating current, one ail-around machinist who understands mine work. Address J. L. Williams, master mechanic, care Red Boy mines. Granite. Or. MEN OVER 20, NOT AFRAID OF WORK, to prepare for work in the Custom-house. Apply in own handwriting. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bldg.. City. A YOUNG MAN WANTED, OVER 18, TO prepare for railway mail clerk; no experi ence. Write at once. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, McKay bldg., Tortland, Or. . WANTED FOR BEJCKWITH, CAL,. ON Western Pacific Railroad. 600 tunnel men. machine men, $4 ; helpers. $3.50; muckers, 52. 50 and $2; foremen. $4.50 and $5; car penters, S3 to $4.50; skinners, $3; board f$ per week; two-year job. WANTED FOR THE 00 EUR D'ALENB mines, machine men, $3.50; ttmbe-rmen. $4; , mlllmen. $3.5u; 8-hour day; accommodations first-class, good schools, country prosperous. Apply to John L. Bayne, Wallace, Idaho. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH againm accident, sickness and death, write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 31 MaJlory bldg., 268 Stark. Agents wanted. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN IN A FUR niture store; must understand doing second-hand furniture and stoves from A to -Z: capable to take charge If necessary. "The Dollar," 132 First st. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN 575 to $106 monthly corresponding for news papers; sure, steady work: no canva?King: experience unnecessary. Send for parti.es lar. Press Syndicate, Lockport. X. Y. Young Man Prepare now for railway mall, po3tonlce and customs service positions. West Coast Correspondence Schools. 71 4 Chamber Commerce bldg. Ask for our booklet, excellent opportunities. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert Instructors; cata logue free. Moier System of Colleges, 35 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED MAN TO DO SPECIAL DBTFO tive work In connection with other duties; steady place to right party. Apply, stating married or single, and age. 42ive reference in full. G 64, Oregonian. WHY GO TO WORK WHEN I CAN GITAR antee you $80 to $00 per month doing nothing? Money required $500. Part down talance to come out of business. Mr. Wil son. 315 Allsky bldg. KELSO EMPLOYMENT & REAL ESTATE The largest list of farm, timber, stump land in Cowlitz County, Washington; free employment at principal camps. M. Bixby, Jr. FIRST-CLASS CIGAR SALESMAN. FAMILI-4 arwith this territory; salary no object. Don t apply unlefs you can earn a Rood salary. All communications strictly confidential. F 65, Oregonian. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue ; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Fran. TO TAILORS WANTED TO BUY TAILOR .business; good town only, or to hear Of good opening for a good, up-to-date tailor with nice a tuck. Edward Cope, Boise. . Idaho. WANT CD YOU N G MAN TO PREPARE for examination for custom inspector: per manent Government position: large salary. Mr. Heyncn, 315 Columbia bldg. WANTED 15 EXPERIENCED MEN FOR sash and door factories, out of the city; top wages, no strike on. Inquire Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 12 North 2d st. WANTED YOUNG MAN AS NIGHT- watchman, permanent position: must have references. Apply at University Club, cor. Stark and West Park sts. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS FOR CITY Ad ver Using contracts cashed, theatrical programme. Elks' Magazine; permanent. 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HAB Its for position as bookkeeper. Apply in own handwriting. P. O. Box 97. Astoria, Or. Give references. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN TO TAKE care of lav n In city; must know how-to milk cow . Apply 504 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRA pher and bookkeeper for mining office; references required. Address P. V. Cooper, Biackbutte. Or. WANTED MEN TO LEARN TO OPERATES motion pictures; graduates earn $25 week ly; terms reasonable. Room 2, 145 6th, near Alder. MAN TO INVEST $100. TRAVEL; EXPERI ence unnecessary; $30 weekly, expenses. Room 24, 3d floor, 413 Washington, 1 to 5 only. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN WHO UN derstands finishing and cabinet work, for retail store in city. Address X 66, Ore gonian. SALESMAN FOR THE ROAD1 WITH EN er;jy nd push ; state age, where last em ployed and salary wanted. Address W 57, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER FOR PTOR manent position. Lake view. Or. ; male pre ferred; $75. O. W. Lafterty, 615-18 Fentoa bldg. $150 SECURES YOU PARTNERSHIP IN fine office business; $30 weekly guaran teed. - Call Room 33. 323 Washington. 2 GENTLEMEN. GtTY ACQUAINTANCE, Fptendld opportunity to make some money. 551 Worcester bldg. SEE OUR SPECIALS TODAY. 720 CHAM ber of Commerce. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN Asso ciation has many good positions for wait resses and cooks. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED WAIT- resses. Apply Mrs. Percy, Hth and Yam hill, Elton court. WIDOWER WITH B E A T7 T I F IT L HOMH would like capable lady to take full charge. L G4, Oregonian. WANT ED NURSE GIRL FOR CHILD 4 vears old; must live at home. Room 18, Hobart-Curtis. A GIRL WANTED TO HELP MOTHER with small boys. Apply 8A1 Mellnda avenue, or phone Main 5X9. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. family of two; good wages. Col Kearney st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking; wages $30. 741 Gllsan st., near 23d. NEAT. STEADY SECOND MAID FOR FA M ily of three. German preferred. Marshall st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and girl to help In dinln-g-room at the Norton, ICS 12th st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. 3o East . 11th North, near Broadway. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. family of . two; good wages. 661 Kearney sc WANTED AN INEXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework, 3 in. family. 695 Ev erett st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; mall family; pay good wages. Phone Main 3112. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK He'.p take care of child. 309 Sherman street. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK ON PANTS. Union Tailoring Co., 305 Stark st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S4V-4 Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs. TATLORESS WANTED FOR COOS BAY; steady work, good wages. Apply to Rose, care D. B. McBride & Co., 84 6th st. SOME GOOD COOKS PLACES CAMPS, hotels, families and boarding houses; waitresses, chambermsids and house fcirls. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43i Wash. st. cor. 7th, upstairs. W A NTBD C A PA RLE WOM A X TO TAKE care of an Invalid, take complete . charge of the home and- do -light housekeeping. Call at 661 Clackamas St., near 10th, or phne East 4266. GIRLS WANTED -WHO UNDERSTAND THE art -of painting and burning on leaiher and wood. Bring sample of your wirk, 2d floor, room 1. 107 V 6th St.. Oregon Novelty Works. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. SMITH PRE m:cr machine: wage ?8 week. Work light, but no applicants considered who have not had business experience. L 69. Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, t Grand ave., and EL Taylor st. LADY STENOGRAPHER WANTED. OXB wlio wants practice more than salary. Give phone number. Address Wholesale Commis sion, B 67. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRA pher and . bookkeeper lor mining office; references required. Address P. V. Cooper, Bla,ckbutte. Or. W A N T E D RESPONSIBLE WOMAN TO help part of day with children and house work for board and small wages. A. 62, Oregon lan. LADY TO QUALIFY FOR A POSITION PAY Ing $800 per year; paid while learning: seme knowledeo of music required. L 30, Oregon ian. ONE FIRST-CLASS ' AMERICAN PLAN waitress. $30 month. Apply to Mr. Odell, bargent 10 Lei. urana ana uawtnorne aves. WANTED GIRL TO WORK PART OF each day, one living in neighborhood pre ferred. Apply mornings, 776 Overton st. A TlRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND estate office. Address V 70, Oregonian. W A N T E D HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency, 230i Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- t-rai housework; good wages. Apply 1515 E Morrison St.. or 617 Commercial bldg. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL TO WORK FOR room and board; good home. Apply 6t9 North Union avenue, phone East 5ull. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; good wages; also one upstairs girl. Nor ton I ft, 14th and Washington.. W A N'TE B EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers, makers and apprentices. Apply Lowengart sz Co.. S2-94 Front st. WOMAN CAPABLE OF EARNING $10 PER week" with chance for advancement; no office work. D 56. Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. EXPERIENCED cook and second girl; flrst-clas. private fam ilies. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED FIRST COOK FOR LOGGING Camp. Inquire room 605, Chamber Com merce, between 12 and 1:30. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S48 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2682. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good home: wages $25. Apply 302 East 30th St., near Hawthorne ave. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 566 Hoyt street, phone Main 3718. WANTED GIRL AT ONCE. 601 MAR shall st., to do general housework. Fam - Ily of four, grown. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK TN small family. Call mornings, 128 East 19th st., near Morrison.-- - -. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and housework. Apply 00 Hoyt st., corner 21st. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEX- era.1 housework; -good wages. SiOHoyt. 31a in 1393. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED WATT- resees. Apply Mrs. Percy, 11th and Yam hill. DANCING LESSONS. 2Sc- WILSONS School. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. T0UNG GIRL, FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; can sleep at home if preferred. 461 6th st. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework. 740 Flanders st. SALESLADY WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY Salvage Co.. cor. 3d and Davis. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AT Mt. Tabor. Phone East 243. . WANTED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS. APPLY at candy factory, 104 N. 5th st. FIRST-CLASS WAISTHANDS AT ONCE. The Spencer Co., 125 10th st. A GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. 500 Taylor st. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 161 N. 24th. WANTED GOOD DINING ROOM GIRL. The Ozark. 225 11th st. WANT ED-1 A FIRST-CLASS COOK AND SEC ond girl. 822 Kearney at. WANTED COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID at the Hill Hotel. W ANTED A NURSE GIRL. 170 NORTH 23d. near Irving. SECOND GIRL; SMALL FAMILY; GOOD wages. Main 3112. COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY. 236 KING ST. - Phone Main 2511. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WHITE, CHINESE, JAPANESE (2, $100; Japanese second cook. $30; blacksmith; cabin boy; dishwashers. S; 20 waitresses (everywhere). Hood River, $25; house keeper, housework. "Drake's," 205 Washington. A FEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OR ganizers, elt hr male or female, can find lucrative employment by calling at room 605. Commercial bidg. MEMBERS WANTED ACME DRAMATIC Club, Grace Vsndeman. secretary. Good nough bldg. Plays given. Rehearsals in evening. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY A THOROUGHLY EX P Bitt en eed and competent man In wholesale or retail grocery house; has best of references. Address V 54, Oregonian. 4-TEA RS'-EXPERI BN'OE HARDWARE MAN wishes position. D 70. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ENGINEER WITH 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE in stationary engines, mine hoists and pumps, warns position: would prefer to be in or near city, but would go some distance out. R 63. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED WOOL SORTER wants position with wool firm, or take - charge for manufacturer; age 33.- Ad dress Greenwood, 2026 E. Russell st., Phil adelphia, Pa. PRUNING. If you have an orchard you want pruned or rose bushes to be trimmed, address M 47, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 46S9. 268 Everett. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK WISHES position in family. . Frank Y. Phone Pa cific 2148. 121 N. 15th. WANTED EMPLOYMENT BY MAN AND wife; first-class cooks; restaurant preferred. L 66, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION WHERB he can learn wood carving. W. T. . Munroe, 310 Sixth at. POSITION WANTED BY JAPANESE GAR dener in city; have experience. Address 264 Davis st. HOUSECLEANTNG BY THE DAY. JOB OR hour. Pacific 731. Thompson. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED' COMMERCIAL OPERATOR Underwood or Remington. ds:re permanent place. Hours 9 to 5. Pacific 2S0. Finst-class Public Stenographer Miss Younce SU3 Lumber Exchange . bitig. Main 5719 Drvssms ksrs. FOR SALE BY A DRESSMAKER A VERS fine baby outfit, complete; all hand-mad . and elegantly trimmed. Will sell at I great sacrifice; will bear close Investiga tion. Call 52 North 15th, near cornc. Davis. WANTED SEWING ' AT HOME. PUTS dresses or waists; work guaranteed. Ann with phone number. S 63, OreRonian. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE, DRESSMAKER. 200 Haliey u Phone East 5S04. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLOR3. 242 6th and Main. Pacific 0&2. Domestics. A NICE JAPANESE GIRL WANTS A PO sit ion to do cooking or housework in : nice family; has long experience. E 60 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL WANTS J position in private family. Address J 60. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. A WIDOW LADY WISHES POSITION A! companion, nurse or as lady's maid; tin derstands massage, care of the face anc 0 hair and Is a good seamstress. Give ful ' particulars in letter. L 6S. Oregonian. AMERICAN WOM A N. EXPERIENCED wishes household duties or sewing on half day every day; no children. T 6S Oregonian. GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO GENERA I housework in small family. Call from 10 u 4 P. il. at 392 Salmon st. LADY WANTS WORK BY DAY, PHON1 East 53ti. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to sell best grown nurserj - stock on the Coast, Including Rurbank's ne pitleas plum. Miracle; commission advancec weekly; write quick for choice of territory Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. MONEY! MOXBT! ADVANCED EVBRI week to our agents. A full line. Including up-to-date specialties. Wrrite for free can vassing out tit. Capital City Nursery Com pany, Salem, Or. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN TUB MARKRTl 100 monthly and commissions to goo4 men; see us. Conservative Mutual LIN Insurance Co.. Elks' bldg. HANDLE BIGGEST MONEY-MAKER ON earth; $200 monthly guaranteed workers; - failure Impossible. Baenzigcr ft Co., 19 Sul livan s.. Chicago. - A-l SEWING MACHINE SALESMAN. SAU ary and commission. P 67. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT- HOUSE WANTED, ON EAST SIDE OR I Irvington. 6 to 8 rooms; new. with mod em improvement. Will rent or buy ot satisfactory terms: must be on carline A. L., care Courier, Oregon City. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming -houses, etc. Landlords wilt do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. JB. cor. 8d sad Oak. Phone Exchange 72. BY. FAMILY OF THREE ADULTS. MOD ern. well furnished house, seven or eignt rooms; West Side; desirable neighbor hood ; h ighest references. N 69, Orego nian. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGE'S, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 10 2d st. Phoni Main 1436. Administrator of estates. LARGE ROOM WITH TWO BEDS WANTBT by two gentlemen in private family. nu 13th and Jefferson; must be modern anc strictly flrst-class. N 66. Oregonian. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM WANTED B young man. not further wes than 15th or 16th sts., must be on the West Side. H 61, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT S-ROOM HOUSE IN vicinity of Holladay and Union aves., 01 Irvington. Address 314 Lumber Exchange. WANTED A NICELY FURNISH H)D HOUSF of five or six rooms. West Side preferred. K 67, . Oregonian, stating rent. MODERN FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM COT tage. East Side. April J. best references; adults. J 63, Oregonian. , - - - WANT FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Gearhart for the seasnn by responsible party. Address C 62, Oregonian. . . . WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with bath : and back yard. G 69, Oregonian. BY "TWO YOUNG LADIES, SUITE Ft'R nished rooms In desirable location, with bath. Q T. Oregonian. LARGE HOUSE. 12 TO 14 ROOMS. OR 6C to 80 rooms in god location, 720 Chamber Commerce. WANTED BY TWO YOUNG MEN, TWO rooms, also board; must be central. E 67, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED $5000 worth men's cast-off clothing and shoes; w-e also bo- household furnishings, high est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," i N. 3d. phone Pacific 1722. SECOND-HAND FLOORING AND CEIL ing, loose or intact.- Cash. The Title M Abstract Co. Phone Pacific 1540, room Mulkey bldg. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertilizer Works, M. 1966. or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-GUsan. GRUBSTAKE WANTED BY AN ALASKA prospector, only parties interested In cop per need reply. M 69, Oregonian. WANTED 2 SETS OF WORK HARNESS and one wide-tired wagon, 2 No. 1 siij: scrapers. Address 30 East 3d st. -f WANTED SECOND-HAND 6'rXS OR 8x10 camera, lens and outfit. Montag, 265 Morrison. Phone Pacific 37S0. WANTED WALL AND BULLETIN Lo cations. The Curran Co., 151 Front st. Phone Main 2100. WB BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THE) furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First et. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING.. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. WANTED FOX TERRIER: MUST Bffl puppy snd thoroughbred. 316 Allsky bldg. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage & Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac. 360. SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITTTRB, etc., prompt attention. -Phone East- 1067. WANTED A SECOND-HAND AUTOMO bile. 4-cylinder. D 63. Oregonian. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED GOOD SECONH-HAND BICY re, reasonable. Phone Pac. .310. WANTED THE CARE OF A BABY GIRL. 511 Grove st.. Montavilla. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER. Apply 223 Lumber Exchange. WANTED TENT. - 12x18 OR LARGER, 2D hand. Call 1151 Corbett st. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $2 per week up: steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths, free phone: dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 4SS Washington. THE WESTMINSTER, MADISON AND TH su.. baa still a few choice bachelor apart ments to let. These are the most handsomely furnished and up-to-date apartments in every respect to be found in -the city; reasonable rates; easy walking distance. HOTEL BUSH MARK, WASHINGTON AND 17th First-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam heat, hot, cold water, electrlo light, phone in every room; suites, with pri vate bath. $7.60 per week; single, $3; by day. $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 5647. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK. New brick, steam, hot and cold running ' water and electric lights In every room. Twenty suites; private baths; phones. Cen- tral. yet quiet. No car lines, Per day, $1, $1.60. $2. 62 12TH ST- NICK LARGE RUNNY ROOM newly furnished - and right up-to-date; fur nace heat, plenty ot hot water all the tlrrm, free phone, nice lawn and porch; a nlcs home place. .