THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, ITlsmiTJAKr 27, 1907. 11 UNITED HALWAYS WILL GO AHEAD Disorganization of C. E. Loss Company Does Not Af fect the Project. CREDITORS ARE ORGANIZED 'o Attempt to Force Loss Into Bank, ruptcy Owners of United Kall - ways Franchises Slay Ask for Extension of Time. Disorganization of the C. E. Loss Com pany in no manner involves the United Hallways Company, which Is prepared to proceed with construction work according to the terms of the franchises it has ac quired. Prior to the embarrassment of the company headed by Mr. Loss, that gentleman, it s learned, transferred his stock In the United Railways Company to C. G. H. McBride and other San Fran cisco capitalists. Under the administra tion of the affairs of the Loss Company by R. L. Sbln, as trustee, the creditors successfully resisting any attempt to place the business in the hands of a re ceiver, it Is believed that Mr. Los will not be forced into bankruptcy. Charles Hussey has gone to Drain to complete an inventory of the property of the Loss Company and It is asserted that sufficient assets will be found to meet all claims. Commencement of work by the Uni ted Railways Company on its Front-street project has necessarily been retarded by the failure of materials to arrive. The preliminary work, such as distributing ties and steel rails for the construction work, is being promoted as rapidly as men and teams can perform the task. Ground has not yet been broken by the company on Front street, nor will this work begin, says I B. TViekersham. th6 company's engineer, until the arrival of CO carloads of steel, en route from the Pennsylvania Steel Works, that are be ing held at Council Bluffs. Ia., while the damage resulting to the cars in a wreck can be repaired. By the terms of the franchise granted by the city, the United Railways Com pany Is required to complete the con struction of Its system within the limits of this city and commence the operation of cars thereon within 12 months after the ilnal approval of the ordinance grant ing the franchise. This franchise was accepted June 5. 10fl. so that the com pany has but a little more than three months in which to comply with its re quirements. For this franchise, extend ing for a period of 25 years, the United Railways Company agrees to pay to the city in annual installments as compen sation the sum of $ltt..m The fran chise authorizes the construction of a railway system over the following streets: Commencing with the intersection of the northerly line of section 15. town ship 1 south, range 1 east Willamette base and meridian and with Macadam street: thence northerly on Macadam street to Wood street; thence easterly on Wood street to Moody street: thence northerly on Moody street to Hood street: thence northerly on Hood street to Water street: thence northerly on Water street to Jefferson street: also on Columbia street from Water street to Front street: thence northerly on Front street to Irving street. Also on Flanders street westerly from the line or lines on Front street to the west line of Thirteenth street; also on Tenth street northerly from the line or lines on Flanders street to the north line of Irviryr street; also on Eleventh street northerly from the lino or lines on Flan ders street to the north line of Irving street. Also commencing at the intersection of Johnson street, and Seventh street: thence southerly on Seventh street to Hall street; thence easterly on Hall street to Sixth street: thence southerly on Sixth street to Sheridan street. Also commencing at the intersection of Front street and Taylor street; thence westerly on Taylor street to Seventh street. There is a condition In the franchise that authorizes the City Council to grant an extension in time for the completion of the work of construction if there is delay by "acts of God. strikes, riots, pro cess of any court, or faults or delays of material, men or carriers or by other cause beyond the control of said United Railways Company." In that event the company is to be allowed an additional length of time within which to construct Its railway, eiiual to the time the con struction Is delayed by any and all of the causes enumerated. The inconven ience the company has suffered in the delivery of materials from the East will constitute grounds for asking for an ex tension of time. The franchise held by the United Rail ways Company gives to that company a prior right to the use of the streets covered in the franchise that was granted to the Willamette Valley Traction Com pany. The right of the latter company to construct tracks over any of the streets Included in both franchises can not be exercised before the expiration of one year after the acceptance of the franchise by the United Railways Com pany or such further extension in time as may be granted that company. W. I,. Benham, president of the Uni ted Railways Company, and Chief Engi neer Wickersham will direct the opera tions of the company, which will first proceed to build the Front-street line, and then construct the other lines as rapidly as the steel rails can be received from the East But it is thought to be impossible to complete the construction of this line within the time required In the franchise and upon a proper showing being made, the Council will be asked to extend the time. JiO DEVKLOPMKXTS AT DRAIN. Loss Company's Goods Attached and Inventory Is Being Taken. DRAIN'. Or.. Feb. 26. There are no new developments in the local troubles of the C K. Loss Company today. The rases of Reed, Holland and Emmons have been postponed until tomorrow, and the Constable has the order given to Emmons for the books and accounts signed by Mr. Loss. Sheriff McClellan has served an attachment on the goods in the Loss warehouse and is taking an invoice , today. Tobtn and Ownes refuse to make any statement touch ing ori the affairs of the concern, though Tobin says he will make a com plete statement in a day or two. Raise in Pay Drives Him Insane. CHICAGO. Feb. 26. A dispatch to the Tribune from Kankakee. 111., says: An increase of wages from $25 to ioO a month, which he could not understand, is said to have caused the Insanity of Philip Coutre. a painter at the Illinois Eastern Hospital, who was adjudged insane and committed to tiie same institution yesterday. MOTHERHOOD MRS. DANIEL Unquestionably preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound more successfully than by any other medicine, because it gies tone and strength to the entire feminine organism and renders it perfectly normal. A woman in good physical condition transmits to her children the bless ings of a good constitution. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sullivan, 589 E. 7th Street, Flatbush, N. Y. "What a blessing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is" to motherhood. I send you a picture of my three months' old baby and myself, and the photo shows the splendid condition of our health. That I am so well and the baby so healthv and happy is entirely due to your excellent remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I "took it for five months before baby came and it brought me an easy confinement and kept me strong, whereas I was weak and in perfectly miserable health all the time when my first" three children were born." Mrs. Geo. Walters of Woodlawn, 111., also writes: ' "I feel it my duty to tell of the good Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound has done me and to recommend it to all expec Caoital Wanted A. I am a practical printer with proved ability as manager. I want to interest capital to establish a modern printing-house. If you are spending $100 a month or more for printing, I can show you how to save 10 per cent on your printing bills, and pay you a liberal interest rate besides. First-class city refer ences furnished. Address, E 36, care Oregonian. Spanton's new addition opposite the Southern Pacific car shops, offers attractive home . inducements to people of moderate means. A splendid lot for $300.- Beautiful house and lot (your own pattern) for $1400. -Payments like rent JT Would you like to see three hundred dollars prow into five hundred dollars in one year, right here in Portland? It's no sleight-of-hand process it's just the natural wealth of Portland clamoring: for recognition. It's pause and effect. It's water seeking its level. In a town of a hundred and fifty thousand people, any well located residence lot is worth five hundred dollars! And yet we are offering a beautiful and most convenient residence lot in the City of Portland for $300 and on $10 install ment payments besides. J Even if you haven't money enough to buy Washington street frontage, that's no reason for .turning down an equally good, even if it be a smaller, investment from a dollars and cents standpoint. There is more comparative profit in a SPANTON ADDITION lot at $300, than there is in a Washington-street quarter block at a hundred aud twenty thousand (which they are wanting now). Spanton's Addition lies just east of the Southern Pa cific Car Stops between Kast Twenty-fifth and East Twenty-sixth streets it has much to commend it it is close in accessible lies prettily and the prices are purely introductory everv lot Is worth five hundred dollars or more, and these prices will be had before the year Is out. We are asking SSOO now installments of glO a month, or we will fur nish you the house and lot, ready to move into (at 9) days' notice) for 1400 and you pay us rent and the, rent govs on the purchase price. If Our automobile goes to the tract at 11 o'clock and again at 2 o'clock. We'd like for you to go 'long. The Spanton Company Residence Lots Our Specialty Commonwealth Building Sixth and Burnside MEETING NOTICES. MEMBERS OP PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 4, 1. O. B. B.. are requested to mpt at SelllnK-nirh blrtj., this (Wednesday) af ternoon, at 12::M, and proceed to the Elks' Temple to attend the funeral of our late bro ther. Mose I. Tlchner. Visiting brethren also invited to attend". By ordnr of the president. ALBERT L. STONE, Recording Sec. WESTERN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Don't forget the Yeoman dance at hall. Second and Morrison. Wednesday evening., February 27. Prize waltz. Admission 25 cents. SAMARITAN I.ODOB. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at .8 o'clock. Third ilgrce. Visitors welcome. il. OSVOLD. Seo," SULLIVAN tant mothers to insure a healthy child and easy birth. I bad lost three children and was discouraged when a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- " pound. I did so and it not only kept ma well and strong but I have as healthy a child as you will find anywhere. I bone other discouraged women may read this letter and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and be benefited by it as I have been. " Women should remember that for more than thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has been without a rival in sustaining woman's health and curing all those painful ailments peculiar to her sex. Its rec ord shows that it has cured almost every form of female complaint, orga nic troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacements and consequent spinal weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the periods of child-birth and change of life. It cures backache and all those bearing down sensations. If there is anything about your case you do not understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is absolutely free. Thou sands of women have done so and have received help. MEETING NOTICES. The Fouth Portland Republican Club will hold its regular meeting Wednesday even ing. Feinutu'y 2V. I HO", at Artisans' Hall, c.irner .Front and Gibus streets. All Re publicans are invited to attend. W. p. LILLIS. President. B. F. JONES. Secretary. if CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 84, O. E. s. Stated communication this (Wednesday) evening. 8 o'clock! de. greea. Official visit. W. G. M. By order W. M. KATE M. STEADMAN. Secretary. ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY. Concert and dance. Women of Woodcraft Hall. Tenth and Taylor streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tickets SO cents. HANDSOME FOR SMALL Last season we sold scores of Burma Rugs. Every Rug made us a friend. ' Te are glad to announce the arrival of a new Spring line of these Rugs. The new patterns and colorings are excellent finer than ever. The Rugs are reversible, therefore durable and the de signs are absolutely original. For bedroom, dining-room or parlor, where a cheap Rug is wanted, we know of no other so satisfactory as is the Burma. J. G. Mack & Co, 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House VUXt, METSCHAX. PTNldea and IUdh Berenth and tVaitnrtoa European Plan AUCTION SAXES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson at salwroom, 208 First street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. Cargo of furniture at the Portland Auc tion Rooms, 211 Kim St. Bale 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. DIED. M'LACHLIN In this city, February 26. Ed monrl R. McLachlin, aged 40 years, 3 months and 21 days. Funeral notice hereafter. M'CARTHY At the family residence. 1530 Portsmouth ave., February 20. John F. McCarthy, aged 4 years, 6 months and 8 days. Funeral notice hereafter. BETMONT Feb. 2rt. Andrew J. Belmont. aged 70 years. The remain are at Dunn in?, McEntee Gflnatigh'M chapel. 7th and Pine streets, where they have been prepared for shipment to Astoria, Or. SCHWAR55 At his late residence, 127 East loth St., Feb., 2rt. Geo. Schwarx, aged 38 years. 10 months1 and 10 days. Notice of funeral will be given later. FUNERAL NOTICES. ETENRRRO At Hood River. Or.. February 24. Philip J. .T. Stenberg, aged R3 years. 8 months. 14 nays, brother of Miss E. H. Stenberjr. of Portland. Friends are respect fully Invited to attend the -funeral services, - which will be held Pi the Swedlph Lutheran Church, corner 19th and Irving sts., at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday), Feb. 27. Inter ment Rivervlew Cemetery. KORLOTH in this city. February 24, at the family residence, rrt5 Everett street. Mrs. Annie Petrol Koblofh, aged 87 years. 10 month. 19 days. Friends are re.spect fully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Vancouver. Wash., at 2 P. M., Wednesday. February 27. Interment at Vancouver, Wash. BR ANDES Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited tit attend the funeral services of Otto Brandes. which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 1:30 P. M. to day (Wednesday). Interment Ione Fir. CAMPPBT-L Christina, beloved wife of James Campbell, and slHter of James Anderson. Funeral services to bo held at Westminster Church, Holladay Addition, Wednesday, February 27. at 2 P. M. Donning, McEntee SB Gllbaagn, Funeral pi rector, ttii A Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady aasft ERICSOX UNDERTAKING CO.. 409 Aide at. Lady assistant. Food Main 6 IS. EDWARD DOLMAN CO., Fnneral Dlreet r, 20 Sd it. JLadr aaalctant. Toon M. ML KELLER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers, Em balmem. STS KueeU. East IPS. Lady a 't, J. P. FIN LEY A BON. Funeral Directors. No. 261 Sd at., cor. Madison. Phone Main i. F. 8. DUNNINo, Undertaaer. 414 Km! Aider. Lady assistant. Phono East fiS. A. B. HEMSTOCK Funeral director. K. 13tb & Umatilla. Ph. geilwood 71. Lady asA't. PIANO STUDIO LOUIS H. BOLL Now located over EILERS PIANO HOUSHL Entrance on Carle St., Suite X. NEW TODAY. TJNCLEJ M7ERS" LOAN OFFICE, 143 SD at., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned oh watches, diamonds, Jewelry and sealskins. Investment Buys $i R Cfin Swell corner. M block south and east front, onlv four blocks from Steel bridge: desirable Im provements, Income $13i per month; room for another flat. Don't miss this oppor tunity $ 'ifC.fl 6-room house, modern, fine basement, every convenience: beautiful corner lot. east and south front, Kast Salmon street: walking distance. This property withdrawn from market if not sold this week. A. H. Birre.ll 201-203 McKay Bid?., Cor. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE 100x100 feet, southwest corner of Clay, south of Jefferson st., in swell neighbor hood, and law modern residence, which will rent for t&o per month: price J20.000; $7500 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Call and let us tell you what a bis money-maker 'this property will be for you. A. L. Parkhurst & H. L. Sale 208 Lumber Exchange Bldff. East Couch St. Ixt 50xS3 1-3 and small cottage, N. E. corner East fith and East Couch; rents J12: price J1SO0; terms. , Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d st., and 392 East Burnside st. AUCTION SALE Of furniture store at Montavilla, near end of carline, Thursday, February 28. at 10 A. M., by the Portland Auction Rooms. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE $0700 Chapman near Morrison. Inquire owner, 133 & 5th st., cor. Alder. C. JLERKE. JR. NEW RUGS PRICES Street. Pomtn. Ore. ?1.00. 1.50, $2.00 per Day. AillSEMENTS. 4?2hfnn1o. HEILIG THEATER Tonight 8:15, Tomorrow Night. AtGlSTlX I)ALV JIlMCAl COMPAXV In the Musical Comedy, "A COUNTRY GIRL" PRICES: Lower Floor, first 10 rows, $2; last 6 rows. $l.w. Balcony, it, 75c, 50c. Entire Gallery, 50c. Seats Selling at Theater Box-Office. Washington 14th and ' HEILIG THEATER M:ronf 4 NIGHTS, Beginnlnc Sunday. MARCH 3. -K.LAW & ERLANOER CORINNE In GEO. M. COHAN'S Musical Play. 45 BROADWAY PRICES: Entire Lower Floor, $1.50; Bal cony 1.50, f, 75c; Entire Gallery, 60c SKAT S.ILE FRIDAY. BAKER THEATER "-. GEO. L. BAKER. General Manager. Home of Baker Theater Stork Company. All This Week. Presenting Jerome K. Jerome's Famous Four-Act Comedy "MISS HOBBS." StaRc Direction Arthur Mackley. One of the brightest, cleverest comedies of the season. The celebrated author's dry est vein of humor. Matinee Saturday. Eve ning prices 25c. .'trie. iOc; mRtlnoe. 15c, 25c. Next Week "MIZPAH." EMPIRE THEATER Phone Main 117. Milton W. Seaman. Mrt. Playing Only Eastern Jioarl Attractions. Tonight, All This w-k Lincoln J. Car ter's Greatest SurrPS5, "THE I'AST MAIL." Carload of srenle effects. Two trains. Ni agara. Falls at night. Great steamboat ex plosion. Intense realism. Matinees TODAY i:15 and Saturday. Regular Empire prices. Next Attraction "The Missouri Girl." THE STAR ihttrS48a Week of February 25. The ALLEN STOCK CO. Presents 'The Uttle Church Around the Corner." in Four Acts. Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:15. Prices 10 and 20 cents: every evening af 8:15, prices 10. 20 and 30 cents. Reserved seats by Telephone Main 5 106. LYRIC THEATER Port land n Popular Stork Houne. WKEK t'OMMKNCINO MONDAY, FEB. 25. Incomparable I-yric Stock Company In the Famous Civil War Comedy -Drama, "STRUCK OIL" In Three Acts. Box Office Open TO A. M. to 10 P. M. Peats can be reserved by Phone Main 46S5.' The Grand Week of 2-25. Lizzie Evans and Jefferson Lloyd, "The Old Love." Week of March. 4. Coin's Do Show. Mudge & Morton. Herbert Devean. Wills & Barron. La Adella. Budd & Wayne. Harold Hoff. Grandlscopa. Pantages ' Theater THE Sl'tiUNOTOS, Direct From Japan. Sloan Sisters, The Whalens, I.eo White, Harry De Lain, Miss Kittle Pierce. Blograph. Matinees Dally at 2:30 P. M. ; Nights, 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Admission. 10c and 20ck Boxes. 25c. Any Seat at Weekday Mati nees. 10 CENTS. BXPOSITION RINK, 19th and Washington Streets. ROLLER SKATING Morning. Afternoon and Evening. BIG FLOOR. BEST SKATER, GOOD MUSIC. STEAM HEAT, INSTRUCTION ' FREE. ADMISSION 10c. SKATES 25c. NEW TODAY. Vaughn Street 50x100 and two houses renting for 20 per month, situated 60 feet west of 25th st: houses -Noa. Mi and 843 Vaughn st.; price $2500; terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second st. and 302 East Burnside st. Warehouse 7500 square feet of floor space. Elevator and lighting included. 44-46 First Street. WANTED! I want a 6-room house on the Wat Side; will consider anything exempting south, of Marquam GuToh Owners only need apply. D 39, Oregonian. Exclusive Carpet Kouse SEW TODAY. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS $22,500 Quarter-block on Grand avenue, oppo site proposed Mount Hjd Railway depot. $13,500 Cheapest corner east of the river, 00 feeton East Water at Washington street. $7250 Davis street, near Fourteenth, now paying $50 a month. $4000 Five-room house on Fifth street, on lot 50x106. $4550 Modern home on East Madison, near Fourteenth. $5000 Thurman street, quarter-block. This has a splendid speculative value. H.W.LemckeCo. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. MAIN o.-iO. PORTLAND la attracting more attention than any city on the Pacific Coast and is undergoing i MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and In the next ten year will likely make more PROGRESS than it has in lis entire past. . The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES7, has the GREATEST population. Is growing tho most RAPirLY. and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. Holladay's Addition Is tho freographlcal contr of tho city, and Is the most DESIRABLE resilience district, and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making investments, and call and in. epect the property, for seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company 88tt Third St., Room 4. Portland. Oregon. Payment of interest Commercial , Club Building Association Interest on tho npfrntlabl rfcfipts and th" coupons of Hip outstanding bo ml a will be payable at our office on March 1. IP07. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. K. Corner Third and Ouk StreetM. ON FRIDAY NEXT, MARCH 1 At private rrnltlrncr, Kt5 11th St., corner Alder street. We have received instructions from Mrs. RIcklobin to sHt at auctinn on above date all the household furnlliin', rar-p-ts, etc.. of 7 rooms, comprising bedroom suit op. Iron beds, spring and mattresses, pillows, RheetH. blankets and other beddinc:, drerserrt, washstnmis, toilet w are, pur In r rockers and tables. Brussels runs, lnmtn art squarep, oak folding- bed, couches ami covers, lace curtains, ball tre. ha' I and stair carpets, heating stoves, dining table, sideboard. Jewel gas range. Imperial ste(i range, kitchen treasure, refrigerator, crock cry, utensiN and other effects. Sale on Fri day next at 10 o'clock sharp. BAKER & KON, Auctioneers. MARKET STREET DRIVE PORTLAND HEIGHTS EfKht-room modorn rosiflonoe for salo, with solid roi'k foundation : rooms all prettilv tinted; two large llreplares and best kind of a furnare; masnilirent viow of the entire panorama of the city and mountains. This site alone, without im provements, rannot be boufrht today for less than S7;o. The priL"e of this splen didly Improved property is only $.".; J4000 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. A. L. Parkhurst & H. L. Sale SOS Lumber Bxchanbe Hldjr. Holladay Ave. Easiness Corner See that fine business corner, situated S. W. corner L'nion anil Holladay avenues, having- a frontage of 1l feet on Fnion ave., 209 feet on Holladay ave. and 100 feet on East 3d st. Price $20,000 Terms Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second st. and 392 East Burnside st. A BARGAIN 100x1 oo Corner 11 tli and Everett Sts. Don't mfss this opportunity. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. H'Jhi First St. Washington Si. J36.000 Full lot with three-story hriek. We are notified that after the first of the month this property will he advanced. If you want to make A good Investment see us before that time. VANDUYN & WALTON 303 Chamber of Commerce. Investors Investigate! Waterfront, Storage, Dockage 25 Per Cent Investment Walling, 243 Stark Sixth Street block and a 10-room house and two 5-room cottages, rents $100; N. E. corner 6th and Montgomery st; price $21,000; terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second at. and 392 East Burnside st. mm m a. tlill XEff TODAY. ALEX C. RAE. PURLlt: ACCOUNTANT. 47 McKay BuilcMng. Phone Main t'A'Jl. I'OH SAI-F HEAL KSTATE. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. Fin.- little house of 0 room, 5ixlOO lot, r.Iy SZCJ, IN I RVINGTON & HOI.T-A DAY'S. Mf.Klern -n;om hnusi'. full lot. nice interior-; rixturps a Ion- cot-t ?i'r.o. 'j'hls we can dt-iiv-r for. J-ir.Mt. Modern h-rotu house on full lot, only .Ww- C-r.iom mo-I1! n house, largo lot. in tit- sirahlf location. S-ijriO. U..01I 7-room house on lot ."inxl". stable, cumnHe walks and driveway., .;i;.V). A havr a choice list to huv from in im-jn-ovrd ur.,i unijiij.rovf.i proju-rtv in nil parts of the city; a!o St. Johns, MoutaviUu. Ml fccoti and Linnl-iii. Call at our office. H. W. LKMi KR CO. FIXTII AND WASHIXtrrOX ST.. Km ire Second r'lt..,r. HOMKS IN IVAXHOK. $J.ti :t-rooin huu.-e, modern conveni ences, .it loitx I no. eir.oi) 7-rooin house, a!I kinds of fruit, a rai- Imryuin. $.-,, :;-rccnn house, lot "."is 14.".. $ l-joo 7 -room house, jut Unix 1 i-'luo New 10-room house, garden and on-hard. 4i) Lots. SUt down. $r per month. Atl of tlifSH properties within two blocks of carline. m-ar school, Hull ttun water, electric lights. AMKRItWN REALTY CO., :to'2 Y'oreeter Block. VACANT PKOF'KUTY. SoxlOo on Larr,i!ee near Steol bridge; fine location for flats; price Th.. 5':xloo on 1Mb st., lunr 1-ovejoy; fine resilient e property ; prjre J l'-Oo. Thes- can't 1p hcsittn. THK VmKRAX LAND CO., ;j.d st., loom A. -ROOM IliU'SK, IH'ILT Fni a HOMK; laref- reception halt, artistic dining-room, very laiRe bath-room and closet; corner lot : n. ar carline; ln-nt Side i esldviiCJ district; special price if sold this week, C. C. SHAY. :;4 AWnmon BUlg. Main liHJ. ACRE AtlB. P2 acres adjoining city limits; nil -cleared: fine -oll; acres in imall fruit; price very low; easy terms; you can dou ble your money on thN in a short time. W. O. WADDF.L, 817 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark. IF YOf WANT A BARGAIN IN A GCryp 7 room ho'ine, bath, full laso:n"iit. lot inxll2, a'.l kinds of fruit, barn and chicken-house, close In. owner leaving city; musr be .soli this week. F. J. St.-ir.m' tz. lt:t Morrison st. $-H0 MODERN' NEW H-Ui hM HOUSE. Knst Side, mil Int. carpets, range, etc. ; not far out; terms; n:;r cur. STATU IXVKHTMEXT CO., US Atiimiton bldg. WEPT SIDE. R-ronm modem house on Fourth ft., good corner lot; simp. Sdm-o. ("KNllt FIFTH AND SALMON FTS. $r,ri o ooxloo and - houses. n axd 4l!il E. .Morrison st.; will rent for ?:c per month; terms. W. O. Waddel, a 17 Lumber Exchange, I'd and Stark. WE TU'ILT IK U SES ON EASY PAY men t s; have some nice plane ; can furnish lotH if d(rt;red. 612 Commercial HMr. M:iln 1140. $2500 40x10 AND GOOD 7-ROOM house, K. 17th pt.. near Morrison; noth- lnjr so chap In this vicinity. W. O. Wad del, o!7 Lumber Exchange. FOR -SALI5 Kxioi) ON HALT, HT. IflO FFET wept of 1 4th st.. $;ifiOo: TioxliHi- corner Hnil nnd 14th, ?:!7eO; eplendWL view without climb. Owner, -lo Hall .nt. $:iMiO I'.CSIXESS I'KOVEKTY, FRACTION, al Vt bloek, jnO ject on Union ave., cloe in. for t his week only. Turner, Itu." 2 nsliSm,'C n st., room .". FRACTIONAL LOT IN MULTNOMAH Ad dition, with -4 -room house; always rent ed; only StioO; pays over 1A per cent net. lion Chamber Commerce. WANT A SNAP- THEN HE oflCK. .V buys good 7-room house, fractional It in P uith it rt land : wa I kin dw-tan.'e. E. J Cebvr, 2-M 'u Morrif-m et. $10o0 PER ACRE SUHURRAN HOME. ?'J aere.s, next to city limits. Very tine prop erty. .uvo us about this. Parrlsh, Wat kins & Co.. 2.iO Alder st. ...... A NEW MODERN 5- ROOM COTTAGE AT 10i;: 10th X., take Alberta ear. J'riee 1rtno. TrnitP like rent. Mate Land Co., i::;;ia Flint st. $7000 -CHOICE RESIDENCE, MoDERnTn. every way ; fine locat Ion ; northwest part of city, i'urriim, Watklns &. Co., ro Aider street. CHOTCK COIiXEK LOT. $1"50 N. E. comer 'J4th and Wasco Ft.. TTiHnday Park; cement sidewalks. A 84, Oregonian. r ACHES ON" NEW SALEM CARMXR ON e;isy terms one for pluttingj; will double your money in Fix months. 7-0 Chamber Commerce. fjOINO EAST WILL SELL MY EARCE hoi:;e with benuliful ground, will tnl lots, n'-reaee of small houso in part payment. O ;t2, Oreeonfan. FULL LOT OX FRONT ST. . NEAR HAMIL ton ave.. $!t.Vi; streets Iniprnvr d, cement walk. Vanduyn & Walton, ;tOo Chamber Commerce. A NICE 1 TOM R, NEW K-HOOM HOTTER, bearing fruit trees. Kern Park; pric $i:!0O. Terms to suit. State Land Co., 13 Fir.n et. fTftOO iWxrt. FOITTHWEST CORNER EAST 1st and Oak eff.. nnd S. F. trak. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange, 2d and fciark. F1VE ACRES ON ORECON CITY JSLEC trie line; beautiful building site, $;ioiu). L G. Starkweather, It. F. L.t Mlhvaukie, Or. HorSES. ALT, PARTS OF C1TT. RUTDT AND eold on installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., eouthweat cor. 3d and Morrison. W I LI, SACRIFICE MY CARMNE LOTS, close in in St. Johns, to rais nioiiev at oiif. Owner, Hex RV! ft. F, D., Mtlwaukie, Or. ONB 0-ROOM IKH'SE. SOUTH PORTLAND; bath, gas, electric light'; price $2ooo cash; no, agents need apply. 1104 Washington at. f.'lU.-f rrfixRH OX 1"JT ST., ro feet soctit of Love joy ; spb-ndid location. S, Rax wor thy, at Neustadter Hros., .'th and Stark sts. I WII-I. SlfI.L FOIL $:;noo CASH AN IM proved five-acre tract on carline; cost me $7u one year ago. F XI, Or gonian. $M 10 WIT -L Rl ' Y A I- ARC E IOT. WixiW, near Ml. Scott carline; jfiio finwn, $10 a, month; owner. Worcester bldg. ONK-ACRK TRACT WITH SMALL HOUSE near carline; $od; a bargain. Western Oiigon Trust Co.. 2fl Stark st. yOon IIAUC.ALV LOT. 40xKK. WITH 4 room hoiis-e, near High School, Ea.t Staxk; terms. Pal let t, Fen ton bldg. FOR SALE :OXI00 AND 40Xir ON 17TK and East Burnside. See owner, 545 E. Davis fit. Phone East IS 1 7. $lS."o MODERN .'.-ROOM Ct:TTAJE. UI'PEU Albinii, William ave.; fuii basement, elec tric lighted. F 27. Oregonian. FOR SAEE $L'"0O; STRICTLY MODERN rt room home; this price a few days. Address or call E. 32d and Clinton. THE FINEST U RLOCK ON E. 27TH ST., near carline. A bargain at $1'20. State Land Co., First st. $3r00 50x100 LOT ON CLAY ST.. NEAR 14th; a good buy. Owner, U17 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. $ir.O HANDLES CHOICE EOT IX PIED mont; this mut be taken quick. 720 . Chamber Commerce. TWO LOTS AXD 5-UOOM HOUSE AT I,aure)wood; ?7."i; torm; . private party. Phone Mnln SMB. $hoit BATiOAlN. HioxlOO, E. SALMON, near 3it h ; very choice ; terms. . PaUett, 304 Fenton bldg. f 400 BUYS GOOD SMALE HOUSE. FIX--ished nnd lot - 5oxi7; eay terms. Phono Main S!14.". 70x100. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FINE Lo cation, price low ; ojvner. 7-0 Chamber Commerce, oOxlOO, COKNEK. C'LOPK TO ST. JOHNS cor; owner;' good buy. 72o Chamber Com merce. $50 WILT, HANDLE GOOD LOT IN H EL Li wood, if taken tiulckt 7-0 Chamber Cora " merce. ' J?oiV FIUYS 2 LOTS STrxUHl AND OOOD 3 room house, easy terms. Phone Main -145. 100x1 OO NEAR MOUNT TABOR CAP.LINE, only (300. 303 Whamber ot Commerce.