Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 11, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Mayoralty Race Threatens to
Become Free-for-AII
risht on Democratic Side Is Well
Defined Republican Une-TJp Is
More Hazy Thomas C. Dev
lin Xow Most Active.
In spite of the fact that the next mu
nicipal election Is several months away,
candidates for the various offices are be
ginning to arroom themselves for the com
ing carr.paiKn. Naturally interest ifl cen
tered in the Mayoralty flpht. and if the
frossip. of the wise counts for anything the
battle for the chief executives chair
will be one of the hottest in the history
of the city. On the Democratic side there
nre two men talked of just now Dr.
Harry Lane, the present Incumbent, and
John Manning, now District Attorney.
Tom "Word's name has akw been men
tioned, but if his friends are to be taken
seriously the ex-Sheriff, although he
would iike to ,be Mayor, will not come
before the people as a candidate.
In the Republican ranis there are many .
candidates. First on the list, and. the
very first to start the contagion, is
Thoman C. Devlin, City Auditor. Devlin,
believing that the early bird catches the
worm, it Is mid, already has started the
machinery of his campaign working.
Devlin is not alone in his ambition to
rule over the Rose City. Colonel Charles
McDonell. who often has been talked of
In the past as a candidate for Sheriff,
and who served a term as County Asses
sor, has friends who are now clamoring
for him as Mayor. John Annand. Coun
cilman and one of the Olld nine, would,
not blush if ho were elected Mayor.
Next on the list io Louis Zimmerman.
7-immerman once was president of the
Council and while he was a city dad
there was lots of talk about him for
Mayor. Just why Zimmerman did not
come out as a candidate at the last elec
tion Is known only to himself and the
wise men with whom he held counsel
and who must have impressed upon him
the fact that he had no chance.
t Dan McAlien's Ambition.
Still another man has been mentioned,
find that Is Dan McAllen. Everybody
knows Dan McAllen.
While McAllen ia one of the best-known
nnd most public-spirited men in town,
the wise ones do not think that he Is
serious when talking about running for
W. A. Story, once Mayor and also an- ex
Kheriff, has declared that he Is out after
t the Mayoralty. Story . has never been
satisfied with the plain, every-day duties
of a business man since he was retired
i by the vote of the people, and there is
: more than a chance that he will Insist
' that hia name be placed on the ticket.
! Ht least in ' the primaries. Councilman
J Gray Is another city dad who feels that
Ihe has been summoned. With the proper
I encouragement he would come before the
I people In the primaries.
Last, but on the list not the least, la
i Councilman George S. Shepherd. There
I has been considerable talk about Shep
, herd for Mayor, but when he Is confront
ed with the charge he coyly says lt'o a
Joke. Joke or no Joke, Shepherd would
not sidestep the berth If he thought there
was a possible chance for his election.
Ho Is wise enough to realize that he Is
the last and even the least of the candi
dates that the people would elect as
Mayor. He knows, tied up as he is with
the Harriman railroad interests, that he
has not been called.
There Is also that little promise that
he made the City Council that he could
not explain away. When he had to "fees
up" that he was receiving a salary from
Harriman he announced that he was go
ing to quit the Council. Before he
dropped out of sight he wanted Just a
little honor. He was not hard to Satisfy.
All he wanted was to be named president
of the Council. Shepherd was elected
president, but the seat that he fell heir
to was so "comfy" that he decided to
etay put and forgot all about resigning.
At any rate, he hasn't resigned up to
iate. Perhaps he was waiting until he
could be counted in as one of the solid
nine. '
Mayor Lane's Strategy.
Mayor Lane, while he has been shying
on making an announcement about run
ning in the primaries, will be a candidate
for re-election. Dr. Lane has practically
made up his mind to save the expense of
the primaries and come out as an inde
pendent after the primaries have settled
It as to candidates. Mayor Lane and his
advisors have figured that with Devlin
and Manning in the flpht. Lane coming
out as an independent candidate will
have better than an even chance In the
. three-cornered fight that will follow.
Lane's friends do not consider Devlin
a formidable foe. They claim that when
the committee from the Council makes
its report on Devlin's methods of book
keeping and handling of the city's cash,
Devlin will be relegated to the down-and-out
club. Any way they hope that he
will be kept so busy explaining that It
;wlll spoil his chances of election.
In the Democratic fold there are many
hopefuls. At least a dozen of the stal
warts wouldn't put up lightning rods to
protect themselves from the Mayoralty
lightning. Aside from Lane's candidacy,
that of Manning is most talked of. Prop
erly approached. Alex Sweek, so the gos
Bip has it. would not change his residence
to St. Johns, if the office of Mayor were
to pursue him. Though there is no little
talk about Swcek, the real Democratic
nose seems to be on the Manning trail.
Naturally the big Interest will center in
the fight for the Mayoralty, yet there
are several other ofiices that will attract
some attention. For Instance, there Is
the ofn of City Attorney. L. A- McNary,
the present City Attorney, has given It
out that he will not be a candidate again.
This leaves the field open to his two
deputies. J. J. Fifzserald and J. P.
Kavanaugh. Both are out for the office
and If there are any other Republican as
pirants for the place they have not come
, to the front. Among the Democrats
talked of there are citizens Charles A.
Petrain and Oglesby Young.
A'acancles in Council.
The City Council la also due for a
change of faces. Half of the present
city fathers will go out this time and
while Just now there is no scramble for
the vacancies, there will be a general
awakening before the month ends. In
the Fourth Ward there Is already a
candidate. George Baker, who once
served a term in the City Council, is
being urged by his friends to again
aspire for a seat.
Spanish Sailor Put in Irons.
SEATTLE. Feb. 10. The steamship
Yucatan reached Seattle this morning
from New York and Baltimore, making
the 14,500 miles run without a
for fuel. On the voyage G. Cells, a
Spanish coal passer, attempted to In
cite a mutiny and was put in irons.
He chased the first assistant engineer
from the engine room, but was soon
"WhmX thm Vrtm AnU "Say.
Klaw & Erlanger Present Mclntyre
and Heath in "The Ham Tree."
Mclntyre and Heath, the greatest and
most humorous impersonators of nepro char
acter on the eta Re, will be the attraction at
the Helllp Theater, Fourteenth, and Wash
ington streets, tonight, at 8:15 o'clock, con
tinuing Tuesday and "Wednesday nights
"with a matinee Wednesday afternoon. In a
new musical novelty called The Ham. Tree,"
described on the programme 'as "Klaw &
Erlangers Laugh Trust," The book of "The
Ham. Tree" Is by George V. Hobart, the
author of the famous "John Henry" stories,
the lyrics are by William Jerome and the
music by Jean Schwartz. The company
numbers SO people. The principals of Mcln
tyre and Heath's support are W. C. Fields,
the tramp Juggler; Frederick: V. Bowers, the
ballad writer, singer and Juvenile actor;
Jeanne Towler, Carolyn Gordon, Belle Gold,
Alfred Fisher and David Torrence. The en
sembles Include the most beautiful chorus
of singing and dancing girls ever presented
in a musical play.
"The Ham Tree" la staged In three acts
and four scenes showing the Traveler's
Kent, a country hotel at Marlon, s S. C ; a
water tank on the P. r. Q. R. " R., near
Dover, Del. ; a wood near the railroad track,
and a drawing-room in Mrs. Nickelbacker's
Fifth-avenue palace. Seats are selling at
the theater box office for entire engagement
"If I Were King" at Baker.
fk great was the patronage of E. H
60 them's splendid romantic drama "If I
Were King," at the Baker last week, and
mo universal the demand for Its repetition,
that Manager Baker decided to continue its
production the coming week. This is the
first time to the history of local theatricals
that-a stock company has been obliged to
give two full weeks' performance of a play.
"Human Hearts" at the Empire.
The packed houses that welcomed the new
attraction at the Empire both performances
yesterday shows the confidence the Portland
theater-going public has in the management
of this popular-priced theater. The play,
"Human Hearts," Is ono that has ! ap
pealed to thousands in every city in Amer
ica and It touches the well springs of life
aU the way through.
"Lost in Siberia" at the Star.
Beginning with the performance tonight,
the Allen Stock. Company at the Star The
ater will produce "Lost in Siberia," the new
melodrama which recently caused such a
sensation in the Bast and which agents of
the Russian government endeavored to have
suppressed. Seats are now on sale at the
box office. .
"A Bunch of Keys" at the Lyric.
Hoyfs famous farce comedy "A Bunch of
Keys" is the bill at the Lyric this week,
beginning at today's matinee. Frank Fan
ning will play Snaggs and Charles Con
nors will be seen as Grimes. There will be
a. special children's matinee Saturday.
Favorite Actor, Pan! Gllmore, Will
Present "At Yale" at Heilig.
The advance sale will open next Wednes
day morntng, Fehruary 13, at box office, the
Heilig Theater. Fourteenth and Washington
streets, for the popular favorite actor, Paul
Gllmore, in his latest successful college play,
"At Tale." Mr. Gllmore, supported by an
excellent company, will present this, his
greatest effort, at the above theater next
Friday and Saturday nights, February 15
and 16, with a special matinee Saturday.
The famous boat race scene is said to be one
of the beet ever given on any stage.
"Buster Brown" Coming to Heillg.
The famous cartoon musical comedy,
"Buster Brown," will be the attraction at
the Heilig Theater next Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday nights, February 17, 18 and 19.
A special matinee will be given Tuesday af
Eight Xew Acts at Pantages.
An eight-act bill is at Pantages this week
and every act Is the bes money can buy.
The best-dressed and cleverest of club-passing
acts, put on by Dell and La Fonda, la
the feature. The others are Eddie Higglns,
"The Crazy Wench"; Arthur Thorn, Swede
Comedian; Berry and La Force, "A Myste
rious Highball"; Carll sisters, soubrettes;
Martin and Howard, "A Quiet Tip"; Leo
White, illustrated song"; thrilling moving
pictures. "The Bad Man." a story of the
New Programme at the Grand.
This afternoon the Grand offers a new
vaudeville programme and If the acts are
only half so good as the critics of other
cities say they are, the specialties will com
bine to give the Grand one of the finest en
tertainments of the year. Frank Coombs and
Muriel Stnne, the Eastern headllnera will
present "The Last of the Troupe."
East SWe Institution Will Accommo
date 1000. Puplte.
The new East Side High School will
open this morning with about 500 pu
pila. This Is about half of the number
that -will be accommodated -when the new
building; is entirely completed.
H. H. Herdman, Jr., the principal, has
made the announcement that only the
first-terra pupils living south of Killings
worth avenue are expected to attend the
EaBt Side High School this morning.
Those living north of the avenue are ex
pected to attend the West Side High
School. All first-term pupils will, report
at rooms 2, 4, 9 and 12 sft 9 o'clock this
The manual training department will
not be opened for several weeks. Those
who desire to take the manual training
course can take up their other studies
Immediately and should not delay their
Principal Herdman's assistants are:
Misses Cora Pattel, Gertrude Yager, Ada
Bechtel, Frau Bekker, Carolyn Bateson,
Winifred Haysi Estelle Armitage, Lena
Nealond. Bethel Wakeman, J. H. Huff,
C. L. Hoover, E. P. Anderson,. J. B.
Bonebrifrht. a H. Dodson, J. H. Mason
and F. J. Wentz.-
Shots Fired Through Cars.
SPOKAKEL Wash., Feb. 10. (Special.)
The first evidence of the ugly mood of
streetcar strikers came last night, when
two cars were fired upon, but no one was
injured in either case. Shots were fired
out of the darkness and bullets crashed
through the windows of the cars. One
shot was at Post and Indiana streets
and the other at Bridge and Post streets.
The men are beginning to get ugly. The
water power company was so Intimidated
that the car service was stopped at mid
night, an hour before the usual time.
Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy a Favorite.
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy to any other for our children," savs
Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining. Mich "It
has always done the work for us in hard
colds and oroup, and we take pleasure. In
JecomiuendUng - .
Declares Against Imprison
ment of Suspects.
Local Organizations Will Hold tass
Meeting on Behalf of Mover,
Heywood and Pettlbone.
Parade on Programme.
Representatives of 27 labor unions In
Portland met at Socialists' hall. 309 Davis
street, yesterday afternoon to arrange for
the monster mass meeting to be held
February 20 In protest against the con
tinued Incarceration of Moyer, Heywood
and Pettibone, without privilege of
Habeas corpus.
The meeting sizzled with redhot
speeches and orators hurled dislocated
eloquence at alleged violations of the
constitution of the United States, and
they were wildly applauded.
It was one of the most Incendiary meet
ings organized labor has held In Port
land for a long time, surpassing In vlt-
The Lata James K. Plymate.
Burial services over the remains
of James E. Plymate were held Sun
day, February 8, at the family home
at Halsey, where he passed away
January 81. after an Illness of several
weeks. Services were conducted by
Rev. Mr. piark, of the Methodist
Church, of which Mr. Plymate had
long been a member. He was born
In 1830 In Cabtall County, Virginia
He left, besides his wife, two daugh
ters and a son, Mrs. R. T. Brown,
of Pendleton; Mrs. J. F. Graham, of
Portland, and H. G. Plymate. of
North Dakota, who were at his bed
side. Mr. Plymate was a veceran of
the Civil War, having enlisted in
Company C Eighteenth Regiment,
Iowa Infantry Volunteers, serving
until the close of the war.
riollc fervor some of the anti-streetcar
strike gatherings some weeks ago.
A memorial was adopted, after consid
erable argument and amendment, which
Is to be sent to the Governors of Idaho
and Colorado and fo President Roose
velt. It reads as follows: .
"The greatest overthrow of personal
liberty of this generation has taken place
in the unconstitutional' methods of the
Mlneowners' Association, through their
pliant tools who degrade their high posi
tions In Idaho and Colorado, and In the
midnight assault and deportation of
Moyer, Heywood and Pettibone, of Colo
rado, to Idaho.
"This procedure, sanctioned by the Su
preme Court of the United States, vir
tually repealed the constitutional rights
of habeas corpus, and the right of domi
cile. This procedure by the highest tri
bunal of the land brushes away entirely
all protection which we have been taught
Is guaranteed by the National Constitu
tion. Plead for Justice.
"We therefore appeal to afl -lovers of
justice to Join us and make emphatic
protest, lest you be the next victims of
corporate greed. Every active member
of the labor movement In all Its forms
Is now liable to feel the heavy hand of
the illegal detention and if the consti
tutional safeguards and provisions are to
be Ignored as In this Moyer, Heywood,
Pettibone decision, liberty is to be en
Joyed solely at the option of our capital
istic masters.
"Therefore, to protect our own liber
ties and to secure for these Imprisoned
victims Vf the Mlneowners' Association
their rights, it is necessary for us to
unite in a general protest that by the
united action of the working class, we
may serve an effective warning on the
trust and combine magnates of this
country, and on their pliant tools in office,
that It Is dangerous to trample on the
rights of the working class. To this end
we declare our intention of using every
effort In our power to save our families
and our fellow-working men from the
Judicial murder plan, and we hereby ex
press our faith in the Innocence of Moyer,
Heywood and Pettibone, whose only
crime has. been loyalty to the working
Radicals Win the Day.
There was a whole lot of wrangling
back and forth about the advisability of
calling Governors Gooding (of Idaho) and
McDonald (of Colorado) "pliant tools of
corporate greed," inasmuch as the me
morial was to be sent to them, but the
radicals swept the conservatives off their
feet and the screed was finally sanctioned
by an overwhelming vote.
The mass meeting which is to be held
In protest against the Imprisonment of
the above-mentioned labor leaders Is to
take place at the Armory on the night
of February 20, and It was decided at
the session held yesterday afternoon that
impetus would be added to the gathering
If a parade were held, so It was thought
best to hold a parade. Efforts will be
made to rally every body of organized
labor around the Moyer-Heywood-Pettl-bone
banner on that night and a march
through the downtown streets will be
arranged for by the committee in charge.
This movement originated with a Moyer-Heywood-Pettibone
League, of National
scope, which has affiliated leagues In
about 30 states In the Union. They ex
pect their united protest will have some
effect upon the future treatment accord
ed, to. -lhe-jnennow charged- with being
y vse- vj
f --)VftttfiiinflfcThfiliiiiilthytiiirlii'il;i:';ir ii
accomplices in the assassination of ex-
Governor Steunenberg of Idaho, about 13
months ago.
Detective Who Secured Harry Or
chard's Confession Is In City.
Major James McParland, In charge of
the Pinkerton Detective Agency at Den
ver, the man who secured the confession
from Harry Orchard, who assassinated
ex-Governor Steunenberg, and who was
responsible for the arrest of Moyer, Pet
tibone and Heywood, the officials of the
Western Association of Miners, arrived
in Portland last night from Boise, Idaho.
Major McParland was too tired last night
to make a statement concerning his visit
here at this time. Like the rest of the
passengers, he had to travel from The
Dalles to Portland by boat.
While Major McParland's visit in Port
land at this time may have nothing to do
with the trials of Moyer, Pettibone and
Heywood. which are to be held at Cald
well, Idaho, some time this month, there
is reason to believe there Is a Portland
end to the testimony which will be
brought up at the trials. It was not
until Major McParland, whose fame as
a detective was made when he broke up
the Molly McGwires, started to work on
Harry Orchard that the world knew
that Steunenberg's death was due to a
conspiracy. Orchard confessed to Major
McParland and so did Steve Adams, and
It is upon the statements of these two
men and the subsequent evidence which
has been secured that the State of Idaho
hopes to convict the three men now
under arrest at Boise.
Hot Shot for Harriman and Other
Railroad Magnates Compared to
Burglars and Highwaymen.
'The Trusts vs. Christianity" was the
subject of the sermon of Rev. Hiram
Vrooman yesterday morning in the Swe
denborgian Church, the services of which
are held In Knights of Pythias Hall. The
preacher declared that each trust was an
army of capital, every dollar toeing a
fighting soldier and he compared the use
of this capital to the war and bloodshed
which Napoleon brought upon the people
of France and to the dictatorship of that
energetic commander. He sid the trusts
are dependent for their life upon deceit,
bribery, business assassinations, political
murder, property confiscation and the
breaking 'of law.
No vandal ever stole as much as such
men as Harriman, Rogers and Armour,
said he. He also compared the "plun
der" taken from the common people by
Oregon railroads to the goods stolen by
the burglar. The hope of sharing the
"blood money" he characterized as "devil
ish." He said In part:
The Napoleons of finance, by the organ
ized and militant capital under their con
trol, have already established a moneyed
dictatorship and tyranny in our Nation.
The dollars of the trusts are related to
the dollars of legitimate business and to
those of widows and orphans precisely as
the soldiers of the barons of the Middle
Ages were related to merchantmen who
were obliged to transport goods past their
fortifications. The one exacts tribute
from the other. The dollars of the trusts
have the same advantage over all other
dollars that the soldiery has over the
mob. It is true that the capitalization of
the trusts represents only about one-third
of the entire wealth of the Nation, but
the trusts, by the power they have to
levy tribute, are gaining every year in
the percentage of the wealth created
which they receive. The common people
receive more from eggs than the Stan
dard Oil trust receives from oil. but the
dollars of Standard Oil. like looting sol
diers, seize a large part of the people's
egg money as rapidly as the eggs are
Armies which for self-defense and for
the enforcement of justice are but the
militant arms of Christianity, but wars
of conquest are infernal and in deadlv op
position to Christianity. The merciless
and murderoua conquests of the dollar
soldiery of the trusts are laying waste
fairer fields in the realm of Christianity
than nine-tenths of all the comparatively
petty crimes and evils combined, at which
nine-tenths of our preachers aim their
Christianity, in its relation to the life
of an individual, stands for self-defense
against the infernal iniquities in the in
dividual heart and for the enforcement of
Justice in the government of the individ
ual life. But in its relation to the life of
society Christianity stands for public vir
tue and for government according to eco
nomic justice. The trusts today are do
ing more than all of her agencies combined
to nullify the constructive and regenera
tive influences which Christianity would
contribute to society. The attitude of
Christianity toward the trusts, therefore,
is precisely that of its attitude toward any
mbodiment of the spirit of his Satanic
The trusts, so long as they are privately
owned and have as their object the earn
ing of dividends, are. by their verv na
ture, dependent for life upon methods of
public conduct that are opposed to those
prescribed by Christianity. They are de
pendent upon deceit, upon bribery, upon
business assaslnatlon, upon political mur
der, upon property confiscation, and upon
the breaking of laws.
No conquering Hun or Vandal ever con.
fiscated so much property as has any one
of several of our financial tyrants such
as Harriman. Rogers, Armour.
If we could add together the amounts
of money taken by burglars and highway
men in the whole United States during
the past hundred years, the sum would
probably not equal the amount of the
plunder of the railroads in the single state
of Oregon in one year.
A railroad president recently declared
that if the laws should be enforced
against all the railroad officials who had
violated the laws, there would not be
enough prisons In -the country to hold
' Perhaps the most subtle and deadly of
the fumes from hell which the trusts ex
hale is that Intoxicating allurement which
leads people to excuse and condone and
tolerate the high-handed and murderous
conduct of the trusts. It seems as though
Christianity Itself were Inebriated with
this covetous exhalation. Patriotism and
spirituality and the moral sense seem to
be bribed by the devilish hope of sharing
the blood money.
Christianity is more seriously under
mined by our public tolerance of the
crimes of the trusts than by the crimes
themselves. Tolerance of evil is the most
immoral influence in the world. To be
witnesses of the confiscation of property
by the trusts, of the wholesale and unprec
edented bribery by the trusts, of the plun
der of the public by the trusts, of the
business assassinations by the trusts, of
the political murders by the trusts, of the
breaking of the laws by the trusts to be
witnesses of these. I say, without ex-
35 IB 3& S8 3"S
AFTER pneumonia the convalescent
needs nourishing food to build up
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care must be exercised so as not ta over
tax the feeble digestion, ..-..i.. 4t
Scoft'r Emulsion has cod liver
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It is pre-digested. 5 -,ftv
The best food in- the world for 'a
The first requisite of a rood
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Preparation for healthy mater
nity is accomplished by Lydia E.
Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound,
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ceration and inflammation, and the
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XT 1 J
boan iiiirky years
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has been the standby of Amerioan mothers in preparing for childbirth.
. NotewfaatMrs. JamesCheater.of 437 W. 35th St., New York says in this
letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"! wish every expectant mother knew about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned
. Fj " " " - w. .v ..... k r J
it and I did so. and I cannot say enousrh in reirard to the good it did me.
I recovered auicklv and am in the
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful
remedy for the peouliar weaknesses and ailments of women.
It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa
tions, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcera
tions and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for
Childbirth and during the Change of Life.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. rinknam, at Ltynn, Mass, tier advice is free
raw toiijy k
(Exact size and
Also made in
PaneUla and
Panetela JFinas
pressing our virile protest.
is to become
m6ral and spiritual degenerates. If Chris
tianity rises up in a war of defense
against the conquests of bribery and con
fiscation and plunder, as precipitated by
the trusts, the very struggle will at least
save the life of Christianity even though
the trusts are not thereby transformed
Into public servants.
Congregation of Sunnyside
M. E.
Subscribes Liberally for Purpose.
Bishop David H. Moore, resident bishop,
was present yesterday mornlnpr at the ser
vices In Sunnyside Methodist Church, and
preached on the subject, "The Deity of
Christ." It was a plain presentation of
the doctrine of the divinity .of Christ.
Among other things the bishop declared
that if Christ was not God, then he was
both an impostor and an evil man. The
sermon waa very brief to give time for
an appeal to the congregation to raise
money to pay off the church debt and
make preparations for a modern edifice
to be erected at Sunnyside.
Bishop Moore and Dr. Ford, the pastor,
took charge, and in a few minutes se
cured subscriptions to the amount of $1200,
to assist in paying off a debt caused by
the purchase of more ground for the pro
posed new church. Trie debt was $i500.
The ladies assumed $500, and beside the
large sum that was raised at the morn
ing service, at the evening service when
-Bishop Moore again preached, practically
the whole amount was secured.
Arrested for Ohio Murder.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 10. (Special.)
Late last night Sheriff Edward Deg
geller arrested a man who is known as
A. Meeds, at the camp of the Union Pa
cific surveyors who are working up Lin
coln Creek to the west of Contralia.
Meeds' correct name is said to be Joe
Nipper, and he is wanted for the murder
of a man named Edward Bradley, at
Toledo. O., September 19, 1905. Meeds
was playing cards in a tent with some
companions when arrested. He pretends
S& M
60c AND $1.00 i
children healthy at birth.
For more
best of health now."
The increased cost of genuine Porto
Rican leaf makes the El Toro cigar worth
more now than ever before though, it
still costs you only 6 cents, as always.
The unusually fine quality of this year's
tobacco crop in Porto Rico, better than any
crop of previous years, makes the El
Toros now on the market even better
quality than formerly.
Cigar 5 Cents
benefits by facilities for cultivating and
preparing the leaf and a thoroughly modern
factory far superior to the equipment of any
other manufacturer that's why El Toro
has always represented the best 5-oent
cigar Porto Rico can produce,
There are plenty of so-called Potto
Rican cigars which are largely mada up of
tobacco grown in the United States and
these are growing in number since the re
cent increased cost of Porto Rican leaf, so
you can't be too particular to get the
genuine El Toro.
There's a band now placed on all El Toro
cigars to guard you against imitations.
Avoid substitutes.
Porto Rican-American ToKicco Company
Manufacturer, Sam Juan, Porto Rloo.
MASON, EUHMAN & Co., Distributors, Portland, Or.
ignorance of the whole affair, and says
there is some mistake. S. B. Chambers.
Sheriff of Lucaa County, Ohio, has al
ready started for Chehalla after Nipper
In anticipation of his arrest, and Is ex
pected to arrive here about Tuesday.
Nervous Disorders
Embrace headache, backache,
neuralgia, fits, St. Vitus' dance,
epilepsy in fact all disorders
arising- from a weakness of the
nerves of an organ. The lungs,
heart, stomach, kidneys, etc., all
get their energy through the
nerves. When they don't get it,
their action is impaired. Dr. Miles'
Nervine restores nervous energy,
and consequently strengthens tlie
action of the organs.
'7 JVLi severe pain in my side, back,
and head; my nerves were also ereatly
affected. Dr. Miles' Nervine relieved my
Burrerlns; and strengthened my whole
01 Washington Ave., St. Peters, Minn.
IX first bottlo fails to benefit, money back.
MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
North Pacific S. S. Co's
Steamship Roanoke
Bails for Eureka. San Francisco and Los
Angeles Tuesday, February 12. at 8 P. M.
Steamship Geo. W. Elder
Sails Tuesday. February 28, at 8 P. M.
Ticket Office,, 132 Third, uaar Alder.
PhonMain 1314, H.. JOUNOAgt
V 1 r jr.
11:30 P. If.
Portland and San
11:30 P. M.
r rancisco x -
press stops only
at moet Import
ant stations be
tween Portland
and San Fran
cisco for all
points East and
TRAINS lor all
local points
south, Sacramen
to, San Francis
co and points
East and South.
Morning- train
connects at
Woodburn dally
except Sunday
with Mt Angel
and Sllvertou lo
cal. Cottage Grove,
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
Sunday witn
trains to and
from Albany.
Lebanon and
W o o dburn
Sprlngfia 1 d
branch points.
Corvallls, passes,
Sheridan passen
ger. Forest Q r o V
T :4fr P.M.
7:23 A. at.
8:80 A. U.
5:80 P. at
4:15 P.M.
11:00 A. M.
T:80 A.M.
:10 P. M.
5:00 P. U. ,
10:20 A. at.
t2:S P- 2.
18:00 A. U.
t5:20 P. M.
tll:00 A. M.
5Uy- t Dally except Sunday.
pobtland-obwisgo bui'.urbas
service and yamuill
Depot, Foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at T:4
V; J!'' '2:80. 2:0o. 8:30, 6:20. 6:25. 7:4. 10:10.
11:30 P. if. Daily except Sunday, 5:8f..
6:30. 8:40. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only, 0 A. BC
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland,
dally, 8:85 A. M., 1:65, 3:05, 5:10, 6:15. 7:35.
B:55, 11:1J p. jj.; 12:25 A. M. Daily except
Sunday, 6:25, 7:25, 8:35. 9:35. 11:45 A. M.
Sunday only, 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and ln
termedlate points dally, 7:30 A. M. and 4:1
P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:15 A. M. and 6:2
P. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Llna
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, con
necting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas mJUX
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra-'
memo and San Francisco. $20: berth. J
Second-class fare, $15: second-class berilwi
Tickets to Eastern points and EurorslJ
also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia, i
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Corner Third and
Washington St. Phone Main IIS.
City Ticket Agent. G&n. Pass. AjrWl
Through Pullman standards and tourlstf
sleeping cars dally to Oman a, Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping- car dally to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats Xtm)
the East dally.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
SPECIAL for the 9:80 A. SC. T:80 P. M.
East via Huntington. Dally. Dally. ,
T 7:00 P. M. 8:00 A. M.
SPOKANE rLTBR. Dally. Dally.
For Eastern Washington, Walla Walla
Lewlston, Coeur d'Alens and Great Northsns
for the Bast via Dally. Dally.
PORTLAND - BIOOb 8:15 A. M. 5:45 P. ItJ
LOCAL for all local
points between Biggs
and Portland. I ,
FOR ASTORIA and SiOO P. M. 5:00 P. ILi
way points, connecting Dally Dally
with steamer for II- except except ,
waco and North Sunday. Sunday. ,
Beach steamer Saturday
Hassalo, Ash.-st. dock. 10:00 P.M.
FOR DAYTON, Ore. 7:00 A. M. 6:80 P. tli
ron City and Yamhill Dally . Daily
River points. Ash-sC except except
dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lewiston, Idaho, and way points
from Rlparla. Wash. Leave Rlpaiia B:40 Ai
M., or upon arrival train No. 4. taly exoeps
Saturday. Arrive Rlparla. 4 P. M. dally ax-.
cept Friday.
Ticket OfTlce, Third and Washington,.
Telephone Main tt. O. W. Stinger, City
Ticket Agt.i Win. McMurray, Geo. Pas. Agtv
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrlvsa.
Dally. For Maygera, Rainier, Dally,
Clatskanle. Westport. '
Clifton. Astoria, War
9:00 AJ4. renton, Flavel, Ham- 1CoVA.sC4:
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park. Sea-
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. t :00 P.M. Express Dairy. o-an-n isj
Astoria Express.
Comm'l Agt. 248 Alder at. O, F. A P. A,
Phone Main 90S.
From Eeattls at 9 P. M
for Ketchikan, Juneau
Pkagway. White Horsa.
Dawson and Fairbanks.
S. B. Cottag-a City (via,
Vancouver and Sitka), Feb.
i u nji
6. 6. Ramona (Skagway direct), Feb. 6V
From Seattle at A. 11. Umatilla, Feb.
14. March 1; City of Puebla. Feb. 4, 19;.
SpkpSrtldb Offk 249 Washington St.
Main 929.
C. D. DVTSAUli, . P. A.. Ban Francisco.
SanFrancisco & Portland S.S.Co. :
ODeratini? the only direct passenger steamer.
From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M.r
a a -COSTA RICA," Feb. 15, 25; Star. 3.
8 S? "rOU'MBU," Feb. 9. IB: Mch. 1, etc
From Spear-st. wharf. San Francisco, a&r
a a "COIXMBIA." Feb. 15, !5; March 7.
S.' S. "COSTA HK A," Feb. li. 21; March 3.
Pbons Main UOS- 24S Waihlnston at
Columbia River Scenery;
Dally service between Portland and Th
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at.
7 A. M., arriving about 5 P. M., carrying
freight and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outllts and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder St., Portland: foot of
Court at.. The Dalles. Phone Main 814.
For Corvallis, Albany, Independence, 8a-,
lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves :& A. M
TueBday. Thursday aud Saturday.
For Salem and way landings Steamer
"'OREGON A" leaves 0:45 A. M., Mondays.
WedneFdays and Fridays.
4BUOX ells' TitANtrORTAH02i CO..
oot Xwrlos fittest,