Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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McClellan Retaliateson
His Company.
All Officials Camp on Trail of
; , Tammany Boss.
t t
Fight Has Cost Nearly $2,000,000
I and Big Contracts No Longer Go
' to Murpliy's Company De-
! prlved of Dock Leases.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8. (Special.)
"Charles F. Murphy's warfare on Mayor
McClellan has already cost him nearly
$;.W),000." This statement was made to
day by a city official who is In the
Mayor's confidence and who knows of the
battle that has been waited between Tam
many Mayor and Tammany leader.
The first public hint of the matter came
when a $20DO check of the New York
Contracting & Trucking Company, of
which Murphy is the backer, was re
turned from the bank marked "No
funds." Of course a plausible explana
tion was made, but the fact that one of
the Murphy company's checks should be
dishonored caused much comment. It de
velops that the New York Contracting &
Trucking Company, formerly one of the
most prosperous in the city, is really in
a very bad way.
And it Is only retribution that the very
means by which it gained power are now
being utilized to destroy it.
Snaps Iost Through Kiglit.
The company was formed shortly after
McClellan took office In January, 190t.
Having control of the "organization,"
Murphy was able to guarantee that work
would not be Interfered with by police
men or building or street inspectors; like
wise, because of the organization, he was
able to guarantee that other contractors
would be interfered with If necessary.
It was through this pull that he was
able to gather in big contracts like the
Pennsylvania tunnel work, the New York
& New Haven improvement, the big gaa
improvement at Astoria, Long Island,
and other kindred matters.
It was officially admitted at the office
of the Contracting Company today that
the New Haven contract had been given
"The road, made us a handsome offer,"
was all that president John J. Murphy,
brother of Charles F., would say on the
The contract was for J6.O00.OO0, and men
in the business declared that the profit
of the Murphy Arm would probably reach
Camp on Murphy's Trail.
Ever since Murphy and McClellan came
to the parting of the ways, the New
York Contracting & Trucking Company
has been sailing on stormy seas. The
police and Fire Department have camped
on it trail and have insisted upon
charges and alterations that have cost
the company a good deal of money, and
also set back the work. In fact under
the restrictive policy pursued. Murphy,
from being the most favored contractor
In the city, became the one whose wishes
were least regarded.
. Men with big contracts realize that to
give tho work to Murphy means that
matters will be delayed, so far as it lies
in the power of the city administration.
And It is an interesting fact that since
Murphy aligned himself with Hearst his
firm has practically not received one bit
of new work. The McClellanites are
boasting that they have the support of
financiers such as August Belmont.
Thomas F. Ryan, K. H. Harrirnan and
the Vanderbilts, and that so long as they
are properly protected by the police,
these magnates are pledged not to give
one bit of work to Murphy.
Loses Fat Dock Leases.
The city administration is also stepping
. on Murphy's corns in another unpleasant
way. The New York Contracting &
Trucking Company, has long enjoyed a
J monopoly of many of the city docks, pay-
ing what everybody who knew, admitted
to be ridiculously inadequate rentals.
Dock Commissioner Bensel, a firm
friend of the Mayor, is now as busy as
a bee, cancelling these leases and inci
dentally telling why he does It.
As an illustration of the "snap" that
Murphy had, the case of the Twenty-third-street
pier can be cited. Murphy
, took a lease of this property through
I the Sinking Fund Commission for $1200
xfcvear. Then he made a contract allow
1 lnjXthe street-cleaning department to use
It a dump and charging the modest
I sum ofi $12,000. ten times his rental, as a
i fee. In addition he had the use of the
! dock for his own business, and further
' more had contracts with numerous out
1 side individuals and corporations. Mr
j Bensel, with a great flourish of trumpets,
; has cancelled this lease. He says the
; city should get $400 a month and In addi
tion be allowed to use It free for the
street-cleaning carts. Finally unless a
satisfactory contract is made the city will
. retain possession Itself.
Scattored about the city are half a
dozen other piers which are controlled by
the Murphys, and in each case proceed
ings are under way to cancel the leases.
"Murphy boasts he w!'l ruin me politi
cally, but I will ruin him financially," Is
a remark tredlted to McClellan. And it
Is an open secret that the Mayor would
skip a meal any time to see Murphy lose
Fire Commissioner O'Brien Is heartily
aiding McClellan in his work of ven
geance. It Is strange how frequently of
late the fire department has been ham-
pered by the way work is being carried
' on in Murphy contracts, and every time
! the improvements suggested have been
carried into effect without delay. Four
policemen and firemen are always on hand
to -see that the city's orders are obeyed
to the letter.
Murphy Helpless Against Mayor.
Murphy has naturally grown restive un
der this treatment, so original when ap
plied to a. Tammany boss, but what can
he do? He is helpless and he knows it.
But In the meantime he is doing all he
can to hasten the proceedings which he
hopes will oust George B. McClellan and
seat William Randolph Hearst in the
Mayor's chair. For until that happens
the stock of the New York Contracting
& Trucking Company is bound to be
quoted away below par.
Judges Prove Very Costly.
Murphy, through his deal, elected 13
Judges, nine of whom were his own selec
tion. Based on the prediction that he is
out $2,000,000, each of these Judges has
cost hlifi $222,222. The term of a Judge
is 14 years at an annual salary of $17,500.
This makes the total salary $245,000 apiece,
or for the nine. $2,125,000. So if the Mc
Clellan figures are correct. Murphy would
only be even If he collected the salaries
of all his judges and turned them over
to the trucking firm.
And everybody knows - that Supreme
Court Justices would not stand for any
thing like that.
Rodriguez of Salvador Enraged
NcHghhor Republic by Denouncing
Cabrera as a Savage.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 8 (Special.)
Coincident with the report from Mare
Island that the Government has or
dered the gunboat Yorktown to proceed
to Central American waters In antici
pation of a disturbance, there comes
the news that reeling between Guate
mala and Salvador has again reached
tho stage where hostilities are Immi
nent. The Immediate cause of the rupture
between the two republics is the pub
lic thrashing given Dr. Salvador Rod
riguez, the Minister of Salvador to
Guatemala, by two brothers. Felix and
Ijorenzo Foncea, prominent residents 'of
Guatemala City.
The present trouble had Its Inception
at the close of the recent war between
the two nations, when ex-President
Regalado, commander of the Salvador
ean forces, was slain. To celebrate his
victory. President Cabrera, of Guate
mala had the body of Regalado taken
to Guatemala City, where he gloried
over it like en old-time barbarian
chitf. President Diaz, of Mexico, no
tified Cabrera to return the body forth
with to Salvador.
The arrival of the remains at San
Salvador was made the occasion of
a national holiday. During a speech
Rodriguez condemned Cabrera, "the
savage monarch" of Guatemala.
A short time , later Rodriguez was
appointed Minister to Guatemala, The
Foncea brothers sought to gain the
favor of Cabrera and at' a banquet at
which considerable wine was served
forced a quarrel upon Rodriguez and
administered a terrific beating to the
Salvadorean minister,
Salvador protested to Cabrera, who
refused to interfere, and in consequence
the relations between the two coun
tries are extremely delicate.
St. Paul, Lake Shore and Burlington
Have Train 'Wrecks.
CHICAGO, Feb. 8. One trainman was
killed and a dozen or more oassengers
injured, none seriously, when train No. 5
on the St. Paul Railroad collided today
within the city limits with a switch en
gine drawing a train of empty passenger
CHICAGO, Feb. S. In a head-on col
lision today between two freight trains
on the Chicago. Lake Shore & Eastern
Railroad, at Ninety-fifth street and Ew
ing avenue, one trainman was killed and
three others fatally hurt. The accident
was caused by a misunderstanding of
PEORIA, 111., Feb. 8 A Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy passenger train went
through a switch in the yards here to
day. James Klsewetter, aged 48, of
Peoria, who was standing near the track,
was killed. Three trainmen were seri
ously hurt.
Dr. Rlckard Seeks to Annul Marriage
With Campos' Daughter.
ST: PAUL, Feb. 8. A Pioneer Press
special from Sioux City, la., says:
A suit to annul the marriage of Dr.
George A. Rickard, of Sioux City, to
the Countess Lllotl Belllna Bedella
Predesa was started in the District Court
today. The Countess Is a daughter of
Marshal Martinez Campos, ex-Governor
General of Cuba under the Spanish rule.
She claims to be a cousin of Count Boni
de Castellane of Paris. She eloped from
her ancestral home in Andalusia with
an Italian Count, who deserted her in
New York. She married Dr. Rickard in
Chicago six years ago, and their domes
tic life has been stormy.
Dr. Rickard alleges that his wife's
former husband. Count Hermann Bellini
Bedella Predesa of Italy is alive, and ex
hibits letters written by the Count to his
wife since her second marriage. He
seeks to have his marriage to the
Countess annulled on the ground of
Country House Burned and Loss
Reaches Nearly $1,000,000.
hurst, the country home of John Wana
maker at Jenkintown, near this city,
was completely destroyed by fire to
night. The loss will reach nearly
Vast Estate Goes to Institute.
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. More than $1,500,
000 of the estate of Wallace C. Andrews,
one of the original Standard Oil men, who
perished with his wife in a fire In their
home here in April, 1899, today was given
by the appellate division of the Supreme
Court to the Andrews Institute for Girls,
of Wllloughby, O.
Suicide Left Large Shortage.
MARTINEZ, Cal.. Feb. 8. A short
age of about $15,000 has been dis
covered in the accounts of G. A. Wiley,
late treasurer of Contra Costa County,
who committed suicide on "February 4.
Radwaj's Ready Relief instantly relieves
colds, sore throat, bronchitis and all Inflammations.
Says General Public Prefers
Contract System.
Under His Bid Ollirer Would Get
$4,387,500 Kittredge Proposes
to Give President Absolute Con
trol Shouts for Contract.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Secretary Taft
appeared before the House committee on
appropriations to explain the appropria
tion of $25,000,000 which the Isthmian
Canal Commission had asked to have in
cluded in the sundry civil appropriation
bill. Much of the general discussion con
cerned the proposed canal contract, and
Mr. Taft expressed the opinion that the
public generally prefers the contract sys
tem, as it believes the Government can
do work cheaper in that manner. How
ever, the appropriation will not be ef
fected through the failure to grant a
The proposed appropriation is desired
chiefly for the completion of the equip
ment on the isthmus, as the Government
purposes furnishing the equipment to any
contractor. It was explained by the canal
officials that the allowances for this pur.
pose should be liberal.
Profit Olliver Would Make.
At the hearing it was said that under
the percentage system the contractor
would not get a percentage on the cost of
supplies or equipment, but only on the
estimated cost of labor, which has been
estimated at $65,000,000, on which basis
W. J. Olliver would be paid $4,387,500 by
the Government in case the contract were
to be awarded to him on his bid of 6.75
per cent, which he arid his associates
have submitted.
Neither Mr. Taft nor any of the canal
officials discussed the question whether
the contract would be awarded to Mr. Ol
liver and the contractors associated with
him. Another hearing on the canal will
be held tomorrow.
Absolute Power for President. '
If a bill Introduced by Senator Kitt
redge today becomes a law, the Pres
ident will have practically absolute
control of the Panama Canal. The bill
authorizes him to place the work in
the hands of either an individual com
missioner or a commission composed of
seven members and, in case the former
course is followed, the commissioner is
to have all the power that the seven
would have in the latter, event. The
President is to prescribe the compen
sation and other privileges. He is also
given authority to appoint civil ir mil
itary engineers or to select persons for
any other class of work in connection
with the canal and all are placed under
the direction ajid control of the Pres
ident. Shonts for Contract 'System.
Chairman Shonts, of the Isthmian
Canal Commission, today quaTMedly
expressed himself In favor ol digging
the canal by contract.
Senate Discusses Law to Compel
Railroads to Yield.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. The Senate to
day passed the Indian appropriation bill.
Frazler made an address maintaining
state's rights, after which the army ap
propriation bill, carrying a total of $81,
500.000 was taken up.
The Army measure was partly read for
approval of committee amendments and
adjournment was taken Bhortly before 6
o'clock, when it became apparent that
considerable debate was to be occasioned
by an amendment to permit the Govern
ment to receive reduced rates from the
railroads for the. transportation of troops
and supplies for the Army and to allow
Army officers and their families to ac
cept free transportation. The adoption
of this amendment would be a "modifica
tion of the railroad rate bill passed at
the last session of Congress.
Warren, in charge of the bill, gave no
tice that he would press its consideration
Nelson said he would move tomorrow
for the consideration of the bill granting
the Government the right of appeal in
criminal cases.
Government Will Send Troops West
at Colonist Rates.
OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 8. The War De
partment has found a way to get even
with the Union Pacific and Northwest
ern Railroads for refusing to haul the
Tenth Cavalry from Nebraska to San
Francisco at lower than tariff rates. Al
though the soldiers were scheduled to
start on the journey on February 25, to
day orders were issued to hold the men
until March 1, on which date colonial
rates will go into effect on Western rail
roads and soldiers will be hauled at one-
half the regular rate plus $2.
This is a lower rate than the quarter
master's department expected to secure
on regular bid.
Would Give Cattlemen Legal Right
to Fence Range.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Senator
Burkett. of Nebraska, has Introduced
an . amendment to the agricultural
appropriation bill designed to ob
viate the necessity of removing in
many instances fences which now il
legally inclose Government lands. It Is
certain that unless legislation is en
acted at this session of Congress to
provide for the. leasing or otherwise
disposing of grazing lands, the order
recently issued by tne President re
quiring the removal of all Illegal fences
Inclosing Government land will have to
be carried Into effect during the com
ing Spring, to the great damage of
ranch interests or tne west.
It is believed by Senator Burkett,
and his view it Is said has the en
dorsement of Forester Plnchot and
other Influential officers of the Gov
ernment, that the amendment proposed
will provide means by which lands now
inclosed may in a large part be leased
by those having them Inclosed, thus
giving them legal Instead of illegal
use, and removing the necessity for
taking down fences.
Burkott's amendment provides that
the Secretary of Agriculture may reg
ulate and control the grazing upon un
appropriated, unreserved lands of the
United States, under such rules and
regulations as he may prescribe, ani
charge and collect reasonable fees for
grazing thereon, receipts to be depos
ited In the treasury as a special fund
from which shall be paid the expenses
Incurred in the regulation and protec
tion of grazing lands and for the em
ployment of such assistance as may be
necessary to administer the act.
It provides that after January 1, 1908,
It shall be unlawful to graze livestock
upon public lands otherwise than as
prescribed by the rules and regula
tions of "the Secretary of Agriculture
excepting that bona fide settlers or
residents shall not be debarred from
grazing livestock used for domestic
purposes. The committee representing
the livestock association of course will
meet the public lands committee here
Monday, and It is believed will frame
a measure along the lines of the Bur
kett amendment for Incorporation la
the agricultural bill to provide for
some form of leasing which will per
mit fences inclosing public lands to be
maintained, and for a general system
of leasing satisfactory to the livestock
Interests of the West.
Japan Would Show Gratitude for
Service During War.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. With an ex
pression of its high appreciation of
services rendered to Japan during Its
war with Russia, the Japanese govern
ment has asked for permission to con
fer upon "the American Ambassadors
to Russia and Japan during the Russo
Japanese War various decorations, and
the Secretary of State today forwarded
the request to Congress.
With Secretary Root's letter there
was a communication from Viscount
Aoki, the Japanese Ambassador to
Washington, expressing the desire of
the Japanese Empire to award to Rob
ert S. McCormlck and George von L.
Meyer, ex-American Ambassadors to
Russia, and Lloyd C. Griscom, ex-American
Minister to Japan, the first class
of the Order of the Rising Sun.
Payne Dashes Hopes of Government
Employes for Better Pay.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Chairman
Payne of the House ways and means
committee, after a visit to the President
today, expressed the opinion that there
was no chance at this session of Con
gress for the enactment of legislation
increasing the compensation of Govern
ment employes, as is proposed in a bill
now before Congress. "
He declared there was no need of a
blanket Increase of salaries and that as
a rule the Government employes were
amply paid.
In response to the suggestion that, as
Congress had Increased the pay of Its
own members, the Government employes
felt that their salaries might also be in
creased, Mr. Payne laughingly remarked
that the former have no chance of pro
motion, while the employes have.
On Trail of Powder Trust.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Senator
Kittredge, chairman of the committee
on patents, today made a favorable
report on the House bill directing the
Secretary of Commerce and Labor to
investigate the granting of patents on
inventions to persons employed by the
United States Government. The inquiry
is airectea especially to patents on a
smokeless powder.
Hearst's Anti-Bribery Bill.
WASHINGTON. Feb t-Rnnunt,Hv.
Hearst introduced a bill in the House
today to prevent corrnnt nraiHrwa in
elections by making bribery a felony and
prescribing other safeguards for elections.
Suggests He May Want Job on Inter
state Commission Cause of
Gar Shortage.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8. Replying to ques
tions about his health today, E. H. Harri
rnan said: t
"Everything has been going along
smoothly and they appear to be able to
get along as well without me as with me.
Why should I not stay at home alto
gether?" "But I must work and soon I may be
looking for a new job. My recommenda
tions are many years of experience on
many railroads in many railroad fields
and, if they will raise the salary a bit,
I may apply for a job on the Interstate
Commerce Commission. Inasmuch as the
Interstate Commerce Commission is to
run all the roads, I think they ought to
want me."
On the congestion of traffic on the
railroads of the country Mr. Harrirnan
said :
"The railroads cannot build and sup
ply cars for the shippers to use as store
houses. There are hardly enough cars
for that. Yet the man to whom a load
of freight is consigned thinks he ought
to be privileged to use the car as a
storehouse as long as he likes.
"Limit the time the service of a car
can be used by a procrastinating shipper
and much of the present trouble will dis
appear." Dixie Makes Fast Time.
MIAMI. Fla Feb. 8. The feature to
day in the motorboat regatta was the
last running of Commodore Schroeder's
Dixie, in a 20-mile event. Four racers
started, the Mera. the Simplex, the Swal
low and the Dixie, the latter being the
scratch boat. The event was won by
the Simplex, H. Brosell, Jr., of New York.
In one hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds.
ood s
SarsaparOIa is unquestiona
bly the greatest blood and
liver medicine known. It
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. It is
the Best
Blood Medicine.
Ijl jpiilllllltl'tltHtlll)IIIHIIIIIIIHIllMIIfl!p
I t t'aag'uUiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuimuinHwniiailiOji
1 CLUPECO shrunk!
S 15 cents each: two for 25 cents M
, E Maker, of Chwtt nd Uourek Shirte 9
Fulton's Amendment to River
and Harbor Bill.
Piles Pushes Scheme to Connect
Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor.
Only Northwest Wants Tjeft
Unprovided by House.
ington, Feb. 8. Senator Fulton today pro
posed an amendment to the river and
harbor bill authorizing the construction
of two dredges, one for use in harbors
along the Oregon coast and one for the
"Washington coast, each to cost $100,000.
The House bill provides for only one
dredge for both states. The Senator be
lieves one dredge insufficient, and Senator
Piles, of the committee, will endeavor to
have Mr. Fulton's amendment adopted.
This is the only amendment Mr. Fulton
will ask for. "When the rivers and har
bors bill was before the House committee
he frequently appeared before it and
urged liberal appropriations. The com
mittee finally consented to provide all
appropriations that he requested except
to give Oregon a dredge of its own. When
the committee dealt so liberally with him
the Senator assured Chairman Burton
that he would offer tio amendments In
the Senate other than that which he pro
posed today. He made this agreement
because he realized the importance of -securing
full appropriations in the original
These Items having been agreed to by
About 30
1 A- Values
La H 11
its m
the House, there Is now no possibility of
their elimination or reduction in the Sen
ate, and they will -be -perfectly safe when
the bill goes to conference. This makes
absolutely secure the very liberal appro
priations made for the entire Northwest.
Senator Piles will seek for his own state
only wie amendment that authorizing a
survey of a ship canal connecting Puget
Sound with Gray's Harbor. This item
was ruled out on a point of order in the
House Threatens to Cut orf Offices
Piles Wants Created.
ington, Feb. 8. It is understood that the
conference committee may kill Senator
Piles' bill authorizing the appointment of
two additional Circuit Judges for the
ninth circuit. This bill was attached as a
rider to a less important California bill,
reported a few days ago, and the confer
ence committee threatens to kill the
There is a desire to force the Piles bill
to stand upon its merits, and a strong
disposition in the House to kill the bill
entirely. If the bill falls. Judge Hanford,
of Seattle, will get no promotion.
New Northwest Postmasters.
ington. Feb. 8. These postmasters have
been appointed In Washington:
Chard, Garfield County, Plna E. Burns,
vice L. L. Cady, resigned; Kenmore, King
County, Edward J. McMaster. vice Will
iam C. McMaster, resigned; Malama, Che
lan County, Jesse T. Jones, vice Alfred
L. Smart, resigned; Myrtle, Clallam
County, Emily Eacrott, vice M. E. E. Pol
low, resigned; Rayville. Chehalls County,
Fannie E. Sexton, vice Ben C. Ziegler, re
signed. Oregon Macleay, Marion County, Tim
othy N. Drake, vice R. W. Craig, re
signed. Witnesses In Hermann Trial.
ington, Feb. 8. Witnesses in the Hermann
caae are gathering in Washington prepar
atory to the trial that begins Monday.
Thus far the witnesses summoned by the
We mean just what we say. Our now store will
be ready about March 15, and we will not pack one
single garment across the street.
We might have had some great sales in' the past,
but we never made an offer such as this.
Your choice of any
Long Coat in the
house, today
Just imaginet$30 and $40 Coats sold for $7.75
SILK PETTICOATS. It's the kind of a show
ing and the kind of prices and values that have made
this store talked about as the store for SILK PET
up i
$1.00 Suits E $9.75
Government from Oregon have fniled to
produce evidence that is considered of
value by the Distrirt Attorney. Two who
reported today told what they knew
about Hermann's correspondence when
Land Commissioner, and they were in
formed that their testimony might nut be
called for.
Diaz Intervenes to Keep Peace.
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 8. The State
Department has made public the fol
lowing note:
"President Diaz, acting on the di
rect suggestion of President Roose
velt, has sent a note to the govern
ments of Costa Rica, Salvador and Gua
temala asking them to use every effort
to prevent an armed clash between
Nicaragua and Honduras with the in
timation that past treaties must be
lived up to and that their dispute must
be referred to an arbitration hoard."
--yfc! 3 11 as
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They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
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