THE MORNING OKliGOMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1907. 11 I - 'I i 4XECUTIUE BOARD TIES UP FIGHT Orders That Four Captains of Police Be Maintained, Despite Council. AUTHORITY IN THE CHARTER tXhitlon Passed Providing Offi cers for Which Council Appropri ates no Salary Courts Will Eventually Decide Blatter. Open defianca to the Council in the matter of appropriations for the Police Department was declared by the Execu tive Board at its meeting yesterday after noon. By resolution it was asserted that power for determining the number of officers necessary in the department lies in the board and not in the Council, and the committee on police was instructed to maintain the department just as It is at present. The resolution Is in sup port of the position taken by Mayor Lane in regard to the appropriation, and brings ' t Issue a question of authority between the board and Council which W'H prob ably b settled only in the courts. By its adoption of the resolution the Vnoard will ' attempt to force the Council to appropriate money for a fourth captain of police. For the purpose of ousting Captain Bruin, whom they declare to have been Irregularly appointed, the Councilmen made provision for only three captains in the annual appropriation. This reduction in the ranks of the offi cers was one reason given by Mayor Lane in vetoing the ordinance, but the Council maintained its position, passing the measure In spite of his disapproval. Members of the board now declare that the position taken by the Council is not tenable. The board, they assert, is vested by the council with authority to organize and supervise the department and has the power to say how large a force Is necessary. In emphatic terms they say that four captains are necessary and they propose to continue employing them In spite of the fact that no appropria tion has been made for the salary of one of that number. If the Coimeil does not give in without a fight, which is extremely unlikely, it is evident that the matter of collecting the fourth captain's salary will be submitted to the courts. Conferences Bear Fruit. Bier since the Council took a shot at llayor Lane by refusing to appropriate money for the salaries of chief and of a fourth captain, members of the police committee of the board have been much In consultation with the Mayor. It is evident that the line of battle was laid out in these conferences and when the board met jvpterday the police committee all ready-' with a resolution. It was Introduced by Thomas G. Greene and adopted by unanimous vote. It follows: Whereas. Th first Executive Board of the City of Portland, appointed by Hon. GeorRe H. Williams, then Mayor, after taking effect of the present charter, organized the police department of the city under section 179 of said charier, and provided for four captains of volice In said department; and Whereas, The present Kxecutlve Foard adopted and has continued the form of organ ization and roster of superior officers for merly in force; and Whereas, The number of members of the police department at present is greater and tl city larger and the work devolving upon ttlw department more onerous than when the former Executive Board decided how properly to officer the force; and Whereas, Four captains are in fact actual ly necessary and indispensable properly and ef fectually to officer and command the present force, one captain being necessary for each of the three Tellefs and one captain for the detectives and plain clothes men, and one captain for the East 8Ule station, authorized and for the establishment of which an appro priation has been made; be it therefore Resolved. That the committee on police be and It la hereby directed to maintain the present organization of the police department. Including four captains of police and a cap tain of police for the East Bide station when the same Is established; Resolved, That the Executive Board hereby finds and declares that four captains of police, In addition to a chief of police, are neces sary for the police department of this city. Charter Relied On. "The charter places in the hands of the executive board the organization of the police department," said Mr. Greene in submitting the resolution. "We are em powered to provide all necessary captains and other officers, and the resolution Is the recorded declaration of the board that four captains are necessary. By placing kith us the control of the department, it 's a reasonable inference that we shall ay, how many captains are necessary. I would like to ask the City Attorney If that is not a fact?" "That is the way I have always inter preted the charter," was the reply of Mr. McKary. Section 179. to which the resolution re ferB, provides that "the police department of the City of Portland shall be appoint ed and orgaWzed, subject to the civil service rules of the charter, except as hereinafter provided, by the first execu tive board appointed after this charter takes effect. To that end the executive board may make all necessary or con venient rules and regulations for the or ganization and conduct of the police force." The following section, to which refer ence was made by Mr. Greene, says that 'The police department shall consist of a chief and all necessary captains of po lice. . . ." It Is upon these two sec tions taken together that the board bases Its defiance of the powers of the Coun cil to limit by its appropriations the number of officers. As an effect of the resolution the board will continue to employ four captains of police. It will also probably sign the .tyroll for four captains in spite of the fact that there Is appropriation for only three. The only manner in which the ad ditional officer can collect his pay Is through the courts and it is there that the point of authority, which is far reaching In its effect, will be settled. It Is extremely unlikely that any at tempt will be made to defy the action of the Council In refusing to appropriate the regular salary- of Chief for an acting chief. As the Council has passed an ordinance providing money wtien a regu lar chief shall be appointed, there would be little ground upon which to base a claim of this character. In this matter it appears that the Council, by its condi tioned appropriation has effectually stolen the ammunition of the executive board. TO BUY NEW EQUIPMENT City Will Lose no Time Increasing Efficiency of Fire Department. a- a meetlnar of the Executive Board yesterday afternoon it was voted to adver'.ise lmmediitely for tho equip ment needed in the Fire Department p.nd authorized by the recent appropria tion for 1907. The purchases will in clude two hose wagons, two second slzo engines, one combination chemical and hose wagon. 15 horses, and mis- cellaneous equipment for the fire alarm telegraph system. Chief Campbell and Fire Marshall Roberts reported that the new Parsons Hall at Twenty-third and Washington streets does not comply with the ordi nances in the matter of exits. They recommended that a stairway be built connecting' the hall on the second floor with the Washington-street side, and that a fire escape be placed on the Twenty-third-street side. The report was referred to the fire committee. A contract to install oil burners on the ftreboat George H. Williams was awarded at $2197 to the Zlmmerman-Wells-Brown Company. It had been feared that the change of fuei from coal would have to be given up, but it was decided that in spite of the in creased price, oil would prove more economical, and bids were advertised for. Bids on street Improvements were received as follows: Hood street. Pen insular Feed & Fuel Company, $3988; Joplln & Meeka, $3987; Halsey street, R. J. DeBuhr, $2756; O'Xeill & Co.. $3253; Hoyt street, O'Neill & Co. $2098. WILL NOT SIGN VOUCHERS Member of Executive Board Objects to Form Used by Auditor. On the grounds that requisitions for supplies in the various departments of the city government do not comply with the municipal requirements, Thomas G. Greene, chairman of the police commit tee of the Executive Board, declared at the meeting yesterday afternoon that he would sign no more of them In their present form. This is regarded as an other step In the dissension between the Mayor and Auditor, growing out of the recent experting entaglement and is prob ably aimed to force Auditor Devlin to change the form of requisitions. The assertion of Mr. Greene came as a surprise, and although it resulted an only a brief discussion, It Is not improbable that other members of the board will take the same position. If they do the Auditor will be compelled to change from the present form of requisitions or the purchase of supplies in all the city de partments will be held up. It Is proba ble that the action of Mr. Greqne alone will prevent purchases in tne police de partment and bring the matter to a cli max. While admitting that the Auditor is given the power to determine the form in which requisitions shall be issued, Mr. Greene contends that this power is lim ited by certain regulations. The requisi tions, he says, should contain more spe cllic information as to the purpose for which materials purchased are used, and the manner of its approval. 'These vouchers do not even stipulate the office held by the person approving them," asserted Mr. Greene. "I consider them entirely inadequate and for my part I shall not sign another one. The other members of the board can do Just as they please about It." 'For requisitions in the street-cleaning department, I have had a stencil prepared with the word 'chairman,' which I use," said C. A. Cogswell, head of that com mittee. 'Then you are performing a duty which should be done by the Auditor," replied Mr. Greene. The form of requisitions has been a matter of contention in the city govern ment for some time. Mayor Lane has .been demanding the adoption of a form that gives detailed Information concern ing the transaction represented. He as serts that under the present system there is no way to place a reliable check on the city's accounts. Auditor Devlin, on the other hand, maintains that the present form is sufficiently- explicit and stands upon the authority given him under the charter to decide what form shall be used. "Drawing Matches' Is latest Cigar Game Brand new Method of Gambling; for Smokes, Inuusrurated in Portland Tobacco Shopn. WITH slot machnes, dice boxes and other gambling devices barred from cigar counters by the police, and with the American Handicap, or the perforated board, under the ban of the authorities, a new and interesting way of wooing the goddess of 'chance has been put Into practice that further proves necessity the" mother of Inven tion. Should a smoke-hungry man ap proach a cigar clerk and express the desire to gamble with him for a cigar, the nicotine dispenser will accommo date him as of yore but in an entirely new way. He will pull out a handful of matches and place them on the counter, telling the prospective cus tomer with the sporting instincts to draw one. The clerk then in turn takes one from the pile, and Jhe man In front of the counter continues to. draw in his turn until the pile of matches disappears. The one who takes the last match is "stuck." This novel game is said to afford an equal chance for the customer to "break even" with1 the cigar store, and while it Is not so attractive as the old method of spinning the reels of the slot machines, it answers the same purpose. Whether the police will put a stop to this custom as well as the others that went before is yet to be seen. In case this is also put under the ban, the ingenious cigar clerks are expected to offer some other scheme for combining chance and business. INSPECTS FIELD ARTILLERY Colonel . Jackson Pleased Witli Re ' view of Local Battery. The - annual inspection of the First Battery Field Artillery, Oregon Nation al Guard, was held In the Armory last night. Colonel James Jackson, U. S. A., made the review and though he did not express an opinion regarding the battery, it was clear that he was pleased. The .battery is commanded by Capt. H. TJ. Welch and is composed of 79 men, including officers. It pos sesses four field guns of the latest model and has 72 draft horses, and 20 mounts. It also has equipment for 120 men, including revolvers. The battery has progressed greatly during the past year, and though the number of men has not Increased, the company as a whole is in better condition. In regard to the inspection of the other companies Colonel Jackson said, "I find that the military training- and the dislcpline of the regiment is eood, and it comes up to my expectations. I find, however, that the attendance is poor, but that may be traced to the recent storm trouble and poor street car service." A Certain Cure for Cronp Used for Ten Tears Withont a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, ind., hard ware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy, kis children have all been subject to croup and he has used tnls remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this "remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neigh bors and an who have used It say that it, Is unequaled for croup and whooping rough. Jb'ar saia by ail druggists ADMITS HIS ERROR Attorney John F. Logan Apolo gizes to Judge Frazer. ALL FINES ARE REMITTED Lawyer Confesses That His Words Were IIl-Advised and Hasty. Court Gladly Grant For giveness to Old Friend. Mutual apologies and a renewal of friendly "relations between Circuit Judge Frazer and Attorney John F. Logan yes terday came as an end to the heated word duel which the two engaged in on Thursday afternoon, when Mr. Logan withdrew from a damage case after having been fined three times for con tempt of court. The peace dove came into court at the opening of the morning session yesterday. Although Attorney Logan declared on Thursday that he would never again ap pear In any case before Judge Frazer, he explained yesterday that his words were Ill-advised and hasty. He appeared in the case upon the opening of court and at once arose to apologize for Thursday's affair. "If the court pleases," he said, "I wish to say that on yesterday afternoon and morning I acted somewhat hastily and do not think I did myself justice, or right to the court. I think too much of Judge Frazer, having known him all the years I have, and being with him here in the Courthouse for seven or eight years while he has been on the bench, to allow anything like the episode of yes terday to pass more than one day's re flection. I want at this time to apologize to your honor, and to you, gentlemen of the Jury, and to counsel on the other side for my part in the hasty exhibition of temper. . "My zeal for my client sometimes leads me to cross those whom I love and honor more than any client that I ever had: and I take this earliest opportunity to state to your honor, that I feel that it is due you to make this apology as open and public as the heat and passion was on yesterday." "I can say for my part," replied Judge Frazer, "that nothing that has occurred in court since I have been on the bench has hurt me more than what occurred yesterday, because of the fact that I knew Mr. Logan did not Intend any dis courtesy to the court or to the Jury, in view of the long friendship that has existed between us, as Mr. Logan has said. I know there, is not at the bar a more honorable or generous hearted man and I feel myself somewhat to blame for the difficulty that arose. "I think we misunderstood each other all through the trial. I thought there was too much criticism of the rulings of the court after they were made and too much time taken up in talk. But I allowed it to run on and said nothing until I became irritated, and when I became irritated I have an unfortunate trait of character or temper and sometimes act too hastily and without sufficient consideration. I am very glad, however, that this matter may be adjusted in tlis way. It caused me a great deal of unhappiness in more ways than one. It Is the only time since I have been on the bench where I have thought It necessary to fine an attorney, and then to fine a man with whom I have been intimately associated for the last nine years, and one whom I consider among my very best friends, was a very hard thing to do. "As I have already said there Is not a more honorable, upright or generous man practicing at the bar and one who more fully intends to do what is right, lind I am willing to take to myself a large share of the blame for the mis understanding. "I think, under the circumstances, Mr. Clerk, you may enter an order remitting the fines asainst Mr. Logan, and I dp this with great pleasure, for the Imposi tion of the fines caused me severe pain. We will now proceed with the trial." The case on trial, that of Katherine Huntsman against R. I. Eckerson, for $20,000 damages for arrest on groundless charges, will go to the Jury today. The final arguments were completed yester day afternoon, but the case was kept from the Jury until today on account of illness in the family of Juror Haack. which made It necessary for him to spend the night at home. UXHAPFY COUPLES SIXDERED Three Divorces Granted; One Case Taken Under Advisement. On. the night of October 18, two years ago. M. E. Gallagher calmly in formed his wife. Hattie Galla gher, that he was going out for the evening. When asked Just where he was going he said he intend ed visiting his lodge. Gallagher is still at the "lodge." At least the wife has not seen him since. She hasheard that he spent the evening aboard a Southern Pacific train, and did not stop going until he reached San Francisco, where he was last heard of. Mrs. Gal lagher was awarded a divorce, in the Circuit Court yesterday, on the grounds of desertion. They were married in Portland in 1904. Grace Sherrett was given a divorce from D. M. Sherrett on the grounds of desertion. They were married in Texas in 1901, and the desertion occurred in Arizona the following year. Another Texas wedding was dissolved when Alice J. Houser was given a di vorce frBm James S. Houser on the grounds of jealousy, bad temper and cruelty. They were married 22 years ago at Fort Worth. Mary Beatty failed to make out her case of cruelty against H. U. Beatty. Since they were married at Baker City several years ago, Mrs. Beatty claimed her husband had often sworn at her, but her testimony showed that the epithet of "fool" was about as far as his vituperation went. She. testified that he was a drunkard, but she knew this before she married him. Judge Sears took this case under advise ment. GIVEX TILL- MONDAY TO PLEAD W. H. Taft Arraigned In the State Clrcntt Court. W. H. Taft. a former real estate broker, was taken before Circuit Judge Frazer yesterday forenoon for arraignment. The charge of uttering: a forged promissory note was read against him. hut through his attorney he asked for additional time in which to plead, and was given until Monday. More troubles piled up on his shoulders yesterday forenoon when Lawyer J, F. Shillock filed action in Justice Reed's court for the recovery of furniture which Taft bought and did not- pay for. Taft is alleged to have entered the Taylor furniture store, purchased the furniture, and then remarked casually that he had forgotten his checkbook. He had such an authoritative air and such a finely simulated air of wealth, that the com- pany humbly sent the goods. Taffa checkbook is still "forgotten" so far as the-furniture company is concerned. Asks $20,000 Damages for Injuries. Nora Armstrong says she went to step off a streetcar on East TCJnth street last June. She thought the car had stopped, but it had not, and in stepping to the ground she lost her, balance and was thrown -violently to the ground. Now she wants $20,000 damages from the Portland Railway Company. Her suit for that amount was placed on trial be fore Circuit Judge Cleland yesterday forenoon, the day being occupied with the securing of a Jury. Miss Armstrong sus tained several broken bones as a result of the accident. APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR D. 31. Donnugh, of Sellwood, Named Member of Executive Board. D. M. Donaugh was appointed yester day a member of the Executive Board by Mayor Lane. He is a lawyer by pro-, fession and a Democrat in politics. His residence is at 1641 East Eleventh street and he has served as president of the Sellwood Board of Trade. In other pub lic movements Mr. Donaugh has taken an active part. Mr. Donaugh will take upon the ex ecutive Board one of the vacancies re sulting from the resignations of Eugene Shelby and John Bontag. An appoint ment to fill the second vacancy has not yet been made. As John M. Gearin was a member of the board prior to his ap pointment to the United States Senate. It is not improbable that the Mayor will again offer him a place upon the ex ecutive cabinet. REWARD OUT FOR FORGER Clever Check Worker So Far Has Eluded Police Clutch. A reward of J100 has been offered by Robert W. Lewis for the arrest and conviction of the man who for two days has been sending goods to the Lewis home, 609 Everett street, after giving in payment for merchandise bogus checks for amounts in excess oi the cost of the goods. The police have been working on the case since it was "reported at midnight Thursday, but have no trace of the daring crimi nal. It developed yesterday that the swin dler has victimized several merchants in addition to Tonseth, the florist at Sixth and Washington streets. S. Bromberber, 343 Washington street, cashed a check for $15 and Buffum & Pendleton cashed another $15 check, giving him the difference in change for the goods purchased. Investiga tion is being- made and it is believed that others were caught. What the Y. W. C. A. Is Doing. PORTLAND, Feb. 8. (To tha Editor) I submit the following- Incident as an Illustra tion of the all around work accomplished by the Y. W. C. A.: Not many months afro two weary women stepped off a sleeper early one morning in Washington. D. C. : after breakfasting in a res taurant near the station they looked up the Y. W. C. A. address and took a car there at once. The warm welcome from the secretary, the use of a telephone to communicate with their friends, conveniences for sending; off postals and Tetters to loved ones at home and elsewhere, were all at their dlF-po.sal. as well as the lavatory, in which to put on fresh col lars and epruoe themselves up for sightseeing In the beautiful National capital. Both were Y. W. c. A. members and workers, but never before had they made use of Associa tion privileges and so And them a positive luxury. How much nicer it was- than to nay for a room in a strange hotel! Verily the Association can be of use to all classes of women. Many Hmilar Instances could be told of our Portland Y. W. C. A. MRS. W. J. HO.N'BTMAN. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Sellwood or Oregon City car. starting from First and Alder streets- Only One "BROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Simi larly named remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet Is a WHITE PACKAGE with black and red lettering, and bears the signature of E. W. GROVE. 27,e. Thinker's Thoughts A thinker's brain wears away in pro portion as it is used and this waste must be rebuilt by food (there's no other way) else the brain grows dull and is a poor instrument. In Grape-Nuts food all the elements required for this brain-building- are found In the most liberal proportions, the parts of grains that supply the Phosphate of Potash to join with Albu men being especially selected In mat ins' Grape-Nuts food and trial 10 days wlll show any brain-weary or nervous wreck a great Improvement. "There's a Reason;" as trial proves ' Get the little book, "The Road to Wellville." in Dk3. I ; 1 :: t f K'. 5-. ' I). M. Donaugh. FIREMEN LET OUT Eight Members of Department Under the Ax. GRAVE CHARGES ARE MADE Some Accused of Getting Drunk, Others of Taking Liquor to Their Station, and Still Others Guilty - ' of Violating - the Rules. Fie-ht members of the Portland Fire Department felt the. edge of the offl clul ax wielded by the Executive Board yesterday afternoon. Upon recom mendation of Chief Campbell, the men were discharged from the service, some for their connection with the scandal beginning in the arrest of A. Turnbull for implication in the Sellwood Post office robbery, and others for drunken ness and disobedience of rules. Those discharged are: A. Turnbull, captain of Chemical No. 1 : L. G. Gardner, cap tain of Hose Company No. 1; J. F. Hickey, lieutenant of Chemical No. 1; J. H. Cox, driver of Hose Company No. 1; F. W. Kipper, pipeman of cnemicai 7v 1 T. R. Micklev. hoseman Engine No. 4; H. Blackford, hoseman of Hose Company No. 6, and George Guild, driv er of Chemical No. 1. A. Pullem, lieu tenant of Hose Company No. 6, was re duced to the ranks and fined $15. Turnbull is accused of receiving stol en stamp? and of drunkenness. Kipper Is also accused of receiving stolen stamps and of smuggling liquor into a fire station. The'charge against Gard ner is failing- to turn Into the police and fire relief fund $20 w.hlch was con tributed for that purpose by B. Labbe, and also of encouraging the use of liquor in the department. Hickey Is charged with fetching liquor into the department, frequenting .jalcor.s p.nd being absent from duty without leave. The same charges are laid ajjalnsc Guilu. Cox and MIckley are both ac cused of breaking the rules regarding liquor, and Blackford of being absent without leave. The charges against the firemen were signed by Battalion Chief Young, and the findings are based upon the investi gation that has been conducted by Chief Campbell and members of the tire committee. When the report was submitted to the board, L. T. Peery, a member of the commltteo. moved the suspension of the rules and its Immedi ate adoption. He said that the investi gation had been thorough, and that the committee was convinced that the men are guilty as accused. C. A. Cogswell seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. 'PORTLAND. Or., Feb. 8. Maximum tem perature, 60 degrees: minimum temperature, 65 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 22.4 feet; change in last 24 hour, rise 1 foot. To tal precipitator 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. .06 inch: total precipitation since September 1, 1!06, 32.28 Inches; normal precipitation since Sep tember 1, 190U, 28.26 Inches; excess, 4.02 Inches. Total sunshine February 7. 190T. 43 minutes? nosslble sunshine February 7, 1907. 9 hours. 69 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 0 P. M., 30.29 Indies. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 3 E 5 il a STATION Baker city 46iO.O0 Bismarck i:v.0.(Hi Boise 'M O.OO Eureka 60:O.0O Helena !S 0.00 6-NTV 4'SW 41 NW 4'N 8 SW 20! SE JCloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cloudy Clear . Pt. Cloudy Pocatello oOO.Oo Portland IflO'O.oe1 4!NW 4 NW 4V 4NW 4 3 8N 4l S 4 S Kain Roseburg ifki-0.00 Salt Lake City I60 0.CO San Francisco 6t0.or Spokane I40.4O Seattle 154 0.-40I Tatoosn Island '48 'O.OO Walla Walla 154.0.121 Cloudy Clear Cloudy ciduay Rain Cloudy ICloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although the barometer has risen rapidly during the last 24 hours, light rain has fallen generally In Northwest Oregon. Washington and Northern Idaho. The temperatures con tinue mild and in Montana "Chinook" wind are blowing;. The Indications are for light showers Sat urday in Northern Oregon. Washington and Northern Idaho. It will be slightly cooler In tht Willamette Valley. The crest of the, flood passed Portland at midnight of the 7th-Sth and at 5 P. M. today the river had fallen a half foot and reached a stage of 22 feet. The height of the flood crest was 22.5 feet. The river will fall rap Idly during the next three or four day. The following stages were reported In the Columbia River: The Dalles, 11.4 feet, rlae last 24 hours, 1 foot; Umatilla. 8.8 feet, rise last 24 hours, 1.5 feet. On the Snake River the stage at Lewlston Is 10.6 feet and the river Is rising. WEATHBR FORECASTS. Fcr the 28 hours ending at midnlgnt, Feb ruary 9: . Portland and vicinity Light showers and cooler; westerly winds. Western Oregon Light showers and cooler north, fair south portion; westerly wind. Western Washington Showers; westerly Kastern Oregon Showers north, fair south portion. -Southern Idaho Fair. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Shower" EDWARD A. BBALS. A SCHOOL TEACHER. Taught a Good Food Lesson. It is a strain on nerves and patience for a teacher, not only to curb the an tics of forty or fifty youngsters six to eight hours each day, but also to instil into their minds a mass of knowledge, Including the famous three K's. A teacher, living In Taunton, Eng land, writes of the benefit she derived from Grape-Nuts food after the ex hausting work In the schoolroom had almost ruined her health. She says: "When 1 first began taking- Grape Nuts foo4, I was a teacher worn out in body and mind, and used to suffer very much from brain fag. ""'I was also a martyr to Indigestion. "It is now plain that I lacked the power to digest and get value from any food. "I felt much better after the first package, and by the time I had eaten three or four packages I was a new creature. "My brain became clearer, and the powers of concentration much greater. I grained steadily in weight, my flesh becoming- hard and firm. The sense of continual weariness vanished like magla, and I have not had a bad attack of indigestion since I first used Grape- Nuts. "I have become bo fond of the food that I look forward to my plate, of Grape-Nuts with a little cream more than to the most costly dishes." "There's a reason." Name given by Fuiuun fx. BiUlla Creek. Mich. Ho! jijP i U needa Sv 1 1 Biscuit C-Si Prepared not Manufactured Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is prepared, not manufactured., There's a difference. It is made bj Nature and prepared by Ghirardelli. The Ghirardelli process simply renders avail able all the natural goodness of the cocoa bean. That's why it is so pure, delicious, satisfying and healthgiving, and that's why everybody likes it so well. Ask your grocer tor It. Be rare that 70a sjet It. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate BROWN-FORMAN CO. DISTILLERS Louisville, Ky. Old Forester Whisky High in Quality and Price Tucker Whisky Best Value on the Coast Beeeh Fork Straight Goods EMIL WALDMAN, Representative Care of Archer, Schanz Co., Portland Distributers J. M. CRAIG, Pacific Coast Manager PURITY V OP PRODUCT Commands the Consumer's Confidence CONSTITUENTS, but to have every ingredient the very best in point of PURITY and QUALITY that could be obtained. We established a standard of PURITY and QUALITY and MEDICINAL STRENGTH, that has been maintained for all these years, and every Cas caret tablet has been as harmless, pure, gentle and effective as every other one. The substances that enter into a medicinal formula, to pro duce the desired effect, to be SAFE and ever TRUSTWORTHY, MUST be clean, fresh, carefully selected and compounded witk painstaking supervision. The eternal vigilance necessary to secure the ingredients of Cascarets in the most PERFECT CONDITION, so as to get the best effect without any danger from intruding substances, has never been relaxed. What is the result? There has never been a disappointment, never a complaint. The peopla of America are today buying over ONE MILLION BOXES a month of Cas carets Candy Cathartic, a recognition of their dependable qualities to do what is claimed for them, as the best medicine FOR THE BOWELS as ytt discovered. Our patrons are all oar friends, loyal and more than satisfied of the stead fast, honest, reliable MERIT of our preparation. It is today the greatest FAMILY MEDICINE in the world. We attribute Cascarets' great snccess to PURITY, QUALITY ant MEDICINAL EFFICIENCY, backed by Truth and Honesty ia our dealings. The -Congress of the United States, on June 30, 1906, passed a PURE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT to protect the Health of the People against adulter ation, misstatement and careless processes. This law went into effect January 1, 1907, and will help to banish all questionable practices and preparations. Wt endorse the law. The essence of this law was anticipated by the makers of Cascarets when the first box was made ten years ago, and every precaution was taken, to. estab lish Cascarets as the standard, reliable and responsible Bowel medicine for tha American People. We shall continue in our purpose to produce the best product possible, and are proud of the confidence of our friends, a commercial confidence which will never be betrayed. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c Try a little 10c box TODAY. 75 mi When Cascarets Candy Cathartic were invented ia 1896, , and the formula was perfected after much experi mental labor by highly scien tific chemists, it was our aim not only to produce a perfect combination of EFFECTIVE