Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. XLVI.-XO. 14,407.
Wife Tells How White
Persecuted Her.
Incited Her to Make Charges
Against Lover.
Vsed Mrs. Thaw's Information to
Blackmail White Incoherent
Love Letters of Thaw Jerome
Tender of White's Character.
NEW YORK,. Feb. 8. Evelyn Nesbit
Thaw again today was the central figure
at her husband's trial. She was still on
the Btand, her direct examination un
finished when the usual week-end ad
journment until Monday morning -was
Picking up the threads of her story
where she had dropped them on Thurs
day, the girl-wife of the defendant,
always, she declared, telling her story
Just as she had related it to Harry Thaw
from time to time, brought the narra
tive down to her wedding in Pittsburg
on April 4, 1905, and their return to New
York, following a honeymoon trip in
the West. She declared she had heard
White call to her on the street once
after this and that on another occasion,
when she passed him In a cab, she noticed
his cab turn around and follow her in the
direction of a doctor's office where she
was going to have her throat treated.
Will Finish Story Monday.
Mrs. Thaw had taken up the story at
the time of her return from Europe In
October. 1A03, following her refusal of
Thaw's offer of marriage on the ground
which she related yesterday. On Mon
day she will be called upon to finish the
relation of the events which, it Is alleged
by the defense, brought on the- explosive
Impulse in the diseased brain of the
defendant and caused the killing of
Stanford White.
While today's testimony lacked the
personal quality which made yesterday's
recital so dramatic, impelling, enthrall
ing and pathetic, it served to clear away
(some of the doubts and inferences which
remained from the Incomplete details as
to the full extent of the revelations she
Fays she made to her husband. There
were repetitions, too, at the suggestion
of counsel, and incidents which had not
been gone over in the first years of Mrs.
Thaw's acquaintance with Stanford White
were brought out in completion of the life
Jerome Flares Up In Anger.
District Attorney Jerome, who had
throughout silently listened to the young
wife's statements, sent a thrill of excite
ment through the courtroom late In the
day by vigorously protesting against
"this defamation of the dead."
"Is there no limit?" he exclaimed," to
the aspersions that are to be cast upon
this man? Your honor well knows I can
not, under the law, controvert any state
ment this -witness might make against
the memory of Stanford White." In the
most bitterly sarcastic vein, Mr. Jerome
spoke of "this battle of the tenderloin"
and declared the court had the
right to limit such testimony "until com
petent evidence has been adduced here
to show that this man is, or was, of un
sound mind. We don't know whether
this defendant ever was Insane," he con
cluded. The question which called out the vehe
ment protest from the District Attorney
was addressed to Mrs. Thaw by Mr.
Delmas and its purport was whether or
not Harry Thaw had at any time told
her about "other girls who had met a
fate similar to yours at the hands of
this man."
"What man?" snapped Mr. Jerome.
"Stanford White," replied Mr. Delmas
with the coolness of voice and manner
characteristic of him, and then he added,
still in the same low tone. "Who else?"
Justice Fitzgerald held that the District
Attorney's suggestion was a good one
and he thought the defense should lay a
broader foundation to show insanity be
fore proceeding along the lines suggested
by Mr. Delmas question.
We will proceed to do this as soon as
possible," announced Mr. Delmas.
White Repeatedly Sought Her.
Mrs. Thaw declared today that Stanford
White, during the year which followed.
her experience In the room of the mir
rored walls, repeatedly sought to have
her visit him alone.
"I told Harry," she said, "that Mr.
White had begged me, had pleaded and
cried and scolded and done everything
he could to make me come to see him
alone. I refused and he told me I was
cruel and that I was cold as a fish and
not a human being. I told Mr. White I
did not care to trust him."
After the return from Europe and dur
ing the months she would not see Harry
Thaw, "because of the dreadful things
Mr. White and his friends told me about
him." she declared Thaw accused her
of improper relations with the architect.
"I told him It was a lie, and I had
not." she testified with an emphatic snow
of feeling.
The defense had Mrs. Thaw tell of her
acquaintance, with Jack Barrymore, the
actor. Mr. Barrymore was In the court
room one day during the early part of
the trial, at the instance of the District
Attorney, It was said. Mr. Delmas asked
Mrs. Thaw today to tell what she had
told Mr. Thaw of her acquaintance with
the actor. She said she had met Mr.
Barrymore at a party given by Stanford
White the year following her introduction
to the architect.
"I thought him very nice," she frankly
said today, "and one day at Mr. White's
studio he said, 'Evelyn, will you marry
me?" I said, 'I don't know.' He asked
me a second time and again I said, 'I
don't know," and everybody laughed. Mr.
White told me I would be very foolish
to marry Barrymore, and my mother
said so, too, and we all quarreled, ana
the upshot of the whole thing was that
Mr. White said I ought to be sent awa
to school, and I was, to New Jersey."
After leading the witness to tell in
chronological order of the incidents of
her wedding with Thaw in Pittsburg, Mr.
Delmas asked her if she had seen Stan
ford AVhite after her return to New York
from the honeymoon trip.
White Follows Her Vp.
"I passed Stanford White one day on
Fifth avenue. I was in a cab. He saw
me and I heard him say, "Evelyn,' just
r .o -& -.
f i '
Jnmew J. Hill, President of the Great
Northern Railroad, Who May
Double-Track Railroad to Pacific
like that," and Mrs. Thaw raised her
voice as if to call someone. "I went back
to our hotel and told Harry, and he said:
" 'The dirty blackguard. He had no
right to speak to you.'
"The next time I saw him I was driv
ing to Dr. Delavan's office to have my
throat treated. Stanford White was atso
in a cab. He just stared at me this
time and stroked his moustache. I turned
Into Thirty-third street and as I alighted
at the doctor's door I saw Stanford White
coming. I rang the bell and a maid came
to the door and then I got so nervous
and flustered I told her I would come
back again, and I ran down the steps,
got into the cab and drove to the hotel.
where I told Harry what had happened.
He got very excited and bit his nails."
These were the only two instances, Mrs.
Thaw said, that she told her husband
that Stanford AVhite had approached or
attempted to speak to her. There was a
big crowd in the courtroom today, every
available bit of space being occupied. The
dramatic thrills of the day before were
not there, however. The day began with
a continuance of the reading of the let
ters from Harry Thaw to Mr. Longfel
low, written after Evelyn Nesbit's revela
tions to her suitor in Paris. There were
others, too. which Thaw had sent the
attorney to deliver to Miss Nesbit, who
at that time would not see him.
Cooked Vp Charge Against Tbaw.
Mrs. Thaw followed these with a reve
lation of her experience with Stanford
White and Abraham Hummel concerning
the alleged affidavit which she made,
charging Harry Thaw with having taken
her from her mother against her will and
with gross cruelty. Mrs. Thaw told how
she had been induced to answer some
questions about herself and Mr. Thaw at
the time and had been toW the stories
about his "cruelties to girls." Stanford
White had told her, she declared, that it
was necessary to take drastic measures
to protect her from such a person and
that Harry Thaw must be kept out of
New York. She denied ever signing any
papers in Hummel's office, but said she
remembered having signed some papers
for Mr. White in his office, the contents
of which she did not know. When she
got frightened about the papers and de
manded to see them, she said Mr. Wrhite
took her to Hummel's office and there
they burned a paper which had her name
at the bottom of it. She was not allowed
to see what the paper contained before
it was destroyed.
Blackmail Paid, by White.
Mrs. Thaw's testimony was made
amusing at times by her Interjections
of the names which Harry Thaw had
applied to the lawyers and Mr. White's
agitated questioning as to what she
had told Hummel about him. She de
clared she had told the lawyer nothing.
" Well,' said Mr. White to me,
There is something wrong somewhere.
He has just squeezed a thousand dol
lars out of me and the Lord only
knows how soon he will squeeze an
other.' I then remembered having told
Mr. Hummel, when he threatened
things about Mr. Thaw, that he had
better be careful, for Mr. Thaw knew
a lot of terrible things about Stanford
The defense endeavored to get into
evidence the wills of Harry Thaw and
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, executed the
night of their wedding In Pittsburg.
There were so many Interlineations,
additions and erasures that Justice
Fitzgerald held the documents were
Inadmissible until they were proved.
Mr Delmas said he would later en
deavor to do this, as the wills and the
interlineations and a codicil by Harry
Thaw had to do with the proof tending
to show the insanity of the defendant.
It came out in the discussion of the
wills that the name of Stanford White
occurred In Thaw's testament.
Mrs. Thaw will go on her direct
examination Monday morning. Just
what will be the nature of Mr. Jerome's
(Concluded on Paso 4.
Either That or Parallel
Line, Says Hill.
Building or About to Build 3000
New Miles.
First Step In Doubling Road Will Be
Line From Fargo to Ml not.
Hill's Latest Utterance
Startles New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. (Special.) The
Wall -Street Journal tomorrow will say:
James J. Hill said it an open ques
tion with him whether to double-track
the Great Northern 4r build a new rail
road. Mr. Hill's propensity for blazing
the way through a new country with a
locomotive headlight is pretty well known,
and it would not be surprising if this is
the course he will follow now in relieving
the congestion on the Great Northern
This does not necessarily mean that a
new transcontinental road will be built
from St. Paul to Puget Sound, but the
idea is tantamount to the same thing. The
proposition would depend very largely on
the future growth of business in the
New Line Across North Dakota.
The first step in the application of Mr.
Hill's idea for relieving the congestion
on the Great Northern will doubtless be a
new line to connect St. Paul with the
main line of the Great Northern at the
western end of North Dakota. The most
congested portion of the Great Northern
is between Grand Forks, on the Red River
of the North, around the north of Devil's
Lake to Mlnot. A new line from Fargo to
Mlnot would not only completely relieve
the congestion, but also open up a new
It will surprise most people to know
that J. J. Hill and the various roads
which he dominates have under construc
tion or projected today not less than 3000
miles of new railroad in various parts of
the country between the Mississippi River
and the Pacific Coast. Aside from any
new lines now contemplated, the Hill
lines have about S000 miles under construc
tion, projected now or completed since the
last fiscal year.
Rival to Canadian Pacific.
Of these the most important item is, of
course, the new transcontinental road
building in Canada. The line Is already
practically done from Vancouver through
the Rocky Mountains. It will be pushed
across the prairies of Alberta, Aesinibola
and Manitoba to Winnipeg, which will be
the eastern terminus. The new line will
be about 1500 miles long, and should be
finished within the next two years.
This new transcontinental road will be
owned by the Great Northern. ,Its im
portance to the Hill system can hardly be
overestimated. It will" be directly com
petitive to the Canadian Pacific from
Winnipeg to Vancouver, and is retaliation
on a gigantic scale for the temerity with
which the Canadian Pacific built down
to Spokane.
Railroads Cancel ' Car Orders and
Defer Improvements.
CTHICAGO. Feb. 8. (Special.) Should
this year's crops be anything like as large
as those of last year, the car scarcity
from which the entire country has suf
fered for months Is likely to be greatly
acoentuated. Owing to present conditions
In the money market, a number of roads
that are in sore need of equipment have
not only ceased to place additional or
ders, but It is stated that they are actual,
ly trying to get rid of some of the orders
they have already placed.
Several of the Eastern trunk lines are
said to be In negotiation with Western
roads to take the new equipment they
have ordered and. if these succeed, the
trunk lines involved will worry along
through the year with supplies they now
have on hand. What the effect will be
on the general prosperity of the country
it is easy to conceive from the experience
of the last 12 months.
Nor Is It in the matter of car supplies
alone that fresh expenditures of money
are to be curtailed greatly. A careful in.
vestlgation of the entire situation by
some of the leading executives has led to
the statement that the annual budgets of
the roads entering Chicago alone have
been pruned to the extent of $25,000,000.
The managers of the roads admit that
there Is urgent need of the expenditures
and that failure to carry out the im
provements as orlginaily planned will be
detrimental to the interests of the roads
themselves as well as to those of the
country as a whole. The money will not
be spent simply because the roads cannot
get the money to spend on anything like
the terms that would justify 'them in in
curring the fresh debts.
One of the roads mentioned as having
thus cut down the estimates for its year's
expenditures Is the Burlington. It Is cred
ited with having pruned its estimates by
$20,000,000. It will satisfy itself with car
rying to completion the improvement
work now actually in progress, but will
rest there for the present and new work
not actually begun will be allowed to
wait for a more convenient season. Other
lines are in much the same state of mind.
This economy will be felt keenly by
every line of industry in the country.
Harrlman and Santa Fe Called Down
Clark's Road.
LOS ANGELES, Keo. 8. Franklin K.
Lane adjourned the Interstate Com
merce Commission hearing at the conclu
sion of today's session, to meet again in
New York, on February 25, when the in
quiry into the Harriman merger will be
again taken up. Several railroad offi
cials and officers of fruitgrowers' organ
izations testified today.
Many new facts of Importance were
gained, chief among them the admission
by R. E. Wells, general manager of the
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake
Railroad, that after his company had in
stituted a fast six-day freight service to
Chicago for the benefit of the fruit
industry of Southern California, the
Southern Pacific and Santa Fe companies
made objection to his road and the ser
vice was discontinued.
Fruit men testified that the growers
were making no money owing to exor
bitant freight rates, and that the crops
were greatly endangered by the car
President to Call Halt
on Growing Evil.
Will Warn Them He Will Veto
Bills in Future.
Investigation Convinces Roosevelt
Methods of Passing Private Pen
sions Are Bad House Rushes
Action Before Club Falls.
WASHINGTON1. D. C, Feb. 8. (S-pe-dal.)
Private pension legislation, car
ried to an extreme within the last few
years and Increasing at every session at
an astounding rate, has fallen under the
ban of President Roosevelt. Within a
day or two the President has laid plans
to call a halt, and tomorrow he will
have a conference with Senator McCum
ber, of North Dakota, chairman of the
Senate committee on pensions and Repre
sentative Sulloway, of New Hampshire,
chairman of the House committee on In
valid pensions, for the purpose of get
ting their Judgment on the question of
a proposed sweeping reform.
May Veto Future Pension Bills.
However, the lawmakers directly inter
ested may feel about it, the President, it
is understood, will feel constrained not
to sign any more private bills, now that
the service pension measure has become
a law, unless particularly urgent reasons
are presented to him in connection with
each individual case passed upon by Con
gress. Careful investigation of the private
pension question at the White House led
to the conclusion that the system, as it
has developed during recent sessions of
Congress, is an almost unmitigated evil;
that methods which scarcely will stand
scrutiny prevail In both Houses with re
spect to passing private measures, and
that in most instances the enactments
fail to accomplish the real purpose for
which pensions are Intended.
Dodging the Big Stick.
This afternoon the House of Repre
sentatives passed 723, private pension bills.
This is the highest record ever made "in
a single day, and the large number of
bills, coming right upon the heels of
the passage and signing of a service pen
sion measure, may have been due to the
wafting of a zeyhyr from the White
House to the Capitol premonitory of the
swinging of the big stick upon future
legislation of the kind. If the stick is
to swing, members want to get the most
possible before it strikes.
It was only a few days ago, when
batch of some 400 private bills was laid
upon his desk ready for his signature.
that the President seized the opportunity
to convey his views upon the matter to
the most responsible agents of private
pension legilatlon In both Houses of
Passes 725 Private Bills, and Takes
Fp Naval Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. A new high
record in the way of passage of private
pension bills was made by the House to
day, when 725 bills were passed In an
hour and half.
The naval appropriation bill, carrying
J!5. 425,000, was taken up and under the
order of general debate speeches were
made by Lamar of Florida on the rail
road rate bill, Higgins of Connecticut
favoring the creation of the White
Mountain and Appalachian forest reserves
and Mondeil of Wyoming on the 'limita
tions of Federal authority" and the with
drawal of coal lands from entry.
Charter for Alaska Railroad.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. The Senate
committee on territories today authorized
a favorable report on a House bill giving
to the AJaska Railroad Company a Gov-
Tom L, Johnson, Mayor of Cleve
land, Who Question Motive of
Rockefeller's 132,000,000 Gift.
eminent charter for a road from the head
of Cordova Bay to a point upon the
Yukon River, near Eagle, Alaska. The
railroad will enter the Alaskan copper
Justice of Peace Blown Up for Prose
cuting Lawbreakers.
PATTERSON, N. J., Feb. 8. Justice
of Peace Robert C. Borteso was killed
in his office tonight by the explosion
of an Infernal machine sent him by
express. The office was wrecked and
the detonation could be heard for
The Justice has actively aided the
police in the capture of Italian law
breakers recently.
Venezuela n rebela land, to begin revolt.
Caatellane may appeal from divorce decis
ion. Page 3.
Personal feud may cause war In Central
America, I'ao 2.
Dome tic.
Tom Johnson disr-unses motive of Rockefel
ler b great Rift. Page 3.
Hill says he may double-track Grat North
ern P.allroad. Page 1.
Harrlman says he may nteW Job on Inter
state Commission. Page 2.
Mrs. Thaw Continues her Ptory of White's
persecution and Jerom protests apainat
his being defamed. Page 3.
Haskin on America's great internal trade.
Page 1.
Taft sava people favor contract trystem on
canal. Page 2.
Rooeevelt threatens to veto private pension
bills. Page l.
Senate dlecuapes railroads high rate for
soldiers. Page 2.
San Francisco delegation !n Washington to
confer with Roosevelt on Japanese ques
tion. Page 3.
Cubans talk of fighting America because
rural guard Is Increased. Page 8.
ITulton proposes two dredges for Paclflo
Coast. Page 2.
roil tic.
Murphy loses much money by tight on Mo
Cletlan. Page 2.
Oregon Legislature.
House passes Freeman's hill revoking all
perpetual franchises. Page J.
Three members bolt joint railroad ooramtt
toe. Page .
Governor Chamberlain sends special mes
sage to Legislature urging It to memor
ialize Congress not to repeal timber and
stone act. Page T.
Baltey accepts Important amendment to di
rect primary bill. Page 6.
Bill to create Cascade County killed In Sen
ate. Page 6.
Banking law much amended In committee;
original draft not approved. Page 7.
Senator Hodges' anti-pass bill amended be
yond recpgnltlon. Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Olympla Senate declares National Admin
istration has been unfair In forest re
serve policy. Page 5.
Rail communication with Inland Kmplre
towns interrupted by washouts. Page 5.
Idaho kills proposed local option law.
Page 16.
Commercial and Marine.
Egfe market declines rapidly. Page 15.
Selling weakens Chicago wheat prices.
Page 15.
Halting stock speculation at New York.
Page 15.
Steamship Gy merle breaks her moorings.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Executive Board takes up Mayor's fight
against Council and orders that four
captains of police be provided for.
Page 11.
Dr. C. W. Cornelius buys two lots at Four
teenth and Alder for $40,000. Page 10.
Cblef Campbell discharges eight members
of Portland Fire Department for various
offenses. Page 11.
February freBhet is now subsiding and all
danger Is probably -over. Page 10.
Party of 113 'Washington Junketers will ar
rive In Portland today. Page 10.
O. R- A N. sends out first train for the
Flast In the past five days; storm Iocs
$500,000. Page 10.
f -b . :t I
Some Facts on Vast
American Industries.
Enterprise of Single State
Equals World's Wonder.
Troy Makes Collars, Grand Rapids
Furniture, Minneapolis Flour,
Peoria Spirits, Pittsburg SteeJ.
and Portland Lumber.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 (Special Cor
respondence.) Nowhere else on earth
is there ao wide a territory of abso
lute free trade as In the United States.
No other nation produces so much
from the ground. No other nation
manufactures so much, and no other
nation has people who can afford to
buy as much or as good things. And
our commerce, biK as It is, is frrowlng
an the while. To show the increase
in trade it is not necessary to take
up the big things. Do you know that
we spent $15,000,000 for buttons last
year? The statiistics show that five
concerns in the United States which
produce steel pens exclusively have
doubled their product in the short
space of six years. It now requires
upward of $4,000,000 to pay even our
annual bill for lead pencils.
Erie Canal Costs More Than Suez.
The internal commerce of the United
States Is the largest trade movement
In the world. This may sound big,
but it Is easy to prove. All the na
tions waited with suspense for news
of the completion of the Suoz Canal,
yet to enlarge and deepen the Erie
Canal, New York State provided $101,
000,000 In a single bond Issue, moro
money than was required to build the
famed Suez ditch, and nobody outside
of New York seemed to think much
of It. When the Erie Is deepened and
the capacity of its boats increased
from 240 to 1000 tons, there Is already
more commerce In sight for It than is
now passing from the Mediterranean
to the Red Sea. This is a fact that
you ought to cut out and paste In
your hat. Furthermore, the estimated
cost of the Penama canal, an undertak
ing which one nation failed to com
plete and which the United States Jibs
shouldered. Is but little more than
twice as much as it will take to com
plete the Erie Canal, for which only
one of 46 states will pay. New York
is going to do all this to maintain the
supremacy of the port of Buffalo as
a recipient of grain from Western
fields on its way to Now York City and
the ports of the world.
Troy for Collar Factories.
Volumes would be required to give
the details of the manufactures of this
country, but there are somi instances
In which particular cities excel. Troy,
New York, manufactures nearly 90 per
cent of the collars and cuffs mnde In
the United States. There are 17,000
wageearners in that city who make
their living by manufacturing our col
lars for us. Troy owns the collar busi
ness by the divine right of discovery.
In 1829 Ebenezer Brown sarted there
the first collar factory on earth. The
early patterns were tied about the neck
with a string. Six years later laun
dering was begun in connection,
with the business, and the stilt
collar and "biled" shirt wore born Into
the world of commerce. However, we
Americans still use millions of shirts
of the "hickory-" variety, which are
forever innocent of a laundered collai.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Is famed for
furniture. Every polite and bowing
salesman of household goods in the
country has learned to say "Grand
Rapids' as if it were a sacred word
of magic, like the "open sesame" of
All Baba. A unique feature of furniture-making
and selling in the Michi
gan city is the semi-annual fair which
is held there each January and July.
It lasts an entire month and Is attend
ed by not only thousands of buyers
from the different states in the Union,
but from foreign countries as well.
Grand Rapids owes its supremacy In
this line to its proximity to the finest
hardwood forests on the continent and
to the fact that it "got there first."
It has forty-three large factories,
which give employment to IS. 000
skilled workmen. Another peculiarity
of the Grand Rapids industry Is that
most of the workmen are a second gen
eration of skilled Dutch artisans who
are so regular and orderly in their
habits and ways of thinking that they
cannot be induced to participate in
Minneapolis for Flour.
Minneapolis makes more breadstuffs
than any other city in the world. There
are twenty-two enormous flour mills In
the Minnesota city whose combined
dally capacity is equal to grinding the
wheat from 26,000 acres of rich Ameri
can fields. Their daily output amounts
to 75.000 barrels of flour. Still more
surprising Is the thought that It re-
Concluded on Page 8.)