8 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. SCBSfRIPTIOS RATES. tJT INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. "V3 (By Mall.) rally, Fundny Included, one year $3.00 X)ally( Sunday Included, six months.... 4.25 Ijally, Sunday Included, three months.. 2.25 Dally. Sunday Included, one month.... -75 Daily, without Sunday, one year....... 6-00 Daily, without Sunday, en month 3.25 Dally, without Sunday, three months.. 1.75 Daily, without Sunday, one montr ...... .00 Sunday, one year.'.-, .' V ... 2-50 Weekly, one year (Issued Thurad, 1.50 Sunday and Weekly, one year y. 8.50 BV CARRIER. Dally, Sunday Included, one year 9-00 Daily, Sunda; included, one month.... .75 HOW TO REMIT Send postofflce money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency re at the sender's risk. Give postofflce ad dress In full, including county and state. rOSTAUE RATES. 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Jones & Co., Astor House; liroadway Theater News Stand. Oakland, Cnl. W. H. Johnson, Four teenth and Franklin streets; N. Wneatley; Oakland News stand. Ogden D. L. Uoyle, W. Q. Kind, 114 Twenty-lifth street. Hot Springit, Ark. C. N. Weaver & Co. Oimiiia llarkalow Bros., 1012 Farnam; Magealh Stationery Co., laoS Farnam; 240 outh Fourteenth. Sacramento, Cul. Sacramento News Co., 43i K street. Salt l.iikr Moon v Book & 6tationery Co., Rosenfeld & Hansen Los Antrim 11. E. Amos, manager seven street w nitons. San Diego- B. E. Amos. Lons; Br:ieh. Cal. B. E. Amos. l'uNHdenu, Cal. A. F. Horning. Sun 1 runcisro Fostnr & urear. Ferry News Stand; Hotel St. Francis News Stand; L. Parent. N. "Wneatley. Eureka, Cel. Call-Chronicle Agency. Washington, 1). C. Ebbltt House, Penn sylvania avenue. Norfolk, Va. Jamestown News Co. I'ine Reach, Va. W. A. Cosgrove. Philadelphia, l'u. Kyan's Theater Ticket Office. PORTLAND, FRIDAY, FKBIU'ARY 8, 1907. REPEAT. ALL FEUPKTl; AL FRANCHISES All perpetual franchises should be repealed. They are bad in law and bad In policy. There should bo no such thing. The Oregonian has said this repeatedly and now reiterates It. The Oregonian has also said that It la sound logic and proper procedure for the power granting the franchise to re voke It. This Is Incontrovertible, we think. Rut the way to revoke is to revoke, and we will not split hairs with any one about procedure. If It bids fair to be' effectivo und correct." A part of the Multnomah delegation at Salem insists that there should bo passed by the Legielature a measure revoking all perpetual franchises. Any genuine measure of that kind will have the un qualified approval of The Oregonian. The people of the state want them re pealed and demand that they shall be repealed. The Oregonian only voices their sentiments and desires, and rep resents their interests when It declares that any effort made In good faith In that direction and to that end merits commendation. The franchise of the Portland Gas Company, however, elands In a class by Itself. An attempt to treat It upon the same basis as other perpetual fran chises w-hlch are held by various cor porations is a mistake. All other fran chises have been granted since Oregon became a estate. They fall under the constitutional provision that all fran chises may be "altered, repealed or amended" - The Gas Company's char ter, or one of Its charters, and the principal one, was obtained before Or egon became a state. It was conferred by the Territorial Legislature and there Is a question whether or not the above constitutional provision applies to it. The contention of the company is that- It does not, and that this fran chise cannot be repealed by the Legis lature. No such contention is made for any other franchise. The oldest of them, that of the railroad on Fourth street, dates only from 1S69. Oregon had then been a state and the constitution- in- force for ten years. This franchise, if it Is' a franchise, ought undoubtedly be revoked. The tracks on Fourth street are a common nui sance, but the revocation should not tie attempted In the same bill that deals with the franchise of the Gas Company. . Under the repeal of the Fourth-street franchise, by the general act, and of all others granted under the constitution, there can be no litigation unless confiscation should be at tempted. Over the repeal of the gas franchise granted In 1839 litigation Is certain. The company will maintain In court that Its privilege is not only perpetual, but also irrevocable; that It is above, not only the -laws of the state, but the constitution a!io. The purpose and the necessity of the spe clal bill, affecting only the Gas Com pany, ought to be perfectly clear to every Legislator and there should be no objecticn to It from any one who "desires repeal of any perpetual fran chise. THE AFFRONT TO JAPAN. We have heard a great deal In con nectlon with the Japanese school em- brogllo in San Francisco about the ob jectlon to the attendance of full-grown Japanese men along with American 'children of 10 and 12 years of age. In point of fact, an stated by William Inglls, special correspondent detailed by Harper's Weekly to investigate and re port upon the situation, there were only ninety-three Japanese pupils at tending the twenty-three public schools of. San Francisco when the trouble be gan. Of these ninety-three pupils two were 20 years of age; four were 19, six 18, twelve ,17, nine 16. and ten 15 years old. The rest were between 6 and 14 years of age. It is contended that Jap anese children could have been ex cluded from cchools attended by white children in such a manner as to avoid giving offense. The trouble was in the order of the Board of Education direct ing that Japanese, Corean and Chinese pupils must not go to schools attended by. white children. This grouping of the races aroused a protest; from all Japan. The, citizen of Japan, eays Mr. Inglis, is not only proud, but sensitive; he is like Sir Walter Scott's Hlelander, who walked abroad with hie nostrils quiver ing and searching the air for an af front. To throw him in pell-mell among Chinamen and Coreans, whom he despises, was the crowning act of humiliation. The School Board acted hastily and without tact. The incident is to be re gretted, first because of the hostile feel ing againet the United States to which it gave rise in Japan, and again be cause it gives every blatherskite In the country, in Congress and out of it, a chance to air his opinions upon race antagonisms. Denis Kearney, Of anti-Chinese sandlot memory, has come out of his retirement of a score of years to exclaim: "The Japanese are the yel low peril," adding: They're establishing tailor shops, shoemaker shops, laundries, restaurants and"' everything else. They're becoming gardeners, and doing all kinds of work which our own children and our own people ought to be compelled to do. They're leasing land all over the state and raising products on it to compete with our own farmers at a cheaper rate. They're worming their way Into every work. By and by there'll be a million of them here, because thla is the finest place in the known world to live. Now one million Jap anese would be a menace to the peace of these states. They'll fight. We know that. The Russo-Japanese War shows it. They are a fighting nation, and they are fighters, by na ture. They mean to win by hook or by crook. This Is Denis Kearney, but the sen timents are no.t confined to him or his class. It is said that they are shared by ninety-five Californians out of every one hundred. It Is against the expression of such sentiments that Sec retary Taft warns men in the Nation's high places. This warning Is well timed. OREGON APPROPRIATION'S SAFE. The House yesterday agreed to all of the Items in the rivers and harbors bill, the aggregate being more than $3,200,001), of which nearly one-half is immediately available, the remainder being for continuing contract work. This action of the House, while almost a foregone conclusion, removes the last veetige of doubt regarding the ultimate completion of the Columbia River Jetty by the Government. It also assures some important work on the upper river obstructions. Ae has been previ ously stated, a great deal of credit for these liberal appropriations is due the delegation from our neighboring state. Senator Fulton has been Oregon's only effective working member, and the responsibilities upon him have been very heavy. He not only got the riv ers and harbors bill through the Sen ate, but his labors before the House committee were unceasing and were most potent. It ought to be said for him that he worked wherever work was needed for every part of Oregon, and it is only proper acknowledgment to remark that the efforts he put forth for Oregon's appropriations, combined with the friendly attitude of Represen tative Jones, of Washington, a mem ber of the rivers and harbors commit tee, resulted in most generous consid eration by the House committee and large appropriations by Congress. Tho project for a fourteen-foot chan nel from Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico suffered defeat in the House, not per haps because it lacked merit, but on account of the large amount involved and the pressure for funds which were badly needed on otherwork which had already been commenced and which might suffer by any "paring" made necessary in order to take care of the new project. The rivero and harbors appropriation bill, on the whole, has been a good one, and Its special value lies in the in creasing interest in river and harbor work which is reflected by such appro priations. The Chicago waterway to the Gulf may not be constructed for a number of years, but the increasing recognition of the value of our water ways gives assurance that it, as well a large number of other similar trans portation projects, will eventually re ceive due consideration from the Gov ernment. - TRADE AND THE FLAG. The "far-flung empire" of Great Brit ain, on whose possessions the sun never sets, is still well in the lead of all other maritime nations, and as a shin ing example of what our own merchant marine should be, the subsidy-hunters make copious allusions to that of Eng land. Great Britain's over-sea posses sions are of such great proportions and are kept In such close touch with the mother country that a vast merchant marine has grown up from this cause alone; but, contrary to the assertions of our own subsidy grafters, not one twentieth of the tonnage engaged in foreign trade under the British flag receives a penny in subsidy. There is no more reason why the United States should engage In the ocean carrying business at a loss because Great Brit ain and other cheap-labor, cheap-ship countries engage in it than there would be in an American citizen keeping a delivery wagon when he could have his delivery work handled at a smaller cost by some one who made a specialty of that work. The principal reason for Great Brit ain's prestige on the high seas is shown in some recent statistics on her foreign trade and possessions. These over-sea possessions, which, of course, can be reached only with a merchant marine, comprise an area of 11,193.000 square miles, or a territory more than 100 times as large as Great Britain her self. The over-sea possessions of the United States have an area of approx imately 160,000 square miles, compared with 3,600,000 square miles in the home country, where the subsidy-hunters are at work. With possessions of such vast extent and so widely scattered as are England's, the business of moving troops, officials and government mail and supplies alone is sufficient to fur nish revenue for a large number of steamers in all parts of the world. This forms the nucleus of the trade on routes where the United States is not maintaining a regular service under the American flag. It admits of ' the British shipow-ners carrying our traffic at rates much lower than those which our own shipowners see fit to make. It has been argued that by not owning the ocean carriers we have been placed at a disadvantage In the foreign trade. The fallacy of this argument is quite forcibly shown by the official figures previously mentioned. These show that in 1905 the imports and exports in the British Empire outside of the United Kingdom reached a total value of 641, 700.000 pounds sterling, of which only 287,200,000 pounds were done with the United Kingdom. In other words, Great Britain, with all of the enormous prestige supposed to be given her by ihor unequaled merchant marine, was unable to secure one-half of the trade with her own 'possessions. But while she was unable to sell them as many goods as were sold them by the United States and other countries, she was still so much lower than the rest of the world with her freight rates that she actually sold transportation to the Americans and other merchants who supplied the goods. The figures are of special interest at this time, when some of the chief offi cials of our own Government are en deavoring to show that 'our foreign trade is being hampered by reason of our not owning as many ships as some of our competitors. They prove quite conclusively that Great Britain deals heavier proportionately in transporta tion than she does in general traffic, even with her own possessions. They also prove that when the comparative area of the over-sea possessions of the United Kingdom and the United States is taken Into consideration, our own country has a proportionately larger merchant marine than her famous com petitor on whose domain the sun never sets. COMMISSIONERS TO BE ELECTED. The Joint railroad committee at Sa lem appears to have made up its mind that the State Railroad Commission should be elected by the people; but not now. There is a mighty effort to give an important piece of patronage to Governor Chamberlain in the ap pointment of commissioners. The pres ent Governor ought, in the committee's opinion, to be considered, but no other Governor. After Chamberlain, the del uge, possibly; and then the people only can be trusted. Why not begin right by placing the power to elect three commissioners with the people in June, 1908? Of course, there should be temporary ap pointments meanwhile, and it is proper that the Governor should appoint them. But it is not best, in the opinion of The Oregonian, that they should hold office after the people shall have had an opportunity to elect their suc cessors. The people in June, 1908, can elect three commissioners, two for four years and one for two years. In 1910 the successor of the short-term com missioner may be elected for a full term of four years. The railroad committee, we observe. Insists that the Commission shall have power and authority to employ a spe cial a.ttorney. Very well. That un doubtedly is a proper provision. A further provision should be made that no person who is the paid attorney of any shipper should be employed in that capacity. The Commission is entitled to have the public interest, and not any private interest, served through the labors and talents of its attorney. THAW'S DEFENSE. When Stanford White wa3 shot by Thaw the newspapers of the country almost unanimously decided that he had deserved his fate. Few, of course, approved the violent manner of his punishment. It was regretted that the law provides no adequate methods for bringing such characters to Justice, leaving vengeance, as it does, to the hands of those whom they have wronged; but that White had merited his fate the public voice agreed. Still there were dissentient opinions. It was said by a writer in Collier's Weekly that White was a gentle and lovable man, famous as an artist and kind to his family, whose life wa& . as blame less as his death was cruel. The writer added that the denunciations of White were products of "yellow Journalism." To his mind those habits which made White odious in the sight of the plain people of the country were-innocent, if not even commendable. There are, in fact, not a few men, and possibly women, too. In the world who hold that a girl who has to earn her living is the legitimate prey -of any man who can accomplish her ruin. Once fallen she is forever fallen. There is no pardon for her sin. While the man who has led her astray is not only forgiven, but, in some quarters at least, his deed Is rather accounted to his credit and he is at full liberty to look upon the girl thenceforward as. the slave of his pleas ures. Should- she endeavor to climb from the gulf of ruin where he has plunged her, he is permitted to thwart her efforts by every means that his de praved imagination may suggest. He may pursue her with solicitation; he may blacken her name; he may lie, slander and deceive her. No matter how vile the methods which he chooses to force his victim 'to follow a life of perpetual shame, a certain section of society condones and perhaps approves them. A.mong the members of the so cial set to which White belonged the ruin of young girls Is a recognized vari ety of sport. They class it as vastly more amusing than grouse shooting and not more immoral than stalking the moose. The common and statute law govern ing wrongs committed by men againet women represents the opinions 'of this social class, which includes many of the wealthy, all of the idle and some of the intellectually gifted. It has been contrived to protect rather than hinder them in the pursuit of their favorite sport. Thus, under the law of New York, "knowledge on the part of a man that hie wife was being pursued or annoyed by another would not be such provocation as to reduce a homi cide to manslaughter." It would per mit him to shoot a burglar who was attempting to steal his silver, but not a "gentleman" like White, who had first assaulted his wife in her innocent girl hood and afterward sought to drag; her back into renewed infamy. Nor do the courts of New York recognize any "higher law" pertaining to these mat ters. The privilege of a "gentleman" to pursue a woman who has once been his prey, to blight her life by his wiles and entrap her again if he can, is sa cred and inviolable. The father, the husband or the brother is forbidden to Invoke against him the primitive law of eye for eye and tooth for tooth. He may invoke this law In defense of his property, but not in defense of his wife, daughter or sister,. Thaw's defense, therefore, could not be placed on the broad basis that his deed was intrinsically Just and that he had been compelled by the defects of the law itself to right his own immeas urable wrong. The plea of insanity was his sole recourse. To make this plea good under the law of New York he need only prove that at the time when he shot White his mind was so affetfted that he did not know "the na ture and quality of his act,' or did not know that his act was wrong." The word "wrong" here means "illegal," since if his act was not morally wrong of course it Would be absurd to think of his "knowing that it was wrong," whether he was insane or not. More- Iover, he need only establish that he was "insane" in this restricted sense at th& moment when he fired the shot. His mental state before and afterward Is of no consequence. This makes the problem of the defense comparatively simple. To accomplish the one vital purpose of showing that . Thaw's mind was so affected at the time when he shot White that he did not know his act was illegal, Mr. Delmas, his lawyer, introduces two lines of evidence. The first tends to show that Thaw Is pre disposed to insanity by heredity. The second, that White's pursuit of Mrs. Thaw was so persistent and malignant that insanity was actually produced. Thaw's brooding over the original be trayal of his wife by White in her girl hood would contribute to the same ef fect; therefore the particulars of this event, her narrative of White's gen tlemanly wiles to accomplish his pur pose, are submitted to the Jury by the astute attorney for the defense. There seems to be no doubt whatever that Thaw loved his wife passionately. The story of her fall, or rather her betrayal, before he met her, does not seem to have diminished his affection in the least, but in all probability it did in duce prolonged and morbid brooding of the sort that leads to madness. "That way madness lies," said Lear of similar harrowing thoughts. Whatever the technical result of the trial may be. Thaw has the sympathy of that part of mankind which sets the welfare of the family above the sensual pleasures of the aristocracy. The ordinance limiting -the height of reinforced concrete buildings to eight stories has been reconsidered by the City Council and twelve stories is the extreme limit now fixed for such build ings when they cover 100 square feet or more of ground. Careful tests of this material have been made, and the result Is held to Justify the extension of the height limit. Modern engineer ing skill may be trusted must be trusted indeed not to exceed the lim its of public safety in matters of this kind. Wise waggings of the head In spired by Ignorance of the subject and by fear which is commonly the result of ignorance, are not to be taken as safety gauges. Prudent men, however, see the necessity of an inspection that inspects, and of engineering skill that is something more than technical in the construction Of lofty buildings, and can only hope that Portland Is- well equipped in these lines. We want twelve-etory buildings if we can have therh properly constructed with ma terial that will stand the . tremendous strain not otherwise. Washington lawgivers approve the Oregon law that sends wifebeaters to the whipping-post, and have under consideration the enactment of a like measure. The law has not found favor In Oregon, chiefly, perhaps, because of its lax administration. Its effect is said to be brutalizing upon the recipi ent of the penalty, but, after all. appeal can only be made to a. brute through means that he can understand. This law, like any other, must be rigidly and impartially enforced if it is to prove salutary. It is a fact, well known, that its enforcement has not oeen insisted upon by the courts of the state, and it cannot be said, therefor.e to have been given a fair and full trial. The human hounds to whose backs the lash has been applied have whined like the curs that they are under the penalty. There iff no evidence that they have been fur ther "brutalized" by its application, while there is good reason to believe that the fear of another dose of their own medicine has deterred some of them from repeating the gross offense of wlfebeatlng. If the song of the meadow lark Is the advance call of Spring, that much-desired season Is close at hand. Even In the days when snow was on the ground and Ice covered the snow, the trill of these cheerful and hardy .little song sters rose and fell on the air, shaming the human grumbler who looked from the windows of his warm room and listened. Of course we know that with February nearly half gone Spring will soon be here, but it is pleasant never theless to be reassured of that fact by the songs of birds. Shocking, these revelations about the Franklin Association. A local Job printing trust to keep up prices and gouge the public? Cannot be true, or we should "have heard ere this from those valiant friends of the people and lynx-eyed guardians of the weal of the plain people. Senator Hofleon, Senator Beach and Senator Bailey, all about the Iniquity of such monopolies, and they would be sitting up nights at Sa lem to devise ways and means to bust the trust. Yes, indeed. Councilman Shepherd, too, deserves a little more public attention and sympa thy than he has had. He is about the hardest-worked man in Portland to earn his two salaries, one from the Harriman system and; the other from the city. But it must be admitted that the associated plutocracy got value re ceived on his vote on gaa franchise revocation. But what did the public get? The point of view over in Bunchgrass is of the right sort. Recently some people were arrested at Harney for killing a calf. They set up the defense that they were lost and hungry. The owner of the animal said he would have done the same and withdrew the case. Possibly the Thaw witnesses might be able to answer Mr. Delmas' question ae to whether Mr. Thaw acted in. an "irrational" manner after he killed White if they could learn what is a rational way for a murderer to act Just after the crime. Good Judges predict a yield of a mil lion dollars from the placers in the neighborhood of Grant's Pass this sea son. 'If Rogue River cannot beat Hood River on apples, she can dig up the dust all right. The virtuous Councilman Sharkey doesn't propose to be "used" by The Oregonian. Probably not, since The Oregonian has not suggested or tried to arrange It. There Is no other reason. Councilman Annand, we observe. Is a candidate for Mayor. He has started well with the support of the Portland Gas Company. GiveTl adequate transportation, the copper mines tributary to Baker City will rival the world's best. Its day Is in sight. For the proposed State of Lincoln, Baker City could easily furnish the gubernatorial . candidates. HARDSHIP TO POOR SETTLERS Fulton Confers With Roosevelt on Suspension of Patents. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, Feb. 7. Senator Fulton had a long conference" with the Presi dent today ' in regard to the latter's order suspending all public land entries until they can be examined on the ground by a special agent of the Land Office. The Senator said this order was bound to work hardship on honest settlers, and was to his mind conducive to more harm than good. The President admitted that he had never looked on the matter as Mr. Fulton did, and said he could see dis advantages that he knew nothing of when the order was issued. While he made no promises, he rather gave tho Impression that the order would be modified, particularly as it applies to homestead entries. Where Fraud Conies In. Mr. Fulton told the President that the greatest amount of fraud In the past had been committed under the timber and stone act, but he showed that fraud under that law was not such as could be discovered by a spe cial agent visiting the entry. The fraud was usually in the form of an agreement between the entryman and a prospective purchaser of the land, and such agreements would be no more apparent to a special agent examining the timber than to the department in Washington. For this reason, he be lieved examination of- the timber en tries by a special agent would fall to accomplish the President's purpose. As applied to homesteads the Sen ator said it would be a hardship to withhold patents from settlers who had complied with the law, mostly be cause their entries had not been per sonally inspected by a special agent. Many times setlers are anxious to ob tain title se they can mortgage their land and obtain money for improve ments or for other legitimate purposes.- Sometimes they might want to sell. The long delays Incident to ex amination would defeat these pur poses. Slight Bribe Special Agents. On the other hand, he told the Presi dent that out of hundreds of special agents at salaries of $1200 a year tho Government would be bound to get many men who would not be above ac cepting bribes, and such special agents, instead of protecting honest settlers and exposing orooks, would accept money from men who were breaking the law to sustain their records, but would report adversely on honest en tries where the entrymen would re fuse to bribe them. He believed that more fraud would be consummated under this system than is perpetrated now. The President seemed much im pressed and admitted that these argu ments placed the matter in an entire ly new light and he would go deeper into the situation. Intimating, as stat ed, that he would modify his order, at least in so far as It applies to home stead entries. SEATTLE CANAL IS REVIVED Dimensions of Moore's Ditch Altered. Government to Build Lock. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. AH Oregon and Wash ington items in the river and harbor bill as reported by the committee were agreed to by the House today. In addition, the committee amended the bill to permit James A. . Moore of Seattle, or King County, to construct a canal 25 feet deep and 75 feet wide connecting Puget Sound with Lake Washington, It being under stood that the next river and harbor bill will carry money to construct a lock in this canal necessary to prevent the lower ing of the level of Lake Washington, which is to be used as a fresh-water harbor back of Seattle. The committee also authorized a survey of the Snoho mish River from its mouth to Lowell. NEW POSTMASTER AT BAKER Moomaw Ousted for Incompetency After Second Trial. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. Senator Fulton today set tled the postofflce fight at Baker City by recommending the appointment of William H. Packard, Sr., to succeed David L. Moomaw, who has been re moved for incompetency and neglect of duty. Moomaw was serving his second term, having been originally appointed by Representative Moody. The department was unfavorable to his reappointment, but the people of Baker City generally desired that he have an other term, and the department yielded. His conduct of the office lately has been so lax that It was decided to oust him. No corruption or fraud is charged against him, however. LOOKS BRIGHT FOR SEATTLE Senate Committee Reports Appropri ation for Fair Exhibits. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. The Senate committee on expositions today favorably reported Senator Ankeny's bill making an ap propriation for Government exhibits at the Seattle Exposition. The total appro priation was cut from $1,250,000 to $700,000, the items being as follows: Alaska exhibit, $250,000; Hawaiian ex hibit. $50,000; Philippine exhibit, $75,000; three buildings to house these exhibits, $325,000. Mr. Ankeny expects to call up the bill for consideration at an early day. The entire Washington delegation ap peared In Its behalf at the committee meeting this morning. Bourne Dines Western Senators. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 7. Senator Bourne gave an informal dinner today at the Shoreham to the Senators from the extreme West ern states. The Senators present were Fulton and Mulkey, Oregon; Ankeny and Piles. Washington; Heyburn, Idaho; Suth erland and Smoot, Utah; Newlands and Nixon, Nevada; Carter and Dixon, Mon tana; Warren and Clark, Wyoming. The California Senators and Senator Clark, of Montana, declined because of previous engagements. Dubois was out of the city. The dinner was entirely unofficial and merely for the purpose of encourage ing good fellowship. All Oregon Items Included. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Feb. 7. The House today agreed to all the Oregon Items In the rivers and harbors bill, aggregat ing $3,213,240, of which $1,700,000 is a continuing appropriation, the balance being immediately, available. More Money for Pacific Lights. . OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 7. The Senate commerce committee reported the House omnibus lighthouse bill with amendments added giving $20,000 ior rebuilding the lighthouse at Cape Arago and $120,000 for a lighthouse vessel at Oxford Reefs. Right of Way Across Fort Columbia. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. The Senate today passed Senator Fulton's bill authorizing the II waco Railroad to build across the Fort Columbia reservation and quarantine station grounds on its way from llwaco to Knappton, SCHOOL QUESTION SEPARATE Japanese Press Denounces Proposed Labor Treaty as Farce. TOKIO.-Feb. 8. (Noon.) While ig noring the anti-Japanese feeling in a portion of the American press, the Jap anese public is almost unanimous In demanding that the solution of the San Francisco school question must not involve the labor question. A mutual treaty restricting the emi gration of laborers is condemned here as a farce and a one-sided concession, sacrificing Japan's honor without any recompense whatever. It Is felt that, even with the United States, nothing derogatory to national honor, however slight, must be admitted ln4the diplo matic relations of both nations. DID NOT DISCUSS AMERICA Japanese Privy Council Rumor False War Talk Ridiculed. TOKIO, Feb. 7. A report reaching here from America to the effect that the Privy Council had met Tuesday last to consider a dispatch from Washington is repleto with great surprises and some indignation. It is thought here by some that the report has been put into circu lation by some careless or irresponsible source. Others see a sinister motive aiming to Injure the relations between Japan and the United States by the de liberate falsehood and exaggeration. It is generally felt by the well meaning that no care Is too great at this moment to prevent misunderstanding when alarm ists are busy in America. The Asso ciated Press is informed on the best of authority that the matter submitted to the deliberation of the Privy Council Tuesday was entirely of an Internal nature and had no relation to diplomatic matters. Even a slight knowledge of the constitution of the Privy Council would be sufficient to save misapprehen sion on occasions like the present. Should American relations assume a gravity warranting a special meeting of the Privy Council, the fact would not escape the attention of press correspondents. As has previously been cabled, quiet reigns, regardless of alarmist reports in America. The idea that Japan would go to war with the United States is consid ered generally to be simply ridiculous. There is no doubt that among the emi grants to Hawaii there are several who served in the Russian war, but it is pointed out that nothing was more ab surd than the report of an elaborate or ganization prepared to act in an emer gency. The report is regarded as simply dem onstrating sheer ignorance. If not a ma lignant move. OPPOSED TO DISCRIMINATION Los Angeles Chamber on Separate Schools for Japanese. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The President today received a telegraphic copy of a resolution adopted yesterday by the Ixis Angeles Chamber of Commerce upon the Japanese school question, which expresses the belief that the public sentiment of California, especially of the southern part, upon the question of the exclusion of the Japanese from the general public school system of the state has been to some extent misrepresented and is largely misunderstood. The sentiment Is expressed that on the main question, whatever may be the diversity of opin ion upon the constitutional and legal phases, the board is assured that "the general trend of public opinion in South ern California Is decidedly adverse to any discrimination against the Japanese as a people In the matter of public school privileges, and the belief that this opin ion Is based upon consideration of equity and Justice and is held altogether inde pendent of any attitude which the Jap anese government has assumed or may assume In regard to the question. More Time for Klamath Contract. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. -7. The Secretary of the Interior has granted an extension to April 20 to the Mason-Davis Com pany, of Portland, for the completion of their contracts on schedules L 2 and 3 of the main canal of the Klamath Irri gratlon project. The work consists of nine miles of canal, which, under the terms of the contract, should be com pleted by February 16. Bars Monopoly In Coal Lands. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Representa tive Lacey, of Iowa, chairman of the House committee on public lands, in troduced a bill today, the purpose of which is to prevent monopolies in coal lands. The measure provides that pat ents to coal lands shall contain a clause stipulating that', they are to become Invalid In case they are transferred to persons or corporations holding more than 5000 acres of coal lands. Harbor Rill in the Senate. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The Senate committee on commerce today decided to begin consideration of the. rivers and harbors bill next Monday. The committee will sit every day next week to hear the representations of Senators In support of amendments. but no other persons will be heard. EVICTED INCOME TAX FOR FRANCE Government Proposes to Make Rich Bear Burden, Relieve Poor. PARIS, Feb. 7. The government's new scheme of taxation. Introduced In the Chamber of Deputies today, created a great stir when it was made public this afternoon after the closing of the Bourse. If enacted into a law, It will constitute a complete readjustment of the financial system. The old door, window, poll and other direct taxes are to be replaced by a system based upon Incomes. Laborers are practically exempt. The taxes upon Incomes of over $1000 a year is made progressive up to 4 per cent of the total. Even government rentes (bonds), excepting those held abroad, only nominally escape, the cou pons themselves being exempt, but the revenue therefrom being taxed, when the total income of the holder exceeds the minimum laid down. French savings are largely Invested in rentes. The burdens placed upon foreign securities, both pri vate and governmental, constitute a par ticularly heavy blow to Russian securi ties, of which It estimated that from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000 are held In France. The new Income tax measure is one of the radical reforms to which the Clem enceau Ministry committed itself upon assuming office. While it is received with unbounded' Joy by the Socialists as a proper shifting of the burden of taxation to the shoulders of the idle rich, it is sure to encounter intense opposition from the more moderate Republicans, as well as from the Conservative parties. How the nation at large will receive the measure remains to be seen and, while it is resented by the rich. It seems likely to prove popular with the masws. Only 600.0C0 families are affected by the higher progressive Income features, which Fi nance Minister Caillaux estimates will produce S24.0CAO0O a year. The other 500, 000 taxable families of France are com posed of "petits rentiers'" (small fund holders), who live upon modest savings that produce lesn than $1000 a year and who are liable to the lower rate of tax ation. Venezuela Prepares for Revolt. SAN JUAN. Porto Rico. Feb. 7. Ac- ...ini. trt naqcpn?pr who arrived hers from Venezuela by the steamer Philadel phia, troops are beginning to move in v.T,A.,,alg T-ncit Mnniiav n. trnlnload of soldiers and f0 carts of cartridges were sent out of Caracas. A Hecree nrohihitine mask ne and palnt ing the face during the carnival has been issued in Caracas because of the fear of trouble. Vice-President Gomez, who is directing affairs In the absence of President Castro, who is ill. is said to be practically a prisoner at his residence. SENTENCE OX XEBOGATOFF Admiral Prisoner for Ten Years for Surrendering. . ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 7. The Em peror has confirmed the sentences passed by the court-martial on Vlce-Admlral Nebogatoff and other naval officers tried. Nebogatoff will be kept in a fortress for ten years and others for varying periods. Japan Forces China to Sell. NIUCHWANG, Feb. 7. Land? has been bought from the Chinese here under military compulsion by the Japanese ad ministration and handed over to tho South Manchurian Railway, extending Its concessions. This road will be under military rule, with ten councillors to be selected by the Governor. The Liaotung Railway Is extending its concessions at ah stations which wiU Injure foreign in terests. Speed Test for Drendnaught. LONDON, Feb. 7. The battleship Dreadnaught is to be given a severe speed test, according to oflicial reports. Dur ing the trip from Gibraltar from the Island of Trinidad, the big ship is to endeavor to maintain a speed of 17 knots over the entire course. The machinery of the battleship is In fine condition for the test. Rain Aggravates Kingston Woes. KINGSTON, Feb. 7. Rain Is falling, and Is Increasing the discomforts of the earthquake sufferers who are encamped in the racetrack and In the parks. The work of building homes for the needy is being hurried. A heavy earthquake shock occurred Tuesday night. It lasted nearly ten Beconds. Avalanche Kills Fifteen Men. BUCHAREST, Roumania, Feb. 7. Fifteen woodcutters were overwhelmed by an avalanche yesterday in the Mus cel district of the Transylvania Moun tains. All the men were dead when dug out of the snow. Troops Close French Seminary. NICE. France, Feb. 7. Troops and gendarmes today participated in the ex pulsion of the students from a local seminary. There was much hooting at the soldiers, but there was no violence. Famous War Correspondent III. LONDON, Feb. 7. Sir William How ard Russell, the war correspondent who described the battle of Bull Run for the London Times, is critically ill. From the New York World.