THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. THREATEN TO BOLT Three Members of Joint Rail road Committee Angry. CHAPIN BILL IN DANGER Entire Commission Question Put Up Into Air by Wavering of Major ity on Manner of Appoint ment of Commissioners. SALBM, Or.. Feb. 7. Speelal.) Though the Joint railroad committee of the two houses yesterday decided on the Chapln bill for a Railroad Commission, and re solved on the changes it would recom mend In thnt measure, the question again Is up in the air tonight, as several times before, and three members of-the House committee threaten to bolt the joint com mittee and recommend to the House the appointment of the three commissioners by a state board and election by the peo ple In 1908; perhaps even the substitution of the Jackson bill for the Chapln meas ure. This is the outcome of a meeting this afternoon of the Joint committee, which went back on its decision of yesterday to the extent of deciding to recommend that two of the three commissioners' ap pointed by the Governor shall hold office until 1910. and that but one shall be elect ed In 19i. Today's outcome was opposed in the Joint committee by Senators Wright, Not tingham, Bingham and Miller, and Rep resentatives Coffey and Edwards, making ctx In all. The three negative voices were those of Representatives Jones of Polk, and King and Holt. These three yester day had agreed to have one commissioner hold until 1910, and were then Joined by Wright. Miller and Edwards. Jones, Holt and King had brought themselves to yes terday's agreement with reluctance, and when today Wright, Miller and Edwards declared themselves In favor of allowing another of Governor Chamberlain's ap pointees to hold until 1910, and only one to be elected in 1908, they "went into the air." The four minority members of the com mittee yesterday were Bingham, Coffey, Nottingham and Bowerman, the last named of whom today was absent. Friends of the Chapln bill see the meas ure in danger of going to pot over the manner of selecting the commissioners. The chances are considered good of the railroad question making a battle on the floor of both houses. Today's developments are a fair sam ple of the waverings to which the joint committee has been subject. First it ap peared to favor appointment by a state board and election by the people in 1908. Then it favored appointment by the Gov ernor. Next it compromised on letting the Governor appoint until 1908. Then It agreed to let one of the Governor's ap pointees hold until 1910. And finally today it decides to let two of the Governor's appointees hold until 1910. W. W. Cotton and W. D. Fenton, attor neys for the Harriman roads, were here all day, but did not appear before the committee. They were said to be seeking to have the review powers of the courts widened beyond what the Chapln bill now anows. and to have each Congressional district represented by a commissioner and the state at large represented in the third member. BILLS PASSED BY THE HOISE liarge Grist Ground Out at Last Night's Session. SALEM. Or.." Feb. 7. (Special.) The House tonight passed local bills as fol lows: H. B. 370, McCallon Fixing salary of Sheriff of polk County at $a00, an in creane of $JO0 pr annum. H. B. 24;j. by Drl.coll Restoring? custody of Multnomah County jail to Sheriff and fixing price to be paid Sheriff for feeding prisoners at 1214 cents per meal. H. B. 31T, Pike Creating 12th Judicial Ilstrlct of Gilliam, Wheeler and Sherman Counties, fixing salary of Circuit Judge same as paid other Circuit Judges of state, and Prosecuting Attorney $3000 per annum. Oovtrnor to appoint officers to serve until general election in 1008. H. B. 20H, Moore Allowing County Su perintendent of Baker County $400 per nnnum traveling expenses. M. B. 35H. Dobbin Fixing salary of County Superintendent of Wallowa at $1000 per annum, and $200 per annum traveling expenses. Substitute H. B. 18.1, King Flxinfc sal aries of Malheur County officers. H. B. 80. Driscoll Fixing salary of Au ditgr of Multnomah County at $3000 per . annum and two deputies at not to ex ceed $150 and $90 per month. Substitute H. B. 204 (by special commit tee) Protection of China pheasants in Jack eon County. H. B. IIS. Slusher Giving Sheriff of Morrow County same- fees In civil cues that are allowed constables. H. B. 212. Merryman Fixing salary of County Superintendent of Klamath County Bt $12')0 per annum. H. B. 22, King Fixing salary of As sessor of Harney County at $1000 'r an num. S. B. 103, Smith of Umatilla Fixing houndary between Union and Wallowa Counties,, as agreed upon by Joint commis sion. H. B. 303, Belknap Fixing salary of Crook County Assessor at $1000 per annum. H. B; 259. Belknap Providing for five Deputy Assessors in Crook County at sal ary of $10n per annum. H. B. S2S, Merryman Allowing Assessor of Klamath County $300 per annum for deputy hire. H. B. 330. MerrymaTi Authorizing Coun ty Clerk of Klamath County to appoint two deputies, salaries to be fixed by County Court. H. B. 301, Donnelly Providing for Crook County Deputy County Clerk at $900 and Deputy Sheriff at $1200. H. B. 295, Jackson Regulating trout fishing In 1'mpoua River. H. B. 141. Beats Abolishing closed sea son on Tillamook County streams. H. B. 23, Jackson Protection of salmon In I'mpqua River. S. B. 30. Bingham Allowing Lane County Schcol Superintendent $200 per annum and stenographer. S. B. 1B, Cole Changing time for hold ing court In Sixth Judicial District. H. B. 356, Bones Fixing salary of Coun ty Treasurer of Yamhill County at $900 per annum. H. B. 341. Northup Consolidating Port land Justice Districts in one department. H. B. 376. fpmeyer (by request) Fixing Linn County Treasurer at $1200 per annum. H. B. 374, Coffey Repealing Portland Gas Company's franchise. H. B. 359. Merryman Fixing salary of County Treasurer of Klamath County at $1"00 per -annum. S. B. 103. Coshow Allowing Douglas County School Superintendent clerical as sistance. H. B. 24T, McCue Fixing salary of Jus tice of the Peace at Astoria at $'J00 per annum and constable at $780. H. B. 387, Washington County delegation Fixing salary of School Superintendent of Washington County, at $900 per annum. S. B. 11, Beach Fixing salaries of Dep uty County Clerks of Multnomah County as follows: Two chief deputies at $150 per month, other deputies at from $00 to $123 per month. S. B. 100. Malarkey Creating office of Deputy Constable for Portland at salary $1200 per annum. Au, Cfuiho b'UlaH, saJgrlas ai twaJL deputy clerks for Douglas County Bt $1000 and $800 per annum, and Deputy Assessor at $1000 per annum. Xew Bills In the House. , SALEM, Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) The following bills were introduced In the House tonight: H. B. 393, Upmeyer, by request Prohibit ing carrying liquors into prohibition coun ties and districts. H. B. 391, Rackleff Providing a salary of $125 per annum for the County Commis sioners of Curry County. H. B. 392, Freeman Repealing all per petual franchises. H. B. 393, Northup Limiting to 1500 the number of names allowed on the Jury list, with a minimum of 1000, In Multno mah County. H. B. 304. Northup Amending insurance law and requiring all life insurance com panies to file reports with Insurance Com missloner by March 1 annually, showing value of all policies In effect December 81 preceding. In same manner as nre insur ance companies. H. B. 395, Farrell, Chapln, Beals and Newell For sterilization of feeble-minded, epileptic and insane persons and prisoners In the state penitentiary. H. B. 396, Simmons, by request Making Judgment lien creditors prior to all other Hens, except prior mortgage liens, where Judgment debt is for improvements that have enhanced the value of property. H. B. 397, Beals Repealing article 1, chaDter 11. article 39. relating to lease by County Courts leasing toll roads. H. B. 398, Jackson, by request Dividing state into ten mineral districts, creating of fices of State Mineralogist at $2000 per an num. Assistant State Mineralogist at $1500 per annum and District Director at $600 per annum. H. B. 399, Burns Amending law as to sale of foods and drinks so as to apply to firms and corporations as well as to indi viduals. H. B. 400, Knowles Extending closed sea son for salmon fishing to cover the follow ing periods: March 13, noon, to April 20, noon, and August 20, noon, to September 15 noon, or between hours of 6 P. M. Sat urday and 6 P. M. Sunday, in any week between April 20 and August 20. (This bill was recommended by Joint committee on fisheries of Oregon and Washington.) H. B. 401, Jones of Polk and Lincoln- Placing natural oyster beds under control and regulation by the State Board of Fish Commissioners. H. B. 402. Gray of Jackson Authorizing County Judge and Commissioners of Doug las County to transfer certain land to John Nachter. Xew Bills in the Senate. SALEM. Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) Bills were Introduced in the Senate to day as follows: S. B. 194, Malarkey Authorizing forma tion of religious corporations. 6. B. 193, Beach Governing appeals to the Supreme Court. S. B. 190, Coshow Fixing boundaries be tween Coos and Douglas Counties. S. B. 11)7, Hodson To regulate bailment of grain for hire. S. B. 198, McDonald Appropriating $2000 for First Eastern Oregon Agricultural So ciety. S. B. 199. McDonald Fix salary of Treas urer ol Union County. S. B. 20O, Iaughary To fix penalty for forgery of public documents. S. B. 201, Laughary Increasing salary of County Judge of Polk County. S. B. 202, revision of laws committee -Sutistitute for S. B. 155, to regulate the Issuance and payment of time-checks. Bills Passed by the House. SALEM, Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) The House today passed the following: bills: S. B. 61. Whealdon Amending law and providing that unused balances .of appor tionment of school funds be returned to general fund of county. S. B. 1, Miller of Linn Changing time of meeting of State Board of Textbook Com missioners. H. B. 53 (substitute by committee on re vision of laws) For recording conditional sales of engines and other machinery and to prevent same from becoming a part of -realty, to which attached until they are paid for 37 ayes, 10 noes, 4 absent. H. B. 283, by committee on ways and means Appropriating $2300 to pay bal ance of claims due - Indian War Veterans, not Included in appropriation of 1003. Bills Killed in the House. SALEM. Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) The House today Indefinitely postponed further consideration of the following bills: H. B. 43, Barret of Washington Prohib iting the operation of traction engines over any of the public highways of the state except by special permit of County Court. H. B. 193, Kubll Amending road law, subject being covered In another bill by Perkins. HAVE FRIENDS IX THE HOUSE Bill Favored by the Osteopaths Is , Favorably Reported. Sentiment in the House, respecting osteopaths, may be said to have been re flected in the report of the committee on health and public morals which this morning was favorably reported in Rep resentative Wilson's bill, House bill Nov 236. creating a state board of osteopathic examination and registration, consisting of five members, to be appointed by the Governor, to regulate the practice of osteopathy within the state. Bills of this character are usually referred to the com mittee on medicine and pharmacy which Invariably Is composed of physicians and druggists, who are generally not too friendly towards the osteopathic frater nity. So when the Wilson bill came up for second reading and reference in the House, friends of the measure were suc cessful in having it referred to the com mittee on health and public morals by which a favorable report was made. The feeling in the House appears to be favorable to the bill which gives these practitioners an Independent state board. A similar bill in the Senate was adversely acted upon by the committee on medicine and pharmacy, and a sub stitute offered giving the osteopaths one member on the State Board of Medical Examiners. The bill is . a special order for 12 A. M. Tuesday. WOMEN DEMAND TIIE BAXLOT Mrs. Duniway Again Carries Suf frage Fight Into Legislature. SALEM. Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) Ballots for women will again be made an issue In the June election, 1908, if a constitu tional amendment proposed by Represent ative Jones, of Folk, shall be adopted toy the Legislature and submitted to the electors at that time- The resolution for the amendment has been drafted by Attorney-General Crawford. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, president of the Oregon State Equal Suffrage Asso ciation, Is here today urging the amend ment. She is enjoying the courtesies of both houses, by unanimous invitation, and Is quite sanguine that the amendment will go through the Legislature, thereby saving the labor and expense of proposing it under the initiative. Mrs. Duniway says that the lawmakers who are not being asked to go on record as favoring the amendment on its merits seem quite favorably disposed toward a resolution to expedite the labors of -the women as a matter of courtesy. Against the Poll Tax Law. SALEM, Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) The House today accepted a favorable report of the committee on assessment and tax ation on Representative Newell's bill for repeal of the $1 a year poll tax. PHOTO POST CARDS SCENERY. Kiser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel. Substantial comfort, good tea and coffee. SciiUjjuK's Best. GAS MONOPOLY IS BEATEN III HOUSE (Continued From First Page.) question. I hold that the substitute bill is not proper, and cannot be so adopted. Freeman In the City of Portland there are a number of perpetual franchises; in fact, I hold in my hand a list of them, fur nished by Mr. Leslie Scott, including the Portland General Electric Company, the American Postal Telegraph Company and the Southern Pacific, on Fourth street. Davey Asks Information. Speaker Davey Was the Portland Gen eral Electric Company given a perpetual franchise from the State of Oregon, or from the City of Portland alone? Freeman From the State of Oreogn. Driscoll For the City of Portland only. Rodgers I would like to know what the question before the House Is? . Speaker Davey Shall the report of the committee be adopted? Freeman I wish to make a little ex planation here, which, I think, is in order, if I will be given an opportunity to make it. Coffey I rise to a point of order. Speaker Davey The gentleman will be al lowed to make his personal explanation. Freeman The question is whether or not the bill is a propel substitute for the bill as presented by Mr. Coffey. I think every perpetual franchise Is on the same basis. Every perpetual franchise granted by the State of Oregon stands In the same light. This Coffey bill is Just chipping off one little chunk of the block. It is not helping the people as they wish to be helped. We have reported back a substitute which in cludes the revocation of all these fran chises along the line of what the people want. It removes all the perpetual fran chises In the State of Oregon. This gas franchise was granted In 1859, when the City of Portland was no larger than the City of Salem is now, and because the fran chise was not set aside as the city grew the company has now become an octopus which the people wish to throw oft. There are others In the same boat. "If it is up to the delegation to furnish relief, this is the bill we want to substitute and not make this delegation the prosecuting attorney for The Oregonlan against any one of them. Speaker Makes His Ruling. Speaker Davey The position of the chair Is that as this was a bill referred to the Multnomah delegation that committee has no authority to bring in a bill covering the entire state. Driscoll The gentleman has said it is the amended bill he has offered this House. Why did -he not introduce a bill to this House to repeal It? Freeman I did introduce a bill. Speaker Davey The question is decided. The clerk will read the next report. Freeman This was offered, not as the report of this committee, but offered on be half of the delegation, to be referred to whatever committee might be designated. Speaker Davey The gentleman may in troduce a new bill. Coffey I move It be adopted. Mr. Speaker and members of this Assembly: The city of Portland wants to get rid of the gas franchise. If a vote was taken in the City of Portland today I believe I am safe In saying, and truthfully saying, to you that 80 per cent of the vote of the City of Port land would be in favor of this bill. Now, I do not object to Mr. Freeman's hill, and if Mr. Freeman will produce his bill if he is acting fair and square, trying to do what Is right by his constituents and by the State of Oregon let him produce his bill, have It entered on the calendar, Introduced to first reading and then put up to the mem bers of this House, I will support It. But I do object to the stealthy manner in which It is Introduced; It is simply In here to kill this other bill. I am explaining why I think this report should be adopted. It Is true there are a majority of the Multnomah County del egation against this bill, and they have dragged The Oregonlan into it. I do not care anything about what The Oregonlan wants; it is what the people want. If The Oregonlan wants what the people want, I say good for The Oregonlan. Freeman's Final Stand. Freeman The question Is whether or not this report should be adopted. Now. is this House going to adopt it? If this were some local measure, such as the payment of a County Judge or District Attorney, or any other local matter which might come up here, and the majority were in favor of one thing and the minority in favor of an other, is this House going to ratify the minority or the majority? That Is the question whether or not they are going to take the report of five out of 12 and adopt it; whether or not the House is going to adopt the minority report. If it Is, the sooner we know it the better. Northup I would like 'to say Just what occurred in the meeting of our delegation this morning. I object to the adoption of this report for the simple reason that it Is not a correct report. We met there this morning, and of the Representatives there were 11 present. Five of them voted In favor of this bill. Introduced by Mr. Cof fey, and six of them against it and In favor of the substitute. When the result o vote was made known, Mr. Driscoll, chair man of the committee, refused to sign the report of the majority. Driscoll I desire to explain. Davey You can explain. Mr. Driscoll, as soon as Mr. Northup has finished. Northup Now then, one report Mr. Driscoll's report, the minority report comes in and Is read as the majority re port of the delegation. I ask you gentle men, is that fair play? Driscoll I want to state that I do not consider the report of Mr. Freeman a proper report to bring before our delegation. I do not think it Is, and I do not think the House does, either. Speaker Davey The votes have been counted, resulting In 25 ayes, 2.1 noes. The motion Is carried and the report adopted. Stormy Scenes In Committee. Representative rrlBnii Ahotm... the delegation, presided at the meeting at which the majority and minority re ports were framed. It proved chaotic in the extreme, as many as half a dozen at times occupying the floor simultane ously. After the delegation had voted favorably to report Northup's bill pro viding for A rnnRdlMnHnn nf tha -DnH,innj justice districts Into one department. Chairman Driscoll read a letter from D. B. Piper, managing editor of The rro gonlan, dated February 6 and addressed to the members of the Multnomah delega tion, calllnc 'their attention in v, eral demand on the part of the people oi .r-oruana lor revocation of perpetual franchisee! held h.r the T'riT-t T t ti .7 n pany and other companies. The letter was as follows: Calls Attention to Pledges. Gentlemen: We beg leave to call vour at tention, respectfully, to the subiect of r- petual franchlsesi in the CUy of Portland, which was an Issue in the primary election msx April ana in the general election last June. Each one of you then nominated and elected announced yourselves in favor of re pealing perpetual franchises. The Oregonlan then took the liberty of asking you. In behalf of the people of Portland, your views on this Bubjeot, and the readiness of your responses caused It to believe that It was not presum ing too mucn m doing so. In Portland are highly valuable street fran chises, capitalized for millions of dollars by their possessors, who draw interest and divi dends on such capitalization at the expense-of the people. ' These franchises cost their pos sessors nothing, when granted, and the per petual class of such grants return nothing to the city as compensation for the privilege of using the public streets, save for a small fran chise tax, from an assessment of but a small fraction of their capitalization. The streetcar and the telephone franchises have limited duration. Practically all the others are perpetual. Of the perpetual fran chises, some were granted -by the city, which can exercise the same power that granted them, to revoke them. Others were granted by the Legislature of Oregon, and these It seems the city cannot revoke, since they are In the hands of the lawmaking power of the state. The two street franchises, of perpetual dura tion, granted by the Legislature, are those of the Portland Gas Company. These the city, evidently, cannot repeal. All others the city can repeal. Again, the Legislature would seem to be prohibited from repealing the others by the amendment to section 2 of article 11 of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, en acted last June, as follows: Section 2. Corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by the Legislative Assembly by special laws. The Legislative Assembly shall not enact. amend, or repeal any charter or act of In corporation, for any municipality, city or town. The legal voters of every city and town are hereby gran-ted power lo enact and emend their municipal charter, subject tr the constitution and criminal laws of the State of Oregon." Forbidden by Constitution. And -the Legislature would seem to be further restrained by the following constitu tional amendment adopted at the same time, after section 1, of article 4, containing the following: "The Initiative and referendum powers re served to the people by this constitution, are Bereby further reserved to the legal voters of every municipality and district, as to all local, special and municipal legislation, of every character, in or for their respective municipalities and districts." The City of Portland has granted railroad franchises on Fourth and East Second streets, under an act of 1862, empowering cities to make such granUs. and has granted railroad franchises on minor streets. It has granted franchises for electric light and power wires, now owned by the Portland General Electric Company. It has granted a franchise to three telegraph companies and to the Portland Hydraullo Elevator Company. It has granted a gas franchise. In East Portland, before con solidation, and this franchise Is now possessed by the Portland Gas Company. All these are perpetual street franchises, their duration not having been fixed In the grants. These, ap parently, the Legislature cannot touch, on account of the constitutional amendments above cited. But two other franchises for gas, besides the one cited for East Portland, having been enacted by the Legislature, one In 1850, the other in 1874, the Legislature evidently can revoke. The people of Portland are demanding that all perpetual franchises be revoked and that the grants tor the use of the public streets, made years ago, shall be supplanted with new ones giving the city power to collect compen sation commensurate with the privileges al lowed and to regulate price and quality of service. This question will be brought up In the city election next June, when an endeavor will be put forth to elect a Council that will revoke the perpetual franchises granted by the city. The two perpetual franchises which the city casnot -repeal, can be repealed by the Legislature. We therefore respectfully ask that these matters be considered by you as members of the Legislature of Multnomah County. Yours truly, . E. B. PIPER. Managing Editor Oregonlan. Representatives Show Hands. Representative Coffey's bill proposing the repeal of the rrancmse or tne fort land Gag Company was read and then the members of the delegation began to show their hands. Representative Freeman led off as chief spokesman for the opposition to the Coffey bill. "I do not think this delegation or any member of the delegation should appear as special prosecutor for The Oregonian," he said in excuse of the position on the question he was about to take. "The Portland Gas Company should not be singled out as the only corporation whose franchise should be revoked. We should do as we said we would In the primaries repeal all perpetual franchises. This same condition that is now presented in the case of the Gas Company will appear in other cities of the state within a few years and some bill should be passed that will cover perpetual franchises that have been granted throughout the state." Freeman offered a substitute bill for that offered by Mr. Coffey by which the repeal of all perpetual franchises hereto fore granted is called for and limiting to a term of 15 years all such franchises to be granted in the future. He moved that the committee adopt the substitute bill instead of the bill by Mr. Coffey. Chairman Driscoll called Mr. Freeman's attention to the fact that a meeting which had been called for consideration of pure ly local legislation affecting Multnomah County should not undertake to recom mend bills of a general character that apply to all sections of the state. Thinks Pledge Is General. . Freeman insisted that the nature of the pledge to which the members of the Multnomah County delegation subscribed last Spring was such as to bind them to a cancellation of all perpetual franchises. ""The platform on which the members of this delegation was elected on the question of perpetual franchises," said Northup, "did not specifically apply to the franchise of the Portland Gas Com pany or to any other one corporation. We should accept the substitute bill and repeal all of these franchises and not subvert oar platform to singling out one corporation and pass up all other corporations." "I will preface my remarks.'" said Rep resentative Coffey, "that I Introduced the bill for the repeal of the gas company. What the delegation does with this bill is immaterial with me, for I shall take the matter up on the floor of the House. The people of Portland are oppressed and overcharged by this corporation and I be lieve that the bill I have introduced has the indorsement of 80 per cent of the people of Portland. "I will favor Mr. Freeman's bill but not as a substitute for my bill, which pro poses the repeal of the gas company's franchise. This substitute bill has been brought In for the purpose of shutting out the vital thing for which the people of Portland are asking the repeal of the franchise of the Portland Gas Company. That is the only corporation in Portland operating under a franchise that was granted absolutely by the state. This franchise should be repealed by the Legislature and the rights conveyed thereunder restored to the control and regulation of the people." Beach for Freeman Bill. Senator Beach said he circulated the platforms that were signed by the legis lative candidates and In procuring the signature of these candidates thereto re marked that he called attention to the signers that they would be expected to make good at Salem when legislation touching on the subject of perpetual franchises was presented. He construed the pledge to mean a promise to enact such legislation as would revoke all per petual franchises heretofore granted, and for that reason he would support the sub- When You Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least, not until it develops into pneu monia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. Another way is to ask your doctor about Ajyers Cherry Pectoral REVISED FORMULA If he says, "The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. The. new kind contains no alcohol We, have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. 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He made the statement that a failure on the part of the delegation to stand in and indorse and support the Coffey bill would probably result in caus ing The Oregonian to "pound some of the members of the delegation on the back for their position." but, "he said In conclusion, "The Oregonlan does not control our destinies." Senator Bailey placed the same con struction on the platform the members of the delegation had signed and de nominated as-the sequel of a personal quarrel between The Oregonian and the Portland Gas - Company the effort to secure the enactment of a bill that would repeal the perpetual franchise of that company. Chairman Driscoll again insisted that the members of the delegation were not living up to their ante-election pledges when they sought to dodge the issue by substituting such & bill as that pre pared and offered by Freeman for the measure that was designed to reach the corporation against which there was just cause for complaint. He explained that the Legislature was required to repeal this franchise of the gas company before the city authorities could have any con trol over the matter. After the Gas Company. "It Is the gas company we are after,' said Representative Burns, who admitted that under the charter the City Council could repeal or amend the charters under which the street railway systems of that city are operated, but he said the as sistance of the Legislature In the re peal of the gas company's franchise was necessary before the city could exercise the same rights in dealing with that corporation. Motion of Freeman to substitute his bill for that introduced, by Coffey was sup ported by a vote of 8 to 5. The ayes and noes on the motion were demanded by Coffey, who, when the result was announced, said: "Gentlemen, I shall take my bill before the House and make a fight for it on the floor of the House." Those voting to substitute the Freeman bill were: Senators Bailey and Beach; Representatives Beverldge, Chapln, Far rell, Freeman, Northup and Wilson. Those opposing the shelving of the Coffey meas ure were Adams, Burns, Beutgen, Coffey and Chairman Driscoll. The majority members signed a report to the House recommending passage of the substitute bill. Beutgen signed with the majority, making the number nine. The minority report recommending pass The man age of the original Coffey bill were Ad ams, Burns, Coffey and Driscoll. Protest Sent From Astoria. ASTORIA, Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) The County Court this afternoon made an order protesting against the pass age of the proposed law creating the Port of Columbia as follows: In the matter of the proposed legisla tion for the improvement of the Columbia River above Astoria, it appearing to the court from reports in the papers that leg islation is proposed to Incorporate the Coun pectant a 3 giggg so tun or sunenng, danger and tear y that she looks forward to the critical nour wita apprenension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system tor the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering;, as numbers have testified and said, "it is . worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per" bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADflELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Go. WE OUR FEE ' ' Established 25 Years In .Portland. There are so many men suffering from chronic pelvic diseases, and the greater number of these victims are still more unfortunate in treating with doctors who know only enough to produce temporary re sults, or a false cure, if they succeed in benefiting the sufferer at alL There is no such thing as a partial cure of a disease, and the physi cian whose method does not eradicate every vestige cannot rightfully claim to do more than relievo. WE COVER THE ENTIRE FIELD OF PRIVATE AND CHRONI0, DEEP-SEATED, COMPLICATED DISEASES. We earnestly desire having all discouraged sufferers and men con templating having themselves cured of any of the diseases we treat pay us a personal visit or write us regarding their condition. Do not hesitate because you have failed to receive a cure in treatment with your family physician ; seek medical attention from a physician who thoroughly understands your case and can cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Debility Those conditions existing where , men are merely living a life of existence, loss of memory, no vitality, pains in the back, tired feeling In the morning, loss of sleep, no ambition and, in fact, you seem to, believe that there is no hope for you. But stop, there is. If you will call and see us you will 3ay the same. We are specialists for these troubles. Call at once. STRICTl REi We cure this hy methods known only bv IS, we belngr the originators of this. We cure stricture never to return again. OIR MKTIKIDS AHF1 OUR OW, hut we have many IMITATORS, who try to duplicate this treatment. Being unable to do so, they give you an inferior treatment, which oftentimes will make the patient worse. Call and see us. NO CHARGH FOR CONSULTATION. WRITE IP YOU CANNOT CALL. Office Hours: SiOO A. M. to 8i30 P. M. Sundays, 0 to 12 M. ST. LOUIS "ST DISPENSARY CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON. "quaint" or "crafts- ' ' flnni' riwi n lit a J u.coii:a die tut; ui- rect outgrowth of the de mand for furniture that combines rn its construc tion simplicity, durability, comfort and attractive ness. Its strong and simple MAKE YOUR 1 OW TERMS J ties of Multnomah, Columbia and Clatsop Into a district for the purpose of raising nnney by tnxatlon to improve the .Columbia River, and the court, while not being fully conversant with Its provisions at this time, does hereby protest against the same, and the clerk is Instructed to forward a copy o( this order to each of our Representatives In Salem. Your health depends upon the condition of your biood. Keep It pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. Fragrant floral blooms, plant-milk, vege table essences compose Satin skin cream. Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex mother must pass usually is CURE MEN 3 t I InAnyUncom- as. . -sj W i IT X piicaiea case. ft No Pay Unless Cured CONSULTATION FREE Varicocele Not only causes that constant bearing down feeling. but It causes many reflex "conditions In juring not only the parts but the whole system. The wormlike veina in the acrofcum often cause very serious complications? that necessitate an operation. If taken, in time there is no need of an operation, as our methods have proven from time to time. A