THE MORNING. OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBKUAKY 8, liM)7. LINGERIE WAISTS IN NEW EFFECTS Our splendid showing of Lingerie Waists will give you a comprehensive idea of what the prevailing styles will be for the coming season. There is an air of freshness about these dainty garments that is bewitching, and the many lacy effects lend a note of dressiness to the entire line. Sleeves are mostly in three-quarter lengths. SPEAKING OF GLOVES FOR SUMMER The long silk or lisle kind, may seem out of place just now. That's just the point now's the time to speak about them and buy them, because they're go ing to be scarce very scarce. In a short time peopli will talk about them and exclaim, "My, but they're awfully scarce, and what prices they charge!" Buy them now. Fifty Extraordinary Clearance Bargain Specials for Friday Optra!, SStoBe 0, Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest Foreign Art Prints lOp For exquisite reproduc XOlr tions from foreign artists of distinction. Regular values from 75c to $2.50. FRID4V BARGAIN DAY. Cotton Challies, 5c yd. 5f A yard for Cotton Chal lies in new Oriental figures and colorings ; good for cov ering comfortables. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 36-inch Black Taffetas Q tZf A yard, exceptionally low 2Jvr rri,.e for 36-inch Black Taffeta, chiffon finish, for shirt waist suits. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Cream Mohair Waistings jlOp A yard for 38-in. Cream Mohair Waistings; small figures; splendid for wear and ap pearance. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Check Suitings AOp For 36-inch Black and TCOt- White Check Suitings for shirtwaist suits. At Dress Goods Counter. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. All Wool Panamas CQi A yard for 40-inch Black and Colored Panamas, all wool. An exceptional Friday bar gain sale. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Colored Sicilians CDp For 50-inch Colored Sicil ians, pure mohair, high luster, extra quality; wears beauti fully. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Dress Goods Remnants U PRICE for thousands of rein riants of Black and Colored Wool Dress Goods, all lengths. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Mens Merino Underwear For Men's Underwear ' selling regularly to $1.00; nearly all sizes and various weights. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY'. So immediate and tremendous has been the success of our Great Friday Bargain Day Sales that we have prepared a Carnival of Bargains on a yet larger scale. Fifty bargains have been set apart for Friday's selling at prices that will create unbounded enthusiasm. Each of the bargains that follow has been selected for its timeliness as well as its extraordinarily low price. QUANTITIES ARE RE STRICTED. Prices are marvelously low. Read every item in this extraordinary presentment. Sewing Silk Veiling 1 A yard for 25c and 35c Vl Sewing Silk Veiling, in black, brown, blue and green. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Embroidery 6c Flouncing OCi For beautiful Nainsook and Swiss Embroidery and Flouncing, 10 to 18 in. wide. $1.25 value. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. $2.50 Swiss Flouncing Qf For Nainsook and Swiss Flouncing, 18 and 20 in. wide ; value to $2.50 a yard. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 75c Floorshine, 35c OCpFor this splendid prep- aration to freshen up the borders around your rugs and floor. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 35c Back Combs, 23c OOfi For Amber or Shell Back Combs; fine finish, best quality; very special sale price. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. - 25c Hair Pins, 10c f fr For Loop Hair Pins, in amber and shell; a good, strong pin at less than half priee. FRIIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 15c Hair Retainer, 8c On For neat little Tuck Comb OW to catch up the short hairs. Very neat. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Valentine Napkins O Cp Per 100 for Novelty Val entine Napkins of Crepe paper, for valentine parties. New designs. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Lace Curtains at Almost Half $2 98 rr ace Curtains selling regularly up to $5, in Cluny, Renaissance, Irish Point, Cable Net and Battenberg effects, white or Arabian color. Sold at special sale Friday at a price so low that every prudent housewife will buy for future needs. FOR FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY Real Waterproof Auto Coats S4 95 or re8ular $17.50 genuine Hodgman P Rainproof Automobile Coats, which can also be used for street wear, made in silk and linen finish, with trimmed belts and turned cuffs, ornamented with buttons. At a fraction of whole s3.1e cost FOR FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY Children's Hosiery 19ll -fr children's fast J.r'l' black ribbed cotton School Stockings; double heels and toes, seamless. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Bleached Linen Napkins C" For bleached all-linen 44lJO Napkins, three-quarter size; selling regularly for $2.00 a dozen. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Linen Table Cloths OQn For $1.50 half-bleached OOW all-linen Tablecloths, 8-4 size. This is a most extraordinary value. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Squares and Scarfs OQn For 50c Squares 30x30 in. r7l For 50c Scarfs 18x50 in. We have many specials in Fahcy Linens. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. White Chiffon Batiste "1 A.f A yard for regular 20c White Chiffon Batiste; one of the most usable wash fab- FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Men's Night Shirts AQn For men's regular 75o X(Jlr Nipht Shirts; made of good, soft flannelette, and are full length. FRIDAY BARGAIX DAY. Linen Handkerchiefs lip For regular 20c plain Lin en Handkerchiefs, 13-in. size, hemstitched. For one day only. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Swiss Handkerchiefs Op For regular 9c Swiss hem stitched, embroidered and lace-trimmed Handkerchiefs ; very special. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Men's Negligee Shirts Cfti For men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts; sizes 14, 14y2, 15i and 162 only. Cuffs to match. t FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Dainty Corset Covers AQn For 85c Cambric and SJS Nainsook Corset Covers, daintily trimmed with lace inser tion, ribbon, etc. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Boys' Wash Suits fljl For Regatta Bloomer PM..ZJ Wash suits for boys; values to $2.89; ages 2'2 to" 6 years. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. French Emb'rd Chemise S1 4Q For $2 French hand- made and embroider ed Chemise, of French percales and nainsook. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 1800 Prs. 2-Clasp Kid Gloves Reg. $1.50 Values 93c FOR Friday Bargain Day we offer the great est Glove value to be found in Portland 1800 pairs of women's regular $1.50 two-clasp Kid Gloves, in all shades, every pair new and perfect in every respect the prime product of the best glovemaker in Germany, M. H. Weissenborn, of Halberstadt. Made of soft selected skins, in black, white, dark red, brown, gray, mode, tan and other shades; $1.50 values. Extraordinary Qf1 bargain at OU Gloves will be fitted on any day after tale. No Phone orders. None lent on memorandum. 150 Smart Walking Skirts Val. to $15, $4.95 HIS is the most remarkable clearance sale of high-grade Skirts we have announced this sea son, embracing 150 Walking Skirts, selling regu larly to $15.00. The materials are invisible plaids, stripes and mixtures- All this season's styles, only one or two of a kind the remainder of some of our best-selling styles. Cut with the broad and generous fullness characteristic of the highest grade garments. Priced at less than the cost of materials alone for a meteoric Friday CJA, QC clearance. Values to $15.00 for only ptis& No Phone orders filled. None sent on memorandum. early as possible. Be as $1.00 Back Combs, 48c For these pretty and styl "Ov ish Back Combs, gold plated mounts on shell comb; very smart. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Combination Shoe Polish "I O r For 25c package con- taining Paste and Liquid Shoe Polish: always sold regularly at 2oc. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Persian Flannelette Qp A yard for regular 12Vc Persian Flannelette, soft and fleecy, all colorings. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Young's Hats for Men CJI Q C For regular $3.00 PJ..7C Young's Hats; wide choice of styles in Derbies and Soft Hats. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Cambric Petticoats CJ1 QC For $3.00 Petticoats '4J 0f g00,i quaHty cam bric, with dust ruffle and deep flounce. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Infants' Flannel Skirts C1 AO For infants' $3 long PA,rl:' embroidered Flannel and White Skirts, lace and inser tion trimmings. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Infants' Bonnets 2 or nfants' Bonnets; val- ues to $1.50; in a dozen new and pretty styles. Clearance 2oc. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Child's Muslin Drawers "lAr For child's Muslin Draw ATXV ers, ages 1 to 12 years; values to 25c. Well made. . FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Tapestry Sample Rugs OQi For Tapestry Carpet sam-wiv-V pie Rugs, 27x34 inches, full sizes, bound for use. $2.00 value;. . FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Axminster Sample Rugs f3Q Fr Asminster sam X437 pje RU(?S 27x54 in., regular $3.00 value ; bound ready for use. ' FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. Toilet Needs Special Sheffield's Antiseptic Tooth Pow der 12 l-2 Camphor Ice, in jars T Benzoin and Almond Crcam..l9 Baby Bora ted Talcum l'owder..4 FRIDAY B4HOAIN DAY. Silk and Leather Belts OQrt For Brown Silk and Leather Belts, in assorted styles, values to $1.00; large gilt buckles. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. 1000 Nail Brushes IQp For Nail Brushes, 35c IS'' values, hand-drawn bris tles, German and Japanese makes. FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. All Drug Prices Cut Shoop's Cough Cure, 25c size.20 Osborn's Catarrh Balm 20 Colwell's Rheumatic Cure, 50c size 39 Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.. 81 FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY. SCUDDING DEFENDS STAGE BISHOP OF OREGON FIRM BE LIEVER IX ITS ART. Says He Has No Sympathy With "Christian Faddists' Sweep ing Denunciations." The Right Rev. Charles Scaddinff. Bishop of Oregon, stoutly defended sane stage performances and the underlying principles of the stage last night, when asked about the organization of church and stage In the Actors' Church Alliance of America. Bishop Scadding is one of the chaplains of this alliance and in Chicago took an active interest in seeking to preserve Sunday as a day of rest for the a.-tor and to abolish Sunday perform ances. The Actors' Church Alliance, of which Bishop Potter of New York is provident, and Joseph Jefferson was at one time vice-president, stands for the fraternal and hearty recognition of the stage, hy the church, as a great social institution, and Is pledged to the aboli tion of prejudice, and seeks to bridge the chasm caused by centuries of mis understanding on both sides. It appoints clergymen as chaplains to minister to the needs of members of the dramatic profession and Issues calendars, to be posted In the local theaters, giving notices of services and the personal address of the chaplain. It Is established in 400 cities and towns of the United States and Canada, and is affiliated with the Actor's Church Union of England under the presidency of the Lord Bishop of Rochester. "Yes, I am a hearty supporter of the Actors' Church Alliance." said Bishop i?oadcrins, I firmly believe in its principles and sane methods and have no sympathy with the sweeping denunciations which some Christian faddists make against the stage. The stage has stood for 3000 years because it has a basis In human nature. It represents an art, and human society never drops an art, nor ought It to do so. The theater is a field for the expression of the highest literature through a genuine art. Human society will not drop the stage, but will demand that It shall rise to Its own standards, and be as pure as itself. "That there are evils about the stage no one questions. Judging from some of the vile posters one sees there is much placed upon the "boards which must be abominable to every right minded, am bitious actor. Christian people ought to distinguish between the use and the abuse of the theater as of everything else, and while free to patronize good plays, should avoid as a moral plague that which panders to one's lowest in stincts. Thoughtful christian people have no more use for the actor, who poses in the psychological problem play, than they have for. the clergyman, who poses in some heresy exploded in the third cen tury. A pure, hearty laugh is a good thing, and we want more of It In this strenuous, prosaic life. A good comedy doeth good like a medicine. "Here is W. H. Crane, the leading comedian on the American stage today. I have had the pleasure of knowing him personally for some years, and as long as I have known him, he has been crying aloud for a good American comedy. It is a sad reflection on the playwriters of the day that no one is yet able to present him with the medium in Which to exercise his great art; and It is Immensely to his credit that he falls back on Goldsmith's beautiful comedy of "She Stoops to Con quer," rather than take up a line of work which, might fill his pocket, but would lower the standard of his art. Mr. Crane's "Hardcastle" is one of the finest interpretations of good English, and of high class comedy, and knowing the care with which he selects his com pany I have no doubt that the present presentation of "She Stoops to Conquer" will be all that a lover of the writings of Goldsmith can desire. It is one of the good signs of the times, when a leading daily newspaper gives one column of its editorial space to an article on the writings of Oliver Goldsmith as The Ore gonlan did last Sunday, and when Amer ica's leading comedian is not too new fangled to produce what some might re gard as an old fashioned play." PERS0NALJVIENTI0N. F. G. Prest. of St. Paul, general purchasing- agent of the Northern Pacific, is at the Portland. George W. Sanborn, a leading Astoria salmon packer, was registered at the Portland yesterday. Henry E. Benson. Circuit Judge for the First Judicial District, was visit ing friends in Portland yesterday. Thad W. Vreeland, who has been con fined to his home at 210 Sellwood street, with sickness since the death of his wife, is Improving. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. (Special.) Portland people at Chicago hotels: From Portland S. W. Steffner. C. F. Burrowes, at the Auditorium; C. B. Yeon. at the Victoria; S. G. Glavls, at the Palmer. House. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. (Special.) Northwestern people at New York hotels: . From Tacoraa I C. Dennis, at the Imperial. From Seattle A. Shiels. at the Hol land: W. H. Conroy and wife, at the Grand Union; F. M. Osborn, at the Imperial. Up Goes Price of Diamonds. NEW YORK. Feb. 7. A general ad vance In the price of diamonds was an nounced yesterday in. cable messages re ceived by importers who buy the De Beer stones in the rough from the Lon don syndicate. All grades of stones are raised about 5 per cent. Roosevelt to Hunt in Alaska. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. - President Roosevelt hopes to visit Alaska on a hunting trip after his Presidential term expires. He expressed his desire today to Robert W. Wiley, who has spent 17 years in that country. DOUBLE DUTIES TOO HEAVY Rev. Clarence True Wilson Afraid of Xervous Breadown, Rev. Clarence True Wilson, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, and a prom inent figure in the Paul Rader investi gation, is on the eve of an attack of grip, if not a serious breakdown. Since Rev. Francis Burgette Short, pastor of the Taylor-street Methodist Church, left for the East. Rev. Mr. Wilson has been carrying a double load, having upon urg ent request assumed many of Rev. Mr. Short's duties. These Include the find ing of a minister to fill the pulpit of the- Taylor-street church each week, of having someone present at all the Sunday school and prayer meetings and of con ducting all the funeral services of that church. This is all in addition to the work of Rev. Mr. Wilson's own church, the pulpit of which he has filled every Sunday morning and evening for more than a year. This burden has told so heavily that for two months he has been feeling that he would have to take a vacation. The prayer meeting last night was con ducted by Rev. C. T. McPherson, of Es tacada. Rev. Mr. Wilson said last night it might be necessary to find a substitute next Sunday, but that if he is able to do so he will preach at the morning service on "Ye Are the Salt of the Earth." and at the evening service on "Noah's Ark," also answering any questions on religious matters which may be handed in. Welshman Calls Turk to Time. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 7. Wearied with delays so characteristic t)f Turkish officialdom, the American Ambassador, Mr. Leishman, has suddenly raised into prominence the question of the recogni- An Important Affair for People Wanting' Pianos The Reed-French Company has bought the retail piano store on Alder street near Park. They had to buy this store to get control of the Sohmer. Piano and Sohmer Ceclllan Plano-Player, which was held by the Alder street company. Reed-French do not intend to continue the Alder street store, but will close it out just as quickly as extravagant price cutting will bring It about. Sea evening papers. T "Pink Pianos JTI Sixth and Burnotde. tlon of the American schools by commu nicating directly with the Sultan urging the necessity of prompt settlement. The question was settled In principle nearly three years ago, but the obstruc tiveness and dilatoriness at the palace on the part of the porte delayed the official ratification of the agreement arrived at. A SUPERIOR DRESS SHIRT p In appearance and fit the equal of the production of the custom shop. The g I SHIRT I f (Exceptionally good value at 3 $'S aoa more. 1 1 CLUETT. PEABODY 6. CO.. g j MAKERS Or A ft ftOW COLLARS q Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Serfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS ways Remember tb CaraGaCoid la One Day, iber tba Full Jani umina 111 Crip in 2 Days on every Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed Silverfield's Entire Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets THE FASHION CENTER : Our Clean-Up Sale Ends Saturday Night Z All odds and ends must be closed out by then, so we have further reduced prices in order to move the balance regardless of cost. Extra Specials for Friday, Saturday MuslinUnderwear Half Price Last opportunity to purchase your muslin wants at half price. Third Floor. A line of the best quality muslin Under wear, slightly soiled by display. This lot contains drawers, skirts, corset covers, etc. Reduced to exactly Half Price See Fourth Street Window Display. Corset Special Third Floor $1.50 Corsets 98c A few lines of the re nowned R. & G. Cor set, to fit all figures. Values to $1.50. Special: 98c Pattern and Dress Hats Below Cost We have placed the balance of our Pattern and Dress Hats on sale at such low prices that should move them at once. See Fourth St. Window display. Millinery at a Sacrifice The remainder of our Fall Street and Dress Hats must be closed out regardless of cost. Street Hats $5.00Values for 49c Only a few left, to be sure, but you have your choice from the lot for 49. See Fourth St. Win dow display. ANNOUNCEMENT Our new Spring Lines are ar riving daily e x p r e s s packages from all the different style centers of America and Europe. Latest creations in SUITS, COATS, WAISTS and SKIRTS. Latest products of the most de sirable MILLINERS IN THE FASHION CENTERS OF THE WORLD. Your inspection is invited. r.-x: r oi c r At I Tl oi D: ifW ni Lcas l ucLii JLiau i lite The odds and ends from our factory, consisting of uncalled-for orders and samples of Neckpieces, Ties and Muffs, in all desirable furs, for less than half price for Friday and Saturday only. We are the largest fur manufacturers in the West, and the biggest buyers of raw furs. Highest cash prices for raw fnrs. Send for price-list.