Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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i, 1 1, .1
The Meier Frank Store's 889th Friday Surprise Sale
Women's Tailored Suits
$25 to
Values $1 ! .95
Today's marvelous Friday Surprise Sale of
Women's High-Grade Tailored Suits will
attract scores of Portland's most careful
Jbuyers 200 of this season's handsomest
tailored garments to be sold at a price
Wp-Mi never before known on ready-to-wear
apparel of equal style and quality The
assortment is so large that every individ
ual fancy can be quickly pleased Included
will be found mannish mixtures, plaids,
stripes and checks in all the best shades
and combinations Made up in 34-length
coats, semi-fitting, tight-fitting and pony
jackets Perfect-fitting garments, splen
didly tailored throughout Best style
skirts Suits selling regularly at prices
ranging from $25.00 to $35.00 each
Your choice today
only at this phenome
nally low price, suit
See Fifth-Street Window Display
The Meier Frank Store's 889th Friday Surprise Sale
600 DiiBarry Scarfs$2.25 Vals. $1.19
Women's handsome Du Barry Scarfs on sale at half their value today a special purchase of 50 dozen gk, m m
enables us to offer $2 and $2.25 values at $1.19 each. Plain crepe de chines and fancy flowered effects. C I 1 Q
Alt are neatly hemstitched. Colors, white, pink, blue and lavender; full 2 yards long today only P
Extra Spec'ls
For Today
Children's "No Mend" Stock
ings, fine rib, seamless foot,
linen knee; 25c values 1 Q
on .sale at, the pair.. 1 Ow
Women 's black, fleece - lined
Hose, seamless foot; 1 Afs
regular 25c values, at..".
Women's black cotton Hose
extra size, seamless foot ; all
sizes; great special 1
values, on sale at Vw
Women's black cotton Hose,
with' fancy embroidered in
step, all sizes;, regu- Ofcj
lar 35c values, pair...
Women's Lawn Handkerchiefs,
with Val. lace and hemstitched
border, trimmed with lace and
embroidered corners; 7 f
regular 15c values, at...
All silk taffeta Ribbon, Nos. 9,
12 and 16; 2 to 3 inches wide;
all desirable shades; 1 Cf
values to 20c, for, yd. vL
Fancy Silk Ribbons, 4 to 6
inches wide ; black and white
combinations; good assortment
values to 90c a yard, O'J'f
on sale for, the yard . w
Large assortment of fancy en
amel and metal Buttons, on sale
at one-half regular prices.
Great special assortment of fan
cy Dress Trimmings, including
passementeries, guimps and
Persian novelties; val- Q
ues to 50c a yard, for...
Great Rummage Sale bargains
in men's, women's and chil
dren's Shoes today, and all at
most phenomenal values.
Meier d& Frank's 889th Friday Surprise Sale
en's Fine 4-in-Haids
1,$ 1.25, $1.50 Vals. 59c
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Section today a sale
of Men's Fine Neckwear every well-dressed man in
town should take advantage of Plain and fancy silks
in superb assortment Light and dark colorings 2 V
to 3 inches wide and made full French fold Included
in the lot is about 20 dozen high-grade English
squares Neckwear selling regularly at
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each Your
choice today only at this low price, ea.
See Big Morrison-Street Window Display
Meier Frank's 889th Friday Surprise Sale
$5.50 Couch Covers $335 Ea,
1000 of the celebrated "Art Loom" Couch Covers on sale today at an exceptionally low price.
Oriental and art noveau patterns, in beautiful designs and color combinations. Blues, reds,
greens and terra cotta ; 50 and 60 inches wide, three yards long. All are per- a &
fectly reversible and guaranteed fast color. 'Couch Covers selling regularly at A A J
$5.50 each, on sale today at this unusually low price, each. Take advantage.
Don't fail to see the Big Fifth street window display. All mail orders will be promptly filled.
California Navel OrangesGreat Value 27c Dozen
"Rummage Sale" of Fancy China and Bric-a-Brac
"Rummage" Remnants of Linens and Wash Goods
" Rummage Sale" Silk and Dress Goods Remnants
Two D
ays of Great "Rumma
ge Sale -
i aice
Picture Dept. 'Rummage
Odds and ends in Framed Pic
tures; 75c to $2.00 Q
values, on sale at
Odd lot of Framed Pictures in
pood subjects; $2.25 QO
values, on sale at, ea. .
Unfranied Oil Paintings; values
up to $5, on sale at, ea..59
Great special lot of unmatted
Pictures; great values at..2
Odds and ends in gilt metal
Frames; on sale at HALF
Picture framing to your or
der at lowest prices ; 2d floor.
Women's $5 Shoes $ 1 .89
400 pairs women's high-grade
Shoes, kid and patent kid;
broken lines of sizes ; regular
$3.50, $4 and $5 values, while
they last at this low price.
Look to your footwear needs
during this sale. . . . .' .$1".89
Shoe Department, First Floor.
$25.50 Suits for $6.85
Broken lines of women's Tail
ored Suits pony' coat, Prince
Chap, length, semi-fitting
and Norfolk styles; mannish
mixtures, in checks, plaids,
stripes, etc. Regular $22.50
values, on sale at $6.85
Cloak Department, 2d Floor.
Millinery Dept. Rummage
Women's readv-to-wear Hats of
braid and felt; $2,98 'lQ
to $4.00 values, each. J-H
Women's Trimmed Shapes, val
ues, $4.9S to $(5; CS C(
all good styles, at. ?'JW
Children 's Sailor Shapes of
felt, $1.25 and $1.50
values, on sale at....
Children's Trimmed Hats, of
silk and ' velvet ; C 1 j
$2.50 values, each.S
Entire remaining stock of
Winter millinery at marvelous
ly low prices. Second floor.
Great Sale of Drawers
Women's cambric and muslin
Drawers, trimmed with em
broideries, laces and clusters
of tucks; best products of the
leading manufactures:
75c and 85c Drawers at . . 53
$1.25 and $1.50 Drawers. -73
$2 and $2.50 Drawers. .$1.39
Boys School Suit Bargains
Double-breasted ahd Sailor
Suits,. half regular prices; five
lines; the best and most serv
iceable, at HALF PRICE.
$4.00 Suits, on sale at S2.QQ
$4.50 Suits, on Bale at $2.25
$5.00 Suits, on sale at S2.5Q
$6.00 Suits, on sale at $3.00
TheBig Linen Department
Will offer during the great
"Rummage Sale" wonderful
values in Remnants of Table
Linens, Napkins, odd Table
cloths, Center Pieces, Scarfs,
Dresser Covers, Tray Cloths,
Toweling, Towels, Bedspreads,
etc., etc. Matchless values to
interest the shrewd housewife.
On the First Floor.
Children's Shoe Bargains
Bovs'and youths' heavy school
Shoes, 11 to 5 CI OQ
$2 to $3 values... V
500 pairs misses' and children's
kid lace Shoes, spring heels,
patent tips; val- T 1
ues to $1.75 .P
Odds and ends infants' kid and
patent kid lace Shoes, QQ
5 to 8, $1.50 values. ..
Special Bargains in Laces
Odds and ends and remnants of
laces, allovers, insei'tings, chif
fons, plain and figured dress
nets, baby Irish allovers, Clu
nys, appliques, etc., all at
Rummage Sale prices. Great
bargains to select from. Take
advantage of them. No mail
orders filled at these prices.
Great White Pettic't Sale
Women's white cambric Under
skirts, wide flounces, trimmed
in . embroideries, laces, inser
tion and tucks. Handsome
styles; great special values:
$1.50, $1.75 Skirts $1.17
Regular $2.50 Skirts at. $1.59
50c Wash Goods 12 Vac
Great odd lots of Wash Materi
als, consisting of mulls,
Swisses, linens and cheviots,
in all the most desirable styles
and colorings, selling regularly
at 35c and 50c t"he 1 O I
yard; choice 1 ZC
Corsets on Sale for 43c
Great odd lot of Corsets," in
black, white and drab ; all good
models of celebrated makes;
all sizes; Corsets selling regu
larly at prices ranging from
7oc to $1.75 each; your choice
while they last at the A..1ir
low price of, each. ... ."Jw
Corset Department, 2d Floor.
25c Wash Goods 1 5c Yd
5000-yards of Printed Madras,
in checks and stripes, in black,
blue and pink designs ; a great
assortment of the most desir
able styles, and selling regu
larly at '25c the yard. Your
choice at this extremely low
"Rummage Sale," yd...l5
Women's Coats $4.85 Ea
A great special lot of women's
three - quarter Coats in loose
effects, plaids and gray mix
tures. All this season's best
Winter garments; in all sizes,
and phenomenal ft
values at, each. . J
Cloak Department, 2d Floor.
Great Reduction in Gowns
Women's Nightgowns of cam
bric, nainsooks and muslins,
trimmed in laces, embroideries,
tucks, beading, ribbons; high,
low neck; long or short sleeves.
$1.25 Gowns on sale for..83
$1.50, $1.75 Gowns at. .$1.19
$3, $3.50 Gowns
Silks and Dress Goods Sale
Broken lines and remnants of
Silks and Dress Goods, which
we place on sale at rummage
prices; all are grand values.'
Bone Coat and Vest Buttons;
tan, gray, brown, black; 20c
and 25c values, at. . .7$
A big variety of fancy Buttons,
in gilt, enamel, metal and
pearl, at. i . . . . .HALF PRICE
Children's Waists 29c Ea
Broken line of misses' and chil
dren's Undermuslins and Cor
set Waists, in white and drab;
ages 3 to 14 years; regularly
50o, 75c and $1.00 values; on
sale in the Corset Department,
second floor, at, each....29
"Rummage Sale" Notions
75c fancy metal 'Perpetual Cal
endars and Thermometers;
special lot, great val- 1 L
ues, on sale at, each.
10c Aluminum Match "Xf
Holders, at, each...
15c Souvenir Writing ff
Tablets, at, each...
Wrought Iron Frame Mirrors,
50c values, at, each 9J
Bargains in Corset Covers
Clean-up of fine Corset Covers
in cambrics and nainsooks,
blouse fronts, trimmed in laces,
embroideries, tucks, beading,
medallions and ribbons.
$1.50 and $1.75 Cor
set Covers, each. .
$1.25 and $1.35 Cor
Bet Covers, each C OC
$2 and $2.50 Cor- .
set Covers, each..M
$4.00 Shoes $2.28 a Pair
Odds and ends of men's fine
Shoes, in box calf, vici kid and
patent calf; nearly all sizes;
regular $3, $3.50 and $4 val
ues, to be sold at
this low'' price, pr.'
About 300 pairs in the lot.
Children's $4 Dresses 89c
Special lot of children's woolen"
Dresses, in red, blue and
brown, and a variety of styles;
trimmed with fancy braids and
yokes of tucked silk; ages 4 to
12 years; regular $4 QQ.
values, at, each.......'
Children's Cloaks, 2d Floor.
Great Bargains in Chemise
Women's Chemise, of fine nain
sooks and cambrics; lace and
' embroidery trimmed; plain
trimmed bottoms; low prices:
$1.25 Chemise on sale at. .79
$1.50, $2.00 Chemise.. ..$1.19
$2.50 Chemise at, each..$1.33
Lace Curtains. Half Price
All single pairs of Lace Cur
tains at half regualr prices, in
cluding Irish Points, Clunys,
Brussels, Arabians and Not
tinghams, in the very best de
signs and styles. "Values up to
$40 pair, on sale at one-half
regular price... HALF PRICE
Linen Squares and Centers
24-inch Union Linen Drawn-
work Squares, assorted pat
terns, $1.25 to $1.75 J
values, on sale at, ea..
Large variety twilled linen Cen
ters, to be embroid- A
ered; S5c values, for.2C
Special lot stamped linen Waist
Patterns, Scarf Centers, Laun
dry Bags, Shoe Bags, etc.;
$1.2o to $J.o0 values,
on sale at, each
At Half
Reg. Prices
"Rummage Sale" broken lines
of men's high-grade Suits, in
black and blue cheviots, fancy
cheviots and tweeds; medium,
and dark mixtures; all this
season's garments, of the best
fashion and material, at, suit;
$10.00 Suits $ 5.00 Ea.
$12.50 Suits $ 6.25 Ea.
$13.5Q Suits $ 6.75 Ea.
$15.00 Suits $ 7.50 Ea.
$18.00 Suits $ 9.00 Ea.
$20.00 Suits $10.00 Ea.
$22.00 Suits $1 1.50 Ea.
"Rummage Sale" of bargains
in men's Overcoats and Trous
ers, also. In the men's cloth
ing Department, 2d Floor.
$1:50 to $3 Gloves 98c
Broken lines of real French kid
Gloves, glace " and suedes, in
brown, mode, tans, grays, blue,
green, white, champagne; 1, 2
and 3-clasp styles all sizes;
celebrated makes; values rang
ing from $1.50 to $3 the pair;
choice & this low price.. 98
Women's Coats Va Price
Great special sale of women's
'three-quarter Coats in .checks,
plaids and stripes; this sea
son's handsomest garments
selling regularly at prices from
$18 to $40 each.'. Your choice
while they last at Vz PRICE
Cloak Department, 2d Floor.
Men's $1.00 Shirts 45c
1000 men's Golf Shirts, Madras
and percales, newest patterns,
best colorings, $1 vals...45
Men's Silk Neckwear, Reversi
ble Four-in-Hands, Midgets
and Shield Bows; 25c and 35c
values, to be cleaned t 1
up at, each
Buy Nottingham Curtains
Odd lots white Nottingham Cur
, tains, 2 to '8 pairs of a pat
tern; best patterns:
$2.75 Curtains at $1.40
$3.25 Curtains, at $1.85
$4.50 and $5 Curtains. .$2.85
. .
Small lots Curtains up to $12
pair at Rummage Sale prices.
Raincoats at Half Price
Take your pick from our stock
of women's Raincoats at one
half regular prices; every good
style and quality is represent
ed ; values ranging from $12 to
$70 each. Your choice during
the Rummage
Sale at
.12 Price
$28-$32 Suits at $12.45
Women's high-grade Tailored
Suits; blouse, tight-fitting,
pony and semi-fitting styles;
all this season's garments; the
most desirable materials and
colorings; all size's; values $28
to $32, on sale at... $12.45