Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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ran floor is iip
Prices Will Advance Ten Cents
a Barrel Today.
Wheat I Again Quoted Higher and
,a Premium Would Readily
Be Paid For Spot
Export flour prices will he advanced 10
cents a barrel this morning by the Portland
Flouring Mills. This advance comes as a
result of tho very urgent Oriental flour
demand, coupled with the extreme scarcity
of wheat at this point. The local flour
market continues firm at the recent ad
vance, with an active movrment reported
both by millers and jobbers.
No wheat has come forward from the
interior for seven days, and it will be sev
eral days yet before any can arrive, ow
ing to the blockade on the O. R. A N. line.
Spot stocks are small and very firmly held.
Yesterday's quotations were more or less
nominal and represent what buyers here
would pay for stocks In the country with
the prc3ent railroad facilities. Wheat on
the track at this point would undoubtedly
command a good premium. A large handler
of wheat fa Id yesterday: "If I had 100,
000 or 50.000 bushels of club wheat in
Portland today, I could sell it without
trouble at 72 cents."
Fear lATge Shipments May Vaken ban
Francisco Market.
Potato buyers are operating cautiously,
as thry fear the large quantity moving to
San Francisco may weaken that market. Up
to the present time the San Francisco trade
has absorbed all the arrivals from Ore
gon, and the former prices have been well
maintained. A private wire from San Fran
cisco yt'stcrday reported the sale of a
fancy car of Oregon Burbanks at 92.25,
which the shipper confidently expected to
receive more for.
The San Francisco Call of Tuesday said
of the potato and onion markets In the
Bay City:
There were fully ten cars of potatoes in
from Oregon and the East yesterday, be
sides the usual over-Sunday arrivals from
the river districts. The market. having
previously been quite bare, remained very
firm despite the increased receipts, and
firmer prices ruled for all descriptions, some
fine Orej-nn Burbanks even commanding
a substantial premium In small lots. .The
receipts included some Garnet Chiles, which
were held for seed purposes at 91.40tr 1.50
per cental. Onions were offering in rather
limited quantities and prices were easily
Loral Stocks Accnmulat Ing and Outside
Buyers Not Interested.
The slump that started In the egg market
Wednesday morning encountered no obstacle
yesterday and prices continued to decline
during the day. Receipts were heavy.
Front street alone getting about 250 cases,
and probably not over half of these were
moved. Pnles were reported In the fore
noon at 374 cents and later at 35. One
large handler sent out numerous wires of
fering stock at 32 cents and received no
answers. Pan Francisco ofTered to sell eggs
. h,ere at 30 and later at 2tt cents, . o. IS-
out found no buyers.
A little poultry came to hand and moved
off fairly well at quotations.
The butter market was steady In price
and Inclined to be stow.
Orange Market Weak.
Three cars of oranges arrived yesterday,
and with the stocks on hand the market
was overloaded and weak. Tangerines, how
ever, are selling better. Four cars of ba
nanas came In In fine condition. A car of
celery and a car of mixed vegetables are
stalled back of a washout near Junction
City, but may be in today.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearances of the leading cities of
the Northwest yesterday were:
Clearings. Balances.
Vratt le
9 KM. 273 9 11 8. AN 1
1,1 :!. Mil i;ft,7Mi
01U.M4 5.9tt;S
770.750 127,200
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery, S5S3Hc per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery, 3JVi5j35c; store butter, 14
BUTTER FAT First grade cream, 36c
per pound; second grade craau ilo less dm
B(JGS Oregon ranch, 824'35c.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 14 Vfc
15c: Young America. 15 41 tic per pound.
POULTRY Average old hena. 2:i3yc;
mixed chu-kens. 3iVfr'12c; Spring." Mtp
14ac; old roosters, 9310c; dressed chickens.
Hi 15c; turkeys, live, 171 17 c; turkeys,
dressed, choice. 20ft 21c; geese, live, pei
jjounci, lOy l-c; ducks, lOlbc; pigeons, 91
till. 50; squabs, 923H.
Vegetables. Fro lt. Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apple, common. 60
75c pin- box; cliolce, $Hi2.30; cranberries.
$ln per barrel.
TROPICAL, FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $4
z.. per uux; orungea, navel., 1. 7,,i 2.50;
trapeirmi. ii4.dU; pineapples. .3.750 4.5U
j'er ottaeii; nunanas. ,y(tioc per pound; tan
jserlnes. $1. 75.
ROOT VtiUEiAPLES Turnips, $11.25
j,r miiv, vaiiuiu, io per saric; beets,
t .1.2541 1.50 per sack; garlic. 7Hi10c per
pound, horseradish. 7ijr8c per pound; sweat
potatoes, 31-3c per pound; chicory. 3oc
fornia, 3c per pound; Fanno, hvj0 jer
'pound; caitliilower, 2.50 per dozen; cel
ery, $3t.2o per crate: lettuce, head. 45o
per uozen; onions, utcrio per dozen;
nunipklns. 2c per pound; SDlnaoh. xoi
5c per pound; tomatoes, $2.75 crate; pars
ley, lutQiac; squasa, c per pouna; arti
chokes, 51.50 per dozen; hothouae let
tuce, $1.7Va2 per box; sprouts, Wc; peas, 15c;
radishes, ;;ue: Beil peppers, 35c per pound;
rhubarb. $2.50 per box
ONIONS Oreiton. ! ft 1.35 per hundred.
DRIED FRLITS-Apples. SSfS'ic pound,
apricots. lGgrlOc; peaches. 11 13c; pears.
I14tll4c; Italian prunes. 2 6c: Califor
nia figs, white. In sacks, 5CHc per pound;
black. 4(ij"cr bricks. 75c$2.25 per box;
fymrna, 18i20c pound; dates, Persian.
7c pound.
POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur
banks, fancy $1.40 o 1.50. common 11.23.
PAISINS Layers and clusters, 2-erown,
f2.15; 8-crown, $2 25 : 6-crown. $3.10: 9
crown, $3.50; loose muscatels. 2-crown. 8c;
8-crown, 8 He; 4-crown. 9c; seedless,
Thompsons. lOttc; Sultanas, 812Mo.
Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc,
WHEAT Club. fi!f70c; blueatem, Tl72c
Valley, tiS-ffoPc; red. 67-atiSc.
OATS No. 1 white, $2S; gray, $28.50
FI.OUR Patents, $4.0,1; straights, $3.50;
clears. $3.50; Valley, $::.5. T '
BARLEY Feed. $22.50 per ton; brewing.
$23; rolled. $2:1423.50.
RYE 51.40 fa' 1.45 per cwt
CORN Whole, $24.50; cracked, $22.50 per
MIIJJSTX'FKS Bran, chy, $25.50; coun
try, $1S per ton; middlings. $252; shorts
r'tv. $20: country. K21 per ton: chop, V S
Mills. $15.50 per ton; Pacific grain. $16.50 per
CEREAL, FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90
pound sacks, $7; lower rrades. $5.506 50
oatmeal, steel cut, 45-pound sacks. $8 per
barrel; 9-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale;
catmeal (ground), 45-pound sacks, $7.60 per
barrel; 9-pound aacks. $4 per bale; spilt
peae, per 100-pounds. $4.25$4.60; pearl barley,
$4104.50 per 100 pounds; pastry Hour, 10-pound
sacks. $2.30 per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. 1, $14915 per
Ion; Eastern Oregon timothy, $1718; clo.
:er. $D. oaeat, $0; grain hay, $9ijl0. alfalfa.
Dressed Moats.
.VDAIr Dressed, 12 fouixls Os;
125 to 130 pounds. In; 150 to 200 poundi, 6c;
200 pound and up, hGOc.
BEEF Dressed bulls, 243c. per
pound ; cows, 4H3'ic; country steers, 5 M
H c.
MUTTON" Pressed, fancy, 8c . per
pound: ordtnarv. 67c.
PORK Dressed, 100 to 130 pound. $&bci
130 to 200 pound. 97c; 200 pounds nd
up. C0Hc
Price Current Lorally on Cattle, She?p,
and Hogs.
The following prices were quoted in the
local livestock market yesterday:
CATTIE Best steers. f4(g?4.2."; medium,
93.2.1 Q-3.:V0; cows. $:4f 3.50; fair to me
dium cows, $2.252.50; bulls. $ 1 . 3fc 2 ;
calves. S4.."0'rf5.
SHEEP Best, $.V7.6.
HOGS Best, 91.75 ?T; lightweights. $875
g 7; stockers and feeders, 98.75 ft 7.23.
Kasctem Llsestovk Prices.
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 7. Cattle Re
ceipts, 3000; market, slow to 10c lower.
Western steers. 93.25 5.25; Texas cows and
heifers. 92.2534.25: canners. $23; stock-ej-s
and feeders. $2. 80 3; calves. 3G?rt.50.
Hogs Receipts, 9000; market, 5gl0c
lower. Heavy, $tf.S2H 3.S7 ; mixed, 9H.S0
6.85; light, 90 75 6.S2 ; pigs, 95.70$
Sheer) Receipts, J500; market, steady to
easier. Yearlings, 95 756.25; wethers,
95.2.11? 5.75; ewes. 94.505.10; lambs, 96.50
Advances Are General Throughout the List.
Trading on the local atock market con
tinues active, 5510 shares changing hands
yesterday. Associated Oil, on a sale of 10
share, advanced over 3 points over the last
tale. Manhattan Crown Point was in demand.
3000 chares going at 15. Washougal extension
was a fraction above the last price at which
It sld. Ureal Northern was again in evi
dence with a sale of 100ft .shares at 3, a point
better than the last sale a nunth ago. (Jold
fleld Trotter eold at 22 as compared with
a sale at 20 laet Tuesday.
Official prices were as follows:
Bank Stocks Bid. Asked
Bank of California 363
Bankers' Lumbermen's 105
Merchants' National 175 1S5
Oregon Trust A Savings 123
Portland Trust Company...... ... 120
United States National 200
American Biscuit Co. Cs 85 100
City & Suburban 4s 02
Columbia Southern Irr'n 6s 14
Home Telephone 5s 07
J. C. Lee Company 6s 100
O. K. & N. By. 4s 90 t 100i
O. W. P. & By- tts 100 103
Pacific Coast Biscuit 6s 1)5 100
Portland Railway os 100
Miscellaneous Stocks
Associated Oil 474j 47
Home Telephone HO ...
J. C. Ijce Company 20 40
Pacific States Telephone..,.. 105 ...
Puget Sound Telephone 60
Mining Stocks
Lake view 12H
life's Creek Gold 01 02
Britlfh Yukon 24 25
North Fairview 05
Manhattan Crown Point 144 15
Washougal Extension - 23', 25
Gate wood 35
Alaska Petroleum 10 hi 14
Blue Stone 10
British Columbia Amal 06 OS
Caseadia 23 27 a
Goldfleld Trotter 22 23
Great Northern . . . . 03 04
Mammoth 07 H 00
Morning 03 V3 04
Standard Consolidated 00 Vs 3 0ri
Tacoma Steel 16 19
Coeur d'Alene District
Bullion 07 08 Vi
Copper King IS 23
Happy Day 03 Li 04
Park Copper 05 V 0
Reindeer 08 h 00
Snow shoe 65 70
S no w st orm 2.95 3.05
O. K. Consolidated 02 05.
10 Associated Oil 41
lotto Manhattan Crown Point 15
2H Manhattan Crown Point 15
15(10 Washougal Extension 24
Umiu Goldfleld Trotter 22 Va
100'J Great Northern 03
Tonopahs and Gold fields Arc Generally vb
Weak Strike on Silver Pick.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. Special. ) In
the Tonopah list. Belmont sold up to 5e,
c below the price of yesterday morning.
Jim Butler sold down to 91.15, and the other
favorites weakened at about the same rate.
The Goldfields were generally weak. Sli
ver Pick. Sr. Ives and Oro held at about
the previous quotation. There was a slight
improvement in Booth, Blue Bull and Great
Bend, but the trading was limited. Red Top
caused some lively bidding, and 8000 shares
were sold at 40c. Combination Fraction, at
95, was a little better than last night's
prices. There was a street report in cir
culation that a strike had been made on
Sliver Pick, and the floating stock among
the traders was being rapidly absorbed In
a quiet way. Among the sales were:
Montana . '. 93.95; Atlanta 90.F0
McNamara 63! Great Bend 1.05
Midway 200 Daisy 2.50
Gold Anchor ... .40 Com. Fraction .. 5.O0
Jim Butler 1.1 ft1 Lou Dillon 24
Boston 17, Triangle 5n
Gold Crown ... .16Victor 2b
Booth ( Cowboy '. . .n
Blue Bull 45 Pine Nut 24
Dams 20, Stray Dog 54
Silvef Pick .... 1.40 Yellow Horse ... .09
St. Ives 1.10 Kendall '.54
Oro 53 1
Eastern Mining Stocks.
Adventure ..
Atlantic . . .
Bingham . . .
Cal. & Hec..
Centennial . .
Cop. Range
Daly West ..
Franklin . .
Isle Royale..
Mass. Mln. .
Michigan ...
Mnn. C. A C
Old Dom...,
Osceola ....
9 5.25
iParrot .
$ S3.TS
. 15.1.0
ITamarack ..
United Cop..
.U. S. Mining.
If. S. Oil
iVlctoria ....
.North Butte
an mi
1 1.50
;Butte Coal'n.
; Nevada ....
Cal. & Arlt
Green Con..
Metal Markets.
NEW TORK, Feb. 7. There was a sharp
decline In the London tin market, with spot
quoted at 101 12s Od. and futures attllH
2s 6d. Locally, the market was easy. In
sympathy with the decline abroad, spot clos
ing at $42.25 42.40.
Copper was 17s Od lower in London, with
spot . closing at 106 15s, and futures at
107 15s. Locally, the market was quiet.
with lake quoted at $25.0025.25: electro
lytic at $24.75(825.00, and casting at $24.25
Lead was lower In London at 19 10s. but
was unchanged tn New York at $tf.006.30,
according to the time of delivery.
Spelter was unchanged at 25 17s 6d In
London, and quiet at $0.75 6.85 In the New
York market.
Iron was lower In the English market,
with standard foundry closing at B5s fid, and
Cleveland warrants at 56s 3d. Locally, the
market was unchanged.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. ,7. The market for
evaporated ' apples is quiet at unchanged
prices. - Fancy .are quoted at 9c; choice,
3H-ic: prime, 8fi8ttc
Prunes are barely steady on spot, and it
is reported that some- sizes are being offered
in a small way at slight concessions. Quo
tations range from 3 to 9c. according to
grade, for California fruit, with Oregon
prunes quoted at ft$rr tor 70s to aOs.
Apricots, peaches and raisins ajre un
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW TORK. Feb. 7. Coffee futures closed
steady at a net advance of five points.
Sales. 44.250 bags, including March 5. $5.4
18.1. 5; May. $.1.7015 5.80; July. $5.85: Sep
tember, 3.u.irgH; uecemner, $6.106.15;
spot Rio, steady; so. 7. 7C.
Sugar Raw.steady. Fair refining. $2.31
2.32; centrifugal. 96 test, 3 17-18; molasses
sugar, $2.z34?z.32; rerinea steady.
IJndon Sheepskins Sale.
LONDON. Feb. 7-. A sale of sheepskins
was neid in Alincin- iane today. The at
tendance was large and bidding was anl
mated. A feature of the sale was the re
vival of the - demand for fine and coarbe
full-wooled cross-breds, which realized ex
treme rates. Combing advanced 5 per cent,
and clothing ruled steady at former prices.
Dairy Produce In the East.
CHICAGO. Feb. T. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was firm.
Creameries. 21i?f31c; dairies. 20ffl29e. Eggs,
steady; at mark, cases Included. 24627c
firsts, 28c; prime firsts, 30c; extras, 810,
vneese, steady; .u.w loo.
Broad and Animated Advance
in New York Market.
Inspiration Comes From Washington
Rumors of More Friendly At
titude of the Government
Toward Corporations.
NEW TORK, Feb. 7. A hesitating and Ir
regular advance broadened out in the final
hour of today's stock market into a more
animated and comprehensive rise than rias
occurred at any time since the decisive
downward tendency of prices set in. The
Inspiration was largely tn rumors of Wash
ington origin of a new development there
that would relieve the corporation world
from the sense of hostility. on the part of
the Administration.
Sentiment was favorably affected by the
advices from the Winter wheat regions of
the safety of that crop. The Southwestern
railroads were most Immediately afected.
Assertions of an intended increase In the
dividends on Atchison and Southern Pacific
were used with effect, especially in the case
of Atchison. Southern Pacific was slug
gish and did not respond even to the later
rise In Union Pacific upon the President's
return to his office after a period of ill
ness. Prospects for 'the proposed increases
in freight rates eerved to counteract to
some extent the showing of decreases in net
earnings of railroads. The traffic managers'
plan for freight advances is looked to as a
possible means of increase in the earnings,
and at the same time adding to the effi
ciency of the present supply of equipment.
The intention of railroad companies to re
trench tnclr plans of future projects of im
provement is now generally accepted as a
fixed determination. The reduction of the
pressure for new capital Is expected to re
sult and a subsidence of a part of the de
mand for materials and for labor is to be
accepted as an inevitable consequence.
ihe feature of the day in the money mar
ket was the free offerings of funds on time.
Foreign exchange was firmer, although the
strong position reported By the Bank of
England and Bank of France showed the
trength of the foreign financial position in
spite of the retention of the 5 per cent
discount rate by the Bank of England. While
the late rise in stocks broadened out to
some extent. It was still largely specialized
in tne early ravorites. The closing was
strong at the best.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value.
$2,080,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Sales. Hi eh. I.nw. Ki.i.
Adams Express 2IH1
Amalgam Copper.. 11.000 I1314 111 11314
Am Car & Foundry 2,5110 43 42 42's
do preferred 100 1C2 -102 I02
Am Cotton Oil.... loO 30 30 30
do preferred Rtf
Am Express ..... 230
Am Hd & I.t pf 20
Am Ice Securities 100 84 84'4 83
Am Linseed Oil i. lflii
do preferred 32
Am, Locomotive. .. . 500 73 717, 72.1;
do preferred I11O HOti 1101. inn-
Am Smelt & Refln 12.8O0 144 142', 143
do preferred 2iiO 115 115 115
Am Sugar Refin.. 500 132 131U 131'.
Am Tobacco pf 700 96 90
Anaconda Mln Co 36.000 24 U 27rt 2h4
Atchison 53,600 I114, lul'4 1114.
do preferred .'no 90 0S-, liHTi,
Atlantic Coast Line "0 121 12nv.j 121
Emmuiure & vnio -MUV HU'M Un'S HO.4
do preferred fi:i
Brook Rap Transit 46,7000 74 73 74
Central Leather... BOO 37 35 3094
do preferred 101
Canadian Pacific.. 9,1110 182?i I81194 182'4
Cent of New Jersey 500 2I'8 208 2n8
Chesapeake A Ohio ion 511 4!4 soli
Chi Great West.. 500 16 1" 16
Chi & Northwest.. 2.7O0 17 JtWii 167
Chi.. Mil. & St. P. 19.700 148 147 148
Chi. Term. & Trans .-. 9
do preferred 22
C, C, C. & St. L. 600 88 Sfii 87
Colo Fuel & Iron.. 6,4(K 4014 48Ls 48
Colo & Southern... 1.3(10 35 34Vj 35
uo irx prererreo.. 400 o nt tii
do 2d preferred.. 4(( 55 Li 54K, 5.1
Consolidated Gas.. 100 134 134 134
Coin Products 2.7O0 23 23V4 2Z'i
oo prererreo ino Mi's rt's ptti
Delaw & Hudson.. 7n0 211 210 2UVa
Del., Ick. & West 4O0 500 405 409
Den & Rio Grande 900 37 361a 37
do preferred 79'4
Distillers' Securlt.. 5.60O 76 75ti 75
Erie 19.800 36 34Vi 35
do 1st preferred.. 1,000 7oVi 70 70
do 2d preferred.. 2u HIV 60 61
General Electric... 700 159 15S';, 15914
Great Northern pf 4,200 165 163", 16,Hj
Hocking Valley KM
Illinois Central 15HH
Int. Met 1,800 3514 35 3514
do preferred..... 3f0 721 71 72
International Paper 1.50O 1 16 lrt'i
no preiarrea 01.10 fn c;u so
International Pump 700 35 34 35
do prererred.-. i
Iowa Central 000 25 25 24VJ
do preferred 44
Kan City Southern 1,800 28 27 2St;
ao preierred a.oou oiv oui oy1
Louis & Nashville 400 134-& 133 134'i
Mexican Central 1.500 24 24 2Ha
Minn & St. Louis 54
M., St. P. & S.S.M. 1.40O 113 110 113
do preferred 300 147 046 147H
Missouri Pacific.. 12.9no 85 83 84
Mo.. Kan & Texas 25.400 39 3S 39
do preferred l.ouo 11 10 103
National Lead 1,400 70U 70 70
Mex. Nat. R. R. pf 200 56 56 56
N. T. Central 8.90O 127 I2614 127
N. Y. Ont. & West 40O 444 44 44U,
Norfolk & Western 800 87 86!4 86(4
do preferred 82U
North American... 000 S3 82 83
Northern Pacific... 4.900 1.14 14 1.13"4 1.14
Pacific Mall 1.300 3614 34 36 Vi
Pennsylvania 37,300 131 129 131
People's Gas 600 97 961-, 964
Pits., c. c. s. 1. im
pressed Steel Car 1,300 BO's 49 , B04
do preferred '. 97
Reading 229.100 124 121 V 124 Vi
do 1st preferred.. 4O0 0 . no t
do 2d preferred 9o
Republic Steel 4.700 35 34'i 35
do preferred 100 98 9 98
Rock Island Co... 3.700 2614 26 2i
do preferred 5.10O 60 anv,
SchlosB-Sheffield .. 800 71 09 71
St. L. A- S. F. 2 Pf 700 43 42 43 '4
St. L. Southwestern 30O 23 23 2414
do preferred 20O 56 56 57
Southern Pacific 23.500 94 934 93
do preferred..... 117
Southern Railway.. 6.5O0 27 26 2fl
do preferred..... l.ioo 8514 85 Hb'n
Tenn Coal & Iron 1.200 154 150 153
Texas & Pacific.. 400 3314 33 33 4
Tol., St. L. & West 300 31 31 . 33
do preferred 600 52 "4 51 14 51 Vi
Union Pacific . 83,900 174 172 173
do preferred... 100 91 91. 91
IT.' S. Express..... 105
U. S. Realty 77
V. S. Rubber 2.1O0 51 51 51
do Dreferred 3'M limi illRifc loo,
V S. Steel BI.700 45 44 4514
do preferred 11.400 105 104 105
Vlrs.-Caro. Chem 6.600 34 33 33
do preferred 106
W .bash 1 6
do preferred 900 . 33 82 33
Wells Fargo Exp 275
Westlnghousc Elect - 150
Western Union 82H
Wheel & Lake Erie 12
Wisconsin Central 22
do preferred. 46
Total sales for the day. 812.400 shares.
NEW TORK, Feb. 7. Closing quotations:
V. S. Ref 2s I Atchison AdJ 4s. 91
do coupon... 105 D. & R. G. 4s pfd 96
U. S.'3s reg. . . 102 ;N. ' T. C. 3p..9S
do coupon. ..102 N. Pac. 3s.. ... 72
U. P. new 4s reg.129 do 4s.... 101
do .cpupon . . . 1 29 -.So. Pac. 4s 80
U. S. old 4s reg.101 Vnlon Pac. 4s.. 101
do coupon... 101 iWls. Cent. 4s... 8S
Money Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Money on call,
easier, 23 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per
cent; closing bid. 2: offered at 2 per
cent. Time loans, active; 60-day bllLs,
45 per cent: 90 days and six months.
5 per cent. Prime mercantile' paper, 5
6 per cent. Sterling exchange, firmer,
with actual business In bankers' bills at
$4.8465i4.8470 for demand, and at $4.S060ig)
4.8065 for 60-day bills; posted rates. $4.81
and $4.85. Commercial bills, $4.80.
Bar silver, 68 c.
Mexican dollars, 52 c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
LONDON. Feb. 7. Bar silver, steady.
81 9-16d per ounce. Money. 3 fl?4 per
cent. The rate of discount In the open mar-
t ket Xor abort tills is- joer, xent ilia lot
is 11-16 per
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. Silver, bars,
6S4c. Mexican dollars. 54'ff54,ic. Drafts,
sight, I5c; do telegraph. 20c. Sterling, 00
days, 4.81 H; do sight. $4.85x4.
Prices Paid for Produce in the . Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. The following
prires were quoted in the produce market
FRUIT Apples, choice, $2; common, 50c;
bananas,. $1&2.50; Mexican limes, $810;
California lemons, choice, $3.50; common.
$1; oranges, navel, $1.75 2.75; pineapples,
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. $1.50'? 1.75;
garlic. 2&'3c; green peas, 810c; string
beans, 12 (g-15c; asparagus, 60c; tomatoes,
$1 (a 1.50.
EGGS Store, 27S28c; fancy ranch, 31c.
POTATOES River whites, $1.50 1.7.1;
sweets, $2. 50 -2. 7.1; Oregon Burbanks, $2
2.25: Eastern. $1. 73 1.8.1; new, 4c
ONIONS Yellow, $10 1.25.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 34c: cream
ery seconds, 30c; fancy dairy. 32c; dairy
seconds, nominal; pickled. 21 or 23c.
WOOL Fall, Humboldt and Mendocino.
14"&15c: South Plains and San Joaquin, 7
8c: lambs. 8fj)llc: Nevada, 15lSc.
HOPS California.' low 12c.
CHEESE Young America, 13c; Eastern,
16c; Western, 13c.
HAY Wheat. J!Uiii22c: wheat and oats,
$1.1 18.50; alfalfa, $812.50; stock, $79;
straw, 3.1i&70c per bale.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $20.5022.5O; mid
dlings. $2730.
FLOUR California, family extras, $4.85
S5.3.1; bakers' extras. $4.604.SO; Oregon
and Washington, $3.304.
POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, 17919c;
turkeys, hens, IS it 20c; roosters, old, $4 5;
young. jeS; broilers, small. $34; broil
ers, large. $45; fryers. $5S16; hens. $58;
ducks, old, $1i6; ducks, voung, $6'gS.
RECEIPTS Flour, 16.700 quarter sacks;
wheat, 38.10 centals; barley, UO0 centals;
oats, 62.1 centals; potatoes. 31100 sacks; hay,
296 tons; wool, 3 bales; hides, 1700.
(Continued From First Page.)
age had been placed in the Smithsonian
Institution. When ho had time to get
his breath and make a reply to the nu
merous charges, Mr.' Bell explained that
his package at the institution did not
contain a long-distance seeing apparatus,
and furthermore that he Bad never even
thought of such a thing. Although many
years have passed, none of the outraged
"English and American inventors have
ever come forward with the invention
which they said had been stolen from
Chicken in Allopathic Doses.
The late Dr.. Harriet S. French, of
Philadelphia, was one of the vanguard
of women physicians in this country. She
was the lifelong friend of Frances Wil-
lard and it was to her that Miss Willard
went for advice when she was still pen
niless and unknown. Dr. French often
described her first glimpse of the slim,
quietly frocked girl. w!)o told her that
she had decided to consecrate her life
to the temperance cause and would like
to have guidance fpr her first steps. Dr.
FYench was a homeopathic physician and
a staunch advocate of mild doses for pa
tients. This, caused her to have many
a tilt with her allopafhic colleagues over
the weakness of her medicine.
"You have no idea of strength," a friend
declared to her one day. "You let the
shadow of a chicken fall across clear
water, and then feed ft to your patients
for broth." Dr. French retorted:
"Well, that is better than feeding them
the whole chicken, bones, feathers and
Dr. Allen G. Hall, moderator of the gen
eral assembly of the Southern branch of
the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, is a famous storyteller and after
dinner speaker and takes a lively interest
in politics. During a recent campaign he
asked a friend for a frank opinion of
a certain high "public officer. The friend
replied with candor and profanity:
"That man is a d n fOQl " ."Whereupon
Dr. Hall said:
"As moderator of the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States, as a ruling elder in the church
and as the superintendent of a Sunday
school, I am' constrained to rebuke your
phraseology, but my devotion to truth
compels me to applaud your sentiment."
Sirs. Bellamy Storer's Fail.
Mrs. Bellamy Storer, who recently fig
ured in the limelight as a vigorous but
unsuccessful exponent of diplomacy, has
had other fads besides politics. She is a
wbman of unbounded energy and applies
herself with much zeal to whatever she
goes In for. Before her marriage to Mr.
Storer she was Mrs. George Ward
Nichols, of Cincinnati, and one of her
early ambitions was to Initiate Ameri
cans into the delights of the French
salon. She pressed the unwilling Mr.
Nichols into service, and they liad "regu,
lar evenings devoted to art." While she
did not meet with the measure of suc
oess she had anticipated, it can be said
that It was due to her efforts that the
first specimens of Rookwood pottery were
made in the United States. Whenever
the "female ambassadress" went on her
diplomatic Journeys she continued her
quest for pottery of rare coloring and
delicate line, and she now has the most
remarkable collection in America.
When Judge Page Morris was a Con
gressman from Minnesota, he was sore
beset by relatives from various parts of
the country, -who besieged him with hun
dreds of senseless questions. Tho Judge
was intense and excitable and, when pro
voked, had a trick of pulling ferociously
at his long hair. Shortly after the ad
journment of one of the sessions of Con
gress, he received a long -"collect" mes
sage from a brother of his, who was a
pastor in Natchez. Mississippi. The min
ister wanted to know If the report that
Congress had adjourned was true. This
was the final straw. Turning to his sec-,
retary, the judge shouted:
"Telegraph that fool brother of mine
that Congress has not been In session
for three jtears; that he has been misin
formed." Arbuckle's Squirrel Soup.
Macklyn Arbuckle. who plays the title
role in George Ade's "County Chair
man." was once a candidate for justice
of the peace In Texarkana, Tex. At
that time the genial star was harassed
by a serious shortage of funds. He made
a deal with the manager of a Mexican
restaurant to furnish him meals for $3
a week. However, the "Mexican host
knew something about the rapacious ap
petites of aspiring politicians, so he
protected himself from possible loss by
making the stipulation that whenever
he considered that Arbuckle had con
Fumed $3 worth of food, the politician
was to finish out the week on squirrel
soup. Mr. Arbuckle had plenty of flesh
to spare, and the arrangement was work
ins; beautifully, until his political oppo
nent found It out and told the story in
one of his speeches.
, "Of course you know, feller citizens."
said the divulger of the secret, 'we
ckin't have no man fur jestice of the
peace In this yere town who lives on
squirrel soup. Why. the first time he's
let loose, jest as like as not he'll turn
tail and run up the nearest tree." M
Arbuckle lost the election, and in des
peration went on the stage.
Engines Too Heavy for Roadbed.
' GRANT'S PASS Or.. Feb. 7. Expert
enced railroad men afhrm that the nu
merous wrecks the Southern Pacific has
been having recently are caused by over
turned rails, the last three wrecks that
have occurred in Cow Creek Canyon
having apparently been from that cause.
The company has only lately Installed
heavy power locomotives, which appear
to be more powerful than the track will
Another trouble is the lack of section
men. Their wages have been cut to $1.35
a day and It is hard to get men to work
jLlor; that rate, .
three months bills
Foreign Situation Reported to
Be Strongest in Years.
May Option Gains Three-Quarters of
a Cent at Chicago Prices Are
Comparatively Weak
at Liverpool.
CHICAfJO Feb 7 At the oneninsr of the
1 wheat market prices were somewhat easier
I-Iverpool in face of the decided strength
shown here yesterday. Before the end of
the firot hour, however, the weakness was
dispelled by liberal purchases by commis
sion houses, and throughout the remainder
of the day the market was strong. Export
news was the mafn source of Btrength, al
though substantial advances at Berlin,
Paris and Antwerp were minor Influences.
One report from an export house at Du
luth stated that the foreign situation Is
the strongest for several years. These re
ports were partially confirmed. and an
nouncement was made that 41) boatloads of
wheat had been taken in New York for
export. The market closed strong, with
May 3514c higher at KOt.
The corn market was firm early In the
day in sympathy with oats, but later the
tone became weak because of realizing by
some of the larger holders. Light receipts
and an excellent demand by shippers caused
a further advance in the price of oats. Pro
visions were weak because of a 10c decline
in the price of live hogs.
Leading- futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
.71M, t t .Wt
.7S, .70S, .7H-', .7!S
.77 .'!Vi
.41Vi .4H .44V .44lt
.4714 .47N, .47 .47
.411' .47 1, .4 .47
.47 -47 .47
.3S- ..TO .SS'j .30
.401 .41 H .40S .41
..IT'S, .: .37 S
.33li .33 .33i .33
February .
February .
July .IT.73 17.SO
.17.80 17.824
17.67 Vi
. 9.B7H 10.00 9.0S
...lO.Olitj 10.0214 10.00
.10.15 10.15 10.12!4
. 9.70 9.70 9.fiS
. 9.75 9.7714 9.75
10.02 14
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 2 Spring, 8185c; Xo.
8, 74
84c; No. 2 red, 7."i576isc.
Corn No. 2, 44V,c; No. 2 yellow.
Oats No. 2, 3fc; No. 3 white, 39-8410.
Rye No. 2. 62 tec.
Barley Fair to choice malting, 541?'59c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.18; No. 1 Northwest
ern. $1.25.
Timothy seed Prime. 4.MVS4.55.
Clover Contract grades, $13.50.
Short ribs Sides (loose). $9.37V4S&-62.
Mess pork Per barrel, $17.55.
lard Per 100 lbs., $9.774.
Sides Short clear (boxed), $9.50i39.75.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.20.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels ix.aoo
Wheat, bushels 23.OO0
Corn, bushels 202.3O0
Oats, bushels- uii.oi'o
ltve. bushels 5.O0O
Barley, bushels .......
Grain and Produce at New York.
XEW YORK," Feb. 7. Flour Receipts.
11.200 barrels. Exports, 11.700 barrels. Dull
but firm. Minnesota patents, $4.104.40.
Wheat Receipts, 12,000 bushels; exports,
92,400 bushels; spot, strong: No. 2 red,
S3'jc elevator; No. 2 red, 85c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 Northern Duluth, 93 ',4c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, 8Sc f. o. b.
afloat. Up to mid-day wheat was irregular,
at times showing positive strength, and at
others moderate weakness under realizing.
letter a sustained advance took place, and
the market closed ?4c net higher. The
Northwest and foreign news remained bull
ish, but Winter wheat conditions were fa
vorable. Commission houses and profession
als were buyers on all declines. May closed
at 85 "4 c; July closed at buc.
Hops Quiet.
Hides, wool, petroleum Steady,
Grain at San Francisco.
FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. Wheat
barley, strong.
Hpot quotations:
Wheat Shipping
$ 1.25 3' 1.32 (4 ; milling.
Barley Feed, $1. 1091.12$
$1.124 1.17tt.
Oats Red. CI.30S1.75; white, xi.53
black. $1.75i?f 2.23.
Call board sales:
Wheat May, $1.32 bid; December,
$1.30 i.
Barley May, $1.17; December, 63.
Corn Large yellow, $1.30 1.35.
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 7. In the grain mar
ket today prices closed as follbws:
Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red Western
Winter, 6s. Futures. March, 6s 64d; May,
6s 6 Mid; July. Bs 3d.
LONDON, Feb. 7. Pacific Coast prompt
shipment, 30s 3d S 30s Od.
Weather In England today, cold.
Girl Had Been Locked in Car With
Scarlet Fever Cases.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 7. One of the
longest and hardest fought cases ever
tried in the King County Court ended
today, when two judgments for $2500 each
in favor of Anna Hansted against the
Canadian Pacific Railway were placed on
tile in the Superior court this morning.
The 7-year-old plaintiff is crippled for
life." According to the testimony, the in
juries she suffered from an attack of
scarlet fever will in time render her blind,
if not Insane.
The girl and her mother were traveling
to the Coast on the Canadian, Pacific, and
during the trip several passengers became
sick. The train was locked and the pas
sengers were forced to remain with the
sick ones. At Winnipeg the mother and
daughter were released from the car and
sent to a hospital, where the mother
Washington Is Disabled "While Cross
ing Out From Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.)
The tus Samson, with the barge
schooner Washington In tow, which
crossed out this morning, returned late
this evening and both are now at
anchor In the lower harbor, with the
barge in distress.
As the vessels were crossing out
about two hours after high water this
morning, the Washington had her en
sign at half-mast and upside down, in
dicating that she was In distress.
Owing to. the exceptionally strong
current caused by the freshet in the
iMver the tug was unable to turn back
and was compelled to cross out over
the breaking bar.
Just whnt Is the matter with the
barge cannot be learned tonight, but.
In the opinion of shipping men who
saw her go out, she got out of the
channel, struck on Peacock Spit and
Is leaking- badly. Her -rudder Is also
ASupposed to ba damaged, as .when sne
Bought and soid tor cash and on margin.
Private Wires ROOM 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phons Main 37
was being towed in this evening she
steered wildly.
Will Be No Jury Examination of
Chester Thompson, February 2 5.
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 7. Whether or
not Chester Thompson's mental condi
tion Js such as to demand that in the in
terest of public safety he be placed in
the state penitentiary at Walla Walla
will be determined at a hearing to begin
before Superior Judge Snell at 10 o'clock
on the morning of February 25. Judge
Snell set the date this morning, and also
said there will be no jury. It is believed
the hearing will require only a few clays,
as the result will depend to a great extent
upon the testimony of medical experts,
and that given by the father and brothers
of . the young murderer.
Puts Back to Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) The steamer Newburg put back,
this morning. In attempting to cross
the bar she lost one of her anchors
and had to return to her dock. She
also shifted her deck-load of lumber.
The British steamer Dunertc will take
away 1.300.0)0 feet of lumber for San
EALFOCR At East Oak street and David
son avenue. February 6. to the wife of M. M.
Balfour a son.
BILLINGS LEY At G5 Multnomah avenue.
January 28. to the wife of Ralph H. Billlngle,
a son.
CURRY At 149 Twenty-first street North.
February 6. to the wife of W. J. Curry, a
daughter. ,
BARD Y At Lent. January 21, to the wife
of J. A. Bardy, a son.
JOHNSON -At Grand View avenue. Decem
ber 25, to the wife of Otto G. Johnson, a son.
JU At 365 East Twelfth street. February 6,
to the wife of Ju Poy. a daughter.
LOMBARD At Portland Maternity Hospital,
February 5, to the wjife of B. M. Lombard, a
READY At 868 DePauw street. January 27,
to the wife of John S. Ready, a daughter.
SIMON At 55414 Third street. February 5,
to the wife of Meier Simon, a son.
ZIMMERMAN At Taborslrle. December 24,
to the wife of John Zimmerman, a son.
BAKER At 549 Third street, January 29.
Bethel Baker, a native of Oregon, aged 5
year. 8 months and 19 days.
BAKER At 794 GHsan street. February 5,
William W. Baker, a native of Virginia, aged
8 years, lo months and 6 days.
BANCROFT At Good Samaritan Hospital.
February 6. Barber H. Bancroft, a native of
Ohio, aged 81 years, 4 months and 4, days.
CORNELIUS At Good Samaritan Hospital,
February 2. Manfred L. Cornelius, a native of
Washington, aged 5 years and 10 days.
CRAIG At 109 Park street, February 5,
Mrs. Belle Craig, a native of Missouri. " aged
39 years and 6 days. ,
. FINDLBY At North Pacific Sanitarium,
rebruary 6. Mrs. Rhoda P. Findley. a native
of Oregon, aged 32 years, 4 months and 28
GORDON At 353 Ivy street. February 5,
Donald Gordon, a native of Oregon, aged a
years ar.d 6 months.
HENDERSON At 593 Martin street. Feb
ruary 6. Roy B. Henderson, a native of Kan
sas, aged 26 years and 10 days.
M'CRACKEN At 631 Thurman etreet. Feb
ruary 3, George T. McCracken. a native of
Wleconsln, aged 32 years, 9 months and 2S
MFELLHAUPT At 245 Misner street. Feb
ruary 6. Jacob Muellhaupt. a native of Switz
erland, aged 60 years. 3 months and 13 davs.
PHELPS At 197V4 Lincoln street, February
o. victory N. Phelps, a native of New York.
agea iro years.
PLUNK ETT At Walla Walla, February 5,
Mrs. Janet S. Plunkett. a native of Scotland.
aged 69 years, 5 months and 11 days. Remains
Drought to Portland for Interment.
Building Permits.
BENO BALL1S Repair store. Sixth street.
between Irving and Johnson; $100.
MINX & TAN BERT Repair store. Sixth
street Between Irving and Johnson; $100.
R. B. BEST One and one-half story frame
dwelling, Jessup street, between Michigan and
Missouri; J13U0.
Real Estate Transfers.
Rita B. Pelton to T. S. S. MrDanlel.
lota 17. 18. block 47, Punnyslde; also
lota 4. 5, block 8. Tark View Ext.;
also south i of N. E. V of section
0, T. 1. S., R. 3 E., excepting a lu-
acre tract I 15,000
n. Lt. oievens iMnermj to Alvina i?.
Merrlthew, 25 acres, commencing at
a point 3.1H1! ojiaina east of S. V.
corner of S. Roberts donation land
claim 3
f-rancis c Little to Eugenia Yeomans,
lota 10, 11, Gardena 600
. a. ana Momano M. walker to O.
S. Schnauffer, lot 3, block 10, Maeg-
ly Highland 500
t-onrad Kindlaub to W. H. Hellman. lot
IB. DIock 4, R. R. Shops Addition.. 1,650
Louia and Nancy M. Kettler to Simon
11. Guild, lots 2, 3, block 213, Couch
Addition 15,000
Edw. M. Van Schoick to Ola Deniston,
west 43 feet of lot 4. block 1, Van
Scholcks Addition to Mt. Tabor 215
Belle J. Sellwood to Jacob Sorenson,
lot 14, block 80. Sellwood 10
May E. Swigert to Mary C. McFadden,
lot 10. block 2, Subdivision of tract
-K" tn M. Patton tract 250
Jos. A. Strowbridge Estate Co. to
Henry J. Eckstein, lot 10. block 2,
Strowbrldge Addition 400
Real Estate Investment Association to
Mettle Reed, lots 10. 11. block 100.
Sellwood 275 I
Mettle and H. W. Reed to Real Estate
Investment Association, lots lo, 11,
block 110, Sellwood 1
W. G. and Addie E. Kerns- to Mary
Rader Hughes, lots 25. 26. 27, 28,
block 7, Hawthorne avenue Addi
tion 1
B. R. and Hattle V. Amend to Alberta
E. Leonard, lots 8, 9. block 19, Wil
lamette 1,000
Alberta E. and William A. Leonard to
J. S. Moore, lots 8, 9. block 10. Wil
lamette 0
William Mast to R. O. Melby. lots 3S.
8!), 40, 41, 42, block 12, Willamette
Addition 60
Frank and Annie E. Fenwlck to Secur
ity Savings & Trust Co.. 9.13 acres
. all In N. D. Gllham donation land
claim In S. W. Vi of N. W. of
section 32, T. 1 N.. R. 2 E 1
Elmer and Cora Quimby to Antonio
Piazza, lot 7, block. Home Addition 1,650
A. B. and Ida M. Cherry to Charles
and M. H. Rldgway. lot 1, block 15,
Firland 1
Ada F. and C. A. Morden to Mary E.
Ballev. lot 3 and north 20 feet of lot
4. block 233, city 6.000
.T H Dlxson to Mrs. W. J. Cook, lots
i 13, 14. 15. block 4. Willamette 1.000
rt. L,. ana cnzanpin v . l,i,iihiu iu ouv-
era & Lumbermen s HanK. diock io
Caruthers' Addition; lots 11. 12,
block 67, Fulton Park: lots 16. 17. 18.
block e9. Fulton Park 1
River View Cemetery Association 10
Howard M. Winter, lot 54. section
16. said cemetery 350
H. L. and Jessie T. Powers to David
Manary. S. E. 4 of section 9, T.
1 S.. R. 4 E 1
Ellen A. Crabel to Frank J. and Wini
fred Hellwell. north 30 feet of lot
6. block 7. Arleta Park No. 3 2,000
Permlllla Alice and W. P. Bennett to
Louis Deneau. lot 2, block 1, Troui
dale 725
Louis Deneau to Herman Blaser. W. 4
of lot 2. block 1. Troutdale
Peter and Ingeborg Johnson to V alter
Johnson, lot 3. block 3. Elizabeth Irv-
lng's Addition: lots 12. 14. block 52.
Sunnyslde Addition 1
Ella L. and Charles H. Woodward to
M. C. Davis et al. 50x100 feet, be
ginning at a point on east line of
Twenty-nrst street. 00 iwi nrtn oi
Intersection of east line of Twenty
first and north line of Davis 1
Title Guarantee Trust Company to
W Jower, lot 6, block 2, subdivision
of lots 1. 2. 7, 8, 9. 10 North St.
Johns 800
Emma G. Bogart to Thornton and Mary
R Prlckett. lot 5. fractional block
26. McMlllen's Addition 6.175
E. H. Beswlck et al to Alex Schmidt,
lot 10. block 9. Kenilworth 350
William and Kate Davis Jones to
Alex Schmidt, lot 10, block 3, Kenil
1 .north - 280
J. C. and Rosa Hardlman to Luke
Stoneman. lots 19. 20. 21, block 3.
Hardiman's Addition 825
Marshall O. and Josephine E. Wright
to Fred Countryman, property be
ginning at northwest corner of lot 1,
block 1, Central Albir.a; also lot 12.
block 1. Central Alblna 2.32S
F. o. and S. E. Downing to John
Ewald. lot 5. block 33. Llnnton 1
Eliza R. Barehus to Stanley Soule. lot
5, block 2. Saratoga 150
Investment Company to Clara Wage-
mann. lot 5. hock 3. Piedmont.... SOU
Willis S. Duniway et al to Abraham
A. aid Nellie J. Winter. Iota 7. 8.
blork 92. Str-nhrrws Addition ... 8.500
L. S. Taylor to Mary L. and Annie L.
Graham, lot 7, block 127. Park Ad
dition 8.000
G. W. and Sarah E. Thurman to F.
Meeker, lots 15. 16. block 6. Good
morning Addition 1.500
Elnathan and Genevieve Chapman
Sweet to May and Anne H. Shosien.
east 50 feet of lot 8 and north 30
f-et of east 60 feet of lot 7, block
215 cilv 22 Ron
D. S. Forve et al to Savarlno Petrec-a.
north '.'3 feet of lot 6. block 72.
Caruthers Ad.lttlon I 1.100
Edward C. and Olive E. Hurlbert to J.
1 . ward, lot 3. block 3, .Vlams Ad
dition trt c ihn. nru
feenrge and Maria Zittmayer to George
Sharer, lot 4. hlo,-k 9. Original
Townslte of Alhlna 1.900
Frank S. and Bertha L. Hallock to
Myrtle L McCurdv. lots 1. 2. 3. 4.
block 1. I-aurel park 1.750
Richard Post to Walter Hill. lot 3,
block 33. l.inntnn 1
Agnes H. and Otto Schumann to Her
bert Gordon, east 40 feet of lots 7. 8,
block 22tt, city 8.000
Real Eetate Investment Association to
Andrew and Marv Kranz, lot 14,
block 90, Sellwood 125
Mary A. and B. Fallows to S. I.
Stoufer, lot 4. block 2. Fallows
Terrace S.flVO
Total $103,683
Have your abstracts made by the Becurlt
Abstract A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerc.
The Portland P. A. Cowfell. Boise; S,
Watson. xs Angeles; E. A. Gilbert, Chi
cago; W. G. Davis, Seattle; J. L. Gregory,
Ashland; - M. Herngong, T. O. Minot, J.
Barnes. Snn Francisco; H. W. Larson,
H. L. Cowles, Springfield: J. E. Harring
ton. Paris; II. L. Jones. Drain; T. J. Klnt-n.
San Francisco; A. W. Clark, city; G. W.
Furniss. M. G. Norden. Boston; L. G. Nourse.
Miss rt. J,. Shaw, Phlla.; J. F. Mugguler
and wife, Seattle; s. II. Smith, Boston; R.
Neuhauser, Seattle; C. E. Young. Wheeling;
J. P. Dannler, G. Bates, San Francisco: R.
G. Stevenson. Seattle; C. R. Duryea. New
York; W. 1 Lansing, Jamestown; J. S.
Cummlngs, .1. E. Marshall, Rochester; T. W.
Mcllale. Chicago; R. L. Huhler. Dayton;
Mrs. J. D. Dempsey, Minneapolis; Mrs. 1..
D. Bodum, G. J. Day, Seattle; E. C. Barn
ard. Washington; M. 1.. Hevtte. Chicago:
R. F. Barker. Rainier: I'. Mannett, Vane;
F. C Fintsel, Los Angeles; F. II. Bales,
Seattle; E. P. Clark, Los Angeles; ti. J.
Lambley, I. Lawbaugh, New York; L. C.
L'illman. Mrs. L. C. Dillman. Seattle; W. H.
Huriburt, Minnesota; D. E. McLaughlin.
W. C. Squires, Mrs. Squires. J. .1. Jennelle,
Seattle; J. Campbell and wife. Seattle.
The Oregon I.. C Ross, New York; K.
M. Hayden, Oakland; A. E. Benton. Pan
Francisco; H. C. Levy. Cascade Locks; W.
R. Norrls, Chicago; E. F. Murphy. Mrs
G. Myrick. Butte; F. N. Graves. Centralis;
T. B. Ross. Turners Falls; F. W. Mitchell.
T. H. Claffev. Seattle: H. A. -Allen. As
toria: C. E. Race. Victoria; J. W. Garvin.
Minneapolis; J. T. Purdy. Caualdo; G. Po-.
Williamson: H. G. Hoffman, Chicago: K.
K. Kraft, San Rafael; W. Waechter, Fair
banks; E. C. Munk. Vladivostok; F. M.
Catnp, city: C D. Gabrielson, Salem; W.
R. Clark and wife, city; Mrs. F. W. Set
tlemeler, Woodburn; J. T. Albert. C.
Schmidt and family, city; A. H. Gates,
St. Louis; Mrs. A. E. Cartler, South Bend;
H. P. Gillette. F,elllngham; J. W. Hoe. Bel
lingham; F. Shea and wife. Stamford: C.
C. Teal!. Salem: J. S. Booths and wife.
Hood River: J. H. Dunlnp, Cascade Lock:
T. Sweek. Seattle; B. Rlake, Spokane; H.
P. Wood. San Francisco: J.. West, Clats
kanle: E. R. Chofield and wife, Vancouver.
The Perkins B. F. Wellington. San Fran
cisco; C. Nolanti. Creswcll; G. A. Chnay,
Bay Center; B. Kline and wife. Milwaukee;
F. S. Clench, Detroit; C, A. Dunbar. Mos
cow; L. T. Murphy. Leesburg; L. V. An
derson and wife. Spencer; L. M. Reeves,
South Bend: M. J. Montelth. Albany; G. W.
Kummer, Seattle; J. I-'. Warren, Spokane;
W. J. Chattey, Seattle; F. Rajotte and
wife, Spokane; P. Schenck, Seattle: I. H.
Bath. Hlllsboro; F. W. Clark, Astoria: J,
W. Staats. W. II. Rcddlck, M. O. Morrison,
F. Prudhomme, Dufur; E. L. Wood, G. W.
Turner, Seattle; J. p. Hull and wife, Daw
son; .1. H. Huner. I'rlnevllle: G. F. Skip
worth. Eugene; C. Wesely, F. T. Bllyow,
Sclo; A. W. Dockstader. Eugene; T. F. Bay
len. Pendleton; F. Cook. Astoria; C. N. El
liot, Redmond; Jeanette B. Henry, Oak
land: R. Burns, Winnipeg; A. R. Addison.
Lents; Mrs. J. T. Stoddard, Westport; R.
F. Omcg, The Dalles: 1. N. Menace. Lew
Iston; C. Wheeler and wife, Astoria: W.
Walker. Beaverton; J. Llndstrom. Aberdeen;
P. E. Thomason, city; Mrs. M. Smith, Dal
las: F. Utter, La Center; T. A. Lawler and
wife, San Francisco; H. Austin, cltv; E.
Groves. Olympta; L. T. Murphy. Lundberg;
L. Reese, Menominee; J. Adams, Oregon
City; W. O. Chrlstensen and wife: Mrs. J.
B. Benort and son, Astoria; Dr. H. C.
Barkman and wife, Stella; G. F. Adams,
The Imperial D. Lyon. Pt Ixjuls; Mrs.
George H. Kelly. Dr. T. W. Harris. Eugene:
F. W. Sain, Gaston. H. McLean. Shkagwav;
L. R. King. Philadelphia; S. S. Strain. Kelso;
Mrs. Belle J. Miles. Salem: Miss M. Miles,
Salem; Mrs. F. E. Harlow, Henrietta Harlow,
Lucile Harlow. Troutdale: A. R. Remlck.
Kelso; A. A. Ioeb. city; W. E. Grace. Baker
city: L. J. Adamson. Los Angeles; W. F.
Matthews. Portland; H. L. Benson and wife,
Klamath Falls: Rev. E. R. Prichard. Aber
deen; Mrs. B. F. Zell. Prlnevllle; C. H. Voss,
E. J. Voss. Spokane; H. Steach, Galveston;
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Milner, Wallace; Mis.
Viola Neece. Haines; G. J. Gessllng. Hood
River; M. J. Montelth. Albany: E. M. Brown,
city: G. A. Drysdale, St. Louis; R. G. Bal
deree. Eugene; J. C. Humphrey. San Fran
cis?,); L. Stout, Portland; W. B. Tiffany. Cali
fornia; Henry B. Thieteon,. R. A. Snider
The St. Charles F. C. Steveps, D. Tall
hot, city: J. J. Williams. Freewater; C. V.
Ray, Walla Walla: C. T. George. F. J. John
son, city; H. West. Sear-noose: P Iearv,
Hillsdale: R. Fields. White Salmon: A. Haves,
Mayger: W. A. Lunde and wife. White Salmon:
J. I'. Finta. Cornelius; D. W. Sargent, city;
W. Parker. .1. V. Marlow. A. K. Coleman and
wife. V. Olsall. T. A. Miglln. R. M. Conklln.
A. E. Knapton, C. Hansen. J. Montgomery. 1
L. Aumack. A. R. Coates. G. r. rtascom.
Spokane; P.. M. Parllns. W. H. Mondv. cltv;
R. Rees. Carrolton: G. S. Johns, Kalnma: E.
A. Crabtree. The Dalles': E. B. O'Nell, Carl
ton; H. P. King. Carlton; F. L. Gore, Sher
wood; C. W. Ray, Walla Walla; J. J. Will
iams, Freewater; C. E. Forkner. Freewater;
. p. iMable, Molalla: E. Bethers. The
Dalles: O. J. Rryant and wife. NeWDort;
G. W. Wiley and wife, Abilene; W. Chlsm.
Castle Rock: A. E. Smith. Silverton: Thomas
Morgan. Joseph: J. M. Williams, North Yam
hill; E. P. Fletcher, city: G. M. Grimes, Sea
side: Perry Kilymlller, Sandy: A. C. Jackson,
Goble; H. E. Buck. Scappoose: John Wtet.
Fcanpoose; G. T. Ages, Mapletonj J. B. Wiest.
Stella: J. G. Cogle. Mapleton: Fred Mc
Donald. C. H. Coe, C. C. Llgtroot, Newberg:
J. P. Freeman and wife, Hubbard; J. Busbee.
Hood River: Ralph Adams. H. Hlbard, Dallas:
w . Mel onneli, t.. Morris. Newberg: Georcs
A. Kohl. L. Kohl. E. Greber. Logan; R. M.
Banks. Banks; N A. Lunde and wife, Salmon:
Ben Farr. S. F. McAndrew. Woodland- W
J. Olive. C. W. Stlpp. F. A. Kohler. Rldge
field: V. B. Romsay. Lyle: Mrs. Mav Living
ston, Washougal: T. W. Laighton, Cape Horn;
.Mrs. ClarK. ivaiama: r . ero. city: John
Kapus. Rlilgeneld: W. A. Gray, WInlock;
Mack Trimble, Bridal Veil.
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Wash.
European plan. Rates, 79 cents to $2.5.
per day. Free 'bus-