Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Property on Ankeny Street Is
Purchased by Syndicate.
Was Bought by Swlgert and Camp
boll One Year Ago for $50,000,
and Now Brings $100,000.
Other Realty Deals.
A half-block on the south side of Ank
eny street, between Fourth and Fifth,
was sold yesterday for $100,000 through tha
agency of Charles K. Henry and I. G.
Davidson. It was the property Charles
F. Swipert and H. C. Campbell and was
purchased by a syndicate composed of
F. C. Ferrine, E. E. Lytic and several
other investors. The half-block is north
of and immediately adjoining the large
warehouse of the Marshall-Wells Hard
ware Company.
The sale of this property for $100,000
indicates an increase of more than 100
per cent since It was bought by Camp
bell and Swigert from Mr. Henry about
a year ago. Tiiere are frame buildings
on the properly at present, but as it
Is in the central warehouse district It
will probably be improved with a large
bri.'k before long.
Mr. Henry also sold yesterday a resi
dence owned by himself at the southeast
corner of East Fourteenth and East
Madfson streets. It was purchased by
Charles P. McCullough for $6500.
It is reported that the O. R. & N.
has secured an option upon 15 blocks at
McKenna Junction for $75,000. It is ru
mored that the ground is to be used for
a tunnel entrance for the Oregon &
Washington Railway Company on the
slough side of the peninsula. The land
is about half a mile east of Maegly Junc
tion, where the Portland & Seattle and
the Harriman lines cross.
A six-story brick and steel building is
to be erected at the northeast corner of
Park and Yamhill streets by Herbert Gor
don, of Eugene. The site, 50x50, is at
present occupied by a three-story frame
rooming-house that will be moved away.
The two lots on the north side of Alder
street, between Park and West Park,
are to be the site of a modern five
story structure to be erected by Dr. C
W. Cornelius. Dr. Cornelius has just
leased the lot at the corner of Park and
Alder streets from Mrs. Josephine Walk
er, of San Francisco, for 25 years. The
other lot is his own property. The lease,
which was executed by David S. Stearns,
is conditioned upon the erection of the
five-story building.
Cn a. lot he has leased for 25 years at
the northwest corner of Alder and Park
streets from Mrs. Josephine Walker, of
San Francisco. Dr. C. W. Cornelius will
build a six-story brick and steel struct
ure. Dr. Cornelius already owns the
adjoining lot to the west of Mrs.
AValker's property, and on it he will
proceed to build' a temporary two-story
brick building, with foundations on which
a six-story building will be erected later.
Li. 1 A. C.
OVER $2500.
Football Puis t'lub Sports on Good
hide of Ledger Baseball and
Basketball Lose.
It must fill the hearts of the mem
bers of the Multnomah Amateur Ath
letic Club with great pride when they
read the annual financial report made
by Arthur O. . Jones, club treasurer.
According to this report, the club start
ed the season of 1H0G handicapped by
an overdraft of $2095. St. This was paid
eff ami improvements amounting to
$1'SS4.07 made, yet the club wound up
the season with J 1617.56 cash on hand.
Football was tho sport that brought
the money into the club coffers. The
receipts of the games played last sea
son amounted to $7188.65, against a
disbursement of $4450.92, leaving the
club the handsome profit of $2757.73.
At first glance this showing looms up
greater than that of the season of
1905, but when it is understood that the
football squad of 1905 had to spend
$700 for equipment, such as suits,
shoes and other things necessary to
getting the team ready for the season,
the amount of money made is not any
better than that lu 1905, when the foot
bail team closed its season something
like $2500 to the good.
What brought the figures of the
football team up to such handsome
tigures during 190t was the reeord
luciking crowd that saw the Multnomah-Oregon
game. Baseball, for
some unaccountable reason, was a los
ing sport. Eighty-nine dollar's were the
baseball receipts, while the same cost
the club $152.80. This season baseball
will be under management of George
Eastman, and if there is not a revival
of interest it will not be Eastman's
fault. Basketball was also on the los
ing side of the ledger, but the worst
of the lot were the losses sustained in
track and Held end of the sport. It
cost the club $551.72, and the receipts
show that only $11 was taken in.
The boxing and wrestling depart
ment, under the direction of Edgar
Frank, made" money. In this depart
ment of the club's sports very good
shows were given. Frank has no end
of good material at his command, .but
a lot of the youngsters are shy at ap
pearing In public. Undoubtedly also,
there Is an impression among some of
the boxers that there is something off
color In boxing before the public.
Boys have no objection to appearing
on the mat in a wrestling match, but
when it comes to putting on the gloves
they stop. Parents are perhaps to
blame for this but all the same it
makes it hard for the manager of
this department, especially when the
club sends men to Seattle and Spo
kane to meet other boxers and wrest
lers. The report shows that $200 was paid
on the mortgage and that $377 was
turned over to the California relief
fund. Following are the resources and
liabilities of the club: '
Billiard 'room .....$ 2,003.00
Fowling- allev 249.8X
Foxtns; and wrestling 1.4M.75
Cigars . 1. 193.09
Senior $1.15.S0
Junior 1.734. 50
l.nrlies 1.I.17..V1
Girls 7O0.00
. $ 19,763.30
Busehtttl $ 89.00
Huski-tball K4.70
Football 7,lSS.(i.i
Handball .Vl.To
Tenuis C.-l.rtO
Trnrk uuil field......: , 1 1 . IK
;eniral huuse 95
l.o kera
junior ' 121). 2i
70S (10
Low Jinks ., 22:1.00
Membership fees 3.. 100. 00
Multnomah field 524.25
Towels 575.85
Turkish baths 391.30
Total receipts $ 39,350.85
Club buildings $ 31.874.53
Grounds 70.000.00
Vniaid dues 1.700.00
Furniture and fixtures 1U.3TiO.00
Football and baaeball outfits.... 8K4.30
ClKars, gum, etc., on hand 107.50
Total $123,870.52
Mortftaae $ 33.00O.o0
Due bondholders (IKS. 00
Net resources 88.188.32
Total $123,876.0:!
Active 71S
Commercial and non-resident 7 s
Absent 243
i-ife 13:;
Honorary 8
Temporary 8
Army and Navy 4
Women 120
Juniors .' 342
Juniors, women's annex 113
Total 1,709
Seniors SO
Women 2:
Juniors 28
Junior, women's annex 20
Seniors 35
Women 12
Juniors 4:,
Juniors, women's annex 25
Commercial t'lub Committees to Ask
Subscriptions for Denver 1 rip.
Several committees from the Commer
cial Club will start out shortly to so
licit subscriptions to defray the expenses
of the two bowling teams which are to
represent this city in the big tourna
ment at Denver next month. The prop
osition of taking a public subscription
has been advanced by the club and it
is the intention to give the project all
the boosting possible. The advertising
to be secured through this medium was
an Item that immediately attracted the
attention of the Commercial Club "Port
land Boosters." The two teams to rep
resent Portland are composed of the best
bowling talent among the several score
crack ten-pin knights in this city, and
have won places on the teams by a
competetlve series recently held among
the local bowlers.
James Slilnn Makes Good Impression
on Portland Manager.
James Shinn, the Californian whom
Manager McCredie has signed to play left
field for him this coining season, spent
several hours in Portland yesterday.
Shinn arrived from his home at Healds
burg( Cal., yesterday morning and shortly
after he reached Portland he hunted up
Manager McCredie. Manager Mae had
a long talk with the youngster and was
greatly impressed with him. While Mc
Credie does not expect Shinn to develop
Into a Mike Mitchell right off the reel,
he is of the opinion that the new player
will fill Mitchell's shoes without "slop
ping" around in them. Shinn will visit
relatives who live in the Willamette
Umpires Will Signal Strikes.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. The precedent of
President Ban Johnson, of the American
League, and President Harry Pulliam, of
the National League, in instructing Um
pires O'Loughlin and Johnston during the
world's series, last Fall to Indicate a
strike by raising the right arm and to
make no signal when a ball is called will
probably be followed this year.
All the major league umpires will prob
ably be instructed to use this system next
season. The plan worked to perfection,
and every spectator of the many thou
sands that saw the games of the great
series was able to keep track of balls and
strikes, even if seated out of range of the
umpire's voice. Tha innovation was high
ly appreciated.
It is expected the Joint rules committee
of the National and American League
rules will pass such a rule when the two
leagues meet here on February 23.
Cubs Down the Elks.
In one of the best junior games of the
season the Oregon Club downed the Elks
Wednesday by the score of 6 to 1. George
Slater and Albert Bishop played a star
same; Harold Hon", the young juvenile
singer, played a good same, as did Harry
Christensen, and Charles Urley played an
errorless game. The line-up:
Cubs Position. Elks.
Rtxhop , I- Fox
Slater. Wiley. P Olson
Christensen S. S Rosy
NtKen 1B Smith
Wiley 2B Hocksley
HofT MB.; fair
Michael . F Ronston
Heny I.. F Rattenburg
Hlherg R. F Carter
Umpire, Duffy; scorer. Walsh.
Auto Race Through California.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. A challenge
for an automobile road race from San
Francisco to Los Angeles issued by E. P.
Brlnegar, of this city, has been accepted
by Captain M. U. Ryus, of Los Angeles.
The contest"tvill be for a purse of $2000,
the winner to take both the competing
Ecclesiastical Dictum Sent to Sorrow-Stricken
FOSTER. Or., Feb. 7. (To the Editor.)
A day or two ago some unknown person sent
me a copy of an endless prayer chain. Just
think of sending; an anonymous letter to a
lonely woman who la here trying to recover
from the horrors of a cyclone-devastated
home, three funerals In four days as a re
sult of the cyclone, and left to face the
world alone with no home ties and the ever
present memory of mutilated loved ones and
a home that was, but la no more.
So much for the prayer chain. It ougrht to
be a lasso rope in the hands of an expert to
catch the sender of it. R.
The endless prayer chain referred to: "Oh
Lord Jesus, we Implore thee. Oh, Eternal
God. have mercy on all mankind. Keep us
from sin by thy precious blood and take us
to live with thee eternally. Amen."
It is recommended that this prayer be writ
ten and sent to nine other persona. He who
will not rewrite and send It will be afflicted
by some misfortune. He who will rewrite
thia prayer for nine days and send It to nine
persons, commencing on the day you receive
and send one each day, will on and after the
ninth day experience some great Joy. At
Jerusalem, during the holy feast. It was said
that he who will rewrite this will be deliv
ered from every calamity.
Fatal Wreck on Great Western.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1. Passenger train Xo.
5 on the Great Western Railroad, which
left here last night, was wrecked early
today at German Valley near Freeport.
Engineer Markln Cline was killed and
two mall clerks are missing. The train
ran into a car which had been left stand
ing too near the main track.
Thirteenth Death From Ammonia.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Another was added
to the list of victims yesterday of the
bursting of the ammonia pipe in the plant
of Armour & Co. a week ago, .when
Freeman Hunt, a bricklayer, died at tha
hospital. Increasing the number to 13.
Lobby. Imperial Hotel.
Two Large Oil Carriers Will
Relieve Fuel Situation.
Columbia and F. A. Kilburn Reach
Port Santa Ana and Jim But
ler After Lumber Ship
ping Is Delayed.
The prevailing shortage of fuel oil will
be relieved to a great extent today by
the Union Oil Company's tank liner San
ta Maria and the Standard Oil Company's
Maverick. The Santa Maria arrived up
yesterday afternoon and is discharging
at Portsmouth. The Maverick arrived
up late last night and went to the Stand
ard tanks below the city. For the past
IFORNIA. The Late Captain Hugh R. Robertson.
Captain Hugh R. Robertson, founder
and principal owner of the Robertson
Raft Company, who died at his Port
land residence Wednesday afternoon,
after an illness lasting three monthe,
went into the log rafting business in
1KS7 in a small town in Novia Scotia.
His first experience on the Pacific
Coast was at Jort Rragg, Mendocino
County. California, He built cradles at
Stella, Wash., on the Columbia, and
was successful in building log rafts
which made the outride Journey to
San Francltco.
month there has been a scarcity of fuel
oil on the river and all classes of steam
ers have been compelled to run with small
fuel supply. The steamer Atlas and barge
are due to arrive In the river today.
In addition to the oil fleet arriving
yesterday, the steamship Santa Ana. un
der charter to carry lumber for Inman,
Poulsen & Co., reached port. It will be
impossible for the steamer to go above
the bridges to load at present and she
will remain idle for several days. It is
dangerous to attempt to take a vessel
through the bridges during the freshet.
The Ssnta Ana was chartered to carry
3.000.000 feet of timber to San Francisco
from Portland. She arrived in the river
for the first lot on New Year's day and
has been since then making the first
trip. She carried 500.000 feet. Difficulty
in' securing a berth at the California port
is responsible for the delay.
The passenger steamers Columbia and
F.aA. Kilburn also arrived up late
last night. The Kilburn was forced to
take a berth below the Steel BrldRe. The
new steam schooner Jim Butler, In search
of a lumber cargo, went to one of the lower
mills. She belongs to Olson & Mahony,
owners of the Thomas L. Wand, and the
chances are that she will load and get
away before the Wand will be able to
get below the bridges.
Lying at the mills at the southern portion-
of the city are the steamers Nome
City and Thomas L. Wand, the schooner
Virginia and the ship Oriental and the
barkeptine Gardiner City. Three of these
are loaded and have been ready to move
for several days.
Kotohira Maru Fail to Bring a Con
sular Bill of Health.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) The
Japanese steamship Kotohira Maru, which
arrived today 13 days from Salinas Cruz,
was fined $i0M by the customs authori
ties this afternoon for failure to bring
a consular bill of health. She brought
an English bill qf health from Salinas
Cruz with an Indorsement stating that
there was no American Consul at that
port. This was accepted by the customs
authorities. The steamer was from Kobe
to the Mexican port with 995 coolies on
board, and It was for failure to have a
consular bill of health from Kobe that
the fine was Imposed.
The Kotohira Maru was formerly the
British steamer Glenshiel, of the Glen
Line. She Is of 22W tons register, is
commanded by Captain T. Tano and car
ries a crew of 91 men. The steamer will
load flour to Tallin, China.
Business of District Makes Satisfac
tory Showing for Month.
Report of business transacted in the
local Custom-House was completed yester
day and a copy of the same was dis
patched to the department at Washing
ton. The business for the month was in
excess of expectations, as the river was
blocked for a period of ten days and no
vessels could enter or clear during that
time. The important Items in the report
Vessels entered from foreign ports 8
Vessels cleared for foreign ports 8
Vessels entered from domestic ports .15
Total number of entries of merchandise. .31:1
Certificates of enrollment granted 2
Licenses for coasting trade granted 6
Total receipts from ail
sources $70,370.40
Refunds and drawbacks. . . $ fioo.42
Salaries and expenses.... 5.154.21
Total ." 7O.:t70.4O 13,763.63
Net receipts J64.606.7T
Plies on Beach North of Fmpqua.
Crew Is Taken Off.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. The Mer
chants' Exchange has received a dispatch
from Marshfield, Or., stating that the
schooner Alpha, which sailed from San
Francisco January 20 for Coos Bay, went
ashore Sunday night, February 3, eight
miles north of, The captain la
the only person remaining aboard the
stranded vessel, the crew having been
taken ashore. '
Flreboat Will .Not Abandon Coal.
Because of the scarcity and increas
ing price of fuel oil it is probable that
the change from coal recently ordered
on the flreboat George H. Williams
will not occur. It was decided at a
meeting of the fire committee yester
day to defer the acceptance of a bid
for installing oil burners, which was
informally recommended accepted at a
former meeting. When it was first de
cided to change fuel on the boat, Chief
Campbell estimated the cost of oil at
05 cents a barrel. When the board ad
vertised for bids, however, the only
offer received was at $1 a barrel. This
bid was not accepted and It was de
cided to readvertise. but the commit
tee was informed yesterday that the
price of oil had risen to JL35 a barrel.
Shipyard Under Water.
Supple's shipyard at the east end of
Morrison bridge is nearly all under water
and little work Is being done, although
the yard is filled with work. The hull
for the dredge for the Swift Packing
Company is afloat and the hull of the
Upper Columbia Transportation Com
pany's boat is partly under water. Barges
at the north end of the yard are afloat.
The steamer being built for shipment to
Copper River, Alaska, is nearly com
pleted. Steamboat Cook Drowned.
John Nell, cook on the steamer North
west, fell from the gangplank of the
boat at an early hour yesterday morning
and was drowned. A heroic effort was
made to save the man. One of the crew
fastened a heaving line around his body
and Jumped into the river. He succeeded
in securing the body, but life 1 was ex
tinct and all efforts to revive the man
proved futile. The body was sent to
the morgue. Neil was well known around
Crew Escapes on the Ice Boat Goes
Down in Minute and Half
After She Strikes.
VANCOUVER. B. C Feb. 7. The tug
Stranger. Captain Robert Fenton, ten
der to the dredge King Edward, was
last night sunk in the Frazer River
off Westham Island. The tug was in
collision with an ice floe. Members
of the crew saved themselves by Jump
ing out on the ice. The Stranger was
towing six pontoons and a blacksmith
shop rigged on a scow, the flotilla be
ing on the way to Victoria.
A gray, deceptive mist rendered in
distinct the ice strewn on the surface
of the river. A drifting ice field
loomed ahead. Anotner floe, several
acres in extent, was driving across the
main channel in the current from
Woodward's Creek, which empties into
the river at right angles. Just then
the ice ahead of the Stranger grounded,
forcing her to keep out to avoid It.
The approaching of the other floe,
which was quickly closing in from
the or-posite side of tho river, was not
noticed till too late, when a ram of
ice, with the whole weight of the field
behind it, struck the tug amidships,
crushing her timbers, and leaving a
ragged rent through which the water
commenced to flood. The engineer
called up that she was leaking.
The captain stepped out of the
wheelhouse to look below. He met
the engineer coming with a valise in
his hand and the water following al
most at his heels. Snatching his valise
and a roll of blankets, the captain
jumped for the ice field, just as the
water reached the deck. The other
two members of the crew were already
out on the floe. A minute and a half
after she was struck the little vessel
disappeared beneath the waves, while
her captain and ciew got on the pon
toons, which were taken in charge by
the tug Restless.
Crew Abandons National City.
133 ANGELES, Feb. 7.-"aptaln Kred
erickson and the crew of the steam
schooner National City, which ran ashore
near Redondo last Tuesday, have aban
doned their efforts to pull the vessel out
of the sand In which the hull is deeply
Due to Arrive.
Name. From Date.
F- A. Kilburn. . .San Fran In port
Xlcomedia Hongkong in port
Columbia San Fran In port
Alliance Eureka Feb. 8
Roanoke Ban Fran Feb. 10
Costa Rica San Fran Feb. 14
Geo. W. Eider. ...Ean Pedro Feb. 18
Kumantia Hongkong -Feb. 21
Arabia... Hongkong. . . . .Mar. 21
Aragosla Hongkong Apr. 11
. Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For Date
Nlcomedia Hon-tkong Feb. 9
Columbia. San Fran . r'eb. S
F. A. Kilburn San Fran Feb. 10
Alliance ..Eureka Feb. 10
Roanoke San Pedro Feb. 12
Costa Rica San Fran Feb. 16
Geo. W. Elder.... San Pedro Feb. 2i
Numantla Honskong Feb. 28
Arabia Honakonsr Mar 28
Araaonia Hongkone; Apr. IS
Entered Thursday.
American steamship Santa Ana.
(Daniels) in ballast from San Fran
cisco. embedded. The hull Is filling with water
and the waves are breaking over the
deck. The vessel will probably be turned
over to the insurance companies.
Tillable to Float Wltzemann.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. An unsuc
cessful attempt was made today to float
the schooner W. T. Wltzemann, which
went ashore yesterday on Duxbury Reef.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Columbia, with passen
gers and freight from San Francisco,
arrived up last night.
The steamer F. A. Kilburn, from San
Francisco, Kureka and Coos Bay, ar
rived up last night with passengers and
The French bark Marechal d'Vlllars, 156
days from Antwerp, in cement, arrived
In the river yesterday. No outward char
ter has been reported for the vessel.
The steamers Harvest Queen and
Charles R. Spencer are operating be
tween Portland and Bonneville, carrying
passengers from the belated westbound
trains. , x
The French bark Emilie Calline, also
in cement from Antwerp, crossed in late
yesterday afternoon. She is under char
ter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. for out
ward loading.
Arrivals and Departures.
ASTORIA. Feb. 7. Condition of the bar
at C P. M.. rough; wind, southeast. 42 miles;
weather, cloudy. Arrived at 5 A. M. and
left up at 2 P. M. Steamer Columbia, from
San Francisco. Arrived at A and left up
at 9:60 A. M. Steamer Maverick, from
San Francisco. Arrived at &:30 and left
up at 10 A. M. Steamer Jim Butler, from
Baa Pedro. Arrived at 11 A, 11. Japanese
steamer Kotohira Maru, from Muroran.
Sailed at 11:30 A. M. Barge Washington, in
tow of tug Sameon, for San Francisco. Ar
rived at 10:40 A. M. Steamer F. A. Kil
burn, from San Francisco and way ports.
Arrived down at 1:45 P. M. Steamer Costa
Rica. Arrived at 7 last night French bark
Bmille Galllne. from London. Left up at
0:15 P. M. Steamer F. A. Kilburn. Out
side at 5 P. M. A three-masted ship,
San Francisco. Feb. 7. Sailed Steamer
Geo. Loomis. for Portland. Sailed last night
Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Astoria. Ar
rived Steamer Sheila, from Ladysnih. B.
C. : steamer Admiral Hamelin, from Na
naimo; steamer City of Puebla, from Vic
toria; schooner A. B. Johnson, from Aber
deen; steamer Melville Dollar, from Port
Townsend. Sailed Barkentlne Centennial,
for Bellingham: steamer Amasls, for Se
attle; barkentlne Aurora, for Puget Sound;
Fteamer O. C. I.lndauer. for Gray's Harbor;
British ship Earl of Dunmore, for Vancouver.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
High. Low.
8:4R A. M S B feetl 2:25 A. M 3.4 feet
10:32 P. M 8.3 feet 4:07 P. M 0.2 feet
East Side Club Not Satisfied With
Frame Structure.
At a meeting of the East Side Busi
ness Men's Club last night, at the Odd
fellows' Hall, Grand avenue, H. A.
Calef presiding. Councilman Kellaher
Introduced a resolution requesting the
O. R. & N. Co. and Southern Pacific
Company to build a fireproof passenger
depot on East Morrison and East First
streets, instead of the proposed frame
structure. He called attention to the
large sums the Harriman interests
were spending and Intend to spend in
bridging the Willamette River at Mil
waukee.' in bringing In the West Side
line through East Portland, and de
clared that a wooden passenger depot
should not be built in that district.
The resolution was adopted", and will
be forwarded to the company.
Secretary Blglow was empowered to
employ an assistant secretary, to se
cure the membership of every retail
dealer on the east side of the river.
An effort will be made to run up the
membership to at least 200, and to se
cure members from Alblna, Sunnyside
and Stephens' Addition.
Resolutions were passed indorsing
the Tomllnson East Side Band, com
posed of musicians that formerly be
longed to the Southern Pacific Band,
and nsking that the money usually ap
propriated for public concerts be divid
ed, so that this band will receive a
portion and give concerts. Mr. Tom
llnson was present and explained the
object and purpose of the new band,
and said, in view of the fact that it
was made up of East Side men mainly.
It deserved the support of that por
tion of the city.
It was decided to hold a mass meet
ing of all the clubs next Thursday
night at the club hall. In the Odd
fellows' building, to discuss the question
of opening and Improving streets., with
the object of amending the city char
ter, giving the Council more power.
M. G. Griffin, a visitor from the Brook
lyn Club, was present, and in a forcible
address, set forth the Importance of
changing the present method of Im
proving and opening streets, and de
claring that nothing short of a com
plete revolution In the present methods
would give the city generally Improved
streets. He pointed out that a few
people could block and prevent either
the opening or improving of an im
portant street. An effort will be made
to get a large attendance at this meet
ing. New Oregon Postmasters.
ington, Feb. 7. These postmasters
were today appointed in Oregon:
Crook, Crook County. Harry Barass,
vice S. J. Mllliron, resigned; Wlldwood,
Lane County, Minnie M. Cox, vice W.
Southcard, removed.
If Baby Is Cutting Teeth
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for
children teething. It soothe the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cure wl&4
colic and diarrhoea.
Under the Food and Drugs Act
June 30th. 1906 Serial No. 332
Sick People Need Food
Thi Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "Pur Excellenct.'
Is indorsed by all Physicians as
Nature's Purest Food
Every requirement of nourish
ment is. contained in Ozomulsion.
Strengthening Fats, .from health
producing Cod Liver Oil and
Glycerine, upbuilding- and support
ing nerve tonics in the Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda, and a
gentle blood purifier in Guaiacol,
which thoroughly cleanses the
body of disease-producing poisons.
Nourishes tho Sick Back to
Beneficial Results are Obtained after
the First.Dose.
There are two size B-oz. and 16-oz. Bottles;
the Formula is printed in 7 languages on each.
Ozomulsion Laboratories
548 Pearl street. New York.
Under the New Pure Food Law
All Food Products roast be pur and
honestly labelled.
was fifty year ahead of the Law. It was
always pure Vanilla. Every bottle now
bears this label : Guaranteed ander the Food
and Dract Act June 30th, 1906," Serial
Number 9 1, which has been assigned to us
by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. ,
inCFDU RtlflU?TTr.n.. MtTAII.Uill.
jstlsiiiiliilifiiiii sislb
All Grocers and Druggists.
Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills She
Gained Weight and Has Been In
Perfect Health Ever Since.
Do not seek relief from suffering
simply, buj free your system from the
disease which is the cause of your
suffering. That is the message which
a former victim of neuralgia sends to
those who are still in Its grasp. Hot
applications, powders that deaden the
senses and others that reduce the
heart action may cause temporary re
lief but the pain is sure to return with
greater intensity. Neuralgia has been
called the cry of a starved nerve. In
neuralgia the nerves need nourishment
and the only way to nourish them if
through the blood.
Mrs. Evelyn Creusere, who has a
beautiful home at 811 Boulevard
West, Detroit, Mich., suffered for
years with neuralgia until she tried
this tonic treatment and was cured.
She says:
"My trouble began about six years
ago and I did not rest as I should
have, but kept up about my many
duties. After a time I became so
weak I could not do any work at all.
I had severe backaches and such
dreadful headaches in the back part
and top of my bead. My eyes were
easily tired and at times I saw black
spots before them. I consulted sev
eral doctors but without the slightest
benefit.- The pains were so Intense
that my hair turned white.
"I lo6t continually in weight and
strength and was almost in despair
when a friend recommended Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills. I tried them ac
cording to directions and soon began
to feel relief. At the end of three
months I had gained ten pounds in
weight and had no more trouble with
my nerves. I have been in perfect
health ever since and can heartily
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
Mrs. . Creusere Is a prominent mem
ber of the Maccabees and has served
as president of the Woman's Relief
Corps. Her story may be absolutely
depended upon and it should bring
hope to every nervous sufferer.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on
receipt of price, BOc. per box, six
boxes $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Company, Schenectady, N. T.
Georse 9. Soally. of 75 Nassau St., New
York, says: "For years I have been trou
bled with rheumatism and dyspepsia, and
I came to the conclusion to try your pills.
I Immediately found great relief from
their use; I feel like a new man since I
commenced taking them, and would not
now be without them. The drowsy,
sleepy feeling I used to have has entirely
disappeared. The dyspepsia has left me
and my rheumatism is prone entirely. I
am satisfied if anyone so afflicted will
Kive Radway's Pills a trial they will sure
ly cure them, for I believe It all comes
from the system being out of order the
liver not doing its work."
cure all Disorders of the. Stomach, Row
els. Kidneys Bladder. Dizziness, Costive
ness. Piles. Sick Headache, Female Com
plaints. Biliousness. Indigestion. Consti
pation and all Disorders of the L,iver: 2Sc
a box. At druggists or by mail. Rad
way & Co.. M Elm street, N. Y. Be sure
to get "Radway's."
A Pain Remedy
If you would stop pain head
ache, neuralgia, -sciatica, stomach
ache, backache, or any miserable
feeling you must over-come the
nerve irritation which causes it.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do
this. They do it without nausea
or disagreeable after-effects.
'They soothe the nerves and drive
out the pain. Ask your druggist
about them.
"I have never found anything as good
for headache a-s Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
Pills. They are Just what they are called
a pain remedy." MRS. ROST.
1121 St. Clair St., Cleveland, Ohio.
If they fail to help, your druggist will
refund the money on first pakaKe.
25 doses, 26 cents. Never sold in bulk.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
0 COPA34
rcpahcd for hvpooermisor intuhal Use.
:t..- ste 1.1 rm.uuu Dy oiutjuiure lru
Co.. 15t Third St.
SanFrancisco & Portland S.S.Co.
Operating tho only direct passenger steamers.
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, at 8 P. M. :
K. rt. "COSTA ITICA," 'eb. IS, 2JS; Mar. 3.
8. 8. "COMTMIMA." Feb. B. 19: Meh. I. etc.
From &pear-st- wharf. San Francisco, at
11 A. M.
8. 8. "COM'SIBIA " hb.,15, 5; March 7.
8. 8. "COSTA RICA," Feb. 11, 21 j .March S.
Fhons ilalu 110S. 248 Watalastou st
EAST via
11:30 P. M.
Portland and San
Francisco E x -press
stops only
at most import
ant stations be
tween Portland
and San Fran
cisco for all
points East and
TRAINS for all
local points
south. Sacramen
to, San Francis
co and points
East and South.
Morning; train
connects at
Woodburn dally
except Sunday
with Mt. Angel
and SUverton lo
cal. Cottage Grove
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
S u n d ary with
trains to and
from Albany,
Lebanon and
W o o dburn
Spring ft e 1 d
branch points.
Corvallts passen
ger. Sheridan passen
ger. Forest Orotl
11:30 P. M.
t:5 P. M.
T:25 A. it.
8:30 A. hi.
5:30 P. sC
4:15 P. M.
11:00 A. M.
T:80 A. M.
4:10 P. M.
0:50 P. -
10:20 A.M.
t2:K0 P. t
t8:00 A. M.
tB:20 P. M.
tll:00 A. M.
Dally. fDally except Sunday.
Depot, Foot of JoRerson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:48
A. M. ; 12:50. 2:05. 8:30. 5:20, 6:25. 7:45, 10:10,
11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:30.
6:30. 8:40. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland. .
dally, 8:35 A. M.. 1:55. 3:05. 5:10. 6:15. 7:35.
8:55. 11:1J P. !.; 12:25 A. M. Dally except
Sunday, 6:25, 7:25. 8:35, 9:35, 11:45 A. M.
6unday only. 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and In
termediate points daily, 7:30 A. M. and 4:lij
P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:15 A. M. and 6:2
P. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Llna
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlie. con
necting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. 820; berth. 85.
Second-class fare, 815; second-class berto.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe:
also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Corner Third and
Washington Sts. l'hone Main 712.
C. W. STINtiER, W.U. M'All'RKAT.
City Ticket Agent. Geo. Pass. Act,
Through Pullman standards and tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omana, Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars tseats freei to
the East dally.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
SPECIAL for the 9:30 A. M. 7:80 P. M.
East via Huntington. Dally. Dally.
soirairiTri. 7T0OP."M. 8:00 A. M.
SPOKANE FLYER. Dally. Dally.
For Eastern Washington, Walla Walla,
Lewlston, Coeur d'Alena and Great Northern
ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:10 P. M. 9:30 A. M.
for the East via Dally. Dally.
PORTLAND - BIGGS 8:16 A. M. 5:45 P.M.
LOCAL for all local
points between Biggs
and Portland. -
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M,
way points, connecting Dally Daily
with steamer for 11- except except
waco and North Sunday. Sunday.
Beach steamer Saturday
Hassalo, Ash.-st. dock. 10:00 P.M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore. 7:00 A.M. 5:30 P. M,
son City and Tamhlll Dally Dally
fMver points. Ash-it except except
dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lewlston, Idaho, and way polnta
from Rlparla. Wash. Leave Rlparla 6:40 A.
M.. or upon arrival train No. 4, dally except
Saturday. Arrlva Rlparla 4 P. M. dally ex
cept Friday.
Ticket Office, Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 713. C. W. Stinger, City
Ticket Agt.; Win. UcMomr, Gen. Pas. Agt.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A M
For Maygers, Rainter,
Clatskanie, Westport,
Clifton. Astoria, Wr
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria and Seashore-Express
Astoria Express.
11:55 A-M.
8:50 P.M.
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder st O. i A P. A,
Phone Main 806.
From Seattle at 9 P. M.
for Ketchikan. Juneau,
Skagway. White Horse
Dawson and Fairbanks.
S. S. Cottage City (via
Vancouver and Sitka). Fee
1. 14. 2S.
S. S. Ramona (Skagway direct). Feb. 9,
From Seattle at A. M. Umatilla, Feh.
14. March t; City of Puebla. Feb. 4. lj;
Spokane. Feb. 24.
Portland Office. 249 Washington St.
Main ZZ.
C. D. DUN ANN, ti. F. A.. San Francisco.
North Pacific S. S. Co's
-Steamship Roanoke
Sails for Eureka. San Francisco and Los
Angeles -Tuesday, February 32, at 8 P. M.
Steamship Geo. W.Elder
Sails Tuesday. February 2. at 8 P. M.
Ticket Office, 132 Third, near Aluer.
Phone Main 1314. H. YOUNG, Agt.
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and Th
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 A. M., arriving about 5 P. M.. carrying
freight and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder at.. Portland; foot of
Court st., Th Dalle. Pnone Mala 014.
For Corvallls. Albany, Independence. Sa
lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves :4i A. M.
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday.
For Salem and way landings Steamer
"OREGON A leaves 6:45 A. M., Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
JToot Tavlor Btreat