THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. HAHRIMAN FORCED CLARK INTO LINE Senator With All His Millions Foiled by Wizard of Wall Street. SEIZED ONLY OPEN PASS Copper King's Brother Tells of Struggle to Build Independent Road From Salt Lake Sale of Half Stock Is Forced. LOS ANGEIVRS, Cal., Feb. 7. The first day of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion's hearings in Los Angeles on the subject of , the Harriman merger was consumed In the direct examination of a single witness, J. Ross Clark, brother of United States Senator W. A. Clark, director and second vice-president of the San Pedro. Ixm Angeles & Salt Lake Railway. Mr. Clark's examination by C. A. Severance, attorney for the Commis sion, was comprehensive and complete. The line of questioning covered every range of subject as it applied to the re lations of the Clark road and the Harri man system, and a great mass of new facts was elicited. Mr. Clark proved a willing witness, and gave information freely enough, although he was hampered occasionally in his ex planations by a lack of knowledge of the technical details of the business. He, however, readily referred his inquisitors to the managers of the various depart ments of his company for the desired in formation. The most important fact brought out was that showing the reason and neces sity, from the viewpoint of the Clarks, for the disposal of one-half of their road to Mr. Harriman. It was shown that when the building of the Clark road was commenced from Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, the Oregon Short Line, a Harri man property, harassed and retarded their progress, and finally, getting posses sion of the only available pass through the mountains 4n the shortest direction to Los Angeles, compelled the Clark road to come to their terms, sell to them one half of their property and make an iron clad agreement to maintain the same lo cal freight rates as the Harriman roads for a period of 99 years. As a final act of coercion of the Clarks, the Harriman Interests began a survey of a road between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, and implied, at least so Mr. Clark test 1 Med, a threat of building a parallel line. CONFEREXCK WITH OPERATORS Harriman Officials Asked for More Pay and Sunday Rest. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. An import ant conference between representatives of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers and officials of the Southern Pacific was begun at the offices of the railroad in the .Flood building this afternoon. The committee from the telegraphers presented to the railroad officials a re quest for a general readjustment of the schedule now in force on the Pacific system, which was agreed upon three years ago. It was stated that a general increase of wages and lessening of hours was desired, the changes to be made to suit varying condi tions at different places. It was also requested that, where possible, there should be a cessation of Sunday work, ths rrtmmlttpo nrvpntincr tha vfaw Af t Vi a company that in many cases Sunday work was necessary, so that a flat order doing away with all Sunday work was out of the question. " It was stated by both sides that the conference is a friendly one and an amic able agreement is looked for. The changes, if made, will affect the entire Pacific system, embracing the lines of the Southern Pacific from Portland to Los Angeles and as for east as Ogden. Talk of Raising Freight Rates. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-Jtallroad officials who make their headquarters here seem generally disposed to echo the remark last Monday of President James J. Hill, of the Great Northern, that the rail roads of the country will find themselves obliged before long to advance freight rates, instead of reducing them. The con sensus of opinion of these officials is that Increase In cost of labor and material is so far outstripping the rate of increase In net earnings that only a moderate re versal of business activity will bring the railroad companies face to face with a jjiretty difficult problem as to rates, es pecially in view of the popular sentiment toward railroads now prevailing. Burlington Fight for Mall Contract. CHICAGO, Feb. 7. The Inter-Ocean today says: "In order to prevent the transconti nental mail from being transferred to the Rock Island System, the Burlington Railroad has notified the Postofflce Department that it will cut Its rates for this service about 7 per cent, equal to about $65,000 per annum." Harriman Returns to Work. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-E. H. Harriman, who has been confined to his house for nearly a month as a result of a surgical operation, was at his office today for the first time since his recent illness. Wabash Increases Capital. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 7. The Wabash Railroad Company filed today with the Secretary of State a certificate of in crease of its capital stock to $66,500,000. OLD FIREMEN AT BANQUET Members of "Multnomah Xo. 2" Meet for Annual Dinner. Members of the Multnomah Engine Company No. 2. one of the pioneer Volunteer fire companies of Portland, gathered at the banquet bpard at Rich ards' Hotel .last night, and discussed the old days when they saved Port land from many serious conflagrations. After a repast wnich was so excellent as to create general enthusiasm and which was served under the personal direction of Manager T. I. Richards, a rew Informal addresses were made. Charles H. Dodd presided as toast- master. The addresses and the conversation were confined largely to the days when the volunteers answered the fire alarms. A spirit of good fellowship prevailed and the hours were passed enjoyably. The Multnomah Engine Company Is k. benevolent association, the members of which are firemen who belonged to Engine Company No. of the volun teer fire department, and who saved their funds for mutual protection and benefit. Those who attended were: F. G. Buchtel, George L. Stuart, G. Cas tendeick, John Godthardt, Charles Dubar, George Tuttle, Henry Lem llne, Ed Zeltfuchs, IT. Zeitfuchs, Joseph Williams, Joseph Buchtel, Charles H. Dodd, William Wascher, George Story and A. B. Stewart. SUSPICIOUS OF FOUL PLAY rollce Doubt That Xeil Was Drowned by Accident. ' Police officers who investigated the drowning of Jack Neil, at the foot of Salmon street, early yesterday morn ing, believe the man might have fallen or been knocked into the river while engaged in a fight or altercation. "When they reached the scene, conflict ing stories were told them by members of the crew of the steamer Northwest, on which craft Nell was cook. Payolmen Wendorf and Bales state that Mate Ed. Brown, of the steamer, had accompanied Neil up town to get a drink, and was with him when he returned to the vessel some few min utes before he attempted to board the boat. Brown is said to have shouted, "The cook has fallen overboard," be fore any of the other members of the crew could reach the scene, and the officers are puzzled as to how he knew who it was before the body was fished out. Patrolman Gustafson states that the fact that the man's eyes and mouth were closed tightly when taken from the river is a Suspicious sign, and furthermore, that during the process of rolling the body in the ef fort to resuscitate It, no water was forced from the mouth, which caused him to believe that the man was dead before he struck the water. Coroner Finley Btated yesterday that the death was undoubtedly due to accidental drowning and that he did not believe that an Inquest would be necessary. CAR SMASHES DIRT WAGON Hastening to Barn at Full Speed It Knocks Driver Jrora Seat. Car No. 34S of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company's line ran down and practically demolished a heavy wagon belonging to the C. J. Cook Company at Grand avenue and East Clay street at 12:30 o'clock this morning, and caused In juries to Will Rhelstein, the driver, which necessitated his being conveyed to St. Vin cent's Hospital in the patrol wagon. The injured driver says that he was driving north on Grand avenue and that the car, for which he was endeavoring to turn out, came on him with unabated speed and the crash completely turned his wagon over and badly wrecked It. Ac cording to eye-witnesses the car was go ing to the barn and made no effort to slow down for the wagon, the rear wheels of which had become fouled with the rail and were skiddng, as was shown by the marks in the mud for about 20 feet at the scene of the accident. Rhelstein was thrown under the over turned wagon and all the witnesses thought he was killed. His right arm is broken and he Is bruised about the body and legs. His injuries are not believed to be serious. QUART 0FWHISKY DAILY Twenty Years' Indulgence May Ex plain Vaholn's Sickness. George Vaholn became suddenly 111 in a lodging-house at Sixth and Irving: streets last evening, and at the in stance of t ity Physician Spencer was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in the patrol wagon. He says he has drunk a quart of whisky every day during the past 20 years, which is probably re sponsible for the internal disorders with which he is afflicted. At the rate mentioned, he must have drunk something over 29 barrels of whisky within the two decades. SECOND-STORY BURGLARY While Family and Guests Make Merry, Intruder Robs Vpper Room. "While the members of the household and guests were assembled In the par lors of the residence of Arthur O. Jones, at 6S6 Everett street, between 9 and 10 o'clock last evening, a burglar entered the second story and ransacked the room of a guest, Mrs. Hewett, of Seattle. The burglary occurred while the enter tainment was at its height and the thief secured Mrs. Hewett's gold watch and $7 in coin. LURED TO RUIN BY FAT MAN (Continued From Page 4.) "What did Mr. Thaw do?" "He shook his head sadly and said, 'Poor little Evelyn. I see they have been making a fool of, you.' I told him that Mr. White had taken me to Abe Hum mell's law office and had shown me pa pers in a suit In which a girl had made charges against Mr. Thaw." "How long did the interview last?" "About ten minutes." "What did Mr. Thaw do on leaving?" "He kissed my hand and said he did not care what I did; that I would al ways be his little angel." "Did he often call you angel?" "Nearly always." Stories Which Estranged. Mrs. Thaw said she met Harry several weeks later on the street. "He came up to see me," she said, "and said I was looking badly. I told him I had not been well. He told me I should not put rouge on my cheeks, as it was not becoming to a girl of my type. I said I had put some on because I was so pale. I then met him upon the street one day, but he only bowed. The next time I saw him was at the Cafe Beaux Arts. I was In vited to dine there with another girl and found Mr. Thaw one of the party. "I told Mr. Thaw I was going back on the stage. He said I was looking badly and he would pay anything to keep me off the stage. "I met him again a few days later with the same girl at the same restaurant. He asked me to tell him all about the stor ies. I told them all, the story of the girl in the bathtub, of tying a girl to the bedpost and whipping her, and I told him all the stories that friends of Mr. White had told me; that Mr. Thaw took mor phine and that it was while he was under the influence of the morphine that he did these awful things. ' Traces Slanders to White. "He said he understood why these stor ies had been told me, as White and the men who told them hated him.' He asked me if I ever saw him take morphine and I said I had not, and that I told Mr. White that I never had seen him with a hypodermic syringe. "After that I saw Mr. Thaw often. One day I found the man who had told 'me of having been at a hotel one night and hearing screams in a room. He broke in and said he found Mr. Thaw whipping a girl who was tied to a bedpost. I asked him to tell me the story again and he did so. But his story this time was that it was a waiter who saw the Incident. It was different from the original story. The Sunday Oregoriian All the News Home and Abroad Most attractive Colored Supplement printed on the Pacific Coast. The first page is designed and executed by The Oreganian's own artists. The picture next Sunday, "Won't You Be My Valentine ?" is an original conception, carried out in an artistic manner. A feature of these color pages is that they illustrate Oregon scenes and events of the hour. Thursday, February 14, will be St. Valentine's Day, and the artist presents the readers of The Sunday Oregonian with the picture of one of Portland's prettiest young girls as a Valentine. Do you know herf The Sunday Oregonian The Sunday Oregonian employs special writers and artists to furnish' it new and original features every Sunday. Among its special writers are: Frederic J. Haskin, who is writing articles daily about America and Americans. Professor Frederick Starr is writing for The Sunday Oregonian an interesting and instructive series of articles on the Congo country. The articles are illustrated wkh pictures of the natives, their homes and home life. Dexter Marshall, another writer of passing men and things, has contributed for next Sunday's issue an article on newspaper men in public life that is illustrated with lifelike pictures of six of the leading newspaper men of the age. Their names are familiar to every newspaper reader, but you must secure a copy of The Sunday Oregonian to see the latest photographs of them. John Elfreth Watkins, another special correspondent of ability, writes graphically of the claim made by a prominent Tennessee attorney to the effect that J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, did not die until 1903. The evidence de duced to sustain the claim is very convincing. The story is illustrated with a fine pic ture of President Lincoln, Booth, David Hurd, Lincoln's log cabin home, the Ford Theater and other scenes of the historic tragedy that shocked the entire world. The Sunday Oregonian The colored supplement has the most amusing and laughable of funny pictures. Binnacle Jim's illustrated sea stories give the funny side of a seaman's life. The trouble that Jim and Bill, the parrot and monkey, get into trying to get even with the old captain, who is a perfect martinet, would make the most serious-minded merry- Next Sunday's story shows them sewed up in an elephant's hide. They try to run the "old man" off the ship, but meet with an accident, and they get the worst of it. The Roosevelt Bears are in Ireland, having the time of their life with Paddy, the jaunting-car and the pigs. They visit an Irish fair and get into more mischief and trouble than on any of their previous journeys. The Roosevelt Bears are conceded to furnish more laughs for the youngsters than any other series of comic pictures. You have to see them in their various antics to enjoy them. You will find them only in . The Sunday Oregonian. They appear in a new scene every Sunday. The Sunday Oregonian Does not neglect society, the housewife, the lover of outdoor sports or the lover of books. In next Sunday's issue a page is devoted to the natty suits and gorgeous head wear that will be worn this Spring by stylish women. The illustrations show the very newest creations in gowns, hats and neckwear. The newest Parisian styles will be found in every Sunday edition. The feminine motorist will also find the latest nov elties in the fashion pages. George Ade, the Hoosier humorist, contributes something every week. He is now doing over old stories in a very humorous fashion. He does not spare sentiment or romance, but shows the absurd and ridiculous in everything he touches. Oliver Gold smith's "Vicar of Wakefield" claims his attention for next Sunday's edition. Only Ade could make this popular story take on such a phase. Considerable space is given to a discussion of current topics by able writers. "The Beginning of Methodism in Oregon," "The Plea of Insanity as a Defense," "How . Shall We Save the Salmon?" are among the topics discussed. All of these pages of special features are in addition to the regular news, society, music, real estate and dra matic departments. The Sunday Oregonian gives the telegraphic news of the world, of Portland, Oregon and the Pacific- Northwest. The Sunday Oregonian I asked him why and he said, 'I told you that to please Bomebody.' " Mrs. Thaw said she finally told Mr. Thaw that she could And nothing in the stories that had been told her about him. "What did Thaw then say to you?'" "He said It was all right. 'You know I never lie to you.' he said." Mrs. Thaw said she saw Harry Thaw the night of Christmas eve, 1903, at the Madison-Square Theater. Thaw's Iiawyer Testifies. Mrs. Thaw was here directed to step aside temporarily to allow the testimony of Frederick W. Longfellow, to whom Thaw's letters offered in evidence had been addressed. Mr. Qleason examined the witness. He showed Mr. Longfellow the letters and asked if they had 'been received by him. Mr. Jerome objected to the tes timony until the defense waived the right of professional privilege as be tween Mr. Longfellow as counsel and the defendant as a former client of the witness. "I desire to cross-examine this wit ness," said Mr. Jerome, "and as he was formerly counsel to Thaw I may " "I withdraw the question put to my brother." said Delmas. "Were you attorney for Thaw when you received this letter?" demanded Mr. Jerome. "Yes." "Did you receive it in your professional capacity?" The witness examined the letter close ly. "I presume the letter came to me in a professional capacity," answered Mr. Longfellow. "Have you the envelope of this letter?" "I think not; the envelope probably was destroyed." "You have made no search 7" "No." "While there Is doubt as to the exist ence of the envelope of a letter which may come by mall, no other evidence upon the point can be received," ruled Justice Fitzgerald. "But," argued Mr. Delmas, "I have asked the witness to state from memory whether he received the letter previous to June 25. 1906." "You may answer that," said the judge. ''Yes, two years before," said Mr. Long fellow. On cross-examination Mr. Jerome drew from the witness that he had refreshed his memory from a letter-book in the office. "Was that a usual thing to do with professional relations with clients?" "Not altogether," said the witness. Another letter was shown for Identi fication and .another argument ensued. Arguments between the counsel took up most of the time of the afternoon ses sion. Throughout the afternoon there was nothing startling and those who were anxious for sensations were, in gloom. Mr. Longfellow was finally allowed to say that the second. letter shown him was received in November, 190S. "Was It received In a professional capacity?" insisted Mr. Jerome. "While It may have been," said the witness, "it does not? follow that I car ried out the Instructions it contained." Mr. Longfellow identified four or five letters and fixed their dates as prior to June 25, 1906. Mr. Jerome persisted In asking whether or not the letters came to. the witness in his professional capa city. The -witness eaid again that he presumed they did. though he did- not carry out the instructions. "I communicated their contents to Mrs. Thaw," he said, "and that's all I ever did." To Introduce the letters, Mr. Delmas called Mra. Thaw and then Droceadad ta read the first one. It was quite lengthy, requiring more than 15 minutes in the reading. The letter began: "Dear Long fellow." and said among other things: Evelyn has left me six or seven letters and telegrams from the blackguard. If they wish to begin a row, I am ready for It. I prefer to reach New York so as to go to Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and then to Port Huron, In time for the wedding on November 18. 1 would return to New York In time to. meet the Lady Yarmoutn, who lands on the 24th. The more row the bet ter. Maybe we will be married after the Lad; Yarmouth arrives. Maybe after the row. Her mother doesn't sount. The letter then referred to some un married woman, whose name was omit ted, as a "trickster," "schemer," etc. Thaw referred evidently to MiSs Nesbit and her mother when he spoke of them as "unfortunate" and the "blackguards who are blackmailing her." "The msjtter of being married is most secret." the letter continued. "If the suit for kidnaping is begun, it must not be mentioned, but we will need two staffs of reporters. You get one staff, and I know the kind I want and will secure them when I land." Nothing for "Wretched Mother." The letter constantly referred to "that blackguard," and said: Miss X. would give alt she possessed If she could have been sent to school by me in stead of him. She should never have re mained on the stage so long, and, If they had listened to me, she would not. It re sulted in her name being falsely connected with two others beside that blackguard. Poor girl! She was poisoned when she was 16 years old. Remember that. If I die, my property is all to go to my wife, but in the event of her death, must go to her relatives. Her wretched mother must not receive anything. I would provide for her brother, however. Poor girl! If I die she may not live to be 21. The next letter read to the Jury,' dated November 13, 1903, was also addressed to Mr. Longfellow. It said in part: Please send someone to inquire at 202 or 204, or perhaps 206 West Forty-fifth street, if Miss is there, or where a. letter or phone message can reach her. I slept 7 hours on the train; which is a record since she came home. My responsibility is gone, and I know she can thank me for any faltn. human or divine, she has. Everything that she had lost ie like a glass of water in a river. I am overstrained, you see. At this point adjournment was taken until tomorrow. FIND SKELETON IN WOODS Workmen Discover the Grisly Re mains of an Unknown Man. While working for Lafe Pence about one mile and a half north of the Cliffy, House, and a quarter of a mile west of the Llnnton road, Bert Jacobs and William Harrison found the skeleton of a large man in the woods Wednes day afternoon. It had evidently lain there many months, and - there Is no means of identification. The shoes, which were still there, had elastic sides, a rather uncommon thing, but beyond this there is noth ing upon which to hope for identifica tion. Last Summer's forest fires had burned over the remains. Chamber of Commerce Bulletin. The February issue of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin Is out, and is attracting particular attention because A Retail Piano Dealer Quits Business To enable the Reed-French Piano Company to get control of the cele brated S o h m efr Piano and the Sohmer Cecilian. thev had to buy out a retail piano store-tho store 350 Alder street, and after securing control of this valuable piano, they turn around and offer the whole stock of pianos (Sohmer excepted) for less than it would cost to put them together. See evening papers for details. Sixth and Burnslde. of the complete report made of the an nual meeting of the Chamber held January 7. Every address made is given in full, and fine half-tone cuts are shown of all the new and old offi cers of the organization. The Bulletin is lavishly illustrated throughout. Be sides the report of the annual meeting, there is much other reading matter of exceptional merit- Gives Florist Bogus Check. Mr. Tonseth, the Sixth-street florist, reported to the police last evening that a well-dressed stranger calling himself David Lewis, of Nineteenth and Flanders streets, passed a bogus check on him for $15. The man pur chased flowers valued at $4, and took the change in cash. Spanish Crops Frostbitten. MADRID, Feb. 7. The intensely cold weather which has prevailed in Spain recently lias destroyed the Winter crop In several provinces. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Portlands Or., Feb. 7. Maximum tempera ture, 52 degrees; minimum temperature, 62 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 21.4 feet; change in last 24 hours, 2 7 feet. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. trace; total Losing Flesh? Take VINOL now; Easy to get it back again." Vinol creates an appetite, makes rich, red blood, strengthens every organ in the body, and builds up firm healthy flesh. That's because Vinol con tains all the medicinal ele ments of cod liver oil, taken from fresh cods' livers, the useless oil eliminated, tonic iron added. Try it on our guarantee.; Yesterday we received thirty new Spring patterns of Kidderminster or Ingrain Carpets Our stock was already large. We also received about one hun dred new Art Squares In all sizes from 7 1-2x9 to 12x15 ,This would be a very good time to look at Ingrains all grades, all prices Exclusive Carpet H0US8 J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House sTOU, aflCTSOHAX. rraaides ua Ibufa, Seven rb. and Washington Streets. PnrtTanA. Oregon. European Flan l $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. precipitation since September 1. 1B06, 32.22 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1, 1900. 28.04 Inches: excess, 4. IS inches. Total sunshine, February 6, 2 hours 6 min utes; possible sunshine, February 6, 9 hours 55 minutes; barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., GO. 11 Inches. WEATHER FORECAST. The barometer has fallen generally throughout the North Pacific states and heavy ralna have occurred along the Straits of Fuca, and moderately heavy rains have fallen In the Bound country. The In dications are for rain Friday In Western Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho, and for Increasing cloudiness In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho, with no rain of consequence. The river at Portland at 5 P. M. was 22.2 feet, and it will come to a stand before midnight at a stage of about 22.4 feet. Fri day It will fall slightly, and Saturday and Sunday It will fall rapidly. At Salem the stage at 5 P. M. was 27. 7 feet, which Is 1.8 feet lower than it was at 8 A. M. today. Above Salem the fall has been more rapid. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. TATION& Baker City.... Bismarck Eureka Helena North Head.... Portland. ...... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake City. San FranclBco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla Walla. . . T., trace. 51 S1? WIND. 8!E 28 0.00! 4 SE 60 0.00 4 W 420.0n 4 W 84 'O.lrt'42 SE 821 T. 2 E 68 O.0O 4 N 2jO.OO 4,W 58.0.00 54 0.00 64i0.O0i 52 0.00 5010.50 11 MEETING NOTICES. QfEEN ELIZABETH HIVE, NO. 24. L. O. T. M., will give a social and military whtM Sat. eve., Feb. 1), at I. O. o. F. Hall. East Pine and Grand ave. Refreshments. Admis sion 15 cents. All are cordially invited. MTLTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W.. will en tertain OrganUer Tkhenor tonight. All Wood men welcome. Refreshments will be served. East Side "Woodmen Hall. ll: Kast 6th etreet. J. M. VKDWORTH. Clerk. if MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. IK. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening In Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock; social. Hy order V. M. JEXXIE II. t ALLOW AY, Sec. IIASSALO LODGE. NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting thin (Friday) evening at 7:30. Work in the first degree. Visitors welcome. F. COZENS. Secretary. A MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42, A. F. & A. M. Stated communi cation this- (Friday) evening, Burkhard Hall. All M. M. In vited. By order W. M. GEO. P. LENT, Secretary. 4'N 4 N 6'NW 4'W 8.E 50l.40 14 E 54;0.00 4 NE Pt. cl'dy Cloudy t'lear Cloudy Pt. cl'dy IKaln jfiear Clear (Clear jciear IClear IClear cioudy Rain IPt. cl'dy WEATHER FORECASTS: Forecasts made at Portland for the 23 hours ending at midnight, Friday, Febru ary 8: Portland and vicinity Friday, rain, south erly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Friday, rain, southerly winds, with a mod erate gale along the Coast. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fri day, Increasing cloudiness and occasionally threatening. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Friday, ratn. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Fosecaster. - AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Gilman's auction rooms, 411 Washing ton at., at 10 o'clock A. M. 8. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at salesroom, 208 First St., at 10 A. M ; groceries, etc. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First street. Sale 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. FUNERAL NOTICES. PLUNK ETT At the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Orrln Glenn Parker, 410 1st at.. Walla Walla, Monday, Feb. 4. Janet Suther land Plunkett. Funeral from Holman'a chapel, Friday, Feb. 8, at 2 P. M. FITZGERALD In this city, February 6, at 760 E. 33d St., Anna, aged 25 yearn, be loved wife of F. J. Fitzgerald. Remains at the residence of her father, John Moll, 506 Karl st. Funeral will leave the house thU morning at 8 o'clock and then will go to Gresham Catholic Church, where services will be held at 11 o'clock. Interment will take place at the Catholic cemetery at Gresham. Friends respect fully Invited. PBDRKTl'l In thlw city February S, Benja min Pedrettl, aged 60 yen re. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chape at 3 P. M. Saturday. Feb ruary 9. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. BEATIE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral eer.v icta of John Beatle, which will be held at the family residence. 1572 Haven street, Uni versity Park, at 2:30 P. M. today (Friday). Interment, Carlton, Minnesota. HENDERSON In this city at the family resi dence, 893 Martin avenue. February 6. Roy B. Henderson, aged 26 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at the chapel of J. P. Finley A Son today (Friday) at 2:80 P. M. Interment at River View Cemetery- M'WVAK-In this city. February 8, at S25 Main street, the Infant daughter of I. C. and Lillian T. MoEwan. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel at S:SO P. M. today (Friday). Friends Invest, Interment River View Cemetery. Dunning, MeRates GUbaugh, Funeral 1)1 . rectors, 7th A Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady aast SK1CSON CNDEBTAKINtl CO., 400 Aids st. Lady assistant. Phons Mala t,lM. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral "Direct, r, 120 M st. Lady assistant. Psoas L MI, EELLER-BYRNES CO., Undertakers. Km lmsr. 7 BumsU. East 108a. Lady ua't. 9. r. F1NLET SOX. Funeral Directors. No. tel Sd st, cor. Madison. Pbon. Mais S. F. B. DUNNING, Undertaker. 4 It Esst Alder. Lady assistant. Fhons East M. PIANO STUDIO LOUIS H. BOLL Now located over EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Entrance on Park st.. Suits D. ARBUTUS CIRCLE. V. OF W.. will giva a military whist party this (Friday! eve ning in the Woodmen of the World Temple, lllh st., between Washington and Alder; dancing and refreshments. MED. CRAWFORD At B90 Clifton street. Portland HelKhts, on the 7th lnel.. Acne M. Craw ford. a.Ked 75 yenrs, widow of the late John D. Crawford. Notice of funeral later. AMC8EMENT9. 14th and HUTTin THE STUD Phons Washington kUiniL.i Main 1 Tonight 8:15. Tomorrow Night. Matinee, 2: IS Tomorrow P. M. W. M. ('KANE EI.I.IS JEFFREYS supported by an all-star cast. In Goldsmith's Great Comedy. " SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER." Prices, both matinee and night, 50c to $2.00. Seats now selling at theater. THERE OFF! PEATS NOW SELLING. KLAW EKLANGF.K'S BIG PRODUCTION McllNTYRE & HEATH In the Musical Comedy Vaudeville Show, THE HAM TREE 80 rEOPLE 80 HE I L I G THEATER Hon., Tue., Wed.. Feb. 11, 12, 13. Matinee Wednesday. Prices, Both Night and Matinee: Lower floor. $2.00. $1.50; balcony. $1.50. $1.00, 75c: gallery. 75c, 50c; boxes, $12.00. Bakerjheater Phone Mala 1S0T. Oregon Theater Co.. Less, .1 T D.k., TL - Home or me ureal dsbt xhi-. -Company. Presenting All This Week E. H. Sothern's powerful success IF I WERE KING." Scenery and Settings Exact Copies of the Original Production. Immense Cast. Per sonal Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley Mati nee Saturday. Evening prices 2ac. 3oc, 50c; Matinee. 15c, 25c. gfi. EMPIRE THEATER "Tr"" MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Playing Only Eastern Road Attractions. Matinee Saturday. Tonight All This Week. The Realistic Scenic Melodrama "NETTIE THE NEWSGIRL" Always a Popular Favorite With the Peo ple. Regular Empire Prices. Next Attraction, starting Sunday Matinee -L."Human Heart..' LYRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINNING FEBKUAJRV 4. "Tennessee's Pardner" Box 'office open from 10 A. M- to 10 P. M. Seats can be reserved by phone; Main 4ft85. THE STAR Main 5498. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 4. The Allen Stock Company Present. 'OUT OF THE FOLD" Matinees, Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturday! and Sundays, at 2:15. Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices, 10c. 20c, 30c Secure seats by phone. Main 549(1. PANTAGES THEATER rTKlTs? VAN GOFHE EMMA COTREI.T. Gaston A Harvey, Bell A Dal ton. Leo White, Lola Fawn, De Lasaeur ft Tonn, The Blograph. Performances Dally at 2:30, 7:30 and 0 P. M. Admission. 10c and 20c; Boxes, 25c. Any Seat at Weekday Matinees, 10c. The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe ROLAND TRAVERS Illusionist. Tony Williams & Ethel Row, Qulg & Mark, Dorothy Mld en, Kipp A Klppey, Harold HofT. Grandl ecope ("Foul Play.") Special added at traction George F. Armstrong.