12 THE MOUSING OKEGOXIAtf, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1907. TWO MORE DAYS OF January .Prices ON Brussels carpetings of all grades. Select your. Brussels carpets dur ing January. Look at them to- ; day. Our stock is very large and complete. It includes scores of private patterns in Bigelow, Hartford and Im perial Body Brussels A full Spring line of Roxbury Brussels and a full assortment of cheaper weaves. J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House HOI MXTSCHAX. FmUent tod Itiniiia. European Plan Grange to I,ay Cornerstone. Arrangements have been completed for laying 1-he cornerstone of the new two atory Grange building at MUwaukle to morrow morning, at 10 o'clock, with ap propriate ceremonies. A. T. Buxton, state master, has oeen invited to deliver the oration. The men attending will be expected to assist in raising the frame of the building;. The women of the Orange will serve luncheon. The building committee has decided to make the structure one of the best Ora-ntte halls In the state. The founda tion Is finished and lumber is on the ground for the frame. The cost will be about 12000 when completed and finished. IAH.Y MXTEOBOLOGICAL REPORT. PORTIiAND, Or,, Jan. 29. Mailmum tem perature, 3ft degrees; minimum. 32 degrees. Itlver reading- at 8 A. M . . S-.3 feet; change In last 24 nours. rise 1.3 feet. Total precipita tion. 6 P. M. to G P. M., .40 Inch; total pre- clpttation since September 1, 1000, 27.75 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1. 1006. I'H M Inches; excess, 1.69 lnchea Total sun shine January 28. 10OT, none; possible sun- shjne January 28, 1007, 9 hours, 32 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 29 88. PACIFIC COAST WBATHBR. WIND. E2- s STATIONS. rtftker City 9'lamarck. ........ (')l 1,1! ............. Kureka. .......... Helena Kamloopji. B. C. North Head...... I'ocatello. ........ Portland .......... Red Blurt...,...- RoBobunt rlacramento Salt Lake City... l-'an Fnuiclaco. . . . Spokane. ......... Seattle . Tatoosh Island... tVslla Walla 4H'0.01 Cloudy l-OIO.OOl 4'NW lifE 4!S 4'N ...Calm lS'SK eiss 3'N 4SW 4 W . 4 IN" 4jSE Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy oo r. 0 T. 14 0.00 4V0.02 oO'O.OO it. e iouay Cloudy 3BI0.O41 06 0.00 Cloudy Cloudy rS!0.02 820.00 Cloudy so,o.oo BOiO.OO Cloudy rioudy Cloudy Raining Raining 4K"lm fl'E a SB! "M. T- 44 0.01 42'O.OG' 18'S 26,0.041 4W (Cloudy -Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The temperature has risen 4 decrees sines yesterday evenln- In Portland and this alight rla was sufficient to clear the Ice from moat of the ovefhead wires and greatly diminish that tncaalns the treeB and ehrubbery. A small rise In temperature has also taken place In ths Sound country, but In Califor nia and Nevada it la i.yhtly colder. L.lfcht rain has fallen In Oregon, Western T'aKhlT.gton and extreme Southern California end light snow has occurred in Eastern "Waah- Inicton. The Indications are for is"ht rain TtTednea- day in "Woe tern Off go n and Waatern "Wash- lngton and for light rain or snow east of the Cascade Mountains. There will be a further wlf febt iIb In trmpra.tur Wedneadajr In Port land and g the lower Columbia River Valley. FORECASTS. Portland and. vicinity Occasional rain; tSout,h-sut winds. Wntrn Oregon Occasional rain; cooler south portion; (southeasterly winds. 'Western Washington Occasional rain: sOuthf-Mterlr winds. aBatrn Orearon and Southern IlssJ-io Oec- slnnal rain, possibly part snow. Baatem Washington and Northern Idaho- Pnnw and slightly warmer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Wt f o win sr rat-w wIL adrvrtlsina- ordered to CODtWCUUV days, Dally and Sundaj Issues. The Orego- it I an chars; I. rat-time rate vcti insertion for slaaalrlod axivoarfcislnar that fls not ran oat coomcuUt days. Tbe nraC-tizne rato Is charged for tacit Insertion in Iba Weekly OreKonlant "ltooras.' ""Rooms and Board, "Hotiso-ttaeplne- Boonu," "Situation, wanted," IS words or less, 15 cents; 19 to SO words, 20 rents! 11 to 25 words, 15 cents, eta. Mo discount for additional Insertions. UNDER A 1.1. OTHKK UK AOS, except "New Today," 80 cents tor 15 words or less; IS to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 rents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional uwernos, one heirs no rurtner duoount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (sans measure agate), SS ctrnta ler line, first Insertion ; lO cents par line for sTSSsvc-b ssvdclltiotasaj Insertion. ANMWKKS TO AJ)VEIlTSliJllNr8, avd- txmti care Ibo Orfgonian, and left at toll ofTlc-a. should always be Inclosed in sMtle-d eavlopa Mo tauop la voaialred os mch letti. Tn Oretjonlan will not be responsible for erron In idvutlicmenti taken through tht telephone NEW TODAX. Clay Street tll.Sflfc-SOxlOO. Thirteenth and Clay, two houses: Just place for flats or apartments. Will trade for other property, or sell on ?Hy terms. Grin da tall & ScJtuUk, 2tH Stark street Saiwatt n4I WaahtiwCaa tfi s;nis Clung. Oi nm Exclusive Carpet ; House 91.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMtSEMESTS. ih and nniift TnriTtp " Washington a.j a . Main LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT 8:15 O'CLOCK. The Oalnty L.yrlc Comedienne, HELEN BYRON, In the Military Comic Opera, "SKROKANT KITTY." Tuneful Music Prettv Girl. Fnff. Price.. 25c to $l.AO. Seftti selling at theater. SALE TODAY 10 AM. artmann VIOLINIST Friday Evening Feb. 1-Heili Prices 75c, 91.00, 1.50, f2.00, 92.50 Direction LOIS STEERS WYNN COMAN. flnlins Tkenlne Fbone Main ItOT. DdAb IllCdlul Owfoa Theater Co.. Lsssse. ueo. Ja Dane, aist. Third and Yamhill Streets. . Matinee Todav 2:15. Last Time Tonight. June McAtillen Ordway's Beautiful Drama, " O R E Q O N " A Tale of the Historical Old Emigrant Trail of the Pioneers. First Time on Any StB.Be. Under the Direction of John Sainpolls and Arthur Mackley. BVENlNn PRICES Parauet. SI. SO: Par auet Circle, tl: Balcony, first 4 rows 50c, next 3 rows 3.1c: Gallery, 25c; Box Beats. $2. MATINEE: Uwar Floor, ouc Ralrnnv. 1 anti "1p Thursday, Krlday, Satnrdar and Batnrday Matinee, by Special Request of Hundreds oi fatrons "TOTa Mmnt.FMAV." Remilar Baker Price. KlKhts, 25c, 35c ano mc: Matinee. ic ana .o. ' NEXT WEEK "IF I WERE KING. EMPIRE THEATER rheni Mils in M ri.TON W flKAMAN. Hanacer. Tonlftht and All Week:, Matinees today 2:15 Saturday, Kennedy & Wlllard Present the Greatest ot All Swedish Comedy-Dramas, "YON YOXSON." Introducing GEO. THOMPSON, the Greatest of All Swedish "Oialect Comedians. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Regular Empire Prices. Next Attraction "Nettie, the Newslrl.n Tli IZ STAR Main 0408. The Allen Stock Company Presents The Famous Comedy-Drama "Loveand IawM By Milton Nobles. Matinees, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2: IS. Prices. 10 and 20 cents. Trv.ru . -. T"i r r i . r B, fa . 1 . I'.l 1 .. .. 1 LYRIC THEATER WTCKK BEO Nl ?G JANUARY 28. "The Heir Apparent" Box ofTloe open from. lO A. 34. to lO P. lkC. Beats can be reserved by phone; Main 4685. The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe THE N0ETZEL FAMILY the Greatest Tight Wire Artists In the World. VWoq and Fllnn, William H. Wlndom, the. iPren- tiee Tito, Mills taatd Beechcr, Harold HofT. 4Drunl4a Matir, PANTAGES THEATER Slxi Ttio ImolfM. Harry r0 rjtfn. The Blo srraph, Jacobs and Sardel, leslle and 1owii. lug, Leo White. Tba Royal Japanese Troupe Performances dally at 2:30. 7:aO and S P. M. Admission, 10c and 20c. Boxes 25c Take any seat at week-day Matinees for TEN CENTS. NEW TODAY. PORTLAND Is attracting more attention than any City on the Pacific Coast and Is undergoing- MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and in the years will likely make mors PliOORESS than it has In its entire past. The EAST SIDE: has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population, Is growing tho moat RAPIDLY, and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST svnd WILL be there. Holladay'5 Addition Is the aeogxaihlcal center of the city, and la the most DESIRABLE, residence district, and much or this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook: these FACTS when making Investments, and call and in, pect the property, for seeing; la be He vine. The Oregon Real Estate Company .lists TUid. SU, Room i, Portland, Oregon. AUCTION BAI.ES TODAY. Furniture at the" Portland Auction Rooms. 211 FIrjrt. st. Sale P. M. C. L Ford, auc- Bt J. T. Wilson .t uiMmnn. 20R letrHt St.. at lO A. M. Sale at the Arctic Fur Co. store, 270 Waso. st, at 2 P. M. J. T. WUson, auc tioneer. 1 HEBTTNG NOTICES. . HARMON? LODGE NO. 12, A. P. & A. M. Special communi cation this (Wednesday) evening: at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the K. O. decree. Visitors are cordially invited. J3y order of the W. M. W. M. De LIN, Bee. KREMLIN BAKU. T. O. M. Work meeting- Thursday even ing. January- 31. at 8:15 o'clock, Odd. Fellows Temple. Petitions must be in recorder's I hands by 7 P. M. Balloting: at - i rtanquet ar. Wear your fz. SS. E. SHARON, Recorder. Tf . 0. TEMPLE OpenlnK ball given by ProsDrct Camp. No. 140. Thursday evening. Jan. 31. Good music SAMARITAN LOTMI TCO. 2. T. O. O. F". Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o ciock. Third deeree. The degree stall is particularly requested to attend. Visitors wel come, so.. L? sec. DIED BAKER In this city at the family resi dence. Tio. 04 3d street. January xv. Bethel daughter of Mr. and" Mrs. A. J. Baker, ag-ed, 5 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. PRATT In this city. January 26. Benjamin fratt, aea years, 11 mo n ins ana .u days. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Pulmon streeta. at 3 P. M., Tuesday. January ii. Interment II 1 vest-view cem etery. GOULD-Frlends and acquaintances are re. spectiully Invited to attend the funeral services of the late William Xewls Gould, which will be held at the Armory. Tenth and Couch streets, at 1 :30 p. M . Thursday. January 31. Interment River View. The' remains will lie In state from 9 A. M. Thursday until hour of aervlce. MARTIKX Tr fhla olty. Jontia.rr 2A, Mary U Mai-tlen. satjed 20 years. 11 months, 14 days. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holmans chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts. .at 3 P. M. Thursday, Jan. 31. Interment Lone. Fir Cemetery. KATHISON Jan. 24, at Rawlins, Wyoming, Matthew Mathlson, aged b(J years, 3 months. 17 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the family residence. 171 ELaJtt 7th st. rs onn, at t-. ja. toaay i w eanesaayj Jan, 30, Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. WINTER In this city. January 28, Julia L. Winter, afted 49 years. 1 month, 8 days. Friends are respectfully Invited, to attend, the funeral services, which will be held at Hoimana chapel, corner Third and bal- mon streets, at 2 P. M Thursday, Janu- ary 31. Interment River View Cemetery. Dnnnlnc. McEnlee 4B GUIwitb. Fuunl Di rectors, 7 th A fine. Fbone .M. 430. Ladj a.st KBICSON UKDKKTAKINU CO.. 4 OS Aids. SS. lj assistant. rfaoiw TliBln eisS- EDWAKD HOLMaS CO.. Funeral Dtrect- r, 120 3d it. Lad; .Hlatant. l'boue M. Ml. ZELLER-BYBNES CO.. UnOertakers. Btn baluiors, Z7S Kamll. m loss. Xady su't. 9. r. FINLEY a SON. Funeral Director. No. t81 Sd St.. cor. Madison. Phone Mala S. F. fl. ItJ?7tf IJO. rjBdertaasr. 41 sUder. Lady assistant. 1'bon Kast 6S. XFW TODAY. 2 SNAPS LOWER ALBINA $12,500-78x135 feet, covered with buildings; monthly income $115.00. Can be increased to $135. $15,000-50x100,' "with fine 3-story brick, annual income $1650, Building could not be re placed for $16,500. W. B. STREETER 115 Third Street. BUY A LOT Easy Walking Distance, East 12th, East 13th, East 14th, East 15th, East 16th, between East Davis and East Glisan Streets. Lydia DucKman Addition $100 to $200 Casb. Balance Easy Terms. , Sea Us Today. Nofihwesfern Cuaranfee e Trust Company Lumber Zlzcliiuie Building, Second and Stark Streets, , I HAVE THREE CHOICE PROPERTIES One lit lolated In Hawthorne Park, on East Madibon and 14th sts. ; lare 8-rooni nouse, new ly duiu ; mouern in every pa.rr.ic ular; hardwood floors; fireplace; furnace Jot 50x100; price foOOO. ' Another Is located on- Clackamas St.. in the choicest section of Jrlolladay Parle Ad dition; house modern in every way; rooms; lot 50x100; price. $3000. Another is a house and lot In the Xob Hill district. Bear in mind there are hard ly a half-dozen houses In this district on the market. This property is located on Kearney, near 20th st; lot 50x100. Large fi-room house: modern , and a complete home, price S7SOO. A. B. SCOTT 41Q Stearns Bids., 6th and Morrison. 520,000 10$b Net 118x100, corner, new, up-to-date business mock; terms cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent' A. B. RICHARDSON 522 Chamber of Commerce. ALEX. C. BAR, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. OT McKay Building, Phone Mala NEW TODAY. OR RENT STOREROOM For the month of February In tbe Oregonian Building YIRGIL C00MER. Boom 20L WANTED Near O. "W. H. line improved farm of 40 acres. State location and lowest cash price. S 72 Oregonian. FOR SALE what. ESTATE. SELLW00D HOMES. $8!0 5-room house on improved street. S 1350 5-room cottage, close in, new. $lffOO S-room house. tlOOO room house, 3 fine lots. $1000 5-roora furnished house, 3 lots. $2700 6-room house, 6 lota, near car- Une. S 1 WO 5-room cottage, nice high lot. $lMO S-room house. 2 lots., corner. , Hl'V Fine corner lot. $3au Lot on Improved street, $500100x100. 2 blocks from car. 6ELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO., H. P. Palmer, Manager, 222 Falling bids;. Main S661. Sellwood offlce, Tenino and lth. Sellwood 161. IP YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR In vestment It will pay you to come in and see what we have to show you In city property, acreage, small ranches, close to the city. Factory or warehouse sites and acreaa fn St. Johns: also the best 268-acre farm In Multnomah County, located on the Co lumbia River. 7 miles from the Court house, with it-mlle of deep-water front. S100 per acre will buy this If it Is taken soon; this Investment has no equal; It will pay you to look this up at once. GREGG BROS., 84 6th St., 317 and 31S Fenton bid sc.. Portland, Or. 3 PINE HOMES. Modern -room house, very neat, nice con dtlon: lawn and ros.'. all ctiolce; close to oar and walking distance. S3700. 6-room modern house, full lot, on Will- lams ave.; gas and electric light; lull base ment: cement walks; $3500. 6-room neat and modern house, full corner lot, on M ultnomah street.; S3300. HE.N'KLJ? & HARRISON, 217 Ablngtou b.dff. $11.000 ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE SITH xor ramiiy notei. .4X I o, otuw n w a,sn lngton st. and new X 150,000 family hotel under course of construction. Will bring easily $15,000 In less than 6 months, and Is positively the best Investment for the money to be had in Portland, and if you are looking for tho best buy It will pay you to see me at once. John B. Matthews. 722 Chamber of Commerce, JUPT THINK. 1 200 LOTS NEAR SALEM carune, no ran ner i nan st. j nniui, .i. s id per lot. at $1 per month; good soil and level. with houses ' already there; you can't buy acreage for game amount; they will be raised to $50 per lot In August, when cars are rnn- nlng. There will be the Aneet town In the valley out here. A pply, to ownr, W. Reldt. room IS. Washington bidT.. 4th and Wash lngton. PORTI.ANf vert ftnb 8-room housh on Eugene st. . lot 00x150 ; t h is location Is good, and at our price you can buy for less than actual value. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. BE. Cor. 3d and Oak eta. TRUST CO. 1 $4750 HERE IS THE "BEST BUY IN THE city for the money as Investment or home, Nob Hill, 150 feet north of Washington st., facing east; adjoining property ground has been broken for modern apartment hotel; this offer Is gooA until February L ie07, only. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce. INCOM G-BEARINO FLATS OM EASY terms 284-286 16th St.; 4 flats, $79 per month; porcelain baths in each, close in, easily rented: $2000 cash. $75 monthly ln- tlAllmenti: fncom -will nav the Install ments, making remarkable investment of small capital. .Morgan, nweei x nao- rnan, 213 Ablngton bids. Phono Main 2015. SOMETHING- EXCEPTIONAL. A choice piece of "West Side property, fine locality, walking- distance; will go cheap If sold at once; earns 10 per cent on foOOO; will (ro for much less. HAGEMANN & BLANCHARD. 91 5th st- - S2 acres adjoining- city limits; all cleared; fine soil; 82 acres In small fruit; Srlce very low; easy terms; you can dou 1. your -money on this In a short time. W. O. WADDEL. SIT Lumber Exchange. Second and Stark. $4250. Pine home. K block, beautiful grounds. adjoining Walnut Park; two blocks from St. Johns and "U" carllne; nail casn; plans may be seen at office. H. P. PALMER. 2-22 Falling Bldg. SOME MONEY-MAKERS. $7000 110x10(1. Kearney, near 23d; improvements In; terms. $2C nn acre OO acres. Lents, cleared fine for platting; terms. GORDON, 208 4th. Pac. 2125. SUBURBAN ACREAGE BOOM CENTER; Mcpllpnt situation for Quick, profitable turn; car, water, county road, all conve nient: ansoiute requirement to nanaie, $M00. Owner. 427 Sixth st. Phone Pacific 251l. reasonable; can arrange terms to suit. M. E. Lee, room 20. Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington St.- Phone Pacific 59. S2AOO BUYS 8-ROOM MODERN HOTTER ON Marguerite aye. ; $300 cash, balance terms to suit. M. E. Lee, room ZU( Raleigh bldg., Washington st. Phone Pa clflc Kt. S2r00 40xlOS AND GOOD 7-ROOM house, E. nth st., near Morrison; noth Ing so cheap in this vicinity. W. O. Wad del, 217 Lumber Exchange. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH and cement basement in restricted district on Mt. Scott carllne; reasonable. R 6i, uregonian. $7500 ROxOO. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST lt and Oak sts. . and S. P. track. "W. O. AVaddel, 31T Lumber Ezchange, 2d. and staric. F0U SALE OR LEASE CORNER LOT ON I " ni (i ii ave.. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITT, BUILT AND eold on installments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam' bridge bldg., southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. monthly. 881 B. Main st. Fhone East' 2zi, WE HAVE SOME GOOD BUYS ON ST. Johns carllne. . 7 O CThamber ot Oommerce. UNION AVE., NEAR RUSSELL, 40 FEET, business property, locality booming, W. P.-enderKftst. Faclflo 14o3. BARGAIN. .lOOO B EAUTI FTJ1. I. OX ON Larr&bea ST.. an improv.iuuit IJ 110 view, close In. -07 McMlllen st. 31V0 SOxlOO LOT OV CLAT ST.. NEAR chsn'se- 1 ;i ri 1 &Wrk. 200 FE3ET ON VA1TGHN 5T,( PAYING 10 per cent, J-toOO. Moore & Frost Land Co, 5th and Washington. SUBURBAN REALTY PAYS lO PER OENT or better; fi.iu; iesa jor casn; owner. T 78, Oregonian. 20 ACRES OR PART, ONLY MILE FROM town of Hood River; very reasonable. 1 . 60, Oregonian. BARGAIN. $1850 -5-ROOM HOUSE. SMALL barn, IS lots, on uast join near Jki-awtnorne. X. 77, Oregonian. 1250 WILL HANDLE A GOOD HOME AND save you rent; ciose to car. zv fjnamoer ot Commerce. FOR SAL.E) 1H ACRES ON UNION AVE. anil E. GUsan. Write N. P. Helple. Bar- P0R SALE ONE OP PORTLAND HelR-hts choicest homes. Main 6120. MODERN S-ROOU HOUSE. 2600; $500. 2S montniy. rnone niast oio. TO EXCHANGE. T-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE IN KAN sas City; also 640 acres oi good Nebrasha land, for Portland realty or land. P 72, OrflganlAn. WILL GIVE FIRST-CLASS DENTAL WOKK . in exchange lor painting ana graining, an inside work. B 77, oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. FARMS FOR RENT FARMERS' LAND CO., ITS Madison st. FOR SALE FAB.M8. $2000 4 FOR 21-ACRE FARM 55 MILES from Portland: Rood spring and J"!!: houses; one 4-room. the other 2-room; barns : A milch cows one horse, buggy and wagon and all farm Implements; 3 pigs and chickens. J Avallo, box 23, Maygers, Or. FOR. SALE AX A BARGAIN. SOO-ACRE farm. 12 miles east of Eugene : ."0 acres orchard, mostly 8-year-old Spltzenbergr apples; easy terms, or will trade tor Portland property. E. H. Ingham, Ore gon Hotel, Portland, Or. outrange; A No. 1 stock ranch for cattle, 6heep or horses at $4.50 per acre. Call on or address Lafayette Realty Co., 313 "Wash ington at. ACREAGE AND FARMS NEAR TIGARD- vllle, from 8 to 10 miles from Portland, tear the Portland-Salem carllne. Farm ers' Land Co.. 17S Madison at. O FIRST-CTASS IMPROVED OREOOM farms for sale; prices very reasonable; buy- ere only need address, R 66, Ore&onlan, 4UOO ACRES OF RAW WHEAT LAND, 4 miles from Nolan Station; SIO acre. E BO, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED DOWN" TOWN" f'lTV PROPERTY. WITH OR WITHOUT INCOME, MUST BE EAST OP 7TH ST. AND NOT SOUTH OF YAMHILL; STATE LOWEST CASH PRICE. X 70, OREGONIAN. I HAVFJ SOLD O PIECES OV REAL EJSTATB this k ; I can sell yours next perhaps; list what you have with, mo for quick sale. F. Dubois. Washington bid., room 3. WANTED TO BUT CORNER LOT ABOUT OUX73; must be central ana in -wai King distance: direct from owners. Address N 74. Oregonian. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US-WE can sell It. Palmer & Preston, 162 W. Parle. TF TOH WANT TO BELL TOUR FARli AT once odarera S w Oregonian. 720 CHAM- ffill 6A1E TWBEE LLVDl TO CLAIM OWNERS WE5 HAVB BTJTKR9 xor your inn or ciuima, roo etna n-isnsstn Co. preferred ; send us your descriptions and lowest net price; ire guarantee prompt anl satisfactory results. Mohtelth & MUMoc. 401-2 Lumber ExchanK. Bids. WANTEB -LARQB AND 6MAU. TRACTS or heavy timbered lands In Washington, Oreeon and California: corresDondenee so licited. E. 8. Matteson & Company. 6f& Wrat Qta St.. X3S AncelM, CUlfomiS. 160 ACRES TIMBER LAND. JACKSON county, ss, e. 8ec. 8, Twp. B n. 4 R: cruise three to four million; W00O If McK-lnley Idltcbell. YOU CAN BE LOCATED ON A GOOD timber claim, cruising 3,500,000 (eet, and near good loKs-lng- stream for Si:ou. sr (U. FOR FALE LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS ot timber lands. Address Box 1ST, eu Rene. Or. TIHBER LANDS WAXTED. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to Nehalem River; will deal with owners only ; no others need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to Vox H, U. P. fetation, Portland, Ur. Timber wanted, Oretron or Washington, larse or small tracts, bumnx Agency, auo Vj otaric WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. All hinds. Including approved forest reserve scrip ior eurveyea- unsTirveyea timDer ana prairie Government land. H M. Hamilton, Trie fortiana. fortiana, or. FOR SAXJEB Horses. Vehicles. Etc BLACK TEAM, WEIGHT ABOUT 2000 pounds, 5 and o years old, perfect in every way, heavy wagon, good as new, harness; $4"rO. Inquire Oarl Ross, 80JS uregon mx.. rnone r,aBi it. I BUT. SELL, RENT OR EXCHANGE) horses, wagons, ouegles, harness of all kinds: carload of horses Just arrived, weighing fmm lOOO to 1400 lbs. Call Oregon Stables. l-ttn ana uoucn sis. BLACK TEAM, WEIGHT ABOUT 2000 pounds, 5 and 6 years old, perfect In every way. heavy wagon, good as new. harness $4!0. Inquire Carl Ross, 805 Oregon St. fhone uast 1 o. VEHICLES OF ALL. KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest price horses and rics rented by day or month Tomllnson St Caeslday. 211 Wash. Pac 507. BARGAIN $125.00; TEAM OP MATCHED blacks, 7 and 9. weight 21 HO; work single and double and ride: good farm harness, ii'ji farm wagon; come quick. 1&4 North 0th st. $125.00 BUYS PAIR OF MARES AND HAR ness; mares weigh 110O and 11BO lbs. ; har ness la new. Jall or address 23 IN. 14th st 45.00 BUYS SORREL HORSE, "WEIGHS JU90 lbs., sound, drives single .or double. Call Oregon Stables. 14th and Couch sts. FOR BALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST.CLAS3 hand-made delivery wagon. Inquire ati8 East Washington. We buy. sell. rent, exchangee horses, wssons. saaaies. narness. Hubert Ar Hall. 269 4tn. FOR BALE) CHEAP BECOND-HAND DQ- Uvery wagon. Inquire 3TD East Morrison. PIANO TO SELL FOR STORAGE CHARGES (Starr make). Price $100. At 209 Oak st. Particulars 7S1 Park ave. FOR SALE: GRAND PIANO: PARTIES OO- Ing away; bargain; inust sell soon. M C9, Oregonian. Mhseellaneons. cheap; see them : complete stock new high grade safes. Portland Safe Co.. S2 7th t Make an otTer. Room 20, Raleigh bldg, Mb wasnington st. rnone Faciflc 53, CHEAP, NEARLY NEW. lOOS MODEL 1 A.V ntnn automobile: If taken a. t once wt sell for nearly hair price; txilly guaranteed. Address M 40, oregonian. $1100 "BUYS LARGEST. BEST ARRANGED poultry ran n in state . oz sr-e 11 ten Kruu niii- olty ; r, try 1 0 dally Income. $ Wolfatoln, 27 Front. FIRST-CLASS OAK TOP COUNTER, OFFICE CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 16.9. I T. Wilson, auctioneer. Call Garneia av. KOYAI. ANN. LAMBERT, BING CHERRIES FOR SALE-NEW VICTOR PHONOGRAPH with SO choice records. Address K ly, ureftonian. It T ETA TI nVADV riACHT IVC T7--V-- TA.-T-. good as new. A bargain. 324 Chamber of tjommerce. SELF CHANGE MA KINO CASH SEOISTBR ior sale cneap. 211 p irsi St. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED YOUNQ MEN FOR TBLE- ETaDti service gooa waees. cai immpdi ately. Oregon College, 603 Commonwealth "WANTED BOT TO LEARN BAKERY trade; day work-. Wright s Bakery. M Rus WANTED - PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR good retoucher. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bids. SALESMEN BIO WAGES: SOMETHING A REGISTERED PHABMACEJUTIST "WANX- ea at ne xrewer urug to.. csaien., vr. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL nouBeworK. a oin svv., corner v-iay. BOY. WHOLESALE HOUSE; STATE AGE ana rererences. v it, uregonian. fiOO men wanted FVes ehaves and haircuts. zw Loucn art.- aiutri di ucr uiiege. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SADDLEMAKERS. T Ka T T fVMiln l-V lit Tr. ... w V.VAUM vwss ssissis sw AWUb I-. HELP WAJVTEJD MALE. ' WANTELV-GOOD SALESMEN AND GOOD merchants to sell tailoring from samples; best bouse, large line furnished fre; exclu sive territory given: satisfaction guaranteed; this is a chance for wide-awake salesmen or merchants to make big money; those proving to be salesmen will be oftYred some thing exceptionally good; investigate; write today. Address Manager Iept. 31, ESdward E. Strauss & Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED FOR FIRST-CLASS POSITION, out of town, young man under 30 pre ferred ; must be competent stenographer, bookkeeper, capable of advancing in busi ness and a hustler; opportunity to gradu ally acquire interest in excellent business or otherwise, as desired. Address North err Oyster Co., South Bend, Wash. WANTED STAVES-BOLT CUTTERS, wages, 11.40 per cord; good board, steady work: timber yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage xjo., steams bids.. Fortlaxul. or Houlton, Or. WOOD WORKER. 13.60; BLACKSMITH. ..oo. iree rare, same . j-t- DiacKsmu n camp; 4 brldgemcn. S3.2S ; 8 rough carpen ters. S3, close in; 2 millwrights, S4; dser- man, $3; many others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 North Second st. 250 Burnstde st. WANTED FOR TJ. S. ARMY. ABLE-BOD- led unmarried men, between ages or - k and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth. block. Third and Oak; sts.. Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY trsated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential ; send for our symp tom blanlc X-Radlum Medical Instltuta. Sd and Alder at.; entrancs 23 Alder st.. Portland. AT ONCE SEVERAL YOUNG MEN TO qualify for coming" examination for railway mall clertcs; permanent positions, good sala ries; many appointments; experience unnec essary; get our free catalogue. West- Coaot Correspondence Schools. ?M Chamber Com. SEVERAL YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMI2- aiateiy to prepare xor exuminsmoii a - railway mail clerks, at Portland, April 11. 3VIany good appointments. Your opportu- nity. Mr. Heynen. 315 Columbia bid?., daily 9 to 6: evenings 7:15 to 4. WATET -MEN WHO HAVE TIME AND are eligible, to prepare for position as railway mail clerK In Portland; examina tion soon. Write for particulars. Pa- clfio States Schools, cor. 3d and Stark sts., Portland, Or. AN EXCEPTIONAL, OPPORTUNITY FOR A young man with 1150 to learn photography and how to get the money out of it; will guaranteo $lon a month from,- the second week. . O. Npltwm. Montesano, Wash. DETECTIVES -SHREWD MEN WANTED in everv ffommunltv. to art under Instruc tions; experience not necessary. S-nd for free book, of particulars. Orannan s IJ tective Bureau, 71i, Cincinnati, O. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In elaTht weeks : graduates earn from SIS to $29 weekly, expert Instructors; cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges, 39 North Fourth street. Portland. WANTED A MACHINIST WITH FROM S3000 to S5000 to Invest, to take part ln- icrtHi in gooa paring iuu.ii uiiiciurnn lis. osltlon In city; steady employment. R 06t Oregonian. pacific stationery a printing co S0&-20T 2d st. Phone Main BUI. We deslarn and install the most modern and approved o filce systems. Complete line loose-leaf filing' devices. WANTED AN EXPBRIENCBD STATION- ery, blank book and office supply man; state experience, give references and salary ex- ' pected. Address Shaw & Borden Co.. Spo kane. Wash. WANTED 25 HARNESS MAKERS, cellar cutters, a collar hand stitchers, Write Los Angeles Saddlery & Finding o.. zi- t n. ! Angeiea St., -ios wn Rolen, Cal. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing", Jeweler work, optics, easy terms: dos1 tione guaranteed: money made lesrninr. Watchrnks-Engrav. Sch'L 1426 4th av. Seattle MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, elec trleal trades; free catalogue; positions secured ; tuition SAO. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San. Francisco. WANTED TWO CABINET-MAKERS AND one band mwyer and turner, to go to Coos Bay; steady work, wages $M.5o. Inquire Lumbermen's LaJbor Bureau, 1'2 North Sec ond st. WANTED MAN TO RUN SMALL STEAM laundry for half the profltfi; good chance for side business in connection. Address Re liance Steam Laundry. Castle Rock. Wash. YOUNG MAN. GOOD PENMAN, TO PRE- pare for entrance examination as Customs Inspector. Call today; free catalogue. West Coast Schools. 714 Chamber Commerce. WANTED EXPERIENCED LUMBER shipping- clerk, also first-class glazier. Good wages. Apply Cascade Lumber Com pany, North Yakima, Wash. WANTED COMPETENT BENCH HANDS for general cabinet work ; good pay ; steady work. Address ths W' heeler-Osgood Co.. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work with flre Insurance experience: state age .experience and where last employed. C SO. Ores on lan. SALESMAN CLOTHING, SHOE AND gents' furnishings salesman wanted. Call at 34 N. 3d st., cor. Couch St.. 10 o'clock, ask for Joe Ward. WANTED PARTNER WITH 75; CAN make $30 weekly and expenses; experi ence unnecessary. Room 92. 631 Wash ington. 1 to 4. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SHOE salesmen wanted, permanent position, good pay to right men. Address P 76, Oregonian! Address the Walla Walla Creamery, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS IMPLEMENT salesman ; also o x perlenced millinery sales man. Commercial Abstract Co.. Raleigh bldg. WANTED FinST-CLARS CARRIArsR Eatnter; sood .vages. or shop on perecntasa ri.-1 . W j.1 Coast Wason Co.. Tacoma, Wash. Salary and commission 111 you can writs health WASTED MAN AND WIFB OX FARM ; good wages; one farm hand. Inquire Pac. Coast Employment Agency, 205 Vi Morrison. HERB'S A CITANCR TO GET WORK 1 r-." -V canli bu.lnem an partn,r. "Will pay yo.i .-1 a day; f-00 required. Call i'-KSft mark st. PANTS PRESSER ONE WHO CAN DO opnr.dng. ' ' li . r-1 . ( "i 1. 1 p y t Son. tailor., opposlta Chambr otT -irriiinr-r-.-.'. up. tali.. DANCING LESSONS, 23c private an1 classea; taught daily. Prof. Wal Wilson, office, and academy. Allsky bids'.. 3d and Morrison sts. - COMPETENT SOLICITOR, tltemenlg. Big profits. X 78, Orepronfan. WANTED AN A 1 SOI.K'ITOR. ONE COM - ptnt to handls hlrr.-j4nn ndva-rt Ixf m 'nt proposition. - 3 Ik money. I HO. Orefronlan. WATCHMAKER A PIRST-CLAS9 WORK- man; must be sober and reliable. Address X. Alva Lewis. Klamath falls. Oreeon. WANTED First-class salesman, all lines; good bookkeepers and stenographers. Com. merclal Abstract Co.. Raleigh bldg. ROOFERS WANTED. TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wya koop, the Roofer. 248 Ash t. WANTED TWO GOOD. STOUT BOYS FOK apprentices. Portland Wire & Iron Works, Scconrt and Everett sts. WANTED AN A 1 SOLICITOR. BEST proposition in city. Oood money to rlRht party. f 78. OreKonlan. KELSO EMPLOYMENT 4 REAL ESTATB- Free employment at principal cam pa M Blxby. Jr., Kelso, Wash. WANTED BOY 1 YEARS OLD FOR light inside work, Apply 9 o'clock, Room fi, 265 Washington at WANTED AT A NO. 1 BORER f?LAUGH t er-house man: state wases. Address Box otu, bugene, ur. TOT'NG MAN. WHOLESALE HOUSE: state ap;e. experience and. references. W WANTED CAMFBBLL MACHINF, OPFR. .. v ators and harness cutters. Apply John Clark Saddlery Co. WANTED OOOD STEADY BOX TO WORK In bakery. Log Cabin Bakery, 114 Russell atreet. WASTED BOY; PER WEF5K TO START. Apply 65 Front St., cor. Davis. WANTED TWO WAITERS. APPLY si SD . f ecrlMS r'""Pi KELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN WANTED THREE SALES J men for our new county, township anl railroad surveys of OrcRon ; them ourvsyJ are a aDlondM comnllatlon of facts, tl k 1 ures and drawings and of wonderful value J counties and towns are luuv inaexea an-i populations of ach are Riven; railroad A plainly shown and distances between al I stations also shown; ConitreSBionai oif trlcts outlined, numberd and population given. umer leatures too numerous m mention. A splendid opportunity lor en ergetic men. Rand, McXally & Co., Chi' 2 WOMEN "FTli T1A V JANITRKSS WORK: waitresses, city. $30; 7 country. anal louna, rares paid, ti rants rass, uanrsj Walla Walla, Chehalls; 2 chambermaids J house girls, family and hoarding-house cookF. aisnwasncrs, pantry gins, secona nine, many others. Come in if you want Brood places, as many! telephone wires are down and we can'tl phona you. HANSEN'S LA DIBS' AOENTT. 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. HELr WANTEP-rEMALB. SEVERAL INTELLIGENT. WELL -PREDl young women or Rooa apjearance ano au !r!i r-nn make larsre incomes takltlK sub scriptions for . "Drew," the most beautiful! magazine of our tlmee; eells on sight; com-l mitt on mnt Hheral or any mose possess ing tact and determination In addition to! xne above ouannrauons -noum wrue ml once for terms and instructions to Mis Alice Strong, 407 Clay at.. Portland Or. ATTENTION. AnrillMMa fnr all kinds of Work, register I with us. free of charge, so we may locate I you on snort notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington at., cor. 7th. upstair. POSITIONS AS CLERK ON THE RAIL-1 road may be had at f TO a month and up If I vnu arn BmhitlmiH nnrl w I 111 II tr to Dreoare: I must be over 18 years, weight over "135 1 . lbs. and strong. F. S. s.. 013 McKay 1 Bldg., city. LADY WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF 1 miislK an ,lom,itrotnr- ruTllonl OODOf - I tunltles to right party; salary SSOO a I year ana commissions, u i-, uregonm.t. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on srilrta ana overalls; lessons pven iff In experienced. Apply s,t Standanl factory. 2 Grand ave.. and E3. Taylor st. SALESLADIES WANTED TO SELL GENTS' furnishings, ladies' clonks and suits. Ap ply at 3-4 N. :td st.. cor. Viuch st.. about 1 o'clock. Ask for Joe warn. WANTED-RELIABLE WOMAN AS hniiualrriAP' fnmflv fif .1 : frOOd WRITeS an4 good home. Inquire of Mrs. Stl verneld, I 2 HOTEL WAITRESSES (CENTRAUA) $:',0: two together, city (pcnlce): eham- normal a, rooks. domestics. uraae s, 2o& washlns;ton. WANTED STRONG, MIDDLE-AGED WO- man for general housework; no washing; fliS per month. Mrs. J. L. rienaerson. Hood River. Or QIRL3 TO WORK IN CRACKER FAC- tory; good wages, steady employment, Ap-1 ply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., corner llith ana uavig sts. VANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL) housework In family of two; must bo good plain cook; wages $22.50. Apply 2u0 Parle st. WANTED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER; experienced and capable ; state salary wanted and references. Address V 60, OreRonlan. COMPETENT PERSON TO WORK IN small family for am till wages and home privileges; time oil. 448 6th st. Phone Main 1223. WANTED YOUNG LADIES NOT UNDER 20 to learn nursing In small hospital. Re ply In own handwriting, A OH, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, nurses, waitresses, socond Klrls. ft. Louts Ladles' Agency, 2.10 ft Yamhill. Main &-.13. WANTF3D A MARRIED LADY TO DO chambcrwork: f 2! per month and room for herself and husband, ttii J. Jth st. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand avs. and E. Taylor at. WANTED A. GOOD PLAIN fOOK ; ALSO second Rlrl at ltil Twenty-second street, north. Call Wednesday forenoon. tj a -.'..-.;'- T.Aniraa AnENCT. 843H Washington at., cor 7th. upstairs. Phona Main 2SS3. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 3 I.V family. Call before 3 P. M. BS Lucretls. cor. WaaKinftton. WANTED LADY ASSISTANT FOR PHOTO studio; must Be experiencea. -uiditii,, 80 1 Dekum bldfc. WANTED SALESLADY; ONLY SUCK havlns; experience need apply at 360 Washington st. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK AND TO assist In general housework. Apply 14S N. 22d st. STENOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE HOUSE; state age, experience, references. H 78. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID AND DIN-lnar-room slrl wanted at &3 N. 38ttt. corner Davis. WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR DINNER work. A. E. C. Restaurant. 38tl Morrl- RE LI ABLE GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEX- eral housework. Apply mornings at 053 4th st. DANCING LESSONS. 23c WILSON'S School. Allsky bids;.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED GIRIi FORENOONS, IN FAM ily of two. at 120 North 22d st.. 2d floor. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mount Tabor. Phone East -4a. GIRLS "WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ave. and Bast Taylor at. WANTED AN EXI'ERIENCKD SECOND Klrl; wage S2S. 41S lOih st. Main 4rtl. WANTED FOl'R LADY SOLICITORS TO sell stock. 20546 Morrison st., room 4. WANTED EXPERIENi'RD TA I LOB. ESS. IN" 1 coll the Tailor. 108 Third st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 381 inth. corner Montgomery (it. MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO ASSIST WITH cooking. of5 tfth st. WANTED A V I It.ST-CLABS NL'KSE OIRL. Phone Pacific S!7o. GOOD FRESH COWS FOR SALE AT 248 Front st.. city. HELP WANTEE -MALE OR FEMALE. WE ARE NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS Want representatives. both sexes. lor Portland and State of OreKon ; HUlary or commission ; agnta clear S5 to $10 dally ; guarantee 2; exclunlvs territory. Call from 10 to 4, 301 Taylor St., or addresi P. O. box T2, Portland. Or. Sano Mercsn- tllo Co. 6ITCATI0N WAaYTED-JLILB, YOUNO MAN. 30, IN WHOLES A.LE GRO- Cfjy ana produce business, Jacksonville, Fla., wishes to make a chanBp on account of climate ; invites correspond enca from reliable houses or Portland lth view to locating there; TO years' experience sales man, office and buyer; can invest sev eral thousand dollars If desired; would consider proposition from established mcrrhandisf- broker; highest references. Address Wholesale. Box 84.1, Jackson ville, Fla, WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper; wholesale houpe preferred; best of references; would accept any other position. B 73. Oregonian. A YOtG MAN OF EXCELLENT CHARAC- ter wants position ss collector i In the city for Btm good business house; references. Phone East 1742. YOI'NG MAN. SOME OFFICE EXPERI- ence. wants position: will accept small salary ; references. "W 7T. Oresjonlan. WANTED BY A YOUNQ LAWYER, ANT kind of night clerical work. F 80, Ore- gonlan. YOUNG MAM OF IS DEB I Ft KS POSITION as collector or oixice work; oest refer- ences. T 77, Oregonian. COACHMAN YOUNO MAN. SHVERAL years' experience as coachman, wants po- sltlon: references Ajdress D 68. Oregonian. JAPANEHE I. A HOIl ABSOClATIOM CAM rurnlsh domesclo servant.. farmers) also. all kinds ot help. Main 4009. 268 Everett, IF TOTT WANT A POSITION OR HELP OP sny kind, call at 209 Aliskr Bids-., or phons Main SA31. Claries Registration Bureau. MAN WANTS POSITION DOING CHORES around srlrate -bous. 248 Front st.