10 THE MOKMSlr UKEGOXIAX, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1907 nerw today. KEW TODAY. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ".TOR SALE TTMBKB IANDS. FOB SALE KKJLP WANTED MALE. HE1LIG THEATER E Lt Time I I Tomorrow la-tit. ednesday Mint. I , The Dainty Lyric Comedienne HELEN BYRON. In the Military Comic Opera "SERGEANT KITTY." Tuneful Music Prelty Girls Fun. Prices. 25c to 11.50. Keats telling at Theater. Baker Theater S; ' Third and Yamhill Street!. TOXHSHT. TUESDAY AND HDDSKSDAV NIGHT ANI HEONESUAt MATLNKK, amis McMIUen Ordw&j'l Beautiful Unms, " O R E Q O N " A Tale of the Historical Old Emigrant Trail of the Pioneers.- First Time on Any Stage. Under the Direction of John Salnpolls and Arthur Mackley. EVENING PRICES Parquet. 1.50; Par quet Circle, 1; Balcony, first 4 row r.oc, next 3 row 35r; Gallery, '25c; Box Seats. 2. MATINEE Lower Floor, 5c; Balcony, 15c and 25e. Tniu-sday, 1' rlrtay. Saturday and Saturday .Matinee, by Special Request of Hundreds ol I'atroni "THE MIDDLEMAN." Regular Balcer Prices Nltrhts. 25c. 35c and ROc; Matinee. 35c and c. NEXT WEKK "IF I WERE KINO." 1222 EMPIRE THEATER' "Tn"" MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manauer. Tonttrht and All Week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Kennedy Ac Wtllftrd Present the Greatest of All Swedish Comedy-Dramaa "YON 0X80N," Introducing- REO. THOMPSON, the Greatest of All Swedish Dialect Comedian,. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Reitular Empire Prices. ' Next Attraction "Neltle, the witW." THE STAR Main 5496. The Allen Stock: Company PTsenia The Famous Comedy-Drama " Love and Law" St Milton Noble. Matlneea, Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturday L anrt Sundays at 2:15. Prices, 10 and 20 cents. Every evening at 8:15. Prices, 10, 20 ami 30 cents. Secure seats by phone. Main 6496. LYRIC THEATER WEKK BEGINNING JANUARY SS. "The Heir Apparent" Box office pen from 10 A- M. to 10 P. M. Seat can b reserved by pbon; Main 4685. PANTAGES THEATER FOVRTII AND STARK STS. Th Imoln. Harry Da Imin. The Blo wem&h, JnrHm tuid Sflulel. Leslie and Down ing, reo White. The Royal Japanese Troupe Performances dally at 2 :30. 7:30 and 9 I. M . Adraldfiion. l()c nd COc. Boxin 2-. Tke any seat at week-day Slatlnee for TEN CENTS. The Grand Yaudevlllo it luxe THE ROETZEL FAMILY Tljcht Wire Artists in the World. Gordon, l'ldofi mad Fllnn, William H. AVlndoni, ilia Pren tloe Trio. Mill tuid Beaeher, MaW-oId KofT. "Drunken Mattim" NEW TODAY. four Bargains FOR SALE BY" W. B. STREETER 11 THIRD STREET. $30,000 Comer lot on Sixth street between Glisan & Johnson. $18,000 cash, balance on time. Consider this carefully, it i3 ilrst-class property and very cheap. $40,000 Quarter block on Front street, adjoins block where new depot will be bullr. Brings in enough income to pa V & per tent net on present price and It is a piece or property which will double in value. $5500 Ten aeresof land on Fremont Btreet, ahout two miles east of Union avenue, nd Joins Rone City Park addition. 2TiOO cash, balance on time. A profit of i'JOOO can De made on this In 90 days. $15,000 ' Three story brick in fine condition, on inside lot 50x100, lower Albina. The build ing alone is worth J16.000. Two tipper floors fnrnistied. and the furniture which foes with the property Jb new and worth 1500. Income now $1678 per year. There are all selected properties and are first class investments. W. B. STREETER 1H Third Street. Portland People The test investment ever offered in the United States in sums of $4000 or more. Do not pasg this without a careful investigation. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING 2d and Stark Sts. $26,000 BOxloo. Just off Washington st., win in crease in value rapidly. This property can be mnne to bring t!S7 per cent net lncoma on 54.000. Let me tell you how. $20,000 10 Net 11 RxlOO. corner, new, up-to-date business Ix-k; terma casta, balance & years at per cent. A. B. RICHARDSON 522 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 6ALB.-K0 L0T3 26x100 IN VICIN ITY OF Rose City Park Addition ON BULL HUN PirE LINE. NEAR CARL1NE. INQUIRE OWNERS. ROOM 14th ana Wavhlrurton ALL BARGAINS 6-room Colonial residence for sale with two lots 50x100 each, lo cated one block from Tremont Sta tion. Price $1500 cash. 8- room house at Tremont, near carline; downstairs finished' in hardwood. Lot 50x100, with good barn. Price 1600 cash. 9- room house at Kern Park, on Mount Scott carline, in good con dition. Price $1000 $600 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Greatest bargain in the city, 4- hlock, on one of the best streets. Good location for apartment house. Price $35,000 $15,- 000 cash; 6 per cent balance. 8-acre ranch on Powell Valley road. 6-room house, good barn and excellent orchard, all in high state of cultivation. The richest kind of soil. Price $4000 $2200 cash. 5-acre tract on Marie avenue, Tremont; cleared ready for plat ting; only 3 blocks from carline. Price $2750-$1750 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is a big money-maker; don't miss looking this up. 3.88 acres northeast corner of Kent Addition, on Powell Val ley road, Firland Station, Mount Scott carline-S2600. For terms, see the NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING S. E. Cor. 2d and Stark St. 7 w "We have a lot on Sixth street which we can sell f for JIR.OOO: Income about 5 1 I ' per cent net. If you want I I a good speculation, this Is I I Sl I THE HART I.AXD CO., I luM Sherlock Building- j v mTTTT?rltfm I OFFER BUILDING PROPOSITION' TO FA RTY HAVrNG $30,000 OR. S4O.O00. TO BUY" GROUND AND ERECT BRICK BUILDING I'MDER LEASR TO TENANT AT V lOIt Y PROFITABLE JIATK FOR FULL. PARTICULARS SEE R. M. Wilbur 110 SEJCTOls'D STREET. Z0 Villi tiro r-i 1 business n.onertv - , ,r- street in Oregon City that will earn you about 12 per end let us tell you about THE HART I,AD CO 109 Sherlock Building-. $14,000 24 acres at Milwaukle: 8 acres In Con corde grapes, full bearing: g acres in prunes, 2Vi acres In raspberries, Vi acre In strawberries, about 3 acres of young orchard, mostly apples; good buildings, water tank, gasoline engine to pump water. This Is one of the best buys in acreage homes to be found anywhere near Portland. For further particulars call on The Hart Land Co. 109 Sherlock Building. Near Future Predictions 30x100 southwent cor, E. "th and E. An- keny streetn; lOOxlOO northwest cor. E. tlth near EC. Ankeny street; 100x150 iouthwst cor. E. 13th and Eant Ankeny. The accessibility of above property i de sirable for flats or apartment housea, will be to the purchaser (now) as 7th, 9th and 12th sts. are on the West Side In near fu ture. Prices and terms nee J. L. WELLS & CO. Room. 306 Chamber ot Commerce bldg-. Are tu g fp Good Investment. have one paying 12 per cent under guaranteed lease, and the property has a I 1 good future. Inquire or II THE HART LAM) CO- I 109 Sherlock Building. J I good future. Inquire of FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR A i MODERN HOUSE IN GOOD J NEIGHBORHOOD A small ranch situated eight miles from the Portland Postoffioe, 12 acres In crop, balance pasture. A trout stream runs through the jlare. All the land ts under Irrigation. Nothing can be found to com pare with this for a suburban home to keep a few cows, raise hogs,' chickens and ducks. Soring water Is flumeri place for stock or Irrigation. ITiirty minutes' walk to streetcar, 403 Marquam MUllUlllft. Clay Street i,5o-80xioo, Thirteenth and Clav, two h0U9P?: Just place for flats or apartments. "Will trade for other property, or ell on easy t erm s . Grl ndatalC &. Sc hal It. 264 &LaxJc tx- ALGA. C. RAE. . PDBLIC ACCOUNTANT. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Al.I BTO BARGAINS. 7-HOOM HOUSH ON PACIFIC ST., AND 4 rx)TS. snaoo each; good base ment, CITY WATER, BRICK. FOUNDA TION; PRICE. JluOO CASH. B-ROOM HOUSE ON PRETTTMAN AVE. AND 2 LOTS. 31xlOO BACH; HOUSE IN FAIRLY GOOD CONDITION PLASTBREI, BRICK FOUNDATION. CITY WATER: ONLY A FEW BlOCKS FROM MOUNT TABOR CAR: PRICE3, 1230, 500 CASH, BALANCE TERMS. THIS HAS GOOD GARDEN AND FRUIT TBBES. 7-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE ON E. 12TH ST., NORTH, NEAR TILLAMOOK, IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION : BRICK BASEMENT, BATH. CEMENT SIDEWALK. CITY WATER, ETC.; LOT 50x100; PRICB, $3.-oo. - H-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE! ON HOLLADAT AVE, WITH 2 FULL LOTS; STONB AND BRICK FOUNDATION; ROOMS FINISHED IM OAK AND MAPLE); CITY WATER, SEWER AND ALL IM PROVEMENTS: price; 112.000, tiuuo CASH. BALANCE AT 5 PER CENT. A NOB HILL BARGAIN 100x78 FEET ON EVERETT ST., A SHORT DISTANCE OF 19TH ST., WITH GOOD 12-R00M RES IDENCE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATB: ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN: VEItr CHEAP AT Sld.OOO. 48O00 CASH. BALANCE AT B PER CENT FOR FIVB TEARS. QUARTER BLOCK ON 13TH ST., AD JOINING NEW WAREHOUSE SITES; A BIO SNAP; $26,000. QUARTER BLOCK NEAR BURNSIDF3. EAST OF 3D ST.; $7,000 IF TAKEN AT ONCE. IF INTERESTED IN ANT OP THESIS OFFERS ADDRESS AT ON'CH M 68, 0RD GONIAN. . SI3.0OO CHOICE LOCATION ON FIFTH St., near City Hall; two houses with 60x100 leet; very desirable ' property. $ 9,250 Fun lot. with two modern 7-room houses on 14th. near Market St. ; Income S720 yearly; a good invest ment. I 5,500 Mouern 8-rooro house on East 12th near Morrison, 811 1-3x100 foot lot; fine residence property. 910,4)00 Quarter - block, with two lare doublu houses; fine corner, within Ave minutes' walk; ot Steel Bridge, Kast Side; $960 yearly rents; room on corner of thl property for an other large flat; splendid buy. S10.GOO Quarter block wit!, four 7-room houses : fine location in southwest part of city; good Income property, w ill advance. See us about these properties an4 many others. We can always ar lanne suitable terms. PAKBISH, WATKINS 4 CO.. 250 Aider street. IF YOU ARE IN THli MARKET FOR In vestment It will pay you to come in and se what wo have to show you in city property. aereBKe, small ranches, close to the city. Factory or warehouse sites and acreage In St. Johns: also the best Sfttt-acre farm in Multnomah County, located on the Co lumbia River. 7 miles from the Court house, with 3fc.-mil or deep-water front. SlOO per acre will buy this If it is taken soon; this investment has no equal; It will pay you to look this up at once. GREGG BROS.. S4 6tn St., :117 and 31S Fenlon bldsr.. Portland, or. A BONANAZA IX 8(1 ACRES OF VERY FINE) land. 7 acres being genuine beaverdam: timber on property will cut between 15.0h nn.l 1H.OOO col c!t of flr wood., which will more t li i n pay for place twlco over ; soli ! the best, lays fine, situated on Tualatin River, mite of Tualatin, on the S. P. Ry.; 11 miles of Portland, on the Taylor's Ferry wagon road; this In a snap: price $4000. J. FRANK PORTFHI, 222 Wash In k ton st. . cor. I-'lrst. upstairs. fi ACRDS AT LBNT3. ROrlftO. East Water and Washington. V block. 14th and Irving-. 3 j block Emi :tnt h u ii,l Main. OVxllS, Kast Mii.llson and 44th, A. J. OhiRiBYPH IRfcJ. Wk Firsi Room 1. Phone Main 5408. month; porcelain baths In each, close In, easily rented; $2000 cash, $75 monthly In etallments: Income will pay the Install inrnti. mahlnf mmarkablB Investment of email capital. Moi K-n. S wet &. Chap man, 213 Ablnkton bids;. Phona Main 2010. FOR SALE-MODERN' 8-ROOM DWELLING. lot 33VjxlOO feet, furneot. electric lights. la mlly laundry, lartre bathroom, ce-m-n t basemen t and sitif walks, local e-d 2 blocks from new East Side High School on the prettiest residence street; price $4500. Inquire 273 Stark st., Chamber of Commerce 4250. Tine home. 4 block, beautiful prroundw, adjoining Walnut Park, two blocks from St Johns and "U" carline; half cash; plana may be seen at office. - H. P. PAIjMER, 212 Faillns BlUs. SOMETHING EXCEPTIONAL. A choice piece of West Side property, fln locality, walking distance; will go cheap If sold at once; earns 10 per cent on $0000; tv 111 fro for much less. HAGEMAXN A BLANCHARD, 01 Oth mt. SUBURBAN ACREAGE BOOM CENTER; excellent situation for quick, profitable turn; car, water, county road, all conve nient; absolute requirement to handle, 1H00. Owner, 427 V Sixth st. Phone Pacific 2519. A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT WITH . choice fruit near Hawthorne ave. for sale reasonable; can arrange terms to suit. M. K. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bide;.. 3234 Washington st. Phone Pacific 59. $6000 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN 6-ROOM modern residence, 8 lots. 50x135; complete private water system and modern plumb inp; beautiful lawns and garden; a bar gain. X tJ8, Oregonlan. $3750100x100 ON 2.VTH ST. BETWEEN Thurmn and Upshur; on carline. cement Fide walk, and aJ 1 street improvements In, best barpain on A'est Side, by owner. Ad dress P 68, Oregonlaai. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST Side. within walking distance, $30O0; easy terras. Western. Oregon Trust t., 2W1 Stark st. $2600 BUYS 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON Marguerite ave.; $M)0 cash, balance terms to suit. M. E. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bldg.. 323 hk Washington st. Phone Pa cific 59. SUNSHINE. ORANGE ORCHARDS. CHEAP lnnd and Government irrigation. Orland, ("a llfornla. Is booming; I a re from Port land. $17. W. W. Payne. Orland. CaJ. TWO 6-ROOM DWELLINGS ON WEST Side. 1 blocks from carline. paying over lO per cent net ; $.tr.OO, terms. Western Oregon Trust Co., 291 Stark st. TWO LOTS, HOLT.ADA Y'S ADDITION. Broadway near 17th, $1,450, fine repldence site and a bargain. Vanduyn & Walton, :to3 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE UOXIOO PEET ON KEARNEY st. near 23d. Fine residence locality, price $7000; below market value; $S50 handles thin. K 7$, Oregonian. , $4(M0 to build. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. $31 no R-ROOM HOI'SR AND LOT KOjtlOO. within walking distance, East Side; a good buy. Western Oregon Trust Co., Stark at. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT flOx 1O0. on Mt. Scott caVline; a rare bargain at $1 ,00; terms. Western Oregon Trust CO., U91 Stark st. CHOICE CORNER LOT. $1300, N. E. corner 24th and Wasco sts.. Hoi lad ay Park; ' cement sidewalks, N 0. Oregonian. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH and cement basement in rentricted district on Mt. Scott carline; reasonable. R, 63. Oregonian. $2750 60x100, WITH 6-ROOM COTTAGE, Corbett st.t overlooking river; beautiful view. Grindetaft & Schalk. 26i Stark st. Phone Main 302. $7ft0 50x90. SOTTTHWBST CORNER EAST 1st and Oak ete., and S. P. track. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE OR LEASE CORNER LOT ON Union ave., bet. Schuyler and Tillamook st. Inquire 361 Tillamook st. No agents. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND eoia on installments, uroner, io-it cam bridge bldg.. southwest cor. Sd and Morrison. $2000 NEW, BBXUTIFUL . PIX-ROOM houpe, strictly modern ; $500 down, $23 monthly. 801 E. Main st. Phone East 2851. WE HAVE SEVERAL HOMES WHICH can be- lind on easy trm. S-e us before buying. 720 Chamber of Commerce. $180063x100, EAST 17TH ST.. NEAR MOR- rlson ; nothing so cheap In thlsi vicinity. W. ' O. Waddel. 317 Lumber EXchangie. $i00 CHOICE, LOT, 50x100, EAST 13TH et, between Tillamook and Thompson. Address K 70, Oregonian. J55CO-BBAUTIFUL 9-ROOM ' MODERN house on East Main St., swell local ity ; everything- hrxtt-class; corner lot. two batb-rooms, larso attic; a most complete home. $5000 Veidler st., near 9th, Holla-day Add.; fine 7-room strictly rrtodern house; furnace, etc.; $30OO cash, bal. to suit. $4500 An elegant 7-room bouse close In. on East Salmon st. ; every convenience and a most desirable home. 14 0W Splendid 7-room house, Holladay Add.; lot 10xlOO; this place was ' built for a home and is first -class; cash ; see this. $3750 Elegant new 8-room house on Kant Salmon st. ; beautiful permanent view, fine corner lot, all conveniences $3500 A very nice n-room house, Holladay Park, i block to car, full lot; this Is a real snap: look It up. $3000 A veiy cozy 6-room house on B. Sal mon, -near 25th; all convenience and a choice place. $2iC0 Good 6-room house, not far out, on E. Salmon t., in choice locality; this is a nice small home and cheap. $2600 Elegant new 5-room cottage: full ce ment basement, large floored attic, sewer and street assessments all 7 paid; beautiful corner lot close to two carlines; don't mis sthis. $2250 Almost new 8-room house, extra, well built ; fine cement basement, all con veniences; 2 full lots, good bam, fruit trees, garden, etc; one block from Hawthorne; 12 minutes' ride; terms. $1850 An elegant new five-room cottage, cement basement and walks: full lot. in City View Park; thto is a splendid place! $300 cash, bal. $15 month. $1350 Fine 5-room house, block from Williams ave., not far. out; $0ot) ' vrt, cash. bal. $15 month. $1000 New 5-room house, near car, lot OOx 125; you couldn't build the house for the money; see this. If you don't see what you want in this . list, come in anyway and we will bulid you one to eult anywhere you want It. B. S. COOK (TO,, 251 Aider st. SELLWOOD HOMES. $950, 5-room house on Improved street, $ 1 ;i,V) 6 room cottage, close In, new. $1UH) 8-room house. $iono 3-room hpu;e. 8 fine lots. '00 0-room famished house. 3 lots. S2700 6-room house. 6 lots, near car line, $ltUM) 5-room cottage, nice high lot. 1 "kiO f-room h ou.se, 2 1 ots. corner. S275 Fine corner lot, $:;jO Jai on improved street. $500 looxnio, 2 blocks from car. SBLLW00D TOWNSITE CO., H. P. Palmer, Manager. 222 Failing bldg. Main 50G1. Sell wood office, Tenlno and 13th. Sell wood ltil. JUST THINK, 1200 LOTS NEAR SALEM carline, no further than St. Johns, at $15 per lot. at $1 per month; good soil and level, with houses a Iready there ; you can' t bu y acreage for same amount; they will be raised to $50 per lot In August, when cars are run Bin?. There will be the finest town In th valley out here. Apply to owner, W. Reldt. rco m 15, W ash I ng ton bldg. . eth and W ash ington. PORTLAND VERT FINE 8-ROOM rTOTTSBJ TRUST on Eugene st.. lot 60x150; this CO. location Is good, and at our . price you can buy for less than actual value, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. SB. Cor. 3d and Oak at. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. A well built house of twelve rooms, and two baths, gas and electric lights, cement basement In which there are thre more rooms and hot water heat ; the ground! are JOOxlOO and the locution very good, being on a good carline and within eaay walking distance; this property is worth $12,000. but can be purchased If sold at once for $8000. SPHINX AGENCY. 3i3'.4 Stark st. I47.10 HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN THE city tor the money as Investment or home, Nob Hill, 130 feet north of Washington nt., facing east; adjoining property ground has been broken (or modorn apartment hotel; tills offer is cood until February 1, 3.9 OT, only. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, T1'2 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. S2 acres adjoining city limits; all cleared; fine poll; '6Z acres in small fruit; price very low; easy terms; you can dou ble your money on this In a short time. V. O. WADDEL. SIT Lumber Exchange, Beond and Stark. FOR SALE. A business lot 50x12.; feet, with eot- ta k and small store buldns. on Williams aie. near Ftufell Bt.. Tor OO. a. mtrsn & to., 516 Williams ave. WEST SIDE HOME. $ri2rn fl-room house, bath, toilet, gas and baement; terms, or will trade for vacant property. HAGEMANN & BLANCHARD. SELLWOOD. $47R lOOxlOO, 2 blocks from car, near schoolhouse. Inquire SbO E. Ash. Phone Union Z-4. FOR SA LTD HANDY WE?T SIDR LOT, 40x 110, 1030 feet from car, $2R0o; sewer, water, gas. 403 Marquam. Terms. Owner. Last chance. ?1750 CASH WILL BUT NOW 50x200 FBET deep on I'nlnn ave., In the coming business center. Apply at 810 Union ave. X.. Mon day. SOME GOOD BUYS ON GRAND AND t Union avenues, near E. Ankeny. J. J, Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR PALE FISH NEW MODERN 6-ROOM cottaife; owners leaving; rlty; must sell at once. Telephone Woodlawn 474. U -BLOCK, BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED, modern Improvements; monthly Income $45U; snap. M 73, Oregonian. $400 BUYS CORNER LOT ON CARLINE. with email house; lot alone is worth more. Angeles, 1U2 Fifth st. BARGAIN, $1000 BEAUTIFUL LOT ON Larrabee st.. all Improvements, fine view, close in. 207 McMlllen st. $3500 50x100 LOT OX CLAY ST., NEAR 34th; a (food buy. Owner, 317 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. f.30O0 HOLLADAT "ADDITION HOME. Owner must leave town and wants money 567 Sherlock bid-?. 20 ACRES eR PART. ONLY MILE FROM town of Hood River; very reasonable. E 60, Oregonian. BARGAIN GOOD LOT. EAST 10TH. NEAR Belmont; monthly payments. Pallett. 304 Kenton bldg. $4000 CORNER LOT ON EAST SIXTH ST. In business district; principals only. R 7. Oresronian. FOR SALE 1 V ACRE5S ON UNION AVE. and E. Glisan. Write N. F. Helple, Bar ton, Or. DON'T MTSS SEEING US IF YOU WISH to buy, sell or rent. 720 Chamber of Com merce. SPHINX AGENCY. 80S 1-2 STARK ST., CAN Bell your business property or residence. FOR SALE ONE OF PORTLAND Heights choicest homes. Main 6120. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. $2500; $500, $2S monthly. Phone East 675. FOR SALE FARMS. A VERY CHOICE FRUIT FARM OF 41 acres, situated at Rex, on the S. P. Ry., In Yamhill Co. ; land lies well ; excellent soil for fruit : 1R acres In cultivation, living water. ltHM fruit trees, cherries, applos and prunes. OOO Hlaclc Can berries' 3.VH strnw- . berried. 50 lngantwrrles, all In flrst-clasA condition; email house, barn, dryer, begluw smaller out buildings:' store, postofflce and fine graded school a few rods from place; this Is a gem of a place; price $3500. 35 acres of choice fruit and hop land, sit uated at Rex. on the S. P. Ry., In Yam hill Co. : 6-room house, barn. chicken house, etc. ; small orchard, 1 1 acres of hopi In fine condition, plenty of water, good graded school, store and pits toff ice right at place; a money-maker; price $o500; good terms. J. FRANK PORTTTO. 222 Washington St., cor. First, upstairs. $2000 FOR 21-ACRB FARM 55 MILES from Portland; good spring and well; 2 houses; one 4-room, th other 2-room; barns; 4 milch cows; one horse, buggy and wagon and all farm implements; 'i pigs and chickens. J. Avalio, box 23, Maygers. Or. ACREAGE AND FARM9 NEAR TIGARD ville, from 8 to 10 miles from Portland, near the Portland-Sal "m carline. Farm ers Land Co.. 178 Madison st. 50 FIRST-CLASS IMPROVED OREGON farms for sale; prices very reasonable; buy ers only need address. R ftfl. Oregonian. WANTED AND FOR BALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds, including .approved forest reserve crip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and . prairie Government land. H "NT, Hamilton. Tht Portland. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. HALF ACRB IN PT. JOHNS FOTt RBSI rinnce or vncaat lots; will pay difference. S3 Oregonian WE HAVE A LARGE NUMBER OF SAW- mills and timber propositions; some on terms. $r.OO up. ir ion linn nn ?t-o ni-M. ass rr acre. na iiwis ivivci, ?i per hhjv. including iana. Sawmill, S'JUOO. plenty timber, COc. $75,000 Complete mill, 2000 acres tim ber on railroad and. water. ClTr REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 612 Commercial Block. TO CLAIM OWNERS WE HAVE BUYERS for your timber claims. Crook and Klamath - Co. preferred; send uei your descriptions and lowest net price; we guarantee prompt and satisfactory results. Mont el th tt Murdoclt, 401-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANTED -LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS of heavy timbered lands In Washington. Oregon and CaJ 1 torn! a ; correspondence av llctted. E. S. Matteson & Company. 618 West 6th st.. Los Angeles. California. 160 ACRES TIMBER LAND, JACKSON County, N. E. M sec. 8, Twp. 40 S.. R. 4 EJ. ; cruise three to four million; $20OO If taken by Feb. 1. McKlnley Mitchell. 2o2 Stark st. WILL GIVE INTEREST IN 250.000,000 yellow fir. near Columbia, for necessary logging capital; Rood logging; will pay out In WO days; principals only. Q 71, Ore gonian. YOU CAN , BE LOCATED ON A GOOD timber claim, cruising 3.500.000 feet, and near good logging stream for f HOO. F 62, Oregonian. $50,000 CAN BE CLEARED UP WITH COM paratively small inveMtnient; timber, near Portland; investigate yourself. L 80, Or egonian. FOR SALE LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS of timber lands. Address Box 187, Eu gene, Or. I HAVE "BETWEEN S2O.0OO AND O0.O(O TO invest in good timber. P 71, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATSv IF TOU HAVE CITT LVCOMB-BEARINO property, city or suburban residence prop erty, unimproved city or suburban prop erty and wish to sell at once; If you are looking for a home, ready made, or wish a building site, we wilt supply your wants. Answer this offer at once. Address W 62, Oregonian. WANTED DOWN TOWN CITY PROPERTY. WITH OR WITHOUT INCOME MUST BIC EAST OF 7TH ST. AND NOT POLTH OF YAMHILL; STATE LOWEST CASH PRICE. X 70, OREGONIAN. WILL BUY OR RENT PIECE OF GROUND on railroad track, suitable for warehouse and factory. Price must be right. Give full particulars. Railway Equipment Co., box 137, City. ' I HAVE SOLD 5 PIECES OF REAL ESTATE this week; I can sell yours next ierhaps; list, what you have with me for quick itale. F. Dubois. Washington bid., room 3. WANTED TO BUY CORNER LOT ABOUT SOxTo; must be central and in walking distance : direct from owners. Address N 7-. Orcgonla ri I WANT EAST SIDE PROPERTY, BUS1- ness, houses, lots, blocks, close in and far out. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. I WANT TO INVEST FROM SSOOO TO '-. - OOO in Portland rral estate; what have you to offer? Address M 74, Oregonian. I WISH TO HEAR FROM O W N" FT R S OF lai'Kfi tracts of In mil . aul table for nub-dlvid-ing into finiall farms. M 76, Oregonian. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US-WE I WANT A LARGB STOCK FARM; MUST be reasonable. X 80, OreBonian. IF YOU WANT TO PELL YOUR FARM AT once addr'. S SB. Orejconian. ACREAGE F-OR PLATTING. 720 CHAM- ber ot Commerce. FOR FARMS. FOR RENT jARDRN OF 11 ACRES, blocks from station; Oft acres first-class beftverdam, half of which Is set to aspara HOOD RIVF5R 15 ACRES ORCHARD. BER- rlcs, clover; 3 miles town, J, B, JJerccr, C05 Front. Portlanti. TIMBER LANIW "WATE. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to Nebalm River; will deal with owners only ; no ethers need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to Eox 8, U. P. Station, Portland, Or. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency. SOo Sttaric-. TO LEASE. 8 ACRES WITH COOD HOCSE IX CITY LIM ltw. nr-ar lrvlnston: rent $20 rr month. Par rt!.h. VatklnM & Co.. lO Alder nt. TO LEASE PULL-HIKE STOKE, BEST Lo cation, Washington nt.; rent reasonable. Address W 7t. Oregonian. FOB 8ALB Hones, Vehicles. Etc. VKH K'l.ES OK ALL KINDS, NEW ANT second-hand: largest stock. lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month, Tomllnson & Caeslday, 211 Wash. Pac. BCT. FOR SA LID FINE DRIVIN'13 MAPS, broken Hlnle. double and saddle: aleo top buKKy and harness. I'hone Main l:'17. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand-made delivery wagon. Inquire 30d East Washington. HORSF5F DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE. W. J. Kelly, Overland Transfer Co. BLablesv Fifth and Glisan. WANTED MAN WITH TEAM TO HAUL, wood In the country. Apply 183 Madison street. We buy, sell, rent, exchange homes, wagons, addles, harness. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th. FOB BALB CHEAP SECOND-HAND De livery wason. Inquire 379 East Morrison. Piano. PIANO TO SELL FOR 6TORAQb CHARGES Starr make). Price S150. At 2U9 Oak t. Particulars 751 Park: ave. FOR SALS GRAND PIANO: PARTIES GO - ins; away; bargain; must sell soon. M. 59. Oregonian. PIANO. GOOD AS NEW, FOR SALE. cash or trade'. 41 Union ave. South. Phone East 89. Miscellaneous. SAFES LARGE NUMBER SECOND-HAND flre-prool safes and bank safes; very cheap; see them; complete stock new high grade safes. Portland Safe Co., 92 7th st. M 1ST SELL AT ONCE, 1M CORDS OF choice 4-foot wood In the city llmlLri. Make an offer. Room 20, Raleigh bldg., :i23'.i Washington St. I'hone Pacific 59. CHEAP. NEARLY NEJW. 1SOB MODEL K. Wlnton automobile; If taken at once win sell (or nearly half price; fully guaranteed. Address M 45, Oregonian. $1HMI BUYS LARGEST. BEST ARRANGED poultry ranch in male; on rented ground near city; Sr to Slo daily income. See Wolfsteln, 22T Front. FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, style X nearly new. list price $52.',; big discount M - K. Bowen, Chehalla, Wash. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR HAI. K. SECOND-HAND GO-CART. almost r.ew, with all latest approvements. Call 840 Garfield nve. ROYAL ANN. LAMBERT, BING CHERRIES l,v 1000; choice roses assorted by looo. ockley Green Nursery. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES 2 MONTHS OLD, jfi. Chester A. Mansfield, West ave. and Belmont, Mt. Tabor. FOR SALE NEW VICTOR PHONOGRAPH with SO choice records. Address K 71, Oregonian. 12 H. P. STATIONARY GASOLINE ENGINE. . good as new. A bargain. 324 Chamber of Commerce. FINE FAMILY COW, LARGE JERSEY, rich milker. 953 Brooklyn st. Richmond HEKRINO-HALL-MARVIN SAFE. USED only three montns; bargain. &4 1st st. TEN FRESH COWS FOR SALE. APPLY to James Carty, Rldgcfleld. Wash. ; (ALMOST IS i'TW ) HEATING STOVES FOR ale cheap. Apply 628 B. Couch st. BULLDOG TUPS, ENGLISH TERRIERS. $r and S3. 54 N. 2fth. Pacific R4. BELT CHASGEMAKINO CASH RSQ1STBB tax saIn cfreaa. StXX JCiaa, . HlMellaneoot. FOR SAL!) MISCELLANEOUS. Vclntosri & Semore So It- 1'- center crank engine, complete. iro H. p. Tatum & Bowen boiler. 2 fiO H. P. boilers. 2 G. C. 75 K. N. generators, complete. 4 Tuthlll water wheels. ft Leffel water wheels. 10.00O feet steel riveted pipe, from 4-Inch to 28-inch, practically new. 6W,00U feet itll sizes black and galvan ized pipe, up to 10-inch. 1O0 tons black and galvanized sheetlron- lOO tons roofing tin. damaged slightly. 1 10 H. P. upriRht engine. 1 6 H. P. upright engine. 3 steam pumps. All sizes boxes, pulleys, shafting, belting and tiangers. J. SI&.ON BRO-. 244-Z4H Front st. FOR KENT PIANOS. DECKER PIANO FOR RENT. APPLY AT 'J 1'tt Chamber of Commerce. HELP WANTED MALE. SEVERAL TOUNO MEN WANTED IMME- dlatcly to prepare for examination for railway mall clerks, at Portland. April U. Many good appointments. Your opportu nity. Mr. Heynen, 315 Columbia bldg.. daily 9 to tJ: evenings 7:15 to 9. THE BEST STENOGRAPHER IN THE city, with strong executive talent; must poeses inlt4atlve and write letters 'with out dictation, and have commercial ex perience; no one but highest grade man ned apply; state aire, whether married, present position, references and salary wanted. Address K 77. Oregonian. WANTED STAVE - BOLT CTJTTERS. wages. $1.40 per cord: good, board, steady work; timber yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage Co., etearna bldg., Portland, or Houlton, Or. ( WANTED YOUNG MAN. 18 TO 20 YEARS old, for office work in Portland Jobbing house; good chance for bright young man of good habits: state age. whether any ex perience and give reference. C 74 Ore gonian. POSITIONS A8 CLERK ON THE RAIL- road may be had at $70 a month and up If you are ambitious and willing to prepare; must be over 18 years, weigh over 135 lbs. and strong. P. s. S.. 513 McKay Bldg.. city. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR A GOOD, live, energetic man to represent Eastern concern In city; t nor easing Income to right Party : state ape. experience, references. Confidential. Address W 71. Oregonian. WANTED FOUR WAITERS vWH0 CAN' play any of the following tn-nrume-nts in orchestra: Piano, cornet, clarinet and t rom ln ; meal hours ssnort. For particulars ad drea M. J. Alton. Hot JLrfUce. Oregon. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAREER trade in eight weeks; graduate earn from Sl & tO 2& WPfkl V : rnorI irmtriVtritM - rarn- l'Kue free. Moler System of CoUtsea, 3S ortn fourth street, i or t land. WANTED A BOND OR STOCK SALES- man; a good salary paid to th right man; one who has lu ikb city acquaintance and can furnish good references. Address F 7 Oregonian. CIVIL SERVICE CLASS BEGINS TUESDAY evenliig at Y. M . A.; prepares you for postal, railway mail, Oustoms and muni cipal ponltloriK. Fourth and Yamhill. Tel. Exchange HT. WANTED A MACHINIST WITH FROM $.1000 to $504)0 to Invest, to take part In terest In good D&ylnfr manufacturing prop osition In city; steady employmtnt. It no, Oregonian. PACIFIC STATIONER! A PRINTING Co., 205-107 2d st. Phone Main 9B1. Wo denlgn and Install the most modern and approvnil ottlce, f- yntotn. Complete line lopaa-lasX filing devices. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCHD STATION- ery. nmnk bonk and office supply man; state enperlt?nce, give refpren r'fted. A d(lrgi Shaw kane. Wash. Men ar,d women to learn watchmaking. ngrav- ng. Jeweler work, optics, easy terma; pol - 1 1 cne Kuarantced ; money made learn In g. Vatchmk-Enjrav. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle T0UXQ MAN, GOOD PENMAN, TO PRE- pare for entrance examination as Customs Inspector. Call today: free catalogue. West . CoaL Schools. 714 i "liamb-T Oommeree. WANTED MAN OF ABILITY, ONE CAP- able of promotion. In city and one for out of city. Excellent opportunity for right parties, call 18 I-afayelte bldg. TVANTKD EXPERIENCED LUMBER shipping clork. also first-class glazier. (iood wages. Apply Casiada Lumber Com pany. North Yakima. Wash. WANTED COMPETENT BENCH HANDS for general cabinet 1 work; good pay; steady work. Address the Wheeler-Os-good Co., Tacoma, Wash, WANTED PARTNER WITH S75: CAN make s:to weekly and expeni.es; experi ence unnecessary. Room 112, tKil Vs Wash ington, 1 to 4. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SHOH salesmen wanted. permanent position, good pay to right men. Address P 76, Oregonian. SKIMMING STATION" MAN WANTED: must understand Meam turbine and horses. Address the Walla Walla Creamery, Walla, Walla. Wash. BOT TO DRIVE BUTCHEH "WAGON AND learn the business. Apply at Rlkhorn Mar ket, nth and Spokane ave.. Sell wood. Phone East 44U8. WANTED YOUNG MEN FOR TKLK Kiaph service; good wage. Call Immedi ately, Oregon College, 503 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter; good wages, or shop on percentage basis. West Coat Wagon Co., Tacoma Wash. balary and commission If you can write health and accident Insurance. Northwestern Health & Accident Assn., 607 McKay bid. Open eve. DANCING LESSONS. 2flc private and classes; taught dally. Prof. Wal Wilson, offices and academy, Allsky bldg.. Sd and MorrUon eta. WATCHMAKER A FIRST-CLASS WORK ID an; must be sober and reliable. Address L. Alva Lewis, Klamath Falls, Oregon. WANTED First-class salesman, all lines; good bookkeepers and stenographers. Cora, mercial Abstract Co., Kaleigh bldg. ROOFERS WANTED. TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop, the Roofer, 248 Ash at. WANTED TWO GOOD, STOUT BOYS FOR apprentices.' Tortland Wire & Iron Works, Second and Everett sts. KELSO EMPLOTMBXT REAL ESTATH) Free employment at principal camps. AC Blxby, Jr., Kelso, Wash. WANTED BOY 16 TEARS OLD FOR light Inside work. Apply 9 o'clock. Boom 8. 265 Washington St. DKUG CLBRK FOR SOUTHERN OREGON town; a steady Job for a good man. Address W 72. Orejronlan. WANTED -COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER and office man. Tho Jobos Milling Com pany, St. Johns. WANTED-J'AMPBBIJ, MACHINE OPER ators and harness cutters. Apply John Clark Saddlei-y Co. WHY WORK FOR, OTHERS WHEN 200 buys interest In good paying business? 242 Fifth. WANTED TWO OFFICE BOYS. APPLY Monday afternoon. Marshall, Wells Hard ware Co. WANTED MAN TO CARE FOR COW. Tiorses, garden, etc. Call 408 Commercial block. TWO SOLICITORS ON HOUSFHTOLD SPKC laltles; good pay for few hours' work. Call 2H2. 3d. WE SECURE! EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM . bers. Special membership, $2 Y. M. C. A. CANDYMAKER WANTED FOR RETAIL store. Address D. Z. Russell. Medford. Or. SALESMEN BIO WAGES; SOMETHING positively aew. 215 Commercial Block. A REGISTERED PHARMACEfTIST WANT ed at the Brewer Drug Co., rtalem. Or. California Wine Depot. headquarter for cooks and helpers. P. Loratl. 148 4th. 500 men wanted Pre shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch 0t. Moler Barber College. WANTED BOY ; PER WEEK TO START. Apply fif Front at., cor. Davis. -WANTRD TWO WAITERS. APPLY 41 -3I Je&rlesa aloon. WANTED FOR TJ. S. ARMY, ABLE-E0D- led unmarried men, between ages of -t and rtrv. citizens of United Ktutes. of food character and temperate habits, who can is peak, read or write EngUh. Apply to Recruiting Officer, AinsworU block, Third and Oak Bts.. Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OP MEN BUCCES8FULLT treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation Xrc and strictly confidential; send for our symp tom blank. X-Radlum Medical Inxtttuta. Sd and Alder sts. ; antranca 2&3 Aider L Portland. AT ONCTS SEVERAL. YOUNG MEN TO qualify for coming examination for railway mall clerks; permanent positions, good sala ries; many appointments: experience unnec essary; get our free catalogue. Went Coast Correspondence Schools, 714 Chamber Com. HELP WAITED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicant for all Kinds of 'work, register with na, free of charge, go we may locata you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S43t Washington at., cor. 7tlu upatatra. CAN YOU FILL, A POSITION OF STF.XOO- rapher, requiring great initiative, self-confidence and unusual executive ability? It! so state experience, references, present po sition, salary wanted, to L 78. Oregonian. ' "WANTED GOOD GIRL. FOR GENERAL housework; must be neat and understand cooking: references required. Apply Mon day afternoon,. 735 Multnomah st. Telephon'a East LADY WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF" music as demonstrator; excellent oppor tunities to rUht party; salary $8o0 ft year and, commissions. L Til. Oregonian. CHINESE WANTED HOTEL, RESTAl' rants ; waltreescn. city others out t ; i hambermafds. housework, (ooks, every body. "Drake's." Washington. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; leasons given ta inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory 2 Grand ave., and 3. Taylor sL WANTED STRONG. MIDDLE-AGED Wo man for general housework : no washing i ., per month. Mrs. J . L. Henderson. Hood River, Or. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERA U housework In lamlly of two; must good plain cook; wages Sl!.3(). Apply -t'O Park Ht. WANTED YOUNG LADIES NOT VNDEIl liO to learn nursing In small hospital. Re ply in own handwriting. A tt. Oregonian. WANTED HOUSKKEEPERS. COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. Pt. Loum Ladles' Agency, 230 i Yamhtll. Main Mi;.. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework can get good place with good wo k" at I4 Marshall t. WANT 1-: 1 STRICTLY FIRST - CLASS walstmaker; also sewing girl. Madame Bummers Matthews, J:6. N. 23d. WANTED YOI'N'O LADY. FXTRA O.V)T penman. T'tr rnshler nml Mflstant bookkeep er. Apply Graves Music Store. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314 Washington at., cor 7th. upstalra. Phone Main 2G92. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOITHEWORK bman cottage, permanent, lamiiy two. ohj E. Main st., corner istli. GIRL TO ASSIST I C GENERAL HOUHK wo rk. Goorl plac tor reliable srtrl. 773 Hoyl. I'hone Main 3729. WANTED GIRL ABOUT 1(1, AT BLA- neys. 141 3d. One who. has had candy experience preferred. WANTED GIRL FOR O KNERAL IT 'T " work; small lamlly, no children, Apply 50T TVnth street. W" A NT ED OOOO PLAIN COOK AND TO hbhIh In general hou.ework. Apply 145 N. Sad ait. GIRL TO AMIST IN HOI'SEWORK. AM AM. HEI.I ABLE GIRL TO ASSIST IX OEN- rral housework, Apply mornings at Ml 4lh st. FFRST-CLAMS I'll A M H K It M A ID AND DIN-InR-room Krl wanted, at i . lKtli, coriirr Davis. WANTED A COMPF.TKNT COOK. WAOES Ctr t-r month. Apply morn in k. 31 North WANTEP COMPETENT COOK AND HRC- ond girl for private family. 47 Holladay DANCING LESSONS. 2."i'- WILSON'S School, Atlsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mount Tabor. Phone Kast 14 a. WANTED GIRL FOR IIOI'SEWOR K. AT 216 Sellwood st. (Alblna). Thone Kast b'.UK GIHL FOR GENEKAt. HOUSEWORK IN suburb: three In family. I'hone Kast ftnrto. Two ladles to ranvars, experienced, books or . pictures. Cutberth. $01 Dekum bldfr. OIRI WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC- tory. 2 uranu ave. ana hjast Taylor st. WASTBD A OTRI FOR GENERAL HOUSH- work; must be cook. 2;t Kord st. SECOND GIRT. FOR BOARDING-HOUSE J must sleep home. 44il JelTerson. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOIKEWOKK. 381 10th, corner Momuomery st. WANTED CAPAJBT.E COOK. 751 KLAN ders st.. corner 23d. WANTED A FIRST-CIASS NL'RSE OIRLh Phone Pliclflc 27iW. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. 6S8 Glisan. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WE ARB NF.W TORK MANUFACTURERS Want representatives, both sexes, for Portland and- State of Oregon: nalary or commission; agents clear $5 to $10 dally; guarantee t'i, exclusive territory. Call from 10 to 4. 3(11 Taylor St.. or RddYesg P. O. box 22. Portland, Or. Sono Mercan. tile Co. WANTED MIDDLE-AG RD MAN AND wife, with no children, to fake care o( oM gentleman; the use of two acres of land and outbuilding as pay. For ikarttruars address T. Lt. Unrtr-r. Ionir Bea'h. Wash. BITDATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeoer. , sd ClarkSL FIRST-tLASH BOOKKEEPKR, TOUNO man age l!4, desires change. Al refer ences, from present employer. Position offered must pay food salary. Address R T7. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK WISH- ff position, city or country, am willing to solicit orders and do .lellverlnu If neces sary: can furnish good city reference. V 7-a, Orc-atonlan. WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper: wholesale botif preferred; best of references: would accept any other position. B 7.1. Oretronlan. IF TOTJ WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF anj kind, call at 20B Allsky Dkiff., or pbon Main 8U3L Clerki" Registration Bureau. Miscellaneous. TELEPHONE "DRAKE" FOR A NT BODY, anywhere. Cookn, waiters, porters, Jani tors, dlrihwaaherM. (camps, city); Chinese. 2015 WashlnRton. COMPETENT STATIONARY ENGINEER with lonir experience Is open for enftajre ment; good city reference. i" 75, Ore gonian. COACHMAN YOI-NO MAN. SKTVBRAL years experience aua mar-hman, wants po sition; references. Address D 68, Ornsonlnn. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAW furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4i)o9. 208 Everett. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO do housework In family. Speaks good Eng lish. Call Phone Pacific 1471. HITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. ACCURATE. RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN stenographer, l'nderwood and K.mlnaton operator, will arxept permanent place at tlO per week (payable weekly), with ad- vanc); hours to 5. Pacific 20,"9. FOR AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Bt.aoamphr or cashier, permanent or substitute work, phono Eclectic Bualno.1 University. Main 4004. Dressmaker. THOROUGHLY C.'OMfETKNT OREittlMAK- er fmn accept a few ansasamenu. rboH lUlu 3T33. i