THE MOEXIXG 3REGOSUN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25. 14MJ7. THREE MORE MEN' FOR THAW'S JURY Selection of Men Made Slower by Order for Their Confinement DEFENSE SHOWS ITS HAND May. Plead TTnwrJtten Law or Emo tional Insanity Thaw's Mother on Verge of Collapse. World-Wide Interest. " NEW YORK. Jan. 21-Three new Jurors to try Harry K. Thaw for the murder of Stanford White were secured today.' This result was attained during- the closing hour of an extremely tedious session. When court adjourned for the day. five Jurors. Including- the two chosen yester day, had been accepted and sworn In. Thirty-one talesmen in all were examined. The three jurore chosen today are:. Henry C. Harney, a piano dealer: Oeorne ffarr. a dealer in machinists' supplies: Arthur S Campbell, a superintendent of telegraph and telephone construction. The two chosen yesterday were: Demfng B. Fmith. a retired manufacturer, who will serve as foreman: and Charles H. Qecke, a ehlpplng agent. Object to Being lyoeked rp. The tedious manner In -which the se lection of jurors proceeded today makes It difficult to predict Just when the trial panel of 1! will finally be tilled. The court's order that the Jurors must he Kept togrcther under the care of bailiffs had the apparent effect or making many of the talesmen reluctant to .serve. Vari ous excusese were offered today, oiv man declaring timt to be .locked up for two months would so wreclc his nerves as to make a calm consideration of the case an Impossibility. He was excused. Tli 10 talesmen examined yesterday and the 81 today, brine the total thus far oh Me i J for examination up to 50. Of the 30 peremptory challenges each allowed the provecutlon and the defense the former used eight and the latter six. The dtifunse today seemed willing to accept any talesmen who made reasonable an- ewers to the District Attorney's dues tlona. i limpes or Defense. Tim fact that Thaw's attorney's aeKed wveral of the talesmen if they had any prejudice sainnt any particular line of de Tense wms taken to indicate that the defense might be either the no-calIed"un- TTlUcn ' law," or emotional insanity or a combination of both. Thaw's attorneys ns-aln today offered no objection, how ever, to the District Attorny'n Question ns to whether or not the proposed Jurors ould be guided by the actual law ii laid down by the court, to the exclusion of ny fancif wl law they miRht themselves Import Into the case. Kacl of the ac- ceptefl Jurors promised to anise ty the interpretation of the court. Thw' Mother Eibausted. Mrs. Thaw, motjier 'of, the defendant, was not In court toddy. She was greatly fatifrued by yesterday's long sessions and was on the verge of a collapse last night She remained in her apartments today.' The other members of the family wer in their accustomed seats in court behind the defendant. Howard Neebjtt, a brother of Mrs. Harry Thaw, also was In court, sitting well m the rear with the man who was Stanford White's secretary. Neither he nor his Bister glanced at each other. To lock up a Juror at the beglnnir of a trial is unusual. It was done at the second Molineux trial, and perhaps once since, but even cases which have ex cited aa much Interest as the Nan Pat terson hearing:, the Jurymen were allowed to return to their homes every night until all the evidence was in. No expla nation of this was given, but it ta plain that tha. Judge wishes the Jurymen kept from possible outside influence. The jury men will be lodged at the Broadway Cen tral Hotel, and will be constantly under the surveillance of the officers placed In charge of them. Whole World Watches Trial. That Interest In the trial Is widespread was indicated by the collection of report er!! and newspaper artists, which was such as hever came together before In the courtroom. Other trials and investi gations have excited the utmost local Interest. The Thaw case Is being: reported to the ends of the civilized globe. The eminence of the victim, the wealth of the prisoner, the dramatic circumstances of the crime and the light It sheds not only on Broadway life, but on the doings of the fast set in every capital, have caused special arrangements to be made for the press. In the. center of the Criminal Courts building two great cables come down to a table, where a corps of telegraphers is Installed. Some of the wires run straight to newspaper offices in the city, others connect the newspapers in Phila delphia and Pittsburg. Arrangements have been made by which the stories written in court may be placed upon a wire connected with the Atlantic cable, so that they may be flashed without a moment's delay to Lopdoi). The telephone haa also been used, and one ' Pittsburg newspaper has a direct wire. In the courtroom two long- tables have been eet apart for the reporters of the afternoon papers. The reporters for morning papers are accommodated in the Inclosure above tha bar. to -the left of the Judge. Then alone the side of the courtroom is another batch of special winners among negro children la much htgher than' among; white children. In 1&0O the number of cotton mill oper atives 10 to 15 years old was 44,427. Of the 71.622 messerljrs and errand and office boys In the United States, 63 ner cent were district and telegraph messen ger and errand boys, S3. 3 per cent were office boys, and 14.7 per cent were bundle and cash boys or girls. The occupation of the textile worker or the needle trades furnished employment to 35,070 children, of whom 5315 were boys and 29,934 atrls. The total number of chil dren engaged in the tobacco and cigar factories was 11,463. Of the 23.657 children for whom statistics were specifically compiled, the fatherless or not living with fathers were 4943. The percentage of school children in the total population 6 to 9 years of age was 53.3, which is only a little higher Was the percentage. 8o., shown for the select ed families Included in this studv. Of the number of children 10 to 14 years old. in J tnese amines, only 31.9 per cent were at school, while the corresponding percent age for the total number of children of that age in the United States was 79.8. But after these chiMren reach the age at which the opportunity for employment as wage-earners begins, their school attend ance suffers. Of the total number of children 10 to 14 years of age In the United States. 7.1 were Illiterate, as compared with 18.8 per cent for the child bread-winners of the same age Included In this tabulation. For the messengers and errand and office boys tH per cents ge of Illiteracy la compara tively small. By far the greatest degree of illiteracy is that shown for the children In cotton mills. BRYAfl TALKS TO STUDENTS DELIVERS ADDRESS AT UNIVER SITY OP OREGOK. Last Days of the Great January Mark-Dowri Sale Offer Unequaled Bargains in Every Dept. Lecturer la Accorded Hearty Recep tion, and Is Ijtiter Banqueted by Commercial Club. : . UNIVERSITY Or OREGON, '.Eugene, Or,, Jan. Ji-(Special.)-Wiiiiam J, Bryan received 'an enthusiastic welcome from the students of the University and tha citlsena of Eusene in Vlllard hall to night. He was introduced by senator Miller of Lehanon as trio mogt distin- gulshed private citizen and greatest plat form orator of the day. . The Commoner rose with the remark that In these days one requires more praise from his friends than he deserves In order to counter-balance the abuse of hi enemies. Ho stated that his special pleasure was to address college audiences. and that in preparation for ms western tour he laid plans to Include the Univer sity of Oregon. The lecture was away from politics, being strictly a discourse on the Interest- H features or Ills lour around tiie world, His dlacriptlons of the people, scenes and structures of Europe and the Orient evoked frequent applause. in his ad- fjress, the speaker declared that the Unit- ed States is the . foremost nation of .the srlobe, a fact due to the advanced liberty . arid freedom of American women. He thanked God that If Americans couldn't have a IS to 1 standard inctirrencr, they did have a double standard, al to 1 standard in the home. ' In- conclusion. h pointed out that the great need of all peoples Is education, that In this &t United States leads the world and as the tin hever sets upon the possewilons of England, so also does It never set upon the educational lnetltu- UOIIS around the world which are kept up by American money. For his final remark, the cHattlns-ulshed lecturer, did not fall to point out trie value in discipline which comes to those worthy ' students who go through col leiee on their own resources. At the close of his address. Mr. Bryan w8 driven to the Commercial Club where he Intimated that he would trust himself to speak on politics. wtteis and artists, FACTS ABOUT CHILD LABOR Census Bureau Suras Up Results ot Its Inquiry. WASHINGTON, Jan. M.-The extent to which child labor la employed In the United States Is set forth In a bulletin issued by the Census Bureau today. The statistics presented are tor uw and mate to the employment of children as bread winners, of whom 1.750. 00 In round num bers between the agea of lO and 15 were .so employed. By far the most Important occupation for children Is that of agricultural labor ers, the number of children lO to 15 years olt-- so employed being 1.064.446. Next In importance comes domestic service or the i occupations of servants and waiters, or waitresses. In which 138,065 children were employed. About one-third of the children em ployed in gainful occupations were 15 years old. and more than one-half were M or IS years old. The number under 14 was 790.633. Of the total number of children bread winners 73.2 per cent were boys and 27.8 per cent girls. Almost Invariably the percentage of breadwinners Is much areater among foreign-born children than among native- trom children. The percentage of bread. .... . i DENOUNCES NEW CHURCH Vatican Says French Seceders .Vre Followers of Apostate. ROME, Jan. 24. The Vatican authori ties denounce as non-Catholic the "French Apostolic Catholic Church." or new Na tional French Catholic Church, organized under the leadership of Henri de Houx, the constitution of which as a cultural association haa been accepted by the French government. The church authorities say that Arch bishop Vllatte. head of the Independent Catholic movement In America, who Is now m Paris lending his aid and au thority to establish the spiritual juviedic. tlon of the church and who, according to the Paris dispatch, comes from Texas but really resides In Chicago, is a well- known apostate and that therefore his or dination of priests is invalid. The Vatican officials describe Vilatte as a French priest who renounced Catholic ism, was ordained a bishop by a sect of East Indian Protestants known as Old Catholics and went to Canada and the United States. WILL NOT BE DISEMBOWELED Pope Plus Will End Custom 'W ith Ills Predecessor's Body. ROME, Jan. 24. Preparations for trans ferrins; the remains, of Leo XIII from St. Petprx to the 'J-i 11 V. nf a T ...... - . are going on. It is reported that Pope riua wouia end tne traditional custom Catarrlets Relieve Nasal Catarrh, allay Inflamma. owiuu auu neai ine mucous mem the breath. Best gargle for Sore Throat. 50c. 6r $1. Druggists or mail. Dyspeplets tuoiauu tenet in oour eiomacn. Heartburn, Nausea, all discomforts of indigestion and dyspepsia. Pleasant and economical. Medium siie, 25c. Large, $1 j Pocket, handsome aluminum bonbonniere, lOc. Druggists or mail. C. I. HOOD CO.. Lowell, Mass. Made ly I HOOD J It'a Good Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. , Arrest disease by the timely uss of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity, Always cures SICK HEADACHE sour stomach, malaria, indi gestion, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S" Liver PILLS iassMfiSsMs. l I, t - . , I I 1 1 ' " ,i i 78 Exquisite Silk Dresses $22.50-$25 Values $14.89 ifftil.rrr For Friday Sale the iLipman- Wolfe School of Style offers a special lot of exquisite Silk Dresses for street and after noon wear, in black, navy and brown, made of finest chiffon . taffeta silks," with short sleeves, in tucked, plaited and lace-trimmed styles, with fan cy yoke effects; Skirts made in the new plaited styles. A beautiful, stylish and exclus ive dress at an extraordinary bargain. Sold regularly at $22.50 and $25.00. Special itr..Fr.iday..Sa!e14,89 . . Sea Third-St window JVo telephone order. None tent en ravmorandum. Men's Una'wear Clearance Sale. Men's $z Shirts and Drawers, derby ribbed, fuUy half wool, perfect fitting. Just half price for Friday Sale ...... 50c MILLIN'RY CLEARANCE Values to $4.95 At 49c v A WW Iwffik Tor Friday sale only we offer 500 . trimmecf&nd untrimmed Hats, aU this season's styles, made of braids and velvets, trimmed in ail , styles: actual values to $4.95: for leaxanc rriday at Early customer! will fare belt On display in Third St. window. No tliplion ordvr. 85,000 Yards Cotton Torchon Lace and Insertion . Values to 15 cents a yard, 4c yd. mm For Friday Bargain Day we offer an extraordinary, sen sational sale of 85,000 yards of Cotton Torchon Lace and Insertion. aJ to 4 inches wide, in a great variety of Charming effects. Regular f1 values to 15c yard The g"Hs greatest lace value f M the winter, at a yard. , TtC 2 700 Art Pillow Tops Real Val. 5Qc for 15c A little more remarkable than any of the splendid sale bar gains wc arc now giving in Art Needlework, is this wondcr- ful sale of 3700 Art Pillow Tops in a most delighujjgngc of attractive designs. Real values 50c. The FridaySaie will be enormous be as early as possiblc-at the 7n remarkable sale price of only . . . XJ C Savings in Small Wares 25c taoac Hairpins, extra long 1S 35c wire, a.11 r-isee. tOO In box lOc 2oc fUde Supporter. tlai:k ana an colors. 12 He 35a Military Pad 'Hose Supporters., ',,190 tl Fancy Pad Supporters, tour straps 4R 35c and 25c SSteftl Scissors. 6 sizes select from X&C 3ic and SOc Shell or Amber 23a.clc Combs. fli nniah 35&C 5c Nfckel Safety Finn, 2 dozen for,,,. him... .$c 10c Colored Head Stick Pins 4 3 '6c Good Tronlnjr "Wax. three for. , jc Paper While Head Steel Plug. .. 10c Pyramid gteel m.. 3o Wire Hairpins, box 1 25C SiZQ Gold Dugt. , ...18c 13e Dutch Cleansfcr... : .glS( 10c Pearhne :- 4 2 VC Dexter Darnlnn Cotton 10c cube Pirn 50c set Comba Back Combs and Side combs.. 38 10c 5-Inch Hain.ns.. ,-...v...... .TM DON'T WORRY-WATCH US GROW Henderson's Famous Kldnev and Backache Pills, "box 20e tvyetb's Vic'nv Salts. 60c alze 35e Wyetli's Vichy. Salts, $l.2j glze...89! Kudol's Dyspepsia. Cure 83J. 41c Henderson's Dyspepsia Cure ...... 45e Osborn's Catarrh Balm 25c Glyco-Thyrnullne, 50c siie, .-lie Colweil's Peruvian Tonic, for the nervous system 90 C Warner's Safe Cure ;.219 Cuticura Pills ...31e uuveura umimcnt i ': Jsx? WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON DRUGS 599 Fairs Qi fcace cunaing Keg. Values $5.ooTor $3d9 500 pairs of Cluny, Renaissance, Battenbcrg, Cable Net, Irish Point and NottinghamjajCurtains in suf- ficicnt variety to please every taste; white, ecru and Arabian color; actual values to $5 a pair, djo i A reduced to the low special price of. ... . J.M.7 $6.50 Curtains $4.70 pr ;(f00. pairs of Cluny. Irish - Point, renaissance and BattenberK L,aee Curtains, white or Arabian color; values to ?6.o0; veiy ffA 7Q special sale price . tyZd, lJ $2,25 Curtains $1.53 pr 350 pairs of Nottiugham Iact- Cur tains, both plain and lleni-ed cen ters, in both white or Arabian col- or; 3 yarcjs long, 50 inches wide: values to $2.25 ; spc-- ft-l CO cial for ?1UU $1.50 Curtains Q8c 1 Pr. 1000 pairs Nottingham Lac Cuj- tains, with plain and figured ceil. ters, in both white and Arabian color; 3 yds. long, 50 '"s-OJRr wide ; values to $1.50, for P " Curtains to $2.75, special. .851.98 Curtains to $3.26, special $3.33 $10 Curtains $6.95 Pr. 300 pairs of Lace Curtains in Irish Point, Battenberg' and Novelty Styles; values to $10.00 a pair; bper ial sale price, . CfZ QC i pair .iplJVO Flannelette Kimonos Regular Values to $4? for $5.9S Special for Friday, 395 Women's Long Flannelette Kimonos, Japanese cut. In Per sian designs. There is $ wide range q in dividual ing the ble choice in regard to fashion, trimmings, colorings and designs. Every garment is cut with a generous full ness characteristic of the highest erade ki- monos. Here is a wonderful good value that means an actual saving worth while. Reg ular values to $4.00 ; special P O QQ Friday tp&0O effects, giv fullest possi- 1 "I Mmraiwii I of extracting the entrails of the deceased pontiff and preserving them In the parish church of the Quirinal, consequently Leo XIII will be the last Pope to be thus mutilated. - SHOCKS SHAKE PROSPECT New York Village In Panic When Earth Rock.. UTICA. N. Y.. Jan. 24.-A dispatch from Prospect, a village is miles north of this city, states that three distinct earthquake shocks were felt .there early this morning. Houses were shaken, dishes rattled and the occupants were yreatly alarmed. lways. Remember tb Fall Nam f Exatave Hromo finnma CoM in One Day. Crip in 3 Daya On every box. 3 So Cores a CoM in One A SUPERIOR DRESS SHIRT g la appearance and fit the ' s equal of the production of p the custom shop, Tbtj SHIRT . Exceptionally rood vataa mt (1.50 ana more. CUICTT. PEABODY 4 CO.. turn r mio otLun .Liebes&Co. Corner of Alder Street 135 Fifth J- F. PUgemann Manager At Great Reduction in f rice During our Clearance Sale. This all fiZE. FUR5 maiHtl money-saving offer includes I ' " &pfej gradcs of fur rmnt. sets, ties 1 opportunUy that you cannot afford to overlook.- - gSSR ta-f- .JJ 1 's.Sjyy HIGHEST CASH PRICiiPAID FOR RAW ' FURS Send for our price list. If you can't ccme yourself ship trie furs and we will remit you their full value. Wc want your , shipments every year. Mail Orders Will Be Promptly Attended to ' Satisfaction Guaranteed Silveriield s Entire - Corner Fourth and Morrison Street 17th Annual Clearance Sale A Clearance Sale That Brings You Great Price Savings la n earing its end. Only a few days remain to take advantage of the unprecedented bargains and from now until the end of the sale the inducements to bargain-seekers will be even greater. We offer extra specials for today aifd tomorrow. ,. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY REDUCTIONS $10 Walking Skirts $5.65 We place on sals about 50 handsome Walking Skirts, in navy, browns and black, in Panamas and mannish mix- tures. Values to $10, 5.65 $30 Crave- nodes $12.85 Our offering o f aoout 35 fine quality cravenettes in tan, black and Oxford grays. Values to S30, $12.85 - Fine Furs Greatly Reduced . This treatest savins opportunity of tie year is drawing to a close. Such incomparable values in de pendable t urs "were never offered as now. both in ' extent of variety and Is price. EXTRA SPECIAL TODAY 1 French Sable Coney Neckpieces, doable tabs, trimmed, with animal beads; satin-lined; regular value $5.50; -special $3.50 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAW FTJRS SEND FOR PRICE UST. Now is the time to have your furs repaired or remodeled at reduced prices. - - - Belt Special Silk and Leather Belts, made of best materials, fin ished with handsomely designed buckles: not one worth less than 35c, some as high as fl.OO; Friday and Saturday, special . .21tf Handbag Specials for Today Tremendous collections of Bags at prices that will tempt you to a purchase; $1.25 to $1.75 values for today only for 79 Extra Millinery Specials Dress and Street Hats 95c dace on sale on display In our Fourth street window. 25 Drtes and Street Hat.i, vajues from Had to 97.50. tor today only at ..984 Children's Hats 29c On display in our Tourth-treet window. nteout 83 fine Kelt Hats for children, in a.11 col- values iron 1.00 to f2.5P; sale. 3d Floor Special Infants" Dept. Bear Fur Coats Half Price Infants' and children's Bear For Ooata, from 1 year to 6 years, in white and red only, .one-half off