. . . .. . . - - ' ' i THE MORNIXG OREGOyiAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 35, 19QT. ''' - . - 13 a- BITgATTpy WANTED FEMAXB. " FOR BENT. - ' ; roll It EXT. . BUSINESS CHANCES. .FINANCIAL. BUSINESS UIBECIOKY. BEBINE88 DIEECTOBT. ' Mleclti.oi,s. Rooms With Board. Hons. For Rent Furniture, For Rate. THE AMES MRRCANTILB AGENCY HAS t ' "E'. DOLLARS IN TOUR POCKET - Spiritualist. iMoi-su aad Truultr. Inside lnrormatlon regarding; business open- i" ,ins e.trable. Ton can hv them. - . lXOF.LLENT WOMAN COOK SEhKS P0- THE WOODLAND," 265 CTH ST RENO- EXCEPTIONAL 10-ROOM HOUSE, LOW lngs In this territory; their correspondents l 100 nd return the amount m small DELAY IS DANGEROUS. safes, pianos and FrRNlTURE MOVED, sltlon in country hotel. Apply Rev. Haf- vated and refurnished, under new man- rent, choice location, elegantly furnished. keep them posted on all desirable offerings. weekly or monthly payments. COME AT ONCE Ptcked ready for "hipping and shipped; all - eor- "nd Stark sts. f emBt. equipped with all modern con- M. 8. Rentfry. Sherlock, bide. Merchants looking- for location In this city . w advance money on salary without In- AND RECEIVE ADVICE. work Cuaranteed: lame 3-story brick Are- - Z ; . T7.W. '..T. TTr: venlencas: rooms lares and llsht; tabl . or In country towns are Invited to oall. In- escrser and without th kaovledsa of era- - proof warehouse for storase OfAcs aofi) ca'k lOI NO LADY AirtDING Bl MNBSS unsurpassed, only 4 blocks from postomc. - UODGKN A-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR formation of fhl. kind free. The AmM ployer or any one. Lowest rates; beat PROF. E. KHIMO. at- CM. Olsen. Phone Main 6-17. collrge wants plane to orK for room and rent, any pan or all ot lurnlture lor sale Mercantile Agcy., Abington bidg. ZLB?lJ$lnVtZ .F b'!fUyr- ... ' "- ? Tlsri'-i; madibon. nrrirr t ibt DFt ,..,,- board. close in. Main 5207. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. lgTH cheap. Call S4S E Stark st ' When in need Of a little "Ready Cash" THE GREAT ' i FICK. OFFICE 85 1ST.. BET. STARK . ' , ,- r(" Rooms with board, uas or sewing- ORDERS TAKEN TO but OR SE.LL STOCKS , o not fall to call and let us explain our ORIENTAL MEDIUM. nJ Out. Phone 566. Pianos and furnltur -vJS-rfc-I TO w i Hi K If Y THE w EKa. Hfc.- rocna. uas of Ubnry ; Women'. Eichut. MODERN mx-ROOM FLAT ; FURNITURB and bonds on the Portland Stock Ehcchanate: plan fully. All Interviews confidential and TRAKCS moved and packed for shipment; commodious . . tiro hours of 30 snd o days. i:u.l Address Mrs Ella Rawllng-a. Supt, SIO for sale, flat for rent. Inquire flat c 403 Nevada and Idaho stocks traded in: Amer- you will be treated courteously, wbetbar CLAir.VoYANT " i""lcfc warehouse, with separata Iroa rooma. 112. Flanders. , 10th at. PaclHc 310. lean t)e Forest wanted; I have an Industrial borrow or not. AND m yroot and clay -ts. 1 ' i i . Btock that gives promise Ot 1000 per cent Open every evening, December 15 to PSYCHIC PALMIST. , T-nTltrs wanted agents. YOUNO MEN IP YOU WANT FIRST- MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE for rent. Profit with large dividends; money loaned on January 1 This medium's success has startled th .fpewmct.. WAXTEp AOE?,TS- 5 and board .11 conveniences part or all of furniture for aale. Phone East approved stock. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commer- HCTTON CREDIT CO., entire world. His reading, are acknowl- ' . Wanted Aaent. to aeM beat-arown nur.ery W'JJ '" all at the A.tor Ho'u.e tJiT and 3B07- clal -block. - - gI2 5th Boor Dekurr. bid.-. .deed by pres. and public to be of th. wtJrwnS5ri S?k"i.1r"S?5i. "S1 stock on Coast, including Burbank-s new Madison House. 7th and n.aTc-r. wrwwir- hhitsp momfy to i oam highest order, h. advi.es yon to a cr- Iox c"" A"nc:r- 211 SL" g.;gg: ..aw.a.s. 'Sg:: zizrHmZszte g.gagg ritory. Albany r-uraery. Aioany. --r. ant rooms with nrst-claas board ; one of Stores. canine: bin Investment for small capital: . with privilege to repay all or part of loan what th t n-J i , " ,ell,nE l""u J - AGKNTS WANTFn TO BELL OUR COM- the nicest private boarding-houses In city; 700. after two yeara Loan. approved from wnat they called for. ALLEN atBWIS. WHOLSSAUS OHOCsBT. tof .le . rPv -ST .tJ e. flne location for business people. - a Mir-n- CTimril x-OHTM 'in ct rTFTn rew timber claims left. 27014 Morrt- plana and money advanced a. bulldlnc -,. h JE h-i? . r.sdlna oor. f.. Front and Da via sta. Portland. Or. plete line ot high-grade nursery stock, : 4 NEW STORES aORTH .3D ST., NEAR , c , progresses; mortgages taken up and re- Beore you decide to have a readme. , outfit free: cash weekly. Address Capital COLONIAL 165 10TH COR MORRISON Lovejoy. suitable for bakery, barber snop. ' 1 Jlaectl - , , , . . ,.k,. City Nursery Co.. Sal.m. Or. Room Wjable for three young men: table ZSToniS'T, .2. Irde"?: PaKTXER WAXTED-IN AN OLD ESTAB- FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. bofe2r wl.h ld ambft.onV?r7comrilet. SPECIAL XOTlCEft. - - - - and aDDoliM mente fl rat -class: ata-xn heat : niouern con fmences . leases it aesirea . 1 1 h t-r sa v. ,., I . . . a t-f tj v. If ar, wish and Ambition in compiwiw - mrnT.?. . Conservativ. Mutual Lit. A LARGE PLEASANT ROOM WITH FIRE- ' . pt,gMFVT gp prvT fcr.k to tSSS Zou toVTZ" tfflO bStTSSiS " Varied MoytS m nTJ. ffiu? Whlcb y0U hn0W W b ab"' PS5LLrTKnTHB,' CB OF A J ?ortewof,oodnholardreac S rll n BE SJJSSj. frr?hortRT; Y "cured. Room 325 u Ex- without, mortgage sy payments. 'true. Vrv-h n .vTvn TO RENT STSVi Park. Main SO04. rtauranu dellcatesaien dreraraaker or bar- , ; 50 Repay to u. .S13.33 or S.bi or :i.aO work and wonderful proposal, will be -received at the Deoart- .Alt.U 1 " "r . her... J, BuUlvant,- Main-6036. . 2J Repay to us..f 8 65 or (3.30 or S1.83 UNSEEN FORCES ment of Agriculture until la o'clock noon. " ROOM WITH BOARD FOR MAN AND WIFE. EXCELLENT. DRUG BUSINESS IN BEST ,15-Repay to us..$ 4.00 or 2.00 or J1.00 He advises you just how. where and when J7 r PrchMs of private Samlly; references required. 687 Da- ""-Jb. ,.ST. E . ITH UVI!tv V.P,MJ- business town in state- clean stock- fix- We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 204L 10 Invest your money to give you tu ?0,we.r Ku W, W the Forest Service in w.vtto OR 4 t'STtHMwrD via. near 21st..' one block north of. Washing- S??S r? U,0,"'? Vi'f ""?naJ''- AKE- ?rSe.,rl,.yvn modern"" kuS h.'r to- . Quickest and moat prorttable returns. Alsaka. approximately 65 feet over all. 1S- hoaekecnlng rooS? modern wUhS waTk? ' FIELD. FRIES & CO.. 228 Stark. Ie?"ts mSatf havV ittentforl? B 03. OrS LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE ARE IOC PEADY TO INVEST? iot,beim- t'.001 r?'VJ??a 20 toa Haplace- taKHetplris , .wl!i!' .. n.erut.T iTr7 som.n attention. B -a. ore- holding permanent position, and respon- If so. do not consult the inexperienced : "!': 02mP1"', w'" Bp-horpowcr a.olln. ing distance of buMnivM center West fclde. MIXEQUA INN. 376 YAMHILL, TWO TWO STORES ith basement, for soman.. .lble firms; easy payments and swlctiy seek the advice of Prof. Kijimo. who ha. "rilaril 7.ftk, rnnbi'.B ''Si?" by .your.. : "'P '? Mock. i hotrf Portland. eielmheaLfre. rnt- "I"""' Couch. Inquire H. confidential; also the recommendations of the leading men giif iL? ??Lr,,2- L'gonCan-. 1 "De " dJreM J b.ths. aplend.d meala reasonable rates. Martxloff. 08 Davis St. A CORNER osh gkocery doivo A BL- CHATTEL LOANS and ladles cf your city. who. have con- 0btlne5 trim tn. Fst J? NIC-E..V FURN tHHED LARG E FRONT STORE. 27, 5TH,. OPPOSITE "ITY HAL.I.. A 2 5 itFZ .n rronal property ; roora.:ng-ho. a suited him from m. o time, and In aU crm' t.C. , moms. giK-d board, every convenience; 7 with rooms In rear. Apply upstairs, ring tolng ll. will ll u tewl. iv. NEW ERA LOAN TRUSr COMPANY. absolutely trZi and Tot th? hTS order. Aligned) jSnf'wil.on'fietkrv i, ' WAN'TED to rent houses. coTTAGEsI rnimiW walk, jm Mil). Ma.n 30T. bell. L'S, Abington Eulldlng. PROF KHIMO ALWAYKNO g, ' ot of Cll;?r 'a "Sir - -s . r ii$ By--Fy OaK. I none Exchange I., , , . partner to be cashier and keep the accounts; flrWlal): Month. Vi -month. Week. Th -n tthv lei a frinllsh oreiudlce pre- fbJ uf ', la; fo,r a, "TfJ?, c vantfu-hoc. and cottaops EaSt KOOM with HEAT, with OR WITH- STORE. 1S?12 -TWO-YEAR LEASE, m experience not W and only fSO - ,5SP-y to us. S or IS.flTor $3.35 it ,o f2 Ifr J" 8ApI "-"i Addition. City Main H;io. Administrator of estates. FINE ROOMS MODERN CONVENIENCES ; ' : A RELIABLE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL 210 si kay bldo.. . 102 ahird. xn. greater part ot tn. snvi.bi. fm. i'- ,V..E-,"?0V' id -loM?. cofilk" ;w vorvo t .die. wm two mod! home cooking: walkln. distance. o05 THE MILNER OFFICES A XT) APARTM'TS.. take a partner and teach him the bwlness; M0NEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE na prop ifnivfi 1 rZru ' W v'uni "0hw?.el bf 5 A0i .JhhorP Aelbfuue8 aSn-a' Sfa sn o monelToom '"eUie. tL"'0, . thatnC a wfc.S Sit would likf to rent 5 or 8 room Main 3622. 22S 6th st. THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE LIGHT )V ANTED A 000D HONEST PARTNER IN' other employe; builnefs rtrlctly conflden- - S.J,B 'Tnr. threatened by iilTl-1'" rlly: large alcov, room w,t oooo RauL.e. SSSJ' mn SJ&XZl XtS tlal. F. A. Newton. 424 Abington bidg. 0jSetlym&TM6m y .ljHj(CtTLda.SfWa.r. 720 Ohsmber Com'meree. JT'Si. VJ"?' t01" tW OT "ree gentlemen. ... - S",? business. ;A.dre.. Commission. O H ONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE PR'-,,KHIMC1 . , Portland. Or.. Jan. IS. lOOT. . . 5,4 tillaan et. FOR KET OFFICE SPACE OR DEfca. , Oregonlan. sr.d others UDon their own names without Can tell you what the dancer as asad now .a, nr. .t.r. rnn i, , , .r n ' rogm - to manufacturers agent; central. C. asrurltv- rhcaoest rates eaelest Daymenta: to avert and avoid it. constructing quarterstaster-s of- &U n.,. H. WIIcol IPS 2d t, room 4. MANpACTURIN-OWNER uUL SELL StSXXir'ZSn A11 JJSL .S nctd not ADDiy reference reaulred B gS. . half interest and guarnntee you $123 a manev bv tretiintr our terms firs AH the most promlROnt ana ZDOSt UOOe-Ki- ii. IV.) J bellied proposalfl. In trl-plicat. OrV.onlan. PP 7, rererence reQuirea. S $4o-FOUR-TtOOM FURNISHED FLAT NEAR WA N'TED DESK KOOM. GROUND FLOOR month olr: dufti easily learned nd only TOLMAJ? "03 iln.tojf bid lojfc 3d t ttxi btulnen men consult - will fc received at thtofflct until 11 o'clock , Waslilngton ; light. heat. wau r and tele- 9r In jood building. Addrew i. O. 0i. $3MJ rifcuJix. Particulara -4S ;3 S1rk "Wt. - " PROF. KHIMO A.. March J. lftOT. and thexi pub'.lcW 1HREE FIRST-CLASS ROOMS FLAT OR fiTW -Ralei8h w' .. 34" . " - . iiOTEL (50 ROOMS BRICiTrLD(.. LONG 01 wTo'Td S tterTRHxlT w1" 5 . sh,r.K J.?K :ilf,tM! a5hlngt0n Stlfet- AUDITORIUM HALL FOR LODGES. LEC- leioee Vn. 'Sll , stmers: a .L: M morses '"puSed ' ARE T0U UNHAPPY? ' tWO double baniokl Md tee. doub! Ktl . MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR HENT. turea and dance. 2084 8i t. Main 2-74. rare chance for 5O00. A. H. Maesly, 210 well secured. fc 1. SwOble S12 Commer- Thousands of men and women blesm the Of Officers quarters. tnoIudlnR er lc CO Ti ll T TWO ADITITS. PL'RMSHED l-T-a-VT, 5st ln1 "LBt Sides. Portland Trust Fourth ft., near Courthounf. Portland. clal tollt day they ttnt can. to . H'ctlorm. Full Information rurntehed on ap- West Side references. M titt Oresoniu.ll Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 3d and Oait- 20x40 SECOND FLOOR, SW . CORNER TH - prof. KHIMO plication tvn t-tvf ofTl.-r. The l-'nifed statew ' Phone Exchange 7i' and Oak; corner room; steam. heat. partner wanted in a good real loaxs on- easy payment flan to For help. Many a joung woman, to r. the "xn?FXrZ, rv??lXZ ' i rem house, and au fo, owner.: .oi. bu-i- w ROO FI v ' t.,.r, estate office: aetlv nan can ea?ly make galarled people: louest rates, strictly confl- with unreasoning jealousy, has been w M part thereor.. we tvavrrn acasi-arv r a-NS-raaTa Third st. . - " AItB YOUR l- li 1 Mrs OS TRUE? Construptlna wuartermaster. Vanoowror WAsItU BUSCELIaVHt.OLS. . IF -WISHINa TO IXVEST MODBRATB MONEV TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES; prof K hi in 5 can tell you whether they Barracks. Wash. " Houekiyo1nt Room. PEKSONAL. amount with sen-ices In legitimate Alaan real estate, chattel mortgage or personal -are true or false, or who to trust. PORTLAVD nn Jiviripv 1 inor J' - wAvrrn unn bua'.noea. call between 9 and 5 o'clock. This security: notes bought. C. W. Pallett. 04 PROF KHIMO .,Z? JTa a-MJ AKI 1, lWi. worth . nS-il clSihlns and st-oe.- T,E HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 3 1 4 LADIES. ONE WORD WITH YOU 23 will Interest you. 8 McKay bids;. Fenlon bulldlnK. 'I. Portland OLDEST PIOXKER Clair- k '. "ilB will be received at the ofllrw hlshest nAce oald Can at the "iat Jraah ngton. cor. 20th Nicely furnlahed years of successful practice In Fortlsnd. in . voyant snd Psychic : KmlK. 'PtrSaneVui. I 'il' fct' Clerk. City Hall, up to la a Si t! )f lT PI, P,rfn 175 houseaeeplng rooms, gas ranges. hot the treatment of disease, peculiar to women SNAP IN SO CORIW OF 4-FOOT WOOD LOW locaied "n hlaf own home: othe come and Lhina ii,..118' rS-r J1V "T" r Deal, o. . 3d. Fhone mino l.a. water, free bath, tree phone, bo-.h Coors; should be sufficient guarantee to those seek- In f uth rortland-If you want a bargain Furniture, etc.; conn.iemiai. KS Fiiea- g0. Fror. Khimo, the ow. reliable win ai- gJ ; ; nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month: Inr the aid of an experienced physician and In this wood see VI. B. Lee. room 20, Ral- I ner bid... 10th and Wash. Pac. 2659. way. be with you. Remember this. It If n",."i SLr Z?l L ai . iha w"S -Teed "est rooms In city for money. surg-eon. I have assisted hundreds of anx- eiKh bidg.. 32:li waahlnarton st. - RATES. Important. - - "J t... . ? 5S?.. L .1 AINITIIKBI " lous and sulTerlne; women. I can assist you. " PROra-KHIMO ,the architect. 334 East Third street, city. AT ANT PRICE T"B P.E.NTA- ,ST "Tti ST.. NEAR If In trouble, no matter from what cause. ROOMINO-HOITSE IN THE HEART OF THE LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND will do all others advertise or pretend . f JP?"?u,m u" "f ompanted by cer- MSTt i Jn inCTnlV R(VS TamhlU New house, elegantly furnished. call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable city, now clearing .0O per month; cell for other securities lowest rates, s vv. Kin. to do. wnllo other, copy Rnd try to 1ml- WSroVtSll The School kaard rMervuS Ml first 6? AUCTI0N R?5- asaa n u Ites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold rpeclalist; no charge for consultation or ad- caih or trade for residence. Henkle & Har- room 4o. Washington bidg. Ph. Main won. tate hls wonderful work. He can demon- rUTltSSl alTbWs TtoZfT -U FIRST ST. water; p. range each kitchen: steam heat, vice. 251 Alder st.. corner 3d. Portland. Or. rteon. 217 Abington bidg. , . , r TA, cr strate to you his genuineness to your en.- V0S". ahV.ect - WANTKD to HIRE - POOD DELIVERY baths, free phone each floor: no children. Correspondence sacredly confidential. 2 : IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO S5000 satisfaction. The fees charged by Jonea. arcnuect. . J,VLdhShdS,h1,8jneSi'A1 i? The M"ne,r f;,rI,lS,d -r f R0BBRT BROWNS HAY. SON OF ALeIT- JTsoEane1eSrtcNTlWh1 anCapft".. wSlSon bidg. Pne'pacflSiTi: Sdrw.U,ln"the7each,o'f1 afl!r "'"OMbl M.ockho.ds- Mee.ln,. rfieshnn. m . JZk ble ' 4bJ lttn menw. . Uwis bidg.. S. E. cor. Park and anderHayof Hardengreen. Midlothian. cieklni such inm T HOURS. 10 TO 8? DAILY AND BUNDAT. KOTifF is he-rfrt nvirv that th. ders. Phone Main 4!l5. Morrison: modern suites of 2, 3 or 5 rooms; writer to the Signet, Edinburgh, Scotland; S jS Or .aaoress ne J00 TQ LOAjJ AT . AJJD g pEK CENT VTF' KHiMO .linS, .$inT?iyt.3ii?J?& i.EAD HORSES HAULED AWArPRCMPTLT every convenience: reasonab.e rental. tthgjjl SS' ' Wm. O. Beck., room 312 Falling bid.. No. 255 lh st.7corneMadlson Sf SfvietrngV,,;,e?t SSSSS&ASS free: highest prices .aid for bones. Oregon 347 HALL, VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS City. thereafter Drewalev both Grant FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STOCK A WO FIX- MoTev to loan on mortsaire wcurltv- abstracts Phone Main SO. 6- IM b, nela .t the ofrlco of th, company. Fertiliser Works. 782 Thurman. M. HM. completely furnlehed for housekeeping; County. aT o( Oregu? ujitedtates? the ": "od location doing good cash bu-,t- SXVU'iut xVylS ' .,H.Kr, r-PT. : MonnYv0rr.tterT,.rt!.1',.5h7 every convenience, pleasant location; rea, f,ld Robert ' Browna Hav o any person nefB: Invoice about (0i; owner leaving ETRANGE GaFTS. Monday. February 4,1007. at the hour of WANTED SECOND-H AND ROLL-TOP sonable rent. . having ir fformt?.m reTrdin J him la re- city. Phone East 4255. ,, 12 0 clock noon, for the purpose of elect- -'iifr-i,, fuli-d.sorlptlon nd rlce- " Sues?ed to mmu"icaie wuh Bre KS ; : Losx and ioixi, . An Honest Proposltloa. IB a board of directors and transactlnc WrwTr CirvTHIVC mn t5&?tot"ZJ- ...5: f5r?. Jo?0 'ZiySt FOUND-A TO HAVE HAIR MAT- " UDSONew Toel.hr.. gXrSX? ?. ZL&k&g2Z b-a'h' hea'- 403 r'r5t 8t' "at E" : eaay terms Rent 2o. Ooodale & Co.. 0.!" , SnFt M , highest prlcW paid. B2 ad. Tel. Pacific 48. complete- IyDUN HERBAL BATHS-NO PAKOEtt :09 Aiisky Bidg. Front st. Main 4T4. Portland Curled Hair Sf time and iTyir. continuous successful N0TIC3 ,g HERp.BY G,VEN THAT THa .Ofgho CAT- Xr7&i4z 8 So-.Wt5Sf! lB!n SHOEMAKER AND COB TILER SHOP WITH -L-S--TL? K.m SSL trSSLSSS SoffmL," . liirnerirrTaS : 5 " Z - 10..on S car. Main ,Q45. 002 Oorbett- herballet; chronic diseases a specialty: both llvins room: old established and well locaied; LOST SMALL WHITE FOX AND BOSTON His extraordinary tZJV,. of aeofnd sight. cSmoany will T bf held at th? ofrlMfths. 1 PAT CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. DFSirARIF RAY WIVnnw rvFI'RNISK stxes; 'heumatism and paralysis cured: ..-r-nt H5: price ; 1S0. L. E. Thompson & Co.. terrier dog long tall broken at end. Re- combined with a .uperlor knowledge of compn. M8 Worcester building. Port W. W. savage. 345 lrt Pacific 360. D lrut hfn beltiLuJ P?oTated aVme graduated doctor in attendance. Mr. Mar- 228 Third st. turn to ,8. Irving st. and receive reward. occult forces, enable him to read huma Iand Q Monday. February 4. 1007. mt iiJJ intiT Ksf.rioJI I? ; a.Partment shall. 408 E. 8th st. cured of acuterheu- . Phone Main 4.53. life with unerring accuracy from infancy to th h . noon for the irnr- 6POT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE. house. 305 Jefferson St.. cor. Sth. matlam. also Mlaa Marshall cured of. St. PARTNER WHO HAS S2COO IN BUSINESS - ' : Old age. As proof of his wonderlul power " nou r J- C lC J OOn Jn" Pr. etc.. prompt attention. Phone East 1067. PORTLAND ACCOMMODATION ACVvrv Vltua dance by taking Indian herbal baths. that will pay SIOOO per month; absolutely LOST IRISH SETTER. 0 MONTHS OLD. to all who come prepared for readings this transacting "Sch Othtr bu.lSeas w may - . 19(1 r,t rail r.M0,Drsirt:,.rrSo Sanitarium 442 E. 11th St. South,, corner safe- handle your own money. Q bo. Ore- b,;c,n- wh"e ,f.potv.,near th.roa?.; reward. mI . r.. . legally come before the meeting, w. K. VANTiiTa-T, ROULETTE WHEEL. TABLE furnuw n Sherman st.,. Sellwood car. Portland, Or. gonlan. Address 431 Washington t... San Francisco - WITHOUT ASKING A QCJWN.. LITZENBERO, Secretary. and checks, wm. Mead. 300 N 23d st. furnished houses, flats; moderate. ; , , ; Cleaning Works. , without any previous knowledge and liarlng ; WANTED t-smc -era s.s... 1 ,,nea THB NEWCASTLE. 40214 THIRD STREET X RAOIt;M MEDICAI. INSTITUTE AKD pop.. SALE SWELL ROOMING OR BOARD- Ij0T- T-ARCT- DPIC BAY HORSF WHITn wh.Ss."' S?.0,' Jn,0,isr5eW. vjlfl tcU NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THH Z-sxs&ssr- hTi - S;rtrcHHbl - wi-&r- 4 Jhi 41&S' . Room. plione. ai4 is. lOth. Alain 1003. nce Mateniitv lioriital Infants adoDted. oet location In city; 24K cah. balance on reward. erty. speculation. Investments, marriagea. 1V- 11 no-T ?awi2rJ?5 2M A T rV? R c -r p A W T i a vtT riH time. AUUre-a K. B. FJuchback. Daytou. , , vorce, etc., L uneyualcd. He reunite- the ".1, ,tCti"Kv. 2ard .f-,Lr-Ct-""3 - nw, C0MMERCIAU FOUR BRIGHT, CONVENIENT, NICELY rntr . rvr,a niprrrnBT ' ?:Kh TbHneTou ?e?S. , . p'wPri foUwnelBhtrhouo9kfpgr?lr robathnH,, foR sax shoe: buss BTSINES8 DIRECTORY. XWVZV', llTZEN'BERO, Secretary. cold -water: free baths, free phons: din- Late superintendent of Chicago Woman's In a Krowlnar city of Southern Oregon: .lock ... Attorney. nt Law. affections settles lovers' Quarrels, tells 'how .... . ..... . Ink-room In connection; tranalenta solicit- TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS. NEWLY FUR- .- Hospital treauT diseases of wSmcn ?Tclu- S1B.OOO. Write C. H. Pierce Sc Sonf Medford. " to win the man or woman you love, make Masai.Ja.aw. ed. open all night; best location in th. nlsht-U for housekeeping; gas. bath; easy slvely; ladles will consult their best Interests Or. e. B. riggen attornbtand couh- Jr aTySSr 0enem?ee anT'mike P?sV to whom it mat conchrn. A1i,;ffl? and -dln.-room .round floor. walking distance. 211 Sherman. by communicating with me; no fee for con- 1 tellor at law. 118 and 120 Abington bidg. it a dWance th Notice Is hereby given that the partnrr- rtaoF,TAL HOTEL "ttuJ22SlSrZZJX VrT Ht, '5?' lAS& tZ& S22l Aeeortntan.a. TSiJkSS S&JF ulPZSZ t N. Z'Zrjt'MJZSF. now a$S!!ZSlSSrShKA1S:-r- C- cori'eTThfrarPl-nar " "" P"" C-" GEO. x. murton. ,,. chamber com- JSIT Bri.St SSSived Mbydmu?uf. .5? .ff. Open; new brick building, Steam htat, elee- 2796. POP HillT TIVFBV PI';TVF AT en merce. Phone Main 3681. General account- 10unn-, ri!sTaclion l JhW hereafter will be conducted by Oregon Sheet trie light, hot and cold water in rooms: the TWO unfurnished HOUSEKEEPING : 11, 51; Ing and auditing business. specula tiov AD INVESTMENT Metal Works, who will collect all outstand- -T- : , . NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR .Ma'st nd?cc?veVeTe busi- greenlet t Crawford, analitical fiirttOMk. yth.nrrancb. cha?ges williammau.' 9J h, ANTLERS, , CORNER 10TH AND housekeeping; terms reasonable. 33 N. treatment in the city, free for the next new property on car line; IS per cent In- ehemlM m'nlng engineer 204V, Wash- a ro l, 7dvice unt" the In- "n.7L;,d,:r. ""T.m,.ii 11 '" ft n'ar Ar""ry- t i.y,; lady attendant. 1-hone Main . home: values rising: see It. Main l,p. '".to" ; vestment has paid a handsome profit. La this NOTICE TO PARTIFJS OWING THE HT- th. principal carllne. pas. th. door;-prl- 324 MAIN WELL FURNISHED HOUSE- - '. : GROCERY STORE IN A GOOD SUBURB MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. IS MORRI- - "a.1 -SaSS? ?of .d-ertfslrnent? Mr Sy'tS'S m'l'w HoI.5'hI- vate bath suites; rates reasonable. Phone keeping rooms, single or en suite; close SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT 50c- for cltan mocl! and ,od lrade: f"1 " Bet fac'"tle- Frlc'J returnable. Hudson wm g??e bis .pecfaTTeadTng lor ao draul" Wondiiri T Co? Maln2o33. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. - In; phone, gas. bath. To visitors of Portland hotels and to' public reasons tor selling. N 66. Oregonian. pat't rattvpt Asatvirp Avn 'ANALTST cnt8'- satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or . , 1 hotfl bushmisk wAH,Nr-TON avd . rooms with n a t m 7C"r vi-rt.v ' large: Suite preyed at 60o at Gilbert, the 'Gold dust bouahtT SOT Aid'.r .c no fe accepted. Everything strictly sacred lTlhFlrii ciJS. R.,.1M 5iS .?e...A .5 . iV f.P Aa71H ,ANI. 5!Af;T9X: tallor-a. loet6 6th at., next to Quelle. Ladles- 2on RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED: taoia oust oought. ZOT Alasr St. d conndentlal- . BANKS. en snTte Zi.SfT... w "iTjLJ ?oaT """xekceplnB. at OO -.4 Gth ak:rts pressed. SOc.i Feathers and boa. will pay you S3 to a day and experience f .r,... , ,,.,a, THK WISE USE EVERY MEANS TO , en suite, steam beat, hot, cold water, eiectr c st.. near Oak. cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 20S8. not neceesary. Call 2484 stark st. t-rpent..r. ,.d Builder.. compass victory; thousands hav. been merchants national bank lit; tit. phone In every room; uues, with pri- . . ; . . ,.,,. . , . i' helped. If you- are In trouble of any kind, PORTLAND. OR. HOTEL OXFORD 6TH AND OAKT lZLlzllz!Z 1 . Kn?Sol,lJLrJlTJltta VTSS-S? "ZO-l""'""' C.rpst Cean.n.. .TUf, T0'ZSi' V"r"ii. S n'J.y.fto g"" ! "" A."..? wa,LW.brick,,6t.T'hn a11 cold runnlng NICE OUTSIDE ROOMS FOR LIGHT sell lildg.. cor. 4th and Morrleon. Portland. T iT with M0VI5Y Avn spipp CARPETS REFITTED SBWED AND LAID otkt. . aTOfBANSACTs"BNBB water and electric lights in every room. housekeeping; bath, electric lights. 74 4th . 1 , LAWYER WITH SlUNbl AND SPARE v,AIfr , Kt,,f'ulilJj eoWbU ASU laiu Corner Fifth Street. R!'RINF! Twenty suites: private baths: phonea Cen- st.. cor. Oak. Swedish trainfd nurse hfi sivii "me would Invest In business or proposl- Woltring. Massey & Co.. mattresses made rji.ninr.nn. II- et ""l!t- No car lines. Per day. 1. rorT Iriduate rheumatl.m MVSuJ aS tlon. Q 88. Oregonian. over and to order: re-uphol.terlnB of all TT77 WALLACE 2a YEARS PORTra-r.- - I'nlted State. Depository. - "" 2- FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. orSer "tmach t?SuK" aT-rama credf no : kind.. 2Q Second . Phone .Main 337a. 55 re M i ble nedSi n7; a I? I n FoL ni Jill .bTen".".-of" Ke world !""U''J- KENYON. 18TH AND WASH. ST8. &JT &cJ tK S ErrrV,deanlnaTar,s?ne5a534n Hte Tb&T Coiiection. a sPcc,a,ty ' Modern rooms, eingl. and en .ulte: also ; aeny car, ruuue Mai ou. entrance 123H t4th st floor; suction and compressed air. M. 5534. . specialty. Room 72. . Lewis b dg.. 350 W Fr"..", " V ,re-i" : S ; ?.r'v.V neatly furnished housekeeping w a KTED-1 nform ATio.N as to the France IJJ, mn st. , MorlJon stl lYour. O A M i" 8 p. H. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA tree hatha, rate, ressonaois. -acino ,. rooms for rent ; also .looping rooms. iOO ' 'neriS mS WeS ZlJPmeSln Save; MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING chiropody and MaalcaarU... correct REAOINC -u HFAD Or'lCE SAN rBAVrisro CAt TIIF UMI I AUFTTF 'f,nU RTAR If 5 W end Chas. Bradford. Please send address or ?1VMcde7t WM. DEVENT & ESTELLE DEVENT, THE j 52 nSTnSS Wt rtwtfaslwnt, 1 PrSirte'nt0." f " "hom r?R8. "JS. rB'f Siar.e 4 Housekeeping room, for rent. Wat Par. sl:hmaEtl0Tacomwaar P' 1740 ' P "PO1","": Pa;l0 '?0,ra gUafante Satisfaction Or n0 Charge. tel. Matl. Of BrMChtg. W. MACK I.VTtM 5a? iiViS -to. "Pkc"- South, vshdtfyn a, wJeTKg g?A? Ro&, SSSlfr JXAS.M& tiiS PROF. HARRINGTON. SlffiSi Snl? wSdwUed- .it t : -..tsUSlS MmT FrKMIHIfn ROOM WHglW FCRNISHED HOUSEKEEPINQ ROOMS. S3 "aiobules One" Mh'. tTOtSSnt (! ! A Oregonian. He Is .He ansa you sr. looa.ns for. P.vchometrtat Sntr...... B""'Vr.r".c.ea"',",' Bu.la... "dwiLv lHilLriiT. .lltl8t, jlaiii4m ; - . ;onite . Jen;cecurc:F scaled 6y mall. fat mrkpt .oodlo" Chiropody and realty P'1(1D- "l e MSle Tn FvFy lall.TJTo 1 LfUtn ot crc -n;i. ' r?. .,;aSnrtd 47f h5'1 Agenu. Woodard. Clarke Ac Co.. Portland. I ' OR A ; M-A A K K h W K ID LO; room 330 Flledner bidg. Phone Paclflc 135. ?,,2 A,isky bidg. Circles. Tu. Wed.. Thur: part, of the world. Interest paid On tl ecnnsa. Telephone Main 3-.nl. ""- TJR. O. V. K1DTCH UH CCRBS NBItVODS. Jreaonlsn. " " .. ,,.,, Frl.. 8 P. M.. I5o. Pacific 2S3S. deposits. .,.,. T tSJll BAA t-tivl bum two vesrs: Jit S t Oil. Offloe M M. tor. Yamhill. Pie. 2229. how a J rf'iniiit, pd Won, mone Frfivii dry cloanlwr. ntnam clranlntr. dye- X ICnos. 211 Harrison st. ' WM. A. wm mw ' l.M,?. stvt s.,on. .r. tOth. "T" JL rKS'.. a" A"a.nia-.on,012K.: saTi CIL,. A.t,eT,.: EALer. ?v,' edSJa.n JX- Vrmpt IT 7 J. T. HI RTCH A Kt.L A.sl.t.nt ManSgSf THE I J 1 If Alain 201i. . ( .. ,-f T t - . r.. ..- : li . : 1 . 11 11 r I . I : .1,. 1 . .i: 8AI.E C.KNTP.At. . I.O.-AT10N; 1 - - srxice. fc-econd. Main Wit. Mrs. Stevens, rellabl. r.slTnt.t and aplrltu.l Tllrt.T ties manFrni'f-nt thnrnnc-hlv ! 1 hod; also gives electric vibratory face room house, furnlahed. .o agents. A TO, Commission Merchants lire-reader. 33 fmnii. corner tNiTBu states TroNAi.B.VNK ..ila'CZ IS JS 5. ?. aoOM HOI'WITH OAS AND MOD. and scalp trwis. H,V gtfc. worn 24; . Oregonian. p MRS. C. CORXELIUB, ten medium; itUIDH WratfrDeWr , -''.l;"i2-i L and mrnse,.nd''.aJs,a Pre- .u.t. for rent. .,, ...e.-a, month keep. FOR SAL-KAT MARKET. CEAp. on " nld .I,." JirH,. mJ' talFow On Pacific 1991. Northwest .Vrner Third .hd Oak BtrSwtl. ' vateisJinllv17 NoiTreiu0inV'reasonabie" f-'ortland. ' oVer- ... . i.rrrfp.,,aif.d.,'rip't SX"" '"ai"- -"1 .rT.e-rcA'o'n -" " .-.-.uid". , ...I,...J fCll J n re"on-OI. . Vnlque Tailoring Co., 308 Siark street. ' land, Or. Cah advanced'on consignments. Xlford bidg., 10th and Morrison sis. -Health ManTla. """" d . 1JTH t3T. SEAVLY PT'RNished, rosv." S?"1"!1 '"T1 ' ry "Ogaaa-bi-s. -vkenci4. . "".V. , T 'i - "d --iualr. tai.o,- at Oregonian. and commission merchant.. Sh-rloclt bid.. CIos.tlilo Fhr-leUnt vTZZ ZZ-iA-n Al' t e a Ra rwm V Hrm. chrerful. brlsrJlt rotwri milpt wti Pr-1 A Co.. 22 tStarK sst. 1 -Wm-n .o Jeweler- r.tl nticiu. 11 Portland. Or. aw rn'tiioisui.. yic-o-ITe-rilfTe-nt. . a, I fc-A M AK JJ- g.gvii,.: ggfatg sFrW JZgZSTZS. JgST " 5s;-;::;;no!r SOt. FOURTH ST XEAR Kai.m7-j nv at iaT E. I8th. Phone Union 1610 and Salmon: .wlramliu; pool, steam and Portland. Or. . ' V.... - - -" ' ' " deJ new rAiJisiJemen t ,wly l.nVSS : - hot air; hours: Ladles. , e A. M. to I Laundry shares. 1 : r.1. income; hank refer- : S?.iaIe M?fn sof?" BANKER8' AND I.t ; M B ERM EN' S BANK neatest roomTin city; mes trom Tl 70 per S'ROOM modern- cottage for -rent, p- m ; gnt s a- at. to xa p. ar. wm. p. o. Boa ais. san Francio. '-"- Y.elidence. e. igSa.' c,,,,porSand''okeSon'"'"' -LH! : EJL'1 ttnWW J' -B LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE GREAT A GOOD SMALL GROCERY STORK FOR DANCING LESSONS, 25c. classes or private; DR. L B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH ?KLR0?HrHILb' ' ' Vsl'vicKln". HEALTirilLLT FURNISHED ROOMS " . Dr. Loreh.- Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25c s boa. wale. Call today. 14th and Irving ate. waltzing;, two-step, three-step, etc.; statre of Oreaori sraduate Klrkvllle Mo V Oril H'J . LtSJ?1" ' " .. ?j i. . ! ! per week snd n tV.I n r!o,- ,"?'d ,T; rOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. WALK- Writ. or call at Ey.ael". Pharmacy. 22T danclna. buck and win., clo.. reel, aklrt. ,on bloa, Meln 12d- re. Main i John A. K EAT I NO Vice-President and up. Hotel New Helmont. XOSAst Z 7 &&Sn. " ' ' "VelS? 'cSh.""- 35,0 Public Stenographer. 1. " j-Unj-R SMn,shA,FrVm,roc?cctr1,c,7. WE HAVE SEVERAL COMFORTABLE! EL BrST PAYING SALOON IN CITY. 'plH"'!??1'"1''18 aSn10!,'' re"neJ School. PlrSt-clasS public Stenographer. Ml.S YOUngi .iiSX ' ' heat, nrstlasa: reason ahl 5" ' ' hou.e, that may be rental: also atSros. 7S Starbucks." by Ople Read L 23c each: Hat terms. O M. Oreronlan. Prof. Rlr.atler and Mis; Buckenmeyer. lnatra. 303 Lbr. Exchana. blda.. 2d and Stark. n,.n. A I .nfr. r., rJl, i?! A..II. . : Chamber of Commerce - tree. A. W. Schmale Co.. -0 1st. Clasa nights. Tues. & Sat.: children Sat. art. ! Drafts and Letters of Credit -l.ued Avail- a SPECIAL RATES. MEN ROOMS .0-J10 : r ... gTITCM IM HW lU-i WANTED AN ELEVATOR BOX AT ES- Prlv. les. dally. 3Q Aid., cor. 6th. Ph. M. H1 faint.. Oil. and til..-. ah.e In All Parts of the World. ?oXl 8tt2L SLIM ARneZL;nNefr jnonOJIoteL ; VjmS Ml. Bur. rasmL'SSKN A CO., .OBBERS. palnta. oil.! FIRST NATIONAL BANK, v . : . 331 Rodney avi. " b,. cured : Persian massase: ladies only. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. PHONE and Sat eves. : five assistants; private les- aria.,-, sash and dot-rm. Cor. 2d and Taylor. ,.. n. FURNISHED ROOM. CLOB. I OAS. Suite -3--3r.. Lewis blk. East 42TO sons dally: social .fancy and step danclaJC J ' Portland, Or. I'S;.1 "J'Y".'. rCnt -eaOnblC. SC ALMOST , NEW MODERN .-ROOM MRS BR HCNTLEY PHTSO-THFRAPATH ' tau.ht. Zd and .rrl. paoinc 1C30. a-ateaat Lawyer-. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S.1,500.000.00. ort1i loth rt. liouse. m Ut 8t., Phone Main Ht, , ., m FINANCLiL ZTT T' ZTvlT C- RIGHT- D0ME5TIC AND roRISN Dfk)SJTS 114 000 000 00 ' rs taylor. cor. west PA.rtK-N.cK. for houses to rent see hynson. 3.3V. paraiiwis. 587 Washington st. Pacific 2tii rt.iAJH.iAaa, 304 Goodnough bidg. Phone Main 45.5. patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. USU3 f ll,VW,UUU.UU, , 'I'IS1' rr 2 -hsta. whlnato. Mam Tost.. . best magazine clubs eyer OF- Itn .1o00Tg?r I?n.onVrmr.rovrga.T do.-.-.t ,-..,,... .d lperhau.,... O d.at National Bank on the Pacinc Coa-t. VflR BFVr PARIOn AVI. nvtv 5-VCOTTAGa HED. . PHO.VE- fifK'K&ffi" M " r"T'- 289 8t"- P- G ot MISS CALL. HISTORY. - LITERATURE OR ror reliable work, reasonab,. pr.cea-s.e.h; M.I.L. . . .. ; ".t!" ,0IP, -i Mole! ,21. supers monev LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGKl Wtff'K Bro... 282U Yamhill, near 4th. Main ooi r.EvoVDRK..V.V:: Curtis Farnlahed Haaaea. MOLES, wrinkle., atuperfluous hair removed. .urns on Improved and unimproved real i V .raues., aa-. r-., ruiiisiut.. rmjn Last , , , .-p .... . . . , , . , . - nouaea. x'o charae to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. BUI. estate. W. if. Nunn. B32 Sherlock block. -" Hubber Stamps. B- F- Tfc.V ENS Jd Assistant Cashier TOR RENT 373 YAMHILL, MODERN AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN 12- 300 y"1'"r t"- F"" 135- vionfy lOAVFn TV KI7MB OF 1 iicni-p Haniea and baddies. Rubber sTampa Stenclla Seals, traae ba.a-ar. FO,M,T-A3 trust company of orsbok. ' mV'Jnm .;- FACE AND SCALP MAS3AGE. ELEC WVjZSS. mm W 'IIS.Sw Koom. With Board. ;. two yeara from next February or ftSS 11 JL . to 1050 P. M room 1U. WasninctOa Diag. j-acino ISoJ. e.ddleand harness mfs.. leather and ALSO PEALS STENCILS TEL SLURS. BAR tlenwral Banking. W.ST 4 STUDENTS OR CLERKS- LARCn Oreson.sn. . ,BOOO PR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON saddlery hardwars. SO-88 l.t. Main --a. etc. Coast cMTTial Starfc. SIT 140? , ? l.X'" T ' nk? C,C-?Ao" ' " " " " Sa."-".- COTTAGE S ROOM, R.TR ItSHFI -511 tj5gSsSS . 1 -I- n-S? 1,F-aa; a."rrt -Sgg.f gg.gfaSi-- gSfte- ...araEro. 2 ninI wn.er. JC4.t, KUrt l Ot-V b.N-KUOM - Fl KNISHED R room 12. 77 " ' - Falrbankf' Scales. Trucks, OolXee Mills, re- Prl? E s . e J?2- ,OAOTLT OOM, WIT,, RJMWM 1", -CT ,AC. fB ng.MCT TOAX. FROM 1"""f"""""'- pairing, ralrbanKs, Morw & Co.. lsfSurK. t CoTeSL . m SsMeilt t!2r'1- hms cooklna. Enat.l.h family. 38 : SrTassa" lldlei oSy. 34SM Mc55ieh,P f-'aA0 rSSSS?.', " In"""t J. A STROWBR1DGE LEATHER. CO. PORTLAND SHOWCASE A PIXTTTRF ra H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President - Aider st. WELL FURNISHED T-ROOM HOUSB W J . f aaorrlson. Co.. 413 Commercial Bidg. Eatsbli.hed 1858. Leather and Bndtaa.: .1. n... m,., . i.7 . , ' 11- LEE PAGET Secretary- iT"".n.:- every . convenience. 40- Call suite 1 Z. mONBTY TO LEND AT a PFW rra-r Stockton sols leather snd cut stoca.. full 1t- 'r Fhons PacaBc la. Q OOLTR A . ......... Assistant Sccratani " - TpLBiEtBC1A?WDTA,IHI.11" ' MANICURING FARL0RS FOR INDIES , n. is. Front ., lv jEJ LAPD 4 TILT0N, BANKERS excellent board and large rooms, steam -urt,,3Et 4,ROQM COTTAOE. KI,EC, . jmdj giemen. 268 V, Morrison street. her of Commerce, . '- . Mch.e.T. - IM "" Ym Mtl" m ESTABLISHED IV 1850.. VIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD Fn Tth. central. I.ulr. 273 54 , r.T. .TOnS.rao0-"isrnSTASn1AL B. TRENKMAN CO.. MINING, SAWMILL. ' " Al-e'd'onT" n1"-'.1-' private family. US Hall St. Phone Main 4264 . aiatllSLBaSSrlUlST N r2Ul Malfvif? OreaonLslf AMre- S i"'n,,'"l,ri',B'r PIEBOLD M.naanes. and fireproof .ates: lock- Collection's mad. .at points KraM. . Rfmsaa Fas tnl w.,. , .peclalist-oanuarium i.( jn. lain. Main 4,a. Oregonian. . . ,gSt u Klna repaired. 104 . ta- OUU opened; metal mtures; vault and Jail terms.. Lettira or credit Issued available In TorRAiNE." 188 tph-twopoom from 1 " Kt1t""n"tnf w ork: Jicki J. B. Divli, 65 21. Main 18JJ. Europe and all points In the United tstmtrn. ran,Ml n0t d- SL.? '.aJitatgn .J:00 Mlntn, Broken second-hand safes for sale- great &&,3X&'Z2!V? ' THB MARLTN. 053 W.sh.naton st.Pl.aaan, l-.th-.I9th. st-. bet. FEMALE DIS A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR C?EarL anV alwiv? fnEYhVJJns'rLN.IN. h-awalaa TO th .rW C t PtSa" Loul."" D.nv.r.oinS sn rrar?c . n5i room, and good boar, (or Toun, me,. FOR SAI &-C0MPLPTP n-Pvi.ntvco BelmonPhone Et JOsT" chaUel jJuSr. SiiTL-tl-r. iJAT rf?m.M '..' .............. f I . 1 .