T THE MOBMXGr OREGOMAPT, FRIDAY, JANUART Si, 1VQ7, 34th in ITTTT In TnCATFD Won k-tou 111.11.1u .ua.n.aa. Mala 1 Top-rUi 8; 10. Tomorrow NlirM. hpocfal Price Met. Tomorrow. Komantie Comic Optr Red Feather lining Pilma !)0Mft. CHERIDAH SIMPSON ' ' 6'? , Twpc, W, AuRimuea Orchrstra.. Kvenlnc Prices. 2.V-. l.oO: Mat.. 2.".c. St. "atF Slllnc it t ThcotT for- .7Tll,HK-rii-iit SEAT SALE TODAY tlElLIO TflEATER TTIK MILITARY COMIC O I'KR A. SERGEANT KITTY ; With the Dainty Lyric Prima Ponna HELEN BYRON. Next Run.. Mon.. Tue.. Wed.. -Jan.. 27.-SO. PKICtS Lower floor, 91-50, . 1 ; Balcony, II.. Ke. Me; Gallery. !Be, 23c'; IJoxcs, - 7 SO. . UUItUI IIIUUIUI Cto l Baker. Gen. Mgr. Homft of trta y n m o u s Baker Ktocl; Company. Every Nlffbt Thlw -Week tho &taJrtlin ami Vtviclouw Novelty "HOW BAXTIR BITTED !'." A Great Ntw York Muniral Farce t'om- fly 8ucrei. Direction Arth irr MaUIei'. Mat Evening T1 lcoi : lTc r, .Oc. Matinee : 18c, 2,1c. WU "Oitrod.- BAKER THEATER GEO- BAKE Ft. Cleneral MAnacrr. ' SPECIAL F.Kfl.r-KMKN'T. MOXTlA Y . TV KMDAV AM) W FDXF STO A XICHTS. JAV. S!S. SO . I 3, Evtra Mntfne W on n ilaj-. June McMHIro Ordway's ew JMsy, OREGON A "ory or t Tie Olii mlRrant TV! I. prewntQ1 Iit trie, ini-nmpurohln BuhT Thiatr Stock 7-"rn- puny, Matd unier tli- I r- -t Ion ,-f Jolm ISsinpo.ta and Ar.tmr Maklcy. Augmented osfit. ftc-wry hy U'm. GraWh. PRICKS FOR THIS PRODUCTION: MCHT rrt I : Lower Floor - Parquflt . anJ Lokc". I..iO; ranjiiet "TircIe. SI. F.al- cony -First A rows, r0c; next ii rows, Ooc. .' Gallery, . Box Seats, $2. J1ATTNKE Kntlrti Lower Floor. T.lV. Bal cony EMPIRE THEATER Phon Maln 117. Milton W. S-araan. Mgr. Playing Only the - 5i t a I r - Mavl!n Enmpru Road Attractions. TonlgM All TWa Week. Matinees Saturday, Tiig f-Wnle Production. "THK MIDNKiHT FI.YKH." Jo FOtrr Acts and Six. Scenes. Five -Big . t . - Specialty Acts. '.Kfgular Empire Prices. ' ; Next Attraction: "Yon Yoosod. Starting; Sunday Matinee. The Grand VMiderllle de Luxe Marty nnc, ' The Parisian . Mirror Dancer. . Positively a ?300 Act. Byrae-KeoyoD Four. 'tncle Seths Ad view' MIhm Clair Maynard. Manotlta. Kimlmll Bro. Knnftmun Sinters. Harold HorT. "Jtailblnl. or How Mr J lew." LYRIC THEATER WF.I.K BEGIXMNG J.IXCARY St. "The Pulse of New York" Eoi ottlce open from 10 A. M. to l r, M. S'.-ata can l reMrvt'd by rhor.: Main ICST.. Ul'AHK STS. Tb Sfymouri. thr llanfyi, Leo Wit W ILSON'S MITSICAL COIKIY C OM PAW 1Xie frimJ ht foam X.tuot.-r. time Blcrwpli. t frrtornilnccii duiiy a; 2;00t T;30 rnj ? r. M. Admlsnloii 'ice anA llOc. Bozco r.c. A nv sent- Kl w-wtli'day ma tint-. . Hk-. TtllZ STAR TVlphone Main The JTamoun Annie rsjter Comcdy-Waiiia. Matlnt-cs Tiir.iiUys. Thm-SiUyi., Kntunbys And pmtJtK-H. it 3:::. I. M. I'Hctsu nv Hr.d Oc. I5-.r. cvriiln 1. 8:1 "t.-ltol. i'llwii Secure SuaU hy Teiepiiono. -Main r4SH. TOINIOMT FIFTH BIG RACE Genernl Skatinc Before - and After the Race ADMISSION, 10c SKATES. 25c i XF.W TOtAT. CHOICE BUYS HOMES INVESTMENTS S,(l(V-.Klng HMghls, house and lot 45x100. tUlOftKBsl A uti .-t.. corner, V-rooin houae. . niodcrn. ground lir.xlfto. pjOO firveni ti i"L. . 2 hcusen, lot noacioo SoOVO iielmont M.t new S-room liouse, ground 100x124. 4oM Kaat M iiH son st . . Irrant S - rooru hou-w, lot 50x lou. very cl'isa In. ISBM 111arnott 3 li4ghts. new clRgant 6- room houac. (SSMtxth bU, large, modern howe. . ' -S5tt( I'nlon ave. lOOnliK) and '2 houses. 5f)(0 E. -h t.. 8-room hoiin.-, lot SOxliO. K.000 E. Srtt Ii t... f -room ii()UK. l.t ."Ox 1 tw. j4hOO--e. Anknny Ft., modorn 7 -room house. $3750 E. Utli Ht., tJ-reom Uoucf walKing Jfa,MK J2. A! tier yt.. close in. tt-room mod a250 Klfrti .. riTw fS-i-oom hou. jiKHr'i -block, Q-room hou?f, Krenwnt IIUMO Splt-ndld 7-room cotta. lot 10x100. .close- In on E. Ash at. :lOf0 ' -llock, 3 - room cottar, on - "VI" li 1 1 7fiO McBdP at.. - cottayot, lot OS x 100. MMMiton n corner, 8-voom house, lot :0xH0. 4 1 10 South'in Sunnynidc, B- room hou?r, lot .".Ox I OO. f lt0 -Kulton, S-room r-otta.sr-. lot ."Ox 1 0O. HOLM DAY'S una iRYlNOTON-W'e have number of the oholoost buvp In these fine liJftton from MH to rf.(H. Dirahle vacant lots nJ quarter I o- U m on Bnt t trt a nrt v--t t4. . t oxn- tm.i - gains before you buy, from fr00 up, - Bny early, buy non. tod nr. and you'll tke moitfj. Call or phoo tin. H. W. LEMCKE CO, Alvth at4 WMhincton t.' Main SAO. Mortgage Loan 5 and JJ Heal . Estate City and Farm. " Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL ! ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, WI McKay Bullfllrt, . NBW TODAT. H. W. LEMCKE CO. T $125,000 Morrison. Rieht in the r- 2 Za.il district. CTow payiriK more than 6 per cent. Terms can te arranged. $25,000 r Entire MocK racing on Grand ; and Union avenues, olose in to Hawthorne avenue. Adjoining block held at $45,000. $125,000 Two hundred feet on Conch si, between Sixth and Seventh. Hotel occupying part of this property now pays about 6 per cent on total price. $7500 Quarter block on East Third Rt... close to Holladay avenue. $21,000 ' Flats and two houses at 17th and Kearney, now paying more than 8 per cent. ID. W. LEMCKE CO. I Main 550. Cth and Washlnelon. Cntire Second Floor. $4650 DOUBLE FLAT, NEW AND MODERN, RENTING FOR $45.00 PER MONTH; RUSSELL ST., ALBINA. $2250 CASH. BAL ANCE THREE YEARS. A GILT- EDGE SMALL INVESTMENT. SEE US ABOUT" THIS. $3250 FULL 50 BY 100-FOOT LOT ON L0VEJ0Y ST., WEST OF 23D. THIS IS THE BEST BUY ON THE STREET. PRICE $500 BELOW MARKET FOR LOTS IN THAT VICINITY. A FEW DAYS ONLY. $9500 DOUBLE HOUSE ON 4TH, NEAR HARRISON ST. THIS PROPERTY IS LEASED FOR TWO YEARS AT $80.00 PER MONTH; $4000 CASH . WILL HANDLE THIS, BALANCE 6 PER CENT. $10,000 DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE AND FRAME COTTAGE ON FULL CORNER LOT ON SOUTH SEV ENTH STREET, RENTING FOR $75.00 PER MONTH. CAN BE INCREASED TO $90.00 PER MONTH. THIS IS A GOOD BUY. LAMOMT Vic MARRIS 10712 SIXTH STREET. STORES FOR RENT Two large stores with modern friwts. full basement., in ew brielc buililiiigr. at l..tb . and "Washington sts. ; low rent; long lease; growing part f city. Apply to GEVURTZ & SONS 173-175-Firat Street East Side Qoing 5omc fialf l10'-k ' on East S-pond ftncS Taylor-. "Us for 2.frOO: uiiolhr liBht arrOM tli 'ix.i-fvt ,nrt just sood can le bought for $23,000, Don't loe ihi? opportunity. Those who hpv taken onr advioo about East Sidft property have made money. HARTMAfi S THOMPSON 1 Chamber of Commerce. look: Holladay Park Addition Throe desirable Quarter Blocks, each 100 3tt"j:l to 20-foot alloy. cmnt sidewalk. TslH. ttif NOW ami make a. iro-xi. cjrjlolc prorlt t ti is i?irl rsr. An one of thf thi-oe for ?aOuo; 5oUO buys tliem all. Look into tills ftt once. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY 01 Ii sad Washington nt. Main 5oO. FOR RENT-STOREROOM : i - F"er th month oT rbrnary in the Oregonion Building' ' VI KG I L COOM:R. Boom iOt. - FOR SALE. New Six-Room Houses WlalklfiK rf ltiii. Kat Side. See thm t orx-e. ihey are beauties tor t tie price from ?;swMq fut'0. Liberal terms, H. VV. LEMCKE COMPANY "th juad WaaliloBTtoD at. Phone; iain aoo. SIO.OOO Jurt wbat you wut Fractional corner. close in, on Fourth; modern Improvements; nH fur $100 month: don't delay. F. 0 NORTH-RU . CO.. 211 Commercial block. mm EW TODAT. Washington Street 100'tlct iroKtagc, raster. 1 fitla street las oV- vi'r cent net 100x100 corner.'... 920,ooo 60x100 eornev .. . .?17,500 80xlOO ?35,000 50160 25xlOO . . $e,ooo V-Shaped ol . feuung on' Washington, fi3cl and Cornell Road. .....ow . Alder Street 100x100 comer . . . . $60,000 lOOxlOO cornet- .. . ;S35.000 , Third Street 30x100 corner, near Madison. $10,000 50x100. 2-stoi-f brick: north of B7u&ide'.$30,000 Glisan Street 50x100 near 6th.. . .?1S,000 , $27,300 lOOxlOO lltH t.. near Oli- sanj rents will toe f200 after August. Apartment House Sites. 120 feet frontage, 100 feet south of Washington St., near new $150,000 famOv hotel.... 514,000 lOOxlOO corner, 23d.' near Washington ..t.?i5,ooo Grand Avenue Corner Belmont, acljoinina new $70,000 brick $40,000 Russell Street .75x1 oO, storofi, rents now $115; can' be 'greatly in creased; now pays 10 per cent net . - ."$12,500 Irvinfiton 10 acres short distance east of Irvingion, adnoinlnsc Rose City Vdd $5500 Sliould bring ?iv,wv within a j-eav. E. J. DALY 114 Third Street FOR .8AXJ5 KEAI TORTTANT VERT TTTTD 8-ROOM UOfRB TKUST on Eugene rt.. lot QuxlSO; thi CO, location is good, and at our price you can buy for ltra than ai-lual vnlue. SE. Cor. 3ii ana OaK st. Nob Hill, l."iO (eet north of Washington st., facing east: adjoining property ground hat. been broken for modern apartment hotel: thla offer ta C"xl until February 1. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. 52 arre adjoining city .limits; all reared: tine soil: 32 acres in small fruit: price very low; easy terms; you can dou- di our money on tnis in a buori iiino. "V" . t- WADDEI.. 317 Lumber Exchange. Second and Start l.-.0ft Bl'VS LAROE DOl'BLE HOI'S E, allcinr ! it ario. West Sidr: nn Invent- - mnt and lirif- t koo1 future. M. K. I I win 2Cu.lctc li D lug., ii vv aantns ton t. WEST SirB REVEM'K PROPERTY. IX eoncie $14 per month; prlre SI ..."iOO. M 17. T .o-. room UO Italeicb bids., Washlcgton t. FOR SALE OR LEASE COUX'ER LOT ON! lIOtJSES. AIJ PARTS OF CITT, BUII.T AND Mid on lr.stallir.ent!. Kroner, 1G-1T Cam. brldsre bids.. aouthwGwt cor. JJd and Morrison. 20, Bftleigh bldg., 323 Washinfjion sy 20f JCI7W BEAmFfT SIX-ROOM baue, Ktrlt-tl y modern: 500 down. S-3 moniniT ovi u. m hi ii , mone uaat irso 1 S1X-R00M MODERN HOUSE. CORNER lot. in Irvtngton. Inquire room 40. Wash inston biac. ox- pnonc siatn l f!800 63x100, EAST 17TH ST.. N BAR MOR- . nson; noming so encap in tnia vicinity, w, o. vvaddei, ai7 bumoer' taehange. BAKGAIN 21O0 BUTS 12 ACR-KS. IT V G r. une. Appiy oh commercial dm. 675 LOT OK FAILING ST. WITH FOR SALE MODERN 4-R00M COTTAGE. $100 CHOICE IXT, 00x100. BAST 1UTH 5tt. bewoen 'llllamook and Thompson. Address K. 70. Oregon lan. 416 Chamber Commerce. chanse. Sd and Stark. NEARLY NEW 6-R6iMJ "HOL'SE.' 1 1I50. 20 ACRES OB PART, ONLY MILE FROM town of Hood River; very reasonable E SO. Oregonlan. Fenton Wflg.. tr-BOOM HOUSE O.V FIICE3 HALF-BLOCK, &. Wataori. M ACRES. FIKfl SOIL, NEAR TOWN. AT XH SAL.EJ 1H ACRES OPC 17 ION" A VfS. ana E. Giuan. ,nme a, r. neipie, Mr ton. Or. FOR SALE -ONE. OP PORTIaXD MolKtits cfaolce.L homes. Mala ai2V FOR S..XK RKAL E8TATB. ; . SEHWOOD HOMES. $v4 5-nvm honcc on Improved wt rvnt. l-SO- S room cottaE, cloac in. n-w. toJO 3-room house. Zi Bn Jots. !?27VU-A-room house. C lota, mar oarlln. 1 rtOO S-room cot tagr. nice hlh lot. X 1 S-i-oom hriuH', X los. corn-cr. ir-irjr, i-orn-T lot. j.-;:iO iat ort Improved street, IjU01U)s100. 2 Moolw from .oar. ' SELLWOOn TOWNVITR 0- I t . i I'alrner. Manwier. Tit !11 n c bid. Mir S6t. tllwood oftice. Ton I no and liitn. A PEW SN'APS WE ARE OFFERINO. "F-our S-rx-Km rnttaKM In Srnith Porlund, term. SIOOO c.h. bal. "" motitlily. 14jo acres of land 30 miles from iortla-nd-; price 15 per m. 7-room houm on Fulton HeijrM. tlSoO; terms S&0 cah. balance 515 morrtlily. A S-rwm r..ttK.- In Suntiyaliir. auao owtt. balance 5 1 monthly. a rurmeliea 1-rovm cottage, ?iooo-, easy Low. 50 caeb. 10 monthly; price $3T0, worth S3 k. STATE LAND CO.. 133i F"lt f rt. UST THINK.. 1200 LOTS MAR SALEM carline. no further than St. Johns, at $15 per lot. at SI per month: rooJ soil and level, with ho;iocn alrady there: you can't buy acreage for a.me amount ; they will le raised to W per lot In August, when cars ere run- rltif. There will be the finest town in th valley out here. Apply to owner. W. Keldt. room 15. Wi.htnton bids.. -Atb and Wss! lngtoR. ' A BEAUTIFUL HOME. A well b'uUt house oZ twelve room! and two baths. aa and -loctrlc lisrhts. cement "ua?meni In which there are three more rooms and hot water heat; the grounds are 100x100 and the location very good, beinff on a good carllne and wlttiln easy walking distance:; this property Is worth S1COOO. but can be putchaii it sold a.t once for S&OCO. &PH I.K Jt AG ENCY, J05 stark trt. INCOME-BEARING FLATS ON EASt torme 28-8 lOth st. : 4 nats. per month; porcelain batns in each, clou in, easily rented; S2000 csb, f 76 rnonthly n- Etallnieittfl; Income win pay tte install ments, malilnc remarkable iBVe9imenl Of FOR SAL MODERN 8-ROOM DWELLING, lot auxlio foot, furnace, electric li&nts. ira. famflv laundry, lars bathrofm. ce- mtnt basement. and tldcwalkn. legated 3 Mocks from new EAtrt. SWlo Hlgr" Sczlxo. ! ojx the prettiest residence rtr--t ; r.rl'ie 4SOO. Inquire ST3 &rrH member Ot Commc-rce SOMETHING F-XCEPTIONAL. A Fbolc plce of Wt tilde property, rlne locality, BRlklns distance; will bo .-h-ni. if foM at once; earns lO per cent on $eooo; will co (or much less. ' a HAGBMAXN" & BLANCHARD. ft f.th t. room, pantry, Closets, twst porcelain plumb tor, full hrlek baaemfnt and firciilaoe; on montDiy. Home i -iTin o.. rlrt t. ONE OF THE MOST MODERN AND ART- Idtic homes in best residence district m dr. a rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors. woodworlc fumed oak. fltiiah, bnm H1 ing. hlRb and nlghtlv lot. Call foienoona or address 71 N. 22d "t. SUBURBAN ACREAGE BOOM .CENTER: excellent situation- ror quun, pruumoiT! turn; car. water, county road, all ooni-e-nient; absolute requirement to handle, $1000. - Owner, Sixth si. Phono Pacific 2519. FOR SALE FINE 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, lot lOUJCAlS, on tiaat aiaa, in easy waiK- ing distance; alno between two carlinea; modern, well built; streets Improved ; price. S8000; terms to suit. Owner. I 45, Oregon lan. IF T0U WANT HOMS STRICTLI MOD em at a bargain, see me. joe asn. I must rta.ve monc-j- .nd will EacrltlM for caph or i, ca.li. Take Mount Scott cartlne to Nash ville Addition; also 2 corner lou, at 34 price 'for casli. ' A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT TVITH choice fruit near Hawthorne a.ve. for sale reasonable: can arrange term, to suit. M. K. Use, room 20, Ralelgb bldg., v2ZYi . WaehlnKton t. Phone Pacific 59. nrlvate water system and modern -plumb. ins; beautiful lawns and garden; a bar. tain. X dm, oregonian. bidewalK and all etreet Improrementa in, best harsln on West Side, by owner. Ad orers P S. Oreeonian. NEW 6-BOOM HOUSE ON" FIFTH ST., ONI.T 12 minutrf walk from Mortice, $3200. Aneelus. 242 Fifth t. -W"K-T 8tDE -KOOM MODBKX HOL'SB mar Wesl Park; our prico ouu, Too : pasb. terms to suit on b&lanoe: M. E I ,o. room O. Ralelg-h bids.. s Wash S2GO0 BUYS d-ROOad MODERN HOUSE ON . Marguerite ave.; VM cash, balance terms M. V.. Lee. QUARTER ELOCK ON GRAND AVE.. WITH nil rr i ijiil iiiruacB. litijfuni iri uiuniii. for SSSOO: hre In certainly a jrrancl oppor tunity. r-riln2c AKcnoy. StiSij (-ai-ic SUNSHINE, ORANGE OKC.IJARDS, CHEAP land and Government lrvltr&tir.ii. Orland, California. 1b boomine: faro from Port land. l 7. W. W. p'a.yn's. Orland. CaL $ -J6fH B tY S ROOM M OI K R N H OX'S E on '.vell-improvfid strfit; ?500 cash, bal- anc terms to suit. M. TS. l-ee, room 0, li-aleijrh bldK.. Wawhlngton t. 4KH) 8-ROOM MODERN HOt'HB IN" WEST Irvington; fireplace?, city water, gas. rlrc- trte llghti, cement sidewalks: just the place tor a home. M. C. tavl. iSS3 Alder. 5 CHOICE LOTS ON PlvNIN-iiULA STATION. 3 choice lots on FKI'lmorc. -: 2 choice lots on Shaver, elone to car. . 720 Chamber Commerce. HAVB A STUSOO INVESTMENT PAVrJ li cent gross; value ot property wtll Inorea.1 25 rr oMit tlits yw; let me show you. Walling:. 243 Siark at. on Mt. Scott carllnc; reasonable. Ii 6U, Oregonian. Loe, room -0, aalclgh bidg.. aJii Wash ington. st. ' FOR. SAI.R O-ROOM. MODERN TTOT'SK ON FjibI B 1 rt fnr 32400. f x . 1 T .-r -. n . i.- S eu bey. roo m 3 Ra letgh bldg., C23 Wa th - ' ingtcn. t. fTHOICB CORNKR LOT. SinOO -N. 13. corn or 24th and Waseo stu. Holladay Park ; cement vlucwalks. 24 oO. Oiftgonion. $2Tnu sorioo. with 6-room cottaoe, Corhot t srt., ovtrlooklnf; river; beautiful view. Orlndt.-rr St, S chalk. 26 Starlc at. Pbono Main 302. NEW, MODBRK 5-ROOM BI'NGAlOW: oorner lot; room for another houne; 4 bloeke Mouth Hawthorn ave.; eor. Marxuerlte and Lincoln. HANDLES A GOOD COMFORTABLE borne close to car; thlx is jcood. Hmie and lot on 1 'ort I and Ilslghui. 720 ChamU;r Com- merce. itsoo-Mt&o. southwest oornbr east 1st and Oak sts.. and S. . P. track. W. O. Vaddl, ailT Lumber Exchange, 3d and Star W. SXAP-5 LOTS ON PEXINSULA. MUST BB aold. HolHatr A Wataon, Commercial blk. FOR SALE FARMS. DO TOP WAT IOO A V " 1 1 1 .S I?C Vil V. WIL- lamette Valley, near county seat? Rallrotwla on both rides. . station wid postorTIi school within mil;, all undr cultivation : the bn rarm In Or-fron at. th pr1?e. Sf acre. Ful I information by addreaslay t 6. Oregonian. $2000. FOR 21-ACRE FARM ft MILES from Portland: rood spring and well; a houses : one 4-room. tlie other 2 -room ; barna; 4 milch cows; one borne, buggy and Tason ana all farm implements; Tiles and ehiekens. J. Avallo, box 23, Mnycn Or. icar the Portland-Salem carllne. Farm- ers Land Co.. 178 Madison st. era only need rlflress, R W, Oregonian, 40 ACRFJS IRRIOATRD A N O Ol'LTtVATED in trt- famous Vakima Viil'ry. Atl.lrefa Miss Whvny. ToppenlHh. -;. FOR KENT FARMS. beave rdam, halt ot wblcb 1 eot to ajpara- run. balanc onion land. Hannah Purser. B.averton. Or. TO CLAIM HAVB buters for your timber claims. Crook nd kiaffiain Co. preferred; send your deacriptiona and Iuoiber xcKans lilda;. WANTED LARGE AZD SMALL TRACTS of havy timbered laodn in Waahlntrton. Oreaora aad California: correapondno S2 Jlclted. E. E. Zklattesin Company. BIB . Tr'wt 9t& m IM An.iw, Wlitomi, oonut . I.-r good Hantnlll proponlUon if tVir la atrrr.ty o Umber; no agenu. oo. Ore- gonlan. FOR HA T.IC a LARGE TR.AOT OF F1RST- " I nmm y! low pine 1 n Eauterb Oregon ; will d-tal with bona flde buyern only; -t price is rlgnt, C P3 Or? joman. 20.000.f00 FR?rr oood timber sear Portlan.l. SI pr fXM. Inrjudlng Inl : vrry r-it- Realty & Bull.ilnK Co.. iS Commercial bldif. YOU CAN EE LOCATED ON A OOOD timber olalm, cmislnK :i. ..OiMWHi r oot. ana n. ar eood logglnc aircuin tor f-OO. IT ttU. Oregonian. T. W. PITTKN'fiKP.. H7,Vj VORRISOM ST. rimopr mnaK noufrnt ana eoia. t-siao- llshecl In Portland Z years. FOU S.-VL.E LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS of Umber lands. Address Box 18 1, Lu WsNTED-BIAL ESTATB. IF YOU HAVE CITY INCOME-BE ARIXQ property, city or suburban residence prop erty. unlmprovMl city or suburban prop erty and wish to sell at once; If you ai e looWnj for a home, ready made, or viau a building site, we will supply your wants. A DaMror this offer at. one Address W CJ. Or front an- WAMBD D0W" TOW CITV FROPEHTT, WITH OR WITHOUT IXCOME. Ml'ST BE K -VST OF 7TH ST. A IS 1 NOT !-'OLTTII OH V A MHIL.L.; JST A TV1 l-OWKST CASH PRICE. X. TO, OR EGON I A- WILL BUY OR RENT PIECE OF GROUND on rattroad track, nultable for wareJioiiff arnl tactory. 1'rice- m i:r-t be rlRht. Give full i.artl.'ularaL RatlW4vy ljulDoient Co., Vkji 137, :-Ity. DESIRE TO PURCHASE M0E WEST SIDE. good rldence district, ight or nine rooms, muM l"o modem; give re-rlptlon, locAtton, rrl" an-cl tertiui. Q CT. Or-fc-njIa.n. ILLINOIS TARTY 1TANT? GOOD m- (Jnre. not too far out. about S rvms, In Cuod neighborhood. I' hone Paclfl.; 2t73. r- KOOM M ODHlRi" HOUfK NKAH TJ"?V ION or Williams avc. car, souUi vl Shaver t. T C7. 0r(gan!an. LIST YOURS WITH LEMCKK. I.EMCKE- A M SELL TIMBER IiANDS WAITED. TO OWNERS OP TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber W wt 1 1 buy Cor rash any cood timber tributary to Nhalem River; will deal with owners only ; do others ned answer. Write, piving full particulars, 10 Uox 8. U. P. istatlou. rortiana. or. Timber wanted. Orf ron or WanhlnK'orU larg or Bmall tracte. Sphinx Agency. Statk. WANTED AM) 7rXR SALE LAND SCRIP. AU kinds, including approved, forest reserve scrip (or surveyed, urum.rveye1 timber and prairie Government land, H M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. 10 EXCHANGE. 8-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT. EAST SIDE, closo In, frtilt, flowers; will trade for acre age. S 64, Oregonian. FOB BALK Vehicle. Etc. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock. lowest prices; horse and rig rented by day or month. To mil nson A Oaealday. 211 Wash. Pao. SOT. FOR SALE CHBAPtGOOD, FIR5T.CLAS3 hand-made deliveuy wagon. Inuulre B6IS East Washington. HORSES DRAFT HORSES Kift SALE. W. J. Kellj, Overland Transfer , Co. Stables, Fifth and Glwan. - . . WANTED MAN WITH TEAM TO H A IL wood In tb couiitry. Ayl ly 183 Madison street. We buy. sell, rent, exchange horses, wagons, addloa. harnetj. Hubert HtUl. 2Stt 4 th. FOB BAIB CHEAT? BDCOND-HAND tE- livery wagon, inijuire 319 Bast Mornaoa, IV ANTED HORSE AND COVERED WAQOS -513 (Sim st. PIANO TO 5BL.L. FOR STORAGi. CHARGES (Starr make). Price $150. At 209 Oak t Particulars 751 Parle ave. 1'nrk Pts. FOR SALE CI!A XT) PIANO: PAP.T1B8 GO- lng a. v ; bargain; must sell soon,. AI ae. Oregonian. , All scettaneous. FOR SALQ MISCELLANEOUS. Mcintosh & tseraoro bO 11. P. cenier cranK engine, complete. 1.10 H. P. Tatum & Bo wen boiler. 2 VO H. r. boner.. O. O. To K. N. generators, complete. 4 Tuthlll water wheels. i Ltffri water wheels. Jf.M feet stfel riveted pipe, from 4-inch to 28-Inch, practical! v new. r.00.000 f"t jI1 Mlnt black ana galvan Izr-d pipe. t..p to So-Inch. ton.1 blach and gdivani?.p3 Bhwtiron, lei) tons roofinc tin. damaged allghtly. 1 lO II. F. upright en e inc. 1 e 11 - r. uprlirht rnglne. J. t-am puni rr All elites boxes, pulleys, ehaxtins, belting and tianm J. SIMON & BRO., 244-240 Front t. I-'Ort 8A L.TT1 a S w rp:ok r"l barnue "Peter IredaJc:"- has on boarci an- ctiora, clia.n?f donKey engine and Doucr ana foal, besides rrtandln an4 runninif i?ear: a rood chance to make money; any reasona t.Io orr.r will be .-.J, 1. cherry. Uoyd'a agent, Astoria, Oreton, BO SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SBWH.fi' MA' chlnrw at verv lotr prices: Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic. White. HousehoM. Xa,"i and othern; to tnako room for new stocK. neeier c w-lln and bln$ers. ; S. i&e, 335 Morrieon Marquani bldg. SAFES LARGS NUMBER SECOND-HAND tire -prove tares and bank :afea: very clieap; see tliem ; complete stock new high- grade sates. Portland Sale Co., fi2 7th nt. SNAP JN CORDS OF 4-FOOT WOOD In South Portland ; If j u want a biu-Kal-j In tliin wood re M. E. Lc, room l, Kal- eigli tlig.. B-iHs Washington st. POR SALE FOR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL, the Ave frame bullditiKa on i-iti no.-Uri-AM oorner flnth and DavU ets. Inquire Jixcel- frlqr iAundr', 315 Oregonian Wdg. CHEAP. NEARLY NBW. 106 MODEL K Win ton automobile; If taken at once will sell for nearly hair price; Xully guaranteed. Address M 45, Ore con ian. FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. t y le nearly new. Ht prlcf S52- ; lug d lnccunt M. K. Bowen. Cht. halls. Waxli. CASH FAIP TOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES nd merchandls. Phona Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctlonttr. S IT. I. STATIONAKT EirCGIJCE. food as new. A targain. iVi Chamboi ef Commerce. HERRLVCHALLMARVIN SAFE. USED only three months: barsalil. 54 1st st. NEW MAHOGANY DRESSER. AND MOR- rl rhalr ehoap. 1 S8 11th trt. 6 ELF CHANGEMA KING CASH JtEGISTHB (or eale ctop, ill first fit, WANTED BOT j ?8 PER WEBK TO S5TAKT. Apply 55 Front st.. for. Davis! ! . . POY WANTED C A Wj ,XX W. G. MTI1KU- son Co.. Iflth and Wilson. WAXTED-BOOTBLACK. AT "120!, GRAND WANTED STAVE - BOLT CTTTTErtS. ea. I1.0 per cord: tood boa.ra. m-iiuy Cooperage o.. tteaxiis bldg., fortlsna. or Houlton. Or. , W" A T HIE -A WINDOW TRIMMBR. A HI ST- fr woo can praniiT mocKy, attmnivw pi bunlnepfl-frettlnf; dli-IojB; stook conpls of Duinf3fl-frttiiiK cveryth irijt rud oela If you oi ii IIV. Aiw.r wl and chara-tor, ; r.i.iiuiK ruay to War; wasn . prr w.-t-ea If you oi n nil tb- poxltlon Batlffnft.ir ' -A iv w.- r with rr:T'nrc a to ability and chara-tor, tJcrrj- Clothing & Shoe c.( LIX. DISEASES OI' MEN BUCCKS8KULL.T treated ; dlncltarsra positively cured In from 3 to S days; consultation free and strictly wnMcDtlaii ser;. lor our rmp- torn blank. X-Radium Medics.! Institute. Bd. and Aldr sta; numnc XC Alder at.. Port lun X. WANTED TH KB 12 RATCHET SETTERS, 2 carriage men. iwh and door machino fore- man, oash and door machine men, 2 cab inet m &k cru, bench carpcnliTH ; others. I.fMKEKMI-JN'S LABOR BI'REAt:, Main Office U North Second at. fAVAXTEn IMMEDIATELY YOl'XlJ MBK. 1 1 to as. s'ocl physique, to prepare f or -x -aminatlon foi- railway mall drk to O i -l?on; many good api'olntmnt" ; permanent tiovernment poeltiuns, Mr. Ueyucn, Hi Columbia bjdr. . you are arnbiiious. ana willing to prepare; must bo over 18 yair. weigh over 135 Im. l'. s. S.. &ia McKay Uldg., AT ONCE SEVERAIj TOUNQ MEN TO qualify for comlrj examination for railway mall clerks: permanent positions, good sals- riei-i : many appointments: exierienco tin nee -ssarj-: fz-t our free ctalogui. st Coda: Correaponaenca Schools, 714 Chamber Com. WANTED FOUR WAITERS WHO CAN' Play any of the followine Inmrutnenu In bono; meal hours short, f or ptu-tlculars aI- dress m. J. Alton, Hot laK, Oregon. INTELL1GKNT PQRSONS MAY EARN $75 10 niunthly corrrapondloc for Tiewpa- E'1nce u'nuPceBbary. Send Cor panlcularw. hew syndicate i.vxHpon, !Y, I, ME?ff AND WOMEN TO I.EAF.N BARKER In eKit WN)ki; gradual r airm from loguo free. Moler" System of CoUcg-'es, - 35 M fourth street, Portland. WA-TEr A MACHINIST WITH FROM S-IOOO to tSOOO to Invest, to takn part i ri te. n-Bt In KOod oavlriBr in an ufart urlna r ir- ositign in city; steady employment, B dtt. urffonian. WANTED AN" KXPI3RIEJNCBD ST ATT ON r i . i lanK dook and ofrlifr supply man ; statt experience, u.ve refererces and salary ex- ppctcd. AfiJrcss Shaw 4 Gordcn Co., Sdo bun. TX.' .. V, r 8'NGLE MAN TO TAKR r,H oi-- liortwd; mu:t understand driving, wach- inK and a handy man in funeral; Kivo phoni number. t Address M 67. care Or- K " ' i ian. Men and women to learn watchmaking, enerav- iry, jeweler work, ojrt.es,. casv terms; "po t!on euarantefid: moiuv iabi'a Usmimr Watchmkg-Engrav. Sch'l. th a v. Seattle pare for ehtratice examination as CustumB inspector, till today; free catalogue. Weat uagL acnooia. ji. tnamtier Commerce. WANTED EXPERIENCED CARPET AND . ii.reIJr nmn; cnance tor auvancf-mrnt Co iMiywiam poai; siate rererences, experience. .Ii. 1 .1 ,. ... n . , WASTED MAX AMD WIPE O.I SMALL .I...... uKar cny; man 10 unuerslaiwa OTThAr.1 farm work; woman a? housekeeper; W, 3;i2 unnson opposite depot. VV -V I 1.1. KAKTKEK WITH (- 7T, . OAN . h..m; ..v. .naeKiy ana expends: oxperl tnce unnecessary. Hoom !, 6cils Wash ington, 1 to 4. WANTED FIRST-CLASS iwim v.i i -. n nAlesman anl atenograrlier bookkeeper, lum ber experience. Commercial Abstract Co. Raleigh bldg. SKIMMIN-G STATION MAN WAN1-r.;r- must understand Leam i.rviriA nrvr. 1 . AOdress the WaiU VNaJIa Creamery, Walla tt ttiia, tv noil. iSAfKKlBNCBD OPERATOR FOIt M"- uressogrrapii niachlnc ; in answering mate icicicuvca pu?v ipr;nce, u Ore- Ionian. WANTEO FIRST-CLASS CARHIAOB age basis. West Coast Wagon Co., TacoiuaT Wasli, WANTED graph nervlc n-tPly, Orego bldg. MEN TELK- i" College. Commonwealth A PERMANENT - POSITION: DESIRABLE " ' nuri em in tiomrans-: t.tlr action iranted ; yAOO noxJcl. T Orego- 5a!ary and oommtssion if ynu can write health and accident liwurance. North wr-atern Mealth Accident Amtn.. OOT MoKay bid. .-n rvr. pancino lessons, 20c private anl clasyw; tAUght daily. Prof. Wal W!!son. officw and academy. Altoky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sta. WATCHMAKER A FIRST-CIaASS WORK- man; must be sober and reliable. Aticrea L Alva Lewis, Klamath Falls. Oregon. WANTED BOYls FOR Ijr.HT ixsiDFJ W'-i k; wages SI .3o per day. Apply "Washington st.t room 8 at 0;3 A M. WANTED First-clan- salesman, all lines; . good bookkeepers and stenographer. Com. m rrclal Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg. WAXTKD - KARXBPS-MAKBRS; GOOD . jobs for th rijfht men. Apply at the Drey man Leather Co.. Portland. Oregon. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED siicK metal worKer wanted. Apply Wyu koop, the Roofer. 248 Ash t WANTED Sit OE MAKE Ft TN OIT-Of"- t"wn rfTt-r'. tnakiiiK tiand-maue logging shoes. O i0, Oregonian. KETSO FMPTLOYMBaVT REAL TC55TATB Blxby. Jr.. Kelao, TVasb. WANTED HOY 18 T8ARJ 0T,P FOrt light Inside work. Apply 1) o'clock. Room a, J v aanmswn st. FOtR STOCK eALBSMBN WANTED None nut Brnt-clitcs men need apply, -00 xfo Morrison st., room 4. .ug'ne. Or. WAXTED-AN' ALL ROPXD GaMBftT "WANTED PATTERN SHOP FORRMAV Apply Portland Iron Works, Hth and North rup. Flan .ilera WANTEI -TWO MEN WITH yr F-pprw. work at Turkish bath. Utltj hi WANTED TEAMS AT 7TH AM) OAK sts.. o per uay. tiwooa wiles, contrac prpT-cn-ASS STICKTRMA v v x vrr.n- also band "sawyer. Apply 441 Bast Morrison WANTED A REI.IASUv OLD 1IAX TO worK arouna m. grocery avore. t Tont art. WANTED A BOT TO DRIVE OPjVERT v. k " : i : mu.r Know oity. . n . . oroaonm U"E SECURE: emplotment for mem tiers, Special roernber.-5l.ip, 'i T. M. C. A. SALESMEN BIO WAGES:; 60METHIN"0 Positively netv. 215 Commercial Block. TVAMED-CLEAX, BRIGHT ERRAW BOT, Kohwab Bro.t printers, ii-it'-a Stark Pt. 500 men wanted Pr6 shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch frt. Moler Taarber College. W A NTED FIHST-CLASS lADDLFiMAKEItS. Tne f, J. Lroriin -o., o rroni si. WANTE1J FKM WANTED WAIST TRIMMERS AND AP prentices. Teesdale,' 506 Marquam. WAITED iIRtt FOR GENERAL IIOUSB- worlt. 2." 1.1th 8t. WANTED - COOK AXD WAITRESS. 380 Morrison nt. sevkraij intelwgent, ri.l-rrv:d young wmen of iJ atipMran: n'1 '! treat can reunite liuTce f nontext t-ukiri? il- ttrlr'H'in for " " I -r--?- . " " th- ln'i cva-aV : 1 Till mlrelunn mot. llleral of any ; thoac uli.rc.- :i ian and flifprniiiigtion in ailJi:ijn i th shove nusliflnt(on?i should Tt rlto nt .ri-.- for t-rmf ami lriHtruotlr.rt to Minn .X I Ktrorm. (Tlay .i.. runlanrl Oi-. ATTQ.VTION. Applleanl or all kinds al voA, weUtof with us. free of charge, so. wa.aiay locat you "in Jj- it n oi WASTED W'OMKX WHO O.W DO PlA!J sewtns to liivi-ftigat! our grem o--Iiib niaohl nv i T-. rrrl I on ; -i u i-nti ..aiillv i-n a 1 i vrlthood If out of omnVoy ini-nt; l .-n anU 00c a w:eh . payt ror one. ucvurtc A goni. 1W-S Plwt k'I. "IK 8T..'I.A8K EXPElt I BNCEll SALKS- lailv to K to AV-rl-"-n to luki- clinri of fancy Rood a ttepartmnit. Apply 702 Mar- st., Dween .ih ana a, umn to 7:20 P. M. "VV A XT: 1 . BXPKBlKNt- lvnei- in wlioJKXIe liou.se; . takinif nous as well n in typtwrttlrg. Answer. .Mating esporUiwe. T tS. Ort- goninn. RKKPECTABLI3 WOMAN FOR HOUSE- Keejier; must turn ten nrs'-ciosa rtiereace p to character and ability. Don! apply if you r In any way encumbered. J TO. Oc- GIP.LS WANTED-OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lsons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factor. 2 Or and ave., and 3QL Taylor at. WA-NTTClf HOIJSEKKKrERrS, COOKS. wwx waurt.e?. second girls. St. Iui I.ftdjg.i' Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main Ml:!. WANTED YOI'N LADIKS NOT T" N L K l-C o to learn nurslnn In Rnia.ll tin.-pttal. lift- ply in own handivriilnp, a (ircfonian. WANTED OIF3Ft A TORS A N ID GIRI T1) Warn uhlrtmaklnc. Apj.ly Standard fac tory, 2 CI rand ave. and 15. Taylor .t WAVTEO STRICTLY TUiZT - Cl.XHit wrtlntitiiikcr : aim) ne-w mg glrl. .Madam GIKI. FOB GENERA lj fMAI.lt family; heavy whine stmt out; good 3721. Call or Commcrvp. IIweh Jl.r'n HANKBS'S T. A 'OIF5S AOENCT. 33 V Waarilnirton wt.. -or 7lh, upatalt. Phona Main UOOZ. WAYTEn-CA.FAr.LK SCHiOLfilRL TO WANTED SMART YOl'NO OTRLS TO wrap ilpwins gum. Amorloan Cftiolc Co., r.l North Front M. "V A NTKI) Cil Ii 1 . -F-OR tiKNRRAL HOI'PK work. Oall at -4-0 E. XAtlx nt. Is. TaKt Irvington car. f WANTED r.IRtt VXH GKVERAL HOUPH worVc ; nmn.ll family . no children. Apjily aT Tenth street. WANTBD GIRL FOP. GCNERAIj HOUSE- work; Rood plain cook; two In family. Sol .Marshall it. "WANTED A .SCHOOLGIRL TO" WOUK for board and room. OM 3d st.( corner tihorman. lO GIRLS WANTED AT T.T. f. LAUXDl'.Y Co.. Ontnd avenue and Eiust talmon. Plum: East 0.5. . . WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND G1UL and nlso waitress. The Norton. 103 street. GIRI. FOlt GF.KERAL HOl'SEWORK'AND cooking. 11 Overton ct. Phone iluin WANTEO A ' FIRST-CLASS POWSHKR. Call at Independent Laundry, 268 Glisan st. DANCING LESSONS. 23c WILSON'S School. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mortiiion eta. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR GENER- al housework; gouA wanes. Apply tiiS 4th st. WAN'TEO HOt'SEKEEPEn. fiOOD HOME. light work and small wases. Call a87 4th s:. WANTETD A COMPETENT GIIIL FOIl general housework. Apply. 5W Teatli mreei. Two ladles to ranvina, experienced, books or pictures. Cut berth, SOI rkum bldg. WANTED WOMAN CARPET ANU shade maker, mw u.( 151 urat ti 0in06 WANTED AJ'PUT STANDARD FAC- im: 2 gum iivi. and ant Tirlar it HELP WAJfTKE . or tt:m.li WE ARE NEW TORK MANTTACTl'RERS Want representatives, both Bfxea, for Portlitml and Ktat or Or.-(ton ; salary or commlshlon: agnntii c-l.-ar S t, HO daily: ffu.trantee exclusive terrltors. trail Irom JO to i 301 Taylor st,, or. address V. O. box 22. Portland, Or. fiano 15rcan. W A IV T EiO AT O ; CE . GOOD V A T " DI7V I !L.t-a acts; good salary, for Newman' Tbeatrl- oal Circuit. IW 6th, near Aider. ' TOBACCO STRIPPER AXI BOOKER H. J. f ''t.ron &- Co. clear lactory, .lohns. Or. HTUATFON WANTF.D MALE. Bookkeepers and Clark. IF TOT" WANT A POSITION OR HELP 0? TS! ilc. or pboas riK!?T-riA?a HtMJKKfiKIT.i! AM") S.TCN oeranh'r. with S vcars' f-xiM riMirt, test of r"(Vrenoes. Phonn fCiiwt UiKi. MTJ'ATION -V i"r K.D TIV Z7 t'Cl llhZ ':Z I Srtc ry clerk ; i t icrencn piven. T '. Orfonian. ' JAPANKSK ROYS W A NT POSITION. HTr or cnuntry; cook, .vaifr, wr bow- work. cortor, and (lay work. Jill Ewn'tt Rt.. :lti-. A. VOVKC MAN WANTS . ' ( n . A 5v porter In pho pioi.-; -ira no ohj:ct; 1 want to loam the bdliw. C W, Ol"P city; u;ii,"n jj.r and up. b tsr. unoman. JAPANESE - LABOR A PfOCIATIOV CAM furnlfh donr-wlo J-r r- ant :. farnte-rw a I ro ; all kinds of help. Mala 4050. EtJti Everwtu JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework In prh-atft fBtnily: pp"!"' Kngllub Kood. Ad.'rw V rt.. Or,onlji. EXPERIENCED BLTLCR AND VALET wants position in prlvu: family or club; marrll man. T . Qpgonlan. FIHST-CUASf TI.A.M' for .nK5cin.'it; oo M, Krnt. Iiinis. Or. CJOOD JAPANESE FO V W A N T?5 A POP I -tion - eclioolboy; ipeah cll. Fhone I'a clfte 147X. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION; Keneral house and chamber work. B glTTATION ffANTri) IXM.1IJn Book ae-t ra nd Stenotrmphe ACCI'KATf:, r.F.I.lA I'-l.tT TOUXi? WOMAN tenraphr will accept prmannt posjuou at $10 pr week payabIo weekly,, with fl!. Rnce. Kat city references. Phone Pacifta FOR AN EXFBRIENCEL BQOKKEEPBrt, stflnosraphcr or ashler, permanent or Dressmakers. FIRST-CTASi? DRESSMAKBR WILL MAKR a few more ngagmcnta t' the day. Phone Wourl : ave n 1 TO. DREP5MAKBB WANTS a rcw mm eustomr.: flrat-elasa drefsmaklniT. Phona Main 434g. TRY AXGCLES DRESSMAKING FJUvLaital iii Slti and Main. Patino 882. woman will) Kin, 4, UwKfpmi, im- rr family, olty. 2tVa Yamhill. Mala MM. A r- X lit. I WOM AV K ITfUK itanum or ixarviinK-riOiiFv1 Yi::nnill. Main 413. L-Of;5 LADY WITTI HOSPITAL TRMX-' inx woultl like fare of ."hllii or- invall'l ar. their Some; rr-ferfncti ylvon, J'lwn? I'nlon 719. Call eveninffs.