THE. MORMJfG OREGOXIAN. MONDAY. J A XUA ItV Tint 7. 11 IIT.I.r ffANTED MM.E OR FEMALE. WANTED AT ONCE. GOOD VAITDEVIL.L.B acts; (tood salary, for Newman's Theatri cal Circuit. lstm 6th, near Alder. AMATEURS TO TAKR PAHT IX DRAMAS in th. city; opportunity tor practice. J 47, Oregonian. BITTTATIOy WANTED MALB. IF TOU Want a position or hbi.f or any kind, call at 209 AMy Bldg., or phone Main SMI. Clerk' Registration Bureau. Miscellaneous. JAPAXWB KIRST-CI.ABS COOK WANTS A petition. r.ot.1 or brr1ln(-tioue. la the. city; (sod ws.e.. An.Mr.-r by mm 1 1. sea rTverett St., room 17. It. E. JAPAN-ESB LABOR ASSOCIATION CAM A NONUNION SOBER. BARTENDER IN or out of rliy; rcltrtncts m bona tur- nlshert: waxes $14. D 64, Oregonian. EXPERIBVCFD BUT1.KR AND VALET nlB position In private? Tn mlly or club; married man. T H7, Oregonian. TOT'VO MAX OF GOOD CHARACTER. 5 yare' experience In mt business), wants Job In h"P. P Rt. Orea;onltui. VERT EKILLFUL JAPANESE WANTS rO- Itlon tn dental laboratory; many yew ex- perienre. F R3, Oregonian. JAPAKERE. EXPERIENCED COOK w'"m" position tn private, famll -. 121 N. 15th st. phone FrcMc 3M. JAPANESE BOT WANTS POSITION TO DO hon.ework. family ; peak rood ; name Ortiu r. fall Puclflc 1471. HONEST JAPANESE BOT WANTS A poiltm as night watchman. Z, 48 X, 1st at reet. -A C'TIV B EM ri.OY MENT, TOUNfJ MAN 3. commercial education. X 61. Oregonttn. CHINESE WANTS JOB AS TORTER, 240W Pin at.. Go-Tow. SITUATION WAKTEC -FEMALE. Bookkeepers, and 'Stenographer. F-OR. AN E.VPEK1EN1-ED BOOKKEEPER tfnfia;rphr or i-ashlcr, permanent or substitute work, phone Eclectic Business University, Main 4504. EXPERIENCED tOI7 BLE-F.NTRT BOOK keeper dMlrf position : en r. operate tvpe writer; reference furnished. j 62. dre- aonlan. TOPITION A9 RTF.N'OGRAFHETl. SALARY no but must. )iave xood firm and proppta. A 57. Oreaonlan. Dressmakers. DMESSMAKEIl WANTS A' FEW MORE customers: flrst-class dressmaking-. Phone Main 434A. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6th and Main. Pacific 982. NI'RPR WI9HKS ENGAGEMENTS TO CIVE matsBge at patients' homes. N 57, Orego nian. Mlscellaneoua. A TOUNO LADY. CAPABLE? OF TAKING charga of advertietnr, desires position in ral estate office: salary not to much an object aa aood opening. L. rta, Oreg-onlan. FKTOITHER AND BEN BRA I. HELPER want poeltion In or out of city: view earn er for le also. S 63, Oregonian. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAT. Phone East Cpao. WANTED AGENTS. Wanted Afentg to sell beat-crown nursery stock on Coast, Includlnr Burbank'a new pitless plum, Miracle; commission advanc ed weekly; write quick for choice of tar- rltory. Albany Nursery, Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED TO PELL OUR COM plete Una of high -grade nursery stock; outfit .Trea; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Ealem. Or. BEST MONET-MAKER IN THE MARKET $100 monthly and commissions to food men ; act us. Conservative, .Mutual Ufa Insurance Co.. El lea' bid sr. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 3 OR 4 UNPURNIBHED housekeeping rooms, modern, within walk- in distance of bustnesn center, by young married couple: can atlve beat of refer-en.-ej.. Phone Eaat 511. or address J 03. UieKontan. WAXTEn TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGPS Ijindiorda will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, s. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phow Exchange 12. WANTEtWHOl'SES AND COTTAGHS. EAST "nd "f Slda; will rent at onct. Donald G. Woodward, as-ent. 1IX 2d st. phona Main 143 ft. Administrator of estates. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD TN PRIVATE family preferred. walking dlntSncp. mti te raaKoa.ble. H'ANTED-TO RENT MODERN HOUSE OF nlns rooms: Kings or Portland IHeighta pre- ferred. Address M OS. Oretrotflsn. X-ArY WANTS ROOM - A I . BOARO IN private family, north of Washington ot. 0 M, Oregonian. WAXTED-MISCEUXK0E8. WANTED SAOOO r".orth . rncn'a cast-on clothlnsT and vhoes; highest price paid. Call at the -Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1122. AT ANT PRICE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 11 FIRST BT. iJAIN 85S. WANTEDA MEDICINE THAT WILL Rp. move sail atones. For particular, addreea Leek Fox i"o. 4, Dallas, Folk Co., Oregon. READ HORSES HAULED AW AT PROMPTLY :...h!Bh.-t Prices paid for bones. Oreaon P-ertlllser Work.. B3 Thurro-n. ftiT lOllet! WANTED AT ONCE 8 OR 10-H.:p. Dou- blr-drum hoW. AddrN, Riving description and price. Room 4.16 Hotel Portland. brick work. V 60, Oregonirif; "na WANTED A COUPLB ACRES OP LAND TO W ANTED MEN" 8 OLD CLOTHING, SHOES, highest prlceg paid, - 62 31 Tel. Pacific 48. CAT-" 1 X-J- CSH CR HOUSEHOLD GOODsT , W, Savage., 315 1st, Faclflc 390, bpot cash Paid for tour purnitoml '" Prompt -ll.nllon. FMoiU, WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUalBER. Apply 223 Lumbar Excbann. 5DR REST. Rooms. 2 PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS IN PRI vat. family. No children: rent reasonibli- SOftt; FOURTH ST.. NEAR SALMON'-rV- der new management; newly furnlfhen n.;Vk,!Jpr00nU in clt rmt rom rr75hr THE TEMPLE, m TAMHILL ST., 0P- poslto Hotel Portland: nicely furnished aM. AT-DBR- COR. TOTH NICELY pfli- ntahed room; one room with private en- trance;. suitable tor office. FURNISHED ROOM. CLOSE IN; GAS ?'V4 o,rV""...h',ti r"" ""' Modern front room with bath, central. 18S 12th. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. T? TAYLOR. COR. WEST PARK NICO f ron t room mxx 1 table for 2 fen tl eroen : ba tto, fhm Main .515. KOR RKN'T NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM 1th 74 4th t.. cor. of tS-MCBl.T FURSISUED ROOM. 141 13TH. Kt., FOWL RE XX. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single op an uit. S2 rr week up: steam heat. Hot and cold water; free bathe, free phone; dl n-Inr-room In connection; tranelente eollcltr d, open all night; beat location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. THE SAROENT. GRAND AND H A W thorne ave. Elegantly furnished rooms. Phone, hot and cold water, steam heat, fas and electric light In every room, with cr without board; table unsurpassed; lire proof building;, electric elevator, all night service, references. H?vJ;M.A,N"r'F'RS' COKNER ltlTH AND Washington ats. Under new manaaement; every thing new, clean and modern; an the principal earllnei pasa the door. Pri vate bath suites; rates reasonable. Phons M'n -2.3a. Mrs. H. Powers, prop. HOTEL BUSH MARK. WASHINGTON AND lltn-Flrst-cto HimMed room-, mjie or en suite, steam heat, hot, cold aater, electric "aht, phone In every room: euites. with prl lt. osth. .so per week : slnal. 3 : by dv, Sx "P: r.a.on.ble by morth. Main 8B47. THE TAMMLL, Corner W. Park and Yamhill sts. Under ftew managemeot; remodeled and rfur n I ahed. Large, aunny outsido rooma, aln Kia or en suite. All modern convanlencaa: transients solicited. HOTRL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK. New brick, steam, hot and cold running p.-arer and electric llactita In every room. Twen ty suite ; private bat ha: phones. Cen tral, yet quiet. No car line. Per day. $1, 51.50. 2. HOTEL KEN YON. 1STH AND WASH. STS. -Modern rooma. aft n ale and an suit at also hoUaekrcpln ; ruining water, private, and free bat ha; rates reasonable. Facino 499. A VERT RKSIRABLE ROOM FOR ONE "f two a-entlemen. Opposite Chapman t-dusre. near l " 1 1 v Hall. Inquire at 2.15 4th " 1 cor. MartlBon. Phone Pacific 2104. 3B 12TH ST. -LARGE, NEWLY FUR- nIMied. coxy, warm, bright front room oulet. suitable for one or two: porcelain bat h. free SAROENT HOTEL. GRAND AND HAW- thorne aveg.; phone, hot and cold water in every room, elevator, electric lights; arlll room In connection. KICET.Y FUBNISHEU ROOMS latn, neat and electric lights. 24 8th at. NIKI,y FURNISHED TtOOM WITH !MtI , vete family. 317 College . Pelflc 2Oo. Room With Board. TH E WOODLAND." "85 6TH ST. RENO, v-ated and refurnished, wider new man agement, equipped with all modern con veniences; rooms lara-a and light; table unsurpassed, only I blocks from postoftice. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 18TH yar Rooms with board, use of sewlnie rocm. use of library; Women's Exchanse. Address Mrs. Ella Raw. Ins; a, Supt-. 510 Flanders. BLAKELY HAI.L., 270 6TH ST. PLEAS ant rooms wlih f lrftrlass board : one of nicest private hoard I ng-houeei in olty; line locaUun for business people. COLONIAL, 16.5 10TH, COR. MORRTSON Room suitable for couple or single person; tabic and appointments flrst-class; steam heat. MIN'N'EQl'A IXK. STB TAMHILL. TWO blocks e.rt hotel Portland, eteam heat, free baths, splendid meals, reasonable rates. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 TSTH ROOMS with board, two people to the room; good, home fonlvd meals: reasonable ratfl. NICELY K1R.VI.SHED LARGE FRONT Rood board, every convenience- 7 minutes" walk. u14 Mill. Main 3579. ONE f!.ViI.E ROOM WITH FIRST-CI.ASS board: all convenience.. close In. Aster Moue. Seventh and Madison. NICE ROOMS AND GOOD HOME COOKING In private residence, gentlemen preferred, S74 Gllean. corner 18th. 24 HTH SINGLE ROOM AND BOARD IN Bood private home, modern, homelike. I'hone Main 11S1. S!5 MORRISON'. CORKER 10TH FL'R nlshetl rooma with or without board, run. nine; water. THE MARLYN. 5S3 Washing-ton at. Pleasant roorra and good board (or jrounr men. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS 8 BR. sice: bot. 'cold water. 23 Ilia st. H RXISHED ROOMS WITH . BOARD. 48 Taylor at. Flats. MODERN! FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOFt RENT East and West Sides. Portland Trust Companv of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT FrRNIPHEn FLAT ON EV erett .t.. ft rooms, bath and rurnare; cosy; references; rent 4.1. Address T 02, Ore- rTonlan. 6-ROOM MODERN LOWER FLAT: GAS and electric; window shades. 48 N th 'V . Oouch and Davis. Inqulr. 49 I. f-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT: TART FIRM- ture for jbI; two pf rmanent roomers In iYimT 1 clot in ' strictly modern. Main f 10 MODERN o-RUOM FLAT, GAS. hath, woodlift. etc. B Mm ftVe. lH' quire 444 Rodney tve. East 4S6fl. FOR RFA'T-NEW, MODERN1, 5-R00M FL.iT, lflth and Gllsan. Phone Kapt S498. RntarkeDlntt Rooms. THE H0WL.4XD APARTMENTS. 3l Washington, cor. UOth Nicely furnished housekeepina- rooms. a-as ranees. hot w,a-lr- free bath, free phone, both Boors; nice sunny suites $10 and. $12 per month . beat rooms la city for money. THE ON EON T A. 18T 17TH ST.. NEAR Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and. cold w-tr- "as range? each kitchen: steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. 3 CONNECTING FURNISHED HOUSE". keeping rooms; second floor; sink and water In kltihn; o closets. 4SS Everett. Phone Bast 4831. 11.30 PER' WEEK UP, LARGE, CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. South Portland. J-J 1 th Call, save neartiing ; nicest rooms, furnished hous"s, flan; moderate. SVITE OP FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINQ rooms very reasonable, to msn and vie. Price 1Q per month. 4S. W. PsrK .?. UNri'RMSHED SUITE OF I, 3 OR i rooms; also single rooms: gas. bath, and phone. 214 N. lath. Main 1O03. 2 HTLV rURNIBHBD HOUSBKEIDPINO roon:s; water, gas, phone: Sll per month. 302 Tillamook it. Phone B. 60.4. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, l.SO FK week; any number adjolnlna- tur-nlmt rooms. SI. Ol 3d nt Ivirnleilie 324 MAIN-WELL FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooma. single or en suite- close In ; phone, (as, bath. 4 ROOMS WITH BATH AND PANTRY luuiisucu tui iiuuaeheeping, at Ur 6th it., nfar Oak. FfRNISHED HOU3EKEEPWO ROOM Bunsmef rm' TB" ONE I.ARGB AND LIGHT ROOM FURNISH- edfor llaht housekeeping at ea 8th. near Housekeeplner -rooma for rent. West Park South. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Cham. Com. SVITE OF Fl'RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, st S42 Clay st. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. 485 E. Clay. FURNISHED HOl'SEKEEPIKO ROOMS. S3 North 11th st. Main 48e. Bouses. G0.?.Drt.SI0EwWITH LIVINO ROOMS Sts- SSS- S-W- ..eor . Oth and Jetlerson 1 X'Ser '.I5 watlt.n. ... FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH, WA14K- lna distance. 80 E. 11th St.. near Wash ington: Sl: no children. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON J-AROO , between Rodney and Union aves. Inouira 331 Rodney avc. FOR RENT-COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS. COR- wr T.'Jr1y ,?nd West Parlt- Inoulre 309 4::t main ST.- HisUt4 or unrurnuneilj turnlturo for s&ls. STOB REST. STEAM-HEATED FLAT. Nea-. modem, convenient, excellent local-aalklns- distance to business center; the Drat in Portland; 7 rooms. Apply to PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phons Exc T2. 708 MARSHALL ST. 9-ROOM HOUSE, thoroughly modern, convenient and at tractive, built two years; rent $55 pT month to permanent tenant. Morg-an. , " r Ch.pmtB, 213 Ablnaton blda Phone Main S015. -ROOM HOU6K, 19TH ST. NORTH, MOD- tn. clean And homflike, nice yard; good neighborhood and A-l horns. J35 month. - . .. . . 11! I !cr COaFANT " S. E. Corner Thi FOP. nEVT-NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. . .'.".cuiciB. on Vancouver ana Ivy. Sl. Phone Woodlswn 3R8. ISO Morris st. P-INE MODERN BROOM HOt'SB. CHOICE lOCfttlon, corner 233 and Marshall .; rent m. C. 11. Korell. W.alni,)on (. at 12T E. Jfllh. Phone union 1619. -ROOM HOfPR, MODERN IMPtlOVE- menta. 43Q Harrison. Inquire 428 Harrison. "OUSES TO RENT SEE HIXSON. S3 vt Waehlnaton St.. Main 7039. Furnished Housfi. AN ELEGANTLT FURJilBHED MODERN 12 room bouse with beautirul lawn, ne.r t.t ter of city, for rent to private family for Ont Or tWO JWI from nut February or March a:t 1150 per month, or for aals. K d. BIXROOM llOISE. GOOD UKALlTT. COM ple.ely furnished: piano, sewlna machine. fiuit ana range; rent-rrasoriaoie. Ap ply " Irving st. WELT. FURNISHED "ROOM HOl'SE IN i.- '.' -..?.n.' every convenience. S40. Call s9t dfaWO -- . H aaset. For Rent Furniture For flafe A SNAP R-ROOM H OI'RE. REAeONABI.E rent, completely furnished, jroort location cheap for cash. Party must leave city! 155 E. Ctli st. Fhone East im. EXCEPTIONAL lO-ROOM HOUSE. IOW r-nt. choke, location, elecantly turninhed. M. S. Krtitery. Sherlock, bids. THE FURNITURE OF A MODERN 12- room house on West Side; rent very rea sonable. Main tVJ4 NEW FlnKlTIRK 7-nooM MODERN cottage; close tn; bargain today. Rent KM nth. PTRNITI'RE OF 14-ROOM HOUSE. ROOMS allfull: owner must sell. 03 10th. cor. Store. NEW STORK. NORTH 2r:D i!T.. NBR lveJoy. eultahle for bakery, barber shop, confectionery. deirates--n or drug store; modern convenience!.; leased if desired; rent reasonable. Wakefield. Fries & Co., 229 Stark Bt. NEIVI.T FINISHED. COMPLETELY MOD- ern stores in nrw hrick bulldlnz, N. XA'. cor ner Sixth and Davis sts. For renfal and lease terms see Tarrieh. Walking & Co., 250 Alder St. GOOD STORE, WITH l.IVINO ROOMS overhead, S. W, cor. 10th and Jefferson .: rent. $(13. Parrish. Watkins i Co., SSO Alder st. FOR RENT A CBXTRALI.T LOCATED store with good snow window and bal- cony; with lease. Apply 2S2 Tamh!l t. TWO STORES. WITH FIASEMENT. FOR LARGE FURNISHED OR IJNFtRNlSHKD room, sultahln studio or light business. 4H Washington st. RENT PART STORE AND OEFirE space. Apply 05 Front St.. cor. Stark and Front, STORK TO RENT. 327 STARK 8T. Offices. HALF NKJBLT FURNISHED OFFICE FOR rent; excellent light: every convenience. Pni'lllc 2019. cm Commonwealth bldir. iL ALDERDF3SIRABLE LIGHT Z-V. v'r? reasonable, first floor. Apply X-Radium Institute, 253 Alder at. AUDITORIUM HALL FOR LODGES. LKO- turea and dances. 208 Vi 3d at. Main l'.',74. 2C'4'5 ECOND FLOOR. SB. CORNER 6TH and Oak: coiner room; steam heat. MODERN OFFICE, 3D AND MORRISON Phono Main oOQ7. 2 to 4 P. M. BUSINESS CHANCES. ORDERS TAKEN TO BUY OR SELL STOCKS NevmdinL,'5n.ihr Portland Stock Eachaeme; lnd Idaho stocks traded lh; Anier . Foc-st wsntd; 1 have an Industrial etoca that Blvca promise or lOOO per cent profit with large dividends; money loaned on approved stock. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commer cial block. EXCELLENT DRUB BUSINESS IN BEST Ludntss' town In ftate; clean stock; fix- tur-s strictly modern; reason, other in BotTlan. muat nave -attention. R ns. Ore- IP YOU WAXT TO INVEST A SMALL amount In a flrst-class. legitimate husl-vTr.-sorT,po.i of Portland business m..n. ncre annual profits or uO per cent are assured, see me tomorrow between w anl I., Thornton, 319 Chamber or commerce. WANT TO BUY. . 20-room roomlne-house; muat bo fs roCtl05 .r"1 "! will "pay po? cash for good place: will buy from own- ers only; If you want to sell come in. Rooms "29-30 Lumber Exchange. M. 136. 1 .T E WANTER.FOR MANUFACTUR m ".".IS walt on cuetomers snd collect; only SSOO required and owner will guarantee you fl.5 a month; experience unnecessary. Call 58 Stark st. BEf" ROOMIM-HOI'SE OF SO ROOMS IN the business part of the city, will fjo at a great sacrifice on account leaving city- dears over $150 a month; will give jome jnewUh the cash a bargain. N 19. Ore- SIOOO BUYS INTEREST IN A PORTLAND' corporation that will net 200 per cent on the Investment. Good office position If ueslred. Services not essential. G 67, Ore- MOST POPULAR DENTAL PARLORS ON best business corner In the city; average monthly Income, J1S00; rent, $110; long lease: t8000 will buy It. , E 62. Oregonian. WANTEIA T OOOINO CONTRACT: THB larger the better; aCte price per 1IIOA end tne lengths oft-hand; donkey or honse work. M 65, Orcfonlan. PS.T,I""E., .WELL-ESTABLISHED '"" nvltel. Raterme eicharVied. W 58, Oregonian. " 11 1 1 11 FOR SALE PHOTO STUDIO. CHEAP FOR toIJ. Population 12.000; must KO Ka.t W rite at once. Bos T4J. Ocean Park. Call JfluO 18 ROOMS, GOOD LOCATION, transient; $800, 14 rooms, well furnished. low rent. Call room 7. 1S1V4 1st at. FCRNITfRE BROOM HOIH.- Washington: 18 room, brlnsfng 1o bove expenses, close In. h 65, Oregonian. '..r- RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED will pay you S3 to 5 a day and eiperlence unnecessary. Call M8Vi Stark at? 8 ROOMS, NEAT HOME, ROOMING-HOUSE, 88 17th, completely furnished, rent 125 quick sale S450: no agents.. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IN PATIMO suuuruan urus store; -1 uu. owner muat leave. T 60, Oregonian. 20O BUYS INTEREST IN A Bl'HI HS8 that clears ov.r SlOO per month. Get par ticulars at 242 Fifth Bt. SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING- See Madden, Odd Fellows' Tempi, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. MAN WITH l.-.O FX Ft RESTAURANT proposition, first-class location. Cosmopol- Itan. 51 N. 3d st. WANTED PARTNER IN" ESTABLISHED employment bualneaa. Address l , Ore- GROCERY, STOCK AND FIXTURES, $750; . close in; must leave city. Phone Ea9t Laundry .share. $1 ; big Income; ank rfer- ences. nrite r. v. dox ean Francisco. BEST PAYTN'O SALOOV JX CITT. terms. . O S4. Oregonian. ' MEAT MARKKT FOR SA LE. XION E BVSINESS CHANCES. WANTED PARTIES LOOKING FOR A good, clean and profitable business to n- gaje in connftrtlon with us in the inde- ppndeiit cash register business for the tr- : -ritorles of Portland or State of Orsron, and for Eaitarn Washington, lncludlns; rpokane. We want only parties of strlot ability with 92000 to ftOOO cash capital to Invest tn such business. For further particulars write The Sundwall Company, Inc. 609 First ave., Seattle. Wash. TH F, AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS Inside Infnrmation res;ard1nc business open ings In this territory; their correspondents ktep them posted on all desirable otrerjnv. Merchants looking for location in this city or In country towns are invited to call. In- foi-matlon of this- kind free. The Ames Mercantile Asrcy., A bins ton bids;. TELEPHONB EXCHANGE IN GOOD UVB town 50 miles from Portland; clear $iou a month: M-yr f ranch U: rfiflLftlM fof elllngr: can double the business with little "tTse; S2SOO cjxr. Edwin t3. Am me, 30 m CASH. BAIiAXCB EASY TATMEms, 70-room hotel, bar and dintnfr-room, cheftp sible party only. 61 . 6th ati k TOL'KG MAT WHO CAN INVEST with his services can make a connection tliat will prove hlsrhly satisfactory. If lntertei axldreaa Xor Interview, L. aa.' Orritonlan. 5EFPERS0M U'AXTB A WATER SYSTEM; als-van electric light plant. Cavitaliflts, eeklnf such Investments address Re corder. Jeltttraon. Or. A SNAP 8 ROOMS ON 16TH ST.. WELL furnished for housf keeping only y:p, easy terms. Re7it.t!5. Goodale & Co.. aOQ Ailslcy Bide "WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST STI.O D manage maniifar-turlnR plant; win uuaj-an m w month. If you mean tusln'ts, call -Tin Main Kt. S3EOO T3i;TS SAIjOOX. datton. wash Oejft location In i-ltv S24(V) r-a hslia. time. Address N. B. Ftschback. Dayton. Wash. KOR SALE STOeK HARDWARE. SASH and doors. This is a money-maKer. rrlt-e including buildings. $lO.OCK. Lock. Box 2o" City., I WTI-L NOT BR ABLE TO MEET MY PAY- m-nt on Mrrlconia stook : wilt spII 5.1 or 1 GO Shares t 4-ZA per ! . y Oregonian. WHstli GIVE INTEREST IN NEW INVEN- tion for mony to build model, etc.; a money-maker. Alain 1040. PEKSONAL. LADIES. ONE WORI" WITH YOU 53 years of suocessful practice In Portlan-I In the treatment of peculiar to women Should ba sum relent eimrsri-ee In aassasi.-. ;ne aia or . an expenencea pnysician and X-RADIUM MEDICAL INSTITUTE AND SANITARIUM. FVr the special treatment of diaoases of women. Irregularities immediately checked. Our methods cf treatment are unique; no ehatRen for consultation. Graduate la4y phyalciana and profeswonal ntirses in attend an-f. Maternity hospital. Infanta adopted. 253 ALDER ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Corner Third. Phone Ma!n 27i6. DR. MARY LANE. La:e superintendent of Ch icafftt Woman's I?rItai, treats diseases of women excltu- siveiy; ladles wllj consult their host interce-.s communlcp.tlr.2 .with me, no fee for con INDIAN HERBAL BATHS NO DAXGF-H of taking -old. in ralnv weather; Mrs. Professor Wheetley Mo we, Sioux Indian herbalist. chronic dleaM ea a specialty : both sexes; riieumatism and paraiyta cured; graduated doctor in Attendance. Hnnitariiim 442 E. t!th st. south, ror. Sherman st.. Sol! wood car. Port lit nd. Or. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. GOOD A P - pvarance. with independent means. wish to correspond with respectable lady well situated; object matrimony; strictly confi dential: no Bgonts or trifle-p neti nnswei ; g-tve full partir-iilars in Cirst letter. Ad dress O 64, Ortrjsonlan. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. SOc- To vleitops of Portland hotels and to pihl!e at tar pe: Suit nreseed at KOc at Gilbert, the tailor's. lfW5 eth St.. nxt to "Quelle. Ladles' Skirts preeed. 5iK:. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phono l aciBc 2(s$L WHT LIVE ALONE WHEX YOU CAN JOIN the National Introducing Society and g-et married r Iarfce.-t membership in the West. MatrimoniaJ P.tgleter. 10c . Room 24. Rus liltJg.. cor. 4th and Morrison. Portland. SWEDISH TRAINED Nl'RSE HELSIXG- fors graduate. rheumaUsm, iwrvous dia or.lers. stomach tioublfa. spratiis r-nrecl: no drugix. T Eai-t 1 till rt. Taka Ea.t Ali ke ny car. Phone East Oo. Manly vigor rfa'.orcd by Dr. Rooms' Nerve Globules. One month treatment, $'2; 3 nwinths', fS. Sent -eourely ealtrd by mall. Asrenta. V. omlard. Clark Co., Portland. MISS ENUUSlOiATicTliAR; positively cuies rheumatism. Weltmer'd iithod : lr.o gives electric vthratorv Cacw and acalp treatments l-tr. yt. Uth. room DR. G. V. KJ3TCHL-M CURES N KRVOCs" chronic and private imn; iso pciai female ailments; correspondence confltlen tlal. Office I70yj J. cor. Yamhill. Pac. 222ft. Drew -suits for. rent, all aUen si month keep your Clothing cleaned, pressed, button sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and fieiivcriw, Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark street. RUSSIAN BATH, HOT 3D, BEX. TAYLOR and Salmon: swimming pool, steam and hot air; hours: Ladlec. s a. m. xo 1 P. M.; gents, 8 A. M. lo 12 r. M. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE GREAT Dr. Lorenz' Xrve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box Write or call at Eysael's Pharmacy. 22T Morrison at., between 1st and 2d. "SON OP A SWORD-MAKER' ''TURKEY Egg Griffin," "The Harkrlders." "The Blarbucke." by Oplo Read. 25c each- llt free. A. W. Srhmale Co.. 2 "JO 1st. MRS, DR. HUNTLEY, PHYSO-THERAPATH Cures rheumatism, nervous dleordens and paralysis. 5S7 Washington st Pacific 2fifl. Mme. Courtrlgbt. dtrmntolosrlat: facial blem lehee removed; calp treatment; vibratory tody massage. 225 rieidner budg, m. mi. BEST MAGAZINE CLTJBPi EVER OF fered; send for prices: asrents wanted. Jones Book Store. 291 Alder ut.. Portland. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charg-e to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 330 Flledner bldg. Pacific 135. lOO NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR. uauie, ovt . ov tui ooc . ouuneia cards. 1. Schmale Co., S29 ut. TOl'NO MAM MECHANIC WOULD LIKP1 TO meet widow or worlclnt jirl nialrlmomiUy Inclined. A e3. Oreg-on 1 n. PFPFNTfT OPENED MANICURING PAR- I.UVaU'' " lors. ladies and gentlemen. Morrison st.. room 12. MANICURING PAItLORs FQTt X-ADIKS and gentleroen. 203" Morrlaton fstreet. room If TOUNG LADY GIVES FACT. AND SCALP massase. ladles only. 843 4 Morrison, DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED speciaiist.banitarium vzi .. lgtn. Main 547S. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method - re sults guaranteed. 3GO Flledner bids. Pac. 135. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DI3- ases. 626 E. Belmont Phons East 4034. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PARLORS, (or ladles and gentlemen. 20H4 Sd St. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A lT.ACK TO HAVE HAIR M KT- treses reno-i-ated and returned same day 223 Front at. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. II. Metzger. proprietor. LOST SATl'RDAT AFTERNOON Tl'R- quolse earrlnur encircled hv .it. mni Very liberal reward, if Information la left at Oregonian office. LOST-BULL TERRIER DOQ, NAME AND address on collar. Suitable reward will be 393 ty P110"1" V- 5. Doernbecker, Eaat LOST BLACK HAND SATCHEL CON- tainina- purse and owner's card. Return to Qreaonlan and receive liberal reward. LOST A BOUT DEO. 17. BUCK WATCH fOb, With Initials Vi'. T. S. on locket. Finder return to this office and receive reward. 'OL'ND I.l.K W K1..1.YN: SKTTEB MVLE doa. nil Flaade,,. J". T.locrU .Name collar Lee. Li. . Leoii. eitrftrtr. T kinA flrltTfln hnnrirPnt nf PUT- loua and j-ufTering women. I can assist you. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. r. Gray. the. old reliable pecial.t ; no charge for cone ul tat ion or ad- vlce. 251 Alder St., corner Sd, Portland, Or. Correspondence sacredly confidential. hi mutation : correspondence absolutely conn- riertiar; maternity caws given, sspeclal t ten Hon. Sanitarium and orTlces. -3 Alder, corner Third. Portland. Oregon. Piioae Main a I iU LOST AND. FOUND. A LIBERAL, REWARD IS OFFERED FOR .return or Information leading- to recovery or yiow and white Scotch collie do: white chest und tip of tall; , had round leather collar; owner's name on same; H- taK 13S2. Disappeared Januarv 11. Sherlock olds. Phone Paelflc 2113. LOST GOLD CHAIN BRACELET IN front ot the crematorium. Will otter small ren-ard If returned to the Columbia woolen Mills. 7th and Stark ets. For Xt LADT'S WATCH ON M ONTGOSI- ely T- Address r,3A Vs Montg-omery st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Inaitad. PROPOSALS FOH THE PURCHASE OF A POWER BOAT-DTrtmnt ol Agriculture, Forest Service. Washington, D. C. Sealed propcaals will be received at the Depart. V 1 ot Arlculture until 12 oeloclt neon January ai IMT. for iae"rttli. " i, power boat for use by the Forest Service in AlifKa, approximately W reet over ail, 13 foot beam, ft-foot draft and 20 tons displace ment; complete with 50-horserower aaAOiine ?a?U?e-iTUi, r,Bi"lr-- Jclt "-n! cabin equip ment. etc Blank forms or proposal., aucl n cat Ions and all necessary in formation can be obtained from tne forest service, wwti- Ington, D. C, and Mr. W. A. tjnellla, Forest Supervisor. Ketchikan. Alaska. JfcuMur.. 1" Wilson,, ti SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the School nrk office. City Hall, up to eb IS lT. for a certain tract of land 7,". . Addition. City or Port land, bounded fol lows: ty the Southern Pncific Railroad track, center lines of Last Rr-phMii st., East 3d and East Mill ... le. the lot sold to Thomas Colllneon. Paid tract of land Is owned by School nistri.-t ' MVUnotr,an bounty. Oreaon. sod Ihey will receive proporals for ssrne as above staled. A deposit ot 10 per cent will be required with fill bids. TerM cash. H. S. ALLEN, School Clerk. Portland. Oregon. Jan. IS. ICR) 7. Stockholders' aSeetinsr. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of th- l?11" v-ey Railroad Company .'i1 held at the office of th companv. - Worcester butldtnar. Portland. of.. Monday, February 4, 1007, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose or elect- inar a board of directors and transacting i. ' V ' ' .Lier ouKinesa as may legally come NOTira'IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of th Columbia River A Oregon Central Railroad onipanv will be Uvia at the o(T!c of the company. 543 Worcter hulldlna:. Port land. Or., Monday. February 4, 10O7, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the pur- pos of electinur a board of directors anrl transacting such other buslne as mav J " . ! rS? TV efoe 'ho meeting. W. R. L1TZENBERG. Secretary. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the etocl.holders of th Oropon. Wnaliington & Idaho Railroad Company tvIII be held at the office of the company. Worc.-t-r bulldinp. Port-- land.- Or., Monday, February 4. lOT, at the hour of 1- o'clock noon, for the pur pose of eloctfnj? a nard of directors and tvanFRctlnp such other business as may letrally crme before the meeting. W. it. L1TZENHERG. Secretary. $9nO RF.AL ESTATE FrRST MORTGAGE. C pr r cent: duo in 3 years- Address :!t5 - Marguerite ave. NOTICE I WM.t, NOT P.R REST'OXSI- hie for any debts my wife will incur. S Tt. I.etjure. BUSINESS U1RECX0RY. Attorneys at 'Lav I. B. RIGGEX, ATTORNEY AND COCN- K'lor at law. us and JCO Abineton bldg. Accountants. GEO. X. MCRTOIC. 1.18 CHAMBER COM merce. Phone Main 3fiS1 . General account ing and auditing business. Ar.ayer ana Analysts. GKF-ENLET - . CRAWFORD. ANALYTIC I.L, ohemltn. ntnln tnglneera. C0a Waib- Inton st. MON'TAN'A AS? AY OFFICB. 180 M0RRI on at. Best facilities. Pricea reasonable. PACL BAUMEI,. A S S A VCR AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Carppn'.prs and Builderi. -v- L. BuckJisr. ofrira. store fixtures, genera.. Jobbing, contracting. :::;o Stark. Main 5S:il. Carpet Cleaning. CARPRTS REFITTED. SEWED AXD LAID Woltrlng, Mawcy & Co.. mattresope made 'oyer and to order; re-iipholftering of all 20 Second st. Phone Main 337. Sanitary carpet rlanlnK carpets cleaned on floor, suction and coniprfcii-ed air. M. ooM. Chlroprxiy and Manicuring:. WM. DEVEXY E?TELLE DEVEX Y. THE Only ECientlfig Chiropodists; parlorj toon. jfl. Drew bid.. i2 2d st. Phon Main 1H01. This i the long-haired ' ia the man ou are lnoklnc for. Chiropody and Pfdictirtrm, Mrs. M 1SI Hill. lOOin ;o0 FUedner bldg, Fhone Paciac 133. CommlsKfon Merchants. H TH.1 A METZGEM. PCrtCHAKR " nlc"s' pe.ts. r u r. wool, mohair, tallow anil plbDer and Old. metal and general co.-nmu- flcn merchants. Vront st.. mt Mftln. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. XA Y tCIt- YOUNG & -0. tell 1 i- BROKERS and commission merchants. Stiarlock bide. fortland, or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produr-e merchants, -front and Davis ta.. Portland. Or. Ckaainj and Dyrina;. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPKCIALTIES l-rench dry cleaning, ateta m cleaning, dve Ins to iamplc; reascnulile prices, prompt service. 347 Second. Main C417. Dancing:. DANCING LESSONS. 25c. classes or private wa listing:, two-step, three -step. etc. ; stage dancing, buck and wing. clog, reel, skirt Spanish, Highland fiing.-eic. prof. Wai. Wilson. Alisky bldg. 0d-.McrrIson. Portland Danelnc Academy. A reftned school. Prof. Rlnpler and MUs Euckenroeyer. Ciasa nights. Tues. &. Sat.; children Sat. aft. Frlv. lets, daily, 308 Aid., cor. 6:h. Ph. M. iwi Woodward's Dancing School class, Mon.. Thur. and Sat. eves. ; flve aaclstantv; private les joiui dally : social , Taney and step rlanctiia taught. 2d and Morrison. Pacific 1630. Miss Adaline McCulloch, tacher.of danclnf. 204 Goodnough bldg. Phone Ufain 4525. d uara tsosaal. MISS CALL. HISTORY, LITERATURE OR regular work in primary, grammar, prepar atory grade. 58t E. Burnside." Phone East Usraeaa and Suddlea. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO, WHOLE- sale saddle and harness mfs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-SO 1st. Main 22ft. a Dai aeJta L SHANK t CO,, PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers metala and sacks. 312 Front at and FlDdlns- J. A. 8TR0WBRIOOB LEATHER C0. Established IS.' 8.- Leather and flndlnrn; Northwest ViavX Co. Tiiford bldg., 10th and Morrison ati. "Health Talks" to women Thursday at 3 :0O p. M. Ottespathla rbrsleisaa. PRS, ADIX & NORTH RUP, 415-16-1T Dekum bldg". Third and 'Washington sta. Phone, office. Main 3-a. - . Residence. Main 15m3. Residence, act 1(J2. DR. t, B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon, graduate Kirkville. Mo. 4O0 Ore Ionian bldar. Main 1242: res. Main 2753. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, cast ings, all kinds repaired. lO- N. 4th. PatOnts, Oil and Olass. rasmu?SKV k CO.. JOBBERS, paints, olla, glasa. aaah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Pab 11 e Stnocni pla er. Flrst-cla&a public stenographer. Miss lounge, 303 Lbr. Exchange bldg,,, 2d and Stark. Patent Lawyer R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patent; infringement cafes. 004 Dekum. Painting and Paper hanging. reasonable, price--Shehy yamnlll. near ath. tain 30T3. BUSINESS DIKICTOKY. Spiritualists. DBLAT IS DANGSROUS. COME AT ONCE AND RECEIVE ADVICE. ."OK. E. KHIMO. 853 FIFTH ST.. (.OR. MADISON. THE GREAT ORIENTAL. MEDIUM, TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND PSYCHIC PALMIST. Trtla medium's success has startled tn. ntlr. w.rld. His readinss are acknowl. edged by press and public to be of the highest order. He advises you to a cer tainty; nothlne concealed, hut all re vealed. He convinces Ills callera by caillnc trierra by their name, telllns them Just 'li.t they called Tor. ABSOLUTELY FREB Before you decide to have a reaflmj. . Irof- Khlmo tells you of every trouble, nope 'ear. wish and ambition In complete, aetall. glvlnsr names, dates, locations and actual facts concerning; your lite and cir- cumslances which you know to be abao- tuteiy true. ljNSKt7;N irowi- Tex Jt8 BflVlS'S )'U Just how, where and when to Invest your money to give V'OU the quickest and most profitable returns. JLFLVl YOU PEADY TO INVEST? 'f - do not consult, ttie lnexperleaced ; the advice ot Prof. Khimo, who has tin recommendations or tne icamng m and ladles cf your city, who have con suited him from time to time, and In all C"B hla predictions have proven to be ,tiJut1' llue and of the btatneat order. PROF. KHIMO ALVVA TS KNOWS. Ha will tell you why you have been un- successful in the past, and how you can surely- achieve euccess in the futur. ISN'T THIS WORTH KNOW I NO T Th;n. why let a foolish, prejudice pre vent you from availing; yourself or such a munifWnt rower? Perhaps you are in- credulous. The greater part of the enviable fame and for tuna won by PROF. KHIMO Has been due to th fact that once a ciin:. always a client, has been tha rule with thoo who have consulted him. ARE YOU 1M TROUBLE? Do you reel that you are threatened by any hidden danger? PROF. KHIMO 'Can tell you what the danger is and hOW to avert and avoid It. OO YOU IS." KKO ADVICE? All the most prominent and moat success ful bualneea men consult PR Of. KUIMO Rccu'arly because he advluM thrm vllUt lo do and advl-s thm RIGHTLY. ARE VOU VNHAPPY? Thousands of men and women bleaa the day they first came to PliOF", KHIMO For help. Many a young woman, torn with unreasonlne Jealousy, has been di rected Into the path .if ttitpplneaa through Prof. Khimo's niarv.loiHv psychle powera AKE) YOUR FRIENDS THUS? Prof. Khlmo can t?II you whether they are true or fal?e, or who to trust. " PROF. KHIMO Is Portland OLDEST PIONKFIR Clair voyant a nd Peychlc Palmist. Permanently located tn hfe cwn home. Others come and so. Prof. Khlmo, the old, reliable, will ai- ways be with you. .Remember this. It la Important. PRC P. -KHIMO Will do all other ad vertise or pretend to do, while others copy and try to imi tate hU wonderful work. He can demon strate t you his genuineness to your en tire Rat Isf action. The fees charged by Prof. Khlmo are exceedingly reasonable and within the reach of all. HOURS, 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E. KHIMO, Xo. 253 Fifth st.. corner Madison st. Phone Main GOTtf. STRANGE GIFTS. An Honest "Proposition. STUART HUDSON. New York's celebrat ed clairvoyant, medium and palmist. la permanently located here, his honesty, tet of time and U years continuous eUCcessrul practice have proved beyond all doubt that Mr. Hudson Is the leader of his profession. H!s- extraordinary pownta of aecond el Kilt, combined with a superior knjwlelg of occult forces, enable him to read human life with unerring accuracy from Infancy to old age. As proof of h.s wondt-rfu. power to ali who come prepared fur read ins this weeK WITHOUT ASKING A Ql.-i3TION witnout any previous knowledge and having; no natural mean of knowing who you are, whence or for what you came, he will tell your full name, occupation and the object or your vlsu absolutely fren of charge. LSAKN WHAT IS BEFORE YuU. Kis advice pertaining; to love. law. busl- r.tSH, wllle, estates, buying or selling prop erty, speculation. Investments, marriage, di vorce; etc., -i.t uneuualed. Ho reunlLcn" the separated, cause spedy and happy mar riages with the one you love, glvea truthful revelation of all love aiTalrs, restores lost affections, cettles lovers' quarreLs, tells how to win the man or woman you love, make your husband or wife be true to you, over come all your enemies and make a person at a Olastanoe think of you. tells you names of friends and enemiea who la true and who its faMe ; tella you whuni and when ou will many, giving: namca, dates, facta and location, taking no fee in advance, accepting cone unlcas jrviti faction is given. EPECULATION AND IN VESTMENT. His advice Is much rousht for by thoee ccutemplatlng; in vetoing- and f-pecula.Ui:;. The dollar properly invented today haa eidom failed to make the poor man rich. He charges not one penny for such advice until the in- v.stment has paid a handwimo profit. Im this not talr and honen Great reJuctlon thin week, a a mutter of aJvertlsKnicnt, Mr. JiUCSCH WlH give lll special reading for 6u cnts: aatlsfaction absoiuwly guaranteed Or no fee accepted. Kverytblng atrtctly aavcred svnd con 11 en t tal. the; wise use every means to COMPASd VICTORY; thouaande have been tlClpCfl. IfiJ'OU arc in trouble of any kind, unhappy, not satined In life, have dom&tlc, love or buasine&e. you will be told beow to overcome them all. 1 today. Hour. lO A. NI. to S P. M. Sundays 11 to . O'FICliS 2ls4 MORRISON STKEET. Curner Fifth Street, MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND' S ir.ot reliable medium; all In trouble call ';J set her valuable advice on all aiTalr of 11 e. buMneea, love troubles; absent friend g Specialty. Room 72, Lewis bids;., Morrison t. Houns 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. MM, E. ZINOA, EGYPTIAN MEDIUM. S"I entlflc palmist and occult relent 1st ; clair voyance de .'eloped in others. 5o cents and Upward. 20 Morrison, over Royal Bak y. 5 CORRECT READING. 50c. I do not need bijr advertisements. I guarantee satisfaction or no char ere PROF. HAKRI NOTON, 1 H) Fourth st. MRS. S. B. SEIP. Ftychcmetr:.t, Spiritual Life Rrader. reliable in every detail, 1ft to 8 3t'2 Allsky bldg. Circlet-. Tuta., W ed.. Thur Fri.. 8 P. M .. 25c. Pacific FROF. WALLACE. PALMIST. CLA1RVOY- ant and medium; readings 23c, Parlor i The Cosmos, 2S Morrison st. spirit ual MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; ulttlngs dally. 343 H Yamhill. Phone PaciHe 187. ess. Bank and. Store Fixture B, 21. Blrdsall, designer; agent M. Winter i Lumber Co,, T Hamilton nug, Mam smi. PORTLAND 8ITOWCASK Sr. FIXTURR CO.. Hi 1st, near Jiartct. mono racia. m. THE LUTKE SIANUFACTURINQ CO.. COR. th and Hoy t. Phona Main 140S. Allnlns; Broken. COEUR D'ALEXE AND NEVADA MI.VLVfl atoclcs 1 am alxvays in the market to buy or sell any flrst-claa mlninc stock - fet my pricea befor. buylna; or selling. T . Brown, 401 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark Rubber Stamps. also SEALS. STEVCILS. TEL. SLURS. EAR cheeks, etc. , Coast Co.. 231 Stark. Tel 1407. SterSKa snd Tranarer. SAFFP. PIAX0S AXD FURMTURE MOVED, packed ready for hlnplng and shipped; all work guaranteed: iarse 3-storv hrl.-v wr scoraae. 20. Oak Phone Slain Ml. a C. 0. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 563. Piano and furnliura moved and packed for shipment; commodious uva raama. Sales. tUCBOLD Mansraneaa and flreproor safes; lock. work; Jacks." J. B. Davis. o 3i M." iko! BECOD-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT birgalm. TO 6th it., bet Oak and Pina. Big Paltittns;. SIQNS ("That Attract" Boal Co.. 28? fitark. Pacjflo 1S90L 4U U Typewriter. Cew Typjwrltfra. all makes, rented, i 1407 Coaawc Agency. S3! Slack WhoIesnU Orocers. A"lr . WHOLES ALES OROCERT. aw. . Front and Davk ata.. lortlaxad. or! ? FE.T. DOI'ullS IN YOUR POCKET 10 t'S.' ajslrable. You can have them. lO to IOO and return the amount in small weekly or monthly payments We advance money on salary without la iprser and without the knowledg of m- ployer or any one. Lowest rates: best terms: square deallna: no publicity When In need of a little -Ready Cash do not rail to call and let us explain our plan fully. All Interviews confidential and you will bt treated courteously, whether you borrow or not. Open .vary evening. December 15 to January 1. . . HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 912 lath floor) Liekum bid. MC.N'LV TO LOAN. On improved city property or for butldtna purposes, for from 3 to lO years" time witn privilege to xepay all or part of loan, arter twr. years. Lrana approved from plans and money advanced as buiidinc procresscs; morttagei taken up aoJ r- placed. FRKO H. STRONG. Financial A sent. 2--- Gtark feat reet. THE CHE. SCENT LOAN CO., 4SS MOHAWK bid?. Leans to salaried employes on note. without mortgage: easy payments. Month. -mon J f : ' f Py o U..S1S?,3 or SS or f.13 f T K-pay to ua. . U.O& or J JO or S1.4S IliH Repay to US. .f 4.00 or 2.00 or l.oo We meet, any rate. X..OAISS MADB TO BALARIED PEOPLE! ."i 5 permanent po.ltlona and rpor ctnie nrms; easy payment! and atrlcLV CODOat'lUlal; aitf CHATTEL L0AS on personal property ; rooming-houses epeclu.lty. KEW ERA LOAN A TRtJS T COHPANT. 05 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAM COMPAN'T. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can ret on his not, without mortitaira ( con - S'rital : Month- 4 -month. Weelc. fO Repay to us.-S13.23 or 65 or S3 3S f 2 Repay to us. or 3.uo or i o 115 Repay to u. .J 4.00 or $309 61 $1.00 210 M'KAY RLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLSJ Just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system la thd best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and ail other employes: business strictly confldm tlal. F. A. Newton. 424 Ablnaton bids;. MONET ADVANCED salaried people end others upon their own naitlds WlttlO'J. security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; orf ices in CO principal rltle. ea vt yourself money toy set tins. tur terms lira.-. TO L, MAN. '2ZZ Ablngton bids.. lOdVi Sd at. gitaranteed S PER TEXT OV INVEST- ments Ir unuMial when guaranteed by Orit mortcaE bonds and choice Portland real estate. You can Invest from $lOO and upward on this basis. U 63. Oregonian. WANTED Notes. mortRageg or contract! 01. any kind of real estate In Oregon or "R'ashlriEtr'n; 2d mortcagei purchased If well secured. H. INoble. 312 Commer cial blk. LOAN3 OS WAST PATMENT PLAN" TO enlarled people : loxv-est rates. stTletlv con 11 dentin!. Employee Loan Co., room 71 The Dekum. od and Wanhlnrwrt. Phone C2-. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY IS OF fered to parties with $100 or mor for an per cent real estate investment. Ad dress K 52. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN, REASONABLE RATES : real estate, chattel mortgage or personal security; notes boucht, C. W. Pallett. 304 Kenton buildlna W ANTED TO BORROW, SOOO. n PER. rent intpresl, on brick bufliness . block in St Johns. Income 1800 yearly. R 37, Oregonian. I Furniture, etc. ; confidential. 228 Ktled- nfT bl'lg.. lth and Wash. rac. ;fisa. RATES. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM g!f TO $5009 on all ecuritles. R. I. Eckersoa sc "o., rni. 5, Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 3S31. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other ecurities. lotvest rates. S- W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Ph. Main tflOO. flOOO TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO FUlt at 5 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. m. g. Griffin. 2(;8 Stark, opp. C. of Com. MONEY LOAN'EI) IN SMALL OR LABGB sums on improved and unimproved real eetatu. W. H. Nunn, 652 Sherlock block. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF 5 AND UP on ail kinds f security. W. A. Hathaway, room lO, 'Washington bldg. Pacific 1S32. $0000 OK LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON real estat; charges reasonable. Inquire) . J. h. MMdleton. 617 Chamber Commerce. 6 PKR CKNT MON FY TO LOAN. FROM giooo to g-iono. Ivan I.tnd A Investment Co., 41. Vm meroiei 1 Bldg. MONEY TO LEND AT 6 PER CENT. MErV cantlle Trust & Investment Co., 405 Clam ber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAM ON ALL KINDfToF SE cuiity. Wm. Holl. rm. 0. Washington bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND fi PER CENT. Wm. G. Reck, room 312 Falling bldg. H AXKS. BANKERS AN F LUMBERMEN'S BANK Corner Second and Stark streets, PORTLAXD. OREGON. E. cr. PELTON President P-RBD H. ROTHCHILD..lrt Vtca-PrM.nt JOHN A. KBATINQ 2d Vlc-Frldnt E C. WEARS - Cashier n. d. T0R? ABsIjtant Cashier platt & PLATT i Gsnsral Couassl Drafts anil Letters of Credit Issued. Avail iblt In All Parti of the World. PI Ft ST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Or. CAPITAL AXD SURPLUS $1,500,000.00. DRPOSITS S14.OO0.0OO.0O. ' Oldest National Bank on the Pad Ho Coast A. L. MILLS J V. NEWKTRK Pre'iam Cashlsf PORTIaAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREOON. The Oldest Trust Company In Orcfon. KESODKL'KS OVKR ti.8U0.uOO.OO. General Banktna. -2 rer emit Interest on criek account, fe... tlundredsi on dally balances of saoo or over. Letters of credit and exchange on an paria of the world. Saving! accounts. Tlm w tiftcstcs 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special ejaN BEN J. I. C0HB. Prwldsnt n. i pittock Vlc-Pr.!dent n. LEE PAC ET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Aaslstant Searatary LADD & TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED Hf m Trmnsactss a General Banktnff BuilnMlL Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections rr.aila at points on favorable terms. Latter of credit ljaaued aTallablc la Europe and all points in the xjnited states. Sit fit eXCtianje na telegraphic traiyrferg sold on New York. Washington, Chlcan, tl Louis. Denver. Omaha. Sail Frandaco and varloua poirita tn Oregon. Waahlncton auatS Idaho. Montana and British Columbia, Exchange on London. Parts. Berlin. BVantt- Jort, Hot-iUons;, Tokohaxna. Maalia and Hons- lulu. MERCHANTS1 NATIONAL TJX NIC PO ItTLAN ID. OK. J. FRANK WATSON President R, h DURHAM ..Vict-President r. w. hoyt Cwhler GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS OENBRAL BANKINO BUSINESS. United States Depository. Draft ind lettert or credit lsgutilV avail able In all parts of tha worli Collections a specialty. TUB SANK OP CALIFORNIA (Ratabltashed In 18tt-t. HEAD OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI. President i HOMER S. KINO Gen. Man. of Branches W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up - S4.000.Ono Surplus and undivided profit . . . . lG.O3. A OenersJ Banklr.c and lCchange Buatacai Transacted, Letter.! of credit laiued, AvallaMt In all part of the world. Interest paid oa Uia deposit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened tor sums o SIO and an ward. WM. A. If .A CRAB? - Manager i. r. burtchaell Assistant UinefeF UN1TE1D STATES NATIONAL RANK - - OF PORTLAND. OREGON. United States Depository. IVorttlWfSt Corner Third and Oak street.. Trine-acts a Cenerftl Bankln? PuilneM. Draft Issued, aval'tible In all cities of tha Lnlted States and Kuropa. Honikont ajid Collections Mad on Favorable Terms. Presiient J. c. aixsworth Vice-President R. LEA EARN'FS II. W. SCHMIFR A. XI. WRIGHT ......... w. a., holt