THE aiORM.XG OKEGOMAX, SATURDAT, JATfTJAKY 12. l07t 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OK EC. ONI AM TELEPHONES. Coanllnc-Room ...... Main TOTO City rircuintloo .... ........ ... .Main TO TO in.ln Editor i Main 7070 Mill Editor Mil- Wfl rompoalDff-Hoom Main 7TO City Editor Main TOTO Fuptlnlidnt Bull3.A Main 7070 2ut Bid OQIc., . .............. ..East OX AMUSEMENTS. the HEiTj(f theater uh ma owning- loll Stl) Thl Afternoon. 2:1.1 o'clock: tO nlht. : 1 5. t?eore Aia"s musical comedy "The SultUI Of SulU." BAKER THEATER 3d bet. Yamhill and Tay- ior)-BaKer Theater Company In "Old lUlaelbtrg": matln at 2:15. tonight at EM PIRB Til W. ATK It '11th .n1 MorrtoMO Tilly Ol.on . matlne. a t 2:15: tonlfftit at ' 815. ClU'D THEATER (Washington, between Park and S.ventb. V . u v 1 1 1 3:SO. T.30 r; CI a p. M FATAOKB TJ I KATER fF"ourtll anT BtarlO Continuous vaudeville, 2; JO, T;80, f, Mi UTAH THMF.R (Park .nA Washington) A lln Slock Company- In "Tha I-tttIB Min ister; matliiM 2 JO p. AA. ; tonlcht at 8:1S. Li me THEATER. Ttn and Alder) Tha Lyrlo stock company in "HarSor LlgtUC, t'.lO and 8:1E P. M. ' IKS OX 5wiATSH0Pg.-Aeeordln.r to May Motitgomt-ry. president of (tin Portland branrh or trie National consum ers" League, the purchasing putjllc )g larnoly responsible for condition, that result in "sweatuhopi" and factories whore practlCM 1 la vpry ahoundB. It la within the power of Individuals Bhe de- attue Mil? of the IWM So. -ity. hM yesterday afternoon in St. I (rlpn' h. II. to compel mantiracturera to introiiuce better conditions into the Jives eir worKera by buyins? only goods DarinB: the Consumer league label. Xt Iss Mont(romrry" address was followed " a brief pronramme. The Kindergarten training class, 0f fit. HelCH'S Mil, iiailg "Dear Little Eskimo": Miss H. Coldw.11 rendered a piano solo an JUiws CJlara How m rK-. "Forever. Dear." Maccabees INSTAU, OFFlCEF-FOrt1 taild Tent K'o. 1. Knlht of the Macra- hces. held- Its annual Installation of of 11 -cers Thursday nig-ht at the KnlgbtA of iwinias Temple, Eleventh and Alder Btl'COtS. Tha follow! ng assumed1 the duties of their offices: J. E. Werlein. tornmand-r; K. I.. Bryans. lieutenant commander; E. M. Lance, recording KnlRtU, H. A. Circle, financial knight: E. T. Moore, chaplain : T. Kinsell. sergeant: Ft. " Gnrrett, master-at-arms; fktward Keep, first master or the guard; Ieo nrono, second master of the mri. p. H. Call, sentinel: Hoy Mllner. picket. j i i.fd East Bt Father's Zbath. Mr. Edmund p. Sheldon, secretary of ttl(J OvCgOtV & Washington I.umW Manufac turers Association, wax called to .Mln ne polls t his week by the sudden death or ...a father, a. c, Sheldon, a prominent resident Of thftl City who visited Portland in November. Mr. Sheldon. Sr.. died in -A rlzoiiH . where he was looklna- after his interests in connection with a large Ir- rigatlon company. The funeral occurred In Minneapolis on January 11. Mr. School Examiner REs.cxB.-ProfM.r I. A. Grout yesterday tendered his resla riHtl'in as a member of the County Board of .SVhool Examiners to Countv School Buperintenflent RoWnson. He had been a member of the board for six years. In the letter accompanying lila r Ignatlnn be expUlnod that he was unable to re- mam on the board owing to increased DUsllNWS In his own office. E. J. Hadlty. principal of the If ol lad ay school, was ap pointed to fill the vacancy. The first examinations win be held by the board next month. A ht Musbixm Open- To oat-. The Wuseum of Art. Fifth and Taylor streets is open daily trom ? to 4:30 o'clock, On Thursday mid Saturday afternoons ad mission is free. The lanrlscHpe- by Scot tish artists anf the seventeenth century tin jifo by van Aetet now lent for tX" hlbitlon will r)6 removed after today. The catalogues of the exhibition of mod ern etc-hlna-s are now ready. Miss "aillnar win give a gallery talk on the process of ctchlTis today at 2 o'clock, to which all Interested are invited. NEI'HH t!BN OaTHBRS jP3VXIttICTO. Thos. B. Neuhausen, inspector of the In- tcrtor Department together with a num. ber of special n Rents, has jtone to Call- furnla for the purpose of K-t ting evidence afrainst a number of Callforn la men who nave damned, in Qregon land frauds. Moat of the defendants live at I-os Anjteles and were Indicted by the 'recent Federal fcrand Jury under the care of vmted states Attorney y, c. Bristol, TrlREATRNS Own T.irE. A email bottle of chloroform was taken from Ilfien Frltz. proprietor of the Royal Restaurant, 343 YamhHi street, yesterday morning by Acting Detective lnskeep. It believed hi prompt action saved the life of the despondent man. who In aald to have threatened to destroy himself. His BtCD- daughter, Mls Alma Miller, notified the police. InoorpoBatb Afxx,T CrtMPANP. "William skuxie. j. Dupont, n. Sherwood and Gus RkinlA have ineorDorate(r Ilia Blgnus Lumber CVmpsny and will Install a saw mill nar Warren on the Northern 3Pa cttlc railroad. They will ship the pro- duct ot their mill by rail form Holton and by steamer from St. Helens. AuitmoF Sonm-T 'MBKTrvo. There will be a meetina- of the Orefron Audubon So- ciety this evening at o'clock at its rodm on the top floor of the City Hall build in a-. William I-fc Flnley. the president of the society, who has recently returned trom m m win preside. All bird lovers are Invited to be present. I )batm nr Ci.a TTrK R. Jonfb. Claude lt Jones, who had a larare circle of friends in rortianfl, died January 3 from a com- plication of diseases. He was 27 years of a Re and the yonna-ewt child of IVfr. and Mrs. flls Jones. He was born and raised in Portland. He had teen ill for three years. . 1 r a ?rr A lm rr TATBD- "W. T. Zum wa It, who was Injured In the mills of the 2a.g-le creel. Lumner Company yesterday morn In sr. tvhb taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where It was found neceasary to amputate the left hand. He was working m the plant when nis nand wag eauchl in the rollers, and badly mangled. Anvual Meetimo ow Y. "W. C A. Tha annual meeting of the Voun(r "Wo men s Christian Association will lW held ftt ttl6 association rootnn Mnnday evenlnjar. Jan uary 14. A dinner will o'cl ork to thone ne m t their names today. BiVK Open Saturday f.v,no. JTor the accommodation of depositors, tha ma vlnga bnnlc of tha Tltla, Ouarantee A: Trust Company, S40 "Washington Street. to:. Eeeoni. li tm en Saturday evening, from 5 till S o'clock. JtyvxrWTivsB Isu-novBstENT Abhociattox. The juvenile improvement Association n meet tonight at I o'clock In Judge yraiera court room. The public is eordlallv Invited to attend. Tomorrow Rev. J. I3L TCIttredge "Will preach at the' First PrMbyterian Church at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Communion will be observed in connection wlttm the mornlns; service. , " A Few mi Dihries UFT'.-Dld you tet yours? If not please call and do so. The Title Ouarantee A Trust V.. 240-244 Washington street (corner Second). cawaut msuTTSHiw CiiuRCH.-Dr. 101 y. the pastor will preach tomorrow on -lfrsrlna- Ditchea," and "Tha Ruined. "Son cm BrrciAu-Kmy Qow ape claf car leaves Oregon City tonig-ht 11:30. FV)R Tt rzrr. 5oxJ Inside room. Oregon Ian building. See Supt, No. 2DX. womas's Eire,, 133 m luncu U;M to f; business men's lunch. rn. Jamkr O. Zan 'hai, returned, TOS 7r KrS'ffinMiiit cp mints, ' of Mr. TV. L. Murrat. The funeral of Mrs. Kllxa AuRU.-ta Murray, who died at St. Vincent's Hospital TtlurS- day after a lingering Illness, will he held this afternoon from Hoi man's chapel at Third and Salmon atreeta. After the Presbyterian burial service has been con- ducted by Rev. M. L. Boozer, of Pled- inont Church, the Women of Woodcraft, Astra Circle, of which Mr a. Murray was an active member, will hold ritualistic service Mrs, waiter Reed and Miss Beulah Cad well will be the soloists. Mrs. land, wa the -wife of "W. Murray, me m. a. a. c. Bwimmlne instructor. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her death and a family of five children. These are Robert 11.. G. Louise, J. Bruce, William U, Jr., and Hazel Hlslop Murray. Friends are invited to attend, the aervlces. at the chapel. The interment at Rlvarvlew will he private. Reward tor Murderers. The mystery SUrroundingr the death of Dr. Philip Ed- wards Johnson, whose mana-led body was round in the Canyon Road directly beneath the Ford-street bridge last Mon- day night, remains as much of a puzzle to the authorities as on the nlg-ht the corpse was discovered. yesterday It was announced that the sum of S1OO0 would De paid for the arrest and conviction of the murderers, but as far as the police are concerned It would not stimulate them to any greater effort were the amount fw,w. mis is explained 6)' ttie lact that detectives of this city are "not allowed to receive rewards for work per formed In the lino of their duty, and any such, tenders earned "by them go to the fund for sick and disabled members of the Police and Fire Departments. XukDiEa' Nioht. Nearly 300 mem bers and their friends gathered at tn Elks' Ijuujre rooms last night and en- joved the best ladles" night musical pro-s-ramme of the season. The feature of the programme was the superb rendi- tlon of several vocal solos by Miss Kuth- leen lAwler. She captivated the large sratherinar and the applause was so vig orous and prolonged that she was com- peiied to respond to' several encores, 8. J. Story was another bright star and his violin onlfs-ato was well received. L. I Bruce also too It part. Several -selections were given by tne Metropolitan Grand Opera Company artists through a mam moth phonoarraph. Besldea the pro ftramme there were carda and refresh ments. Mrs. H. T. Atkinson Lexb. A message waia received fa- friends In thi9 city last night announcing the death of Mrs. Rosa M. Atkinson at Juneau, Alaska, on Jan uary 10. Mr.. Atkinson was the wife of Rev. Henry T. Atkinson, formerly pastor of the Kpworth M. I-' Churcli a-t this place. The funeral will be held In Juneau Sunday morning from the Melropolltaln Olethodlst Church. DAMAGE SUITS NUR END TWO CASES GIVEN TO 15 CIRCUIT COl'RT. Scaled Verdict In J. W. Armstrong's Cause Against Lumber Company Will Be Upcned This. Icrn Liigr- Two Juries in damaare cases were sent out at 5 o'clock yesternay afternoon in the state Circuit Court ana sealed verdicts 111 both cases are looked for this morning. In the suit of J. W. Dryden agalr.Bt the rel ton-Armstrong Lumber Company a verdict was reached about 8 o'clock and Will be delivered In Judas Cleland's dlvis- ion at 9:30 o'cloclc this morning. Dryden aels for dam-na-es amountina; to X10.200 be cause of injuries received while working" In a lumber camp maintained by the company. The other t?ase Is that of I- O. Smith against the -I'ortland Railway Company. Tills m tried Wore Judee Gantenbein, and up to a late hour no verdict 1 had been reached. Smith, as guardian of his son, George H.. Smith, asks for $3000 dam- Bgca for injuries sustained 'by the boy In a streetcar accident last Summer. The accident resulted In to the boy's pine, and it Is claimed that his mind has also Deep anectea eiignuy suite tll8 mishap. HUSBAND KKPULSIVE Italian Hlair!en Objects to a. Mai-rlae W'itliout Ijove. Clfllm!njf that her husband -v.-aa repul"- Ive to her and that ehe was fraudulently persuaded Into a marriage with him, Mrs, Assunta Marasco, a young Italian woman, applied to Circuit Judge Sears yesterday for an order annul 11 n jar the matrimonial contract. The young- wo- man's story is an unusual one. She TVa8 Induced by her brother to come to Amer ica from TtaJy. When she arrived sev eral months ago her brother, she said, insisted that she marry J1I3 frleufl, Gasiwe Marasco. Mrs. Marasco said she was contented In Italy- and would never have left, there but for the gtowins; pictures ot Hie nere, sent her by the brother. She finally came, making the voyage Around the Horn and landing at Cooa Hay. Her brother met her and told her of the young fellow Who was to marry her. Very shortly the groom-to-be was brought around, where upon the young Immigrant experienced the shock: of her life.- The man was re- DUlsive to her and she said so. hut thJ brother Icept up his pleading until the marriage wa-s finally- solemnized. Shn said she deserted Marasco at the Churcli door and refused to live with him or have anything to do with him. - Under these circumstances she feels an order annulling the marriage ehouW be made. Owing to & technical Imperfection In the rompl J n t H was banded back to the young woman for amendment -before the matter la passed upon by the court FILES KEW DIVORCE SIT IT Mrs, Gfrtruflo Meyer Takes No ChancB In 111 tJ gatlonu. In her anxiety to secure a divorce from Louis Richard Mat Meyer. M. Oertrude Max Meyer has filed in the Ht atA Circuit Court t wo comp taints stslc Ing divorce. The first was filed In Sep- tcmber and m lolloped yesterday by a second. li nertton was m while cruel an la now pleaded, by a second. In the first Instance de nertlon -was made the cause oT notion, while cruel and Inhuman treatment Mr. and Mrs. Meyer have been mar- rled twice- After the first marriage they separated. having at the time rour children. A year ago tliey remarried, thin Vine: that experience would enable them to sail the matri monial sea In harmony. M ra. Meyer ets out in her new complaint, tlOTT" ever, that they were ho sooner under the same roof than lie commenced abua- "fn July he gave-her a sound ttir88ll lllg. he ayg. And his conduct has be- FAL&E ARREST' IS CHARGED a. o. Adams Asks 2b,ooo Damages IVom J. W. Thompson. J. w. Thompeon. "ho haa an ofrlc. In tha Columbia building, yestenJaY Jl) thft lilted States Circuit Court was made defendant In a $25,000 damage suit. The plaintiff Is J. Q. Adams, ot the Omaha Hotel Supply Company, Atoms alleges that on May 5s. m, 1907 Sixfy Seconds in the Minute. Sixty Minutes in the Hour. Twenty-lour Hours in tne Day, Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days in tne Yeatx-. NOW LAT BT 25 Cents Per Day and Depoalt It "With th "Qldest Trusi Company in oreuon" 3 Per annum, compounded leml-annu. ally. At the end of the year take pencil -a-nd paper and DRU r- out how much you ar a.h-al. C?all on us. learn further particulars and yet our BOOK 01 aLLLSTKATIONS." Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third And Oak StB hene exchange 73. BENJ. I. COHEN" -president It. I PITTOl ' K . . . a .Vice-President Xi. lKK F A.G EJT . Secretary J. o. ooltra. .Assistant Secretary he was charged by Thompson with having: stolen a silver ink-Stand. Adams MS arrested at Spokane and re- turned to Portland without extradition. "When the case came up for trial In the police court It was dismissed. , Adams alleges that newspaper tic- counts of his arrest. In addition to being- printed In the Portland papers, were sent out over the country b V tel - egraph, All this, he claims, greatly injured his standi n m before his fellow men. He also char ares that his arrest was done by Thompson maliciously. RMd Asks New Trial. Motion for a new trial was filed by J. Rcefl, Mayor of Estacada. In the S.tate Circuit Court, yesterday. Reed was convicted of fraud In the Sell wood elec tion u strict, i-i e now claims that the pro- ceedinga leading- up to his conviction were Irregular and that he was not given a fair trial. Taking of Testimony Ends. The taking- of testimony in the damasre suit of Katherine Huntsman against It. i. Ecxerson, a money lender, trom Whom she asks 120.000 for illegally causing her arrest and imprisonment, was completed yeslerday forenoon final arguments oc cupied the arternoon session and the will reach the jury early today. SCHUIYIANN-HEINK TONIGHT riie Great Contralto XVlll Sing m Splendid rrogramrnc lor Her En thusiastic Admirers. No one is any happier over the pros- pert of the recital tonight than that wonderful woman. Schumann-Heinle. It la alwa-vs her arreat pleasure to ffl v pleasure to others, ana the Insistent demand for her second appearance has proved the strilclna- popularity- of the world-famous contralto. The fact that the blsr orsn has been especially arranged for tonight and that the entire programme has been selected with a -view- to pleasing every body, will enhance the interest. 1 ho popular prices nave had their share n making: the house a tremendous one, too. and all in all. It will fce an even ine; I on fir to bo remembered. Kvury- thing within human possibility lias beon done to make the Armory sttrkc- ti ve and comfortable, the fires havlngr been started the nlgrht before, and the company hall turned Into an enormous lobby. The recital tonight Is at 8:13, and is under the direction of Lois Steers Wynn Coma n OSCAR J. KENDALL DEAD He Was Bodyguard of Heney During Land-rTand Trials. san Francisco, Jan. ll.-Oscar J, Kendall, who attended Francis J. Heney as a lodysuard durlna; the trial of the land fraud cases in fort Land, and who has been attending the prOifCCUtOr ill ttlO came capacity In San Francisco since Heney undertook the InvestiKation and proneciitlon of the alleared municipal cor ruption, died today atter a hrlet Illness Of but three days ofCerebral meningitis. Mr." Kendall -was one of the special men that Special Prosecutor Heney had In hi? employ here while he was prosecuting the Orepron land fraud. He left here some time a k and it was said that ho again Joined Mr. Heney In San Fran- cixco ana was employed In running' flown the Bay City srrafters. Kendall was wlt known In Portland and equally as well known In Alaska. He leaves a widow. a eister-in-law, Mrs. Daniel Lynch and two brothers. M. J. and William M. Kendall, tvll of Woodstock. PERSONALMENTION. Miss Bertha Cord ray. niece of John P". Cordray, has Joined the 'Tilly Olson" company and will make her first ap- pearanca this aftarrwon. " m YORK. Jan. ll.-(Spoclal.)-Korth. western people registered, at K reatern people otls From Portland Hotels : From Portland aaiss B. wagenoiacK, at the isormanflle. From Tacoma the Continental. From Seattle From Tacoma O. R. Short and wife, at the Continental. From Seattle J. Ki. Moses, Stirs. X. wmw, at the lierall Square. CHICAGO, - Jan. 11. (Special.) Portland people reglaterad at Chicago hotels today are as follows: R. N. Grfty. at the Auditorium: II. C. Workman and wife, at the Grand Pa ct lie ; J. "W. Carter and wife, at the Kalaerhof; J. A. Dougrherty, at the Palmer House: 8. W. Steffner. at the Victoria. K. H. Inirham and wire, of Bucena. are registered at the Great Northern. ana L. Bernard, of Oregon, at the Grand WHERE TO DINE. menu (or parties, IKS Waan.. BWt' fUk " l-'.l i, d tor lie Xasttt7atte. HOQUUM, Wash., Jan. Jl. (Special,) Over has been raised 1ty the employe of the National Lumber & Box Company a.s a. relief fund Tor the unfortunate who lost everything in Thursday 'a fire. It 4a estimated that W will be subscribed by 4he public through the local banks by Saturday nlarht. m Eyci wa rjciliii, mt lyti And Tired Eyes Need Murine Eye Tonla. ROSENTHAL'S Annual n 1 1 The Clearance Sale la now on, and as usual a grand success. People who can distinguish Real Leather from substitutes patronize this store. They know that we never Indulge In extrav-aa-ant state ments; da! ms Sole Agents for the Cel ebrated Haaaa M: Soaa Fine 5h0f, The followlnar are a few of the reduced styles: HAJN"AJN"S Men's custom-made double sole patent- colt Bluchers; regular $S.OO; now , 0T5 HAMAN'S Men r3 custom-made double sole, face; $7.50, now $6.25 HAITAN'B Indies " patent or box calf Oxfords; regTilar ipo, now.$3.50 MAN'S Ladies7 patent or colt 1 ace; regular And many other high-grade shoes, such as Boyden's, Laird, Schober & Co.'s. etc.. etc.. at Clearance Sale Frice.3, ROSENTHAL'S Portland's Best Shoe Store, 149 THIRD STREET, BET. MORRISON AND ALDER THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. PA. Has paid in full all San ' Francisco losses aggregating $3,000,000 Notwithstanding this immense loss trie Company opens the year with capital $750,000 ASSETS And a NET SURPLUS of $1,403,131 . Get a Policy in the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE r. w. osborn, Manager OAKLAND. . . . CALIFORNIA JACKSON & DEERING AGENTS Successors EL S. TELEPHONE MAIN 345 DO THEY FIT ? If they'r not rxadly right. li us make them mo. "When we fit you w r fit you. acrnralely, Iing pfrl.Tic-. rvery ncrasary 1 n - tine apparatus and the required knowledge enabllne us to cor- rectly use the same, our own com- Klete workahop with ivry ta.cll- vn to tha Rrlndlns ot sun- clal lenses are all at your dis- poFai here, assuring a, wnlw not noppible with othra less fortunate ly equipped. Attain do your rUac.a.UaV BtD '!'S-WA1HI PORT1AMD, ur. Lyons PERTEQT ' Tooth Powtlk Cleanses and beautifies the teetn ajid purifies tlie trea.tl3. TTeed .by peopla ot refinement fox over a Quarter of a. century. Conyenlent for tourists, PREPARED BY s Big Stores for Rent J In modern brick building 5 on upper Washington St. J Includes full Dasementa, xxi ode rn plumbing and ; glass fronts. Low rent, i Z long lease. Gevurtz & - 5 Sons, 173-5 First Street. I TEETH i A 12.0e Fall Set for .ee. FRED MtEHN, Eoom .05 Mm Sale our are $6,361,573 Jaclcson &. Co. Z46 STARK STREET Here's the clothing to make life comfortable in our January -wreatber. Special today-Men's ,15 io iflS Business Suits and Overcoatsspecial, S10.3S. Men's nxy Raincoats- Special, $8.65. They were $13.50. Men'fl Slincs that wally fcoop iht feet dry. apecia.1, $2.85. They were $3.50 and len h if 1.75 ftnd 2 TJm brellas7 special, 1.35. OlbtlrkinoCo THE CARE OF THE HAIr should be of lntrt to ererr wm.B. if Gray or R leach rl. It can be restored to Its nainral color, or mdf sot shada daslrsil, The Imperial Hair Regenerator u tne KkDowiedna STANDARD Hlia COLORING o. tne ure. tt U easily applisd. makas tha hair sfm and aloasy. is abBolutelr harmless. Sample of bair colored iraa. Corjre- opondeoce confltlential. lffipeftit C.ia. Mlc tLllW. iU UJLL Xt4W PUKfci BLUMAUER & hoch 8t DtMiibatesi fst Ox TRY Jame Wabon GUARANTEED 12 No. 10 ' imoiesaie Afenti ana imporun (ISO. S. CLARK A CO- 10S 6HERLOCt CLEAR Is essential to a. successful VISION career. WE SUPPLY IT COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Den-ver, Onaa Kanaaa City, Salt 133S;xtKSL n il V-sak Z2J!4i&Er sonars 0 w0lil.i In FuW Shrunk. f "TH1V DON'T CRICK 10 QUICK" 1 BRANTFORO Park Hnfpl hot apRixoa. ark. IT OX IV I1UIC1 yrr.T all th v. y: v. . n Vrertlcally Fir. lToof 1'urlnn tMc rjsnt Summer entirely rentted anT decorated, hot and cold running water In every room, Qchwah Printing Co. 247!. STARK STREET! Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Jp AlwajfiBuy r :.r a. wt Twr aV. SI '4 o.o. ... IDE . oo., M.k.r. TBBT, a.. V. f Q H BRANTFORO fj wonaerrm ucmonstration 01 Marconi wireless Teiewn Showing low messages can to sent throagn frails, ringing fire-alarm bells, lighting electric li?iat. and showing how railway wrecks can fee avoiaea irita tug wonaerful railway signal-all without, the use of wires. Every night -t 8 o'clock. Ladies invitexl. wobieii 9f WOODCfiiin HALL J Cor. Tenth and Taylor Streets Anirlci'i ORIOTNAX. TOB5T tTitliOTit a Bival Today MALT t t m t a a t m a t a 4 WHAT THE CRITICS SAY About our ready-mixed colors Is unstinted praise, as no fault can be found with tUClr dUTR MHty. uniform high quality and purity. They stand th most severe tests and are used by those who best appTOl ate a first-clnss article at a reasonable price. IDE Die FAINT STORE i & Co. Scotch Whiskey YEARS IN WOOD L.nlc e, Dallaa, Te-Kasf Fortlaaa, Orasos. FLOYD F. BROWER. Mgr. OregonUnBldg. When you buy WEATHER CLOTHING you wrT complete protection And long service. These &nl marry" omergooa points ar combined in TOWER'S ar..t-4 BRAND OIIDCIXMING You cAivt artordl -to &vry any otnar 'S1 D. CkamLers OPTOMETRIST VUlon iclrntlflc- lly correete. Artlw Clclal -7is Clttad. Lartpn And Beit Equipped Optical stftb Ushraent In Northwest Night, Jan. 9 Night, Jan. 10 Nteht, Jan. 11 Nidht, Jan., 12 lit, Jan. 14 M: ft m