Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 12, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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store open m Meier (Sh Frank Store's Saturday Bargain Bulletin store open
Until 9;3Q
Until 9:30
ra& Values in Mien's Wear
Children's Coats Below Cost
All S
Mea's worsted derby-ribbed. Underwear; sbirts and drawers in blue, prray
and salmon colors; nicely made and finished; perfect fitting; HQn
values at the remarkVbly low price of, per garment
Mert's natural wool cashmere Shirts and Drawers; medium "1 CT
"vcM regular $1.50 values at, per garment ptltf
Dr. Wright's fleece-lined health Underwear; shirts and drawers
in natural color; regular .$1 values at, per garment
Boys' all-wool Sweaters; maJe witk turtle and V necks, in a great variety
of plain and fancy colors; best $1-23 and Jfcl.OO values, on sale
at this low price, each - .
11tJ Riiciflr Rivwrn'7 scAifrs! tost Ars find fiAm- ?A
OO and $1.2o -values, on sale at, each. . . . . . . V
?5c Neckwear 40c Ea.
Hovs' all-woo
binations; $1.00
Jar 7oc values, on
Men's? fine quality Scotch Gloves, pair...
Broken Jinexs of men's Shirts; Oluett's and other
-well-known makes; good stylesj regular $1.50
values, on sale at 930
AT en s 15c .Taponette Handkerchiefs, at, each..
"Way's" Mufflers; SOc values 39
Great special sale of men's fine quality silk Four-in-Hand Ties; light and
ires; great assortment to select irom ; regu- j ,
ale today only at. this low price, eaeh....i"'
Men's fine cashmere Half Hose; black with split
foot and natural colors ; regular 35c and 50c
- - values, on sale at, pair. ...... .... ........ .25
Men's, flannelette Night Shirts; neat patterns
military or regular collars; cut full size; regular
jpl.OO values at
Qup January Muslin Uadep wear Sale
The Best Values m Town 21 ffloor
New and dainty Undargarments of the best rtyle8 Qown$ fr01Tl43c tO $25.00
and materials; the best values for your money guar-
anteed in all lines. Assortments are very large and Skirts frOltl 98c tO $35.00
complete. Every desire can be pleased all the ; f?
leading manufacturers in the land have sent ns their jUiniSlr01Tl"Ct0lyl& ijQ
prettiest numbers. It's the time of the year when CORSET ! - f 5 0
thTshrewd woman anticipates her muulin underwear COVERS "C iQ p
needs for a whole year. Every garment in the big v f m q 7 r Q (C
stock is marked at clearance prices all this month' UFiilAf PS 110111 1 "C tO J".vJVJ
Silk Petticoats
Thousands of Silk Petti
coats in all the best sliaxJoa
and black ; deep flounces,
tucked, shirred and plaited;
very best styles ; jrreat spe-
cial values, on sale as fol
lows :
$8.00 Petticoats ....4.75
$9.00 Petticoats . . . .$5.25
Values up to ?12.60,
each, n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J69t)
All our fine filk Skirts re
duced. All our Fni-a at very
low prices. Misses'1 and
children s garments at low
prices. Kimonos and Tea
Gowns on sale at very low
Waist Barg'ns
All our tine Sillc and Lace
Waists at greatly reduced
prices. Waists of the new
est, si vies; tailored effects;
Kry Inrgc witty, tfrm
values, at these low prices :
$6.60 Waista . .
7.00 Waists tpOtSO
$9.00 Waists $6.85
$ 1 2. 60 Waists $95
16.00 WaigtB , . , . .11,5
$20.00 Waists .....$14.25
$22.00 Waist. S16.2S
30.00 Waists 21.25
All our fine Cotton Waists
rducd. Take advantage.
Second floor. - - ..
Hosiery and Underwear
j i r-j i sa
Women's fine pure cashmere
wool Pants, ankle length, white
and natural; sizes 4, 5 and 6
Pants only, remember. Regu
lar .$1.00 values are g Q
bein? cleaned ud nr...
Women's natural mixed wool
Vests and Pants; hifTi nerlc
and long sleeves, ankle lenjrth
rants j good bcary Winter
weigrht; best 75c val- Jt.L
lies,, on sale at. ......
Women's Swiss ribbed vpol
Vests; colors pink, blue and
black ; perfect fitting? XJtlder-
vestsj best $1.25 values on
sale at this low price, On.
Women's mixed wool Union
lilffli neclc and long sleeves;
ben. utif ally made and finistied ; white
and gray ; best $l.oO values, on
ues, on QQ
U t tis low mte,
Ohildren'a fleece-lined cotton Vesta and
Pants ; sizes to tit children from 3
. to 14 years; cream and gray; Qtr
regrular 3oc values, at ......... r"a-
Women extra - fine warro. .blaclc cash-
mere wool Hose; jray merino heel and
toe: fashioned feet; all sizes; Cft.
recrular Toe? values, pair . .
Women's fine Qeraau caaiimere wi
Hose, plain and seamless; sizes 8V2 to 10 ; great special 1 1
value should be taken advantage of on sale at, pair a-C
Coj'8 and girls pjotij strong Tvarmj
1,1 1- kkJ 1 Una .
Prenoli feet; all sizes; reeular 50o values, on sale at, pair.
Infants' blaclc cashmere wool Hose, roaae from the finest Avm ' .
tralian wool j sizes 4 to 6 j oOc values at this special price. .
Toilet -A-rticIes
Steel-laid Scissors and Sbem; nil
zors. all
sizes ; pre at values at. .... .19'
I-ntire stock of Safety Razors, all
1.40 Hot Water Bottles at..S8
3ftl.33 Syrinpes on sale for. .98
Uenume porpoise Aide xta-
76r Slrop9, special al. ...
Celluloid Dressing Conili8,30(
Box Stationery, all finishes and
colors ; ruled and unruled; .
yalues up to 20c j special..,,
Our entire line of Fancy Station.
pry. I oh k Sets, I n k Stands, Blot
ters, Calendars Fen. Travs, etc.
Va off regular price.
6 to 0 :16
Curtains ot 30c Pr,
lOOO' pairs of Nottingham Lace Cur
tains. 30 inches "wide by VZx yards
kg, 2 patterns; great special value
tonight. 6 to 9:30, at the .
low price of, per pair. . .
Sample Curtains
Sample corners of Lace Curtains, l1,
to W yarus long, wnlte and Arabian
color; Not ting-h anas, madras, weaves,
cable nets, .etc.; pre at V
values at this lev price... v
Matted Pictures Tc
5000 Matted Pictures; over 500 sub
jects to select from; refrular 23c
values on sale from 6 to 9:30 only
at this exceptionally low
price, eaon - ................. -
Corsets T
Broken line of Corsets ; drabs, blacks
and whites j ood models all sizesj
lonjr and short hips, medium hust;
$1.2o to $1.75 -values, on sale
from 6 to 9 :30 at, per pair. .
Children's Wear
Special lot of Children's Drawers;
torchon lace trimmed ; apes 1 Q.
X to 7 years; 35c values...
Arnold's knit Sleeping Garments
a?es-4 to 9 years; $1.25 Qflf
values at this low. price... J
$1.00 Damask 69c
2oOO yards of bleached all-linen Table
Damask; big variety of the best
patterns; regular .$1 value, on sale
from 6 to 9 :30 at - this SIQ
low price, per yard. JG
Bath Towels at 40c
100 dozen of our best bleached Bath
Towels; lare size; regrtilar 50e val
ues; buy all vou want of d"
them from 6 to 9:30 at...
Clo thingD epartm t
Men's fancy Blanket Bath Robes;
frays, tans, browns and 2Tt
blues; $3.00 values at.
Youths' blue Cheviot Suits; aires
14 to 20 vears; $8.50 C O Q
and 10 values at. . . . ;'M-
$ 1 .00 Squares 30
Special lot of all-linen hemstitched
an J drawn-worlc Squares; 'I
values up to .fl at J-''
"Spnchtel" scares snd Shama, plain
corflefi and cut out dceigns; values
up to Hoe. for. each lSe
Glove Department
Women's CaRhmereite Gloves. In hlaek
only: sizes t 4 to 7 : regular 2..C
val ties; on Bale ; t .............. a &
Oliliai-en's all wool I-tlaclc Mittens; .ill
sizes; to close, pair , op
Neckwear 13c Ea.
Special lot or women's wKwar,'
sHirlitly soiled from handling:: (rood
Handkerchiefs 23c
ClocK letter; Joe values, 6 to
:SJ at 23
090 pairj or Boys- and Oiris- Heavy
Cotton Pleeeed Lined Wboen Hofl.
8lzf-s s to 9 . fast color; jrr-eat spe
cial v- n 1 u j e to 9:30
Special lot of f03 Gr&nlt Sauce TCet
tlca, bst jiriilr-; K r-'-t apeclal vahifl
for tonlirht. to f HO. t. -nrh . .
BOO Blue and White China Salt Boxa.
lii"t style ; K-r-a.C. apeclal -vm.1 u A to
O :30 a-t. each 24 r
NEW GAMES AT 30c. 59
On al- rrotara to :30 tofilht: J n -Ken-Po,
a. nw pard icame, SOc value,
9n jaie at ' miMnjM
Game of "Bid.'" 56e value...'.
Great Clearance Sale of our entire stock of Misses' and Cliil-
dren's Apparel Suits. Coats, Dresses. Raincoats. Dress Car-
meists and Carmenti suitable for School Wear Pleasing;
' 11 . ii i .
assortment of attractive styles Take advantage 2d Floor
Misses' and children's full-length Coats, in gxav and green plaid mixtures j
full tack, velvet collar and cuflfs, double-breasted, ages (5 to CiA Oft
12 years; wonderful values at this speeial low rrice, each. .... f 9r . J
Misses' and children's full-length Coats; hox styles, ay mijtuivs. foliar
and cuffs broadcloth, full sleeve pleated into cuff, double fi Iff C
breasted, apes 6 to l-2 years ; great value at this low price ... J
CnikWs full-lengili Coats high nek, velvet collar, trimmed wilk trflidi
cuffs to match, ages 2 to o years; great speeial values tolav aT-
' take advantage of them at the remarkably low price of. . . P t
Great speeial lot of cKilJren's Coats; ffreert, reJ, pray flienL-s. navy and brown,
velvet trimmed, fancy braid and buttons, box style, t'ull lenfrtli, fb C
aes 3 to 4 years wonderful values at this special low price. jeO
Children's Dresses of serpre, sailor suits in red, brown and navy bine, trimmed
with narrow braid and pleated sleeve, aires 6 to 14 years; C
rnanelOWS values today at the special low price of f70
Children's Eiderdown Robes, in blue and pink, trimmed with eatin
bands around collar and cuffs, ages 2 to 12 years; great value at.
reat Clearance Sale
en's Overcoats and Snifc
Our entire stock of men's Overcoats at greatly reduced prices this month.
This season's best styles and materials are offered in splendid assortment.
By far the best values in the city, at the following speciai price reduction:
Men's $10.00 Overcoats $ 8.35 Each
Men's $12.50 Overcoats $ 9.65 Each
Men's SI 5.00 Overcoats $10,85 Each
Men's $16.50 Overcoats $13.15 Each
Men's $18.00 Overcoats $14.15 Each
Men's S20.00 Overcoats $14.89 Each
Men's $22,59 Overcoats $16.85 Each
Men's $25.00 Overcoats $18.98 Each
sS if W
Menfs SS8.00 Overcoats $2S.8P Eacti
Mens 530.00 Overcoats $24.15 Each
Men's 35.00 Overcoats $2r.65 &ach
Our entire stock of men's and youths Suits and Overcoats at srreat reduc
tions from the recrular selling prices. All this season s up-to-date apparel.
'low-priced for Ms sale. Handsome patterns and materials. Take advantage. J
S 1 0-OO ' Suits on Sale for- S 7.85 Each
$12,30 Suits on Sals for $ 9J3 Been
S15.QO Suiti on Sale for- $10.85 Each
$10,99 Suits on Sale for $13,05 Eacb
$2Q.OO Suits on Sale for S14-.&9 Each
$22.50 Suits on Sale for Sie.15 Each
$25.00 Suits on Sale for Slft.ftS Each
$23.00 Suits on Sale for- $22. 1 O Each
$33,00 Suits on Sals fcr $30,33 Eacti
$ 1 S.O O Overcoats on Sale at $ 1 Q.& S Ea.
$30,00 Qverccats pn Sale at $H,V? Ea,
$2S.OO Overcoats on Sale at $1 ft. 93 Ea.
S30.00 Overcoats on Sale at $34. 1 5 Ea.
S3S.OO Overcoats on Sale at $2 7.65 Ea.
Clearance M2 In thG Msemnt
HaTilanfl Dinner Bet on sale at, set,$li,D5
$29.75 rlaviland Dinner Set on sale at, set. $2175
Closing out n. broken line of blue and white Knamel-
are at ttiig Fjwiai price.., vNE-rovBTH orr
60c Kettles, each. .45t 40c Kettles, eacli. .20
45c i 'ti.I.I inp Pans. .34 60c Pudding Pans. .45
70C Tea,potS each.. 4Sc Basins each... 34
Semi-vitreous Dinner sta, $7.62 na...MiA&
Semi-porcelain Dinner St. a-nd . . . . ir H .27
Eng-lieh Porcelain IMnner Sets, S10.5O and.5p23.00
25c Table Mats. 18 Wooden RolinfTTinaX0L
Japanese Teapots. .X2 Gas Tapers, box... 3
111 Ms and ends df Kileli4rt Mi ii IflW $Ml
W Gnt aia?g mwla r'tHifi low prirc.iJI.Oi)
5.00 Cut Olass Bowls fnr this low price $3.87
7.00 Cut Glass Nappies for- tliis low price.
18.50 Cut Glass Nappies on sale at, cach.X357
$3.75 Cut Glass Spoon Trays for, each S2.8d
$12.00 Cut Glass Bowln for this low pt-i?e. .$9.84
Closing out stock patterns of tlaviland China pink
and blue decorations, at ttis low price... V 6FI"
5V-incK Plates, 3.25 -values, at. the dozen . . $2.44
6-inch Plates, -T3.70 values, at. the dozen.. Sj55S.83
ID, 13, 11 and ldln. PltUen. k. 75c i...SQ.fA
ISxiprar Bowls $X.O Bakers, each $1.02
Creamers, each . . ..'J-To flates, do3c.Jg3.S3
Tmu find kwm, JIM valuos, down... $4.12
Fanatics Seeking to
Convert Policeman
ntrolmnn I - Madr Object
Of pM'lal rr - toy 'Tonaa of
Flrr" Cult Wltbouti Avail,
'Tongues of IfMre" fana-ties. hold
fort l"i In nlff ritly relisious hyg-
tones Rt 2S5 Second street, have Bet them
solves tha task of converting' the poltce-
man on t.Ii9 beat. PatrolTnaii 'Wtanletss,
who has been keeping hoodlums from dis
turbing the services during the past three
wefkx. It the object of their destfrns. Ha
had been the subject of special pray-r
services ' and of persistent supplications
on thf part of several sisters of the faith.
The brethren of the cult don't seem to
care much whether ho Is converted or not.
While attending the howling- prayer
service Tuesday night, Patrolman Van
Joss wan openly a .iked by cm elderly wom
an to step itp to tho altar of Christ and
repent of hi alna. She had evidently con-
eluded he vas Impressed with their serv
Itcs from the fact trmt he Is In the habit
of removlm his helmet while In attend
ance, and does not latifh at their Invana
; antics a performance ttiat is vastly
more humorous to the average person
than the studted eontortlona or aome
vaudeville clown.
Serjeant Baty and Detective Hawley,
of the Boys' nu Girls' Aid Society, were
a Iwo the subject of special prayer serv
ices Monday nicbt. Mra. J. X. Crawford,
one of tho leaders or the faith, endeav-
ore to convert Mr.. Hawley, ' nut hfl
couldn't see the light, and she finally
gave It up aa a bad job.
The number of converta or late Is not
alarming. Now and tiien some suscepti
ble or hysterical person shrieks forth a
repentance that consists chiefly of over
wrought nerves, but even this class of
convert Is limited.
Judge Sears Hears Complaints of
Trio of Deserted Wives.
Three matrimonial knots were cut by
Judge Sears In the State Circuit Court
yesterday. Anna S. Wells was a ran ted
a divorce from Asa 0. Wells because
of cruel treatment. Mrs. Wells said
that her husband's conduct towards
her had become unbearable and . that
he lately drove her out of the house.
They were married In Pebruftry, ,1892.
Genevieve Harris- was given a di
vorce from Leonard Harris - on the
ground of desertion. Their marriage
was solemnlxed In November; 1897. and
Mr. Harris says she. was deserted four
years later.
Cora M. Ferry also pleaded desertion,
saylntr Edward Perry left her In Te-
oember. 1 904. exactly one year, after
their wedding In Portland.
Keep the liver and kidneys 1n order.
Hond'a StaraapariUa la Uie remedy- to
regulate these organ
IVTost emphatically, we do not use an ounce of Eastern
porK, either aliye or dressed j all our ports comes to us xrora
Willamette Valley farms. It is sweet, wholesome and
tasty. IT IS FRESH. It tastes different from the beef
trust pork.
I -.oiii Chops ......... 15
Shoulder Cliops .....12W
Pork Steak 15.
Loin Roast . . 15c
Shoulder Roast .....'121
Pork Sides" laS
Alixcd Sausage ...... XOiJ-
Hocks 8f
Pigs' Feet . ..,
Leaf Lard
Back Pat 11.4
Pure Lard 12
Our Veal is most delicious. It is the genuine milk-fed
article, country-dressed. Come early if you want your
own choice of cuts.
Leg of Yeal . , , , 12?
Rump of Veal 121
Loin Roast . .. XS
SWlder W m
Breast "Veal ... .. lO
Ril) Cutlets is. if
Loin Cutlets 15c
Shoulder Cutlets - . . .12i
vGai stew . : it
Veal to fooil ......... XO
Our. Beef and Lambs are from Eastern Oregon, city-
dressedj in our own abattoir. We do not use cold-storage
meats. We do not believe in cold-storage meats. Smith
is the only butcher in town who does not use cold-storage
meats. . :
Leg of Lariib ......... 15?
Loin Roast i ic
Rib Roast , 15
Frontquarters ....... 10
Shoulders 85
Rib Chops , 15
Loin Chops
Shoulder Chops 121,.
Stew . . : . OO
Prime Hh Roast Beef 10
Sirloin Steak . 121,
Porterhouse Steak ..12T
"T"-Bone Steak -.1214.
Prime Rib Steak 12l2
Round Steak lOf
Shovilder Steak ......
Rolled Roast Beef. .
Pot Roast Beef ,
Chuck Roast Beef . . . .,
Short Rihs to boil
Plates to boil ........
Brisket to boil ...... 5
Necks to boil . . . . .
Stew 5f
Soup Bones . 21.
Bet. 1st and 2d
Hearts ...... ..... -
Oxtails .,
Beef Tongues , . 45-
Hamhurg , 10
Beef Cheeks ,( 5
Corned Beef ... i
Dry Salt Pork . f3i-
Fickle Fork ..;,, Mfc
Breakfast Bacon JlTlZ
Hams. ......... 17?
Bologna I 8
Frankfurters ....... ,i lOe
Choice Fancy Dr.
Chickens 18
Smith is a native son cf Oregon, giving the home people Oregon meats at (U-hali1
the price the beef trust charges. Smith wants your patronage. Smith deserves it.