n THE 3I0RMXG OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 190T. Carries Most Valuable Cargo of the Year. IS VALUED AT $107,202 Going to South Africa With fonsisn- mcnt of AVheat, FIou and Canned Goods Cereal Shipments Heavy. The British ah I p I verna cleared yester day for Durban and ?ie w London, South Africa, Willi trio most valuable t,iat has left the Columbia River In a sailing v etas el for more than a year. Th Iwrna carries foodstuffs valued at $107,302. She Ihas aboard 11.M& barrels of flour, V&SS& touKhola of wheat and elsrht and a half 'ton ot canned fruit. She will leave down Sunday. For valuable earcoM ttie Hydorabafl. Ante and Europe come next in the order named. Tli It rst named cleared over a vear ftfCO and carried foodstuffs to the value ot WUOO. The Asle and Europe, Mlnter ship, cleared te in 1006" with rarRncH valued at $100,000 and re spectively. With the clearing of the Ivcrna, flour shipments for?im have reached a total of Tfi.314 ba rrela for thf month. So far during January 3S:i,306 bushels of wheat STEAMER INTELUGENC1 Due to ArrUe. Name. From Data. Aifrc .... -fm.n Pren. .... In port F. A. Kilburn. Snu Frsn Jan. 12 ColttmWa San nan Jan. h. Roanoke Pan Fran. ... Jan. 1ft Arsonla Honskong. . . Jan. IS .A 1 1 1 a n c e VZr-H. n. . .....Jan. IT Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro Jan. 2a Nlcomedla Hongkong... Jan. -.4. Kum.ntla Honjrkon.....Feb. 21 Arabia Honskong. . . .Mar. 21 8cbdnled o Depart. Name. For rat. Aitec San Fun Jan. 12 F- A. Kflourn. . San Fran Jan 14 Columbia Fan Fran. ... ..Ian. l Iloatinko, ..... Ban redro. . . ..Inn. IS Alliance Eureka Jnn. 1!) Aragonia HonKong,., Jan. 24 Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro. ...Jan. 25 Xiromedla Nonnknni... Feb. Tk Numanil. , . . . !onKkon. . . Peo. 28 Arabia. ....... Uoiighouc, . . Mar. US tlfBWd Friday. A Iwrna. Br. snip. Ooltlngwwood. 11.- i ooo barret or flour. 10R.003 buahela of t wheat and 8 tons of canned fruit, J value of total camo. $lrti.202. 1a- ttnation 11 urban and New London, 4 Rout h A frlca . ba-ve been dlapatrhed from this port. While the first montii of the year la al- Mys dull, (rom lle )tm gWme It i 1 1 pass t'he avera ee for some of the more favored months. MCE HAS RUOffi SHAW Ijodk Overdue Steamer Towed Into Hamilton by German Steamer. YORK, Jan. 11. The misvlnR steamer Iout.'e. 11 days overdue, from Ponce, P. It, to New York, was sighted today off Hamilton, Bermuda. In tow of anot her ateu mor. acrordlnR t o two cable jsrrams received by the New York & Porto Rlro Btramsiiip Company, or this city, the own 1nfo It (luted at tlie owners of the Ponce, and later towed info Henill ton. Th e catlearra ms were on ted at .Hamilton. Bermuda, and read as 'Steamer Ponce in tow off Bermuda of tramp steamer, disabled. "Fonce in tow ot a German steamer oil lfprniudH. MEYER." The at earner Ponce sailed from Ponoe, l'orto Hioo. for New York. lecember 2i. For nearly a week several revenue cut lers Imve Wn searching for the missing HAMILTON. RormuJa. Jan. U.-At 4 o" i-l k on the afternoon of Uecember .10. 1 1 1 end of the nil tt f t of the Jonee broke and she drifted at . the mercy of the u'hiito until January I when she was al&rhtod by the German steamer Kllzabeth 1II km' rtt. from Phfludelphlu for .Japan. Am the nlfrht was dark and stormy. lap- vaiii wwen Gfcweii to staim uy tne I'once until daylicht. On the morning of Jmiiiih r-v S. the Rlckmers Rot two hawser on board tho Ponce and soon afterward ttftin to wing iter toward Bermuda, During the liitrht the hawsers -parted in a heavy pale. The Rlokniprs hove to the rest of the nlRht. The morning or the tne Gcmmn Warner sent two new linen on board the Ponce. Roth vessels anchored ofY t-termndn this mornlnR. RHr riiif; dlsromfort and anxiety, the paaxen- 'prs puttered, no inconvenience, the tood nuppllcs beinsr ample. A KH.MONT JS 1VE TOMOH ltOW IHr Steam.lil With Hardwood Is Xue Off the Kivcr Today. The BHtlfh BteaniRh.ii Vermont, with hardwood from the Siberian Coast Is due to arrive ii. rortland tomorrow. She IP now "en route irom San rrnnclsco and will enter the Cohimbln this evening If everything a-oen rlarht. The Vermont will loud outward t-aro for the Orient. The Vermont l the pioneer vessel to WW hardwood from Asia to the West ( imut of tho 1 'nltod State. A sawmill, la now under conntructlon for the manu fact ii re of hardwood furniture, and the mm oj tlia Vermont will provide the ftrnt material for the sawa of the new concern. I tn-r been stated, that a rearu ar line of steamers will be emploved In this trade In order to keep the local mill supplied with lofTs suitable for the pur- posow of manufacture. The Vermont Is a carrier about the me ot tuc ATikiim, 01 ttie ronmna fit Asiatic StenmHhip Company. She is under li a r-tr to load for t he Orient and wl 1 1 ca rry clone to TuOO tons. IOTTKU LEAVES FOR ASTORIA Vessel AVns Iicia vp fr One Day py t lie I-loatinfr Ice. Tho steamer T. J. Potter left last nifrht on her regular trip ti Astoria, sue wan compelled to turn bark at Reeders. 1ti m 1 lea below Portland Thursday niRht on account of tho running lee In the Coluin- bla, l'apen(;erB an freight were trang ferrfd to tVio t'ndtnp and the tlg side whelor wllirned to Portland. Captnin I-:. t w i-l eulllvan. of tb t.mer HHrvest tjucen, arrived up yesterday tvlth the Proik'h bWb Leon XIII In tow. The vessel was delayed for several hours on neeount of the. Ice. Captain Sullivan reported that most of the lee below the mouth of tuft river teas In th sWd i-hannH and was 1 us h . This condition and the rlsln temperature Inihicod Sup erintendent Conway to eend tho Potter on her regular run. Conditions on Snake River hav not Improved. The thermometer fell to 16 degrees yesterday and more Ice formed, No report of the steamer Spokane was received but It is supposed that the boat reached a place of safety. The steamers Joseph Kellogg and the Capital City, of the Regulator line, will leave this morning- and will make an effort to fret to t he Cascades. Masters of these boats contend that they can cope with the ice and will bo through if the locks are in condition to operate. The Vancouver ferry was unable to move yesterday but passengers were transported across tne river on the steamer Jessie Harklns. The first con nection was made at 10:10 o'clock In the morning-. Barrlns minor delayn regular service was maintained until darK. Unsettled conditions have made a fore cast for the next 36 hours difficult. With a falling temperature on the Snake and Upper Columbia and warm weather pre- vailing throughout the Willamette Valley. it Is a matter on which it Is difficult to prognosticate. At best It will be several days before the ferry can. operate and the working ol the locks will he inter T17G SAMSON ARRIVES. Is in Battered Condition Fate of Big Bonanza Vnknown. The tug Samson, belongrlna- to Kern & Day of this city, which recently aban doned the bark Bis Bonanza off the Southern Oregon Coast, put Into Astoria yesterday In a badly battered, condition. Captain Jones, of the Samson, statea that he reached the Columbia River with dlf- Acuity, owing to the condition or his boat. The crew showed plainly the ef fects of the Ion K strain to which they bad been subjected- and the after windows and doors of the tug were stove in. The pumps would not work and the water was kept out by means of the. hand pumps. The Samson arrived In Astoria yester day morning and at once proceeded to Portland. Her failure to arrive- at this port Inst night was due to .the Ice In the river. The Samson, with the old bark Big Bonanza in tow. left San Francisco Xew Vear- day. She ws caught In the big Rale of the third and was forced to cut the tow adrift, The Samson was uaaiy stove In and put into Coos Bay for re pairs and water. Colonel T. J. Day. rriH. n n pi nc owner of the boat, wired the captain to immediately put to sea m search of the abandoned craft. Prom the report of Captain Jones It would appear that this was Impossible and that the Bonanza was left to battle with the ele ments as best she could. The bark car- rled a crew of alx men and the captain wan accompanied by his wife. Seafearinjj men stUl hold out hopes for the safety of the venerable ship. She a wooden craft and has all the chances In the world. Although abort of ballast she Is well equipped and with able sea- men aboard would be able to handle herself in a hard blow. Marine Notes. The steamer Johan Poulsen will finish today and will leave down thla afternoon. The gasoline schooner Berwick is ready to leave down but her departure will de pend on the condition of the ice in the Columbia. The steamer Santa Ana, loading lumber at the' mills of the Inman-Poulsen Com- pany, will also finish today and will leave down tor.lKht or early in the morning. The British bark Oweenee. loading lum- her at the mills ot the Llnnton hw ber Company, will finish within a week and wi I leave down as soon aa possible. She will clear for Valparaiso. Arrivals and Departures. ASTORIA. Jan. 11. Condition ot the bar at 0 P, M,, rough; wind northwest 39 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived down last night and sailed at :2B A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Rider. tor t?an Pedro and way portB. Called at B-15 A . M. Steamers Tho. 1. Vi'snd and Geo. Iiiomls. for San FranclKO. Arrived at 9 and left up at B:40 A. M. Tug Samson. Sailed at lo:-tO A. M . British bark Formopa . Tor I'nltcd Klmrdom, for orders. Arrived down at 1 T Mi BarKcntlnc Amaranth and schooner Abble. Sailed at 4:43 P. M. Steamer Elmore. for Tillamook. San Francirco. Jan. 1 1 Sailed at 2 F. M Steamer F. A. Kilburn, for Portland and way ports. SalWd Schooner Henry Wilson, for Coin River. Pedro. Jan. tine Chrtialla, Barker Horizons, Jan, 11. Arrtvcfl Qcrman tea me r Numantla, from Porfiand. Haml.urn. Jan. 1 1 . Sailed Jan. British hip Dalgonar, for Port land. Antwerp, Jan. 11. Sailed Jan. British ship Conway CaMle. for Portland. Han Franclco. .Tan. lO. Arrived Steamer wburfr. fro m Ora-v's Harbor; schooner Al ln A., from Gray's Harbor; steamer Vosemtte, from Astoria: steamer Svm, from Gray s Har- bor; steamer Coronado. from Q ray's Harbor. Sailed Schooner .Tames A. Garfield, for Coos Buy; steamer R wt-r. for C7oow Bay ; Btramer Santa Barbara, tor Oljmpla. London. Jan. It. Railed Ammon. from HatnburK, for Settle; Horavtln, for S.n Pr.n- Tides at Asloi'la Saturday. h i: h watf:ti. ' r-ow water. 11 a. aa. ...... ,v.7 root 4 r.n a. jvi :t.o reet U:08 I M 1.3 feet More Furniture for the m Court lTnltn of Haiti on t'hlre Gambling IWn. in Shntif of Ten ( hnlrii, ('on. tl "-nt -.! by HI. Honor. J.dKc Cmm- TH0 Municipal Court has at last se cured new furniture. After months of constant endeavor. the efforts of Judge Cameron and QerK Henncssy nave been productive of the desired end. and hereafter there will be ten more chair in the courtroom. The City Council did not do it. Court attaches have been after an appropria tion for th is purpose since the cJ ty- was In Ita nfancy. Judge Cameron worked out the prohlpm on Ma own resoura and con fl aca ted ten eh airs th at h ad been seized o- the police in a raid on a Chi nese gambling den. As soon aa another raid is made, it is intended to get a new table for the attorneys wbo appear In the cases. At present there Hi a. shabby, dirty and disreputable affair, but one of these morning the courtroom will bios- Bom forth In a bright new poker table for the attorney.. An the ratcl. progreM, w card tftbl will be provided for the clerK and another for the press, In .act. a valuable suggestion has been offered that the courtroom be fitted up exclusively as m Kambling- resort, now that, the start has been made. Thus un- suKpeetii!? gambling offenders could be more easily detected. Mr. Bruin, for ex ample, mlRht preside at the faro lay out, and as soon as a lawbreaker came In and placed a couple ot Dots lie could be arrested. Chief Gritr.maeher might run a roulette wheel n the same principle, and the court, when not busy with cases could powiiwy nna time to preside at tne keno boards. Medicine Tor Children. Tllfl wwon ror congnB ftna wuj ID ROW at hand an4 too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child la much more likely to contract diphtheria, or scarlet fever when he has a cold The quicker you cure ma cold the lcssitie risk. ChamWlaln's Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers and few or them who have tried it are wllllnar to use any otner. jurs. jr. IT. Starcher, ot Ripley, w, Ya,, says, "I nave never used anything other than Chamberlain's Oousrh Remedy for my children and it has alwa s aiven good satisfaction.' This remedy contains no opium or other nar- colic, and may be given a conH dently to a child as to an adult For ala by all dr mr.tr ia La. IW THE SUNDAY OREGOJIM TOMORROW ILLUSTRATED IN COLORS BY THE BEST ARTISTS F r . k PETER V. DtX.VE. V- 1 Vi.i. n r'li rnf r 'fit i OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES WHEN RUSSIA CAME TO UNCLE SAM'S AID A most remarkable chapter in the history of our Civil War, told by a Russian sailor who was one of 500 loaned to America by the Czar to man our depleted Navy. Its truth is vouched for by Lieu tenant J. K. Chapman, TJ. S. A., retired, now living near Salem, Or. OREGON INDIAN LEGENDS, by the late Horace S. Lyman ; something entirely new for children of the present Jay. FISHHAWK, CHIEF Or THE OAYUSE3 Strik ing full-page portrait in colors from Major Lee 'Moorhouse's well-known photograph. SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY FOR FEMININE RE ADERS-Practical suggestions FOR CHILDREN trow Helen Harinoii-Krop, Prudence Standish, Mary Dean tending to the aide of economy. NO NEWSPAPER IN THE LAND 18 CAININC IN CIRCULA- TION SO RAPIDLY AS THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN IMER HIT' Fill Commercial Club Not United In the Matter. FACTION OPPOSES PLAN Mminaics ooicrnors wiq Will M Support for Presidency S. O- . lieed, Head of the Cham-. ber of Commerce. Whether S. G. Reed, president of trie Chamber of Commerce, will be elected to the presidency of the Commercial Club, as planned by those who favor an amalgamation of t Ji publicity de partments of the . leading, commercial bodies of Portland, Is an ODcn Question. as Btrong ' opposition has developed and there Sm a rival ticket In the fleld. Yesterday afternoon there were posted it the emu the namea ot the proposed new board of frovernora. The annual flection or the Commer cial Club Is to be held January 19. The names of tlie men selected, by a regular nominating committee to compose the new board of governor -were posted last weelc. and It was believed that: they would, be elected by a unanimous vote when tlia election was held. Th nomination of still another ticket has caused some little stir Hmoiifr the mem bers of the body, and it is probable thai the election will lie & lively &f. fair. The TiaTnes of those who compose the Independent ticket are : Ft. u. In- man, R. L Durham, B. H. Trumbull Dr. J. R. Weatherbee. SIr. SIchel. W. B. Glafke. E. M. McCraken. John An nan d and Wt Dresser. The names of those who composed the administration Itcket am it has been termed, are : 5?. 3- Reed. Robert Kennedy. "W- lEt. Glafke. Oeors;e T1. Hill, fii.H, MccraKen, J. a Thatcher, H, Wittenberg. J. W. Ganons and William McMurray. The new board of srovernors -will elect tne president for e ensuing year. By those who hoped to effect a consolidation of t h.e commercial bodies and others It was planned to eiect Mr. Reed president, na he Is Known to favor the merger. Being: the president of both the Commercial Club and the Chamber of Oommorc-e. It was arrued that it would be a comparatively easy matter for him to bring the members tofrt3er And effect ct merarer of tho publlcltir departments of the two bod ies. Th name of E. L Thompgon hss baen ditulloned for the presidency, and FREDERIC J. HASKIN'S FIRST LETTER ON The Magfic of America THIS SERIES, STARTING TOMORROW. WILL BfiJ FOLLOWED BY A LETTER EVERY MORNING IN THE DAILY OREGONIAN. For his Topic Tomorrow Mr. Dooley Takes Up "Glory" And comments on heroes as they appear in history, contrasted with what biographers who knew them intimately say His distinction between the public record and. the private lire or men who have nilea the world with their fame is put most ludicrously. George Aile on Good Children "Roll? ana Elsie" is the story that the Hoosier humorist revises for ..tomorrow. No man who was a healthy natural boy can read it without keen enjoyment. THE MAKING OF ''The Making of a Successful Husband." Their homely philosophy and spontaneous humor com- mend them. OUTLAW HORSES THAT NEVER CAN BE TAMED Spirited story, with illustrations "taken on the .spot,'' of broncos that resist, so long as they live the mastery of the cowboy. "HELP WANTED ' AMERICA'S CRY Another of Dexter Al arsliall s luminous articles nbowing that the country's greatest need now is for men willing to work. Katherme Morton, Drab and Bobby and others all i TOR MEN-The most comprehensive telegraphic news report of any Pacific Coast newspaper. Read the advertisements, especially the classified. They reflect the activities of Tortland more clearly than all other publicity agencies combined. as he has many friends he would have a chance to be elected should be al- low his name to be used. It Is understood that the men on the Independent ticket are oppose 1 to the proposed merger, and it Its reported that they are pledged to worK against it. The committee which made the nominations at a meettn? held at the club-rooms Thursday nlglit was com- pQsefl Qt h, At MeNary, JL Beck with, (ieorgre W. Hoyt. Byron E. Miller and W. Y. Masters. This will be the first time In the history ot the Commercial Club that ft contest has ensued over the election of Its officers. Usually the nomlnatlnx c-ommlttee appointed by I ! i - rcllrlnn board makes Us nominations and. the nominees are elected by a unanimous vote. The InRnrgents declare that sev eral of the nominees on the administra tion ticket rarely frequent the club. They want governors who have shown and who have taken an Interest in the organization. BUILDING TO COST $50,000 Brick Structure to He Built on East Side for Buckman fSlsters. Plans for a three-story brick (o be erected on the southeast corner of Union avenue and East Bumsldo street for the BucKraan Asters w tieing-prepared ty Richard Martin. It will be 100x100 and cost S5O.O0O. Occunan ts of the sma 11 wooden buildings which are now on the ground have hcen notified to move by the first of March, .at which time con tructlon on the basement will be started. The building; is to be nnlshed by Augimt 1. Bis Will Ue the first important buiiainjr to be built on East Burns.de street thla year and will be occupied as a branch store by J. Gevurtz & Sons. Washington liodpe, A. r, & a, m., ana Washington Chapter. R. A. M-. will hiilld on their lot on East Btshth and Burn side, probably a three-ntory bulldlni;. with tiie upper floor tor fraternal purposes. P. II. Pajre. who owns ft lot In th same vicinity, will also probably build this year. There are rumors of other biilldlnRs on Kast Burnslde street but nothing is yet definitely known Plans have be story frame hot near Grand aver Plans have been prepared for a three story frame hotel ota Haw th or no- avenue, near Grand avenue, for James Olsen. - It will be Ml feet, and will cost about $15,000. Plans have also been prepared for a two-story T rame on Hawthorn a--e nue and East Thirty-four Lb street, 50x100, to cost about 110,000. The most Imp or transaction for 1 1" Kast Side Is t real estate pic on the to the Crystal ice & 5torfle Company or lota 5. 6. 7 and 8. block 134. In Hawthorne Farlc. by the Hawthorne estate. The half block purchased is adjoining; the plant of the Crystal Ice & Storage Company ana has been secured for the purpose of erect ing a natural Ice rink. J. M . Healy start ed the jnovenien t .to build a natural ice riuR near Grand avenue ana had. (pre- pared soma plans, but tho managers of the foremroins; company saw the oppor tunity and took up the enterprise. Nxt to the propose J opera-house on Ora n d avenup. ft natural Ice Rkatlne-rtnk is con sidered an lujportajit drawioj. card. Tb A SUCCESSFUL WIFE-FW of ii series of letters by Caspar S. YoBt, who wrote Stories and pictures of Dolly Blake m sleptig adventures; Kmnacle Jim's recital of the t amine of Captain Walrus, and carefully selected miscellany. The Hawtliorne estate will put a large briok building: on the northeast cor Grand and Hawthorne avenues thi if the ground, part of which is lease, ran be cleared, Some or trie have expired. Tt ir announced that the bolldins will be one of the nnest yet erected on the East Side and cover the whole blocK. I-alph VI. Moody has purchased of Rui- sell A Blytli an attractive residence prop erty on Asppn street. Willamette HlRt lis. The price of the dwelling and lot was $5600. Tlie firm has sold to fl. tt'. Kiel ser ft lot on Franklin street. Mr. Kleiser will utilise this lot as the site of a temporary dwelling, to be followed by a handsome residence on the Quarter block adjoining which he already owned. Esamininj Telephone Franclibf. The ordinance of the Home Telephone Company, which was submitted to the St. Johns city Council last Tuesday nigiu, Is being examined carefully by City At torney Greene. We said yesterday 'that he had already discovered many om Is- sions. as a result ot which the Interests of the city are not sufficiently safe guarded, and these will be changed. This franchise requires the company to have telephones In operation within 18 months from the passaice of the ordinance. TliroiiRh an error It was announced the Pacific States Telephone Company had submitted a. proposition, but the propd- Rrcadmaklng Contest 4vr1ay. -A. breanmatdnc conteec will take place today under the auspices of Lent Grange. TDree prizes or ft and 2 will be given by Professor J. C. McOew for the best three loaves of white flour bread, made by members or Xents Grange. It Is ex- pectea mat there will ce a number or contestants for these prixes. The master or the Grantee will appoint three Judaea of tlie oontr. Colds on the Chest Ask your doctor (He medical name for a cold on the chest. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it is ever serious. Lastly, ask him if he pre scribes Ayer's CKerry Pec toral for this disease. Keep in close touch with your family physician. Wc pvblim ts foraialM 1, C. Atr Co., ftf.ll etir tretrt(iosi. , Ltwtll.s(iii. WEAK I N MADEJTRONG DISEASED MEN CURED My Fee in Any Ailment IS I Ho not appeal especially to the man irrklrg th oIimpmI 'tm In isklnf such a low f an 1 fnr the cur of a nj- unrompllcat'd ca of M 1 lHnor 3rtt. tout I wsnt to rarh till mn who object to paying exorbitant fees here- toforo rhirisd by ipwlftllrti. My mMh- od Innur Qulok results, or I would hav tra charg mor- ror my time. Th outcome In vry emm undertaken Is certain, or I could not hold out the proposition to effect the cure before asking the fee. Every Promise Fulfilled I could not conflnu In huslness yeaf after year treating? thnusandt of crimi annually with m- ruiln-ss lntsrlty n bolutly unlmpMrheA, unleu I on r- rled out to the letter every promise mad my patients. I am careful fivw to unnertaue cases tnat have gotis re-j-ond htrj. T do not rharjee for t H first exsm In at I on or patlrnts. and n I - ways determine to m v absolute satis- faction that health" And strength ran restored in every case. Then I bring evvy ndvantftR ot my US ynar' luflj an3 "3trr1eri.'- Into action to clear that man or disease, to undo the injury of excesses or abuss, and build. up the latent forces which have run Men ono Men Only My prartlc Is limited to the d 1 no r drs of the mf1e. n. nl 1 m further con fined to these special and chronic a.f- factions of the nelvlc tract. TIimj in- elude Spermatorrhoea. Iost ' Vitality, Vrlrocel. Stricture. Hyd reple. rn -trartrd nlnorders, Oon t a.(Cl ous Blood Poison, Bladder and Ktunev Dlsasi. I Dave tnhen up tnw Biimenta - pclally. because thmirtands of llvps are ri 1 ned and thousands of men are noc what t i -- should be. because they are held down by chronic n-akni. which the average practicing physi cian does not unAeriiaiiJ -nJ usually trlea to make llpht of by telllnir the patient that nature will soon repair the went e. But the draltiH coat Inun until the vital force is sapped front the body and both the mental and physical structures of the body col- Five tirc w You need I nd the raume or the trouble, first, and direct treatment to that sIvhvs. Mv aim !s never to hide the symptom-, but to cur th Ilmnt com- pletely .and thorouRhly. My" success Is based on these met hods, which m ut sooner or later toe applied to jour case. Call on Me Today for a plain, private talk. Xn consult ing me you "111 be asked no inconse- fluMit or emhftrpflsolng questions. All Inform a tlort given you will have a d 1 -reot and vital toearlnjc. If your eymp toma are not serious, T will tell you so. If treatment is needed, I will ex- plain Id action and tell you the prob. able time required, for the cure. T will not urate my acrvlcr upon you If you are lacking; In atrength, no one knows what the cure would mean to you better than yoursHf. I have the finest equipped offices in the West. Every member of my staff 1s av ara duate. Hern sed ph yslclan. If l(ou cannot call, write me and I will Ave your case personal attention una will respect your privacy by using- only Plain aealed. envelope. me Dr. Taylor co. Cor. Morriroii and S.cnnd Rts. Private Entrance, 214 Morrisun St., Portland. Or, Ta tlente llvlnp out of tne city and con-line: to Portland for trentmcilt will be furnished with fine room free of charge, CliecK your trunho airect vo 234 li Morrison atreet. Is tha watchword for health and dgor. cansfort and bre-atxtry. Mankind Is laarnlnaj not only th ncccssltv but the luxury w lAPOLlO. which U wreaatht soch chances In tha hoi. sa. twiKM bar slater trtuntpbi - HAND ,SAP9IIQ 'OR TOILBT AND BATH A special soap which eoerclMs trie wbois Wh IUH9 til? clrcuM leaves m tthllsratlng sclorr. U gseafl i ttld4 SOLTHEASTERV ALASKA ROUTE. From Prattle at T- M. Tor Ketchikan. Juneau. SKajwy, 1hlte Horse, bawon nd Falrbfltiks. im rv IT. 31: 14 6, 8. Ramona (eKagwa)- direct), Jan. 12, M: Foh. 9. 21 FOR HAN' FRAXrWC'O DIRECT. From Srsttl at O A. M. l.'ninilMa. Jan uary II. :i ' : City ot PuRbla, January 20; Senator, January 10, rortland OHIfe, 210 Vuhlntton St. C. T- rtJT A U. V. A.. Han Prmnclitro. coinoDia mrer scenery RKU1 I.ATOR K "TF AMKRM. Dally serv-lr-e hetween r..rt In nd and The Xallee. except Runday. leaving Portland at A. M.f arriving about a r, M., rairvjnj freisrht nd pa-flrntrr. rJpUnrllrl flccomnio- datlona for outfit and 1 i vst o-Vc . rock Toot of Alder at., Portland: foot of Court st.. The JDallea. Phone Main Ol 4, Portland. po WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Par Corvallk Albany. Indwuicnce, Sa. lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:45 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. for Psl-m and way landings Sta nrer "OHEGON A" leaves A. t., Mondays, WcflncFfla)'! and Frlrtjyj. OREGON CI TV TRANSPORTATION CO- Poot Taylor Street, TRAVBLERS' Gl'IDE. EAST via SOUTH I'NION DKI'UT. Arrlv.J Pally. 11:30 P. M. rortland and San Francisco Ex- prm stops only ant statin tiihe - iwfen rortland and San Fran- cisco for all points Baat anil South. OVERHAND TRAINS for all south. Sarrameti- to, San Francis- to and points East and South. Mornlna train Woodburn dally pxcf.pt Sunday rjaily 11:30 P. T:i5 P. M, T::3 A. 8. 3d A. AS. 3:30 I. BM 4:13 P. M. CottaK" Grove pass?ngpr con- nfta at Wood- luirn and Albany dally eii-pt B iKn d a y wit it trains to and from Albany. T.ebanon and o ' rtburn Sprt n it n . I i branch points. Cnrvallls passen- 11;00 A. M ?:8fl A.M. 4:10 r- M. t:20 P. M, 11:00 A. If. 5:30 P.MJ 10:20 A. B Forcst , G r 0 y t passenger. tZiJO P, M, S:(W A. U, Csl 1 v tDally except Kunday PORTLAND-OSWKaO SI"B1 "TtBAK SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot. Foot of Jeffcroon Street. Ieave Portland dully Tor Osweero at T : A. S.J. ; 12:6". 2:Or.. 3 :."tO. S :2n. e;2.. T : TV. JO : to. XI :30 J. M. Uatly exrept Sunday, B;30, 6:30, 8:fl, 10::3 A, Jl, Sunday only, 9 A. M. Returnlnic from Oawosro. arrive Portland. daily. :3R A.. M . . 1 : T, 7, . 3 : OiS. :lft. 7 Ztr.. J:5. 11:1.) I . M.z 1 U ; -!-" A. M. Ially ixcr T- C Sunday. :2n. 7:25. 8:35, 8:35, 11.45 A. iS. eunriav onlv, 30 A. M. Lrfl.v rom Bam Awt far Dallag and In- termed iate points dally. 7::irt A. M. and 4-15 P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:U A. M. and B:3 P. M. Tho Independence-Monmouth Motor I.ln oprai8 dally to Monmouth and Alrli. con- n-cTintr with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and Ind enendence. Ftrst-claaa fare from Portland to Sacr" memo and Ban Francisco, -0; berth, S---. firTonfl-clBM fare, 13; iecond-class bertli, '.V.S0. TioUete to Kasteni point a and Europe; also Japnn. China, ironolulu and Australia. C1XV TICKET OFTK E, Corner Tblrd and Wiihinuton flts, l'bone Main it',', C. w. stin;er. ty TirLrt Asit. WM. M'MFRRAV. i"I- I'.... Aj,t. 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard" and tourist ilDln far. dally to Omaha. Clilffifo. too. kane : tourist nleeplnir car dallv to VCaneaa V -1 r y . rtet-ll nlng chair car iaeata free to the Ksst dally. pjiioiiiiiE DXIOy DEPOT, imn Arrivfi CHirAQO - PORTL'D SPKCIAIj for the Q:7iO A. S. T:30 P. M- East via. Hunt in k ton. laily. really. Por Ka-si rrt Washington. Walla "alla. iston, Cocur d'Alene and Great Northern poln run. ATI-ANTIf RXPRKRP 8:ir. P. M.0:.1rt A.M. for the East via Dally. Ually. Huntington. ! FQRTUAND - BIOCJS 8:15 A- M- S:-15 F M- LOCAL fop all local point s between Biggs and Portland. tl VKK. ri(HKlVl,E. Van ASTORIA nl i-M V.U.IM P. if. I way points, connecting Dally On 1 ly i with at en mcr lor 11- - x - jt f t , it ! waoo and Is- o r t h Sunday. Sunday. ' Beach t e a m e r tSaturdnv IlMMln, Ash.-st. dock. 10:00 r.M, irOR rAVTOM. Ore. 7 :00 A. M.l3:.10 P. M. a-on City and Yamhill lally I Unllv Plver points. Ash-at. -xcopt ex-ert. dock (wftter per.) Sunday. J Fumttiy. !- For I.rwlston. Idaho, and way point a rom Rl perls. "Wash. I .i-v Iilpa rla S : 4 O .- . M . . or upon arrival train No. dallv r'pt r-acurnay. Arrive x.iparia l . J. Ualty e. mi Friday. Ticket Ofr.ee. Tlli-d and WsslilnKlnn. Trlrphono Msln 712. W . rtluie-r. llr Ticket ..ct. ; an. MrMurray, C.en. Pas. Agt. THE COMFORTABLE WAY. it g TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY g THE ORIENTAL LIMITED 3 The Fast Mall N VIA SEATTLE OR KPOKAVB Dally. POUT LAND Dally. Leave, Time Snhediili1, Arrive. To afitl from Ppi 8 : SO am Kane. it. I'huI. Mln- 7 : OO a m neapolls, Tuluth end ll;i5pn All Points Kan Via 8:80 pm Seatik To and from ft . Tropin LuVu't H a "i"dBIa l"i -OO am points via Spokane. r,rrat Northern ratemmeh lj Co. and China porta and Manila, carry- in? juwwrs and freiint, 13. H. llnkota. February 17. tH. t. I I ) rtosot ra.. April I . NirrON VIIWF.N K AIHHA i Japan "Mall tit eamship Co. i S. SHLYAXO 3IARU Will fall from Heattle about January 22 for Jnpnn and C'H i r ,. pnrtH. carry in at r or irnriB, raies, nrtjl r"rva- tion?, etc, call on or afldren ir. nifKHON. r. p. t. a.. Third ... PoH Innd. Or. i, r Main owl. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves." union kfot. Arrlvfjr Tally. For M n vkts. Ttalnler. Xally i iHlnkanl,-. Wrstpfrt, .lirt'Hi. Astoria. "Wsr- g 00 A.M. ronton, Fiavei. Ham- 11:55 A.M. innnd. Fort Slvoni. Oearhart Park. Sea side. Astoria and Bea shore. 7;00 P.M. Express rafly. e:5o P.M Asturl RxDreM. Pally. C. A. STEWART. J. ". 2.1 A TO, Comm'l Agt.. 24 Aider et. O. F. & P., A mone Main JOi SanFrancisco&PortlEindS.S.Co. Optratini, the only direct passenger mmd From Aim-wortn uock, fort land, at 8 P. VI H. K- "C'OI.I' t BI A." Jan. 1 v--. FTom Spear -st. Wharf. .--. n Franclat-o. nl 11A.M.: B, 8, TOUNMV ton, K, K; Tel), 1, vi JAMES H, DEWS'V, Arnt. IP bone ataia 20S, s3 WaahlDgtoa at