13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 9, 1907. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. REFINED, EDUCATED. KXPERIBNCED jouiik wQin ateooarapher. Underwood and Remington operator, will accept permanent position (at $12 ior week), payable weekly Phon Pacific 20A9. UDt STENOURAPII RR "W A NTS POSITION: no objection to out or town; susslst with books. ,3 40, Oregonlan. Iressmker. . MADAME Tl'RCOTT JUST F-ROM THE Eait ; makes tailored suits, shirtwaist Bun and (towns; piicet reasonable; satis faction assured. 351 '4 Morrison it., rooms I and 4. URI. M. U. B A VAC R.. DRESSMAKER. SUO Hala.jr at. Pbou Eut 3S0. 5"RT ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. MS &lh and Wain. Pacino Ilotieekeeper.. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY RE fined younit lady. Q 40, Oregonlan. 1TX PI-IK ITIN'CFIO CHAMBERMAID. GOOD working woman, housekeeper widower's Jam- llv, flrst-clafis pantry girl, capable women, waohtnK. Ironing-, cleaning. XW Yamhill. Main MIS. A YOING LADY WISHES POSITION AS msMer In restaurant. Addres N" 30, Ore- amiaii. AO K NTS. "Wanted Apenta to sell best-grown nursery stork on Count, including Kurbank's new pltlr-ss plum, Miracle; commission advanc ed wecklv; write o.irk for choice of ter ritory. Albany Nuraery. Albany Or. aliEKTS WANTED TO SELL OUR COM- plete lino of high-grade nursery stock; outfit free: cash weekly. Address Capital City Nurnery Co.. Salem. Or. - X) BST MONEY-MAKER II TJIffi MARKET 11O0 monthly and commission to fooa men; lee us. ConservaUv. Mutual Llt Insurance Co.. Elks' bid;. WANTED TO KKNT. WANTED - TO RENT - HOUSES. COT las. rSnta. stores, offices, roorolna-nonses. etc. Landlorrtf will do well to call op Portland Trust Company of Oreion, S. K. tor. sd end Oak- lhou Exchang Ti. VANTED-BY TWO TOUNG HEN, FIRST- clnfw room mid board in private family; tnwt bo n Weft Shle and close to Oregonlan hldir.. mfdm or.iiVfnifnt'M. A fl .1 r-, giving trrmii and locution. C 3T, Oregonlan, WANTED"- HOUSES AND COTTAGES. East and West Sides: will rent at one. Donald G. Woodward, scent. 104 2d at Fhoa. Mala 143o. Administrator or e.tat.. WANTED DESIRABLY FURNISHED Pal or tiou$p, by two adults. Thon Fi- rifle 1144. Ask for Angeles. WANTED 3-ttOOM rUIt N1SHKD APA flf- n-ent. rlrwt for one month; respon sible parties. Alain 0240. WANTED 5 OR fl-ROOM COTTAGE, FUR- ntehed: near carline; state rental. J 38. Oro.onlen. I rent bouses anl flat for owners; sole busi ness, Hynson, in'd Wash tt, M. 7039. WAKTEE -HISCELLANEOOS. WANTED 15000 worth men's rai -off clothing and shoes ; hlKhent prion paid. CTall nt the "Fair Deal," G2 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WE KEED FUKNI'l'UHE AT ANT I ' i ; I ' ' li PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Sll F1HST ST. MAIN B5. fcPAD HORSES HAULED AW AT PROMFTI.T free: hlKh.-st prloea paid for bono.. oreaoa Fertilizer Work. 702 Tburmui. M. ISO. PITMAN AND HOWARD SHOHTHAND UIC- tiiMinry vnnlir-, Mfroud-hHnd; must be rea sonable. Thono Main C711. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Phone East 2233- 1 PAT CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOofci W. W. EavaK. 245 1st. Faclflo 3u0. WANTED -TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER, Apply T-Z Lumber Exchanc. FOK ItK.NT. Rooms. THE COMMERCUI rJl-.ty rurnlshcd rooms. slnsl or n pulln, $2 per week up; ateam neat, hot and cold water; free baths, tree phone; din- lllM'OOm in connciUcn: transients solicit- ed. open all night: best location In the c-1 f y ; o fTtt-o and reading-room ground floor, itttl Washington. the 6ARGENT, GRAND AND HAW. thorn vci Elegantly furnished rooms. Phone, hot and cold water, steam heat, gas and electric light In every room, with or without board ; table unsurpassed ; flre- proor building, electric elevator, all night service, references. HOTEL Pl'SHMARK, WASHINGTON AND 1 Tt h Flmt-claM Juralshed rooms. Mingle or eti jul te, at earn heat. hot. cold water, electric light, phun In every room; suites with private tain, $uq per week; single, by day, $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 6647. HOTEL ANTLERS. CORNER lOTH AND Washington sts. Under new management; viy thing new, clean and modern; all the principal cavllnes pass tha door: pri vate bath suites; rates reasonable. Phone Main 12333. Mra. F. H. Powera, prop. THE YAMHILL, corn?r w. park and Yamhill its. Under Hew management; remodeled and refur nished. Large, sunny outside rooms, sin gle or en suite. A 11 modern convenience; transient a solicited- tub HYUAND, 400 MORRISON STREET, 0pp. High School; new hrlck building. steam hf at. newly furnished, best In cltj-; liousekreplng roome, single and en suite; day. weelc or month. FUUNISHFjD ROOMS IX A NEW. MODERN' hvuf, tt'2 1-ucretla st., between 12d and a:d, neiir Washington t. ; also 3 Urge attic rooms. iiitrt 1- furtiUhcd; phone and bath. I'honc Alain 5t3-fU. IHe Auflltorium, 2084 36, bet. Taylor and Salmon: first-class, elevator, steam heat. THE WILLAMETTE, 322ft ISTARIi, S. W. C'tf, etn st,-WelHurnl3lied rooms, lare and Herht; single or en suite; transients; BOc to $1; by week, $2 to a. Faclflo 1 HOTEL K EN YON, 18TH AND, WASH. STS. Modern rooms, etncle and en aulie: also housekeeping; rurnlrg water; private and free baths; rales reasonable. Pacific 490. nicely furnished rooms; central; batll, plionp; U to 10 a' week; GOc to 11 a day. BRA fTIPt'LLY FITRNISHKD FRONT unite, two rooms, just rignt ror a or 4 me Sri a week; bath, phone. 322t Stark st. FOR REN'T-207 14TH ST.-KLmjivTi.v fumlfhd front room : running water, elec- Tric ngnt, iwiii, irirpnuno service. FRONT BAY WINDOW ROOM: ALSO ROOM mwapie ior two; nnvate iamuy modern octroi UT4i Park. ' r ALDER ST.. COR. J OX hi NICELY furnldhed rooms : one room, suitable for oriice or ouines. SPECIAL RATES, MEN. ROOMS; walking al.tana tt. 1 1 m.mth- hath K. .m .'T near JlTei-on. SIS TAYLOR. COR. WEST PARK MCQ irum rwm n.uao.c ior . genucmen; bath Phone. MHin 2MB. m 40 1'NFfnXISHEl) riOOMS J"Ort RE-T j i or cuy, new. aii toaay. tUL lelg-h Hid g. FOR nrcNT FnOXT ROOM, ltnr and wamnngion; rurnace; atso small one. Fa NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH MOD em conveniences. 175 lth St., The Roy crest. M.-KLY FURNISH ED ROOMS WITH BATH, heat and eiectric iignts. t ionn sin it. i Fl'RXISHEI) OH UNFrRNISHBD, 511 EV- erett t. 'non Main 3700. TWO ROOMS. 8. 214 N. 16TH 8T. MAIM lOOS. Ttoomg With Board. 8TRHTI-Y FIRST-CLASS. MODERN rooms and ooard In tine new home. -4 43 S. ILtn si. BOARD AND ROOM IS' PRIVATE FAM- llv for" oung man. I'hone Main 4-tt4, 27 HaU st. FOR BENT. Rooms With Board. "THE WOODLAND." 265 6TH ST. RENO- r vac4 and refurnished, under new man agement, equipped with all modern con veniences;, rooms largo and light; table -unsurpassed, only 4 blockafrom pos toff tee. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 18TH year Rooms m-ith board, use of sewing- room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Afldrew Mn. Ella Rawllngs, Supt., 510 Flanders. BMKELY HALU 2TO 6T"Tl STREET Pleasant rooms with 11 rat-clam board; one ,ot the nicest private boardlng-housei In city; fine location for business people. FRONT ROOM SUIT ABLE) FOR TWO GEN tlcmen, pleasantly located, live minute-' walk of postoixice; terms reasonable. Apply o9 Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED LARGH3 FRONT roomA good board; every convenience; T minutes' walk. 314 Mill. Main 3679. TOURAIXE," 188 7TH TWO DOORS FROM Hotel Portland; elegant front rooms, rea- sonable; table board. Main 3378. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM WITH BOARD, private family; phone, gas, bath; walkln- distance. 328 6th. Main 322. FTRKISHED ROOM WITH BOARD IV PRI vata fajntlv for man and wife: referencea re quired. 687 Davli at., near 21et. THE. HAWTHORNE, 221 1STH DOUBLE rooms with good' home-cooked meals; walk ing distance; reasonable rate. TWO LA ROTO PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, each suitable for two; good board. 272! Park. Phone Main 41054. SOB MORRISON. CORNER 10TH FUR- lhed rooms with on without board, run ning water. ELBGAXTI.f FURNISHED ROOMS, PRT- vate family, one block from carline. 24S N. 20th t. THE OZARK ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS BBR- tlc: hot, cold wttr. S2S 11th it MODKRN FLATS. ALL SIZES, FOR RENT. East ami West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 2d and Oak., Phone Exchang 72. FOR RENT S-ROOM. STRrCTLT MODERN nsit. 4i 12th ! ; front door open: reason able rent. M. E. Lee, room 20, Ralelgn bid., K3H Wislilniton st. FOR RENT THREE AND FOUR-ROOM flat, mtr-nm heat and Janitor's eervlce, 40 Harrison St. MODERN FIVE-nOOM FLAT, IXCLUDINO stel and eras range, window shades. 20P HalMr. $18 FIVE-ROOM FLAT. KEY O' NEIL' 3 Grocery, cor. Hood and Grant. nonsekeolnsc Rooms. rifK IIOVVI.AND APARTMENTS. S3 1 Vfc Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished. housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice sunny suites 10 and $19 per month; best rooms in city for THE ONEONTA, 187 I7TH ST.. NEAR Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished. In Butte, of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water; gas range each kitchen; steam fieat. balbi. free phone each floor: no children. THE ELLSWORTH . UNFURNISHED Housekeeping luHes of three rooms each, in new, modern brlrk bWg. ; ateam heat, hot. 16" oviwlale. n School; close In 4 OR 6 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, IN- ciuainK fuel, liglit, vatur, est Sido, mar Good Samaritan Hospital; references. H 39. Oregonlan. THE ALT A VISTA, COR. lflTH AND PET- tygrove - sts. Furnished housekeeping" suite and single rooms. Terms reasonable. 14-- M BTH ST.. THRRR OR FOUR HOlTE- K r-"Ti u tc suites. one ana two room m suite-, and a few fine sleeping rooms today. Portland Accommodation agency 120 7th. Call Save searching. Nicest rooms ; furnished houses; flats. Moderate. LADY WILL GIVE Q.UIET COUPLES FUU- nishea rooms for her meals; beautiful home. 600 Eant Oak; mornlnga. Tv'0 NICE IA ROE Hn;fi RK KEPIN'O rooms, nay wir.iow. gas range, t in . ouin, phone, pleasant. 015 Yamhill. HOrSEKEEPlXO Sl'ITES TO REXT. GA8. bath and phon: net rtriMi-en; rent $16- per month. Inquire 342 Clav at. HOfSKKEEFING StTITKS. ALL MODERN, very nice, neatly turnieliea; ga, bath, laun dry. 5S0 or 4(i3 Sacond t. TWO Sl'ITES OP" DEHfRABI.B HOCBK- rooms; i . ...pn a i.ir . bks. ' m.u phone. G44 Overton st. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FURNISHED 667 EVERETT- WO NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $20; very convenient; & stove and bath. THREE-ROOM FLAT. ELEGANTLY FUR- niatiea; private retiaenue, canvrtu , nut. water. 49 3d. 45 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms ror nouseKeeping. 9 l.uu Pr ween. Gl N. Srrl st. THRBE NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, grouna floor, Teasonabld. 4S4 Clay. Phon Main B179. 194 11TH FRONT. BAY WINDOW. 3-room suite; gas.: bath, free phone. Pa. ciflc 141. 135 14TH ST. CONNECTING FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping: desirable. . con venient. 4 Housekeeping room for rent, West Park boutn. anauyn & Walton, 303 Cham. Com. SUITE NICELY FURXIHHfTO ROOMS. ELEC- tric lights, bain, pnone. siw lwn sx. 240" STH 8T. FURNISHED HOUSE- Kceplng rooms. MAYNARD, 125 14TH HOUSE K E TOPING FOR RENT T-ROOM MODERN HOUSE almost new ; bath, electric light, gas and window shades. Hall toloalc from Wash ing ton -st. carl I ne A pp 1 y Moore R ea I ty Co., 6th ana Morrison at MODERN COTTAOT5. ROOMS AXD BATH. eleotric lights, fine basement. 1 1 Union avenue North; aer-oas from Piedmont on car line, f 10 per month. Phone Suburban 721. 231 MEADE, NEAR 1ST SIX ROOMS, M: all newly renovated. 510 Alder, near High School, s.tore or workrooms, front, living rooms In rear. Phone Blaln 1013. FOR RENT 5-ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN Hat, 401 12th front door open: reaion- sble rent. M. E. Lee. room 20 Ralelgn bldg.. ., Waatrington at. BOUSE OF 9 ROOMS. JTJBTT TBS PI.ACI9 for boarders and roomer of mlllmen; loca tion 263 North 19th it; rent 120. Particu lar at Si 4th st. 3G F'OR RENT. LOWER CORNER SIX- i-oom flat. 15th and Davla ata. : electricity. gas, furnace, fireplace and window ehades, Phone East 4769. 8-ROOM HOITSE, WEST SIDE, GOOD Lo cality, close to ear. low rent, to Rood ten ant; will sell on easy terms. Phone Mailt . 1410. $1R SIX ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN: hath. gas. select neighborhood. 817 East Salmon. Phone East 5-3. Sio-7-ROOM H0U3Q ON SELLWOOD ST. A nice house. In choice location. M. C Davla. 2M Alder. B-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, - S20 PER month, zzu Adam at. Apply 213 VUltOinS bldg. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN CQ.TTAGB 360 Williams m. phone East 5442. NICE 6-P.OOM COTTAGE) CliOSE IN: BATH gas. Apply 411 Stark at. FOR HOUSES TO RENT SEB HTNSON. 331 Waahington at. Main 70S. Furnlebert HmtMW. FOR LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY furnished house. No. 4o4 Columbia. Addrtw room A. Lumber Sxohans. bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE g rooms. Sid and Marshall, a.m. Apply to W. A. Mears, room 12, No. T 1st at. FURNISHED B-ROOM COTTAGE K HT..OCK3 from Washington, on 9Ui, J2T.60. V C8 Oreironlan. ' . ' SIX-ROOM n:RNJBHBD HOttsn FOR znofilha; good location. Fhoni East 2223. FOB RENT. "mulshed lion AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN . 12-room housa with beautiful lawn, for rent toNprlvate family for one or two years from next February or March, or for sale. K . Oregonlan. MODERN BROOM FIaAT. NICELY FUR- ' tnished; leaving town at once; will sell cheap, Stil Everett st. Call between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. FOR A PERIOD OP BIX. MONTHS A nicely furnished 9-room house for family use only. Reference required. Apply 321 West Park. FtTRNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. BATH, GAS. 22. 01 East lt St., Woodstock or Rlch mond car. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. Sll Main st. Inquire afternoons from A to tt. NICELY FURNISHED LOWER FLAT; CE3N- tral; $23. -286 Montgomery. FOR RENT FlRNISHED FOUR-ROOM cottage. No. 360 14th st. For Ren -fnroltnrt For Aamlo. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, RENT ISO, furniture new, for sale. Call mornings, 254 Sheridan, or phone Main 199S. FURNITURE FOR 6 A LEI. HOUSE) FOR rent ; West Side, close In ; rent $30, nine rooms. S 30, Oregonlan. FLAT FOR RENT PCTRXlTrRF. FOR SAI.E. Applj- H. L.. Krledt. Krledt Jt. Co.. tt Flrat atreet. 7 BOOMS NEWLY FrRNISHED FOR SALB cheap; low rent, cloee in. Phone East 4139. SNAP 11 ROOMS. Pl'RNISHED. 40O; on time: near Hotel Oreson- OS 7th at. TWO STORES, WITH BASEMENT. FOR rent; corner Front and Couch. Inquire H. Mertailofr; SOS Davis at. FOR RENT STORES AND VACANT LOT near east end Morrison bridge; reasonable, D 40. Oregonlan. STORE FOR RENT L1QASB FOR SALS: rent 2S; near Helllg Theater. O 28. Ore gonlan. FOTf RENT-PART STORE AND office space. Apply 95 Front St.. cor. Stark and. Front. STORES SMALL STORES ON 8TH AND AN- keny; 3 per montb. FOR RKVT 8TORB -CM quire 7ft lat. S2S STARK. IK- DESIRABLE OFFICES INCLUDING EXEC- trie lights, hot and cold water. Janitor and elevator service. In" the new. airy Common wealth bit) a-, old Post office site. Otto and Uurnai oe sts. in opanion co. GROUND FLOOR OFFICES AND DESK- room. 6th at., near Stark: reasonable rent. Including phone. Inquire N. C. Ovlat t. BO 6th st. HALF OF NICKI.Y FURNISHED OFFICB; pvery eonvnJeno: excellent Hrht. Rio Commonwealth bids;. Phone Pacific 2019. THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE LI OUT offices; very reasonable, first floor. Apply X-R&uium Institute 2&3 Alder it. SMALL OFFICE. CENTRALLY LOCATED. llsrht. heat. J nltor service. 410 lekum ' bldg. Phone Main 5tf46. ' n AUDITORIUM HALL FOR LODGES. LEC- tures and dances. 108 3d st Main 2374. BUSINESS CHANCES. owner prefers teach Inn you the business: 13 per week Ruaranteod. 1300. Call room 325 Lumber Exchange, 2d and starK. ESTABLISHED BAKBRt I? SPLENDID location, all store trade and cash lnmi- rirfw, baklnr 8 barrels ncr rlny: low mock tine brlrk oven, good reasons for sellin. Apply Iarinc BaUery, Front and Market, TOUNG MAN WHO THOROUGHLY TTNDKR- stand business can buy Into established paying men's haberdashery; excellent loca tion, Washington St.: references neceeaary; answer at once. I. 37. Orefgonlan. WANTED PARTNER. ESTABLISHED Hit3! nees netting IloO monthlr each; no exper ience necessary; outeolne rartner lias inter- ejttl. In Alaska demanding immediate pres ence: mveatlsrate. w 4t. oreg-onian. SOLID MANUFACTITHTNG BUSINESS? owner is a responsible man ana will guarantee to show the business will earn you $2.10 every month: 83500. Call room . j Lumoer uxciung,. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED. IP you nave stocks or bono, for sale, let me try to sen them lor you. George M. Ki- logs, broker. 340 Elllcott Square. Buffalo irort SALE BRICK HOTEL. THRBE-STORT 42x2; 4V roome furnished; only first-class notei in town; price MW f aken at once. Address N Welter, Box 20fl. Newberg, Or. WA NTEm TO BtTTT- "V" hol or part Interest In small, well lo- cated eawmiu plane, a a areas IS. uoieinan, win tiasi aiutn st., lacoma, wash. R EA L BSTATB BIT SI N ESS OH ANO E TO make S1SO a month as partner; experience .not necessary ana ver- tune oiuiif) re quired. Call 4o Stark at. SPF.CIAl HONEST MAX CAN CLEAR $4 a day as partner in a sare caan business; 1 no required; experience not necessary. .ail air t. SMALL RESTAURANT FOR SALE AT A bargain, furnished living room connecting: owner leaving town. Money maker. Call Z12 stn, city. QDNP3RAU STOCK MERCHANDISE!, DOINQ gooa ousinees, ior sale; a bargain Ior right party. Addresa Owner, Box 241, Forest Grove, Oregon. ROOMING-BOUSE 14 ROOMS, ELEGANTLY furnlehed; best location In city; a snap; terms, owner. 351 . Fark. Phone M. 6381. PROSPEROUS ANO GROWING BUSINESS netting 3000 y?arlv protlt. tor ele. For full particulars address SO. Oregonlan. - HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS for sale. In good valley town; will Invoice about S8000. Address X 94. Oregonlan. FOR. RENT ROOMING-HorSB CONTA T N- lng 32 rooms: central location. A. H. Mor- rill, lit Jladifon. Phone Main SSo. $730 PARTNER WANTED t TO ATTBND etore and collect ; ownor will guarantee you 12S a month. Call 248 Stark at. CASH GROCER! DOING A BUSINESS OF 135 per day; $1150. Call room 325 Lum ber Exchange. tlA and Stark. FOR SALE GROCERY, EXTRA FINE corner, good paying business; will explain particulars. M 37, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH S250, OLE A R- liig r0 weekls-. Write at once for par ticular.. W 3T. Oregonlan. GOOD, RELIABLE BUSINESS MAN. TAKE charge of our branch office in Tacoma, Address J 3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE. doing a good business; splendid location. 0 Third st, corner Ankeny. ' ELEOANTLT FURNISHED ROOMING house at a map. across from Helllg The , ater. 1234 2-th st. IAVI MONEY ANTTHIN0 IN PRINTINO- Sin.OOO SALOON PROPOSITION NETTING 50oo per year; win make terme. Room 'i Raleigh Bids. IB ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED, ELECTRIC lights, central location: price today S-SO-381 H First at. SOLID STORE THAT WILL CLEAR soo a montb over all expense: price S2SOO. .Call CIGAR, FRUIT AND CANDT STORE AT IN- volce; selling on account of other business. 235 !A First st. . 4000 TERMS; INCOME PROPERTY, WILL pay lO per cent and better. Owner, N 20. Oregonlan. Grocery btore with pour living rooms, will invoice About S650. 27 Colon avenue. GENERAL STORE FOR B.VI.H IN THRIV- Ing suburb of Portland. 1600. K 3fl. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE SHOOTING OALLERY DOINO good Dusiness, or ouiioing ior leaj 1st St. 1H SMALL An4 STORE WITH LEASE. FOR aale ; good location. C 3t. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED OR WILL. SELL ALL un ko .Ka. nAn CO a U BUTCHER SHOP AND FIXTURES; GOOD location. Phone Pacific 433. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. 83 N. STH 6T. BPSIXEgS CBAXCE8. ORDERS TAKEN TO BUY OR 8ELL stocks an5 bonds on the Portland Btocit Exchange; Nevada and Idaho atocka traa- fl m; American l)e Forest wanieu; j. n Industrial stock that gives promise of 1000 per cent proHt -with large dividends; money loaned on approved Btocit. TV. J Curtis, Commercial block. THB AMES MHRCANTILB AGENCY HAS Inside Information rerardin buslnese open. ings In this territory: their correspondents keep tbem ported on all desirable offerings. UerchanU looking for location in tnta city . In n. m-rm InultM tO CSil. In- toraatlon or tbli Kind free. T& Amu Mercantile Agcy., Ablngton bldf. BARGAIN TODAY. 31-ROOM ROOMINO-HOirSB. excellent brick building; only few blocks from this office: steam heat; furniture and carpets extra good; clears $175 a month: always filled with good class roomers. Price omy S-J50O. Ellis, Kahler at Lanken. rooms JO and 21. 264 Morrison st. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINES3 for tale; third, half or entire interest la 18000 to fSOOO stock in center of large stock, wheat and irrigated district. Annual sales 23.0G0. with certainty of doubling within two years at most. Eest opening in Inland Empire, c &9, Oregonlan, FOR SALE NEW STORE BCIlDINC. XP.W fixtures and new stock of groceries on iaert Side, right on carline In one of the best sub urban dlrtricts to Portland; each price lSOO; reerson for selling cannot stand wet climate; do not answer unless jou mean bitiineee. H ilh Oregonlan. SALOON MEN. ATTENTION IF TOT 7 ore looking for a place wnero yott can oh guaranteed sriOO per month over and above expends, we will sell you one of the bst saloons in the city: trial given, if desired. Call roorn 3'5 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOK PALE ONE OF THE BEST HOAR stores m Portland, netting floO per montn over and above all oxpenfies. $700. Call room 3J5 Lumber Exrhange, 2d and StarK. FEHSONAL. LAClEl. ' 0X1! WORD WITH TOTJ-M Jears of aucceeaful practice In Portland ia he treatment ot diseases peculiar to wom en should be stSfTlclent guarantee to tbo seeklna the aid of an experienced physician aad surgeon. I hare aeaiated hundreds of idiicuj ma mnerlng women. I cai islit s"0. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Grey, the old reliable specialist; no charge for oonult tlon or advice. Ml Alder aL. corner ad. Fc inland. Or. Correapondenc sacrediy co- CitnUai. X-RAXIUM MEDICAL INSTITUTE. AND BAMTARIUM. yrr the special treatment or dlaeases o- womea. Irregularities Immediately checked. Our method tt treatment are unlqut; no charge, for consultation. Graduate lady physicians and professional aurses In jttend UM. Maternity hospital. Infants aoptea aa ALDER ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Comer Third. Phona Mala 27WI- BR. MARY LAVE. Lta auperlntendent of Chicago woman Howpltal. treats dUeasea of woioeri clu- eeta by communicating with "me; no fee for CTwiiuiiBuoi; corrwpoadence aswoiuteij wa- lldfntia!; maternity mn given special & tnti&a. Banltarlum and oftlcea. 233 Alder. CUITS PRESSED WHILE TOD WAIT, Wc TO Till I Off nf PaWIdpH Hrttrtls sBrl to nub ile at largo: Suits pressed at BOc at Gilbert, the tailor's. 1QGA Cth st.. next to Quells. Ladlrs' skirts pressed. 60c- Feathers aad Dcaa cleaned and curled, i'hone rw. wo WHY LIVE AL0XE WHEN YOU CAN JOIN the National Introducing Society and get tnarrlprl? IjarMt mtmhanhin In. the Weet. Matrimonial Register, lOc . Hoom 24. R" eell Bldg.. cor. 4th and Morrleon, Portland- Ifanly ' Vlcor rwtorM i Tir. Roberts NerYe Globulea. On month's treatment. S3: X months', S5. Beat seourely sealed by mail. Agent. TVoodcrd. Clarke Sk Co.. Portland. COMPETENT TEACHER WANTS PUPILS In commercial and scientific German. Spanish and French: profeselonal men and Itterar ypeopl. .oucuea. v wr.a... DR. a. V. KHTCHIjll CURES NERVOUS, chronic and private dlsoas'-i: also special (rmaie ailments; correspondence confldon- tlai. Office 17014 8J. cor. Yamhill. Ftc. Ereaa salt, for rent, all alae. 1 montn acp your clothln- cleaned, preseed, buttons sewea vu, mm eewea. rrompi cam aua ijeuveiic unique. Tailoring Co., 8C9 Stark street great Dr. Lorenm Nerve- Tonlo Tablets: 2oa a Dog. w rite or can at .ysse.-a rnarmii., 27 Morriaoa U, between 1st and 2d. TOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES !.-. Irl-. I al.-nlml ssnrl n i Irnl 1 1-1-at HientM : la'1iM only : uliiEODodlet, manicurist. -41 Ral.lgh bldg., Gth and. Washington. MISS ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER. P09- Ittvelv cures rhniimatim. XVeltmer'a method: also gives elect rlc -vibratory to.- and scalp "son OF A 6W0RD-MAKBR," "TURRET Egg Griffin," "The Harkrlc5ers," "The HARTMAN "DEJTECTIVE: AGENCY. ah worK strictly connflentlal; thorouglily expert In gathering evidence In. lawsuits. Rooms 24 and 25, Raleich Bide. MRS. rR. HUNTLEI. PHT30-TBBRA patb Cures rheumatism, nervous aisor- ders and paralysis. 87 Washington it Pacific 2691. V, me- CourtrlKh t. dermatologist : facial blem lt!iea removed; scalp treatment; vibratory body massage. 220 leianer Duag. on. OKz. BEST MAGAZINE CLTJB8 EVER OP- EMMERT, THBJ CHIMNEI 6WEDP AXD Jurnace man; :cav orflcn at Bernl'i Drui etore. waaningion sx. uei. Mam 400. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. I. HiU, ltoom 1 jeaner Diug. racinc INSTRUCTION IN 9CH00L DRAWrvn for teachers .only, at Beh tike-Walker Busi ness college, wiiuruiiy .i tern oons. EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE GIVES TREAT- mrntfi for rheumatism or all chronic diseases, j2yt wafinington at. Laaies oniy. lOO NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH -TOUT It nam.- afTf KO fOf 37Sc: 250 bUllUSM f!rrla. 1, Bcnmat .o., xv i- THE PANAMA CAXAL A patriotic Jove song, price 25 cent. Nellie A. GardV n er Toutle, Wash. ERCKNTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR lors, ladies and gentlemen, iiol MorrltOD sireei. room YOUNO LADY GIVES FACE A NX 3CAI.P suite -i - MAMLLKl.Mi i'AKbUKS FOR LADIES and gentlemen. ii68 h Morrison street. room. 1. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED epecialisi.aanitarium xst k. Kth. Main 5478, Mrs. SHevens, Portland's reliable palmist 'and spiritual life reader. 843 H Yamhill, cor. Tth. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method: re cults guaranteed. 830 Flledner bldg, Fac. 135, MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PARLORS, (or ladles and gentlemen, 201ft 3d it. TAPEWORM REMOVED, .lr., 4 7 O M: Burnslde. E- WILHELM. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propoaala Invitd. PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE OP A power BOAT Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Sealed proposals' will be received at the Depart ment of Agriculture until 12 o'clock noon. January 81, lOOT. for the purchase of a power boat for use by the Pores t Service In At&eka, approximately 65 feet over all, 13 foot .beam. 6-foot draft and 20 tons displace- ment complete with 50-horse power gasoline engine, sail-, rigging, deck, and cabin .equip ment etc Blank form of proposals, speci fication and all necessary Information can be obtained from the Forest Service, Wash ington, D. C, and Mr. W. A. LanglHe. Forest Supervisor. Ketchikan. Alaska. Slgned James Wilson, Secretary of Ag riculture. LOST AXD rOCKD. LOST THIS MORNING STRING OF GOLD h.adi ; alfo a long solid gold brooch pin; will Under please return to Woodevrd A. Clarke's office? reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same day. rUS Front st. Ualn 4T4. Portland Curled Hair Ifactory. IL Metxger. proprietor. LOST-M0XDAT NIGHf. ON WASHINGTON st-eet. a shinny fur scarf; valuable as a keepsake: reward. Main 44 WoodJawn. LOST EXPRESS MONET ORDER flS, PAT- able to E. F. Stafford. Return to Heilig Theater box office and receive- reward. LOST PAIR OP GLASSES IN CASE. about 3.1 and Morrison. Return to 343 Sd at. reward. LOST ANT rorvD. LOST BETWEEN GTH. AND 7TH. ON Washington st. ; small orown --'- talning money and check and receipts. Finder please return to 1M 11th st and receive reward. LOST LARGE-SIZED COCKER SPANIEL; licence no. return to o xvasi son at.; reward. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. M'LARE.V, G00DD A CO.. Certified Publ'c Accountants. Cost Experts. Auditors and Investigators. 1(H 2d. Phone Main l3d. W. Whltrteld. Mgr. GEO. T. MTJRT0N, 318 CHAMBER COM- merce. Phone Main 36S1. General account ing and auditing business.' AsK7ra - sums Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemist-, m'nlng engineers 204 uh- Ington st. PAUL BAUMEI ASSATER AND ANALYST UOld oust bought 207 Alasr iL Attorneys as Haw. 8. B. RIGGEN, ATTORNEY AND COUN- aeiior at law. at and l.v ADington oiag, Antomobllea. F. T. MERRILL. POPE TOUEPO CARS, T passenger, o per nour. unicc itn ana ubk. Main 525. Stand S. E, comer 6:h and Wash. N. B. To Merrll's Castle Edel Brau. $3. Carprntcn and Bnlldcn. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jotting, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 8831. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY A ESTELI.E DE VEN Y, THE only sclentinc cnlropoaiets; pnriora room 203 Drew bldg., 102 2d t. Fhone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is tha man you are looking for. -yOtTNG LADY, GRADUATE CHIROPO- dlct. manicurist, race anci ecsi i j. r..,- ist; supertiuoug hnir removed, Faclnc ii5, 40-41-42 Rallgh bid. MISS DART MANICURING, SUITE SOS Tourny blk. Hourt 9 to 5. Tel. SS89. Commission Mrebants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, peita, furs, wool, mohair, tallow ana rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchants. Front St., near Main, t-on- land. Or. cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNO A CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission mercnanta. gnenocK Diag,, Fortianfl, Or. ALLEN A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND Portland. Or. Carpft Canlnr Cleaninr and Dyrtng. BERLIN" DTE WORKS SPECIALTIES lng to mmple; reasonable prlcea, prompt service. second. Alain oex. Dancing. DANCINfl T.KRSONfl. 2 fie classes or private; vcbiizi g. two-step, i ni uo-Biri, 3 v,- . kna dancing, buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, fpajiisn, Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wii Wilson, Allsky bldg. 3d-Morrlson. Portland Dancing Academy. A reflned sKhool Prof. Rlnpler and MLss Bufknmejar, lnstrn, Class nights. Tnes Jt- st.: children Sal aft. Prlv. lee. dally. 309 Aid., cor. 6th. Ph. M. 1851 Woodward's Dancing School ola"", Mon . . Th snd Sat. eves.: nv asslstante: xrlvs,te 1 BotM dall j-; social .-fancy and step dancing taugiu. ana Morrison, i'acinc low. Miss Adallne McCuMoch, teacher of dancing. 204 Good nough bldg. Phona Main 4529. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING, 269 14th,-near Jefferson. Phone Mam 3893.. Dos; and Horse Hospital. House Cleaning. GENERAL TrlOUS&CLEANINO and all kind of Janitor work. Thompson, Pacino 73 X Harness and Saddles, THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness mh leather and addlery hardware. bo-Bd 1st. Main zso- Junk, Hides and Felts, L. SHANK A CO., PURCHASERS OF hldr-s. pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. metals and sacas. six vroni sc. Leather and findings, J. A. STRO WBRIDG E LEATH ER CO. Established isss. Leatner ana nnatngs; 6 toe J ton sole leather and cut stocks, full line Eastern Jumbos. 180 Front st. Machinery. B. TRRNKMAN & CO., MINING. HAWMH.L, logging rnacninery, nyarnunc pipes, chi Ings. all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. Mtolntc Brokers. rnETIR D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING stocks 1 am always In the market to buy or sell any nrst-claia mining stock; get my prices before buying; or selllnff. T. P. Blown, 401 McKay bid... 3d and Stark Musical. MR. AND MltS. B. F. DRISCOLL, PIANO, vocal, cornet ana violin lw?ons. 837 Mont gomery St. Phon Paolfle 67T. Nwtbweft V tm.l Co. Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. "Health 'iiiKi- 10 women inuraaay at 3:00 p. M Oateopattito Physicians. DBS. AD1X A NORTH RUP. 415-10-17 Dekum bjdg. Third and Washington iti Phone, office. Main a. Residence, Main ISOTf. Residence. EaM 102S. Dr. LUlebelle Patterson, graduate of the lsonnem innnuie or usceopatny, tlm o 'M. SneclalUt on nervoiw. acute and chmni. diseases. Consultation and examination free. Office 21T Fenton bldg. Fhone Paclflc 1190, iR I. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH or Oregon, graduate Klrkvllle, MO, 4(19 Onp Lll lf.l IAiA . ' l" VW gonian Dicr Aiain res. Main 2752. Xa tn ting atad Pa perba n glng. Broi.," 2S2 lamhill, near 4th. Main 3072. Paint. Oil and Glaaa. SMUSSKS CO.. JOBBERS, palnta, oil. .laaa. eaali and door. Cor. 2d and Taylor Patent Lawyers. Public Stenographer, , First-class public stenographer. Miss Younge, 303 l,cr. xi-naino uiu ti una on Public stenographer, expert work guaranteed legal work. Mn.DrlBcoll, 213 Waah. M. 7039 Rubber lStamp. Stenclla. Seal,, trad, baa.ai check. P. C. Stamp Work. 249 Alder. ALSO FEALS. STEXCILS. TEL. SLURS. BAR CbeCKB, Ate. eOMs -u., -a a QMsri. i ei Storesv and Tranafr SAFFS, PIANOS AXD FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped: all work guaranteed; large S-story bricU fire proof we rehouse for utoraae. Office 20 Oak st. C. M. Olsen. f none me I 0. PICK, OFFICE S3 1ST.. BET. STARK and" Oak. Phone 5M. Pfanoa and furniture movea ana pacnea ior nipmcm. commoaiotu brick warehouse, with separata Iron, rooms. front ana i-iay bm. Safe niFRnr.n Manraneae and flreoroof safes: lock- outs opened; metal fixtures; vault and Jail won; JBCKi. - o. -'. . w i. aain ii 8KCOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE: GREAT 1 I at. a. . a rt.t- - - . oarKams. .u oin su, uu uelk ana rint. Typewritera. New Typewrite, all makes, rented, sola nd repairea voasi Agency, eiarn Tel, 1407. MRS. WALLACE. 2 TEARS PORTLAND' 3 most reliable medium : all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent frlendj a specialty. Ttoom 72, Lewjs bldar.. 3604 Morrison st. noura v a. st. to a- r . oe. TtOir. WALLACTO. PALMIST. CLAIRVOT ant and medium; readings 50c Farlor 4 me Losmoa, uornson eu BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sptrltualists. DELAT IS DANGEROUS. COME AT ONCE AND RECEIVE ADVICE. PROP. E. KHIMO. 255 FIFTH ST., COR. MADISON. THE GREAT ORIENTAL MEDIUM. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT ANO PSYCHIC PALMIST. Xhia medium's succeM has startled the enWre world. His readings are acknowl edged by press and public to be of the highest order. He advlnci you to a cer tainty; -nothing concealed. but all re vealed. Ho convinces his callers by calling them by their name, telling them Just what they called for. ABSOLUTELY FREB Before you decide to have a reading. Prof. Khimo tells you of every trouble, hope, fear, wiah and ambition in complete detail, riving names, dates. locations and actual facta concerning your life and cir cumstances which you know to be abso lutely true. . Through the source of bis sclentino work and wonderful UNSEEV FORCR3 He advises you Just how. where and when to Invest your money to give you the quickest and most profitable returns. ARB YOU READY TO INVEST? If So, do not consult the inexperienced: seek the advice of Prof. Khimo. who has the recommendations of the leading men and ladles cf your city, who have con sulted lilm from time to time, and In all canes his predictions have proven to be absolutely true and of the highest order. PROF. KHIMO ALWAYS KNOWS. He will tell you whjryou have been un "aucceMf ul In the past, and how you can surely achieve success In the future. ISN'T THIS WORTH KNOWING T Th-.-n, why let a foolish prejudice pre vent you from availing yourself of such a munificent power T Perbaps you are in- c r.iiulmi The greater part of the enviable fame ana rortune won by PROP. KHIMO Has been due to the fact that once a clln:, always a client, has been the rule With tHofo nlio nave cor.suii.oti m ARK YOII IN TROL'BE? io you feel that you are threatened by any hidden dp.ner? PRHP KHIMO Can tell you what the danger ts and how DO YOU NEED ADVICE? All tb most prominent and most success ful business men consult PROP. KHIMO Itea-ularly brans he advises them what to do and advices them R! RIGHTLY. ARE YOU "UNHAPPY? Thousands of mm and women bless thi day they first came to ror h1p. Many a young "woman. torn with unreasoning Jealousy, has been di rected into the path of happiness through Prof. Khlmo's marvelous psychic powers. ARE YOI ' R VRIRNDS TRITE? Prof. Khimo can tell you whether they ua true or ial. or who to true. PROP. KHIMO is Portland's OLDEST PIONEER Clair voyant and iWhlri Palmist. Permanently located In hi own home. Others come and go. Prof. Khimo. the old. reliable, will al ways be with. you. Remember this. It Is important. PROF. KHIMO Will do all others advertise or pretend . to do. while others copy and try to Imi tate nts wonnorlul worst. cerium -min t.-t a-on hi. srenu likeness to your en tire satisfaction. The fees charged by Trof. Khimo are exceedingly reasonable and within the rnrh of all. HOURS, lO TO S. TJAILY ANO SUNDAY. No. 25J5 Fifth at., corner Madison st, rhone Main 607& STRANGE GIFTS. An Honest Propositlosw BTUART HUDSOxTNtw York1 celfbrat ed elairvovant. medium and oalmist. is permanently located here.' Ills honesty, tefit of tlma and 14 yearn continuous euocessf l practice have proved beyond all doubt that Air. nudson is tna leader or nis Droiwsion, His extraordinary rower of second sight. combined with a superior knowledge of ecu 1 1 forces, e na b 1 e him to read h u man life with unerring accuracy from Infancy to old sr. as nrofif nt h u wonderful power to ail who come prepared for reading this wee WITHOUT ASKTVn A OTTERTION. without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you r?: whence or for what you came, ho will tell your mil name, occupation ana in wjd oi your visa absolutely iree or cnarge. LEaRN what is before YOU. His advice oertalnlng to love, law, busi ness, wllla. estates, "buying or selling prop. vorce, etc.. Ib unetjualed. Ha reunites the separatea, causes speedy and happy mar n&g-es witn tne one you love, gives trumru affectlona, settles lovers quarreln. tells ro w to win tne man or woman you iw. u"n your huaband or wife be true to you, over- come all your enemies and maka a person at a distance think of you. tells you names of friend, and raamln wn 1 true una 1 11 marry, 'alvlns namea. dates, facta and location, tatting no lee In advance, atceyuu. none unlets autlsfaction is given. RPRCITl.ATtOK AVO INVESTMENT. His advice Is much sought for hy thoee contemplating lnveatlng and speculating. The dollar properly invested today has seldom failed to make the poor man rich. Me charges not ono penny for such advice until the in vestment has paid a handsome pront. is tm n. rair- nH hnnow? nrrat reduction t h li Hudson will give his special reading for 60 cents; gatiafaction absolutely guaranteed or no fee accepted, Everything1 strictly aacred and Crtriflripnt ink THE WISE t'SB EVERT MEANS TO COMPASS VICTORY; tnoueanoj nave blped. If you are In trouble of any kind, unhappy, not satisfied In life, have domeetic, - lovfj or DUfiiness troublee, you will be tol how to overcome them all. call today. Hours lO A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 11 to 4. OFFICES 201 -4 MORRISON STKEh. T. Corner Fifth Street. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF, a KHIMO. ASTRAL. DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOTANT. READING IS OVER YOU TO BIS JUDGQ. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge If I fall to call J (.u toy name In full, r-amo. of your .hclAor your huataand, . wlf a or sweetheart la true or raise; tell )ou nuw w wiu uio iv of the one you most desire, even though ymutm away; now to tucunu . epccuiation. wwiuiuj; now w - - - , - . of your choice. how regolo youth. ikuid ana vitality. - - - , cures drink tab! is, locate treasures, mlDM ana oil wells, cures all nervous disease. X "WILL DO ALL OTHERS ADVEHTISB THB BNTIRB WORLD HAS BERN STARTLED WITH THE POWERS OP THB VMS KEN FORCES I HAVE. AT MY COM; Tafi AND. and X will prove It to you wlthoui price djt giving you ,., by haviniT your NAME) TOLL) (IN TVhUl JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, and give you advice absolutely FREE) befora you i de- rlda to have a nadlnr. WHO CAN OR WILL t-s -T- tcm Tiiiq ftPPORTDNITT. A: IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN, Do not hositate, delay li dangerous; coma at once and find out: How can I marry well? How can I have good luck? How can I control any oner How can I conquer my rival? How can I eettle my quarrel? How can I auceeed in buaineatf How can I conquer my enemies T How can I get a good position." How can I keep my wife's love T How can I make my home happy T how can I remove bad influences: How can I make any ona love mi! How can. I hold my husband's love T How can I marry the one I chooser How can I make distant ones think, of m T The rees charged by Professor Khimo are ex ceedingly reasonable and within roach of all, Permanently Located !n Hie Own Home. HOURS. lO TO S. DAILY AND BUNDAI. PROF. E. KHIMO. No. 2SS Fifth st.. corner Madison as. Phone Main 0076. FR E 13 T E T F RB& TEST. Take this advertisement te PROF. DE NIBI.O. 303 Yi Washington Street. He will aive you a test of hla wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling you your name In full, free of charge. MM K ZINOA. EGYPTIAN MEDIUM, SCI entlflc palmist and occult scientist; clair voyance developed In others, 50 centa and upward. 268ft Morrleon, over Royal Bak'y. Mrs. Sophia B. Selp. reliable psychic. Spiritual meetlnss every Tues.; Wed.. Thurs., Friday evening. 8 sharp. Tests to all. Readings dally. Hall 302. Allky bldg., Sd and Mor' an. K CORRECT RKADIN0 50c. t do not need big advertisements. I guar antee satisfaction or no charge. PROF. HARRINGTON, 841 Mor. st- SIRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; ilttlnti dally. S&U Yamhill. Phon Pacific JWT. Mrs. gtevent, reliable palmist anrl spiritual life-reader. 343V Yamhill, corner Tth. rn Palntln;. SIGNS ("That Attract") A, E. Boil Co., 287 Start Faclflo 15M. BUSINESS D1RECTOBT. bbawtaari, Baak aad 6 tor PI x tuxes- R. H. Btrdsali, designer; agent M. Winter Lltmhar fl T UemlUa. Y T 1 ll.l. ac-JA TH B LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO., COR. tU and Hoyt Phon Main 1408. Wliolesale Orocfi s. ALLEN ft LEmiS, W HOLES A LB GROCERY, vw. a. rroni ana viva its., Portland, Or. FINANCIAL. A FEW DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET Ie a thing desirable. You can have them. 10 to 100 and return the amount In small weekly or monthly payment a We advance money on salary without In dorser and without the knowledge of em ployer or any one. Lowest rates; beeC terms; square -dealing; no publicity. When In need of a little "Ready Cash" do not fait to cal 1 and let us ex pis in our plan fully. All Interviews confidential and you will be treated courteously, whether you borrow or not. Open every evenlny, December 15 to January 1. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 612 5th floor) Dekum bid.-. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city property or for building purposes, for from S to 10 years' time. with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two yeatra Loam approved from plana and money advanced as bulldlnK prmreasi; morlcftfaa taken up and ra- PrRED H, STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 81 ark Street. without mortgage; easy payments. Month. H -month. Wek. $50 7Upay to tia..$lX.33 or $8.65 or $3.3 S-JS Renay to ua..f 6.05 or $3.30 or Sl-5 tl.1 Rnssv In 11 a SL 4 OO or S'.00 Or gl.OO We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED FEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible nrmi; eay payments and strlotly confldential : also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming -houses a specialty, NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 205 Abington Building. THE STAR T .OA N COMPANT. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential): Month. & -month. Week, SM) Repay to us.. $13. 33 or $0.6. or $3.3. ian ltppay to us. .S O-OT. or :t.20 or Slo Repay to uh.. 4.00 or 00 or $1.04 210 M'KAT HG., 103 THIRD. MONEY LOANED TO FALARIKD PBOPLB just on your own name; no other security nccts'sry: don't borrow until you see m; my system i the best for railroad men. clerks, boohkeopere, streetcar men and ail other employe; buMness strictly confiden tial. P. A. Newton. 42 Abington bid. 1 ONE Y A. DVANfED SALARIED PEOrLB end others upon t liel r own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities, ari yourself money by yetting our terms firs'. TOLMAN. 223 Abington bldg.. lOd1 Sfl st. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind or real estate in uregon or "Washington; 2d mortgages purchased if veil secured. H. E. Noble, 812 Commer cial hilt. LOANS ON EAST PAYMENT PLAN TO alarled people; lowest ratef, strictly enn fl dent! at. Employe's Loan Co., room 71$ Tne Dekum. Sd and Washington. Phone 224. MONEY TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES; real estate, rnati.i uiuntaKa i ouni security ; notes bought. C. W. Pallett, 3U4 Fenton building. Fiirnllure. etc.; eonOds-ntlal. 22S Plted- ner bldg., lOili 1 atid Wash. Pac. 2110. RATES. 1MM EDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $.'.000 on all "-curl tls. R. I. 13-krson & ' ' . , mi. r. Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 3S31. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities, lowest rates. S. W. King. room 45. Washington bldg. Ph. Main OJOO. SlOOn TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN PUM3 TO suit at 5 to T per cent, qn Improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 2U0 EtarK. opp. C, of Com. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE su m s on I in p rov ed and u n Improved real estato. W. II. Munn, 002 Sherlock, block.. MOSEY LOANED IN PUMS OF ?5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway. -1 .1 nr..kln,tnn il PaHfli, 1 SSOOO OK l.ESH IN SUMS TO SUIT OS real estate; charies reasonable. Inqulra J, II, MldiJleton, 61T Chamber Commerce. A LOAN FOR TUB ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Lonn Co., 410 Dekum bldg. $Si0,000 TO LOAN AT B AND 8 PER CENT, Wm. Q. Beck, room 212 Falling bide. SAOO TO S300 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Addresa W 31. Oregonlan. . WANT A IX) AN OF fSHOf). FOR TARTICU lara address 0 SR. OreRnntan. 1 BANKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. 3. FRANK WATSON- . . . .Preal Jen r T. pi'PHAM ...VIc-PrenldBnt jt" HO V T Cashier GEORGE w. IlOTT Assistant Caanler TRANSACTS GEN'BRAL BANK1N0 BUSINESS. United Statea Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. ' Collections a specialty. THB BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Sfetabllehed In 184.) Ti RAD OFFICE, BAN FRANCISCO. CAI President HOMF.R 3. KINO Gin Man. or Branches W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up S4,OQ0,OO Surplus ml undivided profits $iO,OC3,462 A General Bank In and Exchanae Business Transacted, ratters of credit Issued. available In all parte of the world. Interest paid on time dep"'"' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for turns of $10 and u- WM. " A. MACRAB.... j. T. BORTCHAELL. UNITED 6TATK3 NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND. OREGON. United States repository. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Brreeta. Tra,nMcta . General BanRlng Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cKles of the United State and Europe, HungKollf an. Manila. Cotleetlona Mad. on Favorable Term.. FraUnt.'. J. C A1NKWORTH Vlce-PrMldnt It. LEA BARXE9 CaihlVr!T B. W. SCHMBES Aralstant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT B1XKSR9- "AND LUMBERMEN'S RANK Corner BccoBd and Sirk straeta. PORTLAND, OREGON. r c PfTLTON President FHCn H. ROTHCHILD. .1st Vine- President JOHN A. KBAT1NO 2d Vlce-Preslrtent E C. MEARS Cashier 77'. D. tjTORY ARilstant Cashier PLATT & PLATT....- General Counsel Commercial and Savings Department Interest Paid on Savings Account Xraft and Lett. -re of Credit Issued. Avail- able in All Parti of the World, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Or. Capital and Surplus f 1,500,000.00, J" Deposits $14,000,000.00. Old est National Bank on the Pacl no Coast A. L. MILLS rrttldtnt T V KRWKTTtK (.'ashler W. O. A I .v or r B. V. STEVENS . . . . .Assistant 'flyhlr i.2d Assistant Ctmhlsr POKTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Comrany In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,800,000.00. uenerai umnninr. S per cent Interest on check accounts evea bundredf) on dally balances of SSOO or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parte of the world. Saving account!. Time ier tlflratea 3 to 4 per cent: short-call ipecta; ear Uflcates. $500 or over. 2V4 to 4 per cent. Call for Boole of "ILLUSTRATIONS. " phone Privste Exchange 72. S. K. Corner Third and Oak Street v. benj. I. cohen Frealdent y H. 1 P1TT0CK Vlce-Prent B. LEB PAOETT Beeretary J". O. OOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD A TTLTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a General Bank-tar Bueineaa. Interest Allowed on Tlma Xeposlts. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Bight exchange and telegraphic transfer. aold on New York. Washington. Chlcaao. St. Louis. "Denver. Omaha. San FYanclAoo and various points In Oregon. Wash In stoa and Idaho. Montana ana British Columbia. Exchange on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank- fort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Hon lulu.