THE IVIORMG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1907. 11 for KE?rr. THE COMMERCIAL Nicety furnished room, alnsrla or en suits, f 2 r wseK up; steam heat, hot and cold water; fre b&tha, free phono; din- ItiK-room In connection; transients solicit- d, open all nlgfit; test location In ths city: office and rtadlrte-room ground floor. 4 8! Washington. SABOEXT. G Tl A D AND thorno aves Elegantly lurnlBlied rooms. Phon. hot and cold water, itam heat, KU and electric Itvht In every room, with or without board ; table unaurpused ; flre proof building, electric elevator, all nla-ht rvice, references. HOTEL BI'BHMARK. WASHINGTON AND 17th F"l rat -class furnished rooms, eloarle or en suite, itesra ht, hot, cold water, electric light, phone in every room; suites with private bath,. $7.60 per week; single, $3; by day, $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 5A47. HOTEL ANTLERS, CORNER lOTII AND Washington sts. Under new management? very thing new, clean and modern; all the principal carlines pans the door; pri vate bath iul!ei; rates reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mr a. F. 11. Powaw. prop. THE YAMHILL, Corner W. Park and Yamhill eta. L'tuler new manasrement; remodeled and refur nished. Larc, sunny outside rooms, sin gle or en suite. Alt modern conveniences; irinstenta sollciud. The Auditorium. -OS V 3d. bet. Taylor and filmon ; flrt-cla, elevator stam heat, baths, hot and cold water in rooms; we cater to traveling public. John Granstrom. THK WILLAMETTE, 3224 STARK. S. W. cor. Ath st. Well -furnished roonxi. lara-e and llfrht; tingle or en suite; transients; 60c to 1; by week. f2 to $5. Pacinc 1-tfti. HOTEL KEN YON. 18TH AND WASH. STS. M odern rooms. Kingle and en uitc; also houieheepfnic; rumlng water; private and tree hatha ; rates reasonable. Pacinc 4o. THE NESBERG- ELEGANTLY FURXISH- ed. steam hrated roonis. evfrythlng new and modern ; third floor. 40 Morrteon at., op posite 11! h School. Phone Main 10S4. FOR RFA'T Nirn.Y FTnVlPHED ROOMS. Rooms M'itb Board. MlNNEQt'A INN. STS YAMHILL, TWO blorka iroteT Portland, elesrant bay-window rooms. tlnRlii or en ult. House undnr new management; bent table board In Fortland tor-itio price; Jtram heat and free bath. Our aim to please. azemtnt, equipped with all modern con- vonlcncw. rooms large and light; table unsurpassed, only 4 blocks from postofflca. A NICE. LA R FRONT ROOM. BT.7ITA BLE for scent lemen with flrst-cl board, all conveniences, close In, M5 montn; also firtt- rla table board. 4 week. Alitor Houee. Tth and Mndlwyn. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, I HI II year aooms with board, use of eewing tnom. ute ot library; U'omn' ExohanK. ONE SUITE AND A KKW SINGLE ROOMS. Nicely iwilBhea, nth board, m No. W Kverett St. Stritftly borne coakinsr. Hates reasonable. Call or pMhne Main 308. NORTH 1TTH, NGAR WASHINGTON'. comer suite and single room-, beautifully furtiUhed; firtnlae and furnace heat; mod in; prlvaate family. N1CKI.T FttRNISIIKD ROOMS WITH A-1 board; every convenience; furnace neat; 7 minute walk; 110 up for two. 3H Mill. Main .1X79. walk of postuttice; terms reasonable, Apply f.M Tiylor. BLA I ELY H A I J,. 2TO 6TH ST. PIASAXT rooms with nrnt-class bnard ; One lonttlon for bualuesa people. Phone Main ZA31. SPITE OR SINGLE HOOM WITH STRICT- I " flmt -clafK board in rholcpst flat on Wt MontKomijy- st. SETRKAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board, rates reasonable. 655 Washing ton t. Phone Paeiflc U072. NICEI.T flnt-cla Couch. PROXT ROOM WITH GOOD BOARD FOR t wo. 3T2',fr Park. Phone Main ens. Trfia MARLYN, G.3 WaihtnKton at Pleasant rcuma and gogd board Tor young men, Flats, NHTW FT,AT, IftTH AND DAVIS. 2 RATMS m n i toilets, lis own hajieitifiit and furnnc1, electricity and gar. d-alenii walls and relt-lns- S rooms, perfect eonrtHion; thla Is hlsrii- grade, none In city better; wlth'n walking distance. Apply Brt North 19. h. or Don n'oodward. Jt. eoi?J. FOR RENT 5-ROOM, NEW. STR1CTLT modern flat, low rem to good tenant, M. E, .ee. room !rt Kiilelith hid., 32314 Washing- ton street. Phone I'aclflc ot. MODERN FLATS. AT,L SIZES, Olt RF.NT. East and Wwt Sides. Portland Trust Company .of Oregon, 8, E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Bxchanga 72. COMPLETTELT F"t' R.'IS IT E3t S-ROOM FIAT with bath ; central location. Inqulra 163 Wort Park st. 2fS CHAPMAN ST.. COR. TAYLOR FOI'R. loom (1st. tils bath. $20. Inquira Grave Music more. FLAT W 4 ROOMS. BATH AND PANTRY. FOUR-ROOM STEAM-HEATED FLAT GAS rami. Janitor service. 400 Harrison street. J-ROOM MODERN FLAT. INQUIRE JAM- tor Sovma. I2J Market at. Phone Main S18. Rmnslmvliic Room. THK HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 63l'i Washington, cor. 20th Nicety furnished hourekeepinr room. gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; rilre sunny- suites 1) and 1 2 per month; beat rooms in city for money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST. NEAR Yamhill New house, elegantly furnished. In suttee of 2. 3 and a. rooms, hot and. cola water; gas range each Itltchen; steam heat, baths, tree phone each floor; no children. PORTLAND ACCOM MODATIOX AGENCY IO Tth. Call. Save searching-. Tlcst: rooms. Furnlahed Uouoes. flaw. Mod- eratt. TWO OR THREE MODERN', WEIL-FUR-nlhd houackcr-pliiK rooms, furnnrr hat. 9)ctrtc Ils;hts and lelrphonc. I'urlllc 6S7. f27.50 - URGE, MODERN TEN-ROOM house. East Portland. Pacinc TitU A Truit Co.. 20e-3--T Fa Ulnar bldsr. ELEGANT PRIVATE HOME TO LEASE or rent, turnMed or unturnUhcfl; refer- ene. D 2. Oregonlan. HOT'BEKEEPING ROOMS, GOOO LOCATION and reasonable, with ga. bath and phone. . M Overton . cornfr 16u, IIS 12TH. NEAR WASHINGTON FINE AT.-cov-ff room. furn)fhd for llflrhc housekeplits; ftas llsjht. bath and phone. TWO ri.EASANT ROOMS FURNISHED for houekrIiig. ltrlc Herht. gas. phono ann oatn. oo om ei. FOR K ENT REASONABLE, FURNISHED hnuskpinj rooms; very desirable, G Irving at., near 21st. East Washington. 67 TTVF.RETT TWO NEWLY FURVISHED COTTAGE. CORNER H0LLADAY AND AAnrnn. near Steel bridge. Apply 3S3 Holladar mv.. TJrPEff-ROOM FLAT, ELEGANTLY FT.'R . nlPtierl; private reMflence, central; hot water. 4'J9 3d. gas, tat li. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOVSEKEEPINO 13S HTH 8T.-C0NNECTIN0 FURNISHED roemi for housekeaplng; iealrabH oon- VERT JsJI" K MODERN SUITES OF HOUBH- keeplnp room. ana oau a i. TOR HBNT ft-ROOM MOTET?f HOUSE. 287 ICE fr-ROOM COTTAOa. 0B IN, BATH FOR RENT. walking distance. West Side; A -1 neighbor- hood; reasonable. Fortland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d And Oak. Phona A MODERN HOMK. in roome. clean, brls-ht and homelike, good yard, basement, etc., nice neighborhood. 252 North 10th st., 35 month. Apply to Portland Trut Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 3d and Oak, Phone Exc. 72. NEW FLAT. 16TH AND DAVIS. 5 BATHS ana roneus, it own Dsemnt ana rurnace. electricity and gaa, dende-ned and cflll- lnir.. 8 room, perfetrt cond It ton : fnia is hifrh-jrrade, none In city better; within walking distance. $33. Apply 66 North 19th, or Don G. Woodward, 104 Sooond. FOR R.B-TT T-ROOM MOOERN HOUSE almost new; bath, electric light, gas and window shades. Half block from Wash- Ington-st. carilne Apply Moor Realty Co.. Oth and Morrison ft t 2000 BEACTIFl'L fi-ROOM TTOl'SE. JUST completed, strictly modern. 8N1 Eapt Main, Jm down. $2 monthly; walking distance. Ownwr. EB-.t .M' BOL'BE OP" U ROOMS, JUB'L' THE PLACB (or boarder and roomera of mlllmen; loca tion 283 North 19th it.: rent I'.O. Part leu- tare at 84 4th at. FOR RENT FIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 2t HAS- aalo St.. near Steel bridjre. 18. The Ore- gon Rsal Estate Company, room 4, 68 Third street. GOnn MOPBBN -ROOM HOT'SRh T20 VAS-t'ouv.i- n-r-.. to rltrht party $11 month. Port land Trust Company or Oregon, S. - E. oor. 3d and Oak. FOft RENT LOVE.TOT. NEAR ?C. StST. 9- room house, recently reoalred : mod ern Im provements. Wakefield, Fries db Co., 2- Stark. 8-nOOM HOUSE, WEPT FIDE, OOOD Lo cality, clofp to ca r. low rent to good itn- ant; will sell on easy terms. Fhone Main 1410, rumliticfl Hucsfi. ELEGANTLY Fl'R.VISHED CIOHT-ROOM hourn1. vii titrated, with bath, electrlo llKnta and telephone; close to two car- lines. Call at J 05 Morris et.( between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.; rftferences. Phone Wood I awn O-O. JLN E LEQANTLT FURNISH ET MODERN lS-room ouse witti Deautirul lawn, ror rent to private family for one or two years from next February or March, or for sale. Id . Orp:onlan 7-BOOM WICEL.T FURNISHED H0C5B, ti llli caa. bath, piano and pteel range: Ursa cement cellar, 271 McMMIen st. IIS PER M0XTH-4-R00M FURNISHED cottase, large yard, chicken-houses, free water. r.rtS EI. 12 d. corner Mill. MODERN FURNISHED HOTTSE, SUNNT rooms; adults; references, Call forenoons, evenlnirs. 696 Front at. Pacific 671. Field & Tynan, m 2a st. FIVB-ROOM FI'RNISHED COTTAOB WITH larac lot. close In . ront 3tO. Inoulr MorrlMn t. BEAUTIFUL THREE-ROOM NEW MODERN flat with bath, furnished. Call afternoons. SS-'J tlth st. TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, CLO.SE in; g:od neignborlioocl, call Main mi evenings. FI'HMSHED ItOOM FTAT. BATH. GAS. -f2. 014 E. 21st at. Richmond or Woodmock car, SIX-ROOM FT'RNISHBD HOT'SE FOR montha; good location. Phonn East 2J22. Joosea For Ueat FirxxJors) For OnJm. MOD TORN TPM-ROOM H0UPS3. CHOICEPT locntloti West Side, masrnincently equipped handsomely rurnlatied ; partlea leaving State. A 29, Ofgonlan. 5- ROOM MODERN COTTAOR. "R ENT tiert. kiAerlu&n. or pbone Main lb98. iTRXITURE FOR SALE, HOl'SF R1R rent: Wf st Side, close In: rant $30. nine roorrf ti 30. Orgoti la n. KNAP 11 ROOMS. 9 FI'RNISHED, 400; on time; near riotei ureDon. w nn i, A FIRST SX. STORE. 2Sx0 FEST. GOOD wareroom or can be made Into retail estah llflimnt. cn buy block: lease $r0 mr. Port- 8'f ORE WITH BASEMENT FOR RENT, 41l)14 Jeffprsnn t.: aultable for short-or- ir restaurant, delicate.. en, drsimaklnK, barbfr. I. Bulllv.nt. M.ln 5l'3fl. NETV PTORES ON 6TH AND DAVIS, BRICK building, cement ham?nti, RtMm heat and strictly modern. Apply to Parriah. Watklna Co.. 250 Alder at. TWO STORES, WITH BASEMENT. FOR rent. Corner Front and Couch. Inquire H. Martitloff, 20S Davis st. gonlan, FOR RENT PART STORE AND OFFICE spac. Apply as Front at., cor. Stark and Front. STORES-SMALL 6T0RB ON 8TH AKD AN- keny; $8 per month. Offices. DESIRABLE OFFICES INCLUDINQ ELEC trie Itfchta, hot and cola water. Janitor and tlevttor pervice, in the nw( airy Common tcpalth bldg.. old Postoffice site, (ith and Burnslda sts. The Epanton Co. including phone. 0 6th at. Inquire N. C. Oviatt, HALF OF NICELT FURNISHED OFFICE, every convenience; excellent light. 510 Commonwealth tWg. Phone Pacific 2019. HALF OF NICELT FI'RNISHED OFFirra. every ponvenlenc1, enIlmt light. OlO ucmnionwcaiin oiag. rnoae racmc ui. WANTED PIANO OR VOCAL TEACHER to rent a studio reasonable. Inquire room 221 OoodnouEh B13k- AUDITORIUM KALI. FOK LODGES, LIE O- turas and dances. 208 3d at. Main 2374. 20x40 SECOKD FliOOR. SW. CORNER 5TH and Oak. rERSOJiAL. Dfi. HfNTT.ET. PHTSO-THERA. . Faclflo iNSTHrmox iv sfHOor- drawing. for traori.r. only, at B.hnkf-W.Iker Buai n.aa Oollpee. Saturday att.rnoona. PROFESSOR G. 8. DOVE. OF SAN FRAN- cIaco. teacher of phrenology and physios- omy. Offiee 313 Allslty bldc- lOO NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH TOUR, name, 50c; 50 for 35c; 25U bualneas cards, M gohmal. Co.. MO lit. CHAS. MONTGOMBRT. PIT.KDRI VBR KT"sT Klnf rr. please call at L-umbernien's Labor Bureau. 12 North 2d St. RETE-STLY OPENED afAKICTRINa PAR- tors. Is dies and gcntlnn. Aol Vs Morrison Mn. Stevens, Fortland' reliable palxnlat and spiritual life reader, toiy, Yamhill, cor. 7th. Bust and ntcK developed, Oriental method; r ulta guarnta. SSO Fllsiner hig. Pc. 1S5. TURKISH BATHS, 300 Oregonlan bldg.; ladlei ar. cnt)ma alshta. Phon. Main 19M. BALM OP FI0S P0R ALL FEMALE DIS- eases. 6'JB 33. Belmont. Phona East 4034. MOlaES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it o-rmr. airs. M. r. HUI. 1 Soom 23D nieciuir bldf, faclflo 135, t A DIES. ONE WORD WITH TOTJ 3 I or ucceeatul practice 1Q Torxlana li I inA TMAtmanl af atasesas xaxiill 4a arAtVU en should be aufflclent guarantee to those aktTic the aid of an xparlsnced ptaTaician tad eursrson. X hav avisted ttxmdreas of nilcia and autrertna; women. I cam anis. m, u in trouble, no matter from wdat Cttui. call on old Dr. J. D. Gry. tha oA reliable epeclallat; no chars a tor eozuaulta tloa or advice, SSI Aldr st.. corner Sd. Portlmnd, Or. Coit as nondmoe sacredly cos- fidentioi. X-RADIUM MPdTCA-T, IVSTITUTB AKD BANITABTCM. For ttes s pc lal t rea t mnt of d laeaaea of womea. Xrres;uarft!ea Immediately cTiecfced. Our xethofl of treatment tr unique; no chirgei for conwltation. Graduat lady physielars and profeaelonai nurses In attend a ce. Maternity hospital. Infanta adopted. N ALDER ST.. PORTLAND, OR. Corner Third. Phono Main 2.B6. tR. MART LAN 16. Iate emperlntendent of Chlcaao Woman a H oa-plts.1. treats dlaeasea of women "clu alvelr: ladles will consult their best Inter- eu by communicating with me; no fee for foniultatloi: corrwndene. abaolutelf cor- fldentlal; maternity caaea riven special at tention. Eanltarlum And offices. 53 Aider, oorner Third. Portland. Ortsoa. Ptiana laltt firiTS PRESSED WHI-LB TOD WAIT. 80e To Visitors of Portland hotels and to pub lic at larie: Sulta pressed at OOc at Gilbert, the tailor's. 100 Oth St., next to Quelle. ladiff prea-ed, COc. Feathers aid oc-M cleaned and curled. Phone Pae. 2081 WHY LIVE ALONR V H F; N YOU CAN JOIN the National Introducing: Society and st married? Jargp.t membership in the Weat. Matrimonial Kfgister, 10c . Room 24, Rus- !1 Bids;., cor. 4th and Morrleon, Portland. UanlT vlor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globule. ono month's treatment. 92; S aontlir, 3, 6eat securely sealed by mall. Afenta, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. In commercial and scientific German. - epanieii and French; proreet-lonal men and llterar ypeople solicited. 0 23, Oregonlan, DR. G. V. KBTCHUM CURF.S NERVOUS, and private dteeasc-s; alao special 'f" aiiui-ii is; curreeponuencc cvmi-it- tiai, Office 170 3d, cor. Yamhill. Pac. ZS9. female Dreas Belts for rent, ala alaea 91 month Iceepa your clothing cleaned, prceeed, baitone m wid r.jjas ncTru, rrompi c-s.i : s ana aenvei iJ&lque Tailoring Co., 8W S:ar atreet LOST JOWER8 RESTORED BY THB srreat Dr. Lortna' Nerve Tonic Tablets; 23a f pox. Writs or call at Byaaere Pharmacy. 22? Momeon at., between 1st ud. 2d. 1JT2. BECK. TH& JEYVELEH. lOOA ttarsalna In W'otchM SCn ALDEIl. 11 ET. FIRST AND FHONT. Joat in rear of O. W. 1'. Walt Irk-P-oom. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE HAVING THE b!9t you can Ret, and Persian massaBe is t'e bat cwr yt. -14 IwLsp blk. L.lle only; rheumatism. neuralRia cured. YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES electrical, alcohol and medical treatments: ladi-s chiropodist. manlcuriat. 41 Kja-lolffh bld(., 6th and Waahtnston. WSSENCIWSH, MAGNETIC HBAIjER, T0S- ltlvely curei rhfumatl.m. Wtltmer'i method: -SON OF A SWORD-MAKER," "TURKET En Griffin "Th Harkriun" "Tho Starbucks.' by Ople Read, a 5c each: list free. j.. W. Mm. Courtrlajht, dermatologist: facial blem- ines removea; scalp treatment; vibratory body massage. 225 Fleidner bud-. M. 5042. THB CHIMfICl furnace man; ftvi orders at B-rnl' Drug 6tor, 233 Washington it. Tel. Main iQQ.' BEST MAGAZINE CLtBS EVER OF fred; no n d for prices; agents wanted. Jones Kook Store. 2 1 Alder st.. Portland. Or. manicuring AND CHIROPODY PARLORS, for ladleg and eentlemn. 201Vi 2d st. F1NAM 1AL. A FEW DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET Is a thine desirable. You can have them, lO to lOO and return tne amount In small weeltly or monthly payments. We advance money on salary without in- Cower and wutiout the knowledge ol era- ployer or any one. Lowest rates: best terms; aquare drallng; no publicity. "W h n In need of a, litt In "Ready" do not fall to call and let us explain our pian lull)-. All Interviews confidential and you will ba treated courteously, whether oor row or not. n o v ry evcnln ST. De cmber IS HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 (5th floor) Dekum blili. MONEY T .- A TV Oik im proved tiiy property or ror bulid'ns purposes, for f row. 3 to lo years" time. ierty or tor build 1 wua privilege to i-pay an or pan or loan after two yenH. Loar approved from p'.ana and money advanced as bufldlng progresses i murtcafei taken up and re- PiRb H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 242 fetark Street. without mortgage; easy payments. Month, to -month. Week. $!iO Repay to us. .tl'l.Ha or $e.6. or $3.H5 Repay to us.. 6.05 or a.30 or 1.C5 1 Repay to us. . -4.00 or f'J.uu or Sl.OO "W e meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. LOANS MADE! TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding; permanent positions and respon sible nrms; easy pay men ta aad strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS ) on personal property; roomlna-housea a specialty. Is EH A I. OA A TRUST OOMFAM Y. "205 Abtngton Eulldinc. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wase-oarntr. can Set on tils note, without m artgnge con - r.(3ential : Month, 'i-raonth. Week. ?flO Kepay to Ufl..l3.r.3 or $0.(i" or fUd i25-Repay to us..t (J.Cr or $3.t!0 or M $15 Repay to us. .$ 4-HO .or $11.00 or 1.0U 210 MKAY KLDG., 102 THIRD. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on your own name; no other security necessary: don't borrow until you sea me; my system is t lie best for railroad men. clorks, bonlclteepvr. streetcar mm and all other employes; business strictly con tl don- tlal. F. A. Newton, 424 Abington bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and ot tiers upon their own names without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments; ofHceg m W principal cities, save yourself money by setting our terms first. TGI. MAN'. Ablnston bide;.. 108 3d at. I W AN'r TO BORROW FOR 0TFiJ OFt TWO years at S Pr cent. $3000 to foKH) from the principal; the very best of security Riven and n'111 return monej- in monthly Install ments 1 r reQtilred. :M. Oresontan. LOANS ON" EAST PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowwt rates, strictly con fidential. Employ, Loan Co.. room Tia The Dekum. 3d and "Waahlnarton. Phona 324. WANTED Note., ltiurtxiicf. or contract, on any Kind ot reai esiais in Oregon or Washington'. 2d mortgages purchased If well secured. H. E. Noble, 312 Commer cial blk. MONEY" TO LOAN, REASONABLE RATES; ml estate, chattel mortgage or personal aeourity; notea bought. C. W. Pallett. 304 Penton bulldlns. Furniture, etc.; confidential, 228 Flled- ner bldg., 10th and Wash. Pao. RATES. IMMEDIATE LOA N8 FROM 93 TO $oOOO gn all "ecurltles. K. I. Eckerson & Co.. rm. 5. Washlnjtton bldg. Phone Pa-. 1831. other securities, lowest rates. S- W. King, room 43. Washington bldjf. Ph. Main tfiGO. $1000 TO 1100.000 TO LOA.V IN SUMS TO suit at 5 to 7 per cent, on improved realty. !M . O. Orimn. 2; Starlc. opp. c ot Com. M ONE IT LOANED IN SMALL OR LAROB mma on Improved and unimproved real e.itate. W. II. Nunn, 662 Sherlock block;. MONBV LOANED ITT 1VT B OF SS A NO IJF on nil kind" ot security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. $5000 OH LESS IM RUMS TO SUIT 0J real eitate; oharjees reRoriRbld Inquira J. H. Mldd leton, 61T Chamber Commerce. A LOAM FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum Ida- State funds loaned, ft per ct. W. E. Thomaa. state agt.. Multnomah Co., 400 C. Com. S&OO.OOO TO LOAN AT S A?JI C, FKFl CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 512 Falling bids. BUSINESS CHJLNCES. FOR SALE OO-ROOM Et'ROPBAN HOTEL, In n w . modfrn tutl!nsr: Rpvcral private hatha; great Aarfain. clearing from f 50si to 7!0 per month; lwinj city; communicate Et once. Q Q9, Or-gonlan. . FOTt SALE HOMP3 BAKBRT. a FIRST -t . . SotH Portland. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. 33 N. 6TH 6T. WANTED A MANAGER AND PARTNER fgr t m( Rn(j caitf ranctl; tt!8 Lubla Cattle CoTnnany (Inc.) owns in Co- lumhli County In an eltsrlble situation and eacellent water facilities, about 3SOO acres of land and an advantageoui and Ion p; l?ase from me of about 20"0 acrea of ad Jolnlnr pmtur. which lnclud nbnut 1200 acres of ntuhble and straw, annually. ( I ha've recent I y lensed my Lubla farm of BOOO acres of agricultural land for a term of 9 years, and have reserved the privi- lejces of pasture, the stubble and 'straw.) The I.ubla Cattle Company further owns a. band of 2000 sbeep. one Jack, about 0 mares, horaea and colts and about 0 bead of cattle, a remnant of a herd, of which 720 head have been recently sold, as it has been decided to depend in future prin cipally on the sheep and mule raisins; In dustry. Tht Lubla Cattie Company Is entroly free from debt. A partner and manager Is desired, having a band of nheep. as another band should be procured to tise the pa-ture In place of the cattle, which have been removed, or euftlclen. capital to make him well interested In the imslnwn, as the principal shareholder (owning G4fl nut of 1000 -hare-) wishes to he entlrclv relieved from the manage ment. A reliable, active and fully com petent man is desired, and such are in- vlted to apply by letter or personally to the understfned at Dayton. Wash. Dr. M. Pi-traycki. president of Lubla. Cattle Company. ORDERS TAKEN TO BUI OR 5ELI, tock nd bonds on the Portland Stock EKchnnc: --Va d and Idaho Btocki I trad .1 In: AmrlcT. Ue Forest wanted: I .av. an Industrial stock that gives promise ot 1000 per cent pront with large dividends; money loaned on approved stock. W. J. Ctirtls. 215 Commercial block. HINGLC MILTj FOR BALE. Capacity of 120,000 dally; good house., sheds, blacksmith shop?. Are pumps and complete equipment: perpetual lease on rround : rlv.-r and rail transportation ; pronta laat year 4tMXi ; price THK AMES MERCANTILE! AGENCY, Ablngton Bldg. THE AMFTS MBRCANTILB .nVTCTT HA9 Insldo Information reearainf nusinm. toga in tnia territory . ineir orrefpindc-nta keen them nnotrl nn all dealrable OlTerlnKa. M'rchanU looking (or location la thli city or in country .town are InTlted to call. In formation tit mta Ulnd Irse. The Amea Ucrcaotlle Aarey.. J bin a ton bld. FOR 8ALB-B0OMIXG COUNTRY fTORB at Invoice price. $1500 to I1IWI: free rent; poet office and station agrnt pay about a.W monthly. In addition to bid pronts on sales, all caah trade; good reason ror selling: to"- est investigation solicited. Call or adares B. H. Haun, fjazadero, Oregon. SOl.I D M K RCANTILE BU6IN K5S fA HT- n-r wanted to attend store; o wru-r con llr nlsh the highest of banking; references and will pay a salary of 100 per month, be- eldea r-roflt; ITfiO required, which- will be fill ly --.cured. Call room 320 Lambtr Ela cnanae. Second and Stark. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS for aale: third, half or ntlr Interest In SOOOO to fSOOO stock In eentw of lar.e atock. wheat and trrlcatrd AtMricC. Annual .ale. c -' i ..i i . .. ...i-.' . . r r.-- ).! I - within two yean at moat, teat opening is Inland Bmrlr. C Jfl. Oretonian. LAROB flmt-claaa nscturea, large store, -well estab- HslieJ; net profits last year over JWOO; Duel- nees Increasing in volume each year; can be A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN A TOWN Of about con'lstlng of staple dry goods, Seattle. ONE Of THE KST AND BEST EQUIP- psd candy factories and ice cream parlors, in best town in Oregon, good location, jood prices and one or the largest candy Duei llfiSPi In the Mate: want to retire; at in- voice cost or $oX R 26. Oreeonlan. BUTT ON E: OF TH E3 FIN" T confectionery, cifi-ar, rrult and news stanDs in tne city; flrst-cla?8 location; owner com- pelled to ro Bast for few month.-: big: paving- proposition. J. Flunk Porter. WaahlaK tcn st.. upa airs. fiono CASH, BALANCE EAST PAYMENTS Greatest "nap ever offered: 7o-room ho- t fj. bar and dlnlnax-room completely fur- nl'h'il : this Is positively t tie Krpattat b.n Rain ever offered ; principals only. SX N. 6ch et. S700 OR BEST CASH OFFER TAKES OLD etabllnhcd. always paying; corner rlfrar. cor.f ertlonery, K roeery store ; new slo-k. splendlft lixturcs, worth lt"K); rnt f-0, stor and rooms: leavlnjc city. .1!)4 4th sL WANTED FA HT OWNiNO TWO RICit placer rialm at IMome. Alarka. wlahrta someone to advance fOO'tO Jo fbooo to cte- vlnp -amp, to revive interest for the same. T '27. Oregonlan. LORXF.R SAUON. CLE3ARINO S3AO PEIt month, will take a fanner who Us willing to do his share d ih? work; $M Call room S25 Lumber Exchange, Second and KBAL. ESTATE Bl'SINEES OPENING FOR energetic man as partner; duties easily learned; big- profit.; very little money re quired. Particular. 24v Stark at. CASH BUSINESS OWNER WANTS A BE- liable partner to attend office end collect and will guarantee you $151 J. month; $750 required. Oall 2-IH4 StarK at. WE HAVE A -E)W GOOD BOOMI.NO- honses In good locations for sale cheap; If ' you want a bargain phone 2420, or call F-.rst st.. Home Land Co. ROOMING-HOUPB FOR RALE ; 4( WEI.L- lurniPhefl, Btcam-tiatcd roome, alwayi fnll, in very fine location: good reason for seU- ItiR. B 2. Oreaonlan. CASH GROCERY PARTNER WANTBD TO act as cashier; this place win pay you no lriw than Hftft per month; $HO0 required. 225 Lumber Ewehanxe. Sinoo ORI'GSTORE IN THE BEST TOWN in orinern loano; wmpjfie ioci ann nx- tures: writ? for particulars. Address T X care Oreajonian. GENBRAL STOCTC MERCHANDISE. DOING Sood businea3, for aaie; a bargain for right party. Aiima Owner, Box 241, Forest Grove. Oron. Johns canine; rent reasonable. Plione Scolt 6815. ROOMIXG-HOL'SE. 14 ROOMS. COMPLETE. I- furnlshJ. best loositlon in city, a wisp; terma. Cs.ll 351 Weat Park. Phone Main Sab I. TV T IAj PAT CASH FOR STOCK OF GEM- erml merchandise or hardware: price muse be rla-ht. J. J"- Murphy. La. Grande. Or. HARD'ARD AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS for aale, la good vmller town: wtll tnvolc. about ooo. Addrm X B. Oraconian. PARTNER TfiTED IN PROFITABLE burirMi. faiy to learn; on? willing to work: $125 reaulrrrfr- J Vt. Oregonian. (all room '328 Lumber Exclmnge. iron RENT CORNER STORE. ST R ICTLT modern ; good location fot" grocery ana meat market. O SI. Oreaonlan. ClfiAR STORE-WILL PAY YOU 125 PER k. .7A. call room at Lumuer kjc- cnn bp . Hcorid and Starlc. PRIVATE ROOMING-HOTTSfC, 9 ROOMS, oomDlfttely furnished, modern, price reason- able. 407 aStark:, near 10th. CA N OT , FRI'IT A ND CIGAR STORES. PRICE f 2iUt, to aell today : beet borgaln you ever w, Call Stark st. 5ATE MONBT AXTTHIXa XrT PRIXTIXQ Ess Madden. Odd Fllow Tsmuls. 1st sb4 Alder sts.. upaaira VE HAVE A CANDY AND CIGAR' STORE on WawMnston street for $400. Call room ITOrl SALE OROTERY STORE. GOOD LO- cition; clean itocK;,tlne trade; snap, v 30, esra Gregorian. 230 First st. $4000 -TERMS : INCOME PBOPERTT. -WrLL, 24 NICE ROOMS. f7"0; SNAP; I MUST havff money. Call and eiamlne, 512V. eier at. GROCERY STORE WIT M fOUR. LIVING rooms, will invoice about f50. 27 Vnion avenue. BrSIVESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plat tine MIES 0. G0UIZ), 801 MARQUAM BLDG." Accordion and knife plaltlne and plnklsf. At (ornrj. B. B. RIOOEK, ATTORN BJT AND COUN- Kllor it law, 118 anl 120 Ablnitoa bid;. BUSTCTESS D1BECIOKT. . T. MBRRTI.I.. POPE TOI.EBO CAR. 7 5 .Mens. r. .5 jj.r hour. Ofttee Tth arid pale, lam Stand S. E corner &th and Wash. J. B. To Merrir Caatlo Euel Brtu, 5. Asstteers ana Analyst. lnjton t. MONTANA ASSAY OmCR 188 HORRI on at. Beat faellltlea. Prlcea rea.onahle. PAUL. BAUMEU ASBAVEB AND ANALYST -Gold dust boucht 207 Alder it. Aceonntanta. M'LAREN, GOODH A CO.. Ccrtined Publ'c Accountante. Cost Experts, Auditors and Invest! gators. 104 2d. Phone Main 1436. W. WhttAeld. Mgr. GEO. T. MORTON. 338 CHAMBER COM- iiierce. irnone AiaJn o'Sftl . ueneim acwuu.- ln and auditing business. OtiJropod.v and Klanicarlntr. WM. DEVENT & ESTF3LLE DEVENT, THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main J301. This is tne long-haired gentleman. He la the man you are looklriK for. TOUNO LADY, GRADUATE CfllROFO dlst. manicurist, face and scalp speclaL ist; superfluous hair removed. Pacific 231. . 41. 42 Ftalelcrn bids;. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. rhone Pacific 133. L1NDI7LL. expert chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main MISS DART MANICURING. SUITE 503 Tourny b!k. Hours 0 to 5. Tel. 338ft. Carpentera and Dnfldc W. L. Buchner, offlcfi, store Dxturfo, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 58S1. Coramlcslon Merchants. HERMAN MET7.GER. PURCHASER K hld'i. DAlte, fun, wool, niohalr. tallow and. rubber and old; metal and general commie- tlon merchants. Front st,, near Main, Fort land. Or. Cash advanced on consignment!. TAYLOR. TOUNQ & CO. . SHIP f. ROK'.IRS and commission merchants. Sherlock bias;-. Portland. Or. ALLEN A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Da via sts.. Fortland, Or. Carpft Cleaning. Dancing. DANCING LESSON'S. 2Sc. clasnes or nrivate: wait alng-. tn o-ste-p. thrae-ttep. etc. - itag aancinK. t u o K artel w 1 n . clog, rei, siti Spanish, Highland fling, etc. rrof. V'i Wilson, AllsKy bldf, 3d-Morr!son. Portland Dancing Academy. A reflnd ehool. Prof. Kir-.g-lfi- an3 MIj-s Hucbvtn mc-yer. lnstra. Clas nights, Tuea. & Sat.; children Sat. aft. rriY, 108, daily, 3cg Arja wr, otll. ftl, M. 1851 Woodward a Danclnr School Claim. Mnndav. Thursday tiiij Sat. v-e. ; rlvat leMon. dally; .octal, rancy arid step danclnc taugh t. c-ecu in, ana juorrisgn. rnone racino ioou. Clraniog and Dyelna;. BERLIN" DYB WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry .t7 Second. Educational. chool branches; advanced courses in Ens- llsn literature. Studio 80 .N, J7th. fac, 754, FRENCH OR ITALIAN TAI.'OIIT 40 L ICS- sons ; i nvfmlKali-. Frnr. A. 1 riot, laf lierlltx School or . ianguag O 28, Oregonlan. Gaaol Ine Bngmei. Relei'jon Machinery Co,, 182-4-6 Morrison st, Cleaniuir. GENERAL HOUSECLBANINQ and all kinds ol Janitor work. Tnompaon, racing iuI, a and Saddle. Til E GEORGIS LAWREN :E CO.. W'HOLE- eale saddle and harness mfi.. leather and .aatticry narawire. 80-SO 1st. Mam ... Jnnk. Hide and Pelts SHANK PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, fuva, tallow, old rubbers, metais and Racks. 312 Front it. Leatber and rlndlnsa J, A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Established ISr.S. Leather and flndlntrs: Mucblnrry. B. TRENKMAS CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, losKlnic machinery , hydraulic plpfw. cn.l -Ina. all kind, repaired. lO. 4tb. Mining Brokers. MINING INVESTM EN'J'S COPPER STOCK TeTlELiIe corpora: lor.s represented. sale of properties negotiated ; p roe pec is developed and boupht. Gold stocKs evada, Oregon, Alaska. Printed matter, report, price, etc.. on request. E. A. Clem. 2S1 Alder at.. Port land. Or. Member Board of Trad.. COEl'R D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING stocks I am always In the market to buy or sell any flrst-clasa mining; stock: set my prices before buvltis or eel Una- T. . Brown. 401 McKay bide. 3d and Stark ta. Musical. Domefy at. Phone Pacinc 077. IVorthwrst V-avl Co. Tilford hldir.. 10th and Morrison att. "Health Talks" to women Thursday at 3:00 X. M. Osteopathic Physicians. URS. AT)1X ft KOttTHRUP. 415-11-17 Dekum bid. Third and Waahlngton ta. Phone, orflcc. Main S4U. Residence, Main 150. Residence. East 1028. Dr. Lillebelle Pat terfon. graduate of the TCorT-hera Institute of Osteopathy. clasa of "09. Specialist on nervoua. acute and enronto dlscasfe, Consultation ana examination free. Orflca 21? P.nton bldg. Phon. Pacific 1190. XFt. X, H. SMITH, PIONEER "STKOr'AXII of Oion. gradjat. Klrkvjlle. ilo. Or. gonlan bldg. Main 1242; rea. Main 2752. Painting and Faperhangtng-. For reliable work. reasonable price. Bro... 282V Yamhill, near 4th. Main S0T2. Paint.. Oils and Claw. Patent Lanyeri. Public Stenographer. Rubber Etampi. AL.SO SEALS, STENCILS. TEL.. SLUGS, BAR check!, etc. Ccast Co., 231 Stark. Tel 1407. Storaee and Tranafer. B TTirs. PIANOS ANO FTTRNITURE MOVED, pachea ready for rtiippina; ana Iilppea; ai! work rtiHranUrd: lanr 3-stor brirlt iW proof warehouse for torae. Office 20 OaJc st. C M. Olsen. Plione Main C47. C O. PICK. OFFICR SS 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak, Ffcont 596. Pianoe ana furniture mated and rarked for hipmAnt; commodious brlrlc warehouse, with aeparata Iron rooma. Front snfl Clay sts. Safes. DIEB0LD Manrane and fireproof Baf: lock- 8ECOND-HAND SAFES FOK SALE; GREAT b&rralm. 70 6th it, bet. Oak and Pine. Bhewcasf. nk and Stor Fixtures. t. H. Blrdsall, dealarter; aent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Mala THBi LUTKB MANCFACTURLNO CO., COR. etb vA Rayt. Phom Main HOi BPBDfEBa DIRECTOHy. Bplritdallata. DELAY IS DANOEROCS. n.. PROr' E' KHIM0, 2i3 FIFTH ST.. COP.. MADISON", THE GREAT ORIENTAL M 13DIVM T Ft a nch; CLAIRVOTANT AXD PSYCHIC PALMIST. This medium's fuccn li ss etartlerl entire orld. His road n trx are ackn edged by prss and public to be of WghMt order. He advlson yon to a tainty; nothinir t-nnfeaieH h.t ii the cer- vealed. He convince his onllers by calling tliem by their name, telllna them Just what they oalled for, ABSOLUTELY FREE Before you decide to have a reading. Prof. TChlmo lelln you of everj- trouble, hope. rear. wlBh and ambition In coniplet. detail, giving names, date, locations and actual facte concerning- your life and rlr- Through the geurce of his scientific work and wonderful UNSEES FORCES He Rdvlie you Ju.t how. where and when to invest your money to give vou the quickest and most profitable- returns. ARE YOf PKADY TO INVEST ? If so. do not ennsu It the inex jx-i-i-nc-l : s--li the advlt-e of Prof. Khlmn. who has the recommendations of the lea din a; men and ladles cf your city, who have con- ultd him from tfm to tlrtift. and in nil cases his predictions have proven to be absolutely true and of the hltrhfRt order. I'HOK. KH1MO ALWAYS KNOWS. He will tell you why you havo been un aiiccsful in th pant, and how you can surely achieve sucoess In t he future. I HI rs T THIS WORTH K :0 W I .'CJ ? Th-n. why let a foolish prejudice pre- vent you rrom availing yourself, ot such a munificent power? Perhaps you are In- credulous. The irMatar part of the enviable fame aid fortune wo n by PROF. KIIIMO Ha bfen due to the (act that once a client, always a cl!-nt, has ben the rule with tho.-M who hnxe -or i 1 1 t him. ARK YOU' IM TROUBLE 7 Do you feel that you are threatened by any hidden denser? PROF. KKTMO Oan tIl you what the dun Kr is and how to avert and avoid 1 1 . DO YOU NEED ADVICE? Some of the most prominent and most miccensful business men consult I'ROF. KHIMO Tt"fsularly berauxv he adviseii th-m what to do and advices them RIGHTLY. ARB you unhappy: Thousands of men and women bless the day they flrat came to fHOK. KLli I NtCJ For help. Many a. young woman, torn vim unreasoning ealouty, has been ill- rvted info th path of happlnof. throuph IProf . Khlmo'a rra rvlnu isvc hie powers. ARE VOl'R FK IENDS TRTK " TT-f. Khlmu can tell you whether they are true or raise, or who to trust, PROP. KHIMO "VV ill do all others advertise or pretend to do. whlln others copy and try to Imi tate his wonderful work. He can demon- strut e to you Ills genuineness to your en- lira SAtWfaetion. The fees charged by Prof. Klqio are fxredlna:ly reasonable and within the rem.-, of Mil. rermenemiy Locatrd In His Own Mom e. J101R8, Ki TO 8, DAILY AND FfNDAY. PROF. E. KHIMO. No. 25o Klft h St.. corner Madison st Fhone Main m7B. STRANGE GIFTS. An Honaat Propoaitloa. BTf ART HUDSON. New York celebrat ed clairvoyant, medium and paimts;. la Pfnnancntly located here. His honesty, test of time and 14 years continuous auceewf ul practice have, proved beyond all doubt that Air. llud.-on V tha l.filer tf his priifr!oTi. Mis extraordinary powers of eeconrt sight. combined with t superior hnowieJge uf Occult forces, enable him to ivari human life with unerrlns accuracy Irom Infancy to old a (. As pr-iof of his won(lrfu I io wer to s li who come prepared for readinga this "TlTIIOl'T ASKIN'fl A Ql'ESTION'. without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you am. 'henoe or for what vou -n in, he will tjll your full name, occupation and the object or vo-jr visit auoluteiy r of cliaig?. I.EAR.V WHAT IS HKFOHE VOL'. ma so vice pir;ainirtg neaa. wtlla. estate. tu love. law. busl- U'.tiB proy- ert v. auL"j allon. in vest merits, rcari vorce, etc., m unequnled. tie reunites ins separated, fanst, peedy and happy mar- Hagres with the one you love, gives truthful revtlatlon of all Wve MiTatrs. rbto.i 1' t ffc:ln, sett lea lover' ijuarrela, tells how to win ihe man or woman ym love, maka your hufttjand or wife be true to you, over come all your enemies and make a person at a. distance thlnK of vou. tells you names of frieml and euemle who ls tru and who is fMiae; tells you whom and when you will marry, jiving name, dales, U'-'i' and location, taking no fee In advance, acrentlnc none uqImi jLtlractlon 1. given. SPECIXATION AND IXV K6TMENT. HI. arfvlce la muun aought for by tho. contemplating invteting anu ieculating, Tlie dollar properly Invwicd today haa seldom faiied to make the poor man rich. Me charges not one penny Tor such advice until the in vestment has pat J a handsome profit, la this not fair and none!,? Great reduction thla we?k, ai a matter of advertisement. Air. lludcon will give lilsr special reading for 5n cents; satUfsctlon abaolutely tuaran"d or no tee ace-ejjtetj. Ever) thing strtctly aacred and conndentlal. THE WISE USE EVERT MEANS TO COMPASS VICTORY: thounands h-v beo helped. If yon are tn trouble of any kind, unhappy, not satLeHed In lite, have domesi Sc. love or buelness troubles, you will be told how to overcome them ail. Call today, Hour.- lrt A. M. to 8 P. M. Rundajs 11 to i. OFFICES 2ftHs MORRISON STREET. Corner fifth Street. ALWAYS CONSULT THK BEST. PROF, a KHIMO. ASTRAL. DKAD TRANCE CLAIRVOTANT. :0 CHARGE If WOT SATISFIED W H H1?C READING IS OVEIl YOt: TO BE JUDGEJ- I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AO RE IS AND GUARANTEE to make no charge u I fall to call you by name In lull, name of your friends, enemies or rivals. I promts to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell you how to win the love or the one you most tiealre, even though miles away; how to succeed In business. peculation, iawaulta; hoar to marry tbe on of your choice. how to regain youtia. health and vitality. Remo ea evil influences, cures drink habits, locate treasures, mines and oil wells, cures all nervous disease.. THB ENTIRE) WORLD HAS BEEN FTARTLED WITH THB POWERS OF THB tXSEE.1 FORCrTS I HAVE AT MY COM MAM', and I will prov. It to you without prica by ilvln. you a FKEE TEST-rEES. by having your NAME) TOLD (IN FULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAME) FOR. and glv you advice absolutely IfftErEJ before you de cide to have m. rea.ilnc. 'W HO CAN OR. WILL UO HOKli TO (;ONVIN:E THE SKEPTK.T CO NOT MISS I THIS OrPOKTUMTY, A3 IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED VOU aOAIM. Do not hesitate, delay is dttnjcerou. coma at on o arid flnd out : mow ran x marry wear Kow can How can How can How can Mow can I have good luck? I control any one? I conquer my rival? I swttle my Quarrel? tiow can Z conauer my enemies r How can I get a good position! How can I keep my wife's love? How can I rraka my horn, riappyr X toad lnrluie.. T X mak any on. lov. m. T I hold rny biisoand'a lov.T Mow CI HOW C4 How can How can I marry the one I ehocie? How can Thefees, I make distant ones think of msT charted by Professor Khlmn are rtutcflabla and within reach or Permanently Located In Hi Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AKD SUNDAY. PROF. ' E. KHIMO. ICo. Z&& Fifth St.. come:- Madison at. Phone Sfain 0070. FREE-TEST FRE& TEST. Take this advertisement t PROF. DBS MBI.O. SOS -i Waahlnrton Street. Ha will rive you a test of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by tillinf you your name In full, frea of charge. tvenlr.B, 6 .harp. Tesu to all. Readlnns dally. Hall 302. Allsky bldi.. Jd nd Mor'w. SS CORRECT It EADING SOo. T do not need bis ad vert ltternents. I antee aatisis-ction or no cnarge. FROF. HARRINGTON, 110 4TH ST. Mra 6teven, reliable palmist and spiritual llfo reader. 813 i Yamhill, comer Tth. Prof. Mclvo; Trivls, the reliable clalrvoy. ant and palmist. tilU -Wnrrtson at. Uam Psintlns. SIGNS ("That Attract") A. H. Botl Co.. 287 Stark. Paclfle 189. ALWN LBWH, WHOLE6AI.B GBOCERT, cor. N. Front ni Davli itt, f ortlud, Or. DIRECTORY. Typewriters. Jfw Typewriters, all makes. rntJ. aold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Starlc st. Tel- MRS. WALLACE, 25 TEARS FORTLAND'SI mom reiiab:? medium: all in trout.u call and get her valuable advice on all a IT airs of 1 U. busl nesav love troubles; absent frtendai a apclalty. Room T2. Lewis bldR.. 350 Morrison et. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. PROP1, WALLACE. PALMIST. CLAinVOY- KPECIAL NOTICES. Fropoaala Invited. NOT 1 I'M. Notice is hereby given that the unto- l(Tnft tnistee In bankruntoy of the eMataj of "The People's Purnilurr Store" of South Tlend, Wa.hlns;ton. will receive j-eale-3 bi,is tor the rale or the stock of merchandise ..f said bankrupt?, sail h!t may he In any of the followlnt? thre forni: 1. For the furniture In euld stork of mer chanaiee. For the hardware, paints and oils In eoKl stock. li. For said Mock of merchandise as a whole. lil'la to be accompanied by certified cherlc or it cent of tli? a-noiint thereof, isid; bids win be opened at the office of Warren A. Warden. .102 Chamber of Comni'rp& RulldlnK. Tacoma. Waxh., at 0:30 A M on. the 4t h tay of January. 1IK17. The inven tory of ra Id a took limy Le ni'n at my ofTIo-.. " l. (' t- Tacoma. Wash., and at the fa ciflc ftate Bank. ?outh Cfnd, Wa?h. Marie envelope "Hid to b opened January loth." Rlpht us reserved to reject any or all bids, checks of unaucccMful bidders to he re turned. (XBAN K. COSPF.R. Truitee. PROPOSALS FOR THE PT'RCHASC OF Ai POWER BOAT Department of AgrlcultTir-. J- oret Service. Wnshlnplon, X. C i? ea.Iedj liroponttlB will be received at the Deuu: t" ment ol Agriculture until 12 o'clock noon January 91. 1007. for the purchase of a? power boat for use by the Fort Service lis Alneka, aiipis ilmm-'y eTi f.-et over n.1!. 13-. foot Ix-am, 6-foot rtrajCt and 20 tons displace ment; complete with 00-horsepower gMOllna engine, sails, rlggin?. deck and cabin ment. etc - Blank firms of proposnls, ape.l- fliratlin and all necessary Inforni.-.i'.on car. he nhialnel from the Fnrea; Service. V ri lngton. U. C, and Mr. W. A. Lang Ine, Forrsi supervisor, Kc-trhlkan. Alaska. S!c;nfd James Wilson. Secretary of Ag- rlcultMre. Masters' TCotlee. captaiv Mir.B.rrtx. Bftmsrr steamer racTted by his MST AD FOrKD. T H TZ IA RTY WHO TOOK THE 1VOHT handl'd silk. umbrella. from Schiller A Trunin', mu and Washington ats,, last Sunday afternoon M Utter return th aarte and avoid further trouhle. aa ha la 8TRAT BIRD DOO, 1 YBLLOW SPOT right front shoulder, long ydlnw w. yellow strealt tpan Brine numlif r or !! I'hoir I'arinc 1317. TCUXD-A PLACE TO RAVE HaIR Ma?. tresaes renovated and returned same day., S2S Front s t. Ma in 4T . Portland Curlad Hilr Factorj. i 1 . Mcucar, proprlator. LOST LADY'S COLD WATCH, CLOgEB fare, care carved with popplis nn1 In itials M. 7." on front. Call BrlKhnm. 2()t F"enton bios;., and rerelwe rwnrd. WFT-A WITiTE; "TKDDY nBATT Wf WasiiltiRlnn st.. bt. 2M snrl iUl. on I'rl- nnaer fiiease rn urn iu nr. FOf.ND PEAP.l AND DIAMOND LEAF brooch Din: owner to Rive description, :., In letter sd.Jredi.ed to Jnmes Clinton, car ifrt M'u rlron si . LOST FRIDAY AFTER NOON ON ST A K rC ?t a brin'llc UoTon bull terriw; licenw number 344. Return to PulHc Library fur I.OKT BRACE1.KT SEX WITH GARXHTH, lie-tween imperial and Ortjoi Hitfl. rinOfT p!3 return to Irt.pwlal Hotel find rwlve reward. kpiac: rovard, Main 474 xAm. LrOT HAi-K OP GOLD LOCKET. MONO, ftrsmed "'. . oontalnltiK miniature. Ms- tiirn to room O Hobart-C'urtle ; regard. LOST EX:'HE?S MON'EV H'iS. PAV- it ile to r". V. SarTord. P.ctnrn t Hell Is Th.i ter box o CTt c-' nn d rrelv r-wn-'l . jj(-)f!T GOLD GI.AriSES IN GREEN CASE, Mwfhi Weft Park. 10th and Yamhill mi. rtetiirn to Wept Park at. 1XST LARCH-SIZED COCKER PPAMEL: licenr No, Kfturn to 674 Enst Jloni- jt.: rcnard. FOl'ND -SMALT, SVJI OF MONEY. APPLT IRS Eaat 82(1 at. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORK-TtlN. Dralanated tpoaitory and Flnaadsl Aganl of the United 8ta.tee. President i mills cUs.r J- W. KEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. AI.VORO &econ.1 Assistant Ca.hlar K. F. STEVENS letters oC orotflt ls-jer3 avallabla in 7urops and all the Eanern States. Sight firtango and telpyraphlo trnnJerl sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St. Lou!s. St Paul Omaha. San Fiancmco and ths prln cltsl point of the Northwat. Slsjht and time bills drawn In sums to s-ilt on London, rarJs, Berlin, Frankfort-on-tne Main. Hongkong. Yakohams, Copenhagen., Christiana. Stockholm. fit. PetarabursT. Mue eow X.irlch. Honolulu. Collections Made on Reasonable Terms). PORTLAKD TRUST COMPANY 0?" ORBGOX." The Oldest Trust Company In Oreipoa. KESOUKCES k OV E H. f I.StKJ.OOO.vO. Urnrral Banklna. 2 pr cant In threat on check acronntt (evesj, hundreds) on dally halancei of or over' Letters of credit and exchange on all parti! of the world. Saving! accounts. Time cer tirlrot -s 3 to 4 per cent: short-call apeclal sea- . tlOcates. 5500 or over. 2 to 4 prcent Call tor Book of "JLtUPTR ATIONB. Phone Private Excharje 72. 8 E. Corner Third and Oak 8tref. BBVJ I- COH H??C Prialden -T ' tTTTTirK . Viee-1""reir!nt. i B." LEB HAOKT Secretary LADD TILTOV. BAXTCBRB B6TAKLI?HED I.NT 18 SO. Transacts a General Banking Buelnefa. intercut Allowed on Time Deposit. Collections made at points on favorably terms. I-etter of credit Issued avallabl l"-1u;-ope and all points In the United Slates. Slarht escchmnsre and telesrraph 1c tranasTersi ao'd pn New York. Washington. Chleao, St. IJUls, Denver, Omaha, gan Franclaco an varloiu rln In Oregon. WAihington ini Idaho Montana and British Columbia, Fxr'harifo on In.1or. Parl. Berlin. Frank, fort HocxKons. Yokohama, Idaxalla and Mono- lulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL. BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK TV ATBON Praatdent R.. L.. Dl'RHAM . VI ce-f resident h, W. H0TT Caihler OEbRfiB TV. H0YT Aealitant Cashlei TRANSACTS GFN'BRAL BANKING BUSINESS. TJnlted States Dfooaltory. Drafts and letters of credit loausd. araUa Able In all parti of the world. . , Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF" CALIFORNIA -10stabllehed In ISM.) HEAD OFFICE, BAN FRANCISCO, CAti. Prwldent HOJIKR 8. KIX1 Gen. Man. of Branches W. MACKINTOSH- Capital paid up 4.orn.OOf Gurplua nd undivided profits S10.OS3.443 A. General Bank ins; and Exchange Jiis;neaa Tr3ctffl, Letti-ra of credit Issued, available In alt parta of the world. Interest paid on tiro d.poslta. f AVINOB DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for iudi of SlO and up-" Mrd. WM. A. MA CRAB Manase J. T. BUHTCHAKl.L Assistant Manafer VXITBXD 6TATKS NATIONAL 13 A NK OF FORTUAND, OREGON. Unltd t?tflt lWsItory. KorthwMt Corner Third and Oak Btreeta. Trnact a General Banklnc Ft ualn nmm. Drnrta Lssurd. avallab! in all o ! 1 1 .a o f tYia United State and Europe. Hongkoog and Manila. CoIlMtloni Made oa Favorable Termi. Tral1nt. . . JC. AIXBWORTK Vice-President. . . rt. LEA II A H N K 3 . . It. IV . BC HMEffa Assistant Cashier. . A. M. WBI1HT Assistant CaMer w. a, HOLT PORTLAND, OREGON. T. C. PF.LTON Pre-' dent FRED H. P.OTHCHrLD 1st Vice-President JOHN A- JC EATING 2d Vlca-Pritaldent u. juisAr.a. .. . ....... vasnier H. D. STORY. .Assistant Cashier' PtATT t PLATT. . ..Gen.ral Counnl Comm.Kl.1 ana iavlon Cpvtmmta Int.rt T 11 on Crlnga Account.. DraTU nd Ltttr of Credit laeued, Avail" abli In All Farts ot til .World.