T11E MOKNIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, DECE3IBER 28, 1906. 13 SLOW TO SELL HOPS Growers Not Disposed to Take Present Prices. EASTERN DEMAND IS GOOD Many Orders on Hand That Cannot Easily Be Filled Heavy Arrivals of Feed From the Country. New Sugar List. HOPS CSrowers are Blow sellers. FL'HiD Receipts of hay, oats and barley larger. SUGAR Jobbing prices revised. FRUIT Bananas arrive in fine con dition. POULTRY Chickens In atronc de mand. BGGS Weak, but no lower. There was some falling off yesterday in the volume of hop business, but It was not due to any lack of demand, but rather to the unwfllingness of growers to sell at the prices offered. Buyers report It exceedingly difficult to Interest country holders at the present time. The weak growers have near ly all sold out and those that still have hops are waiting to see what happens after the first of the year. They are not going to hold Indefinitely, but the spurt Just before Christ mas encouraged them to believe that the market Is on a better foundation than ap 'peared to be the case a short time ago. Therefore it Is likely that but little wlH be offered on the market before New Year's. Considerable bear talk Is being heard, as is usually the case during a lull, and there Is evidently a moro or less extended short Interest that Is opposed to any advance In the market at this time. It Is pointed out that a number cjf the big dealers are selling, but as they are turning a legitimate profit on the transactions, this Is no evidence of weakness, but on the contrary shows the healthy position of the market. Other deal ers make no secret of the fact' that they are supplied with Eastern orders which they willful as soon as they can find sellers. A-Clumber of deals were made Christmas in I.ane County, but several of them were riot closed as the quality did not run up to the samples. A special dispatch' fro Eu gene reports the following sale: Eugene, Or., Dec. 27. Yesterday, Fischer brothers sold to Kola. Nels, through their agent, Frank Heyer, 170 bales of hops at 12'4c. Mr. Heyer states that this leaves about 2oOO bales in the county, most of which are in the warehouses. These figures Indicate that about three-fourths the Lane hop crop for 1906 has been disposed of. Larger Receipts of Feed. Most feed dealers believe that the present prices will be the highest of the season. Values have advanced more or less steadily since the crops were harvested, first on the strong demand and later because of scar-" city, due to the poor car service. Supplies are now coming forward better and hay, es pecially. Is arriving very freely. If the receipts continue large, there Is some like lihood of a decline, but if too much is not dumped on the market, hay, barley and oats can be counted upon to rule steady. Fruitgrower's Annual Review. The annual review and harvest edition of the California Fruitgrower, which has just been received, Is the best issue of the kind yet turned out by that periodical. It con sists of 80 pages of facts and figures about the fruit industry of the Pacific Coast and of California In particular. Subjects treat ed of at length are fresh, dried and canned fruits, vegetables, olives, salmon, wine, beans and nuts. A statistical section con tains much valuable information in handy form. The edition Is well Illustrated. Firm Market for Poultry, A good demand exists for chickens and as receipts since Christmas have been very light, prices have steadily advanced. Geese and ducks are also In limited supply and firm. Turkeys rule slow. Eggs were quoted weaker yesterday, but were no lower. Butter holds steady and unchanged. Revised Sugar Priors Are Lower. The Portland wholesale grocers yesterday revised their sugar prices to meet the con ditions now existing In the trade. The new list shows a reduction of 12iic per hundred from the prices previously in effect on all grades. No changes hava been made by the refiner. Bananas Arrive In Good Condition. Three cars of bananas arrived yesterday In good selling condition. A car of sweet po tatoes also arrived and a mixed car of oranges and grapefruit was due last night. Trading in fresh roduce was active in the forenoon. Bank Clearings. Bank clearances of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday -were: Clearing. Balances. ( 8&3,;I85 (12.-l.ffiU Seattle Tacoma pokane ............. 1,540.278 1H3.381 SS8.275 54,218 755,905 108,706 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed. Kte. WH FIAT dub, 6466c; bluestem, 68c: Val ley, tiiis; red, 63c. OATS "' 1 white, (2520; gray. (24.50 FLOUR Patents, (3.00; straights, (3.S5, elears. $3.35: Valley. $3.40. ' BARLEY Feed. $21.5o4i22 per ton; brewing, $2.50; lolled. (2324. RYE (1.40$ii.43 per cwt. U?fl,Nc:Who,e- cracked. $27 per ton. . KFS Bran, city. $16; country, (li per ton; middlings. $25; shorts, city, $18: country, $1 per ton, chop. U. S. mills, (15.50 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, rream 90 pound sacks, $7; lower grades, $5.506.75; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks. (3 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks, (7.50 per barrel: 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; spiit peas, (5 per lOO-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. 1.40; pearl barley, (4.25 per 1O0 pounds; j pound boxes. (1.25 per box. pastry flour. 10-pound wacks, $2.50 per bale. HAY' Valley timothy. No. 1, Sf$14 per ton; Eastern Oregon tlinothv. (14flU; clo ver. $S(i8.50; cheat. $7.508.50; grain hav, (i.60a8.50; alfalfa. (11.60; vetch hay, (898.6W Vegetables. Fruits, Ktc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, common to choice, 50iS75c per box; choice to fancy. (1 2.50; pears, (l(i1.50; cranberries. (11.50 12 per barrel; persimmons, (1.50 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS LemQna. fancy, (4.50 tfi5 per box; oranges, navels. (33. 60; Jap anese, (1.65 per bundle; grapefruit. (44.50; pineapples. $3.73 Si 4. .10 per dozen; bananas, 6c per pound; pomegranates. $2.50 per box. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. 90eig$l per sack; carrots, 90c $1 per sack: beets. (1. 251(1. 50 per sack; garlic, 710c per pound; horseradish, 9 10c por pound; sweet potatoes, 2H!'-c per pound FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage, 2c per pound; cauliflower, (1.25 . per dox en; celery, (3.754i4.25 per crate; egg plant, (1.50 crate, lettuce, head. 30c per dozen; onions. 10'Vil21ic per dozen; bell peppers, 8c; pumpkins, 2c per pound; spinach, 4 6c per pound: tomatoes, (2.75 per crate; pars ley. 104rl5c; squash.. 2c per pound; arti chokes, H.-f?75c per dozen; hothouse let tuce, (1.762 per box. ONIQNS Oregon. 75c$l per hundred. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur bank.', fancy, lim.25; common. 76fi85c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, ti'SS'-c pound, aprleots. 166 19r; peaches, 11 13c; pears, US 14c: Italian prunes. 2 c: Califor nia figs, white, in sacks, JStmc per pound; black, iij5o; bricks, 75c o $2.25 per box; Smyrna, SOc pound; dates, Persian, pound. RAISINS layers and clusters, 2-crown. 2.15; 3-oron, 2.25; 5-crown, e.1.10; 6 prown. i3.oO; loose muscatels, 2-crown. 9c; 3-crown. 8iic; 4-crown. Be; seedless, Thompsqihs, 10',ic; Sultanas, BJ12'4c. Butter. Kcks. Poultry. F.tc. "BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 35c per pound. State creameries: Fancy creamery, 32S35c; store butter, 17 18c. BUTTER FAT First erade cream. per pound; second grade cream, 2c less per pound. KG'.iS Oregon ranch. 30a32Hc per dozen. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, 14 Kir: Young America, 15'4glc per pound. POULTRY -Average old hens, . i:!14c; mixed chickens, lii'ffl.lc: Spring. 14(&15c; old roosters. tvglOc: dressed chickens, lSlftc; turkeys, live. 17lSc; turkey, dressed, choice. 20fti22c; geese, live, per pound. 12 Wl.lc; ducks, 15lc; pigeons, l&1.5or sijuabs, J2ji3. Dressed Meat. VEAL Dressed. 75 to 123 pounds. S9 fiWc; 125 to l.-0 pounds. 7c; 150 to 20 pounds, Uc; 2O0 pounds and up. &VQ6c. BEEF Dressed bulls. gl2c per pound; cows. 4&5c; country steers. -CGWc. MUTTON Dressed. fancy, 89d per pound; ordinary. 7c. PORK Dressed, loo to ISO pounds, 8c; l."W) to 200 pounds. 7&7&c; 200 pounds and up, 66Hc. Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON- Fancy breakfast, 20c per pound; standard breakfast. 17c: choice. 16c: Eng lish, 11 to 14 pounds. 154c, peach. UVjc. HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 16c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 16c; 18 to 20 pounds, lSVic; California (picnic). lOc; cottage, 11 c; shoulders, none; boiled, 24c; boiled picnic, boneless, 20c. PICKLED GOODS Pork. barrels, $21; half-barrels. (11; beef, barrels, (10, half barrels. (5.50. SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17 tec; bo logna, long. 6c; welnerwurst, 10c; liver, 6c; pork, 10c; headcheese, 6c; blood, 0c, bolog na link. 5c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked. 13c; clear backs, dry salt. 12c: smoked, 13c; clear bel lies. 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt, none: smoked, none; Oregon exports. 20 to 23 pounds average, dry salt, 13Ve: smoked, 14 tic. Union bellies. 10 to 18 pounds aver age, none. LARD Kettle rendered; Tierces. 12tec; tubs. 12c: 50s. 12c: 20c, 127,c; 10s. 134c; 5s. 13iC. Standard pure: Tierces, llHc; tubs, llc: 80s, Uc, 20s, ll'ic; 10s. 12fic: 5s, 12c. Compound: Tierces, Mc; tubs, 8!c; 60s. 8c: 10s, 8c; 5s, 8 sic. Olla. TURPENTINE Cases. 88c per gallon. COAL OIL Cases, 10c per gallon; tanks, 12 Vic per gallon. GASOLINE Stove, cases, 24c; SO test, 32c: iron tanks, 2fic. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c: 500-pound lots. tic; less than 500-pound lots, 8c. (In 25-oound tin nails. 1c above keg nrice: 1 to ' fi-nound tin cans, loo Dounds Dec case. 2ac per pound above keg price.) LINSEED Raw, In barrels, 50c: in cases, 55c: boiled. In barrels 62c, In cases 57c; 250-gallon lots, lc less. BENZINE Cases, lttc per gallon; tanks, lUVic per gallon. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. . RICE Imperial Japmi No. 1, 6V4e; South ern Japan, 0.40c; rssod. 6.T5c. COFFEE Mocha. 262Sc; Java, ordinary. !SfJr-j2c; Costa Rica, fancy 18$20c, good 10 18c, ordinary lHii?22c per pound. Co lumbia roast, cases. 10os. $15.25; 50s, (15.50; Arbuckle, (17.25; Lion. (15.76. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, (1.73 per doz.: 2-pound tails, (2.40; 1-pound flats, (1.10: Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 90c; red. 1-pound uills, (1.25; sockeye, 1-pound tails, II 70. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds. Cube, $8.174; powdered. $5.074; dry granulated, $4.92 u,; extra C. $4.42Vi: golden c. $4.32 Vj : fruit sugar, $4,924; berry. (4.92; P. C, $4.82; star, $4.72. Advance sales over sack basis as follows: Larrels, loo; half, bar rels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct He per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct tjc. Beet sugar. (4.73W per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 153 lNc per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 16'fc20c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 17c; Alberts, 15c: pecans. Jumbos 19c, extra large 20c; almonds, 18 W-'Oc; chestnuts. Ohio. 17'c; Italian. 14'4 "h'15c; peanuts, raw, 6a$?8Vic per pound: roasted, 10c: pinenuts. lOfol'Jc; hickory nuts, 10c: cocoanuls, .tfi90c per dozen. SALT California dairy, $13 ton: imita tion Liverpool, $14 per ton; half-ground, 100s. $11: 50s. $9.50; lump Liverpool, (19.50. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 21c; pink, 2Tsc; bayou, 834c; Lima, 4c; Mexicans, red. 41,ic. HONEY Fancy, (3.253.50 per box. Lumber, Lath, Etc; LUMBER Common rough dimensions, per M.. $15; sidewalk and street, $14f17: stepping, $:;3:;; flooring, $10a30: rustic, $20j28; cell ing, (1727; finishing, (2035; cedar, rough, LATH Per M.. $2.10?2.35. SHINGLES Cedar. $2.50. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS ll14c per pound, according to quality. WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. 13 518c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 2na:!3c, according to fineness. MOHUK Choice. 26 2Sc. HIDES Dry: No. 1, 16 pounds and up, per pound. IS'JOc; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds. lSi'21c per pound; dry salted bulls and stags, onc-thlrd less than dry flint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur rain, halr-cllpped, weatherbeaten or grubby, 2 Si1 3c per pound less. Salted hides: Steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, per pound. 10fi$ lie; steers, sound, under 50 pounds. 10f& lie per pound; steers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows, 910c per pound; stags and bulls, sound. 7c per pound; kip. sound. 10 to 30 pounds. 10c per pound; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds. 11c per pound; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, ll$rl2c per pound; green (unsalted), lc per pound less; veals, le per pound less? Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. 1, butchers' stock, eech, 2530c; short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each, &0AOc; me dium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each, $1.255i3: murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 15 16c per pound. Horse hldcs: Salted, each, according to size, $1 1.25; colthideB, each. 25e50c. Goatskins: Common, each. 15&25c; Angora, with wool on. each. S0c$1.50. FURS No. 1 skins: Bearskins, as to size, each, (5920; cubs, each, (13; badger, prime, each. 25i&i00c: cat, wild, with head perfect, 30 50c; house eat, 5 20c: fox, common gray, large prime, each. 5070c; red, each, (35; cross, each, (5S15; sliver and black, each. (4.506; mink, strictly No. 1. each, according to size.- (13: mar ten, dark. Northern, according to size and color, each, $115; pale pine, according to size and color, each. $2.50(4; muskrat, large, ench, 1215c: skunk, each. 4060c; civet or polecat, each, f4'15c; other large fine skins, each. (610: panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $2' 3; raccoon, prime, large, each, 5075c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, each, (3.50$ 5; prairie tcoyote), 60cHr$l; wolverine, each. (68: beaver, per skin, large, (56; medium, (3 small, (11.50: kits. 50 73c. BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 22 25c per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 44i4c; No. 2 and grease. 2 3c. CASCARA SAGRADA (chlttam bark) Per pound, 67c. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices raid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. PAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. The following prices were quoted In the produce market yesterday: FRUIT - Apples, choice (1.75, common SOc: bananas, (13; Mexican limes, (34; California lemons, choice, - (3, common, (1.50; oranges, navel, (1.503; pineapples, (2.50 8 3.50. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, (1: garlic 34c; green peas, 1012c: string beans, 1517tc; tomatoes, (1.25&1.50; egg plant. (2 2.50. EGGS Store, 40c; fancy ranch, 65c; East ern, 20 25c. POTATOES River, white. (J. 30 1.40; River reds. (11.15; Salinas Burbanks, (1.90 ft 2.25; sweets, (1.75; Oregon Burbanks, $1.73 2.00. ONIONS Yellow. 65 75c. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 85c: creamery seconds, 26c; fancy dairy, 30c; dairy seconds, nominal; pickled. 2l2H4o. WOOI., Fall. Humboldt and Mendocino. 13 14c: South Plains and San Joaquin, 7g8c; lambs'. 81413c; Nevada, 13 14c. HOPS California, U15c; Oregon and Washington, ll15c. CHEESE Young America, lBo; Eastern, 17c: Western, 15c. HAY Wheat, (15822; wheat and oats, (1417.50: alfalfa, $S12.50; stock, (79; straw, 35 & 70c per bale. MILL9TUFFS Bran. (20.60022.60; mid dlings, (276 30. FLOUR California family extras, (4.65 6.10; bakers' extras, (4.404.75; Oregon and Washington. (3.254. POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers. 1820c: turkey hens. 18Sj20c: roosters, old. (4'5; young. (67; broilers? small, (2.50 3.50: broilers, large, (4 5; fryers, (5(g) 6; hens, (5 7; ducks, old, (5 6; ducks, young, $60 7. RECEIPTS Flour. 8850 quarter sacks; wheat. 70 centals: barley, 2090 centals: oats. 2954 centals: potatoes, 900 sacks: bran. 600 packs; hay, 350 tons; wool. 22 bales; hides, 569. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 27. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and Western medium. 23 26c; fine medium, 14 & 21c; fine, 144170. OFFER FEW STOCKS Demand Exceeds Supply. in New York Market. TONE STRONG THROUGHOUT Lack or Pressure to Sell Gives Trad ing' a Dull Appearance More Confidence - in the Money Outlook. NEW YORK, Dec. 2T. The supply of stock offering in the market today- was scan ty and the demand, though not large, was sufficient to lift prices. The absence of any pressure to sell stocks was the most distinct characteristic of the day's market and It was Jhis that gave it the dull and strong tone. In spite of the near approach of the January settlements and a higher range for call loans than was secured yesterday, there was no sign of necessitous liquidation. Borrowers were able apparently to secure facilities at the rates asked and were willing to pay them and there was no forcing of holdings on the market. The resumption of trading in the London stock market after the holidays seemed to. be in favor of higher prices for Americans, as considerable advances were scored there before trading began here.. The responsive opening here was followed by considerable selling to realise and a setback in prices resulted. The rebound in the Hill stocks re moved one of the Influential factors in causing the recent depression In -the market. All of the trans-continental railroads were strongly bought. There also was a decided upward movement In Reading. There was a growth of confidence in the money outlook. Today was the final day for the payment of the (30.000.000 of subscrip tions to New York Central stock. It is be lieved that this sum when paid to the treas ury of the railroad will become Immediately available for temporary use in the money market and so help to tide over the year-end demand. A feature of the day was the decline in the open market discount rate in London, notwithstanding weak returns by the Bank of England, the Bank of France and the Imperial Bank of Germany. A further de cline in foreign exchange also broadened the profit now admitted to exist on engage ments of gold in London for Import. Local bankers continued to maintain the opinion that no Inward gold movement was Imme diately imminent. The strong advance in Great , Northern preferred. Northern Pacific and St. Paul was accompanied by declines in the sub scription rights to those stocks. Whatever the sources or the motives of the day's de mand, its presence was unmistakable and was well sustained. A late reaetlnn Hit rn V profit-taking on the day's rise was followed Dy a strong closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, (1.698.000. United States new 4s reg istered declined 14 per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Low. Bid. " Sales. High. Aunmz. express.- Amalgam Copper.. 6.3. 80O 114 An. Car ft Foundry 1,900 42 do preferred Am Catton Oil do preferred. American Express Am Hd & Lt pf 290 113ii 114 2 42'4 160V4 31 lj 88 ..... 235 28 4 1V Am Ice Securities. Am Lirseed Oil 4.800 91 Ts 0 io preferred Am Locomotive ., 600 do preferred 200 Am Smelt & Refln 14,800 do preferred 400 Am Sugar Refln.. 600 Am Tobacco pf... 300 Anaconda Min Co. 10.2O0 Atchison 17.300 do preferred 400 Atlantic Coast Line 300 Baltimore & Ohio. 3.600 do prefrred loo Brook Rap Transit 8,000 Canadian Pacific. 8.200 Cent of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio 1,900 Chi Great Western 200 Chi & Northwest.. 700 Chi, Mil & St. P.. 23.300 Chi Term Tran 34 72 72 108 "4, 108 "4 1494 149 11.1 113 72 lOSTi 150 14 114 132V4 S 2SHS1 103 08 133 119 9.1 80 195 "66" 17 197 150 131 132'4 96 tK;ii 287 288 101 103 9 98 133 11 93 133 119 1914 ' 79", 193 194 56 171, 17 197 194 (49 150 do preferred.... C. C, C. & St. L Colo Fuel A Iron.. 9.500 64 Colo & Southern.. 3O0 36 22 88 63 36 . 67 67 137 21 81 222 610 41 84 69 43 74 65 158 126 167 17 80 37 80 28 49 29 60 143 27 69 148 167 94 41 "114 - 71 57 130 47 92 ' 88 88 37 138 98 80 63 - 98 179 135 88 90 38 96 29 65 47 24 69 92 119 32 94 160 35 83 63 181 93 , 112 81 51 106 48 104 36 107 18 38 290 148 91 16 24 48 186 34 98 74 183 35 73 63 36 65 137 21 82 219 l" 84 7 47 75 66 157 168 18 80 .16 80 28 do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred.. Consolidated Gas:. Com Products.... do preferred Delw & Hiideon... Del, Lack & West. Den & Rio Grande do preferred Distillers' Securlt. Erie do 1;t preferred . do 2d preferred.. General Eiectrlc .. Hocking Valley... Illinois Central.... International Paper do preferred International Pump do preferred Iowa Central .... do preferred Kan City Southern do preferred Louis & Nashville Mexican Central.. Minn & St. Louis. M, St. P A B S M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .. Mo. Kansas & Tex do preferred National Lead Nat RR of Mex pf New York Central N Y, Ont West. Norfolk & Western do preferred North American .. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Gas Pitts. C C St L. Pressed Steel Car. 1,100 67 600 137 S.KXI 22 600 82 1.100 223 200 200 800 6.800 20O 200 1,100 "ino 100 200 900 . 100 800 84 t 7014 43 75 65 160 i8" 18 80i 87 80 28 300 1.500 L400 200 700 300 2,000 3,300 200 2u0 100 4.600 100 1.300 60 143 69 142 167 94 J1 71 " 57 92 60 143. 27 69 140 167 83 1 405, 71 71 87 129 47 90 1(10 88 88 29.400 1.17 137 97 63 iao 132 1.600 98 ' i.666 64 do preferred . : Pull Palace Car.. 100 180 Reading 218.400 135 do 1st preferred do 2ri nref erred RTublic Steel 2.0O0 do preferred 800 89 97 80 65 47 25 69 92 .18 96 29 65 47 24 68 91 Rock Island Co. . . do preferred St L S F 2d. pf. S. Louis Southwes do preferred :.2oo 100 300 800 800 Southern Pacific... 14.900 do preferred Southern Railway. 8,700. 33 32 do . preferred Tenn Coal Iron Texls Pacific... 1,6"T 35" Tol. St. L ft West 200 33 do preferred 300 VI Union Pacific 68. 700 181 do preferred 200 93 TT S Express "34 33 53 181 93 U. S. Realty U S Rubber do preferred U S Steel do preferred. Vlfg Caro Chem.. do preferred Wabash do preferred 51 103 36 107 18 38 Wells- Fargo Exp Westlnghouse Elec Western Union Wheel ft Lake Brie Wisconsin Cent do preferred Northern Pacific. 61.900 Central Leather... 100 do preferred fila Sheffield- 200 lRSVj 34 184 34 '74 183 36 73 shares. 75 Great Northern pf 20.900 186H International Metal o.aoo 8n do preferred 200 73 Tdtal sales) for the day. 772,100 BONDS. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Closing quotations: V. S. ref. 2s reg.104 do coupon .... 105 !D. ft R. G. 4s. . . 98 NV Y. C. G. 3s. 92 V. S. 3s reg 102 do coUDon. .. : 102 Northern Pac 3s. 73 Northern Pac. 4S.103 TJ. 8. new 4s reg.1.10 do coupon .... 130 U. S. old 4s reg. 100 Southern pac. 4s. 8 'Union Pacific 4s. 103 !Wis. Cen. 4s 89 ;.lap. 6s 2d aer... 96 do coupon .... 11)1 Atchison Adj. 4s. 92 Jap. 4s efts... 91 Stocks in London. LONDON". Dec. 27. Consols for money, 85 15-16; do for account, 86 1-16. Anaconda 14:N. Y. Central. . .135 Atchison 106 !Nor. ft West... - 93 do pfd 105 do r.fd 93 B. ft 0 123 Ont. ft West 48 Can. Pac 202IPennsyIvania '. . . 71 Ches. ft Ohio 6S (Rand Mines 6 Chi. G. W 18 Reading 69 C. M. ft St. P.. .191 ISouthern Ry 33 De Beers 23 do pfd ' ... 97 D. ft E. G 43Vi'Southern Pacific. 93 do pfd. ............ 68: Union. PcUio...lS7-j 1.20ft 51 200 107 21.600 48 8.700 104 100 36 loo 107 70O 18 700 39 Erie 44' do pfd 96 do 1st pfd.... 77 U. S. Steel..... 49 do 2d pfd 3 ; do pfd 107 111. Central 176 'Wabaeh 20 Louis, ft Nash..l4st do pfd. 42 M., K. ft T 42 9. Spanish 4s 93 Money, Exchange, Et. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Money on call. 49 11 per cent: ruling rate 8; closing bid. 4; offered at 4. Time loans, easier; 60 days, 76 8 per cent; 90 days, 767 per cent; six months. 66 per cent- Prime mercan tile paper, 66 per cent. - Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at (4.8270 4.8275 for demand and at (4.7765 4.7770 for 60-dey bills. Posted rates. (4.794.79 and (4.84 4.84. Commercial bills, $4.77. Bar silver. 69 c. Mexican dollars, 53e, Bonds Government, easy; railroad, irreg ular. 1 r LONDON. Dec. 27. Bar silver, firm, 82 d per ounce. Money. 6 5 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 6 per cent; do for three months' bills, 56 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 27. Silver bars, 69c- Mexican dollars, 54 c. Drafts Skght, par; telegraph. 5c. Sterling on London Sixty days, (4.88; sight, (4.88, Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund shows: Available cash balances (233.818.698 Gold coin and bullion 102,107.523 Gold certificates '.... 54,410,230 HOLIDAY HE lJ STOCKS ONLY FAIR DEGREE OF ACTIV ITY IX LOCAL MARKET. Sharp Rise in Great Northern on a Sale of Three Thousand Shares. Holiday quietness Is still the leading characteristic of the Portland stock mar ket, though trading yesterday was much bet ter than on the previous day. British Yukon advanced to 25 on sales of 4000 shares. Three thousand shares of Great Northern sold at 2 as against 1, the last sale. Standard Consolidated was in demand and 2000 shares were sold at 1010- Nothlng was done in the Coeur d'Alene issues In which prices ruled about steady. Official prices were as follows: Official prices were as follows: Bank stocks- Bank of California 366 372 Bankers' & Lumbermen's 105 Equitable Savings ft Loan 97 Merchants' National 154 - Oregon Trust and Savings... 120 140 United States National 200 Bonds City ft Suburban 4s 93 Columbia Southern Irr'n 6s 93 O. R. & N. Ry. 4s 99 100 O. W. P. &. Ry. 6s 100 104 Portland Rv. 5s lot J. C. Lee Co. 6s - 100 Miscellaneous stocks Associated Oil 47 . 49 Home Telephone 23 30 J. C. Lee Co 80 Oregon City Mill ft Lumber. 5 Portland Heights Imp. Co 53 Pacific States Telephone.... 103 110 Fuget Sound Telephone 00 Yaquina Bay Telephone.... 5 Mining Stocks Alaska Petroleum 10 12 British Columbia Amal 02 03 British Yukon .-. 24 25 Cascadia 26 31 Copperopolls - '. 01 05 Dixie Meadows 02 Freeland Consolidated 01 Gallaher 02 05 Golconda 02 Goldtiold Trotter 10 20 Great Northern 02 02 Holden 10 Lee's Creek Gold 01 02 Mammoth 10 13 Morning . 03 ' 04 North Falrvlew 05 Oregon Securities 01 03 Rambler Cariboo 25 32 Standard Consolidated ..... 10 ' 10 Taccma Steol -13 16 United Placer 60 Coeur d'Alene District Alameda 10 18 Bullion - OS x 11 Burke 02 03 Copper King 25 SO Happy Day -. 03 05 Park Copper o 10 Mineral Farm 4 05 Monmouth 03 08 Nonpareil Copper 03 05 Reindeer 01) 10 Ruth Consolidated . : 08 12 Snowshoe 65 o Snowstorm 275 325 SALES. 600 Alaska Petroleum 19 4000 British Yukon 25 80(H) Great Northern 02 looo Standard Consolidated : 10 1000 Standard Consolidated 10 Eastern Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Closing quotations: Adams Con ( .20ILittle Chief ( .05 Alice 6.00 ftntarlo 4.23 Breece " . .31'Ophir 3.00 Brunrwlck Con. .6(1 Potosl .13 Comstock Tun... .25Savage 1.00 Con. Cal. ft Va. . l.l.liSierra Nevada... .70 Horn Sliver 1.80iKmall Hopes 30 Iron Silver 4.25iStandard 2.50 Leadvllle Con... .OV BOSTON? Dec. 27. Closing quotations: Adventure . .( 5. Allouez 53. Amalgamatd 114. Atlantic 14. Bingham ... 3o. Cal. ft Hecla 895. Centennial . . 36. Cop. Range.. 83. Daly West. . 18. 25 25 25 50 00 00 IQulncy (102.50 18.25 115.O0 10.75 lir-nannon . 'Tamarack . . Trinity JUnlted Cop.. U. S. Mining. iU. S. OH iUtah 70.50 6.75 9.00 62 OO 7.30 12.37 185.00 110.50 35.00 18.00 171.00 29.00 37.0O 33.00 50 00 00 67 00 00 50 37 (Victoria jWinona. . . . iWolverlns . . North Butte. Butte Coal.. Franklin 24. Granby .... Isle Royale. Mass. Mining Michigan . . . Mohawk . . . Mat. C. C O. Dominion Osceola .... Parrot 13 27. 8. 21. 76. 1. 5.1. 147. 29. Cal. ft Arli".' oo 75 37 00 00 Teoumseh ... Aria. Com.... Greene Con.. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dee. 27. There was a sharp decline In the London tin market, spot clos ing at 194 5s and futures at 194 lOs. Lo cally the market was weak In consequence with spot quoted at 42.8042.55e. Copper was 10s higher In the London mar ket with spot quoted at 107 5s and futures at 108 15s. Locally the market continues firm and shows an advancing tendency In spite of the high level already attained by prices. Lake is quoted at 23.6023c: elec trolytic at 23,25 23.76c and casting at 23 23.50c. a z Lead was unchanged at 66.25c In the local market. The London market was 2s 6d higher at 20. Spelter was higher In London, closing at 28 2s 6d. Locally the market was firm but unchanged at 6.606.70c. Iron was unchanged In the English market with standard foundry quoted at 61s 6d and Cleveland warrants at 62s ld. Locally, unchanged. Dried Frnit t New York. NEW YORK, Dee. 27. The market for evaporated apples shows no fresh features. Demand Is light and supplies for future shipments are offered freely enough to Im part an easy tone to the spot market. Fancy are quoted at 99c; choice, 88c; prime, 7 Si Sc. Prunes are unchanged with quotations ranging from 8c to 9c for California fruit. Apricots are very quiet, but prices are firm owing to light available supplies. Choice are quoted at 16c; extra choice, IT 18c; fancy, 1820C Peaches are steady with choice quotej at 11c; extra choice, 1212e; fancy, 12 12c. Raisins are In moderate demand with loose muscatels quoted at 78c; seeded raisins, 7 10c; London layers, (1.43 1.55. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, Dec 27. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries, 2231c; dairies, 20 27c. Eggs Easy; at mark. -cases included. 21 24c; firsts, 24c; prime firsts, 26c; extras 28c. Cheese Steady, 13 14c. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Butter, cheese and eggs, un.che.nfed. 1HT0PMFCEHT Chicago Market Is Strong at the Close. , OFFERINGS ARE SMALL Decrease In the World's Visible Sup ply the Cause of the Strength. Corn and Oats Are Higher. (CHICAGO. Dec. 27. Trading In wheat was quiet previous to the posting of the world's visible supply statistics, but when it was known that the supply, as shown by Brad street's, had decreased 3.500,000 bushels, compared with an Increase of 2.664.0OO last week, shorts commenced to cover. Offerings at the time were not liberal and this caused a firm condition In the market. Country of ferings from the Southwest were reported as being more free than for several days. The market closed firm, with prices at the high est point of the. day. May opened. a shade higher at 77c. sold ofT to 77c and then advanced to 78 c, where It closed, c to c net higher. Trading In corn was quiet and prices were firm all day. Wet weather throughout the corn belt and small local receipts were the chief sources of strength. The close was firm May opened c to c higher at 43fii'4.'c to 43c, sold between 43c and 43c and closed c up at 4343c. The estimate of a trade' paper that the total crop of oats in the United States Is abou't 100.000.000 bushels less than the fig ures announced by the Government caused a firm market and a strong close. May opened a shade to c higher at 3536c to 36c, advanced to 36c, where It closed, c higher. Sentiment was bullish In provisions throughout the day and the volume of trading was large. At the close May pork was up 17 c to 22c. lard was 13c higher and ribs were up 13c. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Ooen. High. Low. Close. $ .74 .78 December May ... ( .73 ( .74 ( .73 77 .78 .77 CORN. . .41 .41 .40 .43 .34 .43 .43 .44 .43 OATS. .33 .34 .33 .36 ..lr. .:;r.. .33 .33 .33 MESS PORK. 15.93 16.22 15.90 16.52 IH.8$ 16.45 LARD. December May July .41 .43 .44 December May July .34 .:i .33 January May ... 16.22 16.77 December January . May July .... 9.02 9.1(1 0.25 . 9.40 9.22 9.25 9.42 9.5D 9.02 9.1(1 9.25 9.32 9.22 9.25 9.42 9.50 SHORT RIBS . 8.52 8.72 . 8.80 9.00 . 8.92 9.10 January May .. July .. 8.50 S.77 8.92 8.72.J 8.97 9.10 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 77c; No. 3, 71Slc; No. 2 red, 7374c. Corn No. I. 42c; No. 2 yellow, 44c. Oats No. 2. 34c; No. 2 white, 36c; No. 3 white,. B.S"!, , Rye No. 2. 62c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 4853c. Flaxseed No. 1, (1.13; No. 1 Nortnwestern, (1.20. Timothy seed Prime. (4.35. Clover Contract grades. (13.75. Short ribs Sides (loose), (8.258.75. Mess pork Per barrel, $13. Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.22. Sides Short clear (boxed). $9.129.25. Whisky Basis of high wines. (1.29. ' 1 Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 43,400 65.700 Wheat, bushels 200.0(H) 77.200 Corn, bushels 835,900 260,600 Oats, bushels 375.200 320.800 rtye, bushels 24.0OO Parley, bushels 128,800 30, 100 74.700 Grain and Produce at Tfew York. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Flour Receipts. 33.700 barrels; exports, 50O0 barrels; sales. 1SO0 packages. Market dull and about steady. Wheat Receipts. 53,000 bushels; exports, 26,900 bushels: sales, 1.500,000 futures. Spot, firm. No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. -2 red 81c f. o. bt afloat; No. 1 Northern Du luth. 90c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Win ter. S5c f. o. b. afloat. Marked advances occurred In wheat today on light North western receipts, prospects for small Argen tine shipments, covering and a big decrease in the world's stocks for the week. Final prices represented c net decline. Sales In cluded, No. 2 red. May closed, 84 c; July closed, 83 c; December closed, 81 c. Hops Quiet. Pacific Coast. 1906 crop, 14 17c: do 1903 crop. 10 14c. , ' Wool, petroleum and hides Steady. Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Special cable and telegraphic "communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Bushels. Wheat, United States, east of the Rockies, decreased 10.000 Canada, Increased 695,000 Total, United States and Canada, Increased 683.000 Afloat for and In Europe, decreased. 4,200.000 Total American and European sup ply, decreased 3,517.000 Corn. United States and Canada. In creased 971,000 Oats, United States and Canada, decreased' 384,000 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec, 27. Wheat and barley, quiet. ' Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. (1.25 1.30; milling, $1 35 1.40. Barley Feed, (1.07 1.11 ; brewing, $1.101.15. Call-board sales: Wheat May, (1.29. Barley May, (1.19. Corn Large yellow, (1.30 1.35. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOI- Dec. 27. In the grain mar ket today prices closed as follows: Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 red Western Winter, 6s. Futures, steady; December, 6s 3d: March, 6s 4d; May, 6s 4d. In the London market Pacific Coast car goes prompt shipment, slightly higher, at 29s Ud30s fid. Market, quiet. Weather In England today, cloudy and damp. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. 27. Wheat Decem ber. 77c; May, 79e; July. 80c: No. 1 hard. 8080c; No. 1 Northern. 79 79c: No. 2 Northern, 7777c; No. 3 Spring. 73 74c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Loealir on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The following prices were quoted In the local livestock market yesterday: CATTLE Best eteers. (3.75; medium, (33.30; cows. (2.753; fair to medium cows. (2.252.50; bulls, (1.502; calves. (4 4.60. SHEEP Best. (4.755.25; lambs, (55.25. HOGS Best. (6.756.S5; lightweights, (6.256.50. Eastern Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 22,000. Market, active to stronger. Native steers, (3.75 6.25; cows and heifers, (2.604.50; Western steers, (3.255.40; can ners, (1.75g2.76; stockers and feeders. (2.73 S4.oO; calves. (3 6: bulls, stags, etc., (2 4. Hogs Receipts, 7000. Market, 6e lower. Heavy, (U6.15: mixed, (6.126.15; light. (6 150.20: pigs, $5.25 6; bulk of sales, (6.126.17. Sheep Receipts, 5500. Market, strong. Yearlings. (5.50 6.10; wethers, $3 3.50; ewes, (4.505.15; lambs, (6.507.50. CHICAGO, Dec. t 27. Cattle Receipts, DOWN1NG-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1893 BROKERS STOCKS, BOINDS, GRAIN Bought and sold for cash and on margin. Private Wires- ROOM 4, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone Main 37 9000. Market, steady. Beeves, (46.83; stockers and feeders, (2.50. 60; cows and heifers, (1.2503.15: calves, $6 8; Texas fed steers, (3.7S4 50; Western steers, (3.90 5.40. Hogs Receipts today, 23,000. Market. 5 10c lower. Mixed and butchers. (6 6.37; good to choice heavy, (6.206.S5; rough heavy, $3.906.10; light, (5.fM6.32 ; pigs. (3.506.20; bulk. of sales. (0.156.3U. Sheep Receipts, 20.000. Market, strong. Sheep, $3,754)3.80; lambs, (4.75Sv KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Dec. 27. Receipts. 7000. Market, steady. -Cattle . Native heifers. steers. (46.73; (2 5; stockers Western steers, calves. (3.25 7. native cows and and feeders, ( (3 5.50; bulls. 4rt4.30: (2.404; 5'a 10c ; heavy, pigs and Hogs Receipts, 0000. Market, lower; bulk of sales, (6.23 6 35 $6.306.37: packers, (6.256.35; lights, $3.25 6 30. - Sheep Receipts. 5000. Market, and steady. Muttons. (4.50 5.75 strong lambs, (8.25 7.C0: range wethers, $1.30 ewes. (3.7695.25. 6.60; fed Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Coffee futures closed steady at a net decline of 5 10 points Sales, 57.0O0 bags. January.S.SOto 5.60c; March. 5.T59 5.85c; May. 3.93 Of: Julv, 6.106. 15c; September. 6.236.;lc. Spot, steady; Rio. No. 7. 77c: Santos, No. 4. 88c. Mild, steady, Cordova, 9 12 c. Sugar, raw, steady; fair refining, 3 1-16 3 3-32c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 9-163 IK-aSc: molasses sugar, 2 13-16 2 27-32C Refined, steady; crushed. (5.50, powdered, (4. SO; granulated, $4.80. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Cotton futures closed steady at a net decline of 69 points. December. 9.04c. January. 9.03c; Februarv. 9.2lc; March, 9.35c; April. 9.43c; May. 9.55c; June, 9.60c;. July. 9.05c: August, 9-5Uc; September and October. 9.15c. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. ' Births. MEIER Born to the wife of John Meier, December 6. Columbia Slough, a daughter. WOJCIK Born to the wife of Frank Wojcik. December 7. at 67 Freemont street, a son. M1NTOSH Born to the wife of Robert J. Mcintosh. December 13, at 952 Williams avenue, a son. WILLIAMS Born to the wife of Lewis E. Williams. December 13, at 224 Grant street, a daughter. KOTHCHILD Born to the wife of Samuel M. Rothchlld. December 23, at Portland Ma turity Hospital, a daughter. WALLACE Born to the wife of William H. Wallace. December 26, at Portland Ma ternity Hospital, a son. Marriage Licenses. NELSON-WOOD Harry B. Nelson. Hunt ington, or.. 32. Gwendolen Wood, 26. RECKERT - HANSON Fred Reckert, Troutdale. Or., .13; Anne Hanson, 22. GRINDLE-BARNES 'Frank E. Grlndle. Forest Grove. Qr., 23; Hattle M. Barnes. IN. WOOD-BYERS Isaiah F. Wood, Bickle ton. Wasn.. 30; Laura Byers, 22. SWANSON-SEVENSON E. A. Swanson, Portland. 34; Corallne L. Sevenson. 31. BUONFIGLIO-DE FAZIO Ratfele Buon liglio. Portland, 35; Teresa De Fazio, 20. HELSER-CAMPBELL P. F. Helser. Portland, 24; Maude M. Campbell. 24- Deaths. DAVIS At St. Vincent's Hospital, Decem ber 25, Evelyn Davis, the 10-year-old daugh ter of John Davis. JONES At 271 Seventh street, Decem ber 26. Alice Jones, age 45 years. CHAMBERS At Mllwaukle, Or., Decem ber 23, Katherlne D. Chambers, age 32 years. STAFFORD At Ellensburg, Wash., De cember 22, William Stafford, age 70 years. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Building Permits. STAR BREWING COMPANY Repair two-story brick building. East Morrison street between East Water street and the Willamette River, (130. E. LAURISON One-story frame dwell ing, Hibbard street between Carson and Olney streets, (2000. C. KACHOLD Two-story frame dwelling, Karl street, corner of East Fifteenth street, (800. JAPANESE MISSION Repair two-story frame mission church, corner of North Fif teenth and Glisan streets. (300. JOSEPHINE BIERSDORF One-story frame dwelling. Shaver street between Com mercial and Kerby streets, (1000. A. STAHL One-story frame dwelling, Mallory street near Highland street, (1975. E. KRONER One-story frame dwelling. East Twelfth street between East Stark and East Washington streets, (1973. E. KRONER One-stqry frame dwelling. East Twelfth streets between East Stark and' East Washington street. (1975. SHERLOCK ESTATE Five-story brick store. Third street between Oak and Stark streets, (2(K0. W. T. STEVENS Two-story frame store, Second street between Burnslde and Couch street, (300. Real Estate Transfers. R. Williams to H. M. Buchanan, lot 15, block 3, Williams Add. No. 2..( 150 Title Guarantee ft Trust Co. to E. T. Brewer, lot 4, block 15, West Piedmont 200 Moore Investment Co. to Sarah M. Warner, lot 11, block 18, Vernon.. 275 Mp.ry P. Montgomery to Inex Abbett. lot 19, block 9. Original Townslte of Alblna 500 Pacific Realty ft Investment Co. to L. F. Rydbcrg. lots 5 and 6, block 7. Stowart Park 225 A. T. Smith and wife to O. C. Per rlne. E. of lots 2 and 3. block loo. Couch Addition 10 Julia A. Brlggs to Sol. Blumauer et al.. lots 3t and 40, Newhurst Park. 1 Minnie McKean to The Sanitarium Co.. lot 10. block M. Tabor Heights 8,000 J. L. Hoffman and wife to F. E. L. Park and wife, lot 18. block 7. "Williams-Avenue Addition 650 J. W. Cook and wife to M. E. 8mith. lot 12, block 2, Cook's Second Ad dition (23 Leon Goldenberg to Fannie Golden- berg, undivided of 8. of lot ), and all of N. of lot S, block 125, Caruthers' Addition to Caruthers' Addition 400 Tltla Guarantee ft Trust Co. to Alice Mann, lots 6 and 8, block 10, Lex ington Heights 800 J. iA. Beard and wife to Arthur Turn bull, lot 20, block 2, North Ivan hoe Addition ' .145 Moore Investment Co. to A. R. Llnd holm. lots 3 and 4, block 6, Ver non 250 Julia A. Briggs and wife to Blu mauer 4 Hoch, lots. 38, 39 and 40, Nowhurst Park 1,125 W. J. Hill and wife to C. E. Ramsby, lot 3. block 1, Midway Annex 800 B. E. Neer and wife to H. C. Schaf fer, lot 1, block 2, Subdivision of ' Tract D, in M. Patton Tract 2,300 H. Waterholter and wife to 'J. Mat thiess. W. 85 feet of lots 25 and 23. and S. 10 feet of W. 85 feet of lot 24. block 23. Alblna 6.600 Moore Investment Co. to Mary I. Fin ley, E. of lots 9 and 10, block 25. Vernon 400 F. W. Angell and wife to Clay Rob erts, lots 1 and 4. block 18. Tolman Tract 1.600 G. Smith and wife to C. Jack, lot 1, block 4. Cook's Addition to Alblna 2,800 H. C. Eckenbcrger and wife to Cealla Taylor, 1 acre commencing at R. W. corner of that 5-acre tract con veyed by C. M. and Paulina Wl- berg to Rosa B. Battln 8,500 Elizabeth C. Sprague to J. A. Mc Klnnon. lots 1 and 2. block 5, Nor mandale ! 200 Riverview Cemetery Association to C. Cardlnell, lot 32, sectlno 9, Rlver vlew Cemetery 200 H. G. Tarr to G. W. Benton and wife, lot 8, block 26, Sellwood 800 T. Anderson and wife to W. C. Lacy, part of S. E. corner of lot 3, block . 17. Sunnyslde Addition 3,250 R. I. Eckerson and wife to E. G. Alfredson, lot 25. block 3, Arleta 'Park No. 2 1 Louis Lang to Phlllppina Lang, lot 7 and W. of lot 8. block 4. John son's Addition 10 Alfred Barker and wife to T. J. Mc Namee, block 24, Sullivan's Addi tion - 4.500 D. S. Dunbar and wife to P. T. Evans. 14 acres beginning at N. W. corner of L. D. Murgan D. L. C, in sec tions 1 and 12, I. 1 S, R, I E 1,000 D. D. Ollphant and wife to H. E. Noble, hit 2. block 2, Gay's Addition to Alblna Total -. (34.248 Have your abstracts made by the Security Abstract & Truat Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. WILL NOT BE ABANDONED Humphrey Spoils Yarn About Van couver Barracks Removal. OREGON'IAN NKWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Dec. 27. There is absolutely no truth in the story sent from Washington to the effect that Vancouver Barracks will he abandoned or be transferred to American Lake, near Tacoma. Quartermaster-General Humphrey, who has di rect jurisdiction over army posts, said today that Vancouver Barracks would not be abo'.ished and its garrison would not be diminished, in fact no change is contemplated at that post. He said efforts are being" made to have the brigade encampment established at American Lake in order that the Govern ment may have permanent grounds for Summer maneuvers of state and Federal troops, hut the establishment of such en campment will not have any effect what ever upon Vancouver Barracks. Northwest Postal Affairs. ORKGONIAX NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Dec. 27. Rural carriers appointed for Washington routes t'reston. route 1. Robert X. Cate carrier," Walter Greer substitute; East Sound, route 1. George Whitely carrier, Joseph T. VVhiteley sub stitute; Fairfield, route 1, Alary E. Mc Clurq carrier, Rtifns B. McCluro substi tute; North Yakima, route 1. Eugene Campfield carrier. Arthur Belllavue sub stitute: Spokane Bridge, route 1. Curtis A. Benham carrier, Unice J. Finch sub stitute. Washington postmasters appointed Expansion, James Atchison, vice Mell Fetbrache. resigned: Pino Flat, George W. Caskey, vice Mabel White, resigned. Xew Recruiting Officer Coming. OREGONIAN NEWS-BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec. 27. First Lieutenant John M. Kelso Jr. has been detailed for gen eral recruiting service at Portland. WORKED AS STENOGRAPHER e Ha j Ian Was Twltttd About His Effeminate Appearance. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Hiram O. Hance, a lawyer of 229 Broadway, is con vinced that Nicolai de Raylan, the Chi cago woman who posed as a man was employed In the offices of the late Colonel T. C Campbell in this city 10 years ago. The young "man" secured employment as a stenographer under the .name of Langel and because of his general ap pearance and effeminacy there was a disposition to twit Langel, but this dis appeared when a woman came to the office and was Introduced as Langel's wife. Langel was very efficient and there was regret when illness forced "him" to give up work. Mr. Hance said he studied the recently published photographs of De Raylan and was Impressed with the almost complete Identity with the features of Longel. Mr. Hance regards as conclusive that De Raylan and Langel are one and the same, that De Raylan had died of tuberculosis, a disease with which Langel was unmis takably affected. Go to Yaqul Country at Own Risk. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. The right of the United States to Intervene with the view of suppressing the alleged murder ous acts of the Yaqul Indians in Mexico is seriously questioned by officials of the State Department. From the highest of ficial sources it was explained today that Americans and others who go into that part of Mexico inhabited by the Yaquis do so at their own risk. The ease was said to be analogous to the early days of the Far West, in the United States, when prospectors and others went into Indian country, where it, was unsafe for white people" to be, and it was added that had some foreign subject been killed or injured there the Government would have resented Interference from the outside. VICTOR MANGANESE STEEL BANK SAFE GLASS 5l PRUDHOMMECO.. AGTS. PORTLAND. OREGON IIORPHINA-CURA IVl $2.00 PER BOTTLE An infallible remdy for the cut of Orug Habtt of all kinds, Snt postpaid at $2 per bottl. Morphina-Cura it prepared for Hypodermic or intwn.i its. 0lta Chm. Co., St. Louia FOB SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. DrnUta, W WMhioffton bU it'.--' ' '--gS'iIi f.- 1 f i- :---.;tii.isEs. MP M imtmi Mis YtsSSai s, ! sss i .AstiiiUssa 1 1 1