15 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1906. SARDINE PRICES UP Marked Shortage in Foreign ' and Domestic Pack. WILL BE SMALL DELIVERIES Vnprofitable Season Just Closed by the Eastport, Maine, Packers. Karly Cleanup Is Expected. SARDINES Short domestic and for eign pack and higher prices. HOPS Local market quiet and weak. FRUIT Holiday demand opening. BUTTER Inquirica from San Fran cisco. FOCITRY Receipts large, but price hold. EGGS Steady and fairly active. Added to the shortage in the French sar dine pack comes the news that tho Maine park Is of very nmall proportions and tho natural consequence is a sharp advance in prices "all around In. the Eastern markets. In the foreign sardine trade, the principal question now Is nit so much the price as tho filling of ordera. purchases made by jobbers are being tilled In various propor tion extending dawn to nothing at all. Prices of domestic sardines would be strengthened anyway by the foreign, situa tion, so the shortage on the Eastern coast only makes the position that much strong er. The Maine pack of 100B la now esti mated to have fallen fully 1,00,000 cases below that of 1000, when a total of 2,200,000 cases was made by tho Maine factories. As fully fi5 per cent of this season's output has been already sold, and It is considered high ly probable that none of the canneries will open before July 1 next year. It is expected that the early Spring trade will clear the market. The reason for this heavy shrink age is said to bo due to the low market pcice for domestic sardines, and to the scar city of herring In American waters. The Importance of the sardine and her ring industry is shown by the figures of 1IMM, when Washington and Hancock Coun ties, the center of the business realized about $5,155,000. In the sardine industry ?l,5O0,0Oi was circulated in wages and for the purchase of the tlsh, and in the herring lish erics nearly $500,000 more was dis tributed. The lish were caught by means of vcirs and traps located along the coast at a cost of nearly $o50,000. In view of the conditions, the Eastport packers who have any stock left have deter mined to raise prices 10c a case on quarter oils and 20e a case on three-quarter mus tards. So that buyers will not feel it nec essary to put in additional stocks before taking annual inventories, it was concluded not to make the advance effective until January 2. EASTK1CX til "PPLY OF STORAGE EGGS Mocks Are IJkely to Be Exhausted Unusu ally Early. According to the Chicago Packer, the storage egg holdings in the four largest Eastern cities amount to 7il3,000 cases against 1,252,000 a month ago and 903.000 cases a year ago. The holdings in Greater New York arc estimated at liiiO.UOO cased. Chicago is credited with ;t00,000 cases; Bos ton, 106,000, and Philadelphia, 07.000. The reduction in stocks in the four centers from October 31 to November 30, is given as 519, O00 cases. It will be seen by the above that the stor age egg deal, taking the tour largest cen ters as a criterion, is in a pretty healthy condition. Going into December with only 733.000 cases in the coolers of these four large centers and with a moving out for the previous month of over half a million cases and taking Into consideration the ex treme scarcity of fresh laid eggs and the outlook for them ft looks as though there would be very few held eggs In the Eastern coolers by February 1. RECEIPTS OF POULTRY ARE LARGER Up to the Present Time Prices Have Been Maintained. Receipts of poultry were quite large yes terday, but nearly all the firms cleaned up and prices were well maintained up to the close of the day. The demand, .so far. has been active, but the future of the market will depend on the size of the receipts. Eggs continue steady with a fair degree of activity. There were no new developments In the butter market yesterday. The local supply was light and prices were firm. Inquiries have been received from San Francisco showing there is no likelihood of that mar ket sending shipments here. Another large deal in storage butter Is under way, which may take practically nil the remaining supply off the local market. ' Hop Market Quiet and Weak. Nothing new developed in the hop mar ket yesterday. A number of deals were un der way, but trade on the whole was rather quiet and the undertone of the market con tinued weak. The greatest difficulty is found in interesting Eastern brewers In Ore gon hops. A little export buying was done by Klaber, "Wolf & Netter, but London, like the Eastern market. Is at the present time dull and unsatisfactory. It was reported from Aurora that 14 40 had been offered there by a Salem dealer, but this was not regarded as bona fide and excited but little comment. Active Market for Fresh Produce. Holiday orders for fresh produce are be ginning to come in from the country and by next week this line of business will be on In full swing. The city trade was active yesterday. There were no important re ceipts beyond a shipment of Hawaiian pine apples, which were quoted at $3-75 f$ 4.50 per dozen. Oregon apples are in heavy sup ply, and although receipts exceed sales, the market holds fairly steady. Bank Clearings. . Bank clearances of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday yere: Clearing!. Balances. Tolland $J.:iS2.157 $l.ji,47:s Seattle 1.SHS.OH2 1H1,::15 Taeoma ssn. m 7 N-", 27 1 tpukane 1,112,8 17,319 PORTLAND QUOTATION?. Batter, Eggs, Poultry. Etc. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery. ,"5e pci pound. State creameries: Fancy creamery, Suffi.'trK; stmc butter. ltWrlTc. BUGS Oregon ranch. rfKVjC per dozen; Ka stern storage, 20 to 1:7 c ; Eastern fresh, SO CHEESE- Oregon full cream twins, 14$ 35c; Young America. IbM'hAMc per pound. rOl'LTRY-Average old hens, l.IliMc; mixea chickens. 1-13c; Spring. 13&14c; old roosters. 9(frllc: .0 rested chickens, 14 (it 15c; turkeys, live, ll&lljc; turkeys, dreseed, ihoice, 21f722",c; peese, live, per pound, luc; ducks, 15'ol6c; pigeons, $11? 1.50; squabs, $2 S3. Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples. common to choice, 50 & 75c per box; cuolce to fancy, $1 1p 2.50; pears, $l& 1.5o; cranberries, $11.50'gi 12-50 per barrel; persimmons, $1.50 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $d7 per box; oranges. navels. $3.503.75; Japanese, fHV per box; grapefruit, $4.503 5; pineapple. $:i.7.Vfc'4.5o per dozen; bananas, he per pound; pomegranates, f2.50 per box. ROOT VEGETAPMJS Turn Ids. OOefitl per sack; carrots, (HMjfl per sack; beets, $1,259 150 per sack; garlic, 7Vj10c per pound; horseradish, 9310c per pound; sweet potatoes. -1,stfi214c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage, lm pound: cauliflower. SI. 25 per dozen: celery, per dozen; tgg plant, $1.50 craie; lettuce, head, 30c per dozen; onion. 1012Vjc per dozen; bell peppers, 8c; pumpkins. IKe per nound : inlmph Aifi. nmmri- tnmAtnei. jf per box ; parsley. In 15c : squash. 1 J 1 Ho per pound; artichokes, 6573o per dozen: .hothouse lettuce. SI .50 ner box. ONIONS Oregon, 75cSl per hundred. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur barks, fancy. SUil.10; common, 75tr85c. DRIED FRT'ITS Apples, Slr?8V,c pound; apricots, 1619c ; peaches. 1 1 fil3c: pears, 11H14c; Ita'.tan prunes, 2gSc: California figs, white, in sacks, 5t?6Hc per pound; black, 4V.5c: bricks. 75cjj2.25 per box; Smyrna, 20c pound ; date, Persian, 87 He pound. RAISINS Lavers and clusters. 2-crown, Sl.5; 3-crown. $1.75: 5-crown. $3.10; 6-crown, 3.50; loose muscatels. 2-crown, 8c: 3-crown, 8c; 4-crown. 9c; seedless. Thompsons. 10c; Sultanas. 0&l2c. Grnfn, Floor, Feed. Etc. WHEAT Export bais: Club, 6566c; blue stem. 671768c; Valley. fi7c; red 63c. OATS No. 1 white, S2525.50; gray, $24.50 25. FLOUR Patents, $3.90; straights. $3.35; clears, $3.35: valley, $3.40. BARLEY Feed, S21&S21.G0 per ton; brew ing, $22.50; rolled, $22.5024. RYE $1.40 1.45 per cwt CORN Whole,. $26; cracked, $27 per ton. MILLtfTUFFS Bran, city, $ltf; country, $17 per ton ; mlddlinge, $25; shorts, city, $18; country, $19 per ton; chop, U. S. Mills. $15.50. CflREAL FOODS Roiled oats, cream. 0 pounc sacks. $7; lower grades, $5.50$?G.76; oatmeal, steel cut. 50-pound sacks, $3 per barrel ; 10-pound sacks. $4. 25 per bale : oat meal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per bar rel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; split peas, $5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.40; pearl barley. $4.25 per 10O pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry Hour. 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per bale. HAY Valley timothy. No. 1. fll12 per ton: Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 $10, clover, $73S; cheat, $7.5098.5O; grain hay. $7.50S.5O; alfalfa, $11.50; vetch bay, $7 7.50. Dressed) Meats. VEAL Dressed, 73 to 125 pounds, 8 8c; 125 to 150 pounds. 7c; 150 to 20C pounds. 8c; 200 pound and up. 53 6c BEEF -Dressed bulls, l&'2c per pound; cowh, 4f5c; country steers, 0(0,6 c. MUTTON Dressed. fancy. S9a per pound; ordinary, 6tf 7c. PORK Dressed. 100 to 130 pounds. Sc; 150 to 200 pounds, 77c; 200 pounds and up, 6Sj6Vic. Groceries, Nuts, Etc RICE Imperial Japan No. J, &lc; Southern Japan, 5.4uu; head, u. 75c. COFFEE Mocha. XObc; Java, ordinary, IS 22c; Costa Rica, lancy, l&&20c; good, 1C9 Ifcc; ordinary, lsp&jc per pound: Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $ 1 5. 25 ; 50s, $ 1 5.50 ; Ar buckle. K17.25; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 9oc; red, 1-pound tails. $1.25; sockeye, '.-pound tails, $1.70. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $5.:0; powdered. 55.20; dry granulated, $5.05; extra C. $4.53; golden C, $4.45, fruit sugar, $5.05; berry, $5.05; P. C. $4.15; C. ".. $4.05 ; star. $4K5. Advance sales over sack basis us follows: Barrels, 10c; half barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 lbs. Terms: On re mittances within 15 days deduct c per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c. Beet sugar $4.85 per hundred pounds; maple sugar, 15 18c per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 16Utf?20c per lb. by eack; Brazil nuts. 17c; filberts, 15c; pecans, jumtos, 19c; extra large, 20c; almonds, 18(t2oc; chest nuts, Ohio. 174c; Italian, 14(150; pea n uts. raw, tt 8 i-jc per pound ; roasted. He ; plnenuts, u q X Jc ; hickory nuts. lOc ; cocou nuts, 35 U0 per aozen. SALT California dairy, $13 -ton; imitation Liverpool, $14 per ton; half-ground, lOCn. $9; 50s. $9.50; lump Liverpool. $19.50. BSANS Small white, 4c; large white. 3c; pink, 2C; bayou, 3;fcc; Lima, 4c; Mexicans, red, 4c. HONEY Fancy. $3.253.50 per box. Provisions and Canned Bleats. BACON Fancy breakfast. 20c per pound; standard breakfast, 17c; choice. 16c; English. 11 to 14 pounds. ISMtc; peach, 14c. HAMS 10 to 14 rounds, 16c" per pound; 14 to Hi pounds. I.V.kc; IS to 20 pounds, 15c; California (picnic), lOV'.c; cottage, llV.c; bhoulderu, none ; boiled. 24c ; boiled picnic, boneless, 20c. PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels. $21; naif-barrels. $U; beef, barrels. $10; half barrels, $5.50. SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; bo logna, long, 6c; welnerwurst. 10c; liver. 6c; pork, 10c; headcheese, Uc;, blood. 6c. bolog na link, 5c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c smoked. 13c; clear backs, dry salt, J2c. smoked. 13tf: clear bel lies. 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt none, smoked none ; Oregon exports; to 23 pounds average, dry salt 13Hc. smoked 14 c, Union bellies, 10 to IB pounds aver age, none, LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 12 He tubs. 12 c ; 50s, 1 2 c ; 20s. 12 c 10a! 13c; 5s. 13c. Standard pure: Tierces. llc; tubs, llc; 50s, llc; 20s, 11C; 10s, I24c; 5s, 12 c. Compound: Tierce-. Sc; tubs, 814c; 50s, S4e: 10s, 8c: 5s. SJ4c. OUs. TURPENTINE Ca, 88c per gallon COAL OIL Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks, !-Ac per gallon. GASOLINE Stove, cases, 24 c; 8G test 32c; Iron tanks, 26c. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c; 500-pound lots, 8c; less than 500-pound lots, 84c. (In 25-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; i to 5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, 2Vc per pound'above keg price.) UNSEED Haw, In barrels. 50c; in capes, 55c: boiled. In barrels, 32c. In cases. 37c; 250-gallon lots, lc less. BENZINE--Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks, 12 lc per gallon. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 11 U 14c per pound, according to quality. WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 13 18c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 20&l!lc, according to fineness. MOHAIR Choice, 26&2Sc. HIDES Dry: No. 1, 16 pounds and .up, per pound, lS20c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 13 pounds, lb & 21c per pound; dry salted bulls ana stags, one-tnira less man dry nint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur rain, hair-clipped, w eatherbeaten or grubby. 23c per pound less. Salted hides: Steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, per pound. 109 11c; steers, sound 50 to 60 pounds, 10 l la per pound,; tsteers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows. l0c per pound; stags and bulls, sound. 7 per pound: kip, sound, 13 to 30 pounds, 10c per pound ; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, lie per pound; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 11 12c per pound; greea (ununited), lc per pound less; veals, leper pound less. Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. 1, butchers' stock, eacn, 253Uc; short wool. No. 1, butchers stock, each, 5060c; me dium wool, No. 1, butchers' " stock, each. $1.25(33; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 15 16c per pound. Horse hides: Salted, each, according to size, $l& 1.50; colthides, each. 25 4i'30c. Goatskins: Common, each, 15 (a1 25c; Angora, with wool on, each. :J0c(3)$1.50. FURS No. skins: Bearskins, as to size, each, $520; cubs, each, $103; badger, prime, each, 25 50c; cat, wild, with head perfect, 30 50 c; house cat, 520c; fox, comomn gray, large prime, each, 50 3 70c ; red, each, $35; cross, each, $5 15; silver and black, each. $4.50 6; mink, strictly No. 1, each, according to size, $13; mar ten, dark. Northern, according to size and color, eacb, $ 1 15; pale pine, according to feize and ?olor, each, $2.5004; muskrat, large, each. 12015c; skunk, each. 4060c, civet or polecat, each, 515c. 'other large fine skin. each. $8 10; panther, with bead and claws perfect, each, $23; raccoon, prime, large, each, 50 75c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, each, $3.50 & 3; prairie (coyote), 60c $1; wolverine, each. $0)S; beaver, per skin, large. $36; medium, $3 67: small. $11.50, kits, 50&p75c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 22 9 23c per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 44e, No. 2 and grease, 2&3c CASCARA SAGRADA fchittam bark) New. $c per pound; 1904 and 1905, car lots, 7c; less than carlots. 6 He Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. The London tin market was unchanged to a shade lower, with spot quoted at fcl!6 10s and futures at 190. Locally, the market was quiet and a phade higher, with spot quoted at 42.75c bid and 43c asked. Copper was higher in the English market, with spot quoted at 106 and futures at 106 15s. Locally, the advancing tendency of the market was again In evidence, with lake quoted at 22.87 Vj (S 2.1.12 Vic; electrolytic, 21.75 (fr 22.73c, and casting at 22. 25 22.50c. Load was unchanged at 19 5s in London and at 5.750 6.05c in New York. Spelter was steady In the local market, with spot quoted at 6.55t&6.60c. In London the market was unchanged at 27 17s 6d. Iron was higher in the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 62s and Cleveland warrants at 63s 4d. Locally, the market was firm and unchanged. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. Cotton Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 10.50c; middling Gulf, 10.75c. No sales. Futures opened barely steady. December, 9.31c bid; January. 9.50c; February. 9.50c; March, 9.60c; April, 9.5Sc; May. 9.:;c, June. 9.73c; July, 9.77c; August, offered at 9.60c. Futures closed ' steady. December, 9.40c; January, 9.48c; February. 9.57c: March, 965c; April, 9.70c; May. 9.77c; June, 9.81cf July, '9.86c; August, 9.69c. STOCKS TURN BACK Advance Is Checked by Rise in Call Money Rate. MUCH PRESSURE TO SELL Interior Hanks Disinclined to Accept the Proffered Government De posits Owing to Short - Time for Holding. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. The advance In prices of stocks wavered, then came to a halt and finally turned backward agajn to day. There was t-onie natural realizing on yesterday's considerable rise, which served partly u account for the reduction. There was, besides, a further advance in the rates for call money and less confidence as a re sult in tbe adequacy of the assistance offered by the Treasury Department to carry the money market through the demands of the January settlements. With the reaction in the market there was some shrinkage in the rate of activity from that of yesterday. The liberal offering of funds yesterday was to some extent a use of the expected Increase in resources before they were In hand. This disposition on the part of the active specula tors to lick up funds as fast as available comes in for its share of criticism. Reports were received in Wall street to day that some of the interior banks were disinclined to accept the proffered Govern ment deposits. Tho short time fixed for their being held and the difficulty of se curing bond for collateral were offered as an explanation of this attitude; but it served to create an Impression that the eagerness for additional money resources was not as acute away from New York as here. Preparation for the $10,000,000 Standard Oil dividend on Saturday and of the $30. OO'MIDO subscriptions to New York Central stock on Monday wtrt aid to be under way today, requiring some large calling of loans with resulting recovery in the money rate. The long-expected announcement of sub scription rights to new Great Northern pre ferred stock and the quotation for the rights in the outside mm ket was followed by a violent decline in" that stock which chilled speculative enthuriasm over other expected developments. The Increase In the Pitts burg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis divi dend was without influence on any stock. The money markets were harder in Lon don and Paris today, but foreign exchange rates here reacted in response to our own stronger money market. There was consid erable Increase of selling pressure on etocks lato 1h the day, and tho closing tone was easy at g Miera.1 declines. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, ?2,0U2.0OO. United States 2s ad vanced T,s per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing bales. High. Low. Adams Express Amalgam Copper. . 75.900 11514 114 Am Car & Foundry l.ttOO 44:;s 43 Bid mo 114 31 'm u It :ii s IS :it 74 111. , i 1K 116-;, 1-14-J. i'D KUVi 101 5 1:17 11- M ' 1 U.Vfr S3) ;') 17:i IKl.-i j Ti u 17 y. K 57 ins 2U4 Stl 2i' 42V4 85 44 fit! Ifilli uq nveierren Am Cotton Oil ;:oh do preferred loO American Express Am lid & Lt pf Am Ice Securities.. 300 Am Linseed OH 52 91 91 W do preferred Am Locomotive. . . . 200 75 do preferred Am Smelt & Relin 3.7N 153 do pveferrpd ."100 117 152V 117 i:h :". 29 104 U 102 VAJK 11 02 Hi) , 195 Am .Sugar Refining 4. U" Am Tobacco pf. j'hv4 Anaconda Mln Co.29.yo0 Atrhteon 4.'i.l00 105 do preferred 700 102 Atlantic Coast Line 8'to l;isi Baltimore & Ohio.. 9M) 11R do preferred mo 12 Brook Rap Transit 16.800 81 Canadian Pacific. . 5.300 1W7 i Cent of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio 5,700 Chi Great Western Ho 58 Vi 56 IS 1 H Chi & Northwestern 800 208 Chi., Mil. & Ht.s P O0.60O 1W 187 Chi Term & Trans do preferred C. C. C. & St. L Colo Fuel & Iron.. 10,K'K Colo & Southern . . 300 58 37 50 37 Vj do l.t preferred.. do 2d preferred.. Consolidated Ga. . Corn Products do preferred Central Leather. . . do preferred Delaw & Hudson . . Del., Lack. & West Den & Rio Grande '366 'hi 400 13V6 67 1 3a bUO 21 '111 100 100 36N, Sti- 10) H-OH 1,700 230 M, 22S 600 mo 2. Ht )0 3,000 421 8a 14 42 63:f, do' preferred Distillers Securit. . Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. General Eiectric. . 500 till '3 161 "4 .100 Great Northern pf 10.O00 Hocklrx Valley 231 "3674 75 17S-H 1S 777.7 i2 Int. Met do preferred Illinois Central International Paper 2.100 1.000 700 700 36 74 ' '4U nr. 1 S2 41 b" 2a M fin 2H-i th) 147 M, 27 lsv; ao prererreo International Pump do preferred Iowa Central do preferred Kan City Southern do preferred 000 Louis & Nashville 2.!no Mexican Central... lo.JtOO Minn & St. Loui?. . 200 M.. St. P. & S.tf.M 700 do preferred 2oo 148- 151 lfift r 4U4 14ii 27 B2 14UVj 149Mi Mttfjeouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. A Texas d1"' referred Natwj Lead Mcx Nat R R pf.. N. Y. Central N. Y. Ont & West.. 5.300 l,2t0 B4 40'i 72 75 31 58 6.5(K( 134 5SVi 481-i l!-j no 21-4 W) :ss l.-iS-s, M4 r, SI '4 J 33 -X Norfolk & Western 1.7HO 02i do preferred 1(H) SUM Northern Pacific. . . North American . . . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Gas Pits.. C. C. S. L. 50.81KI 221 1 Vi 21!l.j 70 i.nn an lc..20it l.Tfli.-. 7.4W 5Ui 94 '543. Pressed Steel Car.. 1,000 5" '.Kl do preferred- loo ! ReHillns 174, KX) l.VKK, 148 14V 110 1st prforrrd. . 100 yo1 0i w-ri do 2d preferred 94 RppubMr Sterl S.ZOft 41 ;'.'. do preferred Ktl JS"-i HX Rook lslapd t'o 9.7oo ;:i do preferred l.ttoo 67 66:,'i Ht. L,. & S. F. S pf St. Loiih Southwest 3IH-4 MR :io"4 4S1.4 61' 3Tfc 11!) 'i 33 4 76 153 3714 34 S3 nr. S."i li'Vii 48 -i IDS do preferred Southern Pacific... 13,!( do preferred Southern Railway,. do preferred Fchlosa-Sheff ield . . Tenn Coal & Iron.. 600 . 12014 1W, :ino H4'ij 77 1.800 Texas & Pacific.. 400 :17 V! .'5714 Tol.. St. L. & West 2'K 34iv :14V, do proterredj 7oO 54.j 5:t',i Urrfon Paoifte 62.200 187 185 do preferred U. S. Realty L S. Rubber 1,301) 5.!Si do preferred..... : 1074 lo7'o v. a. Steel fi3.700 4SH4 481-j do preferred. . .1S3.200 ior. 104T, Virc-faro. Chem 1.100 384 ris- du preferred Wabash .. do preferred WellB Fargo Kxp.. . 300 ICS 10R1 IOR 1!;' '106 '424 42 42 2!KI l.-il 8T.'s 25 . "WeHtinghoune Elect W estern Union KftO Wisconsin Central loo do preferred 400 '8i:l 2.M.. 8 r.2 51 M, Total sales for the day. 849.800 shares. ' BONDS. NEW YORK. Doc. 12 Closing quotations: V. S. ref. 2s reK.104i do coupon .... 104 S U. S. 3s reK 102 N". Y. C. G. .Ifc . 04 4i D. & R. G. 4s 91) '4 Northern Pat. 3s. i4-?i do coupou. . . . 102:4 ; Northern Par. 4S.103 u. s. new 4s res. mo1--. :Southern Pac. 4s 80"4 do coupon .... 1 30 '4 ' U. S. old 4s rcg.iooa,: do coupon .... 101 : Atchison Adj. 4s f)2. 1 nlon Pac. 4s... 1031 Wis. Cen. 4s 11014 Jap. 6s 2d ser. . . 004 lap. 414s efts.... 91'. Stocks in London. LONDON, Dec. 12. Consols for, money, S6; do for account, SS 11-10. Anaconda Atchison do pfd B. & O fan. Pacific. . . . Tlies. & Ohio t'hl. G. W r., M. & St. P. . . De Beers , D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.., do 2d pfd. . . 111. Central T.ouis. A Nash M., K. & T 'M. Y. Central.. 'Nor. & West. . . j do pfd Ont. & West Pennsylvania .. ;Rand Mines. . . . . IReadins- i.Southern Ry . . . , t do pfd , Southern Pac. Union Pacific. . . 1301 OS 93 50' 7H loy 10(1 12:1 204 00 'i 1R l3 21 971 98 1 1931 90 51 1 1081 44 93 1 44 81) 47 do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Wabash do "nfd 78 li 70 181 133 14 43 ISpanish 4s Money, Exchange Etc. NEW YORK. Dec 12. Money on call, strong, 015 per cffnt; ruling rate. 10 per cent; cloning bhd, 13 per cent; offered at 15 per cent. Time loans, dull and strong: 60 days, 8 rr cent; 90 days, 614S per cent: six months. 6147 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper, 6(til4 per cent. Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at f4.R3H5 4.8370 for demand and at $4.7SS0 4.7883 for 60-day hills. Posted rates, $4.SOS4.8014 and $4.85 4.8514. Commercial bills. t4.8814 Q 4.88. Mexican dollars. 52 c. Bar silver, 68c. Bonds Government, firm; railroad, Irreg ular. LONDON, Dec. 12. Bar ailver steady, 3134d per ounce. Money, 4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is C per cent; do for three months' bills. H'iiiiik per cent. SAN FRANCISCO., Dec. 12. Silver bars. SS44c. Moxiran dollars. 5414c. Drafts .Sight. 214c; telegraph. 5c. Sterling on London Sixty days, $4.7914 Eight, $4.8414. - Inily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Todays state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balances $234,957,184 Gold coin and bullion 10.1. 5 14. 850 Oold certificates 70,123,050 DRIVE AT GDEUR D'JILENES MANIPULATION AGAIN SUSPECT ED. BY HEINZE INTERESTS. Snowstorm and Snowshoe Drop Sharply on the Local Exchange. Other Lines Are Steady. Coeur d'Alfne stocks were hammered hard on the Portland and Spokane Kxcliungrn yesterday. There was a oUc reduction in the aaked price of Snowshoe and a J5c drop in the bid price. Bids on Snrwstrm were T4 c under Tuesday's hid and tne asked price was $1.30 lower. There were no local sales in either stock. Why such a Kood div idend payer as Snowstorm should suffer such a decline is difficult to say unless It is due to a renewal of the Hcinze manipula tion at Spokane, which is more than prob able. Bearish tactics at the end were evi denced by a general easing up throughout the Coeur d' Alene list. In other parts of the market a good tone was maintained. Total sates were .V00 shares. Official Drices were as follows: Bank Stncks Bid. Bank of California o7 Bankers & Lumbermen's Kqui table Savings iv Loan Merchants National J.ViV Ore won Trust & Savtnps I lo L'niled Slates National ' -00 Bonds Askod. I05 07 145 City & Suburban 4s Columbia South. Trr. 6s O. R. - N. Ky. 4s. . . : O. W. P. & Ry. Us. 2'ort.and Kail way rs, J. C. V.e Co. lis Miscellaneous Stocks Associated Oil Cerm-nt Products Home Telephone J. C Lee Co Oregon City Mill & Lumber. Orlcnial American Co Portland Heights Imp. Co... Pacific StatcB Tel rtiRPt Sound Tel Yuqulna Bay Tel British Yukon Mining Stocks Alaska Petroleum British Columbia Amal Cascudta Copperopolis Dixie Meadows, UaMahr Golconda Coldficlrt TroLter jreat Northern Lre's Creek Gold rlolden Mammoth tr. . i on loo in.iu loi 17 loo 5014 r.-j ro 17 41 5:s loo . . - i'ni ii.-! ro Vi i 0 24 'Jo 1"4j i-" 2!) 40 4 6Vi m 2 lO 20 o 114 l:s 2 10 M's 14 21 5 214 2-li 2r - .i:t 12 3-i is 10ii 3oi iir - ;t 4 3 Hi 32 1 21 4 'A 31 '4 15 7 lO 0 Vz 15 25 . 12 10, 1 ;( 70 77 3ttU :t0 12 :tivi 51 Morninf? North Fair view Orefrnn Securities riamhler Cariboo Standard 'on Taeoma Steel A'oeur d'AIene District Alameda Bullion -. Burke Copper King : Gertie Happy Day Idaho Giant Missoula Park Copper Rex Reindeer Ruth Con Snowshoe Snowstorm v. Mineral Farm Freeland Con Monmouth SALES. 3000 British Columbia Amal. irtno Lee'F creek Gold 15(H) Copper King 1000 Associated Oil TOXOPAHS ANT iOLIFIELS STRONG. More Business at Better Prices All Alone the Call. SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 12. (Special.) It was reported that "Borax" Smith has lost the control of McNamara, but the mar ket transactions did not bear evidence of an effort to get any stock, back. Ophir sold up to $: per share on the Comstock call and the list was 10 to 12 points higher with pood trading. Jim Butler led the Tonopahs. which were all stronger, as were the Goldfields. Sand storm was freely bid for at 5 points over yesterday's closing, and Mohawk was want ed on a 1000-share lot at 15. More busi ness was brought out all along the call and few quotations were any lower than yester day's aked price. Among the sales were. Jim Butler. 150; Gold Crown. 22; Sandstorm. Mi: Blue Bull. 47; Adams. 24; Great Bend. 120: Pinenut. 35; Yellow Korse. 12; Tri angle B., 00.41; Eagle. 100; Mohawk. 1500, Jumping Jack. 02: Rtd Top. oS5; Kendall, G2. Kastern Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 Closing quotations: Adams Con $ .20 Little Chief .05 Alice 6.H)Ontario 4.50 Breece 30'OphIr 2-50 Brunswick C 57 Potosi 1 t'omstock Tun... .25!Savage 1.O0 Con. Cal. & Va. . 1.0. Sierra Nevada... .os Horn Silver 1.8oSmill Hopes ::o Iron Sliver 4-35)Standard 2.25 Leadville Con... .05. BOSTON, Dec. 12. Closing quo tations: .$ 2tt.OO . 1410.50 ,. 1H.00 . 108.00 . 11.25 . 73. OO Adventure . .$ 4- Parrot . Allouez 5:s, Quincy Amalgamatd Atlantic Bingham . . . Cal. & Hecla Centennial . . Cop. Range. Daly West.. Franklin . . . Granby .... Isle Royale . Mass. Mining Mienigan . .. Mohawk Mont. C. & C O. Dominion . Osceola .... 114. 13. shannon ... Tamarack . Trinity .... United Cop. Ii. S. Mining U. S. Oil ... I'tah 60..o 9.i2i 64.50 103.25 171.00 1 lo.no 35.37' 1M.25 24.25 28.12'. (Victoria . . . Winona Wolverine . . North Butte Butte Coal . Nevada .... cal. & Ariz. IK, 7$ 1 55 too 50 Tecumseh i:i0.50 (Greene Con Dried I ruit at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. The market for evaporated apples Is a shade easier, owing to the less active demand and freer offer ings for future shipment. Fancy, ',ic; choice. 8ViirS94c; prime. 8K6Skc. Prunes are in good demand, particularly for the larger sized, with quotations rang ing from 3 to 0c. according to grade. Apricots are nt minally unchanged, with choice quoted at 10c; extra choice, 17 18c; fancy. 1S&20C Peaches are Arm at recent prices, although the demand Is not more than moderately good. Choice. 12c; extra choice, 12Vc; fancy. 13c. Kaiains are unchanged. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. Coffee futures cloKed steady at a net decline of 510 points. Sales were reported of 07,750 bags, including January at 5.20c; March, 5.40'n 0.50c; May. 0.55(S 5.60c; July. 5.75, 5.80c; August. 5.80c; September, 5.851r5.5c; Oc tober, 5.05ffw0c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 in voice, 7c; mild, steady. Su?ar Raw. quiet; vfalr refining, 3 5-lVa 3 13-:i2c; centrifugal. U test. 3 13-lttffji o 27-32c; molasses sugar, 3 3-16f(3 3-32c. Refined, steady; crushed, $5.50; powdered, $4.00; granulated. $4.S0. Purchase of Silver. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. The IMrector of the Mint today purchased 100. 000 ounces of silver for delivery at the Denver mint and 100,000 ounces for delivery at New Or leans. The price paid, was 68.964 cents per fine ounce. WHEATWEAK ALL DAY Heavy Sales of May in the Chicago Market. PRICES CLOSE AT A LOSS General vs of the Day Is Favor able, but Is Ignored Receipts in the Northwest Show Decrease. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. The wheat market was weak all day, because of sales of be tween 1,000.000 and 2.000.04)0 bushels of May wheat by a prominent operator. These lib eral sales Induced many of the pit-traders to Joir. in the selling movement. Most of tho offerings were taken by commission houses, a large portion of tho purchases be ing for Nor rh western houses. There was little in the news of the day to cause any decided weakness. Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Duluth were considerably less thn for the corresponding day last year. The total primary receipts were over 20 per cint less than a year ago. The mar ket' closed weak, with prices at the lowest point of the day. May opened a shade lower at 7ie and sMd off to ".Si-e. where It closed fic lower than yesterday. The corn market was weakened by sell ing by cash houses, brought out by reports of an increased movement in the corn belt. Th market closed ic lower for May at 43 The break in the price of wheat and corn caused profit-taking in oats. May closed o iower at 35 e. The provisions market was easier because of a 5(rlOc decline in the price of live hogs. The weakness of the grain market helped to depress provisions. At the close January pork was off 5c. lard was unchanged and rlba were 2Jc lower. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Oirn. H tgh. Low. Cloe, IV-ccmher . . .$ .74 $ .74 9 -7."' 9 .741 May 7U .71) .78 V .78 tj CORN. December ... .42. .42 .41 "-i .417 May 44 .44 .Ml July 44?h .44 .44 .44 U OATS. December ... .33 t;4 .;T ,:;t y. h y 3H . it . 35 4 . 35 7 J'-y 3 . :w :i . 33 MESS PORK. January . . . .15.75 15.87 ' j .15.65 15,75 May 15.05 10.10 15.10 16.00 LARD. Dcrcmber ... 8.02 8.N7G 8.40 January 8.57 8.2 ia 8.52Va 8.ii May 8.05 8.70 8.60 b.U7V SHORT RIBS. January S.35 8.471 8 35 8. 44) May 8.42 '4 8.47 Vj 8.35 8.45 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 7I'(?S4c; No. 3. 74'a) 84c; No. 2 red. 7374Vc. Com No. 2, 44 vie; No. 2 ycjlow, 46 c. Oats No. 2. 33?8c; No. 2 white. 36- e; No. 3 white. 33 'O 35c. Rye No. 2, 04Va'f65c. Barley Fair to choice malting, 4&5.V. Flaxseed No. 1, 9113',-j ; No. 1 Northwest ern, 91.21 "A. Clover Contract grades, 913.75. Shcrt ribs Sides (lotse), .$S.25'aS.02'. Most pork Per barrel, $15. lard Per 100 lbs., 98. H5. Sides Short clear iboxedf, tt.tic,t!li.2Uj. Whisky Basis of high wines, 91.20. Receipts. Shipments. Hour, barrels . So.Oon 55.iK Wheat, bushels 52.0O0 S2.200 Corn, Jj us he Js .. . ,:tis.404 12M.700 Oats, busrttela 205.5H" ltMi.MoO t-cye. bushels 6,ooo Barley, bushels 161.S4JO 4.6io 40,200 Grain and Produce at New York. NKW YORK, Dec. 12. Flour Receipts. 21.500 barrels; exports, 6400 barrels; sales, 5300 packages. Market, steady, but quiet. Wheat Receipts, 110.000 bushels; exports. 205.S04 bushels; sales, 2.200.0O0 futures. Kpot, easy;. No. 2 red, 71)1,jc' elevator and SI f. o. b. afloat ; No. 1 Northern Du luth. S4"c c. i. f. Buffalo; No. 2 hard Win ter, 70 He c. I. . Buffalo. A renewal of llquldatijn snt wheat prices lower today nnd they closed jq under last night. Tlie selling was bared on favorable Indian crop news, larger country offerings, increased stocks in the Northwest and a poor export trade. May eloped 84c; July. 83 11-ltfc; December. SlifiSt'.iC, clewed Sic. Wool and petroleum Steady. Hops and hides Quiet. Grain at Nan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. . 12. Wheat and barley, quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1 '25 1.30; milling. 91.35'tDl.40. Barley Feed. 91.05(g) 1. 1 1 brewing, 91.0714 &LLT Oats Red, $1.251.75; white, 91501.00; black, 91-""!fT --.25. 4all-bcard sales: Wheat May, $i.r.0- bid. Barley May, 911V. Corp Large yellow, 91-301.35. 1 Kuropean Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 12. In the grain mar ket today prices closed as follows: Wheat Spot, firm, No. 2 red Western Winter. 0b. Futures, steady ; December, 6s 3d; March. OsOs SSd; May. 6s 5d. LONDON. Dec. 12. Cargoes Pacific Coast prompt shipment, unchanged at 20s Gritty 30s. Market, dull. The weather today in England Is cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 12. Wheat De centner, 77; May, 80ic; Juiy, StVjc; No. 1 hard. 81 c; No.,1 Northern, 80Hc; No. 2, 7778vbc; No. 3, 75&76c. Wheat at Taeoma. TACOMA. DecT 12. Wheat, unchanged; bluestem, 66c; club. 66c; red. 64c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The following prices were quoted in the local livestock market yesterday : CATTLE Best steers, $3.K5$i3.S3: me dium, 93 Ca 3.25 ; cows. 92.75 (& 3: fair to me dium cows. 92.25i'2.50; bulls, 91.50&2; calves. $4 44 50. SHEEP Best, 94. 75 5.25 ; Iambs, 95 5.2. HOGS Best, 90.656.S5; lightweights, 96 0.25. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 12. Cattle Receipts. 15,000; market, steady to 10c lower. Native steers, $3.!l06.75; native cows and heifers, $25.15; stockers and feeders, 92.50$i,4.50; Western cows, 92-25.fi' 4; Western steers. 93.405 50; bulls. 92 25(4; calves, $2.50 6.50. Hogs Receipts. 14.000, market. 5l0c "iotter. " Bulk of sales. 90 .07 (& 615; heavy. 90.10)6 0 17 packers,-96.055 6.15; pigs and lights. 9o.60$G.12fe. Sheep Receipts, 10.000; market, steady. Muttons, $4.rrtCr: lambs. 96 7.73; range wethers. $4-50 6.60; fed ewes, 945.35. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. Cattle Receipts, 32, 000; market. 10c lower. Beeves, $4-107.25; stockers and feeders, $2.40 (ft 4.50; cows and heifers. $1.05(93-15; calves, $5.7507.75; Texas fed steers, 93.754.0O; Western steers, $3.00 (if 5.75. v Hogs Receipts today. 30.000; market. 5 10c lower. Mixed and butchers, $5,001?) 6.20; good to choice heavy, '96. 10& 0.20; rough heavy. 95.755.05; light, 93.80fii6.15; pigs. $5.30 if1 6. 05; bulk of sales, 95.U5&6. 15. Sheep Receipts, 28,000, market, steady. Sheep, .$3.90(5 5.80; lambs, 94.50g 8. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 12. Cattle Re ceipts, 5000 ; market, slow to 10c lower. Native steers, 93. 753. S3; cows and heifers. 92 73fi4.73; Western steers, 93-75f?15.23; canners, 91.752.50; stockers and feeders. $2 7534.65; calves, $3f6; bulls, stags, etc. Hogs Rfceipts, 9500; market. orQ 10c lower. Heavy. SOS.IO; mixed. $Gftt-6.K; light. 90.10$ tf.22 ; pigs. 5.25 ; bulk of sales, 96&6.10. - Sheep Receipts, 13.000; market, lO'SMoa lower. Yearlings, $5.154r6.15; wethers, 5r5.65; ewes, $2.404.15; lambs, 90.50 7.40. . .QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. SAX FRANCISCO, Dec 12. The following prices were quoted in the produce market yesterday: FRUIT Apples, choice. 91.50, common. 50c; bananas, 91 $1 3; Mexican limes. 93.50 5; California lemons, choice. $3; common, 9150; oranges, navel, 92-25f?3; pineapples. 93(4. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 91 ; garlic 3 r4c; green peas, HSSr; string beans, O'sC tomatoes, 50er 91-50; egg plant, 75c 1.25. EGOS Store, 35c; fancy ranch, 43c; East ern. 20r 25c. POTATOES River white, S1W1.25; River reds, 9Hh 1.15; Fsllnas Burhanks, 91.50 1.73; sweete, 91(& 1.25; Oregon Burbanks, 91.351.75. . ONIONS Yellow. fiOtft 75c. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 31c, creamery seconds, 20c; fancy dairy. 30c; dairy sec onds, nominal ; pickled. 21 ft 21 z c. WOOL Fall, Humboldt and Mendocino, 13p!4c: South Plains and San Joaquin, 7'fl) 8c; lambs, 8 ' ft1 13c; Nevada, 13i l8c. HOPS California. JflOTg 13c; Oregon and Washington, 1 1 'a1 1 3c. CHEESE Young America, lJc, Eastern, 17c; Western. 15c. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 919.50 of 2.0.50; mid dlings, 9-St2D. HAY Wheat. 917 21c; wheat and oats. 91.1lti: alfalfa, 9MfM2; stock, f Sf& V; straw, 55tTT5c per bale. FLOCK California family extras, 4.051 5.10; bakers' extras. 54.40 r-j 4.75 ; Oregon and Washington. $3.50 r 4. POULTRY Turkeys. gobblers. 25j 22c; turkey hens, 22 2 lc, roosters, old, f f(V 4.50; young, $5.50 fa1 6: broilers, small, $3 r 3.50; broilers, large. 93.50 ffr 5; fryers. $4 50i) 5.50; hens. 94. 50-7. 50; ducks, old. 94'a5; do young. 5r7. RECEI PTS Flour, quarter sacks, wheat centals. 40O; barley, centals, oats, centals. 313; beans, centals, 13so toes, sacks. 50HO; bran, sacks, 205 tilings, sacks. 700; hay, tons, 321; bales, 98, hides, 3S0. 8001 ; 3510. id wool, Hairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; Creameries. 22'yic; dairies, 20T'27e. Enrcs Steady ; at mark, canes included. 20 ii ;;0c; firsts, 31c; prime firsts, 34c; ex tras, 30c. Cheesti Firm, 13h" 14e. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. Butter Firm; street price extra creamery. 32' 3 fi-33c. Of ficial prices creamery, common to extra. 23 i& 32c; held common to extra, 22f 3o,si Eggs Easy; Western average prime. 32c; official prices firsts. 32c; seconds. 2V(i31c. Cheese Steady and unchanged. Wool at St. Lmilf. ST. T-OUIS. Dec. 12. Wool, steady; me dium grades and comhtng and clothing. 23 ft1 27c; light fine. l!K!r21c; heavy tine, 14' 16c; tub washed. 32(&'37c. Petroleum Market. OIL CITY, Pa., Dec. 12. Credit balances, DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Birth.. BETTS At 3SS Third street. December 7. to the wife of -M. J. R-'ttn. a ton. DKRAGISCH At Stl East Thlrtcnth street, December 10, to the wife of Fred Derapisch. ft dnughter. M VKY At University F'ark. Dfrtmlier , to the wife of J. O. McVey. a son. PYK At 123 Sumner street. Derember R. to the wire of Charles M. Tye. a dauBli ter. WA LKEK At Portland. December to the wife ot D. E. Walker, a daughter. Marriage I.iceitBH. TtOB ARTS-KR A NIC Charles R. Robarts, SI. rlty, and Ntlle Frank, 21. WrrZEllIOHLOKMlTH W. V. Witzel, 21. city, and Kate Hohlncmuth. 18. M COMB-CHI Rl'H Arthur J. McComb. 2. San Francisco, and Elizabeth W. Church, 24. BV1.AND-HAGCE Roderick D. B land. 34. city, and Km ma. M. Husup. 22. ARMIIAGE-COIA'ORD (iuy A. Armi tage, 23, Eugene, Or., and Ellenora R. C'ol cord, 18. BKOWX-BURKE Frank E. Brown, 27, city, and Mabel M. Burke, 21. Deaths. BEACH At Pt. Vincent's Hospital, De cember 8. N. M. Beach, a native of Onio, aged 71 years. 4 months, U days. LEE At :i2S Stark street, .December S, Lee Bins, a native of China, aged 47 years. CE REG HI NO At Baby Home. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cereg hino. CUNNINGHAM At Pt. Vlneenfs Hospital. December 0. Joseph Cunningham, a nulive of New York, aged (i years, 3 months, 2 days. GIBBS At .ir. East Sixth street. Decem ber 10, Mrs. Orleena Gibbs. a native of Ten nessee, used C7 years. H months. 15 days. HOAG At .".74 Glenwood avenue, Decem ber 10. Mrs. Kredericka Hoag, a native of Germany, aged 03 years, 10 months, ! days. HAXKE At f.07 Leigh street. December 9. J. W. Hanke. a native of Kentucky, aged 67 vears. 1 month. IS riuys. HILLEARY At 184 Sherman street. De cember 12, M. C. Hilleary, a native of Wasnington, an Infant. LUCY At St. Vincent's Hospital. Decem ber lO. Ida E. Lucy, a native of Oregon, aged 20 years. 7 months, 4 days. OLESON At St. Johns. December !l. O. A. Oleson, a native of Norway, aged 40 years. PARKER At 620 Northrup street, De cember 11, I.. C. Parker, a native of Ohio, aged 38 years. RE I FEN RATH At East Thirtieth and East Stark streets, DecemDer 3, Peter Rcl fenrath, a native of Germany, aged 74 years. SUHN At North Pacific Sanatorium. De cember 0. R. B. Sohn, a native of Minne sota, aged 7 year.', 3 months, 22 days. Building Permits. S. ST. CLAIR Repair Ftore. Second street between Everett and Flanders. $1H). MRS. J. R. SHAVER Two-story frame dwelling. Williams avenue between Broad way and Hancock, $2(H. MR. M'GLIP.E Tear d"wn building. Sixth and Harrison streets, $10. W. V. AYERS rOne-story frame dwelling. East Thirty-fourth street between Kast Al der and East Morrison, $H;N. W. W. AVERS One-story frame dwelling. East Thirty-seventh street between East Salmon and East Main, $i:t."V0. , LEO FRIEDE Excavation for brick store. Fifth and Pine streets, $300- A. L. SAUV'IE Two two-story frame dwellings, Wasco street between East Sixth and BKst Seventh streets, 20O0 each. WILLIAM GADSBY Excavation for warehouse. Thirteenth street between Hoyt and Glisan. Jlsi'O. J. P. KOFORD One and one-half story frame dwelling. East Tenth street between Prescott and Skldmore, i;j00. CHRIST LARSON Two-story frame dwelling. 412 College street, ii0tl. MRS. ELIZABETH M. M'KOU'N One story frame ham, Kast Main street be tween East Thlrty-tlrat and Eaet Thirty second streets. $170. P. ROSEXSTEIN One and one-half story frame dwelling. Leo avenue between East Tenth and Kast Eleventh streets. JUIOOO. D. LEGRANDE One-tory frame barn, Arthur street between First and Second, 2O0. W. H. MARK ELL & CO. Excavation for store, Eat Morrison street between Union and Grand avenues. $2000. MRS. A. J. STROL'D Two-story frame dwelling. Hawthorne avenue and Osborne atreet, $32o0. Real Ktriate Transfer. Jos. M. Healy to S. B. Cobb, undivided "-, ot lots 1. 2. 7, 8. block 82. Eat Portland $ S.ooo Wm. and Jessie Jumjr to Auzubah M. Down, lot 8. block 2. Sellwocd 400 Selden L. Simpson to Bridget Simpn. east' SO feet of lots 8 and !, block 7, Paradise Springs Tract 1 Hcnrv C. Hodges and wife to G. W. Priest, lot lt, block 1-t, Central Al blna Real Estate Inv. Association to Eliza beth M. Breen, lots 2. :t and 4, block !2. Sellwood . 2U0 Thos. Holland and wife to Earnrflt Mor ris, lot IK. block 22, Willamette 5,1 Jos. E. Carver and wife to J. H. Nolta, lot 16. block 22. Willamette 250 A J Van Wessenhove and wife to Er nest Morris, lot 8. block 17. North Albina 1200 Marv Taylor to Annie Learning, south 120 feet of lot R; block 1. W. I Mc Guire's Addition to East 1'nrtiand.. 3.SO0 University T.ani! Co. to E. .1. Nunn. lot 7, block 41. University Park S:!3 Merchants' Investment & Trut Co. to Mrs. B. A. Beals. lot 1. block 2. Council Crest Park 600 JulitiA Ordway and wife to Francis Clarno. lot 1. block 7. MrMillen's Addition to East Portland 3,000 C. E. Splller and wife to Walter H. and Cora I. Pattieson. it 7. block 7. Haw thorne First Addition C. A. Tike and wife to E. W. Pik. weet of lot 8, block 2. Williams Avenue Addition No. 2 John Bishop and wife V "arl Gros nick and wife, lot 7. block Wl, W. Irvington Francen a. and G. H. Mayo to G. B. Tucker, lot.t 4 and 5. block :), Uni vereity Park E. C. Brown to Paul G. Stmuss, lot 3 and 4. block 1. I. T. Brown's Addi 2,800 1.700 050 X 2.600 1,100 1. 000 3,5oo 3,100 3.450 1 000 l to East Fa vp KilUngswm th to Alvl W. G?ins. lots 8. 0, lo. 11, 12, 13, 14. bluck IS. Point View John K. Fleck and wife to Harry M. Stokes, 2Vy acres b'ginnin!r at point in center of Foster Road 72) feet eat and 240 feet north 01 corner of sec. W. 15. 22. 2:i. T. S.. fl. 2 E A. S. Ellis to louis Hcmlingor. lots 4 and 5. block 2S, Alhina lloiiietrad. . J. S. Courtney and wife to Jos. B.an dlne, lot 6. block 154. East pot tland W. S. "onser and wl'e to Wm. UVhr, Sr., east 75 feet of lot 15. block 22, Original Towtisite of AUdna Arthur !. Merrill and wife lo Ada May Graham, lot O. block 1. Mont gomery Park Lucinda Rose to John J. Kraser. l"ts 4 and 5. hhK-k 2. Brook kind Heights... Mercantile Trust & ln stnint Co. to Tltl (iuaiantco Truft Co., lot 2. block 3. Manning's Addition Tho. J. Hewitt and wife to Saul Sil verfictd. pared of land beginning at point in north line of Flandcr.i street loo fort west of et line of Twenty first street Win. M. ladd and wife to Saul Silver field, lot 12, block 2. Strong's Addi tion . . . Chas. A. Myers to T. McDaniet. lot 6. block lo, I.in.oln Park Annex T. S. McDaniel and wife to Rita B. Pelton. lots 4 and 5, block 8, Park View Ext Ella B. Oliver to Chas. A. Myers, lot ti. blrck 10, Lincoln Park Annex Simon Oliver to Eflla B. Oliver, lot 6. blo-'k lo, I.ircoln Park Annex University Land Co. to John Fa liner, lot 11. block l"(i. University Park.. F. Jarnot to Martha J. Jarnot. lot 12. block 2. Multnomah 6. COO 3.5O0 1.000 2.50 05O 1 10 250 4W 400 20,000 W. fl. Watt to W. O. Ash. lot I. block 2. and lot 2o. block 2. Watt's Subdi vision of lot 4. Fruitvale W'. K. Jonejt and wife to Geo. I . Rcut ledge and wife, loM 11 and 12. block 5. Hawthorn'1 Avenue Addition John C. and C. R. Luckcl to Luckel. King St Cake So;M Co., block "I." Car.ith.r's Addition lo ('aruther's Addition, and other property Total 975.700 Have your abstracts made by the Security Abstract & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland .. . Hooker. Sacramento: A. V. Clark, Maisniand; A. W. Kline and vif s. H. KuppcriTiHii, New York: J. E. Puff ield, Trenton, N. .1. ; S. Dannerian. Jr.. Cineinnat t ; 1. W. Plakeley, Ne- York : C. I.. Barrett. Ctnrlniiritl ; .1. H. Sfbnieiyer. New York; J. H. McDonald. !. Krnli, San Fran riHco; B. I', l-'rederick and wife. St. 1-ouls, W. S. Hrookf, i-itv ; B. .1.. O Frvan. L.mi. ville; Mrs. A. M. Sillier. iHtumwa. la.; Mrs. C. E. ciprk, Stronr.sburc, Nob. ; C. F. Wha ly. St. ral; W. .1, Cahill. New York; .1. C,. Mecler and wife, BakerrHeld; F. U. Field, Chirapn ; 1. ( A t wood and wife, Wasco , Mrs. K. Morton, Brnr ia ; Mrs. F. Flood!, St. Pan! ; L)r. H. M. Richardson atul wife. Morshfield; W. ('!. Davis, Snattle; K. Wan niese. Sun Francisco; (!. T. t;onnloy. F. W. Saylff.. Denver; F. . Hnywood. 11. D. Ran tia 1 1. Seattle ;K S.'liere, Coos Bay. The Oregon Dr. II. C.reenf elder. St. liui: Miss KUa . Creenfelder. Ht. Iou!s; K Marx, Tom Frank. Y. .T. Alln. Seattle; Chas. J. 1ax. (Cincinnati : .1. A. Miller. Chi cago; C. K. Yeeder. PaeieT'a: K. H. Fotdlck. St. leuls: E. F. Relftinw. Scappoose; B. Coul ter. Taeoma; .1. P. McKenna. St. Paul; B. R. Brierly, Seattle; J. K. Rciter. San Francisco; J. H. Weist and wife. New York ; TI. S. Frank?. Seattle; Y. C. Yoernam. Te Ell: B. M. Waltert. Alaska; B. E. AHen. St. Paul; Mrs. S. .J. Hamlin. M. K. Hnmlin. 7)iieafto; d. W. For., Walla Walla; .!.. B. Trumbull, San Fi-ancls.;o; Geo. all. F. V. Prentice. Iusnc; Mrs. W". .1. Cronln. Tonopah; R. R. Hutrhlns. Irs Moines; .1. A. Brice. San Fran rinrn; w. If. Irvdon, Seattle; Frank Dpf"by. Seattle. IfHifl; T.ewln A. Dole. Kat Fletcher, J. Ta I-ande. T'thl Pnnn. New York; Mrs. M. P. tJreen, Seattle; .1. A. Borlea and wife. Pendleton: W. I.. I fatllck, Kunsan City; Jaa. O'Neill. .Tr., .lanKJi O'Neill, Kdffar For rest, Nw York; Mclvod. Winlock: F. S. Cllbert. CnldendHle; '.. -T. RiKffff, Salm : P. H. Johnson. Monmouth ; Ira PoweM. Mon mouth; i'. II. Wocd.ock and wife. CorvalMs; J. M. Ayrest. Kel.; V. II. Wells, Seattle; J. Phillips. Tt;rontn: K. .T. Fischer. Den Moines; .1. II. Smith. Pnrtlund; Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Kind fay, lymdon. Fns. : D. Davenport, San Francisco; "j. M. Nnrtn. St. Ixui3; H. C. Cardlner and wife. Woodward, la. ; 11. J. Maney. Taeoma. Th PerklnH C. IT. Rabb. Vnokane; W. M. Chamberlain. floMendale; F. Bannlin, K. K. I ( . Johnson anl wife, sa'cm; IS. hlnin i Sheridan: F. H. Mitcncll. Seattle: John R( erts. John Wl!nn, Woodburn ; Mrs. liar ) Turcn and family. Davenport. Wanh.; C. Vaughn and futility; William Vauehn ; wife. Davton: R. M. I,a Follett. Phoenix: L. Dotson. Dor Molnen: Mrs. i P. 7.c$ Astnrlar -F. M. Risett and familv. Wai Walla; A. S. Mint. San Francisco; H. B. .Tohn?on. Berkeley; L. W. Baker. Grass Val ley; Phil A. Campbell and family. Baker City; John R. Gilt. Moaennm. J. M. McKln non. Pomeroy. Wash.: John W. Ferrell. Eu reka: T. W. Rabin and wife, f'astle Roek ; A. G. Huntlnprton and familv. Castle Rock; . P. Zifclcr and wire. Astoria; H. D. Clark, G. S. Hockleyn. Little Fa I In ; V. G. Mason, .1. S. Eddinss. I. If. Harth and wife. I.. A. Harth. Grass VaMcy; P.ev. Edward c . Dow nev. Spokane; CharleH Snfllinit and wife, Dallas, I.. J. Hunut. Seattle; U rn. W. Eaton. Yucolt; K. J Forsyth. K:iternri.e; Voter Gl rard. San Krnnrlsen; M. t,':tmron. Wood River; K. S. Hilllurd and con. Independence; H. S. riaw foctl. Aberileen ; A. E. McGrath. Frank nulrsky. Seat tie; Gcorpo S. Tl t nek ley. E. Hoirstiver. Badlands; E. S. Dfiimftt. I-. E. Gorman, Stevenson ; M' s. S. M. Weist, Srappoofe; James Simpers, 'Piie Dalles, Charles T. Early. Hood Rver: E. E. Robin son. New Martinsville; Frank Melius. Pieato, Idaho; O. Ii. HolT. Salem; B. F. Pike. Mom; Thomas Richardson anil wife, Denver; O. B. Ficht and wife, John F. - L'hlhorn, Payette. The Imperial F. D. McCully. Joseph; J. K. B!ak'sley. St. Helens: W. A. Campbell, A. -;. Campbell: J. McMillan. Denver: G. McDoniM and wife. Utah; F. C Getty and wife, Denver; A, Smyth and wife, Arling ton: S. Allen, Ashland; G. Fuller and wife, McMinnville: C A. Severson. city; P. F. Walsh. Antelope; J. E. Davidson, Gold HIM; T. J. Seui'ert. Jr., .1. fl. Seufert. University of California: D. M. Smith. Vancouver; W. Folv. citv; V. D. Rounselt. Patterson: . A Davis. Denver; W. li. Walker nnd wife. Independence; E. B. Reynolds; V. Tyler Smith. Sheridan; W. HoimeK, Salem: W. C. Lawi. A-tnrla; E. E. MKlre(ror. Vancouver: C. W. Pamen. Salem; J. W. Whitney. St. Paul; K. R. Carter, city; J. J. Ormann and wife. Grancevillr: A. Oppenheimer. San Francisco; Mia. Fi. H. Youn. Oakland: J. Gooje!iri, and wife, t 'al t f ornta : C. D.t Wil ton. Klamath Falln: S. T. Summers. Klam ah Falls; H. A. Webster. Orison City: T. M. Hiimmond. Spokane; Mrs. W. P. Cref-sy, SouthSouth Bfnd: G. F. Ward. Canyon '!ty; I. Vcrhaag. Forest Grove: .1. E. Davidson, Gold Hill R- C. Speary. lone ; W. D. Hat field, Rid land; J. Buiker. Airlie: J. Mur pliv. Redwood; O. B. Browne. Boston; F. Dcinln-r, D. M. Morgan. G. E. Eawrence, Tacomn; P. Schmidt. Paul Schmidt. Olym pia: C. ParduH, Salem; C. W. Flandera, athlamet; R. Smith, E. G. Akers and wife, Seattle; The St. Chart cfi J. W. Jones, Shedds; J, j. Hartley, Greenville; C. H. Nlederbaum, Yaeolt; Alma O'Connell, Ethel Tjowne. Van couver: Dennie Rohrts. P. G. Reynolds, city; T. O. Mays. Hlllsboro; O. H. Patton and wife. B Ij. Howard. hicas;o; R. Bingham, city; A M. Merrill. Warren; B. C Morris, Stay ton; H. I. Vennum. Coffeyville, Tex.; K. U. Mvers. lone; W. H. Stanley, city; A. Maye. Hoquiam: I. Roberts and wife. I.os Angeles; C J. PhtllliX'. city; B. M. Harris, Minnie Druspey. OreRon City; J. B. Stilwell, Dayton; T C. Fisher. I. Wolf. Reuverton; C. Irfindin. H. Frderickrun. Easle Yeek : . S. Paulson and wife; Geo. Gidlnsrs and wife. H. J. Panl-Pon- W. N. Paul-on; E. E. Marshall, eity: A G. Peternon, Seattle; T. M. Martin, eity; r! E. Foster. Sellwood ; 1... H: Cobb, Fosrti! ; Cah Wler, li. I. E'lerman. eity; F. Howell. Mspn- Noah Blair. I. Sellers. Baker City; Paul Mu'K r. Seattle; P. Nlbrok. Oakland ; p G. Revnolds. cit y ; Wm. Fitzgerald ; P. T. Murphv. John Irwin. Golde; H. I.Brwn. Orc j?on itv; C. Williams and wife, city: Ja. H. Banks Eyl. Waih. ; D. M. Eddy. A. P. Kin kade, W. S. Kinkade, city; John Me Km and wife' St. Helens: J. C. Fisher; H. C. Coimask andwif". RiilReflHd. Wash.; Mrs. G. Robert sen. Rainier; I. F. Bushel, city; Peter Brady and wire, J. Earnest. M. Earnest, Kalama: hi. Thigsell, Alsea; I. I. Bruzger, Skumakawa; W. S. Wright. F. II. Griffith. McMtnnvHle; M. I. Burner. Denmark. Ncv. ; R. G. Jack son ; Harry Saw t her. Taeoma : 1-M Sal ton, Hilboro; f-. Ieary, Deviis I-ake; G. H. Ship man. Orovllle. "nl.; Mrs. Stedman. Seattle; T. Hartman. corvallis: H. Gartman, E. W. Ecan, Oakland: I. HanklnRton: S. T. Elliott, Hol brock; F. Iv. Mills', urant's Pass; H. Rem ington.. Hid el Dtmnelly, Taeoma, Wash. European plan. Kate?, 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Free 'bus. The parrot appreciates music more than anv other of the lower creatures. LOUIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCK Corner 6 th and Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON Member Portland Stock E&change