Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 12, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Ountlnr-Ronm ."Main "070
'lly ftrculatlnn Main "070
Managing Kditor ...Maln "70
hunday FM'tor Main 7070
Composing-Room Muln 7070
Oily Editor . Main 7070
Superintendent BullJInr Main 7O70
Ha Side Office East (H
THB HKIUiri TtlRATKR 14th and Washing
ton Mrrew) Toniirht, 8:14 o'clock, James
O'Neill in the romantic drama, "Monte
Or Into."
BAKER THEATER '3i bet. Yamhill and Tay
lor) Raker Theater Company in "The
Merchant of Venice." Tonight, 8:15.
EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison)
"The Two Johns." Tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER Washington, between
I'ark and Seventh) Vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30
and 9 P. M.
TANTAGES THEATER (Fourth and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:80. 9 P. M.
STAR THBATI5R (Park and Washington)
Allpn Stork Company In "Tholma," Matinee
IMS; toniKht at 8:15.
LYKIO THEATER (7th and Alder) The Lyric
Stock Company, m "The Danltes," 11:13
and K:15 1'. M.
Rettkr Mail Service for Ai.bina.
Superintendent J. F. Steften, of the Al
bina postal station, expects to move into
the new quarters In the Brownewell build
ing on Itussell street Sunday. Furniture
is being received every day, and the sta
"tion will bo the largest and best equipped
for handling mails of any station in the
city. , It will occupy two rooms of the
r.rownwell building, each being 24x48 feet.
The furniture for the public lobby or
dered from the East has arrived, and is
In place. This occupies the front of one
of the rooms. Three-fourths of the
space will be allotted to the carriers. At
present at this station there are 15 car
riers, but this number will be Increased
to 19 from the time the new quarters are
occupied. This will permit of an in
creased and much better service than
ever before given in that portion of the
city. The territory will be enlarged to
take In the Vernon tract out to East
Twenty-eighth street, north to Killings
worth avenue. There has been a great
settlement in that direction, several hun
dred houses having gone up within the
past year. The Increased force also will
be used to improve the service inside the
present territory. In which the present 15
carriers are now unable to handle the
mails as desired.
Car Smashes Bugct. Mrs. A. Thomas,
of Vancouver, "Wash., and her daughter
were hurled from a light buggy in which
they were riding at 11 o'clock yesterday
morning, when a construction car of the
Pacific riridge Company crashed into the
rig at Union avenue and East Couch
street. .Neither was hurt, but a serious
accident was narrowly averted, accord
ing to the report of Mounted Policeman
Croxford. The buggy was wrecked, and
the horse would have run away, it is
Bald. . but for the prompt action of E.
Barber, living at 1524 Grand avenue. He
rushed into the street and grasped the
reins, holding" the frightened animal. H.
Crawford was motorman of the car.
Concert for Seamen. The weekly con
cert at the Seamen's Institute, 100 North
Front street, will be given this evening
at S o'clock. Th following, among oth
ers, will take part: Miss Grace Gilbert,
Miss Bennett Johnson, Dr. C. Powell. R.
E. Fulton; A. Duncan, British ship Bes
sie Dollar; A. Nairn, K. Klelne, British
ship Inverness-shire; N. Ewing, British
hip Glenalvon; H. Hackmann, American
6chooner Amaranth: C. Clarque, M. Man
bourguet. French ship Bayard; A. Ting,
Martin Norman, K. Sehaar, German ship
Marie Hackfeld; W. Hay ward, J. Turner;
C. Fernand, M. Petit, French ship Ja
cobson; American, British, French and
German national anthems.
Fighters Aub Fined. F. D. Thomas,
eteward at the.T. M. C. A. building's
"Little Inn," and Louis Mills, janitor of
the establishment, were on trial In the
Municipal Court yesterday forenoon on
a charge of assaulting Jim Fv Williams,
the colored chef of the restaurant. Ac
cording to the evidence in the ease,
Thomas criticised the chef's cooking.
Words followed after which fists, feet
and a fork were used. Judge Cameron
made Thomas pay $25 for his fun, and
Mills was assessed $15. The affair cost
Williams his job.
Fight Dhmso Hosetmoox.-Yesterday
closed the third week of married bliss for
Jir. and Mrs. H. W. Bowen, and they
celebrated the event in their rooms at
2-10 Madison street during the afternoon
In a manner that attracted the attention
of Patrolman Riley, who was passing.
As a result, both are confined in the
City Jail, charged with drunkenness and
disorderly conduct. Mrs. Bowen was badly
beaten by her husband. Nearly all her
clothing was torn Into shreds, she told
the policeman.
Funeral of Civil War Veteran. The
funeral of Caleb T. Bowen, a veteran of
the Civil War, was held yesterday after
noon from F. S. Dunnlng's undertaking
.chapel. The Interment was in Lone Fir
Cemetery. The funeral wras in charge
of Washington Lodge, No. 46, A. F. &
A. M. Deceased had been a member of
Manchester Lodge, No. 12, of Anthony,
R. I. Members of Ben Butler Post, G.
A. R., attended the funeral services.
I. O. O. F. Annual, Banquet. Indus
trial Lodge, No. 99, I. O. O. F., held its
annual banquet in its hall on Russell
street. East Side, Monday evening.
About 150 members were present. There
was no formal programme. J. E. Bastes,
the first noble grand of the lodge, which
was organized 17 years ago, gave a his
tory of the lodge, and spoke touchlngly
of the absent members who had Joined
the great majority.
Stopers Hold Social: The Portland
Lodge of Stopers of the World, the lodge
of mining men, held a social and smoker
In Oddfellows' Hall Monday night. An
Informal programme was rendered, a fea
ture being the "Little German Band,"
which paraded the hall and rendered fa
miliar airs. It Is the purpose of the
lodge, which Is prosperous and growing,
to hold these affairs every month..
Rockpilb Is Crowded. The county
rockpile at Kelly's Butte Is crowded to
such an extent that when Captain of Po
lice Moore sent out city prisoners from
the Municipal Court yesterday afternoon
Policemen Robson and Burke were
obliged to return three of them to the
City Jail. Every place Is filled, and It
was Impossible for any more to be ac
commodated. Police Doubt Stort. Mrs. Mary
Parks reported to Captain of Police
Slover last evening that she was at
tacked by a footpad, who stuck her
and then took her purse from her, on
Park street. She said that he re
moved $15 contained In the purse, and
v then returned the purse. Acting Detec
tive Price investigated and reported that
In his opinion the robbery Btory was a
Annual Meeting Todat. The annual
meeting of the Portland Board of Trade
will be held at 2 o'clock this aftecnoon at
the Board of Trade rooms. The officers
of the executive committee are to be
elected, and thfe president and secretary
will make a report of their work for the
year. At its meeting yesterday the board
discussed the Alaska steamship question
et length.
Nurses Meet Today. The Oregon
State Association of Graduate Nurses
will hold Its last meeting for the year
this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
nurses' oftleial residence, at Third and
Montgomery streets. Officers for the
coming year will be elected, and other
Important business will be transacted.
Public Meeting at Oak Grove. A call
has been Issued for a public meeting at
the schoolhotise at Oak Grove, on the
Oregon City line. Thursday evening next,
for the purpose of discussing some needed
local Improvements and possible organ
ization. The Savings Bank of the Title Guar
antee &' Trust Co. pays four per cent in
terest on savings accounts and three per
cent interest on daily balances of check
Defends Mount Tabor Principal.
D. A. Grout, Assistant City Superintend
ent of Schools, says that a great Injustice
was don to Principal Hugh Sherwood, of
the West-Avenue School, at the meet
ing of the Mount Tabor Push Club Mon
day evening. It was declared that he
was not a competent man for the place.
Mr. Grout says this Is incorrect, and
holds that Mr. Sherwood is a ca
pable man for the place. He says that
Principal Sherwood is a quiet and able
young man, and that he had visited the
West-Avenue School several times, when
the discipline was all that could be re
quired. The assistant says further that
Principal Sherwood is not in the habit of
thrashing a dozen boys every day.
Martin's Men Banquet. Martin's Men
gave a banquet to new members at the
White Temple last night that proved
highly enjoyable. For some time there
has been a contest between two factions
of the membership, styled the Reds and
the Blues, tho object being to get new
members. The affair of last night was
to welcome those who have lately joined
the organization and to make all better
acquainted with each other. The banquet
marked the close of the contest. E. J. S.
McAllister addressed the organization on
better civic order.
East Side Building. W. L. Morgan, a
well-known Portland architect and build
er, has leased the quarter block on the
southwest corner of Grand avenue and
East Stark streets of J. M. Hoaly, the
owner, for a term of 20 years. Mr. Mor
gan will start the erection of a three
story brick building on this leased ground.
He announced that excavation for the
foundation would begin at yonce.
A Bankbook for Christmas! A bank
account with this institution will teach
your children the importance of saving.
It will, moreover, make them feel a pride
and pleasure in adding to the original
deposit from time to time, thereby early
providing for their future independence.
Savings bank of the Title Guarantee &
Trust Co., 240 Washington -street (corner
Address on Sunday Schools. Bishop
Scaddlng will conduct services for offi
cers and teachers of Sunday schools for
the diocese of Oregon at St.- Stephen's
Pro-Cathedral, at 8 o'clock this evening.
The subject of Bishop Scadding's address
will be "Sunday School Methods.
Diaries for 1907. To our patrons, with
our compliments. Call at the teller's win
dow and ask for one. The Title Guaran
tee & Trust Co., 240-244 Washington street
(corner Second).
Oh, Sat, tiave you seen those beautiful
holiday suspenders yes, and neckwear,
too at Hewett, Bradley & Co.'s, 344
Not the common kind those Alford
umbrellas Hewett, Bradley & Co. received
yesterday. Swell shop, 344 Washington.
Hewett, Bradlbt & Co.'s fancy waist
coats are the most talked of In town.
Swell things at 344 Washington.
Choice designs In French and Irish
handkerchiefs and table linen sets. John
Cran, 3S6 Wash, st.
Dr. F. B. Eaton, eye, ear, nose, throat;
Macleay bldg., 4th and Washington sts.
Manager of Columbia Construction
Company In Contempt' of Court.
For falling to appear In the Munici
pal Court yesterday morning for trial
on a charge of dumping garbage into
the Willamette River, I. N. Day, man
ager of the Columbia Construction
Company, will be arrested today on
his arrival from Tacoma. He Is cited
to appear before Judge Cameron to
show cause why he should not be pun
ished for contempt, and his bail has
been fixed at $300 cash.
Manager Day was arrested recently
on complaint of Acting Harbormaster
Smith, who charged him with dumping
refuse Into the river at the foot of
Couch street. Ball In that case was
fixed at $100, and when taken to police
headquarters Day made a loud com
plaint, saying he was not the man
wanted, and he finally appealed to
Municipal Judge Cameron, who re
leased him on his own recognizance.
Day promised Judge Cameron that he
would produce In court the man who
actually dumped the refuse Into the
river, and yesterday was the date set
for the hearing. The session of court
closed, however, without any appear
ance being entered by Day, and the
contempt citation was issued by Judge
Cameron later. It was placed in the
hands of Captain of Police Moore for
Judge Cameron Is thinking seriously
of demanding bail from every prisoner,
no matter how prominent. Several
prominent citizens have violated their
parol of late.
Second Edition of "Something to Set
You Thinking" Necessary.
It Is safe to say that no book Issued on
the Coast has caused so much interest
as "Something to Set You Thinking," is
sued by the Pacific Coast Securities Com
pany of this city. So great has been the
demand for this publication that the
company has Just placed an order for an
other large edition. It certainly fills a
want that has long existed. From first
to last page it fairly sparkles with facts,
figures and arguments that are convinc
ing and cannot be denied. No one con
templating investment should act before
reading "Something to Set You Think
ing." It does all the title implies and
points the way to safe and profitable in
Lily Dental Company Announce Very
Low Prices.
The Lily Dental Company, painless
dentists. Third and Couch streets, an
nounce one-third off their regular price
for a few days; Painless extraction, 50
cents; solid gold crown, $4; bridge
work, $3.50 per tooth; gold and enamel
filling, $1; best rubber plates, $7.50;
good set fora. Perfect fitting and
natural looking. Examination and es
timates free. All work guaranteed ten
years. Every workman expert.
Unexpected charges that have made the
expense of laying the cargo of New Well
ington Coal on the Supple Dock very
heavy, the Rock Springs Coal Company
have been compelled to charge $9.50 for
this splendid coal Instead of $9, as orig
inally expected. Many things the com
pany had to pay in the matter of dis
charging this cargo showed up at such a
late day that many tons were sold at
such a small margin that the balance
could not be sold for less than $9.50 and
allow the company to come out clear.
Rock Springs Coal still falls to put in its
appearance and when it does come it will
be the same old price, $8.50. Phone your
orders to East 184.
Idly regretting your appearance, but
come to us and see what we can do for
you in the way of dressing you becom
ingly. We'll give you the full value of
your money and the clothes we make will
tit you to perfection. Armstrong the
Tailor. Raieigh Building, 323 Washington
street, upstairs.
Insurance Rates Said to Be
Held Too Hirjh in '
Committee of Commercial Club,
Headed by E. M. Brannlck, Plans
1 to Delve Into Question, In In
terest of Policy-Holders.
For lower insurance rates In Portland,
a special committee of the Commercial
Club has been appointed to delve into
the matter of premiums. The committee,
headed by E. M. Brannick, and contain
ing Tom Richardson, J. Couch Flanders,
D. C. O'Reilly, F. H. Ransom and John
Annand, will boost the plan for a new
steel flreboat, to cost between $100,000 and
$125.000 this in the interest of better pro
tection and lower rates.
It is alleged that rates have been forced
up in the last three years by the under
writers, out of proportion with risks,
but Insurance men declare that this Is
not the fact.
It Is asserted that the reduction prom
ised three years ago, by the underwriters,
for a flreboat, has not beer) given, and
that where it has been demanded, new
risks have been found by the Insurance
companies, to offset it. But this also is
denied by the insurance men, who de
clare that many cases can be cited of
lower rates since the flreboat was built,
even including the 25 per cent Increase,
imposed after the San Francisco burn.
"Portland Is Squeezed."
"The Insurance comrJanles are squeezing
Portland for every dollar they can get,"
said Mr. Brannick yesterday. That's their
business, and we must expect It, I sup
pose. But it's a mighty heavy tax. Rates
have been boosted up all over the city
and are going up yet. I received notice
of an increase Just the other day. Then
there is that 25 per cent Increase, put on
us last May. Before we got our flreboat.
we were promised 15 per cent and 10 and
5 per cent reductions. We got the fire
boat, but' not the1 lower rates. On the
East Side there have been very heavy In
creases. Two or three years ago my busi
ness was paying $V60 per $100 for insur
ance; now it pays $2.59, which would be
one-third higher, or about $3.85, if we had
not put in sprinklers in our buildings.
Some of those properties near us are
paying $5. Many property owners in Port
land cannot afford to pay premiums and
therefore have to carry their own insur
ance." Other Side of Story. .
A different side is offered by insurance
men. A prominent member of their ranks
said yesterday that the flreboat had
brought rate reductions on the river front
and that be could cite many instances of
the fact, even with the 25 per cent in
crease included. The East Side had re
received no reductions on account of its
inaccessibility to the flreboat. That rates
In that part of the city are not too high,
he said was proved by the difficulty which
property owners have found in obtaining
insurance. Even in the dangerous district
east of Morrison bridge, he asserted there
were Individual risks which had rates
even lower than three years ago. Where
many buildings have collected in the last
two or three years, rates had been put up,
on account of the added hazard.
"The truth is," said he, "rates In
Portland are too low. This city is
exposed to conflagration, starting from
Its inflammable waterfront, yet rates
are not up to a compensating figure.
In North Portland I can point out
dwellings which are rated at 40 cents
per $100 Insurance, or 80 cents for
three years' Insurance. This is en
tirely too low."
J. D. Coleman, Northwest manager
for the Home Insurance Company, said
proof that rates in the United States
are not too high is found In the fact
that domestic insurance companies
made only 2 per cent on their paid-up
capital in the last ten years, before
the prodigious losses in San Francis
co occurred. Rates in Portland, lie
said, were on the same basis as in
other parts of the United States. "Who
of those who complain that insurance
companies are making too much mon
ey," he asked, "would put their money
in the insurance business, content to
receive back 2 per cent on their money
Insurance Surplus Wiped Out.
"It should be remembered that the In
surance companies have gone deep into
their pockets and refunded not only the
dividends they have drawn since their or
ganization, but in-addition have levied
heavy assessments against stockholders
to meet the losses and impairment of their
capital. There was not insurance surplus
enough in the whole world to meet the
San Francisco losses, and the companies
stand today In an impoverished condition
as a whole surplus gone, capital gone,
nothing left but name. There are some 30
companies that were able to meet their
losses out of surplus; nevertheless, the ag
gregate surplus of all the companies could
not possibly meet the losses sustained.
All others have become weakened to
the extent that they are not able to pay
their honest obligations. It Is only those
engaged in the insurance business that
know the real, true situation.
"The recent increase of rates, through
out the United States was imperative for
the protection of the insuring public
throughout the world, should another con
flagration occur in the near future. At
the present time there is not a single
dollar of surplus In the aggregate, avail
able to meet a similar fire. The excep
tions, such as the 30 companies men
tioned, are not able to carry the liability
of the world. Therefore, what Ms the
little 25 per cent advance to the merchant
who wants first-class protection to the
property he has devoted his entire life in
accumulating? We are committed to the
advance in rates for the reason that un
less the weakened companies secure as
sistance at this time in the replenishing
of their surplus 70 per cent of them will
be forced to the wall. The strong com
panies have no desire to bring about a
financial crisis which would certainly
follow should such a calamity happen.
' Home Office, Commonwealth' Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny, Portland, Oregon.
A. L. Mills, President.
. L. Samuel, General Manager? Clarence Samuel Assistant. Maaajrer.
If so, the Importance of their
ftafe-keepinv la IMPERATIVE
because their Iom by Are or theft
Is Irreparable an4 the loser has
no more recourse against the
Railroad Co., Municipality or
Government Issuing the Bonds
than he has against the IT. S.
Treasury for lost paper money,
and the Innocent holder of any
such securities has a good title
by possession, this point having;
been settled by numerous legal
ID the Vaults of the
Oregon Trust 6
Savings Bank
will b found a convenient and
safe depository for all valuable
Without a replenished surplus there would
be no protection whatsoever for the in
suring public against even a smaller con
flagration. "Profits Are Small."
"While it is true there are upwards
of 40 companies left, having a surplus
with which to continue business and
meet future conflagrations, yet that
number is only a small proportion of
the insurance companies of the world,
and could not begin to care for the lia
bility should the large majority of
companies be compelled to enter "into
liquidation; consequently, I hold that
it is far more to the interest of the
public that an increase of rates should
be had than it is to the insurance com
panies, for the stockholders could read
ily invest their money elsewhere to
far better advantage than engaging in
the hazardous undertaking of fire in
surance. I will venture the assertion
that there is no class of investors on
top. of earth that have been more mag
nanimous and public-spirited than
those engaged in the insurance busi
ness, coming forward as they have
with the dividends they have hereto
fore drawn, augmented by new capital,
for the purpose of making good tlieir
obligations and continuing in business.
"Money is timid and shrinks from
uncertain ventures, and as there has
been less than 2.1 per cent profit in
the underwriting business covering a
period of upwards of a quarter of a
century, it must be admitted that such
a margin of profit is exceedingly small.
Strange to me that the public is not
willing to study the history of such
matters before forming opinions con
demnatory to those who have not only
ventured their money, but have paid
the penalty of so doing, by surrender
ing the profits heretofore drawn, and
digging deep into their pockets for
new capital with which to continue
business. Missionary work among
business men by disseminating a true
knowledge of the Are insurance situa
tion, ought to bring about a reaction
ary sentiment in favor of the com
If you were to receive a fine talking
machine and a year's subscription to The
Oregonian for Christmas, wouldn't it
please you? The Oregonian would keep
you posted on all the news and matters
of importance throughout the world every
morning for a year, and the talking ma
chine would be a never-ending source of
amusement and entertainment for your
self, your family, and your visiting"
friends. The Oregonian has made an ar
rangement with Eilers Piano House
Whereby you can secure both The Ore
gonian and a $25 talking machine on
terms so liberal that they are hardly
worth mentioning. The talking machine
is absolutely guaranteed by Eilers Piano
House and these machines can be In
spected at their store, 353 Washington
street, any day until 9 o'clock in the
evening until Christmas. The whole pro
position is outlined on page 10 of this
paper, under the ' heading, "Opportune
Christmas Announcement."
Special values in high-grade umbrellas,
gloves, handkerchiefs, silk hosiery, ellk
scarfs, men's gloves, mufflers, fancy sus
penders and ties goods worth buying and
best values at McAllen & McDonnell's.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties, 305 Wash., near 6th.
Come to Aune. sixth floor Columbia
building, for Christmas photographs. Co
not put It off. Come at once.
Whipped Boy Shoots Father.
NEW YORK. Dec 11. Because his
father had kept him In the grammar
schools while the boy was older and
larger than others in that grade and
whipped him when he failed in bjs les
sons, William Weedon, aged 16 years,
today shot his father, John Weedon, in
the face and neck at their home in
2.1 rd st., cor. Gllsan.
Elegant floral pieces from
$1.50 up. Primrose ' and
cyclamen plants In full
bloom reasonable; also car
nations. $chwab Printing Co.
Exclusive and extreme shapes for young men and college chaps also
shapes designed for men of older years. Look for this label. The Hat
thus marked is guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new Hat free of charge
for Style
and Quality
Sole agents for the ultrafashionable
Youmana hat. Silks, Operas, Derbies
Glendale, L. I. It is feared the fath
er's wounds will prove fatal. The boy
was arrested.
. If Baby Is Tutting Teeth
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, for
children teething. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
colic and diarrhoea.
Do you know how to cook-tea and cof
fee? Schilling's Best.
There are lots of things a Gabler piano
will show you.
One thing is that while the price is
lowest of all high-grade pianos, no real
high-grade Instrument . gives so much
value for the money as the Gabler.
Another that its tone is brilliant with
out hardness, of great carrying power
and splendid volume, and sweet, sympa
thetic and singing quality.
And again the Gabler will last for
generations and preserve Its beauty and
quality of tone to the end of the chap
ter. -
Come in and let us show you the beauty
and quality of these pianos. Or ask us
to call and see you.
Piano money cannot be better Invested
than in a Gabler. You don't know how
easy we can make It for you to own one.
Soule Bros. Piano Co,
Fancy Vests in fancy boxes
for Xmas.
For business silk and wool
vests in attractive patterns
some quiet some very much
For dress white, doable
and single-breasted.
Silk umbrellas from $1.50
to $5.00.
One of onr Merchandise
orders, which we issue for
any amount, will help you
greatly in selecting His
Men's and Boys' Outfitter,
ies-l8 Third St- Mohawk Bide.
Clothing Co
GusKuhnPfoD'' "
mil 'rf 'rt mn n n raj i n''wrri' wmn'i!iiiiHiini'miiiniin.,i,i,.n.
gpiiiuuyill1 mimn"ni' '"""''""Miiwniiiiliiiiffitiliiiilliiil
IT'S Yhe best of all
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or.
Denver. Omaha, Kuiu City, Salt Like, Dallas, TWM) fori land. Orca-oa.
133 Sixth SL FLOYD F. BROWER, Mgr. Oregonian Bldg
Opera Glasses
Field Glasses
Special Christmas Certificates For Eyeglasses
Is the Whiskey par excellence.
The committees of award at
the International Pure Food
Exhibition. Paris, France; St.
Louis World's Fair; Lewis and
Clark Exposition. Portland.
Oregon decorated Quaker Maid
Rye, with the higbes awards
against all competition IT
Quaker Maid Rye
at any leading bar. cafe or drag store,
nd you will endorse the'r opinion.
S. HIRSCH & GO. Kansas City, Mo.
a su.oe Foil so
tor SO t.
aVaa tot Desua
The Peer
- of All
$3.00 Hats
We carry by far the largest assort
ment of J. B. Stetson hats in the city
Clarke, Woodward Drug Co.
Manufacturing and Wholesale
Direct Importers of heavy and foreign
chemicals, French perfumes and propri
etaries, Haarlem oil, Japanese camphor
and menthol, English chalk, German hy
posulphite soda and chloride of lime in
lead-lined casks.
Private switching track from all rail
roads to our doors.
We Invite correspondence.
Conveniently located at Ninth and Hoyt
sts., near. Union Passenger station.
A small but very choice collection of Le
mairejOpera Glasses for
Positively 25 per cent less than ever sold
for in Portland before.
Microscopes and
Reading Glasses
An infallrbl remedy for th cure of Drug Habits of all kinds.
Sant postpid t $2 pt bottle. Morphine-Cure, it preperrj
lor Hypodermic or internal us. Delta Chem. Co., St. Louit