Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 12, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Bookkeeper, and Stenographers. ' : Rooms. " Bourn. ' ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. LADIES. ONE WORD WITH Yptr LOST - ON MT. TABOR CAR OR BE- Bgtritnallgts.
j K ! 1 . . years' of successful practice In Portland la tween 4th and Morrison and 4th and Al- WITH THIS PAl'ER AD TOU WILL
I EXPERT STENOGRAPHER WELL EDU- THE COMMBRCML. FOR RENT 5 ROOMS; BASEMENT; ELLIS. KAHLER LAXKEN, the treatment of diseases peoullar to worn- der. (fold brooch wishbone with tonal and SAVE 4.00.
1 cated doe. rapid accurate work parllcu- Nicely furnished rooms, single or en porcelain fcath. gas or' electricity; new Roome 0 and 21. 204 Morrison St. en should be sufficient guarantee to those forget-me-not setting. Finder please call FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY.
I larlv solicits literary manuscript play "e. 2 Fr week up; steam heat, hot range connected; one year's stock dry seeking the aid of an experienced physician. up East 320, or return to cashier. Honey- (A SPECIAL o READING FOR JO
1 wHimJ .hSmrt. LrimaHons denosi- an1 cla free bathe, free phone; woo n bam,ni- fine place Hamlin CENTRAL. LOCATION. and surgeon. I have assisted hundreds of mau Hardware Co. and receive reward. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST.
writing, abstracts, specifications, aenosi dmlng-room In connection r transients so- & i .,". 4?T7-nm'mI.rXl hlk 24' Wwh- 30 room one of the best down-town cor- anxlcus and suffering women. I cu tnji I'ROF, E. KH1MO.
-tions, advertisements (good ad-writer). Jiclted: open all night; best location In & LRte, 4-1 Commercial blk., 24- Wash- Be... well furnished, big transient business: If In trouble, no nmtter from what LOST COCKER SPANIEL PUP, NEAR 2D ASTRAL DEAL. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT-
E. Whittle Douglass, 54 Labbe bldg. Pnone ths cUy. o!ti(M aniJ reaaln room ground lnglon. . can ahow the book3 for a nct prc,at ot sl80 c,us-, ctt'l on old Dr. J. D. Grey, the Old Hall: pure black, no collar; reward at NO CHARGM IF NOT SATISFIED WHBtf
Main 1048. floor. 488 Washington. - T. ' ...T a month; price $3000. reliable specialist; no charge for consulta- 4JS .,d READING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE).
' MOTHER AND 2 DAUGHTERS WOULD . tlon or advlue jSl Alder St.. corner 3d. , 1 DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGItKE AND
REFINED. EDUCATED YOUNG WOMAN THE -OXFORD. CORNER 8TH AND OAK; ,,Part ettage to man and wife. 30 East Also many others, both large and small, aSV?' r' Correspondence sacredly con- GUARANTEE to make no charge if I fall
stenographer (commercial) desires per- new brick building In heart of business sec- Third street. , fIom ajj to $12,000; see what we have be- naentlal. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , ca." you y name In full, names of your
manent position. A-one city references. tlon; convenient to depot and all carllnes; - p0 .. ... .. v, . for- " ' too late; they are going fat. DO -y B.r,IT. . . ,Ti-ritT a vr ITi'"?. neml?." f rJval"- 1 promise to tell
Will nn.itlon at $10 Der week, with newly and elegantly furnished; steam heat; ROOMS, WATER 50e. CHICKEN YARD, 1T NOW. V - X-RADILM MEDICAL INSTITUTE AND itjnu. whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is
aVdv.,fcrPMaPrnn3"5UftrVs:LA.M..nd jt .nd ejS rU. ng , ctrlc garden. 197 Ivy. App.y 717 Commercial at. -ORDERS TAKFX TO BUY OR siZI For the spe.S of disease, of hToT CO one meelre? W
' - :n' OR.tofsSanTdAoFnds 0T tPortSSd ISA otn... c, tltm Jh?
SITUATION WANTED BY LADY AS STEN- w,LIj RENT MT NEWLY FURNISHED Exchange. Nevada and Idaho stocks trad- charges for consultation. Graduate lady Coal : Experts. Auditor, and In estlgators of your cnolce how to uln youth.
onrapher and assistant bookkeeper; doctor s HOTEL m-owwiPir wiHinTON AND home- etrlctly modern and In choice real- d m- American De Forest at a bargain. physicians and professional nurses In attend- 104 id. Phone Main 14.i8. W. T. hltnald. Mgr. health and vitality. Remove, evil Influences.
ofTice preferred. Phone Eat HI. lTth-FirstclM, fukm rms. single or dence district, to .ultable party without I have an industrial stock that gives prom- are. Maternity hospital. Infant" "0Pted- GEORGE T" MURTON 318 CHAMBER OF cus drink habits, locates treasures, mine
ences. WW. Oregunlan. rtay $1 upl.r reiIm,bP.t T e?h. Main B47' AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN ' .... .nR- MA,RT Woman", Assayer. and Analrsti TO DO, AND A uKJtAVUbAL
CERTIFIED STFVOGRAPHER ACCURATE S..rr..P.ih.' pE.-'S Sf FOR RENT FOR SIX OR EIGHT MONTHS. cap,,al and labor of the great North Bank fld.n" at; maternuj-caa-Civn -.p.clal at- Pnc. by e,ving you a
an7 reliable Main 2i0 a'ter 9 A M suites rates reasonable Phon. Main nnely furnished bouse. Marshall and IKd; r.r.. ow under construction; big money- tentlr.n. Sanitarium Tnd oKlces. 25.) Alder. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 1S8 MORRI- . FK14i3-TEST FREE.
and reliable. Mrs. F. H. Povura, prop. most reasonable term. to proper person -. Ap- maker-for the right party. See C H. Fell- comer Third. Portland. Oregon. Phone. Main son st. Bcat facilities. Prices reasonable. ST HlT-nJSnl1S.:
' "es. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3D. BET. TAY- - A. Meara, Room 12, 7 First St. berg. Vancouver, Wash. ; . ' uu BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST ?aVb,o.u
REFINED, EXPe"rTeD WOuMAN DE- SSitT"'. "S.' ina'tS? '-AM' rSSSS fSedS-rooSs0 THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS rTEOTIE AGENCY -Gold dust bought. SOT Alder st. oV-iSii'?
t sires situation as nurse. Infant, invalid or we cater to traveling public. John Granatrom win" mi 31 e"u TphoM Eait U4 Inside Information regarding business open-,le anything in the line of de'ec live DO NOT MISS THIS OpPORTUNITY. A3
children. 230- Yamhill. Main 5413. , gain, central. 31 E. 3d N. Phone East 114. . w (n hu terrltory. theI correspondents "rrtk an,? ,ut of 'he clt?': J1"',,?". au Attorney, at Law. IT WII NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 STARK, S. W. FURNISHED COTTAGE- MODERN CON- keP tnem P- " desirable offerings. rV r,rf,l e?.' ?,J!" reW on S Z mnrp-j 1Tr a vr. rrl- Do not hesitate, delay la dangerous; coma
Domestic. - cor. 6tn L Well-furnished rooms, large venlences hVh f .rnJ'e H f. ink i Merchant looking for location In this city JT.. ",Hci'v c?Pndeniialu, 0. VI li ??BN ,AtT1 f .T . ,AND 9.Vil" "" and llnd out:
and light, single or en suite; transients. Ph? kL,i 11m furnace- 87 Eat 1,th st- or in country tawna are Invited to call. Jn- done through this ofj10':,, sellor at law, lib and 10 Abmgton bldg. Bow'caa I marry wellT
EXPERIENCED GIRL. CITY REFpRENCES. 0c to $1 ; by week. $2 to f 3. Pacific 1238. one formation of this kind free. The Ames Raleigh Bldg.. 6th and v a i ngton How can I have good luck T
de;ire situation, family, eecond work; vpw Hrif!m Av-n vmviTi'Bn rvi Mercantile Agcy.. Ablngton bldg. sts. Office open diyy and night, pacinc Carpet Cleaning. How can I control any one?
wage, 25. a Yamhill. Main 5413. , Room. ft Board. . plee; Ki'TO.'g'' A M N (OR MEN, WITH $30,000 CAN IN- SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. Wc- San.tar, carpet cleaning-carpet, cleaned on HoZ can ! SSTmSSSH?
Housekeepers. MINNEQUA INN, 378 YAMHILL, TWO T vest in a manufacturing propositicn with To visitors of Portland hotels and to pub- floor; suction and compressed air. M. 5334. How can I succeed In business?
" P" blocks Hotel Portland, elegant bay-window Hansea For Rent Fnmlture Foe Sal.. extraordinary returns, to handle his own JLc.H?rB.e: P""61! at SOf GA fi- ' How can I conquer my enemle.t
A LADY OF -REFINEMENT, UNINCUM- roome. single or en suite. House under new poR SALE AT RiRfimPlTRNITrRI! money and control the business; no com- J Be!a. "Z-.l a8J??i5 Vx. n eS.,ani Chiropody and Manicuring. How can I get a good position?
Addons. onTan'.0" h r- xri.irzstsrxsi fJliilp'iPSf W'jz-xr's izrA nxDv. ss j " sis;,,
hv the rlav- hlirh class work a sDeclaltv PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 18TH Expert utter, furs remodeled, repa.reo. ana 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. mow can 1 hold my husband s love?
TOUNO WOMAN WISHES POSITION AS u 'J' add in , few days. Inqulr, 91 5th .t. 42 1. aar'" "r0 SSff- SSi." IL. .SaT .
housekeeper tor gentleman. Phone Pacific riander.. 6-ROOM FLAT FURNISHED WITH 3 shelving, large and small showcase. Simp- J "enpe- Q'Qg- fnone PROP. E. KHIMO, j
IWW. Room 3. FIRST-CLASS. COOKS. NEW MANAGE- rooms rented; 'cheap If sold at once. 188 i"Cra'to?s 'Tarre oofremill a"nd oTtLnk vlv J- L1NDELL, expert chiropodist; all instru- No- 238 Fifth st. corner Madlwa
A FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WOULD ment. .plendjd meal, , aS eents.. at M.n- 10th st. i"5uZ tradlf Jatfo' brick SmidiSg i FINANCIAL. . ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main Phon. Main Wfa. ,
make a few engagements. Phone Woodlawn bonders so'licited FITRNITURB OF 8-ROOM HOUSE AND cheap rent. 80-4 N. 6th St. A FEW DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET. MISS DART, MANICURING. SUITE 503 REAT!i, fnr ADJMll EA.?'
aoucueo. houjie Burjj DtpTc.g .,-rw ,s a thln desirable .You can have them. lourny blk. Hours to 5. Tel Main JK1S9. following wm-fl.-3, carefully the)
MirTt v m-Dviturn t.r.ra .,.,. side 1 WANTED ONE OR MORE PARTIES WITH ten to 100, and return the amount In small following words.
SITUATION WANTED HOUSEKEEPER NICELY FLRNISHBD ROOMS W ITH Al "ae- . $500 to 5O0O to back a promoter of long ex- weekly or monthly payments. c:ienl,.. Ilvein, , MADAM BARTH
for gentleman. Address Q 80. Oregonian. board; every convenience; furnace heat: 7 ROOM COTTAGF FOR RENT FURNI- perience have the best connection with we advance money on Talary without In- Cleaning and Dyeing. Is permanently located in her own home.
ZTT, mmutes walk; term, reasonable. 314 Mill. 5 R A6B 1RENT FCRNI rn and English coital you ever w. dorserandthoJt e" knowdse ot ; -BBRUX DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES tSJZZuSZa "5 the" orid" o bTS
MUcellaneooa. Jiain MIV. and can show you.. Have the proposition ployer or anyone. Lowest rates; best Krench dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dye- Irest ,lirv?nt wl.?om vf2
YOUNG MEN. IF YOy WANT FIRST-CLASS 8tor.. uJvSrt'JnannS tinenlta,mCt, i"?vit0 '5Pl".f: r1?h?! S- "rom"t wmin? a'ques"' oraliut.eringUonet woVd? '
NEAT. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN DESIRES r00m and board, 2ln a room, for 5 per t PDT TT1T .v Sotn'olv P O Box S rlo not r.Ti' ?PifnJ le f 11, exrlfaln our serMce. J4, second. Main t41.. 8he tel,s you Ju3t what ou caBme for nolv.
situation housekeeper widower's family; w.k- all conveniences, close In. call 2S1 A 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING ON COUCH not apply, p. o. Box 5- do n ot ra 11 to l ' Vn.IenUa? and 7 : : T many in your family and all about them..
young woman boardlng-houee cook: capab e 7thBt. and Front, is now vacant and can be rented HERE IS A BRG4IN ! ' n J.V ,', 11 ' A 'J'? '!?.frt,iv whether Commission Merchants. Tells names, dates and facts. Tells you ot
woman chamberwork; dishwasher. 2S0J4 . f"r a term of years: particulars. Fred Blckel. r.,, KF i2 A you J'" bo treated courteoui-ly wnetner lovt marriagps deaths business specula-
Yamhltl. Main 6413. YOUNG MAN. AGE 18-25. CAN SECURE 751 Park avenue. clen- mo?lv housekeeping rooms a"ways 0nl"ZZ "" December 15 to METZGER PURCHASER OF tloni. inlostments etc''; locate? oil, 6
- roofn In nriOote fninllv with hnnrd If rie- S m m'J""y housekeeping rooms, always Open every evening December 10 to nldes, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old and minerals of all kinds- remove, evil In-
LADY WISHES TO DO WORK BY DAY. Wren". wT' 0gonlamrd ' FOR RENT-TWO STORES ON UNION fulh good furniture. Only 1200 if taken at January 1 rBPntT ro rubber and old metal, ana general comm nu'S hoto witlSl
Call mornings from 6 to 8. evenings 7 to avenue and East Belmont street; reasonable once- x.. lITV rn -,.Hl. -J.Ti C.RD,IT co;,s tlon merchants, uront st., near Mam. Port- ,he one you love, unites the separated and
lrt. Phone Tabor 555; also lady to cook for ELEGANT FRONT SUITE CHOICE" LOCA- Hrma- Hartman A Thompson, 3 Chamber r? q liki' lit VT ' 0 " (jta noo, Dekum oldg- lunu- r- Caal advanced on consignments. causes speedy and congenial marriages. No
parties. tion. corner, walking distance. 14; meals If of Commerce. oom , ist st. , . , . MOH VWK t.ti .t, c,u matter what your condition may be.
BXPBRIENCED CHAMBERMAID WISHES desired, pnone Main LEASE FOR SALE- FOR ONE-OF THE BEST . RESTAURANT. bldg. Loans to salaried employes on note. and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. STARK. CORNER 12TH ALL WORK.
armrn,nh0'el0rr00mlnS"hUSe-D8U,0re" ROOM WITH BOARD FOR ONB OR TWO 'aVS "oT2 gleVt ,n5 TnT-l-1?rV '" 5,rT-th. WsH,. grT-'RSA V?!?1! fl
WANTf"d-TO DO CHAMBERWORK FOR " : 1! So?; pe " IMS S S:: S? fSlS S? g nc..rfS FvU Sng AXUEHM "spSn.
"musnd'sVregonlan. K gog PARLOR. "S, Sd B SmAgTSg irtiand 1 ai,AK
H-INTED-AGENTS p'hoWn'ethM"atnb0iro: W b'th- Garland. 228 F.eidner bldg.. 10th and Waeh. H IMPLEMENT BUSINESS LOANS MAufe TO SALARIED PPLE Carpenter, and Builder. nsuit ts man of ry sjn.s.
H ANTED AGLNTS. v .....,, pnnw, FOR RENT WE HAVE SEVERAL STORES I?,!"8.1' V0Vjl!:d'. ha'f. r e,ntire, nterest In ho.olng permanent positions and responsib.e w. L. Bucknor. office, store llxturea. general revealed. Wonderful power! Builds up
2,,ltiT TZS mL i;?nt E,? P h,t' and houses for rent, close in. '720 Chamber ')O00 to ?80)0 stock in center of large stock. firms; easy payment, and stnct.y condden- jojblug. contracting. 300 Stark. Main i31. good luck, restores lost vitality, magnolia
AGENTS - CANVASSERS. MIXERS, PED- tes. two in room, phone, bath. gas. heat. commerce. wheat and lrrlgated district Annual saes tlal; also ...... . forces to fascinate anyone; curei weak han
dlers, street men, solicitors, mall order peo- home cooking. J25.000. with certainty of doubling within CHATTEL LOANS R. L. Kali, carpenter, contractor and builder. its. nervous debility, evil influences, deaf
pie, etc.. should buy Kramer's Book of Trade m-pvTwrn BnoMg with nn.nn STORES SMALL STORE) ON 8TH AND AN- 4 ,years a' "Jst- ""st oP'ns In.Inland on personal property; rooming-houses a spe- job wurk 4((i Evertt. Tel. East 3U65. ness; removes love, domestic, business trou-
Secrets. Regular price l . but bal. of last NEJ51m0 FJ0?kn Hf,J P?amnv m! AWe? keny; 8 per month. Empire. C 50, Oregonlan. clajtj. TPTTT COMPANY bleV enemies, rivals: absent treatment for
edition Is being sold for $1.25 as long as they Home cooking. English family. 389 Alder . : ,EW ERLL?J,N L Dancing. the sick. Tells your name. age. occupation.
last. Every person who is out of employ- trogt- FOR RENT STORE ON 825 STARK. IN- FOR RENT 70-jROOM FAMILY HOTEL IN 205 Ablngton Building. , . . Teaches you this profession, locates treat
ment can make more out of this book than ..., cr.Dxi.ou rnua quire 75 1st. veattle; owner wishes to meet high-class ,..T, . . xr DANCING LESSONS, 25c, classes or private; ures. hastens marriage; $5 reading for $1.
a. person Inordinary business can on a cap- It r.Y r URN lbH KIJ ROOMS, wuh OK family hotelkeeper; elegant location; only MONEY TO LOAN. ..,,, waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stage llOli 4th St.. corner Washington.
Ital of Slo.ooO. Order quick. Sioux Pub. without board. Ihe Sterling. 535 Couch, city HALL BARBER SHOP. 269 6TH ST principals need apply. Call at room 4. El- O" Improved city property or for ouiining da:.t.i,;S. buck and wing. clog. reel, skirt.
Co.. Sutherland. Ia. r. tor rent. ton Court Annex, after 3 P. M.. here in E2M'"; rfm fnto. ?aie Vn' after bpanasn. Hignland fling, etc.. Prof. Wal. FREE TEST Fit EE TEST.
1 . : BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR FOUR . Portland. rriV"eE' t0" ?F ay. tlSTJ? K r?ln, and Alison. Aliaky bldg.. 3a-Morrlson. Take this advertiFement to
BIG COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO SELL gentlemen. Phone 3C03. 215 13th St. STORE-20x40. 83 FIFTH ST. monel advaeS ISmfdlnr orogresSl i PROF. DE NIB LO,
Everett's Encyclopedia: over 500 pages. n,. -K KnoM irrT? asq urn EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. SaEi atoViiu r.iliwd Portland Dancing Academy. A refined school. tiwfc Washington Street.
ell. for $1.50; the best selling subscription T AR R2V, iiTh 83 SKR" ' Offices. 3000 S3000 3000 Fred h ' STRONO I Fin.S Aent. Prof. Ringler and Miss Buckenmeyer. Instrs. He will Klve you a test of his wonderful
book on the market today. Particular. vice, hot, cold water. 225 11th u Bakery and confectionery, fruit, cigars and FRED H. street! Cla,a n'!ts- Tues it Sat; cuiidren Sat. aft. CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling you
free. Address Mgr.. box 205. Boise. Idaho. . . . 7TTZ . .. OFFICES MOST CENTRAL LOCATION IN tobacco, news stand, located In one of the , Priv. U. dally. lit,U Aid, cor tith. Ph. M. 1M51 your name In full, free of charge.
1, ""-.Tft r.7 ,V- , r . ncAi, the ci( northwest corner 6th and Wash- est towns In Oregon: will stand closest In- ttjw star rntv COMPANY s '
WANTED ACENTS TO SELL THE BEST cooking. i4f west park. lngton sts.; new elevator, hot and cold peetlon. Address H 58, Oregonlan. . A .aiarled employe, wage-earner, can Woodward's Dancing School Class. Monday. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S
crown mirserv stock on the CoaBt. Including vtnoM avd nnmn hit a snie atii in- tjatw" water, light, heat and Janitor service. ret on his note, without mortgage (con- Thursday and Sat. eves.; private Icjsouj most reliable medium; all la trouble call
Burbinfl new anphon" 6tS .t ' MORTGAGE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO.. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS SlnfiaD? Month. W-month. Week. daily; social, fancy and .tep dancmg taught and get her valuable advice on all affair, of
Son advanced weekly; write quick for choice gas and phone. MO utr. st. fn) Seventh Street. ,here you can make 25 per week we can 50 Repay to o. . -f.13.83 o? i!.B5 or S3.3S Eecund and Morrison. phone Pacific 1A1U. lite, bus ness love troubles; absent friend,
IT trrrltorv Alhanv Nursery Albany. Or. . . : place you in a mercantile house, where your l-i Reouv to us 1 6 69 ot 3.30 or l.d4 T : : specialty. Room 72. Lewis bldg.. 35014
' of tcnltory. Albany Nursery. Albany, or. Flats. DESIRABLE) OFFICES INCLUDING ELEC- "ulie. will be to deliver goods and look after lltRept? to llV.. 1.00 " $2.00 or l.U0 Kducutional. Morrison st. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M
AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR COM- MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES. FOR RENTt iJLhtJ.J?tJL ?? ,?id "l C"tomers. Call room 325 Lumber Exchange. 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. students coached In English ma-hemat'ics MRS SOPHIA B SEIP, '
M?'caVi SnUyrVgonK. SF&i 7- pSX WANTED A 'MAN" WITH S150TO TAKE SceTToInED TO SALARIED PEOPLE 11 an'S p LI A B, EPS Y C 111--' . ,
nnr MfiVfV.MAKPB IN THE MARKET tJPPl.-R at THnrs- i-KjrilvwHm TWO CONNECTING OFFICES, BRIGHT, New Belmont Hotel, cor. First and Taylor my system Is the best for railroad men. evening. i.c.
StOO monthly and comm sslons to good rooms with alcove- swell location- rent rea- c,ean Bnd central: reasonable. Portland sts.. Room 1. bet. 1 and 4 P. M. clerks, bookkeepers, street-car men and all liame.. una .raddle.. . . , , ' p . 7;7T,Tr
men- see u" C. nservatlve Mutual Life Lmahle aduhs T'4 N 10th Trust Company of Oregon. SE. Corner 3d ' other employes; business strictly conflden- PROF. WALLACE, PALMIST, CLA1R-
fnum-anca Co Elks' bldg lulua' sonaoie. adults. 1.4 N. 19th. and Qak j WANT TO SELIj HALF INTEREST IN tial. F. A. Newton. 424 Ablngtou bldg. THE GEORGE LA WRENCH CO., WHOLE- voyant and mc.lium; i-eadings. r0.-. Par-
" " ' ' , . : . old established business, one of the best sale saddle and harness mis., leather and lor 4. The Cosmos, 2t.KVi Morrison st.
at- nvrif ks-vf-rai FIRST-CLASS CITY Mouseaeeplng Kooma. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. CTH AND kifnwn and most profitable lines on the MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE taddlery aarqware. oo-0 lt. Main 226. TTTT
Tnv' arti?? in much need- big money tOT Howr a Mr. .P.BTvr-lTq .... , Washington sU.. for office or light manu- -oat; cause for selling, sickness of family. and others upon their own names without : ; GOTO MADAME PIPER. PSYCHIC; BEST
for hustlre Cal 81 oTh Washmetln I, Mif S ?;,,.iw facturlng. Inquire 31 Washington Bldg. T88. Oregonlan. security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: Junk, limes ana Felta. by test; 3 questions answered. 2oc. 147
tor Hustler-, call Hi otii. ( Washington, cor. 20ta Nicely furnished . , ; offices In 60 principal cities, save yourself 11th. near Alder.
,'HOTOtiRA.PH COUPON AND PORTRAIT waerVre." hatnfr'ee nhone o'th'Vor,' THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE LIGHT HERE IS A SNAP FOR SOMEONE CON- money by getting our term, first. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. : ;
aent- new .well offer. . Cutberfrrf 801 De- i ? .nltei $10 T and $12 per motn! very reasonable, first floor. Apply fectionery, fruit and tobacco store; good lo- TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106K 3d at. pelts, wool, f urs tallow, old rubbers, meuii. Mrs. Stevens Portland's reliable pa mist and -
bid oner., v.u. e nice sunny suites fio and $12 per monta. X-R.dlum Institute. 253 Alder st. cation: rent only $17; owner compelled to ' aoa sacks. 312 Front st. spiritual life reader. 34i Yamhill, cor ,th.
kumbldg. best room. In city for money. , Steinmetz & Co.. 13 Morrison t. THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE MONEY ;
Tun- nvmsT. tT l-rra o-r- WEJLL-FURNISHED OFFICE FOR RENT. J! in Nevada mining stocks; wo will tell you Leather and tlnding.. MRS. C. CORNELII S. test medium; sittings
hMl iii-H,.T" .-' second floor. Sixth and Washington. Room GROCERY STORE FOR SALE ON MORRI- how in our market letter, sent free for dally. 343 Yamhill. Phone Pacific 1837.
WANTED TO RENT. , ! L ? ! Tin l ITJ! 2-Raleigh Bldg. son st Cheo rent $1000 asking. Patrick Elloltt & Camp, conserv- J. A. STROWBRIDQB LEATHER CO. ES- .
, " U'a.VM.r,hg,tAd OFFICES TQ RENT FLOQR 109 gD "V JORDAn'&GARBADE. ative brokers and mine-makers. Goldlie.d. tllrt- 1 I.r tlgn 1-a.nting.
WA,ge;ESatT st e?EoffTceT baths, tree phon. each Door; no children. 0.ICValtoD.D w?lv?a 22 232 Washington st. Nev" ; teTn9 ASKE "l Trof- SIGNS ("That Attract",
etc. -"Landlords will do 'well to call on 270 MONTGOMERY 3 VERY NICELY FUR- KUham- ONB OF THE BEST MONEY-MAKING GRO LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO Machinery. A. H. Boal Co.. 287 Stark. Paclfle 1M.
Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. L. nlshed rooms; bay windows; very desirable. attdttorii'w hatt rnt ,nrrs 1 vr r,rY. "at and provision stores In the city; 'a,lir'fd, pe2.pIe', J?Jf JTr, f V . ??a Wholesale Grocer.
cor. Bd and Oak. Phon. Exchange 72. ,0 adults who will appreciate a nice loca- AVV. -T lnv0lce: cheaP nt' 43' P'ttenger. 245 Th. Dekum 8dP ana Wsfhington- Phone -24 B. TP.ENKMAN A CO.. MINING. SAWMILL. Wholesale Grocer..
-nT.,-.., tlon; home comforts, gas, bath. etc. Main tare, and dances. .08 Vi 3d st. Morrison. The Dekum. 8d and .Washington. Phone -4. -oggll.g maclllnery; hydraulic pipes, castings ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCER'S.
"J" lu " . . j ,,T ..V.. 44,,u- iirin cpmNn Florin w rnovip nth WANTFD Notes mortgage, or contract, on all kinds repaired. 104 N". 4th. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or.
East and West Sides; will rent at once. VaL 1 F1XJUR. S W. CORNER 5TH MET MARKET ESTABLISHED 12 YRS ; 11 e Ji ..1 . 1. i7 n. n, w.h
Donald G. Woodward, agent, 102d st WILFRED HOUSE, 1.3 UNION AVE.. COR. an1 Ic. a bargain today. Call' 24RU Stark st. ""ton ' " 2d ; m"rtgaS pt'Pchased if well"e WANTED 2-HORSE INDUCTION MOTOR Wbnle Amber.
Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. E.Washington. Newly furnished, for single ' 1 cured H E Noble 312 Commercial blk and small sawing table. E 86, Oregonlan. :
and llht housekeeping; modern In every ' ' . . Made In Norway; guaranteed finest shoe
WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE- OR FLAT. way; bath and heat. Phone East 6344. BUSINESS CHANCES. PERSON 4. L. unvrv TO I OAN REASONABLE RATFq- Mining Brokers. dressing out. Your dealer handles It. Alfred
about rooms. In good condition; reasonable; . . . ; i i.tste chattel mcitaace o? Dernai 5 Andresen i Co.. Minneapolis. Minn.
.. ,-, .,,T., , . .. n," rooms; modern conveniences; private res- . chair barber shop in good town. A good will the niece of, better known as Fentoii building. Reliable corixration represented; sale of .,-
HEAH.D ROOM IN HOUSE) HAVING PIANO Idence; best location: first floor: 1 mont,h. chance at a low figure. Address E 90, "G.)i." who was killed at Washougal, properties negotiated; prospects developed BANKS.
and parlor; medium price; give phone. S 88, lol North ISth. Phone Main 390!). care Oregonlan. Wednesdav. communicate with H. L. Col- LOW and bouKht. Gold stocks Nevada, Oregon.
Oregonlan. v!n 4:;5 Williams ave., this city? 1 Furnllure .etc.: confidential. 22S Filed- Alaska. Printed matter, reports, prices, etc-., FIRST NATIONAL BANK
UNFURNISHED CONNECTING ROOMS WANTBD A PAYING USINESS THAT : ner bldg. 10th and Wash. Pac. 2059 on request. B. A. Clem, 251 Alder at.. Port- OF PORTLAND, OREGON.
. large, pleasant, convenient; separate en- will stand closest investigation; state full A JAPANESE ARTIST WANTS TO UTIL- RATES land. Or. Member Board of Trade. Designated Depository and Financial Agent
WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. trance; private , house; close in, 331 14th st. particulars in first letter and where lo- Ize his Oriental designs and paintings for . , of tha United States.
: cated; will Invest $1000 or $l,i00; no agents. either private or business purposes. S. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS -AND CO Kb' 11 D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING President A. L. MJLI.3
WANTED NEW OR SECOND-HAND STERN TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS C 89. Oregonlan. Akaba. 24 N. 4Ul St. Phone Pacific 018. other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, stocks 1 am always in the market to Cashier........ J. W. NEW KIRK
wheel engine. Scotch or locomotive. Marine Gas- ,wr' p?ntry' cl0Ret: '"". dls- 1 , room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. buy or sell any first-class talning stock; Assistant .c.ashler n " ir bt vsv2
holler of 40 to 80 horsepower. For use on tance; j.M. 48 Clay. Phone Pacific 1170. SAWMILL AND LOGGING OUTFIT. IN- Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts- Nerve . . set my prices belc-re buying or soiling. Eecond Asstswnl : fashler. . ...B. F. BT BNS
Lpper Columbia River. Address, giving full ,.egt.prol. . eluding donkey engine and location, for sale Globules. One month-, treatment. $2: 3 $1W0 TO 100.ow TO LOAN IN SUMS TO T. P. Brown. 401 McKay bldg.. 3d and .Letters of '.ed't's"ad a vaale n Europe
particulars. Benton County Irrigation Com- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CONNECTING; 1 or exchange for city or country property. months'. $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. suit, at 5 to 1 per cent, on Improved realty. Stark sts. "'Sim eVrchanS f nd teleirrnh! transfer,
pany. 620-21 Bailey Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. I"00" 1st floor for elderly couple: plenty of Price $4000. Hughes and Markwell. Wats- Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. C. of Com. . S'J l""t Boston Cmcaao Et Lanto
, hot water and furnace heat. 645 Morrison. kanle. Or. ' g All meritable mining stock bought, sold, ex- ld " ,N en"rh"; sl FrSnrlSoo and ufi
machinery, supplies and fixtures. SKBBN PORTLAND ACCOMMODATION AGENCY. R1TZVII.LE STEAM LAUNDRY FOR SALE. chronic and private diseases; also special sums on improved and unimproved real V m .n I time bill, drawn in sums to suit on
ELECTRIC WORKS. U03 Washington st. 120 7th. Call: save searching: nicest Ritzvillc, Wash.. 2500 population. Only female ailments; correspondence confide.)- estate. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock block. Mines. b'jnt anou f""" a Fnkfo'llon'.tne'Main.
Phon. Pat-lflo 174. rooma, furnished houses, flats; moderate. laundry In town. All in good repair. Earns tlal. Office 170'Xi 3d, cor. Yamhill. Pac. 2229. ., IN- qIIMS of it AK-r. to . - Z 7. Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Christiana.
M " S225 per week. Write or call on F. P. MONEY L OAN Kl D SD MS OF $ 5 AN DbP WANTED DIAMOND VALE, B. C, AND Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Zurich.
t DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITS FOR French. - . Superfluous Hair. Mores, etc.. removed by on all kind? of "f""1'- A. Hathaway. Denora. B. C shares; quote lowest terms. hoiu1ii
free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregon two or more; central, cheap; opposite Arm- 1 electric needle. Parlors. 170 u, 10th St.. room 10. wasmng.on oiag. i-acinc v 88 Oregonlan. Collections Mada on Favorable Terms.
Fertiliser Works, 782 Thurman. M. 1966. ory Hall, 32 N. 11th St. PARTNER WITH $10,000 IN OLD ESTAB- near Morrison. Established 1894. Lady op- T iron iv Kr--w rn ci-it n kf.t - "
llshed, good-paying business; money well erator. Physicians' references. Mala 62U7. reasonable Inouir. J h ' MuslcnL , P0RTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON.
WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH ONE LARGE SINGLE secured; will take real estate or farm. In tffi&.-S ayi Chamber of ComS. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon.
and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the furnished housekeeping room; also one large part payment. M 85. Oregonlan. 1872. BECK. THB JEWELER. 1806. Mlddleton. u. 1 Lnamper 01 commerce. MR. AND MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PIANO. . RBSOUROB3 OVER $1,750,000.00.
'Fair Deal." 62 N. 8d. Phone Paclfle 1722. sleeping-room. Central. , : BargaMis In Watches. ivucnurr inv FROM R to Knon nv vocal, cornet and violin lessons, 637 Mont- General Banking.
... r : r WANTED A FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT- 205 ALDER. BET. FIRST AND FRONT. . '"5 securities R I Fckerion i O. room S gomery st. Phone Paclflo 57.. ? per cent Interest on check aoconnU (erei
WE NEED FURNITURE AT ANY PRICE. 175 10TH, CORNER YAMHILL TWO CON- house site, close to business center; give -lust In rear of O. W. P. Waiting-Room. V asMnaton "bide Pho-ie Paclfle 1831 . " ... ., hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over.
PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 211 1ST nectlng sunny front rooms, complete for price and all particulars. John Rlcklns 703 1 v.a.ning.un " -i. Northwest Vlairt Co. Letters of credit and exchange on all part
ST. MAIN 6655. housekeeping; adults. New York block. Seattle, Wash. Dress Suits for rent, all sizes $1 month keep, wavtfo TO borrow $600 ON unrsF ' 1 of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer-
: , your clothing cleaned, pressed, button, sewed 'ml lotfnr 3 veers- will Day 7 ner cent in Tilford Bldg.. loth and Morrison sts. "Health tlflcate. 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special cer-
WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- 189 1.1TH TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. COM- 24-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED, Jn- rtP sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. , , " ' , vdnress C 82. Oregonlan. Talks" to women Thursday at 3:00 P. M. tlflcates, $500 of over, 2Vi to 4 per cent.
tie tree of charge. Phone East 2233. pktely furnlehed; gas, bath. Adults only. good location, steam heat, gas and baths; Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 btark street. ' : ! " Call for Book of IIJUSTRATIONS."
. Phone Main 1802. rent $100 per month; $1000. Hatfield & " ' 1 unvrv to iiuk nv- ATI WTV-na iw ce Osteopathic Physicians. Phone Private Exchange 72.
I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Smith. 165V4 4tn "t ' a'dai MISS ETHEL WARD-MANICURING AND "ONFJTO LOAN ON A K.hiwobld?' ,' ? r-N Th'rd "k Btlp,S.dsn.
W. W. Savage. 345 1st 'Paclflo 360. PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; BAY chiropody parlors; corns and ingrowing toe- curnyr- wm. nou. m asnington plug. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. SB-VJ- i',"' E"! 1?"?
windows. woodshed. washroom; ground CASH STORE OWNER WANTS RELIABLE IV""1 euc?f T ul,'2 " f" Sn" A LOAN FOR THE ASK I NG SALARY OR .4L51U-i' ?ek,u.m .blue- ' fi-F plflHrr SeCTta?T
BPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE. floor. 354 Salmon. partner, $450 required; will guarantee you tiemen. Suite 1H. 3ol (, Morrison st. chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. Third and V sts. f" o GOLTRA Asi's'tant ' Secret?
etc.. prompt attention. Phone East 1067, HOUSEKEEPING SUITE OF 3 ROOMS' MOdJ & Urkm..:r4,PCrlenCe UnneC"ar' ta" LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE ,oaned . w g - Tlctu V
WANTED -TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER... " ern -h.e" for 4 vSl fw&ZinTS:. " ElSFtSrTiac? UnomaTco'ioCham1'' Residence. East 1028. LADD LTON 4 Er
""""' ; -R ,1 KC Srfm tftf'Jg'- WHB.WBTO T.OAN AT B XnD 6 PER CENT. ? E,,- OSTEOPATH
FOR RENT 'i'SeSSS . rent: semng on account of sickness." N ! MISS . BEAUlflER, formerly with Aza H. Rlb- lwJnGeckliomrJl Z&ThST , Wt.r1tlS
East 2558. E " P utiS- MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SE- Va.nUng and E.Too. and' a 1 po'lms'ta St-nUed State"
Snoma. -x-, .-g. ' CASH BUSINESS FOR 135U OWNER 'mh "phorte Pacific 8H0 Lar onlv curlty. 510 Chamber of Commerce. Painting ana lTpernanglng. sight exchange and telegraphic transfers
RK"- F,xPN!SH,EP M OX.- SKK EE FI?C O ROOMS 27 guarantees you $175 a month: trial given; 10th. Phone I aclflc 8.10. Ladles onl). . reasonable prlces-sheehv .old on New York. WashlngtonChlcago, St..
HOTEL KENYON. 18TH AND WASH. STS- toTV "-h'"S" experience not necessary. Call 248-4 Stark OJXK gpKCIAL NOTICES. 'tiStttlSS.' .Wan"
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also is .T V r. 1 1 ok w it - ' iHaho Montana and British Columbia.
housekeeping; running water; private and 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSBKBEPING I HAVE SMALL CAPITAL TO INVEST ?, a w Co 2 First " I-mposal, Invited. Fatent Lawyers. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin, Frank-
free bath.; ratee reasonable-. Paciflc 436. rooms, $12 per mo. 6)s8 Pettygrove st. Phone In small manufacturing business. What free. A. w. Benmais Co.. iia irst. . a 1 v , , WRIGHT DOMESTIC AND FORE'GN fort' Honllon- lokohama. Manila and Hono-
FURNISHED ROOMS HEA.T HOT WATER Main 3423. ' can you offer? Address P. O. Box 347. GRADUATE NURSE OF PHILADELPHIA. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. VAN- 'patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum! ' ,
dsv, week or month' with or without board' ' Tmil-TiFi-r vi-nv 1 ipnir nni-m c clty- Pa., treats rheumatism and all nervous dis- couver Barracks, NVash., Dec. 12. ly)6. ui-Rr-nAKTV NATIONAL RANK
- PentVnfuTnlsne S?condB WANTEdIpaRTY WITH $2500 TO JOIN S M 5 Showcases, Bank and .tore Fixture.. g
family suTtable for one gentleman: bath. u . . . ,VTC .,... .. Z Cui-es rheumatism, nervous disorders and ward. Alaska. Plans, nd specifications . GEORGE W. HOYT .Assistant Caahlee
gas aid phone. 52 N. loth, near corner of FOR RENT TWO UNFIfRNISHKn FRONT JTtJr J?ZflL 4!'0 Paralysis. 587 Washington st. Pacific 2601. be seen at the office 7of the Quartermaster PORTLAND SHOWCASE A FIXTURE CO.i TRANSACTS GBNRP.AL BANKING
Davis. room, tar ho,kpni."uV v .V .? required, owner guarantees you $35 a week; , at Seattle. Washington, and Fort Seward, 348 1st. near Market. Phone Paclflo 1620. BUSINESS.
-i-i . rooms for housekeeping. 54. Morrison St. experience not necessary. Call 2481$ Stark Manicuring, scalf. facial treatments, muscle Alaska. The U. S. reserves the right to ac- United State, Depository.
NEW BELMONT FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. FURNISHED HOI'SFK-FPiPlvr- nnnM- . . . . . . and nerve building and physics! culture cept orrejeet any or all bids or any part THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. , Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail
Nicely furnished rooms, modern brick: 50c colvenioS reaSmkbl? IS Kth .tree? " Tni JW.,f i'AI.?..BARBB5 SIiOP,: practiced and taught. 23 Lewis bldg. . thereof. Envelopes containing pn.posnls 6tb and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. f able In all part, of the world.
day up: $2 week up: tourist trade solicited. comenlctit, reasonable. 5o0 6th street. PHe a JhJ. J f Bf S,,,anr.,aUnd( bwSU I shou,d bc n.arke.1: "Proposals for repairing Collection a .pcci.lty.
; . TWO FURNISHFn HOI-REKFU'Pu.'n Rnnvs ness. Address t.. F. Stella. Pasco. Wash. Mme. Courtright. dermatologist: facial blem- wharf at Fort Seward. Alaska." and ad- Rubber Stamps. -
PORTLAND ACCOMMODATION AGRNCY, a oklc ood Ztnr h r-cpFp a.,m, m...., rI Ishes removed; scalp treatments; vibratory dressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Van- r ' ... THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA .
- JJ,S: mtoomrrcenlra.0bmleSe: wood heater. .6 6th st. - Athfc "ody massage. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5012. couver Barracks. Washington. cP.u' VaSS: HEAD OFr W FR Ca CAL.
ELEGANCY FURNisHrD R M VEpT 5 balance long time. Call H Stark St. NOw OPEN-MANICURING ND CHmOP- Master.- Notice.. ALSO SEALS. STENCILS. TEL. SLUGS. BAR nr iniiCgZ
llcir m??S."&j?T!Z ZrfirVSVrS iZUrlXT BBIT8H BARK "FORMOSA," CAPTAIN Jfo cp,,a, paid .
13th. comer Morrison. Phon. Pacific 2509. m,ot y ov-h u, - , gf WVg" MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous halr removed. aln" the" undegrd consignees' of A beneral Banklne and Exchange Business
2,.!'-j 13TII NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, First st oranam Olass. 1 ........ ,.. T t . ' No charge to talk It over. Mrs M D. Hill. the above named vtewl will be responsible Ra,mi'P Ac CO JOBRKRS n.nt. . letters of credit issued available In all
' "'d';'-" h0me-, Very desirable loca: m1"1"- F OR SALE-RES TAtRA. NT. ILL SEAT 40 room 330 Flledner bldg. Paciflc 135. for anv deb that may be contracted by BAfaSh and dri t.Rfd and Taylor: parf. o7 the world. Interest paW onetime
tlon. Glemionly. Main 111,. RBNT-A FIRST-CLASS LARGE TTk.B: & ..... r-,,-R. fvfh offffi,- ' " Taylor, Young & Co.. agents. LJt " "-BAVTVr;, DFPARTMFNT
frmnH'roffjVeNTHnf Morris BrothershambTr of Commerce Rle Hve.y g mone? Jrf'lllPng Store, 291 Alder .. Portland. Or. lingwood-Nelther the captair .nor the under- D1BBOLD Manganese and fireproof safe.; lock- rd. Manager
lm:illMiiuKhltbpn H?L;S,?rs8 .0rMoS 3VSJ TXB PL.ACB SNAP FOR SOMEBODY -STORE FIX- on',?! Room 201 5 Alder. the crew. Kerr. ...fiord & Co. g.pKS FOR SALE- GRBAT UNITED TATB8 NATIONAL BANK-
Halsey. Phone East 4605. P tf"r "S" d?.ah 1? tures and house furniture for sale cheap. . BJ?.,f "tf beLlk In'd Fin-l OF PORTLAND. OREGON.
- rf,o1NJ.r,h.f19tn rent ,2- P'u'tlcu- Inquire 361 3d at. 100 xKAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR jOST AND FOTJND ba-galne. 70 6th St.. PeL Oak and Pine. Vnlti State. Deoosttory.
NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS- PRIVATE r . name, 50c, 50 for 35c: 250 business cards, Kler.nirr.inh or. Northwest Corner Third an.1 Onk Streets.
S' ' " ab- 8-ROOM HOUSE, YARD. GOOD CONDI- CVSIW f m.le Co.. 229 IsL frYl. OUAHF.ED P B, I " EVOOR.PHEH P
FUrV,SHFD ROOMS FOR GENT LF M FN tSZ 253 J2211 ,1- MafJ dci erded' for ZlZi. " V0' "
rent 2S- SAVE MONEY-ANYTHINC. IN PRINTING tfL,?!?- P'e deliver to 480 a : W ashington Rle..h Bldg. Collection. Mad. on Favorab Te,
Vuln ' See Madden, Odd Fellows Temple. 1st and SIreeI- , . .... TT" President ...-J. C. AINSWCRTH
wr' '-""' FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH Aider sta. upstairs. RFCFNTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR- . . . . First-class public stenographer. Miss Younge, Vice-President R. LEA RARNF.S
394 ALDER. CORNER 10TH NICELY FUR- tar,.'jb.rn .nd w.t.r. E. 48 and Salmon MEAT MARKET DOING ABOUT $1500 PFR J"" d .51 Morn iSf anS ede " Cfflg
?eawablemS" ' T "Sht- bath 8ta- APP'y to 287 Morrison. "month" othrburiness interest? nogfrni? " ' - 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled- Storage and Transfer. AaSrtSSt Cashier ..I ...... W. Z HOLT
rea-ion . $l 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN, EAST K 87- Oregonlan. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method; re- Hair Factory. etzger. proprietor. . PIJfl-03 AN- FURNITURE MOVFo han-ffh and I itwrf.rmf v-B sakk-
FIVE. UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON FIRST Side. Apply 95 East 8th St. North. kfw AND UP TO DATE OYSTFT, a -" guaranteed. 330 Flledner bldg. Pac. 135. uo(eT8MAXAs BROOCH OLIVINE CENTER 6Ap.fkedPreAa,a? VrlPpIng Lnlpedi BANKERS AND LUMBERMEN 8 BANK-
tloor; nice yard; gas; central. Phone Main : Ni-W AMD lj r--x o-D A i B. oyster AND , Rt , TZZ T and pearl settings; please return to 327 work guaranteed: large 3-tory brick fire- Corner Eecond and Stark Streets.
1113. FOR RENT-WEST SIDE. A CLEAN, MOD- chophouse for rent; good location. Phone MANICURING pOR?teFn" iS'fJ3 Mill street, or phone Paciflc 1064. proof warehouse for storage. Office 20 Oak
ern 7-room house. 497 Market street. Paciflc 647. and gentlemen. -b Morrison St.. room 14. ; at. C. M. Olsen. Phone !aln 647. PORTLAND, OREGON. '
nu?I haU,MphoBneEMRln4l23R 8-ROOM HOUSE. SOUTH PORTLAND. l FRE0 RENT FOR A GOOD GROCERY TO Gln"af97FTa' urrnded1 bpe" rl,MAFlnder pleaset?le: C. O PICK OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK D. C. PELTON President
block from car. $23: Main 1410. get a start; close In; no competition. Phone cine 2297. Ladles only, open evenings. Hatna. hona Main 704. reward nd Oak. Phone 698. Piano, and furniture FRED ROTHCHILD 1st Vice-President
LARGB FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2 Main 1544. - rz r-uc-wrr-Fx r thf mi oovr. . moved and packed for shipment; commodious JOHN A. K RATING 2d Vice-President
persons; modern. 51.2 Second St. VO fOOM COTTAOB; BATH, B)K)M1Nq HOUSE; rlNE ,,0CAT10N; jMj? tSSSSSfte N2?h. SSiSg SelS S cSwOTScSi FMnTaT.-Uh H. D. 'oRY.."..'.V.".V.V.V.".AssiMa'nt "casnler
"rJJZZ 1M ONE 7-ROOM I.OUSE ON PORTLAND ASS- c Bchool, receive reward. Typewriter. PLATT A PLATT . general Counse,
H.lghts. Main 3429. ; life reader, ha lamnin. corner nn. T1 PI.pv . ..., . - Commercial and Saving, Department.
.MeTioo washing- j 1Mhov,e KEN, 666 FRONT , wFu 1.1. ZoD "WBS? HkS rSTZXi jhm& --3FSl.S'i-
. '.'''"', , - .