Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 12, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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State Presents Little Evidence
Against the Youthful
Makes Xo Attack on Character of
Defendant's Sister, Whose Alleged
Betrayer Was Slain Defense
Calls the First Witness.
B. W. Emory, liveryman. Gresham;
C. I. Brown, farmer, Arleta; William
Wint. farmer, St. Johns; E. W. Hatch,
rancher, Gresham; J. Sharp, farmer;
Henry Niger, dairyman, Llnnton; Rob
ert Hauawlrth, teamster, Portland;
Daniel Catlow, carpenter, TVoodstock,
and E. M. Lance, collector, Portland.
Rapid strides were made yesterday
In the Murray-Whitney murder trial.
The Jury was made up and the opening
addresses completed at the forenoon
session of the trial In Judge Ganten
betn's court. At the afternoon session
the state completed Us case and the
defense opened, examining three wit
nesses before adjournment hour came.
That the trial will be ended without
delay is the general impression, and
the idea prevails that the verdict of
the Jury will be read before Saturday
The attitudes to be maintained by
prosecution and defense were made
lear during the day's proceedings.
The defense will seek to establish
temporary or Impulsive insanity this
to meet the technical requirements of
the case. It will be upon the unwrit
ten law that a man may protect the
honor of a sister or daughter or wife
that the defendant's acquittal will, be
looked for, however.
The state contented- itself with en
forcing a strict observance of the
rules of examination and cross-examination
and of proving the bare facts
of the killing. No attack was made
upon the character of Miss Mary
Murray, the 18-year-old sister of the
defendant, on whose account the young
defendant shot down, the alleged be
trayer. This will greatly expedite the
placing of the case in the hands of
the Jury.
It had been expected that Miss Mur
ray's character would be assailed, and
the defense had 6ubpenaed several
scores of witnesses to counteract any
such testimony should it be entered.
All these witnesses were excused from
further attendance.
Courtroom Is Packed.
Interest in the case was such as to
pack the courtroom with a curious
throng. Every seat and every Inch of
standing room was taken. Fully half
of those in attendance were women,
who tarried through the whole day
craning their necks for an unusual bit
of evidence or for a better view of
the principals in the trial.
When the day's proceedings were at
an end fully 100 men and women
thronged about Orlando Murray and
his sister Mary. Many insisted on
pressing forward to give a public exhi
bition of effusive and ill-controlled
sentimentality, embracing the girl and
saying words of semi-hysterical en
couragement to the young prisoner.
The completion of the Jury occupied
the first part of the morning session.
When court convened 10 Jurors had
been passed for cause as a result of
Monday's procedlngs in the case. The
state at once Issued a peremptory
challenge on S. F. White, of Portland,
who admitted having prejudices in the
case which evidence might not serve
to remove. Daniel Catlow, a carpenter,
49 years of age, and a resident of
Woodstock, was closely examined and
accepted by both sides.
E. N. Holland was excused because
he did not believe in capital punish
ment. A. T. Rcid. of Portland, had
prejudices in the case; William Gold
man, insurance agent, had decided
views; F. G. Barton was prejudiced,
and E. M. Lance, a collector, had an
opinion. Mr. Lance, however, appeared
to qualify for service on the Jury and
was accepted over District Attorney
Manning's objection.
Eleven Jurors Married.
This completed the Jury. Eleven of
the men In the box are married. One,
Robert Hauswlrth, a teamster. Is sin
gle. In the examination of talesmen
the state showed a marked preference
for single Jurors, while Attorney John
I". Logan, directing the defense, aimed
to get men of family as far as possible.
There was an awakening of interest
in the courtroom as the dry work of
securing Jurors ceased and the trial of
Orlando S. Murray for the shooting of
Lincoln Whitney was taken up. Dis
trict Attorney Manning outlined the
case for the state, taking occasion to
explain that while it would probably
be brought out by the defense that
Murray appealed to his office for
criminal prosecution of Whitney, prior
to the shooting, the matter did not
come under his Jurisdiction and there
fore he was unable to act, further than
to refer the case to the District Attor
ney of Marion County, where the' ofJ
fense in question against defendant's
sister was alleged to have been com
mitted. Mr. Logan, in opening for the de
fense, outlined young Murray's career
In detail, and told of the events lead
ing up to the shooting. He told of
Murray's endeavor to enlist the law in
the case, and added with an impas
sioned outburst:
"This boy should not be on trial for
his life. That swelled-headed young
pup of a deputy in District Attorney Mc-'
Nary's office at Salem is responsible for
this traged'. Had he made any effort to
do his duty, Lincoln Whitney would
never have been slain. In Justice to
Mr. McNary I will say that the matter
did not come to his attention, as he
was not present at the time."
Calls First AVitness.
District Attorney Manning called as his
first witness Dr. Clarence S. Seaman, who
testified as to the nature of the wounds
which caused Whltney'a death. Coroner
A. L. Finley gave testimony relating to
the condition of tire body when he exam
ined It preparatory to conveying if to the
Mrs. A. M. Porter, elsier of the deceased
and an- eyewitness, told of the tragedy.
She said Murray and her brother argued
for some 20 minutes as to whether or not
Whitney intended to marry the Murray
girl. When Murray whipped out his re
volver witness Implored of him not to
shoot her brother, but Murray pushed her
aside and opened fire. As he was ehot
Mrs. Porter said she heard Murray say
"I'll marry her."
Corroborative evidence was given by lit
tle Clara Barnes, niece of the deceased
and daughter of Mrs. Porter by a for
mer marriage. The little girl saw the
shooting. She said a few minutes before
the shots were fired Murray's aged
mother came up and demanded of her
uncle that he marry the girl, saying she
would fill him full of lead If he didn't.
Witness bent over Whitney when he was
shot down and heard him say he was hurt
in the stomach and that he "would marry
Questioned by Special Prosecutor
Vaughn, who is representing the Whit
neys in the case, the girl said she believed
he said "I would have married her." On
cross-examination Mr. Logan brought out
that the girl's mind was not clear on this
Confession Is Read.
Miss Julia Maxwell, a stenographer, in
troduced a confession given by Murray to
Deputy District Attorney Moser immedi
ately after the shooting. The confession
was made voluntarily.
Deputy Sheriff Bulger was the final wit
ness for the state. He told of Murray's
surrender to the Sheriff's office a few
minutes after the shooting.
The state then rested and, after an in
terval of several minutes, the defense
went ahead with its case.
An unusual situation was presented
when Mr. Logan called as his first witness
Chief Deputy District Attorney Adams
and a moment later District Attorney
Manning. Their testimony related to
Murray's visit to the District Attorney's
office a few days before the tragedy for
the purpose of compelling Whitney to
marry his sister. Mr. Adams said the
young man sat in an ante-room, talked to
himself in an erratic manner, and other
wise acted in an unusual manner.
District Attorney Manning said in his
testimony that Murray presented the case
to him, whereupon he told him it was out
side his Jurisdiction, and gave the young
man a note to District Attorney McNary,
at Salem.
Mannings' Marriage Bureau.
Mr. Vaughn wanted to know If the Dis
trict Attorney was running a sort of mat
rimonial bureau.
"No, but we are doing our duty so far
as is possible, and when it Is possible to
terminate a case of this kind in a wed
ding we do so," said Mr. Manning. He
added that no action was taken in a case
of this sort without a thorough investi
gation. Frank W. Fisher, a Woodburn hop
grower, told of a' conversation with Whit
ney wherein the latter told him of having
ruined Mary Murray. Fisher said he
urged Whitney to marry the girl, but
Whitney told him he didn't intend to do
so, as he had another one.
Adjournment was then taken until this
morning at 10 o'clock. It Is believed that
Miss Murray will be called to the stand
during today's session, and it Is also said
that the courtroom will be cleared of spec
tators while her testimony is being given.
E. H. Wahl, Who Bought Xofe Ob
tained Through Fraud Is Loser. '
The suit of E. H. Wahl against W.
B. Haines was tried in Judge Frazer's
Court today. Afterti few minutes' de
liberation the Jury brought in a ver
dict in favor of the defendant. It was
brought out in the trial that Haines
had been defrauded by a concern
known as the William R. White Co.
Through a personal friend J. G. Gra
ham, Haines had been induced to pay
to the William R. White Company
$1500 for the exclusive agency of a
patent gate swinger for the territory
of Oregon, Washington and California.
Haines gave two notes of $55S each
and paid $400 cash for the agency.
Graham received 200 cash and one of
the promisory notes for his part in
the transaction. H, later sold the note
to E. H. Wahl. In the meantime an
other agent appeared in the territory
alloted to Haines. It also soon became
evident to Haines that the gate swing
ers were absolutely worthless and that
he had been buncoed.
When Wahl requested payment on
the note which he had purchased from
Graham, Haines refused and the case
was taken into court. Both Wahl and
Haines threaten to sue Graham and
the William R. White Company.
Damage Suit on Trial.
The trial of the $20,000 damage suit
of Charles Ochs against the Oregon
Furniture Manufacturing Company was
commenced in Judge Sears' court yes
terday. The plaintiff claims that on
June 9, while working in a dry kiln
for the Oregon Furniture Manufactur
ing Company, the building collapsed,
injuring him to such an extent that
lie has been unable to do manual labor
since that date. His shoulder was
broken, and in addition he was injured
Internally and about the head. He
claims that his hearing was impaired
by the accident.
The company, however, claims that
the collapse of the building was due
to the wind, and not to any defects in
structure as alleged by plaintiff.
Eckcrson Denies Malice.
In his answer to the complaint in
the suit for $20,000 damages for false
arrest brought against him "by Kather
ine Huntsman, R. I. Eckerson alleges
that there was cause for the arrest and
that it was not made with malice. Ec
kerson still maintains that Mrs. Hunts
man did obtain $290 from Armcn Houck
by false representations.
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iJ&88u&W$J jtiiVr-mfrr,iftllrijmliiiri;i; iiii.iiiiiMiiltiiliifiiii-tai.itii iHii-(lTf-nij
Hundreds of loads of slabwood are being dumped on the vacant lot on the south side of East Oak street and between- East First and Second streets from the
standard Box Factory Company's sawmill. This Is the warehouse district, and the blocks are all from 15 to 20 feet below the streets, and hence it Is very convenient
to dump the wood; but there is great complaint on the East Side against this method of disposing of slabwood. especially as the price is being pushed up a
notch every, month. There Is considerable slabwood dumped west of the Southern Pacific Railway tract, on East Oak street. Underneath the great piles of lum
ber between East Water and East First, and East Oak and Stark, there Is another great mass of fine Inflammable stuff from the sawmill. But the pile on East
Oak street is constantly being Increased. It is now on a level with the street and is being extended southward at a rate that will soon fill up the entire block
wlthslabwood and fine stuff that must prove a menace to the surroundings when it becomes dry in Summer. It Is the Judgment of a large number of East
bide people, who have witnessed the storing of slabwood pn the lowlands, especially In the heart of the wholesale district, and In Stephens slough, where
more than 0.00 loads have been dumped, that the city should take some action to prevent this being continued. There are already between 500 and 1000 cords
of slabwood dumped on the block south of East Oak street, where it will rot and become a menace In several ways to the public
Jubilee of House of Providence
at Vancouver Celebrated.
Institution the. First of Its Kind In
Pacific Northwest Founded
by Sisters of Charity
in 1856.
The Golden Jubilee of the founding
of the House of Providence by the Sis
ters of Charity was celebrated at Van
couver yesterday. Fifty years ago the
Academy was founded and the sisters
began their work in "a. little wooden
structure which could scarcely be
called a house, and with only seven
pupils. The next year the number in
creased to 10, and the institution has
continued to grow and prosper until
there are now 300 pupils.
This institution was the first of the
kind in the Pacific Northwest. Its es-
0 " - t r if
tabllshment was due to the efforts of
Right Rev. A. M. A. Blanchet, then
Bishop of Nlsqually. When the bishop
first came to this coast in 1850 Van
couver was nothing more than a trad
ing port of the Hudson Bay Company.
Although the place' was small, the
bishop saw that a school was needed.
Then he thought of the sisters back
in Montreal, and realized that here was
an excellent opportunity for them to
establish an educational Institution.
When he went to the Mother House in
Montreal in 1856, he succeeded in per
suading Sister Vincent do Paul, Sister
Blandine of the Holy Angels, Sister
Mary of the Precious Blood, Mother
Joseph of the Sacred Heart, and Mother
Praxedes of. Providence to come to the
Oregon country.
The party arrived in Vancouver De
cember 8, 1856,. having come by way
of the Isthmus. Their coming was en
tirely unexpected, so they underwent
numerous hardships until arrange
ments could be made for their comfort.
Work was immediately started on a
house especially for their v use. This
was a two-room, frame building, 16 by
24 feet in size. Until its completion
the sisters were compelled to use the
church building whicn was located on
the military reservation, where the
Quartermaster's stables now stand.
Mother Joseph gathered together the
few children of the neighborhood and
assumed oversight of the work. Two
of the five workers. Sister Vincent de
Paul and Sister Blandine of the Holy
Angels, are still living.
The school continued to occupy the
original buildings until 1874, when the
present buildings were ready for oc
cupancy. The buildings now shelter an
orphanage for boys and girls, a noviti
ate, and a day and boarding school.
In 1858 the Sisters founded the St.
Joseph's Hospital.'
Bishop O'Dca celebrated Potlfical
high mass at St. James Cathedral in
Vancouver yesterday, being assisted by
Bishop O'Reiley of Baker City, Bishop
Lenfgan of Montana, and Abbott Thom
as of Mount Angel, Or. Archbishop
Christie preached the sermon of the
A public banquet was given at the
academy hall last night, an elaborate
programme having been prepared;.
Archbishop Christie was present.
Chinese Father Asks Damages.
The $5000 damage suit brought by Wong
Kim against the Portland Railway com-
pany occupied the attention of Judge
Cleland all day yesterday. Yong You
Nom, the 2',4-year-old son of Wong Kim,
was killed by a Willamette Heights car
on March 6, 1906, between Morrison and
Alder streets on Second. It is claimed
that the motorman was running his car
at a high rate of speed and at the time
the accident occurred was talking to an
other employe of the company.
Late in the afternoon the mother of the
dead boy was placed on the stand, but
broke down completely and gave her
self up to a fit of hysterical weeping. It
was necessary to assist her from the
courtroom. The case will be continued to
day. -
Injuries Received In Collision Mon
day Jfight Will Not Prove Fatal.
Firemen Edward McDonald and Edward
Grenfell are recovering at -the Good Sa
maritan Hospital from injuries they re
ceived Monday night when Truck No. 1
was otruck by a trolley car at Third
and Couch streets. Both men are re
ported to be out of danger. While the in
jured firemen' are off duty, they will re
ceive about $40 a month from the Mu
tual Aid Society, a fund acquired by
monthly payments of each member of the
police and Fire Department.
Truck No. 1 was badly damaged by the,
collision, and will be out of commis
sion for an indefinite period. It is now
In the repair shop. Last night an old
hook and ladder piece was taken to the
headquarters of the Fire Department and
installed. It will be used until the larger
truck is ready for commission.
No official investigation as to the re-
r T I I'
sponsibillty for the accident has as yet
been made by Fire Chief Campbell, but
he stated last evening that many wit
nesses have voluntarily appeared to say
that the car that struck the truck was
going at a high rate of speed.
Detective Discredits Report of Bur
glary Made by Nicholas Schnell. .
Nicholas Schnell, who lives on Klickitat
street and has a meat market at Union
avenue and Klickitat street, dreamed
that burglars were in his shop at 12
o'clock Monday night. The impression
was so vivid that he awoke. Being sleepy
and not disposed to pa$ particular atten
tion to the vision, he turned over and was
soon In sound' slumber. Just before day
break, according to Schnell, he again
awoke and the vivid Impression made
upon his mind by the dream had taken
such a hold upon him that he could not
resist arising and going to his shop to
see if all was right there.
Leaving word with "his wife to have
his breakfast ready at the usual hour,
Schnell dressed himself and hurried away
to his shop. On his arrival he found
three burglars within, ransacking the
place. When they discovered that he
was near, they ran out the rear door
and escaped.
As the burglars secured 60 cents from
Schnell's shop, he decided to report the
case to the police, so he called at head
quarters yesterday and related all of the
details to Detective Hellyer, who thinks
he has solved the mystery. Schnell be
longs to a Spiritualist Society, and De
tective Hellyer 13 Inclined to believe that
the burglars were only spirits.
Fine on University Students.
CHICAGO. Dec. 11. A dispatch to the
Record-Herald from Kenton, O., says:
President ioert Edwin Smith, of the
Ohio Northern University at Ada, has
decided to require any student that he
discovers to be a smoker to pay $1 per
term more tuition than those who do not
use the weed. In chapel yesterday Dr.
Smith said: .
"All pipe smokers and cigarette smok
ers, and in fact all smokers of tobacco
In any form will be taxed $1 per term
more than others Id the future. This
extra tuition is to be a license tor the
Offer Measure to Control Their
Business in State of
W ill Adapt It to Criticisms by Their
Association Members and by the
Public; Before Submitting
It to the Legislature. .
The bank-control bill of the Oregon
Bankers' Association has been sent out
over the state by Secretary J. L. Hart
man, from the drafting committee E. W.
Haines, of Forest Grove; E. V. Carter, of
Ashland, and H. HIrschberg, of Independ
ence. The bill is offered for general criti
cism, and is open to changes, to conform
with demands of public sentiment and
need3 of banking business. It applies to
banks, other than National. Its chief pro
visions are:
Bank examiner, $2400 a year, and trav
eling expenses; appointed by Bank Com
missionGovernor, Secretary of State and
State Treasurer: four-year term, at least
three years experience in banking; must
give $50,000 bond.
Each bank director must own at least
$500 par value stock of bank.
Of stock subscribed, 50 per cent must be
paid in before bank opens and 50 per cent
within six months thereafter.
One-tenth of profits must go to surplus.
Bank ownership of real estate limited.
Capital stock not less than $10,000 and
population of city determines capital re
quired. Total liability of one individual to bank
not to exceed 25 per cent of capital, sur
plus and undivided profits. "
No check to be certified by the bank un
less the amount thereof actually stands to
credit of drawer.
Fraud, wtth knowledge of insolvency, to
be a felony, to be punished by fine of not
more than $1000 or imprisonment not more
than two years, or both.
No officer or employe of bank may bor
row money from bank without approval of
majority of directors, executive committee
or discounting committee; dishonesty to
make each approving director personally
Cash Reserve, 15 Per Cent.
Cash reserve to be 13 per cent of de
posits, and one-half of the 15 per cent can
be balances due from solvent banks.
Examiner to call on banks for reports
whenever Controller of Currency calls on
National banks.
Examiner must examine every bank at
least once a year and when he shall deem
Fees for examination to range according
to amount of capital, surplus and undi
vided profits, but no bank to pay more
than one fee a year.
When capital is impaired the examiner
shall require the bank to make good the
When bank becomes Insolvent or capi
tal is impared or it fails to comply with
law. examiner shall report facts to
bank , commissioners, who shall report
them to Attorney General, with direc
tions to proceed to stop the bank's 'busi
ness. In case of bankruptcy, depositors shall
have prior lien.
Modeled After Idaho Law.
The bill is modeled after the Idaho law,
which is a counterpart of a bill sub
mitted to the Washington Legislature, at
the last session, by the Bankers' Associa
tion of that state. Owing to constitutional
obstacles in Oregon, stockholders cannot
be made liable to twice the par value
of their stock, as the National law re
quires and also the laws of numerous
Those amenable to the proposed law
are described as follows:
Any person, firm or corporation (except
National banks) having a place of business
within this state whore credits are opened
by the deposit or collection of money or
currency, subject to be paid or remitted
upon draft, chock or order, or where money
Is. advanced or loaned on stocks, bonds,
bullion, bills of exchange, promissory notes
or other security or evidences of debt, or
wnere stocks, bonds, bills of exchange or
promissory notes are received for discount
or for sale, snail be regarded as a bank
or banker and as doing a banking; business
under the provisions of this act.
In Section 8, the capital required of
"any person, firm or corporation" trans
acting the banking business shall have
"property of cash value as follows:
In cities, villages and communities having
a population of 2500 inhabitants or less,
$10,000; in cities, villages and communities
having a population of ".lOO and not more
than 5000, $0,000; in cities having a popu
lation of J0.000 and upward, $50,000. Such
property shall be in money, commercial
paper, bank furniture, or the necessary hank
building, including the lot or lots on which
the building Is situated, wbich said lot or
lots shall be unincumbered.
Before beginning business a new
bank must receive a certificate from
the examiner "that it has complied
If you haven't seen these beautiful
German Rugs Our own importation
see them at once; by all means see them
before Christmas. They are different
from anything you have seen differ
ent in design, in coloring and in fabric.
These Rugs fill a long-felt want in
high-class decoration. We knew they
would prove popular in Portland, but
didn't suppose that our big Fall stock
would have to be duplicated twice dur
ing the season.
Exclusive Carpet House
86-88 Third Street
I'lUL METSCHAX. rresldent and Manages.
6evrnth and Washington Streets. Po-tlnnil. Oregon.
Enropean Plan ------- ... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day.
with all the provisions of the law.'
No bank shall be the purchaser of Its
own capital stock as collateral, except
where necessary to prevent loss upon
a debt previously contracted in good
faith and if, in such cases, the stock
shall be sold by the bank within 12
Every incorporated bank shall keep
a book recording the names and resi
dences of its stockholders, shares held
by each and all transfers. A bank may
hold, purchase and convey real estate
only as follows: Real estate, necessary
for transaction of the bank's business,
but the cost thereof shall not be more
than 80 per cent of paid-in capital,
surplus and undivided profits, real es
tate conveyed in satisfaction of debts
previously contracted; real estate pur
chased under judgments, decrees or
mortgage foreclosure, under securities
held by the bank.
But these provisions "shall not ap
ply to real estate purchased with funds
other, than the capital and resources
of suqh banking business."
Punishment for Fraud.
Every bank executive, managing
agent and director shall take an oath
to observe the law. "The owners or
officers of any bank," says Section 18,
"who shall fraudulently and with in
tent to cheat and defraud any person,
receive any deposit knowing that such
bank is insolvent, shall be deemed
guilty of a felony, and punished, upon
conviction therefor, by a fine not ex
ceeding $1000 or imprisonment in the
State Penitentiary not exceeding two
years, or by both such fine and Impris
onment, at the discretion of the court."
Minors may deposit and take out
money from a bank the same as adults.
The provision which has encountered
the most opposition thus far Is that
limiting the liability of one individual
to a bank, to 25 per cent of capital,
surplus and undivided profits, as fol
lows: Sec. 20. The total liability to any
bank of any person or persons. or of
any company, corporation or firm, for mon
tlie company or firm the liabilities of the
the company or firm the lHbllitles- of the
several members thereof, except special part
ners, shall at no time exceed per cent
of the aggregate capital, surplus and un
divided profits of such bank; but the dis
count of bills of exchange drawn In good
faith against actual existing values, and
the discount of commercial or business paper
actually owned by the persons negotiating
the same, shall not be considered as money
Iteports to Be Published.
Within 30 days after the examiner calls
for reports the banks making them shall
publish them "in some newspaper pub
lished in the city or town where such
bank is situated, and if no newspaper is
published therein, then in some newspaper
in the county."
Every year, on or before December 1,
the examiner shall mako to the Bank
Commissioners a report showing the con
dition of the banking business of the
Within six months after the act shall
become effective every bank shall make a
report to the examiner and within one
year shall conform to all the provisions
of the act.
Otto Young's Grandchildren Will
Share $20,000,000 Estate.
CHICAGO, Dec. 11. The Evening Post
says that the entire fortune of Otto
Young, who died recently, will be be
queathed to the seven grandchildren of
Mr. Young In equal parts, after provision
has been made for the widow and four
daughters. The gross amount of the es
tate is estimated at $20,000,000. The Post
says that charitable bequests amounting
to between $500,000 and $1,000,000 will be
made. It is expected that the will of Mr.
Young will be probated some time next
Big: Power Plant at Spokane.
SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. ll.Secretary
H. L. Bleecker, of the Washington Wa
ter Power Company, announces today
that the company will build a $3,000,000
electric power plant In Ross Park, on the
river, in the eastern part of this city.
The plant Is expected to be ready August
I, 1907. When fully developed it will gen
erate 30.000 horsepower. Secretary Bleeck
er predicts that a great manufacturing
district will be developed in that vicinity.
Oxford Defeats Cambridge.
INDON, Dec. 11. Oxford, in the
annual Eugby football match at the
Queen's Club today, defeated Cam
bridge by 12 to 8.
chains an4 lockets at Uncle Myers, 143 3d
St.. near Alder.
Dr. W. Norton Davis
We treat successfully all private nerv
ous and chronic diseases of men, such as
varicocele, hydrocele, sores, ulcers, skin
diseases, syphilis (blood poison), gonor
rhea and ailments of the kidneys, bladder,
stomach, heart and liver. Also piles, rup
Hure and all drains and losses of men
only. We can restore the sexual vigor of
any man.
We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week.
"he doctors of this institute are all reg
ular graduates, have had 25 years' expe
rience, have been known in Portland for
17 years, have a reputation to maintain,
and will undertake no case unless certain
cure can be effected.
We guarantee a cure In evfry case we
undertake or charge no fee. Consultation
;free. Letters confidential. Instructive
BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plain
Small Fee.
Our prices are always reasonable, and
never more than you are able to pay for
results we will give you. You may pajf by
the visit, week or month, as you are able,
or we will allow a liberal discount for
cash. No man too poor to pet our best
services. We have such a large practice
that we can give you a very low price. No
excuse for any man to be without treat
ment. Being specialists in our line of
work makes us able to do as much for
you for $2 as others can do for $10.
You Can Pay When Cured.
If you wish you can deposit the price
of a cure In any hank in Portland, said
amount to be handed over to us when
you are cured. Or you may pay us bv
weekly or monthly installments if you
if you cannot call at office, write for
question blank. Home treatment success
ful. Office hours. 0 to 5 and 7 to R. Sundays
and holidays, 10 to 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices in Van Xoy Hotol. 5l",i Third St..
Connor Pinf. PnrtlHnd. Or.
At the Portland Auction room, 211 Fir-rt
tret?t. Kale at 2 P. M. C. I,. Ford auctioneer.
By J. T. "Wilson at saleroom at 2i8 FMrst
rtrPt at 10 A. M. (irnrorifs. Dirlmas toys,
fancy china. J. T. Wilson uctlonr.
1)1 K1J.
PARKER In thin city, .at th family resl-dem-e.
H20 Northrup ' sr. Dor. 11, lffcrrt,
Iow U Cam "Parker, agc4 bH years. Notice
of funeral hereafter.
MANNING At San Francisco. Cal , Decem
ber 7, Helen KHzabetii Manning, dearly be
loved wife of F. J. H. Manning, daughter
of Constance Peckham (iardnr, a native
of San Francisco, aged a.'I years.
GTBRS In this city. Dec. 10. lOOrt. at th
family residence. .'i0 East th t., Orlena,
iibbs, acH ti7 yean, 9 month and 15 days.
The funeral services will be hid at Fin
lpy chapel at 1.30 P. M. today. Friends
invited. Interment Lone Kir Cemetery.
CUNNINGHAM At Rt. Vincent's Hospital,
recembcr 0. Joseph Cunningham, aged
rt years, beloved father of Annie Cunning
ham. Fritinds are renpectfully invited to
attend the funeral services, which will b
hf id at the Cathedral, corner 1 5th and,
Davis St., at 9 A. M. today (Wednesday).
Dec. 12. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery,
HA AO In this city, Dec. 10, 1906, at tha
family residence, f-94 Glenwood ave., Fred
rick a Haag, aged 65 years 10 months
9 days. Friends are respectfully Invited
to attend the funeral services, which will
be held at Holman't Chapel, corner Third
and Salmon sts., at 1:30 P. M. today,
Wednesday, Dec. l'X Interment Lon
Fir Cemetery.
cessors to Dunning St Campion, undertaker
and e-mbalmrrs; modern la every detail; 1th
and Pine, y hone Main 430. Lady asnUtant.
st. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6183.
EDWARD HOI-MAN CO., FnnernI Direct
or. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607.
ZEXLER-BYRNES CO., Undertakers, Em
baliners, 273 Kussell. East 108. Lady asa't.
J. P. FINLEY SON. Funeral Director.
No. 281 3d st., cor. Madison. Phone Main S.
F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East
Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 62.
(...Mexican Drawn work Co,