Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 11, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL,. XL. VI. NO. 14,3...
Denies Wife Knocked
Choate and Porter.
Tells What President Thought
of Him in 1901.
Hccallcd Ambassador Gives Exact
Words of Alleged Indorsement of
Ireland, and Says Ireland
Will Corroborate Him.
ROME, T9C 10. Since the recall
of Bellamy fctorer from the post of
Ambassador of the United States to
Austria-Hungary last March several
attempts have been made to induce
the Vatican authorities to set forth
what pressure, if any, had been
brought to bear on them from Pres
ident Roosevelt to make. Archbishop
Ireland a cardinal, and today the
Vatican declared semi -officially It
could make no statement, as Pres
ident Roosevelt never had asked
anything through official channels.
It was explained that,, while sev
eral Americans .who declared they
spoke with President Roosevelt's
authority had attempted to Influence
the giving of the red hat, they did
not agree on the archbishop thus to
be honored. The Vatican authori
ties do not consider that President
Roosevelt was responsible for these
CINCINNATI, Bee. 10. Bellamy Storer,
former United States Ambassador at
Vienna, today gave to the Associated
Press the following statement In reply to
the 'letter of President Roosevelt made
public yesterday:
"My letter to the President and his
Cabinet was written for the cool, delib
erate judgment of men who should be
kept Informed of the true facts In the
conduct of the administration. It was not
written for the public, nor hurriedly
given to the press to anticipate public
opinion. It stands, when taken in full,
as ' my statement and should be taken
as an entirety, and as such I ask its
calm perusal. In itself it is an answer to
many things the President has seen fit to
Bay, but, as new matter has been put
forward by Mr, Roosevelt, I fee com
pelled to speak.
"There was no need of violent and in
sulting adjectives to show that the Presi
dent dislikes me and did not wish me to
remain in the service or to retire from it
in any customary way. While the past
has shown that few men can differ with
either the wishes or the memory of Mr.
Roosevelt without at once becoming a
acoundrel and a liar, I must make some
comments on what he lias given out at
the White House.
Did Not Knock Choate and Porter.
'That anything was ever written to the
President by my wife to the effect that
Mr. Choate and General Porter were not
proper persons to be Ambassadors is
news to both of us. For both these dis
tinguished men we have and have had
nothing but respect and good will, per
sonally and officially. It woull have been
an honor to any one to take any post ever
filled by either of them after they ceased
to occupy it. And the only feeling possL
ble is one of regret that both of them
have been lost to the public service since
Mr. Roosevelt was re-elected.
"As to Mr. Root, the press in 1901 was
full of statements that he might not be
able to remain in the Cabinet on account
of health and would be succeeded by Gen
eral Porter, which would leave Paris va
"I give in full a letter from the Presi
dent in answer to what he said was writ
ten by my wife. I do this because it is
a letter for him to be proud of from
Its full appreciation of eminent public
( men (apart from any reference to my
self) and also to show that my wife's
letter, to which this was an answer, now
spoken of only with a sneer, was consid
ered differently by Mr. Roosevelt at the
time it was received:
Kooeerrlt's Promlne to Mrs. Storer.
Executive Mansion, Washington, Oct. 4,
1H01. My Dear Maria: You need never be
afraid of writing ine or asking anything. If
it is in my power to grant it. I shall do so.
If for any reasons, whether political In the
narrow or in the larger sense, I cannot, I
shall tell you so frankly. Personal reasons
can never exist when I do not do anything
you say. Bellamy was right about its being
needless to write me In order to keep him
in Madrid. I think of both of you all the
time, and have gone over several times pos
sible plans.
First, as to the Cabinet, It Is very un
likely now tnat I shall change any member
of tiie present Cabinet. You have probably
ecn that I have asked them ail to stay.
Secretary of War Root Is ono of the very
strongest men before the people in our whole
party. His Canton speech was the most ef
fort! v delivered in the campaign last- year.
His advice is invaluable, not merely In ref
erence to his department, but in reference
to all branches of the service. As for his
department, it is at the present time the
most tmportant in the entire Government.
It would be a public, calamity to have him
leav the abinpt now. and I use the words
public calamity" advisedly. He is a sick
man, a condition which gives me' great un
easiness, not because- there is any fcarf his
death, but lest he may have to give up his
work here. If ho went out. I should have
to consider nothing whatever-but the ques
tion of setting the best m&n the. entire
country afforded for the work necessary to
be done.
It may ho that, after carefully looking
over the mater, I should conclude that Bel
lamy was the man for the purpose. It may
be that I shall have to conclude that some
one' else, of whom I have no thought at
present, would be the best man, and, if so.
I should be In honor bound to take him
and not to consult any personal preference
of mine In a matter so vital to the coun
try. I do not believe that Secretary Long
Intends to leave the Navy. In this depart
ment I am sure without further thought
that Bellamy would be admirable, but in
tilling any vacancy in the Cabinet I would
have to take note of all kinds of consid
erations. '
I should count Bellamy's ' religion in bis
favor for a Cabinet place. Other things
being equal, I should like to have a Catholic
In the Cabinet. I am sure that in the Navy
department he would do exceedingly well as
Secretary. I do not know whether geo
graphically bo would be the right man. For
Instance, I should like much to get a Pa
citic slope man in the Cabinet, and particu
larly in the Navy Department, and I do not
wish to leave New Kngland unrepresented.
At present I see no Pacific slope man who
would be competent to fill the position.
Moreover, if possible, I would like to get one
or more members of the Cabinet who are
In close touch wltn the people, carrying
I "
I M f 1 : I
In a t
Bellamy Storer, Who Figures
Controversy With the President.
weight when they explain the policies, pur
poses and acts of my administration.
This is the one point on which the. present
Cabinet Is not as strong as it should be.
I do not believe that a finer, abler, more
high-minded body of public servants was
ever got together around a President; but
there is no one of them, with the possible
exception of Root (who Is so busy that he
can hardly ever speak), who can appear
before the' country with the prestige of a
great political leader to explain and cham
pion my administration. If I could at any
time fill this want, I should most ardently
desire to do so. In other words, for a Cab
inet place, the man should, if possible, be
not only eminently fit for the administra
tion of his department, but also. If possi?
ble, a party leader of weight, and. further
more. It is rarely that one can nil a Cabinet
position with referenec only to itself, all
surrounding conditions must be taken Into
Difficulties About Embassy.
Now, as to foreign affairs, my inquiries
speedily develop the fact that a Catholic
just at present would not be a man whom
It would be wise to send to. Germany. For
woolly different reasons, it would not be
wise to send him to Italy. I had not. thought
of or known either of these facts when I
advocated Bellamy going to Italy. As soon
as I made inquiries to the effect, both here
and abroad, of appointments to Germany and
Italy, I found what the facts were. In no
other country would the question of Cathol
icism cause any serious trouble, but I have
not the slightest idea whether any man In
tends at present to leave his position.
Of Porter in France, I hear nothing but
the strongest praise. He seems to have done
peculiarly well. It would be an injustice
of a flagrant kind to turn him out at the
present time. It is, of course, always pos
sible that I may make a shift, and if in
doing so France should become vacant, I
should offer it to Bellamy at once, unless it
happened that I was able to offer him a
Cabinet position; but as things are just at
this time, I do not see the likelihood of
such a condition arising. I have written
with the minutest detail, for I want you to
understand exactly how the thing ' now
stands. Falthfullv yours.
What Itoosevelt Said to Ireland.
"The President says: 'The assertion
that I authorized him to make such a
statement as he says he was authorized
to make to the Pope is untrue. I gave
him no such authorization." He omits
to note that he himself told Archbishop
Ireland that he had done so, and the
letter of the latter to me, which I had'
quoted, I, have ready to submit with
other letters of what the President told
Archbishop Ireland relative to his mes
sage through me to the Pope.
"He says, and it is supported by Mr.
Loeb, that he never received my letter
reporting In detail my visit to the Vati
can. That letter was written and mailed
at Meran, within the Austrian frontier,
after my first stop after leaving Rome.
The date is the 4th or 5th of December,
1903, and the letter Is the one referred
to by me in my own letter to the Presi
dent of January 10, 1!K)4, where I say:
'As I wrote you exactly what I did and
said, you may judge whether I over
stepped.' It is a pity the letter in ques
tion cannot be found.
Hurst Incident Only Pretext.
"The President charges me with 'dis
Ingenuousness' In the matter of my resig
nation in January, 1904, the one which
was refused by him, and says that my
resignation was based on another reason
entirely than my going to the Vatican
to convey his message, and his treatment
of the matter afterward. He had in the
strongest terms already forbidden me to
refer to that matter, and already forbid
den me to quote him again in reference
to it. It was therefore quite proper and
natural not to speak of it, but simply
leave that to him to accept my resigna
tion on any ground that he chose, or on
no ground at all If he saw fit.
"The Hurst incident, in which In prin
ciple I was right though I felt I had
been wrong in detail and was not afraid
to say so, afforded me a perfect oppor
tunity to tender my resignation without
again troubling the President's suscepti
bilities regarding his message to Rome.
If the word 'Vatican' was not mentioned
in my -letter of resignation, the facts
were in existence within the knowledge
of the President all the same. It was
five months only before the renominat
ing convention and I wa.s desirous of
avoiding any possible embarrassment to
Mr. Roosevelt in any way. This now
becomes 'particular perfidy' on my part
In the view and language of the President
of the United States,
"As I have already said, my original
letter is really an answer to everything
else contained in the President's com
munication to the press. I ask deliberate
judgment on it In reply to whatever he
has seen fit to charge upon mo and
Radical Changes In
Wisconsin Likely.
Legislative Committee Digs to
Root of Evils.
Proposes Limit to Commissions and
Expenses With Itemized Table
on Each Policy Provision
for Real Mutualization.
MADISOX. Wis., Dec. 10. (Special.)
Many far-reaching reforms in the Man
agement of the life Insurance business
are recommended in the report of the
Wisconsin investigating committee to
the Legislature, which was filed with
Governor Davidson today. Its work was
thorough, and, unlike the Armstrong
committee in New York, the report deals
more particularly with the cost of In
surance in general than it does with the
manner of management of the Invest
ments or features of particular com
panies. The conclusion of the committee is that
the present cost of Insurance is too high;
that there should be a reduction in the
premiums; that the expense charges of
insurance managements are excessive
and are apportioned unjustly among dif
ferent classes of policies; that there is
discrimination in the apportionment of
dividends betweem annual and deferred
policies; that the companies make ex
cessive charges for the surrender of poli
cies and that unreasonable forfeitures of
the reserves are exacted during the first
three years; that the policies and loan
agreements of the companies are harsh.
Bills Involve Revolution.
With the report there were filed, and
the committee recynmends the passage
of, 18 bills to cover all the various phases
of life Insurance, which, if enacted, will
revolutionize the business of the com
panies that will continue to write policies
In Wisconsin and compel them to get
upon a basis where they will do justice
to the policy-holders. The report con
tains tables of comparison of the premium
rates and expenses of many companies
and concludes that the present expense
charge should be limited to 25 per cent
of the net premium; it points to, the
fact that the Mutual Benefit and the
Connecticut Mutual both write business
upon this basis as an evidence that the
basis is conservative and that it will not
be unjust to the companies.
The report recommends that there shall
be printed in every policy a table which
shall show the expenses, the mortality
charge and the deposit upon that partic
ular policy, so that the policy-holder may
at all times, by consulting his policy,
know the exact cost of his insurance. The
report demonstrates that the great sur
pluses of the insurance companies are
built up because of the saving made from
mortality; the gain in interest, that is,
that the companies can earn a higher rate
of interest than that which they assume
In the policy; the saving In expenses by
not expending an amount for the conduct
of the business equal to that which is
charged in the policy, and lapsed and sur
rendered policies.
It concludes that one of the principal
sources of the large surpluses is the ex
cessively high premium rate charged; -In
other words, that the ' dividends which
these companies pay are largely made up
of the amount which the policy-holder
pays to the company at the beginning of
the year and which la In excess of. that
necessary to conduct the business and to
give him proper protection. The report
lays especial stress upon the desirability
of publicity and of the good effect which
a table printed In the policy and submit
ted to the applicant in advance, showing
in dollars and cents the proportions In
each premium devoted to the payment of
the current year's deferred claims, the
year's - expenses and the reserve of the
company, would have towards placing the
entire responsibility of choice between
companies on the good business judgment
of the policy-holder. It would have the
effect of putting every company in com-
; ; " ' f V N I
., r Kw " ' , I
- i I
Archbishop larley, of N'ew York,
Rival of Ireland for the t'ardi
nalate. petition with every other company, not
only for business, but to the end that each
shall keep down its expense account to a
proper and reasonable amount.
The report presents elaborate tables
showing that the premium rates in nearly
all of the companies can be materially
reduced and thus save millions of dollars
to the policy-holders.
Family Made the Loans.
The Wisconsin committee confined Its
investigation to three companies, the
Northwestern, the Union Central and the
Wisconsin Life. The committee reports
that none of these companies were guilty
of making campaign contributions; that
the Northwestern circularized its policy
holders and brought their attention to leg
islation when it believed that the same
would -affect the interests of tiie com
pany. The officers of none of the com
panies are interested in syndicates. The
most startling revelations made In con
nection with the examination into the
business of the Northwestern company
was that officers and agents of the com
pany, their relatives and friends, made
loans upon policies of the company. This
practice is condemned on the ground that:
"No officers, agents or trustees should
be permitted to place his official or trust
duties in conflict with his private Inter
ests), because in all such contests duty is
apt to be overthrown In the struggle."
Make Them Truly Mutual.
The commission proposes the follow
ing reforms to make mutual companies
truly mutual:
Abolish voting by proxy; give each pol
icyholder one vote for each candidate,
regardless of the amount of his insur
ance; allow voting In person or by mail;
officials to nominate administration
ticket to be" forbidden from participating
in the nomination of any other candi
date; let 10 or more policyholders nomi
nate by petition; Jet the officers prepare
a printed ballot with the administration
and policyholders' tickets in parallel col
umns and in alphabetical order; allow
cumulative voting; "adopt safeguards, for
Concluded on Page 3.)
Roosevelt Will Be The
Champion of Reform.
Will Afjpeal to World and Bri
tain Will Second.
President Swamped With Appeals to
Stop Hideous Barbarities Xew
World's Congress May Stop
King Leopold's Crimes.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. (Special.)
President Roosevelt's next role in the field
of world politics will be as the champion
of reform In the Congo Free State. The
United States is about to assume an ac
tive part in putting a stop to the almost
Incredible horrors practiced in this terri
torial division of Darkest Africa by giving
moral support to any world power signa
tory to the treaty of Berlin that desires
to act. It la believed that Great Britain,
being one of the powers signatory to the
treaty in question. Is about ready to make
a move and that a partial understanding
with respect to the programme exists be
tween its government and ours.
Lodge Speaks for Roosevelt.
Senator Lodge, spokesman for the Ad
ministration in the upper branch of Con
gress, gave the first intimation of a pro
gramme intense In its potentialities by
presenting a resolution today pledging the
President the support of the Senate in
any action he may take. Mr. Lodge, be
fore Introducing his resolution, had con
ferences on the subject with both the
President and the Secretary of State, and
it Is understood that the President has a
plan of action partly mapped out.
The President has been laterally over
whelmed with demands from citizens of
the United' States that the moral support
of this Government be given to the re
form movement, .while radical ones have
urged militant measures and heroic treat
ment of a situation that shames the civ
ilized world. Even the eyes of the people
of foreign lands have been turned in this
direction, because of the stand 'in behalf
of world-wide humanity taken by our
Government In recent years, and the pres
sure has been practically Irresistible.
Uncle Sam and John Bull to Unite.
Now that the United States is practi
cally enlisted in the reform movement, it
places our Government in a brand-new
position in world politics and will add to
the immediate importance of the admin
istration of the State Department.
The Congo State has heen a sore in the
body politic of the world for years. The
people of Great Britain have long been
agitated over the atrocities committed
there. Associations to ameliorate the suf
fering have been in existence there, urging
the government to interfere. The propa
ganda has grown until Sir Edward Grey,
the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the
empire, about three weeks ago served no
tice upon the Belgian government that
unless within two months the abuses were
corrected Great Britain would ask the
other powers to again meet in conference
to assume control.
Greed has been the ruling evil of Cen-
tral Africa. King Leopold has great hold
ings of rubber forests. Reports brought
out by missionaries and substantiated
through other private sources Indicate
that, in their eagerness to make the in
vestments bear large profits, the Belgian
officials and employes of King Leopold
have permitted and have committed atro
cities which cause one to shudder.
When the men returning from the for
ests did not bear the measure of crude
rubber allotted as their share of the daily
toil, hands were choped off and other tor
tures inflicted. Children and women have
been maimed In the greed of the over
seers to keep up the supply.
Rescues Two Men From a Foundered"
Barge at Sea.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 10. The
coal barge Buena Ventura, in tow of the
King Leopold, of Belgium, Whose
Burbarou. Kule in the Congo lias
Aroused Koosevelt to Action.
tug Walter A. Luckenbach, has foun
dered at sea, with three of her crew of
five on board. The other two. Captain
Ole Owarsond and Seaman Charles
Martin, were rescued by a heroic Greek
seaman from the tug, Mitchell B. Bruso,
who made two trips in a small boat to
take off the Imperilled men. Every other
man on the tug refused to risltjiis life.
The barge formerly was a Spanish
tramp steamer. She was the first prize
of the United States Navy, Immediately
after the war with Spain broke out. the
gunboat Nashville captured he,r while
she was bound for Cuban ports.
Foraker and K I tl recipe Will Again
Turn Down Bristol.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. The Senate ju
diciary committee today referred to a
subcommittee the nomination of District
Attorney Bristol. The .subcommittee is
the same as considered the nomination
last session Senators Foraker and Kitt
rldge. As they both favored tlje rejection
of Bristol last session, and as both were
attacked along with Senator Fulton in
Collier's article, it is a pretty safe pre
diction their report will be adverse, but
they may not report until after the holi
days. Carnegie Will Rebuild College.
CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Andrew Carnegie
has sent to the Board of Trustees of St.
Viateurs College, Kankakee, 111., a check
for 52,0OO for the rebuilding of the col
lege building,, which was recently de
stroyed by fire.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 40 de-
Rrees: minimum temperature, 41 detjrees.
TODAY'S Rain; fresh southerly breeze.
Religious strife assured In France. Page 4.
British Cabinet locks horns with ibords.
Page 3.
Castro on deathbed and rebels win victory.
Page 3.
Storer replies to Roosevelt, and Mrs. Storer
says they created President. Page 1.
Secretary Hitchcock relentless in prosecution
for land frauds. Page 5-
Nobel peace prize given Roosevelt and de
voted by him to industrial peace. Page 2.
Democratic Senators oppose Bonaparte's
con Arm at ion. Patre 4.
Shaw comes to relief of money market.
Page 4.
Roosevelt will move to reform Congo State.
Page 1.
Roosevelt sends message on Jananese ques
tion to Pacillc Coast. Page 2.
Fulton talks again of Brownell letter.
Page 4.
Wisconsin insurance committee proposes
radical reforms. Page 1.
Young Teddy Roosevelt's severe Initiation
in Dickie Society. Page 4.
Strange incantations by Chicago hypnotist
accused of murder. Page 5.
Roosevelt as witness in Shea conspiracy
case. Pago 4.
Bicycle race spoiled by several .bad acci
dents, page 7.
Pacific Coaftt.
San Francisco Is swept by a severe wind
storm; one man is killed, a score injused,
and damage to property amounts to
$.VH),0OO. Page 6.
Wealthy returned Klondlker disappears on
way to North Yakima after visit to
fiancee. Page 6. .
Chester Thompson's grandmother will he a
witness for the defense at the trial at
Tacoma. Page 6.
Sixty Spokane women given money to fake
theatrical manager, who has since disap
peared. Page 6.
Portland and Vicinity.
Eight firemen injured, two seriously, in col
lision between Truck No. 1 and street
car. Page 1.
Extinction of Chinook salmon threatened
by too much fishing, says Fish Commis
sioner Riseland, of Washington, in re
port. Page 14.
Harriman wastes money fighting Hill, but
has none for buying cars. Page 11.
Councilman Annand will introduce ordinance
for steel fireboat. Page 10.
Orlando S. Murray placed on trial for kill
ing Lincoln C. Whitney, betrayer of his
sister. Page 10.
Consignees requested to expedite unloading
of cars in order to relieve freight con
gestion in terminal yards. Page 11.
Harriman system reduces wages of section
hands from 17 to 15 cents an hour.' Pace
10. -
Police will investigate character of so-called
"massage parlors," and keepers of lodging-houses
who harbor Immoral roomers
to be arrested. Page 10.
Duck season about over on streams and
-sloughs around Portland. Page Itf.
4 9fr
Eight Firemen Injured
. In Collision.
Hook and Ladder No. 1 Run
Into While Going to Fire.
Truck Was Rnnnlng Down Couch
Street, and Cap Along: Third
Carmen Did Not Hear Warn- ,
lirg Gongs of Firemen.
Electric S car collided with Truck
No. 1 of the Fire Department at
Third and Couch streets at 10:10
o'clock last night. The car was
north-bound, the truck was going
east In answer to a still alarm be
cause of a small blaze on the
steamer Una, foot of Couch street.
TlUerman Ed McDonald and
dcrman Ed Grenfll. of Truck No. 1.
were dangerously injured and were
removed to hospitals. Captain
Frank M. Dowell, Lieutenant Harry
Hawkins, Driver William Herman
and Laddermen G. Montague, A. H.
Ullfors and H. Beck, all of Truck
No. 1. were blightly injured.
Truck No." 1, the largest truck in
the Fire Department, was demol
ished by the force of the collision
and will be out of commission for
some time.
While responding to a still alarm
callinff the Fire Department to quenoh.
a small blaze in the steamer Una at th
Couch street dock at 10:10 o'clock last
evening. Truck 1 of the Portland Fire
Department wan crashed Into and liter
ally demolished by "S" car No. 103 of
the Poraland Railway Company's Ine
at Third and Couch streets last even
ing. Two firemen are occupying hospital
rots In a precarious condition as a re
sult of the injuries they sustained, anil
six others of the truck company, in
cluding Captain Frank Dowell and
Driver Bill Herman are more or less
seriously injured.
Tillerman Ed McDonald and Ladder
man Ed Grenfell are the most severely
Injured of the eight men composing tho
crew of the truck. McDonald waa
caught In the wreck of his machine,
and his condition is said to be very
serious. His head Is severely cut, and
until an extensive examination is made
of his injuries at the hospital his
chances of recovery cannot be deter
mined. When he was being lifted into
the patrol wagon he asked how his)
comrades had fared, and Chief Camp
bell and Captain Dowell assured the
poor fellow that all were unhurt.
Grenfell was picked up by Tom
Fallon, the proprietor of a saloon at
the corner where the accident occurred
who conveyed him Into his establish
ment. The injured man lay there In
agony for an hour before "an ambulance
came in response to repeated cals sent
by both police and firemen.
Eyewitnesses to the accident declara
the carmen paid no attention to clanging
gongs of the fire apparatus, apparently
not hearing them. When the heavy truck!
rushed down Couch street across the)
tracks at Third, the driver ga.w the dan
ger and swung his team Into the curb. AS
the moment the front wheels fouled the
sidewalk, the hind end of the truck waa
struck by the car. The crash overturned'
the apparatus and hurled the struggling
firemen to the pavement and scattered)
ladders and fire truck accessories in, all
directions. i
Story of an Eye-Wltness.
Edward Richardson, a guest of the
Merchants' Hotel, one block north of tha
collision, heard the gongs of the fire en
gines and ran to the corner of Couch ti
watch them pass and reached the spot
Just as the car struck the truck, and was
one of the first men to assist Tillerman
McDonald Into the cigar store on the
corner, whence he was removed to the
hospital by the patrol wagon.
"The driver of the. truck tried hard to
avoid the collision," said Richardson, "for
he swung his horses into the curb, while
at the same time the tillerman threw his
helm over hard just as the car struck
Just behind the rear truck. The big ma
chine was turned over and the' apparatus
was hurled in every direction, and several
of us standing on the corner had narrow
escapes from being hit by the flying lad
ders." Frank Strowing, who lives at the Cali
fornia House, was struck by wreckage and
injured about the legs. He was taken to
the Good aimaritan Hospital. Dr. H. D.
Taylor, of Kelso, Wash., another spec
tator, stated that as soon as he saw tho
truck turn Into Couch street from Fourth,
he thought there would be a collision, for
the northbound car kept on down Third
as though the sound of the gongs had not
been heard.
Chief Campbell was just ahead of the
truck when the accident occurred and
stopped his rig immediately on hearing
the crash and returned to assist the men
who were hurt.
McDonald, who was the most seriously
(.Concluded on Page 11.)