THE MORNING OREGOMAJT, THURSDAY, DECJ33IBKR 6, 190G. 15 UP Sharp Advance Yesterday in All Coast Markets. PREDICTED BY JOBBERS Uifferential Between Cane and Beet Product Restored ' to Former Figure A Further Kaise in Price Expected. 6UGAR Sharp advajic In all Coaat market. BUTTER Local creamery price ad vances today. HOPS Benta in the market. FRUIT Bananas arrive in fine shape. K'JGS Eastern markets strong. POULTRY Receipts fair and de mand pood. MEATS Veal scarce on Front street. The predictions made by Jobbers that ftugar prices would soon advance were veri fied yesterday, wnen the markets all along the Coast moved up sharply. Cane sugar quotations were advanced 13 cents, and the beet refiners put their prices up -5 cents. This action by the beet men reduces the differential between cane and beet sugar to 20 cents, at which it formerly etood. This Indicates that normal conditions are being restored in the trade, and, with the strong underlying position of the market, the prospects are that the upward movement now under way will' continue. The increased buying of the past few days showed that buyers were convinced that prices had touched the lowest level for the season. The future action of the mar ket is, of course, known only to the re finers, but speculators are so convined that an era of high prices l.s In sight that they are backing t'neir judgment with liberal purchases. The opinion prevails in many quarters that the first of the year will sec an agreement of some kind in force between the rival sugar interests of California. If this comes about, there will be a readjustment of val ues that will give consumers an opportu nity to reimburse the sugar-makers for some or all of the loss they have sustained In this season's war. Yesterday's advance may mark the beginning o this deal. ADVANCE IX CITY BUTTER PRICE. Market Goes to 35 Cents Today All Other Markets High. The announcement is made by one. of the Portland creameries that its price will be advanced thin morning 2 ents to itr cents on top grade. The othr local companies are exp-rctcd to be in line with the advanun. Butter at this time" a year ago was quoted at ;0 cents and on December 13 advanced to ul'1,; cents, which was the. highest price of the year. The present advance is not only due to the decreased supply of cream and the active demand, but more than anything else to the fact that 'all other markets are higher. The Puget Sound markets for several days have stood at 3r. cents and the result has been a drain on Portland to supply the trade there. This has caused stocks in some of the local creameries to run very low. East ern markets are high and advancing. Chi cago Is now at 30 cents, as compared with cents at this time last year. The California market Is also- higher, the San Francisco quotation yesterday being Ii6 cents, as against 29 cents on the same date last year. The Front street butter market continues very firm, with receipts from the country gradually declining. EASTERN EGG MARKET IS FIRMER. Some of the Large Sellers Said to Be Can celing Orders. Receipts of poultry were only fair yester day. The demand continued strong, es pecially for chickens, on which top prices were realized. There was no change in the egg market, beyond a firmer tone in Eastern eggs, which foreshadows an advance in price. Wires from the East quoted stiff cr markets there and some of the large sellers have can celed orders except on contracts. A big cold storage house at Denver, which does a busi ness of 800 cars, was reported to be entirely out of eggs. Wheat Market Dragging. Some Improvement is noticed , in the movement of wheat from the Interior to tidewater, but the lack of cars is still so apparent that the market Is of a dragging character. Prices yesterday were steady, with but little change. Bananas in Fine Condition. The four cars of overdue bananas were delivered yesterday and proved to be in fine condition. Two cars of sweet potatoes also aTrrlved. Mistletoe is beginning to come in freely and is nowf quoted at 10 12 ft cents per pound. Local Hop Market Quiet. . The local hop trade was more interested yesterday In the car shortage meeting than In the market. The only deal reported dur ing the day was the purchase by H. L. Bents of an 80-bale lot from a Portland dealer at 12 cents. I Scarcity of Veal. There is a scarcity' of veal on Front street and with a strong demand dealers could handle much larger supplies. Hogs are coming In more freely; but so far are hold ing fairly steady. Bank Clearings. Bank clearances of the loading cities of the Northwest yesterday were: Clearings. Balance!.. Portland $1,033,515 $119,732 Seattle 1,750. 071 Vl'arama 022.4SS 1.70S Spokane l.'OIB.Oha U5,&6 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Vegetables, fruits. Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples. common to chotce; 5075cper box: cnotce to fancy. $1 62.50; grapes. $1.65f2.25 crate: pear., fig 1. Oil; cranberries. $12$ 13 per barrel; persimmons. $1.50 per box. ' TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $67 per box; oranges. navels, $3.503.75; grapefruit, $4.50fa5; pineapples. $5 per dozen; bananas, per pouna; pomegranates. $2.50 per box. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. OOrflSl per sack; carrots. 00ci?$l per sack: beets. $1.23ft 1.D0 per sack; garlic, 7Vj10c per pound; horseradish, D&lOc per pound; sweet potatoes, ft Jic per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage. 11H0 pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen: celery. i5iiu0c per dozen; egg plant, $1.50 crate; lettuce, head, 30c per dozen: onions. 10$J12M:C per dozen: bell peppers, 8c: pumpkins. lVio per pound: spinach. 45o per pound; tomatoes, $2 per box; parsley, lrtluc; squash, 1 1C per pound; artichokes, 63 73c per dozen: hothouse lettuce. $1.50 Der box. ONIONS Oregon, 75c $1 per hundred. POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon Bur banks, fancy. 00c'$l; common. 70$85e. DRIED FRTTITS Aprles. 8t?8V,c pound: apricots, ICifilBc; peaches, Il13c: pears, 11U14c: Italian prunes. 21iji6c;- California figs", white, in sacks, 690o per pound; black, 4V.5e: bricks. 73cjr$2.25 per box; Smyrna. 20j pound: dates, Persian. 667o pound. RAISINS Layers and clusters. 2-crown, $1.BS; 3-crown, $1.75: 5-crown. $3.10; 6-crown, $3. SO; loose muscatels. 2-crown, 8c; 8-crowo. SUGAR MOVING 8Hc; 4-crown, 9c; seedless, Thompsons, 10c; 6 ul tanas. 912c. Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 326&35c per pound. State creameries rancy creamery, a7V'32c; Btqre butter, 16 ei7c. , , - EGGS Oregon ranch, 35370 per dozen; Eastern storage, 20'527Ic; Eastern fresh, 30 6&c. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, HO loc; Young America, 15 lUo per pound. POULTRY Average old hens, 1Z&12-'C; mixed chickens, 12 tflUc; Spring. J:4rl4c; old rooKtens, SSnlOc; dressed chickens. J4615c; turkeys, live, 1717c; turkeys, dressed, choice, SKaaV-c; geese," live, per pound, 10c; ducks, lo16u;" pigeons, $1&1.50; squabs, $2$ 3. Grain, Flour, feed. Etc. WHEAT Export basis: Club, 64c; blue stpm. 67fe8c; Valley, twb7c; red, tUr02c. OATH No. 1 white, $2ofc2G.50; gray, 24. 50 FLOUR Patents, 13.90; straights, f3.30; clears, $3.35; valley, $3.40. BARLEY Feed, $2l4i$2l.ri0 per ton; brew ing, $'J2.50; rolled, 22.50$i"24. RYE $1.40L45 per cwl Corn- Whole., cracked, $27 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran, city, $it; country, $17 pr ton; middling, $25; shorts, city. $1R; country. $13 pr ton; chop, U. S. Mills. $15. -V. CEREAL FOODB Roiled oats, cream. 90 pound sacks, $7; lower grades, $5.&0fft6.75; rat meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $3 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 60-pound sacks, $7. BO per bar rel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale: split peas, $5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.40; pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per bale. HAY Valley timothy. No. J. $11 12 per ton ; Eastern Oregon timothy, $ 14 16, clover, $7?S; cheat, $7.508.50; grain hay. $7.50S.50; alfalfa, $11.50; vetch h. $7 7.50. - 1 . Qreased Meat,. VEAL Dressed. 73 to 123 pounds. 89 SHc; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 pounds, 8c; 200 pounds and up. S'ltiSBo BEEF Drowsed bulls. l&2c per pound; cows. 4$i5c; country steers, 5&5c. MUTTON Dressed, fancy. 899o per pound, ordinary. 67c. PORK Dressed, 10(1 to 130 pounds. 8c; 150 to 200 founds, 7&7'vic; 200 pounds and up, 6'j6(4c Groceries, Nats, Eta. RICK Imperial Japan No. , 6V4c; Southern Japan. o.4oc; head, H.75C. COFFBE Mocba, il.4j-'8c; Java, ordinary, 18 22c: Costa Rica, fancy, 18420c; good, lord) 18c: ordinary, lf(&22c per pound: Columbia roast, eases, 100s, $15.25: 50s, $15.50; Ar buckle, $17.25; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. 80c; red. 1-pound talis, $1.25; sockeye, 1-pound tails, $1.70. srGAU Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $5.40; powdered. $5.30; dry granulated, $5.15; extra C, $4.05: golden C, $4.55; fruit sugar, $5.15; berry. $5.15; P. C. $4.05; C. C, $4.05; star, $4.05. Advance sales over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half barrels, 25c: boxes, 50c per 100 lbs. Terms: On re mittances within 15 days deduct He per pound; If later than 15 dayB and within 30 days, deduct He. Beet sugar $4.05 per hundred pounds; maple sugar. 15'u'lSc per pound. NUTS Walnuts 1v.g20e per lb. by sack; Brazil nuts. 17c; filberts, 15c; pecans, jumbos, 10c; extra large, 20c; almonds. lS-ft-SOc; chest nuts. Ohk, 17'ic; Italian. 14M&15c; pea liuts, raw, SVfcc per pound; roasted, 10c; pinenuts. 10(jpi2c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoa tiuts, 35& 00c per dozen. SALT California dairy, $13 ton: Imitation Liverpool. $14 per ton; half-ground, loos, $9; 60s. $0.50; lump Liverpool. $19.50. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, 3'4c; pink, 2Tc; bayou. 3;ic; Lima, 4c; Mexicans, red, 4ic HONEY Fancy, $3.253.00 per box. Provisions and Canned Meals. BACON Fancy breakfast. 2c per pound; standard breakfast, 17c: choice. lc; English, 11 to 14 pounds. l.V-c; peach, 14tc. HAMS lo lo 14 pounds'. 10o per pound; 14 to Hi pounds. 15Vic: 18 to 20 pounds, 15c; California (picnic), ltl'.c; cottage, HV-c; shoulders, none; boiled, 24c; boiled picnic, boneless, 20c. . . PICKLED GOODS Pork. barrels. $21: naif-barrels. $n: beef, barrels, $10: half barrels. $5.50. SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound: minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17'4c; bo logna,, long, 6c; welnerwuvst, loc; liver, 6o; pork, 10c; headcheese. Cc; blood. 6c, bolog na link, 5Vc. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c. smoked. 13c; clear backs, dry salt. 12c. smoked. 13c: clear bel lies. 14 to 17 pounds averags, dry salt none, ainoked none; Oregon exports, 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt 130, smoked 14 c. Union bellies, 10 to IB pounds aver age, none. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 1214c tubs, 1214c; 50s. 12c; 20s, 12Tic: 10s. 13 (4c; 6s, 13 c. Standard pure: Tierces, lltic; tubs. llc; 50s. llc; 20, llc; 10s, 1214c: 5s, 12c. Compound: Tierce 8c; tubs, 814c; SOs. 8V(e: 10s, S.c; 5s, 8:4c. ' OUs. TURPENTINE Cases. 88c per gallon COAL OIL Cases, lc per gallon; tanks, 12 Wc per gallon. GASOLINE Stove, cases, 24 Vc; 88 test, 32c; iron tanks, 26c. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c; 5O0-pound lots, 8c; less than 500-pound lots, 814c tin 25-pouud tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to 5-pound tin cans, 100. pounds per case, 21c per pound above keg price.) LINSEED Raw. In barrels, 50c; In cases, 55c: boiled. In barrels, 52c, in cases, 57c; 250-gallon lots, lc less. BENZINE Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks. 1214 c per gallon. . , Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 11 14o per pound, according to quality. "WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 13 01Sc per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 2021c, according to fineness. MOHAIR Choice. 2fe2Sc. HIDES Dry: No. 1, Id pounds and up, per pound, 18 20c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 1821c per pound; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur rain, hair-clipped, weatherbeaten or grubby, 23c per pound less. Salted hides: Steers, sound. 60 pounds and over, per pound. 10 tf lie; steers, sound 50 to 60 pounds, 10 11a per. pound,; steers, sound, under 50 pounds, and cows. 9 10c per pound; stags and bulls, sound, 7c per pound: kip, sound, IS to 30 pounds, 10c per pound; veal, sound,t 10 to 14 pounds, llo per pound; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 11 12c per pound; green (unsalted), lc per pound less; veals, leper pound less. Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. 1, butchers' stock, each, 2530c: short wool. No. 1, butchers' stock, each, 5000c; me dium wool. No. 1, butchers' stock, each. $ 1.25 a murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent leas, or 15loc per pound. Horse hides: Salted, each, according to size, $1 1.50; colthtdes, each. 2530c. Goatskins: Common, each, 1525c; Angora, with wool on. each. 30c $1.50. FURS No, 1 skins: Bearskins, as to size, each. $5 20; ' cubs, each, $13; badger, prime, each, 2550c; cat, wild, with bead perfect, 3050c; house cat. 520c; fox. comomn gray, large prime, each, 5070c; red, each, $35; cross, each. $5 15; silver and black, each, $4.506; mink, strictly No. leach, according to size, $13; mar ten, dark. Northern, according to size and color, each, $115; pale pine, according to sise and color, each, $2.504; muskrat, large, each. 1215c; skunk, each, 060c, civet or polecat, each, 5 15c. other large fine skin. each. $6 10; panther, with head and claws .perfect, each, $23; raccoon, prime, large, each, 5075c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, each, $3.505; prairie (coyote), 60c$l; wolverine, each. $08; beaver, per skin, large. $5 6; medium, $3 7: small, $1 1.50, kits. 50 75c. BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 22 25c per pcund. TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4414c, No. 2 and grease. 2 3c CASCARA SAGRADA (chittam bark) New. 6M;c per pound; 1904 and 1905, carlots, 7c; less than carlots, 614c Mining Stock. NEW YORK, Doc. 5. Closing quotations: Adams Con. ...$ .20!Llttlo Chief $ .05 Alice 7.0(liOntario 4.50 Breece U.OOjOphir , 2.H0 Bruns. C, ex. dv. .5SiPotosi IS Comstock Tun... .56Savage 1.00 Con. Cal. & Va. . l.lO Sierra Nevada ... .88 Horn Silver 1.80 Small Hopes 30 Iron Silver 4.25Standard 2.50 Leadvllle Con... .051 BOSTON, Dec. 5.' Closing quotations: Adventure .. Allouez .... Amalgamatd Atlantic Bingham . . . Cal. & Hecla Centennial . . Cop. Range. Daly West . . Franklin Granby Isle Royale. Mass. Mining M ichlgan Mohawk Mont. C & C Old Domin.. Osceola .... $ 5.00 47.50 113.50 . 14.00 30.50 800.00 . :.00 80.75 20.00 21.75 1.-..75 23.50 8.00 18.25 Parrot :. Quincy . . iShannon Tamarack $28 107 ... 1B.50 . . .107.50 ... 10.25 STrinltv .4-. United Cop. IT. S. Mmlng IV. S. Oil I Utah Victoria .... ! Winona .... (Wolverine . 75.00 61.75 9:1.25 04.50 B.50 10.75 ltill.00 111.75 30.00 18.50 1H7.00 19.0214 . .. 26 North Butte Butte Coltn. Nevada .... Cal. & Ariz. Tecumseh Green Con. 64.50 135.00 London Wool Sale. LONDON, Dec. 5. Tho offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 10,202 bales. Merinos were keenly competed for by all sections. The home trade bought me diums and siipes largely. Americans took a few p-cels of Victorian greasy crossbred. STOCKS HOLD WELL Stubborn Resistance Shown to Money Stringency. HARD FOR SPECULATORS Recovery of Early Declines Follows Appearance of Annual Report of Secretary of Treasury. Relief Is Expected. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. The stock market struggled witn the money stringency-today, but reflected clearly the dlrfflulties of the situation for speculators who are carrying stocks with borrowed money. Loans were called from time to time on a large scale by tho banks to reduce their deposit lia bilities because of the heavy drains ttiat were making on their cash reserves. Oc casional liquidation was forced by tnis pro cess. The 'appearance of teh annual report of tiio Serretary of the 'Treasury was the signal for a comprehensive recovery of declines leading to a halt in the market at about last night's level. .The recovery was based on the assumption that the Secretary stood ready to take steps to relieve the money stringency- in accqrdance with the strongly expressed views in the annual re port of the duty incumbent upon him to de posit In the banks as much as can possibly be spared of surplus funds in the Treasury if business conditions require It, "thougil it becomes necessary to pay the current ex penses of the Government with checks on depository banks." But. while this language was accepted as an" earnest of early action for the relief of the money market, the re lief was not announced, and the calling in of loans was an actual situation. Tne fact that money conditions abroad also began to tighten agan was regarded as an additional factor in favor of proba ble action "by the Treasury Department, as the Secretary was almost as empahtic on the necessity of aiding to prevent hurtful stringency abroad as at home. Much in terest attached to .the passage in the re port which said: "The United States can ill afford to disturb hnancial conditions in Europe, and, if necessary to prevent It, the present head of the Treasury would not hes itate to make deposits in National banks on condition that the banks In turn deposit an equal amount abroad." x This was interpreted as an announce ment that the benevolent attitude of the Treasury Department towards the import of gold might be conversely exercised on occasion towards the export of gold. That the course of money In New York and the resultant effect on the exchanges has been tending towards the further withdrawal of gold from London is the fear of London market, and this Is regarded as precluding only relaxation in the money situation in London before the end of the year. Not only is currency going from New York to San Francisco to move the fruit crop and to New Orleans to move the cotton crop, but the drop in New York exchange at Chicago to a discount again marks a recur rence of demand from the West, in spite of the high ruling rates for monoy in this market. Customs collections are running very large,- the Government receipts In New York from that source yesterday amounting to $1.2S!l.05. The loss of the banks on Suhtreasury operations since the last bank statement now amounts to $5.034. 0O0. The action of tile banks in oalling loans needs no further elucidation. New York Central was temporarily strong on the increase in the dividend rate, which conformed to -'expectations. Intimations of additional capital issues by Atchison and Norfolk & Western foreshadowed the fu ture requiroMifinls from this cause on the money market, which are -expected to grow. The urgency with which new capital con tinues to be sought in spite of the diffi culties of the money market gives an im pression of undiminished 'confidence in the permanency of the needs -which are sought to be supplied. The effect is to confirm hopeful sentiment over the outlook for val ues. -"This sentiment was apparent. In fact, in the stubborn manner In which stocks yielded to the money market inconve niences. The dull and obstinate Resistance was shown up to the closing. The 32 per cent call loan rate is the highest since the first week in September, when money went to 40 per cent and the banks reported a deficit at the end of the week. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,050,000. United states 4s regis tered advanced 14 per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Adams Express 2SO Amalgam Copper.. 65.000 114 112 Am Car & Foundry 5.900 46 45 do preferred ..... Am Cotton Oil 11314 4's 101 3214 no 241 1114 88 17 ,18 ' T4 111 . 156 11 . 13 08 2S5if. 1031s 10114 1:10 118 0214 79 18514 223 57. 18 207 181 14 10 1 14 00 92 86 14 3814 60 58 138 2214 8114 22814 525 85 -71 4514 75 6714 17714 166 175 1814 8214 41 81 ' 2914 52 .IO 61 14 145-i 2514 61 145 163 n14 - 4 31-4 - 73 75 57 134 49 92 K814 90 40 139 n'' 821', 54 58 1R1 11 "4 9014 1)5 38 101 do preferred. American Express. . Am Hd & LX pr(. American Ice Am Linseed Oil.... do preferred .... Am Locomotive. 200 100 32 88 ii'j' 152" 135 sis 14 103 101 11814 1,000 7514 152 ' 157 Vi do preferred Am Smelt & Refill 13.800 do preferred Am Sugar Refining 11,900 Am Tobacco pf Anaroniia Mng Co 14,tw Atchison 41,000 do preferred 200 Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore &, Ohio 6.200 do preferred Brook Rap Transit 8.S00 104 1C2 1191s 801, 70ij 185 Canadian Pacific 3.600 180 cent of New jersey Chesapeake & Ohio 8.500 Chicago Gt West.. 1,200 Chi. & Northwest 400 Chi. Mil & St. Paul 25.800 Chi Term & Trans. .. do preferred C. C. St. Louia 51114 1814 2081$ 1S2 18 2(8 lS0'-4 Colo Fuel & Iron.. 21, W 57 54", Coin & Southern.. 500 38 a 38 H do 1st-preferred. 8oO fli.t 67-'U do 2d preferred.. 1,100 58 58 Colsolidated Gas.. 500 13814 1.18 Corn Products 1.200 2214 21 do preferred Dela & Hudson... 2,200 230 22814 Del., Lak & West Den & Rio Grande 800 4314 43 do preferred 3oo 8514 8414 Distillers' Securlt.. 200 71 1 7114 Brie 1.400 4514 45 do l.-t preferred. 300 76 '76 do 2d preferred.. loo 6714 6714 General Electric... 1.000 17814 17714 Hocking Valley Illinois Central 300 175 175 International Paper 9O0 1814 1814 do preferred 100 82 -82 International Pump ... do preferred . ..... ..... Iowa Central do preferred ..... Kansas C:4y So... do preferred Lous & Nashville. Mexican Central . . . Minn & St. Lnuls. . M.. St. P. &S.S.M. do preferred ..... Missouri Pacific .. Mo., Kan. & Texas do preferred National Lead .... 700 I..V10 7,200 61 14114 25 o 145 24 14" "fli" 4114 73 75 58 13414 49 92 no - no 40 138 92 Vi '5414 iso" 146 2.700 7.000 400 1(10 1.500 95 42 4 73 75 1.(614 40 9214 no 9114 4114 92 Nat. Mex. R. P.. pf New York central 44.80O N. Y. Ont. ft.West Norfolk & Weetern do preferred North American. . . 000 200 100 1.2O0 soo 23,700 Pacific Mail Pennsylvania Peonle's Gas 800 ''300 Pits. C. P. & St. L. Pressed Steel Car.. 55 do preferred Pullman Palace Car 1,700 Reading 231 200 do 1st preferred 183 143V4 do 2d prererrea.. Republic Steel do preferred .... Rock Islend Co.... do preferred St. L. & S. F. 2d pf St. Louis Southwest do preferred Southern Pacific... do preferred Southern Railway. do preferred Tenn Coal & Iron.. Texas & Pacific... Tol.. St. L. & West do oreferred P-no 2.200 e.000 200 200 .18 101 14 3114 6714 49 . 37 101 3114 6714 4814 4714 2514 34 9414 120 34 B334 1C0 arts . 33 52lJ 8614 fW 115 88 51 14 107 48 104 4 40 109 19 4214 5no 152 85 1.400, 100 1.400 300 "pOO 1o0 94 120 94 '374" 3414 r.214 87 i is"' 88 62 '48 , 1 4014 94 120 3414 94 "37 3414 5214 85 lis" 88 51 47 4 104 40 2O0 Union Pacific 116.900 do preferred U. S. Express 100 V. 9. Realty 100 U. S. Rubber 1.100 do preferred .... U. S. Steel 95,300 4.0O0 no preferred Virg.-Caro. Chem.. do ' preferred Wabash ; do oreferred 1,600 200 ' 19 19 Wells Fargo Exp Westinghouse Elec. Weetern Union 400 8614 86 Wheeling L. Brie 16 Wisconsin Central 25 ,10 i,Mf,p,n( j ..... 5otj; Northern Pacific... 10.700 222 220-4 220 central Leather.. 4,200 .".1 : u ( do preferred 10O 102 102 103 Cch:is Sheffield.. 40O - 75 74 7414 Great Nnnhern nf. 4.400-318 316 317 Int. Met 1,000 37 . 37 37 lo preferred 700 76 76 V4 6V Total sales for the day. 850,500. BONDS. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. Closing quotations: 10214'D. R. G. 4s... 0914 102 IN. Y. C. G. 314s. 94 -!i 102 Northern Pac. 3s. 84 102 jNorthern Pac. 4s.10.S1? 130 '--Southern Pac, 4s. 89 !30ii:Unton Pac. 4s. ..104 lOlls'wis. Central 4s. OOVi 101 tt Jap. 6s,. 2d ser. 97 0214Jap. 4 14s efts... 9214 U. S. ref. 2s reg. do coupon '. . . U. S.. 3s reg do coupon . . . U. S. new 4s reg. do .coupon . . . U. S. bid 4s reg. do coupon . . . Atchison Adj. 4s. Stocks In London. LONDON. Dec. 5. Consols for money, Clos- ..136 - . 97 'a SO 7-16; consols for account, 86 13-16 ing quotations: Anaconda 14 IN. Y. Central. Atchison 107 Mor JC. We.jt du preferred. . 10a do preferred 93 5014 71 3 Baltimore A 0.123 lOnt. West. . , Can. Pacific ... . .191 flies. 0 59 i Rand tMines . Heading 4iso. Railway... Chi. Great W.. 18 Chi.. M. & St- P.187 . 3.-. . 97 n, . 17 .193", . 90 4 . 49 . 108-!, . 21 . 444 Do Beers 21 '.s I do prererrea . So. Pacific .... Union Pacific. . 14 do oreferred . Den. & Rio G. . 14 do preferred. . 89 Eric 47 do 1st pref . . . 78 do 2d pref. ... 70 IsIU. S. Mtecl . . . do prererrea III. Central 181 Iuis. &. Nash.. 151 waiiasn1 Mo.. Kan. & T. . 43 jSpanlsh Fours. Monoy, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. Money on call higher, 6g32 per cent; ruling rate, 20 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 6 per cent. Time loans stronger; 60 days, 8 per cent bid, 90 days. 71z-8 per cent; six months, 6 per cent bid. Prime mercantile paper, tf-frma per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual busf ness in bankers' bills at $.S475''a'4.84S() for demand and at $4.79904.80 for 60-day bills. Posted rates, $4.8014 4. 81 and $4.K.14 4M.8U. Commercial bills, $4.7914. Bar silver, 68. (Mexican dollars. 32.- Government bonds firm;- railroad bonds irregular. ' LONDON, Dec. 5. Bar silver steady, 31 d per ounce. Money. 3 11 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 5 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three-months bills is 5 '4 per cent. PAN FRANCISCO. Dec. -Silver bare. 68 c. ' Mexican doMars, 51 lie. Drafts Sight. 2iic; telegraph, 5c. Sterling on London, '60 days, $1.8014; do sight, $4.8514. Daily Treasury Stutement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. Today s state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balance $230,073,668 Gold coin and bullion llo.(i7.:t21 Gold certificates 08.618,000 DECLINE- IS IT CHECKED PRICES WORK. ' DOWNWARD ON LOCAL EXCHANGE. Mining Icn Believe Bottom Has About Been Readied and Ad vance Will Be Rapid. Business was again active on the lot-al Mock exchange yesterday . 1 ".0o shares changing hands. There wan a good attend ance and the bidding was lively. Thnre was a further fleclihe that affected all the Coeur d' Alone stocks. Snow-shoe dropped 10 points from yesterday, with sales of 4000 shares at 6 J. This stock was but recently up to (Snowstorm went off 5 with sales of 100 shares at 3.0a. Othr-r declines were 4 points in Holdcn and 3 in Copper King. The slump is regarded by'mining men as only a temporary affair, occasioned by the large quantity of stock dumped on the mar ket. They believe the bottom has been about reached and when the reaction sets in, a rapid advance; is looked for. u:lcial prices yesterday were as follows: Hank Stocki Bid. Asked. Bank of California Bankers' & Lumbermen's Kquttable Savings & Loan . Merchants' National Oregon Trust & Savings Portland Trust Co United States National Bonds City & Suburban 4s Columbia Southern Irr'n 6s... O. R. & N. Ry. 4s O. W. P. & Ry. 6s Portland Ry. 5s Miscellaneous Stocks Associated Oil Cement Products Home Tel J. C. Lee Co .' Oregon City Mill & Lumber . . Oriental American Co Portland Heights Imp. Co.... Pacific States Tel Puffet Sound Tei Yaqulna Bay Tel...... Mining Stocks Alaska Petroleum British Columbia Amal. Cascadln Dixie Meadows Oallaher Golconda Goldfleld Trotter Lees Creek Gold.- Holden Mammoth North Falrvlew . Oregon Securities Rambler Cariboo Standard Con Tacoma Steel Coeur d'Alene District Alameda Bullion Burke Copper King Gertie Happy Day Idaho Giant Missoula 1 05 7 uo 13fi U00 ' f2 7 I0IH4 1 o:i Kit 53 50 !0 11 100 1J5 50 7 11'14 ll'i.i i:ti,4 4 5 30 3D 2 Vi 4 5'.- 1 . 1 20 IVi 2 14 19H 17 26 i 4Vi 2tt 2Vi 2.! 30 Vs 12 ' 13Vi 1354 17 10 m 2.v, 3 'A 25 28 1S4 lVi 5 '4 6 11 15 8 ni tt 30 18 22 8 14 9 10 6214 6:1 325 330 Park Copper m4 Rex Reindeer ......... Ruth Con Snowshoe Snowstorm SALES. 1000 Alaska Petroleum J2i 1000 British Columbia Amal 4t 5000 Gallaher 4 1000 Bullion 10 hi 1000 Gertie 19 500 Gertie li-4 1000 Park Copper'. ... iH looo Park Copper "4 4000 Snowshoe 62 100 Snowstorm 335 BREAK IN GOLD FIELD STOCKS. San Franciftco Investors Believe They Will Get Stocks Cheaper. N SAN FRANCISCO, Cat, Dec. S. (Special.) -.Tne market started to sag at the begin ning and only partially recovered when Graat Bend, under heavy selling, broke -0 points to 107, and the influence was not counteracted at the end of the Gold field call. The feeling among the local investors and traders - is that they will get tne stocks cheaper than they are now, and they only put out am order when the opportunities straggle along. The disposition to carry stocks on too small a margin also has a de pressing tendency on 'the general market. Much talk Is heard of the possibilities of new districts, and many Investors are watt ing for new syndicate- issues at low figures. Among today's eales were: McNamara, 83; Gold Anchor. 55; Jim But ler, 145; Boston, 2-": Gold Crown, 21; Red Tip, 3.fto; Mohawk, $15.00; Booth, 100; Blue Bull. 40; Adajns. 21; Great Bend, $1.10; Jumping Jack. 2; Pine Nut, 38; Stray Dog, 74; Triangle. 45; Eagle's Nest, 43; Daisy. 11. Cotton Crop Report Delayed. A WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. It is announced at the Department of Agriculture that the qu&ntitlve estimate of thin season's cotton crop will be issued on Tuesday, December 31, at 2 o'clock P. M., Instead of on Mon day, as heretofore announced. The Census Bureau has decided not to publish its re port of the amount of the cotton ginned up to December 1, until Monday, the 10th Inst., at 2 P, M., and the Bureau of Statistics of the Agricultural Department desires to consider the Information contained in the census report In connection with informa tion derived from other sources. . NEW YORK, Dec. 5. Cotton fdtures closed steady. December, 10.04c: January, Iu.l2c; February, 10.20c; March, lo.Sc; April. 10.35c; May, 10.41c; June, 10.45c; July, 10.4Uc; August, 10.30c BIDDING BY MILLS Active Demand for Cash Wheat at Minneapolis. CHICAGO MARKET STRONG Advance in Liverpool Cables Also Adds to the Firmness of rriccs Effect of Large Keceipts Is Ignored. CHICAGO, Dec. 5. Despite the continued libeval receipts of wheat in the Northwest, the market here was firm all day. chiefly because of the active bidding at Minneapo lis by millers for cash grain. The fa;t that wheat at I..iverpo.ol was higher today alo nided fn strengthening the market, as did unsettled weather throughout the corn belt. Jjoral bulls and commission hounes were good buyers throughout the day. the volume of business being large. Iate in the day prices eaHorl ofT somewhat because of profit-taking tfiilea by lor a I lungs. The close was firm. May? opened S to 'ic higher at 7S to 7Sac, sold between 78Vcflj;78 and 79c. and closed c up at 7nsc . Small local receipts and wet weather throughout the corn belt caused slight firm ness in the corn belt during the early trad ing, but later prices eased off and closed about steady. May opened a shade to c higher at 4o:Hi6r43c. sold - off to 4;4 and closed icup at the low point. Sentiment in the oats pit was bullish, but prices gained only slightly. The small movement and unsettled weather were the chif rcMsoiis for the firmness. Trading was confined chiefly to coin mission houses. May opened He higher at ;;."c. sold at jo'tjc Hud closed a shade up at ." &j ;;. c. Provisions were firm, despite free- proflt taklng in pork and rihs. At the close Jan uary nork was up li1-; lard was up 2VjC un4 ribs were 10c higher. Leading futures ranged a follows: WHEAT. Open. litK-h- . Tjow. CIns.. !ecmhir 9 ."'! $ "4 Mi .7 -"4t May 7S-'i .T .78Vj .75 " CORN. December i.. A'l'i. .4'."i .4C'i . .4L"'(, May -. .t.'ivi .:'' .4ni July 441s . .44-j .44 .44 OATS. D-ofmbPr ... .m .:M .r.i ..13 May . ..TIM, ..XVSf, .3.V.. .."..Vk, July 83H. .Xi .331. .33, MESS PORK. January 14.R". ir..r. 1 1 85 May 13.17'j 15. S3 15.17& 1.".30 MRU. Rpeemher .... 8.60 January 8.47'j 47Vj SMI May 8.50 .S.ciO S.JO 8.35 - SHORT RIBS. January 8 n 8.10 8.o 8. in May 8.20 8.10 S17!2 Cash quotation were a follows: Flour firm. Wheat No. 2 Sprinn. 7SS4c; No. 3. 73t 83c: No. 2 red. 83'!i8"ic. v Oats No. 2, 3ai;e.".Xc; 2 white. 36iic; No. 3 whit. .".-"ji335c. Rye No. 2. 85i-. Barley Fair to choice' maltlrs 489rSe. Flax seed No. 1. $1.14; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.22. Timothy wed Prlmo, $4.40. Clover Contrac t grade. $13.fio. Short ribs, sides (loose). $S.liri&8.60. Meeypork Per barrel. $14.50. I.ard I'rr loo ixiunds. f8.B7Vi. Short clear size? Pi xel. $8.37H'&8..V). Whisky Bai& of high wine1. $1.21. Receipts. .Shipments. Flour, barrels 2X.BH0 JR.B00 Wheat, bushels Corn, buphcls. Oati(. bushel Rye. 'buphele Barley, bushels . li:t,0(ll .111 .000 .27H.OHO . 2M.0O0 ,102,300 1 t.'i.uoo .tl.'i.SOO lTK.-T'O R.7HO 39.300 Grain and l'rodure at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. ' 5. Vlour Receipts'. 17.200 barrels; exports, 12.200 barrels; sales. 75IMI paekafres. Steady but quiet. Wheat Receipt!,. VJB.OOll bushel?; crports, S4.S00 bushels: sales, 1.700.0OO bushels fu tures. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 80'.c elevater; e'Sc f. o. b. ulloai;; No. I Northern, Du luth, 84 fee c. 1. Bulfalo; No. 2 hard Win ter, 78'4jC c. 1. f. Buffalo. In response to a strong- advance In Minneapolis the wheat market was firmer today, showing c to zc riso at the cinpe. There was good sup port from professionals and some buying on unfavorable Argentine weather news. Near the close, reactions oveurred under realizing and tie market eloped v net higher to : lower. May closed 81c; July closed 83c; December closed b-c. Hops Quiet. Hides and petroleum, steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. Wheat and barley, steady. Spot quotation: Wheat Shipping. $1.25 1.30: milling. $1.35(& 1.40. Barley Feed, $1.05& 1.12'i ; brewing. $1.074 l.litt. Oats Red. $1.256 'l.T.V. white. $1.50191.60; black. $ 1.75(S' 2. 25. (Tall Board stxles-: Wheat May. $1.31; December. $1.23V. Barley May, - (1.044 : December. $1.11!4. Corn L.rge yellow, $1.35Q 1.40. European Grain Ma.rk.ets. LIVERPOOL.. Dec. 5. In the grain market .today prices closed as follows: Wheat December, tis 3d, March, (Is 5Vjd; May, ft 3d. London cargoes. Pacific Coast, prompt shipment, remained unchanged at 2lfcs 0d 30s. Market quiet and steady. The today in England is over cast. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 5. Wheat Decem ber, 76c; May. TU4c; July, 80j-804c: No. 1 hard. 805c; No. 1 Northern. 79?,c; No. 2 Northern, 77c; No. 3 Northern, 74 75c. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Dec. 5. Wrheat Unchanged. Bluestem, 68c; club, 6tic; red, 64c. . PORTLAND 1.1 STOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The follbwlng- prices were quoted in th local livestock market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $3.754; medium, $33.2T: cows, $2.753; fair to medium cows, $2.23 ffl 2.60; bulls. $1.502; calves, $4 4.50. - SHEEP Best. $4. 73 3.25; lambs, $5-5.25. HOGS Best, $0.5O0.85: light weight, $6 6.25. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 5. Cattle Receipts, 5000; market. Bteady. Native steers, $4 O 5.75; native cows and heifers, $25; stock ers and feeders, $2.40$H.30; Western cows. $2.3504; Western steers, $3.40(85.23: bull, $2.1364. calves, $2 50 6. 50. Hogs Receipts. 13.000; market, steady to strong. Bulk of sales. $6.20(gi6.2714 : heavy. $8.25 & 0.32 : packers, $6.206.30; pigs and lights, $5.508.25. , Sheep Receipts. 500: market, steady. Muttons, $4.50485.75; lambs, $67.30; range wethers, $4.50 ti. 30; fed ewes, $435.. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 5. Cattle Re ceipts, 3500, market, steady. Native steers, $3.73 6.40: native cows and heifers, $2.30 4.50; Western ' steers, $3.235.23; canners. $1.732.30; stockers and feeders. $2.50 4.65; calves, $3 0.25: bulls, Btags, etc., $2 4.00. Hog Receipts, 0500; market, slow to 3c lower. Heavy. $ti(i.l5; mixed. $G.056.10; light, $4. 10 $1,6.20; pigs, $5.256; bulk of sales, $0.05 6 0.13. , Sheep Receipts, 4000; market, strong. Yearlings. $5.506; wethers. $53.65; ewes, $4.30 5.23; lambs, $6.5O7.40. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. The London tin market was lower again today, with spot closing at 104 and futures at 104 10s. Lo cally the market was weak and lower -in consequence, with spot quoted at 42.45o bid and 42.50c abked. Copper was lower in the English market. Effective Dec. 9, 1906 A NEW Owl" Train BETWEEN SEATTLE EVERETT BELLINGHAM VANCOUVER, B. C. LKAV1MJ SEATTLE DAILY 11:30 P. M. SLEEPING CARS For complete Information coll on or addrru H. Dickson. 4. V, & Or., or N. Verkra, with spot quoted at 102 13s and futures at 103 15k. Locally the cooper market was firm and unchanged, with lake quoted at 22.50'j 22.73c ; electrolytic, at 22. 12 3'22.37 ',j and casting at 22 ' ;2'-'. 25c. Leud was is 3d lower at 1!1 !M In the English market. Locally the m;;rliet was quiet, with quotations ranging from C.7o(U .05e. Bpelter was unchanged at ti.45CfO.5oc In the local market and lover at 27 17s Od in Ijondon. Iron was lcr. cr in the market, with standard foundry ctmnl at 62s 3d and Cleveland warrants at 62s lo'yd. Ql'OTATlO.VS AT SAN HiANl'ISCO. Prices raid for Troduce in the Bay City r i Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. The following prices were quoted In the produce market yest-rday: FRUIT Apples, choice. $1.50;. common, 50c: bananas, $lir:t: Mexican limes, $:;.5otfj: 5; California lemons, cholee. $3; common, $1.50; oranges, navel, $2.25'i3; pineapples. tM. VKUETABI.KS Cucumbers. $1.25; garlic. 2V'iJ 4e: green peas. K' Sc: string beans. Rci1 fle; tomatoes. 3ic $ 1 . 25 ; egg plant, 75c? $1.25. ECIOS Store. 35c; fancy ranch, 4rtc; Eastern. 20Cff25c. POTATOES River white. $1.50; River reds. $lf(i 1.15; Salinas Burbanks, $1.75r2; sweets, $1.U5&1.50; Oregon Burbanks, $1.23 1.30. ONIONS Yellow. 60tr75c. RL'TTKlt Fancy creamery. 36c; ereainery seco-ids, 2ttc: fant y dairy. 30c; dairy sec ends, nominal; pickled, 21ftj'21VjC. WOOii Fall, Humboldt nnd Mendocino, 13'14c; South rialns and San Joaquin, 7p 8c: lambs', S'.-jft-Kie. , HOPS California. 10 cf 14c; Oregon and Washington. 10 14c. CHEESE Young America, 15c: Eastern, 17c: Western. 15c. MtLLSTUFFS Bran. $lf.30S20.50; mid dlings. 2SJ$2!. HAY Wheat. $132T: wheat and oats. $10(el7.o0: alfalfa. $8fi 11.30; stock. fOtp b.uO: straw. 35$ftA per bale. FLOI'R California family extras. $4.M5'f r.!0: bakers' extras, $4.4o(&-1.75; Oregon and Washington. $:;.50'a, 4. POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers. 17 10c; turkey hens. 1-Sr 21e; roosters, old. $4(6r5; young. $5.50Cf 6; broilers, small, $2. 50 tr 3. ."; broilers, large. $:;.504.50; fryers, $4. SOW S.fio: hens. ,$5fS.5o; -ducks, old, $4(8 3; young. $&'! RECEIPTS Flour.. 4124 quarier sacks; wheat. 745 centals; barley, (5D.1S5 centals; oals.20 centals: 1-eans. 310 sacks: potatoes, .VS4i "sacks: loan. 75 sacks; middlings. 110 sacks; hay, 500 tons; wool, 20 bales; hides, 26S0. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. The market for evaporated Apples continues very firm and shows an advancing tendency. Fancy is quoted at U(Sl)Vic; choice, S-ic, and prime, 8',48VaC. Prunes are in fair demand, with the tone steady and prl-es ranging from 3 to tic, ac cording to .gl ad. Apricots continue scarce and firm, with choice quoted at 16c; extra c-hoice, 171 18c. and fancy, 18-Ji 20c. , Peaches alBo are offered sparingly and show a nrm undertone. New crop choice are quotod at J2c; extra choice, 12 c, and fancy. 13c. Raisins are firm in tone, with loose mus catels quoted at 7V38tic; seeded raisins, 7 10c, and London layers at $1.650' 1.75. Dairy Frodnre in the East. CHICAGO. Dec. 5. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was firm, creameries. 2230c: dairies, 204i-26c. Eggs steady at mark, cases Included, 2428c; firsts, 29c; prime firsts, 32c; extras, 34c. Chyese steady, 131314c. NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Butter Strong; street price, extra creamery. 31 32c: of ficial price; heid common to extra. 2220e. Cheese Firm; unchanged. Eggs Strong; state Pennsylvania and near-by fancy, selected white, 43'(6 45c; do choice, 40 42c. Nlpisslng Mine Active. . NEW YORK, Dec. 3. The activity In Ihe stock of the Nlplsslng Mines Company continued on tho curb stock market today. There were large transactions In the stock at the opening at 16, compared with the closing price of 15H yesterday. In the first 15 minutes the price was advanced to 10H- After ranging between lir and 18 during the afternoon, Nlplsslng closed at 16. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. Coffee Spot Rio, steady: No. 7 invoice, 7c; mild, steady. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 3 ll-32c; centrifugal, 06 test. Zc; molasses sugar, S 3-32c; refined, quiet; crushed, $5.40; pow dered, $4.00: granulated, $4.S0. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 5. Wool Steady. Me dlum grades, combing and clothing, 23.27c light Une. 19W21c; heavy fine. 14'16c; tub washed, 32 37 He. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William Foley to Hulda Reckcn, lot 12. block 8. Aibina Homestead $ Louis Burke and wife to Minnie Gosllne, lot 16. black "C." Willamette Heights Addition Olive I John and wife to N. M. McDan lel. et al, 80 acres In section 28, town ehip 1 N. range 3 R Title Guarantee & Trust Company to Peter Jacubsen. lot 10, block 15, West Piedmont Wilson W'alter Sawyer and wife to H. A. Klrkland, lot 8. block "B." First Addition to Holladay Park Addition and a tract adjoining aaid lot 0.... Allda Pearl Schuyleman to Jan R. Buvs, N. of lot 6. black 21. Lincoln Park John J. and D. J. Seheurer to Amy Mackey. lot 4. block 15, Hawthorne First Addition John M. and H. C. Pittinger to P. H. Powers, part of loU 12 and 13, block "A", Dunlway'o Subdivision in River view Addition to Albina Title Guarantee & Trust Company to Maggie Miller, lot 12, block 4, North Irvington Lydia Theresa, et al, to George J. Schaefer. south 38 feet of lot 8. block 2. Wilson's) Addition Faye Killlngsworth to Artmus C Gain, lots 1 to 4, Inclusive, block 18. Point View Title Guarantee & Tru.-n Company to F. W. Torgler, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, block 6, Tllton's Addition J. E. Scott and wife to Sophia Mynster, lqts 43, 44. block 3, Fairtleld Sellwood Land and Improvement Com pany to O. H. Wallberg, lot 6, block 71. Sellwood , James T. Chinook and Catherine I Beckett, east 50 feet of lot p, block 8. Nicholson's Addition Miller Murdoch, ct al, to William H. Harris, 100x100, beginning at intersec tion of ea line of Twenty-second street, west with north line of Everett street United State Investment Corporation. Limited, to William H. Harris, same as above . 1 2.S00 10 325 1 000 2.OC0 1,850 250 1,100 7o0 10 1 300 3,500 1 10.500 200 -"4.000 James Lauglois and wife to James A. longhead and wife, lot 11, block 23, Willamette 1 Samuel L. Peary to George Otto, lot 0. block 3. Albina Charieti W. Cottcll. et al, to C E. mr BmimmuMirmtnawnmmtiiiiimi rmaiimm I ! : fell !l! MIS m A.U The Sleeping- Cars will he ready to receive pasBSng-ers at 9 P.M. at Seattle, Bellingham or Vancouver, and passengers for these points, traveling in either direction, will not be disturbed until 7:30 A.M. Passen gers can leave Portland at 4.30 P.M. and arrive at Vancouver the next morning at 7.00 o'clock. T. A.. 122 Third Nt.. Portland. A. O. P. A., Seattle, Wash. Howlett. parcel of land beginning at point on Mabel street. 80 f,et south of Intersection with Hamilton ave John W. Baker and wife to J. K. Shsa, lot 8. block 115. City I J. H. I.iita and wife to A. Speer. lot II, Moek 6. Bartesch Park Addition Norman I). Root and wife to V. A. ftei.l. lot 10, block 1. Hunter' Ad dition R. I. Ei-kerson and wife lo .1. E. and D. A. Vitrwclt. lot ::. block 4. Sun nysiile Addition It. 1. Krtc kson and wife to Same, lot I. blo-k 4. Sunnyslile Addition i:. I. Kvickaapn and wife to :ne, lot 6, block "V cherrydiile J. K. and D. A. Westervelt to A. King, lots 1 and ::. block I. Kuiinyslde Addition, and lo! 6. block "A," t'hen-j'lule , Hnmer Humphrey and wife to John J. Morcan. lot 8. block 5, Suunyside. . . . Patrick Bruin anil wife to Emma May Thomas, west .".7t(. feet of lot 6. block 8. King'A Second Addition Louis Bratdes. et al. to John F. Han.-vn. hte 1. 2. 12. 13. 11, block 3, Green's Addition Leonard Kearney to Freil T. Llcn. lot II. block 1. In Suhdivi.-lr.n of SB. of Tract "IJ." in M. Patton 'Tract J. 1-'. Ri'.-hDrds to Jennie D. Vance. NW. 'v o! lot 0. block 3. oak Park Addition Edward T. Foulkes to Iiaura I-'nulkcs. lot 12, block 2. Oust Portland HeigMs Michael j. Manning and wife to K. W. Torgler. lot 2. blin k 242. Holllday s Additlcn to East Portland 1 :o,ooo 10 800 1 1 1 1 250 2,25 I 475 3"0 1 1,500 600 ' 200 370 400 BOO oOf, 250 2,100 575 2-OnO 250 2.500 200 O. W. Taylor and wife to E. O. Hall, lot 0, block 1. South Sunnyslde Orepon & Calif'-nija Railroad Co. to Charlew J. Tidcombe. norlh J.j of NR. i, section 27, townsliip 3 N., rang- 2 W E. G. Atfi'edson lo John V. KanTerly and wife, lots 8 anil 0, block 1. Laurel wood No. 2 Simon Schmeer to Arthur A. anil Will iam H. Dewey, lots 11 and 12. block 5. Schmeer's Addition to Kat Port land , Peter Warner and wife to William Ingalla, lots 10 and 12, block 2. Patt Addition W. J. McDonald to Samuel White, lot 12. block 8 Central Albina Addition C. F. Bunker, ct al. to Samuel White, lots ft and 10, block ."-!. I.lnntnn JosepMne Lillie to Kate M. Hayrlen. lot II. block 1. Albina Addition Frank S. Hallork to.W. S. Nirhol, lot 24. Haz'lwood C. K. Howlett. et al. to Henry F. Hilrte brandt. tart of Suhdf vision let "A." "B" and "IV of lot 1. block 4. Port land Homestead ... Arleta I.and Company to Robert Rothe'n berger, lota 1ft. 20. block 15. Ina Park Fred A. Dunham and wife lo Susie MofTett. east 'i of lot 7 and 8. block :jm. Aiken's Addition Henrv Roe and wile to l.eila H. Jones, lots 8. 17. block 10. Willamette Isaac W. Balrd and wife to P. f Inmbey and wife, undivided '-j of SE. V, of section 20 and Nf-T. of .section 2t. township 1 S.. range 1 B.. and other property P.- P. Danby and wife to Alice M. Balrd. 14 acres beginning at SV, corner of Thomas Tlce Donation Land Claim, in section 20. township 1 S.. range 1 C, and other property Leila B. Jones to C. M. Mscr. lot 8 nnd 17. block 10. Willamette L. H. Burton, et al. to Peninsula I.nmber Company. NW. 45.0 feet of fiK. 50.5 feet nf lot .1. block Portsmouth, excepting a slrlp 60 feet wide, conveyed to R. &- N. Co Fred W. Casslclav and wife to Lydla A. Turner. East 14 of lot 12, block 20.':. Couch's Addition Frederick West to Flward John Jones, lot 13 and 14. block 0. Riverside Addition to Albina J. I.. Bean and wife to O. T. Kirk, east 25 feet of lots 1 and 2. block 23, and west i. of lot 10. block 2.'!. Albina.. Herman "Metzger. trustee, lo Lydia A. Plait, lots 1 and 2. block 2. Reservoir Park , Herman Metzger. trustee, to Robert It. Amos, lots 20 and SO, block 2. reser voir Park ." J. R. Caples and wife to William A. Kinney and wife, 50x33 1-3 feet begin ning at NE. corner of lot 1, block 17, McMillen'o Addition George W. Brown to C A. Slinger, lot 1, block 7. Laurelwood Park Harrv W. Hogue and wife to H. ". Pittinger. lots 3 and 4. block 8. Will Ham avenue Addition Arleta Land Comp-iny to Fvllth We.ster. lots 7. 8. 0. 10. II. 12. 1. 17. 18. 10. and 20. block 6. Arleta Park No. 4... M. L. Hornbrook and wife to Ior.ard leader, lot 9 and 10. block 4. Court place , J. W. Hill and wife to Ralph W. Hoyt. east 35 feet of lot 16. block 13. Gold smith's Addition Jacob Wrage and wife to .lacoh R. N'eu hauer. east 16 2-3 feet of lot 15. and west 20 1-3 feet of lot 14. block OS, Sunnsldo Third Addition Arleta Land Companv to Henry R--be, lot IS. block 3, and lot 2. block 4. - Ina Park Arleta Land Company to H. I Klnss burv, lot 18. block 5. Arleta Park No. 3 W. W. and Mary George, et al. to K. T. Peterson, lot ft. block 47. Albina J. Thorburn Runs to homas Darling, west J.i fexcepting acres In NW, rornerl nf SB. Vi. section 15, township 1 S. R 3 E liiiP Total - $87,500 Rave yrmr abstract made br th Security iVbstraet Trust Co., T Chamber at Commaro. Garfield Is For Prohibition. GARFIELD. Wash., Dec. 5. (Special.) The city election held here yesterday re sulted In a victory for the temperance party. Three Councilmen. I. A. Crisp. Ralph Reynolds and 'William Cox, were elected to serve two years each. H. D. Irvin was elected treasurer. No Mayor was to be elected this year. ne hun dred and seventy-nine votes were cast. One hundred were In favor of 'keeping saloons out of Garfield. There was no ticket put up by who favored saloons : T. P. BROWN 401 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark at. J WILL SELL 1000 Gertie. 1000 Park Copper. 100 Snowshoe. a, 500 Snowstorm. looo Happy Day. 1000 Reindeer. , 500 Rex. Now is the time to take advantage of the low price in Coeur d'Alene stocks. Snowstorm. Snowshoe, Rein deer are good buys at present prices. LOUIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCK Corner 6th and Waahington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Member Portland Stock Exchange 1 3"0 1.500 2.300 600 3. 4O0 353 4O0 3.000 1!K 4.000 2.100 L80O 1,068 1 1 loo 812