Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 06, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XLVI. XO. 14,351.
Grim Determination
Marks Proceedings
At Eugene.
Legislature Called Upon to
Compel Railroads to Grant
Needed Relief. .
Reciprocal Demurrage Law
Will Be Insisted On.
Elective Commission Plan Favored.
W. 51. Klllingsworth Bitterly As
sails Southern Pacific's Land
Policy, I'rging Legislation.
EUGENE. Or.. Dec. 5. (Staff Corre
vpondence.) A number of years agt,
during a. Legislative (session, I met
in the lobby of the old Cheme
keta. Hotel, at' Salem, -a. wall
known Democratic statesman who
in response to my query as to the rea
sons for hia presence at Salem, said: "I
am engaged In the creation of a slnti
nient, not the kind that ye rade about
In the poetry, but the kind that raises
h 1 when ye get it agoin."
The "creation of a sentiment" has been
' about the only task to occupy the atten
tion of the Oregon shippers for several
weeks, and they have certainly "got It
agoln" to such an extent that at the
meeting here today there was not a dis
senting voice to the strongest anti-railroad
talk that was made. It is a senti
ment so rabidly antagonistic to the rail
road companies that among some- of the
more conservative delegates there are
mild fears expressed that the remedies
demanded will be so severe as to defeat
the end sought.
Most of the arguments put forth -were
unanswerable, and had they been other
wise the delegates were in no frame of
mind to listen to more than one side
of the story. They claim that they have
teen listening to the other side for the
last, five years and that their ears are
llailroad Men Out of Place.
The railroad Interests were represented
by W. E. Coman and H. E. Lounsbury,
of the traffic department of the Harrl
man system in Oregon. Both young men
are well known and deservedly popular
from one end of the Willamette Valley to
the other, butT" peculiar conditions, or
rather the culmination of peculiar con
ditions, today were such that the pro
verbial cat in the strange garret felt
perfectly at home in comparison with
these two innocent but helpless repre
sentatives of a system which, from one
speaker or another, received about all
the opprobrious epithets that could be
used without violating the laws govern
ing the kind of language that can be
transmitted lawfully by mail.
Railroad legislation, drastic to the
limit, seems to be the penalty that -will
be inflicted on the Harrlman system for
its failure to eupply cars to the Oregon
shippers. The meeting today brought to
gether, among other delegates, a number
of men who have been practically ruined
by the car shortage and many others who
are hovering on the brink of bankruptcy.1
Meeting Well Attended.
The meeting was well attended. Unlike
the urual run of gatherings of this na
ture, very few of the shippers, especially
v lumbermen, were too busy to attend. Ia
fact, most of them for several weeks have
had nothing to do except to lie around
in Idleness and curse the railroad com
panies. Thls-sentlment of resentment, which
was so pronounced, was at the beginning
of the meeting reflected in the introduc
tory remarks of Chairman L. L. Whltfon,
president of the Eugene Commercial Club,
when he stated that this meeting was
not for the purpose of a heart-to-heart
talk with' the railroad men. He declared
that it was too late for any more con
ferences and that the time had now
come when the shippers must strike
direct at the "head of the great octopus'
by means of legislation which would pro
duce results which time had proved It
impossible to obtain through any efforts
that might be put forth with local rail
road men.
It was a noticeable feature of the set
speeches made, that m attempt was made
to place the blame on local officials, those
officials in nearly every case being men
tioned in complimentary terms.
A definite understanding as to just what
kind of legislation would be sought at
Salem was not reached. Reciprocal de
murrage and maximum rate bills are al
most certain to be demanded, and there
Is considerable sentiment favoring a rail
road commission bill. There is a differ
ence of opinion, -however, as to the kind
of commission .to be asked, and the ma
jority of those favoring a commission are
not in favor of allowing the appointing
power to rest with the Governor, their
contention being that the commission
should not be in politics.
Want Elective Commission.
The extent to which this feeling per
vades the shippers was shown this after
noon during the reading of a letter of
regret from Joe Teal, who was not pres
ent. Many passages of his letter where
he dwelt qnthe Iniquities of the railroads
and the necessity for relief were greeted
with great applause! but not even a mur
mur of approval was heard when he In
sisted that the railroad commission
should be appointed and not elected by
the people, or chosen by the Legisla
ture. The interest which the coming Legisla
ture will have in the matter was shown
by the presence at the meeting .today of
the following: members: Senators Kay, of
Marion: Miller, of Linn, Marion and
Lane; Booth of" Douglas, Josephine and
Lane: Mulit, of Jackson: Johnson, of
Benton; Loughery, of Polk and Hodson,
of Multnomah, and Representatives
Rodgers, of Marion; Brown and Upmeyer,
of Linn; Eaton and Edwards, of Lane;
Jackson, of Douglas, and Jones, of Lin
coln. Attacks Land Monopoly.
The suggestion of W. M. Killlngsworth
that something be done to break the
strangle hold of the Southern Pacific on
such a large amount of the public domain
was received with wild applause. This
same subject was reverted to later by
Representative-elect Mulit, of Ashland,
who asserted that one-half the land of
Jackson County was owned by the South
ern Pacific. He most emphatically stated
that at the coming session of the Legis
lature he 'would Introduce a bill provid
ing that action couM be commenced
against the Southern Pacific for Its re
fusal to sell these lands at the price fixed
by the Government.
Falling in this, he said he would en
deavor to secure the passage of a resolu
tion calling on Congress to pass a law
forcing the road to sell the land. "
It will be seen from this that car short
age legislation Is not the only trouble that
will confront the Southern Pacific at the
next meeting of the Legislature, and if
the sentiment of the people remains at its
present white heat until the Legislature
meets, it will be comparatively easy to
pass almost any kind of an antf-rallroad
bill that may come up.
The attendance at the shippers'
meeting was so much larger than was
expected that the original ..Intention of
holding it at the Commercial Club
rooms was, . abandoned and the large
courtroom at the Courthouse was se
cured. Even this was filled to over
flowing, every seat being occupied at
both afternoon and evening sessions.
Promptly at 3 o'clock the meeting was
called to order by Chairman Whltson,
who, in a few words, stated its object.
H. L Thompson was chosen secretary.
The chairman then appointed as a com
mittee on resolutions G. W. Grlflin,
George M. Cornwall, T. K. Campbell,
D. E. Yoran and George Kelly.
AV. M. Kilingsworlh's Speech.
W. M. Klllingsworth, of Portland,
was the first regular speaker on the
programme. In substance, he said:
I am a friend of railroads; if for no other
reason, because railroads are an absolute
and indispensable necessity for state build
ing. The building of a state depends on the
wishes and exerted combined efforts of all
her people. Men bend their backs only when
rewarded with Just profits. If the products
of farms, mines or forests cannot be worked
or developed with profit. It never will be
done. Hence as stated, railroads are indis
pensable in distributing: profitably and
cheaply the industrial energies of man.
Now, as we have many new-comers to
Oregon who should know all about the his
tory of railroad building in the state from
the bottom to the top; also that the old
timer may refreshen his memory to the
fact that the people of Oregon have large
moneyed interests in railroads, let us then
briefly turn backward 40 pases In the his
tory of our state, and begin at the begin
ning. On July afl, 1866. the' United States
of America, in Congress assembled, granted
to the California & Oregon Kailway Com
pany, its successors or assigns, a charter for
the purpose of building a railroad and tele
graph lines within the titate of Oregon
from Portland, Or., to the south boundary
and dividing line between the States of Ore
gon and California. They also gave a land
grant of every alternate section of public
lands, designated by odd numbers, to the
amount of 20 alternate sections a mile (10
on each side of the railroad line), also the
right-of-way through public lands. By this
grant the railroad received 12,800 acres per
milo. the entire distance from Portland to
the California line, a distance of 362 miles,
hence the enormous land gift for the con
struction of this road was 6,248,000 acres,
estimated at a low value of $5 an acre,
gives a grand total of $26,240,000. -'
Still Another Grant.
Still further, from the public domain have
valuablor properties been given for railroad
building in our state. From Portland to
Htllsboro, a distance of 21 miles, the build
ers received 12.800 acres per mile, or 268,
000 acres. Fmm Hillsboro to McMinnvlllo,
a distance of 20 miles, the Government con
tributed B79.OO0 acres. Patents were issued
for these last two roads for 640,040 acres,
which, at a low class value of $5, would
make another grand total of 13,200,000 for
only 50 miles of road.
- Cnmhlnrng the acreage donated for rail
road building within the State of Oregon,
we have the enormous total of 5.888,000
acres. Placing this at the very low esti
mate of $." an ncre. it makes tho sublime
grand total of $29,440,000 for only 412 miles
c-f railroad built and constructed by the
three roads named in this state. But with
all this princely gift for railroad building,
what have tho citizens of Oregon today?
Nothing In keeping with their investments.
This large sum contributed. If it had been
directed In its proper channels, would have
furnished a network of roads to supply the
needed wants of all the citizens of Oregon.
That we may more fully. understand the full
meaning of this assertion, this sum, repre
senting $28,440,000, would give, for the con
struction of each mile of, road, (71,455. While
it Is true the railroads carried out part of
their contracts by building the roads, as
mentioned, we bad a reasonable right to
suppose that the company would furnish
adequate accommodations to the people to
Induce them to settle on their own and
other lands In Oregon.
Forty Years of Waiting.
On the contrary, they have not done so.
But have seemingly placed every obstacle
In the way of securing needed relief. Forty
years we have waited. most patiently wait
ed. The railroad corporations have monopo
lised the outlets of our rich valleys and pro
ductive lands. The districts of Tillamook,
Coos Bay and Southern Oregon, in fact all
(Concluded on Pave R..
Resents Roosevelt's
Words on Japan
Will Increase School Restric
tions on Orientals.
Delegation In Congress Will Demand
Japanese Exclusion Attorneys
Arrange Basis for ' Test Suits.
' Opinions of Leaders.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 5. (Special.)
Popular sentiment In California, which
has been smouldering quietly during the
discus'slon of the Japanese question, lias
been fanned into flame by Jhe heated
declaration in the Presldenfs message.
Resentment Is general. The impression
prevails in both high and low places that
Mr. Roosevelt has done the state and the
entire Pacific Coast a grave Injustice.
His 'flat assertion that the Japanese have
been driven from the common schools; his
inference of a low civilization; the refer
ence to the discrimination as a "wicked
absurdity," and finally his suggestion of
the use of military force have made of
a question which has heretofore excited
but little Interest a burning topic. The
proposal to grant citizenship to the Jap
anese is roundly denounced by the press
of the state.
State In Passive Rebellion.
California at the moment is in a state
of passive rebellion. No action will be
taken until the question has been
threshed out in all its legal phases. Pro
fessor Louis Hengstler, head, of the de
partment of International and constitu
tional law at the University of California,
declared today that Mr. Roosevelt in his
contention did "not liave a leg to stand
Consul-General Miller, of Yokohama,
who is in California on a visit, met this
morning with the school board and re
ceived full statistics on the, subject.
United States District Attorney Robert T.
Devlin, acting on instructions from Attorney-General
Moody, at the request of Sec
retary of State Root, conferred at length
this afternoon with City Attorney Wil
liam Burke In an endeavor to arrive at an
agreement on the law Involved, with a
view to a test suit in the state or Federal
Will Stiffen School Law.
Governor-elect Gillett refused to discuss
the Issue, but members of the Legislature
which will meet in January are almost
a unit in their assertion that the state
law providing for separate schools for
Japanese will be strengthened Instead of
relaxed, and the California delegation In
Congress will be instructed to redouble its
efforts to secure the passage of a Jap
anese exclusion bill. "
Calls Koosevelt Insincere.
Following are extracts from the state
press: "
San Francisco Chronicle This is an im
plied .threat to use the military forces to put
Japanese children into our schools, when
he well knows that tie has no authority to
do anything of the kind and that any such
attempt could only lead to his own impeach
ment. That expression will strike the coun
try as an exhibition of impotent rage which
it is very mortifying to see in a formal
message of the President. But the worst of
all Is the President's evident, insincerity.
When referring to Hawaii, he says:
Hawaii is now making an effort to se
cure Immigration fit in the end to assume
the duties and burdens of full American cit
izenship." '
That language and the context show that
the President recognizes that the immigra
tion which Hawaii has been receiving is not
W at
7 A 0'"Vl
Gar. A. B. Cummins, of Iowa, Lead
er in Movement for Direct Elec
tion of Senators.
so fit. That immigration, however, has re
cently been almost exclusively Japanese.
v Subject for Khetoric.
Call There is a good deal of excited
rhetoric In the message, based on misinfor
mation. We refuse to accept a rebuke that
springs from misapprehension, and, as for
these "mutterings" of which the President
amusingly speaks, they take their rise In a
sense thnt the American standard of living
Is impossible In competition with the Jap
anese. 'We commend that to the President
as a subject worthy of hia eloquence.
Sacramento Union The President has
dealt with this matter impetuously: he has
argued from wrong premises and he has
reached wrong conclusions. Not even the
big stick is big enough to compel the people
of California to do a thing which they have
a fixed determination not to do.
Validity of School Law to Be Tried
by Government.
SAN ' FRAXCISCO," Dee. K In accord
ance with instructions received from Attorney-General
Moody, United States Dis
trict Attorney Robert Devlin this after
noon held a conference in his office with
President Aaron Altman, of the Board of
Education; City Attorney William G.
Burke and Assistant City Attorneys Will
lam Bagget and John Williams to' discuss
the exclusion of Japanese from schools
attended by whites, with a view to ar
ranging a suit to test the state statute
which requires the segregation of children
of Mongolian parentage in separate
schools. Proceedings,- technically known
as a "controversy without action," will
be brought either In the Supreme Court of
California or In a Federal court.
' Agree on Disputed Points.
The points in dispute were practically
agreed upon at today's conference, but
the drafting of the statement of facts
was postponed until Friday by unanimous
consent. Mr Devlin in the meantime will
(Concluded on Page 4.)
f V )T7 , J
Loss Seeks Riddance
-of White Elephant.
Company Burdened With Debt;
Assets Are Only Nominal.
Half a Dozen Promoters., Make Fat
Stakes, While Men Who Put l"p
Money 'Hold $450,000 Bonds
of Questionable Value.
Liabilities. Assets.
Capital stock $3,000,000
Bonds 4ro,uoo
Interest on bonds... 11.250 ......
Claims 116.000 ......
Judgment to George
W. Hazen 3,500
Track built by Ore
gon Traction
Co .". $30,000
Track built by
United Rys 45,000
Totals 13.580, 730 $75,000
Kxcess of liabilities oer sJwets,
Assets are all attached by claimants
Tracks on Stark. Twelfth and Pet
tygrove streets must be finished next
April; on Front, Flanders, Seventh,
.and Taylor,, next June.
A. franchise bubble the United Rail
ways Company of Portland Is offered for
sale by its possessor, C. E. Loss, who Is
trying to unload it on somebody ere it
shall burst. The company has only about
two and a half miles of track, which is
practically its sole asset, yet is freighted
with a debt of $450,000 bonds and some
$120,000 other claims and has a fu'l stock
issue of $3,0ik.0MV for which little or
nothing was paid In, save in promoters'
The promoters Invested $100,000 in the
Chamber of Commerce building and $15,000
in a piece of waterfront land, ostensibly
making these properties assets of the
company, while In fact they were kept
in separate ownerships. The cash outlay
for the United Railways itself, probably
did not sum up more than $25,000, by
means of which smallamount of money
the scheme, inflated with "high finance"
and plausible promise, secured 25-year
franchises from the city last June on
Frmit street, Flanders, Seventh and Tay
lor, agreeing to finish the road in the
city within a year, and to Salem within
two years, or to forfeit a $100,000 bond,
given by prominent local citizens, who
were Indemnified by surety company
and C. E. Loss, in twice their liability.
It the city should look to the bond, it is
said to be full of loopholes of escape for
the bondsmen.
The sale of the franchises by Loss, their
present possessor, is hampered by the
short six months remaining to finish the
city lines, but more by the heavy debts
which cannot be disposed of for less than
$130,000, according to the statement of
Loss' agents.
Such a -carnival of high finance as has
been carried on in Portland in the past
year by the United Railways schemers,
this city never :ta before. As usual In
such affairs, those men who put up little
or no money have come out best. Loss
himself has cleaned up about $35,000, and
is trying to pocket that much more by
selling out.' H. St. John Dix, the busy
agent of Loss, has put away some $12,000
and put off to London, Immediately after
securing $2500 from Loss on a promissory
note. J. Whyte Evans, original head of
the company, . has gained perhaps less
than $10.000 , and W. L. Benham. now
president of the enterprise and possessor
of one share of stock, has made a stake
of something like $5000. The men who ad
vanced $100,000 on the Chamber of Com
merce purchase, and did the heavy Invest
ing, have nothing to show for It but
$450,000 bonds, which Loss forced them to
take at the time he assumed control.
Franchise of Oregon Traction.
Tied up with 'the United Railways is
the franchise of the Oregon Traction
Company, on Stark, Twelfth and Petty
grove streets the line projected to Hills
boro. The United Railways, on taking
over this franchise. March 15, 1906, agreed
to assume the $36,000 debts of the Trac
tion Company and pay its stockholders
for their stock, a sum probably about
$40,000, thus indefinitely named because
the United Railways had already secured
the stock of a number of the Traction
Company stockholders.
This $40,000 has not been paid, although
the stock has been delivered. Nor have
the $36,000 debts been discharged, al
though their payment is secured by a
check, certified by the Merchants' Na
tional Bank, payable to W. T. Muir,
trustee for the creditors. This check Is
based on a note, signed by J. Whyte
Evans, W. D. Larrabee, II. W. Lemeke,
George Lemcke and Wilmot Griffiss,
original promoters of the United Rail
ways. The Oregon Traction stockholders have
brought' suit against the United Rail
ways, stock and bond holders, through
L. Y. Keady, one of their number, for
' $40,000, money t which they allege the
United Railways agreed to pay for the
Oregon Traction stock. Suit by the credi
tors of the Traction Company is threat
ened against Muir and the Merchants'
National Bank. Suit already has been
begun oy L. Y. Keady and Thomas Mc
Cusker, fpr $13,000 for services lasting
through last Spring and Summer and an
additional suit similar to the one for
$40,000 is to be brought by Keady for
between $10,000 and $18,000 for aceumulat
ing claims of Oregon Traction stork-
holders. '
Two Sr-ts of Financiers.
Two sets of financiers have had the
United Railways in hand the first be
ing a bunch of Los Angeles men, head
ed by Evans, who carue to Portland
last January; the second being those
led by Loss, a railroad construction
contractor, builder of several railroads
in California and contractor for a divi
sion of the Drain-Coos Bay line of the
Southern Pacific. He took hold last
June, after the job grew too heavy for
the first crowd.
The Evans bunch contained Wilmot
Griffls. R. H. Phllllpps, T. H. Dudley,
H. W. Lemcke, George Lemcke. E. C.
Herlow, W. D. Larrabee, J. W. E. Tay
lor and M. H. French. The men who
put up the most of the money were
the Lemckes, Griffls, Phillipps, Dud
ley and Herlow. They all advanced
some $125,000 in cash, only a few thou
sand of which went into the railway
project. For the Chamber of Commerce
building purchase, they put up $100,
000, and for a piece of waterfront
land. $15,000.
These payments made it appear that
the company had big supplies of money.
The promoters said they could finance
the lines through the city and to HUIs
boro and Salem without a stagger.
They asked for franchises on Front
street, Flanders, Seventh and Taylor,
which the city granted May 23, 1906,
and the Mayor allowed to go into force
June 6. That same night, Evans de
clared that the company had $5,000,000
for construction. On or before July 3
the company was to give $100,000 bond,
as guarantee of good faith toward the
city, and of construction of the city
lines within one year and of the
Salem line within two years.
Money Runs. Short.
Difficulties ensued, in giving the
bond. The promoters ran short of
money. Obligations pressing on all
sides and time running short for sign
ing the bonds made things strenuous.
Then "nove in sight H. St. John Dix, a
plausible chap of confidential manner,
who six years ago was convicted (it
is said unjustly) for irregularities In
a bank at Bellingham, Wash. This
fact was hushed up, for it was said
that Dix represented moneyed men,
was a person of responsibility and was
innocent of blame for the Bellingham
troubles. Dix brought to Portland
from San Francisco, C. E. Loss. '
The Los Angeles financiers had" put
on big display up to this time. They
obtained possession of the franchise of
the Oregon Traction Company (Hills
boro line), and merged that company
with their own, without payment of
money. They competed with the Wil
lamette Valley Traction Company, now
building to Salem, for a franchise on
Front and" Flanders streets, and won
after a long tussle. They announced
before obtaining the franchises 'and
immediately afterward that they would
begin construction at once.
They declared war on the Portland
General Electric Company for alleged
refusal to supply them with electric
power. They made It appear that they
were about to open an era of unpre
cedented progress for Portland. They
evidenced their confidence in Portland's !
grrowth by purchasing the Chamber of
Commerce building, making thereon a
payment of $103,000.,
But aa the time approached for sign- i
(Concluded on Page 8.) j
Broke Arms and Legs
of Negroes.
Schultz Reveals " Brutality of
Squirted From Syringes to Make
Them Run Away or Thrown In
Eggs Bricks Thrown at
Strikebreakers' Teams.
CHICAGO, Dec. 5. A startling exposure)
of the methods employed in the teamsters'
strike was given in the trial of Cornelius
B. Shea and his fellow labor leaders be
fore Judge Ball In the Criminal Court to
day, when Joseph Schultz, an alleged
slugger, who with Albert Young turned
state's evidence, was on the stand as a
witness for the state. Schultz declared
that Shea had told him to break the legs
and arms of the strike-breakers and espe
cially to attack the negro strike-breakers.
When this means of bringing about de
cided results did not work satisfactorily,
Schultz asserted that Shea ordered th
hired pickets to throw eggs filled with
acids at the horses being driven by non
union men.
Break Legs and Arms.
After Schultz had been on the stand sev
eral hours he was asked by Assistant
States Attorney Miller: -
"What did Mr. 9hea say concerning tho
''He said break their legs or arms, so
they won't be able to work."
"Do you remember in the early part of
April, 1903. seeing the negroes coming out
of the alley back of the store of Mont
gomery ."Ward & Co?"
"Yes," replied Schultz, "I saw the men
and Shea was there. As they passed us,
Shea said to me: 'There Is one of the
finks. Get him when he gets a little
further." We caught blm a block away
and slugged him. A man named Scully
was with me." .
Beat Xegro With Car Brake. ;
"After that where did you go?"
"I went down to South Water street.
We saw some more finks and followed
them to a streetcar in Wabash avenue. I
saw Jerry McCarthy, the business agent
(Concluded on Page 7.)
Tho Weather.
TESTIER DAY'S Maximum temperature 48
degrees; minimum,
TODAY'S Occasional rain; southerly winds.
Xebegatoff and "his officers on trial. Page S.
Man who caused Bialystok massacre assas
sinated. Page 3-
California inflamed with anger at Roose
velt's message on Japanese. Page 1.
Secretary Shaw reports on finances and rec
ommends elastic currency. Page 2.
House passes bill allowing- Natlonal-banlC
loans on real estate, page 2.
Taft defends discharge of negro troops.
Page 4.
No tariff revision likely till 1909. Page 3.
Fulton attributes attacks on him to Hitch
cock. Page 4.
Organization starts to elect Roosevelt for
third term. Page 7.
Des Moines conference will propose consti
tutional conventlcn on election of Sen
ators. Page 3.
More evidence of rebating In Colorado.
Page 3.
Clifton In ruins through flood. - Page 3.
Lionel Stagge arrested In Washington.
Page 4.
Labor slugger makes confession In court,
Page 1.
Good roads convention in session. Page S.
Trotting Board dismisses c'nargs of doping
Lou Dillon. Page 7.
Pacific Coast. ,
Portage railway on Columbia may be shut
down. Page 6.
Idaho Sheriff shoots citizen caught steal
ing coal from railroad. Page 6.
Brother of Mayor Behmltz Involved In San
Francisco graft. Page 6.
Seattle Bar Association will probe Insanity
Commission scandal. Page 8.
University of Washington forbids students
to appear in light opera. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Expect1, advance occurs In sugar market.
Pagtr 15.
Further decline In Portland stock market.
Page 15. '
New York stocks hold up, despite tightness)
of money. Page 15.
Wheat closea higher at Chicago. Page 35.
Pilot Olney of steamer Lurllne found a
fault and suspended by inspectors. Page
Grain strike narrowly averted on East Side
docks. Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
C. E. Loss seeks purchaser of United Rail
ways, but debts and short life of fran
chises hamper deal. Page 1.
J. M. Long accuses defense In damage suit
of attempting to pack jury; Judge finds
charge baseless. Page 11.
Important ordinances to come before Coun
cil for passage this afternoon. Pa-ice 10.
Hop dealers meet in Portland to discuss
remedy zor car shortage. f&Ko .
Forgery of name on street petition In made
in council, but disproved, .fag jw.
H. 8. Winn, accused of being vagrant by
minister, goes free. Paga 10.
Mrs. Simon Harris says Jews have already
reached the promised lana. fage v.
J. H. MeClung and J. R. Wetherhee to erect
family hotel In Nob Hill district at cost
of $17G.OOO. Page 31.
Tom Rlchardpnn. manager of Portland Com
mercial dun. returns from Clue ago and
U Louis. Page 14.