Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1906, First Section, Page 6, Image 6

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The President's m-eeeage is very long.
It touches upon many subjects and
deals with most of them in a spirit of
enlightened wisdom. Of old-fashioned
politics it contains no trace. From
party feeling it is free. The discussions
are based upon the broad principles of
Justice and the conclusions in the main
are euch as all righVthinking men have
accepted already or are prepared to
accept without much debate.
Corporations still hold the chief place
in his thoughts. The evils of unre
stricted corporate rule in business and
politics and how to remedy them he
discusses at length. He begins with
the recommendation, in which every
honeet man concurs, that corporations
should be forbidden by law to make
campaign contributions. From this he
pas-ees to the very important question
of allowing appeals to the Government
in criminal canes such as the one in
which Judge Humphreys gave his fa
mous "immunity decision. Mr. Roose
velt remarks that similar, if not identi
cal cases, have been decided by other
judges quite as contrary to Judge
Humphreys, end he laments that a.ll
such matters cannot be taken to the
Supreme Court for final settlement. It
also disturbs him that a "single District
Judge, against what may be the judg
ment of -the immense majority of his
colleagues on the bench," may nullify
a law of Congress "and then deny to
the Government the right to thave the
Supreme Court definitely decide the
question." This is indeed an intolera
ble state of things. Mr. Roosevelt
points out that it not only hinders the
Government in its efforts to control the
corporations, but it also works direct
wrong upon workingmen who may sue
for justice against -wealthy corporate
The President goes on to say that it
has become the settled policy of the
Government to apply the criminal stat
utes against the predatory corpora
tions. Every effort was first made, he
remarks, to control them by civil pro
ceedings, but those efforts failed. The
case is much like that of the fruit
grower in Webster's spelling book who
first tried tufts of grass upon the bad
boy in his apple tree, but finally had to
resort to the big club. The criminal
law being absolutely the only means of
controlling the corporations, one may,
discern how important it is that no
weak or compliant judge should have
the power to thwart the Department
of Justice by such a ruling as the one
which the President quotes. Rebates
ere still common. Criminal proceed
ings have by no means stopped them,
and the. Government must have every
proper aid from Congress or they will
continue in the future as in the past. v
Mr. Roosevelt also hopes to secure
from Congress1 some legislation limit
ing the power of the courts to reverse
cases on appeal unless the trial judge
has made some error which goes to the
merits and is not merely technical. Ho
says that the Federal criminal law Is
very unsatisfactory in this particular.
The same may be said of most of the
state codes. It is one of the crying evils
of the times. In the same connection he
would set limits upon the power of the
courts to issue injunctions in labor dis
putes. Where property or life is threat
ened the President believes that the in
junction power is right and necessary;
but he remarks that some Judges have
committed "flagrant wrongs" by abus
ing the writ, and he condemns the is
suance of preliminary writs as a mat
ter of course upon ex parte showings.
An injunction thus secured, may decide
a dispute in favor of the corporation
and against the workmen entirely with
out regard to the merits of the dispute.
The President objects to injunctions
which "forbid workmen to better their
condition in peaceful and lawful ways,"
and those also which enable "big corpo
rations to aggrandize themselves" at
the expense of labor. Certainly no in
junction should issue until both parties
have been heard, nor should the right
of a jury trial be denied in contempt
proceedings arising out of disobedience
to the writ.
With great wisdom the President
cays that the power to issue injunc
tions should be subject to the "jealous
scrutiny" of all good citizens on ac
count ofits liability to abuse; and he
takes the opportunity to lecture the
Bhortsighted people who would have
the courts looked upon as sacred fet
iches above all criticism. He truly re
marks that "the best judges' have ever
been foremost to disclaim any immu
nity from criticism," and quotes Mr.
Taft to the purport that "the oppor
tunity freely and publicly to criticise
judicial action is of vastly more im
portance to the body politic than the
immunity of the courts and judges
from unjust aspersions and attack."
The President believes that the instinct
of the American people is sound in this
matter, and that they will not admit
the doctrine that any public servant,
even a judge, is to be above all criti
cism. This he says In reply, most like
ly, to the shortsighted censures which
some worthy people passed upon his
strictures against Judge Humphreys in
the beef trust case, but It is of wide ap
plication and sound validity.
Speaking still of the law's delays and
defects, Mr. Roosevelt adverts at some
length to lynchings, which, he says, are
sadly common all over the country. As
to negro lynchings in the South, he
points out that those who "avenge a
bestial deed in bestial fashion" reduce
themselves to the criminal's level, and
recalls that most of the lynchings are
not for the crime of rape, while in an
evil proportion of them the victims are
wholly innocent. He regrets that ne
groes should shield guilty members of
the race from the law, as they notori
ously dC; but he omits to state the
equally patent fact that this practice
is made almost inevitable by lynch law.
Where the whites make no discrimi
nation between guilt and innocence it
is hard to ask the negroes to do so.
Mr. Roosevelt would make rape a cap
ital crime, and recommends less pub
licity in trials for that offense. This trf
behalf of the female witnesses; but one
must always look askance upon any
movement in the direction of secret
proceedings in criminal jurisprudence.
The gains are problematic; the evils
Speaking generally of the negroes,
Mr. Roosevelt points out the fatal con
sequences to the whites of holding the
blacks in a servile status and believes
that the best interests of both races
will be promoted by mutual aid and
advancement. Incidentally he remarks
that Booker Washington's educational
theories are best for the colored race.
He might have added, as he does later
in the message, but they are also best
for the whites. He says that violent
talk doeg nothing to help solve the race
problem, and adverts to a point which
The Oregonian has emphasized that
heated discussions of crimes, no mat
ter what ones, may well multiply them
through suggestion.
Passing naturally from these matters
to the relations between capital and
labor, Mr. Roosevelt speaks his mind
very plainly about the "sinister dema
gogues" who seek profit or power by
inflaming class hatred between rich and
poor. v He thinks that the worst ene
mies of genuine reform are the dema
gogue and the conscienceless agitator,
and warns us equally against the "base
creature" who panders to- "the lowest
instincts and paeslons'"and the one
"equally base" who seeks to exploit his
fellow-Americans in callous disregard
to their welfare of soul and body. This
reference Is doubtless to Mr. Hearst.
Besides these general remarks, which
are of the deepest interest coming from
such a source,., the President has a
number of definite suggestions to make
concerning capital and labor. He be
lieves that the eight-hour day Is a de
sirable aim in all employments, and es
pecially wishes to see the hours of rail
road employes limited. To this the
public heartily subscribes. The annual
slaughter of human beings upon our
railroads, togelfier with preventable
casualties in this and other Industries,
outnumbers the yearly total of the
Civil -War, the Philippine and the Cu
ban wars taken together, according to
Joslah Strong; and a large part of this
total is due to overworked employes.
Mr. Roosevelt recommends a Congres
sional investigation of child" and female
labor, observing that while the matter
is not one for Federal control, still Con
gress may greatly help by giving the
facts publicity. Ho desires more thor
oughgoing employers' liability' laws,
both Federal and state, and would have
the Federal statute apply to public
works, as well as private. To mitigate
the evils of strikes Mr. Roosevelt rec
ommends compulsory investigation o
disputes, but stops short of compulsory
Speaking of the coal lands and for
ests which still belong to the public,
Mr. Roosevelt believes that they should
be permanently, withdrawn from sale
and worked by individualities under
the royalty system. This is a reason
able solution of a pressing problem.
He remarks that the -disposal of for
ests and coal lands should be under
conditions "which would Inure to the
benefit of the public as a whole," and
no fairminded man will disagree with
him. Since It is the predatory corpora
tions which have been the principal de
spoilers of the public domain, the Pres
ident naturally deals with them next.
He favors legislation which will in
crease the control of the Government
over them, and is encouraged by the
good which the rate bill has accom
plished. Instead of injuring the rail
roads, he points out that their profits
axe greater than, ever, while the new
law "has produced an -unprecedented
number of voluntary reductions in
freights and fares by the railroads."
But he says that the power of the Gov
ernment over the "use of capital in in
terstate commerce" jnust be still in
creased. Ownership by the Nation still
seems undesirable to him, but he seeks
a control which will "conduct interstate
business In the Interest of the public."
There should be a law, for example,
to prevent stock-watering; on the other
hand, he would not forbid pooling.
Pooling, he thinks, would d6 away with
rebates. A little later he admits that
pools actually exist, Just as If the law
permitted them. If they exist and do
not prevent rebates, legalizing them
would not make matters any better In
that respect. Still, pooling may be jus
tified on other grounds. In a message
so extensive as this one, It would be
miraculous If all the logic were perfect.
The President makes his expected
recommendation of the income and in
heritance taxes, both of which, he says,
should be graduated. As to the inheri
tance tax, he 6ees no constitutional ob
jections; but the case of the income tax
is a little different. The Supreme Court
has already- decided against it, but
there seem to be reasons why a. re
versal might be expected. Rather than
not have an income tax, Mr. Roosevelt
would even favor a constitutional
The President, too, would abolish, or
reduce th tariff on Philippine Imports;
but this is the only reference he makes
to the pressing question of he tariff.
t Commercial and industrial education
also meet with the President's ap
proval. He believes that the schools
should work for efficiency and that this
must come through technical training.
Farming, he says, is a scientific pro-
without education.' He laments
Tack of organization among the farm
ers 'and believes that the schools should
give them not only special training, but
should teach them how to organize and 4
co-operate. The great danger to our
Industrial pupremacy, he truly says, is
not at all In pauper labor, but In the
highly-trained technical labor of such
nations as Germany.
With a recommendation of a National
divorce law, Mr. Roosevelt passes to
.the ship-subsidy bill, which he favors.
How he was brought to thlB view of
the matter one can only guess. It !s
certain that he is misinformed about
the genuine purpose and real effect of
the bill, should it become law. Among
several other subjects, such as the cur
rency, the Philippines and Alaska,
South America, the .Army and Navy
and Japanese affairs, he gives much
space, treating them upon broad hu
manitarian grounds and with reference
to our permanent -welfare. There is
more than a hint that San Francisco
may feel the force of the Federal arm
should her recalcitrancy against our
treaty obligations continue. He also
desires legislation which will make it
possible for the Government to fulfill
its obligations to foreign nations. This
is now lacking, as we know to our Na
tional shame.
The message as a whole illustrates
the change which has taken place in
politics and statesmanship within a few
years. Politics is now sociology. States
manship Is an effort toward interna
tional justice. What Mr. Roosevelt has
to say about the moral obligations of
nations is illuminating and prophetic.
He seeks first of all peace and right
eousness, but he does not forget that
the. best security for both is the power
to compel the evilly disposed to respect
Oregon needs Mr. Bourne at the Na
tional capital, and thinks well of him
for being there. The people of Oregon,
who chose him in the last election for
their next Senator, will put it down to
his credit that he is serving the Inter
ests of the state In Washington Instead
of trying to organize at home the Ore
gon Legislature and "work" politics, as
numbers of his predecessors have done.
Mr. Bourne is the first seeker of the
office of United States Senator to hold
his hands off the Legislature. The peo
ple elect their lawmakers to serve the
people, but the lawmakers have been
diverted from .their duty often; legis
lation has been held up or suspended,
or warped or- prevented. But now,
thanks to the direct primary law and
Mr. Bourne's election under.. rt, his ac
ceptance of the voters' guarantee of
election by the Legislature and the
Legislature's apparent acquiescence,
there is good promise that the Legisla
ture will be free from Senatorial poli
tics this Winter, and the members will
devote, themselves to the duties for
which they were elected.
Oregon is practically without repre
sentation in the House of Representa
tives, owing. to the ostracism from that
body of its two members. In the Sen
ate Mr. Gearin has served the state as
well as he could, but, being a short
term Senator, destined to be followed
in a year by a Republican, he could not
attain much influence. The result is
that the task of representing Oregon
has fallen chiefly on Senator Fulton,
which, though perhaps not a wearing
task, has physical limitations. For a
spokesman in the House of Representa
tives, Oregon has had to. depend on
neighbor members in that body.
Were Oregon's two Representatives
sensible of their duty to their state,
they would have made way for the
election of men last June to. take their
places, and their two vacant seats in
the lower branch of Congress would
now be -filled. Three months more of
them, however, and they will be out of
the way. It will be recorded against
Mr. Hermann and.Mr. Williamson that,
however implicated they may be in land
frauds, their chief offense against the
people of Oregon was their standing in
the way of representation for this
state after their usefulness was gone.
Had they resigned, they would have
mitigated, in large degree, wnatever
penalties public opinion may visit upon
Senator-to-be Bourne Is in the right
place. The capital is where Oregon
needs him and wants him and voted to
send him. Mr. Bourne seems to be the
harbinger of a "new deal" wherein can
didates for the United States Senate in
Oregon are to abide by the people's
verdict in elections and keep hands off
the people's Legislatures, and Legis
latures are to accept the same verdict
and confirm the people's choice.
prosperity's flood tide.
The present year is going out with
the tide of prosperity flooding full and
strong. The comparative tables print
ed on yesterday's editorial page of The
Oregonian reflect trade, . conditions
never before equaled in this or any
other country. Not only is the yield of
our six great cereals more than 100,000,
000 bushels in excess of last year, but
the average price for the year prom
ises to range sufficiently high to make
the aggregate value of the crop greater
than ever before. Perhaps the most
interesting -feature In connection with
the Bradstreet statistics is the "state
ment that the general level of prices
for the. products mentioned is 53 per
cent above the low-water mark of July,
1896. Foreign trade, which has been
breaking records for the past three
years, makfes a remarkable showing
with a gain of 10.5 per cent, exports be
ing credited with a gain of 13.4 per cent
for the first ten months of the year as
compared with the corresponding period
a year ago. - ;
These figures eloquently answer all
misleading arguments of the ship-subsidy
hunters to the effect that our for
eign trade Is languishing for want of
transportation facilities. What this in
crease amounts to can be better under
stood when It is stated that for the. first
ten months of 1906 - the value of the
merchandise sold to the foreigners was
$168,248,452 in excess of that sold to
them during the same period in 1905.
It Is, of " course, unreasonable to sup
pose that this phenomenal Increase can
be maintained indefinitely, but the
wave -of prosperity has secured such
momentum that there Is small possibil
ity of Its being brought to a sudden
halt. But prosperity has always been
productive of extravagance, and the
present era of good times can hardly
be expected to prove any exception to
the general rule.
The -.present prosperity, as Is shown
In all lines of trade and industry. Is
affecting practically -every Individual in
the United States. Farmers grown rich
through several years of good times
and high prices are, of course, spend
ing more money than they spent when
50-cent wheat was the rule. Manufac
turers have Increased the capacity of
their plants and through necessity have
in most cases advanced the wages of
their employes. The latter are paying
higher rents and an Increased cost of
living, and so on through the list- The
.situation is a pleasing one, and we
should like to have It last indefinitely,
but it will not- The pendulum will not
swing upward forever, but the extent
of the backward swing can be governed
to a certain extent by prudence at this
time. "In time of peace prepare for
war" Is an axiom of unquestioned
value, and the individual or firm that
follows this advice while there is an op
portunity will emerge from the strin
gency fairly .well equipped for a good
start on the next flood that wilt-always
follow the ebb.
The demands of the lumber trade
throughout the country for carriers
were never so great and so insistent
as now. They extend to lumber craft
of all descriptions, and to cars on
every railroad. No vessel that will
carry a cargo of lumber with a fair
prospect of keeping afloat until she
reaches port is barred from this trade.
If doubt upon this point is too strong,
she is still not barred, but loaded to
the limit, "hooked on to a tug or a
steamer and towed down the -coast."
This' Is the testimony of the marine
superintendent of the Hammond Lum
ber Company, of San Franciec who is
familiar with every detail ofwhe lum
ber trade on this Coast. The Irresisti
ble conclusion from evidence of this
character is that business is waiting
with big profits pledged to charter
every lumber-carrier that shipbuilders
and plants on the Pacific Coast can
turn out. Clearly a subsidy, is not
needed to encourage shipbuilding when
legitimate business Is eager and anx
ious to take all the tonnage that can
be secured.
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Association has wiped out old scores
and is about to begin anew with a
clean balance sheet. An organization
rich in experience and unincumbered
by debt should make of this yearly lit
erary, social and educational festival
a financial success, to the extent at
least -of paying its own way. The re
lief promised by the O. R. & N. Rail
way in the agreement to lay a track to
the grounds and maintain thereon an.
adequate service during - the annual
meeting of the association is an im
portant feature of the reconstructed,
organization. This feature is one from
which both the railway company and
the association will profit, and incident
ally the public will be accommodated
by it. While it was not conceivable
that the association had broken up per
manently and the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua Assembly was a thing of.
the past, -it Is gratifying to note thus
early its reconstruction, upon a more
satisfactory financial basis.
In the death of George K. Cole, an
other name that belongs to the pioneer
era of Oregon and Washingotn is con
signed to history; the final chapter in
another life of long and varied en
deavor and many vicissitudes hs been
written. The name of George E. Cole,
once familiar to every citizen of Port
land, has not often been heard here of
late, and his figure, in former years fa
miliar upon our streets, has latterly
been seen but seldom. As an energetic,
busy man of affairs in his early man
hood and on through middle age, Mr.
Cole was well known. His closing
years were spent in retirement grate
ful to age, and hi3 death, though in a
sense pathetic, since he died, alone and
unattended, was peaceful and painless.
Age never appears to such disadvan
tage as when its representatives, con
victed of moral delinquency, stand be
fore the public in high places, un
ashamed. The great State of New
York suffers rebuke and humiliation in
seeing two men of this class answer in
the United States Senate , when her
name is called.
Mr. Bourne is not the only Oregon
Senator elected by direct vote of the
people; there's Mr. Mulkey, who as
short-term Senator will precede Mr.
Bourne and himself will cut a figure
when he goes to Washington.
Urgent demand for a 20-room school
building at Laurelwood tells more
about the growth of one southeastern
suburb than columns of real estate ads.
What holds good tilery applies also to
the entire East Side.
Those Hood River apples will bob up
again in the Legislature when Hood
River seeks a county seat. We trust
that that will not affect the apples in
the sight of Senator Whealdon, of The
The two Republican clubs of Port
land will have plenty of rivalry, no
doubt, with Charles Loekwood secre
tary of the one and Max Cohen of the
other. Now let us have some politics.
New York's new Governor proposes
to go lifter Manhattan's intra-mural
railroads for lack of cars. If there
were only a law by which Oregon's
Governor could move similarly.'
No doubt the talk of hostilities be
tween the Mikado and Uncle Sam is the
only humorous thing that has come to
the Czar's notice since the Portsmouth
Five weeks from next Monday the
people's lawmakers will meet in Salem
to organize the Legislature, The peo
ple will not have a hand in the or
ganizing. .
What .Roosevelt has to say today
lacks customary brevity, but he 13 cer
tain of more interested and sympa
thetic readers than any President since
Trains of empty freight cars are said
to be coming Into Oregon and the
shortage is "easier." The convention
at Eugene should have been held
The other Portland, in Maine, yester
day elected a Democratic Mayor for
the first time in fifteen years. It's
easier to stand when you're used to It
The ' only way to get more Alaska
trade is to go after it by steamships.
Portland is ruaking the start.
If Harriman wants to make Oregon a
welcome Christmas gift, let him send
2000 freight cars.
Bishop, Clergymen and Lawyers Bare
Been Arrested on Like Charges.
Washington (D. C.)' Post.
Deputy Police Commissioner Mathot, of
New York, . declares that many men
prominent in professional or business life
had been arrested In Central Park for
offenses similar to the ones which Enrico
Caruso, the Metropolitan Opera-House
tenor, was found guilty. The deputy po
lice commissioner asserted that a bishop,
several clergymen, lawyers, business men,
actors, managers and others have their
names on the police records as defendants
in cases of that sort, but the news of
their arrests had been suppressed. v
The deputy commissioner said further
that he had received "Black Hand" let
ters, threatening his life on . account of
his activity in the prosecution of the
Caruso case.
"I don't care (so much for the threats
against my life," said Mr. Mathot, "as
I do for the criticisms of some persons
of alleged intelligence who appear to be
as meagerly informed as to the facts of
this situation aa are the writers of tUfe
letters threatening violence. The public
at large has no conception of the actual
facts concerning offenses such as those of
which Caruso was convicted.
"The very day before Caruso's arrest
a musician In the Metropolitan Opera
House orchestra was arrested on a charge
similar to that made against Caruso and
fined 10.
"It is the experience of the police de
partment that women will not appear in
court as complainants In cases of this
kind, except -in rare instances. Repeated
instances have proved that it is better
to keep the cases quiet and hold over
the offender a threat of publicity if he
transgresses again. This has been found
to be an effective method of keeping these
perverts from offending in public. All
the flnea in the world inflicted in private
would not have the effect of a threat to
expose, one of these offenders of high
social standing to public opprobrium.
"Many of these men hava wives and
daughters or mothers and fathers who
would be blasted socially by exposure.
If the policy of the police department in
allowing these offenders to go for the first
or seconds-offense and holding over them
the threat of publicity to insure their
subsequent good behavior has been wrong
then let us have publicity.
"In the case of Caruso he was an oldi
offender. One woman whom he insulted
went to the station-house, preferred a
complaint against him and promised to
appear in the police court to prosecute.
"The newspapers got hold of the facts
and the prominent position the man occu
pies made his trial an event of import
ance. Except for the fact that he em
ployed eminent counsel to defend him,
made a baseless and later abandoned
charge of attempted blackmail, and said,
through his manager, that almost any
woman In New York would be willing
to open a flirtation with "him, his case
was no different from that of the ordi
nary offender who is picked up by a.
policeman in our parks."
It Is "Will" and "Theodore."
Washington (D. C.) Herald.
President Roosevelt is on no more
cordial or intimate terms , with any
member of his official household than
with Judge Taft. In their private in
tercourse . they call each other "Will"
and "Theodore," and while, they have
differed more than once as to the ad
visability or wisdom of certain policies
of the administration, it can be 6tated
as a fact of personal knowledge, or,
at any rate, of first-hand assurance,
they have never permitted these dif
ferences to lead to even heated collo
quy. For example, Secretary Taft was
at the Inception of the President's rate
regulation programme the only mem
ber of the Cabinet, except .-Attorney-General
Moody, who was in thorough
accord with the President. As that
policy developed, however, the Secre
tary parted, company with the. Presi
dent and tried hard to dissuade him
from pushing! the programme on Con
gress with too great vigor. Not even
this caused the least coolness in their
relations. It Is now so generally
known that President Roosevelt would
be gratified should Secretary Taft suc
ceed him that this interesting question
is no longer discussed, but merely ac
cepted as a fact.
MHllonalre We.da Stenographer.
Cleveland Dispatch in New York World.
Henry Chisholm, millionaire son" of Wil
son B. Chisholm, and a member of the
most select social circles in Cleveland,
and Miss Anna Laughray, a stenographer,
have just been married by Rev. Patrick
Farrell at the bishop's house of St. John's
The wedding had recently been set at
the cathedral. Later, at the office of his
attorney, P. D. Quigley, Chisholm an
nounced that the -wedding had been in
definitely postponed. He gave trt reason.
After the ceremony the couple said the
announcement of a postponement was
made in the hope that they could be mar
ried and away before news of the
wedding was published.
The bride, who has lived with her
mother and sister, had been employed as
a stenographer by a publishing company
and a car-roofing company. The family
came here from Bay City. Mich.
Chisholm is popular in the younger so
ciety set. He holds memberships in half
a dozen clubs. His family made a for
tune in steel.
She Iliisfcn Corn at Mnt(y-On(..
NoblcyiIle Cor. Indianapolis News.
Mrs. JxVura Ann Owen, while celebrat
ing her 91st birthday anniversary, arose
from the dinner in her honor and spoke
of ibeing in unusually good health for one
so far advanced In years. She said she
believed she had the strength to do the
work which she performed daily 50 years
ago. "
Some of her relatives questioned her
ability to do this, which made Mrs. Owen
anxious to prove that she nad not yet
Outlived her usefulness. Throwing a
shawl over her head and shoulders and
donning a pair of gloves, Mrs. Owen went
to the farm and husked a row of corn
around a 30-acre field without stopping
to rest. She accomplished the feat in only
a little longer time than an active man
would have done the work, .and she did
not seem to he much fatigued.
Mra. I.ongmorth's Clothes "Blinkers."
Washington Special In the Philadelphia
North American.
When Mrs. Nicholas Longworth re
turned to Washington from New Eng
land, where she and her husband have
been visiting, she brought seven trunks,
which contain some of her "slihkers."
This is the name Mrs. Longworth applied
to her walking suits which she was com
pelled to adopt in lieu of evening gowns
during her "campaigning tour," when
Mr. Longworth was stumping In Cincin
nati for re-election. Until their home on
Eighteenth street is ready for them, Mr.
and Mrs. Longworth will remain at the
White House.
. In the Toothsome Line.
New York Press.
A London dentist who believes in ad
vertising displays the following drawing
; Have Your Teeth Pnlled Out For a :
: Christmas Present. :
. And Lives to Tell the Tale. .
' Baltimore News.
George R. Peck, the general counsel of
the St. Paul road, is one of the few men
in the United States who refused to go
to the United States Senate. He was ap
pointed once and would not take the
Comes From First Family Sure.
New York Press.
--A man of the name of Cain Abel keeps
the Adam and Eve tavern in Vermont.
Shea's Lawyer Springs It on Youns,
Who Denies It.
CHICAGO, Dec 4. Extended arguments
between the attorneys in the Shea trial
occupied the greater part of the hearing
today. Albert Young was again upon the
stand and bis. cross-examination was con
tinued. v
Mr. Cruice, attorney for the defense,
asked the witness:
"Is it not true, Mr. Young, that Mr.
Shea was not in favor of the strike'?'
"No; it is not.-'
"Is it not true that Shea did all In
his power to bring about a peaceful set
tlement of the strike?"
!-No; it Is not."
"Is it not true that you are sore at
Shea because he refused to accept $3000
to tie up the coal business of Chicago
and divide the money with you?"
The attorneys for the state objected
to the question, but before the court
could rule on the admissibility the wit
ness said:
. "No, sir; that is not so."
"Do you know Mr. Campbell, of the
Campbell-Gardner Coal Company?" asked
Mr. Cruice.
"I have known him for several years,"
replied Mr. Young.
"Did not Mr. Campbell In your presence
offer Mr. Shea $5000 to tie up the coal
business of Chicago?"
: "Did not Mr. Campbell, acting in the
Interests of the Peabody Coal Company,
want the teamsters locked out?"
The court ruled that the witness need
not answer the question. Young was
still under cross-examination when court
adjourned late this afternoon. Attorneys
for the defendants were unable to make
the witness deviate from the testimony
given along the lines of his confession.
Laughlin pleads With Employers for
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. During an expo
sition of the labor question, Professor
Laurence Laughlin, of the University
of Chicago, told the members of the
Citizens' Industrial- Association of
America, whose guest he was at a ban
quet last night, that socialism is the
philosophy of failure. He declared fur
ther that in allying themselves with it
men admitted themselves failures, and
asked society, to do for them what
they had been unable to accomplish for
Professor Laughlin took up the labor
question with ungloved hands and first
made a plea for fair play in behalf of
the employe. He asserted that better
conditions could be derived by reduc
tion of the tariff on raw materials and
that this would redound to the benefit
of the employer and employe, afford
ing better markets abroad and cheaper
products for home consumption. Labor
and capital must work In conjunction.
Other speakers at the banquet were
C. W. Post, president of the associa
tion, and J. W. Van Cleave, of St.
Louis. The latter, who responded to
the toast, "The President of the United
States," compared President Roosevelt
to President Andrew Jackson. He
was extolled for his conduct in steering
a middle course in labor questions and
applying the law to "capttalislic trusts
and labor trusts." In conclusion, he
"Gentlemen, I do not renominate The
odore Roosevelt for Presldept In 1908;
he is already renominated in the hearts
of the American people."
Lack of Transports Hampers Move-
. ments in Emergencies.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. In his annual
report, made public today, Brigadier-General
Thomas H. Barry, acting chief of
staff, calls to mind the fact that the
Government is without water transporta
tion facilities in cases of emergency in
the movement of troops. He cites the
case of the army of pacification in Cuba,
and says that the lack of such trans
portation facilities was severely felt. He
"Had there been a small fleet of trans
ports in reserve on the Atlantic. Coast,
the movement could have been accom
plished much sooner."
Fraise is given to the Army as a whole
for its adaptability and resourcefulness
when dealing with novel and unpreced
ented conditions. General Bary giving as
an Illustration the work of the Army dur
ing the San Francisco earthquake and
fire. General Barry declares that by
reason of the number of officers detached
for special and important duty the Army
Is under-officered and he urges legisla
tion to correct this Important defect.
The Brownsville. Tex., incident, involv
ing the Twenty-fifth infantry, is merely
touched on. "On the whole," says Gen
eral Barry, "the discipline of the- Army
is good and is usually a question of its
official personnel and the manner in
which they perform their duty. The en
listed men .constitute an excellent body
and as a rule are cheerful under condi
tions of hard work and discomfort."
Higher pay for noncommissioned of
ficers and privates is strongly urged.
Messages on Porto Rico and Panama
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. President
Roosevelt's special message to .Congress
on Forto Rico will he sent to Congress
December, 11. The President's views on
the island- and tho legislation ho favors
are the direct outcome of his recent visit
to Porto Biro. The President's special
message on Panama will be laid before
Congress December 17.
Begin Snioot Debate Tuesday.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Senator Bur
rows, of Michigan, gave ngtice today that
on next Tuesday he would call up for the
consideration of the Senato the question
of the right of Senator Reed Smoot to a
seat in that body.
.klSllil . PRODUCTS (Z jYsJL.
White to Go- to Paris, Grlscom to
Rome Others Undecided.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Henry White.
Ambassador to Rome, will be trans
ferred in the n"ear future from that
post to Paris, where he will succeed
Robert S. McCormick as Ambassador.
Mr. White will be succeeded at Rome
by Lloyd C. Griscom, , now American
Ambassador to Brazil.
It Is stated that beyond these
changes the President has not defi
nitely settled on the persons who are
to be appointed to fill the vacancies
caused by the promotions and ex
changes. The name of Charles Page
Bryan of Illinois. Minister to Portu
gal, has been mentioned in connection
with the post of Ambassador to Bra
zil, which will be vacated by the pro
motion of Mr. Griscom to Rome. Mr.
Bryan was formerly Minister to Bra
zil. The vacancy at St. Petersburg,
which will result- from the transfer
of Ambassador Meyer to the Cabinet,
will probably be filled by the promo
tion of a person now In' the diplo
matic service with the rank of Min
ister, though the change will not be
made until next Spring.
Van Cleave Denounces Those Who
Oppress Workmen.
CHICAGO, Dec. 4. James W. Van
cleave, of St. Louis, president of the
National Manufacturers' Association, in
an address today before the Citizens' In
dustrial Association condemned strongly
men who oppressed their employes, de
claring such a man to be a worse citizen
than the demagogue whom he assails.
Continuing, the speaker said:
We see Socialists, anarchists and extrem
ist of all sorts springing up on all Mes.
It is well for us employers to question our
selves and learn .whether we have had any
part In the generation of lmplarables and de
titructlonists. it is well to understand that
soma of tho captains of industry and th
heads -of some of tho great aggregations of
capital snd some of the employers of labor in
general are in a measure responsible for thea
things. Tho outbreaks which hava occurred
In this country from time to time can only
be cured by tho permanent removal of tho
abuses which caused them.
Southern Railroad Renounces Spe
cial Allowance for Mails.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. The Tostoffice
Department has decided to issue orders
terminating the allowances for fast mail
facilities from Washington to New Or
leans on January 5. Postmaster-General
Cortelyou made this announcement to
night after receiving notice from the
Southern Railroad that owing to the
heavy traffic and the necessity for double
tracking the road, It will be unable to
continue the operation of train No. 97
after January 6.
The last session of Congress appro
priated $167,000 for fast mail service in
the South, and of this amount about
tl40,000 has gone to the Southern to main
tain train 67, which carries only mail,
and train 37, which is a limited passenger
tr;n. The latter of course, will not he
The reason for this change has often
been the subject of vigorous debate In
Congress, when opponents of the "special
facilities" objected to the appropriation
as a "subsidy."
Bowles Has a Pipedream.
LONDON, Dec. 4. Both the Foreign
Office and the American Embassy here
have expressed themscH-es as being
quite unable to Imagine the reason, for
the question which George Stewart
Bowles, Conservative, proposes to ask
in the Ilouso of Commons December
6, whether any convention or arrange
ment has been rqade between, the Unit
ed States and tlKe German Governments
providing that In case Germany be
comes engaged in war the German mer
cantile marine shall be taken tinder
the United States flag. The Interpel
lation aEks also If the government has
received any communication on the
subject from the British Ambassador
to the United States.
At the Foreign Office today it was
tated that the officials there had never
heard the slightest suggestion of such
an arrangement or anything which
could have given birth to such an ldea.
JPlant Torpedoes at Golden Gate.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4 Representative
Kahn, of California, called on Secretary
Taft today and received from him a prom
ise that he would recommend to Con Kress
an immediate appropriation of JlBO.mvi for
the purpose of building a torpedo planter
for use in San Francisco harbor.
Mr. Kahn showed that no less than 30
days' time would now he required to prop
erly mine the Golden Gate, a work which
could be accomplished In a few hours by
a torpedo planter.
Russell Says Castro Is Better.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4. William Russell,
American Minister to Venezuela, and Mrs.
Russell arrived from Caracas today for a
leave of absence of fiO days.
Mr. Russell said the present situation in
Venezuela was absolutely quiet, and that
President Castro, who has been ill, was
much better when Mr. Russell sailed for
New York.
Consider Moody's Nomination Today.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. Senator Clark
of Wyoming, chairman, has called a spe
cial meeting of the Senate Judiciary com
mittee for tomorrow to consider the nomi
nation of Attorney-'Jeneral William H.
Moody for the Supreme Court and other
nominations to which no objections have
been filed.
-From the Philadelphia Record.