Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1906, Section Two, Page 16, Image 16

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British Ship Reaches Destina
tion With Last of 1905
Was One ' of Two Vessels Leaving
That fonth Two More Graia
Carriers Arrive in Local Hur-
bor Both Bring Cargoes.
The British bark Procyon, Captain
Johnston, which sailed from Portland on
July Zi with the last of the 1905 grain
crop, arrived at Queenstown yesterday on
her way to Cork. She took 73,638 bushels
of wheat, valued at J90.820, which was
loaded by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. The
British ship Carnedd Llewellyn, another
carrier of old wheat, left Portland a few
days before the Procyon and arrived at
her destination; Talcahuano, in October.
There were no clearances among the
grain carriers In August, but three Sep
tember departures are en route to Cork,
for which port all three cleared. These
are the British ship Brabloch, the French
hip Laennec and the British steamship
Knight of St. George.
The combined cargo of the September
fleet is 2K9.036 bushels, and is valued at
&S12,19t. The September clearances were
curtailed on account of the grainhandlers'
strike, which prevented the loading of
several more vessels at that time. These
craft were loaded later and swelled the
October and November clearances, al
though In the latter month the prevailing
car shortage in the Northwest cut down
the amount of grain loaded.
The grain shippers of the interior are
suffering from lack of transportation fa
cilities to tidewater. The car shortage
has caused some uneasiness In shipping
circles locally for the reason that there
is a large number of grain vessels now
in the harbor awaiting cargoes.
Warehousemen state that they have a
large quantity of grain on the docks and
some on cars, but the crop is not moving
rapidly enough to guarantee quick dis
patch to any of the vessels now arriv
ing. The French ship Noemi and the French
bark Bayard arrived in the local harbor
yesterday. Both are in cargo, the former
having general freight from Newcastle-on-Tyne,
and the latter with coal from
Swansea. The Bayard reports the loss
of Frank I.e Meur, a cabin boy, who was
washed overboard In a storm off the
River Platte.
The boy was last seen watching the
men at work shortening sail, when the
storm first hit the vessel. Shortly after
ward all hands were assembled below,
and the youngster was missed. He was
a brother of the cabin boy on the French
bark Bougainville, who was washed over
board while that vessel was leaving New
castle. N. S. V., when on her way to
this city.
Canadian Government to Establish
Xew Aids to Navigation.
VICTORIA, B. C., Dec. 4. A special
fVom Ottawa says:
Hon. Mr. Brodeur, Minister of Marine,
says further arrangements are being
made for life-saving services for the West
Coast of Vancouver Island. Tenders are
being invited for the construction of
three lifeboats. Two will be placed at
Caloose and Uclulet and a third is to be
carried on the Salvor. Investigations are
being made into the best type of a motor
lifeboat with a view of getting one for
Bamficld Creek, where it is proposed to
establish and maintain a fully equipped
life-saving station. Tenders have been
received and are now under consideration
for a system of wireless telegraph which
will be established soon, and the question
of building a coast road is also under
I'rankljn on the Way Vp the River,
Should Reach Port Today.
The British steamship Franklyn ar
rived at Astoria yesterday morning and
left up at 12:30 P. M. She is a large
vessel and, on .account of the fog pre
vailing down river. Bhe will not reach
the local harbor until some time this
morning. Speculation is being in
dulged in regarding the nature of
cargo she Is to load. Kerr, Gifford &
Company are reported to have secured
the big carrier to load wheat for
cither the United Kingdom or Asia.
Probably it is the former port, for the
Bessie Dollar Is now in the harbor
loading for China.
First Officer and Rigger Meet Death
on French Bark.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4.-Two lives
have been lost within the past two days
on the French hark Alice Marie, now
lying at the Market-street wharf in Oak
land. Sunday afternoon the first mate.
Pierre M. I.ebianic, was drowned almost
within grasp of his ship, and yesterday
George Walsh, a rigger, fell from the
yardarm of the mainmast to the deck be
low and was killed instantly. The Alice
Marie came into port a short time ago
from Antwerp with a cargo of coke and
pig iron.
Marine Jotes.
The steam schooner Casco will reach
the local harbor this morning from
San Francisco. She Is scheduled to
load a cargo of lumber for Thomas
Ritchie & Co. for San Francisco.
The steam schooner Johan Poulsen,
Captain R. W. Merrlam, cleared yes
terday with 800,000 feet of lumber for
San Francisco. Her cargo is destined
for the Loop Lumber Company of the
Bay City.
The French ship General de Sonis Is
due to put In her appearance from
Antwerp. She Is one of the large fleet
of cement ships coming from the Bel
gian port, and is now out over 150
The French bark Bougainville cleared
for Limerick yesterday and will leave
down today. This is said to be the first
clearance on record for that port, al
though a number of vessels clear for
Queenstown and Cork each year. The
Bougainville was loaded by the North
western Warehouse Company.
The Portland and Asiatic liner Arabia
has not yet reported out of Yokohama,
and considerable speculation is being
Indulged in as to the cause of her
delay. The local agents of the steam
er have not been advised of any acci
dent, and hope that she will get away
in time to reach Portland and clear this
Arrivals and Departures.
ASTORIA. Dec 4. Condition of the bar at
0 P. M., obscured; wind northeast. 48 miles;
weather, raining. Arrived at 7:30 and left up
at 10 A. M. Steamer Atlas, from San Fran
cisco. Arrived at 7:30 A. M. Steamer Casco,
from San Francisco. Arrived at 9:30 A. M. and
left up at 12:30 P. M. British steamer Frank
lyn, from San Francisco. Arrived at 9:35 and
left up at 11:42 A. M. Steamer Cascade, from
San Francisco. Arrived at 9:50 A. M.
Barkentlne Amazon, from Manila. Arrived
at 10 A. M. Bark Diamond Head, from San
Pedro. Sailed at It A. M. Steamer Alliance.'
for Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived 'at 11:30
A. M. and sailed at 2 P. M. Norwegian
steamer Jethou. Sailed at 2 P. M. Schooner
A. F. Coats.
Queenstown, Dec. 4. Arrived British ship
Procyon, from Portland.
San Francisco, Dec. 4. Sailed- Norwegian
steamer Tellus, for Nanalmo; schooner Stanley,
for Willapa. Arrived Steamer Umatilla, from
Puget Sound; steamer Watson, for Seattle.
Brisbane, Dec. 4. Arrived previously
Moana. from Vancouver, via Honolulu for
Accusations That He Tried to "Fix"
Insanity Commission In Mitchell
Case Are Branded as False.
Alfred E. Clark, of Portland, attorney
who acted as counsel for Ksther Mitchell
in Seattle, declares the charges made
against him by Seattle physicians are
rediculous. These charges were voiced
by Dr. C. W. Sharpies and were to the
effect that he tried to "fix" the insanity
commission which passed upon the men
tal condition of Esther Mitchell and
Maude Creftleld. Mr. Clark denies any
connection with such an attempt, or any
dealings with Judge Frater, also ac
cused of being involved in the alleged
plot. Mr. Clark's statement follows:
I note that In a special dispatch from
Seattle, printed in the Morning Orego
nian, charges are made by one Dr. Shar
pies that certain reputable physicians re
siding In Seattle were interviewed by
me with the consent of Judge Frater and
asked to sit on an insanity commission
to pass judgment upon the mental condi
tion of Esther Mitchell and Maude Cref
field. If these charges were not given
with so much detail and supported by the
alleged testimony of a couple of physi
cians, they wdtild hardly be wortny of
serious attention.
Dr. I. A. Parry, who alleges that I
asked him to sit on an insanity commis
sion, is a man whom I have known for
a number of years. In fact, I was ac
quainted with him for some years while
he was a resident of the State of Min
nesota. The following facts would indi
cate either that Dr. Parry is gratify
ing a morbid desire for a little cheap
notoriety at the expense of truth and
fairness, or else he is better qualified to
act as the subject of the investigations
of a sanity commission rather than to
sit as a member thereof.
The only time that I saw Dr. Parry
since my connection with the
Mitchell defense was when I was In Se
attle to appear at the arraignment of
Ksther Mitchell. I did not see him be
fore, and I did not see him after. As I
now recall, the matter of the appoint
ment of an insanity commission had not
been broached or discussed up to that
time. At least, it was not discussed or
considered by any of the attorneys rep
resenting the defense until some time
Upon the afternoon of the day of ar
raignment I dropped into the office of
Dr. Parry to pay him a social call, be
cause of our long acquaintanceship in
Minnesota. In the course of our conver
sation he asked me what I was doing In
Seattle, and I told him I was there in
connection with the defense of Esther
Mitchell. We discussed the case in a
general way, and. as I now recall, the
conversation turned upon the mental con
dition of the two women. During the
course of our conversation reference was
made to the fact that the defense would
probably require some medical experts
upon trie trial of the cases. I think he
brought up the subject. In any event.
I asked him what experience he had had
as an expert In insanity cases, and he
said his experience was somewhat lim
ited, but he had read quite extensively
and would be glad to serve us In the
cases, if it was agreeable to the defense.
I told him that I was not acquainted with
a single physician in the City of Seattle
other than himself and that the selec
tion of the experts to be used upon the
trial of the cases by the defense had not
been considered up to that time, but
tnat in any event It was in the hands ot
the Seattle attorneys. I told him, how
ever, that we would probably need two
or three experts to testify upon the
trial of the cases, as at that time I sup
posed, of course, that the cases would
go to trial in the usual manner, and did
not have in mind the provisions of the
Washington statutes, which authorize the
appointment of an insanity commission.
1 further asked him if he knew two or
three competent and experienced physi
cians, whom he could recommend to the
defense as expert witnesses upon the
trial of the cases. He did mention three
or four, but the names then given by
him have all gone out of my mind. There
was some further talk to the effect that
if he was to act as an expert witness. It
would be proper for him to call upon the
defendants at the county jail and make a
careful study touching their mental con
dition In order to qualify himself as an
expert and in order to determine in ad
vance of the trial whether he was pre
pared to give it as his opinion that the
defendants were insane.
I did not see Dr. Parry after that, and
made no arrangements thereafter for him
to act as an expert witness In the cases,
in any event, for two reasons: First, be
cause the necessity for calling him as
an expert witness did not arise, and, sec
ond, because my conversation with him
led to the conclusion that his knowledge
of mental diseases and ailments was
limited, and his reading upon those sub
jects was superficial and that he could
be of very little assistance to us In any
I presume that Dr. Parry is disappointed
and angry because he was not called as
an expert witness. When he says that I
came to his office and asked him to act
upon an insanity commission and that
I had told him that Judge Frater want
ed the case tried out of the State, etc.,
he simply tells a most contemptible lie,
an no man who will give currency to
such a false and slanderous storV, or -who
will resort to such despicable methods
for the purpose of gratifying petty re
sentments or in order to gain some cheap
and transient notoriety is fit to be a
member of the honored and dignified pro
fession of medicine. To show how truly
foolish and slanderous the story is,-1 wish
to say that I never met Judge Frater or
had any conversation with him, or com
munication with him, directly or indi
rectly, until the morning of the day
upon which the insanity commission first
convened. When the defendants were
arraigned, and I was present in court.
Judge Frater was absent from the city.
I never heard of Dr. H. M. Reid until I
read the article in the morning paper,
and I never .had any communication or
conversation, directly or indirectly, with
Drs. Turner. Eames and Snidley. who
formed the insanity commission, until I
was introduced to them after their ap
pointment and upon the morning that
the commission first convened. All of
these statements can be easily verified.
There has been an effort, upon the part
of certain parties in Seattle, interested
in the prosecution of these cases, to be
spatter and beslime every person connect
ed with the defense of these women, as
well as the court and commission. When
the court could not be swerved from what
it deemed its duty under the law, and
when the members of the Insanity com
mission could not be intimidated or over
awed, resort was had to vituperation and
slander, and I presume that this last
eruption of falsehood and filth comes
from the same source.
Chehalis Has Fire Limits.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Dec. 4. (Special.)
Last night the Chehalis City Council
passed an ordinance establishing fire
limits in the city. Passage of the
measure was hastened by the fact that
there was a strong probability of the
early removal of numerous frame build
ings within the supposed route through
-town of the Union Pacific to new. loca
tions within the limits which are Included
in the district covered.
Say "No" when a dealer offers you a
substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Insist
upon Hood's
Street Railway Company
Guards Against Shortage.
Twelve Out of the 100 Coaches to Be
Built In Portland ,Best Possible
Service Will Be the Aim
of the Corporation.
That no complaints of a car shortage
may toe made against the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company, officials
of that corporation have added largely
to its equipment. Orders- have been placed
for 100 passenger cars, part of which will
be delivered within a few weeks. The
remainder will be brought here early in
the Spring. In addition to cars being
built in Eastern shops, others are being
turned out by the car-builders In the
employ of the company from the Portland
shops. Complaints of suburban residents
regarding infrequent service may be ex
pected soon to be a thing of the past.
In discussing the car situation, H. W.
Goode, president of the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company, Bald:
The shortage of cars on certain lines
.during the rush hours Is typical of a
condition which obtains in every bus
iness ' when there is increased demand.
In our case the phenomenal growth of
the city makes it difficult for us to an
ticipate this demand. The extraordinary
Increase in the use of electrical material
throughout the country, too, makes it
extremely difficult to secure necessary
streetcar equipment.
Now Handles All Traffic.
The facts in the case are that while
there is congestion during the rush hours,
the company is still in a position to
carry, and does carry, all the business
that presents itself. AH of the closed
or Winter cars, of both the Portland
Railway and Oregon Water Power sys
tems are in use each evening, carrying
the patrons of these lines to their homes
at the close of working hours.
The 'company, some time since, realized
the necessity for additional equipment,
and it has under order now and in
process of construction about 100 cars,
a number of which will be ready for de
livery in the course of a few weeks. The
remainder of these cars will be delivered
in the earlv Spring. This order is di
vided equally between open and closed
cars, which insures for us a fine lot of
open cars that will be utilized to take
care of the Increased traffic next. Spring
and Summer.
Prior to the receipt of these cars, how
ever, six standard coaches will be turned
out at the Washington-street shops of
the company, some or wnicn will be
used on the Woodstock and Brooklyn
lines. In addition to these, there will
also be six large cars turned out at the
O. W. P. shops before the first of Feb
ruary, xnese will also be put into im
mediate service and used to relieve the
congestion on the Sellwood and Mount
Scott divisions of the Oregon Water Pow
er line.
Strives for Perfection.
The determination of the company is
to acquire as fine cars as can be made,
as perfect tracks as can be built, and as
superior a street railroad system gener
ally as money and skill can produce. The
policy of the company is to improve con
tinually the running time, the size and
quality of the cars, the service rendered
by motormen and conductors, and every
detail connected with the company's va
rious lines.
In comparison with the conditions ex
isting in other cities of the country our
service takes high average along the Im
portant lines of equipment, frequency and
regularity of service.
Streetcar Company Has Architect at
Work on Plans.
Plans are being prepared for clubhouses
to be built for the employes of the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Company,
work on which will be commenced as
soon as a few details are arranged.
Separate buildings to provide quarters
for the men will be necessary and one
clubhouse will be built near each car
barn. The Milwaukie. Piedmont. Savier
street and Ankeny-street barns will each
be given a clubhouse.
Plans have not progressed far enough
for the cost of the buildings to be esti
mated, as all will not be of the same
size. The buildings will contain reading
and smoking rooms and gymnasiuma An
auditorium will afford facilities for lec
tures, principally along technical lines
which will benefit the men in their work.
A library, well supplied with technical
books. Is also planned for each club
house. John J. Springer to Return.
John J. Springer, formerly city passen
ger agent for the Wisconsin Central, at
the local office, but now contracting
freight agent for the Great Northern at
Bellingham, Wash., will arrive in Port
land this week to become traveling
freight and passenger agent for the Great
Northern, vice E. P. Waite resigned. Mr.
Springer 'left Portland about a year ago
and has since been on Puget Sound. He
Is well known here among the railroad
fraternity, and will be warmly welcomed.
E.. P. Waite, former traveling agent for
the Hill line. Is now In the employ of
the North Pacific Steamship Company. '
White Ireacher and Negro Lad Are
Hanged In Georgia.
VALDOSTA, Ga.. Dec 4.J. G. Raw
lings and Alf Moore, a negro, were
hanged here today for the murder of
Willie and Carrie Carter In July, 1905.
Both stepped on the scaffold without a
tremor. They stood upon the trap to
gether and fell together. Rawlings In
his last statement declared that he had
told the truth and that his sons had
no connection with the crime. Moore
also declared that he had told the truth,
again insisting that Milton Rawlings had
fired the fatal shots. Mrs. Rawlings and
her two daughters visited the husband
and father during the morning. They re
mained in the Jail but did not witness the
execution. .
The crime for which J. G. Rawlings
and Alf Moore were hanged today pre
sents unusual features. Rawlings and
W. Li. Carter were neighbors 12 miles
from here. Both were Baptist ministers.
Several years ago a dispute arose as to
the line between their respective farms.
Litigation and bad blood resulted. Car
ter was wounded by a shot from ambush
and had Rawlings arrested on the charge
of attempted murder. A few days later,
on June 13, 1905, a night attack was made
on the Carter home. Two of the children,
Willie and Carrie Carter, were shot just
outside the house and shots were fired
at Carter and his wife and another
daughter. A Coroner's jury found that
the crime had been committed by Mil
ton and Jesse Rawlings and Alf Moore,
a negro. The latter confessed, telling of
a plot which had been planned by the
cider Rawlings for the murder of the
entire Carter family and the burning of
their house.
The trial, which lasted two weeks, re
sulted In a verdict of death for the elder
Rawlings. his sons Milton and Jesse and
Alf Moore.
A third son, Leonard Rawlings. was
given a life sentence as an accomplice.
Then began a fight for life. Every legal
expedient , was resorted to, causing the
date of execution to be postponed from
time to time.
Governor Terrell's refusal on Monday
to Interfere with the execution of the
death sentence today destroyed their last
hope. The case of the two Rawlings
boys, who are under sentence . to - be
hanged Friday, will come before the
Board of Pardons Thursday.
List of Delegates to Transmlssissippi
Commercial ' Congress.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 4. David R. Fran
cis, of St. Louis, president of the Trans
Mississippi Commercial Congress for its
17th annual session, today announced the
appointment of SO delegates from the fol
lowing 23 states and territories to the
deep water and harbor conference to be
held next week at Washington, D. c.:
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, Indian Territory,
Kansas, Louisiana, 'Minnesota, Montana,
Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North
Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dako
ta, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyo
ming. The delegates from Western states
Alaska John G. Brady, Alaska
Arizona A. M. Conrad, Nogales.
California Frank P. Flint, Los An
geles; John P. Irish, San Francisco,
and William N. Browning, Redondo.
Idaho Fred T. Dubois, Blackfoot;
Joseph W. Poe, Lewiston, and Marcus
A. Mean, Lewiston.
Montana W. A. Clark, Helena; E. E.
Howe, Bozeman, and Herbert Strain,
Great Falls.
Oregon Theodore B. Wilcox, Port
land; United States Senator Fulton,
Astoria, and Peter Loggie, Coos Bay.
Utah Reed Smoot, Provo, and Geo.
M. Cannon, Salt Lake City.
Washington S. H. Piles, Seattle, and
Levi Ankeny, Walla Walla.
Wyoming Eli Crumrlne, Laramie,
and'C. H. King, Shoshone.
Present Episcopal Rector Declares
Allegiance to Roman Church.
CHICAGO. Deo. 4. The Rev. C. Henry
Granger, for several years rector of St.
Mathews' Episcopal Church, Evanston,
announced yesterday that he had de
clared allegiance to the Roman Catholic
faith. Mr. Granger's position in relation
to the Episcopal Church, as expounded
by a dignitary last night, is that of at
least temporary deposition. .He will be
given six months In which to. recant and
conform to the church, and if he does not
accept the opportunity by regular process
of canonical law, formal sentence of de
position and degradation will follow.
In the Catholic Church he is a simple
layman. The Rev. H. P. Smythe, priest
of St. Mary's, Evanston, said Mr. Granger
had informed him that he had made a
profession of faith to a Catholic priest,
and that so long as he remains In Evans
ton he will be considered a member of
St. Mary's parish.
Mr. Granger, according to the statement
of a friend, was formerly a Presbyterian
clergyman, and conformed to the belief
of the Episcopalian Church 18 years ago.
. Convicted Murderer Freed.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 4. Austin
Francis, a switchman, found guilty of
murder In ' the first degree at Kansas
City in November, 1905, after a trial for
the murder of Winnie A. Newton, his
sweetheart, aged 15 years, was freed to
day toy the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Which reversed the verdict of the trial
court. Francis is 21 years old. The girl's
body, weighted down with a heavy stone,
was found in the southern outskirts of the
city. She was in a delicate condition, and
It was shown that after having met
Francis at the bridge over the creek
where the body was found, she had drank
carbolic acid.
The state tried to prove that Francis
forced her to drink the acid.
Moneyback signifies fairness. Schilling's
Because it contains the very
elements needed to rebuild
wasting tissues and replace
feebleness with strength.
We return money if it fails to benefit
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Druggists.
Blood. Skin, Nervous and Special
Diseases of Men
We do not treat all diseases of the human
race, bot make a specialty of treating;- and
ti on of the GEJflTO-lHlSAHY ORGANS of
men only.
Men Cured Quickly. Safely and Surely
There is absolutely no Inconvenience, "Soss
of time, hardship or uncertainty, while the
results are direct, speedy and permanent. We
cure you of disease to stay cured. We want
to talk with every man who suffers from
those afflictions, due to any cause whatever.
' We want to explain our methods of curing:
disease and all ailments of the kidneys and
Diajacr. uur omce in equipped with every-
t'oinsr science can devise and money can buv that will assist us In cur.
lnfr diseases we treat. We are true specialists, and do not attempt to
treat all diseases, but cure all we treat. Our methods of curing are
original, positive, absolute.
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a
Cost of $10 and Many Only $5.
'Office hours 9 A. M. to S P. M.; Sundays and holidays, 10 A. M. to 12 M.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Offices In Vaa Nor Hotel. S2H Third Street, Corner Pine, Portland, Or.
Accused of Embezzling Large Sum
From Local Ice Company, He
Eludes the Police.
Another was added to the long list of
slot-machine victims yesterday morning,
when it became known that A. R. Wild,
for several months a trusted employe of
the Crystal Ice & Storage Company, had
embezzled sums making a total of $1000.
G. W. Wetherly appeared before District
Attorney Manning at noon and secured
a complaint, and a warrant for the young
man's arrest was issued from the Mu
nicipal Court. ,
Detective Hellyer was assigned to the
case, but he was unable to locate the
alleged embezzler," who. It is supposed,
has left the city. Chief of Police Gritz
macher telegraphed descriptions to the
police of all cities along the Coast, and it
Is though that Wild will be arrested be
fore long.
Wild had been in the erfiploy of the,
company for several months as a col
lector, and as such handled a great deal
of money belonging to the firm. He was
fully trusted until yesterday morning,
when a shortage of $40 came to light.
Wild was formerly a ticket-seller at
the Lewis and Clark Fair, and when
he applied to the Crystal Ice & Storage
Company he had first-class references
from nearly every official connected with
the exposition. He was given work, as
he appeare'd to be a good man. He was
bright, secured much business and gave
such satisfaction that he was considered
one of the best men in the firm's service.
Mr. Weatherly said last evening that
he had really been proud' of him.
Investigation by Detective Hellyer re
vealed the fact that Wild had long been
living far beyond his means. He had
been In the habit of literally pouring
money into the slot-machines, and he
also expended large sums frequently for
carriage hire and for dinner parties In
local cafes. He had apartments at a
private residence in South Portland, and
it was learned that he has been in the
habit of reaching his room anywhere be
tween midnight and 4 A. M. He invaria
bly came home in a carriage.
Wild is a Russian by birth, and his
father lives somewhere In Russia. From
what Detective Hellyer could learn, it 13
believed that Wild left Portland on the
Monday evening train over the O. R. &.
N. to escape arrest.
JVild's employers beeam suspicious of
hira because he failed to turn in collec
tions from two firms in excellent stand
ing with the Crystal Ice & Storage Com
pany. Investigation proved that they had
paid their bills to Wild, who had failed
to turn in the money.
Transcript on Appeal Filed.
Under his appeal a transcript of the
Municipal Court proceedings in the con
tempt case against Carl Evans was filed
in the Circuit Court yesterday. Evans was
fined $50 by Judge Cameron in connection
with the "Chick" Houghton case.
Milwaukie Country CInb.
Eastern and California races. Take Sell
wood or Oregon City car, starting from
First and Alder streets.
ISO Page. SS Picture.
nnt Copv cost $1000.
Love. Courtship. Mar.
riaca and All Diseases
of Men explained in
plain languass. This
wonderful book tells
everything you want
to know and svrj
thin yon should know
Id regard to happy and
unhappy wedded life,
diseases which forbid
marriage, ruinous ear
ly follies, self-destruction,
lost manhood,
poor memory, prema
ture decay, nervous
ness, blood poison,
dwarfed organs, stric
ture, weak 1 units, liv
er and kidney diseases
Ignorance beget mis
ery ; knowledge bring,
health and happiness.
Written by the World-Famons Master
Specialist. "The Most Wonderful and
Greatest Scientific Book of the- Ace."
State Medical Institute
202 Second Ave.. South.
Every Woman
is UHerssua ana -noma snow
about the wondorfal
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new Syriar. Jnifc-
tioncmd Suction. Best 8a.
eat Most Conrenieni.
Art year trawlit tar It.
If he cannot supply the
NARl Kii, accept no
other, bat send staniD fcr
Illustrated book twal. It frtm
fnll Darttenlars and (tlr jetton tn-
Taluabls to ladies. 11 RVEI, CO.,
44 K. 984 BT KKW YORK.
Woodard, Clarke Co Portland, Oresoo,
Laue-Davis Drug Co.. 6 storis.
Ladles! As your Drueeisl
liil-cnesier's jtiub i
Sand Cold metallic boxes
Cw-itQ Blue Ribbon. Taken
iRuv of vour Drvireist and i
DIAMOND BRAND fil.l.H, for aft
years' regarded as Rest, Safest, Always
Reliable. Sold bv Drmrsrkt everywhere.
Chichester Chemical Ow. xMlftlelphiiw I--
Be a Mao
BY i
o other.
isk for v
Spread Rapidly Over Body Limbs
and Arms Had to Be Bandaged
and Scalp Looked Dreadful
Suffered Untold Misery for Three
Years Better in Two Months
"My son, who is now twenty-two
years of age, when he was four months
old began to have eczema on his face,
spreading quite rapidly until he was
nearly covered. We had all the doctors
around us and some from larger places,
but no one helped him a particle.
The eczema was something terrible,
and the doctors said it was the worst
case they ever saw. At times his whole
body and face were covered, all but his
feet. I had to bandage his limbs and
arms; his scalp was just dreadful. I
used many kinds of patent medicines
before trying the Cuticura Remedies,
all to no avail.
"A friend teased me to try Cuticura.
At last I consented, when my boy
was three years and four months
old, having had eczema all that time,
and suffering untold misery. I began to
use all three of the Cuticura Remedies;
the Cuticura Soap helped as well as
the Ointment. He was better in two
months; in six months he was well;
but I gave him the Cuticura Resolvent
one year, using twelve . bottles, I
think, and always used the Cuticura
Soap for bathing, and do now t good
deal. He was four years old before
he was well, and his skin became per
fectly fair when cured. I give you per
mission to publish this letter for I am
always glad to do good when I can. I
think I nave told you all there is neces
sary to tell." Mrs. R. L. Risley,
Oct. 24, 1905. Piermont, N. H.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for STery
Rumor, from PimplM to Scrofula, from Infancy to Ace.
conflating of Cuticura Soap. 25c., Ointment, Mc KrioW
nt, 60c. ln form of Chocolate Coated Pllla, 25c. perTlal
of 60), nir be had of all drugiitta. A tingle let often enraa
the rnoet aietreiilna when all other remediee. and
Ten the beet phyatclan. fall. Potter Drug at Cham. Corp.,
Sole Prnpe.. Boaton, Male.
mr Mailed Free, " How to Cur DlfururlnK Rumen"
sad "Ail About tha Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Han 4a."
Tinr r-1 rn-k
OXVt -vfr iniiiir-
r i
Depart. Arrive.
Yellowstone Park -Kansas
Clty-St. Louis Special for
Chehalis. Centralla.
Olympia, Gray's Har
bor, tiouth Bend, Ta
coma, Seattle. Spokane,
Lewiston, Butte, Bil
lings, Denver, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis
and Southwest. 8:30am 4:30pm
North Coast Limited, elec
tric lighted, for Taroma,
Seattle, Spokane, Butte,
Minneapolis. St. Paul
and the east 2:00 pm 7:00 am
Fuset Sound Limited for
Clare mont, Chehalis,
Centralla, Tacoma and
Seattle only 4:30 pm 10:55 pm
Twin City Express for Ta
coma, Seattle. Spokane,
Helena, Butte, St. Paul.
Minneapolis, Lincoln.
Omaha, St. Joseph. St.
Louis. Kansas City,
without change of cars.
Direct connections for
all points East and
Southeast. 1 1 :45 pm 6 :30 pm
A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Pansen.
ger Agent. 253 Morrison at., corner Third.
Portland, Or.
North Pacific SS. Co's
Balls Tor San Francisco. Los Angeles and
THURSDAY. 8 P. M December 6
THURSDAY, 8 P. M December 20
THURSDAY, 8 P. M December 13
THURSDAY, 8 P. M December 27
From Martin's Dock, foot 17th st Take
S. or 16th st. cars. Ticket office 13a 3d,
near Alder. Phone M. 1314.
H. YOUNG, Agent.
Dock Phone M. 5203.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Dally Vor Maygcrs, Hatnler, Dally.
Clatskanle, Westport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
8:00 A.M. renton, Flavel. Ham- 11:53 A.M,
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. 7:00 P.M. Express Dally. 9:30 P.M.
Astoria Express.
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder St. G. F. 4 P. A.
Phono Main 806.
SanFrancisco & Portland S.S.Co.
From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M.
. S. Columbia Dec. 7. 17, 27, etc.
Costa Rica Dec. 12, 22, Jan. 1, etc.
From Hpear bt., ban Francisco, at 11 A. M.
S. S. (Josta Kica Dec. 8, 18, Js, etc.
S. S. Columbia Dec. 13, 23, Jan. 2. etc.
Only direct passenger steamers operating
between Portland and San Francisco. '
IAS. H. DEWSON. Agent.
Phone Main 20S. 248 Washington st.
For CorvalllR, Albany. Independence, Salem.
Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:43 A. M.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
For Salem and way landings Steamer
"OR EG O N A leaves 6:45 A. M., Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Foot Taylor Street.
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and The
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 A. M., arriving about 6 P. M., carrying
freight and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock, foot of Alder St., Portland; foot of
Court St., The Dalles. Phone Jlaln 814.
Fast Steamer Telegraph
Makes round trip daily (except Sun
day). Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Leaves
Astoria 2:30 P. M.
Landing; Alder-Street Dock.
Phone Main 53.
EAST via
Portland and Pan
Francitfro Kxprtws
stops only at most
Important station
he. ween Portland
and San Francla
po for all points
Eaat and South.
for all local
points south. Sac
ra m e n t o, San
Franoteeo and
points East and
Morning train
connects at
Woodbum dally
except Sunday
with Mt. Angel
and Silverton lo
cal. Cottage Grove
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
Sunday with
trains to and
from Albany.
Lebanon and
branch points.
Corvallls passen
ger. Sheridan passen
ger. Forest Qrove
11:30 P. II.
7:45 P. M.
7:25 A.
8:30 A. M.
5:30 P. Sf.
4:15 P. il.
11:00 A. U.
7:30 A. M.
4:10 P. M.
5:20 p. m.
J11:00 A. M.
5:50 P. M.
10:20 A. M.
52:50 P. M.
SS:00 A. M.
Dally. jDally except Sundav.
Depot, Foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:40
A. M. ; 12:5n. 2:0.1. 3:30. B:2i). 6:25. 7:45. 10:to.
11:30 P. M.. Dally except Sunday. . 6 ::10.
:.T0. 8:40. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland,
daily, 8:35 A. M.. 1:55. 3:05, 6:10. 6:15, 7:35.
P:55. 11:1(1 P. M. ; 12:25 A. M. Daily except
Sunday. 6:25, 7:25. 8:35. 9:35. 11:45 A. M. Sun
day only, 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and in
termediate points dally, 7:30 A. M. and 4:15
P. M. Arrive Portland, J0:15 A. M. and
6:25 p. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line
operates dally to Monmouth and Airlle, con
necting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco, $20; berth. $5.
Second-class fare, 15: second-class berth,
Tickets to Kastern points snd Europe;
also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third and
Washington Sts. Phone Main 712.
City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agt.
ieu UNION P1&2HC
Through Pullman standards ana tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats free) to
tne- East dally.
UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
SPECIAL for th 9:30 A.M. 7:30 P. M.
East via Huntington. PaHy- P?JlvZ
7:00 m." 8:00 A. M.
SPOKANE FLYER. Daily. Daily.
For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla.
Lewiston. Coeur d'Aleae and Great Korto-
ern points. .
for tne East via Daily. Dally.
PORTLAND - BIG US 8:10 A. M. 5:45 T. M.
LOCAL for all local
points between Biggs
and Portland.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 p. M. D:Q0 P. M.
way points, connecting Dully Dally
with steamer for 11- except except
waco and North Sun. lay. Sunday.
Beach steam er Saturday
Hassalo. Ash st. dock, 10:O0 P.M
FOR DAYTON, Ore- 7:00 A. M. 0:CO P. M.
on City and Yamhill Ial!y Dally
River points, Ash-at. except except
dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lewiston. Idaho, and way points
from Riparia. Wash. Leave F.Iparla 5:40 A.
M., or upon arrival train No. 4, daily except
Saturday. Arriv, Riparia 4 P. M. dally ex
cept Friday.
Ticket Office, Third and Washington.
Telephone Mitin 712. C. V. Stinger, City
Ticket Agt.; Win. McMurray, Gen. Van. Agt.
The Kant Mail
Dally. " PORTLAND Dally.
Leave Time Schedule. Arrive.
(To and from Spo
8:30 am kane, .St. Paul. Mln- 7:00 am
ttfiipoll-s, Duluth and
11:45 pm AH Points Kast Via 6:50pm
Seattle. .
Jto and from St.
- 'Paul. Minneapolis.
.iOOpnijuumtn and al ,8:00am
Points Kast Via
Great Northern Steanmhiu Co.
Sailing from Seattle for Jnpan
and China ports and Manila, carry
ins pa.s.uii;Mrs and freight.
S. i". MiniieHotrt, January 9.
Is. S. Ihikotu, February 17.
Japan Mail steamship Co.)
S. S. KAGA MARC will sail from
Seattle about December '21 for
Japan and China ports, carrying
passengers and freight.
For tickets, rates, bertn reserva
tions, etc., call on or address
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A
122 Third t.. Fort land. Or.
l'hone Main (iBO..
r uoiumDia Kir
Steamer Chas. R. Spencer
Leaves Oak-street dock every Monday.
Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M. for THE
Returning. arrives Portland. Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 3 P. M. Low
rates and excellent service.
Phone Main 2'JSO.
From Seattle at 9 P. M.
for Ketchikan. Juneau.
FkaRway, White Horse,
Davison and Fairbanks.
S. S. Humboldt, Decem
ber 8. 21.
S. U. Cottaice City (via
Sitka), December t, 1.
From Seattle at 9 A. M. Umatilla. De
cember 1, 1H, III: City of Puebla. December
6, 21; Spokane. December II. 26.
Portland Office, 4D Washington St
Main 329.
C D. DUSANK. O. P. A San Francisco.