Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1906, Image 5

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Recommends Appropriation of
Full Amount Asked for
the Jetty.
Illver and Harbor Work and Public
Buildings in Xorthwest States.
Large Sums Asked for
Alaska's Needs. '
ington. D. c., Dec. 3. The Secretary of
the Treasury, in submitting to Congress
his estimates, which form the basis of
all appropriations to be made at this
session, recommends the full, amount
asked for by the Chief of Engineers for
completing the Jetty at the mouth of the
Columbia River, and for continuing work
on The Dalles-Celilo canal. This is very
fortunate and will be of great assistance
to the Oregon and Washington delega
tions when they urge liberal appropria
tions for these two important projects.
Usually the Secretary of the Treasury
cuts the estimates of Army engineers.
The fact that he did not cut these two
Items indicates his conviction that both
projects are worthy. He recommends the
following appropriations:
Appropriations for Oregon.
Mouth of the Columbia River. Jl.000,000.
Celilo Canal. TT30.000.
Tillamook Bay, J10.000.
Ooqullle River, $40,000.
Coos River. J3000.
Clatskanle River. J500.
Upper Columbia and Snake Rivers,
Canal at Cascades. $105,000.
Willamette and Yamhill Rivers. $60,000.
Columbia and Willamette Rivers below
Portland, $450,000.
Columbia River lightships, JSO.OOO.
Tender foi lighthouse inspector, $73,000.
Cape Blanco lightkeeper's dwellings,
Cape Arago light station (to establish),
Yaquina station, keeper's dwellings,
Crater Lake Park. $7015.
Hospital. Columbia River quarantine
station, $3000.
Public building, Eugene, $15,000.
Public buildings. Baker City. $30,000.
Salom Indian School, $110,200.
Rifle range, Vancouver Barracks, $11,200.
Maneuvers. Pacific Coast, $1,000,000. .
Reconstruction of two double infantry
barracks. Vancouver Barracks. $87,500.
The Secretary recommends appropria
tions $1.1S4.500 for the Puget Sound Navy
Yard. The principal items are: to con
tinue construction of dry dock. $1100,000;
naval magazine. $153,000: hospital, $75,000:
enlargement of construction plant, $20,000;
central power plant. $130,000: pattern shop,
$40,000; hardwood lumber shed, $20,000; one
officers' quarters, $S0O0; one warrant offi
cers' quarters. $4000; drill hall, gymnasium
and washroom for enlisted men, $:.000;
car float and landing slip, $20,000; floating ;
4-rano (to cost $100,000. $50,000: foundry ;
building (to cost $75,000), $40,000; exten
sion of steam engineering machine shop,
. ' . For Washington.
Also the following Washington items:
Wagon . road. Mount Rainier Park,
Improvement Mount Rainier Park, $3000.
Improving Puget Sound, $50,000.
Improving Tacoma Harbor, $40,000.
Swinomtsh Slough. $20,000.
Okanogan River, $5000.
Ijike Washington Canal. $10,000.
Cowlitz and Lwis rivers, $5000.
Battery Point fog signal. $S000.
Eliza Island light station (to establish),
Swift Sure bank lightship. $1SO,000.
Completion Neah Bay tug, $70,000.
Marking Alaska boundary, $50,000.
FiHh cultural station for Pacific Coast,
Public building, Tacoma. $11.000.
Public building, bpokane, $150,000.
l'or Alat-kti.
Also the following Alaska items:
Education of natives. $100,000.
Construction of 50 day schools, $200,000.
Construction of one Industrial school,
$100. IX").
Construction of orphan . asylum, $100,000.
Reindeer stations. $10,000.
Establish fish hatcheries, $20,000.
Resurrection Bay light house, $100,000.
. For Idaho.
Also the following Idaho Items:
Moscow public building,. $150,000.
Boise Barracks enlargements, $195,760.
Kort Hall Indians. $10,000.
Payment to Lemhi Indians. $10,000.
llrst Senator F.lected hy Direct Vote
of State.
A large and varied assortment for choice.
Beautifully conceived-designs, ranging from
the substantial plain ones to the unique enam
eled ones. Many studded with diamonds and
other precious gems. Bar-pin effects are
dainty, and those set with pearls are striking.
From $3.50 to $50. Others in proportion
These watches are admired greatly for their '
oddity. We have them in the most exclusive
designs, that cannot fail to attract. Reliable
American or French movements accompany,
case of 14-karat gold
From $25 to
Attended to with promptness and filled as
if you yourself were present. A sample
order will convince.
ington. Dec. 3. Jonathan Bourne made his
initial appearance in the senate chamber
today. Although not yet elected by the
Oregon legislature, he has been elected
by popular vote and this fact, in the opin
ion of Senator Spooner, chairman of the
committee on rules, was sufficient to en
title Mr. Bourne to the privilege of the
floor. He went into the Senate just be
fore' noon, accompanied by Senator Ful
ton, and was cordially greeted by a num
ber of Senators whom he knew, and by
others to whom he was introduced by his
Mr. Bourne is the first United States
Senator elected by direct vote of the peo
ple, and his admission to the Senate
chamber establishes a precedent in that
"Oh. you are a Harvard man," said
President Roosevelt this morning, as Mr.
Bourne was introduced by Secretars Ful
ton and Gearin. How the President knew
is a mystery to Bourne, for he had never
before seen the President, but this college
tie will be favorable to the new Senator
in the future.
President Names Fulton's Choice for
Of rice at Astoria.
ington, Dec. 3. The President today sent
in the. nomination of Clark W. Carnahan
as Collector of Customs for the District
of Oregon.
The President did not send In the nom
ination of Judge Wickersham, who has
three times failed of confirmation. This
Is because he is awaiting the report of
the investigation made this Summer into
new charges against the Judge.
Roosevelt Reappoints Bristol Ful
ton Will Continue Fight.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. President
Roosevelt today sent in the nomination of
W. C. Bristol to be District Attorney for
Oregon. This signifies the President's
purpose to ignore the charges against
Bristol and to reward him for his work
in the land-fraud cases during the past
Summer. If Senator Fulton adheres to his
announced intention, he can and will pre
vent Bristol's confirmation.
Fulton Recommends New Man for
The Dalles Land Office.
ington, Dec. 3. Senator F'ulton today rec
ommended J. S. Fish, of The Dalles, for
register of the land office at that place
to succeed M. T. Nolan, resigned. R.
J. Ginn, of Moro, previously recommend
ed, declined the appointment.
Drain Declines Job In China.
ington, Dec. 3. James A. Drain, adju
tant general of the Washington National
Guard, has declined the appointment as
District Attorney of the United States
Court in China, and a Missouri man was
today appointed In his place.
Senator and Mrs. Ankeny arrived to
night. . Make It Easier for Irrigators.
ington, Dec. 3. Senator Heyburn will
introduce tomorrow a bill permitting set
tlers on Government irrigation projects to
obtain title to land in five years instead
of ten, provided they show five years of
residence and cultivation and make full
payment of all installments due.
Bonci Rivals Caruso in Ovation at
Grand Opera.
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. The Manhattan
Opera House, New York's newest
theater, was dedicated to grand opera
tonight. The opera was Belini's
"I Purltanl," and the audience was one
of the largest and most showy that
ever gathered at a first night in this
In opening his beautiful house, Oscar
Hammcrsteln Introduced to America
several noted singers, including Ales
sandro Bonci, an Italian tenor, who
had been heralded as the equal of his
famous countryman. Caruso. Others In
the cast were Mile. Plnkert, Mile.
Sacearia, M. Venturlni, M. Ancona, M.
Arimondi and M. Mugrnoz. Bonci won
his audience with his first aria, though
he appeared a trifle nervous during his
first act. Together with Mile. Plnkert,
who sang "Elvira," and Venturlni and
Ancona, basso and baritone respective
ly, he was recalled halt a dozen times
after the first act. If the applause of
the great audience may be taken as an
indication of high success, first honors
probably would go to Mile. Pinkert,
who carried the great opportunities of
her role with both vocal and artistic
Not until the last act did M. Bonci
have full opportunity to demonstrate
the wonderful possibilities of his voice.
In his scene with Mile. Plnkert in this
act, he carried the house by storm and
the audience remained long enough to
give the two singers half a dozen re
calls after the final curtain.
Mr. Hammerstcin was called before
the curtain after the second act and
made a speech. He told the audience
that he had no partners, no board of
directors, and no one to tell him what
to do. but had fulfilled" his ambition in
building such a magnificent theater
and dedicating it to grand opera.
Oregon for
Glass .
Breach of Contract Charged
in Circuit Court Action.
D. W. Price Contends J. F. Maybach
Backed Out of Compact to
Part With Timber Land
The suit of D. W. Price against J. F.
Mayback and wife to recover on an al
leged breach of contract involving the
sale of timber land, occupied the day in
Judge Gantenbeln's Court yesterday and
will tie resumed this morning.
The basis of the eult is found in an
option given by J. F. Maybach to D. W.
Price on a 311-acre tract of timber land,
the conditions being that Maybach would
sell for $9000 and that at this price the
plaintiff should receive a commission of
Wi per cent, and further that in the event
of & greater price being secured. Price as
agent should receive a compensation of
half the amount received over the $9000,
in addition to the stipulated 2& per cent
on the latter sum.
It is alleged and testimony was offered
yesterday showing that in pursuance of
the conditions of the option. Price ten
dered to the defendants a sale of the land
to the Chapman Timber Company, which
was refused. The course of the testi
mony offered by the plaintiff depended
upon the fact that the sale was not ac
ceptable because it was believed then by
the plaintiffs that more money could be
had for the land and that the option was
abrogated behind the excuse that Mrs.
Maybach refused to sign a deed when
the sale was offered.
The defense offers a suggestion of fraud
alleging that Price used the sale of their
land to further the disposal of less 'valu
able property adjoining and which was
owned by Price.
Arguments in the case will be heard
by the Jury this morning.
Corrects Alleged Error in Answer of
Henry E. McGinn.
C. E. S. Wood, who has figured in the
Henry E. McGinn contempt proceedings,
yesterday filed an affidavit in the Cir
cuit Court correcting an alleged error in
the answer submitted by the latter in
his defense proceedings on Saturday. The
affidavit in part says:
In the answer filed by Mr. McGinn in the
contempt proceedings occurs this statement:
"Mr. McGinn retired from the grand Jury
room, whereupon Mr. Wood, believing the
contention made by Mr. McGinn to be a
correct one, withdrew immediately there
after." "The contention referred to by McGinn is
that it wa illegal and improper that Wood,
being attorney for the private prosecutor,
Mr. Larld, should be before the grand Jury
as a deputy district attorney. I believe that
Mr. McGinn acted in Rood faith in making
-that affidavit, but he is in error. I believed
then and do now that there was no impro
priety in the attorney for the prosecuting
witness presenting to the grand jury that
witness' case, which was practically the
same case that the state was bound to
The facts are that when I appeared be
fore the District Attorney. Mr. Manning,
with Mr. J-add and laid before him the
libel referred to, Mr. Manning suggested it
would be better to have a grand jury art,
and said he would expect me to assist him,
and he would make me bis deputy, which
he did.
When Mr. McGinn made his protest before
the grand jury I stated that no matter how
irregularly that protest was made, I would
not remain and proceed further In the mat
ter until the question had been settled by
the court, ,and it was for that reason and
awaiting such a decision that I retired.
That afternoon, Mr. Manning came to me
and said the court had ruled that I had a
right to be before the grand Jury, and lie
expected me to abide by my promise that
1 would assist him. I replied that I would
do so. and would be on hand next morning.
I was present next morning, ready to as
sist him In laying the case before the grand
jury, when Mr. Manning suggested that on
further reflection he had concluded that I
had better not return to the grand Jury
After Viat I had nothing to do with the
matter until Mr. Manning brought me an
affidavit and asked if I would sign it, which
I did after making a correction In It, and
since then I have known nothing about the
Passenger on O. W. P. Car Says Eye
sight Was Injured.
An action against the Oregon Water
Power & Railway Company for $1000
damages was filed by W. A. Cox in the
State Circuit Court yesterday.
The complaint alleges that on August
13, while the plaintiff was a passenger
on one of the defendant's cars, crossing
the Madison street bridge, he was severe
ly injured in his face and eyes through
a blinding flash of electricity emitted
from the controller box. It is stated
that tho plaintiff was 'Seated on the mo
torman'a stool by invitation of the latter
and that the apcident occurred during
that time and through tmv negligence of
both the company and its employes. The
complaint avers . that the electrical
mechanism contained in the controller
box was faulty and that while the mo
torman was attempting to adjust It and
while the mechanism was unprotected by
An appropriate
Holiday Gift
These solid gold wearables
prevail here in greater vari
ety than ever before. All the
wanted styles, besides an
abundance of newer ideas
never before seen greet the
purchaser. The workmanship
and finish give them character
of decided solidity and beauty.
Prices will at once warrant in
terest and approval, quality
Prices range from
Fiction by
Mrs. F.H. Burnett
A. B. W. Mason
Irving Bachellcr
C Q. D. Roberts '
Harry S. Edwards
John Corbin
Henry M. Hyde
Oscar King Davis
Model Farms"
by James J. HiH,
President of the
Great Northern
"Wfth Whistler
in Venice"
by Otto H. Bacher
A Rejoinder to
W. J. Bryan,
by the Author of
- Letters from a
Chinese Official"
Poems by
Henry Van Dyke
Wm. Vaughn Moody
and others
tbat will
35 cents a number
obtain firat chapters of
tinten square V
means of Its customary shield, the cur
rent was turned on resulting in a flash of
light which was thrown into the face of
The plaintiff, who is a dentist, be
lieves that his eyesight, as a result. Is
permanently injured and asserts that
owing to his disability resulting from the
accident he has lost $300 through his
inability to keep special engagements
made In his profession.
Forger Is Given Indeterminate Sen
tence in Penitentiary.
Bctah Smith, the self-confessed forger,
but who sought immunity from "punish
ment under the plea ef insanity, was sen
tenced yesterday to an Indeterminate sen
tence, ranging from two to 20 years, in
the state penitentiary.
Smith was sentenced yesterday after his
sanity had been passed upon by the com
mission, but in receiving bis sentence
he offered in extenuation his addiction
from boyhood to vicious habits, a point
that he alleged was not brought put In
the insanity hearing.
Smith, together with Carmichael, the
house-burglar under a Rix-year sentence
for robbing R. F. Prael"s residence, will
be taken to Salem today, under guard of
Sheriff Stevens and Deputy Joseph Jones.
Thomas Dillon Pleads Guilty.
Thomas Dillon, charged with contribut
ing to the delinquency of a child,. Amy
Ollenbeck, aged 15 years, pleaded guilty
before Judge Sears yesterday. Pending
further consideration, his sentence has
been deferred.
Will Give Decision Today.
Judge Frazer will render a decision this
morning in the case of M. E. Henkle et
al against M. Klapper.
First Prize Goes to Guelph.
CHICAGO. Dec. X Students of the On
$10 to $150. They are all
Corner Third and Washington Streets
ggs sS
c I i
Maude Adams
as " Peter Pan"
An Exquisite Ideal Portrait
In Color by
Slglsrnond de Ivanowskl
Mrs Burnett's
Great Novel of
International Marriage
"The Shuttle"
ninatrated by Grelfrenhagen
"The Panama
Secretary Wifflara H. Taft
An article of great timeliness
Jay Cooke
and the Financing of
the Civil War
ETIls Paxson Oberholtxer
B Cbrtetmas Book
Delight 3vers purchaser
$4.00 a year
to The Century Magazine who begin with thia number
are entitled to receive the November number and so to
Mrs. Burnett's great novel of international
XEbe Century Co,
tario Agricultural College at Guelph, Ont.,
were awarded the first prize in the Judg
ing contest for all animals combined at
the International Livestock show, in the
report made yesterday by Professor J. H.
Shepherd, of North Dakota Agricultural
College, the superintendent of the Judg
ing. The student judging team of the Ames
Agricultural College, of Ames, Iowa, took
second, Ohio ranked third, Kansas fourth,
Michigan fifth and Texas sixth.
In the contest of horse judging for the
McLaughlin Brothers' prize, Iowa was
first, Texas second, Ohio third, Ontario
fourth, Michigan fifth and Kansas sixth.
For individual excellence A. H. Hamer,
of Ontario, ranked first, J. O. Olson, of
Kansas second, and C. C. Nixon of On
tario third.
Agricultural Department Expert Re
turns From Far East.
sen, explorer for the Department of Agri
culture at Washington, arrived today on
the steamer China from a tour of the
world, in search of rare specimens of
plants and trees that would be of econo
mic value to the farmers of the United
States.. He was eminently successful in
his nlssion. but declined to go into de
tails regarding his discoveries.
"I must first make my official report
to Secretary Wilson." said Hansen.
Hansen left Washington on July 17
last, going direct to England, and thence
to Lapland, Norway and Sweden, Finland
and across Russia and Siberia to Vladi
vostok and from there to Japan and
China. V
Walks Off Running Train.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 3. Mrs. M.
A. Dawson, a passenger on a West-bound
Missouri . Pacific train, walked off the
platform near Kansas City early today
Bohemian Glass
the latest
and .
They are now
all the rage
The plainer ones abound in
flat or round shapes, polished
or satin finish. Then, again,
the hand etched or engraved
are exceedingly popular. Hand
somely chased ones, mounted
with precious or semi-precious
stones,1 are vastly represented.
Ask to see the jade-mounted
ones. They're stunning. Many
new creations in chain brace
lets also. '
quality winners.
in Color
"The Belle of the
Christmas Ball by
AnnaWhean Betts
" Eve and Cain "
by Leyendecker
"Ave Maria"
by Horatio Walker
Photogravure by
Francis Day
Other Pictures by
Chas. L. Bull
Otto H. Bacher
Charlotte Harding
Harry Fenn
Paul J. Meylan
H. S. Potter
Chriotiwc L. Brecti n
W. H. Stevens
and others
" The Conception "
by Murilk)
Engraved by
Timothy Cole
Bach one of tb. superb
illustrations in color of
" Heroine of Fiction "
and " Impersonations
of the Contempora
neons Stafre." now ap
pearing inTbe Century,
m worth raming
marriage " The Shuttle
and was killed. She had a ticket from
Ephrnta. Wash., to Osawatomie. Kan.
DEC. 5th
The great. Russian pianist will
appear at Heili-; Theater tomor
row evening;. Dee. 5th.
The superb Mason and Hamlin
piano will be used.
Ossip Gabrilowitsch is one of
the world's foremost pianists.
"The House of Quality."
jf - . t, . ,
t" - 4-, - - ' i
- i" i
A multitude of exclusive designs in the scroll
or conventional ideas. All sizes for children,
ladies or gentlemen, and finished in the rose
effect. The proper weight and nice prices to
make them doubly attractive. Engraved ini
tials of the highest order.
From $2.50 to $20
A constant changing o styles prevents illus
trating. Besides, personal inspection is the
only way to appreciate its beauty. Here are
some suggestions:
Bowls, Dishes, Bon Bon Dishes, Trays,
Sugar and Creamers, Vases, Caraffes, Water
Pitchers, Comports, Spoon Trays.
Diamonds Remounted Modernly
and accomplished ' by experts. Designs
drawn to suit your own ideas. Lowest es
timates given on first-class work only.
How a Prominent Portland Visitor Found ,
. a Surprise.
'Tou don't mean to say that you can
sell pianos with everything looking
lepsy-turvy and all this work of re-buliding-
and remodeling going on?''
said a caller at Eilers Piano House
yesterday. We had to aJmit that
things were in a rathervchaotic state,
to all appearances, at least, and that
occasionally a salesman or a customer
might be annoyed by the noise and
confusion incident to the work of
practically lnstalHng a five-floor
building in one originally Intended
for but two.
But to show him that even under
these circumstances pianos ran be sold
we showed him our sale report for
yesterday and for Saturday, which of
ccurse astonished him. "Nothing as
tonishing about it," we said. "The
only wonder is that we haven't sold
out n?arly all of these fine pianos at
the emergency sale prices, represent
ing a reduction of from $100 to $12S,
yes, in some cases as much as $-0 1
from the price at which tiiese instru-
ments are usually sold by retail deal
ers When we are 'offering here to take
J164 each for choice of four largest
size fancy cased Ludwig upright pi
anos, which, to all appearances look
as though they had never been used
at all. , and are willing to take $-'
or even $14 cash, and the balance at
$7 or ti a month, it seems to us they
ought to be taken up quickly. Here
is a Krcll piano that is new. It is a
mahogany case. Some dealers ask
$32i for it. We'll take J1SS cash or
J! a month for it. A splendid Jacob
Doll piano, good and serviceable, for
$196, for which other dealers have
asked as much as $350, yes, even $37;.
A suberb little oak-cased Kimball up
right, not yet seven years old. goes
now for $22t, and another fancy ma
hogany Kimball very nearly new can
be secured for $2811. A very good ma
hogany caso Steinway upright Is now
$'-'S6, and $S less takes a splendid medium-sized
mahogany case Knube.
Remember these last named pianos
are not brand new, but we doubt If
even an expert could tell them from a
new one. There are quite a. number of
ethers: Fischers, Mathushek, Mehlin.
Decker, Hallett & Davis, aad other
brands, all at corresponding reduc
tions. But the Sale Report
Here is the report of Satin-day's and
Monday's piano selling. We have sold
mo;-e than these at various times, dur
ing the past three years, in a single
day, but we doubt if anywhere in t'ii
l uitcd States so many pianos ever
were sold under circumstances, twice
or three times more favorable, in so
fir as displuy'and chance to show the
instruments Is concerned. We are still
really very much disarranged, hut that,
is the reason why prices have been
made so low, and that is the reason
why discriminating purchasers secure
pianos now rather than waiting until
everything Is again in apple pie order.
Mrs. If. G. Sladen purchased a Mar
shall i- Wendell.
Mrs. Dora Butler, a Story & Clark.
Mrs. C. N. McKay, a beautiful Schu- ,
maim in mahogany.
Miss M. Leman came In from La fay1
ettt, Or., and purchased a Marshajl &
Wendell. , - y"
Mr. V. A. Hogan bought a self-playing
electric piano.
A Bush & Gerts was secured by Mr.
Liese, and the very finest fancy ma
hogany cased Weber upright piano
was purchased by E. F. Patteson.
Mr. II. Bauman. of the Bauman Ho
tel, bought one of the fancy exhibition
style Kimball uprights, which was
also specially ordered for the opening.
Mr. James Pullen bought another of
the popular Marshall & Wendell pian
os, while the Misses Pauline and Rosa
Joss bought one of the fancy many
toned Weser orchestral pianos. The
order was received from the Delta
Alpha fraternity for another one of
the Marshall .' Wendell pianos.
Mr. 11. .1. Dunn decided upon a Steck
Plnnol;.. Piano, and a pianola was sold
to Miss Josephine Duncan.
Mr. Fritz Howe bought a Weber
piano in fancy mahogany case. A
Bailev piano to be used as a premium
In a prize contest was ordered by the
Press Publishing Co. Mr. C. C. Ciildea
bought a nice little Kimball organ.
Another one of the fancy exhibition
Instruments ordered for the opening
was a $11?0 Chickering Baby Grand
in crotch mahogany. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Day bought It yesterday for
their new home. A fine Stuyvesant
pianola piano (the $" kind i was
bought by Dr. H. Algrove. Another
pianola was purchased by Mr. J. R.
Miss Emn.a Neeley decided upon a
slightly used Milton piano, sind a IIo
bait M. Cable piano, the medium size,
was bought bv Mr. Norman R. Totten.
Mrs. J. ti. Al.lrich and her sister-in-law.
Mrs. V. 11. Moots, each purchased
the'same stvlc of the Marshall & Wen
dell upright. Another Bailey piano
went to Miss Eva McRea. A Kimball
organ was ordered bv mail by Mrs. A.
Closan. and still another Kimball or
gan was purchased by Mr. W. H. Lit
ter, also a. mail order.
One of the famous Chickering
grands, which have become so popular
In homes of wealth of late years, waa
secured by Mrs. A. Wyman, while one
of the fancy many toned Crown or
chestral pianos whs purchased by
Mr. C. S. (Ircgff. A very large fancy
oak-cased Kimball orchestral upright
went to Miss Jennie Mcl.eod. while
another beautiful fancy Knglish burl
walnut case Weber upright piano was
purchased by Mrs. John Raymond.
Tho above are sales at Eilers Piano
House for Saturday and yesterday.
Could any better or more definite proof
of the genuineness of our offers be ad
duced? We think not. We are anx
ious to sell pianos, and in our extrem
ity shall not refuse ally reasonable
offer as to terms of payment now.
But come in today or tomorrow. We
are getting under way and as soon as
we urn thoroughly installed in the
new premises this emergency sale Is
Remember the new number. 3..3
Washington Street. The New Eilers
Piano Ilocse, bigger than ever, better
than ever, busier than ever.