TITS MORNING-OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1906. CABINET CHANGES SENT TO SENATE President Also Names Moody for Justice of the Su preme Court. BRISTOL IS REAPPOINTED Koosevclt Stands by Honey's Choice ' for District Attorney Carna lian Appointed Collector of Customs at Astoria, WASHINGTON', Dec. 3. Six cabinet changes and one appointment to the Su preme Court bench were sent to the House, today by President Roosevelt, but they were not confirmed in accordance . with ffeneral custom concerning such im portant nominations. It is said that there 3s no opposition to the appointees tor the cabinet, and to the nomination ot the Attorney-General, "YV. H. Moody, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, despite the fact that it was determined to refer these nominations to committees for report. The reason advanced for the delay is that no message of any character had been received from the President and therefore it would not be proper to transact business. Changes in Cabinet. The Important nominations follow: Secretary of the Treasury George B. Cortelyou. Attorney -General Charles J. Bonaparte. Postmaster-General George von L. Jleycr. Secretary of the Navy Victor H. Met calf. Secretary of the Interior James R. Gar field. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Os car S. Straus. Associate Justice Supreme Court Wil liam H. Moody. civil Service Commissioner John Avery Mcilhcnny, Louisiana. . Interstate Commerce Commissioners Kilsar iX Clark, Iowa: James S. Harlan, Illinois; Judson C. Clements. Georgia. Officials of the Uniter States Court for China Judge Rebbeus R. Wilfley, Mis souri; District Attorney, Arthur Bassett, Missouri; Marshal, Orvice R. Leonard, Michigan; Clerk Frank K. Hinckley, Cali fornia. Many Diplomatic Changes. Minister to Panama Herbert G. Squl crs. New York. Secretaries of Embassies Spencer F. Kddy, Illinois, at Berlin; H. P. Dodge, Massachusetts, at Tokio. Second Secretaries of Kmbassies George Post Wheelock, Washington, at Tokio; Paxton Hibben, Indiana, at Mexico City. Third Secretary of Kmbasy Bailey lines, Pennsylvania, at St. Petersburg. Secretaries of Legations Charles S. "Wilson. Maine, at IJavana: William M. Langhorn. Virginia, at Chrlstiania, Nor way; William Heimke, New York, at Ha vana. Consul-General William P. Kent, Vir Kinlo, at Guatemela, Guatemala. Consuls George A. Bucklin, Jr.. Okla homa, at Glauchen, Saxony; H. S. Bru M"t, Pennsylvania, at Jeres de la Fron tora, Spain; A. W. Brickwood, Jr., Ari zona, at Puerto Cortes, Honduras; J. G. Carter. Georgia, at Tamatave, Madagas car: K. L. Harris, Illinois, at Smyrna, Turkey: W. L. Ixiwric, Illinois, at Wei mar. Germany; T,homas P. Norton, Ohio, at Chemitz, Saxony; A. C. Seyfert, Penn sylvania, at Collingwood, Out.:- J. H. Shirley, Illinois, at Charlottestown, P. E. 1. Circuit Judge for the Third Judicial district Joseph Buffington, Pennsylvania. Bristol Named Again. Assistant Attorney-General A. W. Coo ley, New York. United States Attorney W. C. Bristol, Oregon. .Marshal A. W. Merryflcld, Montana, Collector o Customs C. W. Carnahan, Oregon. ' Paymaster-General of tho Navy and Chief of tho Bureau of Supplies and Ac counted Kustaee B. Rogers. Postmasters: Idaho Maurice S. Brainard. Wardner. Montana M. Jacobs, East Helena. Washington H. Hammer, Sedro-Wooley; D. C Pier.son, Stanwood. Cabinet Changes at New Year. Tho lirst Cabinet change will take place about tho lirst of the year, when Mr. Moody will take his place on the Supremo bench. Mr. Bonaparte will then go to the Department of Justice. Mr. Straus will enter the Cabinet as Secretary of Commerce and I-abor, and Mr. Metcalf will become Secretary of the Navy. Mr, Shaw will retire March 4 and Mr. Cortel you will take tho Treasury portfolio and will bo succeeded as Postmaster-General by George von L. Meyer, tho present Am bassador to St. Petersburg. Mr. Garfield will succeed Secretary Hitcheok as head of the Interior Department at the same time. No Opposition to Moody. Opposition to the confirmation ot Mr. Moody is not anticipated by his friends in Hie Senate. It has been reported that Senators Bailey and Tillman opposed the nomination because of their belief that Mr. Moody had broken faith with them while acting as the representative of President Roosevelt in negotiations with these Democratic Senate leaders during the rate legislation right in the last ses sion of Congress. Mr. Bailey, before leav ing for Texas, a few days ago, told his colleagues that he would not oppose the continuation. Mr. Tillman objects to Mr. Moody as a member of the Supreme Court because of the incident connected with the rate bill, and for the further reason that he be lieves Messrs. Judson and Harmon were unfairly treated in conection with the Santa Fe rebate case, but he announced today that he would not go further than to make a few remarks concerning the incidents when the Moody nomination is considered in executive session. It is ex pected the nomination will be reported unanimously, tomorrow by the committee on judiciary. TRYING TO PICK AMBASSADOR British Government Canvasses Iilst of Available Diplomats. LONDON, Dec. 3. The government authorities continue actively to can vass the field of available candidates for the post of ambassador at Wash ington in succession to Sir Mortimer Durand. with tho evident desire to make the appointment before March 4, In order to permit the new ambassador to meet American public men before tho adjournment of the present Con gress. Among those heinc considered are Sir Maurice de Bunn, now Minister at Madrid and formerly Minister at Lisbon; Lord Sanderson, for many years permanent Undersecretary of Stato for Foreign Affairs, and who iucceded the late Lord Pauncefote at the foreign office:, and Sir John Gorst, years permanent Under Secretary of for India and Financial Secretary of the Treasury. Lord Sanderson's age (he was born In 1841) and his falling: eyesight, however, render him unavailable. NEW ISLE OP PINES TREATY Magoon to Negotiate for Protection to American Settlers. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. A new treaty will be sent to th Senate at the present session of Congress denning tho title of the Isle of Pines, according to plans that have been made by Republican members of the Senate committee on foreign rela tions. The present treaty has been pend ing for nearly three years with little prospect of ratification. It is planned to redraft the treaty in order to Incorpor ate more definite safeguards for the inter ests of the Americans who had bought land In the island prior to the negotiation of the pending treaty. It 13 expected that Governor Magoon will negotiate the treaty with the State Department. The changes contemplated, it is said, would disarm the principal ob. Jections urged against the convention. PLATT AND DEPEW UNABASHED Tainted Senators on Hand Bailey Busy in Texas. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Three raps with the traditional little ivory gavel in the hand of Vice-President Fair banks brought sudden stillness over the thronged galleries surrounding the Senate Chamber and ushered in the first minutes of the Senate's last session of the 59th Congress at noon today. Senator Teller, of Colorado, was the first to take his seat, a full half hour before, the gavel fell. The venerable Senator Piatt, of New York, came In leaning heavily on the arm of an at tendant. Senator Daniel, of Virginia, came next; then Senator Benson, of Kansas. Senator Depew, of New York, took his place early. One of the familiar faces most missed was that of Senator Allison. He has arransed to remain in his home at Dubuque, la., until after the holiday re cess. . " Most of the prominent Democrats were in attendance, one exception being Senator Bailey, who left Washington a few days ago for his home in Texas. For 15 minutes before noon there was a general reception on the floor, with greetings and congratulations. When the final signal for the session was given the usual routine of organiz ing was begun. The oath of office was today taken by Senator Dupont, of Delaware. After the introduction of resolutions regarding the discharged negro troops, nominations from the White House were received, after which the Senate went into executive session. SHAW'S ESTIMATE FOR YEAR Total of $698,028,153 Needed From Present Congress. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The Secre tary of the Treasury today transmit ted to Congress the book of estimates of appropriations required for Govern ment service for the fiscal year end ing June SO, 1908. The following table shows the estimates, together with the appropriations made by Con gress for each item for the present fiscal year: . Estimates Appropriations OMects for 1008. for 1007. Legislative Esthlshm't fi.til8.17B $ G.tMi.BST Kxecullve Kstblsiimt . . 32,r71.f)ln 2ti.W4.0!2 Judicial KsU.hll.'ihm't.. 8SO,1Z0 1,108,014 Foroinn Intercourse... ri.li.M.OTT :i,7!lrt,KS Military Estanlishm't Tlt.tKXf. ii:s 7Z.:,ZiU Naval Ksiitblishment 11.Y444.KAO 0S.77:i,C.!l2 Indian Affairs 7,7.tW 14.So8.144 Pensions .. l.".s,24.t,on(i 14::,T4K,10H Public. Works Dft.RS.YM0 S3,Mr..71 IVwsthI Service Deflc. .. .Indefinite L'ftS,41fi Miscellaneous .'i!.,J44.()KS !2n.2HtWT Per. Annual Appro... 149.SSB,:K;0 lf.5.11 7,320 Grand Total $0S. 028.45:1 $701, 551.566 YOUNG A SLUGGER HIMSELF Admits. Hitting Strikebreaker and Expects Prison Sentence. CHICAGO, Dec. 3 Albert Young, the ex-president of the Teamsters' Union and the present head of the United Teamsters of America, was again called to the stand today when the trial of Cornelius P. Shea, president of the International Brother hood of Teamsters, was resumed. 'Do you remember an occurrence that took place during the teamsters' etrilce in 1005, near the Washington-street tunnel?" asked Assistant State's Attorney Miller. "I do." "YVfte was there at the time?" "Jerry McCarthy, business agent of the Truckdrlvers' Union, and myself." "What happened there?" "I saw a man hit a driver employed by Franklin MacVeagh & Co. and knock him down. When the man got up I hit him myself." Young remained on the stand the entire day 'and will continue tomorrow. On cross-examination he testified that in turning state's evidence there was no per sonal animosity against Shea. Young de clared that he had pleaded guilty because he proved he had not been treated fairly. "Do you expect to go to tho State Peni tentiary as a result of your confession?" Young was asked on cross-examination. Ho promptly replied: "Yes, sir." OPEN SHOP LEAGUE MEETS President of Industrial Association Claims Many Victories. CHICAGO, Dec 3. The convention of the Citizens' Industrial Association of America opened here today. The greater part of the day was consumed in listen ing to the reports of officers. President Q W. Post, in his report, characterized, tho American Federation of Labor as "the greatest trust in the world." He declared the Industrial Association was formed to defend communities and citi zens from "the destructive acts of both capital and labor." He exulted in the defeat of labor can didates for Congress and said many newspapers which had submitted to labor union dictation had become independent. He took credit to the association for the settlement of the coal strike last Spring. He gave a list of large industries which maintain the open shop. He said that the open shop had been established in the steel structural trade, among the car penters and painters of New York and In nearly all the building trades of the South. He claimed similar victories in Philadelphia and Pittsburg. He declared the employing printers were holding their own in their struggle and that the New York printing office was an open shop. He cited other successes and declared that unions tyrannize over San Fran cisco. He advocated prosecution of the labor federation as a trust, and summed up by defining the principles of the as sociation as: The open shop: no restric tion as to number of apprentices: no boy cott: no violence; no picketing, and steady operation of Industries. Veteran of Maximilian's War. MEXICO, CITY, Dec. 3. General Ig nacio Mejla, Minister of War for Ju arez In the war against the French, is dead in his 93d year. You can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla for every form of scrofula. It purifies the blood. - . RAISED FIRST DAY Case of Negro Troops Brought Before Senate. ALL THE FACTS SOUGHT Penrose and Foraker Offer Resolu tions Calling for Information; About Disgraced Soldiers. Law Questions Involved, WASHINGTON, Dec S. Surprise lit up the faces of the Senators when Mr. Pen rose injected Into the formal opening ceremony of that body today a resolution of inquiry addressed to the President re garding the discharge of three negro com panies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry. When Mr. Penrose said he had a resolu tion for which he should like immediate consideration, Mr. Fairbanks arose and after hesitating a second, remarked: "The usual rule is not to consider reso lutions or miscellaneous matter until after the message of the President is received." "Then," rejoined Mr. Penrose, "I shall ask unanimous consent to have the reso lution read." This was granted. It follows: . "Resolved, That the President is re quested to communicate to the Senate, If not incompatible with the public interests, full information bearing upon the recent order dismissing from the military service of the United States three companies of the Twenty-fifth Regiment Infantry, United States troops, colored." Foraker, of Ohio, was upon his feet at once, say ing: Foraker Wants Full Information. "I have a substitute for that in the fol lowing resolution, and I ask that it be read, and that both lie over." Spooner secured the re-reading of the first resolution, and Warren, of Wyoming, asked that both go over. The Foraker resolution was read at his request. It was addressed to the Secre tary of War, directing that official to fur. nish the Senate copies of all official let ters, telegrams, reports and orders ' filed with the War Department in connection with the recent discharge of the troops in question, together with a complete list of the men discharged, showing the record of each, the amount of retired pay each was entitled to under certain sections ot the Revised Statutes. The ruling of the department is asked on this or any other similar case regarding the right of the men to such retired pay; also the ruling of the department as to the' right of such discharged men to retire on three-fourths pay with allowance, subsistence and cloth ing; their rights to enter the National Sol diers' Home; to be buried in a National Cemetery; to receive subsistence and transportation from the place of dis charge to their homes, also the complete official record of the Twenty-fifth Regi ment of Infantry from the time of its muster to the date of the discharge of the companies mentioned. Under the various requests that the matter go over, nothing furtH'er was said after tho reading of the resolutions Legal Questions Raised. Mr. Foraker explained the purposes of his resolution, in an interview as follows: The resolution speaks for Itself. I can rot discuss it. I will say, however, I have no purpo.su of raising the race question. The question involved is broader. It would be unfortunate to have it narrowed down by drawing the color line. It concerns white as well as colored soldiers. It is a question e-f constitutional power on the one hand and constitutional statutory rights on the other. Until we have a complete record I do not know just what questions will arise, but we may have to consider whether a man can be convicted of felony by order and whether, following such a conviction, sentence may be imposed and punishment Inflicted by or der. Discharges without honor may be granted where they are- not based on an of fense against the law of the land, the com mission of which is denied and where no punishment follows. But where there is conviction, sentence and punishment 1 have always supposed there would have to be also a trial, either In a civil court or in a court martial or before some other tribunal thereunto duly appointed by law. But it is idle to discuss any of these questions until we know whether they are raised by the record. Not First Town Negroes "Shot Up." WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The War De partment Is preparing for an investigation by Congress of tne cases of the Twenty fifth Infantry, recently discharged with out honor by order of President Roose velt, and to this end has compiled a record of negro troops dating back to the Civil War. It is said that this record dis closes a state of affairs not generally known and that once before, at least, the Twenty-fifth Infantry "shot up" a town. The affair happened in 1885 at Fort Stur gis, Dakota, Some of the negro -soldiers went on a rampage similar to that of Brownsville and one of their number killed a citizen. In that case, however, the citizens took the men into their hands, forced the trooper under pain of death to disclose the namo of the man who did the killing and then took, him out and lynched him. UNIONS APPEAL TO CANNON Speaker's Support Is Asked for the Ship Subsidy Bill. WASHINGTON, Deo, 3-sSpcaker Cannon has received fifteen petitions from priminent union labor organiza tions in this country, asking him to use his Influence for the passage of the ship subsidy bill. As President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, and other prominent labor leaders have openly opposed the mea sure, the petitions sent to Mr. Cannon have caused some surprise in that they indicated a division among the labor forces on tbis important mea sure. Speaker Cannon has always been classed with the radical opponents of ship subsidies, and as he has also been out of favor with President Gompers, the oppeal to the Speaker is all the more unexpected. CRAPSEY ASKS , PUBLICITY Renunciation to Be Declared by Bishop Walker Today. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Dec. 3. Rev. Al gernon S. Crapsey, of St. Andrew's Church, was formally notified today by Bishop Walker that the bishop would de clare his renunciation tomorrow. The bishop stated that he should not make the matter public, but Dr. Crapsey, after consulting with his friends, declined to keep the matter secret and telegraphed Bishop Walker to that effect. The de laration will be made in St. John's Chapel In Buffalo. Dec. Victor Records Dec Butterick Patterns Dec Delineator Holiday Ribbon Sale at Half 200,000 Yards of Plain and Fancy Ribbons at Half Their Reg. Prices 50c Fancy all-silk warp, print ribbons, 354 to in. yd. 25 $1.00 Heavy all-silk warp, Dresden ribbons, per yard.4'57 $2.50 Striped and warp print ribbons, g-and 10-inch, yd. 98 20c Fancy all-silk ribbons, 1 inch wide, per yard. ...... 12 35c Messaline and Failletine ribbons, 5- and 6-inch... 21 25c All-silk Taffeta ribbons, 5- and 6-inch ..,..19 15c 10-yard pieces of Baby ribbon, only, per piece. .... .9 30c 10-yard pieces, all-silk satin Baby ribbon, per piece. 19 60c All-silk satin Taffeta ribbon, 3-4 inch, per piece.. 37 2000 Remnants of plain and fancy ribbons at half price. All Silk Taffeta Ribbon at Special Low Prices !Vo. 2, 4c per yard, per piece. 33c No. 5, He per yard, per piece. 45fi No. 7, 7c per yard, per piece. 65 No. 8, per yard 8c, per piece. 85 Holiday Sale Standard Silks Black, Colored and Exquisite Novelty Plaid Silks $1.25 All-silk Satin Duchess for fancy work, etc. yard. '59 85c 19-inch colored Taffeta, including white, cream and black, per yard G7$ $1.25 and $1 High-class Fancy Silks in variety, a yard. 83 $1.35 24-inch figured and crinkle Crepe de Chine, yard.. 98 $1.35 Pompadour Silks, for evening wear, full assortment, per yard 98 All our $1.25 and $1.35 Plaid Silks, per yard 98 All our $1.50 Plaid Silks,! per yard $1.29 All our $1.75 Plaid Silks, per yard $1.45 21- inchi black Peau de Soie; regular $1.25 value, yard. .95 22- in- black Peau de Soie; regular $1.35 value, yard. $1.10 23- in. black Peau de Soie; regular $1.50 value, yard. $1.29 23- in. black Peau de Soie; regular $2.00 value, yard $1.65 24- inch black Taffeta; regular $1.00 value, yard 79 36-inch black Taffeta; regular $1.35 value, yard $1.09 36-inch black Taffeta; regular $1.50 value, yard. .. .$1.29 DAILY CITYSTATISTICS. Marriajrea. LCCKHARDT-THOMPSOX George S. I.uckbardt, Far k is. Mo., 23, and Matilda Thompson, 21. STONE-RUDD Qoorge Stone, Rainier, Or., 30, and Martha H. Rudd. 24. FOSTBR-STBVEN3 Thomas Foster. 36. and Karaii Ann KtevonB, 83. SCHUKNECHT-WORMDAHL Fred Bchuk necht, 31, and .Ir-nnie Wormdahl, 34. CARLSOX-STREBER Arthur Carlson, 19, and Luclla Streber, 20. 1IELM-MYER I'rcd Holm, 25. and Myrtle Mycr, 20. -HAlKNS-i.VEKT John Hagens, 71. and Jane Avery. 66. " TURTLE-IyANUIGAN G. II. Turtle, 3S, and Mrs. Florence 11. I,andlKan, 34. HEAMAN-M'PHEKSON Bert M. Hea man, 22, and Harriet B. McPherson. 20. Births. M1INSEI.T. To tho wife of William O. Mtinscll, November 0, at 615 East Alder street, a' daughter. SEIWERT To the wife of Samuel A. Sel wert. November 4, at. 326 Ea9t Sixth street, a duilKhter. DONAHUE To the wife of Michael Dona hue, November 2, at St. Vincent's Hospital, a dauKhter. OVERMAN To the wire of Anton F. Over man, November 21, at St. Vincent's Hospital, a ron. HOLZBR To the wife of Charles Emll Holzer, November 21, at 427 Williams avenue, a son. HAMMER To the wife of Robert J. Ham mer, November 10, at East Twenty-eighth and Holpate streets, a daughter. WALLACE To the wife of John Wallace, November 16, at. 1007 East Madison etreet, a daughter. Deaths. SCIIXELL-l-At 3I44 Eat Russell street. October 10, Emma fc.hnell, ape "o yoare. (iON(l At 210 Jeffeiwon street, November 29. Gong Lain, a(?e 41 years. KRATT At 2S7 Mill etreet, December 2. Albert 1. Kratt, age 8 years; son of Jacob Kjatt. i'LELAND At Good Samaritan Hospital, December 2. Frances Cleland. ag 35 years. REBC At Greslmm, December 1, Michael Rebo, age 21 years. BARTON At 967 East Seventh street. No vember 30. Frank W. Barton, age 27 years. POI.AND At 506 East Clay street, Novem ber 29, Alfred Poland, Infant son of William roland. Building Permits. S. W. MOORE One-story bam, Broad street, taeiween Allen and. Edgar streets; -aoo. F. S. HALLiOC'K One-story frame dwelling. Spencer street, between Carson and Olney streets. $700. A. S. WELLS One-story frame dwelling, Ellsworth street, between East Ninth and Beacon streets; flftoQ. WILLIAM RUrPRECHT Two-story frame dwelling. Rodney street, between Stanton and Morris streets; $14o0. WILLIAM RUPPRECHT Two-story frame dwelling. Rodney street, between Stanton and Morris streets: 14no. WILLIAM RLIITRECHT Two-story frame dwelling. Rodney, street, between Stanton and Morris streets: $2400. W. H. HELLMAN One-story frame dwell ing. East Ash street, between Twenty -eighth and Twcntv-nlnth streets; $1850. V. M. VAR.ER One-story frame dwelling. Belmont street, between East Thirty-seventh and East Thirty-eighth streets; $1800. A. H. BIRRELL Repair three-story brick office. Sixth street, between Oak and Stark streets: $1000. W H. MOOREHOt'SE Repair two-story frame factory, East Thirteenth and. Tenino streets; $300. MRS. SMrTH Repair three-story brick. Morrison street, between Front and First streets: $100O. W. J. OWENS One-story frame dwelling. Winters street, between Grand View and Monroe streets; $250. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. Walter Carson and wife to John M. Pittlnger. part of lots 12. l.t. block " " Duniway subdivision in Rivervlew Addition to Albina - $ 1,700 Daniel Thomas Sherrett and wife to Henry E. Harris, west '.i of lots 1. 2, Mock 291 Hawthorne Park 6,400 Mtna Alloway and husband to Nellie M. Stevens, west 4 acres of the following: S. 14 ot N. Vi. of N. E. Vi of N. W. Vi and N. Vi of N. 4 ot 8. W. 14 of N. E. i of N. W. li of section 21, T. 1 S., R. 2 E 1,600 H. Parley Kimball to, Amelia D. Kim. ball. 64x1650 feet sections 22, 23, 26, 27 T. IN.. R. IE 600 C. H. Buckenmeyer to H. J. Fisher. M. G. Thorsen, lots 1. 2, block 14. East Portland 1 Herman Metzger, trustee, to Axel W. Fling, lot 8. block .1. Reservoir Park 150 Henrv Scheideman and- wife to Conrad Kcheideman. lots 0. 6, block 4. Irv ington Heights 1.000 George R. Clark and wife o John B. Blngold, lota 1, 2, block 2, Glscomo tract X 1,000 Augusta J. Aylsworth et al. to Allan R. Joy. E. V, of N. W. M and E. Vj of f. W. Vi of section 4.T. 1 S.. R. R E. . 1 Robert Shaw to Elnalhan Sweet. W. 15 feet of lot 15, block 13, Goldsmith's Addition 800 Q. C. English tA T. A. Grenfell, lot 14. block 6. Maegly Highland 1 J. C. Roberts and wife to E. M. Lance. W. Vj of lots 7. 8. block 21. Hanson's Second Addition 800 Frank P. Russell and wife to William McMurray. W. Vi of lot 2 and all of lot 3. block 7. John Irvlng's First Ad dition 1 George W. McCoy and wife to Edith M. . Hamilton, lot 8. block 3. Monticello Addition to East Portland 175 W. G. McPherson and wife to Charle J. McPherson, lot 9. block IT. Willamette Heights Addition 10 Oianv Pole. $ Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered, Our Prices Are Always the Lowest Wa- 19. m -124. nlive. .SHI .1 O No. 16, per yd. 15c, piece.. 135 No. 40, per yd. 2c, piece.. $1.85 Ribbon Bona Tied Free of Charge. Security Savings & Trust Co. to W. G. McPherson. lots 8, 9. block 17, Wil lamette Heights Addition.... 1 P. A. Munro and wife to Christine L. Miller, lots 1, 2. block 6.3 Vernon 050 A. L. Rurosey and wife to Percy Mor gan, lots J. 2. block 1. Rumsey's Ad dition to Tabor Height 1,100 Joseph Simon to Lillian M. Dickson, lot 0. block 27 Couch Addition 10 Gabriel Johnson and wife to Edwin Lawrence Moore, lota 7. 8, block 3, Highland Sohoolhous. Addition 1,100 William F. Kaiser to David Dupee and wife, lot 3 Kaiser's subdivision of ' block 1, King's First Addition 2,000 Taylor Investment Company to Herman. F. Dietrich, lot 28. block 6. Laurel wood 1 Cord Sengstake to Gottlob J. .Stu.man, lot 14 and north 16 2-3 feet of lot 15. ; in subdivision of block 277, Couch Addition y 7,000 Ellers Piano House to Norman D. Root, lot 5. block 39. Tremont 80 Portland Truef Company of Oregon to Norman D. Root, lots fi, 6. 9. 10, 12, block 19, Tremont Place 1 Joseph H. Nash and! wife to Norman D. Root, lots 27. 28. block 34. Tremont Place Addition 1 W. J. Bayard and wife to Fannie Grif fiths, lots 15, 16, 17. block 2. Bayard Addition 650 Minerva C. Bowles to G. B. Hegardt and W. G. Brown. 11.97 acres, commencing at a point 7t4 chains north of S. W. comer of section 30. T. 1 N.. R. 2. E. 1 Charles D. and Joseph R. Bowles, trus tee, to G. B. Hegardt and W. G. Brown, same as above 7.5O0 W. K. Newell and wife to Annie L. Tent. lots 0, 6. 23, 24, block 3, Town of Lent BOO Edsil Billings to Charles A. Johnson and wife, lot 1. block 6. Cloverdale Extension 1,300 F. E. Sanford and wife to W. L. liar man, part of lot 5. block 38, Ports mouth 1 Thlllp Buehncr and wife to A. C. Churchill Co.. beginning at S. W. corner of Hampton Kelly and wife donation lend claim, thence east irr..40 rods to S. E. corner, thence north rods, thence west 1S5.40 rods, thence south 36.S3 rods to place of begin ning 10 Ri-'hard Williams to John Nelson, lots 13. 14. block 5. Williams Addition 400 A. r. Churchill Sr Co.. Inc., to Hibernla Savings Bank, beginning at southwest corner of Hampton Kelly and wife's donation lsnd claim, thence east 1R5.40 rods to southeast corner, thence north 3.83 rods, thence west l."5.40 rods, thence south 36.83 rods to place of beginning 10 J. K. Brown to D. II. Brown. lot 40. block o. Smlthson Tand Company's Addition to East Portland 75 Percy H. Blyth and wife to S. and J. M. Rwirsky et al.. lots 5. 6. 7. 8. block 136, Park Addition to East Port land 17,500 H. E. Noble and wife to Allan R. Joy, R. of W. Vi of section 4. T. 1 S., R. 5 E 150 Fred, Dose et al.. to John Pederson. lots 19. 20. 21. 22. block 8. Point View 1,600 Henrietta and Ignax Froliman to Marian Hoogstraat. 19.56 acres D. D. Pretty man donation land claim in section 6. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E O. W. P. TownBite Co. to L. K. Sim mops, lot IS. block 19. Original Plat of CI tv View Park S00 Point View Real Estate Company to August Alslehen. lots 13, 14, 15. 16 and north len feet of lot 17. block 36. Point View 600 Fletcher Linn and wife to Alex J. Hegen and wife, lot 8. block 2. Bingham Ad dition 500 W. A. and M. J. Wells to William Or- vllle, ot 4. block 6. Mt. Scott Park.. 235 F. M. and Lora Z. Goode to Henry Jones, 14 acres, beginning at north-wes-t corner of section 7. T. 1. S., R. 4 E. 1.500 Ear! C. Bronaugh to C. E. Messenger. lots 19. 20. 21. block 6. Arbor Ixdge 450 George VV. Brown to Fred end Suele Sehmld Poller, lot 18. block 7, Laurel wood - 100 Adam and Clara I.lst to August Tau bert. lot 13, block 13. Albina Home stead 1.700 G. G. and Taura M. Gammans to Lents M. E. Church, lots 1, 2. block- 9. Evelyn 240 Gerda Hermanson et al to H. Hilde brandt. lot 1. block 12. North, Port lend 1 J Salt Rheum Itches, oozes, dries and scales over and over again; local applications do not cure it because they cannot remove its cause, which is an impure condition of the blood. The most obstinate cases have been perfectly and permanently cured by a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla the best medicine for salt rheum in all the world. For testimonials of remarkable cures send for Book on Salt Rheum, No. 2. CL Hood Co., Lowell, Moss. Great Cut-Price Holiday Sale of Sterling Silver Articles 50c. Sterling Novelties 29c $1.00 Pocket Scissors 75c $1.35 and $1.25 Brushes. .$1.00 65c Talcum Jars , ..50c $1.00 Cut Glass for...'. 75c $1.50 Ster. Deposit Bottles.. 98c $2 Silver Deposit Bottles. $1.23 $1.35 Souvenir Spoons 98c $3.50 Clothes Brushes $2.50 7oc and 85c Nail Buffers ... 50c 50c Sterling Novelties 35c $1.00 Cut Glass "Creamers. .75c 75c Mucilage Bottles 50c $1.50 Sewing Sets... ........ $1.25 35c Pocket Combs 25c $7.50 Sterling Mirror. .. .$6.00 $3.25 Sterling Sets $2.25 Sets of guaranteed Sterling Silver to $50.00. All Silver Engraved Free During this Sale. 40c Dolls, 25c - Kid Dolls, open and close eyes, 19 quality; extraordinary value at H. Hlldebrandt to Charles Feldenhelmer, fractional lot 1, block 12. North Port land 1 A. T and Josephine M. Huggins to D. E. Stewart, lot 17. block 21. Irvington 1.100 Charles Holman and wife to John B. Matthews, lot 5, block 12, Piedmont.. 10 Same to Ora Belle Holmes, lot 6. block 12. Piedmont 10 Mary M. Oilman et al. to Albert Maier, lot 19. block 3. Ilavelock Addition 400 George and Elizabeth C. Good to T). S. McLean, lot 9. block 2. Alton Park.. 300 A. L. Minnie Stone to James H. Staple ton, lots 1, 2. 3. 4, block 10, Fair Tiew : J W. Ogilhee ami wife to James H. s.nd Julia Kltchine. lots 7. 8. block 54, Stephens Addition to East Portland.. 10 Charles N. Thompson and E. E Wlllard to A C. Thompson. N. Vj of lot 5, block 232. Couch Addition: also S of lot 5, block 232, Couch Addition.. 3.000 Est. your abstracts mads r the Security Abstract Trust Co.. 7 Chamb.r fit Comnwrc Buy Chesapeake & Ohio Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. Ktihn. I.oeb & Co. announced today that they have pur chased the 135,000 uliares of the Chesa peake & Ohio stock which has been held by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, but declined to Rive details. It is understood, however, that the stock was purchased for the Vanderbilt inter ests, which now control a considerable amount of Chesapeake & Ohio stock. Woman's Fatal Fall at Fire. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 3. Mrs. Charles Rhode was probably fatally hurt and about $100,000 loss caused by a fire which destroyed Nate Block's five-story clothing store early today. The woman fell from the first story, about 20 feet above the pavement, breaking one leg and sustain ing internal injuries. Her busband had a narrow escape. The lire loss is prob ably covered by insurance. Studies IiCprosy in Rats. HONOLULU. Nov. 27. via San Fran cisco, Dec. 3. Dr. Walter Brinckerlioff, who is' to have charge of the leprosy in vestigating station on the Island of Mol kal, is now here engaged in the study of a leprosy-like disease which exists in rare Instances in rats. He Is seeking to find its relation, if any, to leprosy in the hu man system. Create Auto Course on 1-ong Island. ALBANY, N. Y., Dec. 3.-The Long Is land Motor Parkway Incorporation was Established 1870. Portland Wholesale & Retail Art Co. Representing one of the largest Eastern manufacturers, we are able to show you the finest and largest display of pictures in the city. We cordially invite you to call before purchasing elsewhere. 565 WASHINGTON STREET Only 18 More Shop ping Days Till Xmas. Buy Presents Now. 8oc Sterling Novelties 49c $1.25 Bottle Openers $1.00 35c Coat Hangers 25c $5.00 Shaving Sets. ..... .$4.00 75c Key Rings for... 50c 35c Ink Wells for 25c $1.25 Puff Jars for $1.00 25c Strawberry Kraerys. . . .18c $1.00 Manicure Scissors. .. .75c $10 and $12 Military Brushes, pair $9.00 $2.25 Stationery Sets $1.75 35c and 50c Bookmarks.... 25c $1.00 Grip Tags 75c $1.25 Match Boxes. ... 85c $1.00 Stamp Boxes. ......... 75c $6.00 Military Brushes. ...$5.00 50c Dolls, 35c On account of the small space we are able to devote to dolls this year, we have been forced to sell all our dolls at lower prices in order to re duce the stock. Kid Dolls, open and close eyes, 15-inch length; real value 40c; spe 25C Jointed Dolls, 8 and 10 inches high, ele gantly dressed, beautiful hair, open and close eyes. Real value 50c aud Est a wonderful bargain at JJ Jointed Dolls, 12 to 14 inches high, fully dressed, beautifully made and Cfrf real values of 75c, at JV' inches high, finest ff incorporated here today by August Bel mont and others, with a capital of $;.00o. 000. ThP company' will purchase real es tate and will establish an automobile course. The principal office will be at Mincola, L. I. Discover Tomb of Cicero. NAPLES, Dec. 3. What would appear to be a most important archaeloglcal discovery has been made at Kormale, near which place Cicero was assassi nated 20 centuries ago. This discovery consists of remains which are thought to be tho tomb of the great orator. Two Great Fighters Meet. WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. Terry Mc Govern. the prlzef Ishter, had a mo ment's talk with the Presidont today. He was accompanied to the White House by his private secretary, and called merely to pay his respect.!. Harvard AVlns at Sooker Football. ITHACA, N. Y., Dec. 3. Tho score in the game of Socker football today was: Harvard !. Cornell 0. j WEDDING X AND VISITING CARDS j W.G.SMITH 6 CO. ? Washington Building X If you want the best eye examination, the best glasses and the best results, con sult the Oregon Optical Co., 173 Fourth St., Y. M. C. A. Bldg. 4- FURS fARTPr G. P. Rummelin & Sons 126 Second St., SftSSS'SSf FUR STOLES In Mink, Sable. Black I.jni, White Fox, Sable Fox, Otter, etc. FUR NECKWEAR In Ermine, ( lunchltla. Mink, Squirrel, Beaver, Blue Lynx, etc., etc. Fur Muffs to match all Neckwear FUR COATS In Alaska Sealskin, Mink, IVmlan I.nmb, Beaver, Antrachan, etc. Fur Ituss and Robes. Send for Catalog.