Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Vast Tracts of Government
Timber Cut in Interest of
Anaconda Company.
OFFER OF $150,000 MADE
All Legal Resources for Delay of
Trial Have Been Exhausted by
the Defense During Period
of Several Years.
"WASHINGTON". Dec. 2.-( Special.)
Word has been received by the Land De
partment here that the estate of Marcus
Daly has offered to settle the now famous
timber-cutting suit begun against it years
ago by the payment of $150,000. A special
agent of the Department of Justice has
been sent to Helena, Mont., with a view
of negotiating with the attorneys of the
Daly estate, and the prospect is that a
settlement will be reached.
The suit against the estate is for dam
ages amounting to $1,300,001). The case is
of vast importance to the Government,
in view of the fact that it is the first of
many timber claim suits which will be
filed to obtain damages for unlawful deci
mation of (he timber of the West, which
has been going on for the last decado or
more. The success of the Government
in the Daly casn undoubtedly will have
the effect of inducing other perpetrators
of timber frauds to seek settlement.
It is not known whether the Govern
ment will favor a settlement in the Daly
case, but it is thought that it will do so.
This is HJ1 the more likely because of the
fact that the depredations for which dam
ages are sought extend over a long period
of years, and in some cases are difficult
of proof.
The timber-claim cases are only a part
of the wholesale litigation in which the
Government is about to engage with a
view of recovering damages for waste of
timber, recovering mineral lands illegally
taken, and recovering grazing lands ille
gally fenced in and later claimed by the
The depredations for which the Daly
estate was sued were committed in the
Bitter Root Valley of Montana, near the
t'lty of Missoula, near the Flathead In
dian Reservation. In the interest of the
Aiiaconda Mining Company, which is a
part of tho Amalgamated fopper Com
pany, the Daly corporations literally
mowed down standing timber for a dis
tance of .'W miles in a strip about five
miles wide.
During a period of ten or twelve years
the Daly corporations, it is charged, stole
from the Government millions of feet of
timber and converted it to their own.uses.
The discovery of the devastations was
not made and the" matter was not put
Into shape by tho Attorney-General so
that anything could be done legally until
years after the fraud was committed.
The suit, when at last begun, had vary
ing fortunes in the courts for several
years until the defendants had exhausted
all their legal resources for delay and
were about to be forced to trial. Now
comes the unexpected offer of settlement
with the Government.
Interstate Commission to Begin a
Searching Investigation.
PUEBLO. Colo.. Dec. 2. (Special.) The
Interstate Commerce Commisison has. de
cided to make a searching investigation
into the affairs of the Colorado Fuel &
Iron Company, which, it is claimed, has
a practical monopoly with the coal busi
ness in Colorado and several other states.
Tomorrow Commissioner E. E. Clark will
begin an investigation In this city, and
more than a score of prominent coal and
railroad men have been summoned to ap
pear before him.
The commission hopes to show that for
years the railroads have aided the Colo
rado Fuel & Iron Company in securing a
grasp upon the coal business by giving
the company a preference in the freight
rate, sometimes amounting to 50 per cent.
It is also expected that Attorney J. T.
Marchand and his associate. IS. E.
Thomas, will be able to show an unlaw
ful combination in restraint of trade and
In violation of the Sherman act.
Witnesses have been summoned, who
nre expected to tell the commission that
the coaldealers in this section of the coun
try are in a combination to tlx and ab
solutely maintain the prices of coat. In
connection with the fixing of the price, it
Is said to be an agreement to restrict the
output sufficiently to insure a maximum
price to consumers.
The commission is also in hope of
showing that unfair methods have been
employed by the Colorado Fuel & Iron
Company to stitle competition. This Jias
been done in the state in some cases by
underselling competitors and by giving re
bates to consumers. Railroad officials
have been summoned to brjng with them
the books of the Santa Fe, of the Denver
& Rio Grande and other roads, in the
hope of showing that rebates have been
paid to the Colorado Fuel & Iron Com
pany up to a very short time ago.
One means of paying rebates is said to
have been through the medium of the
Colorado &. Wyoming Railroad Company.
This is a railroad whlrh was owned by
the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company. It
is charged that In the transportation of
the products of the Colorado Fuel & Iron
Company, the railroads have given the
. Colorado & Wyoming Railroad Company
such an excessive division of the through
rate that it amounts to the payment of
rebates within the meaning of the com
merce act. Testimony will be offered to
.show also that there was a discrepancy
between the rates paid by local coaldeal
ers at Pueblo and the rates paid by the
American Smelting & Refining Company.
S. P. Smith, of Williamsburg, Colo.; 11
G. Bettie. manager of tho Royal Gorge
Coal & Fire Clay Company, of Canyon
City: F. B. Heath, president of the Great
West Coal Company, and independent op
erators H. D. Nichols and B. Korte are
expected to prove that, through the in
fluence of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Com
pany, there has been discrimination in
the distribution of freight cars. These
witnesses will tell the commission of the
inadequate supply of transportation fa
cilities and of the difficulties they have
experienced in securing cars. They are
expected to tcstiCy that the Colorado Fuel
&. Iron Company is always given the pref
erence when It comes to the matter of car
distribution by the railroads.
Federal Grand Jury Gave Commerce
Commission a Chance,
SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 2. Interesting
results are anticipated from the session
of the Federal grand jury, which will be
resumed here tomorrow afternoon. Be
fore the jury declared a week's recess,
November 24. six sealed envelopes, be
lieved to contain indictments, were put in
the hands of the United States Marshal
and locked in his safe. The recess was
taken, it was generally understood, to
permit the Interatate Commerce Comrals
ioti to bring out what evidence it could
Ti relation to coal-land frauds and alleged
discrimination by the coal-carrying rail
While the strictest secrecy has been
maintained as to proceedings in the jury
rooin, the class of witnesses examined is
convincing; evidence that the deliberations
of the Jury have to do with alleged viola
tions of the Federal statutes by tire coal
Break in King County Delegation
Seems Certain.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 2. (Special.)
A break in Senator Piles' control of
the King County legislative delegation
is imminent. With Piles In the Nation
al capital and no one here who can
speak for him and crush out an incip
ient insurrection, there is every possi
bility that the break may be serious
and the Junior Senator will lose con
trol of a portion, at least, of the legis
lative delegation.
The trouble has come over the or
ganization of the Senate. It affects
the House delegation, which, as yet,
has absolutely no Idea where it may
land in the Speakership fight and
which has not even undertaken a cau
cus to determine its position.
State Senator W. C. Potts has never
been friendly to Lieutenant-Governor
C. E. Coon, and an effort to organize
the Senate against the Lieutenant
Governor inspired by A. S. Ruth, of
Thurston, and "Dick" Condon, of Kit
sap, Mason and Island, found eager
support with him. In some manner
Robert F. Booth, Senator Piles' per
sonal choice for state Senator to suc
ceed E. B. Palmer, fell Into that com
bine. Booth alleges his opposition is based
solely on the ground that there in
two men in the Senate whom he wishes
kept off advantageous committees.
Booth will not mention these names.
Next to that Booth says he wants to
curtail expenses and declares, among
other things, that no fountain pens
shall be distributed to members of the
Senate next year. This is a rather re
markable attitude to adopt with Ruth,
for it was the Thurston County Sen
ator's motion that bought fountain
pens two years ago.
The attitude of Booth and Potts is
not so interesting for the reasons as
signed for tho revolt as for the effect
upon the piles control of the delega
tion. There is not room enough for
doubt in the statement that the Lieutenant-Governor
handled the Piles-An-keny
interests in the 'Twenty-fourth
Senatorial district, where John L.
Blair was elected state Senator. Coon
financed that campaign and though he
had nothing to do with their election,
the two Jefferson County representa
tives, A. M. Sewall and John S. Troy,
are friendly enough with the Lieutenant-Governor
to follow his lead .into
the Piles camp. For that matter, so
is William Schultz, the independent Re
publican from San Juan County.
The position of the Lieutenant-Governor,
so long as he controls the Senate
organization, i3 one of Immense polit
ical power. Coon is identified pretty
thoroughly with the Piles-Ankcny or
ganization, anj while this would not
affect the standing of such strong Wil
son Senators as Reed, of Yakima, and
Boone, of Whitman, in whose ability
the Lieutenant-Governor has great
confidence, friendliness on the part of
the Lieutenant-Governor is a pretty
good political asset.
There is no question but that both
Potts and Booth realize this. At least,
they have been told so, pretty plainly,
and their fight for the organization of
the Senate is regarded by the strong
Piles men of the delegation as a serious
break in the junior Senator's control.
Since Piles made a , personal plea for
the election of both men, the break is
the more striking.
Tne House delegation is entirely nt
sea. There are not enough old politi
cians in the lower House, from this
county to keep the House delegation
on its feet, and with a purposeless mis
sion in front of them, politicians are
skeptical of the outcome. Thus far, no
move toward organization and the cen
tralization of King's power has oc
curred. It may be attempted . this
week, when tho delegation confers
with Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
officials, but with a break in the Sen
ate, the opportunity of bringing King
out solidly is lost.
In so far as the fight against the
Lieutenant-Governor is concerned,
there does not seem to be much chance
of success. A thorough canvass has
been made of more than a majority of
the Senators, who are personally
pledged to stand with him. There is
an absolute guarantee of votes enough
to defeat the opposition organization
scheme, and this bunch of votes is
pretty apt to develop into a controlling
factor in the next Senate. If it does,
some new political history is going to
be made, for the sounding of Senators
done thus far has had a great deal to
do with new members. If they develop
into forceful leaders the state is pretty
apt to forget some of the men who
have posed as prominent Republicans
in the past.
Pacific Coast Company Will Not.
Raise Prices During Famine.
SEATTLE, Dec. 2. The Pacific Coast
Company received about 90 cars of coal
today ' from the Black Diamond and
Franklin mines, mostly of an inferior
grade that can be used only on steam
ships. While the supply may be better
for a few days, the situation remains
practically the same, and the shortage
may continue for some time yet. The
other coal dealers are still vainly en
deavoring to fill the demand for fuel.
Manager Charles Claussen, of the Pa
cific Coast company, maae a siaicmciu
tonight to the effect that he believed that
the shipment of coal received by his com
pany would be enough to fill all orders
for at least a few days.
"Every wagon that monies to our bunk
ers will be filled tomorrow." he said. "In
order to prevent unnecessary delay we
will add to our force of workmen. As
long as we have any -fuel in our bunkers
we will dispose of it to' any and all
comers without discrimination. The ship
ment we received today will go to the
steamship companies.
"The statement that we had raised the
price of our coal because of the scarcity
is ridiculous. However bad the famine
may become, we will not raise the price
unless the mineowners that supply us
raise theirs-."
Talks on Immortality at Elks Lodge
of Sorrow.
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 2. W. J. Bryan
today, in addressing the local lodge of
Elks, at a session held in memory of de
parted members, said:
"Death turns our thoughts toward im
mortality. Heaven never seems so real
to us as when It becomes the abode of
some one whom we have known and
loved. And then when these treasures
from our hearts are there we can easily
believe that no heart warmed into a glow
by the fire of brotherly love will ever
suffer an eternal chill, that no spiritual
flame, that grows brighter with the years,
will ever be extinguished never to shine
Th Amalgamated Copper Company alone
employs about 10,000 persons at Butte in
addition to about 1"00 at Great Falls, 2000
at Anaconda and 2000 more at Its coal mines
and lumber camDft.
Remarkable Activity in Com
mercial Lines Has Re-
- ceived Severe Check.
Heney's Body Blows Have Told on
Ruef's Prestige and There Is
a Scramble for the Curly
Boss' Shoes.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 29. (Special
Correspondence.) Although life in
San Francisco has been pulsating with
feverish intensity for the last six
months, the great human current has
progressed with . small disturbance.
Interest In the graft investigation has
completely dwarfed all other matters.
Scant heed was paid to the Japanese
V V ,
Antou Jbritz, IdudiI Dead at San
Fernando, CaL
school question, although two conti
nents focused their attention on the
Through it all, the people have re-.
malned calm and have attended to their
business. There has been a certain
sense of humiliation, but the feeling
has prevailed that San Francisco
cleansed be a better San Francisco
although the process may be revolting
in the extreme. It is not pleasant to
those who hold dear San Francisco and
the thousand associations that go with
the name, It is not pleasant for them
to see the name of tho city used as a
synonym for greed and graft. In a
resigned mood the disgrace is accepted
and fresh hope derived from the sen
tiiftent, "Let the investigation go on."
With the graft exposures has come
a slight slackening in the .remarkable
commercial activity. Investments long
planned have been delayed for a time,
holding aloof until a settlement of the
present difficulty has been reached.
Mayor Has Strong Following.
While the prosecutors in the graft
inquiry enjoy the support of the citi
zens in general, the Mayor .has a large
following which refuses to desert him
at this time. There is nothing surprising
In this. It is but a repetition of what
has befallen in other eities which have
been similarly afflicted.
There are thousands of good citizens
in San Francisco who still believe In
Schmitz. They will remain- loyal to
him until judge and jury have given
them reason to do otherwise. The at
tempt to convey the impression that
the entire union labor movement has
been thrown to the aid of Schmitz and
Ruef cannot go unchallenged. While
several labor bodies have declared their
belief in his innocence, a larger num
ber have called for the continuation of
the investigation to the very end.
Just how severe a blow has been
dealt to Ruef's political machine can
not be measured with exactness until
an alignment occurs at the polls. The
city election will occur next November
and until that time no definite calcula
tions can be made. It may be stated,
however, with a feeling of certainty
that Ruef has suffered a tremendo'us
defection. Of course, should he escape
conviction he might rally the deserters
to the old standard, but even that' may
be a difficult task.
Ruef Finds Master in Heney.
Ruef has been regarded by his fol
lowers as invincible. There has grown
up a sort of Ruef myth. "Ruef Is too
shrewd for them" had come to be a
local aphorism admitting of no con
tradiction. Since his assumption of
the throne, Ruef has not tasted real
defeat until he encountered Francis J.
Ruef's attempt to usurp the office of
District Attorney and his sorry failure;
his endeavor to prevent the formation
of a grand jury and his complete de
feat: his desperate fight to prevent in
dictment and his bitter humiliation
have served to shatter his prestige. At
each exchange with Heney he has lost.
Pressed backward he has been forced
to yield step by step.
The sight of the all-conquering chief,
the reigns of the city government in
his hand, bound' and impotent, has
awakened his followers to the fact that
this god whom they had worshipped is
but a mere man and a little man at
Langdon Wants to Be Boss.
Candidates for Ruef's shoes are al
ready appearing in abundance. Bosses
of former days, old and forgotten, have
come out of exile. New men thirsting
for power have sent in their claims.
Were there one conspicuous figure in
the present crisis fitted and desirous of
leadership forecasts as to the future
would be less difficult.
Only three San Franciscans are in
positions to rise to power over the
graves of the deposed leaders. They
are Rudolph Spreckels, who is financ
ing the investigation. District Attorney
sin i
J; .
Langdon and Francis J. Heney.
Spreckels does not enjoy the confidence
of the labor unions, Heney is not in
the field, as far as is known at present,
for political honors.' and Langdon is
known as a political contortionist and
the defeated candidate for the Gover
norship. However, it is more than like
ly that the political advantages will
f all , to Langdon. He has, from the
very fact that he has changed his
loyalty from party to party, acted as a
sort of harmonizer. His name is al
ready mentioned in connection with the
Mayor's office. That Schmitz will be
a candidate can be prevented only by a
Slany Fine Buildings to Be Krected
Next Year.
The plan to erect a modern theater on
Grand avenue is generally approved,
judging from expressions of opinion to be
heard on all sides. The committee ap
pointed by the East Side Improvement
Association to work up public sentiment
in favor of the movement, through the
push club, will probably have an easy
job on its hands. According to the judg
ment of W. L. Boise, who offers a site
of a half block on Grand avenue rent
free for ten years, the best way to pro
ceed is to organize a joint stock company
and distribute the stock as widely as
possible. There will be a guaranty of
6 per cent dividends.
It has been suggested that the stock
be placed as low as J10 a share, and
that a single day in the near future be
fixed when a special effort be made to
dispose of enough stock to erect the
building, as was done with the Lewis
and Clark Exposition stock. H. A. Calef
said yesterday that a man who owns
property on the East Side and subscribes
$5000 to the theater, may write J10.000 to
his own credit, for it will mean that
much of an ' increase in the value of his
"I know of nothing that can be under
taken." said Mr. Calef. "that would yield
a direct return so large as a first-class
The ground on Morris street, near Will
iams avenue, wThieh will be occupied by
the clubhouse for the Catholic Young
Men's Club, of St. . Mary's Parish, of
Albina. has been cleared and is now ready
for the foundation, as soon as the club
is prepared to build. The stock of the
club is rapidly being subscribed, and
when the $5000 mark has been reached
work will begin.
P. Chappell Brown has completed plans
for the clubhouse for the Portland Cricket
Club Association, to be erected on the
tract recently secured at North Mount
Tabor. It will cost in the neighborhood
of J5000. The association will improve the
grounds and erect the clubhouse by May
1. It will then be in a position to Invite
cricket clubs outside of the city to
The. movement to establish local sub
stations for the Portland Library Asso
ciation, beginning at Sellwood, meets
with favor. It is proposed to establish
one of these stations at South Portland
and one in North Albina. These points
are far from the central library building
It is proposed, if these substations be es
tablished, to make them permanent by
the purchase of lots and the erection of
suitable buildings.
The Crystal Springs Sanitarium, of
Mount Tabor, will be greatly improved
ounng the coming year.
Ground for W. H. Markell's three-story
Drick on L.nion avenue and East Morri
son street, is nearly cleared of old shacks
and will be ready for the foundation in a
few days. Mr. Markell is havinar nlans
prepared for a handsome structure. Foun
dation piers for the four-story building
iur ivutoneu. .staver & Lewis Coirmanv
on East Morrison and Seconds streets, have
neen driven. This building will be 100x200,
and the cost will be $100,000.
It is an open secret that the Hawthorne
estate contemplate covering the blo-k o:i
tne nortnoast corner of Grand and Haw
thorne avenues with a brick of several
scones as soon as the proposed hard
surface pavement has been laid.
Many, of Parishioners of Deposed
Clergyman Are Deeply Affected.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Dec. 2. Dr. Al
gernon S. Crapsey preached 'his farewell
sermon at St. Andrew's Church this
morning. The church was crowded.
Many of his parisTiloners were deeply af
fected. Dr. Crapsey made no reference
to his departure from the ministry.
The Butte of Gold and Copper.
Wall Street Summary.
Butte Hill, far famed as the richest
mineral-producing spot in the world,
is an insignificant rise of land, not over
three hundred feet above the ' river
level in the valley. It is, approximate
ly, two and a half miles in length by
two miles in width, and is an irregu
lar oval in shape. The richest ore
producing portion, however, is center
ed in a space of about two square
miles. Within that limit there are
no fewer than forty principal shafts
from 1,000 to 2,400 feet in depth, be
sides many smaller and less important
developments and prospects. Under
ground there is a network of drifts,
cross-cuts and galleries, frequently in
tersecting each other and connecting
the deep workings of different mines.
It is estimated that there is more than
five hundred miles of such underground
excavations. The output from this sin
gle hill is upward of 14.000 tons of ore
a day. yielding more than 10,000 tons
of refined copper a month, exclusive
of gold and silver, which is fully 50
per cent, larger production than any
other cupriferous district in the world.
Monument to Count Julius.
BUDAPEST. Dec. 2. In the presence
of Francis Joseph, Emperor-King of
Austria-Hungary, a number of other
members of the royal family also being
present, a gathering of Minis'ters, dip
lomats and members of the Hungarian
Parliament, and before a large assem
blage of the people, the magnificent
monument erected to the memory of
Count Julius Andreassy was unveiled
here today.
Gillette Is in Good Spirits.
HERKIMER. N. Y.. Dec. 2. The jury
that is to determine whether Chester Gil
lette murdered Grace Brown, his sweet
heart, probably will receive the case to
morrow. Crowds of persons are coming
to town to attend the trial tomorrow.
No one pretends to understand Gillette.
Tonight in his cell he was reported to be
in good spirit"?. At times he is said to
sing and dance, i
Killed by a Flying Board.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec. 2. (Special.)
Peter Luis, aged 22, was struck by a
flying bcArd from an edger in the Amer
ican mill last evening, and died this morn
ing. His skull was fractured.
Bishop Seymour Improves.
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Dec. 2. The condi
tion of Bishop Seymour of the Episcopal
diocese of Springfield, today showed a
slight improvement.
The Delinquency of Subscriber.
Jefferson Review.
We were somewhat short on Thanks
giving turkey, but Otto Schultz was
careful to see that we were well sup
plied with sparerlbs and sausage.
Best grocer's sign Schilling's Best.
Southern Railway Employes
Pay Tribute to President.
Notable Company Attends the Last
Rites Over Samuel Spencer and "
Splendid Floral Offerings Are
Shown in St. John's Church.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.-AI1 that is
mortal of Samuel Spencer, late president
of the Southern Railway, whose tragic
death on -his own railroad the morning
of Thanksgiving day shocked the people
of two hemispheres, was laid to rest this
afternoon in the receiving vault at the
Oakhill cemetery, there to- await final
.A notable tribute was paid to the mem
ory - of the distinguished railroad mag
nate. The obsequies, held in historic St.
John's Protestant Episcopal Church, were
attended by railroad officials, financiers
and public . men from all parts of the
country. Hundreds of friends came from
the South. Long before the hour an
nounced for the funeral, the church was
crowded and hundreds of persons stood
outside in the crisp . December air
throughout the service. paying solemnly
and silently their "tribute of respect.
The officers and employes of the South
ern Railway in this city, X!0 in number,
headed by the four general superintend
ents of the company, marched in a body
to the church. Practically all of the of
ficers of the company throughout the
system were in attendance, and represen
tatives from two dozen other roads also
were there.
Among the distinguished people who at
tended the church services were Vice
President Fairbanks, Judge White of the
Supreme Court of the United States, and
Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock.
Just at 2 o'clock the soft strains of
Chopin's beautiful funeral march pealed
through the church. At tho same instant
throughout the sy stem of railroads lately
presided over by Mr. Spencer every train
came to a dead stop, every wheel ceased
to turn, every employe put aside his
work. For five minutes over the thou
sands of miles of railroad, every em
ploye paid silent respect to the dead
To the strains of the funeral march the
purplieed choir of 40 male voices entered
the church followed by the Right Rev.
Henry Y. Saterlee, Bishop of Washington,
and Rev. Dr. Roland Cottonsmith, rector
of St. Johns.
Immediately afterward J. Pierpont Mor
gan, of New York, a life-long friend and
business associate of President Spencer;
Charles Sterling, of New York, and First
Vice President Andrews and Second-Vice
President Finley, of the Southern Rail
way, entered the pew reserved for them.
They were followed by the funeral party,
the concourse of people rising and re
maining standing as- ttie casket bearing
the remains was placed in front of the
altar and the members of the family were
ushered to their seats.
The body bearers were selected from
among the colored porters of the South
ern Railway. All were known personally
to President Spencer. The honorary pall
bearers were principally presidents or
high officials of the railroads of America
and, either personally or proxy, repre
sented one-third of the vast wealth of
the United States. E. H. Harriman was
one of the last to arrive at the church.
The service wasJstrictly in accordance
with the ritual of the Protestant Episco
pal Church, and was conducted by Bishop
Satterlee. A special musical programme
was rendered. Mrs. Spencer having selec
ted her favorite hymns.
At the conclusion of the ritualistic
service, the remains were borne from the
church during the singing of "Abide With
Me." No such wonderful profusion of
exquisite floral offerings had been seen in
Washington since the obsequies of the
late President McKlnley as today filled
the Massachusetts-avenue residence of
President -Spencer, and the chancel of St.
John's Church. These tributes came from
all parts of the country. President and
Mrs. Roosevelt sent a wreath of orchids
and white roses, tied with white satin
By special direction of Mrs. Spencer all
of the floral offerings were distributed
later among the various hospitals and
charitable institutions of Washington.
Investigation of the Wreck.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The South
ern Railway will conduct an Investiga
tion at its general offlec here Wednes
day to fix the responsibility for last
Thursday's big wreck near Lynchburg,
Va., in which President Spencer lost
his life. Operator Mattox, who has
been blamed for the wreck, has prom
ised to be present.
Ferdinand Flee Boyle, Artist.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Ferdinand Flee
Bojle, an artist of earlier times, died
in Brooklyn today of pneumonia, aged
87 years. In 1836 he became a member
of the National Academy of Design,
and in 18SS was elected an associate of
that institution.
Trustees Adopt Resolutions.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The voting
trustees and the board of directors of
the Southern Railway had a Joint
meeting today and adopted Joint reso
lutions on the death of President Spen
cer. G. B. Nicholson, Chief Engineer.
.COVINGTON. Ky Dec. 2. George B.
Nicholson, chief engineer of the Cin
cinnati Southern Railway, died at his
home here today.
Major John S. Horlbeck, of Charleston. S.
C. is said to own the largest bearing pecan
orchard in the world. He has more than 60
acres In bearing; trees and his main grove
rnslFts of 550 acres.
A. Good
Hair -Food
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im
proved formula, is a genuine
hair-food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens, in
vigorates. The hairgrows
more rapidly, keeps soft and
smooth, and all dandruff dis
appears. Give your hair a
good hair-food.
Does not stain or Changs
tli eolor of the aair.
.C. AysrCo..
Our great organization, moulded into
shape by fifty-two years of experience,
is devoted to one object : The making
of clothes that are better than any
other clothes we can think of, in every
particular, and in every condition of
wear and usage.
You will find the label inside each
. coat underneath the flap below the
collar. Look for it.
Write for
Hostile Demonstration l'ol lowed a
Forced Advance in the
Price of Meat.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2. Following the re
cent demonstrations by their customers
due to the advance in the retail price of
meat, the Hebrew Retail Kosher Butch
ers' Association met today to decide what
could be done to appease their patrons.
Speakers declared they are helpless to
lower the prices asked of them, as they
were obliged to pay increased prices at
It was finally voted to appeal to Presi
dent Roosevelt and ask the Chief Execu
tive. ihrouRh the press and public, to
fight the "beef trust." It was agreed to
make an effort to secure joint action
with all the butchers in Greater New
Convinced That Present Government
Is Playing Fair.
LONDON, Dec. 2. William O'Brien,
member of Parliament for Cork, ad
dressing' a Nationalist meeting at
Castle Island. County Kerry, today, de
clared that there was no split or scan
dal between himself and Ills friends.
By the silent force of public opinion,
the speaker said, he had caused the
Irish party to return to a policy of con
ciliation. If he knew that the present
government could carry the full Ulad
stonian Home Rule programme with
the present Parliament, and that it was
cheating them with a contemptible
makeshift, he would be the first to de
nounce it. But he knew the contrary,
and John Redmond, the Irish leader,
knew It. also.
The duty of the Irish representatives,
Mr. O'Brien continued, was to tke
Our Fee
registered and licensed to practice medicine. We do not have a so-called
cae taker" who pones as a doctor and it the truth was known, that he
never attended a course of study of medicine In hin life. We have been
located In Portland for 25 years, uud have a reputation that is second
to none in the A'orthrrest. Call and see urn.
We will make a thorough, searching and scientific examination of
your ailments; an examination that will disclose your irtte physical con
dition, without a knowledge of which you are groping in the dark, and
without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist
should treat you. All men who are not what they should be, who are
weak, nervous and debilitated from any cause and who have bien or
are at present suffering from any poisonous discharges, will find It well
worth their time to come for fr:e consultation and examination to the
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary, which has long been estab
lished for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and blighting
weaknesses that destroy men's mental, physical and sexual powers,
which make the social duties and obligations of life a hardship and the
enjoyment of life and marital happiness impossible.
We treat men only and cure them safely and thoroughly. Every man
suffering with
with any of their numerous and distressing complications, owpb it to
himself, his family, and especially to the future generations, to get cured
promptly, safely a.nd thoroughly.
Free Consultation and Examination
Office Hour. 0 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Snndaya, 9 te 12 only.
St Louis r Dispensary
Book of Styles.
counsel with the government and mak
the political bill as large as possible.
Certificates for Washington Teachers
OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec. 2. (.Special.)
Certificates have been issued from the
State Superintendent's office durlns the
past few days to the following named ap
plicants: Uarneld Maud r'ulher. Jennlfr Dean. Net
tle Ulcason. Katlilfi-n Hill. V. '. JaiKjt,
Mrs. Jennie .lacks, A!frei Kuykeniiall. I'la
rirj Lytic. Daisy D. Itolierls, Mary White
head. Kittitas Mary T. Scar.nell, Kate L,.
Morse. Mrs. K. K. Bi II.
Wahkiakum Nina Uouclas. Orace A. Da
vis, Sue i.awrcnci Mrs. H. L. Morrow, W.
M. Volls.
Whitman Kva Allen. Nannie Arlkin.
KlheMa Fiurge. Mis. ('ai-iie Rrnwn. Frances
Boots. W. F. Rnlinicrr. Kvelyn Here, Airreil
K. t'lawson. U. W. "uin, l-J. UanlelKon. Harry
F. Kttlk'k. Jennie U. lvie. Myrtle Faulkner,
O. W. Fruin. Mary K. t.;ates. Bertha Hutch
inson, 11. M. Hali'tead. Jessie F. Harris.
Kitty E. Hooper. IVarl Hoffman. Mauile M.
lilRl-am, TMloebe John, Dayton Kinrald,
Jesse J. Klimn. Dora Lake. Auril Lusher,
Raymond S. Morford. AfifHe F. Morgan.
Relta F. Martin. T. C Mountain. Ella Pric-.
Addle M. Pellon. May Ralph. Maixlr K.
ltoh'?rtn. AHiiia RoMnHon. Kiiiina H. roihln,
D. Ross Willie, Nellie '. Sluni', Mrs. S. F.
hinkle. Mary Slater, OIIe Selln. II. A. .
Kills. Ki mnh F. ('nop, Ana Walsh. Kesni
M. Walkinglon. V. K. Wells. Josiali 11. Hal
lock. t M. Hisson. liertlia Pelton.
Lincoln Gertrude Adams. Vera M. Baker.
Jeunette Brooks, W. H. Browning. Harriet
(.'handler. Violet Courtrlprlit, Mrs. lOmnia A.
t'ox. Myrtle K. Croomiulst. John M. Davia.
Harriet Evans, t'lara Folks. Krnestinu (Gil
bert. Mrs. K. S. Graf. Anna Gulh, J. May
nard Hantia, C. B. Heller, Florence A. John
son. Maud Johnson. Rita Lapp. Maude' Mr
Keever. Llllle McManama. Krilth Mills. Lin
lile I'arrtah, (Jreta Phillips. Robert 11.
Pltzer. Josle I'lumb. Martin A. Reler,
Frances K. Robinson, Gertrude Feott, Maria
Hlders. Louisa Sweat. I'earie Wallace. Alma
Wheeler. Albertine Whuten, Agnes McXally,
Helena K. Smlthson.
Cold comfort poor tea and coffee. Try
Schilling's Bent.
Tor Infanta and Children.
Th Ifinrl Vnn Usvo Alursve Rnntrfr
1 110 IMIIU I UU liuiu mnuj
Bears the
Signature of
Only fj
In Any
Licensed to Practice Medicine in Oregon
Honest Dealings and Guaranteed Cures
AVc do not acrrpt any inea that we cannot cure.
Our physician are men of good character, regular
arraduate of reputable medical colleaea and leically