Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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State Horticultural Society's Secretary Taken to Task. Cause of Postal Deficit.
A Water Pipe Parable. Teaching Ideals. War Insurance. Railroad Commission. -
Ought to Be Three of Them and
Elected by the People.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To the Edltr.)
It seems that a plan is on foot to
procure from the Oregon Legislature
an act creating a railroad commission.
But, railroad commissions in. Oregon
have not always been successful in ac
complishing good results. It is pos
aible that one may be of benefit to
the state, if it is gfiven proper power,
and is made up of men of the right
stripe. It seems to me that the com
missioners should be elected by a vote
of the people. The state should be di
vided into throe districts, and each dis
trict should elect a commissioner. They
should not bo elected at large. The
Southern part of the state should have
me, Portland and vicinity should have
one. and the Kastern part of Oregon
hould have the third. There should be no
commission, until one is elected by the
people. There is no urgent demand for
one, and therefore the law may provide
for electing a commission in 18U8.
There need be no hastcT It has been
only a short time since we had one, and
we were glad to get rid of it.
It is natural for the ordinary miin to
want power, and the Legislature is
made up of men of about average capa
cities and characters. Heretofore, the
Legislature has elected the commis
sioners, and it has been asserted that
the railroads havo usually selected the
men that were elected. That plan of
selecting the commission has been tried
and condemned. It should not be tried
again. Some may want the Governor
empowered to appoint the commission
ers. The present Governor is a poli
tician and appoints his personal hench
men to office, wheir he has opportunity.
Loyalty to the Governor is on of the
chief rules demanded of appointees.
Character and fitness take a subordi
nate place, too often. Other Governors
havo adopted a like policy. If the peo
ple want a railroad commission, they
should reserve to themselves the elec
tion of the commissioners. Otherwise,
they are likely to have three new
officials to support, "without receiving
any valuable services in return.
I notice by a Portland newspaper
that Governor Chamberlain wants the
bill for the .creation of a railroad com
mission to vest in him the power of
removal, when he' sees fit to exercise
that power. I presume that he will
want the power, also, to appoint com
missioners to succeed those by him re
moved. This would indirectly make the
Governor the commission.
If a railroad commission is created,
it will probably last far beyond the
term of tho present Governor, and we
do not know who will be the next Gov
ernor. Without taking into account
who is or may be the Governor, let us
suppose a condition of things that may
never exist, but which is possible. W
know that the public service is full of
grnft. and it may sometime invade the
gubernatorial office. Let us suppose
that some grafter should in the future
be elected Governor of Oregon, and
that lie should have, vested in him the
absolute power of removal of the rail
road commissioners and the appoint
ment of their successors. Now, if a
gubernatorial grafter, vested with the
powers supposed, should want to feath
er his nest with a quarter o a million
dollars. In four years from the rail
loads in Oregon. could he not do It?
After removing all commissioners
whom he could not control and tilling
their places with his henchmen who
would do his bidding, he could in ways
well known to political grafters, let
the three or four big roads doing
business in Oregon know that the rail
road commission would adopt certain
rate regulations unless they would
"come out" with $100,000 per annum for
immunity. Ho could compel the rail
roads to have "a yaller dog" fund as
the insurance companies had in New
York, and he could "work" the rail
roads as the saloons and gamblers are
often worked for immunity by officials
in larger cities.
Persons who have read the reports
of grafting in such cities as Philadel
phia, St. Louis, and San Francisco, will
be able to see the opportunity for an
enormous graft in Oregon, if the Legis
lature should create a railroad com
mission and vest in the Governor ab
solute power of removing the commis
sioners and appointing their successors.
Such power should not be vested in
any one man. It might work well,
when the right sort of Governor should
be in office, but no one can know to a
certainty when we may have one
worthy to be invested with so great
If a railroad commission must be
created, it should not go into effect
until the people have elected the com
missioners. The demand seems to come
mainly from Portland and certain com
mercial clubs in the Willamette Valley.
A few years ago. there was great oppo
sition to the creating of new offices.
There is a probability that the ensuing
session of the Legislature will equal,
if it does not surpass, any of its pre
decessors In creating hew "places" for
favorite henchmen who want to occupy
a soft office. CINCINNATUS.
Warring Corvallls Professor Ought
Now to Be Good.
LA FAYETTE, Or., Dec. 2. (To the
Editor.) As far as the weak brain of
an insignificant farmer can appreciate
pain, I am distressed to note that the
professor of Billingsgate in the Oregon
Agricultural College lias swooped down
upon and annihilated me for presum
ing to have any opinion whatever on
apple subjects.
I have never taken a course of in
struction in the language of fish-wives
and cannot compete with this expert
professor in that line nor can I have
any controversy with him upon applo
matters. I note, however, that he ob
scurely imagines that I have attacked
certain estimable gentlemen whom he
names and who are members, of the
State Horticultural Society, because I
have criticised the rule which was
adopted by that society, prohib
iting to non-members of the as
sociation the privilege of show
ing fruit in competition for the
cups offered by tho business men
of Portland. (The society may
adopt such rules as it deems fit for
cups offered by itself.) I note, also
with pain and distress, that the pro
fessor, who is also the secretary of the
Horticultural Society, has changed the
rule complained of (changed by what
authority i do not know), so that now
anyone can compete for the cups who
will pay for the privilege of doing so.
This is proper enough, I suppose; for
any person who is anxious for a mug
should be willing to contribute to the
"kitty" in order to keep the game go
ing. But if seems singular, so very
singular, that the screed of a weak
minded farmer should have forced this
change in the rule. It is singular, too.
that in the making -and changing of
rules, an individual in the society
should be all-powerful. Would he
have influence in tho choice of award
ing committees as well?
Many of the fruiUgrowers of Ore
gon du not need to be told that among:
a host of objections. It is primarily
the very expertness and Influence of
the aforesaid professor of Billingsgate
that explains why I do not desire to
become a member of the State Horti
cultural Society and will not compete
for its cups.
I mince no words in the matter and
speak only for myself, though it would
not be difficult to find a goodly number
of like weak-minded fruitmen in the
state. As for the State Horticultural
Spciety in general, with its excellent
president at its head, Its membership
is an estimable and honorable body,
and I will not allow any criticism of
mine to be diverted from its proper
course and be applied to the member
shlD at large. I point my finger di
rectly to the offensive spot.
Congress Should Pass New Bill for
Increase of Our Army.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To the Editor.)
If by some subtle alchemy all burnable
things could be made unburnable, the fire
Insurance companies would go out of
And so if by some change in human
nature the selfish" and pugnacious in
stincts of nations, which arc but com
binations of human natures, could be
eliminated, the need for armies and muni
tions of war Would pass away. But the
one is just about as liable to happen as
the other. AH that we can do is to in
sure ourselves against war by providing
armies and their equipment, by building
fortresses and manning them with com
petent garrisons, and thus make our war
insurance as perfect as possible.
Of course, we have not now nor shall
we ever have, in time of peace, armies
equal in number to the great war estab
lishments of Continental Europe. But we
are weakening our insurance perilously if
we fail to provide a reasonably adequate
armed force. It cannot be said that our
infantry and cavalry forces are large
enough. Still, they are respectable in
size, but the artillery arm Is wofully
deficient in numbers. Not to speak of
the field artillery, the coast branch has
now less than 14.000 men, or only about
34 per cent of the total -number required
for just one relief for the guns now in
position let alone the men needed for
guns yet to be mounted and the force
for the submarine defenses. Or only 17
per cent for our present fortifications on
the two relief basis, which would be in
dispensable in actual war.
That there should be any objection to
the very slender relief that is contem
plated by the bill now before Con
gressnamely an addition of 5000
enlisted men with the proper comple
ment of officers is incomprehensible. In
deed I do not think there is any ob
jection except from anarchists and thugs.
It is simply the inert supineness which
seems to characterize always our altitude
towards war preparation in time of peace,
which delays action In providing this
small increase one which should come as
a matter of course and to be followed
by other increases in the near future,
until our coast and field artillery be more
nearly on an adequate footing. For ar
tillery is not made in a day or a month.
Volunteers, no matter how patriotic and
zealous, would be helpless in a modern
fortification and but little better in serv
ing a modern field gun.
Shall we make -our insurance just a
little more effective? It will nut cost
much. But no matter what the cost, we
cannot afford to let another session of
Congress pass without enacting thU very
necessary piece of legislation.
Railroads Are Paid Too Much for
Carrying tlic Mails.
ASHLAND, Or., Dec. 1. (To the Ed
itor.) I am glad to see the proposition
outlined in The Oregonian that has
been made to the United States Govern
ment by a private corporation to pur
chase the Postal Service. I, of course,
would be bitterly opposed to a sale be
ing made; but the proposal will be the
means of bringing under consideration
the many abuses that are being im
posed upon the Government, and these
I think fully explain the matter of the
Nothing could bring before the world
in a clearer light the outrageous impo
sitions that we, as a people, have to
suffer from the lack of our servants at
Washington, D. C, not doing their duty
in defense of the people who send them
there. If the people of that private
corporation referred to see their way
clear to pay the price they offer, and
make the reductions in the rates they
say they will, it shows that there is
something very wrong in the present
management. It is not from the fact
of it not having- been known and it is
not from not knowing just where the
trouble iies but it is from the fact
that the people lack the earnestness in
demanding of -their representatives
that they look after the interests of
those who place them in the position
of representatives.
There is not a man in Congress, or
the United States Senate, or one In the
Cabinet, or on the Judicial Bench, but
knows that the Government is paying
too much for the service rendered by
the railroads in carrying the mails.
And if the parties to a private corpor
ation can feel so sure that they can
make the railroads come to a reason
able rate something they would have
to do to make a success why should
not the Government be able to do it?
To allow matters to run on without
any correction after such an offer hav
ing been made will only establish the
fact all the more plainly that the rail
roads manage the Government, and
that we, the sovereign people, simply
elect representatives to go there to do
the will of the railroad magnates.
Will Pass on Referendum.
ALBANY. Or., Dee. 2. (Special.) Is
a City Council in duty bound to provide
a method of using the Initiative and
referendum powers in a town, under
the provisions of the constitutional
amendment adopted by the people of
Oregon at the recent general election,
or is that a question that is optional
with the city's legislative body? This
Is a question that Judge William Gal
loway will be called upon to answer
in Albany.
Several months ago Councilman W.
H. Parker introduced in the Common
Council of Albany an ordinance provid
ing for the operation of the initiative
and referendum in the city. After the
ordinance, had been in the hands of a
committee and the City Attorney for
some time, the latter filed an opinion
in whiclr-.he held that the proposed or
dinance was defective, that the law on
the question is unsettled, that the City
Council should wait for further legis
lation by the Oregon Legislature next
Well-made bricks are most durable building-
materials. In the British Museum are
bricks taken from the ruins of Ninevah and
Babylon which show no sign of decay or
disintegration, although they were neither
burned nor baked, but simply left to dry in
tne sun.
Where Land Values Are Taken Back
for the Common Good.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To the Editor.)
Once upon a time, there lived a man in
a country that was good to look upon.
Being a wise man, he foresaw a score of
years ahead that some day the children
of the Lord would need these lands for
their weary souls, for land monopoly was
then driving them relentlessly from tho
home of their fathers.
And it came to pass that people did ar
rive that way and built .roads, and that
whole families and many a one of them
settled each year on these same lands.
Being a righteous man, he said unto
them: "Behold, I have seized these lands
under the law of the realm. Abide ye as
children on the earth which thy maker
hast given equally unto his children and
their posterity. And lo! they did abide
and build houses and workshops, and
tilled the soil and it yielded mighty
returns. Then the wise man said unto
them: "Behold how I have saved the
land for your weary feet. Now therefore
I say unto you with the righteousness
that is in. me: each of you shall pay at
the mansion which ye have built one
third the earnings of your labor. For is
It not said: "Man shall have dominion
over the earth?" .
Hearing this great wisdom, all the peo
ple went open-mouthed and delivered up.
For they were homebodies and had
babies. They could live, even at that.
And "it came to pass as more people
came that these sojourners grew thirsty
and they all erected a great water pipe.
And behold! the beautiful Bull Run water
flowed clear and cold, and slaked their
thirst and gave protection against the
ravages of the devil'sfires. And the value
of the land increased and many sought to
live there, because of these things that
had been done. And when the wLse man
saw how the land went up in value, he
spoke tranquilly unto himself: "I will go
forth again." And he went on a high
hill and delivered a sermon unto them,
saying: "Behold, how the children of
God flourish! Your pride riseth justly.
For has not our land become an envy to
the throngs, and do they not seek to
buy it, because of all fhese things ye
have done? Now therefore our policy
hath been good. Doth the word not say:
The Lord Ioveth a cheerful giver'?
Therefore be it known unto you that be
fore the 10th day of next month, ye shall
deliver to the mansion, which ye have
built, all the increase in value which
cometh to us out of this great work."
But it came to pass that one bolder
than the remainder defied the wise man
and said: "Yes, my master. I see the
justice of contributing according to bene
fit. But this work is ours and we 'are
paying you rent which is the value of all
the benefit we have made for ourselves.
Now therefore, 1 isW: To whom will you
pay your share?"
Then the landlord and his water board
waxed" very wroth and ridiculed this
scoffer and would have spat upon hlin
and slapped him in the eye, if he had
not been so exceeding big and permeated
with righteousness. And the wise man
uttered an incantation which he had
learned from the cannibals which sounded
like: "Compromise." For he feared the
people were looking into the "land ques
tion." And it came to pass that the multitudes
walked home in amazement and talked
secretly and waxed hotter and hotter,
until they looked in the face like red
hot stove pipes. And they said: "It is
written. tho fool and his money are soon
parted. We are fools, else would pur
wealth have abided with us. But it has
gone the way of waywardness." And they
remembered the words: "He hath given
the earth equally to his children and
their posterity;" also something about
"in the sweat of thy brow." And then
John's wife said unto him: "Take my
rolling pin and use it as that fellow
used the fragment of the ass."
Now It came to pass that on the day
appointed, the multitudes -except those
with special privileges, went unto the
wise man and said with, great clamor:
"You old rascal. You've been making us
pay you rent for that which belongs to
God. ' You have lived in" independent
splendor from this, and made us further
support your idleness by compelling us
to pay the taxes which only benefits you,
and raises our rent through the improve
ment they make possible. And now you
think you can make us pay extra for
wetting our whistle, with the water we
have brought here. You can't do it. We
are going to take back these land values
for the common good."
Hearing this, the wise man struck the
ties for Portland, saying: "I can do busi
ness there. for the people are a docile
lot and not on to the job."
Quality of Work in Aggregate Bears
I'avorable Comparison.
MEDB'ORD, , Or.. Dec. 1. (To the
Editor.) In a recent editorial In The Ore
gonian. the statement is made that the
children of France and Germany are
advanced from one to three years farther
in their studies, than are American chil
dren at a corresponding age. The rea
sons given for this by an eminent author
ity are that our primary teachers are
densely ignorant and that they teach
nothing thoroughly.
The improvement of the public school
system and its successful administration
are matters that both, directly and in
directly touch the life of every Ameri
can citizen. Hence there is no subject
on which a wider range of opinion pre
vails, and the conclusions reached de
pend largely on the educational environ
ment of the individual. .
Is there enough drill on fundamental
principles in the schools? Is there
too much routine work? Would the
child be better qualified for active duties
of life, were more time devoted to so
cial and economic questions? Are draw
ing and music essential, and to what ex
tent? Is sufficient provision made for
physical culture and recreation? Should
manual ' training be included in the
course? These are a few of the un
solved problems that engage attention,
and call for experiment and unprejudiced
observation on the part of educational
That French and German children of
the upper middle class are further ad
vanced than American children of the
same age, is doubted by no student of
comparative educational systems. How
ever, the scope of the European schools
is more restricted educationally than our
own, and education is for the few not the
many. While wealth enables the cultured
to secure for their children the private
instruction of highly trained specialists,
under whose instruction a willing and
receptive pupil will make rapid progress,
the children of the poor labor in factories
and coal-mines and receive no schooling
whatever. Thus the educational attain
ment of the individual in a favored class
is high, but the national standard of
learning among the youth is not neces
sarily in advance of our own.
The reasons assigned for the existence
of this condition cannot go unchallenged.
One must concede that incompetent hire
lings who look forward to pay-day -as
the only reward for their labor, men and
women unqualified by temperament as
well as education for the duties of the
hour, are found in the schoolroom as
elsewhere. But the vast army of school
teachers in America is not recruited from
that class.
The late report of the Technical World
Magazine, which states that no less than
6.000,000 women are engaged in money
making occupations, points to the widen
ing of woman's sphere. Women are not
waiting for matrimony to relieve them of
the necessity of selfsupport. Nor is it
.expected that all women will adapt them
selves to home-making pursuits. To many
women, marriage is an event in a busy
life which leaves her at liberty to pursue
her chosen course after marriage, if she
so desires, with tlje same freedom as be
fore and with greater security. These
conditions lead women, and the majority
of women teachers in the graded schools
is so great as to permit of leaving the
men out of the discussion altogether. to
make broader preparation for teaching.
To secure and retain, in the face of keen
competition, a desirable position means
a lofty standard of personal attainment
ana a true conception of the ends of
In regard1 to the lack of thorough in
struction, it should be born In mind -that
school rooms are usually over-crowded,
and that It is impossible to give the per
sonal supervision to each child's work
that is desirable. It is extremely dif
ficult to hold 40 minds to a uniform
standard of excellence in the school or
out of it. The child of the ignorant and
vicious receive the same general instruc
tion as does the child who is stimulated
and encouraged in his studies by - his
home environment.
The ability to surround a child with
those Influences that impel him to study,
arouses his self-activity and fills him
with those desires that only further pro
gress can satisfy. This is conceded to be
of greater value in the successful work
ings of the public school system, than
any formal knowledge imparted or
routine drill carried out. This is an ex
ceedingly rare trait and one much sought
after by school authorities.
Incompetent and underpaid, as some
primary teachers are. and faulty as they
all are, it still remains true to the un
prejudiced observer, that the educational
standard for the teacher is higher than
ever before, and while there are defects
Inherent in the system, the quality of
work in the aggregate, compares favor
ably with that of any system on earth.
Sportsmen Who Shoot "Along Colum
bia Slough All Make Fine Bags.
. High Mater Is Costly.
Portland sportsmen, ifot hunters,
enjoyed one of tho best days in the
blinds of the present duck season.
While there is a great deal too much
water, the birds are flying in greater
number, and the bags are now coming
in with some few widgeon. Plenty of
sprig-tail and mallards and an occa
sional teal. Some of the lucky shoot
ers bagged geese, but so far the kill
of this bird has been limited.
For a time it was feared that duck
shooting on Sauvie's Island and along
the Willamette and Columbia Sloughs
was over for the season. This was be
cause at the opening' of the season
there was no water, and then when the
flood came there was too much water.
Tiit birds were not in the country, so
the sportsmen, after many Sundays
spent in the blinds, were about to give
up shooting for the season. When the
high water came there was a renewal
of hopes, but there was too much wa
ter and blinds on duck preserves that
never had to be moved, not even dur
ing the June floods, were many feet
under water, feeding grounds were
spoilej and even those preserves that
enjoyed good teal and widgeon snViot
lng ever since the season began found
themselves without a place to shoot.
This flood has cost local sportsmen
thousands of dollars, for in their effort
to get a few of the birds that were
flying, they were constantly compelled
to change their feeding places and
move their blinds. Some of the' clubs
fed the new places for two weeks, only
to find at the end that they were oft
the fly-ways, or that the water had
receded so much that It was necessary
to feed a new place every day, so when
It is taken into consideration that
wheat costs from $20 to $114 a ton, it
can be easily seen how this Item alone
runs into lots of money.
While many of the sportsmen had
given up their shooting for the season,
the most of them have stuck it out and
are now being rewarded for their pa
tience. Dr. W. A. Wise. J. D. Ken
worthy, who; with F. A. Jones and W.
Cooper Morris, own the I. X. L. Club,
enjoyed a day's good shooting yester
day. Dr. Wise and his associates have
their preserve on the farms of Charles
Merrill and Bert Selfert, about two
miles below Deer Island Station. They
have one of the best shooting grounds
along the river, and last year were able
to kill the limit almost every Sunday.
This year they hare had only a few
good shoots and yesterday was one of
them. Only Dr. Wise and Mr. Kent
worthy, with a guest, shot there, but
they all came home satisfied with their
bags and are confident that from now
on there will be plenty of ducks.
Rodney Ll Glisan, W. F. Bebee and
the other sportsmen who shoot just
A New Drink to Replace tne Old Time
Twenty-five years ago the custom of
making New Year's calls was a delight
ful one for all concerned, until some of
the boys got more "egg-nog" or "apple
jack" than they could successfully carry.
Then the ladies tried to be charitable
and the gentlemen tried to be as chival
rous as ever and stand up at the same
If anyone thinks there has not been
considerable Improvement made in the
last quarter of a century in the use of,
alcoholic beverages, let htm stop to con
sider, among other things, the fact that
the old custom of New Year's calls and
the genteel tippling is nearly obsolete.
The custom of calling on one's friends,
however, at the beginning of the new
year, is a good habit, and another good
habit to start at that time is the use of
well-made Postum instead of coffee or
A Staten Island doctor has a sensible
daughter who has set Postum before her
guests as a good thing to drink at Yule
Tide, and a good way to begin the New
Year. Her father writes:
"My daughter and I have used Postum
for some time past and we feel sure it
contains wholesome food material.
"I shall not only recommend it to my
patients, but my daughter will De most
pleased to give a demonstration of Pos
tum to our Christmas and New Year's
callers." Read "The Road to Wellville"
in pkgs. "There's a reason."
below the I. X. L. Club, also killed a
bag that made them all happy. So did
the members of the club who shot
above where Dr. Wise shoots. W. B.
Fecheimer did not fare so well, for
the hunters wiio Bhoot the place above
them shoot Saturday instead of Sun
day, as do all the other local shooters.
The fact that more ducks were in
the country than at any time since the
season opened was shown by' the bags
of the sportsmen who boarded the
afternoon Northern Pacific train. All
of them had about as many ducks as
they could carry on their duck-straps
and in their canvas game-bags. The
la'r train, which brought back the
shooters from down below Goble, re
turned a crowd which was equally as
lucKy, and who cad secured good
strings. In another week the water
will, if the weather remains cold, have
gone down considerably, and as the
birds do not seem to have an inclina
tion to leave the country, the sports
men are happy.
Annual Report of Treasurer Shows
Much Velvet.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Dec. I. The an
nual report of the graduate treasurer
of Harvard Athletics for the year 1906
issued today, shows a profit for all
sources of $27,816.
Schooner Aurelia Is Beached.
ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 2. (Special.)
The waterlogged steam schooner Au
relia was beached at high water today
on the tide-fiats back at the O. R. &
N. Company's wharf. The vessel will
be pumped out at low water tomorrow
Salem Holds Election Today..
SALEM. Or., Dec. 2. (Special.) The
annual city election will be held to
morrow, with oifly one contest, that
for the office of City Recorder. The
candidates are Wylle A. Moores, Re
publican, and W. G. Trill, Independent.
New York is the'second Rreat seaport of
the world. In 13 over 9.000.1MMI tone of
Imports aud 8, 700. OOO tons of exports were
cleared through New York harbor. London
is the Kieatest seaport, exceeding New York
in imports, though r.ot in exports. Antwerp
and Hamburt are third and fourth, respect
ively. '
-T. P. BROWN :
401 McKay BldR., 3d and Stark Sts.
2000 Happy Day.
-toon Reindeer.
:S(iiH Holdcn Cold & Copper.
5'ifio Idaho Giant.
40O Oregon Securities.
20IIK Cancaula.
5000 Standard Consolidated. .
1500 Mt. Pitt Hydraulic Quartz Min
ing company.
r,on Snowstorm,
r.nn snowshoe.
loon Park Copper.
3000 Morning tMetaline Blst.)
Can give you lowest prices on nil
toeur d'Aleno and Nevada Mining
A Short Statement by
The Leading Specialist
I make definite claims fox my methods
of trcatiriK men's dlwawf. I claim oriir
tnality. dietinctivenew. scientific correct
ness and unapproachable success. Every
on of these claims Is backed by sub
stantial proof. The beat evidence of
superiority are the cures themelv. My
treatment cures iwmianently those caei
that no other treatment can cure. This
tent has been mado over and over again,
and a majority of my patients are men
who have failed to obtain lasting- benefits
Contrary to the popular belief, weak
ness is iK't a nervous ailment, but is a
result of disorders purely local. It .suc
cessful treatment call for utmost skill
and the most delicate prescribing. I cm
ploy no electrical or mechanical con
trivances, nor Io I excite functional
activity by the use of stimulants or ton
ics1. I treat by a local process, such
a no other physician employs, and one
4hat cannot fail to restore the full de
gree of strength and vigor.
Through my long experience treating
these diseases I have devised methods
that not only cure, roundly and perma
nent I v. but cure in lean time than the
best of other treatments require. Take no
chance. Do not risk your health and
strength by relying on patent nostrums
or uncertain methods. You are absolute
ly secure when you Intrwst your case
to me. ,
My treatment for stricture Is entirely
independent of surgery. A complete cure
Iw accomplished without cutting or dilat
ing. All growths and obstructions in the
urinary passage are dissolved, the mem
branes cleanse d and all irritation or con
gestion removed.
To attempt to cure varicocele by cut
ting away the affected blood vessels is
violence. I cure varicocele without sur
gery and without the use of caustic. My
cures are positive and are effected in a
few days' time. No pain, no hospital ex
penses, and seldom is it necessary that
the patient be detained from his busi
ness. My FeM Are the Lowest.
You Can Pay When Cored.
" I offer not only FREE Consultation and
Advice, but of every cane that comes to
me I will make a careful Examination
and Diagnosi without charge. No ailing
man should neglect this opportunity to
get expert opinion about his trouble.
If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis
Char. My Office are open all day. from
9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays from 10 to 1
Private Entrance 234 Vi Morrison it.
Pay ff-B
Well lffy
-4" " r" -J
J .2--.V - a-M
Wc treat successfully all private
nervous and chronic diseases of men,
such as varicocele, hydrocele, sores,
ulctrrs, skfn diseaj-es, sypiiillls (blood
poison), fronorrhoea, und ailments of
the kidneys, bladder, stomach, heart
and liver. Also piles, rupture and all
drains and losses of men only. We can
restore the sexual vifror of any man.
The doctors of this institute are all
regular graduates, have had 2." years'
experience, have been known in Port
land for many years, have a reputation
to maintain, and will undertake no case
unless certain cure can be effected.
We guarantee a cure In every case
we. undertake or cliarpre no fee. Con
sultation free. Letters confidential. In
structive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free
in plain wrapper.
We have such confidence in our meth
ods that 'we will take your case and
treat you without asking for a dollar
until you are cured.
If vou cannot caM at office, write for
question blank. Home treatment suc
cessful. Office hours, n to 5 and 7 to 8. Sundays
and Holidays, 10 to 12.
Oftices In Van Noy Hotel. Third
St., Corner Pine. Portland, Or.
Time rinn
Cis VV nr Ti-iiiMC
! I
mSZ2 Depart. Arrive.
Tellowstone Park-Kansas
City-St. Louis Special for
C h e h a 1 1 s. Centralla.
Olympla. Gray's Har
bor, bouth Bend. Ta
coma. Seattle. Spokane.
Lewlston. Butte. Bil
lings. Denver, Omahn.
Kansas City, St. Louis
and Southwest 8:30am 4:30pm
North Coast Limited, elec
tric lighted, for Tacoma,
Seattle. Spokane. Butte.
Minneapolis. St. Paul
and the east 2:00 pm 7:00am
Puget Sound Limited for
Clare mont. ChthalT.
Centralla, Tacoma and
Seattle only 4:30pm 10:33pm
Twin City Express for Ta
coma, Seattle, Spokane.
Helena, Butte, at. Paul.
Minneapolis. Lincoln.
Omaha. St. Joseph, St.
Louis. Kansas City.
without change of cars.
Direct connections for
all points East and
Southeast 11:45 pm 0:50 pm
A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Passen
ger Agent. 255 Morrison St.. corner Third.
Portland, Or.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Dally For Maygers. Rainier, Dally.
Clatskanle. Westport.
cufton, Astoria. War
8:00 A.M. renton. Travel. Ham- 11:33 A.M.
mond. Fort Stevens.
Gearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria aud Sea
shore. 7:00 P. M. Express Dally. 9:50 P.M.
Astoria Express.
. Dally.
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder O. V. & P. A.
Phone Ma'.n 006. v
From Seattle at 0 P. M.
for Ketchikan. Juneau.
Skagway, White Horse.
Dawson and Fairbanks.
S. S. Humboldt. Novem
ber 27. 9 A. M.
s. s. cottage city fvla
Sitka). Dec. 4.
From Seattle at A. M. Umatilla. No
vember 1. IB, 81; City of Puebla. November
6, 21. Spokane. November 11, 26.
Portland Office, 249 Washington St.
Main 229.
C. D. DUNANN. O. P. A.. San Francisco.
Steamer Chas. R. Spencer
Leaves Oak-street dock every Monday.
Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M. for THE
Returning, arrives Portland, Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday at 3 P. M. Low
ratea and excellent service.
Phone Main 2U60.
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and The
Dalles except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 a. M., arriving about 6 P. M.. carrying
freight and paasenger. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock loot of Alder St., Portland: foot of
Court t.. Tha Dalles. Phona Mala B14.
Fast Steamer Telegraph
Makes round trip daily (except Sun
day). Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Leaves
Astoria 2:30 P. M.
Landing Alder-Street Dock.
Phone Main 55.
Upper Columbia River
EAST via
Portland and San
Frant:fO Kxprres
etopa only at r.iot
Important stations
berven Portland
and San Fran'i
ro for al! point,
Eat and South.
for ai! iocal
points eouth. Sac
r a m c n t o, San
E'i ani-Ujco and
points East and
Mornlna- train
connects at
tVoodburn dally
except Sunday
with Mt ApwI
and EUverton lo
cal. Cottage Grove
passenger con
nects at Wood
burn and Albany
dally except
Sunday with
trains to and
from Albany.
Lebanon and
branch points.
Corvallls passen
ger. Sherldaa passen
Ecr. Forest Grove
ll:3o P. M.
7:45 P. M.
7:25 A. M
5:30 P. M.
4:J5 P. M.
'11:00 A. M.
7:30 A. M.
4:10 P. M.
S.V2 p. M.
Ill :0 A. M.
5:30 P. Jl?
10:20 A. St.
2 -.r.O P. M.
JS:00 A. M.
Dally. (Dally except fcundav.
Foot of JefTerson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswesto at 7:4w
A. II.; 12:5. 2:0R. 3:30. 8:80. 6-23. 7:45. 10; lo.
11:30 P. M.. Duliy except Sunday. 5 ::.
:."0. 8:40. 10:23 A. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M.
Keturnliiff from Osweno. arrive Portland,
dully. 8:3.-, A. M., 1:5.'.. 3:05, 5:10. :15. ":-'5.
B 55. 11:10 p. M. ; 12:23 A. M. Daily except
Sunday. 6:2.". 7:2.1. 8:35, 9:35. 11:45 A. M. Sun
day only, 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and In
termediate points daily, 7:30 A. M. and 4:lS
P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:13 A. M. and
6:23 P. M.
The Independence-Monmoutli Motor Line
operates dallv to Monmouth and Alrlle, con
necting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from PortlRnd to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. $20; berth. $3.
Second-class fare. $15: second-class berth.
$2 .M).
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe:
also Japan. China. Honolulu nnd Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third aud
WaHliineton gts. rhone Mnln 712.
City Ticket Agent. t-eu. 1'ass. Act.
union PAcmc
Through Pullman standard ami tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha. Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist hteeplng tar daily to Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars treats free to
the East dally.
SPECIAL for the U:30 A. M.7:30p. M.
Kast via Huntington. Daily. j Daily.
7:0O p. Mr 8:00 a7m7
SPOKANE FILTER. Daily, j Daily.
For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla,
Lewis ton. Coeur d'Aleno and Great Norta
trn points.
for the East via
8:15 P. M.
O.IiO A. M.
LOCAL for all local
points between Biggs
and Portlhnd.
8;10 A. M. Ib Ao V. 2d.
way points, connecting
with steamer for II
waco and N or til
Beach itetraer
Hassalo. Ath st. dock.
8:0U p. M.
10:OO P.M
5:00 P. M.
gon City and Yamhill
River points. Ash -at.
dock (water per. )
7:00 A. M.
5:30 P. M.
For Lewlston, Idaho, and way points
from Riparia. Wash. Leave F.iparla.5:40 A.
M.. or upon arrival train No. 4, dally except
Saturday. Arriv Riparia 4 P. M. daily ex
cept Friday.
Ticket Office. Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 112. C. W. Siiuger, Mty
Ticket Agt.; Win. McMiixray, Cien. JL'as. Agt.
Ihe Fast Mall
llllll OSIEGO?!
Dally. PORTLAND I Dally.
Leave Time Schedule. I Arrive.
To and from Spo
8:30 am kane, St. Paul, Min- 7:00 am
neapollH. Duluth and
11:45 pm All Points East Via 6:50 pm
To and from Bt.
, Paul. Minneapolis.
0:13 pm Duluth and a I 1 8:00 m
Points Kast Via
(reat Northern Meamhip Co.
Sailing from Seattle for Japan
and China ports and Manila, carry
ing pass.'UKerH and fn?lKht.
K. S. Minnesota, January 0.
S. S. Dakota, February 17.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
S. S. KAUA MA RU will sail from
Seattle about December 1 for
Japan and China ports, carrying
passengers and freight.
For ticket, rates, berth reserva
tions, etc., call on or address
H. DK'KMJ.V. C. P. & T. A
123 Third St., Portland, Or.
I'lIIHll' M:l!n CKU.
San Francisco & Portland S.S.Co.
From A in worth Doc k, Portland, at 8 P. M..
fci. S. Columbia Dec. 7. J 7, -7, etc
ota Rica Dec. ill, 2-!. .Ian. J. etc.
From Spear St.. tSan Francisco, At 11 A. M.
S. S. Costa Rica Dec. 8, is, UK. etc.
S. S, Columbia De-. 1.J. I'.'t, .Ian. 'Z. etc.
Only dirtct paKsonger steamers operating
between Portland end Sao Francisco.
For CorvallK Albany, Independence, Ba:em.
Steamer "POMONA" leaves 0:40 A. M.,
Tuesday. Thurertay and Saturday.
For Salem and way landings Steamer
"OREGON A" leaves 0:43 A. M.. Mondays,
WedneHdays and Fridays.
.Foot Taylor Street.
In !:0.i there were ll.!115 power looms.
viorklriK on nilk goods in Swltarland. Sn-is
silk manufuurers had in the name year 11.
2,Y. power looms employed in foreign coun
tries in this Industrial line. The export of
SwiM Kilk Roods in 1003 aggregated
400.000 in value.