10 , THE MORNING OliEGONIANV MONDAY, DECEMBER ' 3, 190G. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms. "Rooms and Board." "HonM- keeplng Rooms," "Sltuntlona IVantrd," IS words or lesa, 15 crnts; 10 to 20 words, SO centf; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc- No dis count for additional insertions. t'NDER AIX OTHER BEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or least 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. Brat Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" maw measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In scaled envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters.. The Orea-onian will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODC.FJ. No. Ill A. F. & A. M. Stated communi ration thl. fMonnavl evening at 7:.V Rllrkhnrfl Kid. Work In t M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. K. MILLER, Secretary. CiVEIJA rHAPTBR. NO. 27 O. B. S. Regular communication this IMonday) evening. K. i: Mil, -laconic Temple, corner 3d end Alder Bts. E action. Rv orfier or v . ai. LYDIA B. RITTKR. Acting Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2, A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion thla fTnntai-l iv,ninir at 7-3H T Vc ock. Work in M. M. deuree. via- itlng brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. NEW TODAY. ALEX. C. RAE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 4o7 McKay BuildinK, Phone Main 6401. FUR RENT DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. Sixth and Washington st.n., suitable for I'fTice or liKht manufacturing. Inquire 31 34 Washington Building. ORIENTAL CARTED IVORY, 149 6TH St.. .Mexican llruwuwork Co. Burnside Street Corner, lOflxSO, on Burnside and 11th sts.; J30.'00, one-third cash. Front Street Half block 200 feet on Front Ftreet with substantial Improvement. JIL'O.OOO. First Street Corner nOxlOO, vry central, pays 7 per cent net on price, $57,600. V..T.W0 with 3-Ftory brick on First. In come J167.B0 month; 130,000, 1-3 cash down. North 21st Street Corner lOOxSO on North 21st. near Wash ington, with large 10-room house, $12,000. Acreage Splendid tract of 200 acres well adapted for platting; I1S5 an acre. Terms. THE HEALI INVESTMENT CO., 110-214 Ablngton 106V& Third St $7250 100x100 factory site, two blocks from Grand Avenue, one block from Morrison. Solid Ground. Easy Terms. H. R. PALMER Main 5661. 222 Failing Building. Washington Street Property The Quarter Block Situated at the southwest corner 'of Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars see Brooke S Kiernan . 91 Third Street Inside Property COnnn Wlu buy 86x100 on E. 15th St.. OOuUU bet. K. Alder and E. Stark sts. tOOPfl 'vv'nl buV 100x100. cor. E. 17th 0LUJ and E. Main sts. Cqfinfl Av,n buy 11300. with two 6-room VUllUU houses, between E. 22d and E. 24th sts., on E. Oak and E. Pine sts. Qflflfl Avln buy that r,na corner lot, OdUUU H. E. corner of K. Pine and Union ave. Pays good income. J. L. WELLS CO. Room 306 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone jiain 4564. lED: PORTLAND RAILWAY BONDS In lots of 10,000 or more Portland Railway Company's 5 per cent bonds, due 1SM0. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY Lumber Exchange Building, 2d Floor, S. E. Cor. 2d and Stark Sts. 12! Per Cent on Investment Two-story building, 25x100. on Russell et: leased for 24 years; J5O00. 100x100 In Woodlawn, (rood store build ing, with 6 rooms upstairs; leased for 3 years; J4000. Jordan & Garbade Room 22, 232' Washington st. SIXTH STREET For a short time owner otters one of the beat corners on the street; .price 928,000, part cash. P 58. Oregonian. $1900-IRVING ST. BOXRO SOUTH FAnNTl. for particulars call at 54 Front street, cor- I nsr Pin. NEW TODAY. $56,000 The best speculative buy in Portland, faces on three streets surrounded on three Kirioft hv cnrlines: within 200 feet of new $100,000 improvement. Price good lor lew uays only. $30,000 north of Burnside. 2-story brick, good, west siae or street, a-story oi buy and sure to increase. safe, $21,000 100x100 12th st. south of Glisan. on track. Fine for wholesale house or warenouse. .$26,000 100x100 13th St.. on track. $12,000 .VhrlOO. corner, near 13th and Flanders. Tlavn a. client who wants a $13,000. 3-story brick on this lot and who will pay $200 per month for a ten-year lease, this makes an S per cent investment, clear of taxes and insurance. Ketter man letting the bank have your money for 4 per cent. Washington St. 113x100. corner ..$27,500 3xl00. comer 3xl00. corner WxlOO. inside 17.500 9,750 12.500 32x100. inside 6,750 Cheapest buvs on the street. They won t last long. E. J. Daly Phone Main 53S3. 114 Third Street. SIXTH STREET For sale Lot within 200 feet of Wells. Fargo & Go's. 12-storv steel building: only $20,000 cash payment required: bal ance of $.to,000 on mortgage; income $360 per montn. Russell & Blyth S2& Third Street. BUSINESS PROPERTIES. "We have some of the best buys in in Fide properties on tho ma rket today. Now Is the time to buy. Portland prop erty will never be so cheap again, and if you are looking for an investment let us show you what we have. SPHINX AGENCY, 305 Ms Stark St. FOR SALK REAL ESTATE. $3000. WEST SIDE. Nearly new 6-room houpe and fractional lot. College street, near Park. INVESTMENTS. 93500 Last chance to get a full lot on Front Ftreet, near Market, paying over 10 per cent. $4000 for 100x100 on 4th street, with in come, of $50 per month. $28,000 for nearly quarter block and im provement that are bringing a splendid rental on 4th street, $ 15. 500 Quarter block on 2d St.; income 9120 per month, sure to advance. $11.500 Quarter block on 2d street, with fine residence; splendid buy. FRED C. KING. 506 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington st. THIRTEENTH AND HALL, STREETS. Southwest corner, across the street from Portland Academy, two blocks from Mont gomery street and 13th street carlines; four fractional lots, all graded, cement walks, improved Ftreet. fine view. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., ttft 6th St., Second Floor. Phone Main 107. $3350. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. Full two-story 6-room modern house, facing south on East Ankeny, between 2Kd and 24th sts. ; would rnt readily for $:tfi0 per annum; terms $1400 cash, balance time, 6 per cent. Address X 57, Orego ntan. $5700 PULL LOT AND EXCELLENT BUILT H-room borne, witn oak noors oownstairs, fireplace In reception hall, four large sleep ing rooms. combination N brass fixtures, shades, screens, cement basement, furnace. Holladay's Addition ; move right In; just what you are looking for. GrindstaiX & Schalk. 264 Stark st. Phone Main 392. FOR SALE PL A INFIELD, ADJOINING Richmond; beautifully situated, overlooking city: 132 lots, each 50x100 feet; price $17,600; $0(X0 cash, balance in three years at 6 per cent; this property acquired by trust estate on foreclosure of mortgage, for sale at cost. Frederick H. Strong, trustee, at Ladd & Tilton's Bank. 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, 4 FULL LOTS. with a beautiful unobstructed view or. Portland and surrounding country; sev eral fine fruit trees, nice shrubbery; one block to car; 20 minutes to city; very choice; $2850. Terms. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington, cor. 1st. Upstairs. SEASIDE, OR. BEACH PROPERTY FOR sale; modern 7 -room nouse ana two tots; fine view of ocean; $30U0; a bargain; house burnished. W. B. STREETER. 114 Third Street. 12500. SNAP. New modern 4-room cottage, facing south, on full lot, exceptionally well built, large rooms, plenty of cupboards and shelves; Shaver st., between 8th and Oth sts. ; Vt rash, balance time, 6 per cent Address R 60, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. If yon want to sell your real estate or reat your house, cottage, stores, etc, quick, we have customers waiting to buy real es tate If prices are right. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN' CO.. 107 6th Street, Room 4. $112 PER MONTH GUARANTEED. LEASE 7th st. Business corner. trice less than $10,000. Will be worth $25,000 in six months. Cord Sengstake & Co., 90 5th st. $2850 2 NEW MODERN COTTAGES AND large lot; Aibina. near scnooi ana car shops. Inquire 208 4th. Tel. Pac 2123 or Main 3990. Good Investment. HOLLADAY'S ADD.. pLOCK; 2 MOD- ern dwellings; cement Dasememts, rruit, lawa, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap for cash. 375 E. 3d st. N. M'CTTSKER-KEADY INVESTMENT COM- pany. 307 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 1258. Stocks, bonds, real estate and timber lands. See us for Investments. $S0 BUYS A FINE CORNER LOT. 50x125. on Sellwood st.; Improvements all in, for a few days. Hagemann & Blanchard, 91 5th st. v FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, CE- mcnt basement, lot 4oxiuu reet; good lo cation; $2200. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th st. 2 HOUSES AND BLOCK OF GROUND on 'Z car lines, walking distance of busi ness; $6500. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th street. FOUR CHOICE LOTS. EAST FRONT. QUAR- auiniKuworui, ieuver, w inameue boule vard. Zella Gossett, Riverside, St. Johns car. HOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND Boia on installments, kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. 6-ROOM NEW HOUSE, HOLLADAY PARK. f-'-. oti i-aou. Dm ance montn. phone owner. East 1507. Now rented $25 month. FOR SALE) CHEAP CORNER LOT WITH new modern 7-room house, near East 23d ana baimon; terms, c 60. Oregonian. A T-ROOM HOUSE ON THE HEIGHTS AT jp-uuon rarK, a snap at $1250, very easy terms. State Land Co., 133 1st st. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH AND BASE- ment, lot ooxiuu reet, some fruit; $1300. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th at. CORNER LOT TO GIVE AWAY FOR $500 iaa hub wee; xienry s AQa., ivon and 22d. Owner. 375 E. 3d at. N. A SNAP $1100 AN ACRE FIVE TO SIX acres, .wo ieet irom uouncll Crest canine. W. J. Patton, Patton road. FOR SALE SO BY 90 FEET; IMPROVED, vn u niuii ave, near Ainswortn. rtoom o, Washington Bldg. FOR SALE N. E. CORNER E. 10TH AND vv eigant, oixiou. L. E. Sawyer, phone Ex change 34. BUILDING PLANS BY EXPERT draughtsman, cheaper than dirt- F 73, Oregonian. CHOICE PLATTING PROPERTY IN CUL- nv.wjn. fiioou, j.v acres; terms. Phone East 6297. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SEEK THESE AND YOU WILL BB SAT ISFIED: $g500 Quarter block, with 2 - elegant residences, swell situation, completely fin ished and modern in design, close in on Hawthorne ave, $4200 For a swell place on East An kenyt near 18th St.; 8 rooms, strictly mod ern. $3300 For fine 10-room residence on the West Side; full view of city, within walking distance ; large grounds, beautiful flowers, fruit and shrubbery. $3200 A swell corner on Tillamook st.. Irvington. One of the grandest places on the East Side; 6-room beautiful and mod em cottage, corner lot. You never can duplicate it tor the price. $2500 Corner lot, with a strictly mod ern, stylish new 6-room Queen Anne cot tage; price includes the- Improvement of streets ana Dunning new warns. $ouu down, balance in reasonable monthly install ments. $2500 Full lot, with nice 6-room cottage, on Belmont; easy walking distance to busi ness. $1750 For a beautiful 5-room bungalow cottage on East Taylor ot., near 37th, Sun- nyside. $1400 2 full lots, nicely improved, gar den and shrubbery; neat cottage, nice barn, on East Elahth street, near Fremont. $750 3 lots on Tenino ave., Sellwood, with -room House. can be made very com tort able and nice by a little neat furnishing. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, . 149 Firet st. $1250 5-ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT, in Sellwood, close to two cars; $300 cash, balance $lo month. $ 1 4 00 6- room h o u se, Se 1 1 w o od ; easy terms. $1600 6-room house on car line, all con veniences, fceilwood: easy terms. $2700 Sniendid S-room house, all conveni ences, stone foundation, block to car, nno view, minutes rtae this is a splendid buy. $2G00 9 -room houee on car Ilne, Ipt 100x 130, good barn, lots are worth the money; 12 minutes ride, best ser v vice. $2250 Beautiful 5-room cottages. East J ay J or st., every convenience; ev erything first-class; $400 cash, bal ance monthly. $2750 Good 9-room house in solendtd re pair; stable, fruit of all kinds, lot 60x148, chicken-house and yard; terms. ' - We have a large list of houses and cottages in all parts of city on easy terms. can ana see us. B. S. COOK & COt. ; Phone Main 953. 251 Alder street. SELLWOOD HOMES. 700 4-room house, lot looxlOO. $1050 5-room house, woodtiber plaster, electric lights, two blocks from car line. $1000 3-room house, 3 lots. $1000 Beautiful building site, 100x100, in City View Park; corner lots with small house, improved street. i:t."iO 6-room house, 2 lots. 1200 6-room house, electric lights, etc. ; half block from carline, on improved street. $1500 5-room modern cottage. $2000 7-rooni modern cottage. $ 550 100x100. corner, on county road. $ 150 Fine lot, close to new woolen mill. SELLWOOD TOWNSITB CO., H. P. Palmer, Mgr. 222 Failing Bldg. Main 5661. Or take Sellwood car, get oft at Tenino. Phone be n wood 361. $3000. P lots and 5-room house, 4 blocks from Union ave. car. This is a real tsnap. H. P. PALMER. 222 Failing Bldg. Main 5661. FULL LOT AND 6-ROOM RESIDENCE. BE sides sewlna-room. bath. laundry-room basement, concrete foundation, cement walk around house, workshop, woodhouse and chicken-house, 8 bearing fruit trees, grapes,. 40 choice roses, carpets, $45 steel range and heater; block carline; all for $ 1550 ;' half cash, balance $20 per montn. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington, cor.' 1st. Upstairs. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. Brand new double Hat built for a home by a widow lady, who has to change her plans and will sacrifice for $4500; only a few blocks from Steel bridge; rent $45 per montn. HAGEMANN & BLANCHARD, 91 5th st. ENT $324 PER ANNUM. PRICE $2750. Two cottages in the best of repair, block carline: West Side, fine neighbor hood; always rented 4o good tenants for -7 per montn. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington, cor. 1st. Upstairs. MUST SELL. Four lots. Portland Heights, 8 blocks from car line, practically level, beautiful trees, elegant Kits fir biinguluvv; b.uc. streets and city water; $275 each. J 57, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. $1350 Full lot on Broadway, near East 19th, street improved, cement sidewalk. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK, Tel. Main 392. 264 Stark St. 12 PER CENT. SOUTH PORTLAND, corner, 50x100 with 4 cottages, rentals $47.50 a month; price only $4600; ground worth the money. ELLIS. KAHLER & LANKEN. Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison Street. DESIRABLE CORNER, 60x100. HIGH ground, amongst beautiful residences. East Stark and 16th; alo fine corner. 100x65 East Clay and 9th, with cement sidewalk; will divide either piece. Inquire 189 3d.' , HOUSE AND QUARTER BLOCK, SOUTH- east corner 18th and Irving. $2o.OOO ; house cost $14,000; lot worth $15,000. -Wm. B. Streeter, 114 Third st. ACREAGE. A SURE INVESTMENT. 30 acres northeast from Montavilla, can now be had for about one-half wnat ad joining property is listed at. This should appeal to the man of small means. Ad dress ot once. R 61, Oregonian. $1650 NEW MODERN COTTAGE, FIVE rooms, besides nan and large closets, ce ment basement; $650 cash, balance $15 monthly; one block car; grounds im proved ; bargain. State Investment Co., 118 Abifgton bldg. $5000 8 ACRES JUST NORTH OF MON- tavtiia car, near west ave., an in cultiva tion; house, barn and city water; best buy on market. GrindstafC & Schalk, 264 Stark st. Main 392. IF YOU WANT A NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE that was built for a home and as modern as they make them, corner lot, 5Oxl00, near two carlines in Albina at a sacrifice, phone Scott 5075. $750 FOUR FULL LOTS, BEAUTIFULLY situated, in one ouuy, iwo turners, over looking river, near Riverside; or. $400 for two. State Investment Co., 118 'Ablngton bldg. TEN OR 20 ACRES FOR SALE READY for platting, between two car lines; just outside city limits. Address owner, I. O. O. F. Temple, 1st and Alder. 115x100 5-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND TOI- let. hot and cold water; run attic. Price $2000 cash. Mt. Scott carline. Address C 63, Oregonian. 6000 SQUARE FEET, FRONT ST.. BRICK building, dock and wnarr: $u.ooo; win dou ble that in one year. X 62, Oregonian. FOR SALE MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 1038 Williams avenue, ?-oo, wortn $3O0O; $1000 dowa, balance 5 years. $4550 QUARTER BLOCK. UNION AVE. Halsey; 50x60, Union ave., $1450. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $400 LOT. EAST SIDE. ADJOINING STORE; rtreets improved; easy terms. D. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. WANTED Vi BLOCK OF GROUND. WITH building, together with railroad trackage; building to be of brick or brick; veneer, ' without basement, groun'd floor, 16 feet high, second floor 14 feet high. O 60, Oregonian. HOUSE. 5 TO 7 ROOMS. NEW AND MOD ern; good location: will pay cash If a bar gain; full particulars In first letter. 346 Morris street. WISH TO INVEST $9000 IN INCOME property. South Portland preferred. No agents. M 63. Oregonian. . WE WILL EXCHANGE A $6000 FRUIT ranch and $4000 cash for city property. State Land Co., 133 1st at SPOT CASH FOR A COTTAGE. WALKING distance. What have you? No agents. Phone, Main 6359. "OB SALE TIMBER LANDS. CASH FOR YOU. Will buy for cash any timber land from 160 acres up, In Township 10 to 80 south, ranges 10 to 17 east. In replying give full description and lowest cash price. N 59, Oregonian. 85,000,000 YELLOW FIR AND CEDAR, ON railroad and river; cuts 75 per cent first class logs, near Puget Sound; price $53,000. L -P. CaUlsoa ChehaUi. Wash. ' FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER IS WEALTH. Are you a timher owner? Do you want to sell your timber? Do you want the proposition handled in the way which will be satisfactory' to you in all details? lf you want a buyer quick, and want your money in a hurry, you cannot afford to delay placing your timber lands immedi ately witn our timber department. We are in constant touch with timber buyers from all parts of America. It you are wise you will take advantage of this opportunity immediately. Write or call on our timber department. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY. Lumber Exchange Building (2nd floor) S. E. Cor. 2nd and Stark sts. 4000 ACRES GOOD TIMBER. VERY AC cessible, $15 per acre; but you will "have to hurry." 8,000,000 feet fir timber, sawmill, money maker, near Portland ; good buy. $1000 Sawmill near McMinnville, some timber. 100O acres near Columbia River, log' ging proposition. Sawmill. 25 miles from Portland, olentv of choice timber; will sell interest at a oar pain. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 612 'Commercial bldg. Main 1940. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND tlm!er We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to Nehalem River; will aeai witn owners only: no others need answer. Write, giving full particulars, to ox o, U. i. station. Portland, Or. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR CLAIMS IN townships 12 and 13 south. 10 feast; also townships 17 and 18 south. 10 and 11 east. Crook County; single claims or targe tracts. Monteith & Murdoch. 401-3 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED TIMBER IN TOWNSHIPS 11 to 'is South, Inclusive, ranges 30 and 11 east. In writing give full particulars and lowest cash price. Owners only. S 60, uregoman. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, plenty timber, valuable one. Your own t price. Many valuable Improvements. A GOOD SMALT. KAWMII.I. AT SOUP timber, near Portland, for sale. Sphinx "Rncy, St. 1'OR SALB FARMS. VALLEY FARM OF OVER 350 ACRES OF the best land in the country'; -a beautiful and u p- to-date place ; 40 acres of hops, thor ough bred stfck, latest appliances; barn full of feed, arid it is on the river. Stock ranch in Ea-?tern Oregon, 040 acres or defded land, control; about nine sections of grazing land and abundance of water: houses, bams ad orchard; this Is an ex ceptional opportunity as it is only one day's drive from the mountain range and will carry 4000 head or sheen. Fruit land In the Moeder district, fiisH east of .Hood Klver. in acreage to suit, improved or unimproved ; this is an excellent apple district and we can give you a good bar gain. 40 a'-res unimDroved Jut west of the city. only $20ti; eaey terms; this will make you gooa mony. SPHINX AGENCY. 305 Stark st. 160 ACRES. HOOD RIVER. $55 PER ACRE. situated In Feet ton 4, T. 1 S.. R. 30 Ek of W. M.; S. W. U of the N. 0. W. M of the k. Va ano jn. k. hi 01 tne &. w. 4. Owner, room 445 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE FARM PO ACRES, 0 MILES south of Portland: i! acres in cultivation. houee, barn, etc; for $65 per acre. Inquire or address owner, 213 Isorth ISth st. IF YOU WANT A GOOD DAIRY RANCH . at a reasonable price see Eldredge & Mer rifleld, 110 4th st., Vancouver, Wash. JAPANESE FARMER WANTS TO LEASE land ; more than MO acres for 10 years or longer. M. 65, Oregonian. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS, timber lands. Barnard & Co., Kalama, Wash. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR 10 acres at Rockwood, city limits? Par tially planted strawberries, raspberries and orchard; prefer city property or dia monds; will accept or pay difference. X 66, Oregonian. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR Improved Portland real estate from $1000 up? I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real es tate. W. E. McPherson, San Diego. Cal. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. CHICKEN RANCH, WITH MODERN equipments for handling 1000 chickens. Address A. Waldwick, R. F. D. No. 3. box 73, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie Government land. II. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. 5 ACRES NEAR MOUNT SCOTT CARLINE. Good house and barn. Inquire 3u0 Glisan st. Park Hotel. FOR SALE Horses, Vehlckles. Etc. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllnson Ac Cassiday. 211 Wash. Pac 607. FOR SALE ONE TEAM OF YOUNG horses, weight 1300 and 1 400 pounds, or trade for city property. Inquire 123 Lowns dale st.. West Side. DRAFT TEAM, WEIGHT 3200, AGES 7 and 8; alo harness and wagon, suitable for logging or heavy work. Phone Tabor 84. FOR SALE TWO-SEATED LIGHT WAGON with brake : almost new. Kortlana Riding Academy, 22d and Johnson. - BUSINESS RIGS, HORSES AND WAGONS for hire by day or month; boarding. Red Front Stables, 26 N. 15th st. 1200-POUND HORSE. DARK BAY, WORKS any way. Price $125. H. G. Starkweather, R. F. D. Milwaukie. FOR SALES ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO. mahogany case; cheap for cash. 311 W. Park st. We buy. sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons. saddles. Harness. Hubert & Han. L'tkl 4th. HORSE FOR SALE PRICE $30. FRAZIER McLean, 5th and Taylor sts. Pianos. FOP. SALE ELEGANT GENUINE CHICK- ering baby granl piano, periect condition, beautiful mahogany; must be sold at once. Call after 4 P. M., 781 Everett st., above 23d st. A VERY FINE SECOND-HAND PIANO FOR sale; good as new. &jO Alder at., net. 7th and Park sts. Miscellaneous. $50 WALNUT SUITE, $12.60; FIR SUITE. $10; beautiful mahogantzed dresser with French mirror, $15; largo solid oak side board, $1S; 6-foot extension table, $3.50; three-piece mahogany parlor suite, $20; plush patent rocker, $5; upholstered cor ner chair. $3.50; couch in art denim, $4; good plush sofa bed, $6.50; hardwood dressers. $6.50; $10 iron beds. $5; oak parlor desk. $5; llat top office desk (Rood ' one), $12.50; office revolving chair, $3.50; 9x12 art squares, $5; carpets from $2.50 up to $10; hotel dresser, $4; mantel fold ing bed, $7.50; good No. 8 cook stove, $7.50; heating stoves, $1.65 and up to $15; kitchen safe, $3; kitchen treasure, $1.50; nurse rockers, $1; parlor table, $2. All sorts of household goods at way-down prices, bought, sold or exchanged, and a square deal. M. J. McGrath. 66 North Third, between Davis and Everett sts. Main 2087. $$$$$$$$$ IF YOU WANT THE BEST STOVE OR range In Portland at the rtgnt price come to the $ ; we guarantee our stoves and ranges; also all kinds of furniture. Square dealing our motto. 232 1st st. Main 6374. $$ $$ FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col lender. 49 3d et. FOR SALE CHEAP PARTY GOING abroad will sell new stereopticon lantern and 341 beautiful views; good chance to make quick money. Phone East 7035. FOR SALE 10 MILCH COWS. 1 TEAM OF draft horses, 1 colt and 22 head of young stock; must be sold at once. Mrs. Lawrence, Lexington, Cowlitz Co., Wash. 12-GAUGE PUMP GUN. RUBBER PAD. with case $15; Tuxedo coat and vest, cost $34, $12; size 34. Address C 74, Oregonian. FIXTURES FOR SALE 3 CASES. 2 COUN- ters and csnoy jars and new awning and shelving. 353 Union: avev N., near BroatLwa FOR SALE Miscellaneous. A DOITRLB KEY ACCORDION WITH PEARL fingerboard, for only $8. Uncle Myers, 143 3d st., near Alder. THREE FRESH COWS, OPPOSITE RESER voi r No. 2, South Mt. Tabor. Phone East 4377. NEW $250 CASH REGISTER. SACRIFICE for cash; call today. Room 2. Raleigh bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP A LONG WHITE handsome boa. Phone Main 2630. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE ST A VB- BOLT CT7T ters ; wages $1. 40 per cord, steady work. Apply Western Cooperage Co.. Stearns bldg., Portland, or Houlton, Or. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM?, ABLE-BOD-ied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Ainsworth block, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED MACHINE MAN, SASH AND door factory, $4; door clamper. $3; bench hand, $3: etlckerman. $3.50; cabinet mak ers, $3 up; log dockman. $2.75: ratchet setter. $2.75 up; 4 lumber pliers. $2.50; cross-cut aw filers, carpenters, others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, Main Office 12 N. 2d tit. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts. ; entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER. WITH cashier experience and familiar with voucher system. One who is rapid at cal culating interest ond statement work pre ferred. State age, experience in detail and salary expected. Q 61. Oregonian. WANTED 600 TUNNELMEN ON WESTERN Pacific R. R. at Beckwtth. Cal. Foreman, $4 50; machine men, $4; machine helpers. $3.50 ; muckers, $3 ; hoard, $5 per week ; 2 year job. Address Utah Construction Co., Cromberg, CaL WANTED SALESMAN TO TRAVEL FOR cloak and suit business in the North and Northwest territory, one who is familiar with the trade, must furnish reference. Ad dress Meyer Bros., 1774 Geary et., San Fran cisco. YOU CAN MAKE $100 A WEEK BY GIVING performances in parks, theaters, clubs, churches, schools, etc., with a moving-picture machine. Call at Newman's Motion Picture Co. for particulars, 145 6th. SEVERAL GOOD POSITIONS OPEN FOR high-class salesmen, life Insurance men with good records preferred, ('all on or write the Realty Associates of Portland, Or., 804 to 812 Dekum bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED MAN TO OPEN UP BARBER ehnp, small country town. Lqulpmpnt fur nished if desired. Usual harbor's examina tion not necessary. Gonri opportunity for rignt man. v 4. oregonian. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland. ' WANTED CASTERS. MODELERS AND comp"t2nt stair ana terra cotta, workmen who are en route for Los Angeles for work to call on the western Decorating Co. Steady work. Highest wages paid. PACIFIC STATIONERY PRINTING CO., . 205-207 2d at. Phone Main 921. We desixn and install the most modern and approved office systems. Complete line loose leaf filing devices. veiling propositions' in America; men of k."pu rrjui.M.uuii nii . ' a j n r guarameea. Conservative Mutual Life Insurance Co., Elks, bldg. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed : money made tearnlni. Watchmkg-Engrav. Scb'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank'a new stona- icaa pium , mil tuiei; uir v.v permanent position. Chico Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED ABSTRACTOR, MUST BB ALL arouno, nrst-ciaes man to' take charge of an office in small town. Realth Abstract Co., 14 Wolverton Block. Spokane, Wash. WANTED A FIRST-CLASft COLORED barber, with family preferable; if not flrst-clasH need not apply. Wm. Jackson, 14 ft N. 1st st. N. Yakima. Wash. CUTTERS ON MEN'S SHOES; ALSO LAST ers and other shoemakers; steady work. Washington Shoe Manufacturing Com pany, Seattle, Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS. COMPETENT woodfinisher. day s work; long job to right man. Inquire E. P. Sheldon, 205 Wash ington St., room S. , WANTED GOOD MAN WHO UNDER stands farming, to take charge of a farm. Permanent position. Inquire 738 Johnson. Phone Main 2013. MAN ACQUAINTED WITH VANCOUVER and vicinity. An exceptional opportunity ; good pay. Call 18 Lafayette Bldg., 9 to 12; permanent position. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS WANTED Good, quick cash ' propositions, theatrical programme, mining publication, etc., 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED MAN AND WIFE. NO CHTL dren, to york on small fruit farm near city; good place right party. 332 Johnson St., op posite depot. COMPETENT YOUNG MAN STENOGRA pher, with good references, for out of town position. State age and experience. W. 64, Oregonian. WANTED A TAILOR BUSHELMAN. MUST be a good press, at the East Portland Cleaning and Dye Works, 148 Grand ave., city. DANCING LESSONS, 25c, private and clasess; taught daily. Prof. Wal. Wilson, offices and academy, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MAN; STATE age and experience; also salary expected. Good opening. C 65, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD MAN WHO UNDER stands slaughtering and sausage-making. Address Box 3G1, Eugene, Or. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop, the Roofer, 248 Ash st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN, PORTLAND and state. Excellent opening for the right ones. Call 607 McKay Bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN OVER 18 TO PRE- pare for Railway Mail service. Apply to V. C. C. S., 513 McKay bldg. SOLICITORS WANTED BY FRATERNAL life and accident society. Gilt-edgfe propo sition. Phone East 1123. BOY FOR OFFICE WORK. ETC.. $20 MO. State age and reference. Address Hardware, care Oregonian. 16S4 10TH PLEASANT ROOM WITH board, suitable for one or two young men; table board. PRINTER NEEDED AT ONCE BY COUR- ier. tM-egon vity. Appiy an person, orcice open Sunday. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE AT 1S3 Morrison; nne location lor business; $250, rent $10. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, Shoes, highest prices paid, oz 3d. Tel. Pacific 40. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM- bers. Special membership, 52. Y. M. C. A. WANTED SALESMAN FOR MEN'S FUR- nishmgs, etc Lion uiotmng co., J6 3d st. WANTED PHOTO NEGATIVE RETOUCH- ers; lames or gents. (jutDerto, wu ueKum. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch St. Moler uarber college. GOOD BOY WANTED TO LEARN BAKER trade. 107 flth st.. Vancouver, wasn. WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST. CITY, state wages expected, hj 1 1, oregonian. SALESMEN BIG WAGES ; SOMETHING positively new. 215 commercial isioca. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CO AT MAKERS. Nicoll. The Tailor. 108 3d st. BOY AT GRADON & KOEHLER'S DRUG store. First and Main sts. WANTED GOOD STEADY BOY. 55 Front, corner Davis. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework, small ramuy. Appiy mornings, 883 E. Taylor st. Phone East 3642. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VOlW. JBiiU-UwU RU&: H HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper and cashier for a high-clas family hotel, Portland. Must have citi bank or business man references. One who can ua typewriter preferred. State expe rience, references, salary expected with board, etc., and address at once to N 53. Oregonian. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, S43tt Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. REBO The funeral services of Michael Rbo LADIES TO ASSIST AT HOME MAKING cushion tops for holiday trade ; work will continue after Xmas; easy, rapid; no ex perience. Call 9 to 5, 326 Flledner bldg., 407 Washington st. A GOOD BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRA pher or cashier can be had for perma nent or substitute work by phoning Ec lectic Business University, M. 4504, 08 Third st GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. LADY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE TO As sist In selling gtKHis. Inquire mornings 10 to 12. Globe Jewelry & Optical Co., 2.S7 Washington st. GOOD EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE bookkeeper with pomp knowledge of tyiewrit ing wanted by M. Harde & Son, Sth and Oilman sts. W A N T E D CO MPETENT GIRL TO I G cooking in family of three adults, refer ences. Phone Main 15t3 or inquire SO N. 18th st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, SEC ond girls. nurses. waitresses. St. Louis Indies' Agency. 230 Yamhill. Mnin 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED PANTS AND vest operators; steady work and good wages. Union Tai lori ng Co. . 305 ' Stark. MANICURING. HAIRDRESSING. SPECIAL $5 course, one week only. Trade school for girls end women. 23, 24, 25 Lewis bldg. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. YOUNG G!RL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework, German preferred; small fam ily, good home. "25 Weidler st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843"H Washington st., cor. 7th, upatatrs. Phone Main 2692. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 1654 Fourth st., corner Morrison, upstairs. Phone Main 6820. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY, middle-aged lady preferred ; no objection to small child. E 63. Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO general housework. Call Monday, 729 Was co st. Phone Ea-st 800. WANTED FOK PRIVATE BOARDING house Girl for kitchen; one for dining room. 340 Ankeny st. WANTED GOOD STRONG GIRL, NO other need apply; for taking care of in valid. P 60, Oregonian. CAPABLE GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages. 8i9 Lovejoy. Phone Main 2!29. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING SOME housework; good wages. 777 Flanders st., phone Main 2528. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL hounework; good wages. 420 E. 15th st. N., Irvington car. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; good wages, small family. : West Park st. WANTED WOMAN WITH BUSINESS anility to take orders. Grocery Co. 20: Front st. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework. 770 Overton st. Phone Main 31 :t. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERA T. housework ; small family; good wages. 570 j-ioyt t. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR CHAMBER work and help in the dining-room. 284 Main street. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST FIN- iher. Mrs. St. John, 175 I7th. cor. Yam to ill. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family, good wages. 586 Tillamook st. , DANCING LESSONS 25C. WILSON'S school, A!inky bldg. Sd and Morrison sta. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; call forenoon. 240 King st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSE work; small flat; good home. Main 1902. GOOD GIRL AT THE PARK HOTEL. 350 Glisan st. ; good place for the right girl WANTED PUPILS OF THE PIANO. 25c A lofcon; references it desired. R 3, Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 186 East 16th st. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER AND MANI curlst. Rosenthal Sfstersv 109 7th eU GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; NO cooking or washing. 95 N. 16th st. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 747 Glisan st. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL. NOR tonla, 14th and Washington. GIRLS WANTED COFFMAN'S store. 350 Washington st. GIRL FOR GEiNERAL HOUSEWORK GOOD home. 33 North Park st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Al PERFORMERS FOR THE medicine business; versatile sketch team and comedian, piano player, man with picture machine and plenty of films; also M. D. registered In Oregon. Call for J. H. Nelson, Hotel Royal. 108 Fourth at. WANTED IMMEDIATELY CLEVER AMA teur for Desmond's Dramatic Stock Co., steady work during Winter; good salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 145 6th. WANTED 2 OR 3 FIRST-CLASS STENOG raphers; must be familiar with abstract work ; no others need apply; good salary. Title Trust Co., Seattle, Wash. The Great Western Employment Ofllce, 300 Va Couch st. Phone Main 3518. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. AMATEURS WANTED TO TAKE PART IN several dramatic plays. Acme Dramatic Club, Goodnough bldg. Main 5558. SITUATION WANTED 31 ALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. AN EDUCATED, CAPABLE AND EXPE rienced business man, energetic and adap table, seeks a position with a local Arm where he may find recognition on the basis of his ability to "make good"; highest references and bond If desired. F 62, Oregonian. MALB STENOGRAPHER, 4 MONTHS Ex perience, will work for $6, L 56, Orego nian. Miscellaneous. WANT POSITION AS OFFICE BOY; HAVE good references and am only here about 3 months. Alfred Brunjes, 363 Morrison street. JAPANESE, HONEST BOY, WANTS A SIT- uauon to do good cooking and washing in family in city or country. K 74, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN WOULD LIKE TO HAVE charge of electrical display during the holi days, or permanently, u 62, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK BXPERI enced in various lines of electrical work, reading meters, etc. L 65, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION IN small family ; where possible to attend school; Address O 72, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS college wants place to work for board and room. Phone Main 6442. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AT general housework, except cooking. Tel ephone Pacific 1624. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AS school boy in city or country. 40 1st st. Telephone Main 5142. GOOD JAPANESE COOK EXPERIENCED in many years, wishes position, an lamity. 121 N. ISth. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION to do housework and help cook. O 73, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS ENGI- neer; seven years' experience. B 05, Ore gonian. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS A POSI- Uon la family, cUx or country, 45 m , 2d eu. 61 TU ATI ON WANTEDMALL Miscellaneous. W A N TE r Y OUXO M A'.N ATT E N'DIXO school wants place to work for board and room. Call Portland Business College, loth and Morrison, or phone Main 5t4. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servant rf. farmers also; ail kinds of help. Main 4659 2i8 Everett. errcATiov wanted female. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. A GOO D BOO KKKBPKR. ST E NOG KAPH E R or cashier can be had for permantit or sub stitute work by phoning Eclectic Business University. M. 4504. BOOKKEEPER THOROUGH AND Accu rate city reference! desires position. 'Phone' Main 394. FOR EXPERT STENOGRAPHIC WORK call Main 6400. 310 Dekum. Dictation taken. COMPETENT LADY BOOKKEEPER T)K sire position; references. C 04. Oregonian. Dressmaker. MADAME TURi-OTT JUST FROM THE Kaft; makes tailored suits, shirt-waitt friitts and (towns. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction assured. 351 'a Morrison st., rooms 3 and 4. GERMAN LADY WITH RO V 2 TEARS old wishes a p!a-e for housework and plain rooking in private family, city. Call 88 K. Park M. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS, mtreet and pvphIbr rirewaos; Infest slyles, at 151 l,oww;a!e st. Phone Main 517. LA DIES' HATS REMADE AND RETRIM nrd. Order work a specialty. Mrs. Wtst phal, 2ti6 14th st. Main 7151. E X C K I ,L K N'T WO R K K R W A N TS DAY work in private famiMrs only, any ca pacity. Phone Pacific 27K9. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6th and Main. Paclflo 9&Z. Nurses. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE WOULD LIKE) confinement cartes. Tel. Woodlawn 77ft. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY WISHES DAY WORK. Phono Pacific 247. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Canvassers, mixers, peddlers, so licitors, ma i 1 -order people, etc.. should buy KRAMER'S HOOK OF TRADE SE crvts. Regular price $5, but bal. of last edition for $1.25 as long as they last. Guaranteed. order quick. Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland, Iowa. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL TUB BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast, Includ- -ing Burbank's new pit less plum. Miracle; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Al bany, Or. BIG COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO SELL Everett's Encyclopedia; over 500 paces, sells for $1.50; the best selling subscription book on the market today. Particulate free. Address Mgr., box 205, Boise. Idaho. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR COM plete line of hiRh-grade nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Compauy, Salem, Or. AT ONCE. SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS CITY canvassers; article In much seed; big money for hustlers. Call 01 5th. PHOTOGRAPH COUPON AND PORTRAIT agents; new, swell offer. Cutberth, KOl De kum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. HOUSE OF 6 OR 7 "ROOMS WITH GOOD basement, bet ween Hawthorne and Morrison, 1 '21 h and 2t h Ms. . or will buy corner on terms of PBi-y payment. C. S. llogue, foot Spokane avenue. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-house?, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAG B. East and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. Phone Main 1430. Administrator of estates. WANTED LARGE ALCOVE . ROOM OR small suite. Mu.t be modern and up to date, close In ; bachelor: permanent; best of references. V 72, oregonian. A HOUSE AND BARN WITH SMALL ACftK age or lots, close in. Call phone Main 12M, or address 515 Marquam Bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED a part men t s or f u rn i h-d llat close in. A d dreis C 71. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED COT tage, modern, 3 to 5 rooms, centrally loca- ted. O 62. Oregonian. HOUSE OR FLATS, 5 OR 7 ROOMS, IN walking distance. Portland Optical Co., 270 Alder. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. Furniture I For Furniture I - Spot Furniture f Cash Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First st. Phone Main 5G5S. WANTED GENTLE HO R Sri OR PONY FOR fts keep. Good care, kind treatment, lit t le work, will purchase if satisfactory, B. M. Dunton, care Butzer Seed Store. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Paclflc 1722. WANTED TEAMSTER TO HAUL 1.0 cords of seasoned wood from Mt. Scott in Portland. lnouire at 320 Washington su DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregua Fertilizer Works. 792 Thurman. M. KtG6. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Phone East 2233. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W. W, Savage, 345 1st. Pad He 360. WANTED TO BUY GOOD. STRONG SEC-ond-hand trunk. Telephone East 4i35. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER. Appiy -23 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW BUILDING, NEW FURNITURE, steam heat, electric lights, bath, hot and cold water, phone. 400 Morrison. Call flats 3 and 4. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, BAY-WINDOW, bath, gas, telephone; l.i minutes walk from Steel Bridge; references; $5 per month. Phono East 4 HOC. FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM IN PRIVATH family suitable for one gentleman; bath, gas and phone. 52 N. 15th, near corner of Davis. STEAM-HEATED ROOMS AT REASON A ble rates. Hotel Royal, 108 4tn St., bet. Washington & Stark sts. Phone Main 6234. PORTLAND ACCOMMODATION AGENCY, 32i 7th. Call; save searching; obtain par ticulars; nicest rooms, boarding, moderate. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY detslrable location, gentlemen preferred. 153 13th, corner MorrLson. Phone Pacilic 2500. 5 ROOMS. ALL OF LOWER FLOOR, FOR rent unfurnished for a few day only; $14.50 per month. 443 5th. corner College. LARGE FRONT ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 men; rree nath and phone, z blocks from Pnstoffice. 205 Salmon. Phone Vt0O. 304 COLUMBIA. CORNER 10TH WELL furnished room; furnace heat, gas, por celain bath ; walking distance. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. Gas, bath, reference required. Telephone Paclflc 620, 354 Montgomery. FINE COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. Very central. Inquire 201 10th. cor. Taylor. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, with or without board; lady preferred. SOti KIrby st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON West Side; walking distance. Call 467 7th. Phone Main 7110. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bay window, bath, gas and electric lights; reasonable. 834 4th st. SUIT OF WELL-FC RN I S H 0D ROOMS. CBX- trai; also single room in desirable private borne. 404 Clay st. 258H 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, in new. modern no me. uenuemen