Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 28, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Fred Shepherd Murdered Em
ploye and Assaulted Wife.
Judge Frazer, Who Tried Crook
County Case, Is Amazed That
Hrute Was Not Lynched
by Ranchers.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 27. (Special.)
Fred A. Shepherd will almost certainly
hang next Friday noon for the murder
of Uen Zell In Crook County. Judge
A. L. Frazer. who tried the case, lias
written a letter to Governor Chamber
liiin, opposing In the strongest lan
guage any commutation of sentence.
In hla letter the Judge expresses his
amazement that the men who took
Klicphurd Into custody did not lynch
iiim nt once. Ho discusses the case at
onsWer ible length, showing that Zell
and hi wife were unusually affection
ate ai J -were always together at home,
on tl o range or on long drives. Mrs.
'A'V detested Shepherd. Yet after the
rder and outrage Shepherd tried to
ear himself by making a pretended
confession In which he said that Mrs.
V.tW planned the murder and that lie
and she had maintained unduly inti
mate relations for months before. This,
.Imige Frasser says, was so manifestly
f;ilsn that tho defense did riot dare to
attempt to make use of it. In the
course of his letter. Judge Frazer says:
The evidence showed the murder to be one
or the moet atrocious and fiendish acts of
vhlv-h I have ever heard. It was committed
:n onlcr that Phepherd, the murderer, might
ravinh Mrs. ZMI, tho wife of the murdered
in;in. As far as I know, the crime was very
findlar to thone committed at times by ne
Krcts In the South, which have given rise to
tho lnuiiy lynching in that section, and whilp
Ib'tenlnff to the evidence of the manner in
ttlikh Zell was killed, and his wife, a rather
! Ik-ate and refined little woman, outraged
then after. I was amazed that the men who
were called to the ecene an hour or so after
ward, could take Shepherd Into custody and
calmly wait tor the arrival of the Sheriff.
When tnat little woman came back after
liavlns Bane tor help,' with hair streaming,
dressed In nothing but a loose wrapper, having
rl'Men away bare-footed and bare-legged, and
failing from her horse screamed with grief
nn.l tenor: "There Is the man! That Is the
man who killed my Ben!" It was fortunate
lor Shepherd that a very quiet, cool-headed
man was in control of the situation.
.fudge Frazer concludes as follows:
The ease being such an atrocious one. and
Flii-pherd 'having shown such a fiendish dispo
Fitlnn, having not only murdered Zell and
outraged hie wife, but having shown a desire
ufterwards to forever blacken her character.
In my mind he Is not entitled to pity. He Is
clearly not insane, at least in a legal sense,
although he Is somewhat stupid.
I'roper Treatment for Any Man Who
Strikes a Woman.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 27. (Special.) So
far Is Governor Chamberluln from fa
voring a repeal of the whipping-post
law that he advocates an amendment,
rather, which will permit a Judge to
send to the whipping-post any man
who strikes a woman, whether that
woman be his wife or not. He does
not advocate a change which will make
whipping the only penalty, but would
leave tiio punishment to the discretion
of t lie Judge who hears the testimony,
so that a man may be whipped when
the circumstances of his offense are
such as justify that punishment.
To the proposal that wifebeaters be
put at work on the rockplle and that
the county pay the defendant's family
$1 a day while he is so engaged, Gov
ernor Chamberlain has no great objec
tion, though he Is of tho opinion that
some men out of work would slap their
wives in order to be sent to jail where
they would get their own board and
their families would get the dollar a
day. The payment of the dollar to the
family would be proper, he thinks, but
tho plan of working men on the rock
pile should not supersede the whipping
post as a means of punishment.
"I cannot argue with those who Bay
that the establishment of the whipping
post is a return to barbarism," declared
Governor Chamberlain, tn a most em
phatic manner. "What can be more
barbarous than for a husband to knock
his wife down and kick her- around
the floor as I have heard many of them
do? The punishment for such a crime
can scarcely be too severe. There are
some human brutes who fear no other
penalty, but upon whom the thought
fit the whipping-post will exert a re
straining influence. The whipping-post
is a proper place to punish any man
who strikes a woman, whether she be
hl3 wifo or not."
Friends of Judge Emory Determined
to Avenge His Death.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 27. (Special.)
Thomas Vance, Assistant Attorney-
Gcneiul for this state under Patrick
Henry Winston, and one of the best
known lawyers In the Northwest, will
assist Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh
in the fight to convict Chester Thomp
son of the murder of- Judge G. Meade
Emory. Mr. Vance Is retained on be
half of the intimate friends of Judge
Kmory, who are determined upon
avenging his murder.
Young Thompson, a love-crazed
youth, shot and killed Judge Emory
because the latter was believed to have
prevented Thompson from seeing Char
lotte Whittlesey, Emory's nleee. Thomp
son s father is W 111 H. Thompson, for
merly Great Northern counsel, author,
noted Civil War veteran and historical
authority. Thompson's mother, a par
alytic invalid, died without knowledge
of her son s disgrace.
Catholics Will Enlarge Parochial
School at Oregon City.
OREGON CITV. Or., Nov. 27. (Special.)
In September. 1907, 9t. John's parochial
and high school, of this city, will bear
the name of Dr. John McLoughlin's Insti
tute, in honor of the founder of Oregon
t-ity. as tnere was no school or public in
stitution of any kind In Oregon City under
that name. It has always been in the
mind of the pastor of St. John's Catholic
Church, of this city. Rev. Father A. Hille-
brand. that It was about time Dr. Mc-
Txmghlin wae so honored. Archbishop
t.'hnstle on nis visit Sunday very heart
ily indorsed the Idea, and in his sermon
Sunday morning, when a class of 80 mem
bers was confirmed, delegated the pastor
of the Oregon City church to take the
proper steps to effect the change in the
liamo of the school.
Father Hillebrand has always favored
thorough education, and for the last 18
years has labored to secure for Oregon
City such an institution, and In his efforts
has been ably and unselfishly assisted by
the efficient corps of teachers In the
school. The school at the present time
has the best of reputation, but experi
ences a lack of room in which to carry on
its work. A larger building is required
for the accommodation of the pupils, and
this will be built during the ensuing year.
The building will be of large dimensions,
accommodating 250 to 300 pupils.
Archbishop Christie and Rev. Father
Hillebrand and the members of the Ore
gon City congregation are very enthusi
astic over the undertaking, and no doubt
the people of Oregon City as well as the
people of the entire state will financially
aid in rearing an edifice that will not only
honor the man whose name It bears, but
also the city, as an institution of higher
education which will be accessible to pu
pils without distinction of creed. Through
this agency a night school will be estab
lished by which the young men will be
given an opportunity to complete their
elementary education.
With the well-known zeal which has
distinguished the archbishop for advanc
ing education, he has encouraged the ias
tor of the Oregon City congregation by
pledging a very substantial subscription to
the new school building. An architect
will be engaged to prepare plans for the
building, with all the most modern Im
provements as to schoolrooms and gen
eral arrangements for a hall and gymna
sium, and it is hoped that on the 50th
anniversary of the death of Dr. John Mc
laughlin, which occurs In September, 1907.
this structure will be dedicated and
opened for te purposes for which it is
Sirs. Syphers Assumes a Tragic Atti
tude on the Witness-Stand
When Cross-Examined.
f SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 27. The at
tempted entangling of Mrs. Syphers, a
witness for the defense, by the prosecu
tion, resulting In this witness assuming
a tragic attitude, and with upraised hand
calling upon God to bear testimony to
her varaclty; the clearing of the court
room by order of the Judge, because of
a demonstration by the audience, and the
dramatic demand of the attorney for tho
defense that this order be revoked and
the defendant given a public trial, and
Judge Huneke making an order prohibit
ing Artist Morris from making a sketch
of a woman witness because she was un
willing, gave to the Sidney Sloane mur
der trial proceedings today a tinge of
the sensational.
Mrs. John Syphers was a lessee of the
Sloane home, and was conducting it as
a boardinghouso at the time of the trag
edy, James H. Newby, a miner em
ployed at Mullan, was the last witness
of the day.
"I knew Sydney when we were employ
ed together in a mine at Pottsville,"
said Newby.
"Defendant was employed as mucker.
He worked well while fye worked, but
he would fall into dreams and seemed
dazed, and would abandon work often.
He wanted me to go with him to British
Columbia, saying that he would buy a
million acres of land and stock it with
20.000 head of cattle, declaring that his
grandfather would give him all the
money he wanted for that enterprise. He
said his grandfather was very much
richer after the San Francisco earth
quake than before, and had promised
to give him $30,000 any time he wanted
North Yakima Shipers Are Unable
to Secure Cars.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Nov. 27.
(Special.) The shipping business in Ya
kima is paralyzed on account of the fail
ure to got cars. Nothing is moving
either In or out of this place. The rail
road is using all Its available cars to
alleviate the coal famine of Central and
Eastern Washington, which existed for
a while after the flood. A score of re
frtgerator cars are wanted at once for
shipping apples to the Eastern market,
but they cannot be secured.
Suspected Murderer Arrested.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Nov. 27.
(Special.) By the arrest of an Indian
squaw here today the identification of
a man wanted for murder was revealed.
He was Simon Goudy, charged with
killing an Indian named Sampson, of
the Yakima reservation, last fall. A
warrant for his arrest had been in the
hands of the Sheriff for some time.
When the Indian woman was arrested
for stealing three quirts, Goudy was
with her, and ha was taken in charge
by the policeman to make an explana
tion of his movements.
He gave his name and was released,
hut later the policeman happened to
remember that he was wanted for
murder, and started on the hunt again.
Ho was arrested just as he was start
ing for Fort Slmcoe, with a load of
Raymond to Have a Bank.
RAYMOND, Wash.. Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) Final arrangements were made
in this city yesterday for the opening
of a bank by W. J. Patterson, manager
of the Hayes & Hayes Bank, of Aber
deen: John J. Haggerty, who Is closely
Identified with the American Savings
Bank, of Seattle, and W. L. Gazzan, a
prominent business man of Seattle. Tho
new concern will open its doors for
business as soon as the fixtures arrive
and the building can be fitted up. The
officers selected are: W. J. Patterson,
president; John J. Haggerty, manager,
and Theodore Johnson, cashier. There
will he practically unlimited capital
behind the Institution.
Spencer la Badly Injured.
OREGON CITY. Or., Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) Will Spencer, of Portland, who
was quite seriously injured yesterday
afternoon in this city, was taken to
St. Vincent's Hospital today, it being
feared that his internal injuries may
prove more serious than was supposed.
In company with Ed Barrett, of Red
land, he drove beneath the Fourteenth
street railroad trestle, miscalculating
the height of the structure, and both
were badly crushed. Spencer's spine
appears to be seriously injured. Bar
ret escaped with only slight injuries.
Warren Eastham Is Acquitted.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 27. (Special.)
Warren Eastham, one of the men
charged with riot at the time of the
shooting of Marshal Krechter. at St.
Paul, in September, was acquitted to
day. The Right Kind of a, Friend.
Advice is cheap; almost anyone Is will
ing to give it gratis, but- when a man
bac.:s it un with hard-earned dollars then
you may count him as a real friend.
Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had
been troubled with a very bad cough for
over a year. She says. " a friend told me
about Chamberlain s Cough Remedv, but
as I had tried several cough medicines
and none of them did me any good. I
had no faith In it, did not get It and
went on coughing. Later on my friend
bought a bottle of It., brought it to me
and insisted that I should take It. I did
so and to my surprise it helped me. Four
bottles of It cured me of my cough." For
sale by ail druggists.
Charged With Shooting W. W.
Slaughter Near Woodburn.
Wounded Man Is Able to Give Briel
Statement, in Which He Denies
Threatening the Defend
ant by Letter.
WOODBURN, Or. Nov. 27. (Special..)
The preliminary hearing of Eugene
L. Remington, charged with shooting
W. W. Slaughter, was concluded this
afternoon, having begun yesterday, and
resulted 1n the defendant's being bound
5 AC
Terub. XV. Scott.
CORVALL1S, Or.. Nov. 27
a Third Lieutenancy in the Philippine Constabulary, sailed from Seattl on the
steamer Dakota for Manila on the 2Sth Inst. He is '25 years of age, and was born
in Kaasaa. He was graduated from Oregon Agricultural College with the class
of 1801, In the pharmacy course. During his senior year at college he was Captain
of Company A. Oregon Agricultural College cadet regiment.
Karl Stelwer, commiwloned by the War Department to a Third Lieutenancy
in the Philippine Constabulary, is a Marion County boy. aged and a graduate
of the Oregon Agricultural College with the class of 10i;5. He was, in his senior
year. Captain of Company D, Oregon Agricultural Collese cadet regiment. He
also achieved distinction as an athlete during his attendance at college, and was
on numerous occasions a member of the college debating teams.
ovef to the Circuit Court in the sum of
(2000, bonds for which were furnished
by T. &L Hicks and J. K. Jow.
Before opening court in Armory
Hall this morning, the testimony of
W. W. Slaughter, the wounded man,
was taken in his bedroom, but on ac
count of his weakened condition the
attorneys could not proceed at length.
The important points in his evidence
were that he was plowing near home
when he heard a shot; thought it was
someone hunting . and shooting too
close; raised up to look around, when
a second shot struck him in the shoul
der. '
Slaughter ran to his house, seized his
shotgun there and went into the road
Fred Shepherd, Slurdcrer and As
saulter of Women.
in front. He secured his gun, which
was loaded, because he feared the party
shooting would follow up to finish his
work. He saw nobody at the time of
the shooting, the shots having come
from the west. He gave his gun to
his neighbor, Pender, who answered his
cries and met him in the road.
Slaughter thought the third shot
struck him in the eye as he was run
ning. He at once thought it was Rem
ington. The shotgijn had not been
used by him that he could remember,
since October 9, when a nephew and
niece were visiting him for a week,
and he was shooting gray-digger squir
rels, the nephew having his new gun
and out hunting much ' of the time.
Slaughter knew that Remington did
not like htm; that Remington ill-treated
him and ran after his wife.
Slaughter went on to say that he
never wrote a letter to Remington in
his life, and never tried to burn Rem
ington's house. He had nothing par
ticular against Remington, although
the latter had something to do with
his family troubles. Two years ago lie
had a little trouble with his wife, but
only a few words. He accused Charley
Coldren of being intimate with Mrs.
Slaughter. The latter sued for and
obtained a divorce. Slaughter not ap
pearing. He was married October 15,
1901, and separated from hia wife April
10, last.
' Last vMarch Slaughter returned from
a visit In California and lived with his
wife for a few days. Coldren had him
arrested for threatening his life. He
would have gotten along pretty well
with his wife . If . there had been no
outside' interference. . Hjs contention
with Remington was when he returned
from California. Upon his return Col
dren and Mrs. Slaughter advised him to
leave the country. Remington said
nothing, but Slaughter was satisfied
that he was in the plot.
The defense opened with Constable
Beach on the stand. The witness con
sidered Slaughter had an irritable na
ture, and made threats, but did not
threaten defendant in his hearing ex
cept by his manner' Slaughter proposed
to get revenge. He once arrested
Slaughter for threatening to kill Col
dren, and has had Slaughter under sur
veillance for the past two or three
months; never found a weapon on him.
Portland detectives hold threatening
letters sent to Mrs. Slaughter, one
signed by Slaughter, others by ficti
tious names.
Other evidence was that Slaughter
was very jealous and got furious when
seeing his wife in ordinary conversa
tion with other men. He made threats
against "the whole bunch," but none
particularly against Remington. The
footpath past Slaughter's house was
commonly used by pedestrians, and
Remington had frequently gone that
way to visit George Klllen's. invari
ably carrying his gun, as he was a
great hunter. Mrs. Slaughter was at
Klllen's recently, and Remington paid
her some attention. Remington was
being watched by Slaughter, who fol
lowed him once to Portland.
A picket containing a charge of shot
was produced in evidence, showing the
shot had been fired by some one near
Slaughter's house. Witnesses differed
as to when the shot entered the picket
One thought some looked fresh, while
another was positive they were a month
B. C. 'Bird last Thursday, being a
quarter-mile distant from the slashing,
heard a rifle shot first and then- two
gunshots. H. T. Hayes, within 400
yards, heard three rifle shots and then
two gunshots on the river.
H. I,. Moore, who examined the shot-
? I
. Y' i
1 3 N
S 5
V v i
. Karl Stelwer.
T?ralj Winfleld Scott, . appointed to
gun soon after Slaughter was shot,
thought the right-hand barrel had been
fired recently.
The defendant waived the right to
make a statement.
1 Vvnlnttlnn u t ( li, IfitiA ",.a
terday Afternoon Brings All
Doctors in Neighborhood.
GOLD HILL, Or., Nov. 27. (Special. ) A
serious explosion of giant powder oc
curred at the Braden mine, one mile
south of Gold Hill, at 2:30 P. M. today,
in which James Robbins, Carl Darling,
James Rogers, miners, and 'j. D. Daw-
j son, foreman of the mine, were Injured,
i Robbins and Darling were most seriously
I hurt. The three local doctors are in
! attendance, besides summoning medical
I aid from Medford. How serious these in
juries are can not as yet be determined.
The three men were thawing powder.
Hunt Funeral Js Postponed.
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 27. (Special.) The
remains of the late ex-Governor Frank
XV. Hunt did not arrive today as antici
pated. There was some misinformation
n,, .Vinca in nV prm f,a ,11,1 . rr.. ,
the information until after a large delega
tion had gone to Nampa to meet the
train. The Governor and his staff were
the official party and they were accom
panied by a large number of eitisens.
A dispatch since received stated that
the remains will be In Ogden tonight and
reach Boise tomorrow afternoon. The
I funeral has been postponed until Friday
j at 2 o'clock. It seems the body was held
I at Reno to be embalmed and sealed in a
metallic casket.
Bids Come in for Wood.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 27. (Special.) In
response to advertisements, the boards
! of trustees of the state institutions at
. Salem have received offers of wood for
j.fuel for next year in abundant quantity.
Trie price named is from fi.bO to 3.60
. a cord for first growth fir. The wood
' is to be cut this Winter and delivered
next Summer for use during the Winter
f 1907-8.
N Clocks and Watches Stolen.
DRAIN. Or .7 Nov. 27. (Special.) Some
time Sunday night burglars broke into
Patchens & Dixon's store and took a
quantity of clocks and watches belonging
to John P. 'Durfee, who keeps a Jewelry
department In connection with the etore.
WHY not use rr
Beaten and Bound in His Scow'
Groans of J. D. Miller, Civil War
Veteran, Finally Attract Neigh
bor, and lie Is Taken
to Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 27. (Special.)
The victim of a couple I of vicious
thugs, John D. Miller, Civil War vet
eran, 77 years of age, lay bound hand
and foot for over three days and
nights ,upon a bed in his scow home at
Aldrlch Point, about 15 miles east of
here, and is now in the hospital in this
city, semi-conscious and so badly in
jured that there is little chance of his
Miller has lived alone In a scow at
Aldrlch Point for a number of years.
He received a pension of $12.50 pur
month, and In addition earned some
money by selling vegetables to fisher
men. After eating his breakfast about
7 o'clock oh last Friday morning, he
started to go outside, but as he opened
the door a man thrust a revolver In
his face and commanded him to "throw
up his hands."
Miller hesitated and another man
slipped behind him and struck him In
the back of the head with a leather
cover "billy," that was later found in
tho stove, partially burned. Miller
was knocked senseless, and when he
came to he was lying on the bed,
bound hand and foot, so that he was
unable to move. In the meantime the
thugs ransacked the scow and stole
J67, all of Miller's savings.
- The Oiu man remained in that posi
tion. Buffering untold agony, until yes
terday afternoon, when Alex Moody, a
neighbor, who was passing the place,
heard his groans, broke open the door,
which the robbers had locked, found
Miller and released him. He was in
a pitiable condition, so weak he could
scarcely speak, his skull fractured and
his arms and legs badly lacerated and
swollen by the cords and his futile
efforts to loosen them. He was, how
ever, able to describe the assault and
said his assailants were both young
men, about 22 or 24 years of age, the
smaller one being slightly stoop-shouldered,
but who they were he did not
know. Word was immediately sent
to Sheriff Pomeroy, who brought Miller
to the hospital here during the night.
Today Miller Is unable to talk, and
his physician says there is little
chance for his recovery. No other per
sons living at Aldrlch Point saw any
thing of the robbers, but two men
answering their description are said
to have gone up on the train on Sat
urday morning and stopped at Deer
Heppner Tailor Sentenced for At
tempt to Kill His Wife.
HEPPNER, Or.. Nov. 27. (Special.)
J. H. Bode was found guilty of attempt-
The Manufacturers' Piario Company
350 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon
No Cheaper
On the Coast
My Fee Is Only
In Any Uncomplicated Ailment
Let Me Guide You on Your Way
to Regaiq Your Health and
Renew Your Strength
Do you feel that you are not the
man you once were? Do you feel
tired in the morning and easily ex
hausted? Is your back weak? Is
your memory failing? Do you have
difficulty in fixing your thoughts?
Ars you losing ambition? If you
have any or all of the above symp
toms, you surely do not desire to
remain in your present condition.
Let me explain to you my methods
of rebuilding the vigor of men, and
refer you to the thousands I have
The Only Diseases I Treat
Spermatorrhoea, Lost Vigor, Varl
eoeele. Rupture, Piles, Hydrocele,
Organic Weakness, Contagious Blood
Dlneases, Acute and Chronic Urethral
and Prostatic Inflammation.
I invite every weak or diseased man to call for free advice, and If de
sired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but the visit will
not obligate- him in any way to become my patient.
That never dies, never absconds, never takes a vacation, can always
be found, that has an expert knowledge of trust matters, is the
trustee with which to place your business. Such a trustee is the
Merchants Investment
& Trust Company
247 Washington St Capital $150,000
J. FRANK WATSON, President W. H. FEAR, Secretary
R. L. DURHAM. Vic Pres. S. C CATCHINC, A.t Sec
O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT, Cashier
The trusts now being cared for by this company range in
amounts from a few thousand to a million dollars. All have lika
aut careful consideration.
If by reason of age, ill-health, lack of time, or for any other
cause -ou cannot give proper attention to your property interests,
tve shall be pleased to have you consult with us. The time to
settle the disposition of your estate is while you can do so your
self, rather than to leave it to the uncertainty of probate after
your decease.
. We can also render valuable assistance in the matter of sales and
transfers of properties, in escrow agreements, in holding titles to
properties being subdivided, or being held for any other purpose.
We do a general commercial and savings bank business, paying
current rates on the latter accounts, and issuing our special cer
tificates for indefinite deposits. We effect collections and sell
exchange on all points.
Correspondence solicited.
ing to poison and given a sentence of
three years in Circuit Court here today,
lie was tried at the last term of court
and the jury disagreed. Bode Is a tai
lor. He had trobulo with his wife about
a year ago. and she left him and with
her daughter, was keeping boarders.
Bode managed to gain entrance to the
kitchen and put oxalic acid In the tea
kettle, the water of which was used to
make coffee. Four or five drank of it
before it was discovered that something
was wrong, and were quite sick for a
short time.
Freshmen Have Rather the Best of
the Game at Eugene.
Nov. 27. (Special.) A cla-ss rush started
this morning, when the sophomores flew
their '09 flag from the top of Deady Hall.
Members of the freshman class captured
the flag and celebrated their triumph by
burning It on the campus.
Early in the afternoon, however, the
sophomores appeared in full force and
succeeded In flying a second 8ag from
the same building. At o'clock the fresh
Just slip
shown in the
pedals and go ahead that's all yon need do.
The Farrand-Cecilian is a high-grade upright Piano
with a brilliant, clear, sweet tone, and with the mechan
ism of the Cecilian Piano Player built inside the case.
Tou can play this piano with the finpters, Just the same as
you would an ordinary piano, or you can piny it with the
mechanism of the Cecilian Player, which Is built into It, so It Is
equally available for wife and daughter, who have spent years
of patient study and practice In- learning how to play the piano,
and for the man who doesn't know a blessed thing about music.
Wouldn't such a piano a piano that all in the family could
play be used far more than the piano you have now?
Come In and see It anyhow. We'll be glad to show It to you
and glad to have you try it. You can buy on very easy terms
and we'll take your old piano in exchange, if you have one.
The Lending Specialist.
Experiment or take chances of any
sort. I attempt to cure only those
diseases that I have been curing
for the past 25 years, and feel
sure I am justified in saying that
I have learned all about them.
Were I lacking In knowledge per
taining to my specialty I would
nnver have attained ray present
success, nor would I today be
recognized as the leading special
ist treating men's diseases. If
alflieted, you can depend upon It
that the service I offer you is the
service you need, and is service
such as can be rendered by no
other physician.
men made a determined attack with
water from a line of hose, but failed to
gain any ndvantasw. Finally the '10
class detached the ladders leading from
the top floor to the roof of Deady Hall,
intending to leave the '09 stalwarts ma
rooned all night, but the faculty inter
fered and peace was declared after an
upper classman had removed the offend
ing emblem.
Humane Society Election.
OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 27. (Spe
cial.) At the annual meeting of the
Clackamas County Humane Society last
night, the former officers were re
elected as follows: Miss Anlota Mr
Carver, president; George A. Harding,
vice-president; Mrs. E. G. Cauflcld, sec
retary; E. G. Caufleld, treasurer., Dur
ing the coming year the society pro
poses to establish another public drink
ing fountain on Main street in the busi
ness district.
Feast In Sight for Loggers.
HOQl'IAM, Wash., Nov. 27. (Special.)
The Poison Logging Company today re
ceived 250 turkeys to be used for a big
feast for their men in the woods on
Thanksgiving dny.
have to learn
to play the pinno
the Farrand - Coeilian
Piano, for you or anyone
else can play it, play any
kind of music you want classi
cal, operatic, dance, rag-time or
songs, even though you know
about music or piano-playing.
in a roll of perforated music as
illustration, put your feet on the
No Better
in the World
Pay IVSe When
You Are Cured
This Is My Fair Offer to Every Patient
An average of one man in five has
varicocele. Most men that have this
dragging, draining weakness are not
a wart, of it until it has wrecked
their lives. ' Varicocele causes con
gestion of the blood in some of the
most vital blood vessels of man. It
causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling
which Is often mistaken for nervous
debility or general decline of power.
My cures of this disorder are per
manent and lasting. No tonics that
stimulate temporarily, but thor
oughly scientific treatment for the
removal of conditions responsible
for the functional derangement.
"Weakness" is merelv a symptom of
inflammation or congestion in the
prostate gluad, and under my own
original local treatment this gland
is promptly restored to its normal
state and complete functional activ
ity is the lasting result.
The Dr. Taylor Co,
Corner Second.