Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Enjoyed Trip to Panama and
Porto Rico and Is Much - 1
Prpfident Warmly Welcomed by
Family oni Officials Diplomat
Snubbed by Marines Sailor
Drowned In Fotomac.
WAFHIWTO.V, Nov. 2S. Completing
a remarkable trip tr Panama, during
t h i h "ne traveled tei-eral thourand
miles by i tarar and visited not only
the Ifrthraus but Prto Riro. and yoking
his thorough enjoymnt of the entire
voyagre. President Foopevelt returned to
Washington at 11:43 o'clock tonight.
The trip up the Potomac M-as made in
the Mayflower, to Tvhi-h he and his
party were transferred at-Piney Point
this afternoon. .
The Mayflower pulled into the dork
at the rear of the office of the Com
mandant at the Navy-Yard. Miss Ethel
Roosevelt, the President's daughter, and
Miss Hagner. Mrs. Boosevelt s secre
tary, were waiting to ret the party.
Miss Roosevelt immediately rushed on
board as soon 'as the grancplank -was
laid and affectionately fretted her fa
ther and mother. There were also at
the dok to welcome the President Cap
tain McCoy. U. S. A., and Lieutenant
Commander Key. of the Marine Corps,
the Pre.-ldnt aides, and the Com
mandant and other officios of the
Navy-Yard, and the Uruguayan Charge
Delightful Trip. Feel Fine.
The President landed within ten min
utes after the arrival of the. Mayflorvr.
To thop who met him he stated that
be had had a delightful trip and that
be was feeling tine. The President and
Mrs Fioeseveit immediately proceeded
to the White House.
President and Mrs. Roosevelt reached
the. White House shortly after 11
o'clock. As the President, alighted from
his carriage, he shook hands with all
the attaches and others waiting on the
portico. Ppeaking of his trip, the Pres
ident, said :
"We had a very pleasant, very enjoy
able time, ar.d I am deeply impressed
with the United Ptates Navy, with Pan
ana and with Porto F.ico."
Special Message on Canal.
The Panama Canal, it was stated by
t ie President, will be the subject of a
special message, and consequently on
that sub.iect the President will pay
rcrhing at this time.
Pedro Boquna Eerimidez. Charge
d Afairs of Uruguay, was the only
member of the diplomatic corps who
greeted the President upon his arrival.
Af the front entrance, to the Navy
Yard Pnor Bermudes was delayed by
the marine guard, who refused to admit
him without the consent of the Com
mandarii. He protested to the Presi
dent against the manner in which he'
had been treated by the marine guard..
Fatality Mars Trip.
An unfortunate incident occurred in
th Lower Potomac in connection with
the President s trip up the. river. The
yacht Oneida, in the service of the Dis
trict of Columbia Naval Militia, and on
which were the commanding officers,
and others of the militia., had droppe.
down the Potomac to Finey Point to
welcome the President, and was return
ing, wh'n a gasoline boat capsized and
Melvln E. Cleveland. 13 years old. or
this city, boatswain's mate. was
drowned. Cleveland 8 body had not
been recovered up to a late hour.
Cruiser AVashington Breaks Down.
CAPE HENRY. Vs., Nov. 2S. An ac.
cident to the Washington was an
nounced by -wireless telegraphy from
the cruiser Tennessee as she took leave
of the Louisiana and steamed inward
for the roads. The. Washington pro
ceeded under one engine.
Captain Adams, commanding the
Washington, in a wireless message
avs he was compelled yesterday to
Btop the starboard engine of his shlj.
because, of hot brasses. He says that
the engines sustained no serious injury,
but he was unable to keep up with tlv
epeed of the Tennessee and Louisiana
end consequently had to drop several
hours behind those ships.
NORFOLK. Va.. Nov. The dis
abled convoying cruiser Washington
passed in the Virginia Capes this after
noon, and proceeded to the anchorage
grounds in Hampton Roads.
Denver Man Dies of Injuries and
Mi-s Appell Surrenders.
DENVEP. Nov. 3fi. Howard M O" Haver
died tonight at Mercy Hospital from in
juries received by being run down by an
eutomibile driven by Miss Bird'e Appell.
8. young daughter of J. S. Appell. a prom
inent merchant of this city. When in
formation reached the Appell home that
O Haver was dead. Miss Appell. accom
panied by her father, appeared before
Magistrate. Grant L Hudson and volun
teered a. bond of $yYi pending the hearing
by a Coroner s Jury. A nominal charge
cf manslaughter was made against the
ycung woman.
The accudent happened on Sixteenth
street while O Haver wa.s crossing and
V'ss Appcll's view was obstructed by a
Tailing car.
rcntinuJ from First Pajre.
charged for at 3 cents for one-half ounce
cr fracrinn fherecf, and second-class at
2 cents per pound fa greater rate thin 2
cents per pound having been charged dur
ing a pirt of such period on second-class
. m.3tteri.
"The revenue, expenditures and deficit
ef the Posfoffice Department from the be
ginning of the fiscal year. July 1. l?w, to
the close of the fiscal year. 1Q0S. a period
of " years, were as follows:
"Pvmi. $1.743.A27.: 7.
"Expenditures. $l.SS4.1fX.Sl SJ.
Deficit, s per cent. The reduction in
tpe deficit was 45 per cent The deficit
for was only R per cent of the revenue.
"During this second period the receipts
were mr than three times as much aa
were the receipts from 15 to 1S3."
Revision of Postal Rates.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3fi -The Congres
sional Postal Commission resumed its
meetings today with Robert J. Collier as
the first speaker. He opposed the revis
ion of the laws governing second-class
matter a.s proposed by Third Assistant
Postmaster-General Madden. but ex
pressed sympathy with the. efforts of
that official to eradicate present abuses.
Mr. Collier did not believe there should
be an increase in second-class rates, but
was willing to have the law strengthened
if the existing statutes should prove in
adequate for the eradication of .abuses.
The other speakers of the day wer
William A. Glasgow. Jr . of Philadelphia
and Herbert Noble, of New York All of
them appeared in behaJf of the Publish
ers' Association and opposed, any increase
of the second-class mail rate.
Print dry's Nam on Stamps.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2 Postage
stamps of the issue of 1V7. at
Presidential pestoffices, wilj bear on their
race the name of the state and city in
which the postoffice is situated. The
chief reason for this innovation is sajd.
at the Postoffice Department, to be the
belief that it will help do away with
postoffice robberies and make it. much
easier to trace criminals. The postoffice
robbery at. Chicago a few years ago is a
good example of the ease with which
Etiien post-ace stamps tan be disposed
of. for no trace of perpetrators was ever
discovered, although nearly JlKWm worth
of stamps was stolen, and these mostly
la small denominations Anot)er reason
for the change is to enable the Postoffice
Department to determine the amount of
business done by different postoffices and
prevent padding through stamps sold hy
torr.e offices to residents who do busi
ness in adjoining -cities.
Cholera Virus Contaminated With
Plague Virus Proves Fatal.
No Blame on Doctor.
MANILA. Nov. CT. As a result of ex
periments with cholera virus at Eilibyd
prison, ten prisoners out. of 24 who were
inoculated have died. The experiments
were conducted by Dr. R. P. Strong, of
the Bureau of Science. The death of the
prisoners took place a few days after
they were inoculated-
It is claimed by the investigators that,
the fatalities resulted from a contamina
tion of the virus with bubonic plague
virus. Cholera virus is in constant, use
here and it has proved beneficial previ
ously. It has been used in Spain in
thousands of cases with excellent results.
Governor-General Smith, in a state
ment to the public, exonerated Dr.
Strong and declared that the commis
sion would take care of the families of
the dead prisoners.
San Francisco Supervisor Said to
Have Approved False Vouchers. .
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal . Nov. 2S.-ffpe-rialt
Expert Lloyd, of the grand jury,
began an investigation of the books of
the Auditor's ofrice today, and encoun
tered vouchers; approved by Supervisor
M. V. Coffey, of the printing committee,
calling for the pavment of bills of the
printing firm of Phillips & Vanorden to
the amount of $2.0on since the fire. It
Is alleged the bills are excessive, and that
all other firms were frozen out, whether
their bids were lower or higher than
those of Phillips & Vanorden.
The first named member of the firm is
a brother of Supervisor Jennings Phil
lips The matter will at once be taken
up before the grand .niry. It is stated
that the evidence amassed during the day
will warrant the indictment of Coffey.
The Call tomorrow will say that Super
visor Sanderson, who departed for Los
Angeles a week ago. has left Los An
geles for an unknown destination. The
Call adds that the detective force em
ployed by Special Agent Burns has kept
the wires warm between San Francisco
and points close to the Mexican border.
When the grand jury meets tomorrow
Indictments are expected against Abe
Ruef, Mayor Pchmitz and Police Chief
Dinan for extorting money from the
keepers of disorderly houses.
Chinese Pillage French Missions.
HONGKONG, Nov. 26. Advices from
Canton report a. recrudescence of anti
mi ss ion a ry feeling at. Lienchow. where
sme church property has been pillaged.
The American Consul has asked the Vice-
roy to enforce protection of the mission'
aries and their property.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26 Dr. Arthur
Judson Brown, secretary of the Presby
terian Board of Foreign Missions, when
shown the Associated Press dispatch from
Hongkong. China, relative to renewal of
hostile demonstrations against mission
aries in the Lienchow district, said that
so far as the board knows, there are at
present no Presbyterian missionalres in
Lienchow other than Chinese converts.
Said he:
' I think that undoubtedly the demon
strations, if they exist, are directed
against. French Catholic missionaries,
there being several priests stationed in
and about Lienchow. i know of no other
religious bodies in the work about Lien
chow. Our missionaries, since the trouble
of October 23 of last year, have been in
Preacher Was Nearly Found Guilty.
DES MOINES. Iowa. Nov. 2G Judge
Smith McPherson, in the United States
Circuit Court today, discharged the jury
which had been hearing the case
against Rev. John J. Swift, the Winter
set minister, accused of attempting to
extort money from W. J. Cornell, a
banker, by threatening in spread a
story of his attentions to a Chicago
girl. The jury stood 11 to I for con
viction. Vcv. Mr. Swift wi'l be tried
again at tile, next t-rm of court.
Cockneys Roast "Julie Bonbon."
LONDON. Nov. 27. "Julie Bonbon."
played by an American company, had
a mixed reception at the Waldorf The
atre last night, and is rather severely
handled by the critics this moaning,
who say the play hardly -was worth
serious attention, in spite of some
amusing scenes. Clara Lipman and
Louis Mann, who took the leading
parts, are well spoken of.
May Compromise on Education Bill
LONDON. Nov. 26. The prospects or
a compromise over the education bill
controversy appear to be Improving,
although tangible has yet been
There are indications that the Lords
will revise their own amendments dur
ing the report stage of the bill, which
will begin next Thursday.
Fairbanks Home From Florida.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. Vice-President
Fairbanks, accompanied by Mrs.
Fairbanks, arrived In Washington ear
ly this morning from their trip to Flor
ida. whre the Vice-President went to
deliver an address.
rrLEs crsEu rx to it rAT8.
PAZO OINTMENT Is fimrtrAvi to cure say
cJLsa of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Pile la 6 to 14 days or money nnaexi. SOo.
May Be Court-Martialed for
Stowing Away Wife.
Escapade of McKinlev's Niece Starts
Inquiry About Husband's Viola
tion of Rules for Army Trans
ports on the Buford.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 26. fSpe
c.lai.i Where is Grace McKinlv Heidt.
the niece of late President McKinley?
According to newspaper reports sent
out from Des Moines. Iowa, she -was
discovered in hiding on an army trans
port on which her husband. Captain
Grayson B. Heidt of the Fifteenth Cav
alry, was a passenger for the Philip
pines. The lurid dispatch pictured Mrs.
Heidt in a starved condition. It Is
learned at the War Department that
there is no foundation for the story
that she was a stowaway on the trans
port Dix. That transport Is at Seattle
undergoing repairs and has not been
In commission for weeks.
May Have Been on Buford.
When the Sheridan went on the
rocks out in Hawaii and it was dis
covered that the small tugs available
could not properly care for her, aid
was summoned and the War Depart
ment sent the Meade and the Buford
to her assistance. Captain Heidt. who
was at Seattle, -was ordered to the Bu
ford for the expedition.
Army officers changing stations are
entitled under the regulations to trans
portation for their wives. Had Captain
Heidt been ordered to (he Philippines
for service Mrs. Heidt would have been
permitted to accompany him. But the
regulations prohibiting army officers
serving on transports from having
their wives with them is stringently
enforced- No power could have been
exerted of sufficient strength to give
Heidt permission for Mrs. Heidt to go
on the Buford to Hawaii.
Call on .peidt to Explain.
Officials of the War Department are
now asking was there a confusion in
facts In the story recently sent out
from Des Moines, and has Captain
Heidt been guilty of permitting his
wife to accompany him on the Buford.
If he has. he is likely to be ordered
before a court martial.
Captain Heidt's services on the Bu
ford have terminated, and he will soon
be back at Des Moines to rejoin his
regiment. It would not be surprising,
in view of the mystery which sur
rounds the whereabouts of Mrs. Heidt.
should the Captain be asked whether
she was a stowaway on an army trans
Ealser Would Have. Demanded Pol
ish Archbishop's Removal.
FOME. Nov. 26 Referring to the
death in Rosen Saturday night of Mon
signore StaWewski. Roman Catholic. Arch
bishop of Posen. a, high Vatican authori
ty said today that no matter what com
plications might arise regarding the Pol
ish school question, the death of this
prelate relieved the, Vatican temporarily
of a most difficult situation, as the
Pope had been in daily expectation of
a demand from Emperor William for
the removal of the late archbishop. This
is what happened in the case of the late
Cardinal Ledochowski. After his remov
al from Posen as archbishop. Germany
exerted pressure and had a German arch
bishop appointed.
Efforts are being made to postpone the
appointment of a successor to Monsignore
Stablewski. In the meantime Auxiliary
Bishop Likowski will act as archbishop.
Japan Will Bind Manchuria and
Corea to Her.
LONDON, Nov. 27. The Tokio corre
spondent of the Times telegraphs that
the Japanese have decided to bridge
the Yalu Rive.r at Yongampo. The
span will be 8239 feet long and the
bridge will cost $ It will be
completed at the same time as the
Wiju-Mukden & Fusan Railroad.
It is officially announced, the Times"
correspondent continues, that the re
sult of the inquiries into the sinking
of the Japanese battleship Mikasa,
which caught fire and sank at Sasebo
November 11, 1905, fully exonerated the
personnel and proves that the explo
sion was due to spontaneous combus
tion from the decomposition of chemi
cals, i
Shoots at ex-Minister on Street, but
Alms Badly.
PARTS. Nov. 26. Pierre Merlcu, who
was Minister of Finance in the Rouvier
Cabinet and was appointed French Minis
ter to Peru last September, was shot on
the Boulevard des Italienes this evening
by a woman named Allemagne. The wo
man fired four shots from her revolver
at M. Merlou. Two of the bullets struck
him in the fleshy part of the leg, but
the wounds are not dangerous. The wo
man was arrested and declared her act
was one. of vengeance.
The police believe, Allemagne is the
same woman who attempted M. Merlou's
life several years aeo and who created
a scandal in the Chamber of Deputies
while he was serving as Finance Min
ister. Building Railroads in Bolivia.
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Construction
work on the first section of the exten
sive Bolivian railroad system planned
by the New York syndicate recently
formed for that purpose has already
been begun' and contracts for rails
have been placed.
The Bolivia Railways Company is the
name of the enterprise. Its capital Is
being furnished by the National Citv
Bank, the banking-house, of Spejer' &
Co. and the firm of W. P. Grace & Co.
It was declared by a member of the
syndicate yesterday that completion of
the lines will necessitate the outlay of
not less than $33,000,000. The construe
tion of about 1000 miles has already
been planned, the carrying out of
which will provide tour separate out
lets to the seaboard through Chile
Peru, the Argentine Republic and Bra
zil. British Railroad Men Confer.
BTRMINGHAM. England. Nov. 26. An
important conference of delegates rep
resentative of all grades of employes of
every railroad in England and Wales
began here today with the object of for
mulating a National programme looking
to tha betterment of the condition of all
grades of railroad men. Scottish and
Irish railroad employes already have
drawn up demands.
Farmers Decide to Import Them
and Break Laborers' Strike.
VIENNA. Nov. 26. Owing to a
threatened strike of farm laborers In
the county of Pekes. Hungary, the
agricultural society of the district held
a meeting today and decided unani
mously, in the event of the laborers
proving obdurate, to hire twenty thou
sand Chinese coolies to "replace them.
It is extremely doubtful, however, that
the government will permit such a
Three Die in Burning Warship.'
TOULON. Nov. 26. The fire which
broke out on board the torpedo schoolship
Algeclras last night has burned Itself
out. and resulted in the almost com
plete destruction of the vessel, which
was a wooden line of battleship built
in 1S55.
The origin of the fire has not been
definitely ascertained. Three sailors
were burned to death, six were injured
and eight firemen were more or less
seriously hurt.
Recommends No Death Penalty.
PARIS. Nov. 26 The preliminary com
mission to which the matter wa-s referred
has. by a. vote of S to 2. reported in favor
of the abolishment of the death penalty
and the substitution of life imprisonment.
First Report Shows . Stocks and
Bonds of Half Lines Exceed
Value of Property.
INDIANAPOLIS. Lid.. Nov. 26. The
"watering" of railroad stocks or ovr-
capitalization by the large, transporta
tion lines is commented upon by the
State Railroad Commission in its first
report, which will be made to the Gov
ernor of Indiana in the next few days.
The report is the first the Commission
will have filed since its creation by the
last General Assembly two years ago.
The report shows that 43 roads report
ing to the Commission state the value
of the road and equipment, and give tha
value of each per mile. Along with this
report is also shown the amount of
stock issued. In the comparative state
ment which the Commission had made
of these items it appears that 22 of the
companies have issued bonds and stocks
in excess of the value of the roads and
"These excesses." the Commission
says in its report, "constitute what is
commonly called 'watered' stock, or
over-capitalization. Eighteen of th
roads reporting show a valuation per
mile, on account of cost of roads anc
equipment, in excess of the stock and
funded debt, ranging from $42 to
$S6.000 per mile. An examination of
these figures with a purpose of finding
any relation between known conditions
and the paper valuation is useless."
Not Allowed to Question Hill.
ST. PAUL. Nov. 26. When the Stats
Railroad and Warehouse Commission to
day resumed its hearings of the Minne
sota Shippers' Association - complaint
relative to unjust freight charges, At
torney James Manahan, who in past
hearings has acted for the shippers,
was denied the right, of cross-question
ing J. J. Hill, who was the witness to
day. The Board informed Mr. Manahan
that hereafter Attorney-General Young
would question the witness.
Mr. Manahan charged that the Com
mission was trying to throw a mantle
of protection around Mr. Hill, that he
might not be cross-examined. He
threatened an appeal to the Governor.
Mr. Hill's testimony was to a la.rge
extent a repetition of testimony given
by him last week before the Interstate
Commerce hearing at Minneapolis.
Police Inspect a Plot.
DECATUR, 111.. Nov. 26 Chief of Po
lice Albert stated today that information
had just come to him tending to prove
that J. Mont Schultze. who was believed
to have been accidentally drowned October
26. in the river here, was not drowned, but
had left the country. It appeared that
Schulze had taken off his clothing and
gone into the river late at night to disen
tangle a. fishing line. All his money and
clothing seemed to have been left on the
river bank or at home. It Is now said he
had money with him and had procured
other clothing, deceiving even the friend
at the river with him. He was a promi
nent member of several secret societies.
He had JTOOO insurance.
Capt. H. H. Henry, Civil War Veteran
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. Captain Hugh
H. Henry, past National commander of
the Army and Navy Union. U. 8. A . and
chief of staff of present National Com
mander Browne, died today after an
operation for cancer of the stomach. He
was identified prominently with se-eral
patriotic societies. He will be buried
Wednesday at Arlington.
Sentence on Leader of Mutiny.
PORTSMOUTH. .England. Nov. 25. A.
first-class stoker named Moody, one of
the ringleaders of the outbreak at the
naval barracks here November 4. was
sentenced by a courtmartial today to five
years" penal servitude, on the charge of
participating in a mutinous assembly and
inciting others to participate in it.
Switchmen's Wages Raised.
HOUSTON. Texas. Nov. 26. The
Texas & New Orleans Railroad (South
ern Pacific today posted a notice that
the pay f all switchmen would be
raised four cents ' an hour. The In
crease is retroactive and dates from
November 1.
Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis
tinction of being the great-
est curative and preventive
medicine the world has ever
known. IL is an all-round
medicine, producing its un
equalled effect by puruy
ins, vitalizing and enrichinj
the blood on which the
health and strength of every
organ, bone and tissue de
pend. Accept no sufcsu
tute for Hood's, but in
gist on having Hood's
Hood s
December Butterick Patterns 10c
The Man on the Box," Harold McGrath's Great Novel, Playing the Heilig, Reduced to 50c
Enthusiastic Crowds Throng the
12V2C. Embroidered Handkerchief for 7c J 25c Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 15c
35c Embroidered Hem- Of- 75c Hand-Embroid- OQl $1 Belfast Embroid- A.Ctc
stitched Handkerchief ered Handkerchief s J?l ered Handkerchiefs fcw
SVuc Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 4c I 15c Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 9c
25c Pure Linen Hem- A CZr 12Vzc Ladies' Initial- 35c All-Linen Initial O"! n
stitched Handkerch'f s IOC Handkerchiefs - Handkerchiefs J.l
65c Armenian Handkerchiefs for 47c $1.25 Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 98c
$1.25 Fancy Box Q7 $1.50 Fancy Box I 1L $2.00 Fancy Box GJI AO
Handkerchiefs O C Handkerchiefs ... i! Handkerchiefs
$2.50 Fancy Box Handkerchiefs for $1.68 5c Children's Handkerchiefs for 2Vsc
- oOc
16 :
Embroidered Handkerchiefs
Embroidered Handkerchiefs...
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ....
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
Bos Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
2-3c Initial Handkerchiefs
Initial Handkerchiefs
Initial Handkerchiefs
Box Linen Handkerchiefs.....
Embroidered Handkerchiefs...
Embroidered Handkerchiefs. . .
REGULAR $18.50 VALUES, $9.95
200 Long Coats in various smart styles,
made with full loose back, 50 inches long, in
an endless variety of fancy materials,
trimmed with braids, velvet n n qp
and buttons Jpfif.ljD
Doctors Say Grace Brown
Was Killed by Blows.
Severe" Blo-w to Explanation of
Bruises Found on Girl's Body
Offered by Defense Drown
ing Theory Exploded.
HERKIMER. N. T.. Nor. 2 Two phy
sicians who were present at the autopsv
held on Grace Brown's tody went on tha
stand at the Gillette murder trial today
and testified that the girl received blows
before entering the water that were suf
ficient to cause death, and which in their
opinion did cause death In this case.
These physicians, Dr. A. O. Douglas
and Dr. VL H. Douglas, both of Little
Established 1S70.
Send for Catalogue
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest
I 1 T
$2.50 Embroidered Handkerchiefs
$3.00 Embroidered Handkerchiefs
15c Children's Handkerchiefs
20c. Children's Handkerchiefs
25c Children's Handkerchiefs
15c Unlaundered Handkerchiefs
25c Unlaundered Handkerchiefs
6oc Clocks, "ith 6 'Kerchiefs
75c Autos, -with 6 'Kerchiefs
10c Kimono Handkerchiefs
All Men's Handkerchiefs, special.
On account of h Han
weir Is removed to tli
"25r, Wtltwar.
35c Neckwear-
50c Neckwear.
fSc Neckwear
75c Neckwear.
S5c Neckwear.
SI .10 Neckwear.
$1.25 Neckwear
And all other
Falls, but not relatives, declared under
oath that Grace Brown was not drowned.
It was their opinion that she died from
blows which killed or rendered her un
conscious before her body was dropped
into Big Moose Lake. They declared
that there was not enough water in the
lungs of the body to warrant a theory
of drowning.
The theory advanced by the defense
was that the blows could have been administered.-
after death, and the line of
questioning indicated a contention that
the girl in drowning rose to the surface
of the water three times and each time
struck the overturned skiff and received
the' injuries on her head.
"The condition of the. girl's lungs did
not. Indicate drowning." said Dr. O. A.
Douglas. He described the bruises on
the head and face. There was a blood
clot on the braim but no fracture of the
"In your opinion, what was the cause
of death?"
"I should say that death resulted from
shock or concussions resulting from blows
or injuries to the head before immersion,
or If Immersion did occur, while there
was still life."
Footrace Swindlers liose Appeal.
ST. PAUL. Nov. 2. In an opinion
handed down by Judge Hook in the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals
today, in the rise of the Exchange
Bank of Webb City, Mo., and J. P.
Stewart vs. P. E. Moss and Jonathan
Davis, the derision of the United States
Circuit Cour;t was sustainei. Judge
Sanborn dissented. The opinion re-
Fur Muifs and Neckwear "
In Mink, Sable, Ermine, Chinchilla,
Lynx, Fox, Squirrel, Beaver, Otter,
Etcu, Etc.
Persian Lamb Coats. Mink
Coats, Astrachan Coats
Beaver Coats
Alaska Sealskins, London Dye
Fur .Robes and Rugs
126 SfiCOIld St., 2nd Alder'sta.0'1
and 15c Just in
Yesterday saw the greatest. Handker
chief selling ever achieved in a Portland
store. Literally, tens of thousands of
these dainty little cambric squares sold
at. the most sensational low prices ever
quoted by a Portland store. But every
was enchanted with the vast
variety of choice hundreds of styles
heaped in billowy profusion worthy in
quality, daintiness, fineness and beauty of
the high standard set by the House of
... 90
... 12H0
. . 190
... 110
... 170
... 470
... 570
... 60
lkereh!ef Sale, the 'ec1c-
Lace Aisle and EVERl
$1 SO Neckwear. $1.33
$1.75 Neckwear. SI. 47
$2 CO Neckwear. .$1.7S
$2.25 Neckwear. .$1.9S
$2.50 Neckwear. .$2.19
$2.75 Neckwear. -SS. 43
$3.00 Neckwear. .$2.63
reduced In the same pro-
. . XWC
- -27 C
. . .435
.. .63
... T3tf
.. .87C
lates to the Webb City, Mo., footrace
case, in which the plaintiffs laimed
they were defrauded out of a larg
sum of money by means of a fraudu
lent footrace. The Circuit Court de
cided for the plaintiffs.
Bomb Factory Blows 17p.
WARSAW, Nov. Cfi The police tola:?
searched the house in Piwna street, near
the Governor's palace, where a bomb ex
ploded last Saturday, and discovered a
plant, for ths manufacture of bombs Tux
human fingers also were found. Indicating
that Saturday's explosion was accidental.
Gives Alvarado to Militia.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. The Spanish
gunboat Alvarado. capuired during the
war with Spain, has ben transferred to
the naval militia of Louisiana..
Dr Graves'
Tooili Powder
there are combined the ele
ments of safety and pleasure
in kissing your wife or sweet
heart delicious after taste.
Just ask her about it.
In handy metal cans or bottles, 25c
graves' Tch Powder Co.
Positively cured by tueee
tittle Pills.
Tby also relieve Distress from Dyspepsh,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowai.
cess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LTVER. They
KeguJate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Aris"(l Pill. Small Dom
Small Prices
Jjf jj FILLS
HP Jiliill J